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Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Sep 8, 2021

• 7 min read • 14678 views



My name, Chun Yeowun.

The twenty-fourth lord of the Sky Demon Order.

The title could be a bit exaggerated, but in Murim, I am called the Demon God.

To reach this point, I had to go through an extraordinary process of growth.

There‘s a secret that the members of the Sky Demon Order or the other people of Murim don‘t

It was the Nano Machine.

With the help of ‗Nano‘, the 7th generation and strongest Nano Machine injected into my body
by my descendant from the future, I managed to become stronger at an unimaginable pace and
created organizations which slowly ruled over the Cult and then became the Lord of the Sky
Demon Order.

I was told that there are multiple time axes in the world.

Of course, there‘s no way I would know about the other time axes apart from the one I lived in.

There‘s a reason why I chose to say this.

The descendant from the distant future knows of the ‗Blade God‘ who possibly has a connection
to a large conglomerate called the Blade Six, or in my time, it was called the Blade God Six
Martial Clan, which is rumored to control the future.
However, there was a hidden secret to that fact.

This Blade God is known to be the strongest immortal, a person who traveled from the future to
the past just like my descendant, and he‘s the one who changed the past by twisting the actual
time axis.

My descendant came to the past to correct that warped time.

The Blade God, who was unaware of the existence of another time traveler, started to be cautious
of my rapid growth and tried to get rid of me, which failed.

It was because I was beyond what he could handle and reached the Heavenly Master Level along
with Nano by my side.

I wanted to chase after my ambition to unify the entire Murim after eliminating the Blade God
and create an era of the Sky Demon Order, once again.

But, things never go as planned.

An UN-affiliated armed group, which called themselves the Time Patrol or TP, which regulated
time travel, noticed the existence of my descendant and then tried to retrieve the Nano Machine
from my body.

Normally, they had the technology to track down the Nano Machine.

However, the Nano Machine in my body is a technology made by the future Sky Demon Order,
the Sky Corporation. It‘s the 7th generation Nano Machine which is made of the strongest metal
known as Gatelinium.

The Time Patrol accidentally noticed it while they were pursuing my descendant Chun Mu-

They tried various means to catch me, and when it became difficult for them, they brought in
their Special Forces who were experienced.

I tried to stop them from pursuing anymore by annihilating the squad and making it look like my
descendant was dead due to the pursuit.
And there came the variable in my plan.

The Blade God popped up and tried to take over the Time Jet, the time-traveling aircraft the TP

He, who realized that my current self couldn‘t be taken down by him, decided to go to the past.

Due to that, I had to board the Time Jet and stop him. I managed to eliminate the Blade God.

But that was where the real problem arose.

The only surviving Time Jet pilot broke the main board of the jet.

Chun Yeowun ran to the cockpit.

‗Nano. Can you hack this and get me out of here safely.‘

[There is damage to the main board, so it may be difficult to adjust with hacking.]

‗You have to do something. Or we‘ll both die.‘

[Will try hacking. Please place your palm on the cockpit board.]


Chun Yeowun hastily placed his right palm on the board.

The glove of the Nano Suit was on his right hand, and a line of light came out of it and
penetrated into the broken board.

[Entering the backup system.]


Along with Nano‘s voice, Chun Yeowun‘s ears could pick up the ice cracking.

It could be dangerous if he didn‘t hurry.

He was waiting with impatient eyes when the LED lights of the Time Jet, which had flickered
continuously, came on.

Whoong! Beep! Beep!

At the same time, the buttons on the main board of the cockpit also lit up.

Some didn‘t come on, but it seemed like everything was working normally.

‗Nano? Done?‘

[It seems that the coordinate setting device has been damaged, so we will have to crash land out
of the space and time flow.]

‗What are you saying?‘

[Means to land in a different space and time than the user‘s.]

Chun Yeowun‘s face hardened.

As Nano said that, it meant that he could enter a time that he had no idea about.


The sound of cracking ice could be heard.

They were out of time.

At this rate, the jet would break apart.

‗Mun Ku.‘

At that moment, in Chun Yeowun‘s mind, he saw an image of Mun Ku with a child.

If he died, he would never get to see them again.

Biting his lip, Chun Yeowun determined, ordered Nano.

―Go ahead!‖
[Yes. Escaping the flow of space and time.]


As soon as Nano finished speaking, The Time Jet shook.

The space flow was made up of five different colored lines that could be seen through the front
glass of the cockpit. For a second, the Time Jet escaped.


Strong pressure rose, just like it did when the jet entered the flow.


Chun Yeowun grabbed the handle on the cockpit board and held onto it.

If he let go of the main board, the connection Nano had with the jet would break.

Clank! Clank!

He tried not to move as much as possible, and the space outside the window made of five colors

It was then.


They exited the flow, and the ice broke.

At the same time, Chun Yeowun‘s body, which was holding the board, was sucked out of the jet
with tremendous force.



[Opening Gatelinium Nano Suit!]

The Nano Suit opened up around Chun Yeowun‘s body.

He didn‘t even realize that the suit had unfolded, but the suit seemed red.

And in some parts, it was a mixture of blue.

‗Where am I?‘

[In the mesosphere at an altitude of 60km.]

Higher than the stratosphere.

The same area that the Time Jet had to be to enter the space and time flow.


He decided to go back to the Time Jet.

However, the Time Jet, which was becoming small as he was moving down, exploded.



If Chun Yeowun was a little late, he would have died in the explosion.

He had no choice but to go down now.

‗Nano, flight mode.‘

[Switching to flight mode.]

Chun Yeowun‘s body quickly moved towards land.

The outer part of the Nano Suit, which was dyed red, slowly returned to its original color as he
got closer to land.


How long was it?

Chun Yeowun could finally see land.

However, it wasn‘t the land of Jianghu which was full of greenery.

[Altitude 15km.]

[Altitude 14.5km.]

[Altitude 13km.]

As he descended, he saw large buildings.

‗What… the hell?‘

There were grasses and mountains around.

There were trees, but it was more like a grey world.

Buildings which had square roofs, and not tiled houses, Chun Yeowun‘s body was getting close
to the ground.


[Altitude 300m.]

Upon entering that point, Chun Yeowun descended onto a huge building.

Chun Yeowun‘s eyes widened at the transparent walls the building had.

He was moving quickly, but he could see a lot of people inside the transparent walls.

[Will land soon, altitude of 100m.]


Chun Yeowun‘s body soon landed on the dark grey ground.

He stood up, straightening himself.

The helmet of the Nano Suit lifted up as he saw the new world, which was surrounded by

This wasn‘t the world he knew.


―A-A man fell from above!‖

―It looked like he fell from the building?‖

―Now! A superhero landing? Are they filming for the Man of Steel?‖

People in clothes which he had never seen before were looking at Chun Yeowun, who was
equally shocked.

He was wary of their sudden appearance.

‗Where is this?‘

As he looked around with confused eyes, Nano answered him.

[Detected Wi-Fi signal. The age of the coordinates is… AD. Year. 2069.02.19]



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Chapter 1 - The Man who fell from the Sky
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Sep 9, 2021

• 13 min read • 16647 views



Tok! Tok! Tok!

Contrary to his handsome appearance, a man in his mid-thirties with thick dark circles under his
eyes was frantically typing something.

It looked different, a smartphone that was transparent like glass.

Something could be heard through the ear of the man who seemed to be talking with someone as
his lips moved.

[Mr. Lee Myeong. Autonomous driving mode has been canceled due to vehicle congestion time.
Please place both your hands on the wheel.]

The words of the AI in the vehicle he was driving.

―Tch, what generation are we in? Shouldn‘t there be an autonomous mode just for driving in rush

The man groaned.

Autonomous driving mode for automobiles has been commercialized since 2026.

Several makers had ambitiously introduced their self-driving cars with approval from the
government, but no matter what car, accidents couldn‘t be prevented.
Despite numerous sensors being installed into the vehicle and the development of sophisticated
vehicle AI, the autonomous driving mode couldn‘t respond smoothly to congestion or sudden
unexpected situations.

After numerous accidents, the government decided to put restrictions on the autonomous driving


Lee Myeong closed the transparent smartphone on his left wrist.

And what was supposed to be a phone wrapped itself around his wrist.


As the flexible transparent smartphone device wrapped itself around like a watch, Lee Myeong
sighed as he grabbed the steering wheel.

He tried to get to the Shenyang City Public Security Bureau (City-level Chinese Nation Police
Agency) as early as possible. Still, it was his fault for the delay at the Academy of Sciences.

It was rush hour, so there were a lot of cars on the road.

―I need to hurry. The director is going to nag at me.‖

The director is the head of the Public Security Bureau.

Despite his boss not being in front of him, the thought alone scared him.


With strength on his right foot, he stepped on the gas.

Five o‘clock in the afternoon.

Although it was February, the sky was already turning yellow with all the cold around them.

With that, the sun went down.

Passing through the forest of buildings and moving above the overpass, which was above the
small buildings, he saw a huge wall to the west.

A gray wall, full of repair marks here and there, surrounded the entire city.

The wall is known to be the Gate Barrier.

―Ah, this is so frustrating.‖

Every time Lee Myeong looked at the wall, his heart would ache.

That gigantic barrier was the evidence that made him and the other people realize just how
insignificant and helpless humans are in the current world.

―It has been twenty-eight years already.‖

Twenty-eight years have passed since the First Dimensional Gate, which was called the worst
day in human history, opened.

That year was the worst year in history, where one-fifth of the world‘s population was erased.

In fact, humanity could have suffered more damage.

However, as forces hidden behind mankind appeared like the sun, the damage was kept to a

Shh! Tak!

He took out a pack of menthol cigarettes from his pocket and put one between his lips.

He was about to light it when the AI‘s voice warned him.

-Business vehicles are non-smoking areas. Warnings or penalties may be given at a later date.


It was annoying to hear that warning every time he lit a cigarette.

As it was a work vehicle from the Public Security Bureau, it wasn‘t possible to mute the
vehicle‘s AI.


He lit the cigarette with the lighter, sucking in a huge amount of smoke to fill his lungs, and then
exhaled the smoke.


The inside of the car was instantly filled with smoke.


The sunroof of the car opened by itself.

The smoke in the car leaked out through the open sunroof.

Beep! Beep!

―Shut up.‖

Lee Myeong relaxed his right foot and lowered the speed.

Although he was moving at 80km/h, the wind noise coming through the sunroof hurt his ears.

It was then.

Be-beep! Be-beep!

The smartphone on his wrist began to ring.

And the face of a woman in her early sixties with sparse white hair could be seen on the car‘s
center screen.


The caller was none other than his mother.

―It isn‘t time for work yet.‖

Wondering what was going on, he decided to connect the call via Bluetooth.


-My son.

―I‘m still at work.‖

-You think your mother doesn‘t know that?

―Then what‘s up? If it‘s nothing important, the call will get cut off as soon as I get close to the
Public Security Bureau.‖

-You. You‘ve been working there for so long. Why can‘t you just use a messenger?

―What are you talking about?‖

Lee Myeong looked annoyed.

So was his mother, when she said.

-I let you live however you want to. Shouldn‘t you at least do one thing that your mother asks?
Stop by Beijing for a while and have a meal with Director Zhang‘s third daughter…

―Can‘t. You know this is how my job works, right?‖

-…Do you plan on avoiding it every time like this?

―Whatever, I might not make it past the wall with the Gate 26 warning.‖


―Soon, there will be news and alarms in each province.‖


Upon hearing that, Lee Myeong‘s mother was speechless.

Gate Warning.
It was a warning issued to citizens in places where the Gates open.

Since one could never know what would happen once a Gate is opened.

-The cycle is short. It‘s Gate 26… he might be summoned. Haha.

―I‘m near the Public Security Bureau. Ending the call.‖

-… I believe what you are saying about the Bureau, but I hope you don‘t fight your mother who
arranged for you to meet ‗that one‘ with that excuse.

―Yes, yes~!‖

Hoping that she would give up, Lee Myeong answered with a smile.


-Director Zhang worked hard to persuade her, so go to Beijing once the warning is cleared. Get
the phone number and the messenger ID, and make an appointment.


His face crumbled in an instant.

He definitely said that he didn‘t want to have a conversation on the messenger, but there she goes
talking about it again.

He was at a loss for words when she said that.

-Don‘t you remember where you came from?

His mother ruled over him.

-Listen to your mother. You‘re 36. How long do you plan on spending your life in vain as a
single man? I‘m only thinking of…


At her constant nagging, the man deeply inhaled the half-burned cigarette.
‗For me?‘

Not at all.

He was a child who moved away from his home.

If he wanted to marry, he would have gotten married when he was seeing women.

‗What‘s this? Some clan union… shit!‘

Although he had a rough mouth, he couldn‘t get himself to curse in front of his mother.

Still, he was upset.

-Anyway, listen to this mother of yours. I won‘t sit still if this doesn‘t work. If it doesn‘t work
out this time either… sigh, it would have been nice to freely buy a plane ticket and travel by air
like before. What kind of a mess are we in!

―I‘ve heard you talk about planes a hundred times already.‖


They were now a symbol of the past.

His mother told him that it was possible to travel from one place to another by plane when she
was young.

However, from the moment that the Gates opened, movement by air became impossible.

Thanks to that, Lee Myeong had never seen a plane.

His mother said that he had flown on an airplane when he was three years old, but who even
remembers that?

-You always treat your mother as some old-timey person. All because you don‘t know how
convenient an airplane is!

―Yes, yes, yes. Right. If you can move by the sky, yes, yes. The days when humans ruled the
skies are long gone…‖
For a moment, Lee Myeong stopped talking.

He doubted his eyes.

Something just fell from the skyscrapers.

‗What was that?‘

It was so far away that he couldn‘t see it clearly, but ‗something‘ fell from the sky.

-What are you talk… chick!

The phone was disconnected, and a Public Security mark appeared on the center screen.

And he heard the familiar voice of a member of the Information and Communication Team of
the Public Security Bureau.

-This is the Information and Communication Team of the Public Security Bureau. An
unidentified flying object just fell in the middle of 2nd Avenue in Tie Xi Qu.

―Flying object?‖

The road he was driving on was 5th Avenue.

Very close.

Then, the information was about what he saw.

If a flying object fell from the sky, then it could or couldn‘t have something to do with the Gates.

-Public Security police and members near 2nd Avenue must stay armed while grasping the

Maybe he wasn‘t out of luck.

It was all happening on his way.

―Damn it, the Gate alarm wasn‘t even sounded, yet what is all this?‖

Grunting, he pressed the red and blue button on the top of the center panel.
And then a siren came up from the left side of the white RV he was driving.

Wee-woo! Wee-woo!

The siren sounded, and he turned the steering wheel sideways.

There was only one good thing that came from sounding the siren officially.

Despite the road being congested, he would get a free pass to move.

Lee Myeong spoke as he pressed the speaker button on the center car panel.

―This is Lee Myeong, the 3rd team leader of the Shenyang City Public Security Bureau. On my
way to 2nd Avenue.‖


As soon as he heard that, he released his finger from the speaker button and stepped on the gas
towards the road where cars began to divide like the red sea.

He wasn‘t too far from 2nd Avenue.

And it was clear where this unidentified object had fallen.


The place where people gathered.

There were three Public Security Police Vehicles that arrived.


Lee Myeong got out of the RV and took out his ID as he looked at the crowd.

‗All this curiosity.‘

It could be dangerous if this was related to the Gate. However, it was strange how people
If what fell was a level 5 dangerous object from the Gate, everyone who gathered could be in
life-threatening danger.

Not a single person there could protect the ordinary civilians.

‗Crazy bastards. Get bit for gathering. What the hell are they doing?‘

Irritated, Lee Myeong shouted at the people.

―Public Security. Step away! Step away!‖


However, despite the shout, not a single person stepped back, and they were all concentrating on
the mysterious thing.

With their phones in their hands, not a single person could take a video.

‗Was a video jammer used?‘

The current world is a world of web media.

Anyone could take photos or videos with their phones, which was why the government and the
Public Security Bureau took special measures to create a signal interference when it came to
such situations.

And the phones which were exposed to the jammers would automatically delete the already
recorded content at that very moment.


The phone on his wrist was shut down too.

It was an impossible task for the union‘s local government, but it was possible for the great
China‘s government, the People‘s Republic of China.

Thanks to that, it was possible to avoid the spread of information.

‗Nothing can be done when it‘s this crowded.‘

It seemed challenging to cut through the large crowd, and he would have to wait until the
Security Taskforce came.

‗But I can‘t stay still when such a dangerous object is lying around.‘

If this object was dangerous, people would have to evacuate before something broke out.

Lee Myeong rushed through the crowd and entered the mostly empty space.

To check with his own eyes what the people were staring at…


Lee, who was very nervous, was disappointed.

And then mumbled.

―What‘s this? What‘s with the outfit?‖

A young man with long black hair and a freakishly handsome face with pale skin.

He was wearing a black robe, more like a dark cloak which one would see in historical dramas,
and his appearance, well, the man didn‘t seem freaked out about the people around him.

‗Are they filming a historical drama?‘

It was funny just how nervous he was thinking that the object would harm people.

There was no unidentified flying object apart from the man who looked like he came from a
different era.


One of the four police officers in indigo uniforms, who were aiming their guns at the young man,
pulled handcuffs from his wait.

There were police officers nearby.

Two of them cautiously approached the old-fashioned young man.

As a response, Lee Myeong approached the two police officers who were aiming their guns at
the young man and showed his police ID.

The officers slightly bowed, not lowering their guns from the unknown man.

It was because Lee Myeong was of higher rank.

―I‘m Lee Myeong, the 3rd team leader of the Shenyang Public Security Bureau‘s violent crimes
squad. It was reported that an unidentified object has fallen here. So, why are you aiming your
guns at an unarmed citizen?‖

He couldn‘t understand it, sure, the man was dressed weirdly, but it was strange how they were
aiming their guns at an innocent citizen.

At that, one officer said.

―Inspector. This is it.‖


―The unidentified flying object which fell from the sky is this old-fashioned man!‖

―What bullshit…‖

It was then.

Before he could even yell, something unexpected happened.



One of the officers who approached the young man in old-fashioned clothes to place him in
handcuffs fell down as if he was in some action scene in a sitcom.


He seemed to be in too much pain to get back up.


Another officer tried to cuff the man‘s arms, but his wrist was caught.




Both his eyes went wide at the sound of bones cracking.

―Kuaaak! My hand!‖

The officer‘s right arm, which was trying to cuff the young man, was bizarrely twisted.

The arm wouldn‘t bend properly, straighten properly, and the bone, the bone protruded through
the elbow.



―Th-The bone is sticking out of his elbow!

Even the citizens who were all watching him screamed nervously at what they saw.

―What shit is this?‖


Lee Myeong, who was yelling at the officers for aiming their guns at the innocent citizen, pulled
out his gun and aimed it at the young man.


Chapter 2 - The Man who fell from the Sky
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Sep 10, 2021

• 8 min read • 8693 views



A young man with long hair, staring at his surroundings with eyes sharp like a sword.

It seemed like he was walking through a different era.

He was the twenty-fourth Lord of the Sky Demon Order, Chun Yeowun, who was called the
Demon God in Jianghu.

Chun Yeowun had a calm personality, but he was quite sensitive.

‗This is… future?‘

From the words of Nano, the Nano Machine in him, this place was definitely the future.

Everything was flustering.

The tall buildings built with concrete, and the asphalt roads below his feet, all of that didn‘t exist
in Chun Yeowun‘s time.

‗And why are their clothes like that?‘

Their clothes were much tighter than the ones he was wearing.

Few people wore the same kind of clothes but in different colors.

Even the skirts the women were wearing were short enough to expose their thighs!
In words, it felt weird.


There was one thing that made Chun Yeowun feel even stranger.


Starting from the air around, the energy was very turbid.

Like everything was full of impurities.

As Chun Yeowun was able to reach the Heavenly Master Level, he could grasp the energy of

‗It would be difficult to gather qi if the people of this era lived in such a place.‘

Impure energy is rather detrimental to the body.

If the martial artists or the monks were here, they might have been terrified of this place.

But not Chun Yeowun.

For him, who had the five cores of the Spirit Beasts, circulating the energy inside his body and
purifying it was possible, and he could cultivate energy inside his own body.

―Ouch! My hand!‖

Chun Yeowun looked at the police officer suffering in pain.

He was the one who tried to subdue Chun Yeowun, so he had to act as such.

‗Are the ones wearing these clothes, the officials of this world?‘

[That‘s right.]

Nano spoke about the rules of this new era.

Nano said that the man groaning in pain was equivalent to a soldier, but Chun Yeowun, who
wasn‘t afraid of the emperor in his time, wouldn‘t be scared of a mere soldier who tried to cuff
his hands.

‗Tch, this is troublesome.‘

Not that he fell, but because he landed in a place that brought a lot of attention.

There were more than a hundred people gathered around him.

Would it be right to say that the people were watching him as if they were watching a play?

At that moment, a cry entered Chun Yeowun‘s ears.

―It‘s against the law to attack a police officer. Now, raise your hands and get down on your
knees. Otherwise, I will have to fire!‖

A newly emerged man in his mid-thirties was aiming his gun.

He was Lee Myeong, the 3rd team leader of the Public Security Bureau.

Asking him to raise his hands and get down on his knees was the same as asking for him to

Chun Yeowun asked Nano in a displeased tone.

‗Nano. Still unable to gather information?‘

[Couldn‘t connect because of the jammers blocking the network.]


Chun Yeowun shook his head.

Nano‘s attempts to access the web were stopped after officers approached him.

Chun Yeowun knew nothing of this era.

But he thought that Nano, a machine from the future, would know something.
So, he asked Nano to extract information from the era and transfer it into his brain, but he never
expected it to be interrupted along the way.

‗What should I do?‘

He was worried.

It wasn‘t difficult to get out and hide.

As Nano said, it would be possible to reconnect with the web once the area with the jammer was

‗There‘s that annoying one.‘

There was an existence that Chun Yeowun could feel.

A person was watching him from a window of the building across from him.

Thanks to that person, Chun Yeowun convinced himself that this era wasn‘t entirely unknown to

‗It would be better to get out of here now.‘

He was getting too much attention.

It would be even more troublesome if something happened there, in an era he knew nothing

It was the moment when Chun Yeowun was about to take a step forward.

―This is the last warning! Raise your hands and get down on your knees.‖

Lee Myeong shouted.

Since there were many people, he would refrain from firing unless something else happened, but
Lee Myeong‘s instincts were telling him,

‗He‘s very dangerous.‘

He was even thinking of shooting him in the thigh or ankle.

However, if this man really had something to do with the unidentified object which fell from the
sky, he had to follow protocol.

‗Is the Mobile Strike Team here?‘

Catching this unknown man with bare hands seemed like a dangerous thing to do.

Those who could take down a trained officer with light gestures were either Gate Keepers or,



At that time, Chun Yeowun tried to move.

Without thinking, Lee Myeong aimed at his thigh and pulled the trigger.


All he had to do was take this unknown man alive.

But then it happened.

Swosh! Tuk!

Even the people watching were confused.

―No… way!‖

―He cu-cut the bullet?‖

What fell on the asphalt floor was none other than the bullet which was shot from the gun.

They didn‘t know because the man was wearing a robe, but before they knew it, Chun Yeowun
was holding a white blade.

The White Dragon Blade.

It was one of the two swords that always stayed on Chun Yeowun along with the Sky Demon

That was when Lee Myeong knew the person‘s identity.

―Murim warrior!‖

He didn‘t get that from the weird clothes. Instead, he got it from the fact that no one in the world
could cut down a flying bullet with a sword besides a Murim warrior.

‗Why would a Murim warrior be in the middle of the road wearing the old fashioned…‘

It was then.



In the blink of an eye, Chun Yeowun was in front of him.

Bewildered, Lee Myeong tried to aim his gun, but he was out of time.



Lee Myeong, who was grabbed by the throat, dropped his gun.

He couldn‘t help it. It felt like his neck would break right away if he tried to struggle.

The officers on the other side were too startled to aim their guns at Chun Yeowun, who spoke.

―You will have to pay the price for using those firearms on me.‖

He spoke like an old man, but that didn‘t matter.

Lee Myeong tried to shake off Chun Yeowun‘s hand with the jujutsu he learned as a public
security cadet.

‗Wh-What power!‘

He couldn‘t do anything.

At this rate, it wouldn‘t be shocking if he broke the neck with sheer strength.

―Let the inspector go!‖

The moment the officers were about to open fire to help Lee Myeong.


―Ugh, my g-gun!‖

The guns were split in two.


Shocked, the officers took a step back.

They understood that it wasn‘t just the guns, but if the man wanted, he could cut the two officers
down too.

There was nothing else they could do.

―Do you know about Murim people?‖

―Cough! Cough!‖

Chun Yeowun was listening carefully.

The moment he cut the bullet, this man had called him a Murim warrior.

For some man who didn‘t know martial arts, to know about Murim meant that he was either
related or knew about it.

Chun Yeowun eased his grip to let the man speak.

―Cough! Cough!‖
When the grip eased, the man coughed.

He asked again.

―Do you know about Murim people?‖

In response to Chun Yeowun‘s question, Lee Myeong asked an unexpected question.

―Cough… cough… are you… an unregistered… Murim warrior?‖

Chun Yeowun frowned.


Unless he misunderstood something, registration meant that one had to report and fill out a form.

It was surprising that a public official, a police officer of the future, would say such a thing.

‗What is this? Does the government and the Murim not have a non-aggression pact in this era?‘

Something was off.

The word ‗registration‘ seemed to have something to do with this era‘s inner workings.

And it was worth finding out more.

However, Chun Yeowun, who clenched the neck, noticed a singularity.

‗Huh? This guy isn‘t some normal person, a dantian…‘


At the same time, Chun Yeowun noticed a red dot shining on the back of his hand, which was
holding Lee Myeong‘s neck.


It wasn‘t just one.

Nano‘s voice told him.

[The lasers of thirty sniper rifles are being aimed at the user.]

Before anything could be said, Chun Yeowun‘s eyes caught some movements.

Dozens of men in black uniforms, wearing headgears, bulletproof vests, appeared among the
civilians and formed a siege.

They were the Public Security Bureau‘s Mobile Strike Team, with the Public Security mark
engraved on the right side of their chests.

‗They came quickly.‘

Lee Myeong, the leader of the 3rd team, was pale-faced when he looked at Chun Yeowun and
spoke with a smile.

―Things have turned around. Unregistered Murim warrior.‖



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Chapter 3 - The Man who fell from the Sky
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Sep 11, 2021

• 9 min read • 7459 views



Shenyang City Public Security Bureau‘s 2nd Mobile Strike team leader Wei Yang received news
that an unidentified flying object fell from the sky and rushed over to rescue people with a
nervous mind.

There was no Gate Warning, and in that situation, it was really dangerous if something popped

‗How could the defense system on the walls not catch it?‘

Unless it had a stealth function, the medium-altitude surface-to-air missile system (HQ-36)
should have been operated and used to intercept the flying object.

But that didn‘t happen.

It was like something else fell from the sky.

As they hurriedly boarded the team bus and moved, another piece of news came in.

―What? A human?‖

That was unexpected.

They thought that it was an object from a Gate. At least their anxiousness disappeared.

But another question arose.

―That means that a person fell from the sky?‖


They didn‘t know if they had to go ahead with their strike.

But, a human, that wasn‘t impossible.

‗A Gate Keeper or a Murim warrior?‘

Falling from a high place would be dangerous for anyone, but sometimes, exceptionally talented
people would show up, those who transcended the limits of human beings.

‗If it‘s a Gate Keeper, they must apply for permission from the Public Security Bureau in
advance to engage in activities. They wouldn‘t do such things.‘

If so, there was a high probability that this person was a Murim warrior.

The weird thing is even the Murim warriors were registered, which made it strange that one of
them would appear in the middle of public like that.

‗I need to see it for myself. Among the Murim, some of them shouldn‘t be allowed to run wild.‘

It wasn‘t difficult to find where the incident took place.

The area with vehicles and a crowd of people.

Experienced team leader Wei Yang first sent out the snipers to the surrounding buildings and
then pulled out something like a mechanical telescope to inspect the situation from a distance.


Around more than 300 meters away, but he could see.

―What? That crazy bastard.‖

―Huhu! Is that true?‖

It was thought that it could be a Murim warrior.

However, it was the kind of clothes that the people in Murim usually wore in historical dramas.

He saw a young man with long hair in old-fashioned attire in an image on the tablet screen held
by So Pyeong, who was next to him.

―Check their identity with facial recognition.‖


After that, So Peyong tapped the tablet a couple of times, then an identity search window popped
up, and he dragged the young man‘s image onto it.

As the program ran, the facial recognition proceeded rapidly.


The pictures kept changing on the screen.

Soon the results were out.

Frowning, So Pyeong frowned and showed the tablet to team leader Wei Yang.



This wasn‘t an expected result.

They searched through the Chinese government‘s identity network, but nothing came up.

There should have been some kind of minimal information, but nothing could be found.

―What‘s this?‖

In that case, there were two assumptions.

There was a possibility that the identity wasn‘t registered or the face was altered by some

―Tch. Nothing is working out.‖

If so, it would only be possible to learn his identity after capturing him and getting his
fingerprints, using iris recognition, and doing blood tests.

And then voices came from his earpiece.

-A1 at Sangmyung shopping center 6th floor ready to shoot.

-A2 at Yeonwoo building 17th floor ready to shoot.

-A3 at…

One after another, the snipers of the Mobile Strike Team sent radio messages saying they were

Once the sniper deployment is complete, the strike team would need to set up a siege.

Team leader Wei Yang spoke into his earpiece.

―There are a lot of people, so be careful. Aim your lasers and wait.‖



With the hand signal from the team leader, the Mobile Strike Team carefully moved.

It was then.

-This is B4, team leader! The 3rd team leader of the violent crime squad has been taken hostage!

Wei Yang‘s face distorted at the report.

―3rd team leader? Lee Myeong? No. What is wrong with that bastard!‖

There was no time to be surprised.

If a hostage was taken, they were pressured to prevent the unknown man from doing anything
stupid or running away.

And it was for this purpose that the snipers were brought in.
―All snipers aim at the suspect with your lasers.‖


When the order was issued, the red lasers aimed at the young man with long hair.

Meanwhile, the Mobile Strike Team secretly approached and tried to encircle him. They quickly
passed through the gaps in the crowd.

Team leader Wei Yang shouted in a loud voice.

―Don‘t be shocked! You are being surrounded.‖


―Public Security Mobile Strike Team!‖

When about forty armed people appeared, the citizens cheered.

From their point of view, the young man who broke a police officer‘s arm was nothing more than
a dangerous person.

―Kuk… if you take your hand off my neck, I will guarantee your safety.‖

Lee Myeong of the 3rd violent crime squad made a proposal to Chun Yeowun.

It was all done.

Chun Yeowun‘s entire body was being aimed at by sniper rifles.

He would have no choice but to back down.

―You better get your hand off my neck…‖

―I see that you can still smile.‖



Lee Myeong‘s face turned pale in an instant.

He thought that the Murim man had no choice but to give up. He was practically trapped
between the Strike Team and the snipers.

But the man brought a pure white blade to his neck.

―W-What is this… do you really want to die?‖

The man stuttered as he spoke.

However, Chun Yeowun looked around, not caring.

‗Ha! Is he not afraid for his life?‘

2nd team leader Wei Yang thought.

The sniper rifles all aimed for his vital points, one shot was enough to kill the man, but the man
brought out a blade and threatened the hostage.

‗Is he coming out strong?‘

Some criminals didn‘t give in to threats.

A strong strategy.

However, team leader Wei Yang had a lot of experience.

‗Threatening the police. You are putting yourself at a higher risk.‘

There was one thing that the Public Security Bureau was praised for being better at than other
police forces.

If the life of a public security officer is threatened, the suspect will be eliminated at any cost.

‗Arms and legs can be shot.‘

Team leader Wei Yang raised his hand and sent the signal.
And one sniper answered.

-This is A3 sniper. Roger!

It was a Mobile Strike Team sniper aiming for Chun Yeowun‘s wrist, which was holding Lee
Myeong‘s neck.

If the sniper shoots, Chun Yeowun would lose his wrist.

‗You brought this on yourself.‘

When the signal came again, the sniper pulled the trigger without hesitation.


Chun Yeowun‘s wrist was being shown on the screen…


As the bullet moved, a shriek could be heard.


The sniper who pulled the trigger was confused.

He was one of the top three snipers among the Shenyang City Public Security Bureau‘s Mobile
Strike Team.

Which was why he was given permission to aim at the wrist, which was the most difficult place
to hit.

―What the hell…‖

Chun Yeowun‘s wrist was intact.

It was none other than 3rd team leader Lee Myeong, who screamed from being hit by the bullet.

When the bullet was shot, Chun Yeowun pulled back, and the bullet pierced the left shoulder of
Lee Myeong.
‗That idiot! Making a mistake at such a crucial time!‘

Team leader Wei Yang thought it was the sniper‘s mistake.

And now, this will make the suspect more aware of his surroundings.

But the reaction was strange.

‗What now?‘

On the contrary, it was the same casual expression.

Be it a Murim warrior or not, when someone‘s life is being threatened, some kind of response
has to be there.

Whatever it was, people were watching everything.

If things weren‘t resolved quickly, the status of Public Security would fall.


Wei Yang changed the hand signal.

Blowing off his wrist proved risky, so they decided that it was better to shoot his leg.


The sniper, who was aiming at the back of the right calf, pulled the trigger.


The calf was wider than the wrist, and the chance of the hostage getting hit was less.

It was then.



A scream.

But again, it was Lee Myeong who screamed.

‗N-No fucking way!‘

Wei Yang was at a loss for words.

As soon as the bullet was fired, Chun Yeowun swung the body and used Lee Myeong as a shield.

Lee Myeong, who had his thigh pierced, felt like he was going to die.

‗He noticed the sniper?‘

Something outrageous happened.

It couldn‘t be a coincidence that the unknown man was using Lee Myeong as a shield.


Wei Yang ground his teeth. He didn‘t know the unknown man‘s origin, but he was definitely not
a normal Murim warrior.

‗… a master?‘

If so, he felt sorry for Lee Myeong, who got caught.

While the others were hesitating, Lee Myeong shouted.

―Kuaaak! Strike team leader! Don‘t worry about me and sh…‖


As Chun Yeowun clenched tighter, he was unable to speak.

However, it was well known to the others that Lee Myeong was ready to make sacrifices.

‗It can be dangerous.‘

Sniping was the only answer.

It wasn‘t known how this Murim man was detecting the snipers, but if all the snipers shot at
once, he wouldn‘t be able to use him as a shield.

‗Lee Myeong. This is a bummer, but you make the Public Security proud.‘

With determined eyes, Wei Yang tried to signal the snipers to shoot all at once.

It was then.




Wei Yang‘s body, which was about to give a hand signal, floated and got dragged.

It was upsetting how nothing could be done.

The man in the shadows standing by the window of the opposite building explained.

―Hidden Void Energy!‖

The art of moving things with profound energy.

It was only possible to learn it at the Super Master Level, and to drag people, that was only
possible for those near the Superior Master Level.

‗He‘s a great master!‘

The man‘s eyes gleamed with greed.

Meanwhile, Wei Yang, who was being dragged, got grabbed by the neck.


Now, Chun Yeowun had a second shield.

With a cynical voice, Chun Yeowun spoke to Wei Yang.

―You are the leader.‖

He saw how this man gave so many hand signals.

When the leader was captured, the other team members went stiff.


―Now send the hand signal for those in the distance to shoot their firearms.‖


At those words, Wei Yang‘s face turned pale.

Now that he was taken hostage, he couldn‘t command the snipers.

‗Kuak! This bastard!‘

When Wei Yang was silent, Chun Yeowun‘s lips formed into a smile, and he asked Lee Meyong,
who was in his other hand.

―When did things ever turn?‖



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Chapter 4 - Unidentified Man (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Sep 12, 2021

• 9 min read • 7438 views

The situation could be called instantaneous.

At first, the civilians who were watching from a fairly narrow street moved back when the guns
were fired. People retreated to a safe distance to watch.

―He took two police officers hostage?‖

―Doesn‘t that make him a major criminal?‖

The Public Security Officers were a symbol of the Chinese government.

And Chun Yeowun, who was threatening the Public Security Bureau, felt like an evil villain to
the citizens.

Everyone watched while holding their breaths.

-What should we do, team leader?

-Won‘t the team leader be in danger now?

The worried voices of the snipers could be heard through the earpiece.

―Damn it! Hold fire for now!‖

So Pyeong, the second-in-command for the 2nd Mobile Strike Team, was at a loss for what had
to be done.

No one ever imagined that their leader would be taken hostage.

Thirty snipers were all aiming for one man with forty men around him.
‗Strike team! Keep a distance of at least 50 meters!‘

At the command of So Pyeong, the strike team on the ground stepped backwards.

It was impossible to let themselves get caught like the team leader.

‗This isn‘t our jurisdiction. We should have called for the 5th Strike Team.‘

The 5th team was called the Special Mobile Strike Team.

They were a special team created to deal with criminals who had abilities, including Murim

They were in a situation where they had to make the request, but,

‗At a time like this, the 5th team is busy.‘

What a coincidence.

Less than an hour back, they were dispatched for another operation.

In the end, this situation had to be solved by the 3rd Strike team.

-What should we do?

-Are we going to respond according to the manual?

Naturally, there was a manual on what to do when an ally is taken hostage.

If not favorable, the manual spoke about sacrificing the ally or allies to reduce further damage.

‗Damn it!‘

It wasn‘t an easy decision to make.

It took considerable determination to issue an order that would sacrifice their leader, who they
had been working with for years.

While he hesitated.

Wei Yang, whose neck was in Chun Yeowun‘s hand, calmed himself.

‗Calm down. I need to be calm.‘

Nothing good would come out of provoking this man who held his life, and if he couldn‘t
persuade the man, then he would end up with a bullet in him.

―Kuak. Ta… taking… us hostage…. Do you think you can change the situation?‖

Provoking criminals wasn‘t a good decision.

And this man, this man had a cold look in his eyes.

It was safe to say he was not at all confused.

If the unknown man was so calm, then it was safe to say that words could get through to him.

―Even if you catch… me the… leader… you won‘t be able to dodge… all the bullets.‖


It‘s more frustrating when there‘s no response.

However, weakness couldn‘t be shown.

―We… aren‘t… hostages… in such cases… the manual… says to shoot… everyone.‖

The truth.

The man announced that he was of no value.

It was unknown how the Murim man would react, but it would be the final judgment.

However, unexpected words came out of Chun Yeowun‘s mouth.

―Are you saying this because you trust the 30 men?‖

―They are aiming at me from afar.‖


Wei Yang‘s eyes widened.

‗How… how does he know that?‘

For a moment, he was shocked.

The strike team on the ground was nearby, so their number could be easily counted.

But the snipers.

The lasers were pointing from all directions, but there was no way one could know how many
snipers there were.

‗Wh-Who is this…‘

It was an impossible task even for a Murim warrior.

But not for Chun Yeowun.


Chun Yeowun‘s pupils had white particles shimmering in them.

The augmented reality was open.

Chun Yeowun, who had the 7th generation Nano Machine in his body, could use features from
the future.

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

The location of the snipers was accurately captured by the augmented reality.

And the angles of the lasers were also calculated.

‗Aimed from a higher place to reduce collateral damage.‘

Of course, even if it wasn‘t for Nano‘s analysis, their locations were grasped by the subtle angles
of the lasers.

‗Should I get rid of them?‘

Things were easy for Chun Yeowun.

People might think that the distance was far, but it was within Chun Yeowun‘s range.

It wasn‘t difficult for Chun Yeowun to deal with them, but there was one thing holding him

‗This has gone on for too long.‘

Too many people were watching.

Even Chun Yeowun, who killed numerous people without hesitating, never puts his hands on
innocent people who didn‘t harm him.

‗I‘m not sure where I am, but I can‘t just show them my abilities, especially with so many people

Even without using a sword, he would be able to dodge the bullets using internal energy.

However, he didn‘t want everyone to know his capabilities.

It was then.

[Can you hear me?]


Chun Yeowun‘s eyes narrowed.

The voice he just heard wasn‘t someone speaking near him.

It was a telepathic message.

It was a technique in which the Murim warriors would transmit their voices to another person
through low energy.


Chun Yeowun looked somewhere.

It was the window that was ajar on the fifth floor of the opposite building.


The one standing there flinched.

‗There are so many people around. How did he figure out where the message was sent from

Their shock couldn‘t be hidden.

That person was watching the situation because he thought Chun Yeowun was amazing, but this
was beyond their imagination.

If this was his level, then negotiation might be worth it.

[Is that you?]

Chun Yeowun‘s voice came through their ears.

The one in the shadows nodded.

[You are amazing. You instantly knew where I was.]

[What is your purpose?]

[My name is Jo Yu-seong. Since we are running out of time, I‘ll skip the long greetings. I would
like to make a proposal.]


Chun Yeowun‘s eyebrow shot up.

This one in the shadows had been staring at him from the start, so he thought he was up to
something, but this was unexpected.

[I think you are strong enough to get out of this situation. But, since you have been exposed to
Public Security and many people saw you, you‘ll face many difficult situations in the future.]

He seemed like a good negotiator.

Especially considering how he managed to understand Chun Yeowun‘s abilities.

[It has been a long time since you started confronting them, regardless of the jammers, the media
will be coming soon.]


Chun Yeowun didn‘t know what the media meant.

‗What is that, Nano?‘

Media is an activity that reveals and announces certain facts through newspapers, television, and
the Internet or creates public opinions on certain issues.

However, Chun Yeowun‘s era didn‘t have a newspaper, TV, or even the internet. Nano collected
the information about the media and transferred it.

[I will transfer the relevant information about the media to the brain.]


With a slight throbbing headache, everything relevant about the media was sent.

‗A kind of live news.‘

Chun Yeowun, who understood it, frowned.

According to Nano, this era was a society with a lot of information exposure.

‗Such an annoying world.‘

This meant, hiding information was cumbersome.

In Chun Yeowun‘s head, Jo Yu-seong‘s voice was heard.

[If you allow us, we would like to help.]


‗We‘ meant that this person wasn‘t alone.

It seemed like it was a group.

However, Chun Yeowun didn‘t trust those who approached him without revealing their true

[What‘s your purpose?]

Chun Yeowun asked directly.

[Of course, I understand your concern. Let me be honest, I am astonished at your martial arts,
and as a man of modern Murim, I‘d like to scout you in exchange for my help.]


Fortunately, Chun Yeowun had received the information on English from Nano.

So, he knew scout meant recruiting people.

[And if I refuse?]


Jo Yu-seong frowned at Chun Yeowun‘s strong words.

He waited until the last moment to make an appearance and he was sure that Chun Yeowun
would accept his help. But this was unexpected.

But this man was a veteran who made dozens of negotiations.

[I‘m not asking you to make a decision right now. How do you feel about meeting my boss and
discussing the matter?]

A polite next suggestion.

At least this was a matter worth considering.

‗If he‘s this strong, then it‘s worth bringing him back at a later time too.‘

This man was drunk after seeing Chun Yeowun in action.

If Chun Yeowun refused to do that too, there was really nothing he could do, so he looked at
Chun Yeowun with tense eyes.


Chun Yeowun was worried.

There were several ways he could prevent this situation.

The extreme ways to deal with the people, starting with invisible mode.

However, he was exposed, and if he used that, it would become troublesome.

Thinking, Chun Yeowun sent a message.

[… how do you plan on helping?]

Jo Yu-seong smiled.


The first step to a successful scout.

With a satisfied face, Jo Yu-seong sent a message about the ‗help‘ to Chun Yeowun.

But Chun Yeowun‘s expression was a bit subtle as he heard it.

On the other hand, Wie Yang, who was being held by the neck, made a decision after much
There were a lot of people watching.

If he thought about his own life, then it would cause distrust among the civilians.

Cautiously Wei Yang sent a hand signal to So Pyeong.


The eyes of the second-in-command went wide.

It was a signal which meant to stop worrying and shoot.

Even if the unknown man knew how many snipers there were, he would get hit if thirty bullets
were shot at the same time.

‗Leader… I will never forget your sacrifice. You are the real pride of the Public Security

So Pyeong, who looked with teary eyes, made the decision,


As he raised his hands, his eyes turned red, and the snipers put their fingers on the triggers with
bitter feelings in their hearts.



Simultaneous shots went off as soon as the hand signal was given.

It was then.




Just as the snipers shot, Chun Yeowun dropped Wei Yang and Lee Myeong.

And retrieved the White Dragon Blade he had left on the ground.


So Pyeong, who was determined to make the decision, was confused.

In a few seconds, the situation changed.

Disappointment in an instant.

‗… what the hell is this guy trying to do?‘



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Chapter 5 - Unidentified Man (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Sep 13, 2021

• 12 min read • 7115 views

5 minutes ago.

[First, I would like you to surrender to the Public Security Bureau.]


In an instant, his reasoning cracked.

From when he was a student in the Academy to when he turned into the Lord called the Demon
God till now, Chun Yeowun never even thought of the word ‗Surrender.‘

It made no sense to him.

‗You want me to surrender?‘

If he wanted to, Chun Yeowun could annihilate all the officers, including the snipers, in the blink
of an eye.

It was just that he didn‘t understand the current era, so he decided to take a step back.

[… you call that being helpful?]

[Please don‘t misunderstand. Words aren‘t always appropriate. I don‘t really mean to surrender.]

[What do you mean?]

[The Public Security represents the Chinese Government. From the government‘s point of view,
we keep a close eye on the Murim warriors who are active without a registration.]
Come to think of it, the man whom Chun Yeowun was holding did say something about being an
unregistered Murim.

It meant that in this era, Murim was being bound.


Suddenly, Chun Yeowun remembered the words of Chun Mu-seong, his descendant.

Chun Mu-seong said that the non-aggression pact between Murim and the empire disappears in
the future.

The future the descendant came from was hundreds of years later, and Chun Yeowun wasn‘t that
aware of the future.

‗I‘m stuck. Did Murim regress?‘

As of now, he couldn‘t figure anything out.

So far, he only found two traces of the Murim.

Of course, Chun Yeowun wasn‘t the kind to make hasty judgments based on that.

[I‘m just saying, it seems like you are not registered, am I right?]

Since Chun Yeowun wasn‘t a person of this age, there was no way his identity was registered.

Chun Yeowun expressed his affirmation.


In Jo Yu-seong‘s hand was a simple hand telescope.

With that, he was able to see So Pyeong, performing an identity-check of the Murim man.

‗Optimal talent.‘

If the identity couldn‘t be found, of course, that meant he was an unregistered Murim warrior.
A person with that kind of stubbornness would have been seen or heard about, but not once did
he hear about such a man.

‗Maybe he hid himself.‘

Even in modern times, some people hide their identities by disappearing for a long time,
especially in Murim.

Jo Yu-seong was convinced that Chun Yeowun was such a person.

[Rather than surrender, I want you to think of it as waiting while cooperating with the Public
Security Bureau.]

[… to avoid friction?]

[Right! If you continue to confront each other in a situation with too much attention, it will only
worsen. Which is why I‘m asking you to pretend to cooperate with Public Security for a while.
We need time to prepare.]


They had to prepare him an identity.

It wasn‘t sure how it would help, but in the current situation, the only option Chun Yeowun had
was to use force.

[How long do I have to wait?]

At Chun Yeowun‘s question, Jo Yu-seong answered.

[We will solve it within 24 hours.]

‗24 hours?‘

Chun Yeowun was puzzled, for which Nano helped him.

[One hour as in two here. 24 hours means 12.]

With those words, the general information on the time unit of the present-day was known.
Chun Yeowun sent a message.

[Too late.]


Jo Yu-seong couldn‘t hide his shock.

Since it was late evening, it would take some time to prepare the identity.

Besides, he had to report to his superiors before he did anything.

‗This is becoming tough.‘

He needed some leeway.

However, when he heard Chun Yeowun‘s voice, he could feel that the man wasn‘t interested.

‗He‘s as demanding as his skills.‘

Even so, he had to show that his organization was capable to some degree.

In a hurry, he replied.

[All right. We will fix this in 12 hours. I promise on my honor.]

In one shot, it was reduced from 24 hours to half the time.

It was on the border between what he could and couldn‘t do.

Whether the connection with Chun Yeowun would stay or not depends on how quickly the man
solved the problem.


Acceptance fell from Chun Yeowun‘s mouth.

Jo Yu-seong, who was worried that Chun Yeowun would keep pushing him, sighed.

But then, Chun Yeowun said,

[But! Promise on your arm, not honor.]


[If you are a little late, I‘ll take your arm in return.]

It was the warning which made him tremble.

Jo Yu-seong, who was surprised for a moment, understood that he had to hurry.

[Understood. We can do that.]

Jo Yu-seong barely persuaded Chun Yeowun and left the building he was in.

It was because he had to get away from the jammers to begin his work.

Wei Yang, the 3rd team leader of the Mobile Strike Team, went stiff.

Chun Yeowun didn‘t seem like the kind to back down, but now he said that he would respond to
the calls of the Public Security Bureau.

It was a bit weird, but it felt like the man was human.

If the man didn‘t cooperate, they would‘ve been shot together.

But there was a problem.

‗Something‘s up.‘

At first, he thought Chun Yeowun had decided to step back from the push-and-pull.

No matter how strong the Murim warrior was, Wei Yang believed that anyone would become
weary when their life was at stake.

However, this wasn‘t the attitude someone who surrendered was supposed to have.

―T-Team leader?‖
The team members looked at him, not knowing what to do.

Eventually, Wei Yang had to ask.

―What do you mean you won‘t give up your weapon?‖

―It‘s what you heard.‖

Chun Yeowun didn‘t bother giving a reason.

Rather, he threatened to cut down anyone who even touched the tip of his blade.

―… look here, man. What am I supposed to think when you clearly said that you will respond
and cooperate with us but refuse to release your weapon?‖

―For a Murim warrior, our weapon is our life. Isn‘t that common sense?‖

―Common sense?‖

Wei Yang was at a loss for words.

Those who carry around blades or swords are normally subjected to investigation by the Public
Security, and if they are imprisoned, their weapons will be taken away.

‗I‘m going crazy here.‘

And the clothes, the clothes which can be seen in the old martial arts historical dramas.

‗Haa. It isn‘t like he‘s someone from the past who fell into the modern world with some time

Shockingly, that was accurate.

However, time machines didn‘t exist in this era.

Wei Yang glanced around.


Civilians who thought the case had been resolved came over and cheered.
They were all cheering for the Public Security.

‘Damn it.

And during this time, if they couldn‘t even retrieve the weapons of the criminal or handcuff him,
they would be ridiculed.

In other words, people would make fun of the Public Security.

However, they couldn‘t push their luck with Chun Yeowun.

‗Damn it. Only if he wasn‘t a Muri…‘

Just a while back, this Murim warrior dragged away their team leader.

That was when he heard someone‘s voice.

-Team leader.

It was So Pyeong.

He was the one who helped Lee Myeong, the 3rd team leader, to a hospital by car, as he was hit
by two bullets.

However, there seemed to be something in his hand.


Wei Yang recognized it at once.

With a smile, So Peyong, who was far away, said.

-Let‘s use this, team leader.

It was something that was borrowed from the 5th Special Mobile Strike Team, which had yet to

Before they met Chun Yeowun, they were all thinking of returning that object to the 5th team.
They never guessed that they would be able to use it.
‗Good. Now…‘

Wei Yang spoke very softly to Chun Yeowun.

―Look. There is something called pride. How would it look if we couldn‘t escort the man who
was harming the Public Security without following our protocols?‖

―I said I would cooperate. I don‘t remember surrendering to you men.‖

Wei Yang‘s face almost contorted.

Ah, it was different. Both words had different meanings.

Although his rage was boiling, he knew that it was physically impossible to suppress Chun
Yeowun, so maintaining his calm, he said.

―Citizens have eyes. And we are the guards of the Chinese Government‘s law enforcement.

―I refused.‖

Chun Yeowun didn‘t back down.

―Sigh, fine. Fine. Then we will give up on retrieving your weapon. Instead, we‘ll handcuff you
until you enter the bus. And we‘ll release you once you get in. I‘m asking you to do this in
consideration of the honor the Public Security has.‖

Wei Yang gave up his pride and pleaded with Chun Yeowun.

―Please, please.‖

Chun Yeowun looked into the eager eyes and held out both his hands.

―Don‘t try anything.‖

―Of course not!‖

Wei Yang felt happy.

Not saying anything else, he called for the second-in-command.

As if waiting, So Pyeong put the handcuffs on Chun Yeowun‘s wrists.


The handcuffs were different from what the other officers had.

They were on the thicker side, box-shaped, and there was a machine installed on them. After
putting them on, So Pyeong pressed a button.



The handcuffs tightly sealed around Chun Yeowun‘s wrists.

In addition, special energy rose from the machine, which was in the middle of the handcuffs.

[The mechanical device is generating a wave that disperses energy.]

Chun Yeowun‘s eyes narrowed at the words of Nano.

The wave emitted from the handcuffs had the effect of dispersing the qi and the internal energy
he had accumulated in his time.

‗I was right.‘

Chun Yeowun shook his head.

He predicted that something was going to happen. He just couldn‘t put his finger on it.


If there was one thing he was curious about, then it was why Nano, which had the future‘s
technology, didn‘t know about the identity of the handcuffs.

With a smirk, Wei Yang spoke.

―Thanks for putting on the handcuffs. Let‘s go on the bus and make sure you have a good time.


―Move. Walk to the bus over there.‖

So Pyeong pulled out his gun and pointed it at the back of Chun Yeowun‘s head.

Their voices changed as if they were talking to just another criminal.


Chun Yeowun silently moved to the place where the bus with iron grills was.

With a satisfied face, Wei Yang smiled.

‗This works fine. Huhu, in preparation for the future, I will have to ask my superiors for more
things that the 5th team uses.‘

The handcuffs put on Chun Yeowun were used to arrest Murim warriors.

It was used to dissipate their energy and neutralize them.


―Get in.‖

When the door opened, So Pyeong ordered him to enter while holding the gun.

Chun Yeowun silently entered the bus.

―Kay. Withdraw.‖


With that, the other strikers boarded the bus one after another.

Finally, Wei Yang boarded the bus and closed the door.
Wei Yang pressed a button on the center console, which was near the driver‘s seat.


And then, the transparent windows of the bus darkened to avoid anyone from seeing inside.

When it was completely cut off, the mobile strikers, including Wei Yang, fixed their guns under
their seats.

And then pulled out the black rods from their waistbands.


As Wei Yang swung the rod, Chun Yeowun saw that the rod‘s length had increased.

It was a stage three stick used for striking.

So Pyeong pulled out a few cords and then said,

―The black box has been powered off.‖

―Phew. Well done.‖

Tak! Tak!

Wei Yang slammed the rod into his palm as he slowly walked towards Chun Yeowun.

With the corners of his mouth raised into a smile, he spoke.

―Kay now. Let‘s try to discipline the stern attitude you showed before. Murim man? Haa! When
did young people who learned martial arts become this cocky? For a guy like you, this…‖



Wei Yang stopped speaking.

Something unbelievable just happened.

Crack! Fall!

The handcuffs, which were supposed to be firmly closed, fell to the ground.

Shaking his head, Chun Yeowun said,

―You believed in that toy?‖

Wei Yang was so shaken that he couldn‘t speak.

‗H-How could this happen? Was the device broken?‘

No, the handcuffs were working fine.

It was just that Chun Yeowun‘s level was far beyond what the handcuffs could dissipate.

Of course, even if that wasn‘t the case, his strength alone had surpassed human limits, so he
could have broken out of the cuffs.

‗Damn it…‘

Whatever the reason, it broke, and this was the worst.

Wei Yang, who believed in the efficacy of the cuffs, tried to get his revenge on Chun Yeowun.

―T… that…‖

―Didn‘t I clearly warn you to not play around?‖

Chun Yeowun stretched out his hand towards the man.

Wei Yang, who was five steps away, got pulled in.

―Oh, NOOOO!‖

Wei Yang grabbed onto the bus seat of either side to not get dragged, but.

He was helplessly dragged away.

Chun Yeowun grabbed both his wrists.

Wei Yang, scared, yelled out.

―W-Wait up! If you harm Public Security…‖

―You brought this on yourself.‖


With an eerie sound, Wei Yang‘s arms broke in a bizarre manner, and the shattered bones
popped out.


It was so painful that Wei Yang couldn‘t stop screaming.

―Team leader!‖

―Thi, this… stop!‖

Right, Chun Yeowun had to be stopped, but everyone was so frightened that they couldn‘t move.

They were holding rods in their hands, but they were scared.

Ignoring them, Chun Yeowun spoke to Wei Yang, who was in pain.

―This is the fun time you‘ve been waiting for.‖



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Chapter 6 - Unidentified Man (3)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Sep 14, 2021

• 13 min read • 7220 views




Shenyang City‘s Regional University Hospital‘s emergency room.

It was the only place which was open at 6:30 pm in the evening.

Paramedics rushed Lee Myeong, the 3rd team leader of the Public Security, to the emergency

As his bleeding was too severe, the ambulance took urgent measures to stop hemostasis and did a
blood transfusion.

However, despite being in pain, Lee Myeong didn‘t pass out or tremble.


Throughout the ambulance ride, he was confused.

A man who didn‘t seem like the kind to step back suddenly backed out.

Like, something was happening.


The on-call surgeon and nurses, who had been contacted by the paramedics, rushed into the

The surgeon who came in mumbled.

―Tch. This is the third time already.‖

Before Lee Myeong was brought in, two officers were brought here.

And this man was literally the third patient from the Public Security Bureau.

―Please move him this way.‖

The surgeon guided the paramedics to an empty bed.

At his signal, the paramedics and the nurses lifted the pedestal of the stretcher and moved the

―One, two!‖



They moved as carefully as possible, but the wounds still hurt.

Lee Myeong was close to crying.

‗Damn it. I wanted it to turn into a dream, for me to meet that crazy ass. Haa.‘

Still, this was better than dying.

The surgeon on duty cut off his shirt and pants with medical scissors.

―You did a great job stopping the bleeding.‖

The surgeon praised the paramedics‘ skills.

The surgeon who removed the bandages and gauzes from the wounds said to the nurse.

―Prepare antibiotics.‖

―Yes, sir.‖

When the bandages were removed, Lee Myeong clenched his teeth, trying not to scream.
It was the parts where the bullets penetrated. There was no way that it didn‘t hurt.

The surgeon, who was wiping off the dried blood with a sterile gauze, examined the wound on
his shoulder and shook his head as he looked at the thigh.


He tried pressing the area.

Lee Myeong lifted his upper body from the bed with wide eyes. He looked at the doctor who was
examining the area.

―Is it serious?‖

The mobile striker who followed Lee Myeong in the ambulance asked with concern.

The surgeon answered with a curious expression.

―Did you say that he got hit by a sniper rifle?‖


―He‘s a leader of the Public Security Bureau, right? And this is definitely amazing. Really


Lee Myeong, who laid down, and even the mobile striker were puzzled.

The surgeon put it in layman‘s terms.

―Well. Taking a closer look, one can see that the bullet pierced cleanly. The shoulder and the
thigh, the bullet went through flesh and no bones.‖

The surgeon pressed the thigh to check the damage to the bone.

―After the test, I will follow our procedures and check for any infection near the wounds. You
will have to receive treatment, but you can be discharged in about a week. It‘s better to start with
desk work.‖
At the words of the surgeon, Lee Myeong was shocked.

Despite how much the medical field has changed, he expected to stay hospitalized for several
weeks due to muscle or bone damage.

‗… what shit.‘

He was attacked by the Murim warrior in old clothes.

But according to the doctor‘s words, he wasn‘t just used as a human shield, but the man made
sure that Lee Myeong received as little damage as possible.

‗Is… is this really possible?‘

It was such an amazing ability that was unbelievable for even a Murim warrior to have.

And then the emergency room phone rang.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

The nurse near the desk moved.

―Yes. This is the ER.‖

Maybe it was a direct line inside the hospital.


The nurse, who had been listening to the call with a serious expression, spoke.

―Sir! Ten emergency patients from Public Security are being escorted in!‖


At those words, Lee Myeong and the other mobile striker turned towards the nurse.

The surgeon frowned as he asked.

―More from Public Security?‖

Within an hour, patients from Public Security kept coming in.

And this time, the number was ten!

This meant that a team was injured.

The mobile striker cautiously asked the nurse who answered the call.

―Do you know which unit is coming?‖

―I remember it being the 2nd Mobile Strike Team. I don‘t think there‘s much time difference, co-


At the nurse‘s words, Lee Myeong was shocked.

The news was a shock to these two, who thought that the Murim warrior was successfully

‗… what the hell happened?‘

Half-past eight in the evening.

A black sedan headed towards the Shenyang City Public Security Bureau.

A middle-aged bearded man sat with his legs crossed in the back seat of the car. He was Ho Il-
kyung, the deputy director of the Shenyang City Public Security Bureau.

He‘s someone who could be called the second-in-command.

But on the way to the Public Security Bureau, he was constantly complaining.

―I don‘t get it. How can a person be so stupid? It‘s clear that I have an important appointment
today. I need to be flexible enough to do my own work, but those who work below me need my
‗What is he saying, and what is he doing? Working? Is staying with a young woman over your
lovely wife at home called working? This guy is the deputy director of Public Security. Tch tch.‘

The driver thought to himself.

As a salaried worker, he couldn‘t voice his true feelings.

Rather, he smiled and said.

―That‘s right. Deputy director, it must be horrible going to work at this time.‖

The driver‘s job would only stay if he knew his place.

But the man had a temper.

With a weird smile, deputy director Ho Il-kyung responded.

―Are you stupid? How could they call in someone who just left work? It‘s because of those
bastards that men like you are able to keep their bloody driver jobs.‖

‗This dog! How should I match his flow!‘

In an instant, the driver swore.

Finally, they managed to arrive at the office.

Shenyang City Public Security Bureau.

The bureau had three buildings.

On the left was the Transportation Department. In the middle was the Public Security, made up
of powerful teams and various departments. And the building on the right was where the Special
Ability Division and Mobile Strike teams were deployed from.


Maybe they were waiting in advance. A man in his early forties in front of the building came
down the stairs.
It was Song Wei-kang, the head of the violent crimes division.

Looking through the glass, Ho Il-kyung mumbled.

―This isn‘t some simple greeting. Tch tch.‖

If he passed the examination, which will be held in a while, he could get promoted to director.

Unless something happened.



Perhaps it was a familiar act. Son Wei-kang, the head of the violent crimes, opened the back seat
door and saluted.

As soon as he got out of the car, Ho Il-kyung‘s face changed.

―Right. What kind of a mad man brought us all together?‖

He asked with a smile.

As soon as the door was closed, the driver stuck out his tongue and raised his middle finger.

While riding the elevator going down to the 5th basement of the Public Security Bureau, Song
Wei-kang gave a rough report.

To that, Ho Il-kyung asked.

―What? What the hell is that? You‘re saying that he threw ten people, including the team leader
who were in the task force bus?‖

―… according to the surgeon in charge of the emergency room, the regenerative treatment is
possible with surgery to the fractured bones, so it might take 3 weeks.‖


The year 2047 had a breakthrough in treatments.

A regenerative treatment developed in Germany, a technology that accelerated recovery on a
cell-by-cell basis.

It was a popularized technology, internal and external injuries could be healed in a fortnight,
unless it was some genetic disease.

―And they let go of such a man who was capable of doing that?‖

The man shook his head and spoke.

―Because he was a Murim warrior, they couldn‘t even touch him. Even if they wanted to, two
team leaders and one unit got injured.‖

Song Wei-kang had witnessed it.

For the Murim man to wave his hand and make people fly.

No one could touch him.

―Maybe the team is made up of idiots! Tch tch! Call that special task force. The 5th Special
Mobile Strike Unit. It‘s a Murim warrior, so they should deal with it.‖

―Deputy director. That team was put near the wall by the city‘s northern outskirts because of the
drug dealing site of a Murim organization which was…‖

As if he only remembered then, Ho Il-kyung rubbed his forehead with his hands.

―Haha. Yes. Was that happening at 4pm? Shouldn‘t they have sorted it out by now and come

―I was on the radio, but they are still arresting the criminals and returning.‖

Then, the deputy director smiled.

The media had been making a lot of noise about the drugs.

Calling it some significant achievement.

―Nice. That‘s a good thing.‖

It would have been really good if their plan wasn‘t happening now.

With a stiff expression, the deputy director asked.

―Where the hell did that crazy bastard come from? What the hell is going on?‖


―What? Spill it!‖

―We couldn‘t confirm his affiliation because his identity wasn‘t registered.‖

Deputy director Ho Il-kyung frowned at the words of Song Wei-kang.


During his time as deputy director, he never once came across an unregistered Murim warrior.

He did hear from time to time that such things happened in other cities, but it never happened
under his jurisdiction.

―He hasn‘t said anything?‖

―He has exercised his right to remain silent ever since he came here.‖

―Haa. Even dogs and cows are being given the right to remain silent. That man is supposed to
have fallen from a fairly high place, but isn‘t something suspicious? Is it related to them?‖

He wasn‘t referring to any group which committed crimes like the Forces of Evil.

Among the Murim organizations, there was quite a large organization working.

It was tough to touch their bases, even for the Public Security Bureau.

‗This is getting worse and worse.‘

Anyway, the guy was brought in, but they didn‘t know anything, not even his name.
―At first, we ran a fingerprint search and an iris recognition scan, but nothing matched. Finally,
we called for a blood test, we called Dr. Cho from the medical side. The interrogation room has
been prepared for the test and questioning just before the deputy director arrived.‖

―Tch, let‘s go there and see.‖

They headed for the interrogation room after talking in front of the elevator on the 5th basement

The place where the man was kept was the 4th interrogation room.

They entered the room, which was next to the interrogation room.


Inside, a short-haired woman and a large man got up and saluted.

They were detectives belonging to the 3rd team of the violent crimes division.


Deputy director Ho Il-kyung raised his finger to his mouth and made a gesture for them to stay

This was a room connected to the interrogation room. It was an observation room which no one
could see into, as it had specially treated glass.

The ones in this room could see the interrogation room, but not the other way around.

There was only one table in the interrogation room, and a young man with long hair and a pure
white face was seated at it.

He was Chun Yeowun.

-I‘m only going to draw a little blood for identification. No harm is being done.

The voice inside the room could be heard through the speaker in the observation room.
In the interrogation room, Cho Se-jong, a public security medical team member, held a blood
sampling syringe and tried persuading Chun Yeowun.

―Is he the one?‖


―He really looks like someone out of a historical drama. Did you at least retrieve his weapon?‖

―… we apologize.‖

Despite what he wore, it pissed off the deputy director that his weapon couldn‘t be taken away.

Ho Il-kyung approached the glass and took a look.



Chun Yeowun, who had been sitting still, suddenly looked at him.

All that Chun Yeowun could see was the mirror, so how could he look exactly where this man
was standing?

He asked Song Wei-kang who was behind him.

―He can‘t see us, right?‖

―It wouldn‘t be possible even if he tried.‖

The glass was like a mirror inside the interrogation room.

‗Maybe I was mistaken?‘

Chun Yeowun looked back at Cho Se-jong.

Ho Il-kyung thought that it was a coincidence and looked at him again.

―Is the blood not drawn yet?‖

―We tried to, but he keeps thinking we are trying to harm him.‖

Answered the female detective behind him.

Suddenly, Chun Yeowun held out his arm and said,

-Try taking it if you can.

Hearing those words from the speaker, Ho Il-kyung shook his head.

―Is that man mental?‖

Cho Se-jong of the medical unit sighed in the room and picked up the syringe.

Then, a rubber tube was wrapped around Chun Yeowun‘s right wrist.

―Relax your arm. It will sting a little.‖

Cho Se-jong tried to insert the needle into Chun Yeowun‘s vein.




Instead of piercing the flesh, the syringe needle broke.

Cho Se-jong, who was pretty experienced, wasn‘t the kind to make mistakes. He changed the

Then he asked Chun Yeowun.

―You can‘t flex your arm. Relax.‖

―I didn‘t do that.‖

―Phew… understood. Anyway, don‘t flex. Your veins will hurt.‖

Cho Se-jong checked if Chun Yeowun was clenching his fist or not.
After confirming that he wasn‘t, he once again moved the needle towards the vein.


When the needle broke, Se-jong realized that it wasn‘t a mistake.

The needle broke as if it hit a strong object.

‗Who‘s flesh is this hard?‘

The needle can go in as long as it stabs the right place, no matter how thick and strong the
muscles are.

Se-jong, who realized that, tried to replace the needle.


―Huk! W-What‘s this?‖

Chun Yeowun grabbed the man‘s arm.

In a low voice, he spoke to the one who was bewildered.

―Isn‘t it enough that I gave you two chances?‖

―Ugh! Let, let me go!‖

With pain and fear that his wrist would break, Se-jong screamed.

That was the signal for the detectives in the observation room to come and help.

―Damn it!‖

The two detectives in the other room panicked and tried to run.

However, looking through the glass, as if he could see who was all there, Chun Yeowun spoke.

-Try doing something useless, and I break this man‘s wrist.

The faces of the detectives in the observation room went stiff.

They felt like Chun Yeowun was looking at them but discarded it as some coincidence.


Chun Yeowun got up from his seat.

―Ouch! My, my hand!‖

Se-jong complained as he was in pain, but it was ignored by Chun Yeowun, who moved closer to
the glass while dragging the man.


The place he went was where the deputy director was standing.

He was looking more precisely than before, making the deputy director turn as stiff as a stone.

Chun Yeowun said.

-You seem to be in a higher position than the others.


Ho Il-kyung, who was frightened by the voice he heard through the speakers, unknowingly took
a step back.



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Chapter 7 - 12 Hours (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Sep 15, 2021

• 11 min read • 6706 views



PM 09:03

There was silence in the observation room next to the interrogation room.

Regardless of the distance, not a single person could even blink their eyes.

Deputy Director Ho Il-kyung was so surprised that he couldn‘t even turn his head while speaking
to Song Wei-kang, the head of the violent crimes division, who was standing behind him.

―… Song. Is this really working?‖

―H-He shouldn‘t be seeing…‖

It was only possible to see through the tinted glass or the special glass in the interrogation room
while using a special device from the military Mobile Strike team.

But seeing Chun Yeowun, it felt like he could really see through the glass.

―How can someone who shouldn‘t be able to see me stare at me!‖

Ho Il-kyung yelled.

When Song Wei-kang couldn‘t come up with an answer, the short-haired female detective spoke.

―Deputy Director. He could be deliberately trying to sway us with a bluff.‖

―How many times does an interrogation room appear in the movies and dramas these days?
There is no way they wouldn‘t know that someone is behind the glass.‖

At her calm words, Ho Il-kyung shook his head in disappointment.

Calling this a bluff is stupid.

That man was looking straight at the Deputy Director and spoke about his position too.

‗This guy is a Murim warrior. We can‘t think of this from an ordinary person‘s point of view.‘

Ho Il-kyung, who was shaken until a second back, calmed down.

To get to his position, he didn‘t just play golf and entertain his dumb superiors.

He agreed with one thing the female detective said.

‗He could be trying to sway us.‘

In that case, he shouldn‘t appear shaken.

Getting caught in the criminal‘s pace would make it difficult to conduct the interrogation.

Even if this glass couldn‘t stop him from seeing, the glass shouldn‘t have a problem with being
bulletproof and soundproof.

Ho Il-kyung pressed the button in front of the glass and calmly opened his mouth.


―Can you see us?‖

He had to be sure. He needed confirmation.

-Didn‘t your man say that it couldn‘t be seen through?


Ho Il-kyung frowned at Chun Yeowun‘s words.

Again, he spoke while looking through the glass.

The atmosphere was so silent, it should have been hard to know if someone was in the
observation room or not.

‗… cheeky bastard.‘

For some reason, he felt annoyed at Chun Yeowun‘s attitude.

Not losing his composure, Ho Il-kyung pressed the button and spoke.

―Let the doctor go.‖

Ho Il-kyung demanded the release of Cho Se-jong.

If he kept holding the man, then the doctor would turn into his hostage.

-Euk, pl… please!

Cho Se-jong, who was frightened, almost begged Chun Yeowun.

Ho Il-kyung continued to speak in a calm manner.

―If you let the doctor do his task and go. I will make sure that your punishment is kept to a

An attempt to negotiate.

―I am the Deputy Director of the Public Security Bureau. I have the discretion to close my eyes
in special cases.‖

-Deputy Director?

―There is only one person above me here. Are you still unable to trust me?‖


Of course, it was a lie. He was just bargaining for the life of the doctor.
Ho Il-kyung‘s mind was already filled with thoughts of punishing the man in the interrogation

‗I will show you how it‘s done.‘

The CCTV cameras in the interrogation and observation room were still running, and people
who worked for him were watching, which meant that he had to showcase his skills as much as

―Deputy Director, negotiations with criminals…‖

―I will take responsibility for this.‖

―Deputy Director…‖

The others were unaware of that and thought that their Deputy Director was trying to save the

They didn‘t know that Ho Il-kyung was a master at creating a favorable image.

However, there was another reason why Ho Il-kyung was trying to negotiate.

‗Huh. Do I look like I will negotiate with criminals?‘

Ho Il-kyung‘s eyes were looking elsewhere.

It was the free hand of Cho Se-jong.

An anesthetic injection which was half out of his pocket.

Cho Se-jong was the doctor in charge of most such cases.

And every time he entered, he would come prepared for all possible situations.

‗With a little bit of attention diversion from him, that can be used.‘

Ho Il-kyung smiled.

He had to do anything to keep Chun Yeowun from noticing it.


Ho Il-kyung pressed the button again and spoke.

―We won‘t do the blood test, so let the man go…‖



Before his words even finished, a scream erupted from Cho Se-jong.

Cho Se-jong, whose wrist was broken, groaned in pain.

Unable to control his anger, Ho Il-kyung stomped and shouted.

―What the fuck is that bastard doing!‖

He didn‘t expect this to happen without the injection being given.

With a condescending tone, Chun Yeowun spoke.

-I guess you are stupid. Did you think that I couldn‘t see it through the mirror?


The Deputy Director was speechless for a moment.

Because of Chun Yeowun‘s attitude, he forgot that the glass in the interrogation room acted like
a mirror.


If he had thought clearly, he would have discouraged Cho Se-jong from using that injection.

It was Chun Yeowun‘s way of saying that it was your own mistake.

-Is there any reason why I would take this man hostage?

-Don‘t do useless things. And let go of that illusion that I came here because I was afraid of you

At Chun Yeowun‘s warning, Ho Il-kyung punched the glass with his fist.

―This… this bastard!‖

He forgot about creating a favorable image and ended up cursing him.

Not Song Wei-kong nor the two other detectives said anything while looking at their boss.

‗How can that cheap bastard even threaten me? The Deputy Director of the Public Security

It wasn‘t nice.

The attitude of the man who was locked up in the interrogation room.

Favorable image or whatever, he couldn‘t suppress himself anymore.

Ho Il-kyung, who used his fist on the glass, suddenly realized something.

‗Huh? Hold on, did I press the mic button before?‘

He was so angry at the sudden incident that he didn‘t realize it.

Apparently, the mic button wasn‘t pressed when he swore at the man.

Looking back, he asked Song Wei-kang.

―… did I press the mic button by any chance?‖


He could tell just by the shock.

He surely released the button in shock when he saw the wrist being broken.

‗H-He… is he?‘
The observation room is soundproof, so even if one shouts inside, the sound would never flow

But Chun Yeowun could listen to them.

Ho Il-kyung stared at Chun Yeowun with fear in his eyes.

―Yo-You… what the hell are you?‖

Chun Yeowun answered in a low voice.

―I have no reason to tell you. Don‘t bother me anymore while I‘m here. This is your last


Ho Il-kyung exclaimed.

The criminal was speaking with an attitude that said he was going to leave the interrogation room
very soon.

Trying to suppress his anger as much as possible, Ho Il-kyung asked Song Wei-kang without
looking back.

―Interrogation rooms 4 and 5 are for people with special abilities, right?‖

―Y-Yes. He‘s here because he‘s a Murim…‖


He asked to confirm it.

The interrogation room Chun Yeowun was locked in was exclusively for people with special

Among those with special abilities, including Murim warriors, some believed in their own power
and never cooperated with cops.

So, this chamber was made of a special alloy.

The glass between the rooms was made of a bulletproof material that could withstand more than
15 minutes of grinding with a machine and not break.


Ho Il-kyung opened a safety box next to the microphone.

It had two buttons.

On the left is a green button that releases the tranquilizer and sleeping gas, and on the right is a
red button that releases tear gas.

A device installed to subdue those who ran rampant during interrogation.


He took a long breath before looking through the glass.

If the man could hear him, then he didn‘t have to press the button to talk.

―I don‘t care what kind of backing you have.‖


―For harming the lives of Public Security officers, you will be placed in jail for 24 years. I have
seen dozens of people who bluff about believing in their abilities.‖

He spoke calmly, but there was a tremble in his voice.

It was clear that he was angry.

With his index finger, Ho Il-kyung was about to press the red button.

Song Wei-kang, who saw that, was perplexed.

―Deputy, Deputy Director. Dr. Cho is still in the room.‖

―Stay back!‖
Ho Il-kyung held out his palm and made a gesture to not get closer to him. Glaring, he continued
to speak to Chun Yeowun.

―You asked us to not bother you? Ha! Mental bastard. I‘ll bet my position as the Deputy Director
to ensure you will never see the light of day again. You won‘t leave the interrogation room. If
you get out, you‘ll be tagged as a criminal and immediately brought to trial…‖


At that moment, Chun Yeowun struck the glass with his palm.

Just the palm, but the glass swayed as if it was struck by a powerful fist.

There wasn‘t a scratch on it.

Shocked, the Deputy Director flinched but soon smirked, confirming that the glass was working.

―Haha! You think the bulletproof glass is called bulletproof for nothing? As if it would break
with just a palm…‖



Before he could even boast anymore, the special glass began to crack around the place where
Chun Yeowun‘s palm struck.

Chun Yeowun didn‘t even hit the glass a second time.


The glass around Chun Yeowun‘s palm began to vibrate.

The vibration grew stronger and more terrifying.

‗Th-This is crazy!‘

Confused, the Deputy Director tried to hastily press the red button.
It was then.




The glass shattered like powder and covered the observation room.

In the aftermath, the two detectives, Song Wei-kang and the Deputy Director were all thrown to
the wall.

Thud! Thud!

―Cough! Cough!‖


Most of the glass was turned into powder. If not for that, all their bodies would have been
pierced with glass shards.

They bumped into the wall and fell to the floor, coughing at the sudden situation, and fainted.


It was then, Ho Il-kyung heard the footsteps.⁽¹⁾

Although he was unconscious, he knew that something terrible was about to happen and tried to
pull his gun out, but his body floated.




He was fixed to the wall of the observation room.

The Deputy Director, who was fixed to the wall by the unknown force, tried to move, only to

He had the gun in his hand, but it was useless.

―Deputy Director!‖


The large male detective pulled out his gun after coughing.

The short-haired female also hurriedly stood up and pulled her gun.





Both their guns were pulled out of their hands and into someone else‘s.

It was Chun Yeowun who entered the observation room.

Chun Yeowun, who was holding both guns in his hands, squeezed them.


Like plastic toys, their guns shattered.

It was metal pieces that fell to the floor.

‗N… no wa… way.‘

Song Wei-kang couldn‘t even stand up. He was too stunned to even move.

Frightened by this unknown power, the female detective slumped to the floor.
The male detective, who realized that their situation was the worst, rushed towards Chun
Yeowun, thinking he had to do something.



Chun Yeowun lightly waved his hand towards the detective.




The bulky male detective‘s body flew towards the wall as if he was as light as a tissue.

With the bang against the wall, he began to bleed from his head and passed out.

‗Th… this man… just how… is he doing this?‘

The Deputy Director, who was fixed to the wall, was gripped with fear.

During his life as a Public Security officer, he saw numerous Murim warriors.

Of course, most of them were criminals who came in, but they were all nothing in front of this

Step! Step!

Chun Yeowun slowly approached him.

He was just walking, but the Deputy Director could feel his heart intensely pound with each step.

‗Please! Please!‘

He wanted to say something, but he couldn‘t even open his mouth.

His trousers were warm and wet.

In a low growling voice, Chun Yeowun said.

―I definitely warned you.‖

Yes, he did hear the warning.

Chun Yeowun looked intently at the Deputy Director, who stayed silent without saying anything,
and thought for a second, then spoke with a smile.

―Hostage… yes. You should do well for that role.‖


The Deputy Director‘s eyes widened as if they were about to pop out.

Editor’s Note

⁽¹⁾ - Not sure how someone can hear something despite being unconscious/fainted, but we will
roll with it.



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Chapter 8 - 12 Hours (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Sep 16, 2021

• 10 min read • 6936 views



PM 11:45

―Haa… haaa…‖

In the quiet interrogation room 4, a person was exhaling roughly.

It was Ho Il-kyung, whose face was wet with sweat.

His posture while sitting on the chair looked very uncomfortable.

His arms were drooping, but seeing his shoulders, it looked like they were dislocated.

‗Ugh, damn it! To dislocate bones every now and then!‘

Ho Il-kyung swore.

It looked like only the shoulder blades were dislocated, but even the elbows were dislocated.

Even the slightest movement didn‘t hurt.

‗How could I, the Deputy Director, end up like this?‘

Across from him was Chun Yeowun, sitting in a chair with his eyes closed.

A peaceful face, as if he was meditating.

‗Damn you bastard. Are you saying that you‘re not the least bit concerned after taking me

He was the hostage of Chun Yeowun.

The Deputy Director of the bureau was being held hostage in the Public Security Bureau itself.


It was wrong of him to reveal his position.

He just revealed himself as the perfect hostage.

Chun Yeowun took one hostage, warned them not to bother him anymore, and drove the other
two detectives and Song Wei-kang outside the room.

With the glass between the two rooms broken, it was like the interrogation room and observation
room were one.

‗What the hell are they doing?‘

Ho Il-kyung looked at the CCTV camera on the ceiling.

Since the observation room was a mess, the only working CCTV camera was in the interrogation

‗Are they not bothering to do their jobs? Why are the people who are supposed to rush in right
away not arriving?‘

His stomach swelled in anger.

From what he heard through Song Wei-kang, it was clear that the Special Mobile Strike Team,
the 5th team, had completed their mission and were returning.

Even if they were on the outer wall of the northern side of the city, they should arrive in 40

But there was no news of them.

It was painful yet numb because of the dislocated bones, but it was even more painful to see
Chun Yeowun doing just fine.

‗Ugh, just let me be released from here, that Song, that bastard will be transferred to the
outskirts‘ police station near the gate.‘

Song Wei-kang was the one who called the Deputy Director after work hours.

While waiting to be rescued, Ho Il-kyung looked at Chun Yeowun.

It was late at night, so he wondered if Chun Yeowun was asleep.

Chun Yeowun didn‘t even move.

Watching that, the Deputy Director stood up very slowly.


―You take one step, and I‘ll break your legs, making you unable to walk.‖


His heart dropped for a second.

He only got up, but Chun Yeowun spoke without even opening his eyes.


The Deputy Director, who got up, immediately sat down.

Chun Yeowun had his eyes closed, but he could still tell the movements.

―I thought of breaking your legs right from the start.‖


At the voice of Chun Yeowun, who spoke like he was annoyed, Ho Il-kyung prayed that he
would wake up.

The Deputy Director grumbled.

‗What the hell is that bastard doing with his eyes closed?‘

He was about to go crazy.

There was a reason why Chun Yeowun meditated.

He spent time organizing and accepting the information which entered his head.

‗Such a strange and surprising world.‘

The future world, which was reliant on electricity and energy, was a shock to Chun Yeowun.

Not just that, but everything from the culture to the society‘s structure was completely different
from the world he knew.

‗A world without the Imperial family…‘

That was what shocked Chun Yeowun the most.

In his time, the existence of the Imperial family was an obvious reality.

It was said that the current time had some foreign countries where royal families existed, but it
was just a symbolic existence with no power.

At all of those changes, even his cold heart was shocked.

‗Is this how the time changed? But.‘

Just Nano was enough to know how tremendous the change was.

Chun Yeowun kept his cool despite the new information because of Nano, which is far superior
to modern technology.

‗Well, the information that Nano just transferred to me is basic stuff, right?‘

[The wireless internet was blocked when we entered the Public Security building, so this was all
I could gather.]

This was all the information that Nano could collect.

Since the time was short to gather and organize the vast information of this era, Nano could only
show some of it.

The highly confidential Public Security didn‘t use wireless internet.

Moreover, there wasn‘t enough time to gather information with all of the jammers and the bus
ride to this place.

The information Nano gathered was in the brief moment of getting off the bus and into the

Chun Yeowun asked Nano to transfer the collected information to his brain.

‗Nano. I wanted to ask you this question a while back. I know that you were created several
hundred years from now. If so, why couldn‘t you just pass on the information that you know
without having to collect it?‘

This was the question.

He felt that collecting information was unnecessary.

Originally, Chun Yeowun wouldn‘t ask such questions, but as he accepted the information from
the present age and became more aware of computers and the internet, he began to have such

[There‘s a significant difference from the saved data.]


[Society, culture, and technology all have differences from what is stored in the saved data, so I
have to distinguish them.]

Chun Yeowun couldn‘t understand it.

That means this is a different era from what Nano knew.

Chun Yeowun frowned.

‗How can that be?‘

At that question, Nano gave the most accurate answer.

[There is a high possibility that this is another time axis.]

‗A different time axis…? Ah…!‘

At those words, Chun Yeowun remembered the words of his descendant.

His descendant Chun Mu-seong explained that his existence didn‘t disappear even though the
past changed because of his connection with the time axis.

It was said that as actions and decisions occur differently, the dimension of the universe is
divided, and the time axes are different.

‗Then this is a completely different world.‘

The information stored in Nano was meaningless.

In terms of numbers, it meant that Chun Yeowun was starting from 0.

‗So, how do we get back to the original world?‘

He had reasons to go back.

The cult he was leading, Mun Ku, and his unborn child.

He couldn‘t stay in this era.

Chun Yeowun, who was worried, asked Nano.

‗Nano. Is there a time machine that I can use to travel… hm?‘

Chun Yeowun, who was asking a question, stopped and opened his eyes.

He stared at the ceiling.

‗Huh? Why is he doing that?‘

The Deputy Director, who was looking at Chun Yeowun, was puzzled.
The second floor of the Shenyang City Public Security Bureau.

The air of the team on the second floor was the worst.

The 3rd team, including the off-duty detectives, were all summoned.

The Deputy Director of Public Security was taken hostage.

But there was no good way to rescue him.

The female detective with short hair and a face full of bruises smiled when this was asked by the
head of the violent crimes division.

―Any problems with the CCTV?‖

―It was said that there is no movement at all. The Deputy Director is still unharmed.‖

The female detective had gone to the CCTV room to see what was happening.


Song Wei-kang smashed the desk with his fist.

―Are you smiling? Are you smiling at this?‖

He saw how the Deputy Director was humiliated before their eyes.

The shoulders and elbows were dislocated, and the screams.

He even peed.

―… still, there are no further wounds on him.‖

The female detective answered with a slightly dissatisfied voice.

Song Wei-kang didn‘t want to make eye contact with the woman who wasn‘t taking her task
It was because she was the only one who didn‘t fight in the observation room.

He couldn‘t blame her for being scared.

―Damn it! Where is the 5th team?‖

Song Wei-kang asked another detective.

The detective who was in charge of gathering information spoke.

―There has been no response since the last radio message we got about an hour back.‖


Song Wei-kang sighed.

Originally, the 5th team should have arrived at the office a long time ago.

Unfortunately, they had a problem.

It was said that they were attacked by Murim warriors who seemed to have a connection with
those they arrested.

Thanks to that, they couldn‘t arrive at the set time.

Song Wei-kang was nervous.

‗Not much time left.‘

He never dreamed that such an ordeal would come about.

Since the Deputy Director was taken hostage right in front of him, there was a high probability
that Song Wei-kang would be demoted if the situation wasn‘t resolved.

―Damn it. What kind of things are happening because of the criminal with an unknown identity?
This is a shame on our bureau.‖


A detective spoke.
Making Song Wei-kang ask.


―How about contacting Shenyang‘s Murim Association?‖

Song Wei-kang frowned at those words.

The reason was well known to everyone.

The Murim Association, calling them would be horrible.

It would be a huge blow to the Bureau‘s pride if they contacted them for being unable to solve
their own problems.


Song Wei-kang grunted.

―Say worthwhile stuff. If the Public Security asks for their help…‖

―No. At least we will be able to identify the person.‖


―Isn‘t it important that the Murim Association is trying to push for autonomy without interfering
with our work?‖

―… true.‖

Sang Wei-kang, who dismissed the idea, was now showing interest.

There was no good answer.

―They always try to solve matters related to Murim by themselves, so wouldn‘t they show
interest in an unregistered one?‖

―You want us to throw a bait?‖

―Yes. Hopefully, we will know whether the person is registered in Murim or not and if they
show interest…‖

―They will come out without us asking for cooperation. Why are you saying such an idea only
now? You should have spoken right away!‖

At Song Wei-kang‘s words, the detective frowned.

The compliment didn‘t sound like a compliment.

Anyway, Song Wei-kang, who thought that the detective was right, searched for the Shenyang
City‘s Murim Association and pressed the call button.

Tring! Tring! Tring!

When he dialed the number, he heard a familiar connecting tone.

-We are the proud descendants of Murim. Inheriting the glory of our ancestors…

It was an old song with newer and more popular versions of it out.

Song Wei-kang grumbled.

―Aren‘t they acting too sloppy? Isn‘t this one from like 30 or 40 years back? This song isn‘t even
known to the public. And why use it for public institutions?‖

Before he could nag anymore, he heard a voice.

-Yes. This is the Shenyang City‘s Murim Association.

―Hello. This is Shenyang Public…‖

-Since our business hours are closed now, we won‘t be able to serve you. Our phone
consultations start from 9am…

―Damn it!‖

Song Wei-kang was so furious that he threw the receiver on the desk.

The time is 11:55pm.

Of course, this wasn‘t normal working hours.

It‘s unnatural for the Public Security Bureau to work this late and even contact that Murim

But when he contacted them, he only got disappointing results.

―Damn it! Ah, does that Murim Association not have a single person doing their jobs!‖

He kept grunting.


The sound of tires stopping outside.

One of the detectives from the 3rd team looked outside and spoke with a bright face.

―Chief! The 5th team has arrived!‖

Song Wei-kang jumped up from his seat.

The 5th Mobile Strike Team was the only team dedicated to special ability users.



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Chapter 9 - 12 Hours (3)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Sep 17, 2021

• 13 min read • 6960 views

The 5th Special Mobile Strike Team buses were lined up to the building on the right.

Some of the buses were heavily damaged.

There were holes in the ceilings, and more than half of the windows were shattered. Repairs were
urgently needed.

At least they were vehicles made exclusively for people with special abilities. If these were
regular buses, then all that would have come back would be scrap metal.

―Be careful while coming in. Don‘t step on the rope over there!‖

From inside the bus, members of the Special Mobile Strike Team came out while slowly leading
the criminals into the building.

Two, two handcuffs exclusively for special abilities were on their wrists and ankles.

And the other criminals who were wounded and didn‘t have the strength to resist were being
pushed into the building.

Of course, not everyone went in smoothly.

―Let me go! You bastards! Let go!‖

A bald, muscular man whose face was covered in blood was rebelling.

He was Son Mang-dal.

He was an important member of the Forces of Evil sect in Shenyang.

In the past, it was a wonderful group, but now it has developed into organized gangsters.

Although it managed to develop into an organization, the root of it was the Murim people.

With the handcuffs on, he couldn‘t use his internal energy anymore. However, it looked like he
didn‘t neglect his physical training. Despite two officers pushing him, he was able to resist.

That was when someone kicked him in the stomach.



Two mobile strikers pushed him to the ground, and the bald man began to cough up blood from
the kick.

Wiping the blood off his mouth, he yelled at the man.

―Ouch! You fucking bastard. To use these handcuffs which forbids us from using internal
energy, just to use it on us!‖

If it hadn‘t been for the kick, which used internal energy, there would have been no blood.

The man who kicked him took off his helmet.

This man, in his late thirties with a short and athletic hairstyle, was the leader of the 5th Special
Mobile Strike Team, Yeom Chan.

―You talk a lot for a drug offender! Son Mang-dal. Just be grateful that I didn‘t kill you on the
spot with my gun.‖

The Chinese government didn‘t take drug crimes lightly.

It was because they struggled with opium in the past.

―Evil bastards like you, your roots never disappear despite not being active for years. All your
crimes are based on drugs.‖

With those words, Yeom Chan tried to kick Son Mang-dal, who barely stood up.
It was then that someone intervened.

―Team leader Yeom. Stop that. Isn‘t he already in custody?‖


The person who stopped him was Lee Taek-yoon, the head of special crimes.

He also learned martial arts and was the chief of the division, which was dedicated to crimes
committed by special abilities users, including Murim warriors.

―It‘s because this bastard needs to come to his senses…‖

―You are an officer. And I understand how you feel, but there is something to be done. They
need to be placed in prison.‖

―… understood.‖

Since the chief was his superior, Yeom Chan calmed his emotions.

―Take him away.‖


Those on standby grabbed the man and dragged him away.

Son Mang-dal, who was being dragged away, glared at Lee Taek-yoon and said.

―You must be wanting to play Good Cop Bad Cop, but you are all the same.‖


―Even if we distribute the drugs, we aren‘t government dogs like you. Kayak! Spit!‖


The thick phlegm of Son Mang-dal smeared the jacket of Lee Taek-yoon, who was on the right.

The corners of Lee Taek-yoon‘s lips raised.


Yeom Chan‘s face went stiff.

This man should be taken away fast, but it was too late.

Lee Taek-yoon‘s hand grabbed Son Mang-dal‘s face.


‗This… this one‘s eyes?‘

Lee Taek-yoon‘s eyes changed.

In an instant, the man seemed to have a different personality.

―Dogs of the government? I should have just left you to die. The pests of society.‖

Lee Taek-yoon raised his internal energy, lifted Son Mang-dal, and then threw him on the



Blood oozed out of his head which hit the floor.

There was no way to protect his body when the cuffs were still on.

―Don‘t try to act strong. In the end, you are criminals hated by the civilians, and we are civil
servants that everyone envies.‖



Lee Taek-yoon kicked Son Mang-dal‘s head with his foot as if his anger wasn‘t resolved yet.

He groaned for a while, and then Son Mang-dal didn‘t move anymore.

Team leader Yeom Chan bit his tongue.

Lee Taek-yoon was famous for showing a restrained appearance, but he was even more famous
for his violence when he got angry.


Mobile strikers checked if Son Mang-dal was dead and sighed.

It seemed like he only fainted after being kicked in the head.

‗You idiot. Why did you have to anger the chief!‘

Yeom Chan thought to himself.

Lee Taek-yoon was known to be unable to control his anger and to have killed criminals.

If what he heard was right, then Lee Taek-yoon could have been the head of the Forces of Evil.

―Take him.‖


Mobile strikers supported Son Mang-dal and dragged him into the building.

And then, the process proceeded without any further problems. A familiar face appeared in front
of Lee Taek-yoon.

―… is the transfer complete?‖

―As… chief Song.‖

He had come down like 5 minutes ago, but Song Wei-kang decided to stand back, as something
seemed to have happened.

CCTV room on the 1st floor of the Bureau.

Chief Lee Taek-yoon, who was looking at the large monitor playing footage from the 5th
basement floor, stroked his chin.

What he was watching was something recorded two and a half hours ago.

The facial expression of team leader Yeom Chan of the 5th team who was watching the video
wasn‘t great.

Dong Joo-myung, one of the team members, opened his mouth with a firm face.

―Unless my eyes are showing me wrong, chief…‖

―… Superior Master Level!‖

Lee Taek-yoon said that.

The team leader and the members were all aware of how strong the Murim man was.

In order to show such a level of skill, it was only possible for those who reached the state of
Superior Master Level.

‗An unidentified person?‘

It was even more questionable that this person‘s identity was unknown.

Song Wei-kang, who was watching it, asked.

―Is this tough?‖

It was Lee Taek-yoon, the chief of special crimes, who could answer that question.

It would be no exaggeration to say that their demotion would be confirmed if they took up the
mission to save the Deputy Director and failed.

―We need to rescue the deputy director as soon as possible.‖

At those words from Song Wei-kang, Lee Taek-yoon asked.

―Did you say that even fingerprint and iris recognition aren‘t working?‖
―Yes. We were trying to run a blood test, but then everything turned violent…‖

There was no need to continue.

Everything was shown on the CCTV footage.

―Hmm. It smells fishy.‖

―You think so too?‖

―There is no way that a person can avoid ID Checks. Maybe it has something to do with ‗them.‘‖

Song Wei-kang nodded in agreement.

Falling from the sky to voluntarily entering the Bureau, there were too many questions and no

Lee Taek-yoon got up from his seat.

―Phew, nothing can be done. We don‘t have a lot of time, so let‘s hurry.‖

―We don‘t have time?‖

―This man needs to be dealt with within 24 hours.‖

―What do you mean?‖

Lee Taek-yoon pointed to Chun Yeowun on the monitor and said.

―Didn‘t he say not to bother him until he wants to leave?‖

―Yes. One cheeky bastard.‖

―Yes. He is.‖


Song Wei-kang ground his teeth just thinking of Chun Yeowun.

―If he was a Superior Master, he could have escaped from any number of strike squads, but the
fact that he deliberately entered the Bureau on his own feet means he‘s waiting for a legal exit.‖

―Legal exit?‖

―If he is related to some organization, they will try to get him out within 24 hours, before the
formal investigation is conducted and he is put on trial.‖


Song Wei-kang was shocked by the sharp insight.

He was so concerned about the safety of the Deputy Director that he didn‘t think it through.

Clearly, Lee Taek-yoon was an excellent person in the Bureau.

As if the results were out, Song Wei-kang‘s face brightened.

It was when Lee Taek-yoon asked him.

―Then, is it okay if he dies?‖


He, who was just reassured, was confused.

He was ordered to capture and investigate the man who fell from the sky.

The man had to be captured.

―Can‘t he be captured?‖

―… for a Superior Master, it‘s hard to do. If we want to catch him, we‘ll end up sacrificing half
of the team.‖

At that, team members of the Special Mobile Strike Team nodded their heads.

Song Wei-kang, who had no knowledge of the Murim warriors and their skills, couldn‘t realize
how dangerous the situation was.
‗Right. Even if he‘s captured, he will only cause more trouble for us. If he gets out, then we‘ll
miss the chance to bring him down. Rescuing the Deputy Director is more important.‘

His job was more important to him.

Making a decision, Song Wei-kang asked.

―So, is killing him possible?‖

03:20 AM.

The team leader and members of the 5th Special Mobile Strike Team, who were fully prepared,
were divided into teams of 10 people in front of the elevator and the stairs on the left and right of
the building; they also completed the preparations in a rush.

Contrary to hurrying, the time they started their mission was late in the morning.

Of course, this was part of their plan.

Lee Taek-yoon‘s earphone was working as someone spoke.

-Check! Chief, he‘s a Superior Master. Won‘t he wake up from a single change in the air?

―No matter how strong he is, there‘s a difference between being in perfect condition and not
being nervous. Ours is a strategy where we lower the opponent‘s power as much as possible. Just
focus on your mission.‖


Lee Taek-yoon seemed off.

Even though he was fully prepared, he couldn‘t hide the tension of dealing with a Superior

It was the same with the other team members too.

―Turn on the cam.‖


The video was being sent to the other team members who had their goggles on, and the CCTV
screen too was being shown.


In the CCTV footage, Chun Yeowun, their target, was sitting still with his eyes closed.

They weren‘t sure if he was asleep or not.

But the Deputy Director Ho Il-kyung, who was sitting across from him, was nodding his head
from left to right as if he was asleep.

―We might miss something. CCTV, I want it to be monitored and report anything that changes.‖


As the goggles were displaying two videos, he was worried that they would miss something.

―Team A and B enter from the left and right stairs.‖


The team members who were waiting near the stairs on the left and right went down carefully
when Lee Taek-yoon gave the order.

Twenty people went down, but the sounds of their footsteps couldn‘t be heard.

It was because of the specially made silent walkers.

-This is Team A. second floor stairs on the left.

-This is Team B. second floor stairs on the right.

They were going down the stairs very carefully, one step at a time, trying to kill any presence
they had.
Lee Taek-yoon, who checked the CCTV footage, was relieved that the target didn‘t notice and
ordered them to move another floor down.

With tense eyes, the team members went down another floor.

It would normally take 3 minutes to reach the 5th basement floor, but now, they have taken 20

-This is Team A. 5th basement floor on the left.

-This is Team B. 5th basement floor on the right.

While they were moving, a smile appeared on Lee Taek-yoon‘s lips as he looked at the CCTV.

It seemed like trying to catch the target before dawn was the right decision.

In the video, Chun Yeowun was still, with his eyes closed.

―Team A and B use industrial anesthetic air gas bombs as per plan.‖


Anesthetic gas.

It was developed to deal with Murim warriors.

When the gas is inhaled, it acts like an anti-internal energy toxin.

And it works wonders on paralyzing the nerves.


Team A and B gently opened the stairs‘ emergency exit doors and rolled five fist-sized balls.

They were the gas bombs.

Normally two or three would be enough to cover the basement.

However, considering that he is Superior Master, they decided to use five from each side just to
be sure.

As the bombs with a silent function rolled on the ground and reached the right place, a hole
formed, and the gas spurted out in all directions.


