DLP Whilem

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Health

Grade VII

Learning Competency:
Understand stress and the causes that affect adolescence.

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

a.) Understand stress and causes of stress.

b.) Value the effects of stress in everyone’s life.
c.) Dramatized the possible coping mechanism on each stressor.

II. Subject Matter

“Understanding Stress and Common Areas of Stressors Affecting Adolescence”
Reference: Personal Development Quarter 1 – Module 4: Mental Health & Stress
Materials: Cartolina, Colored Papers, Marker, Plastic Cover, Scissor, Scotch Tape, Projector, Laptop
Values: Mental Health Awareness
Strategies: Cooperative Learning

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preparation

Good morning, class!
Good morning, Sir Whilem.
Is Student F present today?
I’m here, sir!
Can you lead us a short prayer?
*Student F leads the prayer
Cleanliness and Orderliness
You may take your seat. I have noticed that
you room is clean and I appreciate your
efforts on preparing for today’s class.

Checking of Attendance
Ms. Class Monitor, do we have absentees for
We have no absentees today, sir.
Before we proceed to our lesson for today, I
have prepared a short game for you which is
entitled Buzz. For the mechanics of the game,
everyone will take turns counting starting
from 1 to 50 but if the number whom a person
needs to say has 4 or a multiple of 4, they will
shout ‘buzz’ instead of the number. You have
3 chances to complete the game.
Is that clear, class?
Yes, sir.
Let’s start.
*The class starts playing the game.
Thank you, class for participating. Can you
give yourselves a fireworks clap? Do you
know how a fireworks clap works?
Not yet, sir
The teacher demonstrates the fireworks clap.

Do you get it, class?

Yes, sir.
Can someone demonstrate it in front? Yes,
student C?
*Student C demonstrates the fireworks clap.
Very good! Now that you know the fireworks
clap, can you give yourselves one?
*The class executes the fireworks clap.
Moving on, let’s have a recap with our
previous topic. I will be posting different
pictures and all you need to do is identify
what is being shown. Is that clear?
Yes, sir

1st Picture: Chicken pox, sir.

2nd Picture: Dengue, sir.

3rd Picture: Athlete’s foot, sir.

4th Picture: Chicken pox, sir.

I was amazed by all of your answers! They

were all correct and it’s obvious that you
have mastered the lesson we have tackled.
Kindly give your classmates a 2 fireworks
*The class executes the fireworks clap.
B. Motivation
Now that we have finished another lesson, we
can now continue with our next topic. But
before that, I want the class to be more active
and participative so I have prepared a game
for you to enjoy. This game is very popular in
TikTok and national television especially in
GMA because it is a part of their segment
whereas two people is guessing a word. Do
you have an idea of what game we will be
playing? Yes, student A?
Pinoy Henyo, sir?
Are you sure?
Yes, sir!
Then if you are sure, kindly view my 1st post
to check if your answer is correct.
*Student A view my 1st post.

Thank you, student A. Today, we will be

playing Pinoy Henyo. I know that most of you
are already familiar with the mechanics of the
game but let me clarify a few things for you.
The class will be divided into 2 groups. Each
group must pick a person tagged in the video.
There is a corresponding word on every
personality that must be guessed by their
representative within 2 minutes. The
remaining members of the group will serve as
the responder. The group with the least time
will be the winner. Strictly no coaching!

Words: Anxiety, Boyfriend, Death, Mind, Ice

*The class starts playing the game.
Great work, everyone! Can I hear the
fireworks clap once again?
*The class executes the fireworks clap.
Now, with the words you encountered earlier,
do you have an idea of what will be our
lesson for today? Anyone? Yes, student A?
I think our topic for today is all about stress,
Nice observation! Our topic for today is
understanding stress and common areas of
With our lesson for today, what might be its
connection with our previous topic? Yes,
student B?
I think sir when you have communicable
disease your social life will be affected
because the disease will limit your interaction
with your environment which may lead to
different mental health problems.
Excellent, student B. Does anyone like to
share some more? Yes, student C?
In my opinion, having a disease is surely
expensive. You’ll be having trouble providing
the needed medication that it may stress you
It is indeed correct student C. Truly having a
disease, especially when it can harm others,
is a problematic thing to have. It may affect
different aspects of your life. I commend all of
your answers and you deserve another
fireworks clap. 1, 2, 3, blow!
*The class executes the fireworks clap.
C. Lesson Proper
Now, let us know the things we need to
accomplish after the meeting.

a.) Understand stress and causes of stress.
b.) Value the effects of stress in everyone’s
c.) Dramatized the possible coping
mechanism on each stressor.

To formally start our discussion for today,

can someone view my 4th highlights? Yes,
student B?
*Student B view my 4th highlight.
Thank you, student B.
Adolescence, what come in to your mind when
you hear the word adolescence?
Possible answers:
Changes, Stages, Adulthood, Teenage,
Thank you! Adolescence is a transitional
stage of physical and psychological
development that generally occurs during the
period from puberty to adulthood.

What about stress? Yes, student C?

