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Production &
Unit 8 Project Proposal
Candidate Charlotte Davies
Candidate 544840
Pathway Production and performing arts

Project Title buckets

Section 1: Review
I decided to apply for this college course in early year 11 as I started to recognize how I needed to push
myself to take more risks. I’ve always loved drama and theatre but have refrained from believing I could
get anywhere with it, but I decided to take the risk and see what happens if I just go for it. When I first
joined this course I had aspirations to become a versatile actor on stage and camera, but since being
here I have found my passions lie in directing and devising my own pieces. Since being here, I have
learnt the importance of trust and connection within a company, the way that the majority likes to work
and how to create a safe and fun environment to explore theatre and the art that it is. Immediately from
the first unit I have found my confidence growing and have been able to help others find theirs along the
way. In terms of what I want to explore now, I would love to continue looking at directing ensemble
pieces/scenes, possibly working with directors/co-directing short stories. In the future I would love to
keep exploring my options not only within directing but also minor acting, I would love to have some
experience with directors and to really work with an ensemble that is as inspired by human connection
as I am.

Section 2: Project Concept

This year, for our Final Major Project, I was cast in BTA’s performance of the play buckets by Adam
Barnard. Our piece will be directed by Scott Hurran. After some research I’ve found that this absurdist
play is based of the idea of life and death or ‘time running out’. The play’s style is interesting as it has no
stage directions, no characters and essentially no guidance, allowing us as creatives, full freedom with
what we want to do with the play. In terms of aims, as a cast I think we’ve decided our general main aim
is to create a piece of theatre that makes tough topics easier to swallow through the use of comedy and
ensemble work. There have been many out of the box ideas, encouraged by Scott as it allows us to fully
explore what we could do with the script. He did this by making us sit in a circle and each say something
about the pay starting the sentence with ‘we could’. This has allowed for many crazy ideas to be placed
down along with some of the most popular/approved ideas for scenes within our group. I am looking
forward to this piece in the opportunities of ensemble work we could do. My biggest example is the
scene ‘leading question’ in which there is massive opportunity for a huge movement piece.

Section 3: Evaluation
In terms of evaluation, I will be doing a weekly video diary to help me look back at what I’ve been doing
in the past seven days and to give myself pointers for the next week coming. My documentation for
ideas I find often ends up happening on my script which I intend to photocopy and put onto my website
in future so that it is easier to see my thought process when it comes to scenes especially when we are
devising half the scenes ourselves. To help us reach our aims I think there will be a lot of
experimentation that will be documented on the weekly reflection videos and through images on the
website in general. Particularly in terms of ensemble work, which there will definitely be a lot of, it will be
important for us to try and keep focus in the workspaces, this can be done with a lot of respect between
performers and directors in order to come up with agreeable solutions. I think there will also need to be
a general understanding of the environment we are working in and the people we are working with
along with the play we are performing.

Proposed Research Sources and Bibliography (Harvard Format)

Biswas, A., Ingle, N. and Roy, M., 2014. Influence of social media on voting behavior. Journal of
Power, Politics & Governance, 2(2), pp.127-155.

Anderson, M. and Jiang, J., 2018. Teens, social media & technology 2018. Pew Research Center, 31(2018),

McLaughlin, B. and Velez, J.A., 2019. Imagined politics: How different media platforms transport citizens into
political narratives. Social Science Computer Review, 37(1), pp.22-37.

Guadagno, R.E. and Guttieri, K., 2021. Fake news and information warfare: An examination of the political and
psychological processes from the digital sphere to the real world. In Research anthology on fake news, political
warfare, and combatting the spread of misinformation (pp. 218-242). IGI Global.

Stamu‐O’Brien, C., Carniciu, S., Halvorsen, E. and Jafferany, M., 2020. Psychological aspects of COVID‐
19. Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, 19(9), pp.2169-2173.

Ndiaye, M., Oyewobi, S.S., Abu-Mahfouz, A.M., Hancke, G.P., Kurien, A.M. and Djouani, K., 2020. IoT in the wake
of COVID-19: A survey on contributions, challenges and evolution. Ieee Access, 8, pp.186821-186839.

Project Action Plan and Timetable

Week Date Week Activity / What you are intending to do - Resources / What you will need to do it -
Beginning including independent study including access to workshops

1 Given script/ met director Scott Huran - Notebook

20th Feb Excited to work with the creatives in the - Pen
group. - Script
Read the script more at home/get a feel of
2 Introduced to clowning practitioner -Notebook
27th Feb given the task of creating a powerpoint -Pen
about a specific topic. -script

3 Did our presentations on our topic -notebook

6th Mar looked at more scenes and how we could -pen
direct them in terms of setting, character -script
4 Took some photos for our websites in the -notebook
13th Mar morning. -pen
exploration in puppetry with items of -script
clothes. eg my group were given a blazer,
tie and hat and we created a detective
5 Watched heathers and BREATHE(partly -notebook
20th Mar performed by some of the members of BTA) -pen
started looking t terms and conditions and -script
how an AI could be used in an everyday

6 continued looking at terms and conditions

27th Mar as a scene and how we could add loads of -pen
movement into the scene. My group ended -script
up creating an almost 'birth' of a person.
worked a lot on stan with deeps and how
we could really bring the energy up with
only a few movements.
7 Were given our scenes and started
3rd April working on chrcters and how wed want
to distribute lines. Continued giving
ideas as big group but also started
brainstorming with our scene partners
on how we wanted the scene to go.

10th April HOLIDAY
learning lines
completing theory work
working on website
WEEK 1 -script
Intensives Mon -pen
Had websites checked in the morning
Worked on scenes 1-4 of the play with scott
looking at ensemble(i was ensemble for the
doctor and pet project)
worked with deeps on stan
scenes worked on privtely in the morning
whilst other cast members worked on lines
worked on teacher 1 (my first scene)
worked with deeps in the morning looking t
stan and status update
worked on scene 14, 8 and 6
made general notes outside
work experience survey
worked on scenes 22, 24, 29, 16 and 18
masterscript was completed
had tutor where we were asked how we
were doing
looked at leading question, terms and
conditions, not moving and so happy i could
back in the dance studio working on
cleaning up scenes
starting to add music to the doctor kiss me
1 and stan
Had costume fittings
created some promotional videos in our
spare time
props arriving including the bed and mny
prop phones
watched variations dress rehearsal
normal rehearsal day 9-5
Tech day 9-10
Tech 9-5
Dress rehearsal and performance 1
Performance 2

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