The gas slowly seeped into the air.

Colorless and odorless gas, even the Murim man wouldn‘t notice.

About 5 minutes later, the team members who were holding their breath because of the tension

‗Haaa. I was told he was a Superior Master, but it looks like I was nervous for nothing.‘

‗This much means nothing.‘

They weren‘t the only ones with those thoughts.

Lee Taek-yoon, who was staring at the CCTV footage in front of the elevator, was also
convinced that his mission was done.

If exposed to the gas for more than 5 minutes, even the Superior Master will have his energy
dispersed and become paralyzed.

―Team A and B enter the interrogation room at the same time and send a signal.‖


With that, Lee Taek-yoon spoke to the team on standby.

―Open the elevator and move.‖


The plan was to open the elevator ceiling and then use the line.
Judging by the current situation, he thought taking the elevator would be fine, but then he asked
them to use the line just to be careful.

A mobile striker pressed a button on the elevator, and the door opened.


It was then,


Inside the elevator was the young man with long hair.

Their target, Chun Yeowun.

‗W-What the hell?‘

It couldn‘t be.

The CCTV footage clearly showed that he was in the room with his eyes closed.

Then, how was he in the elevator!

―D-Damn it!


The team hurriedly tried to aim their machine guns at Chun Yeowun, but he vanished and
appeared in front of Lee Taek-yoon.



Shocked, Lee Taek-yoon tried to move away, but it was too late.


His neck was grabbed.

Power so strong that it felt like his neck was going to break.


With an annoyed voice, Chun Yeowun spoke.

―How long were you going to make me wait?‖



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Chapter 10 - 12 Hours (4)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Sep 18, 2021

• 10 min read • 6644 views



03:54 AM

Beep! Beep! Beep!

-This is the CCTV room. Emergency! The target is in the elevator! All crew members must
move quickly.


―What does that mean?‖

The team members waiting near the stairways of the 5th basement floor couldn‘t hide their

Until a second back, the mission seemed to be proceeding smoothly.

But it changed in an instant.



―What is this video?‖

In the CCTV video which they were seeing in their goggles, Chun Yeowun was still on the chair
with his eyes closed.

However, the video of Lee Taek-yoon being caught was seen on the other side.
They reacted in the worst way possible.


―Damn it!‖

When people heard the distressed voice of Lee Taek-yoon, they ran up the stairs without


Yeom Chan, the team leader, who was in charge of teams A and B, and Baek Woo-mun, the first
team leader, were ahead of the others.

Lee Taek-yoon couldn‘t be hurt.

Meanwhile, the air in front of the elevator was different.

No one was moving, despite aiming for Chun Yeowun, who grabbed the chief.


In a few seconds, their faces inside the helmets were soaked.

It felt like they were prey standing in front of a wild beast.

‗I couldn‘t see him…‘

‗I didn‘t even blink…‘

It was a lot faster than a bullet.

All of them were then aware.

‗This… this is a Superior Master!‘

This existence couldn‘t be compared to the criminals of Murim they had dealt with before.

Murim was known to be the strongest power in the world during the opening of the Gates.

Lee Taek-yoon was overpowered, and he was at a loss for what had to be done.

Listening to the squeaking sound through the earpiece, it was clear how dangerous the situation

It was then, Lee Taek-yoon tried to speak.

―Wa… wait…ing… for whom?‖

His eyes trembled.

From what he said, didn‘t it mean that he could detect everyone there from the 5th basement

Even if he was a Superior Master, he shouldn‘t be that great.

‗No. He was never at that level. At least, he‘s at the end of the Superior Master Level… no, it
should be higher. Just how did this monster stay hidden till now?‘

The beginning and end of the Superior Master Level are different.

When he was flustered by his thoughts, Chun Yeowun spoke.

―Indeed, it‘s different.‘


Lee Taek-yoon couldn‘t understand what Chun Yeowun was saying.

Not caring, Chun Yeowun continued.

―There are 3 Super Masters. 8 high-ranked, and then there are 3 men with different energies and
16, just okay people. Hmm.‖


Lee Taek-yoon was shocked.

Shockingly, their target was able to accurately grasp their power.

Yeom Chan, the mobile strike team leader who led Team A and B, Baek Woo-mun, and himself
were Super Masters.

And the power levels of the other members were also accurately stated.

‗… he is bad news.‘

Unlike him, who was shocked, Chun Yeowun was puzzled.

The Murim of the future wasn‘t as awful as what he heard from his descendant.

That didn‘t mean the Public Security was amazing, just better than what he had imagined.

‗So this is another time axis.‘

Considering that the era he was in didn‘t have an imperial family but an institution that
commanded the officials.

Nano‘s explanation made sense.

In any case, dealing with these people was a priority.

[We will process it within 12 hours. You should exercise your right to remain silent while you
are in the Bureau. Please refrain from acting out as much as possible.]

That was what Jo Yu-seong had asked.

He spoke as politely as possible, but he meant stay silent and don‘t move.

However, Chun Yeowun wasn‘t the kind who had unconditional patience.

He never even knelt in front of the emperor.

Just because the era changed doesn‘t mean he changed.

―I tried to be quiet, but you guys always ignored my warnings. Since you are in Murim, you need
to be prepared for the outcome, right?‖
In Chun Yeowun‘s grasp, Lee Taek-yoon struggled.

―Cough… put… me… down.‖


―Dog… put me… down.‖

With that, Lee Taek-yoon pressed a button with his left thumb.

At that moment, a dazzling and sparkling light flowed around.


Sparks flowed through Chun Yeowun‘s hand.

―This is it!‖

Lee Taek-yoon, told the mobile strikers with a hand signal that they could fire.



Lights were broken, and the corridor became dark in an instant.

Only the flashes from the muzzles could be seen.


Lee Taek-yoon‘s safety wasn‘t even thought of.

It was like a sacrifice of allies.


The bullets fired hit Lee Taek-yoon‘s body, which had a protective suit on.

But the bullet didn‘t penetrate.


The protective equipment was bulletproof.

It could even withstand sword qi.

Of course, even though it was bulletproof, it would still hurt.

‗You idiot! Acting out because you are Superior Master?‘

He was shocked when the target appeared.

However, the plan went wrong right from the beginning.

‗His muscles will become stiff due to the electric shock, no matter how strong he is. You will not
be able to demonstrate self-defense.‘

He never thought that he would have to resort to such a thing, but it looked successful.

When the bullets fell, the target‘s hands, which turned stiff, wouldn‘t move.



Chun Yeowun‘s grip on his neck grew stronger.

The hand wasn‘t stiffened by the shock.

‗Ugh, this can‘t be!‘

Flustered, Lee Taek-yoon struggled and tried to raise his internal energy and strike away the
target‘s hand.



His neck cracked.

Lee Taek-yoon‘s body, which was screaming, drooped.


The mobile strikers who were firing noticed something odd.

It was because the camera video from Lee Taek-yoon‘s helmet looked to the ground.

‗What? Did the chief pass out?‘

As a Super Master, they thought he would be alright.

A member of the 5th team realized something had happened and shouted.

―Stop shooting! Stop shooting!‖


They naturally stopped firing, plus they had to change magazines anyways.

All the lights were broken, and their vision was dark.

‗Is it done?‘


When the mobile strikers pressed a button on their helmets, the goggles switched to night vision

Their vision turned green.

The moment they looked…

‗No… way…‘

They doubted their eyes.

Naturally, they thought their bullets hit the target.

But the bullets were floating in the air as if they hit an invisible wall.
‗N-No way!‘

The sight of hundreds of bullets floating was terrifying.

This wasn‘t simple self-defense.

Those who knew martial arts knew it.

‗Is he… really a Superior Master?‘

No, he couldn‘t be a simple Superior Master.


Lee Taek-yoon was on the floor.

Lee Taek-yoon, who they thought passed out from the pain of getting hit by the bullets, was like
a cold corpse.

―D-Damn it!…‖

A member, Poong-gi, shouted.

It was then, Chun Yeowun moved his hand.





Hundreds of bullets floating in front of Chun Yeowun flew in all directions as if he was shooting
them from a gun and pierced their bodies.

The bulletproof gear was supposed to withstand machine-gun fire and even sword qi.

Yet, they all fell to the floor as their bodies were hit.

In the CCTV room, a mobile striker, who was watching the scene, hit the desk with his fists.


The nine videos from the camera feed went black at once.

It meant that the helmets were pierced.

The only intact camera belonged to Lee Taek-yoon, whose body was lying limp on the ground
showing the dark floor.

―Damn it, what happened?‖

Song Wei-kang, who was there, asked him.

He had no idea what happened.

He wanted to hear some kind of an answer when the member in front of the monitor hurriedly

―Team A, Team B. Operation failed! Operation failed! Instead, go up to the 1st-floor elevator
using the emergency stairs!‖

Lee Taek-yoon and the good members were killed.

It wasn‘t a head-to-head confrontation.

There was a problem.

―Team A! Team B! No, team leader, what‘s happening?‖

Yeom Chun and both the teams had come up ignoring the radio.

―Team leader!‖

-Shit, raid the target.

Enraged by the death of their chief and colleagues, they seemed to have lost their reasoning.
That wasn‘t right, so even Song Wei-kang tried to dissuade them, but to no avail.


They opened the emergency exit door and threw the remaining gas bombs into the hall.

With smoke, the gas bombs opened.


Yeom Chan shifted to night vision mode.

The cam screen changed to green, and then he opened the exit door and entered the corridor.

The other members followed.


The one watching it through the CCTV room was going crazy.

Despite his warnings, the teams entered the hallway.

Now it was a situation where he prayed that these two teams would subdue the enemy without

‗This time, he‘s here.‘

Shouldn‘t it be different this time? Why the ominous feeling?


At that moment, the voice of Yeom Chan was heard.

Everyone turned on Yeom Chan‘s camera feed while he was by the elevator.

In the middle of the corridor, the target was seen standing right in front of the gas.

He was relaxed, close to defenseless.


Along with the shout, the machine guns fired right away.

But then,


In the green screen, the target pulled out a white sword from his waist and split all of the bullets
in half.

―L-Look at that. My eyes seem strained!‖

Song Wei-kang couldn‘t help but be shocked.

There have been rumors that Murim men could cut down bullets, but they didn‘t know it was

‗… nonsense.‘

Even those of the mobile strike team trained in martial arts were shocked.

It was impossible to cut down bullets that moved so rapidly.

‗Is it possible for a Superior Master to do this? But…‘

More doubts.

‗… just how?‘

It was strange.

From the way he moved, it didn‘t seem like the gas worked.

Since he was a Superior Master, it would take time for the gas to work, but it should still work.


At that time, Chun Yeowun suddenly disappeared and reappeared in front of Yeom Chan‘s cam.

All in the blink of an eye.


The sound of something getting cut could be heard through the speakers.

The scream from Yeom Chan.

―Accck! My arm!‖

Yeom Chan‘s cam was moving like crazy.

Meanwhile, they could see what had fallen to the floor.


The severed arm.

Unfortunately, that wasn‘t it.

Yeom Chan‘s headcam turned right and kept turning.




The cam looked to the floor like Lee Taek-yoon.

No one said it, but everyone knew that he was dead.

It was just the beginning.

The people who looked at the screens trembled.



Screams kept flowing in from the CCTV cameras, and the screens all looked to the floor in a

All of the hairs on the body began to rise on those who saw that.



With that, the last member‘s cam looked to the ground, and those in the CCTV room stood up.

It was because they were scared.



At that moment, the last screen suddenly rose and showed someone.

It was Chun Yeowun.

Chun Yeowun looked into the camera and opened it.

His voice came through.

-So there was a camera here too.

Chun Yeowun tapped the cam as if he was intrigued and looked at the ceiling.

-Are you watching from above too?

The faces of those who were looking at the CCTV monitors turned pale.


Chapter 11 - 12 Hours (5)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Sep 19, 2021

• 10 min read • 6705 views

04:05 AM

The CCTV room was in chaos.

Although the job of a Public Security officer is risky, this was the first time they were all feeling
the fear of death so directly.

‗Damn it! If I knew it would turn out like this. I would have left.‘

‗I told them I would stay.‘

Except for the detectives on duty, the others regretted not leaving the office.

What brought them out of their panic was Kyo-chung, the only unharmed member of the 5th

―We will have to escape from the emergency stairs at the back of the building, not here!‖

―Y-Yes, I think so too!‖

Song Wei-kang, the chief, who got up, nodded his head.

In addition to the two of them, there were four detectives of the 3rd violent crimes squad on duty,
and they had already pulled out their guns with scared faces.


The team member with a machine gun next to the monitor stood and said.

―I will take the lead.‖


Kyo-chung approached the CCTV room‘s door and slowly opened it. He pulled out a mirror
from his waist and looked at both sides of the hallway.

As it was early morning, the light from outside was dull, but everything could be seen, and there
was a green light pointing to the emergency passage.

‗He isn‘t here yet.‘

After confirming that there was no one there, Kyo-chung cautiously came out of the room.

The detectives, including Song Wei-kang, followed.

The emergency stairs were near the computer room, the first room in the hallway to the left of
the elevator.

―Shh. We will have to hurry.‖


Everyone whispered. They moved as quickly as they could towards the computer room with light

The hallways were so long that they began to feel resentment

towards the government building.

But eventually, they managed to reach the computer room.

With feelings of fear and impatience, the crew members hurriedly approached the door to open

It was then,


They heard the bell of the elevator.


Everyone in front of the computer room went stiff and brought out their guns.


The elevator door opened, revealing only a shadowy figure because of the dark hallways.

Everyone‘s eyes shook.

And their ears heard Chun Yeowun‘s voice.

―I thought you would have run away, but you were planning on meeting me?‖

Their hearts pounded loudly.


The door to the CCTV room opened, and someone walked in.

It was Chun Yeowun.

His eyes widened as he saw the monitors on the CCTV room‘s wall.

He did have Nano transfer everything about the current era, but seeing it with his own eyes was

―Having something like this must be convenient.‖

In his time, there was no other way to watch someone other than tail them.

CCTV or hidden cameras seemed very useful for monitoring someone and checking out the
situation without using trusted people.

Chun Yeowun‘s purpose for visiting the room was simple.

‗Nano. Did you say that everything recorded is stored here?‘


It was to handle the recorded CCTV videos.

Chun Yeowun approached the main PC installed in front of the monitors and put his palm on it.


Nanoparticles of the Nano Machine came out of his hand and took the form of a glove.

A metal wire extended from his palm and connected to the USB-X port on the PC.


Chun Yeowun‘s eyes moved as he looked at the CCTV screens which were sent to the
augmented reality.

The CCTV footage didn‘t just show the building, but the traffic and the nearby buildings, even
the buildings of the special teams.

Chun Yeowun turned to the CCTV screen showing people.


About 40 criminals were imprisoned on the second and first basement floors.

Startled with all the gunshots, they were walking to and fro.

‗They are locked up. So this Public Security Bureau is a place that catches criminals.‘

Chun Yeowun was able to identify the use of Public Security.

However, even though there was such a noisy situation, he was puzzled by the people who
weren‘t moving, and there was a reason for that.


Originally, he was planning on deleting the CCTV footage.

Looking at the criminals in the prison, Chun Yeowun smiled.

04:15 AM

A dungeon of special people.

Awakened by the sound of machine guns, the members of the Fire Head gang were bewildered
as they listened.

There was a reason they were listening intently.

―Brother. It seems like it has failed.‖

―Damn it!‖

At the words of the gang member, the bald man with a bloody face, leaning against the wall,
seemed annoyed.

He was the middle boss of the Fire Head gang, Song Mang-dal.

―… the boss has failed. I wanted to get out of this damn place.‖

They misunderstood the situation.

They thought the gunshots might have been the members of the Fire Head gang who came to
rescue them.

Son Mang-dal is in charge of drug distribution and money management.

Since more than half of the organization‘s operating funds rested in his hands, it was a fact that
the Fire Head gang would come for him.

For that reason, the Fire Head gang had actually attacked the buses of the Special Mobile Strike

―Wait up. Boss. Isn‘t there something that the boss can do?‖

―They failed twice. What more can be done! You dumbass!‖

He would have beaten the gang members in a hurry if he was in perfect condition, but his arms
and legs were currently cuffed, so he could only swear at them.
―I-I didn‘t think it through.‖

The upset members went silent at those words.

It was then,

Beep beep! Click.


The doors of the locked prison opened.

The Fire Head gang members who had given up shouted.


They wanted to escape from the prison, and their doors were all opening!

They searched the office of the special force on the first floor to find the codes to their handcuffs
and ran out of the building, becoming free.

It was half-past four in the morning, still dark outside.

The entire Public Security Bureau was quiet.

―Why is it this quiet?‖

The gang couldn‘t hide their curiosity.

If something like gunshots were heard, then there should be signs of movement.

But there was no such thing.

―Something feels off.‖

Son Mang-dal, who was released from the cuffs, tried to concentrate, but he couldn‘t feel a
single strand of energy.

That was when a member said,

―It seems like the boss has called for professional help this time. It‘s great… cleaning up the

Son Mang-dal nodded his head as if it could be true.

They didn‘t know who handled the task of getting them out.

That was when Son Mang-dal heard something.



When he turned his head, he looked at the entrance of the building.

As if someone was there.

He wasn‘t sure if they were friend or foe, but if it was a Public Security officer, he had to deal
with them before they called for backup.

―Follow me. Someone seems to be alive.‖


Son Mang-dal took the lead and moved to the entrance of the building.

Like those who learned martial arts, he was good at killing.


He pushed through the glass doors but couldn‘t hide his shock.

The smell of blood hit his nose.

―Isn‘t this the smell of blood?‖

―Didn‘t they clean up?‖

The entire lobby seemed to be covered with the smell of blood, despite the traces being erased.
Something was really off.

At this time, everything felt ominous.


Again, the sound of footsteps.

[Over there.]


At the sound, Son Mang-dal and the other six approached the place.

It was dark as the lights were off, but the green light from the emergency exit sign at the end of
the hallway helped them.

Passing the lobby, they reached the hallway near the elevator.


Something strange seemed to have touched the soles of their feet.

Those members, who thought it was odd, touched the floor and then smelled it.


It was blood.

They thought it was odd and looked down.


For a moment, they ended up screaming.

In front of the elevator were ten mobile striker corpses.

It was as if they were baptized by bullets.

They thought the boss would have planned to clean up the bodies, but that didn‘t seem to be the

[Well, it‘s strange. Let‘s just leave the building…]

It was then.



Something suddenly flew through the body of a member.

One of them screamed in pain, which seemed to end his life.

―T-Trap! Run away…‖


Son Mang-dal and the members who were near the hallway were startled by the shouts.

Pak! Tatatak!

‗Damn it! We‘ve been played!‘

Right, things couldn‘t have been so easy.

Son Mang-dal and the others rushed out of the office, thinking they shouldn‘t be caught up in
what was happening to those near the exit sign.

From the glass at the building‘s entrance, a black shadow with long flowing hair seemed to be
watching them.

As the people disappeared, so did the black shadow.


The LED light with the floor number the elevator was on stopped at five.
06:10 AM

Early morning when there are few vehicles on the road.

A black sedan was moving fast.

A man in his mid-thirties wearing a neat suit and sitting in the back of the car talking into his
smartphone, he was Jo Yu-seong.

―Yes. Yes. Director. Thank you for taking care of my request at such an unreasonable time. See
you in the office by 10.‖


When the call disconnected, Jo Yu-seong wrapped the phone around his wrist with a satisfied

He was tired because he couldn‘t sleep a wink last night, yet, the results were satisfactory.

‗Now, we need to bring him out.‘

All the preparations were done.

From documentation to identity preparation.

Just the thought of getting it done within 12 hours was amazing.

‗What time is it?‘

Jo Yu-seong turned to the monitor on the headrest of the car‘s driver seat.

As the TV screen had something playing, the time was shown on the upper right corner.

06:12 AM

‗I managed to make it on time.‘

He told Chun Yeowun he would be there at 6.

By the time he arrived at the Public Security building, he thought it would be around 6:30 or so.
He thought Chun Yeowun would be understanding.

-Breaking News.

That was when a male newsreader on the TV screen was talking about Breaking News.

The channel was in Shenyang City.

There was no time for news, but he decided to see what happened since it was emergency news.

The man delivered the news with a stiff face.

-We have unfortunate news. Around dawn, the authorities announced that Son Mang-dal and the
other members of the Fire Head organization who were arrested for drug sales escaped from the
Public Safety Bureau.


Jo Yu-seong frowned.

It had to be a coincidence that such news came out at a time like this.


-In the process of escaping, the Fire Head organization ended up killing around 30 Mobile
Strikers and detectives of the Violent Crimes Squad…

Along with those words, the CCTV footage was shown on the screen.

It was the scene where the Fire Head gang members entered the building.

Along with that, it seemed like gunshots followed.


That was what the CCTV footage showed.

The screen switched, and the scene of the emergency conference was shown.
In front of the podium, a man with sparse grey hair, who looked like the director of the Public
Security Bureau, was giving a report with a stiff face.

-After escaping, Son Mang-dal and the others destroyed the data in the CCTV room. The violent
crimes chief, Song Wei-kang, was killed as he was fleeing with the video copy of the crimes.
The Public Security Bureau will not ignore this…

―Ugh, what is this…‖

Jo Yu-seong, who was watching the news, was stunned.

Just what happened at the Bureau in 12 hours?



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Chapter 12 - Scout Offer (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Sep 20, 2021

• 13 min read • 7201 views

06:10 AM

5th floor of Shenyang Hospital, in a ward.

There was a man lying down with a haggard face.

It was Lee Myeong, the leader of the 3rd squad.

As the emergency room surgeon said, he underwent thorough examination, and even though he
suffered gunshot wounds, he only needed a week to recover.

[Since there‘s no infection and you‘ve received regenerative treatment, you can return to work
after a week of rest in the hospital.]

After a week, he would be discharged and asked to work at a desk.

He was called lucky.

‗Ah… shut up.‘

The sound of a TV playing loudly annoyed him.

He couldn‘t tell them to turn down the volume because he shared the room with 6 other people.

And the room was mostly filled with elderly people.

‗Not a single person is asleep.‘

The elderly women and men were all awake.

‗Damn it. I have gunshot wounds. At least put me in a single-person room!‘

He groaned.

As soon as a week of rest was put down, he was put into a multi-person ward.


He moved for food.

After not eating last night and getting treatment, he woke up at dawn because of sleeping on an
empty stomach.

A nurse entered.

―How is everyone feeling?‖

Lee Myeong asked the nurse.

―When can I have a meal?‖

―Ah. Meal? Give me a second.‖

The nurse looked down at the chart.

―If the doctor comes for his rounds and then declares you are in good condition, I think you will
be given porridge.‖


Lee Myeong looked like he was going to die.

He was starving, and he couldn‘t wait until lunch.

He knew he shouldn‘t, but he still asked.

―Then, can I smoke…‖

Then, he heard it from the TV.

-Breaking News. We have unfortunate news. Around dawn, the authorities announced that Son
Mang-dal and the other members of the Fire Head organization who were arrested for drug sales
escaped from the Public Safety Bureau.


Lee Myeong‘s face stiffened.

On the screen, the director‘s press conference began, starting with CCTV footage.

-… Song Wei-kang, was killed as he was fleeing with the video copy of the crimes. The Public
Security Bureau will not ignore this…

―Damn it!‖

The news of the escape was absurd, and his direct boss had died.

‗What the hell happened?‘

Something happened within the 12 hours of him being hospitalized.

Lee Myeong jumped up out of the bed.


The nurse panicked.

Pushing her aside, Lee Myeong spoke.

―I need to be discharged immediately.‖

―That can‘t…‖


Despite the nurse‘s words, Lee Myeong pulled the infusion needle out of his arm.

He staggered out of the room while blood dripped from the spot where the needle was inserted.

The nurse shouted.

―Patient Lee Myeong!‖

06:45 AM

Shenyang City Public Security Bureau.

The gate wasn‘t even opened, but the atmosphere of the Public Security Bureau was close to a
funeral home.

And the staff which belonged to it were summoned early to deal with the situation.

―Oh my! Oh my!‖

―Wail. Wail…. Does it make sense that I can‘t even see the body of my husband after being told
the news?‖

The families of the deceased were crying and wailing in front of the office. Due to how the
bodies were being sent to autopsy, they weren‘t shown to the families.

Originally, civilians would need to give permission for an autopsy, but when police risk their
lives, they receive an autopsy right away.

The access to the bureau was blocked with a tape prohibiting the entry of the families.

―Was that the only CCTV footage, or is the bureau hiding something?‖

―Why are they controlling the press?‖

Reporters were gathered outside.

After the press conference, the reporters of each media group came to ask numerous questions.

And because of them, the people of the bureau who were summoned in the morning were having
a hard time.

―Once the results of the investigation are released, an announcement will be made to the press.
Until then, reporters! Step back!‖
The police, controlling them, shouted.

Despite repeating the same line for the last 30 minutes, the reporters showed no signs of backing

That was when a reporter shouted while pointing to a black sedan entering through the side

―I don‘t get it. You said that no one should pass except for the people related to it, then that car
which doesn‘t even belong to the bureau. Why did you let it in?‖

―What is this? Let us in too!‖

Thanks to one person‘s scream, the other reporters shouted.

The police officers who were blocking the reporters were shocked.

Meanwhile, on the 1st floor of the bureau.

Someone was looking at the confused faces of his men.

The man with sparse grey hair was Sang Yu-geun, the Director of Shenyang City Public Security

He looked at someone and spoke.

―So what you want to say is that the Fire Head gang and the person in the interrogation room in a
weird costume are on a team? Deputy Director?‖

He was talking to Ho Il-kyung.

His posture while sitting on the sofa was extremely uncomfortable.

A doctor from the medical team who came to work early relocated his shoulders and bones,
which were dislocated, but it was just a temporary measure because his cartilage was damaged.

However, he was the only survivor of the night. He couldn‘t even go to the hospital because he
was called for interrogation.
―Didn‘t I say that before? Director. The 5th team was ordered to isolate that Murim…‖

Step! Step!

The sound of the director‘s shoes.

With a small light beam, a 3D image began to appear on the table.

The CCTV footage of the 4th and 5th interrogation rooms in the basement.


In that video, Ho Il-kyung was sitting on a chair in the interrogation room as if he lost his soul.

Drool! Drool!

And he was snoring too!

He was told that all of the footage was deleted, but that didn‘t seem to be the case.

‗Do I sleep like that?‘

Even he couldn‘t understand how he slept peacefully amid the chaos.

Flustered, he tried to explain.



Director Sang Yu-geun slammed the desk with his fist.

―There are a total of two CCTV images of chief Song Wei-kang! It‘s this video and then the one
given to the media. I can‘t show this video to the media because the prestige of the bureau will
fall. Do you understand what I‘m talking about?‖

He could.

There was a USB in Song Wei-kang‘s mouth.

Which made the officers guess that the accident occurred when Song Wei-kang was running
away with the USB.

Thanks to that, Song Wei-kang was being praised.

―Even the head of the violent crimes, who was such an honest man, made such sacrifices. Does it
make sense for the Deputy Director of Public Security to be sleeping inside the interrogation

―Ah, Director. You‘re mistaken! It‘s…‖

―I don‘t want to hear it! After the interrogation by squad 3 is done, there will be an indefinite
suspension until the higher-ups give any instructions.‖

At that, Ho Il-kyung jumped up.

And hurriedly knelt in front of the Director and spoke with teary eyes.

―Director. You‘re really mistaken. Look at me. My shoulders and arms are gone. I was caught by
the Murim warrior, and I suffered all kinds of humiliation…‖

Knock! Knock!

Then someone knocked on the door.

Since the Deputy Director was in the room, the director said,

―I don‘t know what it is, but come back later.‖

-Director, this is urgent.

Saying that it was urgent allowed the man to come in.

In the meantime, as if nothing happened, Ho Il-kyung went back to the sofa nonchalantly and
whistled as he looked to his right.

A male detective hurried into the room with an envelope.

―What is urgent… hm?‖

The Director‘s expression stiffened at the mark of Shenyang City Hall on the documents which
were taken out of the envelope.

At the bottom were a name and seal.

At the same time, in the Public Security violent crimes squad room.

On the sofa was a man in a neat suit having coffee.

It was Jo Yu-seong who promised to get Chun Yeowun out within 12 hours.


There was a man in his early forties with a beard in front of him.

He was Oh Yu-bong, the 1st team leader of the violent crimes squad.

Oh Yu-bong spoke to Jo Yu-seong, who was drinking coffee.

―I see there‘s something you want to believe in. Will you wake up from that dream? As you
know, the current situation isn‘t that good, and our director is a wonderful man who does not
give in to external pressure or any kind of request. It will not go your way.‖

It was because Jo Yu-seong brought an official letter requesting the release of ‗that person‘ who
was imprisoned in the interrogation room.

He even brought a lawyer from a well-known law firm in Shenyang City.

―I know right. Let‘s wait and see.‖

Jo Yu-seong smiled.

Team leader Oh Yu-bong clicked his tongue, looking at how the man was speaking

‗That young man.‘

But this time, Oh Yu-bong knew that things wouldn‘t happen the way the man wanted them to.
The current situation of the bureau was messed up, but the person in the interrogation room was
someone the City Hall ordered them to investigate.

So why would they want the man to leave?

―Huh. Are you done with your coffee? Pack your papers, and let me escort you out. It‘s hard
with all the reporters and the barricades…‖

It was then.

―Team leader!‖

The detective who was sent to the director‘s office came back into the room.

But that wasn‘t it.


Director Sang Yu-geun followed him.


Oh Yu-bong immediately got up and saluted.

Sang Yu-geun lightly nodded and looked at Jo Yu-seong.

―Chief Jo. It has been a long time.‖

―Have you been well? Director, you must have been working hard. Sorry for suddenly coming

Jo Yu-seong got up and bowed.

Judging from their conversation and the tone, it seemed they were acquainted.

―I apologize in advance for not being able to properly entertain you in this situation. But fine.
Was the request letter written by Director Yoon?‖

―That‘s right.‖
―I brought the seal, so let‘s get this moving.‖


Oh Yu-bong was shocked.

He thought his director would never accept that request.

But this was something he never expected.

The director came down to his room to approve the letter.

‗What the hell…‘

While he was shocked, Jo Yu-seong looked at him and smiled.

A smile which said that he won.


The elevator door opened, and Chun Yeowun appeared along with Oh Yu-bong.

Jo Yu-seong, who was waiting in the lobby, bowed to the man.

―You have been through a lot. Mr. Mu-seong.‖


Jo Yu-seong sent a message to Chun Yeowun, who was puzzled.

[I didn‘t know your name while creating the ID, so I put a temporary name. Once you let me
know your actual name, we will edit it.]

Chun Yeowun nodded.

But on the inside, he thought it was a clever name.

The temporary name he was given was similar to his descendant‘s name, Chun Mu-seong.
―Who‘s the one next to you?‖

―This is Lee Hyun, a lawyer at KD Law Firm, who is serving as an advisor at our headquarters.
He struggled a lot with the paperwork last night.‖

―I‘m Lee Hyun.‖

Lawyer Lee Hyun gave a light bow.

After introducing him, Jo Yu-seong pointed to the outside of the building.

―Let‘s get out of this place now, so I‘ll take you to the head office right away.‖

As Jo Yu-seong said, the lobby was full of staff and detectives.

They were all conducting an investigation, drawing white lines on the lobby floor, and collecting
the blood.

To Chun Yeowun, who was about to follow Jo Yu-seong out, the 1st team leader of the crimes
squad spoke.

―Oye, historical costume. I don‘t know who you are, but know that this isn‘t the end. Be careful.
I, the 1st team leader of the violent crimes squad. Oh Yu-song is warning you.‖

It was a warning as he was leaving.

When Chun Yeowun tried to speak up, Jo Yu-seong and the lawyer said there was no need to
deal with the man and led him to a black sedan.

Even when Chun Yeowun got into the car, Oh Yu-bong stared at him with an angry goblin-like

The car door closed, and Jo Yu-seong, who was sitting next to him, calmly said.

―You have been very patient. Many eyes are watching you, so it wouldn‘t look good if you got
into an argument with the leader of the violent crimes squad within the bureau…‖

That was when Chun Yeowun, who was looking out the window, pretended to grab something.

Oh Yu-bong, who turned around to enter the building, grabbed his stomach and fell down.

The investigators were shocked and tried to support him.


No matter how you looked at it, it must have been something Chun Yeowun did.

Flustered, Jo Yu-seong told the driver.

―Start the car. Let‘s go.‖

The quick-witted driver started the car and stepped on the gas.

When they got on the road after barely passing through the barricades and the reporters, Jo Yu-
seong took a deep breath and said,

―I understand your feelings, but if you do tha…‖

―What time is it?‖

―Huh? What time?‖

Jo Yu-seong, who was about to speak, went stiff at Chun Yeowun‘s question.

He was puzzled, thinking that Chun Yeowun would hold him accountable for being late.

―If it‘s because of the promise I made, I apologize. I tried to deal with it as quickly as possible.‖

Jo Yu-seong touched the smartphone on his wrist.

[07:17 AM]

―It‘s 07:17. We arrived at around 6, but we had to wait inside for it to get approved…‖

―So many excuses.‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s cold words, Jo Yu-seong sighed.

While working in the Human Resources Department, he experienced many different types of
people when recruiting talents.

‗Is he trying to aim for something higher? He‘s a lot smarter than I thought.‘

For a second, he wanted to ignore Chun Yeowun and walk away, but he invested a lot into him.

And he already reported to the director.

―Yes, yes. I lost. I can‘t help it. Obviously, there‘s the thing where I broke the appointment time,
so I will tell the director when negotiating your salary…‖


It was before his words even finished.

The flexible smartphone that Jo Yu-seong had on his left wrist cracked.

In the moment of shock, his left wrist had fallen on the car‘s floor.


Jo Yu-seong screamed in pain.

In his usual cold voice, Chun Yeowun said,

―I was trying to tone it down, but you talk a lot.‖

―Haa… haaa…‖

―Since you said you worked all night for me, I ended this with your wrist and not your arm.‖

Chun Yeowun‘s way of showing mercy.

However, Jo Yu-seong couldn‘t say anything.

‗Ugh, he… really cut…‘

He regretted not taking the warning seriously.



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Chapter 13 - Scout Offer (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Sep 21, 2021

• 13 min read • 6750 views


A scream filled the car.

The driver and lawyer Lee Hyun, who were in the front seats, couldn‘t hide their shock.

―Ah, no! Wh-What are you doing?‖


They couldn‘t understand Chun Yeowun‘s actions as they didn‘t know about the 12 hours


The driver hastily hit the brakes, moved into the road‘s shoulder, and stopped.

The driver turned back with a rage-filled face and tried to yell at Chun Yeowun.

[Shit. Don‘t bother. Let‘s go to the hospital.]

Jo Yu-seong beat him to it and sent a message to the driver.

[Ha, but chief! Isn‘t he insane?]

Shockingly, it looked like the driver was also trained in martial arts.

The driver responded in an enraged tone.

[But, chief, you went through so much trouble all night to get him out, why would he cut off
your hand?]
[I told you it‘s enough. Start the car!]

The driver hesitated for a moment and looked at the pale face of Jo Yu-seong, and grabbed the
steering wheel.

There was no need for him to make Jo Yu-seong, who was in pain, angry.

‗I looked down on this man.‘

As the driver thought, Jo Yu-seong was suppressing his anger too.

In the beginning, he couldn‘t compete with his skills and couldn‘t even speak out due to the
hasty process of recruiting Chun Yeowun.

‗… a warning.‘

Jo Yu-seong thought that this was Chun Yeowun‘s warning.

The price of taking advantage of other people and breaking promises.

‗… maybe he‘s not a sect-oriented person.‘

If he had been a sect-oriented person, there was no way he could act so cold-hearted.

Even then, Jo Yu-seong decided to proceed carefully in the future, considering that this man
wasn‘t an ordinary person.


As the pain became tolerable, Jo Yu-seong pressed on his left arm‘s blood points.

The blood, which was gushing out, stopped flowing.

Jo Yu-seong took out a handkerchief and wrapped it around the cut part.

And then tried to pick up the severed hand which was on the car‘s floor.


The hand floated and landed on the seat.

Jo Yu-seong was shocked.

He felt it at first sight, but it seemed like he was more than a Superior Master.

‗Phew. I need to talk it out.‘

They were already on the way to the hospital, but Jo Yu-seong decided to ask for Chun
Yeowun‘s understanding.

―… thank you. I apologize again, but before we go to the head office…‖

Chun Yeowun answered before he finished.

―Don‘t worry about it, and stop by the hospital.‖


For a moment, Jo Yu-seong was confused.

‗I remember saying it telepathically…‘

There was no way one could hear the telepathic messages of others.

Jo Yu-seong, who thought that it was strange, dispelled his doubts.


If he thought about it, isn‘t it a normal reaction to head to the hospital after someone‘s wrist was
cut off?

He decided that he was overreacting.

Shenyang City Public Security Bureau.

Violent crimes squad 3

―No. What kind of bullshit is this?‖

The man, whose voice was so loud that it could be heard outside the office, belonged to Lee
Myeong, the team leader of the 3rd squad.

Detective Dan Young-hyeon, a short-haired female detective with bruises on her face, spoke to
the team leader by making silent gestures.

―Shh! Team leader, please lower your voice.‖

―Do you think I can control myself! Kuak… damn it!‖

Lee Myeong held his throbbing shoulder.

It had been only a few hours since he got treatment, so the pain remained.

The attention of all the people in the 3rd squad was diverted to Lee Myeong.

It would be strange if they weren‘t worried for the man who had been shot and ran into the office
wearing a hospital dress.

―Firstly, team leader. You‘re hurt, so please go back to the hospital. We just finished the
interrogation, so we also only noticed that now, but there‘s nothing we can do.‖

Dan Young-hyeon tried to comfort him.

She could understand why Lee Myeong was angry, but there was nothing they could do about it.

The incident was so significant that every personnel was needed, and even the Special
Department of the Liaoning province‘s Public Security was sent.

―In the end, it‘s the task for the special team…‖

―Special team? My foot! Including the chief, at least eight people from our department have
died! How can this be those bastards‘ task! Does it make sense to release the most likely culprit
just because of external pressure?‖

She let out a sigh at Lee Myeong‘s outburst.

Because of his stubbornness, Lee Myeong was known to be the dumbhead in the Public Security
‗Haa. It‘s starting again.‘

But she didn‘t hate him.

Although he had a wild mouth and didn‘t follow the rules, he was still a kind and loyal man.

Of course, that was something only the detectives of squad 3 thought.

Looking at the other detectives, the female detective said.

―Once again, the team leader is acting like this. Take him to the hospital and…‖

―I‘ll talk with the director myself!‖


With those words, Lee Myeong got up from his seat and sprinted outside the office.

The bewildered detectives blocked him, but,

He overpowered them.




The male detectives were knocked down with a simple push.

Lee Myeong is a famous martial artist on the team, but he was too strong for a man who suffered
from a gunshot wound.

―Are you trying to hurt the patient? And you, do some exercises.‖

With those words, Lee Myeong ran out of the office.

―Shit! Hey! Hurry up and catch the team leader!‖

The detectives of squad 3 were bewildered and followed him.

But Lee Myeong was so fast that he managed to reach the front door of the director‘s office.

Even though the female secretary stopped him, he still went into the room.

―I‘m telling you not now. He‘s on a business call right no…‖


Director Sang Yu-geun, who was on a call, frowned at the sudden actions of Lee Myeong.

Actually, he wasn‘t shocked.

It wasn‘t the first time this happened.

Lee Myeong would directly rush into the director‘s room or deputy director‘s room whenever
something didn‘t make sense and even call them cowards.

―… moved to University Hospital? I get it. For now, keep your eyes open and watch everything.‖


He immediately ended the call.

The female secretary who followed grabbed Lee Myeong‘s arm and tried to drag him out.

That was when the director got up from his seat and gestured that it was okay.

―Secretary Lim, you can leave.‖

―Ah, I understand.‖

When the lady closed the door and left, the director opened his mouth with an unpleasant

―What are you doing? How many times have I told you to not barge in?‖

If it was any other detective, they would have been flustered, unable to do anything.

However, this man, Lee Myeong, is dumb-headed.

―The chief is dead! Director.‖

―… so, what do you want?‖

―Is the director really going to talk like that! If you act like this, how can Public Security be

With a disappointed look, he continued.

―If you have received an interrogation report from my team members, won‘t you know?
Regardless of the CCTV footage, only two people survived. If you think with common sense,
he‘s likely the culprit! If there are no problems after the investigation, it would have been right to
let him go, but that isn‘t the case here.‖


Lee Myeong shook his head at the director, who said nothing.

―I respect the director. A true public security officer never gives in to pressure. But in the end, I
think I‘ve realized that you are the same as everyone else.‖

Lee Myeong, who said everything he wanted, turned to leave the office when the director
stopped him.


Lee Myeong stopped, wondering what the man had to say.

―Do you see me as someone who would succumb to external pressure and release someone?‖


The director turned the monitor on his desk towards Lee Myeong.

What Lee Myeong saw made his eyes shine brightly.

Shenyang City University Hospital.

Inside the orthopedic medical examination room.

A middle-aged doctor who was examining the severed left hand sighed.

―Phew… was this really caused by a blade?‖

―… roughly similar. But, why are you asking?‖

Jo Yu-seong was puzzled by the doctor‘s question.

The doctor enlarged the cross-section of the arm.


There were two photos of the left hand and left arm on the monitor, which had been perfectly cut

―Even if it was caused by a blade, the human muscles and bones are so tough that the nerves and
blood vessels become haggard and distorted, but that isn‘t the case here. The cut is so clean as if
they were anatomical specimens.‖

That was why the doctor was surprised.

At that, even Jo Yu-seong admired Chun Yeowun.

Because he used internal energy, he assumed that he had excellent swordsmanship, but he didn‘t
expect it to be that amazing.

―If this is the case, I think we can proceed directly with a single-sided junction regeneration
surgery without surgery to align nerves.‖

Conjugation of the severed parts is a complicated process.

It isn‘t a single operation, but several operations. However, the doctor said that only joint surgery
and regenerative treatment were needed.

―After the operation, you will be hospitalized for three days, and if the result is good, you will be
able to use your fingers like before.‖
There couldn‘t be more fortunate news than that.

It would be nice to have surgery done right away, but there is still work to be done.

Despite the doctor‘s recommendation to have surgery at noon, Jo Yu-seong asked for it to be
held late in the afternoon and only received first aid.

As Jo Yu-seong left the room, the nurse whispered.

―Doctor, he‘s a martial artist, right?‖

―Indeed, as expected of a nurse who worked here for 8 years.‖

He worked in orthopedics, so there was no way he was unaware of such wounds.

There wasn‘t a single person who would be that calm if their hand was cut off except for Murim
warriors and Gate Keepers.

―If not from a martial artist, how can a cut like that happen. Hohoho.‖

The middle-aged doctor, who looked at the monitor and saw the cut, smiled.

―Well. That martial artist who did that must have been through a lot too.‖

At the same time.

The lobby of the hospital.

An old man with white hair was sitting in a chair waiting to be called.

Compared to the wrinkles, the way the man sat with a straight back was unusual.

And instead of a cane, the old man held a green sword.

Looking at how heavily it was decorated, one could see that it wasn‘t an ordinary stick.

‗Woah. He‘s a warrior.‘

‗That old man. Is he a Murim warrior?‘

No matter who looked at it, the old man was a Murim warrior.

Perhaps, he was accustomed to it. The old man seemed to be okay with all the attention.

That was when someone rushed over to him.

A man in his late thirties, dressed in a dark blue suit, greeted the old man with clasped hands.

―Moyong Yi-sun greets, elder Peng.‖

―Oh-oh. Moyong.‖

Those who knew even a little about Murim would have been shocked by those names.

The direct descendants of the Moyong clan and the Peng clan, two of the five great clans of the
Forces of Justice.

Of course, things like clans aren‘t used anymore.

The man in his late thirties, Moyong Yi-sun, was the managing director of the Yeon Company,
the largest corporation in Shenyang.

―Don‘t call me by that title. Just call me like you usually do.‖

―Hehehe, is that so? Still, you‘re the next president of the company.‖

The descendants of the five great clans, they frequently got to meet each other.

Moyong Yi-sun spoke while looking at the number on the table next to Peng Neung-gyeom.

―I don‘t get it. If you had informed me about this in advance, my people would have quickly
handled the payment. Why didn‘t you?‖

―Huhuhu, that would be too burdensome. I‘m here for a simple check-up… ah! Come to think of
it, you kept staring at someone as you entered. Do you know him?‖

Peng, who had good eyesight, found that Moyong Yi-sun was looking at a certain someone.

A man wearing a cast as he injured his left arm.

If it was just an ordinary person, elder Peng wouldn‘t have even cared about it, but that man was
a Murim warrior.

―Ah yes. He‘s a business acquaintance.‖

―Hmm, is that so?‖

It felt like he avoided getting into details, so elder Peng didn‘t pay it much mind.

Because it was none of his business.

―But, elder is really great.‖

―What do you mean?‖

―Did you come here because of the Gate Warning? To come get a consultation despite it being
taxing for an 80-year-old.‖

―Huhuhu, what kind of wording is that? In a world where the gates are open, if old people like
me can help, that‘s more than enough…. Hm?‖

At that time, Peng Neung-gyeom‘s face went stiff.

He was going to ask Moyong Yi-sun about something, but Peng suddenly moved out of the


Moyong Yi-sun followed him.

Peng, who escaped the hospital building, was looking elsewhere.

There were a few people.


―Looks like there was an accident.‖

Moyong Yi-sun, who reached his side, spoke.

On the side that elder Peng looked at was a grand RV stopped by a power pole.

It looked like the front tire was punctured.

Shockingly, both the front wheels of the car were torn to shreds.

―Did you come out after hearing the accident?‖

At Moyong Yi-sun‘s question, Peng Neung-gyeom muttered with trembling eyes.

―I just felt a tremendous energy a moment back. Didn‘t you feel it?‖

Moyong Yi-sun‘s eyes lit up at those words.

Because it was the first time that elder Peng, one of the top 100 martial artists registered in the
Murim Department of the Chinese Government‘s State Council, was shocked like this.

―Maybe one of them?‖

Moyong Yi-sun pointed to two men who came out of the crashed RV.

Maybe it was because of the accident, but the two men who got out of the RV had no energy.

At that, elder Peng shook his head and said.

―No. It appeared for a moment and then disappeared.‖

With those words, Peng Neung-gyeom clenched the sword in his hand.

‗Did this Peng Neung-gyeom miss a thunder user?‘

He was the master of thunder.

The black sedan left the hospital grounds.

Jo Yu-seong, who had a cast on his left arm, asked Chun Yeowun, who closed his eyes with his
arms crossed.
―By any chance, the flat tires of that RV… was that your doing?‖

Chun Yeowun didn‘t deny it.

It was because Jo Yu-seong had clenched his fist.

He knew it, but he still wanted to ask.

And Chun Yeowun stayed silent.

He was frustrated. That was when the driver sent him a message.

[Chief Jo. Even if not for that, I was going to tell you once I confirmed it, but that grey RV. It
had been following us since we left the Public Security Bureau.]


At those words, Jo Yu-seong‘s eyes widened as he looked at Chun Yeowun.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 14 -

Scout Offer (3)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Sep 22, 2021

• 12 min read • 6442 views



‗And he noticed that?‘

Jo Yu-seong couldn‘t hide his shock.

Of course, he couldn‘t focus on what was happening around him, thanks to his severed wrist.

However, the fact that Chun Yeowun, who was always looking ahead, managed to notice that
meant that he was very attentive.

‗Is a Superior Master this great?‘

Among Murim people who are strong, only a handful of people managed to reach the Superior

To reach that level, one would have to pass many levels.

Jo Yu-seong has constantly been learning martial arts since his childhood, but he was only able
to reach the Super Master Level in his mid-twenties.

People around him said that it was a great achievement, but this young man in a historical
costume made him feel like nothing.

‗He only looks 20 years old…‘

Chun Yeowun looked to be only in his early twenties.

The world is so unfair.

It was hard to reach the Super Master Level in the mid-thirties, even while working for a
‗Because everyone has a role to play.‘

Before going insane, he decided to organize these thoughts.

Right now, if he learned the real level of Chun Yeowun, he might die of shock.

‗So the Public Security is keeping an eye on us?‘

The director had come and even signed and stamped the request, which was pretty unexpected.

He thought it was because of the accident which happened inside the bureau.


Jo Yu-seong glanced at Chun Yeowun, who had his eyes closed.

He didn‘t think that Chun Yeowun had anything to do with the Fire Head gang of the Forces of
Evil escaping.

It was because they were people who made a living selling drugs.

‗There was pressure from above, but they ignored it.‘

The director of Public Security, Jo Yu-seong, ended up thinking too lightly of him.

The Public Security Bureau was an institution under the State Council.

‗We‘ll have to cut the string before it gets more tangled.‘

While Jo Yu-seong was deep in thought, Chun Yeowun still had his eyes closed.

On the surface, it looked like he was meditating.

But his eyelids trembled faintly.

[The material has been organized into the brain, it is 100% complete.]

Nano‘s voice echoed in his head.

Once they were out of the Public Security Bureau, he was able to connect to the WiFi.
From the moment they left the Bureau, Chun Yeowun had Nano organize all the information
about the present era.

It was missing some things, but the basics were all there.

And after that, Nano completed the task of distinguishing the knowledge of the present and
future, which was built-in, and transferred it to Chun Yeowun.

‗I have a headache.‘

[Because of the large amount of information that has been transferred at once.]

Since the development of the Internet, this era is called the information age, so the amount of
information present was enormous.

It was so vast that it couldn‘t be compared with the number of techniques and books transferred
to his brain in his era.

It was natural to have a headache.

‗My head is all messed up.‘

The transfer was successfully completed, but he got dizzy when a lot of information was placed
into his brain.

Even for him, who reached the Heavenly Master Level, it was too much to handle.

‗Hmm, complex social structure.‘

That was the opinion of Chun Yeowun, who had all the information transferred into his brain.

This era was more complex than his time.

It was more restrictive in a way.

‗This society has great resistance to murder or injury.‘

Chun Yeowun, who lived in savagery, couldn‘t understand it.

This era was a world where there were too many restrictions caused by laws, social notions, and

‗Was the non-aggression treaty broken down into this structure?‘

Looking at the transferred information, the Murim warriors also seemed to live their lives by
following the laws and the ideal social structure.

The main reason behind that was the fact that Murim warriors were affiliated with the

‗The registration of Murim…‘

Such a cumbersome system.

All Murim warriors had to register with the Murim Department within the government‘s State

Only then, with a few restrictions, were they allowed to carry a weapon.

‗… it doesn‘t matter.‘

The Murim Department seemed like it graded Murim warriors.

In the past, the Murim people decided on the Five Strongest Warriors, and each clan in the Nine
Great Clans had to earn the title.

But now, the government which was controlling the Murim would give the grading.

Interestingly, from a certain point on, the Murim warriors seemed to be obsessed with that too.

‗Aren‘t they just being distracted? Is that why?‘

Perhaps the root cause of it was something called the First Dimension Gate.

A natural disaster of unknown origin which suddenly occurred 28 years ago.

Humanity was threatened as unknown dangerous entities jumped out of the gates, which opened
At that time, the Murim warriors appeared.

The Murim, which was considered to be the dark side of society, was revealed through that
opportunity, and now everyone was aware of it.

‗The press, phones with cameras, internet… there are problems.‘

From the moment they were exposed to the public, the existence of Murim was no longer a

In addition, the Murim warriors couldn‘t disappear in the current state of the world, with Gates
being opened in succession, starting with the First Dimension Gate.

Chun Yeowun, who was thinking about it all, asked Nano.

‗Nano. Where are the State Council, the Murim Department, and the Murim Association?‘

[Right. In the case of the Murim Association, public institutions, and certain organizations, there
is a limit to the data which can be collected through the wireless internet because they have their
own operating system.]

Chun Yeowun frowned.

Much of the material he wanted to know was missing.

The Murim Association is registered as a Murim office and allowed grading, so ordinary
people‘s information about Murim was only of the association.

‗The same with the Dimension Gates.‘

Again, it was controlled by the State Council to prevent civilians from accessing the information.

In some ways, Dimension Gates were more strictly controlled than the Murim Association, and if
any material was uploaded on the internet, it was immediately deleted.

‗So bothersome.‘

In the end, it meant that he had no chance but to move on from that topic.
The simplest way to get information would be to infiltrate those places.

No matter how different the system was, its data could be extracted if Nano was directly
connected to the main computer.

‗But everything is vague. We need a more direct clue.‘

That way, he could decide how to approach it.

Even though it was a different time axis that Nano had no idea about, there were some

That being said, not much has changed.

For example,

‗The energy I felt in the hospital.‘

Chun Yeowun sensed certain energies while Jo Yu-seong was being treated.

The internal energy from a very familiar harvesting technique.

‗I felt it from someone before.‘

Chun Yeowun, who reached the Heavenly Master Level, was able to distinguish the
characteristics of energy.

Something flashed through Chun Yeowun‘s mind, who for a moment recalled the energies.

‗… Moyong clan, the Peng clan of Hebei!‘

If he wasn‘t mistaken, then the energies he felt had to be of those two clans.

Chun Yeowun was upset.

It would have been better to get out of the car and talk to them.

But now, he was so far away that he couldn‘t even sense their energies.
‗Still, I got something. The fact that their descendants, the Five Great Clans, are present in this
age too, so my cult should exist too.‘

The information that Chun Yeowun wanted to find out the most was anything about the Sky
Demon Order.

In order to return to his original era after arriving at an unfamiliar place, rather than struggling
alone, he wanted to meet the people of the Sky Demon Order, which were like family to him.

‗Was it Sky Corporation?‘

In the future, where Nano was created by his descendant Chun Mu-seong, the Sky Demon Order
is called the Sky Corporation.

‗Ah, right. Nano. Go on that wireless thing and search for the Sky Corporation.‘


At Chun Yeowun‘s command, Nano started searching.

The search didn‘t take long.

[A total of 7 groups were found.]


Not one, but seven?

But, Nano‘s next words were puzzling.

[There are a total of 0 Sky Corporations in the Chinese government‘s territory.]


A world map in the form of a globe unfolded as augmented reality opened up.


Although the information about it was transferred, it was still strange to see the entire world.

At that time, the locations of the Sky Corporations were marked with red dots.

However, none of them existed in the Chinese government‘s territory.

‗… no way.‘

Chun Yeowun‘s eyes trembled.

He thought that the Sky Demon Order existed under the name Sky Corporation.

However, it was strange that it didn‘t exist in this place.

‗Is there anything which was originally in Chinese territory but moved to another place?‘

[No. They are all foreign companies, and the heads are all foreigners.]

Photos of people appeared above the marked-up areas.

Not a single one looked the same as his people. They were all foreigners.

Chun Yeowun was frustrated.


In this era, traces of two of the Five Great Clans, the Moyong clan, and the Peng clan, were

But it didn‘t make sense that the Sky Demon Order was nowhere to be found.

The Sky Demon Order, which he led, had the power to engulf the entire Jianghu region. It was
greater than the Five Great clans combined.

‗Is it possible that the cult was destroyed in this time axis?‘

There was no way of knowing.

But if that was what happened, it would be a huge shock to Chun Yeowun, the Lord of the Sky
Demon Order.
Chun Yeowun, who was at a loss for words, suddenly thought.

‗Maybe it‘s under a different name?‘

The time axis is different.

And the level of Murim warriors here isn‘t as low as his descendant described.

That being said, there was no guarantee that the Sky Demon Order would be the Sky

If that was the case, it made sense for the previous search to not have favorable results.

‗Nano. Search for a company where a person with the name Moyong is the head or owner of it.‘


The results were out immediately.

[A total of 1 company was found with the name Moyong in it.

A company that has a total of 13 affiliates.]


As expected.

Maybe if things went this way, perhaps he could find traces of the Sky Demon Order.

‗Nano. Find a company where the owner has the name Chun.‘


This, too, didn‘t take long.

[A total of 108 companies with the name Chun were found.]


Chun Yeowun was speechless.

When he searched for Moyong, only one company came up, but when he searched for his own
surname, so many companies came up.

‗What the hell is… sigh…‘

Too many, just way too many.

He was shocked for a moment but stayed calm.

Although there were more companies than expected, it could be because they had potential.

‗If we want to shorten the list… how do we do it?‘

The companies weren‘t disclosing their information either.

The company he searched for a while back was an automobile manufacturer, and it wasn‘t
related to the Murim clan.

The sedan suddenly stopped.

―We are here.‖

Chun Yeowun opened his eyes at Jo Yu-seong‘s words.

The black sedan stopped in front of a building 40 stories tall.

When he got out, Jo Yu-seong led him to the entrance of the building.

―This is our headquarters.‖

Entering the building, a spacious lobby lined with indigo-colored marble was revealed.

In the lobby, a 5-meter tall toy stood up in the center.

There was an information desk behind it, with the company name written on it.

Six Road Toys.

At Chun Yeowun, who was looking around, Jo Yu-seong said.

―Six Road Toys. This is our company name. We launched around September of last year, so you
may not know us, but as you can see, we started a toy manufacturing business.‖


Right, the robot in the middle did seem like a toy.

Jo Yu-seong smiled and pointed at the elevator to the right of the lobby.

―Our director is waiting. Let‘s go this way. Ah!‖

Jo Yu-seong, who was about to lead him to the elevator, patted around his body as if he had
forgotten something and searched for it.

―Come to think of it, I didn‘t get your full name. I need to introduce you to them directly.‖

With that, Jo Yu-seong politely handed Chun Yeowun his business card.

―First, I will introduce myself. Jo Yu-seong, the chief of Six Road Toys.‖

A red and yellow paper business card.

On the front was written Six Road Toys, along with the name Jo Yu-seong, a phone number, and
another number.

―You have an analog tick? If you give me your number, I will send you an electronic business
card too.‖

Some things didn‘t change over time.

The business card.

Chun Yeowun knew about it because of all the information which was transferred into his mind.


His expression stiffened.

Seeing that, Jo Yu-seong smiled and said.

―You must have been shocked. Were you surprised that we are a new company? Although the
Six Road Toys is a new launch, our performance is high thanks to the support of the head office.
This is a place you can trust and rely on.‖

―… is this the head office‘s name?‖

Chun Yeowun looked at the card with narrow eyes.

On the back of the business card was the name of the head office.

[Blade Six]

The name of a company in English, a name he would never forget.

It was another name of the Blade God Six Martial Clan, who fought for power with the Sky
Demon Order and the Yulin.



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Scout Offer (4)
Descent of the Demon God
Published on

Sep 23, 2021

• 13 min read • 6354 views




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Blade Six.

One of the five largest conglomerates in the current Chinese government.

Although the world‘s population plummeted due to the Gates, the Blade Six still boasts
overwhelming power and is the number one in the world.

Last year, it formed a pro-social corporate image and was so well-recognized that it was selected
as the number one company people wanted to join.


The information which passed through Chun Yeowun‘s mind was basic information about the
Blade Six.

‗… Blade God Six Martial Clan.‘

All the information was ordinary.

However, the Blade Six he knew was the name of a company from a distant future.

‗This guy is proof.‘

Jo Yu-seong in front of him was proof.

Seeing that the head of an affiliated company knows martial arts, that must mean he knows about

‗… Nano. If the time axis is different, is there any chance that the Blade God is still alive.‘

Chun Yeowun asked with a stiff face.

The Blade God of the Blade God Six Martial Clan, the head of the Blade Six.

Nano‘s voice echoed.

[It‘s possible if the user failed to kill the Blade God before entering the time axis.]

Chun Yeowun wasn‘t happy about that information.

Another possibility.

‗I killed him just yesterday…‘

Chun Yeowun had killed the Blade God in the Time Jet before falling into this era.

If it was his own time, Chun Yeowun would have erased all traces of that clan in a single day.

‗This is one funny situation.‘

Chun Yeowun bit his lip.

He couldn‘t find the Sky Corporation, but he managed to find the Blade God Six Martial Clan.

Moreover, he was being scouted.


Jo Yu-seong couldn‘t hide his curiosity at the sudden change in atmosphere.

His reaction was completely different from the one Jo Yu-seong expected from a person about to
get hired by a big company.

―Is there anything that‘s making you uncomfortable?‖

Jo Yu-seong asked.

Since Chun Yeowun is an unpredictable character, he was cautious.

‗Did he have a bad experience with the head office?‘

Otherwise, there wouldn‘t be such a reaction.

Chun Yeowun, who had a still expression, spoke.

―What‘s the name of the company‘s head?‖


A low voice filled with energy.

There was no way Jo Yu-seong couldn‘t feel it.

‗Civilians won‘t be able to breathe in the lobby…‘

It was shocking.

If this man lived his life like this, everyone would have noticed him.

He decided to calm down.

―Ugh, if you can tell me why you‘re…‖

―Tell me the head‘s name.‖

The voice, which was making him weak.

Jo Yu-seong, who was so nervous that cold sweat broke out, said the name.

―It‘s Geum Seong-ryong!‖

―… Geum Seong-ryong?‖

Chun Yeowun frowned.

He thought that the name Blade God would come out.

The energy disappeared right away.


Jo Yu-seong‘s legs, which would have given out if it continued, relaxed.

‗What kind of life… did he live?‘

He forgot that they were still in the lobby.

After barely calming his breath, Lee Hyun spoke.

―I heard that the President of the head office is famous among Murim warriors, didn‘t you


Jo Yu-seong looked at the lawyer with shocked eyes.

He spoke with a carefree expression as if nothing happened.

‗No way… am I the only one who felt that just now?‘

To live like that, to be able to force enough energy on a person to kill them.

Qi is a kind of energy, but when used in high amounts, others can feel it.

But Lee Hyun didn‘t feel anything.

‗… I must have misunderstood. This man isn‘t at the beginning of the Superior Master Level. He
seems to have reached the end of it.‘

Considering Chun Yeowun‘s age, Jo Yu-seong thought that he must be an entry Superior Master.

But it seemed like he was wrong.

At that time, Chun Yeowun asked Lee Hyun.

―What do you mean by famous?‖

―You know that the President of the head office is the vice president of the Murim Association.‖

―Vice president?‖

Chun Yeowun‘s expression stiffened more at the words vice president.

The basic information of the Murim Association, which Nano transferred, naturally popped into
his mind.

The association consisted of 12 executives, with the vice president and president above them.

‗The members of orthodox clans?‘

It was said that the officers of the Murim Association were members of orthodox clans.

Although the names of the executives weren‘t disclosed on the website, officials in the Murim
Department and other similar fields seemed to know the executives.

‗Blade God Six, no, Blade Six is working with the orthodox clans? Ha.‘


They were by no means orthodox.

Rather, they walked on a path closer to violence.

If necessary, they didn‘t mind taking hundreds of lives.

―You didn‘t know?‖


At the words of Lee Hyun, Chun Yeowun shook his head.

Since he only acquired basic information, he didn‘t know this.

‗He doesn‘t know the President of the head office? I guess he really was a hidden Murim
At Chun Yeowun‘s reaction, Jo Yu-seong thought to himself.

If he didn‘t know the President of the head office, the most prominent figure in Murim, it was
speculated that this man must have learned martial arts in a remote place like mountains.

‗Only, he‘s a little out of control.‘

They couldn‘t handle Chun Yeowun.

And Chun Yeowun was so strong that he can control his energy exceptionally.

‗For now, try conciliating with him, and if it doesn‘t work, we have no choice but to leave it to
the director.‘

Jo Yu-seong organized his thoughts.

―I… if there‘s something that‘s making you uncomfortable, I can postpone the meeting to

―Didn‘t you say that we‘ll be meeting with the director of this company?‖


Chun Yeowun still had a stiff face.

In the building, there seemed to be more than a hundred warriors.

Among them, two seemed to have a great amount of internal energy.

Perhaps one of them is the director.


Chun Yeowun looked up and found the CCTV cameras installed in the lobby. There were forty.

Much larger than the Bureau.

Which meant that the security was tight.

‗Let‘s figure this place out first.‘

If it was the past, Chun Yeowun would have overturned the entire place.

Because Chun Yeowun was the kind to torture people for information and then kill them once he
got what he wanted.

However, it was tiring to do that when the Blade God‘s existence was neither confirmed nor

‗I can‘t even find my cult. There‘s no need to draw attention.‘

Chun Yeowun, who knew how the current world worked, decided to lay low.

Of course, if that didn‘t work, he would go back to being himself.

―Fine. I will meet him. Where should I go?‖


At his response, Jo Yu-seong exhaled in relief.

The 36th floor of the Six Road Toys‘ building.

The other floors were divided into departments and employees, but the 36th floor was dedicated
to one person.

It was because the owner of that floor had great authority.

Of course, he wasn‘t the only one on the floor.

Four beautiful female secretaries and 12 security guards were stationed there.

The glamorous office had a private bar.


There was a man with white hair in his early forties swinging his golf club.

The person who stood politely in front of him was general manager Jo Yu-seong.
―That is all. Director.‖

The man was Yun Mun-pyeong, the director of Six Road Toys.

He was listening to the report.


He opened his mouth as he kept looking at the golf club.

―He cut off your hand because you were late?‖

―… yes.‖

―Quite an untamed bastard.‖

Yun Mun-pyeong put the golf club into his golf bag and sat down on the sofa.

He sat with his legs crossed and drank his glass of whiskey all at once.

And Jo Yu-seong spoke.

―If we can hold his reins properly, he‘s worthwhile. To be honest, if he has such a high level of
skill, it‘s worth hiring him for the future.‖

―Are you saying that he isn‘t a card we play then discard?‖

―… right.‖

Seeing Jo Yu-seong‘s face, Yun Mun-pyeong smiled.

―How can you even think that after he cut off your hand? You must think that he really is

It‘s normal to feel ill will towards such a person.

Still, Jo Yu-seong was speaking objectively.

This was the reason Yun Mun-pyeong used him.

―Good. I‘ll take a look and judge him. As manager Jo said, if he truly is a Superior Master, it‘s a
waste to use then discard him.‖

―Thank you,‖

Jo Yu-seong bowed to express his gratitude.

And the director gestured for him to hold a meeting.

As Jo Yu-seong left, Yun Mun-pyeong touched his hair and muttered.

―Tch Tch, manager Jo. This time your eyes were wrong. If he was a Superior Master, I would
have noticed his energy the moment he entered the floor.‖

Director Yun Mun-Pyeong.

One of the two Superior Masters assigned to this company.

In Yun Mun-pyeong‘s mind, only a Superior Master can sense another Superior Master.

Of course, considering that this kid was someone in his early twenties and talented, he decided to
let Jo Yu-seong bring him in.


Yun Mun-pyeong grabbed the jacket, which was on the hanger, and put it on.

If it was a meeting, he had to look his part.


The door opened, and someone entered along with Jo Yu-seong.


Yun Mun-pyeong was shocked.

Seeing Chun Yeowun in a historical costume was really shocking.

He has never seen anyone grow their hair like that in today‘s world, except for celebrities.
―This is Yun Mun-pyong, the director.‖

Jo Yu-seong introduced him.

And although he reported to him earlier, he spoke to the director.

―He‘s the person I mentioned before.‖

Chun Yeowun only revealed his first name and not his surname.

Originally, he thought about telling them his full name to see the Blade Six‘s reaction.

But he soon changed his mind.

‗I can‘t give myself away.‘

This wasn‘t even the main company.

And he can‘t give these lowly people his name.

If the Blade God lived in this era, then there‘s a chance that the Blade God would run away to be

Yun Mun-pyeong reached out for a handshake.

―Nice to meet you. I‘m Yun Mun-pyeong. Since I‘m older, I will speak without formalities.‖

Chun Yeowun looked at his hand.

It was because he wasn‘t used to the western greeting style.

But soon, information popped into his mind, and he shook his hand.

And said,



Jo Yu-seong‘s face went stiff.

He was meeting the director of a company. The kid should at least use honorifics.

He looked at Yun Mun-pyeong out of curiosity to see his eyes trembling.

He was holding back.

As if it didn‘t bother him, he spoke.

―Huhuhu, it seems like the young friend here only learned martial arts and not social norms. I
see. For now, let‘s sit and talk.‖

Yun Mun-pyeong pointed to the sofa.

Yu Mun-pyeong sat on the single sofa with his legs crossed and pressed a button on his phone.

―I have guests. Bring some hot tea.‖

-Yes. Director

Not long after, a female secretary in a short skirt came in.

After the cups were set down and she left, the director spoke.


He took a sip.

Chun Yeowun, who looked at him, also took a sip from his teacup.

The tea was good.

―It‘s Longjing tea. I like whisky more than tea, but this is an exception.‖

He put down his cup and continued.

―You may have heard this in advance. This company loves talented people. Even talented people
without a background like you will be treated fairly and justly.‖

Jo Yu-seong frowned.

There was supposed to be a briefing, but now the director was talking in his own flow.

―I don‘t know if you‘ve heard it. I don‘t like formalities. And I don‘t like to talk about the past

Yun Mun-pyeong reached out towards his desk.

A tablet on the desk moved towards the sofa.

He was trying to show off his skills.

Tuk! Tuk! Tuk!

After Yun Mun-pyeong tapped the tablet a few times, a number was displayed.

[3,000,000,000 won +a]

A monetary unit of the Asian union.

It was his arrogant way of showing off 3 billion won (~2.6 Million USD).

―Considering the annual salary of a Murim warrior who has reached the peak of the Super
Master Level by the Murim Association‘s standards, 3 billion won is higher. And with that, we
also give bonuses for completing missions.‖

―Huh? Director. There seems to be some misunderstanding. This person is…‖

When Jo Yu-seong tried to correct him the director reached out and stopped him.

And said,

―There seems to be some misunderstanding because manager Jo has lower skills than you. Even
so, at that level, this salary isn‘t low.‖

The director leaned back, pulled a cigarette out of his pocket, and ignited it.

―Huh. If you follow orders well and complete the missions you‘re given, I can become your
sponsor. Right now, I‘m the director here, but once the company stabilizes, I will return to the
head office.‖

He was saying that rather than keeping his position here, he would return to the main office.

The Blade Six had a reputation that even a kid would know.

Exhaling the smoke, he asked.

―How is it?‖

To him, it was an offer that no one would refuse.

However, Chun Yeowun‘s words were unexpected.

―You seem to think that money is everything. From the start, you‘ve talked about missions, but if
you want to hire someone, shouldn‘t you disclose what you‘re doing?‖


The director, who was speechless, laughed out loud.

And said,

―I see that you don‘t know your place. Who do you think pulled you out of the bureau? Even if I
treat you this nice, you act arrogant until the very end. Ha!‖


As the director slammed his palm on the table, the marble table split in half and fell.


Jo Yu-seong sighed.

As he thought he would, his director burst out.

―Well, whether you sign the contract or not, I need to shorten your reins. You did well.‖

As soon as his words finished, the director tried to grab Chun Yeowun‘s throat.

It was then.



Chun Yeowun grabbed the director‘s wrist.

Yun Mun-pyeong, who didn‘t expect that, looked at Jo Yu-seong.

‗Was he right?‘

From the start, he couldn‘t sense the kid‘s energy.

Even now, he couldn‘t feel any energy from him.

However, noticing and blocking the attack meant that he was hiding his energy.

‗… a guy in his twenties is on par with me?‘

He couldn‘t believe it.

He couldn‘t reach the beginning stage of the Superior Master Level until he hit his forties.

Displeased, he raised his internal energy and tried to shake off Chun Yeowun‘s hand.

―Let go!‖



Despite his wrist being let go, he couldn‘t move.

Yun Mun-pyeong‘s eyes went wide.

‗He, his internal energy is…‘



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The Change of Guest and Owner (1)

Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Sep 24, 2021

• 11 min read • 6365 views




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Even if they were both at the same level, there was a difference in internal energy.
Just like how a person who reached the beginning of any level is weaker than a person who
reached the end of the same level.


No matter how much Yun Mun-pyeong, the director, tried, he couldn‘t move.

‗He, is he really at the end of the level?‘

If so, this opponent is different.

It made sense to give in if the gap was certain, but his position was too high for him to give in.

‗Is this little kid stronger than me?‘

Yun Mun-pyeong was a man with great self-esteem.

He had pride as a Murim warrior and pride as a member of a large corporation.

However, the young man, wearing a historical costume in front of him, a person whose full name
wasn‘t even known, was trying to restrain him with internal energy.


A blue light flashed from Yun Mun-pyeong‘s left hand.


Seeing that, Jo Yu-seong‘s eyes widened.

‗Sword qi!‘

Being a Super Master who reached the end stage, it was obvious to him that the man was using

Sword qi at that.

Sword qi was strong enough to act as a sword.

Sword qi is made by condensing qi, and it boosts the owner‘s movements. For someone like a
Superior Master, it was a raging weapon.

‗Director Yun must be furious.‘

Jo Yu-seong thought that Yun Mun-pyeong would continue the confrontation despite being lifted
slightly in the air.

―You bastard!‖

Yun Mun-pyeong stabbed at Chun Yeowun‘s heart with his left hand.

The eyes of Yun Mun-pyeong, whose self-esteem was broken, could no longer see the talent in
front of him.

He had to kill Chun Yeowun to feel better.


Chun Yeowun was right in front of him and at a hand‘s distance too.

He moved at a speed that could kill anyone.




Yun Mun-pyeong‘s eyes were about to explode.


The blue light on his left hand fluttered like sparks and then changed shape.

The reason was Chun Yeowun grabbed his hands.

But he was shocked for another reason.

―To touch sword qi with his bare hand?‖

Jo Yu-seong couldn‘t hide his shock.

If Sword qi is touched by bare hands, the flesh will disappear right away.

However, Chun Yeowun‘s hand was fine.


Yun Mun-pyeong‘s voice trembled.

He couldn‘t understand.

Chun Yeowun spoke to him with the same expressionless face as ever.

―It isn‘t something you can understand at your current level.‖


Chun Yeowun‘s hands holding Yun Mun-pyeong‘s left and right hands clenched.

Scared, the director shouted.




He screamed.

It wasn‘t enough that the right wrist was twisted. The fingers on the left hand were all bent.

It was so painful that all the veins on Yun Mun-pyeong‘s head were bulging out.

―Kuak! You dog!‖

Amid the pain, the director swore.

It was then.


Yun Mun-pyeong was swept into the air and floated upwards.

He wanted to move his body, but he couldn‘t. It was as if he was being pulled towards the

Unimaginable energy was trapping him.

‗Th-This is.‘

Even Jo Yu-seong was startled and jumped away.

He never dreamed that something like this could happen.

It was the first time he has ever seen someone treat Yun Mun-pyeong like a child.


The man‘s body trembled.

For the first time in his life, he was experiencing fear.

‗Is this a Superior Master? No, this is a Supreme Master!‘

It was an unbelievable reality, but he was sure.

Who could pressure a Superior Master like this with only energy?

He looked at Chun Yeowun.

‗This is odd.‘

He thought that Jo Yu-seong was mistaken.

Being a Superior Master in one‘s twenties, he didn‘t think it was possible.

‗Body metamorphosis!‘
Body metamorphosis.

At a certain level, a warrior‘s body undergoes reconstruction to suit the energy in their body.

If that happens, one will look younger, like 20 or 30.

Even the Chairman of the Blade Six looks like he‘s in his mid-thirties.

Despite being over 80.

‗Damn it! How is such a man going around with no data on him? I should have guessed this!‘

When body metamorphosis occurs, everything from the fingerprints changes.

In fact, incidents like this happened in the past too.

‗But even if he‘s a Supreme Master, to do this to me, a Superior Master?‘

He was skeptical as this has never happened to him.

But that wasn‘t the point.

The question was how to change the current situation.

Calmly he said.

―How can a senior treat his junior like this? Start acting like a respectable elder.‖

The director was certain that Yeowun was a false name.

To be honest, he could even take a guess at who he was.

Because there aren‘t many organizations that are on par with the Blade Six.

―Are you going to keep your junior tied up like this?‖

Saying that he glanced at the office door.

He thought that since he screamed, the president of Six Road Toys upstairs or the security guards
would have noticed.
‗Why aren‘t those jerks coming in?‘

There was no sign of someone coming.

He was annoyed when Chun Yeowun said.

―Stop thinking that someone will help you.‖


―No one can hear anything outside the office.‖

―No… no way…‖

The director looked around.

Now, he saw the faint glow which enveloped the office.


For the moment he entered, Chun Yeowun soundproofed the room.

No one outside could hear or sense what was happening in the room.

Chun Yeowun looked around and said,

―Since there are no CCTVs here, this is a nice place.‖

At those words, Yun Mun-pyeong‘s face contorted.

He had a high position, and he didn‘t like people invading his privacy, so he didn‘t have CCTVs
in his room.

―Answer my questions now.‖

Chun Yeowun walked towards him.

There was no way that Yun Mun-pyeong could escape.

But he had a trump card.

‗Kuak, fine. If no one is going to come help me, then I can do it myself.‘

The director bit his lip.

―Senior. I‘m not a stupid person.‖

―You must be pretty stubborn. Seeing that you aren‘t discouraged in this situation.‖

Chun Yeowun nodded his head.

It has been a long time since he‘s seen someone speak this strongly despite being in a threatening

Yun Mun-pyeong shouted.

―One Time‘s!‖

―What does 1 hour mean?‖

Yun Mun-pyeong was taken aback at Chun Yeowun‘s remark.

This man didn‘t even know what One Time‘s was.

Jo Yu-seong, who was uselessly watching from the back, said.

―It‘s a poison made by the pharmaceutical company, D.A.N.G.‖



The official name is One Time‘s. ⁽¹⁾

The pharmaceutical company D.A.N.G was the surviving form of the poison clans in modern

They were already good at making poison, and then with the introduction of modern technology,
they created various types of poisons, and this was the best among them.
It was a poison that most people can‘t detect, and it stays dormant in the body and activates after
an hour.

‗Kuak, I‘m glad I gave you that tea thinking that you might be a Superior Master.‘

Although he didn‘t believe the report, he wanted to be cautious in case something happened.

He informed the secretary beforehand to poison the tea.

In fact, because of the lawsuit which the Murim filed against this poison, they managed to get
their hands on it.

―I don‘t know if you know about it or not, but it‘s a deadly poison.‖

So this was why the director was so accommodating.

The One Time‘s stays dormant for an hour, but there was something more terrifying about it.

―I don‘t know if it can be detoxified, but I know that someone like you who‘s reached such a
high level wouldn‘t want their internal energy to disappear.‖

Usually, Super Master‘s can detect the poison.

But even if it‘s detoxified, the poison will consume 30% of one‘s internal energy while inside the

‗If you are a Supreme Master, then you must value your internal energy.‘

The One Time‘s created ripples in the modern Murim because of its abilities.

Recognizing the danger, the Murim association filed a lawsuit against the company. It made sure
that they discarded it, or if not, they threatened to destroy the Tang family, as they were still a
part of Murim, if they were found making the poison again.

However, even if it was banned, the poison which was to be discarded was used to deal with
matters covertly.

‗It was worth paying a lot of money to buy it.‘

He bought it thinking that it would help him at some point, and it did.

With a smile, he said.

―There‘s no cancellation. After I call them, you‘ll be done in fifteen minutes.‖


―Ahh. Maybe you‘re wondering where my phone is. I don‘t have one. My mind can contact
them.‖ ⁽²⁾

Since he never knew what would happen in the world, he considered it a virtue as a Murim
warrior to be prepared.

In a confident voice, he said.

―Kay. If you understand, put me down nicely. And once I‘m relaxed, I think we can negotiate

He thought that he won.

The opponent was a Supreme Master.

Sure, there‘s no way the opponent would back down after being this reckless.

But he didn‘t have another option.

Who would want to lose decades of internal energy?

―Kay. I will count to five.‖

How many seconds would it take for the opponent to break?

The situation made the director happy.


It was then.

With an expressionless face, Chun Yeowun drew his sword.



Something passed through his right arm.


Something fell on the floor.


With a pale face, Jo Yu-seong had his arms tightly against his body.


Blood gushed out of the severed shoulder.

The director‘s face turned red as he screamed loudly.


This pain was incomparable to when his fingers were broken.

He only counted to one, but for this to happen!

―Kuak! You… you crazy bastard, do you think this is okay to do because you‘re losing your
internal energy?‖

―You are mistaken.‖


At that moment, he held out his hand.

Something like black water rose from his palm, forming round drops of water.

―Did you really believe in something like this?‖

‗N-No way!‘
The director was shocked.

He really wanted to deny what he was thinking.

That was when Chun Yeowun said.

―Did you think that I wouldn‘t know?‖


The hair on his body stood up.

‗No way!‘

It had to be impossible.

If that poison could be easily detoxified, he wouldn‘t have paid a huge amount to get it.

―N-No way! That can‘t be done unless you take the antidote.‖

―You wouldn‘t want to believe it.‖

With that, Chun Yeowun stretched out his hand towards him.

The black drops of water floated to the director.

―No! NO! NOOOO!‖

The director was crying in disbelief.

However, the energy which was surrounding him fixed his head in place and opened his mouth.




It entered his mouth and went down his throat.

He could even feel it run down his esophagus.


If this really was One Time‘s, it should be removed right away.

Twisting, he tried to puke it out, but Chun Yeowun pressed his blood points.


His body went stiff as his blood points were locked.

‗Kuakk! Shit!‘

It was like giving him medicine but blocking his access to it by sealing the bottle cap.

With red eyes, Yun Mun-pyeong stared at Chun Yeowun, who sat on the sofa with a smile and

―59 minutes left.‖

Editor’s Note
⁽¹⁾ Yes yes, I know, One Time‘s is an awful name, but the author literally writes it out in English
―정식 명칭 원 타임즈(One Time's).‖

⁽²⁾ ―My mind can contact them.‖ He‘s saying that he‘s going to use telepathy, which we have
seen numerous times.



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Chapter 17 -
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The Change of Guest and Owner (2)

Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Sep 25, 2021

• 12 min read • 6474 views




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-Senior seems to be leaving.

-Let‘s leave too. Send the blue car behind us first, and then slowly catch up.


By turning the handle, the view of the video slowly moved.

It was then.


The video rumbled loudly with the sound of something popping.


-Wh-What! Euk!

The camera in the video shook violently, and the screen suddenly shifted.

The screen of the video, which couldn‘t be balanced even after the immediate braking, showed
that the car hit the electric pole at the entrance of the hospital.



As soon as the electric pole was hit, the car‘s airbags popped out.

-Damn it!

-What the hell!


With the sound of the car door opening, two men moved ahead.

In the video, the two looked at the car‘s front wheels and then at the black sedan which was
leaving, unable to hold their anger.

And this video was playing in real-time.

The Public Security Director, who looked at the screen, put his hand on his forehead, which was


He didn‘t think they would be found out as it hadn‘t been long since they started pursuing them.

Just by looking at the video on the screen, it was clear that the front tires had exploded.

‗I went down there on purpose and even stamped it to show a favorable attitude.‘

He tried to make them believe.

But this only made one thing clear.

‗He‘s very important to them.‘

And he thought that they had maybe already placed a sniper at the hospital for such things.

Which meant that the man they took away needed to be brought back.


However, Lee Myeong, the 3rd team leader of the violent crimes squad, couldn‘t take his eyes
off the monitor.

He was staring at something.

―Did you find something?‖

At the Director‘s question, Lee Myeong looked away from the monitor.

―Ah, no.‖

―What were you looking at? Huh?‖

Lee Myeong was staring at the man in his late thirties standing at the hospital‘s entrance in the
video. He was in a navy blue suit, and an old man with a colorful sword was next to him.

‗He is…‘

Director Sang Yu-geun frowned and looked at Lee Myeong.

He, too, has lived in Shenyang for over 30 years.

Naturally, he could recognize the face of Moyong Yi-sun, the executive of a large corporation.

‗Moyong Yi-sun, a director of the Yeon Company, is at the scene of the incident…‘

The Director knew that Yeon Company was run by a Murim family.

Now things seem to be more complicated.


He could guess why Lee Myeong couldn‘t take his eyes off the video.

However, it wasn‘t right for a detective who had done the investigation to get caught up in their
personal feelings.

Director Sang Yu-geun, who tried to give him another chance, decided to change his mind.

―The 3rd team leader is on sick leave, so you should focus on recovery.‖


Lee Myeong was flustered.

He was shown the video and asked if he could handle it a second ago, but now the Director
changed his mind.

Biting his lip, the Director stroked his chin and pressed the play button for the video when Lee
Myeong said.

―If it‘s because of that person of the Yeon Company, which we had established a rela…‖

―I told you to stop.

―Director! This job is no longer for just those special forces!‖

There was no way Lee Myeong would back down.

Shaking his head, the Director picked up his phone and dialed a number.

―Lee Myeong will be dismissed from his position for a while and suspended for three weeks.
Tell the front door security to control his access into the bureau.‖

Shocked, Lee Myeong tried to approach him.

He never expected this to happen.


The Director hung up the phone and said in a cold voice.

―Did you not hear me? As of now, team leader Myeong has been suspended. Go back to the

―Director! No!‖

―I have nothing more to say to you. Secretary Lim! Secretary Lim! Call security!‖


A force wanted him to be expelled.

Lee Myeong frowned and said.

―You can‘t act like this.‖

―Secretary Lim!‖

The Director didn‘t speak to him after that.

The Director of Public Security had suspended him.

Unable to do anything, Lee Myeong left the office.

After he left, the Director sat in his chair and took a deep breath.


Frustrated, he picked up a pack of cigarettes which was on the desk.

There was something like a small safe under his desk.

―Nothing can be done.‖

He mumbled as he reached for the safe.

Tutu! Beep beep beep!

When the fingerprint and password were pressed, the door to the safe opened.

There were five small radio-like things in the safe, and the Director took the one on the far right
and pressed the button.

―This is Alpha. This is Alpha. Can you hear me?‖

Shortly after, a beep was heard from it.

-Click! Beta here. I‘m listening.

The voice of the man on the other side was hoarse.

The Director asked.

―Possibility of wiretapping?‖

-There is none. Just arrived in town.

―Good job. Team leader Oh. Is the agent you sent ‗there‘ still safe?‖

-Click! No problems yet. However, they seem to be psychologically unstable.


-Is there still no support from the technical team?


The Director, who was stroking his chin, pressed the button and spoke.

―… the technical team is doing their best.‖

-Sigh, Alpha… no, Director. It‘s not about them doing their best. As I said earlier, their condition
doesn‘t seem to be good.

Team leader Oh said in a serious voice.

To that, the Director said.

―The Beijing side said that they found the whereabouts of a former MS researcher. I‘ll let you
know when something progresses.‖

-Click. Understood. But why was I contacted?

―I‘m sending you a file through the secure net, so have an agent investigate that person. It should
be there now.‖

With that, the Director looked at the monitor.

On the screen was a picture of Chun Yeowun sitting leisurely in the interrogation room.

‗This is insane.‘

Jo Yu-seong was losing it.

Director Yun Mun-pyeong, who was on the sofa with his blood points suppressed, kept trying to
say something with his eyes.

He could guess what it meant.


He wanted to help too.

But even if he wanted to help, he couldn‘t move.

It wasn‘t that he was being suppressed, but it felt like he would end up like the Director if he

Jo Yu-seong glanced at the clock hanging in the office.

30 minutes have passed.

‗… we are running out of time.‘

If he was this nervous, then the Director must be losing it.

According to him, if the time it would take to get the antidote is included, the Director has 15
minutes until it‘s guaranteed that the poison will spread.

‘Evil bastard!

Jo Yu-seong looked at Chun Yeowun, who was sitting at the desk.

Naturally, he wanted to suppress the poison, so he thought Chun Yeowun would get something
out of the situation and then leave.1

However, he didn‘t move and kept them from moving.

Thanks to that, time passed, and the Director was becoming more and more impatient.

‗Damn it.‘

And he even used the poison to threaten them.

This was torture.

‗What is he up to?‘

Chun Yeowun was at the desk looking at Yun Mun-pyeong‘s computer.

The company‘s computers were protected, so no one else could figure out how to access them,
which meant Chun Yeowun was wasting his time.

Of course, even hackers would have a hard time cracking this account of the Blade Six.

But Chun Yeowun had Nano.

[The search for all files in the storage device has been completed.]

Multiple PDF files appeared on the screen of the monitor.

If those two saw this, they would faint right away.

Almost everything was business data, and a few things were related to the Six Road Toys.

‗No. This material can be excluded.‘

This wasn‘t the material Chun Yeowun wanted.

He wanted the Blade Six‘s Murim related documents or anything like that.

Nano, connected to the computer, quickly sorted the data and searched for it, but unexpectedly,
no materials on Murim were there.

‗Maybe they have a strict protocol?‘

He expected to see some when he searched, but this was unexpected.

It was as if the Murim material was being kept hidden.

If they had kept it in a secure file, Nano would have figured it right away.

‗… hmm, did Nano say that files are kept in USBs?‘


‗Then we will have to look for that.‘

Chun Yeowun got up from the desk and went near Yun Mun-pyeong.

‗Is-Is it finally starting?‘

Jo Yu-seong, who thought that the conversation would come, turned his gaze away.

Since Chun Yeowun couldn‘t get anything from the computer, now he might talk or use torture
on them.

It was then.


―Hmph! Hmm!‖

Yun Mun-pyeong, on the sofa, was screaming.

‗Wh-What is he trying to do?‘

Yun Mun-pyeong, who was on the verge of going crazy, panicked as Chun Yeowun came closer.

Not caring, Chun Yeowun reached out.


Something amazing happened.

Things that were in Yun Mun-pyeong‘s pants and jacket pockets came out into Chun Yeowun‘s

From business cards to all the small things.


Even the flexible smartphone on his wrist came off too, so did his ring.

Only then did he realize Chun Yeowun‘s purpose.

‗He‘s looking for the USB!‘

Since he couldn‘t get the data from the computer, he was looking for other ways.


Yun Mun-pyeong was shocked.

It wasn‘t because his phone was taken away.

It didn‘t matter, the security application was installed on his phone too, and the important files
would be deleted if someone tried to enter.

‗Please don‘t notice it.‘

He kept praying.

He tried to act like he didn‘t care, so no more problems would crop up for him.

That was when Chun Yeowun threw away almost everything in his hand and kept the
smartphone and another thing.

The small robot figure.

It was the size of a little finger, but Yun Mun-pyeong‘s eyes shook.


He never thought that Chun Yeowun could find it.

[The figure contains a security card chip. As a result of analyzing the chip‘s code, it is used
to unlock a device with a specific password.]

It was a cute way to trick people.

Who would think that a toy would be so important?

‗So this toy is the key to unlocking something?‘


Chun Yeowun looked around.

Unlocking something?

‗How am I supposed to find it?‘

[Place your palm in front of you and slowly turn to the right. I will scan.]

At Nano‘s words, Chun Yeowun did what it asked.

Something like a red laser flashed from his palm.


Both victims were shocked.

‗Wh-What is this now?‘

It was a light different from qi.

It seemed more like the laser which is used to scan barcodes.

At that moment, a strong sound entered Chun Yeowun‘s mind.

Beep! Beep!

Augmented reality opened up right away, and a place was marked.

At the place was a picture frame which was hanging.

In it was a picture of Yun Mun-pyeong wearing a suit, and Chun Yeowun walked towards it.


The Director was shocked.

He didn‘t realize that this man had special equipment.

When Chun Yeowun placed the toy in front of the frame.

Beep! Wheeing!

The glass frame opened sideways like an automatic door with a sound.

Inside was a hidden safe.

‗H-How is that bastard doing all of this?‘

Even an international spy would have a hard time figuring their security methods out.

But this man didn‘t even doubt anything.

The last line of defense was fingerprint recognition and a password.

Of course, if the man is this skilled, he can open the safe by breaking through, but then security
will be notified.

He wished Chun Yeowun would do that, but obviously, he wasn‘t stupid enough to do that. This
man was too smart for them to understand.
‗Damn it!‘

For the fingerprint, he could cut off a finger, but the password was something that was in his
head, so he couldn‘t get that.

Yun Mun-pyeong‘s gaze turned to his watch.

Eight minutes left.

In the end, there were two choices.

Either live by giving up the password or keep the secrets and die.

‗Shit shit!‘

He kept swearing.

His heart was troubled.

He always said that he would give his life for the sake of company, but when the moment came,
he wanted to hold onto his life.

‗Director, please don‘t do it!‘

Jo Yu-seong shook his head.

If he decided to hold onto his life and give up the password, something important would be

However, Yun Mun-pyeong was determined to live.

‗Fuck! I have accomplished too much to die here!‘

In the end, he decided to negotiate with Chun Yeowun.

He tried to speak.

―Eup! Eup eup eup! Eup eup eup!‖

‗Me! Look at me! Look at me!‘

It was then.

Wheing! Click!


The door opened without the fingerprint and password.

Even more shocking was the security alert, which didn‘t ring.

‗… this can‘t be…‘

It was then that Yun Mun-pyeong decided it wasn‘t worth trying to think of any answers.

1. It‘s basically just saying he hopes that Chun Yeowun will get something out of the situation
(money, information, etc.) and leave, so they can suppress the poison. ↩



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Chapter 18 -
Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord

The Change of Guest and Owner (3)

Descent of the Demon God
Published on

Sep 26, 2021

• 12 min read • 6443 views

The inside of the safe was divided into an upper and lower section.

There was something like a carrying case in the lower part and a single sheet of paper on the
upper part.

It didn‘t seem like there was anything amazing inside.

‗Is the USB in this bag?‘

Chun Yeowun, who was about to open the bag, was concerned with the single piece of paper, so
he took it.


At that moment, Nano‘s voice said.

[Wireless receiving printer and incinerator are detected on the upper part of the safe.]


[When the safe is forcibly opened, fire is emitted, and the contents are automatically

The safe didn‘t just have an emergency alarm.

If forcefully opened, everything inside will be destroyed.

The safe has level 1 traps.

‗… what is a receiving printer?‘

[A device that receives a signal from outside and prints it.]1

‘Is it getting a signal from outside? Can you track it down?

[It uses YTD short-range wireless technology, so it can only be tracked when the printer is
operating as it is a method that sends and receives a signal within 2 km.]

So it wasn‘t a long distance.

It meant that someone who came close to the company or within it could send a signal.

Chun Yeowun bit his tongue.

‗… in this era, try to avoid being tracked. This isn‘t easy at all.‘

In the end, in order to trace the one signaling the printer, he had to use the printer.

He thought he would have to wait until Nano came up with a solution.

[I will print the data from the wireless signaling device registered in the printer, and its radio
signal can be detected if the person is within a 2km vicinity.]


Then there was no need to be there.

In terms of technology, the 7th generation Nano Machine overwhelms the current era.

Printing the data didn‘t take long.


Chun Yeowun pulled out the paper and looked at it.

He wondered what important information would be on it, but there were four things that looked
like instructions on the paper.

1. As a result of the requested investigation, the probability of a spy is 80%. Team 7 should be
2. Secure the 3rd team leader of the violent crimes squad, Moyong Lee Myeong.
3. From February 23rd to 24th, Gate 26 warning is scheduled. Be sure to destroy the confidential
internal data.
4. Reviewing the report on the operation to assassinate the executive director of the Yeon
Company, which was taken to the upper level. Payment is due before Gate Warning 26.

At the bottom were the words Blade Six and its logo seal.

Now, pretty secret stuff was revealed.

The shadow of a pro-social conglomerate was exposed.

From assassination to kidnapping and spying.

‗So this is what you guys are.‘

Chun Yeowun smiled.

The Blade Six was the same as their past version.

They were wearing the mask of a good guy, who didn‘t act out of character.

‗I got something nice.‘

If this was released to the world, the Blade Six, including the Six Road Toys, will be severely

Chun Yeowun folded the paper and put it into his sleeve.


He checked the safe, but there was no direct information about the Blade Six.

Chun Yeowun‘s hand naturally went to the lower section.

There was a lock on the case.

[Fingerprint recognition needed.]

‗Is that so?‘

Chun Yeowun extended his hand.

The severed right arm of Yun Mun-pyeong, which was on the ground, was brought in.

He put the thumb of the severed arm on the scanner.


The case opened.

Chun Yeowun frowned.

He was hoping for a USB, but unexpected things were in it.

‗What is this?‘

Chun Yeowun picked up one of the items.

A syringe, the size of a palm, made of silver metal and thick glass.

The liquid inside was blue.

‗Nano. Do you know what this is?‘

There was one more syringe.

Originally, there were a total of 10, but there were eight empty slots.

[Let‘s scan.]

A red light emanated from his right palm which was holding the syringe.

When the scan was done, Chun Yeowun‘s eyes trembled a little as augmented reality opened.

There were a thousand things inside the liquid.

[These are nano bombs. They have been enlarged so that the user can see.]

‗Nano… bombs?‘

The tiny invisible balls inside the liquid were called nano bombs.
Chun Yeowun questioned it.

‗Nano. So, have Nano Machines like yours been developed at this time?‘

[Although medical nanotechnology is common, it takes another 200 years of technological

development to properly secure nanotechnology equipped with AI.]

In this era, Nano Machines weren‘t developed.

Nanotech was started in 2015, and it slowly reached the level of making simple devices.

Of course, even if they‘re lacking compared to Nano, the nano bombs are still great.


Chun Yeowun turned off augmented reality and looked at the syringe.

Near the metal of the syringe, a red ring and a small engraving of the English letters MS were

‗That is the name of the nano bombs.‘

The English letters MS were engraved on the side of the terminal inside the case too.

It must have been the logo of the company which made it.

‗What is this?‘

At Chun Yeowun‘s question, Nano scanned it.

[The signal code that triggers the nano bombs is registered.]

The purpose of the terminal was revealed.

A button that detonates the bombs.

Half of the terminal was a monitor, and ten little colored buttons were sticking out.

Chun Yeowun pressed the red button.


A red circle appeared on the monitor.

[Would you like to launch the nano bombs? Y/N]

The touch screen indicator appeared.

It was showing ‗Y‘ to explode the bombs.

Chun Yeowun looked at the syringe he was holding and the other one in the case.


The metal part on the syringe had a different color.

The terminal could detonate the nano bombs in the ten syringes.


Chun Yeowun understood it.

It was then.

―Eup! Eup! Eup! Eup!‖

At that time, the bloody cry of Yun Mun-pyeong was heard.

When Chun Yeowun turned his head, the man‘s face was wet with cold sweat, and he blinked at
the watch.

Chun Yeowun looked at the time and understood why he was acting like this.

―Ah. One minute left?‖

After one minute, there would be 15 minutes before the ‗One Time‘s‘ poison starts spreading.

Yun Mun-pyeong was losing it.

If the antidote isn‘t brought within 15 minutes, he will die.

―Eup eup eup eup! Eup eup eup!‖

‗Pl-Please save me! I don‘t want to die!‘

His wails and eyes were conveying what he was trying to say.

Chun Yeowun stared at him and then approached.

Yun Mun-pyeong was shocked.

This was the moment where Chun Yeowun would decide if the man lives or dies.

‗Please! Please!‘

It was then.


His blood points were released, and he could move again.


―Ugh! M-My voice…‖

He even began to lose blood.

Chun Yeowun gave him something with a puzzled expression.

The smartphone he had taken away.

―Call them. And tell them to bring the antidote.‖


‗Even if the safe wasn‘t opened, negotiations weren‘t made.‘

Yun Mun-pyeong was confused then Chun Yeowun asked.

―Do you want to die?‖

―Ah, no!‖

Shocked, the man immediately tapped something and dialed a number.

If he didn‘t hurry, he could be in danger.


The dial tone.

Yun Mun-pyeong bit his lip.

‗Answer the call! Answer!‘

The dial tone was going on for too long.

Around ten beeps.


-Yes, director. This is Ho Jeong.

The face of Yun Mun-pyeong brightened up at the voice.

A convenience store about 800 meters away from the Six Road Toys‘ building.


In front of the checkout counter, someone put a basket of drinks, sweets, and cup noodles.

The female employee started scanning the items.

It seemed like it would take a while since there was only one employee.

―Please do it quickly.‖

The female employee grunted.

He was a handsome man in his early thirties with short shaggy hair and a spot under his right

Handsome or not, the employee spoke in a dissatisfied voice.

―Listen here, sir. Because every product is different, it takes time to scan the barcodes.‖

―Please, there are a lot of shady people who want to hurry.‖

The man pointed to the back where a middle-aged man wearing a grey coat and sunglasses stood.


Maybe the man felt the gaze of the woman, he shook his head and went to the shelf where the
books are kept and looked at the magazines.

―If-If you don‘t mind, I can put the items in the bags myself.‖

―Yes, yes, yes.‖

The female employee handed him five paper bags.

The young man took the paper bags.


He put in the items as the woman scanned the items.

A piece of paper the size of his palm was received by the young man.

Small letters were written on it.

[An application to cancel the mission isn‘t allowed. The technical support team is doing their

The young man frowned at the message.

Out of frustration, he crumpled the paper and rolled it over the counter.

When one bag was done, the young man took out another paper bag to put the drinks in.
[Added a new mission. Investigate the following profile.]

‗What the fuck.‘

The young man groaned.

It was the third time he requested for the mission to be canceled, but ignoring that, they kept
giving him new orders.

‗How did I end like this?‘

The young man crumpled the paper and glanced behind him.

The man who was looking through the magazines was constantly looking at him.

He was being watched.

‗Haa… I‘m going crazy.‘

He was getting irritated.

At first, his smartphone and belongings were inspected.

But suddenly two days ago, a team leader stayed with him for almost 24 hours.

‗Damn. Are they saying that it‘s okay if I die? Damn the public security.‘

He was being watched, so he acted like everything was fine, but he couldn‘t take it any longer.