I think it is caused by many problems.
Thank you, student C. Any other answers?
Yes, student D?
I think stress makes us emotional.
Thank you, student D. It indeed makes us sad
or happy. Do you think stress can make us
happy? Yes, student B?
Yes, sir because there is what we call a good
Nice answer. There is good stress and it is
called Eustress. It is said to be a stress that is
beneficial to us. For example, you have a
difficult test coming up but you have prepared
well so you’re just looking forward to the
result. On the other hand, a bad stress is
called distress which negatively affects an
individual. Is everything clear, class?

To elaborate more on our lesson, I will give

you an activity entitled Stress Mail. The class
will be divided into 4 groups. Each group will
be given a mail that came from their
classmates anonymously, then they will
identify what causes their problem and will
make a short reply on what they want to say
to the sender. Is everything clear, class?
Student D, can you repeat the instruction?
*Student D repeats the instruction.
Very well said, student D. You have 5 mins to
prepare for your activity. Go to your
respective groups and you may start.

Time is up. Group 1 can now proceed with

their presentation.
Each group discusses the mail they have got.

Group 1 - Cause of stress: Flood

Excellent presentation group 1. Flood is a
problem caused by man and nature which is
an example of a kind of stressor called
Cataclysmic events. These stressors are
natural disasters that suddenly occur and may
affect numerous people.
Group 2 – Cause of stress: Love
That was magnificent group 2. Love makes us
happy but also causes our sadness. Love is an
example of personal stressor which refers to
conditions, events, situations, or anything that
causes stress to an individual.
Group 3 – Cause of stress: Family Problem
That was an emotional letter group 3. It
really touched my heart. Family problem are
just inevitable between members of the family.
These problems are also one of the examples
of personal stressors.
Group 4 – Cause of stress: Heavy Traffic
That was a comforting remark from group 4.
Heavy traffic has been a problem for all of us
recently. These have been repetitive events
and became our daily routine. In addition, it
is an example of a background stressor.

Good work, 3B. Kindly give yourselves 2

fireworks claps.
*The class executes the fireworks clap.
D. Generalization
To sum it all, we will be singing a song that I,
myself have composed in the tune of Love
Yourself by Justin Bieber. Are you all familiar
with the song?
Yes, sir!
That’s good! I will sing it first then you will
follow, okay?
Okay, sir.
(Group 1)
Verse I:
For all Distress that you are facing today
For all the problems that can worsen
your pain
You think nobody has been hearing
your voice
But I am here to listen with all
your thoughts.
(Group 2)
Verse II:
And the reason that I wrote this song
Is to let you know that there is what we call a
good stress, we can name it Eustress.

And there is what we called Distress

These are problems that could really really
make us worried, really really worried.

There are some kinds of things that stresses
us, it may be love, traffic or disasters.
There are 3 types of things that causes stress
cataclysmic, background, and personal

Did you get it, class?

Yes, sir!
As you can see, the parts of the song are
divided in to three. The first verse will be
sung by the first group. The second verse will
be for group 2 and the chorus will be sing by
all of us. Is it clear?
Yes, sir!
*The class sang the song.
Very good, 3B! It shows that this section is
not just good in physical activities but also
have talent too. Kindly give yourselves
fireworks clap once again.
*The class executes the fireworks clap.
E. Application
Now that you have understood stress, I will be
giving you another activity called Stroll. The
class will be grouped into three (3). A
representative will roll the dice and whatever
number they get has a stressor in it. Then,
they will act on how the stressor happens and
make a solution for it. They will be graded
according to these criteria:

Criteria Percentage
Creativity 35
Presentation 25
Content 30
Cooperation 10

1. School works
2. Peer pressure
3. Noise
4. Money
5. Love
6. Heavy traffic

Time is up. The first group can now present

their work.
*The class presents their work.
You never failed to amaze me, 3B. All your
presentations were great and spectacular.
You really learned a lot from this meeting. I
will now announce your scores. All of you
deserved a fireworks clap. In 1, 2, 3, blow!

One more time! *The class executes the fireworks clap.

*The class executes the fireworks clap.

F. Evaluation
Considering that all learnings are met today,
we will be having a short seatwork. Get a ¼
sheet of paper and kindly number it from 1 to

Direction: Draw a sun if the given is

classified in to cataclysmic events, heart for
personal stressor and moon for background
__1. Noise pollution
__2. Financial problem
__3. Terrorism
__4. Peer pressure
__5. Dengue
*The students will be answering quietly.
Are you all done?
Yes, sir.
Kindly exchange paper with your seatmate.
*The class is checking papers.
Give the paper to its rightful owner.

Check the scores. Once done, pass your paper

in front.

G. Assignment
Copy your assignment on your MAPEH

1. Give a situation that you have experienced

stress and the thing that you did to cope with
2. Cite different mental problems you can get
as an effect of stress.

Reference: Personal Development Quarter 1

– Module 4: Mental Health & Stress pp. 12-

Do you have any questions and clarification

for our meeting today?
Nothing, sir.
If that's the case, that would be all for today.
Thank you and goodbye, class!
Thank you and goodbye, sir Whilem.





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