The situation was difficult enough.

And now, he was more concerned about how things would go.

If it wasn‘t for ‗it.‘

‗Fuck. Shit. Cunt!‘

All he could do was curse.

After throwing away the paper, he put the cookies into the next bag.
And then pulled out the photo inside it.

‗What? A historical drama?‘

A photo of a man with long hair and old-fashioned clothes.

In the middle of the photo, the person‘s name was written.

‗What should be investigated about this guy? Ha…‘

The young man looked at the photo, memorized it, and rolled it down the counter.

Within 3 minutes of scanning, all the information was relayed.

―It‘s 43,520 won.‖


He bought a lot to pass the time, but it seemed like he bought too much.

The man used his fingerprint to unlock his smartphone and used electronic pay to complete the
checkout at the employee‘s words.

―Team leader. It‘s done.‖

The young man came out of the store with four bags in his arms.

After that, the harsh-looking man called the team leader came out and put his hand in one of the
bags, and took out a drink.

―Why was it so slow?‖

―I bought a lot.‖

The young man answered with a smile.

At that, the team leader tapped the young man‘s forehead and warned.

―Geum Jong-so. I have warned you to not do anything suspicious. Don‘t forget that I‘m watching
your every move.‖
The young man, Geum Jong-so‘s face, went stiff.

He was annoyed with the warning but decided not to show it.

―… understood.‖

―If I find anything a little suspicious, you know what will happen, right? That thing in your body
will go boom! Bang!‖

The team leader gestured as if something was exploding.

Geum Jong-so‘s face darkened.

‗Damn it! I should have never entered this job.‘

The regret was overwhelming.

At that moment, something caught his eyes.

―Team leader? A call?‖

Light flashed on the smartphone.

Seeing that, the team leader said.

―This. I forgot to turn off silent mode. Ugh?‖

The call seemed important.

―Yes. Director. This is Ho Jeong.‖

His name was Ho Jeong.

Listening, his expression turned stiff.

―Understood. I will bring it right away.‖


He hung up the call.

―This is strange…‖

―Did something happen?‖

―No. Newcomers are coming in, but why did he say it like that?‖

Normally, the director would speak calmly.

But now, it seemed like he was rushing.

―… is it because the new ones are strong?‖

Geum Jong-so knew the joining process.

The dirty things that the director does.

Despite Geum Jong-so‘s words, the team leader still felt like something was off.

―Since we don‘t know, follow me.‖

―Yes? Me too?‖

It was a surprise as he never asked for Geum Jong-so to come along.


If new ones came, that means the director must have opened that case.

Hopefully, he will be able to see the safe this time.

―Follow me.‖


They both ran to the car.

At the same time.

The room on the 36th floor of the Six Road Toys.

―Right! Hurry!‖


After calling the man and asking for the antidote, the director sighed.

If it had been a little later, his life would have been in danger, or he would lose internal energy.

‗What is he planning?‘

It was concerning how Chun Yeowun decided to let him take the antidote without any

Chun Yeowun must want something.

Otherwise, this sly man wouldn‘t let them off the hook so easily.

‗I‘d give anything away.‘

Looking at him, he asked.

―… I‘m grateful that you let me have the antidote. Senior. If there is anything you wan…‖

It was then,


Something was sucked into Chun Yeowun‘s hand.

That was when something happened.



Chun Yeowun injected something into his neck.

Seeing that, Yun Mun-pyeong‘s eyes widened.

The blue liquid had nano bombs inside it.



Despite the scream, the liquid entered his body.

This was a more desperate time than when the One Time‘s poison was in his body.

Chun Yeowun smiled.

―Thank you. From now on, you are mine.‖

‗This… this… this color is…‘

He couldn‘t speak.

He saw the terminal controlling the bomb in Chun Yeowun‘s hand.

Smiling, Chun Yeowun reached out into the case.


The remaining syringe was sucked into his right hand.

Chun Yeowun looked at the ceiling and asked.

―The one above you is up there?‖

1. Signal meaning data/information that gets printed after it‘s sent. ↩



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Chapter 19 -
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The Change of Guest and Owner (4)

Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Sep 27, 2021

• 12 min read • 6680 views



The 40th floor of the Six Road Toys‘ building.

The top floor was where the president of the office was located, his own dedicated space.

Someone was answering the call at the desk of the president‘s office, which boasts a luxurious
interior exceeding the 36th floor.

A dark-skinned bald man in his early fifties, the president of the Six Road Toys. Yeom Ki-seop.

Like Yun Mun-peyong, he was dispatched to this place and reached the Superior Master Level.

Judging by the thickness of his upper body and arms, he looked exceptionally bulky. He looked
like he trained his body.

―What? We got an emergency order from the head office?‖

-… I think you should come down and see.

―I get it.‖

-See you at my office.


With those words, Yun Mun-peyong hung up the call.

As a result, the expression of Yeom Ki-seop was distorted.

He was annoyed with the attitude of the director, who hung up on the president.


He slammed his fist on the desk and muttered.

―Damn it! He seems to have forgotten who the boss is. I don‘t understand why the head office
installed the safe in Director Yun‘s office and not mine!‖

The safe was usually placed in the head‘s office.

However, sometimes it was installed in the director or other executive‘s office.

This made him feel less like the boss.

―… look at his words. I won‘t believe it unless it‘s from the direct line to the head office.‖

President shook his head.

Originally, he was the president of Essex Toys, a small business.

In old Murim, it would be something like the Fist of the Sea King.

He was the president of the Six Road Toys, an affiliate of the Blade Six, because his company
merged with the largest conglomerate in Murim.

―In the end, this is what it‘s like being part of the company that controls public opinion.‖
The Blade Six is a popular pro-social enterprise.

As such, it takes a lot of measures to keep themselves in the same position.

In the end, that was the reason why Ki-seop was appointed as the president of the merged
company and the president of the current affiliate too.


He had no choice but to follow the head office‘s decisions.

When he was transferred here, he had a small glimmer of hope that the safe would be in the
president‘s office.


He opened the door of his office and came out.

When the president appeared, all the secretaries stood up.

―No need. Sit.‖

―If you are moving, we will accompany you, sir.‖

It was natural for the assistants to follow the president.

However, Yeom Ki-seop waved his hand and said,

―Director Yun has an urgent report, so I‘m heading down.‖


The secretaries nodded in agreement.

They roughly knew how the company worked.

There were rumors circulating that the real power was in the hands of the director.

‗These people!‘
The president was even more annoyed with their attitude.

These people hurt his pride more than the director‘s words, so he just decided to move alone, but
from a certain moment on, the secretaries too knew that the president had no power in his hands.


He went out and pressed the elevator button.

Soon, the elevator from the 36th floor arrived on the 40th floor.

This also makes a lot of sense, this elevator was supposed to only be used by the president, but
now he was sharing this with the director too.

‗Dog shit bastard. Let me catch you.‘

He hoped that the director would make one big mistake at least once.

So that he could use it as a way to sabotage the director.

The president had the confidence to apply pressure on the matter if he could find a mistake as he
was superior in every level.


While he mumbled, he arrived on the 36th floor.

After passing through the usual hallway and arriving at the front of the secretaries‘ office, he saw
two familiar faces.

―Ah! President!‖

A man wearing a coat took his sunglasses off and said hello.

And a young man with shaggy pants and a spot on his face bowed.

‗He called them too?‘

The president was displeased.

He knew them.

Not the man in his early thirties, but the ugly one with the sunglasses.

A hidden team that carried out secret missions by the headquarter‘s directives.

‗I told them to refrain from entering and leaving the office because of the eyes which see them,
but they ignored my words.‘

These people weren‘t the employees of the company.

It was risky to call these two into the company.

―It has been a while, team leader Ho.‖

Ki-seop smiled.

But actually sent a message.

[I told you to refrain from coming and leaving the company in broad daylight, didn‘t the director
tell you?]

At that, Ho Jeong replied.

[No. I did hear that. But this time, I had no choice but to come.]

Ho Jeong showed a carrying case.

President Ki-seop frowned.

He couldn‘t have not known that.


Director Yun had a dirty way of doing things.

Which was why the performance of the people he brought was higher than others.

‗Right, weren‘t we getting a new member to the team today? It must have been difficult to use
the One Time‘s on team member number 3.‘
These teams, the people in them, had higher skills than normal Murim warriors.

Most of the people with clean records were brought in and then selected, and there were many
who had extremely high self-esteem.

Even those people became obedient to director Yun.

Starting with One Time‘s, then the nano bombs planted in their bodies made it impossible for
them to not give in.

[President. The director said it was urgent. Can we enter first?]

They were about to enter the office.

At those words, the president nodded and said.

―I too have something to discuss with Director Yun, so let‘s go together.‖

―Yes, sir.‖

It didn‘t matter since the president knew what was happening.

When he entered the secretaries‘ office, the female employees stood and greeted them.

Even if he didn‘t have power, he still had the title.

―President, why are yo…‖

―Director Yun called me. Didn‘t he tell you?‖

―Uh? No. We didn‘t hear anything about that. He‘s in an interview right now.‖

At those words, the president clicked his tongue.

He called and didn‘t even bother informing the secretaries.

Yeom Ki-seop didn‘t know who the boss was.

―It seems like director Yun forgot. This happens a lot, right?‖
At his words, the secretaries were at a loss for what to do.

Of course, if the president went in, the director would be angry.

―I will inform the director right now that you are here. Just a seco…‖

―No. He called me for the interview, so I will head in. Kuam!‖


With that, the president began to walk.

Realizing how he must be feeling, the secretaries stayed silent, not saying anything, and decided
to call the director and inform him.


The president opened the door and entered the office.

Ho Jeong and Geum Jong-so followed.

Geum Jong-so, the last one in, closed the door.

‗Since the antidote wasn‘t given, the injection wasn‘t given, right?‘

His only purpose here was to learn the password of the safe.

He saw the director unlock the secret safe when he was given the injection.

Director Yun‘s office was quite large, so they would have to walk through a small hallway.


There was a presence of three people inside.

The president, Yeom Ki-seop, clicked his tongue.

Starting from the stable breath of one person to the unstable energy of another.

‗No matter how much I say it, he ends up using it too much.‘
The smell of blood was clear.

As soon as he passed the hallway, his footsteps stopped.

―Wh-What the hell is this?‖

He couldn‘t hide his dismay.

As he entered the corner and turned left, he saw a severed arm lying on the floor next to Yun

‗Did he cut off an arm? Is the director out of his bloody mind…?‘

The face of the president hardened as he turned his head and looked at the sofa.

He doubted his own eyes.

It was the same for those behind him.


Shockingly, the director‘s arm was cut off.

It was hard to guess what happened.

At that moment, the director shouted.

―Ho Jeong! Th-The antidote!‖

His usual arrogant and confident appearance erased all their doubts.

However, the cold sweat and bloodshot eyes didn‘t seem good.

‗What? Did he…‘

Geum Jong-so‘s eyes widened.

He saw a young man with long hair and historical clothes seated on the sofa.

It was Chun Yeowun.

‗It‘s him!‘

The one he was supposed to investigate.

Even if he didn‘t remember the face, the clothes were all he needed to identify him.

‗The person I had to investigate is the new recruit?‘

But the situation was weird.

It was the complete opposite of what anyone would think.

Director Yun Mun-pyeong shouted to them, who were all dumbfounded by the situation they
were witnessing.

―What the fuck are you doing! Give me the damn antidote!‖

―Y-Yes, sir!‖

Team leader Ho Jeong was at a loss for words.

He knelt next to the sofa where the arm was cut off.

‗Damn it!‘


He hesitated for a moment, but he had the antidote, so he tried to open the case, but president
Yeom Ki-seop stopped him.


To the puzzled man, the president shook his head and asked.

―What happened, Director Yun?‖

The others couldn‘t see, but his lips had a subtle smile.

He was happy that the director was suffering!

‗He always behaved so arrogantly!‘

He desperately wanted the director to make a mistake, and now his wish was granted.

It was fun until he looked at Chun Yeowun.

‗Hm, the energy…‘

It was the energy of a Super Master.

However, the fact that Yun Mun-pyeong, a Superior Master, was like this meant that his energy
was concealed.

‗Probably the same level or higher.‘

He couldn‘t imagine that a person who looked to be in his early twenties was beyond that.

And he thought that if they worked together, this young one could be suppressed.

‗Well, I don‘t think that is necessary. If he ingested the One Time‘s.‘

That was when Yun Mun-pyeong yelled.

―What are you doing? Ho Jeon! Give me the bloody antidote!‖

When he thought about it, surely the director was his supervisor, and the antidote had to be
given, but it seemed dangerous to give it to him without knowing what happened.

That was when President Yeom Ki-seop said.

―Stop it. Director Yun. I know you are troubled. Trying to use the antidote on him because you
got caught by him, your judgment must be seriously messed up.‖

―Wh-What are you even saying?‖

―Stay still. You are making a fuss over things which will resolve naturally over time.‖

At those words, the director frowned.

‗This… this bastard…‘

Apparently, the president misunderstood the situation.

He thinks that Chun Yeowun is poisoned.

Although his pride hurt, he was running out of time, with full strength Yun Mun-pyeong said.


―It isn‘t him!‖

―Isn‘t him! Your arm is cut off, and now you suddenly act like…‖

―I‘ve ingested the poison!‖


The president, who was smiling, went stiff.

He thought that Chun Yeowun was poisoned, but this was absurd.

―What nonsense…‖

It was then.



The case that Ho Jeong was holding flew out of his hand.

And then it moved and fell in front of director Yun.



Ho Jeong was shocked as he looked at Chun Yeowun.

He must have done it.

―T-Thank you! Senior!‖


Thanking Chun Yeowun, director Yun opened the case, took out the brown syringe, and pushed
it into his thigh.


His anxious face resolved with that.

It was a situation where if he was one minute late, the poison would have started to spread
throughout his body.

‗Damn it!‘

The eyes of the president, who recognized the danger, turned bitter.

This man had to be subdued.

Ki-seop shouted.

―I‘ll take the lead. Back me up!‖


As soon as he said that, he approached Chun Yeowun, who was sitting on the sofa.


As soon as he raised his arm, his jacket sleeve swelled up, revealing his strong muscles.

‗Quick suppression.‘

Knowing that the opponent was on the same level as them, he had to move fast and one step

A blue light shone from Yeom Ji-seop‘s fist.

Fist Ki.
‗The 7th technique of the Fist of the Sea King!‘

His hand went for Chun Yeowun, aiming to kill him.

Since he was making the first move, he thought that the opponent would do something.

But it was strange.

‗Why is he still…‘

It was then.

Chun Yeowun raised his palm and lowered it.



An unimaginable energy pressed down his body.

‗Wh-What energy!‘

This wasn‘t something he could endure.

Both knees of the president dug into the office‘s marble floor.



It was of no use trying to stand up.

It was then he knew.

‗He isn‘t a Superior Master.‘

What kind of a Superior Master could do this to a person of the same level with a single gesture?

This is only possible with overwhelming capabilities.

―Wh-Who are you?‖

At that question, Chun Yeowun said something else.

―Thank you for coming this close to me.‖




Something touched his neck.

It was like something was being injected into his body.

―Wh-What are you doing!‖

Flustered, Yeon Ki-seop wanted to shake it off, but he couldn‘t.

And then, it fell.


Seeing what fell, the president went stiff and scared.


The nano bomb syringe.

The blue liquid in the syringe was empty.

‗Uh, how… the injection?‘

It‘s supposed to be in the safe.

He was too flustered to even say anything, but then he heard someone laugh.

That person was Yun Mun-pyeong, the director, who was kneeling near the sofa.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 20 -

Unexpected News (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Sep 28, 2021

• 13 min read • 6599 views

Yeon Company which was located in the eastern part of Shenyang city.

In the executive director‘s office on the 42nd floor of the office building, a man in his late
thirties in a navy blue suit was working at his desk, concentrating on something.

The man was Moyong Yi-sun, the successor and executive director of the company.


As he flipped through the touchscreen on the desk, he saw portraits.

The pictures files on the screen had two things in common.

The first thing they had in common was the distance from which the photos were taken.

And the second was Jo Yu-seong.

Most of the photos had Jo Yu-seong, the general manager and head of the Human Resources
department at Six Road Toys, in them.

Of course, besides Jo Yu-seong, there was also a man in a jacket and sunglasses, but it was
difficult to find that person‘s identity.

Basic information was obtained, but they couldn‘t find another connection with the one called
Ho Jeong.

He must be someone related to Murim, but he didn‘t seem to be registered as a Murim warrior in
the State Council.

‗Eight people like this.‘

A total of eight people.

Those who Jo Yu-seong came in contact with recently, 8 unregistered Murim warriors.

For three months, Jo Yu-seong had been gathering that kind of person.

‗It would be nice if we could plant someone from our side in them.‘

Moyong Yi-sun made contact with those who manipulated their identities.

But all attempted contacts failed.

One wasn‘t skilled enough, and the other committed suicide in danger of being found out as a


As he flipped through the pictures, the last picture had come up.
A black sedan, exiting the Public Security, the vehicle of Jo Yu-seong.

And the photo was snapped in the morning.


Moyong Yi-sun tapped the photo with his finger.

‗The missing 9th guy.‘

They hadn‘t missed a single one.

The reason was that he had been monitoring the actions of Jo Yu-seong for 4 months.

Except when entering the company‘s building or his home, every other place has been marked.

‗At that time, public security was involved. Sigh…‘

The reason the last one was missed was because of the public security‘s jamming system.

Thanks to the waves that format the files on recording devices, all the photos of the 9th man
taken by his men were deleted.

There was only one piece of information.

‗Long hair and clothes seen in historical dramas…‘

That wasn‘t enough information.

They at least had to have a description of the face.

The matter was becoming complicated.


A female secretary‘s voice came from the phone.

-Director. You have a guest.

Although his schedule was empty until the late afternoon, this should be his only free time.

He was puzzled when he heard,

-That… ah! Wait… if you go…


Then someone opened the door and entered his office.

―… Lee Myeong?‖

He was the 3rd team leader of the Public Security‘s violent crimes squad, Lee Myeong.

At the unexpected appearance of the person, Moyong Yi-sun abruptly closed the screen and got

―Why are you here? Shouldn‘t you be in the hospital?‖

Lee Myeong frowned at Yi-sun‘s words.

He hadn‘t even informed his own mother that he was hurt, but this man seemed to know that he
was hospitalized.

In a displeased voice, he said,

―Are you keeping an eye on me?‖

―Ha! Is this how you talk to your older brother? Do you think I go and dig up information on you
in my spare time?‖

He just found out by chance.

Moyong Yi-sun had been informed that Lee Myeong was shot while his men took pictures of the
9th man.

―Don‘t speak rubbish. Since when were you my older brother? If you thought of us as brothers,
you wouldn‘t have left me.‖

He was about to reach out to Lee Myeong in anger, but then at the words he heard, Yi-sung
lowered his hand.

With a cold face, which regained his reasoning, he said,

―It‘s a waste to use my hand against trash that can‘t even perform martial arts.‖

This time, Lee Myeong‘s eyes were cold.

To say that he can‘t perform martial arts when it‘s a trauma for him.

Sarcastically, Moyong Yi-sun asked.

―Fine. What is the leader of the Public Security Bureau doing here?‖

―Jo Yu-seong. Yun Mun-pyeong.‖

Moyong Yi-sun frowned at those names.

These names weren‘t something that a violent crimes detective should mention.

This wasn‘t a special unit.

―This morning, Jo Yu-seong borrowed power from director Yun Mun-pyeong of the Six Road
Toys and took a suspect who was under investigation.‖

―… and what?‖

―Don‘t act cheeky. I saw you at University hospital, where the man stopped. What the hell were
you up to?‖


At Lee Myeong‘s words, Moyong Yi-sun was flustered.

It seemed like Lee Myeong thought Moyong Yi-sun was related to them.

Rather, it seemed like he wanted Moyong Yi-sun to be involved with them.

‗The RV that was in that accident belonged to the Public Security. They too seem to be tracking
Jo Yu-seong.‘

But thanks to this, he learned something he didn‘t know.

And Lee Myeong continued to talk.

―The recent business partnership between the Yeon Company and the Six Road Toys has been in
the news for quite a long time. If there is something you are hiding, reveal it now.‖

With a look of displeasure, Moyong Yi-sun opened his mouth and spoke to Lee Myeong, who
was acting like he was conducting an interrogation.

―Don‘t cross the line. Trust the information, but don‘t overdo it.‖

―Are you threatening me?‖

―What good will a businessman like me get from threatening a government official? Huh. If you
want to know stuff, get a warrant first.‖

Lee Myeong frowned at the word warrant.

As he was suspended, he wasn‘t even a detective right now.

And if he acted out right now, things would become messy for him.


In the end, he was at a disadvantage.

This guy right in front of him is anxious, and he won‘t stand back from biting Lee Myeong if he
has the chance because of the competition of successors. After all, they share the same bloodline.

Giving up, Lee Myeong turned around.

That was when Moyong Yi-sun said.

―Seeing that you don‘t have a warrant, it seems like you are doing things your own way, but I‘m
warning you.‖

Moyong Yi-sun warned Lee Myeong, who turned back.

―Jo Yu-seong, no, the director, Yun Mun-pyeong, is a very dangerous man. If you don‘t want to
lose your life, stop digging for information and get away from this investigation.‖

At the same time.

The room on the 36th floor of the Six Road Toys‘ building.

Someone politely handed Chun Yeowun, who was on the sofa, something.

The dangerous man, Yun Mun-pyeong.

―You aren‘t fooling around, right?‖

―No, never, senior!‖

With only his left arm, he handed over a few sheets of warm A4 papers that had just been
printed. They were from the Blade Six.

‗Damn it.‘

Even though he wasn‘t saying it out loud, Yun Mun-pyeong was miserable inside.

The situation was reversed.

These were the people who tried to use Chun Yeowun as a consumable. They ended up being in
a situation where they knelt and bowed to him.


Yun Mun-pyeong turned his gaze to the right armrest of the sofa, which Chun Yeowun was
sitting on.

On it was the control terminal of the nano bombs.

If Chun Yeowun pressed the button, he and the people inside the room would die as he would

It was then, someone kneeling on the side of the sofa carefully opened his mouth.

―I don‘t know if you saw any material you like. There are also quite a lot of things on my
personal PC in my office…‖

―Be quiet.‖

―… yes.‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s sharp words, the president of the Six Road Toys went silent right away.

He, who tried to act out at the beginning of the situation, began to try and please Chun Yeowun.

However, it wasn‘t an easy task for him, who always stood at the top, to act this way.

Looking at that, director Yun Mun-pyeong shook his head.

‗This… this… sly bastard!‘

Yeom Ki-seop was so annoyed that the veins on his forehead bulged.

‗Who caused all of this!‘

If such a thing were happening, any man with common sense would try to relay that a problem
had arisen, even if it meant losing his life.

However, as if what happened to him wasn‘t enough, he dragged the president into the same

Maybe, the director felt the anger of the president. He turned his head away and coughed.


Whether he saw it or not, Chun Yeowun was looking through the material.

The materials handed to him by Yun Mun-pyeong were related to the Blade Six‘s Murim clan.
The Blade Six managed the clan by dividing it into direct and merged groups.

‗Of the 87 affiliates, 13 of them are merged. And there are 74 recognized executives in the Blade

On the back of the documents were the names of the affiliates and the presidents.

Yun Mun-pyeong, a man who desired to reach the top, had a close relationship with them.

His purpose was to become the 75th executive.

If it wasn‘t for this accident, he might have become the youngest executive in the Blade Six.

―Do you have any information about the head office?‖

According to the document, six main executives were leading the head office, and the Chairman
was the center of the Blade Six.

However, the information about anything except the affiliates was missing.

There was a picture of the Chairman‘s face attached to the very back of the document, but that
was something Chun Yeowun already knew.

‗He isn‘t the Blade God.‘

It was a different face.

Even in his era, the Blade God had once made a person named the Blade Lord the head of the
Blade God Six Martial Clan and pulled the strings from behind, which meant that the data now
couldn‘t be trusted.

―What about those executives?‖

―T-Those six executives at the head office are among the other executives. Only the 7 presidents
who belong to the major business divisions can be seen at the shareholders‘ meetings.‖

At Yun Mun-pyeong‘s words, Chun Yeowun looked at Yeom Ki-seop.

―It has been only a few months since we merged. Ours is a new affiliate.‖
At the word merged, he lowered his head with a bitter expression.

In reality, other than what Yun Mun-pyeong could give, there was nothing that the president
could offer.

‗The information about the clan is different.‘

Still, it was better than not knowing anything.

And now was the time to ask real questions.

If these were the Blade God Six Martial Clan‘s descendants, they would have fought with the
Sky Demon Order.

The more enemies the Blade Six had, the more information their enemies would have on them.

―Do you know about the Sky Demon Order?‖


Yun Mun-pyeong seemed confused and puzzled by that question.

It was as if he was listening to that name for the first time.

―You aren‘t pretending to not know?‖

At the irritated voice, Yun Mun-pyeong waved his hands and denied it.

―No, why would I? This is my first time hearing it.‖

―First time hearing it?‖

Chun Yeowun‘s face darkened.

He was concerned that the Sky Demon Order didn‘t exist in this time axis.

At that time, Yun Mun-pyeong, who was constantly mumbling Sky Demon Order, seemed to
remember something and asked.
―… ah senior. By any chance, are you talking about the Black Sky Company, which was
dissolved 26 years ago, the organization which was once called the Demonic cult?‖


Chun Yeowun jumped at those words.

If the word dissolve wasn‘t much different from what he understood, it meant that the Sky
Demon Order was disbanded.

Chun Yeowun looked at Yun Mun-pyeong and said,

―Say that once again, clearly…‖

It was then.

A small vibration.


The terminal, which was on the armrest, fell into someone‘s hand.

The man in a jacket, Ho Jeong.


He couldn‘t hide his joy as he recaptured the terminal capable of detonating the nano bombs.

He was waiting for the moment when Chun Yeowun would divert his attention.

Reaching the Super Master Level, he wasn‘t as good as the two Superior Masters, but he could
still control objects in the air.


Both the director and the president couldn‘t hide their surprise.

They didn‘t know that he could do such things.

‗This is great!‘
If the terminal was in their hands, they could just run away.

The president shouted.

―You did well. Ho Jeong! Quickly…‖


At that moment, an unexpected thing happened.

The terminal, which was in Ho Jeong‘s hands, shattered into pieces.

The president couldn‘t hide his shock.

―You… what the hell did you do?‖

Without that, it would be impossible to detonate or even disarm the nano bombs.

But now, it was broken.

Ho Jeong smiled at them.

―Hahaha, how long did you think that I would obey your orders because of the nano bombs
inside my body?‖


―In the end, there‘s nothing that a guy like me can do against people like you. When else would
such a great opportunity arise for me? Now both of you will be aware of the pain of carrying
nano bombs inside of your body. Hahaha.‖

Everyone was shocked at those words.

They thought that he was the most loyal person, that was why he was given the title of team
leader, but now, they saw a side of him that they didn‘t even know existed.

Even Geum Jong-so was the same.

‗Th-This crazy bastard!‘

It was something he heard about before being injected with a nano bomb.

The only device which could control the signal code of the detonators in their bodies was the

And now, the terminal was shattered.

‗Without that, the nano bombs in the body can‘t be disarmed!‘

Even if there was no way the bombs would explode, the risk of carrying bombs inside their
bodies was still present.

However, Ho Jeong was satisfied as he shouted.

―Heh heh, if even one person wants to survive in the hands of that monster, then I suggest you all
run away! Spread out!‖


With those words, he tried to run towards the window.

Even if it was dangerous, he decided to break the window and jump.

Running out of the office would get him caught by the monster once again.

It was then.


The sound of a snap echoed through the office.

And then,


A red light rose from Ho Jeong‘s body as if he was burning up, along with the sound of an

―This, how can this…‖


When Geum Jong-so opened his mouth in shock, Ho Jeong‘s charred body turned to ashes and

‗Th-The nano bombs exploded!‘

Yun Mun-pyeong had seen it in the demonstration video before receiving the nano bombs.

The best thing about the nano bombs was that the explosion didn‘t cause damage to the
surroundings and killed the host from the inside.

‗He doesn‘t have the detonator, so how?‘

Everyone looked at Chun Yeowun, who snapped his fingers.

Nano‘s voice echoed in his head.

[Transmission of the copied detonator‘s black code has been completed.]

Nano had copied the ten detonation codes.

There was no need for a terminal anymore.

Chun Yeowun turned his head to Yeom Ki-seop, who halfway stood up to run.


Director Yun Mun-pyeong, who was next to him, shouted.

―I-I didn‘t even move, senior!‖



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 21 -

Unexpected News (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Sep 29, 2021

• 11 min read • 6481 views

Chun Yeowun seemed pissed.

As a result, everyone in the office was extremely attentive.

The president was restless.

When Ho Jeong stole the terminal, which could detonate the nano bombs, he, too, wanted to run

‗Damn it. Damn it. Damn it. Damn it….‘

But Ho Jeong was killed.

As a result, there was nothing but the fear of death running through his mind.

It was a pity to see his sweaty face.

‗He must be really scared.‘

Geum Jong-so bit his tongue as if he was the president.

They were completely broken.

It was the same with Jo Yu-seong, who was kneeling in the corner with a pale face.

‗He, he… showed it to us on purpose.‘

Geum Jong-so was sure.

From the beginning, he was puzzled by the fact that no matter how strong the man was, he
wasn‘t blocking their blood points.

Even if the nano bombs were there, there were chances to run.

Because variables can occur.

‗It wasn‘t that Ho Jeong got the detonator, nor did he seize the opportunity. The man just gave it
to him.‘

The device couldn‘t be just taken away from such a monster.

If one thought about it, it was strange to leave such an important object on the sofa‘s armrest.

And with that, everyone found out.

The fact that the nano bombs could be detonated without the terminal.

‗What the hell?‘

It wasn‘t sure what he did, but now this monster could detonate the nano bombs without the

And with that, their reality looked even worse.

Starting with the company‘s CCTV, the security guards, the director who is a Superior Master,
and the hidden safe with three levels of security, that terminal couldn‘t be stolen no matter how
many times Geum Jong-so thought.

‗A monster that crushes everything with overwhelming force.‘

That monster had control of the nano bombs.

The Public Security Bureau ended up putting his life in the hands of an unknown person.

Geum Jong-so‘s mind was messed up.

‗Now, there are two ways.‘

The Public Security technical team finds a way to disarm the bomb.

Or that monster in front of him disarms it.

The former was the safest method, but

‗Will they really do that?‘

The Public Security Bureau doesn‘t want the public to learn that they‘ve planted spies in
companies out of fear of garnering a bad reputation.

That was the reason why they used him and not some official person of their bureau.

It wouldn‘t be strange if they abandoned him.

‗… should I try making a deal with that man even if the risks are high?‘

He looked at Chun Yeowun, who sat at Yun Mun-pyeong‘s desk and stared at the monitor.

He was afraid of making a bad impression.

‗Sigh… he doesn‘t have a bad face unlike Ho Jeong, but I‘m terrified.‘

When he looked at Chun Yeowun, it was like an overwhelming force was being pushed onto

If he did nothing, his life could be in jeopardy.

‗Should I give up and trust the Public Security Bureau… no, rather than trusting them, I‘ll work
something out.‘

Geum Jong-so, who was worried, decided.

The situation was a mess.

It would be better to bet everything on this.

‗Looking at his reaction… I might be able to give him information and strike a deal.‘

Geum Jong-so‘s eyes shone as they looked at Chun Yeowun.

On the other hand, Chun Yeowun was intently looking at the monitor.

A lot of information was displayed.

[Simyang Daily, 2043. 07. 14

Black Sky Company, one of China‘s three largest enterprises, collapses.

After Chairman Chun Hyun-seong was arrested last year, the company‘s stock prices plunged to
the bottom, and the executives of the Black Sky Company announced the dissolution of the
company at noon today, through their shareholders‘ meeting.

63 affiliates are already in the process of dismantling and merging, and the Chinese government
expects this situation to cause serious economic turbulence….]

This article was from 26 years ago.

In addition to that, several articles were reported as hot topics.

Most of the articles said that the company‘s image was damaged, and its stock price plummeted
after the chairman‘s arrest.

‗It doesn‘t make sense.‘

The company disbanded after the chairman was sentenced to life in prison.

It was too fast.

Chun Yeowun, who simply received the information, didn‘t think it made sense.

‗Something is odd.‘
The information seemed too fake.

It was like something related to Murim had happened.

A clear example was the next article.

[2043. 07. 25

Founding of the State Council‘s Murim Department.

Prime Minister Dang Ji-san, who announced the establishment of the new Murim…

… the first year‘s goal is to have more than 60% of Murim people register with the department.]

About ten days after the Black Sky Company was disbanded, the registration of Murim started.

This was the point where the line between the government and Murim was erased.

Chun Yeowun thought that it wasn‘t a mere coincidence.

‗This is enough.‘

He needed more information, but it was 26 years ago, and many things were missing.

According to Nano, a lot of important data was deleted.


A sigh.

Yun Mun-pyeong wanted to know what was happening, but he couldn‘t ask.

He only knew about the current rival groups of the Blade Six.

There was a limit to how much information he could get from his position.

‗Useless bastard.‘

Chun Yeowun looked at him.

Maybe he felt the eyes on him, Yun Mun-pyeong trembled.

Chun Yeowun rested his chin on his hand as he thought.

‗Even if it‘s a different time axis, the cult collapsed too easily. I just can‘t understand.‘

As the 2nd Chun Ma and the Lord, he couldn‘t admit it.

If it was the Sky Demon Order he knew, it couldn‘t fall to threats and crises.

He never imagined how easy it would be for it to break up.

‗… there is only one answer.‘

If the Sky Demon Order was in danger and disappeared, there was one thing he had to do.

‗Find them!‘

After reading the data for nearly two hours, Chun Yeowun grasped the situation and got up as he
organized his thoughts.

Everyone in the office stared at him.

That was when he called.

―Yun Mun-pyeong.‖

―Y-Yes! Senior!‖

He answered right away.

For two hours, he was worried about what would happen to him.

But now, Chun Yeowun said something unexpected.

―Didn‘t you say that you have a position where you can talk with your superiors?‖


―Great. Then let the head office know that you hired the new one without any problems.‖

―Did you not understand what I said?‖

As Chun Yeowun asked with his eyebrows raised, Yun Mun-pyeong shook his head.

―Ah-no! I will bury what happened here and make sure that it doesn‘t leak out!‖

Chun Yeowun nodded at that answer.

Chun Yeowun was going to cover this situation up so that the Blade Six wouldn‘t notice it.

―You understand too?‖


Even the president answered in the same way.

He answered, but he couldn‘t erase his displeasure.

‗… I‘m the president, so why is he acting like my superior?‘

He was still annoyed with Yun Mun-pyeong.

No matter what he felt, Chun Yeowun would go ahead with his plan.

And now, Chun Yeowun intends to use the Blade Six and find traces of the Sky Demon Order.

‗They don‘t know of my existence. If they do, I will completely destroy them this time.‘

Everything is still unclear for now.

However, the disappearance of his cult was certainly not a natural occurrence.

He wasn‘t heartbroken, just determined.

‗If I use this one properly, it will be worthwhile.‘

Chun Yeowun thought that as he looked at Yun Mun-pyeong.

The position he held could be used in many ways.

Chun Yeowun planned on using him till the end.

As if he instinctively read something in Chun Yeowun‘s eyes, Yun Mun-pyeong couldn‘t hide
his anxiety.


Chun Yeowun pulled something out of his sleeve.

A paper from the Blade Six.

1. As a result of the requested investigation, the probability of a spy is 80%. Team 7 should be
2. Secure the 3rd team leader of the violent crimes squad, Moyong Lee Myeong.
3. From February 23rd to 24th, Gate 26 warning is scheduled. Be sure to destroy the confidential
internal data.
4. Reviewing the report on the operation to assassinate the executive director of the Yeon
Company, which was taken to the upper level. Payment is due before Gate Warning 26.

The directive to be followed.

Chun Yeowun noticed two things.

He didn‘t pay attention to it before, but it seemed like the Moyong family was involved.


If not, he would have had to search other places for information.

If the descendants of the Moyong clan were there, then they might have different information.

It was written to secure someone of the Moyong clan.

‗Violent crimes, huh.‘

Chun Yeowun called the name of the man who was obedient to him.
―Yun Mun-pyeong.‖

―Yes! Senior.‖

―I need the best attire and Human Skin Mask of this era.‖


The director frowned.

It was strange to call it this era.

But he couldn‘t understand what a skin mask was.

―I… what is a skin mask, senior?‖

Human Skin Mask.

It refers to a face mask made from human skin or a specific animal to disguise someone as
another person.

When he was in Murim, it was beneficial to Chun Yeowun.

Chun Yeowun decided that he would need it to change his appearance because of the Public
Security Bureau.

―You don‘t know what a Human Skin Mask is?‖

That was when someone intervened.

―Are you talking about something like cotton wool that you can put on your face?‖

It was Geum Jong-so.

Yun Mun-pyeong nodded his head at those words.

Chun Yeowun roughly understood it.

―I want one…‖
―That! Director. There‘s an expert that I know. Can I guide you?‖

Geum Jong-so intervened.

This was a good opportunity for him.

‗This is great. I was trying to create an opportunity.‘

The director looked at Geum Jong-so with narrowed eyes.

He knew that this kid was a spy of the Public Security Bureau as it was in the orders and
information given on the paper in the safe.

He tried to warn him.

[That, senior. That one is…]

[I know.]


Of course, Chun Yeowun had looked at the paper too; there was no way he wouldn‘t know.

But Chun Yeowun didn‘t care.

He was planning on using Public Security to some extent too.

[It doesn‘t matter. I can take care of it myself. Don‘t worry about it.]

[I-I understand.]

Yun Mun-pyeong nodded his head and backed off.

And Chun Yeowun said to the young one.

―Guide me.‖

―Yes! I will guide you right away!‖

Excited, Geum Jong-so tried to guide him outside.

He was already under suspicion, so he had to rush out.

It was then.


Yun Mun-pyeong stopped him.

‗Damn it!‘

Geum Jong-so stopped with a frown.

It seemed like this wasn‘t going to be easy.

His heart was pounding.


Chun Yeowun, who was following Geum Jong-so, asked when Yun Mun-pyeong pulled out a
business card and said.

―Please accept this.‖


―This is the corporate card. If you get tailored clothes and cut your hair, you might need this.
You can use it as much as you want.‖

Yun Mun-pyeong was trying to please Chun Yeowun.


Geum Jong-so, who was nervous, sighed.

He was glad.

He was worried that someone else would tell Chun Yeowun the truth, so he quickly guided them
out of the building as soon as possible.

Outside, a few blocks away, the RV of the dead Ho Jeong was parked.
‗I‘m good at driving.‘

If he wasn‘t good at driving, he wouldn‘t have held the key, then the key would have been
destroyed when Ho Jeong burnt.

Like a secretary, he opened the door for Chun Yeowun and then got into the driver‘s seat.

He needed to head to a place where he could have a conversation with Chun Yeowun.


Geum Jong-so moved towards the northern outskirts.

He knew a place where neither the bureau nor the company would find him.

After driving for about 30 minutes, Chun Yeowun, who was in the back seat, opened his mouth,
seeing that the place had no buildings and very few people.

―How far are we going to talk?‖


Geum Jong-so looked at Chun Yeowun through the mirror.

He didn‘t think that Chun Yeowun would recognize his intentions.

‗… he is good at catching stuff.‘

He looked around.

The place he was currently at had electric poles and very few people.

‗This should be enough.‘


He stopped the car on the side of the road.

Geum Jong-so turned his head, to tell the truth, thinking that Chun Yeowun would let him off.
―I apologize. I should have told you in advance…‖

It was then.



A black RV was seen rushing towards them at great speed through the rear window.

No matter who looked at it, it seemed like they intended to hit this car.

It was too late to start the car and step on the gas.

So Geum Jong-so shouted.

―Y-You need to get out right no…‖

―Such a hassle.‖

At that time, Chun Yeowun swung his hand back and pushed something sideways.

Bang! Woong!

At that moment, the black RV that was about to hit them turned over and crashed.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 22 -

Unexpected News (3)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Sep 30, 2021

• 11 min read • 6652 views

There was a black RV and a grey sedan tracking the white RV that Chun Yeowun was in.

The people inside the two cars were pros at tracking.

It was a good opportunity to seize the person they had been tracking and monitoring for nearly
three months.

―Geum Jong-so and the ninth one are moving.‖

The vehicle, which normally moved on busy roads, wasn‘t easy to track as it calls for a lot of
attention, but then this car went to a place with fewer people.

And the place the white RV was heading didn‘t have many CCTV cameras.


In addition, the vehicle just stopped.

The team leader in the grey sedan spoke as he pressed the earphone in his left ear.

―We have a nice chance. What should we do?‖

And a voice answered.

-Click! Capture and bring them here.


When the order fell, the team leader spoke while pressing his earphone again.

―Hit them.‖


The black RV ahead of them accelerated and rushed for the parked white RV as soon as the
command was issued.

―Get ready.‖


Click! Click!

Except for the driver, four men in the sedan pulled out guns with silencers.

They were guns with anesthetic bullets.

―Shoot as soon as they get out of the car.‖


Even if they hit the parked car, since the ones inside were Murim warriors, they knew they could
come out without injuries.

It was then.

Bang! Woong!

The black RV rushing head suddenly flipped over.

It happened before they could crash into the white RV.

―The car flipped!‖

―What the hell?‖

They weren‘t sure what was happening, but their targets had to be brought in.

―Step on it!‖

The shocked driver stepped on the gas at the order.


When the speed of the car increased, it was ready to collide with the white RV.


The sedan came to a sudden stop.

Thanks to the sudden stop, the people inside ended up banging into the front seats and the

―Crazy bastard! What the fuck are you doing? Why did you hit the brake!‖

At the man‘s yelling, the driver turned his head in a bewildered expression and said,

―I-It wasn‘t me!‖


―My foot is on the gas!‖



Smoke was rising from the rear wheels of the vehicle.

It was a situation where the rubber tires were burning up as the wheels were rotating, but the
vehicle wasn‘t moving ahead.


Everyone inside was shocked.

Their vehicle, which was moving so fast, was stopped by some unknown energy.

―Damn it!‖

The leader knew that something strange was happening.

―Get out of the ca…‖

Before he could finish speaking, the black seat door of the white RV opened, and someone got

The dress one would see in historical dramas and long black hair.

Their target, Chun Yeowun.

―The 9th one!‖

Chun Yeowun reached out to the sedan they were in.

They wondered what was going to happen and tried to get out of the car.


Rumble! Clack!

―Wh-What is this?‖

―Leader! The door isn‘t opening!‖

It was the same for the leader who was about to open the door.

He tried to push the door open, but it didn‘t even budge.

That was when the leader shouted.

―Break the bloody windows!‖

If the doors didn‘t open, then they had to get out by breaking the window.

It was then.
Chun Yeowun grabbed something.


Kiiick! Wack!


―T-The car!‖

The sedan started crushing.

Like a toy being crushed inside a hand.


In an instant, the sedan lost its shape.

Geum Jong-so, who got out of the driver‘s seat, was shocked.

He was shocked when the car flipped over, but compressing a car was ridiculous.

‗No, how!‘

It was a sight that left him speechless.

Of course, the car was made of metal, and the inside was well equipped to prevent passenger
injuries. Still, it was shocking.

‗… he isn‘t human.‘

He‘s a monster, just like the dead Ho Jeong said.

He couldn‘t even fathom how profound the man‘s energy had to be to do such a thing.

Chun Yeowun heard.

―Catch them.‖

Two people managed to escape from the vehicle.

It was one of the people sitting in the back seat and the leader.

They managed to escape after breaking the windows, but both of their faces were pale.

‗Is he testing their skills?‘

Geum Jong-so, who guessed Chun Yeowun‘s intentions, looked at them.

One seemed to be at the Super Master Level, and the other was at the beginning of the Super
Master Level.

It was a level that wasn‘t easy to handle.

‗Still, it isn‘t like he can‘t suppress them.‘

He turned his head and slightly looked at him.

‗It‘s impossible for them to hide their skills from that monster. So attack from the start!‘


Geum Jong-so rushed to them.

He moved at an excellent speed, which ended up making him a recruit for the Blade Six

―Damn it!‖

Puck! Puck! Puck!

The leader fired his gun, which had a silencer on it.

However, Geum Jong-so, who was paying close attention to the path, avoided them at the speed
of lightning.


The martial art of Geum Jong-so was boxing. The man shooting the gun immediately responded.

Likewise, he too seemed to be a close-combat warrior.

And he seemed to have more experience, as he was able to block Geum Jong-so.

‗He is pretty good.‘

Despite being an enemy, he possessed commendable skills.

However, because there was a fundamental difference in close-combat martial arts, the longer
the battle went on, the more advantageous the attacker would be.

‗The gap!‘

Geum Jong-so, who noticed the gap in the leader‘s defense, tried to hit him.

It was then, he felt something sharp pierce him.


Geum Jong-so widened the distance right away.

One more of the men, who got out, had hit him.

It was a short knife, like a dagger, which could be covered by a hand.


He thought that the situation could be handled, but it was becoming more annoying.

As Geum Jong-so widened the distance, the two of them took a formation.

Clearly, both of them used the same kind of martial art.

‗Damn it. Does that mean they want to deal with the weaker one first?‘

The fact that they weren‘t rushing in to attack the stronger one gave Geum Jong-so the answer.

It seemed that his plan to suppress the pursuers and impress Chun Yeowun was failing. Geum
Jong-so glanced back.
‗… how!‘

It was shocking.

Six men were lying on the ground, around Chun Yeowun.

It seemed like the people in the black RV had come out and tried to deal with him.

‗He‘s a real monster!‘

Meeting Chun Yeowun‘s level would be hard.

Geum Jong-so bit his lip.

‗Sigh… I was told not to use it unless I‘m in a crisis.‘

It seemed like he had to resort to something.

In order to quickly subdue the two men who were trying to catch him. Geum Jong-so decided
and moved.


The leader, who thought that the man could be dealt with if he responded cautiously, moved.

However, Geum Jong-so‘s movements, which were close to boxing, changed.


He was pretending to use boxing when he kicked.

Since the man kept switching, the leader tried to block the attacks.



In an instant, Geum Jong-so kicked the leader‘s chest and chin.

The other man tried to help his leader, but Geum Jong-so‘s movements were faster.
―How dare you!‖



Geum Jeong-so jumped into the air and hit the man‘s head with a kick.

Since it was a kick with the strength of a late Super Master, there was no way he could endure it.

With a scream, his neck broke as he collapsed.

‗Damn it! How did his level change!‘

The leader, who staggered from internal injuries, stared at Geum Jong-so.

Even when they collided for the first time, it seemed like his level was the same as Geum Jong-

But from the moment Geum Jong-so changed something about his attack pattern, everything

―Kuak… you hid… your skills. Sly bastard!‖

-Woah…. Do you get it?

A voice came from the earphone.

He could tell what the message meant just by listening to the sighing voice on the other side.

Since the pursuit failed, there was only one thing they could do.


Geum Jong-so grabbed the collar of the collapsed man with his left hand and tried to lift him up.

And the leader bit his molars.

―This jerk!‖

When he heard the sound of something cracking inside the mouth, Geum Jong-so was shocked
and tried to seal the blood points.


However, it was too late.

The leader looked at him with bloodshot eyes.

‗I-It is too late. You won‘t be able to figure anything out.‘

If the liquid inside the capsule stuck on the molars is swallowed, the man would lose his life in
10 seconds.

Even the earphone connected to the ear was designed to automatically format its frequency if the
body‘s energy disappears or if the earphone is taken out.


It was only three to four seconds before the strong poison began to work as blood came out of his

Geum Jong-so frowned at the body‘s convulsions.

―Damn it!‖

If his blood points were sealed even a second earlier, he could have questioned him.

It was then.

―Hold him.‖



At that moment, Chun Yeowun approached and placed his hand near the dying leader‘s dantian.
A tremendous amount of internal energy rushed into his dantian.

―Kuak! Kuak!‖

The eyes of the leader, who was distracted by the pure energy, opened wide as the poison was
temporarily suppressed.

Three more seconds and he would have seen the underworld.

Chun Yeowun‘s other hand went to the earphone in the left ear.

The leader laughed.

‗S… stupid… man… if… you take it… out my ear….‘

No use.

There was no way the original source could be tracked. What could these two people do?

Besides, everything would be formatted if the device was removed from the ear.



Suddenly, the earphone in the left ear stung.

And 5 seconds later.

The words from Chun Yeowun‘s mouth startled the dying man.

―Yeon Company… Moyong clan.‖


The leader‘s eyes widened.

It was the same with Moyong Yi-sun, who was in a dark room inside the headquarters of the
Yeon Company several kilometers away.

Moyong Yi-sun, who thought the mission failed, tried to turn off the speaker while drenched in
disappointment that he lost a useful tracker.

Then, he heard a voice coming through.


The voice continued to enter his bewildered ears.

―Let‘s meet soon.‖



With that, the sound was entirely cut off, as if the earphone was broken.

Shocked, Moyong Yi-sun was unable to move away for a while.


Geum Jung-so, who moved the dead bodies into a pit he dug, bit his lip.

He wondered if he would be surprised anymore.

This man wasn‘t a cyborg like he saw in movies, but he never imagined that a person could trace
a frequency by putting their hand on an earphone.

‗Who is this person?‘

This man was no longer a warrior who stayed hidden.

Now, he was wondering if Chun Yeowun was a hidden agent created by the Chinese government
or some top-secret group.

‗This is insane!‘
He was scared.

His heart was troubled.

As he pondered, he shook his head and opened the lid of something next to him.


A foul odor wafted out.

Inside the barrel was sulfuric acid.

Although they were on the outskirts, they couldn‘t abandon dead bodies.

Fortunately, Ho Jeong was the kind to carry such things with him.

Sulfuric acid was one of them.



All the acid was poured into the pit where the bodies were collected.

The reaction was so fast that the bodies immediately melted.


Frowning, he turned around.

After taking care of everything which could be traced back to them, he got into the car.

Geum Jong-so spoke to Chun Yeowun, who was sitting in the back seat.

―For now, getting away from here is best.‖

They couldn‘t stay there any longer, not after what they had done.

Geum Jong-so started the engine.

It was around 20 minutes after they started driving.

Chun Yeowun, who hadn‘t said a single word, spoke.

―We have come quite far, now start revealing your identity.‖

‗Damn it!‘

Geum Jong-so frowned.

It looked like Chun Yeowun knew something about his identity.

‗Did Yun Mun-pyeong say something?‘

It seemed like Yun Mun-pyeong had sent a message to him before they left.

Maybe he knew his connection with the Public Security Bureau.

As he contemplated how to explain it, an unexpected question came out of Chun Yeowun‘s

―You… where did you learn that martial arts?‖


Geum Jong-so stuttered at the unexpected question.

―Wh-What do you mean?‖

He didn‘t think that he would be asked such a question.

Even in Murim, people don‘t ask about another person‘s martial arts unless they are close.

To him, who was bewildered, Chun Yeowun said.

―Stop acting like that. The martial arts that you unfolded back there belong to the Sky Demon
Order‘s Pure Kick Clan.‖

Geum Jong-so‘s eyes trembled at those words.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 23 -

Portent (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Oct 1, 2021

• 10 min read • 5897 views



Memories of the past flashed through Geum Jong-so‘s mind.

In the middle of a dark night, a man with sparse grey hair hurriedly packed something.

He was carrying luggage and opened the door, when the young one saw that, the man stroked his
[Things have changed. I, no, we will do our very best to put everything back in place. Sigh…
now you are the head of the family. Take good care of your mom.]

He raised his head and looked at the man with tears in his eyes.

A face which was blurry even in his memory, the man bent down to the young one‘s level and

[… if I don‘t make it back, forget all the memories you have of me. And live your life like an
ordinary person.]

As the words kept coming, the tears which the young one was holding back began to flow.

The man with grey hair spoke with a sad voice this time.

[If I knew this would happen, I would have passed everything down to you… no. This is better.
This is the end. Unless it‘s a real crisis, you should never reveal what you learned to anyone. If I
don‘t come back, move… remember. Goodbye, my son.] (*)


A small wave of qi stroked his head.

He was lost in his memory.

Geum Jong-so looked at Chun Yeowun, unable to calm his emotions.

‗What is this person‘s identity?‘

It has been 27 years already.

Contrary to his fears, no one recognized the martial arts he used.

It was as if the martial arts were erased from everyone‘s mind.

‗Damn it!‘

He didn‘t know how to deal with it.

He never dreamed that something found in Beijing would be recognized in Shenyang, which is
closer to the border.

‗Should I run away?‘

That was a nice option, but impossible.

The nano bomb was in his body, and this monster would catch him even if not for the bomb.

Geum Jong-so bit his lip.

There was no other option. He had to fight and run.


Geum Jong-so parked the car.

Cars were passing by, but not many people were there.

Geum Jong-so opened his mouth without turning his head.

―… who are you?‖

He just recognized his martial arts.

Either an enemy or an ally.

Geum Jong-so was quickly trying to judge the situation.

He was aware that nothing could be done.

The only hope he had was because of what Chun Yeowun said.

‗No matter how many years have passed, there isn‘t a single person in Murim who uses the
expression Sky Demon Order anymore.‘

Black Sky Company or Demonic Cult.

Only the members of the Order used the official name.

While he was nervously looking into the mirror, Chun Yeowun said,

―Come outside.‖

He was puzzled, but he didn‘t have much choice.

Geum Jong-so stood in front of Chun Yeowun, who was standing to the right of the parked RV.
He couldn‘t even look into Chun Yeowun‘s eyes.

That was when Chun Yeowun said.

―The skills you learned, show them all.‖


―Don‘t make me say it twice and unfold them.‖

Geum Jong-so frowned at the sudden request.

Although it was said that there were a few people, cars only passed rarely, and using sword skills
was still difficult.

‗What is he thinking?‘

He couldn‘t figure it out.

After hesitating for a while, he finally gave up.

Taking a moment, his brilliant kick cut through the air, and the technique appeared.


Gorgeous and quick kicks one after another.

A martial art that couldn‘t be seen by others, yet Geum Jong-so always trained.

He took pride in his secret martial art.

When he was done, the words that came out of Chun Yeowun‘s mouth were,
―It‘s a mess.‖

Chun Yeowun shook his head with a disappointed look.

Hating those words, Geun Jong-so said.

―What are you even talking about?‖

Surely the monster recognized the technique, but he couldn‘t perform it, yet he called it a mess.

Chun Yeowun said,

―I don‘t know where you learned the technique, but why does the formation change so much
with each attack? And where did you sell the other two techniques?‖


Geum Jong-so‘s expression changed.

Actually, he learned the technique at a very young age, when he was four or five, he himself
wasn‘t sure if he was doing it correctly.

And he knew that it could be wrong too.

But in the end, the words, two techniques, caught his attention.

―H-How do you know that?‖

It was then.



Chun Yeowun suddenly grabbed his wrist.

Before he could even try to shake it off, energy penetrated through his wrist.


If he resisted the energy, he would end up with an internal injury.

He stood there without being able to fight the opponent.

Chun Yeowun, who scanned his body, finally said.

―Why didn‘t you learn the Pure Genuine Mind Method? No, it would have been better if you
learned it.‖


Geum Jong-so was at a loss for words.

He never imagined that someone would know about it.

The Pure Genuine Mind Method is paired with the Pure Kick that he had learned.

―You are killing the technique.‖

If Geum Jong-so knew the entire technique, he would use mind cultivation methods along with
the technique, but he couldn‘t.

It was because a certain internal energy cultivation method was needed to use the technique.

Geum Jong-so asked with a trembling voice.

―Wh-What the hell are you? How can you…‖

He couldn‘t understand.

It was embarrassing that someone else knew more about the technique than the heir of the clan.

No wonder he was shocked.

Thanks to Nano, Chun Yeowun had more than 70% of the Demonic Cult‘s techniques in his

And he even remembered the highest techniques of the other clans.

It was no exaggeration to say that Chun Yeowun is a moving martial arts technique book.

That‘s one thing, but there‘s another reason why Chun Yeowun understood it particularly.


It was because of a martial artist Baekgi, one of the Six Swords and a supporter of Chun

Baekgi, a member of the Six Swords, was one of the closest aides of Lord Chun Yeowun.

Having met someone who succeeded in his technique, Chun Yeowun couldn‘t turn a blind eye.

‗If Baekgi saw this, he would have been angry.‘

This was nothing less than trash of a descendant of Baekgi, who was a perfectionist.

Maybe the teaching wasn‘t accurate.

―W-Who are you? By any chance, do you know my father?‖

Instead of answering, Chun Yeowun asked,

―Are you a descendant of the Pure Kick Clan of the main cult?‖

Too many questions.

To call it the main cult meant that Chun Yeowun was presenting himself as a member of the Sky
Demon Order.

Geum Jong-so, who heard that, spoke in a trembling voice.

―Are you… are you really a senior in the cult?‖

The voice was full of genuine welcoming.

When he first heard the words ‗Sky Demon Order,‘ he was confused and disturbed, thinking that
the man was trying to lure him out.

―Answer me.‖
When Chun Yeowun didn‘t deny it, Geum Jong-so clasped his hands together.


―Geuk Jong-so of the Pure Kick Clan greets the senior!‖

But as soon as the words were finished, Chun Yeowun made an abrupt action.



He grabbed his neck.

At him, who was flustered, Chun Yeowun said.

―Are you trying to deceive me till the end? If what you are saying now is true, you were never a
member of the cult.‖


Geum Jong-so‘s eyes went wider as Chun Yeowun began to clench harder.

One last time, he wanted to test if Chun Yeowun is really a member of the Sky Demon Order,
and it seemed to be true.

Geum Jong-so opened his mouth with difficulty.

―S-Senior, I was trying… to confirm… if you were… really from… the cult… I, I… apologize…
keuk… apologize.‖


When he said that, Chun Yeowun released his hand.

Despite not being caught for a long time, Geum Jong-so coughed and then took the pose again
while bowing his head.

―Baek Jong-so of the Pure Kick Clan of the Great Sky Demon Order formally greets the senior!‖

The name wasn‘t Geum, but Baek.

Geum Jong-so or Baek Jong-so thought that if Chun Yeowun was really a member of the cult, he
would realize the mistake in his name.

If Chun Yeowun accepted the first greeting, then he was an enemy.

But now, when he found out that the man in front of him really was a member of the Sky Demon
Order, he couldn‘t hold back his tears.

―I am… I am really happy… to have met… the senior of the cult…‖

Chun Yeowun smiled a little as he looked at Jong-so crying.

He was so worried when there were no traces of the Sky Demon Order, but he unexpectedly
found a descendant of Baekgi, one of his closest aides.

‗A descendant of Baekgi… this is nice.‘

For the first time since he fell into the unknown time axis, he was happy.

Of course, it wasn‘t just about feeling good.

―Why did a descendant of the Pure Kick Clan of the Great Sky Demon Order turn into a public
security official?‖

Chun Yeowun didn‘t like the status of Baek Jong-so, who was an official yet a spy at the same

‗Ah… he knew that too.‘

Baek Jong-so‘s expression darkened.

He thought that he was just under suspicion, but it seemed like Yun Mun-pyeong noticed the

Otherwise, Chun Yeowun wouldn‘t have known.

―There were… some circumstances.‖


His voice was mixed with anger.

It seemed like the descendant had some kind of problem.

Chun Yeowun was about to ask, but Baek Jong-so said,

―Senior. Before that, would it be fine if this junior asked something?‖

Jong-so had something he was really curious about.

If Chun Yeowun knew his martial arts this well, he guessed that he should be related to his father
or someone higher in the Sky Demon Order.

―I permit you.‖

As the permission fell, Baek Jong-so asked.

―Thank you. Actually, I‘m sorry for referring to you as just senior, so I would like to ask you
about your name or title when the Black Sky Company was still alive.‖

He wondered about his real identity.

Despite him being young in the past, Jong-so still remembered the names of several people his
father was close to.

Since he didn‘t remember the face, he thought he might remember something if his title or name
came up.

However, Chun Yeowun didn‘t answer.


The black handguard on his right wrist gently changed.

It was shocking.

As the blackguard moved, it took the form of a sword.

Baek Jong-so‘s eyes widened at the appearance of the exquisite sword, which was giving out a
black hue.

―This, this is…‖

Baek Jong-so‘s two eyes were staring at the text written in the middle of the black sword.

Sky Demon Sword


For a moment, it felt like a thrill ran through his body.

He fell onto his knees and cried out.

―Baek Jong-so greets the current Chun Ma of the Great Sky Demon Order!‖



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 24 -
Portent (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Oct 2, 2021

• 18 min read • 6180 views



5 years old.

He wasn‘t old enough to remember things.

The face was blurry, and most of those memories were erased after he reached his thirties.

But there are things which humans never forget.

The Sky Demon Order, which has a long history, has several legends running around it.

When Baek Jong-so was young, he fell asleep while listening to the stories that his father told.

Even when he was this old, he vaguely remembered it.

[When the disappeared Sky Demon Sword and its owner appear, the glory of the Sky Demon
Order will soar above the sky.]

That was the legend, though it wasn‘t taken seriously.

Like how a child believes that Santa Claus exists, there was a time when he believed that the
man with the Sky Demon Sword would appear one day.

‗A legend.‘

But with age, it changed.

When he witnessed the legend buried in the corner of his mind as the Black Sky Company
disintegrated and he wandered aimlessly, he was overcome with emotions.

‗To see the Sky Demon Sword with my own eyes!‘


Baek Jong-so‘s two eyes were becoming heavy and swollen.

No one knew just how many times he had cried.

To him, the existence of Chun Ma was no less than a god.

While a vehicle from the outskirts entered the northern city of Shenyang, Baek Jong-so told
Chun Yeowun everything he knew.

―My father, the head, left my mother and me to wander aimlessly for years.‖

The news of his father, who was supposed to return but suddenly didn‘t come.

Less than a week later, the young kid left Beijing with his mother.

―I was young, but one thing is certain.‖

―You were being chased.‖

As Chun Yeowun said, Baek Jong-so was pursued.

They couldn‘t settle down for almost five years and had to move from place to place every two
to three months, or sometimes every day or two.

―Then we came to Shenyang.‖

This shared a close border with the Korean government and was farthest from Central China.

There were more branches of the Public Security and Murim Association, but it was better than
Central China.

―But that didn‘t mean that it was without risks.‖

It was only five years ago that everything became fine.

But, the face of Baek Jong-so was known to some extent.

Thanks to that, the situation of not being able to settle happened, but it only happened inside

―At that time, my adoptive father reached out to us.‖

―He must have been the one who taught you that martial arts.‖

The martial arts that Baek Jong-so first used. The one Chun Yeowun had no idea about.

It incorporated boldly striking the opponent‘s face. It was quite a crude technique.

―Must be from the Forces of Evil.‖

At those words, Baek Jong-so bit his tongue.

He knew it from the first time he saw it, despite being Chun Ma, the man was really clever.

―He was one of the middle bosses of Black Wolf group, one of the four organizations of the
Forces of Evil in Shenyang. My adoptive father was quite well known in the Forces of Evil.‖

Somehow, they managed to avoid the eyes of the pursuers.

As a result, he had no choice but to come into contact with people of the other world
unintentionally. Then finally, the adoptive man decided to officialize the relationship.

―At first, he was only trying to arrange the place for us to hide, but fell in love with my mother
and actively pursued her. He‘s a great person.‖

Because he liked the woman, whom no one believed in.

Perhaps that was the reason.

Perhaps his mother was too tired of running away.

―He asked my mother to let him be a part of my life but said he had no intention of taking away
my actual father‘s memories, and that is how my family turned out.‖

The following story could be predicted.

As he was from the other world, the adoptive father helped wash away the identity of Baek Jong-
so and his mother. He introduced a professional mask maker to her, as she refused to undergo
plastic surgery.

‗He knew.‘

The fact that Baek Jong-so knew a mask maker was true.

Baek Jong-so continued to speak.

―And 15 years after the mess, peace came to my mother and me.‖

But that didn‘t last long.

Baek Jong-so‘s adoptive father was killed in a war with another organization inside the Forces of
Evil, the Fire Head.

Fortunately, there was an unwritten rule that among those in organizations, families are to be left
untouched, but still, the loss of a family member was too shocking for them.

‗Fire Head….‘

Chun Yeowun stroked his chin.

―… from that day on, I had to do all sorts of odd jobs to make a living.‖

As he had lived the life as a fugitive and the son of a boss of the Forces of Evil, he naturally
came closer to the dark side of the world than the light side.

His means of livelihood was stealing.

―I didn‘t have any intention of doing it.‖

The reason he stole, there was a reason why he entered the house of an executive of the Public

―My mother never told me anything about my father, or the ancestors or the Black Sky

Until the age of 20, Baek Jong-so had a lot of friction with his mother because of it.

However, as time passed, he realized that he couldn‘t just bring up the story of the Sky Demon
Order to his mother.

―In the end, I had no choice but to figure out how it collapsed.‖

He believed that the Public Security too was involved in the dissolution of the Black Sky

So he searched the homes of officials of the Public Security.

―But I was in a pinch, with no parents, and I needed to make money.‖

Baek Jong-so robbed the house of a Public Security official while trying to dig up information.

In this era, expensive items were put on the black market as earning cash would make it

The first time was difficult, but the second and third times not so much.

At some point, he turned into a professional thief until he was caught.

―… I was such an idiot. I didn‘t even foresee that they would go after my mother once they got


Baek Jong-so grabbed the steering wheel.

His teary eyes could be seen.

‗Was that the reason?‘

And that was how he turned into a spy for the Public Security and infiltrated the Six Road Toys.

With his mother being held hostage, he had no choice.

‗In the end, it‘s always the same.‘

Chun Yeowun shook his head.

Even the Public Security, called the official government of this era, didn‘t hesitate to act dirty.

Barely managing to calm his emotions, Baek Jon-so said.

―You are currently Chun Ma. I know that this might be disrespectful, but I‘m not capable of
rescuing my mother, who is being held captive. That is why I‘m in this situation, but my mother
is a member of the cult.‖

Baek Jong-so wanted to hold onto even the shortest straw.

He knew how burdensome it would be to ask someone else to rescue his mother, who is being
held hostage inside the Public Security. Still, even then, he wanted to lean on the one called
Chun Ma.

‗Current Chun Ma….‘

Actually, it‘s supposed to be 2nd generation Chun Ma.

Of course, Baek Jong-so couldn‘t know that Chun Yeowun had time travelled.

And Chun Yeowun didn‘t want to say it either.

There was insufficient trust between them to reveal such sensitive facts.

―My mother is more aware of the cult‘s circumstances than I am. If Chun Ma helps, she will be
more helpful than….‖


Baek Jong-so‘s face darkened.

If Chun Ma didn‘t help, then there was no way to save his mother.

That was when Chun Yeowun said.

―How do you get in contact with them?‖


The disappointed face brightened up.

Because he knew what it meant.

―A-Are you really going to help?‖

―Don‘t make me say it twice.‖

‗He‘s so nice!‘

Once again, he was emotional.

It had been a long time since his adoptive father died and since he last felt the feeling of
dependability and trust in someone.

Chun Yeowun clicked his tongue and said.

―You are not even a homemaker, so stop crying.‖1



Baek Jong-so responded, and turned the steering wheel to the left and took a U-turn.

Chun Yeowun looked into the front mirror with puzzled eyes when Baek Jong-so spoke with a

―Isn‘t there a place we need to stop by before that?‖


Chun Yeowun looked at himself.

His trademark is long hair which comes down to his waist.

―The body, hair, and skin are from one‘s parents, so keeping them away from harm is the
beginning of filial duty.‖

That was the saying of the nobles.

Cutting it would be terrifying for people in the age that Chun Yeowun was from.

However, Chun Yeowun was a Murim warrior who wasn‘t bound by the nobles‘ doctrines.

‗I‘m not used to it.‘

His appearance was awkward.

Since this era‘s information was transferred into his brain, he couldn‘t help but realize that his
long hair keeps drawing too much attention.

‗… it isn‘t just that.‘

Chun Yeowun looked around with annoyed eyes.

From a woman called a hairstylist who cuts hair to the women around who were squinting their
eyes, Chun Yeowun thought that the information he got from Nano wasn‘t accurate.

‗Yah! Indeed, a man‘s life is his hair.‘

‗Isn‘t he so cool?‘

‗I thought he was some rockstar, but it doesn‘t look like that. It doesn‘t look like he‘s from some
large corporation either. Ah. Look at the white skin. He‘s totally my style.‘

‗Yeah, you have a boyfriend.‘

However, he soon found out the reason for the gazes.

Even though they were whispering, they could be heard.

He looked difficult to approach because of his sharp eyes, but Chun Yeowun was quite tall and
had a handsome face.


He came to the side of Baek Jong-so, who was waiting for him.

―It‘s all done. I did the calculations beforehand.‖

And then he looked at Chun Yeowun, who looked at his reflection with a puzzled look.

He really didn‘t want to get his haircut.

‗… does he hate it?‘

That said, his lips slowly raised.

A grey RV driving on the road.

Chun Yeowun was changed with the new hairstyle.

A black suit, shoes and a long coat from a department store turned him into a fashion icon of the

Judging from the outward appearance and the aura he gave off, he looked like a charismatic
young CEO.

It was difficult at first, but the end result pleased Chun Yeowun too.

‗It will take a while to get used to it.‘

Since they bought extra suits, there wouldn‘t be any problems for a while.

The clothes he wore were folded and kept in the department store‘s bag.
So that he could wear it when he gets back to his original era.

Bee! Beep! Beep! Beep!

The phone didn‘t connect.

Baek Jong-so was feeling troubled.

Finally, he tried to call the mask expert but couldn‘t contact them either.

Well, it wasn‘t a typical story. It was a place run by someone from the other world, so visiting
wouldn‘t work if not contacted in advance.

―It‘s strange. We should be in touch by now.‖

―Is there some problem?‖

―Hm… it seems like he isn‘t there.‖


―Or, should we just go there?‖

Chun Yeowun shook his head at the question.

He needed the best mask, and he wasn‘t in a hurry right now.

Some things had to be done before that.

―Rather, is there a place for training and stuff?‖

―Sorry? Training?‖

―You practice martial arts too, so you must have a place to train.‖


At Chun Yeowun‘s words, Baek Jong-so remembered a place.

The house he initially lived in.

Although his adoptive father belonged to the Forces of Evil, he was a warrior and designed his
home for training.

But there was one problem.

―The place where my home is, there may be CCTV cameras and wiretapping devices installed by
the Bureau.‖

They must have been installed by the Public Security for surveillance when his mother was

―After infiltrating the Six Road Toys‘ as a secret mission, I was staying at their hideout, so I
haven‘t been there in a while, but it‘s probably the same.‖

―Hm. Okay? Then that works.‖


―Let‘s go to your house.‖

―Hm… yes‖

Baek Jong-so was skeptical of Chun Yeowun‘s instructions, but he decided to go along with it
for the time being.

In his head, he hoped that they would go and contact the Public Security to find a way to save his
mother, but he decided to stay silent and not nag at Chun Ma.

One hour later,

Baek Jong-so‘s house was located in the southern part of Shenyang city.

It looked like an ordinary house from outside, but when entered, there was a training room of 49

The floor, which had been made with cement, was full of traces of water.

However, on one side of the training room was an unusual machine.

It was round like a barrel, and there was a cushion on the floor of its center. It was enough space
for one person to enter and sit cross-legged.

‗What is that?‘


At Chun Yeowun‘s question, Nano revealed that it didn‘t have any data regarding it.

Bewildered, Baek Jong-so scratched his head and said.

―This is a little outdated, but it‘s good for meditation. My adoptive father spent a lot of money to
buy that.‖

―For meditation?‖

―Yes. It‘s an old model, but even then, it‘s okay. Um… is this your first time seeing this?‖

Baek Jong-so‘s eyes went wide.

Naturally, he thought that there was no way for a person like Chun Yeowun to be unaware of

But he really didn‘t know?

Baek Jong-so was puzzled and approached the machine and pressed the button on it.


The LED lights attached to the top of the cylinder turned on, and the machine began to work.

At that moment, even Chun Yeowun couldn‘t hide his surprise.

The moment the machine began, the energy of nature was condensing inside that cylinder.

[Pure energy is condensing into the interior of the mechanical device.]

‗Yes. I know.‘

Chun Yeowun was more sensitive to the flow of energy than Nano.
To Chun Yeowun, who was shocked, Baek Jong-so said.

―It‘s just a meditation point, but the effect of circulating the energy is weak, but if you go inside,
you can probably see the effect.‖

The purpose of the device was to just assist during internal energy cultivation.

At that time, Chun Yeowun nodded his head as he was curious about it.

He was someone who had thought that the energy in nature had faded away in this era, and that
was why it wasn‘t enough for the Murim warriors to build up their levels.

But he never dreamed that such a device existed.

‗Nano. If you don‘t know, that means that this is definitely a different time axis.‘

This was shocking.

The era of Nano was farther away.

However, even in that era, the level of the warriors was terribly low because there were no such
devices for internal energy.

‗This is interesting. The gaps can be filled in this way.‘

In a way, he wanted to praise the wisdom of the later generations.

―Is this device used by most Murim warriors?‖

―Umm. Well, not entirely. I don‘t know the exact information because people used to pay a lot
for the old models and buy them, but maybe only half of the Murim. Other than this, some
supplements are available at a lower cost. But those too are expensive in a way.‖

In this era, the Murim seemed to make significant investments to obtain internal energy.

As a result, they had to make a living and earn money.

Looking at the device, Baek Jong-so felt fortunate.

‗This is the only help we got from the CCTV cameras they installed.‘

Since it‘s such a precious device, it would have been stolen long ago.

Despite being a vacant house for such a long time, because of the surveillance of the Public
Security, the device stayed here.

Baek Jong-so asked in telepathy.

[But, why did you want to come… ah….]

Baek Jong-so, who was trying to ask something, went silent.

Come to think of it. He wasn‘t sure if the Bureau had some kind of device that could tap into
their telepathic messages.

It was when he was thinking about what to do.



At the sudden sealing of his blood points, Baek Jong-so fell to the floor.

He was unable to speak or move because his blood points were sealed.

Chun Yeowun looked down at him with a subtle expression.

‗W… why‘

Baek Jong-so‘s eyes trembled.

A house about 500 yards away.

It looked like just another house, but the inside was different.

There were around ten men in uniforms, people of the Public Security Bureau, and three men in
regular clothes monitoring.
A man in grey jumper crossed his arms and looked at the man behind him, who was in his 40s
with saggy cheeks, and said,

―Team leader! Look at the living room monitor!‖

At those words, the team leader with saggy cheeks looked at the CCTV screen.

Baek Jong-so was lying on the floor.

―What happened there?‖

―He seems to have been hit by an undercover person.‖

―I know that too. No. Why did he turn up there all of a sudden? Turn up the volume.‖



The man in front of the monitor tapped the keyboard.

The voice from the wiretapping device in the living room grew louder.

A low-pitched voice could be heard.

Don‘t blame it. It‘s the Public Security.


The three people who were listening went stiff.

It seemed like the man inside the house discovered them.

They had to report an emergency.

-Well, thanks anyway. If you report to the Public Security, they will come and take care of me.

At those words, the team leader frowned.

‗Isn‘t he completely caught?‘

Apparently, it seemed like there was only one infiltrator, and his identity was known by the one
who had fallen.

Which meant that something had to be done.

It was then.


Chun Yewun placed his palm towards the dantian point of Baek Jong-so.

And mumbled.

-Since you are going to die. I might as well take ‗it‘ from your body.

As soon as the people heard that, the team leader got up and shouted.

―This is insane! It looks like that bastard knows how to do Dantian Energy Absorption. Send the
crew in and arrest him!‖

Dantian Energy Absorption.

It was a type of technique where one could forcibly absorb another person‘s qi.

It wasn‘t a normal way of taking internal energy, and it had side effects too. Still, for a short
period of time, it was effective. There are people inside the Forces of Evil who have learned it
from time to time.

However, it was a very objectionable technique to the other Murim people, so even people of the
Forces of Evil didn‘t use it.


At the command of their team leader, the team took out their machine guns and boarded a black
van outside the house—the bus carried them to the house quickly.

―Shit. How did this happen?‖

The team leader was nervous at the thought that if he didn‘t hurry, the infiltrator would run.
If the identity of the Six Road Toys was discovered, but their spy didn‘t find it out, he had to be


The Mobile Strike Team quickly came out of the bus, which arrived in front of Baek Jong-so‘s


They broke the front door of the house and entered the yard.

Four mobile strikers pulled something out from their waists.

Anesthetic gas bombs.



The windows were broken, and the gas bombs were thrown in.


It was set to emit gas so that the entire place would be filled with thick smoke.

Helmed mobile strikers rushed in.


The team leader took out a gas mask from a silver case and put it on his face.

Then he pulled out his gun and tried to move.

It was then.



Screams could be heard from the wireless earphone he was wearing.

The team leader couldn‘t hide his shock.

―Wh-What is this?‖

They had thrown in the anesthetic bombs.

If the infiltrator inhaled it, then he should have been weak.

But, there seemed to be some problem.



At the screams which followed, the team leader hesitated about what had to be done.

He had to go in to figure out what was happening, but he didn‘t want to suffer like those inside

―Damn it! First of all, we need to retreat. San-young! Start the bu…‖

―Team leader!‖

Team member San-young hurriedly shouted.


The eyes of the team leader flickered.

Someone gently placed a hand on his shoulder, making an eerie feeling run down his body.

Biting his lip, he turned his head.

‗Wh-How is….‘

Chun Yeowun placed his hand on his shoulder.

With a smile on his face, he spoke to the team leader, who had turned pale.

―Look at this.‖


That was when the team leader knew.

That this was a trap.

1. Homemaker meaning ―a person, especially a housewife, who manages a home.‖ ↩



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 25 -

Portent (3)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Oct 3, 2021

• 12 min read • 6217 views



Inside the bus that the agents of the Public Security were riding.


Baek Jon-so groaned as if the gas he had inhaled wasn‘t properly removed.

He had inhaled the gas from the anesthetic bombs as he was in a state where his blood points
were sealed, and as a result, he was experiencing numbness.

Fortunately, there was an antidote, and he managed to take it, but his body was still a mess.

His internal energy had depleted.

‗He hid it from me too. Ha…‘

Baek Jong-so clicked his tongue as he shook his head.

At the same time, he thought.

‗How could he use the surveillance cameras and wiretapping devices this way? He is as smart as
a spy.‘

Thanks to Chun Yeowun‘s mind, the Public Security Bureau‘s mobile strike team was caught.

In a way, he thought it was for the best that he wasn‘t told the plan, as his reaction was more


That was when he heard a groan.

Baek Jong-so got out of the bus and looked.

‗Are there twelve people?‘

The man in a grey jumpsuit was clenching his teeth, trying to overcome the pain.

The finger dug into the man‘s right shoulder came out.

The pain was unbearable.

Chun Yeowun was the one who inflicted such pain on him.

―Kuaaa… ugh… ackkkk…‖

The man let out a ragged and raspy breath as the finger was pulled out.

Glaring at Chun Yeowun, he shouted.

―Haa… haa… haaa… you bastard! Do you think that we‘ll start talking if you torture us like

Chun Yeowun nodded at his words.

Surely these people were well trained in enduring torture.

From ten mobile strikers to two agents in civilian clothes, he had inflicted the same pain on them
all, but no one spoke.


Of course, to some extent, Chun Yeowun changed the severity of torture.

If he was in the Murim era, he would have plucked out their nails or cut off their fingers one by
one, but now he just used his finger to penetrate their flesh.

If Chun Yeowun‘s former subordinates saw this, they might have said, ‗Our Lord has become

―Well, your mouth seems too heavy for you to speak. Then should we see if your boss will be the
same as you?‖ (1)

―You jerk…‖

The man who was drenched in blood lost consciousness.

Chun Yeowun turned his head.

The team leader with saggy cheeks was looking at him with a pale face.

As he watched his team members suffer one after the other helplessly, this was a natural reaction.

‗Shit, that wicked bastard!‘

The team leader still couldn‘t help falling into the trap Chun Yeowun laid.

But he wasn‘t the kind to blame himself and feel bad.

That was when Chun Yeowun approached him and asked.

―I will ask you the same question. As long as you answer, I will send you away.‖

As soon as he said that, the index finger of Chun Yeowun touched the right shoulder of the team

The team leader‘s breathing quickened.

‗Fuck. The guys have endured this, and if I can‘t stand this, it‘ll be shameful for me.‘

Chun Yeowun asked.

―Geum Jong-so‘s mother. Where did you hide her?‖

―… don‘t, I don‘t know.‖

―Yeah. Right.‖


Chun Yeowun‘s finger pierced the team leader‘s shoulder.

He was prepared for it, but the pain was too great.

He seemed to understand why the other agents had clenched their teeth.

―Fuck! Fuck!‖

It was just one finger, yet he was cursing.

As soon as Chun Yeowun‘s finger came out of his flesh, the clothes near his shoulder were
soaked in blood.

Now, the finger went to his left shoulder.

―Once again. Guem Jong-so‘s mother. Where did you hide her?‖

―Shut up… fuck! I don‘t know you bastar…‖



Another scream with the finger digging in.

With an expressionless face, Chun Yeowun had his finger on the thigh this time.

―Geum Jong-so‘s mother. Where did you hide her?‖

The team leader‘s face turned red as he urgently shouted.

―Wait! Wait!‖

―Are you going to answer?‖

―You bastard… do you think you can handle the aftereffects of this?‖

―That isn‘t the answer I want.‖


Chun Yeowun tried to push his finger in again.

Startled, the team leader shouted.

―D-Do you have time to torture us like this?‖

Chun Yeowun looked puzzled as he asked.

―… what are you saying?‖

The team leader, who thought that he had drawn his attention, spoke in a calm voice.

―You made a mistake.‖


―Do you think that if you destroy all the cameras and devices in the home, no one will know?‖

As he said, the room was a mess.

It was because Chun Yeowun had removed all the devices.

The team leader, convinced that his words worked on Chun Yeowun, spoke with a sly smile.

―Do you think we are the only ones looking at the camera feed? You pretend to be smart, but you
are stupid. You broke them and thought that no one would notice? Hah! All the power in the
Public Security Bureau should be coming to this place at any moment.‖

―That‘s such a bluff.‖

―Kuak, you think I‘m bluffing? Why do you think they kept silent despite being tortured? They
all waited patiently for the reinforcements to arrive!‖

Chun Yeowun looked into the man‘s eyes.

His eyes were trembling, but he looked confident.

Just then. Baek Jong-so came into the living room.

When Chun Yeowun looked at him, Baek Jong-so nodded.

―You‘re lucky.‖

Chun Yeowun lifted his finger from the thigh.

And leaving him alone, he left the house.

Eventually, the sound of the engine starting was heard from outside, along with the sound of the
car departing. The team leader sighed in relief.

―Sigh… haaa….‖

He was afraid of being introduced to the same pain again.

He felt fortunate that his improvisation worked.

‗I‘m glad I deceived him.‘

In fact, it was a lie to say that the Bureau would come.

Despite being in the Bureau, this team operated secretly.

For that reason, all the equipment and information have been disconnected from the

And that was why Chun Yeowun tortured them, yet no one gave the information.

‗Haha… still, I‘m glad that everyone here is safe. I need to tell the head that the spy planted in
the Six Road Toys is… oh… what?‘

Suddenly, something was odd.

No matter how much he had bluffed about the bureau, it was suspicious how all of them were

‗Damn it! I would have been hurt more!‘

The team leader wriggled his body and picked up a piece of broken glass that had fallen on the
He had to cut the ropes which were restraining his hands and feet.

The team leader, who barely released himself, woke up his agents.

―T-Team leader! You‘re safe.‖

―We don‘t have time for small talk. We‘ll talk inside the bus and wake everyone up.‖

At the impatient attitude of the team leader, the agent nodded and woke the others up.

When everyone woke up, they hurried into the van.

The bus departed, and the team leader explained what happened.

Agent San-young spoke with a happy face.

―You‘re such a reliable person! Indeed you‘re amazing, sir! I thought that they were smart but
how stupid. If they punctured the tires of the bus, we would have wasted more time too. Tch tch.
They‘re stupid.‖

The team leader scolded him.

―They aren‘t stupid. They didn‘t puncture the tires on purpose.‖


―We were almost deceived. He‘s a really clever one.‖

―What do you mean?‖

―They let us go on purpose. They pretended to have gotten tricked by us as none of the
equipment we had was traceable.‖

At first, the team leader thought that he had deceived Chun Yeowun.

But then, it seemed strange.

A person bold enough to kidnap them wouldn‘t give up so easily.

Even if not for Chun Yeowun, Geum Jong-so, who was in his party, should be emotionally
outraged by them giving up on his mother, but he was calm too.

―Then why? Can‘t he go to where the chief is?‖

―There‘s no way that clever bastard will go after them right away. Uhm. He must have installed a
tracking device in the bus.‖

―Damn it. Quickly search for the tracking device!‖

Surprised by those words, San-young gave the order to the others.

The team leader shook his head.

―Stop. They aren‘t idiots. They didn‘t install them in visible places. First, let‘s head to the nearest
repair shop.‖


The man driving searched for a place in the navigation system.

The team leader wiggled his fingers with an anxious face.

They had to rush to a repair shop. Remove the device and contact their chief.

Shenyang, Public Security Bureau Director‘s office.

Director Sang Yu-geun, who was holding a radio, was stiff.

A man‘s voice could be heard from it, but it was hoarse.

-Click! Director. What should I do? They are at the repair shop and waiting for instructions.

At that, the director stroked his chin.

He got a report of the situation, which was completely different from what he expected, and it
complicated his mind.
‗Is it him again?‘

When the order to investigate was given, he never expected it to turn out like this.

He predicted that there would be problems, especially since he held the man‘s mother and asked
him to act like a spy.

‗What an annoying one you are.‘

He looked at the picture of Chun Yeowun on his desk.

Like a loach, he was taking away everything the director planned.

‗I don‘t know what kind of trick you used, but you crossed a line you shouldn‘t have.‘

And if such a person was left alone, more problems would crop up.

Having made a decision, the director pressed the button on the radio and said.

―Superintendent. Have the team leader stop them from disabling the tracking device.‖

-Click! Sorry? What is that?

―If the Six Road Toys know he‘s a spy, then he is of no use to us.‖

-Click!…. Are you throwing him away?

Superintendent Neung‘s voice was heavy.

It wasn‘t that he was feeling regret or guilt about discarding the man, but it was disappointing
that all the hard work they did would be in vain.

―Isn‘t that why we used him?‖

-Click. Yes.

―I‘ll send you a location, so have the team leader guide them there and gather the 4th and 5th
teams and the special agents too.‖

-Click! Yes!
―Ah! The tech team just sent me some good stuff. I will send the file now.‖

Director Sang Yu-geun turned on his monitor screen.

A line that looked like a frequency and things like numbers were written underneath it.

[The detonation code of the MS bomb.]

The file‘s identity was the frequency code for the nano bomb.

Looking at the screen, the director muttered.

―I never thought that it would be used this way. Tch.‖

At the same time.

An RV not far from the Public Security Bureau.

Inside was a man intently listening to something through earphones.

It was Lee Myeong, the 3rd team leader of the violent crimes squads, who was suspended.

-I never thought that it would be used this way. Tch.

It was the voice of the director of Public Security that was coming in through the earphones.

Lee Myeong had installed a wiretapping device in the director‘s office.

As he was suspicious of the director the day he visited the office, Lee Myeong had secretly
installed the device.


This man was freaking out.

This wiretapping device was a cheap product, yet unimaginable information came out of it.

―Damn it! What the hell is he doing?‖

He couldn‘t help but feel disappointed when he discovered the other side of the Bureau, which
he never knew of.

He thought the director was hiding something, but he never expected that words of destroying
someone would come out of his mouth so easily. (*)

Lee Myeong, who was worried, immediately turned the car around.


One hour later.

The southern outskirts of Shenyang city.

Not far from the wall of an abandoned factory.

Most of the factories around seemed to have been destroyed by bombs, and there was only one

As the sun went down, the dark abandoned factory looked like a ghost residence.


The door to the closed factory opened.

The sound of two pairs of footsteps entering.

Step, step!

It was when the footsteps moved to the center.


The opened door closed.

At the same time.

LED lights turned on in the abandoned building, the dark space became bright.

The lights in the middle showed two people, Chun Yeowun and Baek Jong-so.

―Don‘t Move!‖

―You are under arrest!‖

Clink! Clink!

Numerous mobile strikers revealed themselves.

More than sixty people aimed their machine guns at the two men from the second floor.

[T-Too many.]

Shocked, Baek Jong-so sent a message to Chun Yeowun.

They came here following the tracking device, just as the Public Security expected.

They knew that people would be hidden inside, but there were too many.


Then he heard a laugh.

Three men appeared among the mobile strikers.

One familiar face.

It was the man who was tortured by Chun Yeowun a little while back.

―Neung Do-myung!‖

Baek Jong-so looked at the man next to the team leader with furious eyes.

However, the other man called out.

―Geum Jong-so…‖
It felt sorrowful.

The small, short middle-aged man with sad eyes was Neung Do-myung. One of the two
superintendents of the Public Security Bureau‘s special task force.

The one who put Baek Jong-so into the Six Road Toys as a spy.


Chun Yeoun‘s looked at someone else.

Unlike the mobile strikers holding firearms, one man with curly hair held a grey sword and
stared at Chun Yeowun.

The one leading these men stepped forward and talked as if he enjoyed the moment.

―Stupid bastards. Did you think that we would be deceived by such nonsense?‖

With those words, the team leader threw something on the floor.


Baek Jong-so frowned.

It was the tracking device they had installed on the bus.

The team leader pointed to Chun Yeowun and spoke with a smile.

―Haha. I‘ll pay you back for before. It‘ll be really good.‖

Editor‘s Note -

(1) ―Well, your mouth seems too heavy for you to speak.‖ This means that he is hard to crack
through torture. He‘s basically saying that since he‘s not breaking, his mouth must be too heavy
to speak with.


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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 26 -

Portent (4)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Oct 4, 2021

• 9 min read • 5700 views



The eyes of the team leader, Go, looked at Chun Yeowun.

Judging by the fact that he pointed and spoke emotionally, it seemed like he was furious about
being tortured.

Chun Yeowun looked at the team leader with his usual expression and tried to step forward.

―Stop. It would be in your best interest to not move.‖

Team leader Go hurriedly held out something he was holding in his hand.

A small monitor with a terminal.

―Why should I?‖

The team leader shouted at Chun Yeowun, who didn‘t understand what the monitor was.

―I heard that you‘re a Superior Master, so you must be brave. But how far will that attitude take


The team leader pressed one of the two buttons on the terminal.

With a frequency line appearing on the monitor, a warning sound was heard.

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

It was the sound of a detector.

The team leader spoke with a smile on his face.

―Can you hear that? That‘s the sound of your death.‖

At that time, superintendent Neung Do-myung, who was next to him, reached out with a gesture
to pause.

―Geum Jong-so. Why did you make this choice?‖

At the sorrowful question from Neung Do-myung, Baek Jong-so answered in a loud voice.

―Is the man who took my mother as collateral really asking that?‖

―You‘re a fool.‖

Neung Do-myung shook his head.

At the sound of the terminal, Baek Jong-so asked in a low voice.

―… what kind of trick is this?‖

―Trick? This is the thing you asked for.‖


Baek Jong-so was shocked.

If his words were true, then they currently had the terminal which could control the nano bomb
in his body.

Seeing Baek Jong-so scared, Neung Do-myung continued.

―We secured research from MS. Stupid bastard. Did you think that we would let you go so

‗I can‘t… you made a code to unlock the bomb?‘

Baek Jong-so couldn‘t hide his shock.

They always said they were trying without elaborating, so he thought the Bureau gave up on him.

However, if his words were true, the Public Security was really trying to disarm the nano bomb.

―Do you realize the mistake you made?‖

Neung Do-myung asked Baek Jong-so, who was confused.

‗I‘m sorry. If you hadn‘t strayed off the path, such trouble wouldn‘t be here.‘

Actually, one thing was untrue.

In the file sent by the director, there was only the code to detonate the bomb, not disarm it.

When he asked if the code could disarm it, the director said it would take time.

It was because they had just managed to secure the bombs‘ frequency.

But this alone was enough to shake Baek Jong-so.

―I will give you a chance though. Destroy the dantian of the person next to you and redeem


Baek Jong-so‘s face hardened at those words.

With his life on the line, they were asking him to betray someone.

―You! What are you saying….‖

―The order came from above to destroy you. As your identity has been discovered by the Six
Road Toys, you are of no use to us. Besides, you betrayed us.‖


―I don‘t want to hear your excuses. But after reflecting on the past I decided that I‘ll ignore the
order from my superiors and give you a chance. If your loyalty is proven, I will try to get the
higher-ups to reconsider.‖

―Giving me… a chance?‖

―Shouldn‘t you be alive to see your mother? Are you going to die first?‖

Despite his soft words, it was nothing less than a threat.


Baek Jong-so was unable to hold back his anger.

Despite being a member of the bureau, Neung Do-myung had the tongue of a snake.

From the first time they met, he knew that he was being pushed into a pit that couldn‘t be
climbed up.

‗You don‘t have a choice. Geum Jong-so. The answer has been decided.‘

A smile crept across his face.

Baek Jong-so turned his head and looked at Chun Yeowun.

This man was like a God to the members of the Sky Demon Order.

And this man was his only hope to see the truth behind the sudden dissolution of the Black Sky

‗If I sacrifice this person to save my life, will I get to see my mother?‘

He didn‘t have to think.

He was the head of the Pure Kick Clan, which was under the Great Sky Demon Order.


Shaking in anger, he sent a message to Chun Yeowun.

A voice full of determination.

[Lord Chun Ma. It looks like things are going to be tough. Since you‘re Chun Ma, you will be
able to get out of this place. So please rescue my pitiful mother!]

There were no nano bombs in Chun Yeowun‘s body.

Which was why Chun Yeowun would be able to escape.

[Forgive me for the rudeness I have shown.]

When that was done, Baek Jong-so shouted.

―Keep your promise.‖

At that, Neung Do-myung smiled.

―I promise. I will risk my honor for your life. Go on and destroy him.‖

At that, the team leader Go put his finger on the terminal and shouted at Chun Yeowun.

―Move even a little, and you‘ll explode. If you don‘t want to die, don‘t even try to move a hair!‖
Baek Jong-so slowly approached Chun Yeowun.

And energy concentrated on his hand.



A small dagger came out of the sleeve of Baek Jong-so.

At that moment, he quickly turned and threw it at Neung Do-myung.

‗You need to be killed!‘

The dagger loaded with energy reached the head of Neung Do-myung at a tremendous speed.

It was then.


Before it pierced his head, someone struck away the dagger.

It was a surprise attack, yet the curly-haired man next to Neung Do-myung was able to block it.

―How dare you!‖

Team leader Go flinched at the sudden attack and tried to press the button.


Baek Jong-so, who failed, closed his eyes.

His whole body was gripped in fear as he knows how the nano bomb explodes.


Then, someone took the terminal.

The curly-haired man.

Team leader Go was trying to protest, but the man handed the terminal to Neung Do-myung and

―We aren‘t in a hurry, superintendent. Give him to me.‖


The person he pointed to was Chun Yeowun.

Neunh Do-myung was speechless as he was still in shock because of the dagger which came for
him suddenly.

―It has been a while since I‘ve had a serious battle with a warrior in Shenyang. After all, we have
the detonation code. Why hurry?‖

The eyes of the curly-haired man were filled with joy.

He was a man who was eager to fight from the beginning.

‗… this man isn‘t under my control.‘

Neung Do-myung nodded his head.



When permission was granted, the curly-haired man pulled out his sword.

It was made of some alloy rather than iron.


When the man released his energy, a blue sword qi formed across the sword.

Just looking at it was enough to know the man was a Superior Master.


―What energy!‖

Exclamation flowed out of the mobile strikers‘ mouths.

They, too, learned martial arts, but they were still shocked at the sight, which was rare to witness
in Shenyang.

The man approached Chun Yeowun and said.

―I heard that you are a Superior Master too. Huhuhu. To meet a criminal with the same level of
skills as me in Shenyang, I‘m so lucky, right?‖

His voice seemed elated.

The energy felt from Chun Yeowun‘s body was of the Super Master Level.

As his internal energy couldn‘t be sensed, he thought he should be equal to or a little higher than
the Super Master Level.

―Don‘t be wary of the detonator or machine guns. No one will disturb us while we play.‖


After a certain distance was obtained, the curly-haired man took a stance.

He had no intention of underestimating his opponent.

He just wanted to enjoy the fight.

―You seem nervous, so let me make the first move.‖


In an instant, he moved in front of Chun Yeowun.

With a splendid trajectory, the blue sword qi tried to cut Chun Yeowun.

It was then.

―Play with yourself.‖



Before the sword could touch him, Chun Yeowun grabbed the curly-haired man‘s face.

‗Wh-What strength!‘

Bewildered, the man readjusted and tried to cut Chun Yeowun hand.


His head shattered and splattered like a watermelon.

Unable to scream, the man whose head was shattered staggered and fell down like a broken doll.



The inside of the abandoned factory was stained with silence at what happened.

The Superior Master, their trump card, met a tragic death in the blink of an eye.

It was shocking.

―Such a talker.‖


Chun Yeowun shook and wiped the blood off his hands.


Team leader Go immediately shouted at Neung Do-myung.

―Su-Superintendent! Press it! Quickly!‖

Neung Do-myung, who was shocked, came back to reality.

If this was the level of a monster who could take down a superior master in a second, then
machine guns wouldn‘t work on him.

There was no time to think about anything else.


Biting his lip, he shook his head and placed his finger on the button.


Baek Jong-so closed his eyes in despair.

No matter how hard he tried, his end was coming.

―Damn it! Press it before he moves!‖

The team leader screamed in fear.

In the end, the button was pressed.

It was then.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Small explosions were heard everywhere.

Some were heard near team leader Go and Neung Do-myung.

Baek Jong-so‘s eyes fluttered.

‗Wh-What is this?‘

Baek Jong-so was the one who was supposed to be killed, but he was standing there intact with a
puzzled expression.

He couldn‘t understand.

Team leader Go‘s head was bleeding, blood was dripping down from his eyes, nose, mouth and

A faint trail of smoke was rising from it too.

―T-Team leader Go!‖


The body fell to the floor and trembled.

It wasn‘t just him.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

Mobile strikers on the first and second floors collapsed at random.

A total of twelve people fell.



The mobile strikers standing next to them grabbed them.

The men who monitored their conditions mumbled.


―H-He is dead…‖

They were not breathing.

Baek Jong-so turned his head and looked at Chun Yeowun.

Baek Jong-so was the one who was supposed to die.

―Wh-What is this…‖

Before he could even finish, Neung Do-myung looked at both of them and shouted.
―What the hell did you do?!‖

Chun Yeowun answered him as if it wasn‘t a big deal.

―Good things should be shared. Isn‘t that right?‖



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Portent (5)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Oct 5, 2021

• 11 min read • 5622 views

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Around two hours ago.

‗Nano. You succeeded.‘

At the fingertips of Chun Yeowun, Baek Jong-so was lying in the large room on his back
because his blood points were sealed.

Although it couldn‘t be explained, Chun Yeowun succeeded in collecting the nano bombs inside
Baek Jong-so‘s body.

[If it is absorbed into the user‘s body, disarming the nano bombs with the nano machines is

‗Absorb and disarm?‘

[Since it is a nano device with just one simple frequency and code, it can be done.]

‗… then could we take the nano bombs and use them?‘

[It is possible.]

‗Oh-ho, really?‘

The nano bombs from Baek Jong-so‘s body fell short compared to the future.

Which made it easy for Nano to control them.

The team leader and the mobile strikers, who had fallen to the ground, were killed by the nano
bombs Chun Yeowun injected into them.

Despite it looking like torture, this was the reason why Chun Yeowun put his finger into their

‗I didn‘t use them all.‘

Their bodies didn‘t need to turn into dust.

By sending an appropriate amount of nano bombs to the heart or brain, it was possible to
effectively kill the enemy.

Their deaths were the result of that.

‗Th-This can‘t be!‘

It was hard to believe for Neung Do-myung, who wasn‘t aware of such nano technology.

Even the technical support team of the Public Security Bureau, who studied the nano bombs
from Baek Jong-so‘s body for nearly a month, were unable to find anything remotely important.

In that way, the MS technology was at the pinnacle of current technology.

‗Team leader Go…‘

Neung Do-myung looked at the deceased team leader.

If the man‘s words were true, then team leader Go had dug his grave with his own hands.

―Let‘s continue what we were doing.‖


Chun Yeowun took a step forward.

It was one simple step, but it was strong enough to overpower Neung Do-myung, who was
gripped by fear.

Surprised, Neung Do-myung stepped back and shouted.

―Don-Don‘t move! Can‘t you see the machine guns aiming at you?‖


The mobile strikers all aimed for Chun Yeowun at that cry.

The red laser points from the guns aimed at Chun Yeowun‘s head and heart.

Twelve people died, but there were fifty more alive.


Baek Jong-so grunted as he looked at the machine guns aiming for them.
Even he, who is at the end of the Super Master Level, can only avoid bullets when he watched
which direction the bullets are coming from.

But this, this is too many.

‗Damn it! One problem after another!‘

A typical gun can fire bullets at a speed of 300 to 500 m/s, but machine guns can fire bullets at
1000 m/s.

Such speed is too high to handle.

And the destructive power is evident.

It would be difficult to avoid or block such bullets, no matter how strong a warrior was,
especially when 50 people were surrounding them.

‗Even if he is Chun Ma this…‘

He wasn‘t confident anymore.

The present era was an era where Murim warriors used firearms.

Unlike Chun Yeowun, who was still calm, Baek Jong-so was nervous and tense as he kept trying
to calm his heart.

‗Right. I shouldn‘t let myself get swayed.‘1

The mobile strikers still had an advantage.

With the number of guns they were aiming and they only had two opponents.

Plus, Neung Do-myung also learned martial arts.

‗He‘s keeping a poker face, but that‘s just a bluff. As long as he hasn‘t lost his reasoning after
seeing this, he‘ll back down, how can one person handle this many machine guns?‘

Neung Do-myung thought it would be difficult to avoid a shower of bullets, even if the opponent
was a Superior Master.
With that certainty, he calmed down.



Chun Yeowun once again took a step towards Neung Do-myung.

‗Has he gone insane?‘

Fifty machine guns were aiming at him, yet he showed no sign of fear.

―Do-Do you want to die? Stop! Stop now!‖

Step! Step!


He kept walking while ignoring his words, making Neung Do-myung confused.

And then he raised his hand and pointed towards Chun Yeowun.

That was the signal, all the mobile strikers tried to pull their triggers.

―It-It‘s dangerous!‖

Baek Jong-so hurriedly jumped in front of Chun Yeowun.

In that fleeting moment,

―You are one annoying man.‖

Chun Yeowun raised his palm and then slightly turned it.


Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud!



Before the triggers were pulled, the mobile strikers who were aiming their guns fell to the ground
in unison.

They all fell over.

Around 50 people, no exceptions.

―M-My body…‖


They couldn‘t hide their shock.

An unknown energy forced their bodies down.

―What are you all doing! Shoot!‖

Neung Do-myung shouted, but not a single person pulled the trigger.

They were all on the floor with the feeling of something crushing them, how could they shoot in
such a circumstance?


For a second, Neung Do-myung felt goosebumps rise all over his body.

He didn‘t realize it, but the flow of energy around him was as if he was in the eye of the storm.

It was a level he could never fathom.

―Wh-What kind of human can even have such ene…‖

He never experienced it.

The internal energy he was feeling was so overpowering that his own energy felt like a grain of
salt compared to it.

At that time, a few mobile strikers on the second floor tried to pull the triggers despite being
pushed to the ground, enduring the pain of being crushed.

However, Chun Yeowun lowered his hand even further.


With a cracking sound, the mobile strikers had fallen.

The sound of bones cracking could be heard loud and clear as they were in an abandoned factory.

Crack! Crack!



Screams rang out.

But they didn‘t last long.

Before long, only three people were standing inside the abandoned factory.


And one of them, Neung Do-myung, fell on his butt.

He wanted to step back and run away, but he was too terrified to even move a single step.


With fear in his eyes, he looked at Chun Yeowun.

Using the tracking device, they had set a trap.

‗Ho-How did this happen…‘

The detonator of the nano bomb, and the agents of the Public Security.
He even brought in Special Inspector Jun Ye-myeong, one of the top seven warriors of the Public
Security just in case there was an emergency.

But he was killed so easily.


Baek Jong-so agreed with that.

He knew that Chun Yeowun was strong because of what he saw inside the Six Road Toys‘
building, but he still didn‘t expect this level of resourcefulness and skill.


What overwhelming ability to overturn the situation.

Now that the situation was settled, there was only one thing to do.


Baek Jong-so ran over to Neung Do-myung who was on the ground, and kicked him in the



Do-myung, who was hit in the abdomen with a kick loaded with energy, coughed up blood.

Grabbing his collar, Baek Jong-so shouted.

―My mother! Where is my mother?‖


Baek Jong-so‘s fist struck the man‘s cheek.

And it was only the beginning.

―Where is she, you bastard!‖

Puck! Puck!


The anger he was holding back wasn‘t something he could control anymore.

Baek Jong-so hit him until his face went limp.

Although not all of the hits were imbued with energy, as he kept getting hit, Neung Do-myung‘s
face was swollen.

―Huh… huh… huh….‖

―Say it. Where is my mother! If you don‘t want to die, answer me!‖

Baek Jong-so grabbed him and shook him.

However, the answer which came from Neung Do-myung was different.

―Huh… huh… how… what is… your identity? A guy like you is an unregistered Murim

His swollen eyes were looking at Chun Yeowun.

He had lost, but he at least wanted his doubts to be resolved.

Chun Yeowun approached him.

―What good would knowing that do when you are in this state?‖




As Baek Jong-so moved, Chun Yeowun shoved his finger into Neung Do-myung‘s shoulder.


And he pulled out his finger.

―I put nano bombs in your body.‖


He couldn‘t understand.

He just poked into the flesh with his finger, but what was this about nano bombs being injected?

―What nonsense…‖


Chun Yeowun snapped his fingers.


A small bang was heard.

Intense pain began to come from the bottom of his left hand.


Shocked, Neung Do-myung looked at his palm.

The middle of his palm was tanned, as if it was burning inside.

―What is this?‖

―Your body holds 1000 nano bombs. They‘re distributed evenly throughout your body through
your blood vessels. 500 are in your brain.‖


His eyes trembled.

He couldn‘t dismiss it as a lie as the pain in his palm was proof of it.
―How can th…‖

―You don‘t need to know that. There‘s only one thing you need to do, answer us.‖

Tak! Pang!

When Chun Yeowun snapped his fingers again, the pain hit his right hand.


The pain of something exploding inside his body.

As his body convulsed, he cursed Chun Yeowun.

―Shiiiitttttt! You. You… you fucking bastard!‖

Chun Yeowun ignored that and spoke.

―From now on, we will detonate one bomb after the other.‖


The swollen eyes of Neung Do-myung went wide.

Chun Yeowun had said that there were a total of 1000 nano bombs in his body.

And he detonated 2 so far, which meant 998 are left.


Even Baek Jong-so, who hated him for taking away his mother, frowned.

If it was him, he would rather commit suicide than suffer in such a slow manner.

―You… you are vicious….‖

―I won‘t ask anything. I‘ll just explode one every five seconds.‖

―Let‘s see how tightly sealed those lips are.‖

With that, Chun Yeowun spread out his hand, and folded one finger after another.

Every time another finger folded, the expression on Do-myung‘s face was nothing short of a

As the last of the five was about to fold, he shouted.

―Wait! Wait! Hold up. I… I don‘t know! I really don‘t know as it was decided by the higher…‖

Snap! Pang!

A nano bomb in his right foot exploded.

―Ackkkkkk! Fuck! Fuck!‖

How painful it must have been.

Still he calmed himself.

―Kuak… really… don‘t… know…‖

Chun Yeowun didn‘t care, and started folding his fingers again.

Seeing that, Neung Do-myung began to break out in cold sweat.

He was at a loss for words because of Chun Yeowun‘s expression as he folded his fingers
without even blinking an eye.

‗You… this man will really do it.‘

He was trained to handle torture.

However, it was the first time he was being psychologically pressured.

This wasn‘t a horrible pain, rather, it was a slow way of driving him to the edge of sanity.

‗He is not evil, he is the devil himself!‘

Now, one finger was left again.

At that moment, Neung Do-myung shouted.

―I-I will speak! Please… please… stop!‖

A declaration of surrender came out of his mouth.

Baek Jong-so, who was watching it anxiously, smiled.

―Say it! Where is my mother?‖

―Before that, guarantee one thing!‖

Neung Do-myung wasn‘t going to believe Chun Yeowun.

After he answered, he was sure that Chun Yeowun would kill him.

―… are you haggling with me?‖

In shock, Neung Do-myung shouted.

―Wait! Wait! It‘s a place… you can‘t go without… me!‖

―What do you mean?‖

As he answered the question from Chun Yeowun he spoke cautiously.

―I‘m not cheating you. It‘s not a place you can go just because you know where it is. You need to
make a request to the Defense Department…‖


At that moment Chun Yeowun frowned and stood up.

He looked northwest.

‗What… this wave?‘

A tremendous energy, strong enough to shock Chun Yeowun was spreading out.
It felt like it was shaking the space.

It was then.

Wheiiing! Wheiiing!

Sounds from outside the factory.

It wasn‘t just a sound near the factory, it was a siren all throughout Shenyang.

With a shocked expression, Neung Do-myung said.

―No way… at a time like this? The Defense Department said that it would take three days…‖

He wasn‘t the only one shocked.

Baek Jong-so, spoke with trembling eyes.

―Gate-Gate Warning!‖

1. The POV switches to Neung Do-myung ↩



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 28 -
Gate (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Oct 6, 2021

• 15 min read • 7074 views



Gate Defense Department on the site of Shenyang City Hall.

The sun had set and it was getting dark, but the lights on all the floors of the defense department
were on.

Gate Defense works on a 24 hours system, day and night, with a shift always working to prepare
for when and where a situation might arise.

Since the safety of the citizens was at stake, the atmosphere was always tense.

As such, defending against the Gate was a great mission.

―East B-1 barrier.‖

―East B-2 barrier.‖

Reports were coming in every 30 minutes from the monitoring room.

Agents seated in front of more than 300 monitors reported the presence and absence of
abnormalities, which was very important for security.

It could be said that it was manually performed by not just the department in Shenyang, but all
the defense departments around the world.

―East F-1 barrier.‖


At the report which followed, a middle-aged woman with short hair in a grey military uniform
standing in the center of the room nodded.

Her name was Wei So-yong.

She‘s the lieutenant of the Defense department and in charge of tonight.

Wei So-yong, who was receiving the report, looked at the D-Day displayed on the large monitor.

‗We have three days, no four days left? Sigh.‘

She sighed.

Although she was a soldier, she wasn‘t a military person by nature.

What she was concerned about was that the Gate would open on the 4th day.

‗Please don‘t let that happen when I‘m on duty.‘

The Gate had opened twice while she was in command of the watch.

The first time, she was fortunate enough to prevent it, and the second time the southwest wall
was pierced and the factory site was devastated.

400 casualties.

That was Wei So-yong‘s worst memory.

‗The factories were built on such a site…‘

Originally, it was illegal to build anything let alone a factory within 3 km of the wall, but
permission was granted only through the connections of the son-in-law of the mayor of
Shenyang at that time.

Thanks to that incident, the mayor was taken down.

‗I was lucky then but…‘

If the barrier was broken this time, she wouldn‘t be able to make any excuses.

As a traumatized woman, she longed for the Gate to not open when she was on duty.

―Southern G-25 barrier.‖

―Good. Keep working hard. I‘ll be back in 30 minutes.‖

She turned her back ready to head to her office after getting the last report.

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

An alarm sounded from the main detector in the room.


Wei So-yong‘s expression distorted at the shout of the second lieutenant who was in front of the

She wasn‘t unaware of the beep.



The people in the room began to talk.

This was much faster than the notice from the Gate Investigation Team.

Wheeing! Wheeing! Wheeing!

The sirens started up automatically 5 seconds after the main detector‘s beeping sound.

Gate Warning.

A siren heard throughout Shenyang city.

Wei So-yong turned around and asked.

―Lieutenant Jin, where?‖

―The coordinates are… 41°46‘48.4‖N 123°01‘17.5―E. this is Gate 26! GE wave activation
progressed 38 percent!―

The coordinates were on the western side of the city.


Gate 26 came faster than expected.

Moreover, if the Gate Energy wave activation was 38% the gate was almost half open.

So, when she took office, she desperately hoped that this wouldn‘t happen, but her hopes were

But there was no time for that.



At her cry, the people inside the monitor room on the western wall speeded up.

Each of them weren‘t just in charge of CCTV cameras inside the wall, but outside the wall too.

At that moment, a soldier cried.

―Lo-Look at this!‖


He pressed keys and then connected it to the main monitor.

The coordinates indicated at the top of the screen were close to the gate.


The camera was shaky.

It seemed like it was shaking because of the speed of the wave.

Everyone looked at it with tense eyes.


And then, the screen switched to night vision mode, and caught something running.

The soldier zoomed in on it.

A strange being which didn‘t exist on earth was caught on the screen.

―An individual type!‖

It was the size of a hippo and had six horns and long sharp fangs. And then they saw the monster
run fast like a cougar.

‗Individual type.‘

Wei So-yong was a little relieved.

There were three types of hazards that came out of the gates.

Individual type, disaster type, and special type.

Out of the three types, individual is the easiest, but it‘s still dangerous.

For example, the one which broke through the last barrier was an individual type.

―And the risk?‖

―Please wait a moment.‖


The soldier typed on his keyboard and reached for something.

Shortly after, the search data appeared on a large screen.

[Hazard level: Horn Jackal: C Class]

Number of Gate appearances: 12 times in European Gates and 7 times in Asia Gates.
Berlin Gate 15, 2049.05.20. 19:23 (First)

Munich Gate 29, 2051.07.15. 20:02

Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, Gate 43, 2058.02.19. 19:40

―C-C Class?‖


Once again the monitoring room was a mess.

Dangerous objects are divided into a total of six classes, E, D, C, B, A, and S. The higher, the

The reason why the soldiers in the monitor room were shocked was simple.

Although all types are hazards, the level of risk increased significantly from C class and on.

‗C class is…‘

Wei So-yong bit her lip.

It was the first time since she was promoted to the Shenyang city defense department that this
class had come up.

The last gate was a class D and dangerous, and anything higher could mean that it was a crisis.

One of the soldiers in the room was perplexed.

―The National Guards are moving towards the Western Wall. I will send them the type

At that, she nodded her head.

The situation had just come up, but the situation was clear.
She was the one who would be held responsible for this.

―Issue summoning orders to the Gate Keepers belonging to Shenyang city, and send a request to
defend against the gate to the Murim Association.‖


At the same time.

There were buses running west across downtown Shenyang.

On both sides of the bus was written ‗Gate Keepers‘ of the Shenyang defense department, which
literally meant that the bus was carrying Gate Keepers.

The buses had left three minutes after the warning was issued.

It took much longer for the defense department to issue the summons than it did for them to

Inside the first bus.

A young man in his early 30s with mostly white hair and a little bit of hair dyed yellow was in
the front seat. He chewed gum as he shook his head at the text which appeared on the screen of
his phone.

[Gate Keepers should immediately divide into three teams at D-8, D-13 and E-3 barriers to the
west and assemble.

Hazard level: Horn Jackal: C class]

―Slow. Slow. They should have sent it right away as soon as the alarm went off.‖

―Why don‘t you stop messing around and put on the hazmat suit?‖

A middle-aged man with a beard scolded him for messing around and not putting the protective
suit on.
―Ehhh. Captain. You know that I don‘t need that. I don‘t fancy it either.‖

―Yang Tae-pyung! Are you going to get your senses back only after you get infected with the
toxic substance outside the wall?‖

Yang Tae-pyung, the man with white and yellow hair, grumbled as he narrowed his eyes, but he
got up and opened the luggage compartment.

―I‘m a B class Keeper and when did you ever see me get infected…‖

―Are you going to keep complaining?‖

―Yes. Yes.‖

The reason Tae-pyung, who is proud and selfish, showed such a weak appearance was because
the bearded man was the Captain of the Gate Keepers.

Do Jung-rak.

Age 42.

And he‘s the only A class Keeper in Shenyang city with special abilities.

His special ability was turning his skin into steel, and he possessed enough strength to lift and
throw a bus.

Do Jung-rak asked while touching his ear piece.

―Did you all get the message from the National Defense Department?‖

At that question, the voices of two of the three platoon leaders, two males and one female, who
were B class Keepers and on buses 1, 2, and 3 were heard.

-Click! Yes!

-We received it.

―Bus 1 will go to D-13, Bus 2 will head to D-8, To And and Bus 3 will go to E-3 wall.‖
-Yes. We understand, leader.

There was no answer from the B class Keeper Go Yoon, the platoon leader of Bus 3.

Do Jung-rak was puzzled and about to ask, when he heard the voice.

-Captain Do… I‘m in need of money urgently, can‘t we go to D-13?


When one looks at the coordinates where the Gate is open, D-13 is a straight line.

And there was a high probability of encountering an alpha-type entity with a Gate Core.

The main task of the Gate Keepers was to handle the cores of Alpha types and keep the gate
closed while the National Guards intercept the normal hazard level beings.

―Looks like you need an allowance. Our Yooni-hyung. Hehe.‖

Tae-pyung, who was in the same platoon heard it and scoffed at him.

Gate Keepers were paid some of the highest salaries.

But like any job, the salary wasn‘t the same for all the Gate Keepers.

It varied a lot depending on the class.

Because of that, Gate Keepers try to increase their pay by working hard on developing their
abilities and increasing their class when the gates aren‘t open.

However, there was another special type of pay.

―Actually, if it‘s the core of a C class alpha hazard entity, the bonus will be 4 to 5 billion won,
and it‘s worth it.‖ (3.4 to 4.2 Million United States Dollars)

It was an unimaginable amount.

Considering that the annual salary of a B class Keeper is around 1 billion won, the extra pay was
And that was why the Keepers risked their lives in dealing with the Alpha type entities.

―Yoonie hyung. What are we supposed to do? There‘s something that I was wanting this ti…‖



Tae-pyung clasped his head and screamed.

There was a reason for it, he was hit by Do Jung-rak‘s fist made of steel.

Ignoring Tae-pyung, he put his finger on his ear piece and said.

―I get it. We will go to the E-3 barrier.‖

-Click… Thank you! Captain!

At those words, Go Yoon‘s voice brightened.

Then, Do Jung-rak said,

―Instead, you shouldn‘t lose the core to the Murim Association. Got it?‖

-Click! Definitely!

Do Jun-rak grinned and spoke to the driver.

―Ha. Move to the southwest E-3 barrier.‖

Meanwhile, a nearby road in the northwest of Shenyang.

A white sedan was quickly heading towards the Murim Association office.

In the backseat of the car, two men with colorful blades set aside were talking.

The person on the right was Moyong Yi-sun, the executive director of the Yeon Company.
And in the left seat was a man in his 60s, with dark eyebrows and half white half black hair, the
chairman of the Yeon Company, Moyong Geum.


To check if there was a message, Moyong Yi-sun raised his hand and touched his phone.

Moyong Geum asked.

―Are you saying that all the people of the association have gathered?‖

―Looks like most of them have arrived. We just need to get there.‖

Currently in a branch of the Murim Association, most of the branch‘s registered Murim warriors
had gathered.

They were waiting for the head of the Shenyang Murim Association Branch, Moyong Geum.

―Is that old man also there?‖

―He refused the housing we provided but he has been with the Murim Association all along.‖


The one Moyong Geum was asking about was Peng Neung-gyeom.

Peng Neung-gyeom, a man in his 70s with a higher share in Murim, had come to meet him, but
Moyong Geum didn‘t let him.

As he couldn‘t just turn a blind eye, he tried to send Moyong Yi-sun and provide
accommodations, but he refused that and went over to the Murim Association.

―Everyone is old yet their greed doesn‘t subside. That place will be heavily guarded. You‘ll go
around that place and covet the core.‖

―There‘s no way we can stop others.‖

There were people who had come in the name of helping those working near the Gates out.
Even if Shenyang was run by their huge company, they wouldn‘t drive out people who came on
their own two feet to help.

Moyong Yi-sun sighed and said,

―More than that, the Gate opened at such a time.‖

―Don‘t be in a hurry. You are the person who will be the next head of the Yeon company.‖


―It‘s never too late to solve the problem of the Six Road Toys and their inner workings.‖

―But I sent pursuers…‖

―Huh. I keep telling you to not rush.‖

Moyong geum‘s voice sounded irritated, so Moyong Yi-sun kept his mouth shut.

So far in his life, he hasn‘t been able to overcome the strong hold his father had on him.

―First, focus on the core. If it‘s a C class core, you can enhance the aggression to get it one step
further. Of course, you can do it.‖


Crystals of pure energy.

The governments of each country use them as an alternative energy, but the Murim Association
has the technology to enhance internal energy by refining cores.

That was the reason why Murim warriors and the Murim Association came over to perform
during the Gate Warning.

Holding his sword, Moyong Geum said.

―This time will be more difficult than the last time. Not just the Gate Keepers, but that old man is
also aiming for the core.‖
―Don‘t worry. I will get the core.‖

Getting a core was a huge deal.

This time, the Yeon Company was aiming to close the gate, and just doing that will gain them a
huge name.

―Yes. Still, don‘t overdo it. If it‘s a C class Alpha hazard, it might be difficult for your current


The two wealthy people, the descendants of the Moyong clan, were determined.

An abandoned factory in the southwest.

―Ahh! What kind of bullshit is that!‖



At Baek Jong-so‘s kick, Neung Do-myung collapsed.

Baek Jong-so was unable to overcome his anger, as he grabbed the man by his collar and

―What did you say? The place is outside the wall?‖


That was the reason he was angry.

After the Gate Warning was issued, he asked with a desperate attitude.

But what the man said was absurd.

―You crazy bastard! How could you do that!‖

―Th-That‘s why I told you! You can‘t do it without me…‖

―Are you really spewing that nonsense!‖



Baek Jong-so kicked him again.

In the midst of the pain, Neung Do-myung was flustered in his own way.

‗Damn it. I gave up.‘

The fact that he revealed this information could be a fatal blow to the Public Security Bureau.

Generally speaking, safe houses are places used by public bureaus or intelligence agencies to
maintain confidentiality.

A place where one can be hidden.

Before the Gate, the deep valley or the sparsely populated place would normally be used.

However, after the Gate was created, the Public Security thought the other way around.

The most dangerous place to keep the people who needed to be kept secret was outside the wall.

‗Damn it! It was so people won‘t be able to find out.‘

Entry and exit from the wall was normally controlled.

It was because there could be unknown dangerous objects, or toxic substances.

―… how could you do that…‖

Baek Jong-so‘s eyes were red.

Everyone in the current age knew just how dangerous outside the wall was.

When he found out that his mother was being kept outside, he couldn‘t help but cry out in anger.
To be honest, he wanted to kill the man right away.

‗Haa… haaa… no. I need to save my mother.‘

The Gate Warning was issued.

He didn‘t know what would happen if he didn‘t save his mother in this situation.

Baek Jong-so grabbed the man and asked.

―Where? Where the hell did you place my mother?‖


―Spill it. If you don‘t want to die by my hands.‖

―1 km to the west…‖


At that time, an emergency message from the National Defense Department appeared on Baek
Jong-so‘s phone.

[Gate Warning 26

Citizens residing within 30 km of the western wall should evacuate to a nearby designated


As he was still holding the man by his collar, even Neung Do-myung went stiff at the message.

He didn‘t dream that this would happen.

Bewildered, Neung Do-myung said.

―Ah, the house is made of alloy more than 1 meter thick and our men are…‖

―Shut the fuck up. Are you really saying…‖

―Enough. Stop it.‖

Chun Yeowun cut off their yelling.

As he lost his reasoning, Baek Jong-so shouted at Chun Yeowun with red eyes.

―But, but my mother…‖

―Do you think you can save your mother by killing him?‖

―I know that. But the Gate Warning has been issued. And the dangerous ones will flock to the
outside of the wall. What can we even do now?‖

―What do you mean by what can we even do?‖


―Do you think I‘ll let a member of my cult die?‖


Baek Jong-so trembled at Chun Yeowun‘s words.

Leaving behind his shocked face, he spoke to Neung Do-myung.

―The location. Tell me the coordinates.‖



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 29 -

Gate (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Oct 7, 2021

• 17 min read • 6198 views



Wheeing! Wheeeing! Wheeing!

Immediately after the Gate alarm was sounded,

The city of Shenyang had begun the preparation for defense.

Thick iron sheets descended over the doors and windows of all the buildings, and the citizens
were quick to move into the assigned shelters under the guidance of Defense Department

―Slowly! Children and elderly enter first.‖

Around 28 years have passed since the Gates first opened.

Because of the periodic opening of Gates, people were accustomed to it.

There was no confusion and panic.

Clang! Clang!

Everyone calmly moved to the underground shelters, and when they were done, the doors of the
bunkers in Shenyang closed one after the other.
More than 70% of the defense force in Shenyang City was dispatched to the western wall.

And the remaining 30% of the defense force was left to protect the other walls.

The moment the western wall breaks, everything ends.

This was a war to protect everyone from the dangerous entities which threatened humanity.


The sound of about 30 tanks moving could be heard.

ZRV-30 and ZRV-35, the 4th generation tanks of years 30-35, arrived in front of the D-13
section of the western wall, in a straight line near the Gate.

Wheeing! Thud!

From the ZRV-30‘s side, mechanical fasteners came down and crashed into the ground.

The angle of the tank‘s barrel, which was fixed pointing 500m (1640 ft) in front of the barrier in
the first row, went up and was ready to fire shells at the enemy.

With a caliber of 130mm and a barrel length of 7m, the ZRV-30 is a tank with a firing range of
more than 8km.


Ten ZRV-35s suddenly formed mechanical legs.

The ZRV-35 was a mobile operation tank that was not intended for long-range artillery.

Clank! Clank!

Their mechanical legs climbed up the walls of the barrier.

The ZRV-35s, which climbed up the barrier, were firmly fixed to it and aimed their barrels.

-All tanks ready.

-Alright. Wait for the commander‘s signal.


-Artillery units need to stand in their assigned places.


Thousands of soldiers stood in front of various weapons on each wall, with medium-range guns
looking into the dark horizon.

―Phew…. Phew….‖

―Fuck. I‘m trembling.‖

The most nervous ones were the infantrymen who were encamped in front of the outer wall.

Even the sergeants with a lot of combat experience were trembling.

A melee battle starts when the dangerous entities come out of the Gate.

‗Aren‘t they trembling?‘

‗Be quiet. Jerk.‘

Some people looked relaxed compared to the infantrymen.

They were the Gate Keepers and the Murim Association who were camped right behind the
infantry with their swords and their special abilities.

Their true value shows itself the moment they get close to the entities.

Ordinary infantrymen were vulnerable and would die if they got too close to the dangerous

[Father. I don‘t see Do Jung-rak?]

Moyong Geum, who was wiping his sword next to Moyong Yi-sun, looked at the Gate Keepers
as he heard from his son.
The figure of Do Jung-rak, the leader of the Gate Keepers of Shenyang, who would normally be
at the forefront, wasn‘t visible.

[That‘s good.]

The relationship between the Murim and the Gate Keepers was quite competitive.

The moment they moved to hand-to-hand combat, the struggle for the core would begin.

[I have a good feeling about this.]

Moyong Geum was quite excited.

He thought that the competition for the core would intensify as Peng Neung-gyeom was here, but
without Do Jung-rak, it seemed like a better situation.

[The fewer the competitors, the better. Yi-sun-ah.]

With that, Moyong Geum looked at the president of Six Road Toys, Yeom Ki-seop and then at
Peng Neung-gyeom.

There were only two people who could get in his way.

And he thought that there was a chance for the Moyong clan to get a C class core.


Peng Neung-gyeom burst into laughter as he felt the gaze of Moyong Geum on him.

‗It‘s always the same, always.‘

The real purpose of Peng Neung-gyeom wasn‘t the core.

However, it wasn‘t like he was here because of the good impression that Moyong Yi-sun left

It was to get a taste of real combat.

‗There‘s no need to explain.‘

He wasn‘t as driven as Moyong Geum, but he had no intention of giving up the core if he got it.

The core was in everyone‘s thoughts.


A slight vibration was felt.


Everyone‘s eyes turned to the darkness.

The commander in charge of the western wall stared at the horizon through a night vision

His eyes looked until he saw something black.

‗They‘re here!‘

Six horns, sharp fangs.

And these dangerous objects were running at a great speed.

According to the information sent from the Defense Department, they had to be Horn Jackals.

‗They‘re fast!‘

They were really fast.

They were the size of hippopotamuses and they ran like cougars running after their prey, and the
number, the number of them was too high to count.

It was terrifying to see them running towards the wall while filling the entire horizon.

‗It would be fine to fire from a distance.‘

They were capable of firing several tens of kilometers.

However, to do that, the tanks had to rise above a certain height, which was impossible.
‗Nothing can be done.‘

Even at the current maximum range, the entities had to be reduced at all costs.

Major Bu Hyeon-dong, the commander of the western wall, raised his hand and shouted.

―This is the right choice. Tanks, get ready to fire!‖


At this command over the radio, the barrels of the tanks on and near the wall moved.

Bu Hyeon-dong lowered his hand and went back to focusing the telescope.


The vibration on the ground grew louder and more intense.

Soon the huge flock of Horn Jackals passed through lights.

The lieutenant next to him spoke.

―They have reached the first trigger point!‖

At that, Bu Hyeon-dong shouted.



Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop!

As soon as the command was issued, the guns on the tanks were fired.

Through the darkness, the shells covered by a red light fell everywhere throughout the flock of
Horn Jackals.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Explosions occurred where the shells fell.

Flames and smoke rose in the darkness.

―Keep firing.‖


Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop!

The western area, 7 to 8 km away, was devastated by the shells.

Looking at that alone, it seemed like the Horn Jackals would be able to pass, but.


The Horn Jackals pierced through the flames.

They dodged the shells with their speed, not caring about how many of them were hurt.

―Damn it! There are too many!

In the gap between rounds, they kept crossing in.

More than 30% of them were dealt with, and the next chance they had to reduce the number was
at a mid-range of 3-4km.

Otherwise, the infantry ahead might end up getting hurt, and be unable to handle the number.

―Artillery, get ready to fire!‖


Shortly thereafter, the mid-range guns were fired from the wall.

The sound of explosions shook the barrier.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Those camped in the front held their machine guns, no one relaxed.

The Majors and Sergeants who defended against the Gate several times before knew that.
If a shell hits a place not that far from the wall, something will come striking in.


The guns were held tightly.

It was when people were staring intently at the front, which was covered with smoke from the



―A-A lot!‖

Horn Jackals came out of the smoke one after another.

They weren‘t in large numbers, unlike before, but the number still exceeded a thousand.

―Now! Infantry fire!‖

―Start shooting!‖

Everyone shouted as they commanded the infantry.

The infantry, who waited nervously, took their stances at once and opened fire.


The sound of machine guns firing filled the place.

Scared and excited, the infantry didn‘t rest for even a single second.

―Die! Dieeee!‖

―You monsters!‖

It would be nice if they died with just a few shots, but these entities didn‘t do that.

Out of dozens of bullets, they were lucky if the bullets hit the core and the entity died.
―Slowly, slowly!‖



The Murim warriors and the Gate Keepers, waiting behind the infantry, pulled out their weapons
and prepared themselves.



―D-Damn it!‖

The soldiers‘ faces turned white.

The Horn Jackals withstood thousands of bullets and reached them.

Although their numbers have been greatly reduced, the hippopotamus-sized oddly shaped beasts
were enough to intimidate the infantry.




The Horn Jackals roared as if they were about to attack the infantry.

As if waiting, the Murim warriors came out.


―Move back! We‘ll take it from here!‖

A sword-wielding Murim warrior blocked a Horn Jackal and spoke to the infantry.

His sword tried to cut through the Horn Jackal‘s head.

Of course, people expected it to be cut, but.


It wasn‘t cut. Not even a scratch was on it.

All that happened was the entity stopped for a moment.

‗Wh-What? This monster. How does it have this strong of a body?‘

At that moment, the angry Horn Jackal snorted, then raised his front limbs and slapped away the

He tried to block it with his sword, but the power of the Horn Jackal was enormous.



The sword shattered in front of the claws, and the man‘s body was torn like a piece of paper.

He was a High Ranked Master, but still, he died.

Shocked, someone shouted.

―Don‘t face it head-on! Aim from the back!‖

But that wasn‘t an easy task.

It was something that could be done if they were fighting one monster, but.



The Horn Jackals kept appearing one after another.

The Horn Jackals which survived the shellings rushed towards the wall.

Kiyun, the platoon leader of the Gate Keepers in charge of D-13, reached out to a jackal.

Then, a large disc spewed out of his hand with purple sparks.



The purple disk flew off at an incredible speed and cut off the paws of the Horn Jackal.



―Not yet!‖

―Not yet!‖

Kiyun moved the disc and aimed for its hind legs.


As all of its limbs were cut off, the Horn Jackal fell to the ground.


Being able to freely move the energy disk, he could easily neutralize a single Horn Jackal. It was
fitting of a B-class Gate Keeper.


After subduing the Horn Jackal, Kiyun looked around.

The Alpha entity, which is said to be the leader, didn‘t appear, and if he found it first the Gate
Keepers could attack it.


And another Horn Jackal rushed at him.

Kiyun hurriedly created an energy blaster disc and threw it.

Meanwhile, Kiyun wasn‘t the only one looking for the Alpha.

Slash! Thud!


One Horn Jackal was decapitated.

It was Moyong Geum, the president of the Yeon Company, who had cut its throat.

As an End Stage Superior Master, who were only four in Shenyang city, he killed it in one strike.

‗Heaven and Earth Breaking Sword!‘

Two Horn Jackals were cut by the sword at the same time.



Thud! Thud!


The infantry cheered.


―As expected of a Murim warrior!‖

Eight Horn Jackals quickly died by one sword.

Compared to the other warriors who were struggling, the skilled ones showed incredible
Of course, he went around killing the Horn Jackals to find the Alpha like Kiyun.

―Indeed a warrior.‖

The president of the Six Road Toys, Yeom Ki-seop, clicked his tongue at the sight.

He was definitely someone from a prestigious clan.

Although he, too, was a Superior Master, it was clear that Moyong Geum was stronger.

But, obviously, that didn‘t mean Yeom Ki-seop was weak.


When Yeom Ki-seop unfolded his power, a hole formed through the chest of the Horn Jackal,
which flew 5 meters away.

The blow itself was great.


Those who were looking down from the wall were in awe.

They were concerned every time the Gate opened, but the Murim warriors and the Gate Keepers
were amazing.

To fight those monsters like that.

The barrier wasn‘t breached yet.


‗Too many. All these are C class.‘

In the last Gate, there weren‘t this many.

Even though the number had been reduced by the bombardment, the Horn Jackals spanned the
length of the wall.

Despite the bombings, so many were coming towards the wall.

‗If C class is like this, how dangerous would the ones above this be?‘

The commander of the western wall bit his tongue. That was when the lieutenant next to him

―Major, Major Bu! There! Look over there!‖


Bu Hyeon-dong, puzzled, looked at the place the lieutenant was pointing at.

About 1.5 km away, quite a lot of Horn Jackals gathered together. They looked like they were
sniffing something.

He wondered why until he managed to remember.

―Lieutenant… isn‘t there a safe house in an underground bunker?‖

As national guards, they knew the location of the safe house.

The lieutenant nodded.


In the past, the location was a housing area, but once the Gate opened, the area was abandoned.

The problem, however, was that the Gate opened sooner than predicted.

With trembling eyes, Bu Hyeon-dong asked.

―Don‘t tell me, is there someone in the bunker right now?‖

Other than that, there was no other way he could explain the weird behavior of the Horn Jackals.

Such an ominous foreboding, but it wasn‘t wrong.

Bang! Bang!

Inside the bunker about 1.5km southwest of the western wall.

There, the worst had happened, and everyone was holding their breath in fear.

―Da-Damn it…‖

―They‘re going to break the door.‖

Four people were inside.

Three men were in navy blue uniforms, people of the Public Security Bureau.

They couldn‘t hide their fear as they saw the bunker‘s alloy door caving in.

Bang! Bang!

―Damn it!‖

They could hear the sound of something moving outside the closed door.

It seemed like it wasn‘t going to hold out for much longer, and it wasn‘t just the door, the
concrete holding it in place was starting to crack.

―Pr-Protective suits should be put on.‖

One person said with a trembling voice while looking at the entrance.

They, too, heard about the Gate Warning.

However, protective suits weren‘t placed inside the safe house to prevent prisoners from using
them to escape.

The suits would come from the outside when needed.

And such measures turned into trouble for them.

Bang! Grrrr!

The entire bunker shook at the hit.

The three agents looked at the woman in her mid-fifties, who sat inside the bunker trembling in
fear and mumbling something.
―Damn bitch! Who are we stuck here for! You‘re not even praying for us, shit!‖

The woman was mumbling something.

She seemed to be memorizing something as if her life depended on it.

―I have no regrets in life or death, as this body is to be set on fire. Let the light shine on the way
you want to go, and joy and sorrow will turn to dust. Pitiful living beings who are troubled.‖

She was reciting something from the Sky Demon Order.

The woman was Geum Oh-yeon.

She was the mother of Baek Jong-so and a member of the Sky Demon Order.

As she sensed death coming for her when the Gate alarm was sounded, she began to recite it.

―I have no regrets in life or death, as this body is to be set on fire. Let the light shine on the way
you want to go, and joy and sorrow will turn to dust. Pitiful living beings who are troubled.‖

One of the agents eventually became impatient and shouted.

―Damn bitch! I‘m dying to panic in here, but you, just stop that chanting and…‖

It was then.

Kwang! Thud!

The alloy door of the bunker opened.

From outside, the sound of wild monsters could be heard.


In the darkness, the red eyes flashed here and there.

The Horn Jackals.

Shocked, the people tried to move even deeper into the bunker.




A single Horn Jackal entered the bunker and ate the upper body of one agent.

Despite the man struggling, not a single person tried to help him.



Bang! Bang! Bang!

When one of their comrades met a tragic end, the other two, scared for their lives, drew their
guns and fired.

However, it was impossible for that monster to die so easily when it wouldn‘t even die from
machine gun fire.

Clench! Pull!



The other two agents were also killed by the monster which waved its claws.

The entrance of the bunker was filled with blood.


Geum Oh-yeon‘s face turned pale as she looked at it.

No matter how much she chanted it, she couldn‘t keep her composure in the face of death.
‗Ah… this is the end.‘

At that time, her son popped into her mind.

Thinking of how unhappy he would be to know about her death, her son, who would be alone
with no place to turn to, more sadness and fear gripped her.

‗My son… my poor son…‘


The Horn jackal approached the weeping woman.

It was the moment when it was about to raise its front claws and strike her, the woman had given



The entire bunker resounded with tremendous vibration.

The bunker shook as if an earthquake occurred nearby. The startled monster tried to move.


Something cut it, and the Horn Jackal fell.

Geum Oh-yeon had no idea about what had happened, but she got up when she saw someone
walking into the bunker.


A young man in a black coat and black shirt, Chun Yeowun.

―We weren‘t late.‖

Geum Oh-yeon asked with shocked eyes.

―Are you the mother of Baek Jong-so?‖

At the name of her son, her eyes fluttered.

After what happened to the Black Sky Company, Baek Jong-so used the name Geum.

For him to reveal his true name.

―Are you from the cult?‖

Chun Yeowun, who thought that it was cumbersome to explain, raised his right hand.

The black iron guard on his right wrist disassembled and changed into a sword.


Geum Oh-yeon‘s mouth opened at the sight of the black sword which was radiating.

Her eyes looked at the sword and the words engraved on it.

―Th… That sword?‖

That was when Chun Yeowun turned to the entrance and mumbled.

―… they keep coming.‖

Horn Jackals were flocking towards the bunker.

The number had reached a hundred.


Geum Oh-yeon, who looked at that, was scared.

She had no idea that so many monsters were outside the bunker.


The smell of human flesh and blood must have brought them there.

It was the moment when the monsters were about to attack.

―Dirty beings showing me their teeth. Tch!‖

Chun Yeowun raised his palm towards the sky.

At that moment, cold energy rose in the air.


Hundreds of Ice Swords were created in the air.

After absorbing the cores of the five spirit beasts, Chun Yeowun had reached the Heavenly
Master Level and could handle all five elements.

‗No way!‘

Geum Oh-yeon couldn‘t keep her mouth shut at the sight.

And that wasn‘t the end.

―All of you die.‖

Chun Yeowun clenched his palm, which was angled towards the sky.

At that very moment, the hundreds of Ice Swords were covered in blue light and went for the
targets simultaneously.


Blue rays of light cut through the dark night and struck the ground like lightning.


Hundreds of Horn Jackals, which were surrounding the bunker, helplessly fell down when they
were hit by the Air Ice Swords, which had condensed sword qi covering them.



The screams of the monsters resounded all around.

―H-How can this be…‖

Geum Oh-yeon couldn‘t take her eyes off the Air Swords, which fell down.

The name of the technique which astonished her was Sky Flash.

It was the absolute technique that was made by the Demon God, Chun Yeowun.

―Ahhh… Lord Chun Ma!‖

Geum Oh-yeon couldn‘t control her tears as she fell to her knees in front of Chun Yeowun.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 30 -

Gate (3)
Descent of the Demon God
Published on

Oct 8, 2021

• 14 min read • 5813 views




The Air Swords fell down like rain, unparalleled in power.

Hundreds of Horn Jackals, which came near the bunker because of the smell of human flesh and
blood, were killed.



Running away was of no use.

The scariest thing about the Sky Flash is how precisely it targets the enemies.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

The enemies‘ coordinates were displayed in Chun Yeowun‘s eyes which opened augmented
reality, and the Horn Jackals were marked by red crosses.

The hundreds of Air Swords were able to be controlled because of the computational power of

A combination of martial arts and technology.

―… what the hell is that?‖

Bu Hyeon-dong, who was looking at the bunker, was shocked.

He couldn‘t send reinforcements because defending the wall was more important, which was
why he was keeping an eye on the bunker with a sad face.
And then, something unknown happened.

He hoped to see something, but everything was happening too fast. However, not long after, his
hope was answered.

―Wh-What kind of laser bombing is that?‖

The light was so bright that he couldn‘t see what was happening through the telescope, it seemed
like a laser.

It wasn‘t known for sure, but he was confident about one thing.

The Horn Jackals around the bunker were almost wiped out.


‗They‘re avoiding that place.‘

The Horn Jackals, which sensed the crisis, moved away from the bunker and towards the wall.

He couldn‘t understand what happened.


‗What‘s that?‘

‗A newly developed weapon?‘

It wasn‘t just one or two people who saw that.

More than half of the soldiers who were holding the mid-range artillery on the wall witnessed it.


―Huh… uh?‖

The lieutenant, who was looking at that, frowned.

He touched the earphone in his left ear and asked.

―What‘s that supposed to mean?… What!‖

Shocked, the man hurried to Bu Hyeon-dong.



At the urgent voice, he looked.

Pointing to the southwest, the lieutenant shouted.

―Variables are popping up. The Alpha type is heading towards the E-3 barrier, not here!‖


Bu Hyeon-dong couldn‘t hide his shock at the new information.

Currently, most of the forces and the Gate Keepers were gathered around D-13.

However, the Alpha, the leader which had the core, appeared near the E-3 barrier where a low
amount of troops are.

―What should we do?‖

The man was unable to decide.

Even if it was the Alpha, too many Horn Jackals are rushing to the wall they are on.

‗Shit! This is a mess.‘

There was a reason why the Major was worried.

As the individual type, the Alpha was the leader of the pack which comes from the Gate.

The strength and risk category of it was incomparable to the general type.

‗Is this some kind of a mistake or coincidence?‘

Looking at the situation, it didn‘t seem like the dangerous entities were driven by the intent to

They just looked like ferocious wild monsters.


But he didn‘t have time for such questions.

―The power that the Alpha has, it has quick mobility and…‖

Tak! Tak! Tak!

Hitting a button on the radio three times, Bu Hyeon-dong spoke.

―This is the commander.‖

Meanwhile, the infantry, the Murim warriors, and the Gate Keepers continued to battle with the
Horn Jackals in front of the wall.

The monsters hadn‘t reached the wall yet.

It was because the Murim warriors and those with special abilities were doing their best.

Among them, the most prominent ones were,



Moyong Geum‘s splendid sword, which was slashing down the Jackals.

Even the hard skin of the monsters was useless in front of his sword.

There was another person who was killing dozens of Horn Jackals alone.

‗Let‘s go Thunderbolt Sword technique.‘

Four Horn Jackals were cut down at the same time.

The Thunderbolt Knife technique

It exerted great power in the hands of Peng Neung-gyeom, who belonged to the Peng clan.

‗That technique is amazing. It looks stronger than chairman Moyong Geum‘s.‘

The president of the Six Road Toys, Yeom Ki-seop, bit his tongue.

Even if they were all Superior Masters, the difference was clearly visible.

In that aspect, Peng Neung-gyeom‘s ability was outstanding.

‗… but compared to that monster.‘

He wasn‘t enough.

He was forced to sit on his knees and get treated like a junior. He didn‘t even want to think of
that situation again.

That was when a voice came through the radios, which were in the protective helmets.

-Click! This is the commander from the command tower. This is an emergency. The dangerous
entities‘ Alpha is approaching the E-3 barrier. Murim warriors with light footwork are welcome
to move.

Light footwork.

It‘s a basic technique that all Murim warriors learn.

If one learned it, one could respond effectively and even run faster than anyone at the speed of a
sports car.

For that reason, the commander asked the Murim warriors for help.


Ki-seop‘s eyes widened.

The Alpha was expected to appear near D-13.

‗It crossed us.‘

For the Murim warriors who participated, the core of the Alpha was the best reward.

They couldn‘t let anyone else have it.


Without even having to think about it, Ki-seop moved to the southwest.

He wasn‘t the only one who did this.


More than 30% of the people had left the D-13 barrier at the same time.

From the moment the Alpha was discovered, it was a battle for the core.

[Huh! Everyone is aiming for it! Yi-sun-ah. Father will head there first. You lead the people of
our company and follow me.]


Moyong Geum rushed away.

He did his best to catch up to Peng Neung-gyeom, who was ahead of him.


The Air Swords had devastated the area around the bunker.

[All dangerous objects within a 200m radius have been removed. Terminating the panel control

With that, Chun Yeowun relaxed.

The presence of Horn Jackals couldn‘t be felt in the 200m radius.

Chun Yeowun turned his head.

Behind him, Geum Oh-yeon was still crying.

―I never dreamed that I would be able to witness this in my life. The Sky Demon Sword…‖

Geum Oh-yeon‘s gaze didn‘t leave the sword in Chun Yeowun‘s hand.

When she saw the sword, which was supposed to be a legend, she couldn‘t control the outburst
of emotions.

Bowing, with her head on the floor, she said.

―I apologize for not recognizing you right away. To see Chun Ma born in my time… I, I really
appreciate it! I, no, the cult is blessed!‖

Chun Yeowun nodded his head without saying anything.

Like Baek Jong-so, Geum Oh-yeon thinks Chun Yeowun is the new Chun Ma.

He didn‘t want to explain everything, so he let them assume what they wanted, and the woman

―I have heard from Director Go that the current cult is trying to unite its forces and rebuild itself
on behalf of the chairman who is in prison.‖


Chun Yeowun‘s eyes narrowed.

He listened to her words.

―Nevertheless, it‘s a sin that I didn‘t participate in it, but yet, you have come running to this
dangerous place to save an old member of the cult.‖

Thud! Thud!
Geum Oh-yeon banged her head against the ground.

At her words, Chun Yeowun‘s eyes lit up.

‗They‘re trying to rebuild the cult?‘

If those words were true, then the dissolved Black Sky Company didn‘t actually disappear.

They were planning on resurrecting it secretly.

‗Then, when she was unable to recognize me now… this woman is mistaking me for someone

Chun Yeowun‘s thoughts were confirmed.

Geum Oh-yeon raised her crying face.

―I didn‘t know that the Lord would be so grown up. I only saw you when you were young. The
former chairman will be so pleased.‖


It seemed like she was mistaking Chun Yeowun for the grandson or son of the Black Sky
Company‘s chairman.

It seemed like she knew something.

It was then.

―Chun Ma… cough.‖

The woman suddenly coughed.

If it was a simple cough, it wouldn‘t have mattered.

―Cough… cough….‖

Blood was running down her lips.

Upon closer inspection, the whites in her eyes were red, but it wasn‘t because of her tears.

Chun Yeowun approached and felt her pulse.

Her energy was very weak.

‗… the dantian?‘

Chun Yeowun frowned.

If she was the wife of the previous head of the Pure Kick Clan, he thought that she must possess
a fair amount of skills, but because of her destroyed dantian, she had a small amount of internal

‗She‘s getting weaker. Nano, what‘s wrong with her?‘

[This is due to the polluted air filled with toxic substances…]


It was something Chun Yeowun hadn‘t thought about.

When the bunker was closed, the air purification was operating normally, but as the Horn Jackal
broke open the door, the air from outside came in.

All the soldiers and Gate Keepers and even the Murim warriors outside were wearing protective

‗Her condition isn‘t good.‘

He noticed that the air quality dropped once he crossed the wall.

However, it had no effect on Chun Yeowun as he was at Heavenly Master Level.

―Cough… cough… I, I‘m… fine.‖

―Don‘t talk.‖

Chun Yeowun infused internal energy into her body.

And stretched out his hand to expel the polluted air around him and replaced it with wind, which
was from one of the five spirit beast cores he had absorbed.

Within a radius of 10m, it was safe.

―Haa… haaa…‖

She lifted her head as if breathing became easier.

However, she was already exposed, so she had to be treated quickly.

‗Staying here is unreasonable.‘

The presence of the Horn Jackals, which had gathered near the bunker, now began to move.

The two had to head inside the wall.


Chun Yeowun lifted her body.

Flustered, she waved her hand in embarrassment.

―M-My Lord. You don‘t have…‖

―Stay still. I will take you to the place where your son is.‖


Phat! Swoosh!


Before she could realize it, the things around her changed.

It was as if she was on a high-speed train. The surroundings kept changing rapidly, and she was
so shocked that she screamed.
Meanwhile, the E-3 barrier area west of Shenyang city.

A battle different from the one at D-13 was taking place about 200 meters away from the wall.

―Damn it…‖

A harsh sound came from the mouth of B-class Gate Keeper Tae-pyung.

His face inside the protective suit was drenched in sweat.

―It‘s a total monster.‖


His right arm was trembling badly.

Even without a diagnosis from a doctor, he knew that the bones in his arms were shattered.

Despite defending himself with telekinetic power, he wasn‘t able to block the destructive power
of the monster.

―… Leader!‖

Yang Tae-pyung looked at where Do Jung-rak was fighting something.

It was a size different from a typical Horn Jackal.

It was several times larger and almost the size of a bus, and it had a massive horn on its back.

The Alpha.



One hit from it made the man fly more than 20 meters away.

Despite the suit and the steel skin protecting him, the force he absorbed was too great.

‗Haa… haa… this is completely different from a D-class hazard entity.‘

He was an A class Gate Keeper, but still, he was unable to deal with the monster.

Actually, he was no match for it.

The body was much harder than a normal Jackal‘s, and cutting through it with swords made of
special alloys was impossible.

The broken sword in his hand was proof of that.



At that moment, someone got torn by the claws of the Alpha.

Startled, Do Jung-rak shouted.


He was a C-class Gate Keeper who got hit while hovering around it.

Not just him, the Gate Keepers below C-class turned out to be incompetent for the mission.

The only role they played was to not take their eyes off the monster and not let it approach the

‗Shit, what should I do?‘

It was when he was thinking.


A blue light flew through the air and hit the back of the monster.

The Alpha, which was hit by sword qi, turned around angry and roared.

Thud! Thud!


―My ears!‖

The soldiers held their ears tightly at the screech.

Even the Gate Keepers covered their ears.

―An Alpha. You can withstand the sword qi of this old man.‖

The one who used that was Peng Neung-gyeom.

After hearing the support request, he ran to where the monster was, but contrary to his
expectations, the monster was alive even after the attack.

‗Once more.‘


Peng Neung-gyeom moved towards the front of the monster and attacked again.

Among the techniques of his clans, the Thunderbolt Knife technique was the most destructive

Unfolding it, he aimed for the neck of the monster.


At that moment, the Alpha turned at a tremendous speed.


The Alpha, which turned to the side, swung its front foot at Peng as if to counterattack.

Surprised, he stopped unfolding the technique to defend himself.


After being hit, he ended up backing away.

He didn‘t fall down like Do Jung-rak, but the force was so strong that he was on one knee.

―Huh! Look at this guy.‖

This wasn‘t normal.

He knew that Alphas were strong, but this one was too strong, riling up his will.

It seemed like his wish to engage in a battle of life or death was fulfilled.

―I‘m excited about this. But once that man arrives, our battle will become difficult, so let‘s do
this now!‖


Blue sword qi began to rise again.

It was then.

Someone mumbled.

―Look over there.‖

―Wh-What is that?‖

―Horn Jackals?‖

He glanced around and saw Moyong Geum running hard from the Northwest, where the Gate
Keepers and infantry were protecting the other wall.


He wondered what happened.

Behind Moyong Geum, something unbelievable was seen.


―H-How is that…‖

Some kind of fragments were bouncing up from behind Moyong Geum, who was running away
from the Horn Jackals.

The fragments were of the Horn Jackals, which were being swept away.

Moyong Geum, who felt something was odd, turned his head.

‗Why is everyone reacting like this…‘

At that moment, something faint appeared right behind him.



Moyong Geum hurriedly moved to the side.


Something passed through the path he was just taking.

It passed so quickly that he couldn‘t see it properly, but it was a person.

‗He outran me?‘

Since it was sudden, he ended up avoiding it, but Moyong Geum was stunned.

What was even more shocking was that person seemed to be holding someone else.


The Alpha roared.

Maybe it noticed it too. It turned its head away from Peng Neung-gyeom and rushed towards the
person who was running at the speed of light.

The floor vibrated as the heavy monster ran.



He couldn‘t lose the Alpha, so Peng Neung-gyeom followed behind it.

He wasn‘t sure who the person running through the Horn Jackals was, but the Alpha was

And this monster had outstanding durability, which could withstand sword qi and sword energy.

‗Even if that person is unknown, I can‘t just let them bump into this monster!‘

However, the Alpha had tremendous speed despite its size.

As if it was a puma, the Alpha‘s body moved so fast that no one was able to catch up to it.

‗It‘s fast!‘

Tap tap tap!

The Alpha, who ran at such speed, roared at the man who was running.

Peng Neung-gyeom yelled.

―It‘s dangerous! Move away!‖

It was then.

―What‘s this?‖

The man who was running stretched out his hand.


The sound of something cutting through.


The sound was so intense that it made goosebumps rise on the body of Moyong Geum, who was
known to be the best in Shenyang city, and the same even happened to Peng Neung-gyeom.




That scene shocked everyone.

The huge body of the Alpha, which was running forward like a bull, was cut in half.

Peng Neung-gyeom was so shocked that he couldn‘t close his mouth.

‗Th-This can‘t be… even sword qi wasn‘t cutting it.‘

As if the man cut something soft, it was a clean cut.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 31 -
Core (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Oct 9, 2021

• 11 min read • 5477 views



Sword qi.

It‘s the expression of condensed energy in the form of qi and a sword.

Its sharpness and destructive power were incomparable to that of simple sword energy.

And the Alpha had tremendously tough skin that could even withstand sword qi.


The body of such an Alpha Horn Jackal was split and collapsed.

Peng Neung-gyeom, who had fought with it directly, couldn‘t accept what his eyes were seeing.

‗Who the hell is… ah?‘

He was shocked by the sight.

It looked blurry when the man unfolded the attack because of the speed he was moving at, but
the man stopped for a moment while cutting the monster.

It was Chun Yeowun, who was wearing a long black coat which was fluttering.

‗No protective suit?‘

Outside the barrier is supposed to be full of toxic substances.

Peng Neung-gyeom was able to protect his body using internal energy, despite that he wore a
protective suit because he would be exposed to the toxic substances for a long period.

But what was even more shocking than that, was,

‗He cut down that Alpha while holding a woman?‘

In Chun Yeowun‘s arms was a woman who seemed to be in her mid to late fifties.

Just looking at that, he couldn‘t even understand how they managed to come out here.

At that moment, Chun Yeowun reached out to the body of the Alpha.


The section on the left side of the monster which had been split, bulged and soon something
pierced out of its flesh.

A black sphere the size of a human head.

―Ah! The core!‖


Shouts came out of the mouths of the Gate Keepers around him.

It was the core which had come out of the dead Alpha‘s body.

The correct name is

[Gate Core.]

Nano explained it to Chun Yeowun.

‗Gate Core?‘

[That‘s right. It‘s similar to energy points in normal monsters, but these cores are said to control
the energy waves which are connected to the Gates.]

‗You mean that energy we felt when the Gate Warning was given?‘
[Right. The Gate closes when the outer shell of the core is broken.]

Chun Yeowun nodded as if he understood Nano‘s words.

Chun Yeowun‘s ability to feel energy has changed a lot since he entered the Heavenly Master
Level, which allowed him to feel energy differently from how ordinary people do.

That was why, Chun Yeowun, who was just going to cut it down and leave, stopped in front of
the Alpha.

‗It‘s similar.‘

Chun Yeowun sensed that the energy flowing from the core was similar to the energy wave he
felt when Gate 26 opened.

‗If this is left like this, these strange monsters will keep coming.‘



Chun Yeowun frowned and stretched out his hand.

The core which was protruding out of its flesh, was sucked into Chun Yeowun‘s hand.


Chun Yeowun holding the core in his hand, increased his energy.

‗Quite solid.‘

The outer shell was a lot harder than he thought, but it wasn‘t hard enough that he couldn‘t break


Cracks formed on the black sphere.

The outer shell of the core began to crack like glass.


A strong wave of energy erupted from the cracks.


The wave rapidly spread in all directions when the shell shattered.

But something strange happened.

As the wave spread in all directions, the far away flock of Horn Jackals suddenly changed
direction and ran towards the west.


It looked like they were heading back before the gate closed.

―They‘re going back!‖

―We won!‖


At that sight, the infantry below cheered.

Them running back meant that the core was broken, an indication that the battle was over.

But it wasn‘t all over yet.

In front of the wall, the officers who were standing were ordered.

―Don‘t laze around! There are still some left!‖

―Get rid of them!‖

Not all Horn Jackals were running away because the core was broken.

One or two km away, many retreated.

But a hundred or so of them remained near the wall as if they were covering for the group which
was retreating.

Rather than calling them intelligent, it was more of a group instinct.


The outer shell of the core shattered into powder.

But there was something surprising in it.

A fist-sized sphere emitting bright light like an LED light bulb.

[Pure core.]

‗Oh… something similar to the core of spirit beasts?‘

A great energy could be felt from it.

Although it wasn‘t imbued with spiritual energy unlike the cores, it still had pure energy in it.

‗I must be lucky.‘

Chun Yeowun was satisfied.

The annoying thing called a Gate was closed, and he had a core in his hand, it was a win-win

Since everything he had come here for was done, he had to get out quickly and heal the woman.

That was when someone came to him.

―Yah, you did a very dangerous thing coming out of the walls without even having a protective
suit on.‖

It was Do Jung-rak, the leader of the Gate Keepers.

He was mesmerized by the sight of the Alpha being slashed in half in one strike, but he frowned
at the sight of Chun Yeowun holding someone and not even wearing a protective suit.
―Haa… Haaa…‖

Geum Oh-yeon‘s face was pale.

Worried that her condition might be bad, Do Jung-rak said.

―It looks like she‘s been poisoned by the air, are you okay?‖

With that, he pulled something out from his waist.

It was a mask, which was attached to a small oxygen cylinder.

―Use this.‖

―What is this?‖

―Emergency oxygen supply for if our helmets break and we get exposed to the toxic air. As far
as I know, there‘s a medicine which suppresses the toxins in the oxygen tank. It will suppress the
symptoms for a bit.‖

At the favor done by Do Jung-rak, Chun Yeowun‘s expression softened.

After entering this unknown world, he was the first person to show kindness on their first

He was touched.

―Thank you.‖

Judging that the man had no ulterior motive, he put the core into his pocket and took the
emergency oxygen mask.

And made Geum Oh-yeon wear it.

She put the mask on and pulled the band behind her head, after taking a couple breaths, she
seemed to have calmed down.

―Oh! It‘s working!‖

Do Jung-rak smiled brightly at it.

Chun Yeowun nodded.

‗He seems like a decent person.‘

There was nothing wrong with having a relationship with such a person.

―I will never forget this favor. Can I know your name?‖

Chun Yeowun could have expelled the toxic substances in the woman‘s body if her symptoms
had gotten worse, still, it was clear that he received help in the midst of an urgent situation, so he
asked for his name.

―Hahaa, what is all that? A person‘s life depended on it, it‘s only natural to help. I‘m Do Jung-
rak working as a Gate Keeper in Shenyang…‖

Then someone appeared and intervened.

―I know it‘s rude, but would it be okay to interrupt the conversation? Leader Do?‖

It was Moyong Geum.

Do Jung-rak frowned at the sight of him interrupting a conversation.

The two of them were aware of each other, and were always in a competitive relationship when it
came to defending against the Gate.

‗What is he planning?‘

In the eyes of Do Jung-rak, Moyong Geum was a warrior and a businessman who was made of

To him, the man was obviously planning something.

Of course, his prediction was correct.

‗I can‘t miss this opportunity.‘

Moyong Geum‘s eyes were on Chun Yeowun, well, on the pocket where the light of the core
was glowing from.

He had interrupted the conversation to get the C-class core which Chun Yeowun had obtained.

‗I wouldn‘t be able to handle that Alpha by myself, but I‘m lucky that a Murim warrior got it and
not the Gate Keepers.‘

When Gate Keepers get a core, it turns into government property.

That way, he couldn‘t get it by any means.

In that regard, the young man ahead must be a Murim warrior, considering Moyong Geum‘s
current position in the Murim Association, he could offer money and a position in exchange for
the core.

―My young friend here has great skills. As branch director of the Shenyang Murim Association. I
would like to commend this achievement wit…‖

―Do Jung-rak. I will repay you later.‖

Cutting off his words, Chun Yeowun thanked the Gate Keeper.

‗This jerk?‘

Moyong Geum‘s face inside the helmet distorted.

Do Jung-rak felt better about what happened and responded with a smile.

―Repay me for what? The relation is all we need. Hahaha.‖

On the other hand, the displeasure Moyong Geum felt was increasing.

However, there were many eyes around him, so he couldn‘t lash out.

Suppressing his emotions, he said.

―My young friend here seems to have a good sense of morality. I like…‖
―Then I will leave.‖

Chun Yeowun interrupted him once again.

The suppressed emotions of Moyong Geum were released.

―This young one is quite rude. Don‘t you know who I am?‖

Moyong Geum was a person with high pride.

As the chairman of the Yeon Company and a branch director of the Murim Association, he
thought that most Murim warriors were under him.

But as Chun Yeowun kept ignoring him, he couldn‘t help but get angry.

―Don‘t bother me. I will find you when the time is right. Descendant of Moyong.‖


Moyong Geum was taken aback by Chun Yeowun‘s words.

It was the first time that someone was speaking to him in such a manner.

Besides, he had the title of chairman, yet he was being called the Descendant of Moyong.

―Descendant of Moyong? Ha! Look here young one, you‘re going too far. Even in the 21th
century society there‘s a thing called respect in Murim. Do you think that the rules between
seniors and juniors are something to be taken lightly?‖

As soon as he said that, he sent a message.

He couldn‘t speak out loud because there were other people around them.

[Don‘t act cocky. Are you making fun of the Association?]

Chun Yeowun shook his head at the message.

Still, Moyong Geum‘s eyes turned angry.

[I was wanting to have a nice conversation with you, but if you keep acting like this, I will have
no choice but to revoke your registration as a member of the Associatio…]



At that moment, Chun Yeowun‘s hand struck his neck.

Moyong Geum, who was suddenly hit, grabbed his neck as he was pushed back.

―Kuak… Kuak… yo… you…‖

It was weird.

He was protecting his body with energy, yet the attack hurt.



At that moment, Chun Yeowun approached him and put his hand on the helmet.

Flustered, Moyong Geum tried to cut Chun Yeowun‘s hand which was holding his helmet with
his sword, but

―I told you not to bother me.‖




Moyong Geum became paralyzed and the sword in his hand dropped.

It felt like his head was spinning.

―Kuak… kuak…‖
Blood was dripping from his eyes, nose, ears and mouth, he trembled and then fell to the floor


An exclamation flowed out of Peng Neung-gyeom‘s mouth as he watched this.

He thought that the man was greatly skilled as he cut down the Alpha at once, but he far
exceeded his expectations.

He subdued a Superior Master as if it was nothing.

‗He‘s such a monster.‘

He only looked like he was in his twenties, but he was outstanding.

And in a place like this, Moyong Geum, the chairman of the Yeon Company and a branch
director of the Murim Association was turned into this.


Moyong Yi-sun, who had just arrived at E-3 wall with around 30 Murim warriors from the
company, rushed in.

Moyong Yi-sun, who saw that his father collapsed after Chun Yeowun‘s small attack, shouted in

―You bastard! How dare you touch him!‖


Moyong Yi-sun and the other warriors drew their swords.

Chun Yeowun, who looked at them, discarded his soft expression and looked at them with cold


He thought that this would happen, and he also thought that the Peng family would intervene.
This was an expected situation.

It was then.


Someone intervened.

And it was.

―President Yeom Ki-seop?‖

He was the president of the Six Road Toys.

At the unexpected appearance of the unexpected person, Moyong Yi-sun and the others stopped.

Moyong Yi-sun, who was still angry, shouted at Ki-seop, the president of a competitive company
who had previously belonged to the same Association, and who intervened.

―President Yeom. This isn‘t a situation you get to interfere with.‖

Moyong Yi-sun thought that the man was trying to mediate between the involved parties.

However, Yeom Ki-seop‘s response was unexpected.

―If anyone wants to attack this man, you will have to go through me, Yeom Ki-seop.‖




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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 32 -

Core (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Oct 10, 2021

• 15 min read • 5597 views



The president of Six Road Toys, Yeom Ki-seop, glanced at Chun Yeowun.

Originally, he had no intention of interfering.

He arrived later than Peng Neung-gyeom and Moyong Geum, but he, too, could see Chun
Yeowun slash the Alpha in half.

And when he saw the core in his hands, he decided.

If the core fell into the hands of a monster like that, who could take it?

He thought that it would be better to quietly go back to the company, but a golden opportunity

‗Yun Mun-pyeong. You think you‘ll be given preference if you give him the company card and
act like his dog?‘

Humans are strange creatures.

It was clear that they were in an oppressed situation, but still Yeom Ki-seop didn‘t want the
director of Six Road Toys to be ahead of him.

‗Life is all about timing.‘

Moyong Geum, the only one who could oppose him, had fallen.

Who would dare go against the Yeon Company?


―Protect the president!‖


Soon, the Murim warriors belonging to the Six Road Toys arrived.

Although there were only 20 people, Ki-seop alone could deal with many warriors.

‗Tch. Why did Yeom Ki-seop have to intervene?‘

Moyong Yi-sun was shocked when the man suddenly intervened.

Ki-seop was one of the four End Stage Superior Masters in Shenyang.

And Moyong Geum was the only one in the Yeon company who could face him.

‗Is he trying to fuck us over?‘

In addition to the Gate Keepers, even the Murim warriors began to gather.

And if the remaining Horn Jackals were subjugated, then everyone‘s attention will be drawn to

Actually, the answer was simple.

All he had to do was take his father back without complaining.

Enduring the humiliation could minimize the damage; it was better than fighting.
But his position was holding him back.

‗Father became like this and if I step away like a defeated dog, my position, aiming to be the
next head of the Association will be shaken!‘

The position of Shenyang Murim Association director was occupied by the Moyong family from
generation to generation.

Their company had no problem with succession as their family owns 70% of its stake.

However, it would be difficult for that to happen, if their image was shattered.


He was conscious of his surroundings.

The Murim warriors who gathered were looking at the scene with interest.

It was natural that they were interested, the Yeon Company, one of the most competitive
companies, and an affiliate company of the Blade Six were confronting.

‗Damn it!‘

Moyong Yi-sun looked at Chun Yeowun.

Had it not been for what he did, the situation wouldn‘t have been such a mess.

‗President Yeom Ki-seop is a person who doesn‘t move unless it benefits him, so why is he
taking this man‘s side?‘

Moyong Yi-sun frowned.

When Moyong Geum fell, his vision became enraged.

But when he looked closely, the face felt familiar.

‗Where did I see him? I‘m sure that I saw this one‘s face…‘

He had a great memory.

A face one wouldn‘t forget.

Yet, he couldn‘t remember where, who could…


Moyong Yi-sun‘s eyes widened.

He remembered it.

Since the man‘s style changed he couldn‘t remember right away, but he was the 9th man
recruited by the Six Road Toys.

‗It‘s him!‘

The one who took down all of the pursuers he sent.

Moyong Yi-sun‘s hand, which was holding his sword, trembled.

‗He‘s Yeom Ki-seop‘s person?‘

When he was convinced that Chun Yeowun and Yeom Ki-seop were related, his anger grew
even more.

He thought that their act was to shame and embarrass the company and its successor.

‗This bastard.‘

He didn‘t like Chun Yeowun‘s relaxed expression.

―You don‘t seem like you‘ll back off!‖


Ki-seop took a heavy step ahead.

The ground below his feet cracked.

His destructive power and both his physical and internal energy was recognized by the Murim
people of Shenyang.

It was turning into a battle between two sides.

Moyong Yi-sun‘s gaze went towards Peng Neung-gyeom, who was watching it from one side.

He was the only one who could take down Yeom Ki-seop.

‗Father will hate this, but…‘

There was no other way.

It was really fortunate that his father had collapsed.

Moyong Yi-sun sent a message to Peng Neung-gyeom.

[Elder. I know it‘s really rude to ask this of you, but please help us out just this once, as we‘re
the descendants of the five great clans.]

Peng Neung-gyeom‘s eyes shimmered.

When he didn‘t say anything back, the message continued.

[Only the elder can help us out; you‘re the only one who can subdue president Yeom Ki-seop
and the man who made my father like this.]


[I know that the relationship between you and my father isn‘t great. But I‘m different from my
father. I have respected you since I was young.]

It‘s true, Moyong Yi-sun had always been polite to him.

Peng Neung-gyeom was the same, he always treated Moyong Yi-sun gently.

[I‘m not simply asking for help. I will give you the C-class core, if you help.]

Moyong Yi-sun was a businessman too.

He knew that the most basic thing in a transaction was to negotiate with the corresponding price.
And the only way to get the old man to help would be to give up the core.

‗It‘s upsetting to lose the core, but if we can reverse the situation…‘

Moyong Yi-sun looked at the man with earnest eyes.

But what came out was different than what he expected.

[I‘m sorry. Executive director Moyong.]


Moyong Yi-sun looked at him with bewildered eyes.

He offered a huge reward, so why was he rejected?


[As a member of the Association, I can try and mediate. But this something which is happening
between the same Association‘s members, I don‘t think this old man should intervene.]

Moyong Yi-sun hurriedly sent a message.

[That‘s not true. That man behind him isn‘t a member of the Association. And he‘s an
unregistered Murim warrior. If such a person is allowed to behave so arbitrarily, what will
happen to the Association‘s reputation?]

He spoke in such an eloquent manner.

He tried to convince Peng Neung-gyeom.

However, the man didn‘t change.

He sighed and spoke with regret.

[Sigh… I‘ll be honest. In this situation, I think that it would be better to step down and take your
father away.]

‗You coward!‘
Moyong Yi-sun‘s face contorted.

He expected the man to help, but as he was rejected, he couldn‘t help but get angry.

The five great clans, he thought that it was a thing of the past, but he thought that it should still
have some weight.

‗Now, I understand why my father hates him.‘

Peng Neung-gyeom tried to give some last advice to the young man.

[Listen to this old man. Moyong. Considering our relationship, I will tell you this bluntly. If the
situation doesn‘t end now…]

[No need. I no longer seek help from you.]


Peng Neung-gyeom frowned.

He was going to tell him something important, but seeing how he was cut off, he felt

[Even when your relationship with my father wasn‘t good, I still respected you. But what my
father said, seems to be true.]

[Wait. Listen to what I have…]

[No. What does it mean when you say such things when my father is in that state over there? I
don‘t think we need to continue this relationship with you, no, elder Peng. Thank you for what
you did till now.]


At those words, the old man shook his head.

Moyong Yi-sun was unable to grasp the reality.

He arrived late and didn‘t know who cut down the Alpha, and even if he thought that his father
did, seeing his father like that in front of a strange man, any rational man could understand the

Blinded by anger and rage, he couldn‘t see anything clearly.

‗Tch tch, you are no different from your father.‘

Peng Neung-gyeom gave up.

The kid decided, and he wouldn‘t change no matter how much he said.

The Moyong family cut down their relationship just because he refused a request, even Peng
Neung-gyeom thought that seeing them get their noses broken would be a treat.

‗Huh! Great. More than this…‘

When he couldn‘t get help from the old man, he decided to try something else.

With that he decided to narrow down his targets.

Nothing good would come from a confrontation with the Six Road Toys.

[President Yeom.]

Moyong Yi-sun sent a message to Yeom Ki-seop.

At the sudden message, Yeom Ki-seop looked at him with doubtful eyes.

[The person standing behind you. He‘s the 9th unregistered Murim warrior recruited by the Six
Road Toys, right?]

At that, Yeom Ki-seop frowned.

Although it was a secret of the company, there were spies in the company, so he guessed that
others would know about it.

Even so, he didn‘t want to acknowledge it.

[What are you talking about? Hmm.]

[There‘s no use playing innocent. We have information. Or should I send you some proof?]

There was photo evidence.

However, since Yeom Ki-seop denied it, he could still use it in the future.

Yeom Ki-seop looked at him and said,

[What do you want to say?]

[Let‘s do this. After all, the guy behind you has touched my people, not just the chairman. It‘s
hard for me to let go of the past.]


[If the president is standing up for him, it means that he‘s under you, right? Please hand him over
to us.]


Yeom Ki-seop couldn‘t understand it.

Moyong Yi-sun bit his lit and said.

[The Yeon company will give up the bid for the munition factory that‘s going to be built on the
southern outskirts of the city.]


At those words, Yeom Ki-seop‘s eyes widened.

This was a huge offer.

The reason why Moyong Yi-sun was ordered to be assassinated was because of the munition

‗He‘s going to give up their bid?‘

If it was a normal situation, he would have accepted the offer at once.

If it could be done, the Blade Six would enter the defense industry and make huge profits.

A factory that every company in Shenyang wants.

If Yeom Ki-seop took the deal, he would be able to leave the affiliate and get recognized by the
Blade Six.

‗… although it‘s an opportunity to increase the size of the company.‘

Moyong Yi-sun was dead set on holding Chun Yeowun accountable.

With this, he thought even the president of the Six Road Toys would accept it.

Unregistered Murim warriors were the kind who could get thrown away once their work was
done. And them giving up their bid was huge.


Moyong Yi-sun smiled as he looked at Chun Yeowun.

How shocked would the man be when his defender abandoned him because of the agreement
they came to.

‗Huh. Your time will be over soon.‘

Seeing Chun Yeowun stand there arrogantly snapping his fingers, Moyong Yi-sun wanted to
break his fingers.

While he was in thought, Yeom Ki-seop shouted.

―The way the Yeon Company‘s executive director is making a deal with us is rotten.‖


Moyong Yi-sun was shocked.

―Wh-What are you saying…‖

He was shocked, and Yeom Ki-seop continued to shout.

―Why are you acting all innocent? Executive Director Moyong Yi-sun, you said you would give
up your company‘s bid for the munition factory for your own sake. No matter how incompetent
you are, making such a dirty request for your needs is against the morals of the Murim

‗This… this bastard!‘

Moyong Yi-sun was at a loss for words.

He was revealing the secret proposal, and made it sound like Moyong Yi-sun was the culprit.

He was worried as he looked around.


The murmurs of Murim warriors could be heard.

‗Did they make a deal?‘

‗The executive director of the Yeon Company?‘

They weren‘t sure if the man would act like that, but it was as if everyone despised Moyong Yi-

It was an embarrassing situation for him who was conscious of his reputation.

―Wha, just what nonsense are you talking about…‖

―I‘m making it clear in front of my fellow Murim warriors. If there‘s even a single lie in my
words, I, Yeom Ki-seop, the president of the Six Road Toys, will live like a slave!‖

Ki-seop came out even stronger.

When the head of a big company in Shenyang put himself on the line, it was obvious how the
public‘s opinion would move.

Moyong Yi-sun was going crazy.

―This… this…‖

He wanted to refute it, but his mind went blank.

The situation was far from being rectifiable.

As much weight as his words as the executive director carry, the words of Yeom Ki-seop carry
weight too.


Yeom Ki-seop sighed as people were looking at Moyong Yi-sun. Yeom Ki-seop was drenched in
cold sweat.

Earlier, while Moyong Yi-sun made a tempting offer, Chun Yeowun, who was behind him,
suddenly started snapping his fingers.

Shocked, he was able to return to reality where his body held nano bombs.

‗Did he hear us? No! That doesn‘t work with telepathy! But it‘s still making me tremble.‘

All he could hear now was the snapping sound.

And he heard Chun Yeowun‘s voice from behind him.

―I guess the slave part worked.‖


As soon as those words were over, he disappeared.

Yeom Ki-seop turned, but couldn‘t see Chun Yeowun who was carrying the woman.

The person behind him disappeared, and the only people who noticed the disappearance was him
and Peng Neung-gyeom.

He mumbled as he turned back.

―Is this all worth it?‖


The expression of Yeom Ki-seop, who was nervous, brightened.

And then he suddenly frowned.

‗… no. Did I actually like him half-praising me?‘1

For a second he thought he was going crazy.

Meanwhile, in the abandoned factory in the southwest of the city.

There was a person who couldn‘t stand still and kept moving around.

It was Baek jong-so.

He‘s been freaking out since Chun Yeowun left to save his mother.

He actually wanted to go together, but Chun Yeowun said that he would only get in the way and
asked him to keep an eye on Neung Do-myung.

―Sigh. Sigh.‖

The sound of sighing from Baek Jong-so was making Neung Do-myung feel frustrated.

He felt like he was living on borrowed time.

Looking at how Baek Jong-so acted, if Chun Yeowun was unable to save his mother, then it was
definite that he would die on the spot.

‗Damn it…‘

His heart was filled with despair.

In the place where the gate was open, was there even a way to rescue a person from outside the

He gave the coordinates, but it seemed impossible.

‗When he comes back, I will die.‘

It was painful how he was feeling despair.

It was when he was looking at Baek Jong-so, who was walking back and forth with a dark


The sound of the door to the factory opening echoed around.


Baek Jong-so looked at the door with a trembling heart when he felt a presence.

But at the entrance.

―Oh my…‖

Not Chun Yeowun, but a man was standing with a machine gun.

The man was shocked at the sight of all the officers dead on the ground.


Do-myung‘s eyes fluttered.

The man who appeared was someone he knew well.

―Lee Myeong!‖

It was Lee Myeong of the 3rd team of the violent crimes squad, who had been suspended.

While he was scared that Chun Yeowun would appear, this was nothing short of a miracle.

He screamed out.

―Lee Myeong, team leader! Did you bring reinforcements?‖

Unfortunately, it was impossible for a suspended officer to bring reinforcements.

Seeing the situation inside of the abandoned factory and the appearance of Neung Do-myung,
Lee Myeong aimed his gun at Baek Jong-so and shouted.

―Don‘t move! If you move, I shoot!‖


Baek Jong-so pulled out a dagger from his sleeve.

It wasn‘t a pistol, but a machine gun that was being aimed at him, so he had to be careful.


Neung Do-myung was lucky, and he hoped that Lee Myeong would shoot Baek Jong-so.

The man shouted again while aiming his gun.

―This is your last warning. If you don‘t surrender, you‘ll be killed unconditionally.‖

Lee Myeong was never this kind of person.

He brought a machine gun with him because he was prepared to kill in order to deal with that
Murim warrior.

‗We were always told to aim for the heart.‘

It was when Lee Myeong was about to pull the trigger.

Baek Jong-so suddenly shouted with a bright face.



At that sudden shout, Lee Myeong missed his timing to pull the trigger.

And someone grabbed the back of his neck from behind.


He was shocked as it was sudden, but the voice was familiar.

―Wasn‘t getting hit by a bullet enough for you?‖

‗Thi-This voice?‘

It was impossible to forget the voice in such a short period.

Chun Yeowun, who had used his body as a shield against a sniper rifle.

1. Damn Chun Yeowun making grown-ass men want to serve him lmao ↩



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Legend (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Oct 11, 2021

• 14 min read • 6050 views

‗Damn, damn it…‘

Neung Do-myung couldn‘t hide his shock.

He didn‘t expect much, but he was hoping that Lee Myeong, the 3rd team‘s leader, would at least
hit Baek Jong-so.

But before such a miracle happened, Chun Yeowun appeared.


Lee Myeong was caught by his neck from behind.


‗He… he really saved her?‘

He couldn‘t believe what he was seeing with his own eyes.

The woman he was holding was Geum Oh-yeon.

He knew her because he personally arrested Baek Jong-so and her at their home and then
transported her outside the wall.

―Damn it, just how?‖

The Gate Warning alarm was sounded.

When a gate opens, disaster strikes.

The outside must have been a battlefield, and saving that woman was nothing short of a miracle.


Tears flowed out of Baek Jong-so‘s eyes.

When he saw his mother, who was unharmed, his legs trembled.
‗He really saved her… ahh!‘

He looked at Chun Yeowun with eyes which began to trust him even more.

After leaving the cult, the two played no role, yet they were being looked after.

However, someone was suffering in that situation.

―Kuak! Yo-You…‖

Lee Myeong, who was caught by his neck, couldn‘t move.

This was the second time.

‗I got caught again?‘

It was embarrassing and humiliating for him.

It had been so long since he felt humiliated, the first was when he wasn‘t able to perform martial
arts like the others in his family.

‗My hands feel numb too.‘

His eyes fell on the machine gun which was dropped on the floor.

With his neck grabbed from behind, his body went stiff, unable to move.

Chun Yeowun spoke to him.

―I showed you a favor, but here you are prepared to do something that offends me again?‖


At Chun Yeowun‘s words, Lee Myeong‘s eyes fluttered.

If he hadn‘t listened to the doctor in the emergency room, he wouldn‘t have thought much of
what Chun Yeowun said.

[You said that you‘re the leader of a Public Security Bureau team, indeed, this is the work of a

[Hmm. I‘ll have to take a closer look to find out more, but at first glance, this bullet pierced
very cleanly. Both in the shoulder and the thigh, the bullet went through flesh and not bone.]

But he thought that it was a coincidence.

But after listening to Chun Yeowun, he knew that it was on purpose.


He wanted to say something, but the back of his neck was grabbed and he couldn‘t speak.

At that moment, Chun Yeowun released his hand.

He thought that his struggling legs would naturally touch the floor, but


―W-What is this?‖

His body was floating in the air.

Confused, but he knew what it was.

―This is!‖

As a child of a Murim family, he knew the basics.

He knew what it was, but he never thought that someone could actually do it.

He wondered if he could move his body, but he couldn‘t.


With that, Chun Yeowun let Geum Oh-yeon go to the ground.

Geum Oh-yeon looked at Baek Jong-so who was standing in the middle of the factory with
trembling eyes.
As if waiting, Baek Jong-so ran towards her.


―My son. Sob!‖


The two hugged each other with tears running down their faces.

The son was in tears because of his guilt and longing for his mother, and the mother was just
happy to see her son alive.

The two lived each day in despair.

Baek Jong-so even had a nano bomb planted in his body for the sake of his mother who was
taken hostage.

Geum Oh-yeon, who held her son, was thinking about the time when she was outside the wall.

It was a miracle for them.

‗What‘s wrong with them?‘

Lee Myeong, who didn‘t know what had happened, was confused.

He knew that they were mother and son, but he couldn‘t figure out why they were hugging and

―It looks like you don‘t know.‖

Lee Myeong looked at Chun Yeowun at his question.

―What do you mean?‖

―If you‘re a detective at the Public Security Bureau, shouldn‘t you know what your people have

At that question, Lee Myeong frowned.

Even if he was in the same Bureau, information is usually not allowed to spread around,
especially not to different departments.

Moreover, information control was even tighter when it came to the Mobile Strike Team, who
were all dead in the abandoned factory.

[If the Six Road Toys have figured it out, he‘s of no use.]

-Click…. Do you want to throw him away?

[Isn‘t that why we took him in?]

-Click! Alright.

[I‘ll send you a location, so have team leader Go guide and gather all of the 4th and 5th strike
teams and special agents.]

Lee Myeong had heard that information as he wiretapped the director‘s office.

He found out a dark side of Sang Yu-geun, who he trusted and followed.

He still couldn‘t forget the last words he heard.

[His identity record will be completely destroyed, report to me once you kill him.]

Lee Myeong wanted to see it with his own eyes.

Was this all happening according to what he heard?

He was confused.

‗Then those corpses?‘

Seeing the dead Mobile Strikers made him wonder if the Director was taking too huge of a risk.

He really couldn‘t understand what was going on.


Chun Yeowun‘s eyes lit up.

Seeing Lee Myeong, it was as if the man knew nothing.

‗This is fun.‘

Then, he wondered how he would react if he told him the truth.

Chun Yeowun reached out to the side of the abandoned factory.


Then, Neung Do-myung, who was unable to move due to his blood points being sealed, was

Neung Do-myung, who was dragged in front of Chun Yeowun, didn‘t know what to do.

And Chun Yeowun said.

―This one doesn‘t seem to know anything, tell him what you guys did.‖


Neung Do-myung was speechless.

What they were doing was confidential.

There are a lot of things the bureau did which the general public or ordinary detectives weren‘t
informed of.

‗Damn it, why is this guy making me do this?‘

Since he brought a machine gun, he thought Chun Yeowun would kill him.

But he never thought that such an embarrassing situation would be created.

It was then.

Tak! Bang!

A nano bomb on the left side of his chest exploded.


The man screamed.

The pain when nano bombs exploded in his palm and soles was indescribable.

And the pain in his chest wasn‘t any less.

‗My-My chest!‘

His left nipple was blown away.

It was a nano bomb, but the explosion burned his clothes, and Lee Myeong frowned seeing that.


He couldn‘t speak.

A finger snapped, and the chest seemed hurt.

To the man who was in pain, Chun Yeowun said.

―Tell him.‖


―Looks like the words aren‘t coming out.‖

Chun Yeowun raised his hand and then folded one finger after another.


Neung Do-myung‘s face turned pale, not knowing what to do.

It would be better to die than to give out something so important, but the word sacrifice wasn‘t
an easy thing to do.

While he was hesitating, Chun Yeowun‘s fifth finger folded.

Snap! Bang!

The right nipple of Neung Do-myung was blown away.

Lee Myeong, who couldn‘t bear seeing the man in pain, tried to stop it.

―Stop it! How can you do such a thi…‖


However, his blood points were sealed and he was forced to shut his mouth.

Chun Yeowun stretched out his fingers again and looked at Do-myung‘s lower body and said.

―This time it‘s on the bottom half.‖


The eyes of the man trembled.

The place where Chun Yeowun‘s gaze fell was a place where the pain would be unbearable.


Just the thought was terrifying.

Since Lee Myeong was also a man, he closed his eyes so he wouldn‘t be able to see what would


One finger folded.

At that moment, Neung Do-myung shouted with a mad man‘s voice.

―I will tell you! I will tell you everything!‖

A declaration of surrender.

Chun Yeowun lowered his hand.

Neung Do-myung, who almost lost that place, revealed the truth.

What they do, the 3rd special division of the Public Security Bureau, and the Director‘s orders.

‗H-How… could you do such shameful things!‘

Hearing about them, Lee Myeong was unable to hold his expression.

His disappointment in the Bureau couldn‘t be expressed in words.

Since he was a detective, sometimes he too placed traps to conduct investigations and attract
criminals, he even didn‘t hesitate to work undercover.

However, he never took a civilian hostage to achieve the desired results.

On top of that, the public security decided to remove the person because the mission failed.

‗And all of this was under the director‘s orders…‘

He couldn‘t believe it.

He never dreamed that Director Sang Yu-geun, who values integrity and uprightness, would do
such a thing.

When a person‘s sense of justice and value collapses, the disappointment of those around them
reaches its peak.

Lee Myeong‘s eyes were red.

Neung Do-myung, who revealed the truth, looked at Lee Myeong who looked disappointed and
bit his lip.

―Don‘t look at me like that. Is it wrong to make sacrifices to prevent crime? How, how do you
maintain justice without that?‖

Lee Myeong shook his head.

Those words sounded like a cowardly excuse.

Neung Do-myung bit his lip harder; this time drawing blood.

―You do realize that in order to light up the darkness, we need to head into the darkness, right?
The director and I entered the darkness.‖

Even when it was said, Neung Do-myung‘s words didn‘t seem satisfactory.

Would Lee Myeong have been fine with it if he knew it from the beginning?

―Kuk, you think it‘s ridiculous to say something like that. Don‘t pretend to be naïve like you‘re
any different from us. Your family, too, has built a business under the guise of being a political
faction, and spilled more blood than this.‖


At those words, Lee Myeong‘s eyes became heavy.

―I don‘t know if I will survive here, but look at the records when you get out. Your family‘s
company has done a lot of dirty things, more than you could imagine. Team leader Moyong Lee

―Moyong Lee Myeong?‖

Chun Yeowun mumbled.

When he first looked at the dantian of Lee Myeong, he thought that the man belonged to a
Murim family, but he didn‘t think that he was actually from the Moyong clan.

―Are you the 3rd team leader of the violent crimes squad? Lee Myeong?‖


When his identity was said by Chun Yeowun, Lee Myeong‘s eyes went wide.

―Huh, this is nice.‖

Chun Yeowun stroked his chin.

The name was written on the Blade Six‘s instruction paper.

There was an order to secure the one called Moyong Lee Myeong of the 3rd team, so he was
curious about who the person was.

‗Is it related to this?‘

Chun Yeowun‘s gaze moved to Lee Myeong‘s dantian.

He was about to say something to him, but then someone came over and fell in front of him.

She was Geum Oh-yeon.


Neung Do-myung and Lee Myeong were puzzled by the sight of her in tears.

Next to Geum Oh-yeon, Baek Jong-so was restless.

It seemed like the mother and son had ended their reunion.

‗Hmm. We‘ll have to talk later.‘


Chun Yeowun reached out and touched the blood points of Neung Do-myung and Lee Myeong.

The two men were stunned.

―Get up.‖

Despite Chun Yeowun‘s words Geum Oh-yeon spoke while still bowing on the ground.

―My Lord, Chun Ma. Even if I die a hundred times or a thousand times, there‘s no way that I can
repay your favor.‖

She sincerely thanked him.

Aside from being a member of the Sky Demon Order, she had done nothing for the cult.

Geum Oh-yeon made an oath.

―My Lord Chun Ma. Even though I‘m nothing but a powerless woman who has lost all her
weapons, I‘m not a shameless person who doesn‘t know grace. Please accept me so that I can
contribute to your cause in any way I can.‖

‗… mother.‘

Seeing his mother like that, Baek Jong-so‘s heart ached.

She was originally a devout member of the Cult.

However, because of her belief that it couldn‘t protect her son, she gave up everything and lived
the life of a fugitive.

―Give me one more chance to be a member of the cult!‖

Actually, Baek Jong-so was unaware of it, but Geum Oh-yeon had destroyed her own dantian
when the people who wanted to build the Sky Demon Order had approached her.

Baek Jong-so, managed to live a nice life despite not having a father because of his mother‘s
love, a mother who didn‘t want to put her son at risk.

Even the ones who wanted to rebuild the cult had no choice but to let her go as she had shown
her determination to abandon martial arts.

‗And it changed like this.‘

Although it was a misunderstanding, Geum Oh-yeon thought that Chun Yeowun was the son of
the chairman in prison.

The person she met then lacked the ability to rebuild the Sky Demon Order.

She believed that rebuilding would cause strife, and tried to bury the spirit of the Sky Demon
Order inside her heart and preserve the normal life of her son.

But now things have changed.

―I saw it. The absolute majestic power of Chun Ma!‖

Having confirmed the power of Chun Yeowun, she developed a strong conviction.
She finally thought that the rebuilding of the Sky Demon Order would happen.

―What are you doing? Jong-so yah! Pledge your allegiance too.‖


Baek Jong-so was puzzled at his mother‘s words.

From the beginning he accepted that he was a member of the Sky Demon Order, but he couldn‘t
understand why she was asking him to swear an oath of allegiance again.


With that strong voice, Baek Jong-so fell down.

As they laid, she said in a loud voice.

―The Pure Kick Clan swears allegiance to the chairman‘s eldest son, Chun Yu-seong. We
support Chun Yu-seong, who‘s the god sent from heaven and who obtained the Sky Demon
Sword, as the next Lord!‖

Chun Yeowun‘s eyes narrowed at that.

It sounded like a simple pledge of allegiance, but she said she would support him as the next

―You‘re going to support me as the next Lord?‖

Geum Oh-yeon raised her head at Chun Yeowun‘s question.

―I know that it‘s upsetting, but I heard that there was a dispute between your uncle, Chun Wu-
kyung, and second son, Chun Yu-jang, over who would become the Lord.‖


With those words, Geum Oh-yeon put her head on the floor.

―Although there are two sons who share the same blood, we support Chun Yu-seong as the

At Geum Oh-yeon‘s words, Chun Yeowun put on an expression that seemed like he didn‘t
understand it.

Geum Oh-yeon, who noticed that, asked in a perplexed voice.

―N-Not just us, but the other sects will also support Chun Yu-seong if they find out that you are
Chun Ma!‖

With that, Chun Yeowun could understand where the discussion was headed.

The Black Sky Company, no, the Sky Demon Order was dismantled, as if that wasn‘t enough,
the reason to not rebuild the cult was that there was a dispute over who would become the next

‗Why… why is he like that?‘

She swore allegiance to him and told him that she would support him, but Geum Oh-yeon
couldn‘t raise her head as Chun Yeowun said nothing.

Baek Jong-so, who had never heard about the cult‘s situation, was also confused.


Chun Yeowun‘s black wrist guard turned into the Sky Demon Sword.

Chun Yeowun, holding the sword, lowered the tip of it to the floor.


A crack occurred on the center of the floor where the Sky Demon Sword was placed.

In a voice filled with anger, Chun Yeowun said something that the two people couldn‘t

―The Cult has been messed up very badly.‖

―Wh-What do you mean by that?‖

Chun Yeowun pulled something out of his pocket and threw it on the floor.

It was an elaborately crafted jade plate.

In the middle of the jade plate, with the seal of the first Chun Ma, the words Sky Demon Order
was written.

24th Lord of the Sky Demon Order, Chun Yeowun.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 34 -

Legend (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Oct 12, 2021

• 10 min read • 5809 views

Ten Thousand Mountains lie between Guangxi and Guangdong.

At the peak of one of the Ten Thousand Mountains, there is a shrine for the Sky Demon Order.
Annual events are held there every year at the beginning of New Year‘s Day.

In the shrine there are glass boxes containing the past Lords‘ jade plates and items.

But only a few had the opportunity to see the inside.

Among the clans in the Sky Demon Order, only the 12 high clans, the Guardian family, and the
Lord‘s direct descendants were allowed inside.

Pure Kick Clan.

Originally, it was a decent clan, but since Baekgi became one of the Six Swords it later became a
high clan.

28 years ago, all the high-ranking members of the Sky Demon Order, including the members of
the Pure Kick Clan, gathered at the shrine for the last time when the Lord, Chun Wu-jin, was
summoned for prosecution.

[Mom… mom…]

[Shh. Jong-so. Be quiet.]

Guem Oh-yeon hushed the young Baek Jong-so.

A meeting was progressing inside the Shrine.

The atmosphere didn‘t seem good, and the families of each clan, who were waiting outside the
meeting hall, kept silent.

[This… look here.]

Despite her hushing, Baek Jong-so pulled her hand.

The place where he took her to was the exhibition hall where the items of the past Lords were

Baek Jong-so pointed to a display and said.

[Mom. Mom. That.]

Baek Jong-so pointed to where the identity plates of the past lords were.

Inside the glass was a total of forty three jade plates, including the founder of the cult‘s plate.

[I think someone stole something.]

There was an empty site.

The site was where the jade plate of the 24th Lord, who succeeded the 23rd Lord Chun Yujong,
was supposed to be.

[Aren‘t we supposed to report that to the police?]

―Aigoo. My son.‖ (Aigoo is basically just a deep sigh)

Geum Oh-yeon hugged Baek Jong-so and said.

[It isn‘t that someone stole the plate of the 24th Lord.]


[The 24th Lord has turned into the Demon God and he‘s protecting the Sky Demon Order.
Which is
why we don‘t have the plate.]


[Son, be quiet.]


Actually, she was kind of lying, Geum Oh-yeon also didn‘t know the exact reason.

If one looked at the cult‘s historical records, which had been handed down from generation to
generation, it looked like the 24th Lord had suddenly disappeared.

He was the last Lord of the Chun family who held the title of Chun Ma (Heavenly Demon).
The people of the cult had many doubts about the disappearance of the man who was the second
Chun Ma and who saved the cult.

It was said that the Six Swords believed that the 24th Lord would return, even on their

‗If the jade was simply lost, then a new one would‘ve been made…‘

She, too, couldn‘t understand just what had happened.

And most cult members thought that the missing jade was a part of the Sky Demon Order‘s
history, a legend.


24th Lord of the Sky Demon Order, Chun Yeowun.


An engraved jade plate with words and the seal of the first Chun Ma fell on the floor.

Geum Oh-yeon‘s eyes wavered when she saw it.

Baek Jong-so was the same.

[The 24th Lord has turned into the Demon God and he‘s protecting the Sky Demon Order.]

He recalled his mother‘s words.

The jade plate that was missing from the shrine of the cult, which wasn‘t open to anyone.

Was now in front of them.

And the seal of the first Chun Ma proved that it was not a fake.

‗Just how did… ah!‘

Geum Oh-yeon, who was looking at that, suddenly remembered something.

‗The 24th Lord and the last holder of the Sky Demon Sword, disappeared.‘
Since he had the Sky Demon Sword, it could be explained.

If the eldest son, Chun Yu-seong, found the missing Sky Demon Sword, then there was a high
chance that he found the 24th Lord‘s jade plate along with his body.

If one thought about it rationally, how could a person from a thousand years ago still be alive?

But she still couldn‘t understand why the man was angry.

That was when Chun Yeowun opened his mouth.

―Since when did the cult turn into a mess? Give me the details.‖


She couldn‘t understand the question.

It didn‘t make sense that Chun Yu-seong, the eldest son of the chairman, didn‘t know why the
company was dissolved.

When part of the reason was him.

Unlike her, who was puzzled by the situation, Baek Jong-so had different thoughts.

‗Is-Is that really possible?‘

Just one question.

Just a single affirmation was needed.

Unlike Geum Oh-yeon who was denying the possibility that he is the 24th Lord, Baek jong-so
was thinking of explanations.

Everybody knows that it‘s impossible for humans to live for a thousand years.

But there‘s an exception for every rule.

Since the Gates opened, high-level people with special abilities and warriors have been able to
live for over a hundred years.
‗And when I saw… him for the first time…‘

Chun Yeowun didn‘t seem like a man of the current age.

He had long hair and he was wearing a historical costume; it was a standard look of the old cult.

But besides thinking that it was weird, he didn‘t think too much of it

Baek Jong-so raised his head and looked at Chun Yeowun.

‗And that energy…‘

No, it wasn‘t internal energy.

It was just Chun Yeowun staring down in anger.

It was an aura that could be felt from those who were beyond the mortal plane.

Baek Jong-so lowered his head without realizing it.

He couldn‘t even make eye contact with Chun Yeowun.

Baek Jong-so, who was confused, quietly sent a message to his mother, Geum Oh-yeon.

[Mother. I know it doesn‘t make sense but… it seems to be right.]

She was unable to respond because her dantian was broken, so she whispered.

―What the hell are you saying?‖

[It seems like he‘s the 24th Lord!]


[I-I can‘t believe it either…]

He was saying that it was true.

He was so excited that he could feel his heart pounding.


With his head on the floor, Baek Jong-so asked.

―Are you really the 24th Lord?‖

The man in front of him was someone who hasn‘t lied yet.

Geum Oh-yeon, who was bowing, also glanced up at Chun Yeowun with suspicious eyes.

Chun Yeowun said to them.

―You might be the descendants of Baekgi, seeing how many doubts you have.‖


The two of them were shocked by the way he uttered Leader Baekgi‘s name, the 14th head of
their clan, as if he was a subordinate.

The way he said it was so natural that they were slightly more convinced that he was the 24th

At that time, Geum Oh-yeon frowned and asked one more thing.

―I-I know that this could be rude, but is it okay if I ask just one more thing?‖

Chun Yeowun didn‘t answer her.

And she continued.

―Leader Baekgi, the 14th head of our family, said that he received a favor from the 24th Lord,
when you first met. Did you know that?‖

It was someone only Geum Oh-yeon knew, as she was the wife of the last Pure Kick Clan head.

And it wasn‘t something the other clans would know either.

‗Is mother trying to confirm it?‘

Since Baek Jong-so has been on the run for most of his life, he didn‘t know many details about
his clan.


Geum Oh-yeon looked at Chun Yeowun with tensed eyes, fearing that he might be offended.

But unexpectedly, Chun Yeowun‘s reaction was,

A smile!

―It isn‘t like him to leave a record of something like that.‖

The Baekgi he knew was the kind of person who didn‘t like other people knowing his personal

However, it seemed like Baekgi had left a record of the favor that Chun Yeowun had shown him
early in the academy.

Actually, in the past he didn‘t expect Baekgi to take his side after that.

―Are you talking about the time when I detoxified the poison in his body during our stay at the


Geum Oh-yeon covered her mouth with her palm.

And her eyes were wide open.

What Chun Yeowun said was almost identical to what Baekgi had written.

Baekgi himself had written it.

‗How… how can this be?‘

She was so startled that she was at a loss for words.

Her whole body kept shaking and she wasn‘t able to say anything.
―Haa… Haa…‖

She began to have a hard time breathing.

When she was saved from outside the wall, she thought that she wouldn‘t witness another
miracle in her life.

But that was no miracle.

A real miracle was happening right before her eyes.

‗Demon God… Demon God… Demon God…! It is him!‘

She looked at Chun Yeowun while her body shook, and then she banged her head on the floor.

Thud! Thud! Thud!


Baek Jong-so was shocked.

Blood was dripping down from her forehead as she hit her head too hard. Then with her arms
raised up and red eyes, she cried out.

―All hail the Great Sky Demon Order! Long Live the Order! A member of the insignificant Pure
Kick Clan sees the legendary 2nd Generation Chun Ma, the Demon God! Please forgive me for
my rudeness!‖


Geum Oh-yeon had admitted it.

Baek Jong-so, who heard that, looked at Chun Yeowun with trembling eyes.

In front of him was the master of the jade plate, which was missing from the shrine he saw when
he was a kid.

And at that, a thousand years later!


Baek Jong-so immediately put his head down and shouted.


―The leader of the Pure Kick Clan, Baek Jong-so! Greets the 2nd generation Chun Ma and the
Demon God of the Great Sky Demon Order!‖

The legend of the Sky Demon Order wasn‘t a lie!

The true Lord and Master of the Sky Demon Order had appeared.

The issue didn‘t die down easily.

When they saw the one called the legendary person of their clan, their emotions intensified.

Chun Yeowun had to stop it.

―Control yourselves.‖



He waved his hand, and the jade plate, which was on the ground, moved up.

Baek Jong-so‘s eyes lit up.

Chun Yeowun, who had been angry until a moment back, looked at Geum Oh-yeon.

Geum Oh-yeon cautiously said.

―Chun Ma. Please ask.‖

―… how did I die in the records?‖

The title these people were calling him by was different from what his descendant Chun Mu-
seong called him.

It was definitely a different time axis.

However, the title he had here was Demon God.

It was the title he earned in his own time, which was changed thanks to his descendant.

―Ho-How means…‖

―Answer what I asked.‖

―How can I say…‖

―Answer me.‖

At the stern command, she spoke in a trembling voice.

―I-I apologize, but we don‘t know what happened clearly. It was recorded that Chun Ma
disappeared in the western part of Liaoning while he was returning to the Cult from Changbai


Chun Yeowun‘s expression hardened.

He vaguely guessed it.

But only after hearing those words from Geum Oh-yeon he was sure.

‗This… is the world I disappeared from?‘



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 35 -

Legend (3)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Oct 13, 2021

• 14 min read • 6002 views



Chun Yeowun‘s eyes turned heavy.

It‘s only been two days since he jumped into this time and space, but when he found out that this
was the world he disappeared from, his thoughts became complicated.

‗After I disappear… this is how the future unfolds.‘

He would have felt a lot better if he fell into a world he had no connection with.

However, when he heard that this world was the one he belonged to, even if he was the Demon
God, he lost his composure.


Chun Yeowun was curious about people other than Baekgi.

―Do you know what happened to the cult after I disappeared?‖

Geum Oh-yeon couldn‘t hide her fluster at that question.

The Sky Demon Order had a vast history of over 1800 years.

No matter how high ranking the members of the cult were, it was impossible to have a detailed
explanation on what happened to all of them, they didn‘t even know what exactly happened to
more recent members.

―I-I‘m sorry. It‘s believed that it‘s recorded in the cult‘s records, but after the cult was

She didn‘t say anything else, but Chun Yeowun could guess.

Her silence meant that the location of the records was unknown.

Chun Yeowun frowned at that.

―Then, do you know about the one called Mun Ku?‖

Chun Yeowun was most concerned about the well-being of his lover, Mun Ku.

―Mun Ku… Mun Ku… ah!‖

Geum Oh-yeon pondered the name, and then it seemed like she remembered something.

―Wasn‘t she your wife?‖


Chun Yeowun smiled very subtly at the word ‗wife‘.

Although they weren‘t married, Mun Ku, who had his child, was nothing less than a wife.

But then he heard something else.

―The mother of the 25th Lord of the Cult, Chun Un-ku.‖

According to Geum Oh-yeon, his wife named their child a combination of their names.
It was like using a character from both his and her names.

Chun Yeowun‘s eyes softened at it.

‗… to be named after the two of us.‘

As soon as he heard it, he knew Mun Ku‘s emotions.

And missed her even more.

In order to go back to her, he needed a time pack or time jet, which can move through time, but
such devices were impossible to find in this era.

‗I‘m in trouble.‘

Maybe he had to wait until they were made.

It wasn‘t an impossible task for Chun Yeowun who absorbed the cores of the five spirits beasts
and gained eternal life, but that would take too long.

‗I need to figure something out.‘

Geum Oh-yeon, who looked at him, asked with a curious face.

―How come you didn‘t ask about the 2nd lady…‖

―2nd lady?‖

According to Geum Oh-yeon, only the married ones were called ladies.

However, there was no way he would marry anyone other than Mun Ku.

―2nd lady Wang Yogun?‖


Chun Yeowun put his hand on his forehead, as if it was absurd.

When Chun Yeowun was in Murim, he only had connections with two women.
One of them was Wang Yogun.

She was the daughter of Wang Jing, the Martial Dual Sword, one of the five strongest warriors in
Chun Yeowun‘s era.

Unlike Mun Ku, who he knew well, his relationship with Yogun was because of an unfortunate

‗So that‘s how it ended up? Sigh.‘

He could guess what happened.

People treated Yogun like Chun Yeowun‘s lover.

And maybe they thought both women were important to him.

‗Haha… Mun Ku allowed it.‘

He knew the other woman far less than Mun Ku.

Nevertheless, in the end, Wang Yogun turned into the second wife.

Chun Yeowun, who made two women turn into widows, shook his head.

‗Wang Yogun…‘

That was just another reason to go back.

In any case, Geum Oh-yeon told Chun Yeowun the names of the Sky Demon Order‘s successive
Lords and what she knew about them.

But that didn‘t matter to him.

What mattered was why the cult became like this.

―Why did the cult collapse?‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s disappointed tone, Geum Oh-yeon bowed her head.

It was because she was ashamed to explain that to the 2nd generation Chun Ma, who led the
most glorious period of the Sky Demon Order‘s history.

―We apologize, Chun Ma.‖

―Enough. Tell me.‖

―… I don‘t know the full story since I wasn‘t there, but I heard it from my husband, the former
head of the Pure Kick Clan.‖

Although she was a member of the cult, she wasn‘t in a position where she could access all the

Since she didn‘t have a major rank, she probably wasn‘t even allowed to attend the meetings, and
as she mentioned, she learned everything from her husband.

―Perhaps this was what triggered the cult‘s collapse.‖

It was 28 years ago.

When the First Dimension Gate opened.

Before that, Murim wasn‘t a world which existed in the light.

Murim was just something which was seen in movies and dramas.

―At that time, the only people who knew of the real Murim were the famous Murim warriors
who held high positions in the business world.‖

It was the same as it was in the past.

Only officials, the imperial family, and merchants recognized the existence of Murim.

But, the Murim warriors who operated in the shadows had to appear because of the Dimension
Gates that opened all over the world.

The Gates suddenly opened.

And many disasters sprang out from them.

As of that day, Murim and the special humans who were hidden away from the world rose to the
top and many things in the world changed.

―When I was young, there were no federation governments such as the Asian Federation or the
European Federation.‖

However, the world changed as cities were destroyed by Gates.

The world, which judged that no single country could win against them, began to unite and
changed into federation governments.

―There were a lot of problems in the process.‖

Not all nations wanted to join.

The People‘s Republic of China was one of them.

At the center of the strong opposition to the federation system was President Wei Jinyong.

―… at that time it occurred.‖

A massacre happened in the city of Huyunpai, which was adjacent to Russia, during a meeting
with the prime minister of Russia who, like the People‘s Republic of China, opposed the system.


―Yes. It was such a huge event that it was talked about in the world news for weeks.‖

There, the president of China and other key figures, even the prime minister of Russia and their
foreign minister were all assassinated.

Without that incident, it would have been difficult for the Asian Federation to be established.


Even Chun Yeowun was a little shocked.

The worst happened only after the Gates opened.

However, the problems continued.

―Something… something went wrong. I still don‘t believe what happened.‖

Geum Oh-yeon said through clenched teeth.

―Our chairman Chun Woo-jin was accused of doing the massacre.‖


Chun Yeowun‘s eyes narrowed.

He couldn‘t understand why the man was suddenly involved in the genocide of two countries‘

―It was so weird. At that time the chairman went on a business trip to the same place for business

―They accused him because of that?‖

―… the prosecution showed a CCTV video record of the chairman entering and exiting the
summit meetings.‖

―That caught him on a CCTV camera?‖

That was even more absurd.

Most CCTV cameras in the building where the massacre took place were damaged.

However, that one CCTV camera was fine.

―That was the only evidence?‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s question Geum Oh-yeon grunted.


―Not long after, our chairman was summoned and went to support the investigation, and then
witnesses appeared and evidence was given.‖

The evidence was the autopsy of the bodies.

Unexpectedly, the bodies had scars from the Sky Demon Order‘s swordsmanship, a technique
that only the head of the Sky Demon Order could learn.


Chun Yeowun was flustered.

‗The Sword Force of the Sky Demon?‘

It was a technique that was left for the Lords of the Cult.

The sword technique could never be used correctly unless the entire technique was mastered.

The Sword Force of the Sky Demon was a technique Chun Yeowun used.

And before Chun Yeowun landed in this world, he taught the full technique to his grandfather,
Chun Inji.

―Who gave the autopsy result?‖

Geum Oh-yeon continued the story with her voice full of resentment.

―The result… it was said that it was the common opinion shared by Murim warriors, who were
dispatched by each clan to check the sword marks.‖

The Black Sky Company, no, the Sky Demon Order, was being oppressed.

Even in modern times, conflicts arose in Murim.

In such a situation, the opposing clans were brought in to check and they gave the result they

―Forces of Justice Association, Blade Six…‖

They all waited and then called the chairman the culprit.
The Sky Demon Order had enemies everywhere.


The Sky Demon Sword, which Chun Yeowun was holding like a staff, dug deeper into the

His eyes were cold with anger.

―Chun-Chun Ma!‖

―Continue… keep going.‖

Geum Oh-yeon, who was bewildered by the heavy voice of Chun Yeowun, continued.

In the end, the prosecution asked the court to sentence Chun Woo-jin to death.

Since leaders of two nations were killed, the Black Sky Company couldn‘t do anything.

Moreover, as that happened when Murim was appearing from the shadows, it drew even more

―We appealed to save the chairman.‖

Geum Oh-yeon‘s eyes were red.

Just thinking back on all she had been through, she could feel the anger rise again.

―But nothing worked.‖

They made an appeal with the best lawyers in the company, but nothing could be done because
of the evidence which pointed to the chairman.

Even the lawyers said that avoiding sentencing was difficult.

―The only thing the lawyers could do was avoid the death penalty.‖

The defense counsel requested negotiations with the prosecution.

They informed them of what the side effects would be if the chairman was executed.
―In the end, the prosecution took a step back and pushed for life imprisonment, instead of the
death penalty.‖

The reason was simple.

As the Gates opened, people like Murim warriors were needed.

In such a situation, if the chairman of the Black Sky Company, one of the four major clans, was
executed, then they wouldn‘t help.

After changing the punishment, the state decided to utilize the power of the Black Sky Company.

―But there was something that us and the government overlooked.‖

It was the movement of the Murim clans.

Each clan was in conflict with the Sky Demon Order and they didn‘t miss the opportunity to
corner the cult.

―But they weren‘t the only ones.‖

At that time the Black Sky Company was looked at as a company which killed the leaders of two
nations, and people boycotted it, their stock price plummeted, and the company deteriorated in a

―Amidst all that…‖

She couldn‘t hold back her emotions.

She hesitated, until Chun Yeowun spoke in a cold voice.

―Tell me.‖

She continued while feeling sad.

―There was a struggle for the succession of company management.‖

The absence of the chairman, the largest shareholder and the Lord of the Cult, lead to greater
No matter what happened, in such a situation where public opinion changed, someone had to fix

And the solution was, become the next chairman.

―Because of that the internal situation was even worse.‖

Normally one of the chairman‘s two sons would have to succeed.

However, because of the chairman‘s absence there was no decision maker and the dispute arose.

Then the worst happened.

―… Chun Woo-kyung, the younger brother of the chairman, objected to the succession.‖

He pointed out that the two sons were incompetent and argued that the company would go
bankrupt or dissolve if one of them took power.

That objection gained the support of many members, and then the company divided into three

Even if they tried to overcome their bad reputation, because of the internal war, nothing would

―In the end, only disputes continued, nothing was resolved, and it reached a point where the
situation couldn‘t be fixed…‖

The Black Sky Company was officially dissolved.

All of that was what led to the Sky Demon Order‘s current state.

Geum Oh-yeon was in tears.

She couldn‘t even lift her head to look at Chun Yeowun.

‗So this was what happened…‘

Baek Jong-so was shocked.

He heard about what happened to the Sky Demon Order for the first time and felt ashamed.

Although it wasn‘t the only reason, it couldn‘t be denied that the family‘s fight was what led to
its current state.

‗It‘s natural to be angry. And ashamed too.‘

Geum Oh-yeon noticed that Chun Yeowun wasn‘t saying anything.

It wasn‘t her fault, but as a member of the cult she couldn‘t face Chun Ma.

She tried to look.



The abandoned factory began to tremble.

Baek Jong-so jumped at the sudden movement.


Cracks appeared in the walls of the building, it looked like the building would collapse at any

Baek Jong-so was bewildered and tried to tell Chun Yeowun that they had to leave.



He discovered the cause of the shaking.

The Sky Demon Sword in the ground was shaking.

―Ch-Chun Ma!‖

Geum Oh-yeon looked at him with bewildered eyes.

A terrifying force was escaping from his body.

Chun Yeowun was unable to contain his emotions.

‗To hear this…‘

It was so absurd that he was pissed.

He never dreamt that those who inherited his blood would disappoint him so much.


Chun Yeowun looked at the two people in front of him.

They were not sure about what had to be done.

The mother and son were a part of the Pure Kick Clan, which was loyal to the Sky Demon Order.

They kept hiding and wandering around as fugitives.

‗My descendants made the Sky Demon Order like this?‘



As his anger increased, part of the building began to collapse.

―Chun Ma! Please calm your anger!‖

Baek Jong-so shouted as he covered his mother to make sure she wasn‘t hurt.

He was sure that the building would collapse.


Chun Yeowun removed his hand from the sword.

The shaking and the cracking, everything stopped.

The two of them looked at Chun Yeowun with eyes full of fear.

And he, who was silent, opened his mouth.

―Descendants of the Pure Kick Clan. You must have been through a lot.‖

Unexpected comforting words came out of his mouth.

They thought they would be punished, but when warm words came out, tears welled in Geum
Oh-yeon‘s eyes.


―Ch-Chun Ma! How can you say that? What a shame we are as descendants!‖1

She yelled as she put her head on the floor.

Chun Yeowun looked at them and shook his head.

―You did nothing wrong.‖

With that, he pretended to pull something up with his hand.

The Sky Demon Sword, which was in the floor, was pulled out.


―There are others who have sinned.‖

Chun Yeowun‘s eyes were as sharp as the sword in his hand.

The mother and son looked at him with puzzled expressions.

Calming his emotions, he made a decision.

The decision was.

―I‘ll make it right.‖


At those words, both Geum Oh-yeon and Baek Jong-so trembled.

It was because Chun Yeowun, the second generation Chun Ma, said he would rectify the Sky
Demon Order.


If someone else said that, they wouldn‘t have cared.

But hearing it from Chun Yeowun was enough to shake them to their cores.

With a trembling voice, Baek Jong-so asked.

―Are you really going to bring the Black Sky Company back to life?‖

―Does it sound like I‘m saying baseless words?‖


―After hearing that, do you think I would leave it alone? I will bring back the original Sky
Demon Order.‖

―Oh oh… my lord!‖

Geum Oh-yeon looked at Chun Yeowun, whose eyes were filled with a strong will.

And Chun Yeowun added.

―Even if it can‘t be fixed, I can always wipe everything away!‖

One last thing, this is my last chapter as editor since I‘m swamped nowadays. I
hope you enjoyed my work from Chapter 408 of Nano Machine till now!

your hard work my man!


1. Descendants meaning descendants of the Sky Demon Order, just to be clear." ↩



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 36 -

Tangent (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Oct 14, 2021

• 15 min read • 6337 views

Baek Jong-so looked at Chun Yeowun.

„What is he thinking?‟

Chun Yeowun had just proclaimed that he would bring the Sky Demon Order back to life.
But since then, he sat still, as if he was meditating.

His dazed eyes were directed somewhere, and Baek Jong-so had no idea what he was thinking


Chun Yeowun‘s augmented reality was activated.

In augmented reality, numerous pieces of information were being organized like a spider web.

„The idiots of the cult are divided into three groups and in conflict. The State Council along with
Public Security are trying to control Murim. The three major forces that supported the cult are
no more.‟

Chun Yeowun was organizing the information.

He was contemplating what to do.

It wasn‘t difficult to destroy everything and rebuild.

But, that would be a massacre.

Moreover, such a method will result in many other problems.

„What needs to be done right away…‟

The most urgent thing right now is resolving the conflict within the cult.

It would be better to deal with the other matters after increasing the cult‘s power.

Besides, getting accurate information was important. Geum Oh-yeon didn‘t tell him, but she was
not aware of everything that had happened.


She wasn‘t sure how the three groups began to fight.

[The three groups were fighting over stuff like legitimacy and usefulness. But…]
She was told that neither of the Lord‘s sons would give information to people unless they took
their side.

Geum Oh-yeon was disappointed, but she understood it.

If information was given to her, and then the Pure Kick Clan later joined another side, that
information would be exposed.

Geum Oh-yeon hadn‘t been in contact with either of them for over ten years.

A few moments ago, Chun Yeowun had asked her.

[Did they give you a way to contact them?]

[… yes.]

As Chun Yeowun had expected, both of the sons were open for talks.

[24, 32, 94, 83, 13, 52, 62, 103, 26, 49.]

Director Ko gave her an essay book, and within it, was a piece of paper with numbers on it.

It was a number system called a contact number.

It was said that the paper would burn up after the numbers were looked at for 10 minutes.

[A password?]

[I don‘t know for sure. It just fell out when I was reading an essay book in my house…]

[Essay book?]

According to the woman, it was an improvised password.

If so, there was a high probability that a way to contact them was written in the essay book.

But, there was just one problem.

[Everything suspicious in the house was confiscated…]

And it turned out that there were no books left in the house.

There were some things that didn‘t disappear no matter how much time passed, books were one
of them.

It was because physical texts are still more popular than electronic texts.

„Inside the Public Security Bureau…‟

In order to retrieve the book, he had no choice but to head to the Public Security Bureau.


Chun Yeowun‘s gaze turned to Moyong Lee Myeong and Neung Do-myung, who were sitting

His gaze then turned to the mobile strikers‘ bodies.

And finally, he looked at the mother and son.

The two, who didn‘t understand what Chun Yeowun was doing, just ignorantly looked at him.


The corners of Chun Yeowun‘s lips went up.

Baek Jong-so, who didn‘t know what the smile meant, asked.

―What is it? Lord Chun Ma.‖


Chun Yeowun got up from his seat and said.

―He‘s the key.‖


His gaze naturally turned to where Chun Yeowun was looking.

He was looking at Moyong Lee Myeong, who was on the ground.

On the 40 inch monitors, multiple CCTV cameras on roads and alleys in Shenyang city were
being displayed on 200 screens.

On the monitor, all the officers were controlling the roads and alleys.

When a Gate Warning would be issued, the National Guards would fight and defend the wall.
The police officers of the Public Security Bureau would control the citizens to avoid confusion.

―The transfer of 11 students from the academy on route 24 in hwa-pyeong route to a nearby
shelter has been completed.‖

―It is said that police officers found three homeless people who were in the blind spot of CCTV
cameras on 10th avenue and are currently moving them to a shelter.‖

Traffic monitoring reports.

All that was left for the Public Security Bureau was to monitor the people of the transportation
department under Director Sang Yu-geun.

In the case of a Gate Warning, all the public security people would get deployed, except for a
small number who‘d stay in the office.

―Got it.‖

Director Sang Yu-geun, who received the reports, had a dark expression on his face.

As he was the leader, who had to take care of multiple tasks simultaneously, his concentration
was scattered, especially regarding one thing.

„Why haven‟t they contacted me yet?‟

His eyes kept staring at the clock in the room.

It had been quite a lot of time since the operation was carried out, and he was given no news.
Things should have been sorted out long ago. However, he hadn‘t received any information, so
he was bound to worry.

„Did something bad happen?‟

If so, it may cause problems for his position.

Originally, the agents of strike teams should be involved in controlling the city of Shenyang.

However, as those people of the Strike Team didn‘t report back yet, whatever personnel were
around had to be deployed.

„I had to say that they were on a special mission…‟

The suspicions of the others would grow if they didn‘t report back anytime soon.

It was frustrating for Sang Yu-geun, who felt like his tail had been stepped on.

„At a time like this, the Gate alarm went off…‟

Everything was now twisted thanks to the Gate Warning, which went off three days earlier than

He just hoped that things wouldn‘t go wrong.

As he was nervous, his phone vibrated.


Sang Yu-geun looked anxiously at the phone‘s screen.

[Neung Do-myung, special task force.]

The long-awaited call.

„Why is he calling from his phone? Ah…‟

Come to think of it, he left the personal radio back in his office.

He looked around and then told the people monitoring the screen.
―I am going to the Director‘s office to check something. If any problem arises, call me. I will
come right away.‖


Since they were busy, the agents answered without even turning their heads.

Sang Yu-geun came out of the control room, and answered the phone as he took the emergency

―Go on.‖

-Director. Cough… cough.

―What happened? Why are you so late?‖

Sang Yu-geun asked in a hushed voice.

He was anxious and impatient.

-Sorry. Mission accomplished.

At the positive report, his face brightened.

He was worried if something went wrong.

-Cough… cough…

As he continued to hear him cough, he asked.

―Are you injured?‖

-… Sorry. There was a problem.


-The… man was too skilled… too great. Besides… he didn‘t have any… nano bombs.

Upon hearing that there were no nano bombs, Sang Yu-geun‘s eyes turned serious.
If so, the team sent must have suffered some casualties.

In a hushed tone, he asked.

―Wasn‘t there a special member?‖

Special member.

One of the top seven warriors of Public Security.

Originally he was requested to be dispatched to other missions, but Sang Yu-geun asked him to
head out to the factory.

-… Jun Ye-myeong too.


Sang Yu-geun couldn‘t hide his shock.

The word ‗too‘ meant there were others.


-Fortunately, before Jun Ye-myeong officer…. Cough… fell…. And as I was being beaten up,
leader Lee Myeong came in time and saved me.

―What? Lee Myeong?‖

-Yes… team leader Lee Myeong even fired a rifle.

Director Sang Yu-geun‘s expression darkened.

It was a name he wasn‘t expecting to hear.

„How did that bastard know?‟

Was he really always digging into trouble?

Yet, he never expected Lee Myeong to find the factory.

The mission was classified, and no other agent in the Special Taskforce knew about it.

The Director, who organized his thoughts, asked.

―… is team leader Lee Myeong next to you?‖

-Cough cough. Yes. Because we have no manpower, team leader Lee Myeong is bringing in two
surviving mobile strikers and a person called Mu-seong to the bureau right now.

„They are coming here?‟

As if he got a headache, the Director put his hand on his forehead.

According to them, three people survived.

Lee Myeong was one of them.

-… what should I do?

He didn‘t know how to answer the question.

The reason why he mentioned Lee Myeong must be to let the Director know that their secret was

„I told him not to interfere!‟

Director Sang Yu-geun, who contemplated, narrowed his eyes.

And said,

―I‘ll open the back gate of the special task force building, transport them into the 5th basement.
Congratulate Lee Myeong for his helpful contribution and bring him along.‖

-Alright. We will be there in 10 minutes.


The call was cut.

He immediately left the office and headed to the main building.

Once he went there, he immediately went to the 5th floor and turned off all the CCTV cameras.


He really didn‘t want things to turn out this way.

He stopped by his office and pulled out a gun along with a silencer hidden in the safe.

It wasn‘t a gun that the government gave him.


He put on the silencer and then placed the gun behind his coat.

He left the office with a heavy heart and entered the task force building.

A place where ordinary detectives were prohibited from entering.


The elevator opened.

The elevator could only reach 4 basement floors. Fingerprint recognition was required to go

Only those with registered fingerprints were allowed to go down to the 5th basement floor.

Only two fingerprints were registered, his and the other was a mobile strike team commander‘s.


The 5th basement had an hexagonal shape.

With six prisons and a lobby that had a desk and two chairs.

The only place with no CCTV cameras.

Since it was a confidential space, cameras weren‘t installed.

And if one looked inside a prison, they could see bloodstains all over the place.
Unlike usual prisons, they were full of torture tools.


The Director took his seat.

His face, shadowed by the only existing LED light, seemed dark.

He was examining the gun in his hand when he heard something coming from a room, a special
prison behind him.


When Sang Yu-geun turned around, a dark figure appeared.

Mouth covered with protective gear, wrists and ankles secured with special handcuffs, and naked
body full of wounds.


The tortured man moved.

He was glaring at the Director with eyes full of anger.

―Tch Tch. You are full of energy.‖

Sang Yu-geun shook his head and then turned away, as if he wasn‘t interested.

Right now, there was only one thing he wanted.

Clang! Clank!


As the man continued to struggle, he pressed a button on the desk.


When he pressed it, a shutter came down from the ceiling.

It blocked the prison, making the noise go away.


The Director sighed and put the gun back in its place.

That was when he saw the elevator sign light up.

They finally arrived.


The elevator went up and then descended to the 5th floor.

When its door opened, Neung Do-myung seemed to be in bad condition. He came out along two
other mobile strikers who were supporting another person whose face was covered.

―Cough… director.‖

―You have been through a lot.‖

The Director got up from his seat.

„This one.‟

Director looked at Lee Myeong.

Lee Myeong‘s eyes seemed to be full of contempt as he looked at him.

―Looks like you have a lot to say.‖

At Director Sang Yu-geun‘s words, Moyong Lee Myeong spoke in a low voice.

―Not me. The Director has a lot to say.‖

At that, the Director pointed to one of the chairs.

―For now, let the superintendent sit, he doesn‘t seem to be doing well.‖

As he said, Neung Do-myung seemed to be in bad condition.

Moreover, Neung Do-myung had an expression filled with anxiety, which seemed strange.

„Probably because of the casualties.‟

Sang Yu-geun was troubled with it.

Around 60 agents were killed.

He had to come up with an excuse to explain what had happened.

But before that, there was work that needed to be done.


Lee Myeong supported Neung Do-myung and seated him.

Then as he tried to turn.



The Director was aiming a gun equipped with a silencer at his head.

Lee Myeong looked at the Director with angry eyes.

―What is this? Director!‖

―It must be frustrating. Team leader lee Myeong.‖

Sang Yu-geun was puzzled when Lee Myeong didn‘t seem to be shocked at his act.

―Why do you want to kill me?‖

―Your fault. I told you not to involve yourself in this.‖

―… Didn‘t I also say that isn‘t something I can just back off from? And what the Director is now
doing, isn‘t the way Public Security would do things.‖

The Director shook his head at Lee Myeong‘s words.

―You are so naïve. Do you think justice can be protected with righteousness alone? When you
step into mud, you get muddy.‖

―… you are saying the same thing as the superintendent.‖

―Because it is simply the truth.‖

Although he was aiming the gun at Lee Myeong, the Director was smiling.

„He‟s the director of Public Security?‟

It wasn‘t the face of the honest and upright Director that he‘d known.

At that moment, he seemed no different from a criminal.

It was disappointing, and he had never imagined that the Director he looked up to would turn out
to be like this.

The Director put his finger on the trigger.

―Even though you were honest, you kept messing around with my work. You get what I am

―… won‘t you regret this?‖

―Regret? Are you talking about the Yeon Company?‖

Moyong Lee Myeong didn‘t deny it.

Sang Yu-geun, who was about to pull the trigger, stopped and laughed.

―Hahahaa! You are one funny person.‖

―What is it?‖

―You are just a fool running around without knowing the reality.‖

―Are you making fun of me?‖

With displeased eyes, Lee Myeong asked him.

―Do you think that Yeon Company would blink its eyes if you died?‖

At that, Lee Myeong narrowed his eyes.

―… what do you mean?‖

―The executive director even asked the state and me to never take you into the bureau, didn‘t you
know that?‖

At that, Lee Myeong answered with a voice full of anger.

―I am well aware of that. Of course he would get in the way.‖

It has always been the same.

He would always get in the way.

However, when it came to the police department of Public Security, it belonged to the state
council, which was higher than the Murim Association, so he thought that no one did interfere.

He was a special recruit to the department.

As he was a respected and upright person who didn‘t yield to external pressure, he was taken in
on the recommendation of Director Sang Yu-geun.

―I am grateful to the Director for that. But that has nothing to do with this. As a public security
officer, how…‖

―Hahaha. How can you be so stupid and naïve?‖


―Did you think I chose you because you were outstanding?‖


Sang Yu-geun looked at Lee Myeong and said,

―Initially, our duty was to look after the Murim Association and murim people. No matter how
much the company did abandon you, we knew that you could be of some use to us in future.‖

―… you mean you were trying to use me?‖

―I thought I could use you if I had you by my side. But it was just a delusion. The Murim people
are cold-hearted. Even if you didn‘t learn martial arts, how could they kick away their own child
and younger brother?‖

At the Director‘s sarcastic words, Lee Myeong‘s expression was distorted.

From what his Director said, he was using Lee Myeong to either monitor the company or use
him as a hostage when needed.


When he heard that, his anger and doubts were all resolved.

Unlike when he was first commissioned, the Director‘s attitude slowly changed.

―Was it… because I wasn‘t useful?‖

―So sad. If it hadn‘t been for this, you would have spent all your life as an ordinary detective
earning a pension.‖

Said the Director with a cold face.

Lee Myeong shook his head.

The upright Director didn‘t exist at all.

He naively believed the mask that the person was wearing.

„He must have given up.‟

Seeing Lee Myeong feeling down, the Director felt bad.

The job required him to be level-headed, and if he showed sympathy for such ones, it would turn
into trouble.
―Then, goodbye.‖

He pulled the trigger.


Light flashed, and a bullet was fired.

However, something felt weird.


The bullet that should have pierced Lee Myeong‘s head was floating and spinning in the air.

―Wh-what is this?‖

Perplexed, Sang Yu-gueun didn‘t know what was happening.

Lee Myeong said.

―…Is the offer still valid?‖

―Wh-what are you talking about?‖

The Director, who was puzzled by Lee Myeong‘s way of talking, turned his head to see Chun
Yeowun, who took off the mask and leaned against the prison wall with his hand stretched in the
direction of the bullet.

Like he was holding the bullet.


The Director was shocked as he didn‘t know what to do, but Lee Myeong, who looked at Chun
Yeowun with a different expression than before, asked.

―Are you really going to put the Yeon Company in my hands if I follow you?‖


At his question, Chun Yeowun answered with a smile on his lips.

―You think it is difficult?‖

Tak! Crash!

When Chun Yeowun flicked his finger, the bullet spinning in the air was crushed into powder
and scattered around.

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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 37 -

Tangent (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Oct 15, 2021

• 12 min read • 5912 views



His life had been pointless.

He had been born and then abandoned as a child of Moyong clan, a descendant of the orthodox
Murim people.

The only reason was that he wasn‘t versed in martial arts.

As he couldn‘t stand up to his father‘s expectations, the chairman, he wandered aimlessly for
about 2 years.

It was when he passed the Public Security Bureau exam that things started to change.

He had no ties with the company of Murim anymore.

He wanted to focus on starting a new life and forget everything he experienced in the past.

„Let‟s live while contributing to justice.‟

Life for justice.

A new goal for the lost man.

The Public Security Bureau, which looked after the people‘s safety, was the perfect home.

He thought that darkness wouldn‘t reach him as long as he stayed in the Public Security Bureau.

However, all that was nothing but an illusion.

[A guy with no horns sees what he wants to.]

That was what Chun Yeowun said to him when he released the blood points.

As soon as Moyong Lee Myeong realized it, his disappointment reached its peak, and he lost
He wasn‘t sure what was right anymore.

This man, the darkness embodiment, had reached out to him.

[I will give you a chance. Come under me. I will give you martial arts and everything you want

If those words came out of someone else‘s mouth, he would have immediately dismissed it.

But for some reason, this man‘s words held some weight.

However, for the last time, he wanted to check one thing.

And he just got his answer.

―Kueeek, Pl-please!‖

The director Sang Yu-geun‘s body was getting hurt here and there.

It was the result of nano bomb explosions inside the body, and there was no way he would

The director managed to hold back the pain of four or five explosions, but when the next bomb
exploded in a vital place, the pain seemed to grow unbearable.

Sang Yu-geun fell on his knees, begging for his life.

‟… in the end, everything is the same.‟

The disappointment lingered in Lee Myeong‘s eyes.

The image of the upright director he held in his imagination was utterly shattered.

The director, who didn‘t even master martial arts, seemed to have handled the pain a lot better
than Neung Do-myung.

―I will cooperate. P-please stop… stop! Stop it!‖

In the end, Sang Yu-geun gave up his pride.

At first, he thought that he could accept death.

But that was a mistake.

He realized that he wasn‘t that strong.

―S-spare me please…‖



A nano bomb exploded inside his left thigh.

For a moment, he wondered if ‗that‘ burst, but when he looked, it was just the thigh.

Sang Yu-geun asked with bewildered eyes.

―I said I would cooperate, so why?‖

―I like dogs that behave like dogs.‖


With that, Chun Yeowun tried to snap his fingers again.

Shocked, the director fell flat on the floor and screamed.

―I-I will do anything, please have mercy on me.‖


He was being more polite now.

Satisfied, Chun Yeowun stopped his fingers.

―Phew… phew…‖

Sang Yu-geun, who was afraid that another nano bomb would explode, breathed out.

The elevator opened, and three people were out.

Two men in mobile strike uniform, Baek Jong-so, and Geum Oh-yeon.

They came in with uniforms and helmets on.


Alongside Neung Do-myung, who was staggering.

His purpose was to access the elevator.

Baek Jong-so approached Chun Yeowun and said,

―We found it!‖

He turned around and pointed to the book his mother was holding.

However, Geum Oh-yeon, who was holding the book with both hands, had a flustered

Despite having the book, she didn‘t seem relieved.

―Here, this…‖

―Is this it?‖

Chun Yeowun looked at the title written on the outside of the book.

[Forty. To be fertile for a long age.]


Baek Jong-so, who didn‘t see the title of the book, looked down.

Chun Yeowun turned the page without feeling shy.

[24, 32, 94, 83, 13, 52, 63, 103, 26, 49.]
Even without Nano, Chun Yeowun was smart enough to memorize the numbers.

Looking at page 24, there was only one phrase with a number on it.

[Chapter 1. Even when you get older, women need to put in the effort. The first is the skin…]


Turning to page 32, there was also a number with text in it.


As he kept following the pages‘ numbers, he assembled all numbers…


It wasn‘t that hard to decode.

Assuming that the numbers Geum Oh-yeon had given him were the right ones.

„This is it?‟

Most likely, it was a contact number.

When Chun Yeowun looked at Baek Jong-so, he pointed to the bloody director lying on the floor
and Neung Do-myung, who was leaning against the wall.

As the two seemed to have passed out, Chun Yeowun opened his mouth.


―If it is 10… the area code is 010, Beijing.‖

The Chinese government used 86 for numbers.

Each city had an area code, and 10 was for Beijing, like Baek Jong-so pointed out.

If so, then Chun Yu-seong was in Beijing.

It was pretty surprising that he used the former capital of the People‘s Republic of China for his

―What should we do?‖

At Baek Jong-so‘s question, Chun Yeowun looked at Geum Oh-yeon.

It would be suitable for her to call the number and talk, but something didn‘t feel right.

Chun Yeowun looked at Baek Jong-so and asked.

―Can you act moderately?‖


―You just have to say what I tell you.‖

In the end, Baek Jong-so would be the one talking.

Baek Jong-so made the call with his smartphone.

Since he was given such an important mission, he couldn‘t wipe off the nervousness from his
face, but he knew that he‘d do fine as he had already worked as a spy.


Chun Yeowun put his finger on the back of the phone.


Baek Jong-so looked at him curiously, and the call was answered.


-If it is a late-night snack, then it has to be Shumai. Sweet and delicious Shumai…


The only thing he heard was the advertisement for a restaurant.

It seemed to be a chain store of Shumai (Chinese dumplings) that he had never heard of.

Baek Jong-so, who thought that he dialed the wrong number, looked at Chun Yeowun.

It was then.

After the recording ended, a human voice came in.

-Hello. This is Ochon Shumai.

Baek Jong-so was flustered at the voice of a woman who seemed to be the owner.

„Wrong number?‟

But then he changed his mind.

If he thought about it, it wasn‘t like the other party could exactly reveal themselves to the world.

And there was no way they would reveal their true identity just because someone called.

„What should I say?‟

However, his mother didn‘t tell him if there was a certain code to give.

As he contemplated, a voice spoke.

-If you are still in menu selection, would you like to call again after a while?

„Damn it! I am lost!‟

He had no idea what to do.

―Descendant of Pure Kick Clan, Baek Jong…‖

Before he could finish speaking, the call seemed to be cut, and then the tone changed.

Click! Beep! Beep!

Suddenly, the connection cut off, and then a man‘s voice was heard.
-Who is it?

As the speaker was on, Geum Oh-yeon nodded at the voice.

It was a voice she knew.

Baek Jong-so continued.

―Are you Ko Wang-hyeon?‖

-… who are you, and how did you get this number?

He sounded confused.

After thinking, Chun Yeowun told him what to say.

―I am Baek Jong-so, the current head of Pure Kick clan. Based on the numbers in the book 24,
32, 94, 83, 13, 52, 63, 103, 26, 49 that you left for my mother, I called you.‖

-… and your mother‘s name?

―It is Geum Oh-yeon.‖

The person on the other side said nothing.

After about 7 seconds of silence, the voice came again.

-Only your mother knows the number that leads to the phone. And please take it into account that
we cannot be revealed.

―I understand.‖

-We don‘t have time. So let‘s talk briefly. Tell me what happened.

Due to some circumstances, it seemed like the man didn‘t have time to talk.

Baek Jong-so summarized what Chun Yeowun had told him.

―There is a problem. My mother has been arrested by the Public Security Bureau.‖

―Fortunately, I rescued my mother through the chaos of the Gate opening in Shenyang.‖


The voice of general manager Ko Wang-hyeon seemed shocked.

It seemed like the situation was more serious than he expected.

After a while, the man said,

-… If I could, I would help you. I don‘t know if your mother has heard of it or not, but Pure
Kick clan, we are currently severing ties with it, no, the cult.


Baek Jong-so frowned.

Although he was acting, he didn‘t expect such a situation to pop up. He thought that they would
come and rescue a member of the cult.

Of course, he knew that they could abandon them too.

―General manager Ko. The situation on our side isn‘t good. If you help me this time, I will
support Chun Yu-seong as the head of Pure Kick Clan.‖

He threw the bait.

A declaration of support from his clan, one of the top twelve clans.

It doesn‘t matter how much they wanted to severe it. They left a contact number because they
had hope.

And the response came.

-… does your mother agree?

―My mother had suffered a lot when she was detained by the Bureau. She isn‘t well, but she will
agree with what I decide.‖

Now, all that was left was for them to take the bait.

As he was holding his breath, Ko Wang-hyeon‘s voice came.

-Such a difficult situation. How can we pretend not to care for a member when they are in such a
crisis? As soon as the Gate Warning is lifted in Shenyang, the cult will dispatch its members.

He changed his words.

Baek Jong-so shook his head with a disappointed face.

But his voice didn‘t show it.

―Thank you!‖

-Thank you. If this is your contact number… hmm. Time is up. Tracking attempts still continue.
We will contact you.


The man hastily hung up the phone.


Baek Jong-so was puzzled, but Chun Yeowun took off his finger with an upset expression.

[Failed to track.]

Chun Yeowun was the one who tried to find the place.

Nano tried to track the place of the call, but couldn‘t because the number kept changing.

Another 10 more seconds and he could have dug up the detour and found it, but it failed as the
other side noticed it.

„Well, we made a tangent to the side.‟

And once the Gate Warning would be lifted, they would meet.

Chun Yeowun looked forward to that moment.


At that moment.

He heard a vibrating sound somewhere.

It was coming from the director‘s phone.

The number appeared on the screen.

―It is the traffic and situation control room. Probably calling for him‖

Lee Myeong said as he recognized it right away.

In such regard, it was helpful that he was the team leader of the violent crimes unit in the Bureau.

―Wake him.‖


At the command, Baek Jong-so removed the blood points seal.


Once done, the director looked around with blank eyes.

And then his face darkened.

Like a person who just realized that what he hoped to be a dream was actually a reality.

Looking at him, Chun Yeowun said,

―Go back and do what you normally do. Fix everything that happened till now.‖

„Tch. This one… acting like he is the boss.‟

At the commanding attitude, Sang Yu-geun grunted.

If it wasn‘t for the nano bombs, things wouldn‘t have turned this way.

Then something suddenly popped into his mind.

„Right. Currently the technological side is making a device to disarm the nano bombs.‟

It wouldn‘t take long since he already had the codes from a former MS researcher.

When he remembered that, his heart lightened.

He couldn‘t do anything now, so he would pretend to follow the man, and once he‘d get rid of
the nano bombs, he would pay the man tenfold back.


―And don‘t interfere in Murim matters.‖

―I will make sure not to.‖

―I will contact you if I need anything.‖

―… Alright.‖

Chun Yeowun looked at the man as he answered obediently.

Baek Jong-so, who watched him go up the elevator, said.

―He is more docile than I thought.‖

Chun Yeowun laughed and said.

―We‘ll see.‖

Someone then intervened.

―I think it is better to leave once we are done with things here.‖

It was Lee Myeong.

He didn‘t want to be in the bureau building anymore.

He was still in a state where he was trying to come to terms with the overwhelming

―We don‘t know how long the Gate Warning will last, and how long the special task force
building will be empty, so we need to get out of here quickly…‖

―Wait. Before that, I need to do something.‖

Chun Yeowun went somewhere.

It was the prison that had shutters down.

Ssshh! Kiiik!

As Chun Yeowun pretended to raise his hands upwards, the shutter, which was lowered, began to


Geum Oh-yeon looked at it.

Inside the pirson, was an unidentified human, covered in blood and traces of torture, with
shackles and gears on his arms and ankles.


Baek Jong-so nodded his head.

Seeing the shutter‘s thickness, it seemed to be soundproofed. But, just in case, it was better to
clear anything that could lead to them.

―I‘ll do it.‖

Baek Jong-so, who decided that it wasn‘t something Chun Yeowun had to do, approached him.

There was no reason to do it, but unnecessary problems would arise if the man did overhear what
happened and released it out.

Baek Jong-so grabbed his neck.

He decided to clench the neck and give a painless death.

But the moment he tried to grab the neck, the man in shackles groaned.

―eup eup eup!‖

It was weird.

He wasn‘t begging for his life or rebelling.

It was like he wanted to say something.

„What is it… huh?‟

Baek Jong-so‘s eyes shook as he looked at the face.

Baek Jong-so took away the things that were on the man‘s face.


―What is it?‖

Chun Yeowun asked.

―He is an employee of that store that sells the masks.‖



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 38 -

Another One (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Oct 16, 2021

• 12 min read • 5790 views



The human skin mask maker.

It is only known to a very few people in Shenyang‘s dark world.

Baek Jong-so visited his mother Geum Oh-yeon every year by changing his face using skin

And every time, he was amazed.

The shop walls were filled with exquisite human masks that made one wonder if it was really
made with human skin.

The amazing thing was that the price of the mask made with such sophisticated technology
wasn‘t as expensive as people thought.

Every time Baek Jong-so went, he was the only customer.

It even made him wonder that if the customers were so few, how could they pay the employees.
Anyways, Baek Jong-so had visited it regularly and memorized the faces of most of the

―Hey. How did you get caught here?‖

They heard from Neung Do-myung that it was a place where the worst criminals were detained.

It was strange that this person was being held in prison and even cruelly tortured.

Of course, according to Public Security, skin masks could be used for people to commit crimes.
However, it wasn‘t a first-degree crime.

―Uhhh… uhhhhh… uuuhhhh.‖

His way of speaking was weird.

Baek Jong-so had taken off the gag in his mouth, yet the person didn‘t speak.

And when he looked closely.

―How could he!‖

The man‘s tongue was cut off.

It wasn‘t cut off evenly, as if the man had cut it by biting it with his teeth.


―Uhhhh! Uhhhh! Uhhhh!‖

The man struggled with his hands in shackles.

It seemed like the person wanted to say something, but it was hard to understand the

―Look here‖

Baek Jong-so took a couple of steps back, and then Chun Yeowun made a sign with his index
and middle finger.
The shackles on his wrists and ankles were torn apart.



The man was shocked.

The restraints were made of a special alloy, so it wasn‘t something that could easily be cut down.

Of course, to Chun Yeowun, it wasn‘t such a huge deal.

The shock was brief.

The man fell to the floor and then started to write something with his finger.

One stroke, and then another,







Chun Yeowun and Baek Jong-so exclaimed at the same time.

―You want help?‖

The words written on the ground were asking for help.


The man nodded and tried to write another letter.

At that moment, Chun Yeowun grabbed his neck with his right hand.



The man and also Baek Jong-so, were bewildered by the action.



―Speak so that I can understand.‖


At Chun Yeowun‘s words, the man‘s eyes widened.

What the others couldn‘t because of the slurred pronunciation, was not a problem for Chun


It was thanks to Nano‘s ability.

It was possible, because Chun Yeowun had placed his hand on the vocal cords and analyzed it
with the help of Nano.



Nano spoke the man‘s words.

―Don‘t talk about useless stuff, say what you need to.‖

―Uhhh. Uhhhhh!‖

[Please help me. We are out of time.]

―What do you mean, out of time?‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s question, the man looked at Baek Jong-so and said,

[Our store owner is in danger.]

The original voice held a lot of urgency, but as Nano was a machine, its voice held no emotions.

Chun Yeowun repeated the words he heard.

―The owner is in danger.‖

Baek Jong-so looked at the man.

―Huh? The owner in danger? No, what happened to you?‖

A Baek Jong-so‘s question, the man‘s eyes turned red.

[Please! We don‘t have time to do this now. Please help me. Please, as a member of the Cult,


Chun Yeowun frowned.

Unless he heard it wrong, the man called himself a member of the Cult.

―Did you say you were a member of the Cult?‖


The man hesitated at the question.

„Can this one be trusted?‟

The Black Sky Company‘s position and the Sky Demon Order weren‘t in a good condition.

Which was why people didn‘t reveal it unless in time of emergencies.

The worried man opened his mouth, judging that Baek Jong-so could be trusted.
[I am a member of the Sky Demon Order.]

„A member of the Sky Demon Order?‟

Baek Jong-so‘s eyes fluttered.

He thought that the people in the shop were all just regular people.

But if they were members of the Cult, why didn‘t they ever reveal or hint their identity to him?

He was puzzled, when Chun Yeowun said.

―Which clan?‖

The man was startled at Chun Yeowun‘s question.

„Is this person also from the cult…? Then whose faction did he take?‟

Currently, the Cult is divided into three factions.

In such situations, everyone had to be careful.

Hesitating on what to do, he soon decided that it wasn‘t worth thinking about it and said.

―Ghost Illusion clan.‖

―Ghost Illusion clan!‖

Chun Yeowun couldn‘t hide his surprise.

He never thought that he would hear that name from the man‘s mouth.

Ghost illusion clan.

One of the main clans in the Sky Demon Order.

It was a major clan in charge of information gathering. The clan dispatched spies throughout

„That‟s why they were making skin masks?‟

As a group that controlled intelligence and spies, the people were masters in making masks, and
it was a skill passed down through generations.

Of course, the human skin mask wasn‘t something that only the Ghost Illusion clan could make,
but Chun Yeowun couldn‘t think of another clan that would do it as perfectly as them.

―You are from the Ghost Illusion clan?‖

Geum Oh-yeon was shocked.

She, too, seemed shocked to hear about the clan.

In a trembling voice, and as she looked at the traces of torture, she asked.

―Is director Huan here?‖

Whether he knew her or not, the man looked at her with familiar eyes and shook his head.

―uhhh. Uhhhh. Uhhhh.‖

[He is not here. More than that, please help the store owner. Please!]

―Who is the owner of the store?‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s question, the man spoke with an anxious face.

[… Our head.]

A city about 14 km southeast of the Bureau.

As the Gate Warning was issued, the dark night streets were filled with silence.

All the citizens had fled to shelters.

A shabby building was hidden at the end of an alley in the city that had numerous buildings.

This particular building seemed to have a secret.

There was a 3rd basement floor.

The elevator showed only the 2nd basement floor, but there were hidden stairs leading from it to
the 3rd.

Of course, even if one was lucky enough to find the stairs to go down, the safe room was hidden.

This so-called safety shelter room was made of 80cm thick superalloy and couldn‘t be opened
from the outside without a key and a code.


Inside, there was a man, breathing in relief.

He was in his forties, with a slender physique.

The man seemed nervous as he couldn‘t take his eyes off the CCTV video screen installed in the
safe room.

The screen was showing the stairway entrance and all the interior of the 3rd basement floor.


The man bit his little fingernail.

The reason behind his anxiousness was that he was hiding from someone.

„At least the Gate Warning was issued.‟

Due to the sudden Gate Warning, the operation of the underground train had been suspended.

Therefore, he had come back here and hidden himself.

‗Ugh, if only they were 30 minutes late…‘

The man would have been out of Shenyang.

Now he just wanted to hide and survive the crisis.

The safe room, created in case of emergencies, was strong enough to withstand explosives, but
being inside made him feel insecure.

„This place in Shenyang is no longer a safe place.‟

This city‘s safety was a thing of the past.

It was such a gloomy time.



One of the screens on the monitor got disconnected, and the screen went black.

The CCTV on the lobby side of the building.

The man who was looking at the screen was perplexed.

„Run to another place!‟

All the windows and entrances to the building were closed in response to the Gate Warning.

The fact that someone broke through the shutter meant…


The CCTVs kept turning off till the basement stairs.

„Damn it!‟

The man instinctively knew that it was the enemy.

Frustrated, he pressed buttons on the device under the monitor.

The traps on the 3rd basement floor were activated.

„Please don‟t notice.‟

However, as if ignoring everything that was happening, the stairs to the basement were figured

And the CCTV installed in the narrow hallway showed a black shadow on the screen.

The man tried to rewind the video.

And he set it to slow mode at 8x.


The masked man was slashing the CCTV camera with his sword at great speed.

Even though the video was slowed, the movements weren‘t clear.



At that time, the CCTV entrance to the 3rd basement was turned off.

Now, there were only two CCTV cameras left.

He thought it was one person, but there were six people.

Among those wearing black jackets, the one with the white stripe on his wrists was probably the
captain. When he gestured, two men threw something at the CCTV.


Both cameras were broken.

It meant that all he could see inside the safe room was lost.

The only shield the man had left was the trap on the 3rd basement floor, and the wall made of

„What should I do?‟

The man‘s eyes were dyed with anxiety.

Surely the wall was strong, but it was impossible to understand what was happening outside.

The man lifted his weapon in the corner of the safe room.

Sweat trickled down his forehead.

It was around 3 minutes or so.


Cold air began to enter the safe room.

He thought it was because of his breath, but then he saw white breath coming out of his mouth.

„T-this is?‟


Cold frost began to form on the wall of the safe room.

„Rapid cooling?‟

It was then.


A sharp blue blade pierced the wall of the frozen safe.

The sword energy made a single slash to take down the frozen superalloy door.

‟Damn it!


The man hurriedly tried to draw his sword.

At that very moment, the alloy door shattered, and someone broke into the safe room.

The hiding man swung his sword.

The Ghost Sword technique of the Flying Ghost Sword was unfolded in his hand.

The sword skill was so fast that it was exhilarating to see.

However, the martial arts of the intruder were far superior to his.


He lightly blocked the flashy-looking sword and then thrust his sword through the man‘s chest.



However, a woman‘s scream escaped out of the man‘s mouth.

―Found you!‖

The masked man, who was the intruder, quickly sealed the blood points.



The body couldn‘t move.

The person, who was taken down without much of a fight, looked at the masked man in anger.

The man had special goggles on, and the eyes were the only exposed part of his face, so finding
out his identity was impossible.


The masked man grabbed the person‘s head.

―Ugh! Wh-what are you doing! Let go!‖

As he shouted, the masked man lifted the grabbed head higher.


Starting with hair, the skin of the man‘s face was torn off.

When the skin was torn, muscles and veins had to be revealed, but instead, a face was revealed

A beautiful woman in her late twenties with short hair.

―Huan Xia. To be hiding in this place.‖


At the masked man‘s words, the short-haired woman, no, Huan Xia, bit her lip.

She hoped everything would be resolved, but she got caught.

The masked man reported to the captain behind.

―Target has been secured.‖

―Now, let‘s head back.‖

Hearing the masked captain‘s words, the masked man put his hands on the woman‘s shoulder.



When she tried to scream, the man sealed her blood spots, making her unable to.

Helplessly suppressed, she had no choice but to let them detain her.

The masked people climbed the stairs to the second-floor basement.


The woman was draped over the shoulder of a masked man and was led from there.

They didn‘t head to the building‘s entrance.

They went to the 2nd floor above and jumped from the window as if it was the entrance.


It was the typical blindspot as the building was in an alley, and darkness reigned everywhere.

The masked man who jumped first opened the manhole cover on the floor right in front of the

The route they used seemed to be the sewers.

„The clothes smelled disgusting…‟

Huan Xia thought.

However, it was the optimal route as the Warning was issued, and the Bureau was everywhere
blocking the roads.

―I will head down first.‖

The man who opened the manhole jumped down the sewer first.

Well, he tried to.

The moment he jumped, a sound came.




The masked man‘s body flew upwards and crashed into the wall of the building.

Clang! Srrng!

The masked men, who weren‘t sure what happened inside the sewer, pulled out their swords at

Huan Xia, who was also bewildered by what was going on, saw someone walking from one side
of the alley.

It was Chun Yeowun, walking as his black coat fluttered.

Chun Yeowun, who approached them, mumbled under his breath.

―Found the rats.‖

The eyes of the masked captain narrowed.

‟… A master.‟

Judging that the enemy was unusual, he nodded towards the manhole and told the other people
who were tying up the woman.

―Go first. I will stop him…‖

It was then.


Something fell to the alley‘s floor..

It was the captain‘s right arm.





Just as the captain was about to scream, someone grabbed his mouth and lifted him up.

„Wh-when did he?‟

The masked people, who discovered Chun Yeowun, were startled as they tried to run away.

To them, Chun Yeowun spoke in his usual cynical tone.

―Who told you that you could leave?‖



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 39 -

Another One (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Oct 17, 2021

• 10 min read • 5570 views


Huan Xia, who was draped over the masked man‘s shoulder, couldn‘t hide her surprise.

She knew that the masked people were strong since she‘d just fought with them.
Despite not being strong like the captain, the other members were skilled enough to subdue a
strong person. However, their captain himself had just lost an arm.

„Is he someone that father sent?‟

It was her first time seeing that face.

She could feel his strength, but he looked to be only in his 20s.

If her father sent him, there was a high probability that it was a mask.

„I don‟t know who you are, but please!‟

She wanted to be saved.


The captain‘s mouth was blocked by Chun Yeowun‘s hand.

The man was unable to do anything because the opponent‘s energy was beyond imagination.

„W-who the hell is this monster?‟


The masked captain groaned.

Chun Yeowun warned the masked man and the others holding the woman.

―Put down that girl and I will only cut your arm and spare your life…‖

It was then.

One of the masked men, aimed his gun equipped with a silencer.

What he aimed for was.

―I am sorry.‖

He didn‘t aim for Chun Yeowun but for the captain.


The captain‘s body was moved to the side.

If he was even a little late, the captain‘s forehead would have been pierced by the bullet.

„These ones, not colleagues?‟

Chun Yeowun frowned.

Although he was merciless to his enemies, he would never try to hurt his own men or comrades,
especially not someone who was higher than him.

„It seems like there is no use holding one as a hostage.‟

Even in the current times, extreme training seemed to have been provided.

In the event of a crisis or unexpected situation, colleagues can abandon each other and even kill
without showing mercy.

―Nothing can be done.‖

Chun Yeowun, determined just to subdue all of them, tried to move.

Making the masked man holding Huan Xia shout.

―If you don‘t want this girl dead, stop.‖



The masked man took out a knife, and put the woman down as he pointed it at her neck.

He threatened to kill her.

„Ahhh! No! I haven‟t even gotten married yet! I can‟t die as some lonely virgin!‟
Huan Xia seemed to be a woman with many regrets in her life.

She wanted to scream, but couldn‘t as the blood points were sealed, so she just shook her body.

―If you rebel, I will kill this bitch.‖

The masked man threatened.

Woong! Phat!

The masked man raised the sword qi and pointed it at Chun Yeowun.

The masked man had pushed the knife deeper into her neck, trying to show that he wasn‘t

In the meantime, a new masked man narrowed the distance to two steps in front of Chun
Yeowun at once.


The masked man‘s sword qi pierced through Chun Yeowun‘s neck at once.

It was then.



The masked man was flustered.

‗How is he holding a sword qi with his bare hands?‘

He couldn‘t believe what his eyes were seeing.

Chun Yeowun‘s hand wasn‘t cut, nor was there blood.

At that moment, the masked man pushed the knife a little more into the neck and shouted.

―You mean it doesn‘t matter if this bitch dies?‖

Chun Yeowun snorted at it.

―If you planned to kill her, you wouldn‘t have tried to kidnap her in the first place. Besides…‖


„W-Wh… What the hell is this…‟

The masked man‘s finger that was holding the knife began to open.

It was as if a tremendous amount of energy was pulling it out.


The knife was about to fall to the ground.

When it happened.

The falling knife suddenly flew up and pierced the masked man‘s forehead.




The knife was pushed so strong that it even went through the head and pierced the wall behind.

The masked man speechlessly fell down.

Thanks to that, Huan Xia, who was stabbed a little, fell to the ground.


In an instant, silence reigned.

The remaining four men were shocked.

Unless they were seeing things, it couldn‘t be the…

―A-Air sword!‖

Air Sword

Literally, it was a state of handling the sword as efficiently as speaking.

It was possible to do it at Supreme Master level, at which people became a lot better at the
execution of sword techniques.

―Supreme… Master!‖

―In this corner, there is a human class monster…‖

Actually, Chun Yeowun was at a level higher than that.

The masked people who realized that their opponent had overwhelming capabilities had no
choice but to hesitate.

There was only one thing to do if there was no way to subdue the opponent.

―All open…‖



Chun Yeowun hit the neck of the masked man, who used a sword qi with his hand.

The masked man fell down, grabbing his neck.



When they saw one of them falling, the remaining three decided to run away by unfolding light

―Escape? I told you that I won‘t let you go.‖

Chun Yeowun lowered his palm.

A tremendous energy spread over the entire alley and suppressed the masked people.



―W-what energy!‖

The masked people who were suppressed couldn‘t take another step and knelt.

They tried to, but it was of no use.

Chun Yeowun grabbed the neck of the man in front of him and asked.

―Where are you from?‖

At the question, the masked man groaned and opened his mouth.

―Kuak. Kill me.‖

At that, Chun Yeowun shook his head.

―I guess that is what you want. Well it doesn‘t matter to me. If you won‘t speak then I can think
of other ways.‖

Chun Yeowun reached out to remove the mask on the man.

What made life in this current world easier for him was that they always had phones in their ears
and radios to get in touch with other people, their leaders.

Perhaps, this one had that.

It was when Chun Yeowun grabbed the mask.


A red glow arose from the body, and a scorching heat began to spread.

It happened so quickly that even Chun Yeowun wasn‘t able to stop it.

The masked man‘s body blackened as it turned into ashes.

Chun Yeowun had seen it at Six Road Toys.

„Nano bomb?‟

It wasn‘t just this one man.

All the other masked men he defeated had turned into ashes.

Chun Yeowun‘s eyebrows rose.


He didn‘t know who did it, but the people were killed by detonating the nano bombs within their
bodies to hide their identities.

„So I wasn‟t the one he asked to kill him.‟

Perhaps he said that to the person he was in contact with.

Nano bombs were more annoying than he thought.

He could prevent them from exploding if he had time, but Chun Yeowun couldn‘t stop it once
the explosion started.


But that didn‘t mean that he couldn‘t do anything.

With this incident, he managed to come up with a countermeasure.

„However, where did they come from?‟

According to Yu Mun-pyeong of Road Six Roys, the nano bomb was difficult to obtain due to its
If they could put that in all the bodies of the masked people, then it meant that the organization
behind them was wealthy.

Moreover, they tried to kidnap a Sky Demon order clan member, who didn‘t even have any

At least, there was a high probability that their target was the Cult.

Surely this wasn‘t an internal conflict.

„It wasn‟t our Cult‟s cultivation method.‟

While he was in thought, the woman groaned.


Her eyes were shining.

Chun Yeowun approached her with an annoyed expression and released her blood points.


The moment she was released, Huan Xia tried to hug him.

―Thank you! I thought I would die before getting married. Euu!‖


Chun Yeowun pushed her away.

―Don‘t push it.‖


Huan Xia fell on the floor.

She was actually interested in Chun Yeowun, who had an overwhelming strength.

So she tried to hug him to make him help her, but she failed.
„Ugh, I am embarrassed.‟

Being pushed away was more embarrassing for her.

When she was active, she was the centre of men‘s affection. But, she never experienced someone
like Chun Yeowun.

After a moment, she regained her composure.

―Hmm, thank you. For saving my life. Maybe my father sent you?‖

Chun Yeowun was the only one who appeared at the right time.

So she assumed that her father, who knew about the crisis, had sent him.

But the answer that came from Chun yeowun‘s mouth was weird.

―Is this father the head of the Ghost Illusion clan?‖

―Did you just call my father ‗the head‘?‖ 1

She yelled at Chun Yeowun, who was treating her father like some child.


Then she heard the sound of a car stopping outside the alley.

Afraid that another enemy might appear, she said.

―L-let‘s get out of this place first. Come on.‖

―Where are you going?‖

―Are you planning to fight every single one?‖

She frowned at Chun Yeowun.

At that moment, she heard the sound of someone rushing from the vehicle that had stopped.

And as they entered the dark alley.

―Lord Chun Ma!!‖

It was Baek Jong-so.

Since the entire city was under lockdown, he took the RV vehicle of the Public Security, but
Chun Yeowun moved ahead with his light footwork.

„He arrived much faster than the car I drove at the speed of 180…‟

So fast that Baek jong-so was shocked.

Of course, looking at it now, it seemed like Chun yeowun made the right decision.

Huan Xia mumbled.

―Chun Ma?‖

If she didn‘t hear it wrong, Baek Jong-so just said ‗Chun Ma‘.

Baek Jong-so yelled at her.

―Hey! Don‘t you know how to get down on your knees in front of Chun Ma!‖


Huan Xia couldn‘t understand what was happening.

She knew about Baek Jong-so because she kept an eye on him under orders.

„Wasn‟t he the outcome of a misfortune?‟

But she couldn‘t figure out why ‗Chun Ma‘ was coming out of his mouth.


The wrist guard on Chun Yeowun‘s wrist disassembled and changed into a sword.

Her soul was blown away by the appearance of the Sky Demon Sword.

Huan Xia‘s eyes focused on the letters engraved on the sword.

―Sky Demon Sword?‖

At that, Baek Jong-so urged.

―Aren‘t you going to show respect even after seeing the sword?‖

He thought that she would feel the overwhelming feeling that he and his mother felt.

However, the woman‘s reaction was weird.


She suddenly widened the distance between her and Chun Yeowun and then pointed to him.

―Who are you? How dare you deceive a descendant of the head of the Ghost Illusion clan with a
fake Sky Demon Sword?‖

At her words, Chun Yeowun asked with an expressionless face and a cold voice.

―Fake Sky Demon Sword?‖

1. Out of respect, he had to call her father ‗Clan Leader‘. But since he‘s Lord, he just needed to say
‗Head‘. ↩



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 40 -

Another One (3)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Oct 18, 2021

• 11 min read • 5540 views

„Fake Sky Demon Sword? This woman must have lost it!‟

Baek Jong-so was so confused at Huan Xia‘s words.

Baek Jong-so, who considered it an insult to Chun Yeowun, shouted at her, at the woman who
couldn‘t recognize the real sword at once as he did.

―Fake Sky Demon Sword! What rude words are you spouting!‖

Despite his urging, Huan Xia didn‘t lose her ground and spoke.

―Baek Jong-so, no, clan leader Baek. You are being deceived. I don‘t know who that person is,
but that sword is definitely a fake!‖

―Do you even understand what nonsense you are spouting? I know who this…‖


Chun Yeowun cut his words.

Baek Jong-so wanted to yell at her in anger, but Chun Yeowun stopped him.

Seeing his cold eyes, he knew that the man wasn‘t pleased with the situation.

Chun Yeowun walked towards her.

―D-don‘t you dare come closer.‖

Huan Xia took a step back.

She had just witnessed Chun Yeowun‘s strength with her own eyes, so she was aware of the
huge difference between them.

―You need to learn to take responsibility for your words.‖

Chun Yeowun pretended to lift something with his hand.

The body of the woman, who tried to step back, floated in the air.


She tried to raise her energy, but nothing helped her.

In two steps, Chun Yeowun was right in front of her.


Terrified, she closed her eyes.

Until she heard Chun Yeowun‘s voice.

―Why did you say that my sword is fake?‖


She, who thought that the man would harm her, opened her eyes.

―I asked you why you said my sword is a fake.‖

Chun Yeowun didn‘t like hearing it.

He thought that despite being a member of the cult, the woman wasn‘t aware of the Sky Demon

Judging from her appearance, the woman seemed to be in her late twenties.

Considering the period in which the Sky Demon Order was dissolved, she might not know about
the real sword.
But the answer she gave was unexpected.

―I-Isn‘t that obvious? The Sky Demon Sword is now in the hands of the executive director Chun
Woo-kyung. How could you try this with me? You must be on the side of director Chun Yu-
seong, right?‖


Chun Yeowun couldn‘t understand it.

„Chun Woo-kyung was holding the Sky Demon Sword?‟

Even Baek jong-so, who was glaring at the woman, couldn‘t hide his confusion.

At first, it was thought that she wasn‘t aware of the sword and acted as such.

However, when they heard that the Sky Demon Sword was found, he couldn‘t understand it.

―I don‘t know a lot because they don‘t let information pass, but we know… ugh.‖

Huan Xia couldn‘t move her lips.

Her lips trembled, but they couldn‘t be moved, as if someone shut them.

―Successor of the Ghost Illusion Clan, from now on, you only answer when I ask. Do you

„W-what pressure…‟

Huan Xia‘s eyes trembled in fear.

Chun Yeowun‘s power was suppressing her.

It was like being a prey in front of a tiger.

―About these factions, which one are you supporting?‖

He asked her with a cold voice.

Huan Xia, who was shaking, spoke.

―I need to move my jaw… to speak.‖

―if you spout on more useless things, I will pull your tongue out.‖

―Hik! H-how can you say such things to a woman… ahhh!‖


Her tongue was forcibly being pulled out.

The pain spread to her throat where her tongue was connected. She then believed that Chun
Yeowun wasn‘t just threatening her, but serious about every single word he‘d uttered.

―It doesn‘t matter if you are a woman.‖

His eyes were proving it…

Normal men would be shaken by a helpless woman, especially if the woman was a beauty, but
Chun yeowun‘s eyes were cold.

„He is really going to pull it out.‟


She was slowly getting terrified.

She was too scared.


At some point, he was going to run out of patience and actually do what he said.

Huan Xia spoke with tears in her eyes.

―W-We the Ghost Illusion Clan, support Chun Yu-jang.‖

And the side they chose was revealed.

The second son.

―You said that Chun Woo-kyung possessed the Sky Demon Sword. How does a different faction
know about it?‖

Chun Yeowun was more curious about the Sky Demon Sword than the factions.

The future in which he shouldn‘t exist.

Since the sword was never actually passed down, he wanted to know who was responsible for
spreading the rumors about possessing the Sky Demon Sword.

―W-we were sent a video by the spy we planted…‖


―it is in my smartphone.‖

When she tried to reach out, Chun yeowun reached out his hand, and the smartphone around her
wrist was pulled into his hand.

She spoke in urgency.

―You need a password to open it.‖

A pin had to be pressed for the phone to unlock.

After the pin, there was an iris recognition that should be done. But she didn‘t speak about it.

―The pin is … huh?‖


However, as Chun Yeowun‘s hand touched the screen, the pin was automatically written.

„Wh-what did he do…‟

Even a professional hacker wouldn‘t be able to do it without a computer.

But this man did it by holding the phone. It was ridiculous to look at.
The automatic format function would be initiated if the iris didn‘t match, but then the video
began to play.

„No way!‟


The screen on the phone showed a seminar room that could hold a large number of people.

As the video was taken secretly, it shook a lot.

— Bring it.

In the video, a man standing on the podium in his mid-sixties gave an order, and four men
dragged a wheeled table.

A black cloth was over it.

— The members of the cult who believed and followed me. Today you will see the revelation of
Demon God.

— Woaw! Chun Ma! Chun Ma!

People in the video cheered and raised their hands.

―Is that one Chun Woo-kyung?‖


Huan Xia quickly answered Chun Yeowun‘s question.


Chun Woo-kyung made a gesture to silence the audience.

Once he gathered everyone‘s attention, he took off the black cloth on it.
And on the wall of the room, the beam project was showing the contents on the table.
Shockingly, it was the Sky Demon Sword and White Dragon Blade.


Chun Yeowun was thrilled.

He wasn‘t sure who made it, but if only the appearance was to be considered, the difference
would be unknown.

In the video, Chun Woo-kyung pointed to the screen behind him.

And something came up.

The excavation site, old bone fossil-like fragments around, and both swords were found with the
jade plate.

The image was enlarged on the jade plate.

[Sky Demon Order‘s 24th Lord Chun Yeowun]

The jade plate had the exact same phrase as the one Chun Yeowun currently had.

And the same seal of the Chun Ma on it.

Rather, the plate in the video was made to look old, as it was more genuine.

„Is he now replicating my plate too?‟

Chun Yeowun‘s eyes were turning angrier and angrier.

In the video, the man went close to the screen.

— You saw it. The executive director has found the lost history of our cult.

— Chun Ma! Chun Ma!

— Do you know what this means?

With those words, the man raised the Sky Demon Sword and the White Dragon Blade and

— It means that the Demon God has chosen me to be the next Chun Ma!

— Woah! A new Chun Ma is born!

Everyone in that room seemed to be insanely excited.

The shaking video ended, even the person who filmed it seemed surprised.

— Damn it!

The video even recorded the cursing the man kept giving.


As soon as the video ended, the phone cracked.

„M-my phone!‟

Huan Xia looked at the cracked phone.

Fortunately, it wasn‘t entirely cracked.

Chun Yeowun, who stayed silent, opened his mouth as his voice clearly showed anger.

―Doesn‘t matter.‖

Chun Yeowun has decided.

It was pathetic to have internal conflict, but even more when people were making fake claims by
replicating his swords.

―Are the three factions aware of this video?‖

―ah, the higher ups seemed to know.‖

―Higher ups?‖
―If this information was released everywhere, then normal members of the cult will be shaken.‖


Chun Yeowun snorted at her words.

The influence the name Chun Ma had on the members was absolute.

In terms of legitimacy, the eldest son would be right, but if the title of Chun Ma was brought into
play, then it didn‘t matter.

It was natural that the clan leaders didn‘t want this information going out.

―This was exposed on purpose.‖


―This was released on purpose to get people to see this.‖

Chun Yeowun knew that the video was intentionally exposed.

No matter how good the spy was, it was a high probability that he wanted this to happen and
brought in too many people to the room.

„Father said the same thing too…‟

Huan Xia was shocked.

Her father, the clan leader of Ghost Illusion clan, was of the same opinion.

Actually, she didn‘t have the right to access the information as well, but Chun Yu-jang, the
faction she supported, had let her know.

They didn‘t want their people to be shaken by what the executive director was saying.

―Lord Chun Ma.‖

Baek Jong-so called him, worried.

He didn‘t fall for the video as he saw the absolute power of Chun Yeowun.
But his anger and disappointment were growing.

„After seeing that video, you‟re still calling him Lord Chun Ma?‟

Huan Xia thought.

At her father‘s order, she kept an eye on Baek Jong-so, the clan leader of Pure Kick clan, to bring
him into the Chun Yu-jang faction.

She couldn‘t understand why the person who stayed away from these matters was showing such
loyalty to this man.

„If I stay here, all the information will be taken.‟

But the person in front of her was a monster.

And he was holding her down, so how could she escape…


At that moment, something flashed through her mind.

The words of her father, Huan Myung-oh.

[There is no chance of encountering a strong warrior, but just in case, there is one way that the
members of the higher clans use.]

She didn‘t use it till now, so she forgot it.

Thinking back, she began to release the hidden power in her dantian.


Black haze rose from her body as her hidden power was revealed.

It was gloomy and dark.

At that moment, Huan Xia‘s body, which had been suppressed by energy, didn‘t feel restricted.


She didn‘t think that it would actually work.

Only the clan leaders and the higher people in the clans inherited this demonic energy for

The demonic energy was different from normal energy. It was based on destructive energy, so it
expelled other forms of energy.

„I need to get out of here!‟


Without thinking, she tried to move away.

But she took only three steps.

―Kneel down.‖



A voice ordered her, and she fell.

She fell so bad that her knees were bleeding.

„What the hell!‟

She couldn‘t understand it.

The moment the voice was heard, her body obeyed the command.

It was done voluntarily.

„I need to get up! Get up! Get up!‟

She tried her best to use the demonic energy, but nothing happened.
On the contrary, the demonic energy in her body made her feel uncomfortable.

Chun Yeowun, who approached her, said.

―How stupid. Ghost Illusion clan…‖


―Demonic energy… Even after I disappeared, the command was followed well.‖

―What are you?‖

―Who do you think has passed down that demonic energy?‖


At that moment, an energy that transcended one‘s imagination soared from Chun Yeowun‘s

It was as close to an abyss that encroached on everything.


Huan Xia began to feel suffocated at the energy soaring around.

―Any kind of demonic energy has no choice but to succumb in front of the Sky Demon Energy.‖

―Sky, Sky Demon Energy?‖

She heard about it.

It was said that it was the power that the second generation Chun Ma had created.

„It can‟t be! I never heard of any clan that could master the Sky Demon energy…‟

Her mind denied it, but not the body.

She could feel the demonic energy in her body getting terrified.

―W-who are you?‖


Chun Yeowun met her eyes and said.

―I‘m the one you call ancestor and Lord, I possess the title of Second generation Chun Ma, I‘m
the Demon God you should worship.‖



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Chapter 41 -
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Chun Ma (Heavenly Demon) (1)

Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Oct 19, 2021

• 12 min read • 6494 views

Sky Demon Energy.

It had originated from a fallen dragon.

Pure hatred.
Murderous intent.

Pitch Darkness.

They were obtained by killing an ascending dragon.

It was the Sky Demon energy that brought all of those characteristics together.

The first Chun Ma had left behind his technique and energy for the prosperity of his future

The person who managed to obtain it was Chun Yeowun, the 2nd generation Chun Ma.

„Demonic energy.‟

Before he disappeared, Chun Yeowun had left the demonic energy to the cult members.

Cultists, who had excellent strength, were able to absorb the demonic energy inside the corpse of
the fallen spirit.

Their Lord had disappeared, but the demonic energy had been passed down from generation to
generation and remained a symbol of the Sky Demon Order.

Thud! Thud!

Huan Xia shouted while banging her head to the floor.

―This lowly member of the Sky Demon Order recognizes the 2nd Chun Ma. Please forgive my
act of rudeness in the presence of the Demon God!‖

The only energy that the demonic energy could succumb to, is the Sky Demon energy.

She felt it in her bones.

She couldn‘t help but admit that the man in front of her was Chun Yeowun, the 24th Lord who
had disappeared.

―Raise your head.‖

―How can an ignorant lowly member of the cult who couldn‘t even recognize the true Chun Ma
lift her head? I cannot do it unless I am properly punished.‖

She was nervous and embarrassed.

She couldn‘t forgive herself for pointing her finger at Chun Yeowun and for uttering that his
sword was fake.

She didn‘t have the confidence to look at his face.


Against her wishes, her body flew.

Blood was dripping from her forehead and covered her pretty face that was showing anxiety.

―Ahh…. Lord Chun Ma.‖

However, what Chun Yeowun said was completely opposite to her expectations…

―Don‘t mistake this. I am not going to punish each and every one of you individually.‖


―You and all the other members who are currently fighting will be punished.‖

Chun Yeowun‘s eyes turned cold.

Not only was the Sky Demon Order, which held a great history and power for more than 1,800
years, disbanded, but also its members are fighting each other instead of working on rebuilding

Furthermore, the Chun Woo-kyung faction had coveted the Lord‘s position by putting forth a
fake Sky Demon Sword and a fake White Dragon Blade. Not only that, but also the jade plate.
Chun Yeowun has every reason to never forgive that man.

―You will all be punished according to your sins, so be prepared.‖

―L-Lord Chun Ma…‖

For a moment, Huan Xia felt terrible.

In Chun Yeowun‘s days, it was common for brothers and sisters from one parent to kill each
other to covet the position.

It was Chun Yeowun, the Lord and the 2nd Chun Ma, who eradicated it.

He made sure not to let any outside organization interfere with the Sky Demon Order‘s internal
affairs and made sure there was no war within the cult.

„Wait. Wasn‟t it the 2nd Chun Ma who is said to have killed all the outsiders and cut all the arms
of the brothers who were competing…‟

Although much had been forgotten over time, Chun Yeowun was a legendary figure with many
things written regarding him.

He wasn‘t the kind to let people go just because they were his descendants.


―Huh? What do you mean…‖

―Tell me where your faction‘s base is.‖

―T… that…‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s direct question, she wasn‘t able to answer.

Rather, she wanted to know if he was asking about Chun Woo-kyung or Chun Yu-seong.

Actually, she didn‘t know the location.

The location where Chun Woo-kyung publicly revealed the swords was found to be a random
place and not their actual base.

The reason why Chun Yeowun didn‘t mention Chun Woo-kyung‘s base was because he knew
about it from the data he found on the smartphone.

―Don‘t think of changing topics.‖


Huan Xia fell on her knees and spoke with tears in her eyes.

―My Lord. Please have mercy on me.‖

In the end, she gave all the information she had.

She couldn‘t even remember how many times she cried in the process.

„Jinan City.‟

The base of general manager Chun Yu-jang was in Jinan city.

It was a city located in the northwest of Shandong province.

Finally, he found out about the whereabouts of the three factions.

―My Lord. I congratulate you.‖

Baek Jong-so, who swore an oath to rebuild the Sky Demon Order by following Chun Yeowun,
delivered his congratulations.

He, too, hadn‘t expected their bases‘ locations to be found out so quickly.

Since they said they would come after the Gate Warning, The location of Chun Yu-seong
faction‘s base could then be easily found.

―We will be busy once the Gate Warning is over.‖

Baek Jong-so smiled.

However, what Chun Yeowun said was completely unexpected.

―I know the location, so why do I need to wait?‖


He couldn‘t understand what Chun Yeowun meant.

The operation of the trains was suspended until the Gate Warning was over.

Moreover, to get to Jinan city, one would have to pass through 7 cities, taking at least 2 days.

―My Lord. What are you talking about…‖

―Baek Jong-so.‖


―Take your mother and follow the successor of the Ghost Illusion clan to the hideout we talked
about earlier.‖

―Sorry? Then, what about Lord Chun Ma?‖

―It might take longer, but I will be back in three days.‖

―What do you mean by that?‖


Even before he could finish his question, Chun Yeowun soared into the air.

It wasn‘t the light footwork that he knew about.

Huan Xia mumbled with surprised eyes.

―N-No! Space Movement!!‖

What Chun Yeowun unfolded was the Space Movement, the most incredible feat one could ever

A state where one can fly freely by using the internal energy.

It was an absolute light footwork technique that even most Supreme Masters couldn‘t do.

―… he isn‘t human.‖

She always heard about it, but never witnessed it.

And now she has just seen Chun Yeowun use it as he flew into the sky.


It was a dark night, and he was too high to see.

Phut phut!

As if a rocket was launched, something moved the man as he flew to the southwest at a
tremendous speed.

Huan Xia was confused when she asked Baek Jong-so.

―Wh-what did I just see?‖

Shenyang City. Gate Defense site.

The atmosphere at the Gate Defense was like a festival.

The alpha that had to be caught was captured much sooner than expected.

―West D-12 barrier.‖

―West D-13 barrier.‖

The monitoring agents were reporting.

Most of the barriers were intact, and Bu Hyeon-dong, the one in charge of the wall defense on
the western wall, also reported that all the remaining entities would be cleared soon.


Lieutenant in charge, Wei So-yong, couldn‘t hide her overflowing joy.

She was nervous the whole time, thinking that the barrier would break, but she was fortunate.

„It was C class but it passed safely.‟

She was lucky.

Of course, behind the luck was Murim.

According to a report from Bu Hyeon-dong, he said the man was an unregistered Murim, so she
was curious about his identity.

„I want to repay his favor.‟

She heard that the Alpha Horn Jackal, which had suddenly appeared towards the West E-3
barrier, was cut with one strike. It was deduced that if the person was a Gate Keeper, he would
be an A-class or an S-class.

„Well, hopefully we can get the core of the alpha.‟

Occasionally, the Murim association would offer high prices for the core, so unregistered Murim
warriors would often sell it to them.

It was when she was curious about it.


An emergency warning light appeared on the detection radar.

An agent monitoring the screen shouted.

―Commander on duty! Please look at this!‖


The man typed something on the keyboard and brought it onto the main monitor.

A radar that shone on Shenyang city.


The people in the room were confused.

The red dot, caught on the detector, was moving southwest across the city at a tremendous speed.
Wei So-yong, who was confused, shouted.

―Activate the anti-aircraft defense system now!‖

However, before they even could do anything, the red dot had already left the city.

It was incredibly fast, with a speed of Mach 13. <EditorNoteSource number=―one‖/>

―Passed Shenyang!‖

The beeping of the radar stopped.

All the soldiers in the monitoring room, who were nervous, sighed in relief.

If this unidentified flying object hovered over Shenyang, it could‘ve been a Code Red

Wei So-yong, who had lost the feel of her legs, mumbled.

―Damn it… what the hell was that?‖

People were traveling on the road in RV vehicles of the Public Security Bureau.

They were Baek Jong-so, his mother, Moyong Lee Myeong, Huan Xia of the Ghost Illusion clan,
and the wounded man from the prison.

Baek Jong-so, who was holding the steering wheel, was talking to someone on the phone.

―Okay. So, empty my room and the room of Ho-jeong.‖

— No! Director Yun Mun-pyeong knows?

―Just hurry. We are hurt.‖

— Ha. Team leader Ho-jeong should‘ve informed me. It would have been better.

The person talking to Baek Jong-so was in the hideout.

The hideout was where Baek jong-so and the mission team of the Six Road Toys had lived, a
private bunker.

―If that person snaps his finger, you are dead. If you have no intention to die, just do what I

He wasn‘t wrong.

Everyone in the hideout had nano bombs in them.

At those words, the person on the phone grumbled.

— … What is he? Thanos or something?

―Don‘t act smart and get ready!‖

— beep!

Cutting the call, Baek Jong-so sighed.

If there was a safer place, he would have guided them there, but at the moment, the hideout was
the best.


Huan Xia, who was sitting in the back seat, was holding her phone.

She was trying to contact her father.

However, as Chun Yeowun cracked the phone, there seemed to be a problem with the
communication chip. Even normal texts didn‘t work.

„Please! Please! Just work!‟

Jinan city, Northeast.

Far out of town, there was a large lot with a lake in the front and small ridges in the back.
There was a 30 story building and about ten office buildings clustered. At the entrance to the site,
there was a large company sign called Yongchun group.

The 30 story building was the headquarters of the Yongchun group.

Even though it was late at night, there were eight suited middle-aged men. They seemed to be
senior officials as they sat in a staff meeting room on the 29th floor.

At the very top of the table sat a man in his mid-50s, with white hair and sharp-looking eyes.

―I definitely said no.‖


A bearded middle-aged man in a navy blue suit said with an impatient look.

―Director Huan. I‘ve definitely said no a lot of times. The National Defense Agency said that a
Gate Warning will be issued within a day or two. Where do you want to go?‖

―But I lost contact with my daughter!‖

The middle-aged man called Huan bit his lip.

The chairman responded with a sad expression.

―Gate 19 is in the North. The defense people said that the Gate could be B class or higher this
time. If you are absent in such a situation, then who will control the cult members?‖

Class B Gate.

A disaster with a very high risk.

When a disaster type came, it was dangerous for everyone.

The chairman continued as director Huan‘s expression darkened.

―You are the most important person here. How could you, the head of an information gathering
network, be unable to control your emotions?‖
―… I apologize.‖

―In any case, Shenyang city can‘t be entered because of the Gate Warning there. Hold on a little.
Once the warning is lifted, the cult members waiting in the city will move.‖

Even though he was speaking softly, the president didn‘t want to say it.

As far as he knew, Huan‘s daughter was an adopted one and not his real child.

He heard that director Huan‘s clan had problems with female children because of the strong yin.

„She was sent there to avoid getting caught up in this war, but it still made a fuss.‟

However, for him, director Huan was an important person.

And he didn‘t want to make him feel bad.

―Anyway, the first thing to do is to find the authenticity of the item that he said he retrieved…‖


Director Huan‘s phone vibrated.

The interruption irritated the chairman, but then director Huan seemed pleased for some reason.

―Chairman! It is my daughter‘s text!‖

―See. Didn‘t I say that everything will be fine.‖

„He and his daughter… sigh.‟

Especially at the current times, it was extremely difficult to conduct a meeting.

However, after reading the text, director Huan‘s expression seemed to have changed.

Curious, the chairman asked.

―Is there a problem?‖

―I have no idea what this means. She said that…‖


Another text came in.

―Chun… Ma?‖


It was then.


A loud roar was heard from above the building.

Something suddenly pierced the ceiling and landed on the table.

At the sudden scene, everyone stepped back at once.

―Wh-what is going on?‖

The chairman, who also got up and moved back, had his eyes focused on something in the
middle of the table.


A precious black sword with a unique black brilliance different from a normal sword.

It seemed familiar.

There were three letters engraved on the sword. The chairman‘s eyes shook as he read them.


It was then.


Another thing fell from the ceiling and entered the room through the same hole.

This time, it was much bigger, and the entire room was covered in dust.
―What is it?‖



People pulled out their weapons.


Then, the dust settled with a weird sound.

A young man with a fair face and black coat.

Chun Yeowun.

―Who dares to…‖

Chun Yeowun looked down at the people and said.


At that moment, the seniors in the room were forced to kneel against their wills.

Thud! Thud!


―What the hell is this!‖

Everyone couldn‘t hide their shock at what was happening.

What made them even more shocked was.


The arrogant chairman was no exception.

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Chapter 42 -
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Chun Ma (Heavenly Demon) (2)

Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Oct 20, 2021

• 12 min read • 5646 views

The executives of the Yongchun group, who knelt down as they were suppressed by the Sky
Demon energy, quickly grasped the situation.

Unlike Huan Xia, a young member of the Ghost Illusion clan, they were all leaders of the higher
clans in the Sky Demon Order even before it dissolved.

Naturally, they had the ability to figure out the cause of what was happening.

„Demonic energy is trembling.‟

„Demonic energy is going out of control.‟

They instinctively recognized that the cause was Chun Yeowun.


„What the hell is this man‟s…‟

The demonic energy emanating from Chun Yeowun was different from the energy they

It was like the difference between a sea and a river.

„Was there ever a demonic energy that could force others to surrender?‟

The demonic energy itself couldn‘t be controlled.

Those with demonic energy could weaken others.

However, it was the first time that they felt it shuddering inside them.

Chun Yeowun, who glanced at them, opened his mouth.

―This is good. Are you the people leading this faction?‖

„This faction?‟

Their eyes turned bitter.

They managed to understand two things.

First, This person knew about them.

And second, the man most probably belonged to another faction.

―You were sitting on the top.‖

Chun Yeowun‘s gaze turned to the chairman as he spoke.

Chun Yeowun, who was standing on the table, approached him.

It was then.




Chun Yeowun‘s eyes shone.

Two people, who were on their knees, stood up.

One of them was director Huan Myong-ho, the current clan leader of the Ghost Illusion clan.

[Suppress demonic energy…]

At director Huan‘s message, the other people understood what he meant.

It has been nearly a thousand years since demonic energy got introduced to the Cult.

And that thousand years was enough for them to wield it freely.

„If the demonic energy is being restrained…‟

They just had to push it.

As Huan Myung-oh said, they began to suppress the demonic energy inside them, and the control
over their body, which had been restrained, returned back to normal.


Before long, another three people, including the chairman, stood up.

However, there were four more who were relatively weak in controlling their internal energy.
That‘s why they couldn‘t stand up.

―Pretty good.‖

Chun Yeowun praised the five who got up.

It wasn‘t that they overpowered him, but he liked how they responded calmly to the situation.

Huan Myung-oh held the ghost sword tightly in his hand.

―I am Huan Myung-oh, the clan leader of the Ghost Illusion clan. Are you a leader in our Cult?‖

Huan Myung-oh was convinced that Chun yeowun was a member of the Cult.

Among all the Murim people, only Cult members were able to deal with the demonic energy.

But they couldn‘t figure out who the man was.

„That sword…‟

Huan Myung-oh‘s gaze turned to the sword in the middle of the table.

Who wouldn‘t know that sword?

They weren‘t sure if it was genuine, but it was very similar to the sword the Chun Woo-kyung
faction had shown.

At that time, Chun Yeowun spoke.

―For a descendant of Elder Huan, your tone is quite manly.‖

―Elder Huan?‖

―If it wasn‘t for that face and the Ghost Sword, I wouldn‘t have believed that you were a Ghost
Illusion clan leader, but an ordinary member of the cult.‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s words, Huan Myung-oh‘s impression hardened.

Within the Cult, the only people who knew about his sword were the previous clan leaders of
Ghost Illusion, the Lord, and the clan leaders of other higher clans.

„How did he know?‟

Even the chairman didn‘t know that director Huan had a skin mask on.

It was natural.
The clan leaders of the Cult only revealed their swords and faces to the Lord.

The current chairman had ordered that those who support him should present themselves proudly
to him.

That‘s why Huan Myung-oh removed the mask, but in fact, it was a rare double masking.

―Director Huan?‖

The chairman looked at him as if asking if it was real, and Huan Myung-oh couldn‘t hide his

It was a difficult situation.

At that moment, someone raised their sword towards Chun Yeowun.

―I don‘t know which clan you belong to, but don‘t act up in front of our chairman!‖

He was a swordsman with excellent swordsmanship skills.

The sword kept changing at various angles with the versatility of a snake.




The middle-aged man who unfolded the sword technique couldn‘t hide his fluster.

Even before the technique was entirely unfolded, Chun Yeowun grabbed the sword‘s blade with
just two fingers.

―Seven Snake Sword of the Snake Sword Clan, but….There are a few changes.‖


When Chun Yeowun applied energy, the blade broke.

―Compared to Suh Deng, you are far behind. You must be ashamed to be the descendant of the
1st elder.‖


The man‘s eyes fluttered.

Suh Deng was the 6th ancestor and the great leader of his clan.

―You will pay the price for swinging that sword at me.‖



Chun Yeowun flicked the broken blade with his finger.

The blade flew at a weird angle and pierced the left chest of the man.


Woong! Bang!

It wasn‘t known how strong the attack was, but the middle-aged man crashed into the wall.

―General Manager Suh!‖

The members in the room were astonished.

General manager Suh was a Superior Master, one of the top three people.

But just now, he was easily taken down.

According to the Murim Association, he must be top class.

―You are from a different faction right?‖

The only woman in the room, a middle-aged woman wearing a black skirt, aimed her unique-
looking sword with a wire attached to it at Chun Yeowun.
As if playing an instrument, she flicked the wire with her fingers and extended the sword


At her act, everyone covered their ears.


At that moment, along with a deafening sound that vibrated the entire conference room, swords
spread around as if water was spraying from a hose and covered Chun Yeowun.

„Waveform Sword!‟

It was the Sound Clan‘s unofficial Demon Sound Sword.

It was a technique that could only be unfolded when the person reached Superior Master level.

„You can‟t stop this!‟

The technique was more effective in narrow spaces.

The corners of her lips went up.


―Indeed, must be from Sound Clan.‖

Chun Yeowun lightly tapped his palm in the air.


Round ripples appeared in the air with a loud sound, and an invisible wall blocked all the swords.

―No way! The clan‘s…‖

Was blocked too easily.

Even if the opponent was of Supreme Master level, he should have at least a five-step distance
from the swords to stop them, but this man had just easily stopped them at such a narrow

―A combination of swords and sound waves… Quite useful. Sound Clan.‖

Chun Yeowun was unexpectedly interested in the advanced techniques of the clan.

Even since he became the Lord, the Sound clan had weakened a lot compared to the past.

But in the current times, martial arts seem to have become more advanced.

―Sound clan seems to be doing better.‖

―What do you mean?‖


Chun Yeowun reached out to her.

Then suddenly, the woman grabbed her chest and began to scream.


It wasn‘t like applying pressure with internal energy.

It was a pain she was experiencing for the first time in her life. It felt as if someone was eating
her heart away.


She couldn‘t understand what was happening to her.

Even if she didn‘t move, her heart still hurt.

Deciding that something was wrong with her body, she tried to raise her internal energy.


When she used her Dantian, the pain spread even more, and she couldn‘t raise the internal

Even the slightest movement caused extreme pain in her body.

It felt like her body was being eaten alive.


―Manager Hang!‖

The other people were worried.

Her eyes were trembling in pain.

„Is my heart giving out?‟

At first, she couldn‘t understand why she was suddenly feeling pain.

But then, one thing came to her mind.

„Poison Parasite?‟

Parasite poison.

That is the Poison Clan‘s technique, a dangerous poison that becomes dormant in the host‘s

She knew what it was.

It was a curse that was passed down in her family from generation to generation.

„No way…‟

She, who kept holding her heart, looked at Chun Yeowun.

She heard that the poison in her body was dormant and that it was placed in her ancestor Hang
Soyu, as a punishment from Chun Yeowun, the 24th Lord.
The Gu poison was created by the first Chun Ma and could only respond to the Sky Demon

It was a poison that could only be controlled with Sky Demon energy.

„How can this be…‟

The clan put a lot of effort into getting rid of the poison in their bodies.

However, no matter how advanced the medical technology was, they couldn‘t find a way to get
rid of the poison that held onto the Dantian and heart.

Eventually, the clan gave up and lived normally as no descendant could control the Sky Demon

―W-who are you? How are you using Sky Demon energy?‖

―Sky Demon energy!‖


At the words of Manager Hang, the others became confused.

They knew that the demonic energy the man used was different, but they never thought it could
be the Sky Demon energy.

Because the Sky Demon energy wasn‘t passed down after the 2nd Chun Ma.

―So, you still don‘t know who I am?‖


Black energy exploded from Chun Yeowun‘s body.

All the people were shocked by the suffocating energy that was different from the energy he
released the first time.

„H-how can this be…‟

They knew it.

They were trying to suppress the demonic energy within them, but now, despite their trials to
suppress it, it kept trembling.

They looked at the Sky Demon Sword that was on the table.

„Sky Demon Sword… Sky Demon energy!‟

It symbolized only one thing.

One person knelt down.


It was Huan Myung-oh.

Huan Myung-oh, who knelt down, then banged his head on the floor three times and shouted.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

―Huan Myung-oh, a lowly member of the Great Sky Demon Order, greets the Chun Ma!‖

As soon as he said those words, almost everyone else bent down and shouted in unison.

―We greet the Chun Ma!!!‖

The absolute title of the Sky Demon Order.

No one could disobey the holder of the title of Chun Ma.

However, one person didn‘t bow.

He was the chairman of the Yongchun group.

―No way! The Sky Demon energy has disappeared since the 24th Lord! What are the elders
doing! You must only kneel to me!‖

The chairman was so angry that veins started to pop up on his forehead.
Despite his cry, not a single bowing person lifted their head.

„No way!‟

These were the people who supported and followed him.

However, they easily abandoned him because of a person who showed the power of Chun Ma.

He couldn‘t believe it.

―That Sky Demon Sword has to be fake, how can he have the sword that went missing along
with the 24th Lord?‖


The angry chairman rushed to attack Chun Yeowun.

―Do not test my patience!‖

He drew his sword and unfolded it.

He unfolded the 2nd form of the Sword Force of Sky Demon, which drew 24 splendid

The Sword Force of Sky Demon, known to be the most perfect swordsmanship in the entire
Murim, was unfolded in his hands.

Chow! Chow! Chow! Chow!

„oh oh oh!‟


As they saw the sword being unfolded, all the people on the floor exclaimed.

Among the two sons of the previous chairman, the chairman‘s swordsmanship was known to be
excellent as he was the talented one.

And only those who knew the technique would be able to block and defend themselves.
„I am going to reveal that you are fake!‟

The chairman was too proud of himself.

He was confident that there was no one worthy of being his opponent.

Chun Yeowun clicked his tongue.

―Since when did someone who isn‘t even the Lord start being taught the Sword Force of Sky


He had no sword, yet he stopped a sword.

But what was more shocking.

―There is no connection from the 8th to 9th change. And the 13th form is horrible.‖




Chun Yeowun lightly pushed the right elbow.

And the chairman‘s technique form shook.


Puck! Kuak!


Chun Yeowun kicked the ankle.

The chairman felt his ankle break, and the sword fell.

The sword that was lost from his grip flew to the ceiling and pierced it.


As his ankle got broken, the chairman fell down on the table.

The sword that was supposed to be the most perfect ended before he could even properly unfold

„H-how did this happen?‟

The chairman looked at Chun Yeowun with a puzzled face.

Even the Lord, who was currently imprisoned, never pointed out his mistakes in such a
dangerous way.

With a trembling voice, he asked.

―Who… who are you?‖

Leaning closer to him, Chun Yeowun looked him in the eye and asked.

―Who am I? The 24th Lord. The one who disappeared.‖


At the unexpected answer, the chairman‘s eyes widened.

To him, Chun Yeowun spoke in a cold voice.

―Did you think that you could turn the Cult into such a mess and get away with it?‖



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Chapter 43 -
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Chun Ma (Heavenly Demon) (3)

Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Oct 21, 2021

• 9 min read • 5618 views




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The missing 24th Lord, Demon God Chun Yeowun.

More than a thousand years have passed since he disappeared.

„Does this even make sense?‟

The chairman‘s eyes were wide and shaking.

Nowadays, the average human lifespan ranges from 90 to 120 years, thanks to the development
of the medical field.
Among the Murim people who always worked on honing their skills, only eight registered
Murim warriors had lived over 170.

It was an era in which longevity was possible, but it made no sense for a person to live a
thousand years.

„No matter how I look…‟

The man in front of him looked like he had just turned twenty.

It would have been impossible without having immortality.

That was when something struck his mind.

„The 24th ancestor, the Demon God, was said to be the only person who reached the Heavenly
Master level in Murim.‟

The last level, which was taught to be a myth, was reached.

The murim people believed that those who would reach that Heavenly Master level would
become immortal and live an eternal life.

In a trembling voice, the chairman asked.

―A-are you really the 24th Lord?‖

―I guess you weren‘t listening to my words.‖

Chun Yeowun‘s cold words made goosebumps rise all over his body.

It would be better to say that his body shuddered.

„W-Who can this…‟

If he was the Demon God he knew about, then that meant he was an actual ancestor.

After reviving the Sky Demon Order, which was once swayed by the outsiders and re-
establishing the Chun family, Chun Yeowun fought for his position and became the Lord.
„If he really is the 24th lord and ancestor, then I can‟t be like this.‟


The chairman raised his upper body and then bowed his head to Chun Yeowun.

And cried out in a loud voice.

―I am Chun Yu-jang, 24th…‖



Even before he could greet, chairman Chun Yu-jang‘s body stood up on its own.

Chun Yeowun, who was looking at him with cold eyes, opened his mouth.

―Everyone, raise your heads.‖


The others, who were bowing their heads, couldn‘t understand why Chun Yeowun said that.

But, the order of the Chun Ma was absolute.

Cautiously, they lifted their heads and looked at Chun Yeowun.

―You people are a huge disappointment.‖

In straight words, all of them ended up lowering their heads at the same time and shouted.

―We apologize!!!‖

They couldn‘t give an excuse.

They felt like they were kids in front of their parents, unable to hide the shame they were feeling.

Chun Yeowun spoke to them with a firm voice.

―Apologize? Do you think that this matter will pass with just words? Today, you will be
punished for ruining the Cult!‖


At the word ‗punishment‘, the clan leaders‘ expressions distorted heavily.

While they were puzzled, Chun Yeowun‘s hand went to Chun Yu-jang‘s left wrist.

―You will be the first.‖


Chun Yu-jang nervously gulped.

Director Huan Myung-oh looked at him with worried eyes.

„Still, he is a direct descendant, and can be very use…‟



A scream erupted from his mouth.

And shock appeared in the eyes of the people who witnessed it.

Chun Yu-jang‘s wrist fell to the floor.


―Do you have to go this far!‖

The others couldn‘t hide their shock as they didn‘t expect their arms to be cut off.

Not caring about their reactions, Chun Yeowun spoke to Chun Yu-jang, who was in pain.

―First! The punishment for messing up the Cult and causing all its members to scatter and hide!‖

Chun Yu-jang looked at Chun Yeowun with fearful eyes.

He was prepared to take some punishment, but he never thought his wrist would be cut off.

―My Lord!‖

Huan Myung-oh stepped forward while kneeling and said.

―This is too extreme. Even if that is true, the chairman is the leader of the faction, and a direct


Chun Yeowun snorted and waved his hand.

The severed wrist of Chun Yu-jang, which fell to the floor, moved in front of Huan Myung-oh.


As he saw it, Huan Myung-oh trembled.

Chun Yu-jang‘s severed part was emitting a chill as if it had been put in a freezer.

„It is freezing. No way!‟

During the measures of rejoining an amputated body part, the cut parts were often wrapped in a
handkerchief or gauze and placed in an ice pack.

It was to minimize the tissue damage.


„The cut section is clean.‟

It looked like he cut it out of anger, but it was done with care.

For those who reached Chun Yeowun‘s level, handling the sword to minimize damage was an
easy task.

„He didn‟t just cut it.‟

He was literally delivering the punishment.

If Chun Yeowun had cut it in rage or anger, then rejoining it would be impossible.

When Huan Myung-oh realized that he wasn‘t hurting but punishing them, he had no choice but
to keep his mouth shut.


Chun Yu-jang, who didn‘t know it, was losing his mind.

Because he made one mistake, his wrist was cut off.

He was afraid to think of a second or third mistake that could cost him his neck.

―P-please forgive me.‖

Chun Yu-jang said in a pleading voice.

―Second! The punishment for disintegrating the Cult because of self-interest and greed for the
Lord position when the entire Cult was in crisis.‖



Chun Yu-jang‘s eyes widened.

The place where Chun Yeowun‘s palm was headed was none other than his Dantian.

He was even more flustered than when his arm was cut off.

―An-ancestor! No… not this… please!‖

―Not what?‖


Chun Yeowun grabbed the abdomen.

Internal energy began to dig into Chun Yu-jang‘s dantian.


Like a piece of paper, Chun Yu-jang‘s face wrinkled.

Instinctively, he tried to raise his internal energy to fight it off, but the difference between them
was too great.

Chun Yeowun‘s energy began to dig deep, causing pain all over the body.


From neck to forehead, veins were popping up. The people seeing it couldn‘t hide the fear
showing up on their faces.

„Is he trying to break the Dantian?‟

If that is the case, then cutting off the arm was just the beginning.

―Ancestor! Please! Please forgive me! Achhh!‖

―I will seal the dantian of the three bastards who ruined the Cult until all of them are gathered at
one place.‖

With those words, Chun Yeowun released his hand.

The painful burning fire in the body disappeared right away.

―Huh…. Huh…‖

„M-my internal energy?‟

Chun Yu-jang‘s face turned white.

Sealing his Dantian wasn‘t a lie.

The internal energy inside his body didn‘t move on his request.

With his arms cut off and his dantian sealed, his eyes reddened as he realised how miserable he

What was even more unbearable was that it was happening in front of the clan leaders.

„Ahhh… how can you do this to your direct descendant?‟

There was nothing more to lose.

For becoming the Lord of the Cult, he even broke apart from his own older brother.

And when his only purpose in life was shattered like that, he lost his motivation.

To him, Chun Yeowun said.

―Third one.‖


Now Chun Yu-jang felt like crying.

What more could be done after cutting his wrist and sealing his dantian?

It was then.

Beep! Beep!

The office phone rang.

Not only that, but the phones of all the people in the room started to ring.


Chun Yeowun was puzzled.

He made sure to cut off any interference in the room by covering it with energy, but still,
something happened.

„Not the ones outside.‟

Outside the room, there were around two prominent people who seemed to be guards.

And they didn‘t come in when the ceiling was broken.


Chun Yeowun looked at the curtain in the room covering the scenery outside.

―Answer it.‖


At Chun Yeowun‘s words, Huan Myung-oh answered the phone.

―I am in a meeting right now.‖

He intended to cut it off.

However, Huan Myung-oh‘s face was shocked.

He cut the call right away and hurried out to open the curtain that was covering the window.

The moment he opened the curtain, he saw several vehicles of the National Guard gathered at the
entrance of the building.

―Defense forces.‖

―Why are they here?‖

No one could understand it.

Huan Myung-oh spoke in a cautious voice as he looked at Chun yeowun and Chun Yu-jang.

―It is Major Baek Jin-chang of the National Guard.‖

―Baek Jin-chang? Why is he here?‖

―It seems like an unidentified flying object fell on our building, and it has to be a gate related
problem, so they requested us to cooperate with the search.‖
Upon hearing that it was an unidentified flying object, everyone‘s eyes turned towards Chun

He was the only one who flew through the ceiling.

As he didn‘t predict this to happen, Chun Yeowun rubbed his chin.

„Nano. Didn‟t you fly in stealth mode?‟

[The infrared camera must have captured the heat rays emitted by the magnetic particles, the
radar couldn‘t see it.]

The radar could be blocked.

However, the Gate Defense Forces had taken measures to prevent the approach of dangerous
objects into the barrier. It was only natural that they detected the movement.


It was when he looked out of the window and started to think about what to do.

Chun Yu-jang spoke.



―If it is Baek Jin-chang of the National Guard, then I think I can do something about it.‖

―What can you do?‖

―He received a lot of donations from our Yongchun group.‖

The Yongchun was able to be listed in Jinan city because it had built a strong relationship with
the high-ranking officials.

After looking at his eyes, Chun Yeowun released the internal energy suppressing the people.

―T-thank you for trusting me. I-I will get this done soon.‖
Chun Yu-jang, who managed to escape the third punishment because of the unexpected
appearance of the National Guard, hurriedly left the room with Huan Myung-oh and others.

Chun Yu-jang‘s mouth twitched as he headed to the elevator.

„Nice timing!‟

He felt genuinely grateful for the appearance of the National Guard.



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Chapter 44 -
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Chun Ma (Heavenly Demon) (4)

Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Oct 22, 2021

• 10 min read • 5592 views


The entrance to the Yongchun group‘s headquarters building was through the wide lake.

A National Guard vehicle was encamped there, and more than fifty people of the National Guard
were waiting in line at the closed entrance.

In front of them was a shot, a middle-aged man with pale eyebrows. He was Major Baek Jin-

―Major Baek. Do we really need to wait here? Let‘s start the search right away.‖

Said a bearded man, who was waiting with crossed arms.

―Wait up. Don‘t be impatient, captain Ha.‖

The bearded man‘s vest had the Gate Keepers pattern drawn on it.

He was Ha Hyun-gang, the Gate Keepers captain in Jinan city.

Unable to understand, Ha Hyun-gang protested.

―Don‘t be impatient? An unidentified flying object fell here! If it has anything to do with the
Gate, it would be a huge problem, right? I can‘t quite understand why the Major is being so kind
to the Yongchun group.‖

Displeased, Baek Jin-chang frowned.

Actually, as the captain said, they had the authority to forcibly conduct a search if there was a
Gate-related problem.

The reason he didn‘t resort to it was simple.

„The amount of money we receive from the Yongchun group is worth the wait.‟

The search should be conducted as gently as possible so that he and the National Guard keep
constantly receiving donations.

However, it wasn‘t something he could just say.

―As you know, the Yongchun group are Murim warriors. If they discovered such a dangerous
object, they would have reported. But look.‖

The premises were quiet.

If a dangerous object had fallen, it would have been noisy.


Ha Hyun-gang realised that it was useless to keep trying to persuade him.

He knew that the Yongchun group had considerable influence in Jinan, but it was a shame that
even the National Guard was under them.

It was around 15 minutes after the search request was made.

From the building‘s side, Chairman Chun Yu-jang appeared with the executives and about forty
men in uniforms that seemed to be like security guards,

―Don‘t you feel that something is wrong? Major Baek?‖

―… Stay silent.‖

Baek Jin-chang, who reprimanded the captain, approached them.

And with a bright spike, he spoke to Chun Yu-jang.

―Oh my! Chairman Yong Yu-chun. Sorry for bothering you late at night.‖

Yong Yu-chun.

A pseudonym.

Since the official dissolution of the Black Sky Company, most of the clan leaders, including the
Lord‘s family, hid their true identities and used different names.

―It is cumbersome. Hahaha. But you people work hard to guard the wall every day, why would a
normal businessman be bothered by you?‖
The two people exchanged light words.

„As expected of our chairman.‟

Director Huan Myung-oh was happy to see Chun Yu-jang‘s acting naturally.

He was anxious since the chairman‘s wrist was cut and his Dantian was sealed, but the man acted
as professionally as one could.

Baek Jing-chang, who looked at the bandaged left arm with a puzzled look, commented.

―You look like you were injured.‖

―Ah… It was a small accident.‖

―Is that so?‖

„An accident?‟

Baek Jin-chang was confused.

The chairman of the Yongchun group was an unregistered Murim, but he knew that he possessed
great martial arts.

In fact, he had seen the man in action several times in the war.

―Anyway, I heard that you made a search request for an unidentified flying object.‖

―Hmmm, indeed. The National Defense Agency caught a flying object, but it disappeared at this

Baek Jin-chang spoke as if he was sorry about it.

As if saying that the search was inevitable.

―Ahh, that makes sense. However.‖

At that, Chun Yu-jang looked at Huan Myung-oh, who was next to him.
Director Huan Myung-oh nodded his head as he took out a tablet PC from his bag and showed it
to Baek Jin-chang.


―We received permission from the city hall security department to give our report by tomorrow
mornng after our security team conducts a search of its own.‖

Baek Jin-chang frowned at that.

At the bottom of the email was indeed the mark of the Jinan City Hall and an electronic signature
of the security department‘s head.


He actually wanted to do a rough search of the building because of their relationship and leave,
but he felt something was up when they showed him that mail from city hall.

At that time, Ha Hyun-gang, the Gate Keepers captain, who was listening from the side,

―Major Baek. Even if the City hall gave them permission, isn‘t this a matter that the National
Defense Agency has to check in person?‖

Hearing that, Chun Yu-jang narrowed his eyes and said.

―Isn‘t the City Hall Security higher than the Defense? Captain Ha?‖

―That‘s when it‘s not a Gate-related issue. Chairman Yong.‖


As Ha Hyun-gang took a step forward, the twelve Gate Keepers behind him walked ahead.

They were showing that they would do it even by force.

„Cheeky bastard.‟

The Yongchun group didn‘t get along well with the Gate Keepers.
Chun Yu-jang, who was in a bad mood after being scolded by Chun Yeowun, didn‘t accept their

Chun Yu-jang raised his right hand.

And the security guards behind him had their hands on their waist.


―Ha! What does this mean!? Major Baek! The Yongchun group says that they are going to fight
the National Guard now! Are we really going to head back?‖

Baek Jin-chang couldn‘t help but be flustered at Ha Hyun-gang‘s words.

„Damn it!‟

He was literally in a dilemma.

Considering the city hall permission they‘d received and his relationship with the Yongchun
group, the right thing to do would be to give up the search and return.

However, as Ha Hyun-gang said, all the authority rested in the National Guard‘s hand if it was a
Gate-related problem.

„I shouldn‟t have brought the Gate Keepers.‟

If the object was hostile, then the Gate Keepers were needed.

The Gate Keepers seemed to be ready to fight people if they had to.

A confrontation was bound to happen.


At that moment, someone got out of a Gate Keepers car and approached them.

It was a woman in her late twenties with shiny brown hair, a white shirt, a huge chest, and black
pants tight enough to show her curves.
The Gate Keepers, including their captain, reacted strangely at the woman‘s appearance.

„What now?‟

Chun Yu-jang looked at her with puzzled eyes.

He had been in Jinan city for a long time, but it was his first time seeing her.

She spoke to the captain.

―How long are you going to hold it off? Please quickly proceed with the search.‖

To that, Ha Hyun-gang cautiously responded.

―The Yongchun group said that they talked to the city hall security department and said that they
would conduct their own searc…‖

―Since when did a single company have the authority to stop the searches of the defense and
Gate Keepers? Do it now!‖

―Alright! Conduct the search!‖


At her resolute command, the Gate Keepers tried to enter.


They were blocked by the security guards of the Yongchun group, who pulled out their weapons.

Although they looked like normal guards, they were all first-rate warriors as they were members
of the Sky Demon Order.

Chun Yu-jang shouted at the Gate Keepers who were about to enter the site.

―I am sure that I told you we received the permission. If you ignore it, we will have to exercise
our right to self-defense.‖

―Right to self-defense?‖
The woman with brown hair stepped forward and reached out to the security guard.


At that moment, the guards blocking the entrance fell down to the floor.

They were speechless.


―M-my body…‖


The guards couldn‘t even move.

Unlike internal energy that would push them down, their bodies seemed to have turned heavy.

„Is that woman an A-class Gate Keeper?‟

Director Huan Myung-oh tried to judge her abilities based on what he witnessed.

He looked around at the falling guards and moved to subdue the brown-haired woman at once.


His ankles suddenly crashed into the floor as if something heavy was attached to them.

He was barely holding on.

„My body feels heavier.‟

He knew that Gate Keepers had extraordinary abilities, but he had never experienced such
strength before.



Huan Myung-oh decided to unleash energy to block the power that was subduing him.
As expected, when he defended with internal energy, his body could move freely again.


Huan Myung-oh rushed to the woman.

―You are pretty good, but…‖

She reached down and then lowered her hand.



Unlike the first time when his body turned heavy, Huan Myung-oh collapsed as if something
huge was crushing him from above.

The ground around Huan Myung-ho hollowed out.


He tried to move, but it was impossible.

The more he tried to move, the stronger the pressing force got.

„I-I wasn‟t mistaken. This is gravity…‟


Huan Myung-oh‘s face dug into the ground.

―What is this?‖

Chairman Chun Yu-jang couldn‘t hide his shock.

He never imagined that director Huan, a Superior Master, could be so helpless.

Then a Gate Keeper shouted with a confident voice.

―As expected of an SS-class Gate Keeper!‖


The Yongchun people went stiff.


The highest level a Gate Keeper could ever be was S-class.

However, among the S-class, there were very few who had amazing strength.

Therefore, the government gave them a special class, the SS-class.

―Why is there an SS-class here?‖

It was Chun Yu-jang‘s first time seeing a SS class.

Ha Hyun-gang, the captain, spoke to the chairman, who was flustered.

―I guess you are out of luck. Chairman Yong. You are provoking the SS-class Keeper, Yu So-
hwa the Gravity Witch.‖

The brown-haired woman‘s name was Yu So-hwa.

An SS-class keeper capable of handling gravity.

―Stop spouting nonsense and start the search. Is Major Baek going to just stand there?‖

―Ah-I understand!‖

Baek Jin-chang answered in a shocked tone.

It seemed like he didn‘t know her identity as well.

The SS-keepers were considered priority citizens and had the title of world colonels.

„I am sorry.‟

Baek jin-chang shook his head as he could never oppose her.

―Everyone proceed with the search.‖


The National Guard tried to enter the site by following the Gate Keepers.

Chun Yu-jang‘s face contorted.

„Damn it!‟

The search that should have been stopped was going to be conducted because of an SS-class
Gate Keeper.

If his Dantian wasn‘t sealed, he would have stood up and fought, but now, there was no one who
could stop the monster.


The Gate Keepers reached ahead of him.

And while passing him, the captain laughed at Chun Yu-jang.

It was then.

[Third. You are weak! Although you drew the sword because you wanted the position, you
couldn‘t rebuild the Cult and only made the members‘ confusion grow.]



As they were trying to enter the site, Ha Hyun-gang and the Gate Keepers were thrown back.




They collided with the National Guards behind them and fell down.

The SS-class Keeper Yu So-hwa‘s eyes narrowed when she saw them fly back.
At that moment, someone appeared in front of Chun Yu-jang.

It was.


Chun Yeowun.

As Chun Yu-jang was surprised, Chun Yeowun spoke to him.

―It is a sin to be weak.‖



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 45 -

SS-class Gate Keeper (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Oct 23, 2021

• 10 min read • 5403 views




Ha Hyun-gang, the Gate Keepers captain, who was thrown out by an unknown force, looked at
Chun Yeowun, who suddenly appeared in front of him.

„What was it?‟

An unknown force suddenly blew them away.

He then realised that the unknown force was energy.

It was something entirely related to the Murim people, called internal energy.


However, this man seemed very different from the other Murim people he knew.

He was exuding an overwhelming sense of intimidation, which he felt only in Gate battles.


Even the other Gate Keepers took fighting stances as their eyes focused on one person.


Chairman Chun Yu-jang gazed at Chun Yeowun‘s back.

Chun Yeowun didn‘t turn and clicked his tongue while saying.

―Tch, since when did the Cult start paying people? Since when did it start to get pushed aside by
bizarre people who aren‘t even warriors?‖

Chun Yu-jang couldn‘t think of an answer.

Rather, he felt terrible.

In the Black Sky Company‘s old days, the Sky Demon Order dominated Murim and was
untouched even by the government.

Chun Yu-jang wanted to bring back those days too.

„But. This isn‟t the time where one great warrior can change everything.‟

The words didn‘t come out.

It was because he strongly sympathized with the saying, being weak is a sin.

That was when someone shouted.

―Chairman Yong!‖

It was Baek Jin-chang.

He was shouting with an angry face.

―Didn‘t we say that the search had to be done? Are you going against the National Guard!‖

It was Baek Jin-chang‘s last warning.

Actually, that last warning wasn‘t necessary, but since he didn‘t want the company funds to be
halted, he tried to play it low.

„Please get out of our way. Please! The SS-class Gate Keeper isn‟t from Jinan city nor is she
someone that I can stop!‟

He wanted to say it out loud, but he couldn‘t.

Chun Yu-jang couldn‘t hide his shock.

Despite receiving permission from the city hall, it was overrun by the National Guard. That
meant all the money they kept giving to create contacts was all for nothing.

The SS-class Keeper, Yu So-hwa, spoke to Baek Jin-chang, who was giving warnings.


―They have already interfered with the execution of official duties. Arrest them!‖


Baek Jin-chang shut his mouth at her resolute command.

It seemed like leading a conversation was impossible.

Besides, since the Yongchun Group was made of Murim warriors, they wouldn‘t easily let
themselves get arrested.


Baek Jin-chang raised his hand and shouted.

―Squad 1 and 2. Get Ready to fire!‖

―Ready to fire!‖

At his command, 20 National Guards took out their guns and aimed them all at Chun Yeowun,
Chun Yu-jang, and the fallen company guards.

―Chairman Yong. Please don‘t resist. If you move even a little, we will shoot…‖



Chun Yeowun took a step ahead before he could even finish speaking.


Now there was nothing else he could do.

It was because he had already warned them, and Yu So-hwa was standing right beside him.

Baek Jin-chang, who had to save his face, shouted.


As soon as the command fell, all the 20 soldiers pulled the trigger at once.


Light flashed from the muzzles as the bullets were fired.

The soldiers‘ expressions began to change as they shot at Chun Yeowun.

„What is this?‟

Every time they fired, it felt like they were seeing dots.

Confused, the soldiers stopped shooting, only to be shocked at what they were seeing.

―W-what the hell is this?‖


Surprisingly, the bullets didn‘t travel more than 3 meters and were suspended in mid-air.

It was as if an unseen wall had stopped them.

The bullets were spinning mid-air, and all the officers couldn‘t help but be flustered.

―How can this be?‖

Chun Yeowun answered them.

―Go back.‖

Chun Yeowun waved his hand lightly.

The bullets, floating mid-air, turned back.


However, as the distance was short, the soldiers couldn‘t escape.

It was then.


Bullets that had to fly back to their owners, got stuck to the ground.

Shocked, the soldiers fell back and looked at the scene with startled eyes.


Chun Yeowun‘s eyes shone.

The one who blocked the bullet was none other than the SS-Keeper.

The one called Gravity Witch, she dropped the bullets to the floor with the force of gravity.

―Soldiers fall back. This isn‘t a place where normal people can step in.‖


She asked Baek Jin-chang to call back the soldiers and spoke to Ha Hyun-gang, the Gate
Keepers‘ captain.

―Force him down.‖

The Gate Keepers were bewildered at her order.

Everyone witnessed what had just happened. Hundreds of bullets stopped in mid-air.

They knew that fighting that monster wouldn‘t be an easy task.

One of them, a B-class Keeper with a Murim background, spoke.

―Uhm, at that level. That warrior could be above the Tiger level. It isn‘t something that B and C-
class Keepers can fight.‖

Tiger Level.
A level based on the zodiac calendar.

The Murim Association graded Murim people according to their internal energy and skills. The
other organisations graded them according to the levels of zodiac deities.

[Divine Master Level - Rat level

End of Supreme Master level - Ox level

Beginning of Supreme Master level - Tiger level

End of Superior Master level - Rabbit level

Beginning of Superior Master level - Dragon level

End of Grand Master level - Snake level

Beginning of Grand Master level - Horse level

End of Master level - Goat level

Beginning of Master level - Monkey level

First rate warrior - Rooster level

Second rate warrior - Dog level

Third rate warrior - Pig level]

It was the standard used in the current times.

The higher one went, the fewer the number of warriors would be.

And according to the association, there was currently no Rat level (Divine Master level) warrior
in the world.

However, there was a rumor that the Chairman of the Murim Association, one of the five great
warriors of the current Murim, has risen to that level.

Of course, it hasn‘t been officially confirmed.

„An S-class Keeper can only face a Rabbit face.‟

One of the Gate Keepers was a B-class and a Super master level in Murim.

He was the leader of a Gate Keeper Platoon, but even he didn‘t want to deal with a monster who
could stop bullets.

―These Murim people!‖

Ha Hyun-gang shook his head.

He hated how murim people had a habit of figuring out the opponent‘s skills before fighting.

And if they deem the opponent superior, they don‘t think it is necessary to fight.

―Get out you cowards.‖


―I don‘t want to hear it. Face the enemy with the alpha class formation.‖


The Alpha class formation.

It was a formation made to deal with alpha class entities.

A-class or higher Keepers could deal with the Alphas by themselves depending on the hazard
level, but it was difficult to deal with Alphas over B-class or higher.

―Formation B!‖

At the signal, the Keepers, accustomed to the formation, immediately moved and ran towards
Chun Yeowun from different directions.

As members of the same team, they were all trained to disperse right away.

„With this formation, we can even take down an A-class Alpha! No matter how good you are, you
are nothing in front of an A-class Alpha!‟

Ha Hyun-gang pulled out two swords from his waist.

He jumped a couple of times.


His figure vanished as he stepped into the air.

As an A-class Gate Keeper, he had the ability of invisibility and instant acceleration.

„This is quite annoying.‟

As he saw him vanish, Chun Yu-jang frowned.

Since they were in the same city, he saw the man use the ability a few times.

Being invisible wasn‘t the problem.

―Be careful! Ancestor! When the man disappears, his energy cannot be traced!‖

From his shadow to his breathing, everything got completely erased.

It was something which would normally be impossible to do, but these Gate Keepers had such
problematic abilities.

Dealing with them was never easy.

„Even if we attack from all directions, that guy has the ability to avoid it.‟

Instant acceleration ability that could be compared to a Superior Master level warrior‘s.

Besides, the synergy between invisibility and acceleration was the best.

If one wasn‘t careful, they could get knives stuck in their body.

―You shouldn‘t stand still! You need to keep moving so that he doesn‘t get too close to you!‖

Chun Yu-jang kept informing Chun Yeowun.


„Ha! Late!‟

Ha Hyun-gang smiled.

He was invisible and was already behind Chun Yeowun.


Besides, the Keepers who entered the formation tried to attack him.


Ha Hyun-gang was already aiming his knife at Chun Yeowun‘s back.

It was then.

―These bugs are bothersome.‖

Chun Yeowun turned his palm and lowered it.


Thud! Thud! Thud!



Even before they could show their abilities, the Keepers fell on their knees, being painfully

Chun Yeowun had the ability to make even Supreme Masters immobile.


As Chun Yeowun increased his energy, the people with mind-related abilities fell down as well.

Thud! Crack!


As they were pressed hard against the ground, they could feel their bones breaking.

Chun Yeowun didn‘t even bother when they started to scream their lungs out.

At that time, Chun Yeowun pretended to grab something with his left hand.

It was then,


Blood suddenly came out from the air.

Not only blood but also flesh scattered all over the place.

A gruesome spectacle that made a chill run down the spines.

„N-No way!‟

The Keepers‘ eyes went wide as they struggled on the ground.


There was something crumbled up like a ball on the floor.

A mixture of flesh, blood and what seemed to be the remains of Ha Hyun-gang‘s clothes.

―You must have thought that since you couldn‘t be seen, you couldn‘t be found.‖

Chun Yeowun shook his head.

The floor was soaked with the blood of the dead Ha Hyun-gang.


Chun Yu-jang couldn‘t help but feel amazed.

Against Chun yeowun, the overpowered invisibility turned useless.

―Monster….! He is a monster!‖

The Gate Keepers, who acknowledged the B-class Keeper‘s words, shouted.

However, it was too late.

―Now it‘s your time.‖

Chun Yeowun raised the energy even more.

It was then.


The ground under Chun Yeowun‘s feet cracked.

It was like something tremendous was crushing down on him.

―You! You are a dangerous person.‖

Finally, the SS-class Gate Keeper, Yu So-hwa the Gravity Witch, made her move.

Realizing that the other Keepers could do nothing, she decided to take the lead.

„If he is higher than the beginning of the Supreme Master Level, I have to get serious.‟

The force of gravity she applied now was incomparable to the one she used to subdue Huan

―If you don‘t want to die, surrender.‖

Yu So-hwa looked at Chun Yeowun with arrogant eyes.

She intended to crush and kill Chun Yeowun if he didn‘t yield.

―Do you think that you will be able to withstand a stronger force?‖

She reached out and pushed further.



The ground sank more than 1 meter deeper.

The exerted force was doubled.

However, Chun Yeowun still didn‘t kneel.

„More… more!‟

She started increasing it more.

At that moment, something unbelievable happened.



Chun Yeowun took a step ahead.

With a straight back and straight knees, he seemed to be totally unaffected by the gravity.


He continued to walk.

Too casually.

―So what is gravity?‖

„No way. How is he unaffected?‟

The poker face she kept wearing, shook.

If an Alpha entity was to be put under that kind of pressure, they would‘ve been crushed.

As confusion started to appear on her face, Chun Yeowun said.

―On your knees.‖


It was then.



Her knees crushed onto the floor.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 46 -

SS-class Gate Keeper (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Oct 24, 2021

• 8 min read • 5369 views

„I…I am on my knees?‟

Yu So-hwa‘s eyes widened.

The humiliation was much greater than the pain.

After becoming an SS-class Gate Keeper and earning the title of Gravity Witch, she believed that
no person could ever stand in front of her.

But this man had just made her kneel.

―It is an interesting ability, but you will have to pay the price for your actions.‖

Chun Yeowun reached out to her.

At that time, Yu So-hwa, who was on her knees, bowed her head and said,

―… I was at fault.‖


―I don‘t need to conserve my power anymore because you… You aren‘t human.‖


With those words, she stretched out her arms to the side.


Chun Yeowun felt something he had never experienced before.

He felt no weight on his body.

His feet rose from the ground.



It wasn‘t just Chun Yeowun.

Not only him, but everyone around him was floating.

Anything on the ground within a 300-meter radius floated in the air, as if the place had fallen
into a state of weightlessness.


―C-car too!‖

The soldiers of the National Guard were confused as they looked at the floating cars.

„I knew that it wasn‟t easy to take her down.‟

Chun Yu-jang, who was also floating in the air, frowned as he looked at Yu So-hwa.

She was an SS-class Gate Keeper.

The confrontation had to be explosive, like the one between two superhumans.


He knew Chun Yeowun‘s strength, but he was worried.

Contrary to his concerns, Chun Yeowun seemed to be interested.

He was curious about this phenomenon he had never experienced before.

―This is fun.‖

―Don‘t think that I earned the Gravity Witch title just with the ability of increasing the gravity.‖

―So what…‖

Before he could finish his words, Yu So-hwa reached out to Chun Yeowun.


That was the moment.

Chun Yeowun‘s body soared into the air.

In an instant, his body rose to around 200 meters off the ground.

With a smile on her face, she mumbled.

―In zero gravity, I am the only one who can control your movements. From now on, there is
nothing you can do in this space.‖

Gravity Field.

Her secret ability to control all gravity within 300-meter radius.

Her brain activity was so great that she could use it for 5 minutes straight, and during that time,
all gravity in that field was under her control.

[A strong gravitational force is in the sky.]

„I know.‟

Chun Yeowun responded to Nano‘s warning.

He thought that she could only exert her power on the ground, but she seemed able to manipulate
gravity anywhere.


What was more annoying was that the gravity around him was blocking the energy.

„I need to deal with her soon.‟


Chun Yeowun kicked the air around and tried to move towards the woman.


At that moment, his body was swept to the left.

The position of the field seemed to have changed.

„So tricky.‟
While his body was being swept away, Chun Yeowun sprinted in the air again using energy and
tried to move in the opposite direction.

He then tried to move at greater speed.

The gravity wasn‘t fixed, but constantly changing, which interfered with Chun Yeowun‘s

„You think I‟ll let you adapt?‟

Yu So-hwa changed the gravitational field around Chun Yeowun.

Thanks to that, Chun Yeowun‘s body kept moving around, unable to move in a certain direction.

Shhh! Shh!

Due to that, Chun Yeowun was in a situation where it was harder to move.


Chun Yeowun raised sword qi in his hand.

As his body was being swept away, he thought of something else.

―Then this one.‖


Chun Yeowun directed the sword qi at Yu So-hwa.

At that moment, the sword qi, which seemed to fly in a straight line, bent and flew away.

„The path of the sword qi was changed?‟

He only tried it out of curiosity, but it was a shock.

He didn‘t know that gravity could affect that too.

It was then.

An RV flew towards Chun Yeowun.

[Another gravitation field was formed in the vicinity of the user.]

He was being pushed to the left as the RV came for him.

―You are really annoying.‖

Chun Yeowun waved his hand at the incoming RV.


With a sharp sound, the RV was split in half.

But the split RV still came for Chun Yeowun.



Chun Yeowun sprinted into the air and avoided it.

At that, the woman on the ground laughed.

―You think you can avoid it so easily?‖

The RV car turned and flew towards Chun Yeowun again.


Chun Yeowun was shocked.


Again, Chun Yeowun sprinted through the air and avoided the split RV.

But there was a problem.


There wasn‘t just one RV in the air.

Six RVs flew in the direction of Chun Yeowun to crush him.


[The gravitational field has changed.]

As soon as he tried to get away, the field position would change, making it impossible to move.


―T-this is an SS-class Gate Keeper!‖

The National Guards and the wounded Gate Keepers cheered.

The gravitational field kept changing at one individual‘s will.

This woman seemed capable enough to stand on top of the Gate Keepers.

―I will crush you to death!‖

She smiled.

No matter how much the cars were split and damaged, they would always go for Chun Yeowun.


Bewildered, Chun Yu-jang shouted.

It was then.



The moment the RV cars were about to crush Chun Yeowun, the entire space rumbled.
It looked as if the space itself was warped.


The RVs suddenly shattered.


The destroyed RVs left no debris as they turned into dust.

―W-what just happened?‖

Yu So-hwa couldn‘t understand it.

If her eyes weren‘t playing tricks on her, then space seemed to be twisted for a second.

Unable to withstand the pressure, the RVs were destroyed.

It was an embarrassing moment for her.



Thud! Thud! Thud!

Everything that was floating in the air, suddenly fell down.

The floating people crushed into the floor as if a force was exerted on them.



The Gravity Witch Yu So-hwa was no exception.

Her own gravity had shockingly disappeared, and she was forced to kneel again.

Terrified, she looked around.

At first, she thought she had lost her control over gravity, but that wasn‘t the case.

„N-No way! Is he weighing down on the entire gravity field itself?‟

She had an ability beyond human comprehension, but the power she was feeling right now
seemed absurd.

She never once dreamed that such a thing could happen. Instead of trying to escape the gravity
field, he crushed it.

„Is he even human?‟

Even an A-class alpha entity wouldn‘t be able to do such things.

The man had to be an S-class or a special hazard entity.


Chun Yeowun descended to the ground.

Looking at the terrified woman, he said.

―You are pretty good. You made use of nature‘s energy.‖

Nature‘s energy.

Chun Yeowun, who reached the Heavenly Master level, could understand the flow of energy in

When one had reached Divine Master level, one would attain the highest state of an enhanced
human body, and the Heavenly master level would allow one to handle nature‘s energy.

The 300-meter radius gravity field was a result of controlling nature‘s energy.

„I didn‟t think that I would have to use nature‟s energy.‟

Chun Yeowun had never used more than 20% of his abilities against anyone except Blade God.

But for the first time, he dealt with nature‘s energy.

Chun Yeowun sincerely acknowledged the woman.

„Even a Supreme Master wouldn‟t be able to stand as this woman‟s opponent.‟

Even if they used sword qi, the woman could freely change the gravity field, and the attack
would never reach her.

It would be possible for a Divine Master to deal with her using invisible swords.

This was how annoying Yu So-hwa‘s gravity field was.


Chun Yeowun approached her.


Having completely lost her will to his overwhelming abilities, she tried to move back.

However, being suppressed, she couldn‘t move.

With every step Chun yeowun took, she felt fear rise inside of her.

―D-don‘t come!‖

She tried to use gravity once again.

Chun Yeowun swung his sword at her.



The right arm of the woman, who was trying to control gravity, was cut.

She cried as blood gushed out of her mouth.

Even though such a beautiful woman was suffering in pain, Chun Yeowun didn‘t blink and kept
his cold look.
„H-he! He isn‟t human!‟

Every person, who was watching that, was speechless.



Chun Yeowun grabbed her by the neck.

Looking at Chun Yeowun, who seemed to have grown colder, she couldn‘t utter anything.

No words could leave her mouth.

Until Chun Yeowun said.

―I was going to kill you, but I changed my mind.‖


At that moment, Chun Yeowun‘s fingers pierced her neck.

As an SS-class Keeper, she had excellent abilities and could feel an unknown material coming
into her body.

―W-what did you put in my body!?‖

As she started to lose her mind, Chun Yeowun spoke with a smile.

―Something to turn you into a useful dog.‖


At Chun Yeowun‘s words, Yu So-hwa‘s face turned white.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 47 -

Shareholders Meeting (1)
Descent of the Demon God
Published on

Oct 25, 2021

• 12 min read • 5933 views

The following day, Jinan City Defense Bureau.

All the highest positions in Jinan City were gathered in the Defense Bureau headquarters.

General Jo Yoon, the Commander-in-chief of the National Defense Bureau, frowned as he

looked at the report from the previous night.


The military used paper reports for quick disposal at any time.

Having carefully looked through the reports, General Jo Yoon asked Baek Jin-chang, who was
standing in front of his desk.



―The unidentified flying object that flew over the city last night was a hazard entity equivalent to


Baek Jin-chang responded.

But nervousness was apparent in his eyes.

Because 90% of the report that he wrote consisted of false facts.

―According to the report, it was too fast to be captured and its size was quite small.‖

Baek Jin-chang stuttered a little as he spoke in response to the General.

―Y-yes sir! In collaboration with the security guards of the Yongchun group, we confirmed the
object to be a human-like sized entity.‖
―That‘s why you wrote that it was a special entity in the report?‖

―Yes sir!‖

―A-class Gate Keeper Ha Hyun-gang died. 10 others were seriously injured. 7 Defense soldiers
were injured and even an SS-class keeper Yu So-hwa suffered from serious injuries.‖

General Jo Yoon stroked his head as he looked at the report.

If it was a special entity or an A-class entity with flying ability, then this much damage was

Rather, he thought that this damage was rather fortunate.

―We were lucky. Major Baek!‖

―Ah… yes‖

―If it wasn‘t for the Murim people in the Yongchun group and the SS-class Keeper, the damage
would have been bigger.‖

Baek Jin-chang sighed in relief.

He was worried that the Commander-in-chief, Jo Yoon, might be suspicious, but fortunately, he
seemed to have believed the report.

―It is unfortunate! If Yu So-hwa hadn‘t completely destroyed the entity‘s body, you could have
done something to contribute.‖

―Not at all! I did my duty and oversaw the situation.‖

―Hmm. That is a good attitude.‖

General Jo Yoon praised him.


Baek Jin-chang sighed inwardly.

It seemed like the General was going in the wanted direction.

Unable to overcome the fear, he wrote the report as the Yongchun group had requested, but if a
small loophole was found, his entire career would be disrupted.

―I have a meeting, so let‘s head back to our duties.‖



Baek Jin-chang saluted him and then tried to head back.

When the General called him.



Bewildered, Baek Jin-chang stopped walking and turned around.

General Jo Yoon said.

―The Yongchun group said that one important building was blown up and the damage was

―Ah, I see.‖

Baek Jin-chang frowned.

„Damn it. I thought I was caught.‟

Manipulating the reports was something he never wanted to do again.

„I did everything I could. I no longer want to be associated with that Group or that monster.‟

He didn‘t even want their donations anymore.

Around two o‘clock in the afternoon.

The Yongchun Group president‘s office, Jinan city.

―Yes yes. I am glad that it all worked out. Yes.‖

The middle-aged man hung up the phone with a happy face.

His name was Bi Mak-heon.

He was the leader of the swordsman class and the general manager of the Yongchun group.

Bi Mak-heon hung up the call and reported to the middle-aged man sitting across from him.

―I contacted Baek Jin-chang and he did a good job. The Defense department said they would
provide compensation for the destroyed factory.‖

―Ah-great. You did well. General manager Bi.‖

―Yes. Chairman.‖

The middle-aged man was Chun Yu-jang, the chairman of the Yongchun group.

A young man in a black suit was standing near the window behind him.

It was Chun Yeowun.

Chun Yeowun‘s gaze was directed towards the ruined factory site.

The building, which had been fine till last night, was deliberately exploded.

The idea was General manager Bi Mak-heon‘s.

He boldly asked Chun Yeowun to resolve the situation, saying that the National Guards would
make a big deal otherwise.

„He is bold.‟

Despite his overall ignorance of the current world, Chun Yeowun knew that sacrificing a factory
would severely damage the company‘s profits.
Despite that, Bi Mak-heon asked to blow up the factory to calm the doubts.

It wasn‘t a significant loss as it prevented the National Guards‘ interference.

In addition, since the Defense Bureau had promised compensation for the destroyed factory, the
actual damage would be reduced.

Chun Yeowun turned around and said.

―You are quite useful.‖


Bi Mak-heon, whose expression was tense, smiled brightly.

His lips were twitching to form a smile.

Since he had very little say in his position, he usually took the role of executing the decisions
taken at the executive meetings.

―T-thank you. It was all because Lord Chun Ma had trusted me.‖

The chairman or the other executives would have never listened to him.

Who would accept the idea of blowing up a factory?

However, Chun Yeowun gave him a chance.

―Chun Yu-jang.‖

―Yes, ancestor.‖

―To use this one as a general manager, your eyes must‘ve been wronging you.‖


―Use him accordingly.‖

In other words, it sounded like Chun Yeowun was asking the man to be promoted.
Bi Mak-heon couldn‘t hide his surprise at those words.

He only stepped forward once and resolved one matter, but Chun Yeowun valued him too

„He won the favor of my ancestor. So lucky.‟

―Understood. We will deal with it at the next board meeting.‖

Chun Yu-jang accepted Chun Yeowun‘s wishes.

As a result, Bi Mak-heon‘s promotion was guaranteed.

„Such a tremendous person!‟

Being too happy, BI Mak-heon immediately knelt on the floor and shouted.

―I will live up to your expectations!‖

Chun Yeowun was someone who valued skilled people.

And it was Bi Mak-heon‘s luck that helped him show his abilities at the right moment.


It was then, the phone in the chairman‘s office rang.

After answering the call, Chun Yu-jang nodded and hung up.

―Ancestor. It is ready. Let‘s head to the conference room.‖

Yongchun Group‘s headquarters building, 28th floor, conference room.

Many people in suits were crowded inside that room.

They were the shareholders of the Yongchun group. Heads of offices, directors and affiliates‘
Naturally, most shareholders were members of the higher clans of the Sky Demon Order.

―Do you know why the meeting was held today?‖

―No. I heard about this for the first time today.‖

―Does Mr. Geum know?‖

―Well. It is surprising that a general meeting of shareholders was held so suddenly.‖

All the gathered shareholders were puzzled.

Since a Gate warning would be issued in Jinan city, calling for a general meeting was totally

„What is happening?‟

Lim Kang, the managing director of the affiliate, Yongchun Trading, closely watched the others.

Usually, if a shareholders meeting was held, the agenda would be told, but most people were
unaware of it this time.

„Is it because of… Sky Demon Sword?‟

The Sky Demon Sword, shown by the Chun Woo-kang faction four days ago, was still
something only higher officials knew about.

„I was worried that the shareholders meeting would be canceled, but it somehow worked out.‟

Lim Kang saw this meeting as a good opportunity.

He was trying to reveal that Chun Woo-kang had the Sky Demon Sword at this meeting.

„If only I can unite them into that faction with this sacrifice!‟


Lim Kang was a member of the Chun Woo-kyung faction.

As the clan leader of a small clan, he has been active in affiliates of Yongchun Group for a long
time, and kept sending information about this company to Chun Woo-kyung.

„This place would turn into an empty grave.‟

He was resolute to do it.

In Lim Kang‘s eyes, something strange was seen.

―The chairman is here. All shareholders stand up.‖


With the secretary‘s announcement, the door opened, and Chairman Chun Yu-jang, accompanied
by the senior executives, entered the room.

All the shareholders stood up.



Shareholders were puzzled at the appearance of chairman Chun Yu-jang wearing a cast.

It was the first time since the establishment of the Group that Chun Yu-jang was injured.

Even during the Gate Warning, the chairman Chun Yu-jang never suffered any injuries as the
other executives protected him in times of crisis.

However, there was something even weirder.

„Who is that person?‟

There was a young man in a black suit walking beside Chun Yu-jang.

No, he was walking a step ahead, and the chairman even politely gestured at him.

„But, that seat?‟

„Ah, maybe…‟
There were two higher seats in the room where the chairman was supposed to sit.

And as they were watching, the chairman sat beside the young man.


„Who is that person sitting next to the chairman?‟


The shareholders mumbled amongst themselves, making the room turn noisy.

At that time, director Huan Myung-oh, who was in charge of the meeting, put the microphone
near his lips and said.

―Please take a seat.‖

At once, the noise died down.

All the eyes were fixed on the young man sitting next to the chairman.

The young man with a white face and sharp-looking eyes seemed to be in his twenties.

„Who is he?‟

„Someone close to the chairman?‟

The shareholders that were supporting Chun Yu-jang as the next head were feeling

At that time, Shim Young, the president of Yongchun Electronics, the largest affiliate, got up
from his seat and bowed to the chairman.

―Please forgive my rudeness! I am going to sound a little disrespectful to the chairman. Even
though we were gathered here because this was a shareholders meeting with an undisclosed
agenda, we would like to know who the person sitting next to the chairman is?‖

Hearing that, the other shareholders nodded.

Director Huan said.

―Even if you didn‘t ask, we were going to tell this right away. Today the meeting wasn‘t held
with an agenda as it was only held to inform the shareholders of three important matters decided
by the board of directors.‖


Again, noise broke out.

Usually, the decisions made at the board meeting were notified through the company‘s computer
network rather than holding a meeting for it.

―The first thing.‖

Everyone focused on Huan Myung-oh.

When he got all the attention, he pointed to the young man in the black suit.

―This young man is the vice-chairman who was chosen at the board meeting.‖


All the shareholders were puzzled.

A young man whose face they never saw was suddenly appointed as the vice-chairman.

Indeed it was too sudden of a decision.

„This is fun.‟

Lim Kang, who heard it, smiled.

To his knowledge, Huan Myung-oh was the top candidate for that position. Besides, some
circulating rumors stated that Shim Young of the electronics affiliate would be the new senior

At that, Shim Young‘s expression was distorted.

This meant that his opportunity to be a leader of the Chun Yu-jang faction was pushed aside.

„This is a good opportunity.‟

Shim Young was an upper clan member of the Sky Demon Order.

Even the other clans acknowledged how excellent his clan was.

People knew that there were a lot of small and medium clans who followed him, but if the news
about Sky Demon Sword came out, those clans would surely abandon him.


Unsurprisingly, with a face full of anger, Shim Young got up.

Biting his teeth, he said.

―Even if it was a board meeting, isn‘t this too sudden? And a young man!‖

Shim Young said while pointing to the young man next to the chairman.

―A young one we have never seen is now the vice? There are a lot of seniors who made huge
contributions, so I can‘t quite understand this decision.‖

He turned around and complained.



Director Huan was about to answer, but the young man raised his hand and stopped it.

Huan Myung-oh went silent as the young man took command.


Confusion appeared clear on all the shareholders‘ faces.

It was their first time seeing Huan Myung-oh, the real working head of the Group, taking

At that time, the young man who was appointed the vice-chairman looked at Shim Young and

―It is the nominated vice-chairman.‖


Shim Young was confused.

He had lost it completely as his dream was pushed away in front of his eyes.

―What nonsense is…‖




Shim Young sat down at once.

―W-what is this…‖

Shim Young, who was forcibly seated in his chair, was flustered.

He couldn‘t understand what had just happened.

The others were equally astonished.

„Did president Shim just follow the order of that vice chairman?‟

„Why did he sit?‟

Except for the senior executives, no one could understand what had just happened.

Shim Young got angry and was about to get up once again when the man said.
―I don‘t warn twice.‖


The moment he heard that, Shim Young‘s face turned pale.

He himself didn‘t know why.

But fear overwhelmed him.

―W-who are you?‖

Shim Young asked in a trembling voice.

The young man got up and stretched out his right arm.



The hidden black wrist guard on his hand suddenly turned into a sword.

Everyone‘s attention was focused on the black sword.

Du Mun-cheon, one of the presidents of affiliates, shouted.

―S-sky Demon Sword!‖



The shareholders, who were startled at those words, jumped up from their seats.

The eyes of Lim Kang, who was leisurely watching everything, awkwardly widened as he looked
at the black sword.

„Sky Demon Sword? What nonsense are they talking about!‟


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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 48 -

Shareholders Meeting (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Oct 26, 2021

• 9 min read • 5407 views



The previous night, when the National Guards left.

Chairman Chun Yu-jang asked in a bewildered voice.

―Huh? You want to convene the meeting of shareholders?‖

Not just him, but even the others couldn‘t hide their shock.

It was Chun Yeowun who made that request.

He wondered if it would be possible to bring together the clan leaders under the Chun Yu-jang

Most of the top clans were in charge of affiliates.

As the faction‘s leader, Chun Yu-jang could summon them, but if he did, he would attract the
attention of the other factions who were monitoring their movements.

And there had to be a reason for convening the meeting of shareholders.

―Why? Can‘t you do it?‖

It was director Huan Myung-oh and not the chairman who answered Chun Yeowun‘s question.

―My lord. Would it be okay if I ask what is the reason for calling the members of the higher

―Answer whether you can do it or not.‖


They actually could guess the reason.

They all thought that Chun Yeowun was trying to reveal his identity in front of those people too.

Chun Yeowun did declare that he would reintegrate and revive the Sky Demon Order, so it was
natural to meet with the higher clans.


―It isn‘t difficult to hold a meeting, but there is one problem.‖


―…There may be spies.‖

That was the biggest problem.

This wouldn‘t have been a problem if the Cult was still one entity, but now that it was divided
into three factions, information became crucial.

The hostile forces couldn‘t be held responsible either.

That‘s because they all belonged to the same Cult, the Sky Demon Order.

However, it was still a problem.

―In our case, the executives, we have supported Chairman Chun Yu-jang as the next head for a
long time. So the chairman trusts us. But it is different when it comes to the other clans.‖

After the dissolution of Black Sky Company, several clans came to support Chun Yu-jang.

Since they couldn‘t blindly suspect people, they took them in after verification, but no matter
how many concerns and verifications were done, verifying thousands of people would be

―I am not saying that everyone is suspicious. However, we cannot rule out the possibilities of
spies of the other factions being planted.‖

Which was why Chun Yu-jang had decided to make the most important meetings with just his

That‘s why the major stocks were in the control of the chairman and his executives.

―Ancestor. I am concerned that the meeting would raise the awareness of the other two factions.‖

At Chun Yu-jang‘s words, Chun Yeowun shook his head.

Chun Yu-jang was taken aback by that response.

―What is it, ancestor?‖

―I think I can see why you guys haven‘t been able to unite the Cult for over 20 years.‖


―Do you know about the proverb throwing grass and frightening snakes?‖
It was meant to scare away the snake by tapping on the grass around.

In a way, it meant to openly cause sound and raise problems which will cause anger and raise the
awareness of enemies.

―Those who just watch and stare, will keep staring till the end. Don‘t let me highlight your lack
of qualities as a Lord.‖

Chun Yu-jang couldn‘t hide his ashamed face at those words.

His ancestor, Chun Yeowun, was getting more and more disappointed with him.

―… Then what should we do?‖

―Stop complaining and just convene the meeting.‖

All the shareholders in the conference room looked at the Sky Demon Sword in amazement.

Who doesn‘t know about that sword?

A sacred object that had disappeared a thousand years ago.

―Is that really the Sky Demon Sword?‖

―It is the Sky Demon Sword.‖

The whispers grew louder and louder.

Lim Kang couldn‘t hide his shock at how excited the other people were.

„No way! The Sky Demon Sword is in his hand!‟

He still couldn‘t forget the excitement he felt when he saw the video four days ago.

He even drank wine with the members of his clan, saying that the new Chun Ma was born.

But what was this now?

He wanted to shout that it was fake, but the demonic energy coming from the sword was

„Just what happened?‟

It was then.


―Ooh. How… how could this happen!‖

One of the presidents of the affiliates knelt on the floor.

His eyes were red brimming with tears as he looked at the sword.

―Lord Chun Ma!‖

„Chun Ma!‟

At the word ‗Chun Ma‘, everyone‘s eyes turned to Chun Yeowun.

It was definite that the sword had disassembled from his wrist.

The identity was unknown, but he was undoubtedly the Master of the Sky Demon Sword.

[Those who have the Sky Demon Sword. Will inherit the title of Chun Ma.]

The absolute law in the Sky Demon Order, written by the first Chun Ma.

„What should I do?‟

According to the law, everyone had to be on their knees and bow their heads.

But one person caught his eye.

It was chairman Chun Yu-jang.

The chairman of Black Sky Company was in prison, and with this young man holding the Sky
Demon Sword, Chun Yu-jang would have to kneel too.
It was then.

Chun Yu-jang got up from his seat.

Everyone looked at him.

Chun Yu-jang, the candidate for the next lord, stood up, knelt down in front of Chun Yeowun,
bowed his head, and shouted louder than anyone else.

―Chun Yu-jang greets Lord Chun Ma!‖


At the same time, the main office executives knelt at once and put their heads on the floor,

―We greet Lord Chun Ma!‖

When even the senior members of the Cult knelt, the shareholders couldn‘t hide their surprise.

Chun Yu-jang urged the others.

―Are you being rude to the Lord right now?‖


―We greet Lord Chun Ma!!‖

At that, all the shareholders fell on the floor.

All their eyes were trembling.

The weight the title Chun Ma had was amazing.

However, not everyone bowed their heads immediately.

―Got you.‖

Chun Yeowun smiled.

Three men stood there, hesitating with doubtful expressions.

Among them was Lim Kang, a member of the Chun Woo-kyung faction.


Lim Kang couldn‘t hide his shock when he found two more people standing.

Those two were also part of Chun Woo-kyung‘s faction.

„I should have fallen down and greeted.‟

Those of the Chun Woo-kyung faction couldn‘t bow down right away as they didn‘t know the
authenticity of the Sky Demon Sword that Chun Yeowun showed.

And that momentary hesitation was a mistake.

Chun Yeowun said.

―Chun Yu-jang.‖

―Please give your order.‖

―Kill those who aren‘t related to us.‖


Chun Yu-jang responded right away and gave orders to the senior executives.

―Fulfill the order!‖



Huan Myung-oh and seven other executives, who were bowing, moved right away.


The three men who were standing panicked and tried to defend themselves.
However, they weren‘t the targets.




Director Huan had passed Lim Kang, and mercilessly stabbed one of the shareholders in the back
with a knife in his arms.


The shareholders who were attacked died.


Lim Kang didn‘t understand what was happening.

Meanwhile, the other seniors rushed to certain people who were on their knees and.


―D-damn it!‖

Recognizing that someone died in Huan Myung-oh‘s hand, the few people got up from the
ground and tried to avoid the attack.

But they were all just Super Master level warriors.

The gap between them was too clear.

―Where do you think you are going!‖

Director Hang Yu-rin stabbed one in the head.

As a Superior Master, her speed was close to lightning.


One whose throat was slit, fell down with blood gushing out.

The others were no different.

They died within a few seconds.


As soon as eight people died, the entire room was stained with blood.

„What the hell is all this?‟

The shareholders who were still bowing couldn‘t understand what they were supposed to do.

People in the same room were killed.


A man in his mid 50s with half white and half black hair, Hyang Baek, the vice-president of
Yongchun furniture.

Hyang Baek looked at the ones approaching him.

―You are the last.‖

Huan Myung-oh pointed the knife at him and said.

Glaring back, Hyang Baek asked.

―Director Huan… what is all this?‖

―We decided not to turn a blind eye anymore. Vice president! No, spy Jin Hyang-baek!‖

Jin Hyang-baek wasn‘t a member of the Sky Demon order.

Huan Myung-oh of the Ghost Illusion clan had identified all the spies who had infiltrated the
But left them alone in fear of friction.

„Is this that man‟s influence?‟

Jin Hyang-baek looked at Chun Yeowun.

Since the disintegration of Black Sky Company, the Sky Demon Order avoided friction as much
as possible.

But suddenly, there was a change of attitude.

„Are the vicious cultists trying to rise again?‟

He bit his lip.

He had to let the outside world know about this fact. However, his chance of survival seemed

Which meant that he had to go all out.


Contemplating, he shouted, hoping that everyone would listen.

―You people are making a huge mistake right now!‖


―Who do you think the dead ones are? They are the watchers sent to each faction belonging to
the Murim Association. When you killed them, you declared war!‖

At his cry, Huan Myung-oh‘s expression darkened.

That was what he was most concerned about.

He accepted it because it was Chun Ma‘s command, but the moment they eradicated the spies, it
was war.

„They did something stupid.‟

Lim Kang, who watched it, clicked his tongue.

Even the Chun Woo-kyung faction avoided touching the spies to avoid fights with outside

It was something that shouldn‘t be done without looking at the Cult‘s condition.

„They should have properly…‟

It was then.



Jin Hyang-baek‘s body rose and got dragged in front of Chun Yeowun.

He instinctively tried to raise the energy and resist it, but to no avail.

„W-what energy?‟

It was hard to control his own body.

It was like his body wasn‘t his anymore.

As he was flustered, Chun Yeowun said.

―Declaration of war?‖

Despite being afraid, Jin Hyang-baek shouted.

―Kuak! Do you think the Sky Demon Order, weakened due to disintegration and internal
conflict, can handle the Murim Association and the entire Murim?‖

The current Sky Demon Order was nothing more than the target of Murim warriors.

Jin Hyang-baek‘s words weren‘t wrong.

But Chun Yeowun‘s reaction was unexpected.

―You seem to be misunderstanding something.‖




Chun Yeowun grabbed his neck.

Fingers digging into his flesh.


―Can the cult handle the entire Murim?‖


―Funny. The entire Murim will have to handle me.‖


Jin Hyang-baek couldn‘t believe his ears.

„W-what is this man saying…‟


But before he could think about it, his head was shattered.

Chun Yeowun casually wiped off the blood that stained his hands and spoke to Lim Kang and
the two others who were blankly staring at him.

―Now that the outside rats are dealt with, let‘s take care of the inside ones.‖



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 49 -

Shareholders Meeting (3)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Oct 27, 2021

• 11 min read • 5556 views




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Lim Kang, a member of the Chun Woo-kyung‘s faction, looked at Chun Yeowun with trembling

Blood was dripping from Chun Yeowun‘s hands.


It was like seeing the Devil itself.

A sense of intimidation took over the entire room.

„So he attacked knowing the results of his actions?‟

He never thought that the Chun Yu-jang faction would dare kill all the spies sent by the Murim
Association without leaving a single one behind.

„The entire Murim will have to handle him?‟

What a statement.

But why did such arrogant words not sound like utter nonsense?

He felt a shiver run down his spine.

He looked at the Sky Demon Sword placed on the table.

And blinked his eyes.

„Are you crazy! Lim Kang! That one is fake. Fake…‟

He couldn‘t understand why his body was telling him that the sword in front of his eyes was the
real thing.

He felt himself fall into the abyss of profound confusion.

And he wasn‘t the only one swallowed in it.


Hwang Yeon-gyu, a member of Chun Woo-kyung‘s faction and an affiliate vice president,

„The real Sky Demon Sword is with Executive Director Chun Woo-kyung! Since he released the
video, these people must be trying to hide it!‟

Hwang Yeon-gyu decided to reveal the truth to everyone.

Looking at the current circumstances, he realised that everyone knew now that he belonged to a
different faction.

The shareholders meeting must have been held because the Chun Yu-jang faction saw that Chun
Woo-kyung had the Sky Demon Sword and became the new Chun Ma. That‘s why they were
now trying to hold onto the clans below them.

Hwang Yeon-gyu opened his mouth.

―Shareholders, no! Members of the Sky Demon Order, right now…‖

It was then.



Chun Yeowun suddenly approached him and grabbed him by the neck.

„A-are you going to shut my mouth?‟

Hwang Yeon-gyu looked at the other two.

Telling them to reveal the truth on his behalf.

However, unexpected words came out of Chun Yeowun‘s mouth.

―Are you trying to say that the one called Chun Woo-kyung possessed the true Sky Demon
Sword and became the new Chun Ma?‖


The eyes of the three spies grew wide.

They thought they would shut their mouths to prevent the truth from spreading.

However, this fake one had just boldly revealed it.

„W-what the hell is this fake one trying to do?‟

Hwang Yeon-gyu stared at Chun Yeowun.

In a cold voice, Chun Yeowun continued.

―Explaining it will take a lot of time.‖


―You foolish one who distorts the truth. Pull out your own eyes.‖

―Kuak… wh-what… nonse…‖


At that moment, people couldn‘t believe what their eyes were seeing.

Hwang Yeon-gyu‘s hands were moving and reaching for his face!

―W-what is this!‖

He tried to stop his hands, but they didn‘t respond.

His hands kept reaching closer and closer.

Never in his entire life had he felt this afraid of his own hands.





He kept screaming as his hands dug into his eyes‘ sockets and pulled them out.


When his eyes were completely out, his face became stained in blood.
‟… Sky Demon energy!‟

General manager Hang Yu-rin, Sound Clan leader, turned her head away.

As a warrior, she had seen lots of blood, but she couldn‘t get herself to look at the gruesomeness
occurring in front of her.

Sky Demon energy.

The original source of demonic energy.

If one didn‘t learn how to control his demonic energy, then they could never be able to refuse the
Sky Demon energy‘s command.

―Kuaak! Kwuak! My eyes! My eyesss!‖

Hwang Yeon-gyu, who was blinded for life, kept screaming.

The shareholders raised their heads to look fearfully at Chun Yeowun.

„No way…‟

„Hwang Yeon-gyu dug out his own eyes.‟

They were afraid of the power of Sky Demon energy.

It was a power comparable to God.

Even though they hadn‘t done anything wrong, their hearts trembled.

In a whisper, Chun Yeowun spoke to Hwang Yeon-gyu.

―Are you able to see the truth unmistakingly now?‖


Even though he couldn‘t see, the moment he heard those words, he felt terrified.

―Kuuak! N-no! Please! Please forgive me!‖

He begged while rubbing his hands.



Chun Yeowun threw Hwang Yeon-gyu away.

And then looked at Lim Kang and the other standing man.

When they saw Hwang Yeon-gyu, a member of their faction, dig his own eyes out, the two of
them went still.

„W-what should I do?‟

They had never imagined such a thing was going to happen.

As a result, the plan to cause chaos within the Chun Yu-jang faction failed.

There were only two things they could do.

Believe that Chun Woo-kyung was the real holder of the Sky Demon Sword and meet their death
here, or recognize that this man was Chun Ma.

―Do you also believe in the fake Chun Ma?‖

Chun Yeowun asked the two.

Lim Kang struggled to open his mouth as he was in mental agony, but then with a determined
look, he shouted.

―T-there is evidence that you are not the real Chun Ma.‖


Chun Yeowun‘s eyebrows rose at the word ‗evidence‘.

The other shareholders were puzzled too.

―Director Chun Woo-kyung has inherited the will of Chun Ma! Do-don‘t claim to be a Lord by
pointing that fake sword at me.‖

―How dare you!‖

At his words, Chun Yu-jang yelled.

He was kneeling and bowing to Chun Yeowun, but when he heard that the sword was fake, he
couldn‘t help but feel enraged.

―Lords, clan leaders and shareholders, they all know! The Sky Demon Sword is a sacred object
of the Cult, but the Demon God had another sword, the White Dragon Blade!‖

So that was why he didn‘t lose his faith till the end.

Even if the two swords were fake, Chun Woo-kyung knew how to use history to his advantage.

―He had found the remains of Demon God that had disappeared a thousand years ago. You all
know what I am talking about, right? Chun Woo-kyung has the two swords! He is Chun Ma! The
Demon God wants him to unite the Cult and bring…‖


Before he could even finish, Hang Yu-rin burst into laughter.

It wasn‘t just her. The other senior executives reacted the same too.

Frustrated, the other spy, Bu Won, shouted.

―H-how dare you ridicule the will of the Demon God?‖

―Demon God‘s will? Hahah.‖

Hang Yu-rin laughed as she approached Bu Won.

She stopped smiling and kicked the man in his leg to forcibly make him kneel.

Puak! Thud!


She grabbed him by the hair.

―Lord Chun Ma. Please allow me to behead the sinner who dares to ignorantly use your title!‖

Bu Won‘s expression crumbled at her words.

―What are you talking about? Why is the title…‖

It was then.

Chun Yeowun reached out to the ceiling.


With the sound of crashing, the ceiling got pierced, and something came into his grasp.

A pure white sword.


When Chun Yeowun pulled it out of its sheath, the pure white sword appeared.

They felt strange energy emanating from the White Dragon Blade, the blade that was made from
the Imoogi horns.

„White Dragon Blade?‟

„The White Dragon Blade?‟

The shareholders couldn‘t hide their surprise.

One of the two major weapons of Demon God, the White Dragon Blade, appeared in front of
their eyes.

Bu Won looked bewildered at it.

―W-what the hell?‖

He was confused when he saw the White Dragon Blade.

―How funny! Did you say he inherited my will?‖


At Chun Yeowun‘s words, the shareholders were confused.

The man was calling himself the Demon God.

Shaking his head, Chun Yeowun reached out towards the Sky Demon Sword put on the table.


It flew and landed in front of Bu Won.

Chun Yeowun ordered.

―Take the sword.‖

―Take the sword? What are you… ah!‖

At that moment, against his own will, Bu Won‘s hand reached out to the sword.


His hand gripped the sword.

Only then did he understand why Hwang Yeon-gyu had dug out his own eyes.

„I am following his order…‟

It was then.


The veins on the back of Bu Won‘s hands began to bulge.

The blue veins turned black, and a strange thing began to happen.

„W-what is this!‟

Bu Won was bewildered by the energy digging into his hand and tried to counter it.

However, no matter what he did, the energy entering his body kept accelerating.


„W-what is this energy!‟

His eyes widened.

The more he resisted, the more he could feel it.


Endless darkness.

And a vicious demon.

„Demon energy? No. This is closer to the abyss than th…‟


At that moment, the Imoogi opened its mouth and tried to swallow him.


He screamed.

The people watching him were puzzled.


„What is with him?‟

They couldn‘t understand why Bu Won‘s body was stained in black blood.

Suddenly, he stopped screaming and muttered.

―Imoogi… black imoogi…‖


Blood vessels burst all over Bu Won‘s body.

And when Hang Yu-rin released his hair, the man collapsed on the floor.

Chun Yeowun looked at the only spy still standing on his feet, Lim Kang.

―You think the Sky Demon Sword is something anyone can have?‖

―W-what do you…‖

―No one can hold the Sky Demon Sword unless he had inherited the Sky Demon energy.‖


At the word ‗Sky Demon energy‘, Lim Kang‘s eyes trembled.

There was a legend in the Sky Demon Order history.

The legend of the Sky Demon energy, which disappeared with the 2nd Chun Ma.

[No possessor of the demonic energy can disobey the sky demon energy.]

Something which was often dismissed as a mere legend.

Because after the disappearance of Chun Yeowun, the 24th Lord of the Cult, no one inherited the
Sky Demon energy.

―N-no way. The Sky Demon energy… The 2nd Chun Ma disappeared with it…‖



Lin Kang‘s knees touched the ground.

Against his will.

With trembling eyes, he mumbled.

―Sk-Sky demon energy…‖

It was definitely that one.

He couldn‘t deny it.

„This… this person…‟

Chun Yeowun approached the man and asked.

―Who am I?‖

At that moment, Lim Kang banged his head on the floor and shouted.


―Lim Kang, an insignificant member of the Great Sky Demon Order, greets the 24th Lord known
as the 2nd generation Chun Ma, the Demon God!‖

Inside a hidden office.

A man with curly hair and glasses hurried into the room and reported to someone.

―Lord Chun Ma! See this!‖

The person called Chun Ma wasn‘t Chun Yeowun.

It was Chun Woo-kyung, a man in his 50s wearing a grey suit.

The curly-haired man put the tablet PC on the desk.

A few taps and the screen played.

The site was designed to upload videos, like Youtube.

―Has it been uploaded?‖

The site was opened as a server secured with a special code.

It was used by Chun Woo-kyung members to upload videos.

Unlike the other factions, they weren‘t a company but an organization. The site was their way of
reporting and communicating.

There was a newly uploaded video on the site, and the views kept on increasing.


The curly-haired man played the video.

It was a video taken by a CCTV camera.

At first, Chun Woo-kyung didn‘t look interested, but as it played out, his face turned stiff.


In the second half of the video, Lim Kang, a spy placed by him in the Yongchun group, was
banging his head and screaming.

— Lim Kang, an insignificant member of the Great Sky Demon Order, greets the 24th Lord
known as the 2nd generation Chun Ma, the Demon God!

When Lim Kang did that, the other shareholders bowed their heads too.

Chun Woo-kyung‘s face turned red. He didn‘t finish the video to the end and shouted.

―What are you all doing? Delete it right now! Hurry!‖

The video had to be deleted before it got more views.

But then the video changed.


It was now recorded using a phone.

In that video, Chun yeowun was staring straight ahead.

— You are not Chun Ma. Chun Woo-kyun.


A video made for him.

— You inherited my will? You are one funny man. You will come to regret your foolishness for
deceiving the Cult members with trash lies. The sin for impersonating the role of Chun Ma is
nothing but death!



With that, the video ended.

Chun Woo-kyung couldn‘t take his eyes off the black screen.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 50 -

Illusion (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Oct 28, 2021

• 10 min read • 5721 views



Inside a Dark room.

Someone touched a place on the wall with their hand.


The wall cracked to reveal a black safe.


The man who sighed as he looked at the safe was Chun Woo-kyung.

He then pressed a password to open it.

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

When the safe opened, an old cell phone came out. It was a foldable phone from several decades

It was one of those phones that had no function other than calling.

Trrring! Trrring!

After two dial tones, the call was connected.

— Yes yes, sorry I was late for work, so I almost missed the call.

A voice spoke.

Chun Woo-kyung replied with an expressionless face.

―You couldn‘t help it, so it‘s fine.‖

— Work…. Seeing that you‘re calling from this phone and not your regular one, it seems like the
situation is pretty dire, right?

―I don‘t have much time.‖

— Fufuf, okay. Please tell me, Sir.

―I need a new secure server.‖

— New server? Is something wrong?

―The server has been exposed due to an internal problem.‖

— Oh-ho. Is that so? But the server‘s IP is moving in real-time, so unless the problem is
something very unique, even tracking it would be a problem, right?

The forged voice spoke.

The security of the server was thorough. It was impossible to track because the main computer,
which was running the server, constantly changed the IP every hour.

―I will pay you.‖

— Well, if you want it that much, fine. However, if it‘s about securing a new server, you need to
pay me at least a D-class core.

Chun Woo-kyung expected those words.

They had recently secured a core.

— I think I don‘t have to tell you about the advance payment.

―… I know that. And…‖

— And? Wasn‘t it a single request? If not, we may have to re-discuss the price.

The altered voice spoke.

But Chun Woo-kyung didn‘t step back.

―I want you to deal with one person.‖

— This is surprising. I remember you said that you wouldn‘t ask for anything other than
technical support.

―Tell me if it‘s possible or not.‖

— Huhu, where is the target?

―Jinan city. We have to deal with him right away. However, none of the people on my side can
handle him.‖

— Seems like the annoying type.

Chun Woo-kyung‘s eyes were serious the entire time.

Rather than annoying, that man was dangerous enough to ruin everything he had built so far.

— … Sir?

―Yes… I am listening.‖

— You need to tell us how dangerous the target is so that we can set a price.


— That is the highest class.

— S-class level threat. It seems to have caused my dear customer a lot of trouble. Hmm, if that‘s
the case, the payment shall be an A-class core.

At that, Chun Woo-kyung bit his lip. It was much higher than he had expected.

An A-class core was very hard to obtain, even with considerable sacrifices.

— What would my dear customer like to do?

„Damn it!‟

But he knew that it was worth it.

―I‘ll pay you right away.‖

— Okay. You are indeed the big guy. I knew that you had a refined A-class core, but it‘s still

―Enough! Can you do it right away?‖

— No problem. In fact, the Gate Warning went off in Jinan City, so I was planning on
conducting an experiment to secure the core as well.


— Yeah, something like that. Anyway, given that you are handing me an A-class core, we shall
give dear customer an excellent service concerning the new server.

―… okay. I expected no less.‖

— Please send the information about the S-class target. Bye


The phone call disconnected.

Chun Woo-kyung, who had been leaning against the wall for a long time, pulled out a cigarette
from his inner pocket and bit it with trembling hands.
―How did I end up like this… Damn it! To die in the hands of some old remnant!‖


The following day.

Inside the Yongchun Group‘s main office in Jinan city.

Chairman Chun Yu-jang, who had undergone a splicing surgery, was wearing a cast as he spoke
in an excited voice to Chun Yeowun.

―It has only been a day but the effect is amazing!‖

The reason behind his excitement was simple.

It was because of the result of uploading the CCTV footage into the server that Lim Kang gave

On the tablet PC placed on the desk, the figures of Chun Woo-kyung faction members that they
had come into contact with were marked.

―In just one day, we have come into contact with 33 clans. Eight of which are high clans. It
seems like we are off to a good start. Ancestor.‖

Chun Yeowun‘s appearance played a significant factor in it.

He boldly revealed his identity through the video and caused confusion and division in the Chun
Woo-kyung faction.

The results were frighteningly quick, considering that the video was uploaded just 17 hours ago.

But Chun Yeowun wasn‘t satisfied.


From what he heard, the number of clans in the present age was around 700.

Among them, 146 were currently in Chun Woo-kyung‘s faction. But only 33 clans joined them,
so less than a third.
―Still, with this momentum, it won‘t take long for our faction to gain the upper hand.‖

Chun Yu-jang viewed it positively.

„I didn‟t think that the presence of my ancestor would have such a huge impact.‟

Chun Yu-jang couldn‘t hide his satisfaction. However, Chun Yeowun suddenly asked with cold

―Your faction?‖


―Oh! It seems like you are mistaking something. Do you think that I am giving you these
instructions to highlight your faction?‖


Chun Yu-jang couldn‘t hide his embarrassed face when he realized that he had made such a
stupid mistake.


―Let me make it clear. There are no factions in the Cult. Keep that in mind.‖

―… I sincerely apologize for my foolish remark.‖

Chun Yu-jang responded with a nervous voice at Chun Yeowun‘s warning.

At the end of the day, he could feel his heart going smaller and smaller the more he tried to
please Chun Yeowun.

―You! Stop working on Murim for the time being and concentrate on the company management
and expansion.‖


―Answer me!‖

Chun Yu-jang had no choice.

Fortunately, that would mean that Chun Yeowun wouldn‘t have any operating rights on the
company, so money wouldn‘t be lost.

Chun Yeowun was planning on dividing the current strength of Yongchun into two groups. One
for managing the company, which Chairman Chun Yu-jang would do, and the other would work
on matters related to Murim under him.

He thought that it would be more efficient as Chun Yu-jang could provide more intricate details
about the current world.

―Huan Myung-oh.‖


Huan Myung-oh, who was watching from the side, answered.

Chun Yeowun handed him something.


The USB that Chun Yeowun asked for last night.

―A total of 320 places.‖


―The locations the server of Chun Woo-kyung was running from.‖

―Huh? How did you…‖

Huan Myung-oh couldn‘t hide his surprise. He also had instructed his clan members to track it

However, they said that it was impossible to find because of the frequent change of IP.
Moreover, less than 30 minutes after the video was uploaded, the whole server was completely
shut down.

In the end, he almost gave up, but Chun Yeowun had somehow managed to pick the locations of
the computers running the server.

„The Lord is good at hacking?‟

Huan Myung-oh was shocked.

Of course, it was Nano who did it. Nano could easily hack the IP movement, but since there were
320 computers running it, it was impossible to find the real place.

―I‘ll give you a week. Find out where he‘s based.‖


―Hang Yu-rin.‖


As if waiting, she stood up and answered.

―How is the Jinan‘s Murim Association movement?‖

―As asked, I put a mark on all the clans that belong to the Murim Association in Jinan city. There
has been no movement from the Jegal Cultural Foundation Side and the HB (Hwang Bo clan). It
seems they haven‘t figured it out yet.‖

―If there is any movement to hold meetings or to convene Murim members into meetings, take
action right away.‖



A smile crept on her lips.

Chun Yeowun had ordered them to stop them before they could even meet.
All this time, the Chun Yu-jang faction had avoided friction with the Murim Association, so she
was fond of this.

―Blade Six?‖

Chun Yeowun had bigger interests.

Although no one of the spies belonged to Blade Six, he had no intention of overlooking them as
just a long-time enemy‘s descendant.

―I was going to report it, but last night, we found Six Essence‘s men searching in Hwangseong


―Yes. I don‘t know what they were looking for. They searched until two in the morning and then

She seemed upset about not being able to find anything.

Chun Yu-jang seemed gloomy at the order to stay away from Murim when Chun Yeowun called

―Chun Yu-jang.‖


―Did you say that not only the National Guards, but also the civil servants of Jinan city hall are
under your favor?‖


In order to have firm roots in the city, Chun Yu-jang had built a well-maintained relationship.

―Make an exception and receive a favor.‖

―Huh? Exception…?‖

―Secure all CCTV footage in the park and everything in its vicinity for 48 hours .‖
―I see!‖

Chun Yu-jang‘s face brightened at the command.

He was worried that he had been totally excluded from the work of Murim, but he wasn‘t.


The executives were shocked at how quickly things were going.

They didn‘t disclose it as they feared that Chun Yu-jang would feel bad, but Chun Yeowun‘s
actions were swift.

„When was the last time we had such a smooth meeting?‟


‗He is the one who had revived the Cult in the past and he‘s doing it again in our time.‘

They thought that his martial arts were the best, but his ability to lead was also amazing. There
was no comparison with Chun Yu-jang.

It was clear to them what Chun Yeowun meant when he said that their chairman lacked the
qualities of a Lord.


Someone knocked on the door.

The person who entered was Bi Mak-heon.

The senior executives were puzzled because he wasn‘t supposed to show up. But the man bowed
to Chun Yeowun.

―As ordered, we have completed the recruitment of members for the vice chairman. We have
selected 50 people with great skills.‖

They nodded their heads.

They weren‘t even sure when his office people were recruited.

Originally, it shouldn‘t exceed 10 people, but the fact that such a large number was selected
meant that there was a mission.

―I am not sure how you will feel about them. But those chosen will consider it an honor.‖

―The highest honor a Cult member could ever get.‖

The seniors said that. When.



A phone vibrated.

However, it wasn‘t just one, but all the phones within the room.

The seniors looked at the screen on their phones. Their faces suddenly went stiff.


It was a test message from the HR team. A notification stating those with the best abilities in
their departments had been transferred.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 51 -

Illusion (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Oct 29, 2021

• 11 min read • 5891 views



„Director Huan is also in the team?‟

Nod nod!

Huan Myung-oh nodded his head with a bitter face.

Regardless of who they were, those with the best abilities in each department were selected.

Since the ones recruited had to be above the Super master level, it was no surprise that the ones
directly under the chairman were selected.

„Y-you traitors!‟

The transfer was only possible with the consent of the parties involved.

In a word, all these people moved to the vice-chairman‘s office because they wanted it too.

„I would have accepted too.‟

„Without even asking…‟

The other executives couldn‘t hide their disappointment.

After all, they wouldn‘t even think twice if they were asked to work directly under Chun Ma.


They all looked at Chun Yu-jang and sighed.

From the moment Chun Yeowun appeared, Chun Yu-jang‘s role turned into that of a mere

―Good job.‖

―Not at all! I have just executed the orders.‖

Having heard the compliment, the executives were stunned at Bi Mak-heon‘s appearance.

It was regrettable that they couldn‘t notice such a person.

At that moment, Chun Yu-jang opened his mouth.

―General Manager Bi Mak-heon.‖

―Yes, chairman.‖

―We are going to hold off on your promotion for the time being.‖


Bi Mak-heon‘s eyes shook.

It was only yesterday evening that he was told he would be promoted to managing director.

And now, he was flustered at the sudden withholding of his position.

―It is unfortunate, but you are being demoted.‖

At Chun Yu-jang‘s words, Bi Mak-heon seemed to be close to weeping. The executives frowned,
thinking that this was their chairman‘s way of showing disdain for snatching away his members.

Chun Yeowun answered.

―For the time being, I‘ll have you take over as assistant manager for my office.‖


Bi Mak-heon‘s eyes widened.

He was confused because he thought he was really being demoted, but when he heard that he
was appointed as the assistant manager serving under Chun Yeowun, his face brightened in an

―Is this true?‖

―Why? You don‘t like it?‖

―Ah No! It is a lifetime honor to serve under you!‖


Bi Mak-heon knelt and bowed to Chun Yeowun.

To become assistant manager literally meant to play the role of being Chun Yeowun‘s right arm.

Sure it was a demotion, but in other words, he was going to be in the centre of the new Sky
Demon Order.

„Demotion what shit?‟

‟… damn it.‟

The faces of some executives darkened.

If the Sky Demon Order was going to be unified in the future, the one working as assistant
manager for Chun Yeowun would shine brightly.

Their eyes were dyed with envy.

„Now there is only one thing to do before heading back to Shenyang and bringing them.‟
Numerous plans were being drawn inside Chun Yeowun‘s head.

After subduing the three factions, Jinan city will serve as the foundation of the Cult‘s

The final goal was to retake Gwangju city, which had the Ten Thousand Mountains.

„We need to take it from Oshin.‟

Gwangju city, where Ten thousand mountains were, was said to be occupied by the Oshin

He heard it was one of the three major factions in Murim.

The factions within the Murim Association were the Forces of Justice alliance, Blade Six and
Oshin Group.

The Chairman of Oshin Group was said to be the representative of the Murim Association.

„How dare they take what belongs to the Cult!‟

Chun Yeowun‘s second goal was to drive out everyone who targeted the Sky Demon Order and
planned its downfall.

Before that, it was necessary to have power on their side.

However, the Sky Demon Order needed a very important thing.

„An achievement…‟

Not just Murim, but everyone in this land seemed to think badly of the Black Sky Company and
the Sky Demon Order.

Which meant they should seize an opportunity to change the image.

„We need to instill awareness that the Sky Demon Order is necessary for everyone.‟

It was essential to change the perception in order to win the support of the general public.
„Is there a good way?‟

A solution then suddenly came to Chun Yeowun.

A catastrophe of mankind.

An enemy of mankind.

Whether it was the Murim Association or the Gate Keepers of the National Guards, an enemy
made them work together.

The Gate.

The disaster coming out of the Gate had only one goal.

To exterminate mankind.

Digging into that gap may be a way to change the perception of the Sky Demon Order.

„It is a shame that they were ignoring such good chances by fighting with each other.‟

The Yongchun Group didn‘t register in Murim.

They avoided participating in Gate battles to avoid exposure.

If they had endured the hardships for the last 27 years, the perception would have already

They lost the best advantage they had to fear.

―Bi Mak-heon.‖


Bi Mak-heon, who was bowing, got up and answered.

―Prepare the car.‖

At that, Chun Yu-jang asked with a puzzled expression.

―Going somewhere?‖

Chun Yeowun got up from his seat and put on his coat.

―Which hospital did that wench say she was going to?‖


The word wench made him understand.

It was her.

―Ilcheon General Hospital.‖

―The treatment I gave her should be adequate, so I should start using her slowly. Hm, using her
as a secretary would be appropriate.‖

With those words, Chun Yeowun left the room.

Chun Yu-jang was left muttering in confusion.

―… using an SS-class Keeper as his secretary?‖

Ilcheon General Hospital was an affiliated group of Yongchun.

In one of its wards, a woman in her late twenties, with brown hair and voluptuous breasts not
fully covered by the patient‘s dress, was sitting on the bed.

The woman with provocative eyes was an SS-class Gate Keeper, Yu So-hwa the Gravity Witch.

Her gaze was on the flowerpots near the window of her room.

[I wish you a fast recovery. Commander-in-chief of Jinan City Defense Force, General Jo Yoon.]

[With you, citizens are guaranteed safety. Jinan Public Security Bureau Director, Liu Cheng-
[The Deputy Mayor would like to express his gratitude for your service.]

They were all wishes for recovery.

As an SS-class Gate Keeper, she was loyal to the officials in Jinan.

The director of the Public Security Bureau had visited her in person.

„I don‟t know anything anymore.‟

The joint surgery on her right arm was successfully completed.

It was a clean-cut, so the regenerative treatment of the nerves went very smoothly.


Her eyes looked at the room entrance.

Two men in black suits were standing there.

They were the security agents of Yongchun who were monitoring her.

[The National Defense‘s affiliated hospital isn‘t allowed. Instead, we will arrange for you to
receive treatment at our hospital. However, please hold back your words to your visitors.]

Those were the words of someone called Bi Mak-heon.

The words telling her not to reveal that she was now working under Chun Yeowun.

Around a thousand nano bombs were injected into her body.

„How did it get to this?‟

Even if she had SS-class superpowers, there was no way she could remove the nano bombs
inside her blood vessels.

She thought of running away.

However, there were agents moving around the whole hospital.

„If I could, I‟d kill them all.‟

It wasn‘t an impossible task given her abilities, but if she started an assault, they would certainly
contact him.

That ruthless monster will detonate the nano bombs without mercy.

„I need to calm down.‟

Unneeded excitement would only make her hurt herself.

It was when she was trying to do that.


With a knock, the door opened and a man in a black suit spoke.

―You have visitors.‖

―… let them in.‖

Three people entered.

A woman in her late 20s with short hair and red glasses, and two men in casual attire like college

Yu So-hwa looked at the woman in red glasses, who stood out.


The door closed.

One of the two men put his palm on the door.

And the woman with the red glasses slowly opened her lips.

―The sound won‘t go out, so don‘t worry.‖

―I didn‘t think you would come. Hye-yeon.‖

It seemed like they were familiar with each other.

The woman in red glasses answered.

―You are as rude as ever.‖

―Are you really calling me that despite your sarcastic way of talking?‖

―Whatever. I see it‘s true that an SS-class Keeper was defeated? When did my rival become so

At her words, Yu So-hwa laughed.

Hye-yeon, the woman in red glasses, was an S-class Keeper, who considered Yu So-hwa her

Yu So-hwa acknowledged her strength as well.

Her ability was dangerous even against an SS-class.

―We don‘t have time.‖

Hye-yeon gestured to the man who had his hand on the door.

While the other man pulled out a small terminal from the sleeve.

Hye-yeon smiled.

―You owe me one now. We used a C-class core to get this.‖

―… okay.‖

The man pressed the button on the terminal.


The ultrasound of a dolphin echoed through the ears.

After around 10 seconds of ringing, the man turned off the terminal.
―Done. Now that the nano bombs have been removed, let‘s move.‖

That was the purpose of the terminal.

The device sent out a code frequency which stopped the bombs in Yu So-hwa‘s body.

Yu So-hwa‘s face brightened at those words.

―I will never forget this debt.‖

―Right. Now let‘s get out of here. If someone interferes, we‘ll destroy everything. Hahah.‖

―You can‘t do that.‖

―Huh? Why?‖

―If we do so, he will be contacted.‖

―… he, are you talking about the Murim warrior who made you like this?‖


―I don‘t know how much of a monster he is, but don‘t you know my power? If he is a human…‖

―Fine. Let‘s get out.‖

―Ungrateful wench!‖

As she got up, Hye-yeon grumbled.

The man who had his palm on the door was sweating profusely.


At that moment, the room opened and the agents in black suits entered.

―What are you people doing?‖

―State your identities?‖

They were unable to open the door because of the man‘s abilities.

Looking at them, Hye-yeon smiled and said.

―Will you be fine staying by my side?‖

―What are you talking…. Huk!‖

Shocked, one of the agents took a knife from his pocket and then stabbed the agent next to him.


―Kua! Why?‖

The stabbed agent was shocked, but the other man took the knife out and then started to stab him
again with delighted eyes.

Puck! Puck!

―You monster! Die! Die!‖


The stabbing stopped when the man died.

The agent‘s eyes ceased to be dazed and then looked at his fellow agent lying dead on the floor.

―W-what the hell is this?‖

―You kill your own men with your hands.‖

Hye-yeon said with a smile.


The agent kept staring at the blood-soaked knife in his hand when Hye-yeon said.

―You killed a comrade, what are you going to do now?‖

Having heard that, the agent‘s eyes lost focus again. He grabbed the knife and placed it near his


And fell to the floor.

Seeing that, Yu So-hwa said.

―Still a bad move.‖

―They made you like this, did you think I will let them live?‖

―Stop. There are civilians in the hallways, so don‘t do such things.‖

―Pretending to be a nice girl.‖

They came out of the room. There were civilians, patients and other agents too.


Hye-yeon shouted.

Expectedly, people‘s eyes turned to her.

Clapping her hands, Hye-yeon said.


―Time to sleep!‖

Thud! Thud! Thud!

At that moment, everyone fell to the ground. They fell asleep. One could tell from the snoring
sounds coming from them.

―Kay. Ready?‖

A shocking ability.
Among the S-class keepers, people with outstanding abilities were sometimes given titles.

And this woman‘s title was The Illusionist.

At first glance, it seemed like a psychic ability unsuited for combat. However, it was a hypnotic
ability classified as dangerous one by the state council.


They hurried to the elevator in the block‘s lobby.

Because Hye-yeon had hypnotic abilities, she was thinking of walking out proudly.

However, when they turned the corner and reached the lobby.

They heard the sound of the elevator stopping.


It looked like someone was stopping on this floor.

When the elevator‘s door opened, Yu So-hwa‘s expression hardened.

―Where do you think you are going?‖

She could feel her heart drop.

„W-why at a time like this?‟

The ones who got off the elevator were Chun Yeowun, Bi Mak-heon, and a few hospital security

Chun Yeowun looked at the fallen people in the hallway and asked in a cold voice.

―Maybe I should tighten the leash a little more?‖


Chun Yeowun raised his finger.

It looked like he was going to detonate a bomb.

Yu So-hwa bit her lip.

―It doesn‘t work anymo…‖

Snap! Phut!


Her left hand turned dark with a loud bang.

Hye-yeon looked at Yu So-hwa in perplexion, unable to understand what had just happened.

―I-I disarmed the nano bombs, so how?‖



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Illusion (3)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on
Oct 30, 2021

• 10 min read • 5460 views




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Hye-yeon used all her connections to get the terminal containing the code to disarm the nano
bombs through the black market.

It was a genuine handset from MS, which was obtained by giving them a C-class core.

That‘s why she was puzzled at the nano bomb explosion.

„Did they give me a defective product?‟


Seeing Yu So-hwa writhe in pain, Chun Yeowun was satisfied.

The terminal wasn‘t defective or fake.

It did genuinely contain the code to disarm the bombs.

Under normal circumstances, the nano bombs would have been disarmed and would later come
out through urine.

„This is Nano‟s effect.‟


If only Nano wasn‘t there, everything would have worked out according to their plan.

Nano, who has a much more advanced technology regarding nanotech, conducted some
modifications on the bombs that Chun Yeowun took out from Baek Jong-so‘s body.
Unlike the original ones, which, in terms of manipulation, could only be disarmed, the new ones
could move more freely.

―Damn the black market!‖

Unaware of that, Hye-yeon grumbled.

Contrary to her intelligent-looking appearance, she was a pretty rough woman.

―Fine. Doesn‘t matter.‖

―What do you mean it doesn‘t matter?‖

―I think it went well. Now I will deal with him and prove that I am far superior to an SS-class
Gate Keeper.‖

Bi Mak-heon was taken aback by her bold words.

―Vice-chairman. May I?‖


Bi Mak-heon‘s hand headed towards the sword.

Since Yu So-hwa was bound by the nano bombs, Chun Yeowun granted his request.

―Take care of it.‖



As if waiting, Bi Mak-heon went for her at once.

As a master of Illusion Swordsmanship, his swordsmanship changed right away. His aim was a
single fatal attack.


―Hooho! Dare attack me?‖


At that moment, Bi Mak-heon, who was unfolding his technique, forcibly stopped.


He was flustered to see his body stop. But then his body knelt down, and he banged his head on
the ground.

―I-I have been deceived by the enemy and almost attacked the vice-chairman!‖



Chun Yeowun‘s eyebrows rose at the sight. Bi Mak-heon apologized over and over to Hye-yeon
as if she was him.

Licking her lips, she pointed to Chun Yeowun.

―Now we need to deal with the enemy.‖

At her words, Bi Mak-heon got up from the ground and went for Chun Yeowun.

―How dare you deceive me! I will cut off this woman‘s head!‖

Conversely, he saw Chun Yeowun as Hye-yeon.

She spoke with a delighted tone at the sight.

―Huh! Let the allies fight.‖

It was then.

Chun Yeowun held out his hand towards Bi Mak-heon and moved it down lightly.


Bi Mak-heon forcibly knelt down.


Bi Mak-heon remained stuck to the floor.

Seeing that, Hye-yeon frowned while mumbling.

―… shit.‖

She thought that she would be able to gain some time, but she was overpowered.

Yu So-hwa, who was groaning in pain, opened her mouth.

―You can‘t subdue him like that.‖

―Huh. I think so. But it doesn‘t matter. The stronger my enemy, the better. It is fortunate that I


Hye-yeon winked at her and looked at Chun Yeowun.

Their eyes met.

However, there was a strange light shining in her pupils.

―Huhu. It is over!‖

She confidently pointed to the sword that Bi Mak-heon dropped.

―That nice thing there. Pick it up.‖


―Pick it up!‖

She said it in a slightly stronger way.

Chun Yeowun reached out to the floor and retrieved the sword.
For a second, she wondered if her ability didn‘t work, but it was a good idea to repeat the order

―Now. Stab yourself with that.‖

Chun Yeowun raised the sword.

The guards around him panicked and tried to stop him.

―Stab yourself already!‖

Hye-yeon shouted.

―What are you talking about?‖


Swish! Puck!


Thrown by Chun Yeowun, Bi Mak-heon‘s sword pierced her thigh. As it was unexpected, she
grabbed her thigh, screaming in pain.

―Damn it!‖

One of the Keepers standing beside her rushed towards Chun Yeowun.

Sharp steel spikes sprouted from his body.

It seemed like this person had the ability to protect his body with steel thorns and even use them
to attack.


Having narrowed the distance, the Keeper leaned forward. The steel thorns were fired from his
body like missiles and aimed for Chun Yeowun and the guards.

However, his opponent wasn‘t weak.

Chun Yeowun waved his hand, and all the projectiles flying towards him pierced the wall next to


The Keeper tried to regenerate the thorns once again.

Chun Yeowun, who saw that, lowered his hand.

―What now?‖


The sound of a slash echoed as the Keeper‘s body got split in half.

Even the thorns on his body were cut off.

The other Keeper reached out to Chun Yeowun when he saw his colleague get killed.

―You bastard!‖



―What is this?‖

The guards were pushed away as invisible walls appeared around Chun Yeowun.

The ability of this Keeper was to create a thin wall of air.

―Don‘t try to do anything.‖

The ability could be used to exert pressure on people.

The invisible wall could be decreased in size.

And if that was done, the opponent would be crushed.

Chun Yeowun, who was inside, mumbled something which wasn‘t heard.
The ability would block sound, so no one could hear him.


The wall was rapidly compressed.

It was then.


Chun Yeowun raised his hand and cut the wall.

Like a broken window, the wall made of air shattered.

―This is like a kid‘s play toy.‖

―W-what is…‖

The Keeper couldn‘t hide his shock.

He has never seen someone break out of his ability before.

―Let‘s end this.‖

Chun Yeowun waved his hand, making the head of the keeper bend sideways.




The Keeper silently died.


Yu So-hwa sighed.

She actually had high expectations regarding Hye-yeon‘s ability. The ability to hypnotize any
living being. Unless it was a special alpha type entity, it worked on everything else.
„That monster.‟

Yu So-hwa realized the absurdity of Chun Yeowun‘s existence.

„H-how the hell is he not caught?‟

Hye-yeon was still not able to believe her eyes.

It was the first time that such a thing had happened.

She was able to hypnotize every single Murim warrior she had met before.

„Why! Why! Why isn‟t it working!?‟


Her eyes were still glowing.

She was still trying to use her ability on Chun Yeowun, to hypnotize him, to control him.
However, nothing worked.

―Seventy eight times.‖


At Chun Yeowun‘s words, Hye-yeon‘s eyes fluttered.

It was an exact count.

―You tried so hard to get into my senses.‖


Hye-yeon was extremely shocked.

The man knew exactly what she was trying to do.

Her ability allowed her to control the senses of the human body in order to handle them freely.

―Enough… we have played a lot.‖

Chun Yeowun walked towards her.

Making Hye-yeon cry out.


―That doesn‘t work on me.‖

―Huh! Ugh! And your subordinates?‖


At her words, Chun Yeowun turned around to see the four guards aiming their weapons at their
own necks.

Hye-yeon warned him.

―If you move even one step or try to harm us, you will see them take their own lives.‖


The guards were pushing the weapons closer to the necks.

He didn‘t think that the woman would use her ability in such a way.

„Someday I will repay this disgrace you have shown me.‟

Running away hurt Hye-yeon‘s pride.

However, having made a firm resolve within her, she dragged her leg and pulled Yu So-hwa.

―Come up. Let‘s get out of here…‖

When Chun Yeowun said.

―Throw away the weapons.‖


At Chun Yeowun‘s command, the hypnotized guards threw away their weapons on the floor.
Having witnessed the ridiculous scene, Hye-yeon‘s eyes went wide.

―W-what is this?‖

The men were still hypnotized.

However, they were taking someone else‘s command nonetheless.

„No! Has to be a coincidence!‟

―Eik! It doesn‘t matter if you don‘t have weapons! Choke yourselves!‖

She screamed as if she was possessed by an evil spirit.

The guards grabbed their throats.

And Chun Yeowun spoke again.

―Don‘t move.‖


At his firm command, the guards stopped moving.

Hye-yeon couldn‘t understand what was happening.

―H-how did this happen…‖

―Such a waste. The power of Sky Demon energy is far more superior than that ability of yours.‖

Obviously, Hye-yeon‘s ability was strong.

However, there was no way to make a human go against the demonic energy which came from
the corrupted spirit beast.

Not knowing that, she was flustered.

―S-Sky Demon energy, what is…‖

In an instant, Chun Yeowun‘s image blurred and reappeared in front of the woman.

Chun Yeowun grabbed her by the neck.



―I am sick of playing anymore.‖


Hye-yeon‘s face turned red.

She felt like she was going to die from suffocation at any moment. It had been a long time since
her prideful heart was severely broken.

The SS-class Keeper Yu So-hwa knew what that felt like. However, she didn‘t have the courage
to interfere.

„Am I going to die like this? If it wasn‟t for her…‟

Hye-yeon‘s eyes looked at Yu So-hwa with resentful eyes.

She then came up with a good way to get out of the situation.


―Save you?‖

Chun Yeowun‘s grip on her neck loosened. Hye-yeon, who was barely able to take a breath, said.

―Haa.. haa.. I, too, am useful to you… like Yu So-hwa.‖

―Useful. Hmm.‖

Chun Yeowun looked like he was thinking for a moment.

„It worked!‟
Thinking that she had a chance, she let out a rough breath and then spoke with a seductive look.

―Haaa… I will dedicate both my body and mind to you.‖

―Body and mind?‖

―Yes… if you don‘t believe me, you can put nano bombs in my body.‖


She was shaking her head.

She had to live her life, even if it meant to live trembling as a slave of the monstrous man.

„Ridiculous. I am not going to die here.‟

She didn‘t want to die.

Rather, she decided that she would somehow survive, improve her abilities and then take down
the monster.

„Even if it is impossible for that bitch, I can.‟

Unlike Yu So-hwa, she was confident in handling men.

Looking at Chun Yeowun, she thought that she had a chance.

She knelt down and said.

―You know. I am hotter in bed than Yu So-hw…‖

―How arrogant.‖


Hye-yeon, who was trying her best to seduce him, went stiff.

Chun Yeowun looked at her with contemptuous cold eyes.

―I have changed my mind.‖

―W-what do you mean?‖

―People who have a 4 year old brain are worthless.‖

―W-wait a minute, why is that bitch…‖



―Don‘t talk nonsense and just die.‖



As she struggled, Chun Yeowun mercilessly broke her neck.

With a welp, the woman died.


Chun Yeowun threw her body to the floor.

Her initial plan of highlighting the usefulness of her ability was good. But she failed to realize
that Chun Yeowun didn‘t like women who tried to tempt others.


Yu So-hwa covered her mouth, trying not to scream at what she had just witnessed.

Chun Yeowun turned to her and said.

―Are your attempts to run away now over?‖



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 53 -

Proof (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Oct 31, 2021

• 11 min read • 5893 views



A black sedan was driving down the road in Jinan city.

Sitting in the sedan‘s passenger seat was the vice chairman‘s assistant manager, Bi Mak-heon,
who turned on the tablet PC and handed it.

Receiving it, Yu So-hwa looked at the content of the contract written in it.

The contract wasn‘t much different from what regular companies would generally draft.

―Please take a good look and sign.‖

―But I am still a Gate Keeper.‖

If she signed this one, it would be treated as if she had taken double contracts.
At her concern, Bi Mak-heon smiled and said.

―You don‘t have to worry about that. There is also a resignation letter in the next PDF file. Just
fill in your personal information and sign. Our legal team will discuss the rest with the Defense

All preparations had been made.

As she looked through the documents, her eyes stopped at the salary.

It was too high for a mere secretary job.

―Wasn‘t I supposed to be a secretary?‖

Chun Yeowun, who was sitting next to her, answered.

―It is the payment fit for your abilities.‖

The annual salary was 5 billion won.

Only the strongest level Murim warrior would be given that salary. Even among the Gate
Keepers, only an SS-class keeper would be given such a high salary.

It wasn‘t something that a secretary would be given.

„What is he up to?‟

She couldn‘t understand.

After all, she had to follow the man whether she liked it or not because of the nano bombs inside
her body.

Chun Yeowun answered her concerns.

―The amount was set according to your abilities. There is also a real price that depends on your

―Real price?‖
―I will get rid of the nano bombs in your body one after another whenever you do something
worth it.‖


She was shocked.

She never thought that such an offer would be made.

―Right now, there are 987 bombs in your body.‖

It was the number of bombs left after the last explosion.

Yu So-hwa spoke in a voice revealing her disbelief.

―How are you going to remove the bombs one by one?‖

Chun Yeowun smiled.

„Nano. Take one nano bomb out of her body.‟


Soon, Yu So-hwa seemed to have a runny nose.

For someone who was often called a beauty, a runny nose was unusual to see.

Yu So-hwa hurriedly tried to wipe it off.

―Stay still.‖

At Chun Yeowun gesture, the runny nose slowly moved up in the form of a droplet.

―W-what are you doing?

Yu So-hwa yelled with a blush running up her face.

Looking at that, Chun Yeowun clicked his tongue.

―Tch.I said stay still!‖



Chun Yeowun opened the window and moved the drop of water out.


Chun Yeowun snapped his finger.


At that moment, a small visible explosion occurred outside the window.

Yu So-hwa was shocked.

It was so small on the outside, but when it burst inside, it hurt like hell.

„He was telling the truth!‟

She couldn‘t put it into words, but she was shocked.

What Chun Yeowun had just shown her was effective.

For her, who was suffering from psychological pressure due to the nano bombs, this was an
attractive proposal.

―Now there are 986 left.‖

Hesitating, YU So-hwa asked Chun Yeowun.

―Are you… really going to get rid of the nano bombs each time I achieve something?‖

―Do I have to repeat myself?‖

Yu So-hwa‘s hand trembled while holding the pen.

She was someone who fell into despair as she saw other Gate Keepers die in front of her eyes.

However, this proposal gave her a glimmer of hope.


Without any hesitation, she signed the contract with a brighter face.


She handed the tablet PC and the pen to BI Mak-heon.

Bi Mak-heon smiled.

„H-he really got an SS-class Gate Keeper as his exclusive secretary.‟

And the woman had accepted it herself.

If Chun Yeowun wanted, he could have made her succumb to despair and get her to work.

But with the right means, he motivated her.

Now, she will move however Chun Yeowun wants.

―Yu So-hwa. No, from now on, I will call you secretary Yu.‖

―Yes. Uhm.‖

―It is vice-chairman.‖

―Yes. Vice-chairman.‖

―With the power of an SS-class Gate Keeper, is it possible to have a private meeting with a
mayor-level person?‖

She still hadn‘t resigned as Gate Keeper.

Which was why, as a member with a high ranking in the National Guard, she would be able to
request a private meeting.

Besides, she was the famous SS-class Gate Keeper.

―It is possible, but.‖



―Go to Jinan City hall.‖


The driver immediately turned the vehicle.

„Jinan City Hall?‟

Yu So-hwa looked at Chun Yeowun with curious eyes.

Jinan city‘s Ilcheon general hospital.

CCTV room in the basement of the hospital.

The security staff laid dead on the floor.

It was as if they were asleep, but not breathing.


An unidentified person was checking the footage while typing something on the keyboard.

He was wearing a black hat and a grey burberry coat.

The man who kept looking for something in the recorded folders, pulled out an old cellphone and
made a call.

Trrring! Click!

— What happened? Did you find it?

An altered voice answered the phone.

The man in the black hat shook his head and said.
―Looks like we were late.‖

— How unfortunate.

―However, there is something strange.‖

— Hmm?

―All videos recorded when the target arrived have been deleted.‖

— Hmm… they must have done something which shouldn‘t be shown to the public.

―Should I investigate?‖

— No. Don‘t bother. Just focus on your goal.

―Sigh… this is getting a little annoying. I don‘t have time because of the Gate Warning, and we
were interrupted by them yesterday as well. If I could, I would just deal with them right away,
but I keep having to hold back.‖

— That is a problem that the higher-ups should solve. We only do what we are instructed.

―Okay. So what will our 2nd team do? Can you tell us where the target is heading?‖

— Wait up. Right now, the CCTV network of the road…


The sound of hitting the keys could be heard.

— Hm? No…

―What is it?‖

— The target‘s vehicle… is coming this way.

―Huh? Then, they are heading to Jinan City Hall?‖

It seemed like the altered voice was in the Jinan City Hall.
The voice immediately gave orders.

— Finish cleaning up and immediately lead the 2nd team to Jinan city hall.


Jinan City Hall.


There was an uproar inside the City Hall building.

The staff on the general affairs department on the 20th floor came out and stared at someone in
the waiting room.

―Wah… that woman is an SS-class Gate Keeper right?‖

―She looks like an actress.‖

The person they were looking at was the SS-class Gate Keeper, Yu So-hwa the Gravity Witch.

In a white blouse and black skirt, she looked like an actress who appears in dramas.

―But isn‘t that strange?‖

―She looks like an assistant.‖

―Ehh. No way.‖

She was standing respectfully.

Despite the empty chairs in the waiting room.

Bi Mak-heon, who was wearing a dark blue suit, was also standing.

―He looks young?‖

―Who is he?‖
They were all chatting about Chun Yeowun, the only one seated.

―You must be famous.‖

―No, sir.‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s words, Yu So-hwa responded bluntly.

Of course, despite denying it, she couldn‘t hide her red face, which was turning even redder due
to the burdensome gazes.

This was her first time working as someone‘s secretary.

It was then, someone came into the waiting room.

―You must have waited long.‖

A man in his early forties.

The man was an assistant of the Mayor of Jinan, Sang Yeong.

―The deputy Mayor and even the security chief wanted to join the meeting saying that the Gate
Keeper was Miss Yu So-hwa, is that alright?‖

At the question, Yu So-hwa looked at Chun Yeowun. When he nodded, she answered.

„Hmm… why is an SS class Keeper asking permission from Yongchun Group‟s vice-chairman?‟

The man was puzzled.

He knew who they were as he had to confirm their identities in advance. But he couldn‘t
understand why the woman wanted to have a private conversation with the Mayor of Jinan.

―This way.‖

The assistant led them to the office.

After going through the hallway, he opened the door to the Mayor‘s room.
As he said, in the Mayor‘s office, there were three middle-aged men who looked like civil
servants and two female secretaries in front of the desk.

―Oh, I heard that today is a lucky day, but didn‘t realize that I was lucky enough to meet the
Gravity Witch.‖

A middle-aged man in an all brown suit, Jae-hyun, stood in front of the Mayor‘s table.

Standing to the right, was another middle-aged man with glasses and half parted hair. He was So
Yang-hyeon, the head of security.

―The new vice-chairman of Yongchun is also visiting the City Hall, this has to be really a nice
day, Mayor.‖

While talking to the Mayor, the head of security smiled at Chun Yeowun.

He was trying to show a friendly attitude as he was receiving donations from the Group.

Chun Yeowun‘s gaze was directed to the middle-aged man on the left side.

He was the deputy Mayor.

He had an unbalanced body shape. Unlike his pale and thin face, his body was pretty thick.


―Come on! Let‘s talk there.‖

At the Mayor‘s words, they moved to a separate room.

The female secretaries served them hot tea.


After putting down the teacup, the secretaries returned to their seats, and Mayor Jae-hyun opened
his mouth.

―Okay. Can I know why I was asked for a private meeting?‖

Surprisingly, the Mayor seemed to be the kind that liked getting to the point right away.

After all, he had a powerful position.

Besides, there wasn‘t much time because of the Gate Warning, which would soon be announced.

―I think it would be better if you talk to the vice-chairman and not me. Mayor.‖


Mayor Jae-hyun frowned.

The one who asked for the meeting was Yu So-hwa, but she asked him to speak with the vice-

―The vice-chairman, why?‖

―I am now speaking as the secretary of the vice-chairman and not as a Gate Keeper.‖


All three of them were shocked.

The most famous Gate Keeper. It was natural that one would show such a reaction.

―Huh. So..‖

At that time, Chun Yeowun gestured to Bi Mak-heon, who placed the tablet PC on the table.

On the screen was a document.

―What is that?‖

―Please take a look, Mayor.‖

At Bi Mak-heon‘s words, the Mayor tilted his head and then started to read the document.

Reading it, his expression hardened.

With a serious look, he asked.

―Isn‘t this a contract?‖

The document was a contract.

But the problem was its content.

Mayor Jae-hyun asked in a displeased tone.

―Is this the reason you asked for a private meeting? To get this approved?‖

―Mayor. What is it?‖

So Yang-heyon asked what was going on, and the Mayor handed him the tablet PC.

His face contorted as well.

―The Yongchun Group wants to sign a partnership agreement with Jinan City to participate in the
Gate Defense Battle regardless of Murim registration?‖

Even those who sided with the Yongchun were shocked.

The contract asked for permission to independently participate in the Gate defense without being
connected to the government.

The Yongchun group wasn‘t registered in Murim Association, so in a Gate Defense War, they
only get to play a defensive role and not an offensive one.

―Look. Vice-chairman. Do you think I will approve this?‖

When Murim warriors register with the association, they have to follow the orders of the
National Guard.

If they approved this, the Yongchun Group will cross the wall at will without relation to the
government and engage in battle.

At the Mayor‘s anger, Bi Mak-heon said.

―Mayor. Please don‘t overthink it. If you look at the contract, the partnership terms state that in
case Jinan faces risk due to the Gate, the Yongchun group will protect you as a partner…‖

The Mayor pushed the tablet PC away and spoke in anger.

―Don‘t play with words. Protect? Even the government can‘t allow this, and even if this is
possible with the self-governing power of Jinan city. I don‘t know what kind of power a single
company has to…‖

―Do you think that we would make such an offer without the power to back it?‖

The first time Chun Yeowun spoke.


It was just simple words, but the Mayor went speechless.

An unknown feeling of intimidation was emanating from Chun Yeowun, which made his body

The aura of the strongest.

Chun Yeowun spoke.

―You want proof of power? Mayor of Jinan.‖

―V-vice chairman, what are you talking about?‖

So Yang-hyeon, the head of security, asked.

Looking at So Yang-hyeon, Chun Yeowun asked.

―If I kill all the murim warriors and Gate Keepers in Jinan, will that be enough proof for you?‖



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 54 -

Proof (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Nov 1, 2021

• 11 min read • 5230 views




Bi Mak-heon, assistant manager of the vice-chairman, looked at Chun Yeowun with a puzzled

When he was asked to draft a contract, he had doubts whether it would work or not.

He knew that Chun Yeowun had something going on in his mind.


„This isn‟t a negotiation…‟

This was intimidation.

Bi Mak-heon knew who Chun Yeowun was, so it didn‘t sound like nonsense to him.
However, the Jinan city hall knew nothing about Chun Yeowun.

„Is this guy crazy?‟

„I was concerned because he was a young vice-chairman…‟

As expected, their expressions weren‘t good.

Mayor Jae-hyun, an ordinary politician, was speechless at Chun Yeowun‘s unique intimidation.

But Yang-hyeon got angry and jumped up from his seat.

―Kill? What do you think you are saying in front of the Mayor who controls the whole Jinan
city? No matter how much you want to show your power, do you think that it would be
considered as a joke when you talk about killing government affiliated Gate Keepers and
registered Murim warriors? Take your words back! vice-chairman.‖

As a person with military power under him, he had the courage.

The air in the room turned cold.

It was safe to say that amicable negotiations were not possible anymore.

„I am pissed off. How can you avoid registering in Murim association by giving us donations and
then say something like this?‟

So Yang-hyeon shook his head.

It sounded absurd.

He thought that with the warning he gave, the talks would pass.

―Joke? How funny! Do you think I can‘t do that?‖

Chun Yeowun didn‘t intend to back down.

„M-my lord!‟

Only BI Mak-heon was going crazy.

The relationship the company had with Jinan city hall was on the verge of being disturbed.

There was no way that Chun Yeowun didn‘t understand that, but Bi Mak-heon still couldn‘t
figure out why he was coming out so strong.


As expected, So Yang-hyeon‘s face turned red with anger.

―I don‘t care how young you are, I never thought that a person in the position of vice-chairman
would be this foolish. We will have a separate talk with the chairman of your company, I have
nothing more to say to you.‖

―You haven‘t signed the contract yet.‖

―I won‘t!‖

So Yang-hyeon was unable to tolerate Chun Yeowun‘s words and shouted.

―Call security! Call the guards right now and get them out…‖

That was when deputy Mayor Mi-chuk interfered.


―Deputy Mayor?‖

―Calm down chief So. Do you really want to sever our relationship with the Yongchun group
when the Gate Warning is around the corner?‖

Jinan city was in a state of tension.

It was because it was forecast that the Gate might be B-class or higher.

The barrier has already been breached by B-class and higher entities several times before.

Considering that, the Yongchun group, which played a defensive role from within the barrier,
was a necessary force.
―But deputy Mayor…‖

―Calm down and let me talk for a bit.‖


At those words, So Yang-hyeon went silent.

„Deputy Mayor Mi-chuk.‟

Bi Mak-heon looked at him.

For a long time, their company had been trying to contact the prominent politicians in the city.

However, this person couldn‘t be reached.

He was the most influential politician in Jinan city, serving as the deputy Mayor for three
consecutive times.

Mi-chuk looked at Chun Yeowun and said.

―Because you are a young vice-chairman, you certainly say a lot. To annihilate all the warriors
and Gate Keepers of Jinan City.‖

―Did that sound like a joke?‖

Chun Yeowun‘s voice was getting colder and colder.

Mi-chuk put his hand on his chin as he spoke with a serious look.

―You seem to believe in something. If so, can you let us know what it is? A proposal without a
vision won‘t have the power to convince. Tell me what the Yongchun group can do to protect the

The question was very cold.

Mayor Jae-hyun and even So Yang-hyeon nodded their heads at the deputy Mayor‘s wise
response and then looked at Chun Yeowun.
However, Chun Yeowun‘s answer was extremely unexpected.

―My existence is the answer.‖


Deputy Mayor couldn‘t believe his ears.

He expected to hear what kind of power was hidden within the company, but this answer was
completely unrelated.

―W-what. What absurd…‖


Deputy Mayor raised his hand and stopped So Yang-hyeon from speaking. He then added in a
soft voice.

―What is that supposed to mean vice-chairman?‖

―Exactly what you‘ve heard. I am Jinan‘s greatest strength.‖


So Yang-hyeon had completely lost it.

In the end, they were back to the starting point.

Deciding that he could no longer endure it, he wanted to call for security.

When Mi-chuk said.

―Then by strength, you mean your martial arts prowess?‖


Mi-chuk went silent at Chun Yeowun‘s affirmative answer.

Stroking his chin, he spoke again.

―The world has changed a lot since the Gate opened. Warriors who transcend human limitations
such as warriors and superpower holders have appeared.‖

And their participation in war made it easier for the humans to cope with the Gate.

Among the warriors transcending the limits of human beings, there were a few called the one-
man army.

―SS-class Gate Keeper, the Gravity Witch Yu So-hwa is a typical case. I might understand if it
was her saying those words, but the young vice-chairman is…‖

―I am no match for him.‖

Mi-chuk‘s words were cut by Yu So-hwa.

The Mayor seemed shocked.

―An SS-class keeper can‘t compete with him?‖

SS-class Gate Keepers were the pinnacle and the strongest of all Gate Keepers.

One of them was enough to subdue a C-class Gate.

―It makes no sense. To face an SS-class Keeper, the Murim warrior must be at least in the Tiger
zodiac level…‖

Despite being an ordinary human, the head of security was well aware of the power levels in

The Five Strongest Warriors standing at the pinnacle of modern Murim were rumored to be at
Tiger level.

But they were all over 60 years old.

„He is only in his early twenties and is claiming to be that strong?‟

A Tiger level warrior.

The strongest warriors.

If that was true, then the current Murim rankings would be overturned.

―I-I can‘t believe it.‖

―Chief So. I don‘t think that this is a discussion fit for this room anymore.‖

―What do you propose?‖

Deputy Mayor spoke with a strange smile.

―Isn‘t there only one way? Let‘s see if the vice-chairman can really prove his power.‖

Next to the city hall was a large dome-shaped stadium.

It was managed by the Murim of Jinan City hall.

Nobody expected the Mayor, who was busy with his meetings, to move to the place.

Chun Yeowun spoke.

―Keep your word.‖

―The Mayor has already given his word. If the vice-chairman can prove his power, we will
approve of the contract.‖


Unfortunately, the method to prove the power wasn‘t suggested by Chun Yeowun.

Since a Gate Warning was going to be issued, there was no way Jinan City wouldn‘t accept more

It was a good opportunity to deal with all problems if Chun Yeowun really had that much power.

While moving into the dome-shaped stadium, So Yang-hyeon said.

―This is a place where the warriors of the city hall train, and they take the test to register
themselves in the Murim association.‖
Murim registration was handled by the state.

However, since it wasn‘t possible for all warriors to come where the Murim Department of State
Council was registered, Murim departments were established at each city hall.


The registered warriors were graded according to the standards of the Murim Association.

―It was originally a test for Murim registration, but we will use it to measure the vice-chairman‘s

His words reminded Chun Yeowun of his days in the academy.

At that time, he was given a plate for each stage.

―Are you here?‖

As they entered, a strong man in his mid-forties, who appeared to be an employee of the Murim
department in city hall, approached and greeted the deputy Mayor.

―Manager Oh, is everything ready?‖

―Yes. The moment I got the call, we got everything done.‖

The man called manager Oh pointed to the right side of the place.

On the right side, eight layers of slabs were piled up. Each slab was 20cm thick.

―That one…‖

Bi Mak-heon knew what the blue color meant.

Manager Oh smiled and responded.

―I see that you are a Murim warrior. That is sapphire.‖

Sapphire, the blue stone, was much harder than ordinary stones and impossible to cut or break.

Since old times, Murim people have used that to test their strengths.
Manager Oh stood in front of it and said.

―There are four tests. Three basic measurements and one battle. We can conclude the level

The tests were prepared.

Manager Oh looked at Bi Mak-heon and said.

―Okay. Move on to the first test.‖

―Ah… that will be done by our vice-chairman, not me.‖

―Huh? Weren‘t you the vice-chairman?‖

Manager Oh thought that Bi Mak-heon was the vice-chairman of the Yongchun group since he
seemed older.

―It is this person.‖

As So Yang-hyeon‘s words, manager Oh scratched his head with embarrassment.

„Hmm? Him?‟

It was natural for manager Oh to be puzzled.

Chun Yeowun was nothing like a Murim warrior.

His internal energy didn‘t seem that great either.

He was skeptical, but since he was a high-ranking man, and the deputy Mayor asked for it,
manager Oh spoke with a calm face.

―Haha, I made a mistake. The vice chairman is so young that I misunderstood. Hmm, let‘s test it.
I will show you an example.‖

Manager Oh said while holding a sword and standing in front of the slab.
―You can use any weapon you want. Because the stone is hard, the blade may be damaged. Look


Blue energy condensed on manager Oh‘s hands.

Manager Oh created sword qi, placed it onto the sword and slammed it at the edge of the
sapphire slab.


The sword had gone to one slab and a half.

At first glance, it didn‘t look like much, but it was impressive.

The slab can only be cut down with sword qi.


Bi Mak-heon exclaimed.

He didn‘t expect the Murim department to have such a strong person.

Manager Oh put the weapon on the shelf and said.

―Okay. Do it like this. You need to be Snake level (End of Super Master level) to cut one slab.‖

Since he thought that he did a good job with it, manager Oh looked proud.

―For reference, the chairman of Six Essence, the best in Jinan, could cut up to five.‖

Six Essence was the subsidiary of Blade.

In other words, a member of the Blade God Six Martial clan.

―He got Dragon level.‖

That meant he was at the beginning of the Superior Master level.

Sarcastically, So Yang-hyeon said.

―The vice-chairman can cut down six or seven.‖

And if he couldn‘t do that, that meant that he was bluffing.

Manager Oh stepped away and pointed to the slab.

―Okay. Try it. The sword… uh?‖

Chun Yeowun passed him and stood in front of the slabs. Without any weapons.

„Is he going to cut the slabs without any weapons?‟

Manager Oh couldn‘t hide his shock.

If that was the case, it meant the man could use sword qi with bare hands.

In other words, Chun Yeowun had to be Superior Master or above to do it.

―Come to think of it, I don‘t think I have ever done this in the academy.‖


―What is the point of breaking a stone?‖


Chun Yeowun placed his hand on the middle stone.

There was a gleam in manager Oh‘s eyes.

He wasn‘t sure what Chun Yeowun was planning to do without even raising his qi.

It was then.


The moment Chun Yeowun touched the stone, a crack appeared from above.


And then Chun Yeowun slowly lowered his hand from the top slab to the bottom without lifting
it, as if playing with mud.


Chun Yeowun‘s hand smashed the slabs and rested on the floor.


Everyone was shocked.

All the people who belonged to the Murim department were astonished.

So Yang-hyeon was no exception.

„No… No way!‟

Manager Oh stood agape while looking at the shards of sapphire slabs that were crushed down
like cookies.

He had done a lot of tests in his life, but this was something he saw for the first time.

„He didn‟t even use sword qi and just crushed them with internal energy…‟

He couldn‘t make a proper assessment as Chun Yeowun‘s methods weren‘t normal.

All the slabs were crushed down by the pressing energy which came down from above.

Chun Yeowun laughingly said.

―Test? You people are funny. This is such a silly joke.‖


―What do you do with this? Wood, tile, stone… sapphire. Cutting and breaking an object. The
opponent can‘t even resist as it isn‘t alive.‖
With those words, he lightly swung his hand.


The sword went right for the target and split the slab.


The split slab fell on the ground.

It wasn‘t sword qi or energy.

„W-what was that?‟

Manager Oh was so shocked that he was at a loss for words.

Chun Yeowun turned to manager Oh and asked.

―Are you the one who will fight with me?‖



Manager Oh‘s face turned pale at that question.



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Proof (3)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Nov 2, 2021

• 9 min read • 5187 views


Manager Oh, whose face turned white, couldn‘t open his mouth.

He had just witnessed an unbelievable sight right before his eyes. It was difficult to even dare
imagine the level of internal energy one would need to crush the sapphire slabs by just pressing
them down.

„Is he really Tiger level?‟

Manager Oh then came to a realisation.

He actually had never met a Supreme Master. So considering that the strongest warrior in the
city could only cut down five slabs, this man in front of him must be a monster.

―Who will fight against me?‖

Chun Yeowun asked again.

―… Chief, this man is a true strong warrior. There is no one here who can deal with him.‖

In response, manager Oh revealed the blunt truth.

If the man was on an equal level, then he would have tried to battle him.
However, even he, the leader of the Murim department, wouldn‘t ever dare fight this monster. It
felt stupid to even think about it.

―What do you mean? Aren‘t you exaggerating? He only did one test!‖

So Yang-hyeon, the head of security, questioned.

He had, of course, seen the sapphire slabs being crushed down in front of his eyes.

However, from an ordinary person‘s standpoint, he didn‘t quite understand why the examiner
would let him pass without making him go through all the tests.

―Chief…. Don‘t you know who the most talented person in Murim is?‖

―I‘m saying this because I do! But without completing all the tests, how can you rate the vice-

There was only one thing Sa Yang-hyeon wanted to know. Was the arrogant vice-chairman
really that talented?

„If that‟s the case, the Yongchun group will get to write the contract the way they want.‟

The current Murim warriors were controlled by the government.

However, if a Murim group were to rise in power and have equal strength to the government, it
would be bad.

―Is there anyone who would like to take the test?‖

So Yang-hyeon shouted and asked the people in the stadium.

However, no one came forward.

Manager Oh was displeased with it.

―We all saw the strength of Yongchun Group‘s vice-chairman. It is …‖

―Is it fine if I try?‖

At that moment, someone interrupted him.

Manager Oh looked puzzled at the person.

―Officer Ji?‖

It was Ji Hun-tak, a new office member who was recently assigned to the Murim department.

He knew that he was a Master level warrior in his early thirties, but Manager Oh couldn‘t
understand what he was trying to do.

―Sigh. This isn‘t your time.‖

―You need to let me try to know.‖

„Officer Ji, this person.‟

He couldn‘t tell when he was acting and when he wasn‘t.

What he couldn‘t really understand was how Ji Hun-tak seemed obviously excited despite seeing
the sapphire slabs get crushed.

―Manager Oh. Give me a chance. Who would want to miss this opportunity to compete with such
a strong warrior?‖

While saying those words, Ji Hun-tak‘s eyes were looking elsewhere.

Manager Oh, who didn‘t notice it, shook his head and said.

―Sigh, act your level. Do you know what bullshit is coming out of your mouth right now? The
opponent you have…‖

It was then.


Ji Hun-tak‘s form suddenly appeared in front of Manager Oh.

His movement was so incredibly fast for a Master level.

Flustered, he tried to step back, but Ji Hun-tak caught up to him and starched his hand towards
his abdomen.

Push! Push!


The sound of something being fired was heard.

Manager Oh took a few steps back and looked at his stomach.

―You, what are..‖

His stomach was stained with blood as if he had been hit by a bullet.

He wasn‘t able to tell what had just happened.

―Phew. Just die.‖

There was something sticking out of his palm, and smoke was rising from it.

―Of… officer… Ji… what the…‖


At that moment, a hole was formed in manager Oh‘s forehead.

It was a bullet that Ji Heon-tak fired.

―You crazy bastard!‖

―Officer Jiiii!‖

An unexpected turn of events.

Furious, the staff of the Murim department rushed to him and tried to subdue him.

At that moment, something utterly unforeseen happened.




‟?! ?!‟


All of a sudden, those who were supposed to be the stadium employees suddenly started to attack
the Murim department workers.

Like JI Heon-tak, they started to fire bullets using silencers. They aimed for the vital points of
the Murim department staff and killed them.

―W-what the hell…‖

So Yang-hyeon, the head of security, couldn‘t hide his shock.

He couldn‘t grasp the situation.

In an instant, all Murim warriors were killed right before his eyes.

―What are you up to?‖

So Yang-hyeon wasn‘t dumb.

He didn‘t remember every member of the city hall, but he could make out those who weren‘t.

„Did terrorists enter the city hall?‟

20 people.

Confused, he spoke in a low voice to deputy Mayor Mi-chuk, who was next to him.

―Deputy Mayor. I think we need to get out of here…‖


So Yang-hyeon‘s eyes widened.

Something hard suddenly touched his head.

As he slowly turned his head, he saw the deputy Mayor was aiming a gun at him.

―Deputy… deputy Mayor?‖

So Yang-hyeon was shocked.

He never thought that the deputy Mayor would be one of the terrorists.

And then, the deputy Mayor spoke.

―What about the CCTV?‖

One of those who attacked the Murim staff answered.

―All taken care of.‖


At that, So Yang-hyeon‘s gaze naturally turned to the CCTV camera hanging on the stadium.

If they were operating normally, there should be a red dot blinking, but it was off.

„No way…‟

So Yang-hyeon looked at the deputy Mayor with trembling eyes.

He never imagined that Mi-chuk would be one of them.

―Deputy Mayor…‖


Mi-chuk put his index finger on his lips and, as a gesture to be quiet.
And then spoke to Chun Yeowun.

―How unexpected. I heard that you were an S-class, but I didn‘t expect you were actually this

Mi-chuk was genuinely admiring him.

He continued to talk while looking at the exclusive secretary Yu So-hwa.

―The plan changed due to the variable, the SS-class Gate Keeper, but my decision wasn‘t

―Deputy Mayor, what is this?‖

Yu So-hwa asked him.

Mi-chuk replied as if he was really sorry.

―Well, I feel bad that you got involved in this. I didn‘t think that an SS-class Gate Keeper would
be our target.‖


―Don‘t worry, we will put your body to good use. It is rare to get a chance to hold the body of an
SS-class Gate Keeper.‖

Yu So-hwa‘s eyes narrowed. She looked around at the enemies.

―You think you can stop us?‖

Yu So-hwa wriggled her fingers to activate her ability. She was planning on crushing them at


At that time, the deputy Mayor placed the gun closer to the head of security.

―Wouldn‘t it be better if you don‘t move?‖


Bi Mak-heon, who was near Chun Yeowun, frowned.

The deputy Mayor was holding the head of the security and using him as a threat.

If the head of security was lost, then all the work that the Yongchun group did to make him on
their side would turn to waste. And if he died, then their hard work and donations would be for

―Did you get a lot from the Yongchun group? Chief So.‖

―De-deputy Mayor…‖

Deputy Mayor had served for three terms in Jinan.

Of course, he was aware of it.

[Vice-chairman. So Yang-hyeon, the head of security, our company has invested a lot in him.]

Bi Mak-heon sent a telepathic message to Chun Yeowun.

He wanted to tell that So Yang-hyeon couldn‘t die.

At that moment, another person appeared on the second floor of the stadium‘s railing and jumped
to the ground.

―You just made it on time. 2nd team.‖

1st and 2nd team, each team seemed to have 10 people.

It seemed like this was a gang.

The man wearing a black hat and a burberry coat, standing on the arched railing, looked like a

―It is a little late to deal with those here.‖

As he said, the stadium was silent.

Deputy Mayor smiled and spoke to Chun Yeowun.

―I don‘t know why I had to come all the way here to City Hall and do this. but let‘s just get this



So Yang-hyeon was startled by the way the gun was moved. The deputy Mayor smiled and

―How about this scenario? The vice-chairman of the Yongchun group was dissatisfied with the
registration of Murim warriors. In the Mayor‘s office, he even made a radical remark as to killing
all the Murim warriors and Gate Keepers. Yes, that sounds good. Huhuhu.‖


So Yang-hyeon‘s face turned white.

Until recently, he was only a hostage, but now his death was confirmed.

It wasn‘t something that the deputy Mayor he served would be saying.

―Okay. Then.‖


The deputy mayor raised his hand.

Seeing that, those who were at the stadium surrounded Chun Yeowun, Yu So-hwa and Bi Mak-

Mi-chuk had an expression full of satisfaction.

„Let‟s see how well the modified humans can deal with class A hazard entity…‟

That was when Chun Yeowun laughed.

It was close to a sneer.

„What? That attitude?‟

He seemed to have no idea as to what kind of a situation he was in.

The superiors said that these were modified humans created to deal with A-class alpha entities.

They said they could handle even an S-class target.


Chun Yeowun said.

―It was worthwhile to wait for tests and all that, but I guess it was useless in the end.‖


―Did you think that I didn‘t know about you trying to waste time?‖

―What are you talking about…‖

It was then.

The figure of Chun Yeowun, who was surrounded by modified humans, disappeared.



―What the?‖

Suddenly, he stood right in front of Mi-chuk.


Chun Yeowun slammed the head he caught down to the floor.



He slammed it so hard that its half was stuck in the floor.

As Mi-chuk struggled to get away, he heard Chun Yeowun‘s cold voice.

―Thank you for moving the way that I thought you would.‖


―You just gave me a nice reason to kill you with my own hands.‖

Hearing that, Mi-chuk‘s eyes fluttered.

„T-this bastard… he just let everyone in the Murim department die?‟

It was ridiculous.

In the end, he wasn‘t the one who wrote the screenplay.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 56 -

Proof (4)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Nov 3, 2021

• 8 min read • 5260 views



―How dare you!‖

―Get your hands off him!‖

When their boss was harmed, three members dressed as the city hall employees, tried to run
towards Chun Yeowun.

However, they ended up overlooking another monster.

Yu So-hwa reached her hand to them.



―M-my body!‖

When they fell down, the floor beneath them cracked for around 2 meters, and their lower bodies
pierced into it.

There was a gleam in her eyes.

She was going to kill them by crushing them with strong pressure at once. However, their bodies
were stronger than she thought, so they were still alive, just stuck.
―She is the Gravity Witch. Don‘t stay in groups. Spread out!‖


At the cry of the man who was wearing a black hat, the leader of the 2nd team, the members
spread out away from her.


Chun Yeowun noticed how Bi Mak-heon and Yu So-hwa looked at him.

―Kill them all.‖



As if waiting for Chun Yeowun‘s order, the two of them immediately began to hunt the members
who targeted them.

As the battle between the two sides started, the Deputy mayor asked Chun Yeowun in doubt.

―… since when were you suspicious?‖

―From the beginning.‖


Chun Yeowun felt that something weird, an energy he wasn‘t aware of, was there when he first
entered the mayor‘s office.

Obviously, the deputy Mayor wasn‘t a Murim warrior who had mastered his internal energy.

And he didn‘t seem like an ordinary human, the energy inside him was different.

However, he realized that many people with similar kinds of energy were not just within the
room, but throughout the entire Jinan City Hall.

And thanks to the car that tailed them, he was convinced.

„It was because of that?‟

Mi-chuk led Chun Yeowun right into the stadium, where people with similar energy were

And that couldn‘t be a coincidence.

―Did you think that I wouldn‘t know about your stupid tricks‖



Chun Yeowun slammed Mi-chuk‘s head down once more. And then asked.

―Who sent you?‖

Chun Yeowun was sure that the deputy Mayor wasn‘t the mastermind.

He had nothing to do with Chun Yeowun till today.

―Say it.‖



Mi-chuk shuddered at Chun Yeowun‘s coldness, as he was crushing him to the floor without

„Who the hell is he?‟

Rather, he had questions to ask.

Not only did Chun Yeowun reverse the plan he had dug, but he also created enough trouble for
him and the other people.

Something that ordinary people couldn‘t imagine.

„Isn‟t he supposed to be the vice-chairman of Yongchun? He is like the devil…‟



He knew nothing about Chun Yeowun. All he knew was that the man was a villain.

Then, suddenly something flashed in Mi-chuk‘s mind.

„Villain… ah!‟

So Yang-heon, the head of security.

Since he was saved from being shot, he must have heard what Chun Yeowun said.

And he spoke.

―Kuak, even though you are pretending to be smart, there isn‘t much you can do.‖


―You made a grave mistake.‖


―haha, didn‘t you let the head of security listen to all your words? He knows that you deliberately
let the Murim department staff die, can you keep him alive? Of course not. You created a
problem …‖

―You idiot.‖




Chun Yeowun grabbed his face.

He lifted the deputy Mayor‘s upper body, and he saw the head of security on the floor.

―Did you think I‘ll be as sloppy like you?‖

It was Chun Yeowun who sealed the blood points of So Yang-hyeon right away.

If he passed out right away, what could he have heard?




Again, his head was slammed into the floor.

Chun Yeowun shook his head and muttered.

―You are quite strong.‖

Chun Yeowun, who wanted to know the identity of the mastermind, thought of killing the others
after hitting Mi-chuk.

However, Mi-chuk didn‘t faint despite his head being banged on the floor several times.


„His body is unusual.‟

He had been battling numerous enemies, and it wasn‘t his first time facing someone with a
strong body.

The muscles of the neck were thick, and the head was hard.

Tak! Tak!

Chun Yeowun tried to stun him by sealing the blood points.

However, their sealing locations were utterly different from those of ordinary people.

Like they weren‘t human.

Mi-chuk said while laughing at Chun Yeowun.

―Kukuku. No matter what you use, you can‘t stun me! Our bodies are different from normal

He was undoubtedly looking proud.

―And… Do you have time to keep focusing on me?‖

Mi-chuk‘s eyes shone.

It was then.




From the left and right of Chun Yeowun, two people rushed in with lightning-like movements.

Despite not being warriors, their movements were on the same level as Super master level


Blades were protruding from their fists.

They remodeled their bodies and hid weapons inside them.

„Got you.‟

Mi-chuk smiled.

The blades weren‘t simple weapons.

It was a super blade made by a special alloy to deal with A-class Alpha entities.

It had the kinetic energy which could even tear down the sword qi.


The reason their blades looked to be several was because they were vibrating.

„You can‟t stop them!‟

There was a reason why Mi-chuk was proud of himself.

It was because most people do not know of the super-vibrating tech, which wasn‘t yet released to
the public or commercialized.

Whether it was Chun Yeowun or not, he was sure that the man would fall.

Chun Yeowun stretched out both of his hands.

―This is interesting.‖


At that moment, the two people who were running at him, knelt to the floor before they could
touch him.



―M-my body!‖

Flustered that they were pressed down to the ground, they tried to use their vibrating swords and



The sharp energy suddenly broke through their swords and pierced their foreheads.


The scream of death, and the two fell down to the floor.

―N-No way!‖

Mi-chuk shouted in shock.

The ultra-vibrating sword that couldn‘t be broken, broke.

Since he wasn‘t a warrior, Mi-chuk didn‘t understand what happened, but even warriors would
have been shocked if they had witnessed it.

It was the invisible sword that pierced their heads.

And only those who reached the Divine Master level could actually be capable of doing that.

―That vibration is still insufficient to be called ultra-vibration.‖

Mi-chuk‘s eyes widened.

For a moment, he thought that his ears heard it wrong.

―Ultra-vibration tech?‖

This was a tech that wasn‘t commercialized yet.

It was supposed to be their own unique weapon, but Chun Yeowun knew what it was.

Chun Yeowun didn‘t respond to that.

―This is ultra-vibration.‖


A single invisible sword was formed in Chun yeowun‘s hand.

It left several afterimages because of how quickly it moved.

―No way!‖

It really was ultra-vibration.

It was what Chun Yeowun called, Ultra-vibrating Invisible Sword.

―It is a precious skill for you people, but this is how you use it.‖

Chun Yeowun reached out somewhere.


The sword flew in that direction.

It was the place where his members were fighting with the Gravity Witch.


Bewildered, Mi-chuk shouted, but it was too late.



The invisible sword pierced the head of the man who was fighting with the SS-class Keeper.

The sword didn‘t stop there.

As if it had a life of its own, it kept changing its direction and pierced the heads of all the

―No. what the hell are…‖



In the meantime, another person died.

Having been struck with fear, people moved away from each other and began to shout!

―Stop it!‖

―H-how do you stop that?‖

They couldn‘t understand it.

Just an invisible sword was strong enough, and this one was an ultra-vibrating invisible sword.

„Damn it!‟

If it couldn‘t be stopped, there was only one way.

The leader of the 2nd team, the man in black hat, shouted.

―Everyone, spread out and run away!‖


Everyone scattered at once and tried to escape.

And that was when Yu So-hwa took the lead.

―Who said you could leave?‖

The moment she touched the floor, the whole place turned zero gravity.

And the bodies floated up.




People were shocked.

Chun Yeowun smiled at her and mumbled.

―She was worth it.‖

He then waved his hand.


The invisible sword suddenly started to move again and aimed at the floating people.

Puck! Puck!

This time, there was no scream. The corpses just floated in the weightless space.

―Sun-gun! Escape!‖

Mi-chuk yelled out someone‘s name.



The man with the black hat, leader of the 2nd team, Sun-gun, was also unable to avoid the
invisible sword and died.

Even though all of them had their bodies enhanced and equipped with excellent weapons, they
were slaughtered.

„I-is this an S-class target?‟

No, it couldn‘t be.

Mi-chuk couldn‘t stop his trembling body.

„To get rid of this absurd monster.‟

He was resenting the superior who gave him the orders.

It was then.


The sword that had killed everyone, flew in front of him and stopped.

Chun Yeowun spoke.

―You must have waited for a long time, now it is your turn.‖


With those words, Chun Yeowun grabbed his sword and cut off Mi-chuk‘s right arm.



Mi-chuk, whose arm was severed, screamed in agony.

Without even changing his expression, Chun Yeowun said.

―How many limbs do I have to cut before you start speaking?‖


Mi-chuk‘s eyes grew big like they would burst, as he stared at the invisible sword.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 57 - A-

class Hazard Entity (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Nov 4, 2021

• 11 min read • 6072 views

So Yang-hyeon, the head of Jinan security, whose blood points were released, sincerely thanked
Chun Yeowun for saving his life.

―Thank you. Thank you so much. If it wasn‘t for the vice-chairman, I don‘t know what these
terrorists could have done to the city hall.‖

Actually, it wasn‘t Jinan City Hall‘s fault.

Who could even imagine that the person who served as the deputy Mayor‘s office for three years
was actually a member of an unknown organization. No one could.

However, it helped Chun Yeowun.

―Contract approval? Hm. Of course, it will go through.‖

His life was saved, there was no way they would refuse it.

In addition, although manager Oh was dead, he did say that Chun Yeowun was a Murim warrior
at a higher level.

―Hmm, I wonder how to fix this.‖

The place was a mess.

There was blood all over the place, and the bodies of the dead Murim department were scattered
So Yang-hyeon had seen the mess unfold.


―The deputy Mayor and the corpses of those damn peop…‖

The bodies all melted as if they were dipped in sulfuric acid.

Thankfully, no trace was left.

No matter how unfavourable it was, Chun Yeowun couldn‘t prevent the bodies from melting.

―Well, don‘t worry. Vice-chairman. With my own two eyes, I saw what they were doing.‖

So Yang-hyeon assured him.

As a result, no damage would come to Chun Yeowun.

―It is a pity that we didn‘t find out who was behind these guys. In any case, the documents will
be approached by the Mayor and emailed to your company by today.‖

Chun Yeowun and the others left the rest of work to So Yang-hyeon and went away.

As soon as they came out, Chun Yeowun spoke to Bi Mak-heon.

―I want names of organizations which start with the letter M. And they need to be related with


Before his body melted, the only word that the deputy Mayor said was M.

When both his arms got cut, he tried to say something.

His body began to melt before that, though.

„Even the world with great technology is a mess.‟

With the development of science, the tech was definitely superior to Murim.
And it was certain that the deputy Mayor and the others were nothing different from

Since they were attempting to assassinate without leaving any evidence.

„And aiming for me…‟

Chun Yeowun‘s lips turned into a smile.

At this point, there was only one person who would come after him.

„Chun Woo-kyung.‟

It was certain.

Chun Yeowun was disappointed.

He thought the people leading the Sky Demon Order would be strong and fight their opponents
head-on, but he never expected them to hide behind others.

„Someone like him was trying to be the Lord by impersonating the swords…‟

The man had crossed a line he should never have.

Chun Yeowun moved to the parking lot.

Wheeing! Wheeing!

A siren sounded.

A siren echoed throughout the city.

―Gate Warning!‖

Bi Mak-heon said shocked.

The Gate Warning was supposed to go off today or tomorrow, but this was unfortunate timing.

Their contract with Jinan city was just done.

Chun Yeowun looked northeast.

„It‟s different.‟

This energy was different from the energy he felt at the first Gate.

The strong energy wave stimulated all his senses.

Similar time.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

An alarm sounded in the monitoring room of the defense bureau of Jinan city.

―Major Wei!‖

The person shouted at the person called Major Wei Hun.

―Has it opened? It is faster than I was told!‖

He felt it every time, but the timing of the Gate opening was too irregular this time.

Wei Hun asked while looking at the monitor.


―N-No way…‖

The lieutenant, who checked the location, was unable to speak.

―Coordinates are 36°44‘29.0‖N 117°11‘51.9―E… right in front of the 20th barrier on the
northern east side of G-13.―



The entire room turned chaotic.

There was a simple reason as to why they were surprised.

It was because the Gate, which should have opened 3 Km away from the defense wall, was
opening right in front of it.

―GE wave activation 37% progressed.‖

Wheeing! Wheeeing!

Before long, the wave alarm began to resound.

In a location that close, citizens in the northeast had to be evacuated right away.

The Major, who was flustered, immediately gave his orders.

―Send the Jinan City into defense. Inform the commander-in-chief of this and inform the guards
to be on standby.‖


Fortunately, the Gate Warning was issued during the day, so many military people would be on
duty. It was lucky that the National Guard was stationed in the north east preparing in advance.

However, the location where the Gate opened is so close that the probability of the wall being
broken was high.

If that happens, there would be human casualties.

―Contact the Public Security Bureau, the Jinan Municipal Murim Association and the Gate

They were all looking at the GE wave activation, which was rising rapidly.

„We should hope they get there in time.‟

The location of the Gate was too close to the city.

Time was short.

In addition, the National Guards would need time to set their tanks and artillery.

―Major Wei, look at this!‖

At the scream, he looked at the screen.


Something was moving rapidly from wall G-17. It has developed muscles and blue skin with a
height of about 5 meters.

It was a two-legged and four-armed entity.

The moment he saw it, Major Wei muttered.

―No way… it can‘t be that!‖


One of the soldiers monitoring shouted.


A four-armed hazard entity that got its name from the God Shiva, a Hindu God of destruction.

However, the reason they were shocked wasn‘t because of the entity.

―A… A class…‖

Given their appearances and the well-suited names, the hazard entities were A class.

They were more intelligent than the other ones and more beastly. T

There were only five cities in the entire world that managed to destroy a Shivara.

It wasn‘t A class for nothing.

―This is insane. A class?‖

This was the worst.

They were told that the entity would be B class or higher.

But they didn‘t think it would be a Shivara.

Jinan City had a better defense than other cities, but an A-class was too much.


At that time, a cannon was fired at the Shivara.

When the explosion occurred, the camera shook.

With the Gate opening right in front of the wall, it was natural for the defense forces in there to
respond quickly.

―It started.‖

Lieutenant Cha Seon-kyung said in a serious voice.

It was a dangerous situation because the Gate Warning was already issued, but the Murim
warriors or the Gate Keepers hadn‘t gone there.

Besides, there was another huge problem.

―If it is Shivara, then it is Alpha…‖


At that moment, about five screens of cameras installed on the wall turned blank simultaneously.

They looked at the G-17 barrier camera, which was on the main screen.

Thud! Thud!

A huge six-armed entity could be seen approaching from within the smoke.

An elevated road not far northeast of Jinan.

Many vehicles were leaving that place because of the Gate Warning, which caused traffic jams.

Originally, people in the vicinity of the wall would be evacuated, but the citizens were given a
message to move to the southwest quickly.


The horn sounding on the roads was loud.

It wasn‘t easy to let the vehicles of Public Security move with the huge traffic.

―Shit! Get out of the way quickly!‖

―What are you doing! Move the car!‖

People opened their windows and screamed out loud.

If all the roads were 4 or 5 lanes, it would have been nice, but there were only 1 or 2 lanes roads,
which made the path clogged.

In addition, some people were anxious and ended up bumping into another car, which made
things even worse.

―We might die here!‖

―What are the traffic police doing?‖

Citizens were running around.

Vehicles were coming from the opposite direction, and everyone was in a panic.

And then came the buses, those people who recognized it, screamed and cheered.

―Gate Keepers!‖


The bus was carrying the Gate Keepers.

In addition, several SUVs had Murim Association marks on it.

They were the Gate Keepers and Murim warriors who headed to the wall after receiving the
emergency call.


And their vehicles moved very fast.

In the driver seat of a black SUV.

A bald middle-aged man with a beard, holding the steering wheel with one hand and phone in the
other, asked.

―What do you mean? We aren‘t that far.‖

At this question, an altered voice came from the other side.

-A class… I mean, this situation doesn‘t seem that good right now.

―How did the 1st and 2nd team get hit? Wasn‘t the purpose of those people to support us and get
us the cores?‖

It was natural to be nervous.

It was because an A-class entity had appeared.

And an A-class hazard entity was an Alpha. The cores of such entities could only be gotten when
the entire team worked together, but two teams were already annihilated.

Accomplishing the mission was difficult.

-Hmm, it seems like the information we received from the client is wrong. We will have to
resolve the problem later, and this mission will have to be done by just the 3rd team.

―Proceed with the 3rd team? Ha!‖

The man was shocked.

How could the 3rd team deal with an A-class alpha entity?

Rather, it would give the Gate Keepers and the Murim Association a chance to get the core.

-Yes. 2 out of the 3 teams were missing, so it is a mess here, please understand.

„What kind of bullshit is that?‟

For a moment, he was furious and decided not to respond.

He was aware of the fact that he would withdraw from the organization at any time.

As he said nothing, the altered voice continued.

-Gan-ong, your team members have learned martial arts, so you might be able to work with the
Murim people and look for a chance.

―Look for a chance?‖

-After all, we will finish this mission and dispatch new ones to Jinan City. So, for the time being,
go along with them. We only have one goal anyways.

At those words, Gan-ong asked.

―… are you talking about the core?‖

-If the Murim Association gets the core, seize it. they will be invested in dealing with it, and
when they face the Alpha head-on, preserve the power, and stay alert…

It was then.


An explosion occurred on the other side of the road.

Gan-ong‘s expression turned still.

He had another 15 minutes to reach the northeast wall, so why the explosions?

The explosion seemed to be because of vehicles.



On the side of the road filled with smoke, people were running away.

In addition, the Gate Keepers bus, which was moving ahead, and all the vehicles behind it,

-Gan-ong! Gan-ong!

Gan-ong didn‘t respond.

His eyes trembled as he looked at the being which appeared through the smoke.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

Blue skin and four arms.


A 4-meter long Shivara stepped on and pushed a car aside. It then began slaughtering people at

―Barrier was breached!‖

It has been just 20 minutes since the Gate Warning went off.

And the worst has happened.

In addition to the one on the road, hundreds of Shivara jumped from here and there.

―Fellow Murim Association members! They need to be stopped now!‖

―Gate Keepers! All out!‖

They weren‘t in a situation to head to the wall.

If they left it as it is, the citizens would be slaughtered.

Warriors and Gate Keepers got out of their vehicles and tried to cross the road.

It was then,


Something came flying from the southwest.

The eyes of fleeing citizens, warriors and Gate Keepers turned there.

Something was coming in at an incredible speed and stopped in front of a rampaging Shivara.



It was when he stood that they saw it was a human.

A man in black suit.

The warriors who were on the other side shouted.

―H-he, Space Hover!‖

The only way one could fly was Space Hover.

It was natural for the warriors to be shocked, as it was something that only a Supreme Master
level person could do.

-Gan-ong, what is happening?

Gan-ong pulled out a telescope from the car‘s storage box and then looked at the person who

Gan-ong saw a young man with a white face and sharp knife-like eyes.

―He is the one.‖

-The one?
―The S class target!‖

Chun Yeowun.

Until 30 minutes ago, Chun Yeowun was in Jinan city hall, and now he was in the northeast.

But the shock didn‘t end there.

Chun Yeowun stretched out his hand in the air.

It was then.


A thousand Ice Swords appeared in the sky.

―This… what the…‖

―What is that?‖

Not just Gan-ong, but the warriors and Gate Keepers running towards Shivara looked at it with
ridiculous expressions.

The thousand Ice Swords turned blue.

―Sword qi!‖

No martial artist wouldn‘t know it.

Having sensed something unusual, the Shivara looked at the sky bewildered.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Hundreds of Shivara were marked with red crosses in Chun Yeowun‘s eyes, who opened
augmented reality.

[Target Lock On! Target Lock On! Target Lock On!]

When all Shivara were locked, Chun Yeowun clenched his fist.
[Activating Sky Flash.]


Thousands of Ice Swords bombarded the Shivara like a meteor shower.




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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 58 - A-

class Hazard Entity (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Nov 5, 2021

• 13 min read • 5469 views

A ray of blue light fell from the sky.

The Murim warriors and the Gate Keepers were astonished at the marvelous sight.
The blue light spewing from the Ice Swords didn‘t strike randomly, but precisely hit the




The hazardous Shivaras were pierced by the swords and started to collapse one after the other.

„What the hell…‟

Baek Ye, the president of Six Essence, who was the branch manager of Jinan City‘s Murim
Association, couldn‘t shut his mouth at the tremendous power.

„Air Swords!‟

If he wasn‘t mistaken, what his eyes had just seen were Air Swords.

Only those who reached the beginning of the Supreme Master level could unleash the Air

It also becomes possible for one to condense sword qi onto them.


„Is that even possible?‟

Such a huge number of Ice Swords.

Even a Supreme Master level could never use that large number of them, not to mention control
them with just the fingers.

―Chief Ji. Does this make sense?‖

Jegal Bo-hyun, the chairman of the Jegal Cultural Foundation, who was standing next to him,
looked in disbelief and asked.
―Who the hell is he? Is he even human?‖

Hwang Bo-yun, the president of HB Steel, couldn‘t take his eyes off the man.

The members of the Murim Association were shocked at the words of the top three warriors of
Jinan city.


―Who the hell is that monster?‖

―I never saw him in the Murim Association.‖

People couldn‘t help but be interested in Chun Yeowun.

Chun Yeowun, who extended his fist, spread open his palm.



The Ice Swords floating in the air soon shattered and disappeared.

The meteor shower ended as if it had never happened.

The four-lane road was overflowing with Shivara corpses.


Without even having to run for their lives, the people just stood there and watched everything

The faces, which were trembling in fear of being killed by the Shivara, were now stained with

They were taking videos with their phones.

―Who is the man in the black suit?‖

―A Gate Keeper?‖
―No. He is wearing a suit?‖

―Can a warrior really do such things?‖

Despite it being a world in which Gates opened, there were only a few people who had actually
seen the Murim warriors in battles.

It was natural for the citizens to be shocked.

―President Baek. Is he a member of the Murim Association?‖

A man with long hair and goggles came up to Baek Ye, the branch manager of Jinan Murim
Association, and asked him.

The man was called Ma Kang-cheom.

A B-class Keeper and the leader of the 2nd platoon.

Since the leader Ha Hyeong-gang had died and the entire 1st platoon was wounded, he was the
next one in line to lead.

―No. We don‘t know about him.‖

At Ma Kang-cheom‘s question, Jegal Bp-hyun shook his head and answered.

There was no reason to deceive people and tell them that the man belonged to the Murim

―He is a real monster. Is it possible for a warrior to do such a thing? I think it would be possible
for an S-class or SS-class Keeper. But a warrior…‖

Ma Kang-cheom said.

Hwang Bo-yun clicked his tongue.

„An S-class Keeper is capable of that?‟

It was absurd.
He wondered if even the Five Strongest Warriors, who were said to be the strongest in the
modern Murim, would be capable of unfolding such a technique.

„Besides, any warrior would be exhausted after doing such a thing.‟

It felt impossible to remain standing after unfolding such an absurd technique.

Baek Ye, the branch manager, spoke after calming himself.

―We should move to the barrier point right now. We‘ll have to contact him later and find out
when such a great warrior came to Jinan City.‖

Their eyes were shining.

Jegal Bo-hyun answered.

―Let‘s not push it and head there now. President Baek.‖


Hwang Bo-yun agreed.

They both were curious.

A strong warrior at an unguessable level was participating in the war, so it was strange that
president Baek didn‘t care.

It was then.



―The car is shaking?‖

The cars on the road were shaking.

The shaking gradually spread more and more.


―R-run away!‖

Surprised, the citizens thought that it was an earthquake.

However, someone pointed to the northeast and shouted.

―L-Look over there!‖

Thud! Thuuu! Grrrrr!

The trees to the northwest were breaking down.

The bushes were swaying and the dust was rising as it kept moving towards the road.

And then, something appeared from the thick bushes.

―T-that is…‖

―Alpha Shivara!!!‖

The Gate Keepers and the Murim warriors identified the monster right away.

It had a body full of muscles, sharp teeth like those of goblins, shining red eyes and six arms.

It looked like a normal Shivara and not at the same time.

The biggest difference was.

―W-what size is that!‖

It was so tall that it even exceeded the size of a giant tree.

At first glance, it looked to be 30 meters tall with a huge weight as the entire ground shook when
it walked.

But that wasn‘t the only problem.

They saw the other Shivara‘s running in as the bushes swayed.

And their number exceeded the last batch.


―Was the barrier really breached?‖

The warriors and Gate Keepers couldn‘t hide their shock.

As if it wasn‘t enough that the Gate opened right in front of the wall.

If the barrier was breached, more entities would come rushing into the city.

If that was to happen, even the Murim warriors and Gate Keepers wouldn‘t be able to stop it.

―Monsters are coming!‖

―Run away!‖



Thud! Thud!

With the appearance of the Alpha and the other Shivaras, the road turned chaotic once again.

Citizens rushed out to the southwest side by driving their cars and hitting the other vehicles in
the process.

Baek Ye, the branch manager of Murim Association, shouted as he looked at the approaching

―Murim warriors, listen! If we don‘t defend the city, our Jinan city will be destroyed by the
entities which come in from the Gate!‖

―Right! We need to stop the Alpha right now!‖

That was their only hope.

Only defeating the Alpha and closing the Gate could calm the situation.

Baek Ye took the lead, and the warriors followed.

The Gate Keepers also ran towards the northeast where the Shivaras were flocking from.

The distance between the road and the place where the monsters were was 300 meters.

If the monsters rushed out, they would probably catch up to the fleeing citizens.


Shivaras were coming out faster and more numerous than expected.



Growling, the monsters ran towards the road.

―Stop it! stop them at all costs!‖

―Not a single one of them should pass!‖

In order to prevent the worst, around 700 warriors and Gate Keepers rushed towards the
Shivaras, which were coming in huge numbers.

It was then.

―Kuaaah! ―


The giant Alpha Shivara screamed and pulled out a giant tree with its six hands.

That‘s how strong the monster was.

The giant pulled-out tree was thrown towards the warriors.

―Th-this is messed up!‖

―Avoid it!‖

The warriors shouted loud and tried to avoid the giant flying tree.

But the speed at which the tree came was too fast.




Due to the thrown tree, many warriors ended up getting hit and torn like pieces of meat.

In addition, the area where it hit exploded as there were numerous vehicles there, which made
the people close-by get thrown away.

―Ugh! It isn‘t over yet!‖

There were five trees in the hands of the Alpha Shivara.

And another tree was thrown.



Baek Ye jumped into the air and cut it down with the sword qi.


Considering the tree‘s weight and the speed at which it flew, it took time for a Superior Master to
hit it.

But that wasn‘t the only tree.


The Alpha threw another tree again.

Like a rocket, the tree flew towards the warriors and the Gate Keepers with great precision.


―We are here!‖


Jegal Bo-hyun and Hwang Bo-yun, also famous for their abilities, flew up and blocked the tree.

As they were at the beginning of Superior Master level, they managed to cut it down, but then
the cut tree was thrown away.






Another group of Gate Keepers were hurt by another tree.

They tried to block it, but the attacks of the Alpha were different from what they imagined.

―So this is an A-class Alpha Hazard entity.‖

It was different from the other hazard entities they had faced so far.


The problem was the attacks of the Alpha.

Shivaras were rushing in huge numbers, and the warriors and Gate Keepers were trying to stop

―What is this?‖

The monsters were evading the warriors and Gate Keepers as if their only purpose was to kill the

―No! Get them away!‖

―Stop them!‖

It was then.


Thud! Thud! Thud!


The Alpha, which threw another tree, ran towards the warriors and Gate Keepers.

Each step it took shook the ground below.

Baek Ye, who saw it, was shocked.

„Is he… trying to stop us while the others enter the city and harm the citizens?‟

Hazard entities were known to have intelligence, but he didn‘t expect it to be this smart.

He thought that the Alpha would act defensively as it had the core, so he was puzzled.

―Stop! We need to keep them away!‖

Hwang Bo-yun hurriedly shouted towards the Murim warriors.

It wasn‘t a problem that could be solved by going after the Alpha.

―Damn it!‖
―Catch them now!‖


At his command, the warriors turned and tried to catch the Shivaras that had crossed them.

It was then.




The Alpha Shivara ran towards the warriors and slammed the six hands to the ground creating a
huge shock wave and cracking the ground.

Thanks to that, dozens of warriors and Gate Keepers slipped and fell.

―T-this monster!‖

Hwang Bo-yun, who was running, jumped up and avoided the wave, but his anger soared as he
raised his sword and flew to the Alpha Shivara.

To cut down its head.


It was the 5th form of the Thunderbolt Sword, the Thunderbolt Sword to Defeat, of the Hwang
Bo clan.

Like a sword made of lightning, it aimed at the Alpha‘s neck as it flew with blue light of energy.


Bung! Pak!

The Alpha Shivara, which was over 30 meters tall, swung its palm, making the body of Hwang
Bo-yun crash down.



Hwang Bo-yun coughed up blood as he suffered an internal injury.

He tried to block the palm, but nothing seemed to work against the Alpha.

„This is too much.‟

Baek Ye bit the inside of his cheek.

The 30-meter long giant monster was too much.

„What should we do?‟

In order to subdue the Alpha, it seemed promising to let all the warriors and Gate Keepers rush
in, but more than half of the Shivaras were dispersed.

―T-they can‘t be stopped!‖

―Damn it!‖

The warriors tried to stop the rampaging Shivara, but they couldn‘t, so they kept running towards
the road.

Citizens who managed to escape were definitely going to be slaughtered.

It was then.



Five buses ran down the road and stopped.

―Yongchun group?‖

Looking at the logo on the bus, they could tell it was the Yongchun group.


When the bus stopped, the warriors of the Yongchun group appeared.

Among the warriors, there were strong ones like the chairman Chun Yu-jang.

Chun Yu-jang, who got down holding a sword, looked at the running Shivaras and shouted.

―By the order of Lord Chun Ma! Eliminate all those entities without leaving a single one alive!‖



About two hundred people pulled out their swords at once and rushed towards the Shivaras.

―Is the Yongchun Group participating?‖

―Why them?‖

They couldn‘t help but wonder why unregistered warriors were participating.

That wasn‘t it.

Bang! Bang! Bang!



The Shivaras, who were running down, fell to the floor.

Around a hundred fell down.

Among the warriors of Yongchun was a woman who held her hand out, she was the Gravity
Witch Yu So-hwa.
―Gravity Witch!‖

The Gate Keepers who recognized her shouted.

They didn‘t know why she was with the Yongchun group, but the appearance of the SS-class
Keeper was enough of a shock to them.

―I‘ll put them down, hurry up!‖

Bang! Bang! Bang!

As Yu So-hwa expanded the range of gravity, hundreds of Shivara fell to the floor in an instant.

The wider the range, the less effect her ability had, but still, she was extremely strong.

―Yes! Kill them!‖


Thanks to her, the warriors of Yongchun could deal with the Shivara.


The warriors who were trying to stop the monsters cheered.

Thanks to the timely arrival, they managed to stop the slaughter of citizens.

―The Yongchun is participating in the war…‖

Baek Ye, the branch manager, frowned.

It was surprising that they, unregistered warriors, showed up without even asking for their help.

But it was fortunate.

Baek Ye shook his head and looked at the Alpha.

„The Alpha Shivara needs to be killed first.‟

With Yongchun participating in the war, his hands were more free, so he had a chance to kill the
Alpha and get the core.

An A-class core was extremely rare.

But the question was how to kill it.


Thud! Thud!

The Alpha was trying to smash down the warriors as if they were bugs by using its legs and

„What should I do?‟

The Alpha could take down the techniques by slapping with his palm.

The most effective thing was to decapitate it, but the six arms wouldn‘t let anyone get close to it.

It was then.

Swush! Thud!


Someone flew and stood right in front of Baek Ye.

It was Chun Yeowun.


―To stay stiff like ice in front of such a thing. How unfortunate.‖



Before Baek ye could even respond, Chun Yeowun went towards the Alpha.
At the sudden appearance of Chun Yeowun in front of it, the Alpha tried to swat it away like a

―I-it‘s dangerous!‖

Baek Ye panicked and cried out, but then something amazing happened.

When Chun Yeowun gently moved his hand.


Thud thud! Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud!


The six arms of the Alpha Shivara were severed. Seeing the giant arms fall to the ground, Baek
Ye and the other warriors opened their mouths in shock.

„A-alpha… Shivara… arms…‟

The man cut down the arms, which countered their sword qi, so easily.

―T-that is!‖

―Invisible Sword!‖

Hwang Bo-yun shouted in shock.

Six hazy swords were floating around Chun Yeowun.

Invisible Swords.

―It is the Invisible Swords!‖

―No way!‖

Only those who reached the level of Divine Master level could unfold the invisible swords.

At that moment, Chun Yeowun reached out to one of the invisible swords and held it.

―It has been long.‖


Chun yeowun sprinted ahead and flew towards the Alpha.

With that, his form was divided into 24 afterimages and then merged into one.


Thud! Thud!

Sensing the danger, the Alpha tried to step back and move away, but Chun Yeowun‘s form
moved past his head like an illusion.


Chun Yeowun stopped right behind the head, and released the sword.

At that moment.

The Alpha Shivara‘s head.


Just exploded.

The body of the Alpha, whose head was blown, staggered and fell to the ground.


Chairman Chun Yu-jang, who was watching it from afar, mumbled with trembling eyes.

―To… see this with my… own two eyes…‖

It was the final form of the Sword Force of Sky Demon Sword, the unification.

A legendary swordsmanship that no descendant could ever perform.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 59 - A-

class Hazard Entity (3)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Nov 6, 2021

• 9 min read • 5153 views




The Alpha Shivara, whose head was blown away by Chun Yeowun‘s sword, fell.

The body was so huge that it made the entire place shake.

‟… is he really human?‟
Gan-ong, who pretended to fight moderately in order to preserve as much power as possible,
kept his eyes on the Alpha type.

An A-class Alpha Shivara, even a Superior Master could never deal with it alone.

However, he just saw such a monster fall with his own eyes.

„Because it felt so different…‟

Now he understood how the 1st and 2nd teams were wiped out.

Gan-ong remembered what he was told earlier.

[I leave it to your judgement. Decide whether to subdue the target and get it done. Or use the
Murim Association and fight against the A-class Alpha.]

„No way.‟

The damage the Murim warriors took was just 20%. The Alpha was defeated so quickly that no
one could even approach it, let alone seize it.

The difference in skills was too great.


Gan-ong put the goggles down to his chest.

They had the ability to record.

„Let‟s make collecting information about him the top priority.‟

He was told to analyze the target as much as possible.

Rather than ignorantly fighting him, he felt that collecting information would be the right thing
to do.

„Ah! He is going to take the A-class core?‟

He saw Chun Yeowun move to the back of the fallen Alpha.

Chun Yeowun, who sensed where the core was radiating, stood on the Alpha‘s back and then
held out his hand.

The Alpha Shivara‘s body shook.

However, nothing else happened.

Chun yeowun frowned.

„Indeed, the structure of the body is completely different from humans.‟

The monster seemed to have some kind of resistance.


Chun Yeowun thrust the invisible sword into the back.

Puck! Shhh!

After drawing a circle, Chun Yeowun raised the energy.



A red core the size of a human body revealed itself from within the Shivara‘s body.

Although the outer shell of the core, which was still connected to the Gate, was attached, the
energy coming from the core wasn‘t normal.

Chun Yeowun held it and raised the energy.


Cracks began to appear.

As if breaking glass, the outer part cracked and.

A strong energy wave spread as it shattered.

The situation immediately changed.


―Kakaka! Kakakak!‖

The other Shivaras who were trying to enter the city, howled and turned back trying to return.


―They are heading back!‖

The warriors and Gate Keepers shouted at once.

It was truly a strange phenomenon.

Each time the core shattered and the wave =spread, the entities would desperately try to run

―Stop them!‖

―Don‘t step back! They shouldn‘t get into the city!‖

Despite them retreating, the warriors and Gate Keepers didn‘t take their eyes off them.

Because sometimes, the entities would run around in confusion.

Fortunately, the Shivaras were more intellectual than other entities, so they did their best to run


The energy emanating from the core was revealed, the A-class core.

„This is nice.‟

Chun Yeowun was fascinated.

The energy was incomparable to the C-class core‘s.

„If it is at this level, the energy alone is as pure as that of the spirit beasts‟ cores.‟

Of course, it was difficult to compare.

The Spirit beasts had mysterious powers and excellent regeneration ability.

However, for a simple and pure energy, this didn‘t seem bad.


―A-class core.‖

Admiration flowed out from the mouths of all the warriors and Gate Keepers.

The A-class core that everyone wanted.

Greed could be seen in their eyes.

„This is bad. An A-class core in the hands of someone I am seeing for the first time.‟

Hwang Bo-yun couldn‘t hide his regret.

For the first time in 10 years, an A-class appeared in Jinan city.

And if consumed, one would achieve a dramatic increase in their internal energy.

„It‟s said that one of the five Great Warriors took an A-class core and then rose to the status of
Supreme Master level.‟

Because of that rumor, every warrior became obsessed with the core.

But they weren‘t stupid.

Who would go against Chun Yeowun after witnessing his strength?

„Who the hell is he?‟

Unless they were hallucinating, they had just witnessed an invisible sword.
There were no warriors registered in the modern Murim at the level of Divine Master level.

„No. he looks so young though!‟

„Like he is in his early twenties…‟

When they looked at Chun Yeowun, he seemed to be in his early twenties.

Age wasn‘t everything, but when trained for long, skills would grow.

When everyone was in doubt, Jegal Bo-hyun stepped ahead.


He was limping due to the injury in his leg as he approached Chun Yeowun.

―I am Jegal Bo-hyun, the chairman of Jegal Cultural Foundation. Thanks to you, we were able to
easily subdue the A-class hazard entity quickly. I wanted to thank you for it.‖


Following their chairman, all the members of the Jegal company immediately bowed.

It was a polite show of gratitude, and then Zegal Bo-hyun went straight to the point.

―But, there is something I would like to ask you.‖

―What do you want to ask?‖

Chun Yeowun asked in a cold voice.

Jegal Bo-hyun frowned.

He thought the other person would bow and show some courtesy when he revealed his identity,
but this was completely the opposite.

―I have been in the Murim Association for over 20 years, but I have never heard of a great
warrior like you. May I know who you are?‖

There were two things he was curious about.

So he decided to ask the most natural question.

„Even Baek Ye who runs an affiliate of Blade Six didn‟t seem to know.‟

If there was such a talented person, people were bound to know.

Chun Yeowun answered.

―You don‘t need to know my name.‖


A truly arrogant answer.

He never imagined that he would be given such a disrespectful answer, he, an executive of the
Murim association.

In a slightly angry voice, he said.

―I acknowledge your power, but don‘t you think you are too arrogant?‖

The present clan leaders nodded their heads.

Jegal Bo-hyun deserved respect as he was a descendant of one of the five great clans of Forces of

A middle-aged man standing behind Jegal Bo-hyun took the lead.


―I am Jegal Bang-hyun.‖

He was the director of the company.

He came out as he realized that the chairman and the head of the clan was being insulted.

―This man is the chairman of the Jegal Cultural Foundation. We don‘t want to be hostile, but if
you are a warrior, then please follow the rules.‖

Chun Yeowun‘s eyes narrowed.

Although the Sky Demon order didn‘t care, Murim was a place where people had pride in

However, despite seeing the greatness of other people, they were seeking respect for their social
position and status.

„This is the current Murim?‟

How did Murim turn like this? Did it change with time? This was completely different from the
Murim that Chun Yeowun knew.

„Hmm. This is good.‟

Thought Baek Ye, who was watching it.

Even if he didn‘t say it, he was afraid of Chun Yeowun, an unidentified warrior, who suddenly
turned into a hero.

But thanks to Chun Yeowun‘s arrogant response, Murim warriors would never consider him a
nice guy.

„If we can push the opinion of the people here against that man, then we can stop him from
working in Jinan city.‟

Baek Ye took advantage and intervened.

―Excuse me. I am the branch manager of the Murim Association of Jinan City, Baek Ye. There is
one thing I need to ask. If you were so strong, then you could have solved the problem without
risking the warriors‘ and the people‘s lives.‖


The warriors around began to whisper at those words.

Most people didn‘t think about that because they were too focused on the A-class core and Chun
Due to Baek Ye, people realized that no casualties would have been there if Chun Yeowun had
acted sooner.

―Manager Baek is right.‖

―If you acted immediately, none of them would have died.‖

―Why were you late?‖

Negative opinions spread.

Rather than thinking that he came and reduced the loss of lives, they were now blaming him.

Baek Ye was satisfied and tried to speak more.


Hwang Bo-yun intervened.

―Wait a minute. Manager Baek. It was thanks to this man‘s help that a lot of casualties were
avoided, aren‘t you being too negative now?‖

Not everyone shared the same opinion.

Although Hwang Bo-yun didn‘t forget about the A-class core, he was really thankful that Chun
Yeowun had taken down that hazard entity.

„President Hwang doesn‟t know when to speak and when no to. he doesn‟t understand what
would happen when an unregistered Murim warrior acts all mighty.‟

Baek Ye looked at Hwang Bo-yun and said.

―Of course, I don‘t think that this young man didn‘t do any good. But those who have the power
are supposed to be responsible. If the man dealt with the Alpha from the beginning, the damage
could have been reduced. However, president Hwang and chairman Jegal suffered injuries as he

―What are you trying to say?‖


He pointed to Chun Yeowun and said,

―Isn‘t it true that he waited for the warriors and Gate Keepers to move to obtain the core?‖

Dissatisfaction rose in the eyes of warriors and Gate Keepers who were around.


Baek Ye‘s face brightened.

He looked at Chun Yeowun.

Having pushed him into a corner, he reduced the chance of Chun Yeowun being used in Jinan

―You seem to be misunderstanding something.‖

―Huh. It is too late to explain.‖

When Chun Yeowun was about to speak, Baek Ye tried to stop him.

―If you don‘t give a clear explanation, we won‘t be able to believe…‖

―You have a long tongue.‖




Chun Yeowun pulled out the tongue.

Baek Ye was shocked as he didn‘t think Chun Yeowun would do it.

But then he suddenly swung his finger.


The pulled-out tongue was cut.

Baek Ye, whose tongue was cut, screamed in pain as it kept bleeding.

―Manager Baek!!!‖

―What are you doing!‖

Clang! Clang!

Startled by Chun Yeowun‘s act, the warriors pulled out their weapons.

Chun Yeowun said.

―Did you think that I came here to save you?‖

―What do you mean?‖

Jegal Bo-hyun asked with a nervous face.

Chun Yeowun responded in a cold voice.

―You men also need to be cleaned up.‖



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 60 -

The Beginning of Revenge (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Nov 7, 2021

• 12 min read • 5260 views


At Chun Yeowun‘s unexpected words, the Murim warriors couldn‘t hide their shock.

If they weren‘t mistaken, Chun yeowun just claimed that the people in the place had to be
cleaned up.

Jega Bo-hyung shouted in a bewildered voice.

―R-right now, do you even realize what you sai…‖

―Kuak! You vastard!‖


Before Jegal Bo-hyun could finish his words, Baek Yi swung his sword at Chun Yeowun.

One could see how angry he was. He looked like a devil with the blood dripping down his

He felt humiliated when his tongue got cut off in front of everyone.

„I will kill you!‟

He began to unfold blade qi.

Chun Yeowun, who looked at it, narrowed his eyes.

„Blade God Six skills.‟

It was a technique of the Blade God Six Martial clan.

Judging from the movement, it was Ascension of Dragon, one of the starting forms of Extreme
Art of Blade God.

Unfolding such a technique meant that Baek Ye was a disciple of the Blade God Six Martial


The sharp blade qi, which came out like a tornado, tried to wrap itself around Chun yeowun.

„Got you!‟

Once a person gets caught in it, they would turn into pieces as the tornado would close in.

It was a technique that couldn‘t be stopped if one didn‘t dodge from the beginning.

“What amazing skill!”

The warriors around couldn‘t hide their admiration.

It was no exaggeration to say that it was the best execution of the Blade God Six Martial clans


―You think this is enough to trap me?‖

Unfortunately, if someone wanted to corner Chun Yeowun, then it had to be the Blade God, the
creator of the blade techniques himself.

Chun Yeowun held his sword and then stabbed the centre of the technique, which was in the
process of unfolding.



An amazing thing happened.

As the technique was halted, Baek Ye‘s body bounced back.



As he was hit while unfolding the technique, there was no way Baek Ye was going to be fine.

His face was pale as he coughed up blood.

„Kuka, the technique of Extreme Art of Blade God…‟

Baek Ye, who had absolute confidence in his technique, was trembling all over since his best
technique was broken down right away.

―No way!‖

―No one in Jinan could do it so easily…‖

The warriors couldn‘t hide their shock.

They did know that Chun Yeowun was a Divine Master, but they never dreamed that a Superior
Master level warrior couldn‘t even stand against him.

„A monster.‟

This alone made them realize that no one could go against Chun Yeowun.

However, he didn‘t stop there.

―There is no reason to keep you, descendant of Blade God Six Martial Clan, alive.‖
―uh… uh… wai…‖

Chun Yeowun pressed his sword against Baek Ye‘s forehead.



As a sharp blade pierced his head, Baek Ye died right away.

As his body fell, his face showed despair.



The warriors of Six Essence yelled as they grabbed their swords.

However, even the fifty of them didn‘t have the courage to attack Chun Yeowun.

Their bodies were trembling with fear.

Chun Yeowun spoke.

―Why aren‘t you coming? Your leader was killed by my hands.‖


Despite the provocation, they were unable to respond.

A single step, and they all felt like they would be killed.

―What the hell is this!‖

Jegal Bo-hyun shouted as he saw the dead figure of Baek Ye.

He really knew nothing.

This was a place where the Jinan warriors and Gate Keepers were gathered to subdue the enemy
of mankind.
However, Chun Yeowun killed Baek Ye in front of all the audience.

„Isn‟t he even thinking about what he is doing?‟

Conflict between warriors should never occur in a place where citizens were present.

Who in the whole world would act like this?

That was when someone stepped ahead.

―I didn‘t want to interfere because I thought that this was an internal matter of the association,
but I don‘t think I can stand by anymore.‖

He was the platoon leader, Ma Kang-cheom, the leader of Jinan.

Gate Keepers belonging to the National Defense took over the role of National Guards during
defense battles, and he was the man in charge of the situation.

Judging that Chun Yeowun was causing a riot, he decided to interfere.


And naturally, the warriors didn‘t like Gate Keepers interfering with their matters.

However, Jegal Bo-hyun thought that it was helpful since he was trying to stop the mess.

„That monster, why is he acting like this towards us? I don‟t know the reason for his attitude, but
he won‟t be able to lay his hands on the Gate Keepers.‟

If that was to happen, then the whole government would turn against him.

Ma Kang-cheom, who approached Chun Yeowun, said.

―Stop this now. In the time of war, in front of everyone, you murdered a significant member of
the Murim Association. As a member of national defense, we cannot let this pass. You are under
arrest in accordance with Article 8, paragraph 3 of…‖

―Don‘t interfere in Murim affairs.‖

Chun Yeowun cut his words in a cold voice.

However, Ma Kang-cheon showed no signs of backing down.

―I can‘t do that. From the moment you committed the murder in the war situation, it was no
longer a Murim‘s…‖

―That so? Then there is nothing I can do.‖





Ma Kang-cheom‘s neck was bent sideways.

He staggered a little ahead and collapsed with a dumbfounded look.

―P-platoon leader!‖

The Gate Keepers shouted in advance.

They didn‘t expect that anyone would do such a thing.

Some were bewildered, while others tried to fearlessly use their abilities against Chun Yeowun.

Chun Yeowun lowered his hand.




―W-what is this!‖
All of them kneeled. Some who had abilities to raise their strength tried to move, but they
couldn‘t even budge.

Enraged at it, the 3rd platoon leader, Yeo Gyuk-mun, shouted.

―Stop this right now! Are you going to turn the Gate Keepers and the Defense into your

―You are such funny people. You shouldn‘t have intervened in the first place.‖

Chun Yeowun lowered his hand even further.

The kneeling Gate Keepers fell to the floor.



Their bodies lying on the floor were glued to the ground.

The sounds of their bones crushing under the pressure could be heard.


―Sa-save me!‖


At the sight of his members dying under the pressure, the leader couldn‘t turn a blind eye.

He shouted loudly as he put his hands on his earphone.

―If you don‘t stop this right now, I will be reporting this to the Defense. If that happens, you will
become the worst criminal in not just Jinan, but also the chin…‖


Before he could finish speaking, the earphones were broken.

As Chun Yeowun looked around, not just the leader‘s but all the Gate Keepers‘ earphones got




They immediately threw off the earphones.

As a result, their contact with the Defense was cut off.

Shocked, Yeo Gyuk-mun looked at Chun Yeowun in fear.

―H-how can a warrior possess such abili…‖

Chun Yeowun stretched out his hand towards the man.

His body trembled and got dragged by Chun Yeowun.


Chun Yeowun grabbed his neck.


―What was that about the National Defense Bureau?‖


The man was in utter fear.

He felt like he had touched something he shouldn‘t have.

However, if he stayed still like this, he was sure he was going to die.

―So-stop it! This is just a matter of time. The Defense will figure this out and make you pay
―Is that so?‖

―What do you mean?‖

―If all of you were annihilated while dealing with the entities, why would they target me?‖


At those words, Yeo Gyuk-mun couldn‘t hide his shock.

―What nonsense are you saying about us being killed while dealing with the entities! Even
citizens have seen it… huh?‖

In an instant, something flashed through his mind.

He remembered the dead Baek Ye‘s words, who mentioned how Chun Yeowun intervened too
late into the battle.

„Maybe… this is the reason he touched… Alpha Shivara…‟

His face went stiff.

Only then did he realize why Chun Yeowun waited for citizens to get away from the place.

„To think about all that in the middle of the war!‟

No one was around.

No single citizen was around, no person would know what happened to the warriors and the Gate

Chun Yeowun would deal with all the warriors, and then get rid of the Gate Keepers who
ignored his warning.

Didn‘t that mean that he planned to kill them all from the beginning?

―You, You don‘t plan on doing…‖

―Did you think I was joking?‖



Chun Yeowun tried to break the neck of the leader with his hand.

It was then.


Jegal Bo-hyun screamed, making Chun Yeowun turn.

He was holding a sword glowing blue.

―Are you ready to start showing your true self?‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s words, Jegal Bo-hyun exclaimed with a firm expression.

―Listen, all warriors and Gate Keepers! That heinous man is trying to harm all of us!‖

His voice was carried out by energy to make everyone hear.

Chun Yeowun‘s eyes turned cold at that.

„Did you think that we‟d run away when you said that you would take us down?‟

Jegal Bo-hyun believed that there was only one way to overcome the situation.

That would be working together.

―Even if he is a Divine Master level, he is still a human! Do you think that he won‘t tire down?
We have strength on our side and we can get through this challenge! Everyone, please help!!‖


The warriors who were terrified by Chun Yeowun‘s power, whispered at Jegal Bo-hyun‘s words.

Including the injured ones, there were 500 warriors. And adding the Gate Keepers, it would be
―We have the upper hand.‖

―It might be possible.‖

―As long as he isn‘t an entity, he can be dealt with, stab his vital point and he dies!‖

All that was needed to take down a human was to hit his vital points.

And that would mark their victory.

The moral of the Gate Keepers and warriors slowly revived.


Chun Yeowun shook his head.

Aiming his sword, Jegal Bo-hyun spoke with a happy face.

―Don‘t act pretentious. Even if it is you, you think you can deal with us? You used up a lot of
strength to get rid of the Shivaras and the Alpha. Even if you are a Divine Master level, there is a
limit to…‖

It was then.

Chun Yeowun stretched out his hand towards the air.

Cold air began to spread around and countless Ice Swords formed in the air.



The sky was filled with Ice Swords.

At the marvelous sight, Jegal Bo-hyun was at a loss for words.

It was the same for other warriors.

―It can‘t be.‖

―I-Is he even human?‖

As Jegal Bo-hyun said, everyone believed that Chun Yeowun had exhausted his strength.

They thought that he wouldn‘t be able to make a large number of Ice Swords anymore, but the
man could still unfold so many at once!



Chun Yeowun broke the neck of Yeo Gyuk-mun and then threw the body away like it was trash
and said.

―What do you mean by exhaust my strength?‖


Jegal Bo-hyun‘s sword stopped shining.

He took a step back with a white face and a broken will.

This wasn‘t something that any man could do.


He couldn‘t think of any other word.

Even the five strongest warriors would be nothing in front of Chun Yeowun.

Looking at all of them, Chun Yeowun spoke.

―I think you are all still mistaken.‖

―W-what are you saying?‖


Chun yeowun didn‘t speak and just pointed his hand to the side.
Hundreds of floating Ice Swords flew towards the warriors at great speed.




Screams erupted from all over the place.

―A-avoid it!‖

―How can we… kuk!‖

They were simple Ice Swords, but Ice Swords with sword qi condensed on them. It was as if
Chun Yeowun was wielding each sword.

In an instant, fifty people died.


They were all the people of Six Essence.

Within seconds, a strong force of Jinan city was wiped out with a single gesture.

―No way…‖

―Are… are you really going to kill everyone?‖

Chun Yeowun looked at the ones who were still alive and answered.

―You still think you won‘t have to die?‖


The way he said it made a chill run down all their spines.

The man in front of them wasn‘t lying.

He really intended to kill everyone.

Like everyone else, Hwang Bo-yun, who was trembling in fear, wanted to know the reason.

―What the hell did we commit to deserve this?‖

He couldn‘t understand it.

The other people nodded at Hwang Bo-yun‘s question.

Chun Yeowun spoke to them in a strong voice.

―The sin of daring to touch my cult!‖


They were puzzled and unable to understand what he meant.


Nine warriors leisurely passed through the warriors and the Gate Keepers, approached Chun
Yeowun, and knelt.

„Why are they kneeling in front of him?‟

They were all members of the Yongchun Group alongside their chairman.

There was no way that Jegal Bo-hyun or Hwang Bo-yun, the descendants of the five great clans,
who monitored everything with spies, didn‘t know who they were.

„No way…‟

Jegal Bo-hyun‘s eyes trembled.

At that time, chairman Chun Yu-jang, who knelt and bowed, greeted Chun Yeowun.

―Lord Chun Ma! Please give us a chance to take revenge for the Cult!‖


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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 61 -

The Beginning of Revenge (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Nov 8, 2021

• 12 min read • 5294 views

Jegal Bo-hyun couldn‘t understand it.

„Chun Ma?‟

Is there anyone in Murim who didn‘t know what Chun Ma meant?

It was a worshipped title within the Sky Demon Order, given to the one who was the strongest in
the history of Murim.

Along with the scholars of other factions, such as the Shaolin temple‘s monk, and the birth place
of martial arts Jianghu region, the figure called Chun ma was a legend.

Everyone knew about that.

However, then appeared Chun Yeowun, the 2nd Chun Ma, who swept the entire Murim over a
thousand years ago. It was known that he was the ultimate Chun Ma.

„I thought there was no other Chun Ma in the demonic Cult.‟

Since the 2nd Chun ma, there was no warrior who stood out like the past ones.

And especially now.

Everyone in the Murim Association knew that the Sky Demon order had fallen since the
company was dissolved.

But now, Chun Yu-jang, who was supposed to be aiming for the title of Lord, was acting like a

―Please give me and the members a chance to take revenge for the cult!‖

―Give us the chance!‖

Following Chun Yu-jang, 8 senior executives of Yongchun shouted.

Since the dissolution of Black Sky Company, they were all waiting for such a chance.

Their blood boils at the thought of what they had been through.

„Demonic Cult!‟

The warriors including Jegal Bo-hyun were sure of one thing.

The monster that the Yongchun Group members were kneeling before, was a member of
Demonic Cult.

Hwang Bo-yun bit his lip and said.

―I think that‘s the reason you are trying to kill us all. Black Sky Company, no, it is for revenge
for the destruction of the Demonic…‖

Shh! Puck!

At that moment, two floating Ice Swords flew and pierced both his thighs.

Hwang Bo-yun, whose legs weakened, fell to his knees.



Chun Yeowun spoke to him.

―Demonic Cult? I left you alone because you looked like a nice one, but you seem reckless as

The other warriors would never even dare say anything. However, hwang Bo-yun didn‘t back

―Who are you? I never heard of warriors like you in the Demonic Cult?‖

The Lord was imprisoned.

And the three who were fighting for the title of Lord weren‘t that strong.

Clang! Shh!

Suddenly, director Huan Myung-oh pointed his sword at Hwang Bo-yun‘s throat and said.

―You aren‘t in a position to ask that.‖

―… Huan Myung-oh!‖

Hwang Bo-yun raised his voice and looked at him.

Since they have been sensding spies, he knew that Huan Myung-oh was one of the leaders in the
Yongchun group.


Huan Bo-yun couldn‘t hide his anger.

If it weren‘t for Chun Yeowun, he could have taken down Huan Myung-oh right away.

―You never thought that this day would come, did you?‖

On the other hand, the smile didn‘t leave Huan Myung-oh‘s lips.

For nearly 27 years, he spent every day living in shame.

Constantly under the eyes of spies, the Yongchun group struggled to keep a low profile.

However, Hwang Bo-yun, a member of the Forces of Justice, one of the three major factions,
was now kneeling.

He couldn‘t hide the pleasure.

―Give me a chance.‖

―A chance?‖



Chun Yu-jang put his hand on the sword and answered.

He wanted to slaughter all the warriors right away if Chun Yeowun gave the orders.

That was when someone shouted.

―This is too much!‖

It was Chae-sun, the president of Mokyang furniture, one of the executives of the Murim

He continued to speak with an upset face.

―Our Mokyang Sword Clan has no relationship with the Cult. Isn‘t it too much to kill everyone
in here?‖
That was true.

The Mokyang Sword clan had joined the Murim association just 15 years ago.

And it was a clan which had nothing to do with the incident that happened 27 years ago.

―They have nothing to do?‖

When Chun Yeowun looked at Chun Yu-jang with a questioning look, he nodded his head.

And then someone else shouted.

―Our clan also joined the Murim Association just 10 years ago. Like the Mokyang Sword clan,
we had nothing to do with the Demonic Cult.‖

And when that happened, people kept screaming from here and there telling they had nothing to
do with what happened.

―It is the same with us!‖

―Our clan had nothing to do with your Cult. Trust us!‖

They were all struggling to get noticed, it made no sense for them that they were involved in an
incident which happened 27 years ago.

It was disappointing to see that they wanted to get out alive and leave their comrades to die.

―Director Ma! Are you only aiming to save yourself?‖

―If not! Should our clan be destroyed because of something that we didn‘t even do!‖

―What! Director Ma is right. If there is someone to be held responsible, then it should be the ones
who did it!‖

―Huh, these people! Bowing down to someone just to save your neck!‖


People began to argue.


At that sight, Jegal Bo-hyun‘s thoughts turned complicated.

He thought that the members of the Murim Association would have a sense of unity, but this was
just so messed up.

„Is this human nature?‟

It was a total separation.

Jegal Bo-hyun who was perplexed, looked at someone.

„Leader Ju?‟

It was Ju Mun-pyeong.

He joined the Murim Association 16 years ago as an executive in the Jinan City branch.

Along with the other ones, he was someone who had nothing to do with the events which
happened 27 years ago. He kept being silent contemplating in fear, till now that is.

„Well, not everyone turned their backs on us. The Forces of Justice aren‟t dead yet… ah!‟

Suddenly a good thought came to Jegal Bo-hyun‘s mind. He sent a message to Ju Mun-pyeong.

[Leader Ju.]

[Chairman Jegal.]

[Since we don‘t have time, I‘ll say it.]

[What are you…. ?]

[You have nothing to do with what happened 27 years ago. Please state that.]

[No way. How can I do such a thing just to live among the wicked demonic Cult people who are
aiming to destroy justice?]
[I know how righteous you are. But if you survive, you will be able to inform the main body of
the Murim Association about this.]

Ju Mun-pyeong looked at him with confused eyes.

What Jegal Bo-hyun said was to let the entire Murim Association know about what happened.

[If the truth wil be told, then even those who turned their backs on us will end up becoming

[Chairman Jegal…]

[Please. Survive for the cause.]

Ju Mun-pyeong understood it.

Surely, the man was right.

If he survived and revealed the facts, everyone would come together and stop the demonic Cult.

Determined, Ju Mun-pyeong raised his hand and shouted.

―Our Wise Medicine clan also joined the Murim Association just 16 years back and we hadn‘t
done anything to your Cult!‖

At that, Jegal Bo-hyun nodded his head.

In the end, 29 clans expressed that they had nothing to do with the demonic cult.

And a total of 187 individual warriors.

―Lord Chun Ma. Are we sparing them?‖

Director Hang Yu-rin asked.

She thought that keeping them alive just because they hadn‘t done anything, would still turn into

―They will stab us in the back.‖

Another person agreed. Even if the people had nothing to do with the past events, they would
sooner or later turn their backs on the Cult the way they turned their backs on the Murim

―We need to kill them all.‖

At that, Chae-sun, of another clan shouted.

―I will never betray your Cult or back stab you, I swear.‖

―We swear too!‖

―Please have mercy on us!‖

At one person‘s words, everyone began to plead. They all didn‘t want to die.

Chun Yeowun looked at Chun Yu-jang asked.

―What would you do if you were the Lord?‖


When he was asked to speak his opinion out of the blue, Chun Yu-jang was shocked.

He didn‘t just ask for his opinion, but asked him what he would do if he was the Lord.

„Ah… ancestor is testing me.‟

He thought his ancestor was testing him.

Chun Yu-jang, who knew that he had to deal with this to get under good graces, was troubled.

As a Lord, he wanted to be wise.

Chun Yu-jang answered with a bright face when he thought of an answer.

―Lord Chun Ma. I found the answer. Can you entrust this to me?‖

―Go ahead.‖
Chun Yeowun allowed it.

Chun Yu-jang stepped ahead and looked at the warriors who were begging for their lives.

―You have all said that you would never stand against the cult.‖


Chae-sun, a warrior, answered.

―Then swear it.‖

―We said that we would. We would never divulge this to any…‖

―Not that. Swear allegiance to the Cul!‖


At Chun Yu-jang‘s words, they couldn‘t hide their shock.

They did just betray their allies in order to survive.

However, Chun Yu-jang was now asking them to swear their loyalty to the Sky Demon Order.


Confusion arose.

And Chun Yu-jang continued.

―I will spare anyone who comes under the Cult. But if you don‘t, we won‘t be able to trust you
no matter what you say.‖

At those harsh words, the clan leaders fell into despair.

It was the only way to stay alive. But they would continue to live in shame.

Chae-sun, of Mokyang Sword Clan, knelt down and cried.

―Our Mokyang Sword clan swears allegiance to the Sky Demon Order. As evidence, our
company will be operating as an affiliate to the Yongchun group.‖

―H-he! A traitor!‖

As he swore, people began to criticize him.

Seeing him do that made them despise the clan.


Feeling ashamed, Chae-sun closed his eyes.

However, he endured it because of his desire to preserve his clan.

―Even so you people…‖



At that moment, Chun Yu-jang‘s sword pierced the chest of a warrior who was about to criticize
the man.

Chun Yu-jang looked at the warriors and warned them.

―Whoever criticizes our Cult members, will be dead.‖

The warning was extremely effective.

Everyone turned silent.

Nobody criticized Chae-sun anymore.

As everyone turned silent, more clan leaders began to swear allegiance.

At that, Chun Yu-jang gave orders to General Manager Suh-jeong.

―Capture all of this on video.‖


Suh-jeong pulled out his phone and began to record.


Ju Mun-pyeong, who was about to take the oath, was irritated.

If everything was going to be recorded, then it was no longer possible to dream of turning back.

He looked at Jegal Bo-hyun.


Jegal Bo-hyun sent a message with an apologetic look.

[Please… for the sake of Murim.]

He was encouraging people to make a false oath.

Ju Mun-pyeong nodded with a bitter expression.

He would end up being branded as a traitor on both sides, but if Jegal Bo-hyun could at least
vouch for him, then it might work out.

Ju Mun-pyeong stood in front of the place where everyone was taking an oath and said.

―Our Wise Medicine Clan pledges to come under the Sky Demon order. As proof…‖

With that, many people came ahead and pledged their allegiance to the Sky Demon Order. As
proof, they promised to be affiliated with the Yongchun group.

Since everything was filmed, the executives of the Yongchun group felt satisfied.

„He is wise.‟

„The lord will praise him.‟

This was more beneficial to the Cult than killing them. They even had a video as proof.

Once it was done, Chun Yu-jang knelt down and reported.

―Reporting to Lord Chun Ma! 29 clan leaders have pledged allegiance to the cult!‖

His eyes were filled with confidence believing that he proved himself a little.

He thought Chun Yeowun would treat him differently than before.

However, what Chun Yeowun said was beyond his expectations.

―This is it?‖


―I asked if this is it.‖

Chun Yu-jang was puzzled.

He made people take an oath of allegiance, what else could he do?

―I. Lord Chun ma what you are…‖

―Still a long way off.‖


Chun Yeowun reached out his hand, making someone come fly towards him.



It was Ju Mun-pyeong. He was suddenly pulled and caught by Chun Yeowun.

Puzzled, he asked.

Chun Yeowun looked at Jegal Bo-hyun and said,

―How funny! You thought you would make a false oath and I wouldn‘t know?‖


Jegal Bo-hyun was so shocked that he was at a loss for words.

It was the same with Ju Mun-pyeong, caught in Chun Yeowun‘s hand.

„H-how in hell did?‟

They used telepathy.

How could he know what they were talking about?

Flustered, Ju Mun-pyeong tried to play it cool.

―W-what do you mean by that? How could I give a false oath…‖



Before the man could ever explain, Chun Yeowun broke his neck.


„He swore allegiance.‟

People couldn‘t understand what they‘d just witnessed.

Only Jegal Bo-hyun had a different reaction.

„How did he know?‟

He had never heard about a person with the ability of eavesdropping on telepathy.

However, Chun Yeowun didn‘t seem to do anything. It seemed like he just heard what they
Chun Yeowun addressed himself to those who swore allegiance to him.

―Let‘s test your loyalty.‖


Chun Yeowun pointed at Jegal Bo-hyun and the other warriors who didn‘t swear allegiance.

―Kill them.‖


The faces of those who swore allegiance went stiff. They thought they would be spared.

But to be asked to kill the people they were working with until a moment ago.



―Shoot the video of them proving their allegiance too.‖


At Chun yeowun‘s command, he pulled out the phone again.

The Murim warriors who swore allegiance were dumbfounded.

„Huh, how can we…‟


If such a scene was recorded, they would end up being the main culprits.

And if they don‘t do what he asked, their loyalty will be questioned.

They were in a dire situation.

Chun Yeowun urged them in a cold voice.

―On the count to three. Kill all those who don‘t move.‖



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 62 -

The Beginning of Revenge (3)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Nov 9, 2021

• 8 min read • 5416 views


Chun Yeowun started counting.

The warriors who swore allegiance were equally humiliated.

However, for those who had to be killed, this was the worst moment of their lives.

Complex emotions were mixed in their eyes as they looked at their former allies holding
weapons in their hands.
―You… you wicked devil!‖


Unable to hold back his anger, Jegal Bo-hyun forgot about the huge difference in power and tried
to attack Chun Yeowun.

However, there was no way that the executives of Yongchun would leave him alone!

―How dare you!‖


In an instant, director Hang Yu-rin, who suddenly appeared behind him, sealed his blood points
and knocked him to the floor.


Even though they were on the same level, Jegal Bo-hyun had already suffered internal injuries.
Thus he was easily beaten.

Hang Yu-rin, who was pressing the man down, grabbed his hand and said.



―Look closely. Huhuhu.‖

Hang Yu-rin‘s face was full of joy.

The thought of revenge, to make them taste the pain they felt when they helplessly watched their
Lord, Chun Woo-jin, get imprisoned, made her heart pound.

„Is this what revenge feels like!‟

She wasn‘t the only one feeling that way.

Chun Yu-jang was also enjoying the moment. Recalling the suffering they all had suffered for 27
years, there was no sympathy in his heart.

Chun Yeowun counted the next number.



„What should I do!‟

People were all confused and scared.

They pledged their allegiance to the Sky Demon Order in order to save their lives, but killing
their colleagues was a different matter.

―These traitors.‖

―The Murim Association will punish you.‖

As they hesitated, the other warriors criticized them.

If it wasn‘t for Chun Yeowun‘s Air Swords floating in the air, they would have definitely
punished the traitors right away, but they couldn‘t.

And then the last number came out.



As soon as it fell, the warriors who swore allegiance swung their weapons towards the other
warriors, their faces full of pain.

―Shit! Forgive me!‖


Puck! Puck!
―Kuak! Y-you people! In the end…‖

Screams and blood erupted from everywhere.

―You bastard, you traitors….‖

―Even so, you guys are… Kuak!‖

It was a weird situation.

As they died, they ended up insulting the traitors and not Chun Yeowun.



At that time, those who were about to be killed pulled out their weapons.

―What are you doing?‖

―What? Before I go, I will kill you bastards!‖

―AH! Me too!‖


The warriors who drew their weapons rushed towards them.

At first, they stood still because they were scared of Chun Yeowun. But if they were to die
anyway, then they would at least bring the traitors with them.


Chun Yu-jang tried to stop the rebellious warriors, but.

―Leave it alone.‖


Chun Yeowun stopped him.


Chun Yu-jang and the other executives were puzzled.

However, they soon found out the reason.

Things have drastically changed.

The warriors, who were suffering while attacking their comrades, changed.

―Kuak! Traitor? Who is a traitor!‖

―You! We have to face the consequences of what you people did!‖

―Isn‘t this all because of you?‖

Those who swore allegiance and attacked their colleagues. At some point, they really wanted to
kill them.

Hwang Bo-yun and Jegal Bo-hyun, who were watching the situation, were filled with misery.

It was very painful to watch.


As they weren‘t getting involved in the horrific battle, they had no choice but to get angry at
Chun Yeowun, the cause of all this.

Both shouted at Chun Yeowun at the same time.

―How could you do such a thing!‖

―How can you even call yourself a human being!‖

Chun Yeowun spoke in an indifferent voice.

―Why would I care?‖

„T-this man is really…‟

Jegal Bo-hyun was left speechless.

It felt like Chun Yeowun was the devil himself.

Unlike him, Hwang Bo-yun was more aggressive.

―What? Ha! Didn‘t you take advantage of being strong and drive them into harming each other?
What you are doing is insulting the honour of warriors. This isn‘t just killing. How can you do

―What a joke.‖


Step! Step!

Chun Yeowun approached him.

He lowered himself down to the man, who was pushed down by Huan Myung-oh, and spoke as
he looked into his eyes.

―Did they not have a choice?‖


Hwang Bo-yun yelled.

―What choice! You were threatening to kill them!‖

―If you don‘t want to be insulted as a warrior, isn‘t there a good way to end this?‖


Hwang Bo-yun was speechless.

He thought of saying something, but he couldn‘t figure out what to refute.

Those who swore allegiance to the Sky Demon Order had done it because they wanted to live,
and it was the warriors of the Murim Association who chose not to stay silent and attack the

―They chose it.‖


Hwang Bo-yun, who realized it, was upset.

He tried to rebuke him.

―Even so, this isn‘t right. Are you not ashamed? Even if it is for revenge, for a strong person like



Chun Yeowun grabbed his mouth.

―I thought you were a decent guy, but you talk too much.‖

―Ump! Ump!‖

―Weren‘t you also good at scheming? Didn‘t you imprison the Lord of the Cult and then manage
to break it up by creating internal problems?‖

―Eup! Eup!‖


Hwang Bo-yun‘s eyes trembled.

He knew that Chun Yeowun was talking about the incident which happened 27 years ago.

At that time, the other three factions focused on overthrowing the Sky Demon Order, one of the
four major factions in Murim.
It was a shameful decision, but they had to do it in order to drive out the Forces of Evil and the
Demonic Cult. As a result, the factions of the Forces of Justice ruled Murim.

―Your factions always talk about harmony and righteousness.‖

Chun Yeowun gripped stronger.


The teeth and jaws cracked.

Blood and saliva began to flow out of the closed mouth.


It was so painful that Hwang Bo-yun tried to push away Chun Yeowun‘s hand.

But Huan Myung-oh, who was behind him, pulled the right hand back and broke it.

Crack! Puck!


―Don‘t move.‖

Hwang Bo-yun was in pain as he couldn‘t move.

Seeing him writhe, Chun Yeowun said.

―Bullshit…. No matter how fancy you pack those words, you people are also scum who gain
from other people‘s pain to reach your goals. That is the answer.‖

He looked at the place where the warriors were killing each other. More than half of them were
dead, the ground was overflowing with corpses, and the smell of blood wafted everywhere.

They were struggling to live.

Compassion and righteousness were nowhere to be seen.

„This… this… uh…‟

Hwang Bo-yun couldn‘t come up with anything.

To refute it, the reality in front of him had to be an illusion, but he knew it wasn‘t.

With eyes full of anguish, Hwang Bo-yun mumbled.

―Wh… where …th… jus…tic…‖

„Where the hell… is justice…‟

As his mouth was grabbed, he couldn‘t pronounce it properly, but one could understand what he

―You are stupid. Would a warrior talk like that?‖




Chun Yeowun tore off the jaw joints.

He then spoke to the man who was bleeding profusely.

―Strength is justice.‖

At those words, Hwang Bo-yun lowered his head as his eyes went blank.

Chun Yeowun stood up and approached the trembling Jegal Bo-hyun.

He instinctively knew it was his turn.

If only Hang Yu-rin hadn‘t sealed his blood points, he would have run away.

―Chun Yu-jang.‖


Chun Yu-jang approached Chun Yeowun at the call.

―You said you wanted to take revenge? Go on.‖

―Thank you!‖

When he was given the chance, Chun Yu-jang‘s face brightened.

Chun Yu-jang drew his sword and approached Jegal Bo-hyun.


Looking at the sharp sword, Jegal Bo-hyun trembled.

―Chun Yu-jang!‖

Death was definite.

And before he died, he wanted to at least say something.

―Put away the delusions that you will be able to resurrect the Demonic Cult with this. Do you
think you will be able to face the whole Murim when you‘re weaker than how you were 27 years

―Is that all?‖

Chun Yu-jang raised his sword.

He intended to cut the head off at once.

Jegal Bo-hyun looked at Chun Yeowun.

―You are doing this believing in just that one monster. Chun Yu-jang. don‘t think that he is the
only monster in the world.‖

At those words, Chun Yu-jang narrowed his eyes.

If what Jegal Bo-hyun said was true, then it meant that there was someone on the same level as
Chun Yeowun.

Wondering, Chun Yu-jang asked.

―Are you talking about the President of the Association?‖

Chun Yu-jang had heard the rumours.

Rumours that the president of the Murim Association was at Divine Master level.

People thought that it was a nonsensical story.

With a smile, Jegal Bo-hyun continued.

―Only a monster could face a monster. However, that man turned into a monster 10 years ago.‖

That was what Jegal Bu-hyun believed.

The fact that Chun Yeowun, who was a member of Sky Demon Order, had only come out now,
meant that he reached Divine Master level not long ago.

Jegal Bo-hyun glanced at Chun Yeowun and said.

―A baby monster cannot beat a full-grown monster!‖

But Chun Yu-jang asked.

―Ah, so?‖


Jegal Bo-hyun frowned.

He tried to provoke them, but this wasn‘t the reaction he was hoping for.

At least, he expected them to be confused or angry.

With a smile, Chun Yu-jang said.

―Right! A baby monster cannot beat a full-grown monster. How can a Divine Master defeat a
Heavenly Master?‖

Jegal Bo-hyun‘s eyes widened with shock.

He couldn‘t think anymore.

Slash! Thud!

It was because his head was cut off.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 63 -

Coming to you (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Nov 10, 2021

• 12 min read • 5562 views



The tip of the nose flinched at the disgusting smell.

Hundreds of bodies were scattered here and there on the road.

Around 53 warriors were breathing in a ragged way among the corpses. They were of those who
swore allegiance to the Sky Demon Order.

Only 53 out of 187 were left.

„What do we do?‟


Their expressions had a mix of despair and shame. If they hadn‘t killed more than 40% by
attacking first, the warriors of the Murim Association would have annihilated them.

Of course, they made great sacrifices too.


The general manager of the Yongchun group, who was filming this, stopped the recording.

Since everything was recorded, it was now an inescapable situation.

„Is this the birth of a new Cult?‟

They would all have to change their clan names once they came under the Sky Demon Order.

For example, the Mokyang Sword clan would become the Mokyang Sword Cult.

Since all the executives of the Murim Association in Jinan city were eliminated, it would take
time for proper registration.

―Haaa… Haaa…‖

Gan-ong was also among the warriors who were breathing hard. His body was full of wounds.

„Damn it…‟

His expression was contorted, and the goggles he had on were cracking.

„What a mess.‟
The information display window floating on the goggles stated that the transmission had failed.

It was probably because the goggles broke when he was fighting with the people.

He tried to report what was happening, but it was ruined.

[Transmission rate 5%. Can‘t send any more.]

With just 5%, it was impossible to know how much of the recording was transmitted.

„It would be nice if at least the useful videos were transmitted.‟

If not, then the team members‘ sacrifices will be vain.

Gan-ong‘s gaze turned to a few people.

Two men were standing there with weary faces like him. They were his team members.

In the end, only three people, including him, survived.

„There are only three… whatever the outcome, we need to withdraw right away.‟

Until yesterday, they were around 60 people in Jinan city.

Now he wasn‘t sure if he was lucky or not to have survived.

Because of the monster in front of him, his organization collapsed twice.

„He is completely insane.‟

Gan-ong‘s eyes turned somewhere else.

On one side of the road, there were dead bodies with ice swords stuck in them, the Gate

The monster showed no hesitation despite knowing they were under the National Defense

Chun yeowun killed all the Gate Keepers by himself.


Gan-ong saw it.

It happened while the warriors were fighting among each other.

With one gesture, the floating Ice Swords floating fell on the Gate Keepers.

It was a slaughter.

He also saw something which made him curious.

„Gravity Witch!‟

He saw a woman in a white blouse and black skirt standing next to Chun Yeowun.

The SS-class Gate Keeper, Yu So-hwa.

The Gate Keepers rejoiced at her appearance and called her for help.

However, she didn‘t help them.

It was a shocking sight to see.

„How did he convince the Gravity Witch?‟

The SS-class Gate Keeper was a powerhouse anyone would want to their side.

If she had joined the Yongchun Group, something must be up.

„I need to report everything.‟

There were too many things to report. The video transmission had failed, so he had to report it

―Everyone focus.‖

At that moment, the chairman of the Yongchun group, Chun Yu-jang, spoke loudly as if he was
announcing something to the surviving warriors.
―We confirmed your loyalty, so we welcome you as members of our Cult.‖

At Chun Yu-jang‘s words, the warriors‘ faces darkened.

Of course, they couldn‘t be happy.

Ignoring their reaction, Chun Yu-jang continued to speak.

―Please listen carefully from now on.‖

Chun Yu-jang explained how the bodies will be disposed of and what the surviving warriors will
report to the National Defense Bureau.

Once the explanation was done, everyone started following the orders.

They started disposing of the bodies.

If it was done, the horrible day would end, and they would be able to return.

„Just a little longer.‟

Gan-ong and the other two members pretended to obey everything.

However, someone approached him.

―Follow me for a moment.‖

It was director Huan Myung-oh, one of the executives of the Yongchun Group.

Gan-ong was perplexed.

He didn‘t do anything suspicious, so he couldn‘t figure out why he was being called.

He wasn‘t the only one.


The other two members of his team were also called.

Gan-ong hastily thought of what they could do.

They would never make it out alive if they tried to escape.

And their opponent looked like a Superior Master.

„Nothing can be done.‟

He decided to follow him for now.


Gan-ong tried to take off the goggles he was wearing. But Huan Myung-oh stopped him.


―I-I was just taking off the goggles.‖

―Don‘t do anything and walk. You know what will happen if he thinks you‘re doing anything

Pound! Pound!

Gan-ong‘s heart pounded like crazy. He had to take off or break the goggles he was wearing
right away.

But when Huan Myung-oh put his hand on his sword, he decided not to rash.

„Damn it!‟

It would be nice if he could just remove the goggles.

Once they were destroyed, he could just commit suicide.

„I should have left the goggles in the car…‟

He even thought of breaking down the phone in his hand.

It was right then.

Drrrr! Drrrr!

The cell phone in his hand vibrated.

Gan-ong went bewildered.

Huan Myung-oh put the sword on his neck and said.

―Don‘t move.‖

He was cornered.

Huan Myung-oh quickly pulled out the cellphone.

The recipient‘s number was missing.

―Old one? Tch! ―

Huan Myung-oh was annoyed.

There was a USB-H type tracking device. However, it couldn‘t connect to the old model phone
of Gan-ong.

―For now… tell them there is no problem.‖


Huan Myung-oh, who received the call, put it near Gan-ong‘s ear.

One nonsensical word, and he was ready to kill the man right away.


Gan-ong caught his breath and looked at Huan Myung-oh.

He thought that it was a good thing that he was given permission to answer the phone.

As spies, they had manual phones to work with.

And when he answered, the first thing he said.

―It‘s me.‖

‗It‘s me‘ meant that the enemy had taken the phone.

And the other side will cut off the contact. Gan-ong spoke according to the manual.

However, Gan-ong put on a puzzled expression at the voice‘s response.

Huan Myung-oh frowned.

―Don‘t be foolish.‖

Gan-ong shook his head.

―… he, he is asking to change this.‖


―He wants to speak to your higher-ups.‖

Gan-ong looked at Chun Yeowun, who was standing a little distance away.

Huan Myung-oh


Chun Yeowun looked at the phone that Huan Myung-oh had brought to him.

In front of him now, gan-ong and two others were kneeling.

Chun Yeowun became aware of the existence of spies among the warriors who swore allegiance
to him.

Because of how well trained he was, he was able to understand the energies of those who were in
Jinan city hall.

That‘s how he discovered the spies who were moving around, all thanks to that weapon.
―Ultra Vibrating Sword.‖

It was the black Ultra vibrating sword that uncovered the spies‘ identities.

They didn‘t use it right away, but when the crisis came, they ended up taking it out for a short
period of time.

And Chun Yeowun didn‘t miss that.

So before trying to catch them and kill them, he wanted to investigate them further by freezing
their bodies.

„Pretty bold.‟

He didn‘t expect that their superior would try to contact him first.

Chun Yeowun took the old cell phone.

―Go on.‖

-Indeed, you are strong. Thanks for taking the call.

An altered voice.

Chun Yeowun clicked his tongue.

―Tch, sneaky bastard. Trying to hide your voice.‖

-Well, we have secrets to keep. Huhu.

Perhaps it was because of the anonymity, the caller had a relaxed attitude.

―You don‘t care if your subordinates die.‖

It was like the voice didn‘t care what happened to them.

At Chun Yeowun‘s gesture, the arm joints of the three spies were broken.



Screams erupted from their mouths.

The voice on the other side could hear it.

-Huhu, you are an interesting person. You know that threats like that are pointless. They are just
usable ones to us.

―Is that so?‖

Chun Yeowun put on the speakerphone.

So that the others would be able to listen to the altered voice too.

To ensure that the three spies would feel a sense of betrayal and give out information.

At Chun yeowun‘s words, they made a determined expression showing that they wouldn‘t say

-I told you, huhu. They are trained for such situations. If you try to get something out of those


The sound of pressing a button.


At that moment, one of the three spies screamed, and soon, the body turned red and melted away.

Hang Yu-rin had sealed his blood points, but it seemed like their location was altered.

-… this will happen. I hope you understand.

The altered voice said that the person could be disposed of at any time.

It spoke with a sense of triumph.

-This kind of talk is meaningless, so let‘s get into business.


Chun Yeowun‘s eyebrows rose.

The guy was really trying to pull Chun Yeowun‘s strings.

-You must have noticed that our side tried to hurt you at a request from someone.

―It was very easy to know.‖

-There was no reason to hide it. You have taken care of yourself very well, and you are smart
enough to notice that.

―Then you need to pay the price for it.‖

Chun Yeowun spoke in a cold voice.

The altered voice tensed up and said.

-We will fix it. We have nothing to do with you. It was just commissioned work.

Chun Yeowun‘s eyes narrowed.

After all, they seemed to be moving under someone‘s request.

-Well, it was a short video, but you were amazing. The footage gave me a thrill.

The altered voice spoke in awe.

It seemed like he wanted to show his sincerity.

-I also found something quite interesting.

With those words, the altered voice played something.

-Lord Chun Ma! Please give us a chance to take revenge for the Cult!

Chun Yu-jang frowned when he heard his voice.

He didn‘t know that a video was filmed and sent in that short period of time.

It was annoying that such information had fallen into another person‘s hand.

-There are two Chun ma. Very interesting, in the Sky Demon order, there were only two people
who can be called legends.

―Two people what shi…‖



Chun Yeowun raised his hand to stop general manager Suh-jeong from speaking.

And then narrowed his eyes.

―You received the offer from Chun Woo-kyung.‖

The altered voice didn‘t respond for a moment and then said.

-… this is. We made a mistake. We disclosed the information meant to be used for business


-Because it is the iron rule of this place to hold the confidentiality of the client. Of course, there
are a few exceptions. Like changing cars mid-way?

―You are saying you want to do business with me?‖

-Ku… you are quick-witted. We are also sure that you are the real one of the Two heads.

The altered voice spoke with certainty.

When he first saw the sent video, he had gone blank for a second.

-We would like to make a deal with the ‗real Chun Ma‘.

-You have an A-class core.


-If you hand it over to us, then in return, we will stop the assassination request and give you the
location of the person who commissioned us on you.

The voice showed the will to abandon Chun Woo-kyung and make a deal with Chun Yeowun.

-Considering the rivalry for the Lord position, I don‘t think the information we will give will be
detrimental. But in a long term business with us, you might be able to reunite the Cult into one…

―How funny!‖

Chun Yeowun cut off the voice.

At that, the altered avoid asked.

-What do you mean?

―What are you doing trying to meddle into the affairs of the Cult?‖

Chun Yeowun asked in a cold voice.

-You must be upset. I hope you don‘t misunderstand. Huhu, we just want to establish business
relations with you.

―No need.‖

Chun yeowun refused.

-…it will be difficult to find them without our help.

―I‘ll find you first.‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s words, the voice laughed.

-Hahahaah, this is the first time someone reacted like this. We asked for a deal, and you say
you‘ll find us? Does that seem possible?
―Do you think that is impossible?‖

At that, the voice said.

-I am sorry but the old phones have no function but calling. Moreover, it is impossible to hack it
with the tech in the world. Do you think that we are easy to find?

The voice boasted about its organization that surpassed the current tech.

Chun Yeowun laughed.

―Why do you think I was listening to your shit all this time?‖

The map was spread open in augmented reality.

Hundred of white marks curved and reduced to a range after bypassing the frequency.

-Hahaha. This Chun ma seems to have a big delusion. You will never find us. I can even bet

[The caller has been found]

Chun yeowun smiled and spoke.

―You are pretty close. Taean City.‖


For an instant, the altered voice went stiff.

―I‘m coming to you now.‖


The call was disconnected.

An abandoned building in the northeast of Taean City.

In the basement, a man in his early 40s wearing a white researcher suit looked at the old cell
phone and mumbled.

―W-what just…‖



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 64 -

Coming to you (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Nov 11, 2021

• 9 min read • 5411 views


Chun Yeowun was flying across the sky using the nano suit.

Since the speed of flying was close to 13 Mach, flying without the suit would be impossible.

Beep! Beep!
The position information was visualised on the ocular side of the nano suit.

Mt.Tae came into view, with a small city down its foot.

Taean City.

A wall stood tall at the city outskirts.

Until the gates were built, the city was famous for its sacred mountain. However, it was now
nothing but a small town blocked by the wall.

Chun Yeowun was approaching the wall.

„Nano. Cover us.‟

[Activate the reverse panel shield.]

As the reverse panel shield was applied to the suit, it turned transparent.

„I will fly by myself.‟


The magnetic field particles which were spraying from his feet stopped.

Chun Yeowun raised his energy and flew by himself.

The last time he crossed the barrier, there was a conflict with the Defense department as he got
caught in the infrared cams.

So Chun Yeowun decided to learn from his mistakes.

[Crossing barrier in 50 meters, 30, 10 meters.]


Chun Yeowun passed through the wall.

There was a concern, but with the technology of this era, he was sure that the cams couldn‘t
record the panel reflection.
An abandoned building northeast of Taean city.

There were numerous monitors inside the basement. They were all showing underground

The high-speed trains, which travel through the tunnels, still operated.

There was a man in his early 40s carefully watching the images on his monitor.

The images were transmitted from the hacked CCTV cams installed in the tunnels.


Feeling nervous, he couldn‘t take his eyes off the tunnels connected to Jinan city.

On the signboards of the tunnel, the red light was flickering.

The man who was looking at it sighed.

„Stupid. The tunnel to Jina isn‟t operating as the Gate there is open. What am I so worried

He looked at the broken old cell phone put on the table.

The man was the owner of the altered voice that spoke with Chun Yeowun.

„Maybe I don‟t know what I got myself into.‟

He couldn‘t get the word ‗I am coming‘ out of his mind.

But thinking about it, it seemed stupid.

Taean was close to Jinan, but it would take 40 minutes by train.

And with the Gate Warning being issued in Jinan, all modes of transport were halted.

―Researcher Seo.‖
The door opened, and someone called him.

A man in his late 30s with a grey suit and white hair.

―As requested, all information has been sent to the head office. All stored data has been
formatted and deleted.‖

The one called researcher Seo stood up and said.

―Good job. Did you destroy the documents too?‖

―Everything has been burned. If we put the non-disposable research materials in vehicles, we can

―Got it. The last thing is the monitor room. Let me know once everything is ready.‖

After giving the order, the researcher sat in front of the monitor again.

However, the white-haired man didn‘t leave the room. He went closer and said.

―Researcher Seo. Still, there is one month left for us to move base. Is it okay to do this when the
approval from the head office is still pending?‖

The man followed the order, but he disagreed with it. Even if the person in charge was the one
who made the decision without asking the head office, everyone in the place could be held

―We never know.‖

At researcher Seo‘s words, the man asked.

―Are you doing this because of the target?‖

―Just in case.‖

The white-haired man sighed.

―Even if the Alpha hazard entity was defeated and the Gate was closed, it will take two to three
days for the warning to be lifted. We still have time to wait for the approval.‖
―It is up to me to decide that.‖

―… aren‘t you too scared? Don‘t you trust our security system?‖

The white-haired man asked.

He couldn‘t understand why the researcher was so nervous.

―You were next to me when we saw the video.‖

He saw the video sent from Jinan city.

Only 2% of the video was transmitted, the first part was 10 seconds long, and the second was 8

The first showed Chun Yeowun using a hundred Ice Swords.

―… it was extraordinary.‖

That was something anyone would admit.

He got goosebumps all over his body when he watched it.

Researcher Seo bit his lip.

―Do you know why I became a researcher? It is because this feels great. If there is any risk, I
have the chance to avoid it.‖

―It is also the job of the security officer to protect you. And we have a manual for dealing with

Hearing that, researcher Seo shut his mouth. It was because he knew that the pride of the security
officer was hurt.

„This is why fighters always…‟

Despite being the chief security officer here, the researcher knew that the man had been to
several battles in his life, including the Gate War.
But researcher Seo was adamant.

―Get ready. There is no change in my decision.‖

In response to the stubborn attitude, the security officer sighed again.



A vibration hit all over the place.

Shocked, researcher Seo turned and looked at the CCTV installed outside the building.


Looking at that, researcher Seo‘s face hardened.

The CCTV was showing someone floating in the air outside the building.

It was Chun Yeowun.

His black coat was flapping as he stood mid-air.


Researcher Seo trembled at what he had just seen. He did guess that the man would come.

But he expected the man to come in 3 days at the shortest, not in 30 minutes.

The security officer‘s eyes shook as he looked at the screen.

―Hehe… is flying in the sky?‖

―No way…‖

Researcher Seo jumped up and shouted.

―No way! Did he fly here!?‖

It was unbelievable.

After the Gates opened in the world, mankind lost control over the sky.

Humans lost their planes and had no choice but to dig underground tunnels for the sake of

―How could thi…‖

The security officer hurriedly spoke.

―Researcher, go to the safe room on the second basement floor.‖

―To the safe room?‖

―The fact that he is still there means that he hasn‘t broken the shield. We will activate the
defence system, so head to the safe room.‖

As he said, Chun Yeowun seemed to be blocked by something on the screen. It was a

camouflage shield around the building.

It did look like there was nothing around the building, but Chun Yeowun must have noticed it.

Researcher Seo asked.

―Can it stop him?‖

―The shield can withstand a force of tens of thousands of tons. It will not break.‖

The security officer shouted at researcher Seo.


―Ah, yes!‖

At the urging, he ran out of the monitor room.

When the professor left, the security officer exhaled deeply and pressed the radio on his waist.

―Activate the defence system. All security personnel to the location!‖

— Roger!

The security officer looked at Chun Yeowun on the monitor and muttered.

―Even if he is a monster, he is still a human. He could never be compared to a hazard entity. This
stronghold was built to withstand even a Gate situation.‖

In the video, he did see Chun yeowun use the Air Swords.

But he thought that breaking the shield would be impossible.

At that moment, blue light formed on Chun Yeowun‘s hand.


Chun Yeowun blasted the sword qi at the shield.

Claash! Woong!

The sword qi collided with the shield but couldn‘t penetrate it and scattered in all directions.

This was the advantage of the dome-shaped shield.

Even if a strong energy attacked it, the shield could disperse it upon impact.


The security officer smiled.

Even with a shock of that level, only wind blew and the shield stood still.

„We don‟t even need any kind of internal defence.‟

He thought that Chun Yeowun would just give up after failing to penetrate the shield.

However, Chun Yeowun suddenly distanced himself from the shield.

„Is he going to use it?‟

He saw Chun Yeowun use Sky Flash in the video.

The security office instructed.

―Increase the shield energy to max.‖

— Roger!

Once the instructions were given, the energy shield grew stronger.


The shield‘s energy consumption was high, but it didn‘t matter. The security officer smiled and

―Do it if you can.‖

At that time, Chun Yeowun held out his hand.

It was holding a sword.

The security guard looked closer.

„What? That?‟

The security officer, who didn‘t know about the invisible sword, watched curiously.

Chun Yeowun grabbed the invisible sword and flew up.

He climbed higher than the shield, and then aimed the sword down.

„What? Are you sure you want to do that?‟

At that moment, black flame rose from the invisible sword.


―Is that… flame?‖

The momentum of the black flame was unusual.

Not just the sword, but everything around Chun Yeowun was covered in the black flame.
Soon, the entire area was engulfed in it.

— Security officer!

The voice of the shield administrator was heard.

―What is it?‖

— A tremendous amount of energy is condensing over the shield.


There were several detectors in the security room.

Since it was the same detector used by the National defence, it could measure the energy pretty

―To what extent?‖

— This amount of energy would be comparable to an explosion of 100 ton…

It was then.

Chun Yeowun pointed the invisible sword towards the shield.

At that moment, the black flames erupted from the sword‘s tip and hit the shield.


The moment it collided with the shield, a tremendous bang was heard, and the screen was

―… nonsense!‖

The shield couldn‘t disperse the energy.

Panicked, the security officer shouted.

―Stop! Stop him! Even if you have to use all the energy, stop…‖

At that moment, a loud sound was heard.

The moment the security officer tried to get up.

A scorching heat entered the building.


Researcher Seo was inside the safe room in the 2nd basement.

It was very safe there. The room was made of a special alloy and was 1m thick.

However, it was frustrating since he couldn‘t know what was going on outside.

―Damn it!‖

Because they constantly changed their location, they never installed CCTV cams in the safe

The security officers were strong fighters and could even handle a Gate war.

„Huh. Let‟s just trust them and wait. Whoa!‟

He took a deep breath and calmed himself.

Researcher Seo closed his eyes.

If he waited and meditated, the result would come out soon…

Clash! Slash!


He was startled by the sound of something being cut, so he opened his eyes.

Researcher Seo was at a loss for what to do.

A shining light made him frown.

‟„Isn‟t this the basement?‟

He looked up, blinking his eyes several times.

Shockingly, there was a hole in the ceiling and light was coming through.

―How the hell…‖


Someone grabbed him by the neck.


Researcher Seo‘s face turned white.

Chun Yeowun looked at him and said.

―You are the one?‖



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 65 -

Coming to you (3)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Nov 12, 2021

• 8 min read • 5270 views

A pungent smell wafted everywhere.

A burning smell.

Demon and Fire.

The unification of two spirit beasts‘ powers, the corrupted Imoogi and the Flame Qilin.

A destructive energy unfolded with an invisible sword.

The unbreakable dome-shaped shield stayed untouched as the sword pierced through the middle
of the building.

Only the exterior of the building was blown away, and the thinnest walls remained.

Everything was damaged by heat.

„He blew up the entire building but not the security system?‟

Researcher Seo was confused.

As a result, those in charge of internal security could do nothing but get annihilated.

Chun Yeowun was happy.

„The power is out.‟

Chun Yewun raised the level of the attack in order to overcome the shield‘s strength.
However, the problem was that he raised his power several levels to be able to remove the
annoying obstacles.

Everything was destroyed, except for the shield.

He was worried he might have killed the man too, but fortunately, he found him hiding inside a
safe room on the second basement floor.

Chun Yeowun asked.

―Are you the one?‖


Researcher Seo remembered that he had altered his voice during the call with Chun Yeowun.

He decided to act like he wasn‘t the one.

―Kuak. Wh… what are you talking about? I am just working here as a researcher?‖



Because his life was at stake, he was ready to do anything to survive.

―Hmm, is that so?‖

As Chun Yeowun looked half-pleased, he pleaded.

―I am just a researcher. I know nothing. Please let me go.‖

He seemed desperate.

He tried to look as pitiful as possible.

Chun Yeowun said.

―You mean, you are just an ordinary researcher?‖

―Y-yes! So please have mercy on…‖


At that moment, Chun Yeowun violently grabbed his hand.


And broke his wrist.



Chun Yeowun spoke in a harsh voice.

―Researcher? Hiding all alone in this thick room?‖

It was nonsense.

There was no reason for a researcher to hide.

„No! No! If this crazy monster finds out who I am. I am done for.‟

―Kuaak. The reason I‘m hiding here is because I am a researcher… because I am working on an
important project.‖

Even in the midst of pain, researcher Seo didn‘t stop lying.

It was better to lie than to die.

―The person who spoke to you is at the base. I also don‘t know if he is alive or not.‖

He was trying to make Chun Yeowun give up on chasing him.

―So, you are saying you‘re not him?‖


Chun Yeowun looked at him, and then swung his sword against the wall.
Strangely, words were engraved on the wall.


Chun Yeowun pointed to the wall and said.

―Read it.‖


Embarrassment was drawn all over the researcher‘s face.

The words Chun Yeowun had engraved on the wall were the words he uttered during the phone

He wanted to uncover his identity through the tone or phrasing.

„This… this venomous bastard!‟

He thought that Chun Yeowun had already believed him, but no.

Confused, he read the words.

If he had hesitated, Chun Yeowun would have become more suspicious.

―It will be difficult to find them without our help.‖

He spoke in a different tone than usual.

„Without a machine, there is no way he can identify the tone of an altered voice!‟

Or so he thought.

[Pronunciation and tone are 80% identical.]

Chun Yeowun had Nano.

There was no way that the usual way of speaking could be mistaken with a slight voice change.

Chun Yeowun shook his head.

―You! You are better at lying than I thought.‖


Chun Yeowun swung the sword.


Slash! Tuk!

The cut-off arm fell to the ground.

―Kuaaak! My arm! Arm!‖

The pain was incomparable to that of a broken wrist.

He didn‘t have the mental strength to endure this kind of pain.

He screamed till he passed out.


However, the moment Chun Yeowun injected thunder qi into his body, he woke up again.



Chun Yeowun looked at him.

―Didn‘t I tell you I would find you?‖


Completely terrified, researcher Seo begged like crazy.

―Spare me! Spare me! I-I have sinned! Please!‖

―What did you say about the Cult?‖

―I made a mistake. Without knowing it, I made a mistake… please… ah!‖

Researcher Seo, who was pleading, suddenly remembered something.

―If you spare me, I will tell you how to find him.‖

He didn‘t know everything, but he thought that Chun Yeowun would be interested in the
information he could give.

However, his neck was grabbed harder.



―Do you think I would bargain with you?‖

It felt like his neck was about to crack.

Unable to overcome the fear of dying, he said.

―Sha-shanghai… Chun… Chun Woo-kyung… kuak… a business partner.‖


Shanghai was in the middle part of the trading city.



―Business? Then he has a base?‖

―Ch-Chun Woo-kyung… he… he… he is too careful… constantly changing the base…‖

Chun Woo-kyung was running an organization. Unlike the other two factions, he constantly
moved the base from one place to another.

―Huh. So how do I catch him?‖

―Three months… once… in Shanghai… Chun Woo-kyung… holds a meeting at the Hayden
Hotel with… business partners… foreign countries… . Next one… next month 4th…‖

There were 10 days left.

With this kind of information, he could catch the man.


―No lies?‖

―Ahhh! No!‖

―Great. So now, let‘s talk about your organization.‖

According to Nano, the Ultra vibration sword was a major military tech that wasn‘t given to the
National Guard until the middle of the 22nd century.

But these people had tech ahead of time.

In addition, the remodeling of the human body and the modification of the blood vessels were
also not of this time.

―The name of your organization.‖




―You can always keep your mouth shut if you want to die.‖

Chun Yeowun looked indifferent.

Researcher Seo, who was at a loss for words, eventually said.

―We are m…‖

It was then.


Chun yeowun looked at the hole in the ceiling.

A change in the energy of nature occurred around them.

„The energy around is scattered.‟

Chun Yeowun narrowed his eyes.

When he came to this age, he realized that the energy of nature was significantly smaller than his


Researcher Seo mumbled as he noticed something.

―EV field!‖


The researcher was about to answer Chun Yeowun‘s question, when…


The sound of a gun being fired.

Chun Yeowun stretched out his hand.

He meant to block the bullets.

However, due to the phenomenon which dispersed the energy, the energy couldn‘t form.


Chun Yeowun stepped forward.

He made the cracked floor rise upwards.


The bullet was blocked.

―Damn it!‖

A small voice.

When Chun Yeowun looked in its direction, he saw someone aiming his gun at him.

―There were people alive?‖

He didn‘t feel any life energy other than researcher Seo‘s.

Chun Yeowun reached out and tried to pull the man.

However, due to the anomaly, the energy didn‘t flow normally.

[Energy has been scattered.]

„I know. How annoying.‟


At that time, the guy on the ceiling aimed his gun at Chun Yeowun and tried to fire again.

―Fine, let‘s go there.‖



Chun Yeowun jumped up.

Researcher Seo was puzzled when he saw himself fly up.



Chun Yeowun, who stepped lightly, arrived above at once.

Because of the sun, he couldn‘t make out his appearance, but the man had terrible burns all over
his body.

But still alive.

„A mod?‟

Chun Yeowun could see the man‘s body slowly regenerating.

The man, who was running away, finally stopped in front of large trucks loaded with boxes made
of steel.

―Given up on running?‖


The man opened the safety lock of the truck.

Researcher Seo, who saw that, shouted.

―Wh-what are you doing? Have you lost it? If you, If you open that!‖


Chun Yeowun thought that the man had a plan and decided to stop him.

But the man was quicker with pressing the red cross button.


In an instant, Chun Yeowun moved there.

After cutting off the man‘s arm, he pressed the button again.


Nothing happened.

It seemed like pressing the button again had stopped it.

―What are you trying to do?‖

Chun Yeowun asked.

The burnt man had injured vocal cords, so his voice didn‘t come out.

Chun Yeowun looked at his mouth and narrowed his eyes.

From the mouth‘s movement alone, he could figure out the words.


At that moment.


From the back of the truck, something appeared.

A naked woman with a transparent-like body and fluttering purple hair.


Chun Yeowun was puzzled as the woman ran towards them with a face full of anger.

The target seemed to be the burnt man.

Chun Yeowun tried to stop her by blocking her way, but the purple woman‘s body turned
transparent and passed through Chun Yeowun.


Soon the man was pierced.

Actually, her hand grabbed the man‘s heart.

Puck! Crack!

She ripped his heart out.

And then, she turned around and kicked Chun Yeowun.


Chun yeowun crossed his arms and blocked it.

A pit about 10 meters in diameter was dug in the ground where he supported his body.


„What power!‟


Shockingly, Chun Yeowun was pushed five steps back.

He didn‘t sense any use of internal energy.

When Chun Yeowun looked at her, the woman opened her mouth with a surprised look.

―You are pretty good for a mere human.‖



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 66 -

Special Type Entity (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Nov 13, 2021

• 10 min read • 5164 views


Researcher Seo shut his mouth.

Deep inside, he wanted to curse out.

„Crazy bastard! If you want to die, die alone! Why do all this bullshit!‟

It was like the man detonated a bomb hoping everyone would die.

Despite being on the outskirts, they released it within the wall. It was the worst situation.

„Stupid bastard! Releasing a monster to catch a monster!‟

The released monster was more than capable of destroying the whole Taean City.

All of the security systems, including the shield around the base, were made in case the monster

And since Chun Yeowun broke down most security systems, there was no way to stop the

„Can this one stop that bitch?‟

Researcher Seo looked at Chun Yeowun.

He saw that Chun Yeowun was pushed back with the kick.

Despite looking like a human, that woman wasn‘t something he could deal with.


The purple-haired naked woman turned her head and looked at him.



Terrified, researcher Seo tried to step back.

But he couldn‘t.


Chun Yeowun had stopped the bleeding of his arm by sealing the blood points, but it still had its

It was the worst situation as he couldn‘t run away.

―Doing an experiment?‖

The purple-haired woman looked away from Chun Yeowun and tried to move towards the

However, Chun Yeowun intervened.


―He is mine.‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s words, the purple-haired woman smiled bitterly.

―Human. You think you can stop me?‖

As soon as she said that, she ran towards the researcher.

It wasn‘t light footwork. It was real speed.

„Ahh, I see.‟

Chun Yeowun created a sword qi.

A simple attack of sword qi had passed through her body before, so this time, he created sword
qi with condensed energy.

―Will this go through?‖

Chun Yeowun released it.


However, the sword qi was immediately dispersed in the air.

Because of the anomaly of dispersing the energy, Chun Yeowun couldn‘t use the attack.

„This is so annoying!‟

The control on qi was dispersed.

In the end, it seemed like he had to go for close combat.

Meanwhile, the purple-haired woman approached Chun Yeowun.

„Then I will do it!‟

Chun Yeowun used the sword with energy to stab the woman.


At that moment. Her body turned transparent, and the sword passed through her.


„Condensed sword qi too?‟

Chun Yeowun frowned.

He didn‘t think that sword qi with condensed energy would pass.

At that moment, she aimed for Chun Yeowun‘s heart.

―Can‘t kill me, human.‖


The moment her transparent hand passed through his body and tried to grab his heart, Chun
Yeowun spread the distance.

―Where are you running away?‖


She kicked her feet and narrowed the distance.

She reached right in front of Chun Yeowun in an instant.

The woman seemed like she didn‘t master martial arts, making it hard to believe that she could
achieve such incredible speed.

―You can‘t get away from me, human.‖

Thinking that she captured him, she smiled.




As Chun Yeowun‘s body dispersed, something appeared behind it.

It was an illusion.

Despite being a human, Chun Yeowun was beyond the limits of human beings.

A blurry invisible sword emerged in his hand.

Unlike sword qi, which was made of internal energy, invisible swords have a power surpassing
internal energy.


„1st formation of Sword Force of Sky Demon.‟

24 Demon Sword was unfolded with the invisible sword.

Chun Yeowun attacked her.



Chun Yeowun was shocked.

He thought if the sword was made of pure qi, then it would definitely hurt her, but even the
invisible sword passed through her.

Watching that, the researcher‘s face darkened.

„No use. The monster‟s phasing ability breaks down much smaller than the atomic unit. There is
nothing we can do.‟

Through numerous experiments, he tried to uncover the secret of her phasing.

It was because, if such a tech could be understood, it was possible to create the strongest
biological weapon able to easily subdue the best talented warriors.

However, no progress was made as it was an ability unexplainable with human science.

„There is only one way to stop…‟

Their organization discovered a way to capture that monster.

Although it couldn‘t kill her, it could stop her.

The problem was that the base was devastated. And there was no way that any device survived.

„I need to run away.‟

Researcher Seo stood up staggering.

There was no other way than to contact the base and let them know that the monster had been

He wanted to move when Chun Yeowun was still fighting her.



Her fists slammed the floor.

At that moment, the floor sank down.

Not just the phasing ability, but she seemed to have tremendous physical power as well.

„Definitely not human.‟

It did have a human form, but the skeleton was different.

There was a high probability that the inside of the body was an internal structure completely
different from that of humans.

„Something from the Gate?‟

The only one who knew about it was researcher Seo, the only survivor now.

Chun Yeowun looked at the researcher, who staggered towards the ruined base.

The purple-haired woman noticed it too.

―Huh. Human, I will take him down first and then you.‖

She was able to evade the attacks, but she wasn‘t able to handle Chun Yeowun, so she ran for the
next target.
„No can do.‟

Chun Yeowun overtook her, thinking he should catch the researcher first.

It was then.

―Caught you. Human!‖

As Chun Yeowun caught him, she put her hand on the floor. At that moment, the floor was dyed
in purple,




The floor turned transparent, and Chun Yeowun fell down.

Chun Yeowun kicked the air and tried to climb up, but.


The moment she released her hand, the floor went back to its original state.

―Kal kal kal, stupid human.‖

She smiled.

It seemed like she could pass on the ability of phasing to other things too.

It was just that the range wasn‘t wide.

―Die right there.‖


With those words, the woman headed to capture researcher Seo.

Her anger was raging as he had been tested for a long time for experiments.
And finding the man wasn‘t difficult as the place was all destroyed.

Researcher Seo was rummaging through something.

―There you are.‖

She wiggled her fingers and walked towards him.

Not caring about anything else, she only wanted to kill the man who experimented on her body.

She would torture him until he asked her to kill him.


Her hands turned transparent.

―I will pull out your organs one after another and watch you die.‖

It was the moment researcher Seo turned around and pointed something at her.


A small machine gun.

The moment she saw the machine gun, which was connected to something like an output device,
her expression distorted terribly.

Researcher Seo pulled the trigger.


Blue sparks fired from the machine gun.

The woman, who was 6 steps away, was struck directly by it.


When her body was electrocuted, her hands, which turned transparent, returned to their original

„Yes! It worked!‟

Researcher Seo‘s face brightened.

But that feeling didn‘t last long.



He thought that she wouldn‘t be able to move as she couldn‘t use the phasing, but she stepped

―H-how? No…‖

When he looked at the outer unit connected to the gun, he noticed that one point was left open.

As the base was destroyed, the power was insufficient.

―Damn it…‖

The box was supposed to hold the A-class core.

Since the base was destroyed, there was no way that it could work well.

―Let‘s kill you.‖

She took strides with an angry face and snatched the machine gun.

She then smashed it.


―How dare you! Huh!‖

Her body was still showing sparks.

Her hand reached out to researcher Seo‘s abdomen.


She grabbed something.


The pain was so excruciating that he groaned and twisted his body.

―A human being cannot survive without even one organ missing, right? I‘ll take one out.‖

―Kuak!, please! Please!‖

Researcher Seo begged.

Feeling delighted, she tried to search for something in his body with a red face.

―The longest one!‖



When she pulled out her hand, his duodenum came out.

She tried to pull it out with force to hurt him.

It was then.


The ground shook violently.

She looked puzzled at what was happening.

A hand came out and grabbed her left ankle.


Shocked, she tried to use her phasing ability and move.

At that moment.


A huge shock occurred.

The machine gun couldn‘t even be compared to this.


Unable to use her phasing, she staggered as her ability stopped working.

Shocked, she stomped on the floor.


And soon, the floor cracked and someone came out.


Chun Yeowun.

Covered in dirt and mud, Chun Yeowun lifted the woman‘s body by her ankles and.



He hit her body on the floor.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

―Ack! Ack! Ack! Ack!‖

Her face darkened.

She didn‘t realize what had just happened.

―How dare a human!‖

She clenched her teeth and tried to kick Chun Yeowun‘s head.


Chun yeowun raised his left hand and blocked it.

Kwang! Crack!

The floor where Chun Yeowun was standing cracked, but he didn‘t even budge.


Her feet were trembling.

―Stopped it?‖

She thought he would bounce off. It was a kick that could produce power close to hundred tons.

―Did you think I couldn‘t stop it?‖

She didn‘t know it, but Chun Yeowun had the strongest internal energy.

―How can a mere human do this?‖

―Human in every line. How annoying.‖


In an instant, Chun Yeowun‘s fist hit her face.



Due to the blow loaded with thunder qi, she bounced back.

Not being able to use phasing anymore, she got up with an angry face.

―Y-you are only one human…‖

She was losing it.

This situation was different from when she was captured.

At that time, she was exhausted, and she was captured only after two days of fighting with
hundreds of people equipped with lightning equipment.


Chun Yeowun walked and asked.

―Bitch. Do you have any other ability to show?‖


At Chun Yeowun‘s question, her expression was distorted.

It was as if Chun Yeowun was testing her.

„Cheeky human!‟

She was about to get angry, but Chun Yeowun‘s next words were weird.

―I think that ability is quite useful.‖

―What nonsense are you talking about? Human!‖

―I just need to tame you and use it!‖

―How dare you!‖

Hearing those words, her eyes turned red.

She felt more angry than the time when she was restrained.

It was then.


The remaining power in the base was exhausted.

As a result, the EV field which surrounded the perimeter was also terminated.

The energy which was being scattered stopped, and the place was back to its original state.

The corners of her lips turned into a smile.

―Human. I will make you regret what you said.‖

Her body floated.


She stretched out her arms as her purple hair fluttered in the air. Energy began to condense from
all directions and turned into a sphere of white light.


Hundred of white-colored spheres with energy appeared.

―As the restraints on my power are now released, you, human, will never be able to get out

She wasn‘t able to use the full extent of her power because of the EV field.

After being freed from it, she was able to manipulate the energy freely, and now she wanted to
kill the human in front of her.

However, Chun Yeowun‘s expression didn‘t seem to change.

„Why isn‟t he scared?‟

Despite the hundred energy balls, he looked relaxed.

At that time, Chun Yeowun stretched out his hand into the air and said.

―Right. Being restricted was making me frustrated.‖



The sound of sparks was heard.


For a moment, she turned her head at the sound of thunder she felt behind her.

Swords of thunder qi had covered the air above her.

„W-what the hell is…‟

It was a terrifying sight.

As her confidence was shattered, she mumbled in a terrified trembling voice.

―You, are you really a human?‖



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 67 -

Special Type Entity (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Nov 14, 2021

• 9 min read • 5426 views

Crackle! Crackle!

The majestic swords with lightning sparking on them, was a spectacular scene.

The blue sparks that flashed with lightning were dazzling.

„It‟s happening.‟

It was the first time that thunder qi was being loaded into Sky Flash.

As Chun Yeowun had absorbed the core of the five spirits, he could freely use the attributes of
flame, ice, thunder, wind and the corrupted demonic energy.

The thunder qi was gained after absorbing the core of the dragon turtle.

If it had to be given a name, then he decided to call it Thunder Qi Sky Flash.

―How can a human have this power…‖

The naked woman with purple hair looked up at the sky with shock.

Making a hundred energy balls was one thing.

„Hmm, I need to attack first!‟

She hurriedly reached out to Chun Yeowun.

And then, hundreds of white energy balls rushed towards Chun Yeowun.
Shush! Swosh!

If Chun yeowun died, then his floating swords would disappear.

So she was in a hurry.


Chun yeowun looked at her with a sullen look and lowered his hand.

At that moment, some of the swords fell down like raindrops.


The swords moved as if they had targets and hit the energy balls.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The energy balls which were hit exploded.

In an instant, the energy balls aiming for Chun Yeowun were destroyed by the swords.

With an overwhelming majority.

―Y-you monstrous bastard!‖

Suddenly, she changed the way she called Chun Yeowun.

From human to monster.

„I need to run away. He isn‟t someone I can defeat.‟

She turned around.

If her ability of phasing could be used, she would have no rival at all.

But her opponent now was a monster.

―Someone told me it was no use running away.‖


Chun Yeowun reached out to her.

The remaining swords flew to her at once.



Startled, she tried to move away at full speed. However, the swords‘ speed was like a flash.

And it hit like lightning.


A sword struck her body.


As the sword pierced her body, her body trembled.

Without missing the chance, the other thunder swords rushed to her and pierced her.

Puck! Puck! Puck!

The thunder swords were made of lightning.

As soon as they pierced her, electricity flowed through her body.

Chik! Chik!


She was being electrocuted mid-air and then fell down with a scream.


As she fell to the ground, her body convulsed.

The lightning made her unable to move or use the phasing ability.

Seeing that, Chun Yeowun narrowed his eyes.


A total of seventeen swords had pierced her arms, legs and shoulder, but she didn‘t bleed.

Rather, something like a purple haze was coming out from the pierced areas.

It was clear that the woman wasn‘t a human.


She was unconscious, but she kept groaning like a person on the verge of starvation.

Chun Yeowun reached out his palm at her head.

„Nano. Try to scan.‟


Chun Yeowun was curious about her body structure.

A red light was coming out of Chun Yeowun‘s palm as he scanned her body.

Chun Yeowun was shocked when he looked at her body in augmented reality.

„Completely different.‟

She didn‘t have blood. In addition, the skeleton seemed different from a human.

The number of joints itself was more than hundreds in one arm.

It was a structure to mitigate the shock when received.

The tendons of muscles and the source of strength, were also woven in a form more complex
than that of humans.

„Body for battle purpose?‟

It looked like a natural combat type.

Without any training, it was the perfect body.

However, that wasn‘t what shocked Chun Yeowun.

„No core.‟

There was no core in the body.

It certainly didn‘t look like a living thing from earth.

There was only one person who could know the answer.


Chun yeowun disappeared.

A man with a pale face was sitting wide-eyed at the entrance of the ruined base. It was researcher

The way he was holding onto his organs which were pulled out from his stomach, was just

It wasn‘t strange if he stopped breathing.


Chun Yeowun appeared in front of him.

Researcher Seo raised his head.

―Really nice… you are.‖

He watched Chun Yeowun subdue her.

He was his enemy, but he still admired him.

It was because he could subdue the woman without any equipment.

―I think the word alien would go well for you. Cough… but I am out of time.‖

Was it because he felt himself losing his life?

He knew that his body was beyond repairable.


Chun Yeowun put his palm on his chest.

As internal energy was pushed in, researcher Seo could feel his body warm up.

―Even then… it wouldn‘t… be of… any use. Haa…‖

―I have a lot to ask of you.‖

Stared at Chun Yeowun, researcher Seo shook his head.

―You are a wonderful person. To get what you want from someone, you pull it out even from a
person who isn‘t a threat to you anymore.‖

There was no reason to hold back information when he was on the verge of death.

Dying was something the organization was used to.

But maybe because he was on the verge of death? He looked at Chun Yeowun with a pale face
and said.

―… ask me. As long as… I‘m alive… haa… haa…‖

―What is that woman?‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s question, the researcher struggled to open his mouth.

―Ga…te… Gate entity.‖

―I know that. But why is the being that came out the Gate in human form? Oh? And, why doesn‘t
it have a core?‖
Chun Yeowun didn‘t see many Gate entities. However, he saw two who had human-level

―Gate monsters are classified into three types…‖

The first was the individual type.

The most common case, a form of monsters that come out at once.

The second was the hazard type.

Once they came out, the entire area would become hell.

The last one was the special type.

The other two types of Gate entities could be defeated by destroying their core.

But the special type was different.

―When they come out the Gate, the Gate just closes.‖

And it was known that they didn‘t have a core.

The special type was discovered 15 years ago. Unlike ordinary dangerous objects, those beings
would have the same body shape, intelligence and language as humans.

Crucially, they had power different from humans.


Chun Yeowun nodded his head. He agreed with that part.

If it wasn‘t for the weakness of thunder, the ability to pass through would be difficult to subdue.

The special type Gate had a very rare chance of bringing out an S-class. If it did, it was a

―Cough… cough… the government and other agencies… because of their… intelligence… made
several attempts to contact them, thinking they might be able to unlock the secrets of the Gate.‖
But the results were a failure.

They viewed humans as nothing but subjects to control.

Like a lion looking at its prey.


But their bodies were made for battle.

Like warlike.

Still, this organization held that woman in custody.

―What were you planning to do with the woman who didn‘t even want to talk?‖

―Haaa… we… the organization… valued the power of a special entity… so… tried to… analyze
it. Kuak!‖

Researcher Seo was having a hard time breathing.

There was a limit to the help Chun Yeowun‘s energy could provide.

Chun Yeowun, who finished his questions about the woman, asked.

―Tell me the name of your organization and the bases, fast!‖

―Haa… M… S… headquarters… ah..‖


At that moment, heat surged through the researcher‘s body.



Chun yeowun tried to cool the body of the researcher, but.

The man had stopped breathing.

Again, they were disposed of the moment they attempted to leak the information.

But he got one thing.

―MS Group.‖

The guy who died last time too, said something about the company name starting with an M.

Coincidentally, Chun Yeowun now knew the name.

The name of the group which was engraved on the syringe of a nano bomb.

„It keeps connecting.‟

Chun yeowun‘s eyes narrowed.

Looking back, the nano bomb was a higher level tech than the current world too.

He wasn‘t sure what this organization was, but something was making Chun yeowun feel
uncomfortable about it.

„Nano. Gather information about MS Group.‟


Having gathered the clues, Chun yeowun‘s interest turned to other things.

It was the special type entity.



She was still suffering.

Chun Yeowun approached her and thought.

„I don‟t think this one can be tamed.‟

Although not human, the phasing ability was useful.

And it looked like it could be useful in many ways if he could tame her, but the woman had
harsh feelings towards humans.

„Should I just kill her?‟

It was when he thought that.

The trembling woman got up.


―Got used to it?‖

When Chun Yeowun raised his hand, the sword formed again.


This time, the lightning around it was much stronger.

If Chun Yeowun snapped his finger, the sword would pierce her head.

It was then.

She banged her head and shouted.

―According to the clan law, Count Shakena will admit defeat! Everything will be given to the
winner. Either take my life or make me a slave. I will do as you wish.‖


Unexpectedly, a declaration of surrender was issued.

It didn‘t seem like Chun Yeowun had to kill her.

―You will obey me?‖


Although she still had swords piercing her body, she answered politely.

Chun Yeowun asked.

―In this clan, there seems to be a lot of beings like you. What are you?‖

He was curious about this being.

The ‗special type entity‘ was a title the people of earth gave them.

Shakena answered, shaking her head.

―I don‘t know what it is now, but the humans on earth who called us here, called our planet‘s
clans as demons.‖


Meanwhile, in Shenyang.

The bunker base of the Six Road Toys.

There, about twenty men in black masks were besieging the bunker, and two men were holding


But the fight didn‘t last long.



The sword flew away and struck the ceiling.

The short-haired beauty was flustered. She was Huan Xia, the young lady of the Ghost Illusion
In two seconds, the match was done.


She grabbed her bloody wrist and looked at her opponent‘s sword.

The sword was much thinner and lighter than regular swords. It was the Crazy Blade.


Thinking the battle was over, the sword was put away.

And with a disappointed face, he spoke to Huan Xia.

―You haven‘t honed your sword at all, despite being one of the 4 major ones. Your father was
right in hiding you here.‖

As he said that, Huan Xia‘s nose flared.

―Don‘t insult my father. Right Guardian!‖

The middle-aged man in a grey suit, called the Right Guardian, took off his sunglasses and
smiled at her.

―Right. By the way, where is this man who‘s calling himself Chun Ma?‖



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 68 -

Special Type Entity (3)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Nov 15, 2021

• 10 min read • 5369 views




Chun yeowun looked puzzled.

Nano began to help.

[Demons. A symbolic entity that appears in legends and fairy tales. It is an existence that means
good and evil, and is opposed to an angel-like being. Sometimes in Christianity or Catholicism, it
is called the devil, and in some other religions, it is called Youkai.]


Chun Yeowun‘s eyes trembled.

Information was being transferred into his head.

The demons known to people in general were the same as the devils in stories. It was said that
they often stay in Devildom, Demon realm, or Hell as they deceive people and control their

What was more interesting was that Shakena said she came from a planet.

Humans of this age were desperate to block the Gate.

So, they didn‘t care if there was another unknown world beyond the Gate.

And the woman had just mentioned a planet.

„Nano. She is talking about the same kind of planet we live on?‟


Chun yeowun was always shocked by many things when he looked at the information that Nano
sent him.

Back in his time, he thought that the place was endless.

„There is another planet beyond the Gate?‟

[It cannot be said precisely.]

„Can‟t it be found in your time too?‟


[System locked.]

Nano had several limitations.

One of them prevented it from divulging history.

Even if the time axis changed, the lock was still on, and Chun Yeowun couldn‘t do anything
about it.

„I want to unlock it.‟

Chun Yeowun wasn‘t normally interested in such things, but after coming to the modern era, he
ended up wondering about the time axis and history.


Each time the lightning appeared, the woman‘s body would tremble.

Chun Yeowun had taken out half the swords stuck in her body.



It was to make her feel comfortable.



―What is your purpose? Opening Gates to slaughter humans and subdue mankind? Why leave the
place you live and come here?‖

Chun Yeowun thought that these ones were the main culprits of the Gate.

It was because, unlike the other monsters which came through the Gate, they had intellectual
abilities and strong fighting abilities.

However, it was wrong.

She explained with a serious look.

―The other Gates on earth aren‘t ours.‖


―Before we came, the earth was already open. If our clan wanted to conquer earth, we would‘ve
come as a group and not as individuals.‖

‗Our clan‘ meant there was a huge ranking system.

And meant they were living in a civilized form.

If their purpose was to conquer, then leading an army was the best way.

―Then why are you attacking humans?‖

―That… when the Gate opens, the humans are hostile towards us.‖


―When I crossed the Gate, human armies attacked me.‖

He knew.

Humanity considered everything beyond the Gate dangerous.

Which meant there was no way to have a peaceful conversation.

If there was a chance for a conversation, humans would suppress the monster first and then talk.

„On top of that, this woman treats humans as insignificant creatures.‟

The woman‘s race was far more advanced than humans.

―You mean you would have left us alone if you weren‘t attacked?‖

―… I am not sure.‖


She answered carefully.

―That is because the blood and meat of other races are good nutrients for our clan.‖


In the end, the demons had no choice but to hurt the humans.

It was a race that considered humans as prey.

―Our clan constantly fights and eats to grow stronger. The weak are our food.‖

―To grow strength through killing.‖

A completely different world from the one humans lived in.

The more such beings come, the more harmful mankind would be.

―And do you eat your own weak ones too?‖

―No. hurting one‘s own kin is prohibited by law. So the winner dominates the loser.‖

It was said that the demons were smaller in number.

Numerous races lived on the planet, and the total number of the demon population was less than

Even though the human population had decreased after the Gate opening, they were nowhere
close to the 3.5 billion human population.

Therefore, in order to preserve, they set up laws.

―Fine. What is the real purpose of coming here? Anything else conquest?‖

He wondered why they even crossed the Gate.

―Came to find the traitor on the king‘s order.‖

―Traitor? A revolt?‖

―We have no revolts.‖

―Must be loyal.‖

―Not that either. We only follow the strong. If anyone defeats the king, they will be the new

Power was law.

And what made their clan particularly strong was self-esteem.

―Good. So the king is the strongest.‖

―Thousands of Counts like me, cannot even touch the hair of the king.‖

An amazing story.
In pure comparison, her strength was comparable to a Supreme Master.

But with the phasing ability, it would be hard to find a person who can handle her.

―And your title is the standard one?‖

―Right. There are a thousand Counts like me, a hundred Marquis above us, ten Dukes and then
three grand dukes under the king.‖

‟… amazing.‟

Chun Yeowun was surprised.

There are 114 people stronger than her.

If they were to form a legion and attack, the present-day earth would perish.

―Woman, what level are you among those who hold the Count title?‖



3rd out of one hundred was great. Perhaps the phasing ability was the reason.

Suddenly, Chun Yeowun was curious about something.

―What would my level be according to your standards?‖

―You are…‖

She thought.

In her head, she compared him to the title-level demons. And then she said.

―You will be in the top 10 Marquis.‖


Chun Yeowun‘s eyebrows rose.

He didn‘t show her his full power, but even then, he thought he would be Duke or higher, but she
said Marquis?

„I am more curious about these ones now.‟

Chun Yeowun has never met a worthy enemy other than Blade God.

And he felt the need to grow after a long time.


Shakena was intrigued by Chun Yeowun.

„You might be higher than the Marquis level too.‟

The person in front of her seemed more like a fellow than a human.

As a strong woman, she felt excited.

Chun Yeowun asked.

―And if you catch the traitor, you won‘t come through the Gate anymore?‖

―Unless the king orders it…‖

If the king wanted to invade, they would come back.

It was troublesome.

However, the fact that such a situation didn‘t happen meant that the demons weren‘t interested in

―Is the traitor a titled demon too?‖


―Which level?‖

―Baron level… but I am not sure what it is now.‖


―Because he ate his own people.‖

Anger flashed in her eyes. It was the worst sin.

„That was why he was a traitor.‟

He broke the law and ate his own people, so he deserved to be called a traitor.

But what did she mean when she said she couldn‘t know his level since he ate his own people?

Shakena spoke to Chun Yeowun.

―When a clan member is eaten, all the power is absorbed.‖

―Absorbing power?‖

―We build strength through predation. And it is more effective when done within the same clan
for some races.‖

Predation of Kin meant 100% transfer.

It would be a huge temptation for demons who want to grow strong.

There was no other easy way to grow than eat one‘s own kind.

―Must be greedy.‖

The clan seemed to know about it, but they banned it.


It was doubtful to say that eating one‘s own kin was banned for the sake of population.

―… A person who preyed on the kin can never resist temptation. We adore the strong, but we
don‘t acknowledge the strong who turned strong that way.‖

She said that.

In any case, she was here to catch the traitor.

It was impossible to guess the traitor‘s power as he had eaten a lot more since coming here.

„If not dealt with right away, the risk level will increase.‟

As she said, he would keep getting stronger.

―How to catch him if he is hiding?‖

―We can sense the aura of the same clan.‖

It was like saying she could feel him.

And if that one was dealt with, the demons will have no reason to come through the Gate

―What are you going to do with me?‖

Shakena asked without fear.

Chun Yeowun convinced her that he wouldn‘t kill her and instead take her as a slave.

―Well. I will hire you as my secretary.‖


Shakena didn‘t know the word and looked puzzled.

So he explained.

―Something like a slave.‖

At that, her face brightened, and she shouted.

―Shakena serves the Master!‖

After an SS-class Keeper, Chun yeowun had a Count level demon now.
Yongchun group‘s conference room.

The atmosphere in the room was supposed to be bright. However, despite taking in the clans of
Jinan under the cult, it was gloomy.

The reason was the message that director Huan Myung-oh got.

And a picture of a man wearing sunglasses pulling out a sword in front of a bunker.


The handle on the chair was bent.

It was the last time that Huan Xia contacted him.

The phone couldn‘t be called, and the signal couldn‘t be traced.

―Director Huan, calm down.‖

Hang Yu-rin comforted him. At her words, he yelled out.

―I don‘t know where my daughter is. How can I calm down!‖

He was cold-hearted when it came to other things, but he wasn‘t always rational when it came to
his adopted daughter.

The man couldn‘t calm down.

Right Guardian, Sub-hyung.

The best self-proclaimed thief.

And a rival of Huan Myung-oh.

―Ha… the right guardian must have joined them.‖

It was a huge deal if one of the three guardians was selecting the Chun Yu-seong faction.

As far as they knew, Sub-hyung was focused on finding the secret prison where Lord Chun
Woo-jin was kept.
Huan Myung-oh got up from the seat and bowed to the chairman.

―Chairman. This time, I need to go there. I don‘t think this can be solved by just sending
someone there.‖

―Calm down. If you aren‘t careful about this, we might end up playing right into their hands…‖


At that moment, someone came through the window. ‘


Suddenly, two people appeared through the window, and the people within the room stood up.

―L-Lord Chun Ma.‖

It was Chun Yeowun and Shakena, a naked woman with purple hair.


Shocked at her being naked, the male executives all turned red in embarrassment.

―It is truly a convenient ability.‖

―Thank you, master.‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s praise, she nodded her head.

She couldn‘t only phase herself, but also had the ability to phase objects she came in contact


Yu So-hwa rushed into the room and approached him.

Being his secretary, she had to take up the role of setting up the meeting on his behalf, since he
suddenly flew away.

―That woman?‖
Chun Yeowun answered her.

―Second secretary.‖


When asked why he brought in a naked woman, he said she was going to be the second

Shakena looked at the other woman.

A weird gaze.

―You! What are you doing?‖

Shakena smiled at the displeased Yu So-hwa and said.

―Human bitch. I like that outfit. Take it off.‖



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 69 -

Right Guardian (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Nov 16, 2021

• 12 min read • 5675 views




When asked to take off her clothes, Yu So-hwa‘s expression didn‘t change. However, her face
turned red in anger.

―What are you talking about!‖

―Take off those clothes.‖

Rather, it was the executives who were embarrassed with Shakena‘s bold request.


Even if they were elderly, they were still men.

And the situation was so weird.

The only person who could watch it without diverting her gaze was Hang Yu-rin.

„I don‟t know who that woman is, but she must be a huge deal.‟

Yu so-hwa was an SS-Class Keeper. And if she was a Murim warrior, she would be a Supreme

Shakena looked over at Yu So-hwa‘s clothes in a greedy way.

―If you don‘t want to, should I take it off for you?‖

If a man had said that, it would have been a dangerous situation.

The woman approached Yu So-hwa, thinking she could do it.

―You!! You need to know your place.‖

The fingers of Yu So-hwa twitched.

She was ready to use gravity.


The floor trembled, but Shakena smiled.

―Hehe, looks like you don‘t want to take it off.‖

As a fighter, she had no reason to avoid a battle. Purple energy began to rise from her body.


„This woman, isn‟t she just plain crazy?‟

Yu So-hwa narrowed her eyes. Since Chun yeowun brought her, she thought that the woman
would be strong, but the woman just kept on ridiculing her.

Everyone in the room was nervous.

„Who is she?‟

„What is that energy…‟

As she entered through the glass, they thought Shakena had special abilities, but the energy she
was releasing was different.

„Where the hell did Lord Chun Ma find such a monster?‟

They were all curious about her.

Of course, more serious than that, the two women were going to fight each other till death.
It was then, Chun yeowun opened his mouth.




Both answered at the same time.

As soon as they heard him, the two women called back their energy.


The seniors looked curious at Chun Yeowun‘s ability to control the two monstrous women at

Handling an SS-Class keeper and a special type entity was like playing with two bombs.

―Yu So-hwa, if you have extra clothes, lend them to Shakena.‖

―… yes sir.‖

She agreed.

However, Shakena mumbled while shyly twisting her body.

―Master. I like the clothes that the human bitch is wearing…‖

―Are you going to try your luck despite being a slave?‖

―Ah, No!‖


Flustered at Chun Yeowun‘s cold words, Shakena knelt down and lowered her head.

She was aware of her position.


―She is the first secretary. So be mindful.‖

―Yes. However, if you give me the chance, I would like to covet the title. Please allow it.‖


Yu So-hwa was confused.

She couldn‘t understand to which era this woman belonged.

Moreover, despite bowing to Chun Yeowun, the naked woman kept glaring at her.


Chun Yeowun grabbed her on the shoulder.

And she groaned at the pain which hit her brain.



―I told you not to cross the line.‖

―I-I apologize!‖

Shakena had a different way of thinking from humans.

Therefore, Chun Yeowun was being more strict towards her.

―Treat her like you treat an elder.‖



Despite not understanding the situation, Yu So-hwa felt grateful when Chun Yeowun treated her
in a special way.
When Chun Yeowun took his hand off her, Shakena bowed to Yu So-hwa.

―I apologize.‖

As if to let her know that she didn‘t like it, she looked at Yu So-hwa with a bitter look.

And silence fell again.

Yu So-hwa smiled and then looked at the woman‘s breast and said.

―My clothes will be baggy to you, but they might fit.‖


Shakena didn‘t understand what she meant.

However, when she left the conference room to get clothes, her face distorted as she looked at
Yu So-hwa‘s voluptuous breasts.


Regardless of race, they were both women.

And now they were secretaries.

Chun Yu-jang approached Chun yeowun once the two left and reported.

―Lord. There is a problem.‖


―Director Huan.‖

Huan Myung-oh approached Chun Yeowun with a dark face, then showed him the phone and

―Lord Chun Ma. My daughter has been caught.‖

If it was Huan Xia, then she was supposed to be hiding with Baek Jong-so and his mother in the
Six Road Toys bunker.

Puzzled, Chun Yeowun looked at the photo on the phone.

The moment he saw the picture, Chun Yeowun said.

―Crazy Blade.‖

There was no way Chun Yeowun didn‘t know about the sword.

It was his first teacher‘s, Right Guardian Sub-meng‘s sword.

The fact that this person was holding it could only mean one thing.

―Right guardian?‖

―Yes. It seems like the Right Guardian has joined the Chun Yu-seong‘s faction.‖

It was weird. The Guardians only serve the Lord.

If one of the Guardians, Sub-hyung, joined the Chun Yu-seong faction, then it couldn‘t be ruled
out that the other Guardians did so too.

This could be trouble for Chun Yu-jang, as it meant that the Guardian found the secret prison
where the Lord was being kept with the help of another faction.

„I can‟t tell this to Chun Ma. Ugh…‟

He wasn‘t sure what could happen.

He knew that Chun Yeowun was very strict when it came to putting someone as the Lord.


At that time, Huan Myung-oh knelt down and begged.

―Lord Chun Ma. Please save my daughter!‖

―Director Huan!‖
Chun Yu-jang panicked.

It was understandable that he was impatient and unable to contact his daughter. However, Chun
Yeowun was Chun Ma, and he couldn‘t ask someone like him to do such tasks.

Even he, who shared the same blood, would only allow himself to receive orders and never
request anything.

―I am sorry, chairman.‖

But Huan Myung-oh couldn‘t back down.

„Only Chun Ma can free my daughter.‟

It had been over 40 minutes since he got her message. Even if the Right Guardian took them
away, they couldn‘t have left the city yet.

It was their only chance to catch them.

―I want to go and rescue my daughter myself, but it will take two days for me to get to

If he had wings, he would have left right away.

And since he didn‘t, Chun Yeowun was his only hope.

―Please! Please!‖


Huan Myung-oh banged his head.


He kept hitting it till he was stopped.


As he raised his head, hoping for a positive answer, Chun Yeowun said.
―Be quiet.‖


―Tell me.‖


―Not you.‖

Huan Myung-oh was confused.

He had already told him everything.

Chun Yeowun‘s eyes were moving, he had opened up augmented reality.

[Calling Lee Myeong.]

He was talking on the phone.

The call was done through the phone of Yu Mun-pyeong, the director of Six Road Toys.

Nano had hacked the receiving chip and taken the code. Thanks to that, Chun Yeowun was able
to make calls without the phone.

In his ears, he could hear the voice of Lee Myeong.

— Cough cough… I‘m chasing them right now.

On an overpass in Shenyang City.

Inside the white RV which was driving down, Lee Myeong was holding the steering wheel with
blood-dried hands.

His top was stained red with blood, and he didn‘t seem to be in good condition.

Even when he looked like he was on the verge of dying, he wasn‘t letting go of the wheel.
— What happened?

Chun Yeowun‘s voice came through the Bluetooth speaker.

Lee Myong looked at the 12 seater grey van, which was 30 meters ahead.

―Ahha… haaa.. unknown people attacked us.‖

— Was there anyone who wore sunglasses among them?

Lee Myeong was shocked at that question.

―Yes. How did you know?‖

— Huan Xia sent a message to her father.

―I see. Cough.‖

— You don‘t seem to be in a good state.

―I got hit by a guy.‖


As he said that, Lee Myeong grunted.

He was out shopping with Baek Jong-so. When they returned, they found out that they had been

The people were already done with their work and were leaving. That‘s when they met and were
hit by them.

Baek Jong-so‘s team member was hit and died right away, while Moyong Lee Myeong was hit in
the stomach.

He still remembered what he was told.

[I see you are a normal civilian. Consider yourself lucky to have come this far. If you are
fortunate enough to survive this, forget about everything that has happened here.]
With those words, the man took Huan Xia and Baek Jong-so‘s mother and left in a van.

However, something happened.

„Was it luck?‟

When ordinary people are hit with internal energy, their organs rupture and turn unable to move.

After coughing up blood several times, Lee Myeong was able to move.

He himself was shocked. But he decided not to waste time thinking about it.

He immediately got into his RV and started chasing them.

―For now, I am trying to catch up, but if they get past Shenyang, I won‘t be able to do anything.‖

That was his concern.

The car was moving southwest towards the high-speed underground train.

— Keep the call going.


Lee Myeong couldn‘t understand it at all.

However, he had no chance but to do as told.

Meanwhile, inside the grey Benz going ahead.

Baek Jong-so was unable to move due to his blood points being sealed, but he was glaring at

―You are making a huge mistake. Right Guardian.‖

At his words, Sub-hyung didn‘t seem fazed and said.

―Before I hit you more, I expect you to stay silent, Pure Kick clan‘s kid.‖
―Try doing that!‖

The reason Baek Jong-so was angry was simple.

It was because he was hit by the Right Guardian, whom he trusted.

Next to Sub-hyun sat a large man.

―You will surely pay for kidnapping my mother and me! Believe this.‖

―Understand this. We have a duty to protect the last purebred descendant.‖

―You call this protection?‖

In the back seat, Geum Oh-yeon and Huan Xia had passed out.

It was kidnapping, no matter how you look at it.

―Lord Chun Ma won‘t forgive you!‖


At Baek Jong-so‘s word, the Right Guardian snorted.

And then he suddenly pressed Baek Jong-so‘s chest as he spoke in a daunting voice.

―You and I can be Chun ma too, but this so-called purebred couldn‘t even save his own ass. Do
you even have a chance to succeed in following your father‘s footsteps?‖

―I see that you are ignoring the truth?‖

―Truth? How funny! Do you think that we‘ll believe in the nonsense that the 24th Lord from a
thousand years ago is still alive? Chun Ma will come? Hahaha!‖

―Those words… you‘ll regret it…‖

Baek jong-so warned, but Sub-hyung smiled.

―You will regret it.‖

— Right Guardian.

Hearing a voice in his ear, Sub-hyung stopped his words. It was the voice of the driver in the
second car.

He touched the earphone and said.

―What is it?‖

— Someone is following.

―Following? Who is it?‖

— Looking in the mirror, it seems like he is that guy who was left in front of the bunker.


Sub-hyun frowned.

He was sure that he had left the man on the verge of death.

However, such an ordinary human seemed unshaken and was following them?

„He definitely wasn‟t a warrior.‟

It was questionable. However, since the guy was identified, he could just check it later.

He pulled down the van‘s curtain and looked.

―Can you lure the vehicle to a visible place?‖

— Alright. I will lure him.

The driver of the 2nd car turned away.

The road leading to the high-speed train was densely blocked.

But since they were driving for 20 minutes now and were getting closer to the wall, the vehicles
on the road began to decrease.
At that point, there were two vans and one RV behind them.

―Damn it.‖

Moyong Lee Myeong, who was tracking them, groaned.

Since he fell outside the usual road, something felt strange, and his prediction was correct.

They noticed that he was tailing them.

„What should I do?‟

For his safety, it was right to give up on tailing them.

However, Chun Yeowun said that he had to keep following them.

It was when he was in thought.


The van slowed down, and he got stuck behind the slow car.

Lee Myeon tried to move to the left lane and speed up, but another van came to the next side.

―Damn! I‘ll be hit.‖

He couldn‘t move anywhere as he was being sandwiched.

And then the car and the van moved ahead, putting Lee Myeong in the middle.

The driver of the 2nd car smiled.

―Caught you!‖

He stepped on the accelerator to hit the RV.

It was then.


Something fell in front of the van.

―A man?‖

Shocked, the driver in the 2nd van tried to drive away, but then the man who landed raised his
hand towards the van, and.


The front of the van was lifted up.

―W-what the hell!‖

Shocked, he ended up pressing on the accelerator and then the brake. As a result, the van turned


Hearing the screams through the earphone, Sub-hyun, who was in the van ahead, shouted.

―Car 2… what is going on?‖

Baek Jong-so, who was sitting opposite to him, licked his lips and said.

―Didn‘t I say that you were going to regret it?‖

―What nonsense are you uttering now…‖


A huge shock with a loud roar.

The van ended up stopping right away.


In an instant, everything turned into a mess.

No one knew what was happening.

When they looked at the ceiling, they saw footprints engraved on it.



It was then.

The ceiling tore open like a piece of paper.

Someone was looking down on them.

„W-what is this?‟

A young man with a sharp face and pure white eyes.

Ko Wang-hyeon and Sub-hyung were confused until Baek Jong-so exclaimed loudly.

―Baek jong-so of the Pure Kick Clan greets Lord Chun Ma!‖



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 70 -
Right Guardian (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Nov 17, 2021

• 8 min read • 5295 views



The expression of Ko Wang-hyeon and Sub-hyung stiffened at the word of Chun Ma.

It was the existence that Baek Jong-so kept talking about.

„Chun Ma? Him?‟

As it happened suddenly, Sub-hyung couldn‘t respond right away, but then he pulled out his

He immediately jumped at Chun Yeowun, who was standing on the ceiling of the van.

His thin blade of light fluttered like a butterfly.


He used the technique of subjugating the opponent with a series of agile and successive

The most effective ones too.

„To suppress him at once.‟

The opponent seemed strong since he could stop a moving van, which meant that Sub-hyung had
to rely on speed.

It was then.



Sub-hyung was shocked.

A strange thing happened before his blade could even fully unfold.

„No way…‟

His blade was blocked by Chun Yeowun‘s finger.

Instead of cutting down the finger, the sword was trembling, unable to move.

„I need to pull it out.‟

He tried to retrieve his blade.

At that moment, Chun Yeowun grabbed the blade at lightning speed and pulled it away.

―Crazy Blade. It has been a while since I held this.‖

Chun Yeowun looked down at the sword he caught with a smile.

Considering that this era was a thousand years later, a lot of time must have passed, but the blade
was well maintained despite a bit of fading in color.

―Give me my blade!‖

The biggest shame for a warrior was to lose their weapon.

It was an insult.

Sub-hyung tried to take back his blade.


Sub-hyun moved and aimed for Chun yeowun‘s wrist, but before he could even attack, the Crazy
Blade was aimed at his neck.



The energy around the Crazy Blade said that it was ready to cut down its own master. Sub-hyung
was scared.

Everything happened in front of him, but he couldn‘t really understand it.

―Slow! Your swordsmanship needs to be faster.‖


―What do you mean how? Like this.‖


The Crazy Blade in Chun yeowun‘s hand started to cause afterimages while moving like a
Behind the sunglasses, Sub-hyung‘s eyes were wide.


―However, you still need to pay.‖


At that moment, the shaking Crazy Blade brushed Sub-hyung‘s wrist.


A red line appeared on the wrist.


The wrist, which was cut, fell into the van.

The members of the Cult inside the van were shocked.

―Ahhh! My! My hand!‖

The Right Guardian, whose wrist was severed, screamed.

―How dare you!‖

Ko Wang-hyeon, who watched that, raised his huge body with an angry face and blew like a
cannon towards the van‘s ceiling.


Any remaining part of the ceiling was shattered.


„It didn‟t reach him.‟

Ko Wang-hyun frowned.

He thought that the young man would have definitely been hit, but only the ceiling broke.
He could see that Chun Yeowun was still floating.

―Think you can avoid this!‖


The entire van shook as he jumped up.

Ko Wang-hyeon jumped into the air and unleashed 3 Second Strike against Chun yeowun.


It concentrated on successive hits to take down the opponent at once.

And the power was strong enough to break down a rock of over 5 meters high.

―You can‘t avoid this!‖

He aimed for a time when the opponent would have a hard time moving.

However, his opponent was Chun Yeowun.

―You must be the descendant of Ko Wanghur. You have the same body size too.‖




Chun Yeowun held his fist.

―Fi-fist energy with bare hands?‖

The energy used on his fists was the strongest, but the attacked hand was fine, and the one which
attacked was trembling.

―A soft fist.‖


Chun yeowun clenched the fist harder.

Confused, Ko Wang-hyeon tried to pull out, but.



The bones were crushed.

Chun Yeowun threw Ko Wang-hyeon into the middle of the road.

Swish! Thud!

His body flew down and rolled a couple of times.

When his body stopped, he tried to get up, only to cough up a handful of blood.


Despite using his full power, the opponent didn‘t seem bothered at all.

„What strength!‟

The Right guardian and himself, who were in the top ten inside the Sky Demon order, were
quickly subdued.

This man‘s strength was beyond their imagination.

„Descendant of Ko Wanghur?‟

A name he heard a lot.

It was then.

―Protect mr. Ko!‖

The members of the Cult pulled down their swords and came out of the crushed-down vans.

A member who seemed like the leader shouted.

―Sword Demon formation!‖

20 warriors, 12 of which were at Master level, formed a circle around Chun Yeowun.


―Sword Demon Formation…‖

Chun yeowun‘s eyes narrowed.

Sword Demon Formation.

It was something created by the Sword Demon.

This was something that was created to deal with 101 warriors.

And the examinations were all conducted to measure its efficiency.

All the members of the Cult were familiar with it.

As the number of warriors increased from 12, to 36 to 108, their power would increase, and they
would even be able to handle Supreme Master warriors.


The warriors were all terrified.

They had just witnessed the defeat of two of the strongest people in their Cult, so they knew that
Chun Yeowun was a great warrior.

But they couldn‘t back down.

So the leader shouted.

―Sword Three Arrey formation!‖

The members who spread out in a circle at the same time tried to unfold the swordsmanship
towards Chun Yeowun.

Chun Yeowun shook his head and.


It was then.


Ko Wang-hyeon jumped into the middle.

―Huh? Manager Ko!‖

―Stop everyone!‖

All the members were shocked at his sudden intervention.

Ko Wang-hyeon asked in a cautious voice.

―Can I ask one question?‖

Chun Yeowun didn‘t say anything.

He politely raised his hand and then asked.


―How do you know the name Ko Wanghur?‖

Ko Wanghul was the 17th head of the Demon Fist Clan.

It was known to be a high-ranking clan. The clan was reborn when he became one of the Six
Swords of the 24th Lord Chun Yeowun, the Demon God.

However, it was impossible for anyone other than the said clan to remember such an old name.

Chun Yeowun answered him.

―He was the first of the Six Swords. He must be your ancestor, right?‖

„Six Swords!‟

No other title.

However, for the members of the Demon Fist Clan, it was a lifetime honor.

Hearing that, Ko Wang-hyeon‘s body trembled.

„Is it true?‟

When Baek Jong-so was talking about it, he was skeptical.

Due to the recent video of the Chun Woo-kyung faction, they were all sensitive to the title of
Chun Ma.

―P-please show this lowly member of the Cult some proof, Lord Chun Ma.‖

―Tch, you only change depending on what you see.‖

Chun yeowun clicked his tongue.

But it wasn‘t like he couldn‘t understand it, so he held out his right arm and.


A black wrist guard suddenly appeared and turned into a sword.

The black sword which shone displayed the name Sky Demon Sword.

„Sky Demon Sword! The real Sky Demon Sword!‟

He was the descendant of Ko Wanghur, one of the Six Swords.

So Ko Wang-hyeon knew that the Sky Demon Sword wasn‘t just a sword.

When he saw it, he cried out.

―What are you all doing! Bow down!‖


The Cult members knelt down once the order fell.

Ko Wang-hyeon, who was the first, shouted.

―The lowly members of the Cult greet the great Sky Demon order‘s Demon God!‖

―Lord Chun Ma!‖

Right guardian, Sub-hyung, who was holding his severed wrist, couldn‘t shut his mouth.

„Is that reall…‟

He didn‘t believe the words till the end.

With trembling eyes, he looked at Baek jong-so. The man was sitting in the van smiling.

And then he remembered what he said a while back.

[Truth? How funny! Do you think that we‘ll believe in the nonsense that the 24th Lord from a
thousand years ago is still alive? Chun Ma will come? Hahaha!]

And he laughed proudly.

He also killed Baek Jong-so‘s colleagues and kidnapped his mother, and even Huan Xia.

Turning white, Right Guardian mumbled.

―What have I done…‖

On the eastern side of Baoding City.

Inside a tall building.

The group‘s name was written on the wall.

The room of the president in the Chunshin building.

A middle-aged man with a mustache answered the phone with a serious face and looked out of
the window.

―Yeah. I see.‖

The middle-aged man hung up the phone, and someone asked.

―Presid-no, chairman, is something wrong?‖

―No, everything is fine.‖

The middle-aged man with a mustache was the chairman. He turned his head towards the sofa
and smiled as he went to take a seat.

On the other side, sat a man with short hair and a tall appearance. He wore a mask that had a
strange pattern on it.

―I apologize to the guest.‖

―Not at all.‖

―I am glad to be able to do this with two Guardians.‖

―This is for the unity of the Cult.‖

The masked man answered.

The chairman, who looked at him, asked.

―Great Guardian, the date of the ceremony, I think that it needs to be pushed closer.‖

―What do you mean?‖

The chairman smiled and said.

―It seems like a precious guest will come to notarize the ceremony on behalf of my father in


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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 71 -

Notarize (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Nov 18, 2021

• 12 min read • 5531 views

Sub-hyung and Ko Wang-hyeon, who were trying to escape after kidnapping Baek Jong-so,
Geum Oh-yeon and Huan Xia, had no choice but to delay their departure because it was urgent
for them to treat their injuries.

Late in the afternoon.

In front of the Six Road Toys‘ bunker.


Branches soaked in oil burned.

The dead bodies wrapped up in cloth were set on fire.


Baek Jong-so was standing close to the blazing fire with a bitter expression.


Whatever it was, these were the people that he spent time and had meals with.

Turning into close friends, he couldn‘t help but feel that they had died because of him.

„All this happened because I am weak.‟

The supposed clan leader of one of the highest clans in the Cult was still a Super Master Level

It‘s true that he wasn‘t taught and that he didn‘t have any teacher. However, he couldn‘t deny the
truth that people were dying because of his helplessness.


He felt embarrassed about it.

Baek Jong-so pulled out a paper from his pocket.

Chun Yeowun gave it to him.

[This is what you need the most right now.]

Reading what was written in it, Baek Jong-so was shocked.

[Pure Heart Method.]

It was a technique of the Pure Kick Clan.

Baek Jong-so had learned the basics of this method when he was still with his father, the former
clan leader.

But once his father left them, he ended up trying to use other methods to use this technique.

„Ahh! Lord Chun Ma!‟

Chun Yeowun understood his feelings.

If one knew of the Pure Heart method, one‘s cultivation and martial arts were bound to have an
exemplary boost.

It was written down on 2 sheets of paper, and on the back was energy cultivation.

[Burn this after memorizing it.]

All the instructions were given.

―HuanYuan (heaven and Earth) Cultivation Method?‖

As he read what was written below it, his expression changed.

Sure, the clan method for internal energy cultivation was very good, but this one, the HuanYuan
cultivation, looked very effective.

„What is this method?‟

It was a method that Nano had created after analyzing all the multiple methods used in the Sky
Demon Order, when Chun Yeowun was in the academy.

Baek Jong-so couldn‘t take his eyes off it.

„The cycle of energy through the center… Becoming one with HuanYuan…‟


Baek Jong-so immediately sat on the ground and took the stance of meditation.

There was no such thing as having a guide to help him through this, yet it had to be done,
especially now that he knew what he had to do.

Someone was watching it unfold from inside the bunker.

„I guess he isn‟t dumb.‟

It was Chun Yeowun.

Chun Yeowun had given him a slightly improved method.

Based on the realization that the current age lacked the needed energy, he relied on Nano to
make the necessary changes.

„Adjustment to an appropriate level.‟

This method was for the present and the future.

If a strong warrior looked at this method, he might die of shock.

Chun Yeowun had given him a treasure that no one knew about.


Baek Jong-so, who memorized it, threw the crumpled up paper into the fire.

It must be because he himself had realized that this method shouldn‘t fall into others‘ hands.

„I need to make sure the others evolve as well.‟

From Chun Yeowun‘s point of view, the current Cult lacked dedication.

It was disorganized and pathetic.

When Chun Yeowun was the Lord, the whole Cult was known to be strong, not just the Lord.


Chun Yeowun turned back and closed the curtains.

Behind him was a man who was sweating.

It was Lee Myeong.


A groan escaped from his mouth.

He was in so much pain that the veins on his forehead were standing up.

As he coughed, blood dripped from the corner of his lips.

In a dying voice, Lee Myeong asked.

―W-why should I use a cultivation method? I am not able to do it in the first place!‖

What he was currently performing was the Dance of the Mind. It was something he had learned
as a child, and he still remembered it.

The problem was.

„It feels like all my blood vessels are torn!‟

There was no choice but to go through the technique despite the absence of internal energy.

Suddenly one day, his body became unable to hold internal energy. And no one knew the cause
of it.


He was trying to do the technique as Chun Yeowun told him to, but the more he tried, the more it
seemed like he was going to die.

Deciding that he couldn‘t, he tried to stop.


At that moment, Chun Yeowun touched his Dantian.


―Shut your mouth and keep doing it.‖

He was pushing internal energy into him.

Lee Myeong was already trying to use the method without having any internal energy, and when
energy was being pushed in from outside, the pain was much more horrible.

Lee Myeong ended up screaming.

He was the man who was called a coward, so he tried struggling with pain, but it seemed like
luck wasn‘t on his side.

Chun Yeowun put the other hand on his head.

[Start scanning.]

Red light flashed from his palm, and the scan began.

Chun Yeowun continued to scan the body while injecting energy.

In his augmented reality, Lee Myeong‘s blood vessels were being scanned.

„I see.‟

Chun Yeowun nodded his head.

As he expected, there were blocks in the vessels.

„They made it impossible for him to learn.‟

The blood vessels of Lee Myeong, which normally would pass the energy, were blocked.

Because of that, he couldn‘t build any internal energy within him.

If it was solved, then Lee Myeong could start training internal energy in his body again.

But there was one problem.

„Is it here?‟

Chun Yeowun looked at the chest.

As he continued to infuse internal energy, heat was rising in the side of the chest.

There was extreme Yang.

„This is interesting.‟

Chun Yeowun smiled.

―Solar Yang Fever.‖

Lee Myeong‘s body was born with Yang Fever which meant he produced too much Yang

It was the opposite to the Yin Fever from which endless Yin energy was produced.

And if things had gone wrong, Lee Myeong could have died when he was 18.

―It has to be fate for you to meet me.‖

―Kuak. What are you…‖

―There is only one thing which can control the Yang Fever.‖

Tak! Tak!


―Shut up, or you might actually die.‖



Chun Yeowun‘s fingers touched all the blood vessels.

It wasn‘t the simple sealing, but it was to forcibly release the restricted part.

Lee Myeong‘s blood vessels all had bulged out.


As the restrictions on his body were lifted, the extreme yang energy in his body surged all
through the body.
His whole body turned as hot as a gas stove.

„Good. All that is left is.‟



Chun Yeowun placed his palm on the upper part of the Dantia and started to release Yin energy
into him.

The temperature within the bunker dropped.


Frost began to form on the wall.

It was as if the room had turned into the North Pole.



Mist was released from Lee Myeong‘s body, since he was burning seconds ago.

Despite having extreme Yang in him, his body was giving out.

His energy couldn‘t stand against Chun Yeowun, who possessed both yin and Yang in him.

―What the hell!‖

Manager Ko Wang-hyeon, who was receiving treatment in the hospital, looked at the frozen
bunker when he came back.

The outer part of the bunker was frozen white, it was as if cold energy was released from inside.

―It has been like that for 3 hours now.‖

Baek Jong-so informed him.

He had been watching the sudden event too.

Suddenly, Ko Wang-hyeon asked Baek Jong-so.

―But you…‖


―Something has changed.‖

The energy coming from Baek Jong-so looked stable.

It was safe to say that Baek Jong-so was at the end of Super Master level.

„Did something happen?‟

This would have been impossible to happen in such a short time.

And it wasn‘t just Ko Wang-hyeon who noticed it.

„What is that? Did his martial skills suddenly increase?‟

Right guardian was shocked too. There was no way anyone could refine their Dantian and show
such remarkable growth in such a short time.

―Did Lord Chun Ma by any chance give…‖

It was then.


The door of the frozen bunker broke open, making everyone look at it.


And someone appeared.


The person, whose body was releasing white steam, suddenly moved towards the Right


It was fast.

In an instant, the person reached the Right guardian.

The shocking thing was, it was Lee Myeong.

―What is with him?‖

The Right Guardian could not use his right hand as he had just had a surgery on it.


Although he wasn‘t used to the left hand, he was at Superior Master level.

So he pushed his left hand ahead and decided to hit Lee Myeong in the heart.


Rather, his arm bounced back.


It was frustrating.

Obviously, this man had nothing to do with martial arts. But it was the Right Guardian‘s fist that
bounced back.


Right Guardian Sub-hyun immediately spread open the distance to avoid getting hit. However,
Lee Myeong was able to follow him.

„Is he using footwork?‟

Lee Myeong was chasing him by unfolding the footwork.

Anger flashed in Sub-hyung‘s eyes.

―Are you really trying to get me mad?‖

Sub-hyung raised his left hand.

The Crazy Blade, which reacted to his energy, was pulled into his hand.


And with that, he began to unfold the technique.

He quickly moved his body and unfolded the Butterfly Blade Dance.

At that, Lee Myeong‘s fists crossed, and a red light flashed.


The energy seemed to be different, seeing how the color it displayed was red.

„What the hell is he?‟

Just a few hours back, this man couldn‘t even do any martial arts.

But now suddenly, he was able to stand against a Superior Master level.


Lee Myeong extended his fist.

It was the 4th form of Yeon‘s United Dance of Fist, a technique of the Moyong clan.


The sound of waves crashing resounded all over the place.

The sophistication of the technique was superior to Sub-hyung‘s.

However, because the Yang energy was so strong, whenever the blade touched Lee Myeong‘s
energy, it would turn red in heat.


Sub-hyung opened the distance and aimed for the head.


The sword caused afterimages and drew semi-circles.

Lee Myeong had no choice but to move back.

„Avoided this?‟

Sub-hyun frowned.

Lee Myeong had definitely avoided this attack on his own accord.


Lee Myeong smiled.

It had been a long time since he felt this good.

„I am able to deal with a warrior like him?‟

He was shocked at himself.

He hadn‘t used martial arts for nearly 15 years, but strangely, his body seemed free. His body
was moving the same way he wanted it to.

The power of the body used to the Solar Yang Fever.

And with all the energy now opened inside his body, he felt like he could reach the state of
Superior Master level and be on the same level as the strong Murim warriors.

When he was unable to use martial arts, the Right Guardian had hurt him.

And now, he was taking his revenge.

―Try again.‖

With confidence, he provoked Sub-hyung.

―You really are!‖

He took off the glasses and threw them to the floor. He decided that the opponent didn‘t have to
be dealt with in moderation anymore.

The moment they both were about to attack each other.


Chun Yeowun appeared between them and ordered.

―Lord Chun Ma.‖

Shocked, Sub-hyung sheathed his blade and knelt on one knee.

Chun Yeowun looked at Lee Myeong, whose hands were dyed in red.

―You have given out enough energy, now go and cultivate it.‖

Chun Yeowun was the one who told him to go out and release his energy.

Although Lee Myeong was healed, his body was still overflowing with Yang energy.

It seemed like releasing it outside was the right way to decrease the built-up energy.

―I feel like I need to release it a bit more.‖

However, despite Chun Yeowun‘s words, Lee Myeong wanted to move more.

His body was finally free after being shackled for half his life. There was no way he could hold
back the angry emotions which he was holding back till then.

―I said you did enough.‖

―Lord. If it is with you, I might be able to draw out even more.‖


With those words, Lee Myeong‘s body began to release intense energy.

A red aura came out like a haze.


Despite it being a chilly winter day, the entire area turned hot.

„Didn‟t he use all his energy against me?‟

Sub-hyung was shocked.

A human body radiating such extreme yang energy.

„Solay Yang Fever!‟

That was when he understood.

Why the bunker froze!

„Did the Lord cure him?‟

Then that would explain the sudden growth in the ability.

It was said that such a body would appear once a hundred years, yet those possessing it would be
short-lived as such bodies were a curse to martial arts users.

However, if one was lucky enough to live, then they would be the strongest warrior!

―I am coming!‖

Lee Myeong rushed to Chun Yeowun.


Before one could notice, he was right in front of Chun yeowun.

With that energy, he thought he would be able to deal with Chun Yeowun to some extent before
getting defeated.

―You could do nothing a second back.‖


At that moment, Chun Yeowun reached for the forehead and then flicked his finger.

„Flick to the forehead?‟

The moment the finger flicked and touched his forehead.

Bam! Psss!


Blood gushed out from the bruised forehead.

With unbearable pain, Lee Myeong bounced back and broke past the outer wall of the bunker.


Moyong Lee Myeong, who was thrown out, mumbled at the ridiculous strength.

―Mon… ster…. Ugh!‖

And passed out.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 72 -

Notarize (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Nov 19, 2021

• 10 min read • 5682 views



Shenyang Station, early in the morning.

30 years ago, the trains and the underground subways weren‘t that greatly used.

When the Gates began to open, the cities ended up being closed off by walls.

Therefore, the concept of trains changed. T

The trains worked underground.

One would think that the station was below ground, but no, it was above ground.

And one had to purchase a ticket to enter the basement platform.

„Everything of this era is great.‟

Chun Yeowun couldn‘t help but admire the underground platform.

Even if Nano was helping him through the knowledge of the era, seeing it in person was a
different feeling.

„So fun.‟

Everything was different from the time he was from.

Everything felt new and different, like he was on a tour.

Unlike Chun Yeowun, Ko Wang-hyeon and Sub-hyung were looking down.

„The purebred is out.‟

Baek Jong-so, his mother and Huan Xia. They did come to the station, but they took a different

They were en route to Jinan city.

„The Chairman will be disappointed.‟

Among the high clans of the Cult, the Pure Kick clan had a huge name.

All factions were aiming to bring the mother and the only descendant of the Pure Kick clan.

However, the Pure Kick clan had never chosen a faction to side with.

„Chun Ma.‟

Who would have thought that he would appear?

He meant a lot more than the clans.

It was because Chun Yeowun meant the Sky Demon order itself.

„The chairman asked to bring him.‟

Chairman Chun Yu-seong, who received the report from Ko Wang-hyeon, didn‘t harbor any

Rather, he gave instructions to bring Chun Ma as respectfully as possible.

„If Chun Ma sides with the chairman!‟

Then the long battle would end.

If that could happen, then the Cult would be reborn.

Ko Wang-hyeon avoided the gaze of Chun Yeowun, who was looking around and sent a message
through his phone.

[We are starting now.]

At the same time.

Inside a Building of the Chunshin Group, southeast of Baoding city.

Several officials were gathered in the chairman‘s office on the top floor of the building.


Sitting on the right, a middle-aged man with a sad look, grey hair and a blue shirt, looked at the
vibrating screen.

―Chairman. Manager Ko Wang-hyeon reported.‖

At the report, the mustached middle-aged man sitting at the top, nodded.

In front of him was a nameplate.

[Chairman Shin Song-yu of Chunshin Group.]

But his real name was Chun Yu-seong.

The eldest son of Chun Woo-jin, the imprisoned Lord of the Sky Demon Order.

And this faction was known to be the strongest among the three.

―Chairman. Is that person really right?‖

―Why are you suspicious? Mong?‖

The middle-aged man in glasses sitting in the second left seat was the managing director Mong

Clan leader of the Dream Sword Clan, one of the highest clans.

―There is truth to Mong Jeon-mu‘s words. It isn‘t that I don‘t believe in their judgements, but
there is nothing wrong with being careful.‖

Said the man with a large nose who was sitting on the other side.

He was Sa Ma-kyung.

Director of the Chunshin group and clan leader of the Samu clan.

At those words, a bald middle-aged man with white eyebrows opposed it.

―But if he is Chun Ma, then we have amazing strength.‖

Yang Ja-myung, the managing director.

Clan leader of North Demon Clan.

―Isn‘t that evidence that Chun Ma is helping us?‖


The person sitting next to Chun Yu-seong was the vice-chairman of the Chunshin Group.

Thick eyebrows and thick lips.

Exuding great energy from his voice.

He was Wang Shin.

Clan leader of the Martial Dual Sword clan.

He was one of the three strongest warriors in the Cult after the Lord Chun Woo-jin and Great
Guardian Marakyun.
Initially, this clan didn‘t belong to the Cult, but the clan leader Wang Jing had brought it under
the Cult during the time of Chun Yeowun.

―Maybe heaven is helping us?‖

―For the Great Guardian and the Left Guardian who were wandering around for 27 years in
search of that secret prison to be joining us.‖

At Wang Shin‘s words, Chun Yu-seong smiled.

It happened a while ago.

Both the Great Guardian and the Left Guardian asked him to become the new Lord.

[Father, no, the Lord didn‘t allow this, would it still be fine?]

[We can no longer allow the Lord‘s position to remain empty. Chairman Chun Yu-seong, the
eldest son, should be the one taking the role and reintegrate our Cult.]

The confrontation between the three factions had lasted for too long.

The Great Guardian, who judged that it would be difficult for the Cult to stay alive without a
Lord, decided to unite it.

In the end, in order to rebuild the Cult, someone had to be crowned the Lord, so they decided to
give that role to the eldest person, Chun Yu-seong.

The vice-chairman continued.

―This is Chun Yeowun we are talking about. Besides, if it is the former Lord who notarizes the
ceremony of the chairman, wouldn‘t that be the best?‖

Wang Shin spoke loudly again. Most people in the room nodded their heads.

But some didn‘t.

―Shouldn‘t we be thinking what would happen if Chun Ma decides not to notarize this or has
already sided with another faction?‖
One of the people in the room strongly pointed out.

Clearly, that would be the worst-case scenario for them.

Looking at the members, Chun Yu-seong mumbled.

―I‘ll make it happen somehow.‖

At around 9 at night.

An underground high-speed train had arrived in Baoding City.

Chun Yeowun looked a bit bored as he wasn‘t used to being inside tunnels.

„But it is fast.‟

He just wasn‘t used to sitting still for 14 hours.

But this looked better than moving on horses, and the scenery around did look nice.

„The Gates seem to have taken a lot.‟

He knew that due to the Gate, people of this era lost a lot.

General manager Ko Wang-hyeon led Chun Yeowun to the platform.

―The car is waiting outside. Let‘s go.‖

As they climbed up to the first floor on the escalator, he heard voices.

[What a big chest. How long do I have to wait here?]

[I told you not to call me like that!]

[If you are so dissatisfied with it, then I‘ll just call you something else.]

[You really!]
[Be silent for two minutes, please.]

Chun yeowun groaned.

―They arrived.‖


Ko Wang-hyeon wondered about what Chun Yeowun said, but he knew it.



Two women were waiting outside and approached them.

They were Chun Yeowun‘s exclusive secretaries, Yu So-hwa the Gravity Witch and Shakena.

As they were so beautiful, people kept looking back as they passed them.

―Lord Chun Ma. Who are those women… uh? You!‖

Ko wang-hyeon couldn‘t hide his shock when he found someone following the woman.

It was Bi Mak-heon.

There was no way that he didn‘t know the man. He was from the upper sect of the Phantom
Sword clan.

„Manager Ko!‟


That was the same with Bi Mak-heon, who reached for his sword.

They were now in a hostile relationship.

Seeing each other, they couldn‘t hold back raising their energy.

―How dare you set foot in here?‖

At Ko Wang-hyeon‘s words, Bi Mak-heon said.

―You are speaking as if I entered a place I shouldn‘t have. Ah, so Chun Yu-seong has to be in
Baoding and not Beijing, Manager Ko Wang-hyeon.‖

At those words, Ko Wang-hyeon‘s eyes flared.

―It seems like you don‘t want to go back alive.‖

It was true that Bi Mak-heon was from a higher clan, but he was at Super Master level when Ko
Wang-hyeon was at Superior Master level.

So he was confident that he could defeat Bi Mak-heon.

It was then.

―Harassing him. Human?‖

Shakena intervened.

It was because she sensed the energy flowing from Ko Wang-hyeon.

―I don‘t know who this lady is, but if she is involved…‖



At that moment, Shakena‘s hand turned transparent and dug into Ko Wang-hyeon‘s chest.

Her phasing ability.

―W-what is this?‖



She grabbed his heart.

Startled at the sudden pain, he wasn‘t sure what happened.

But the only thing he could understand, was that a slight harm to the people on her side, and she
would crush his head.

―Huak… Huak…‖

Shakena, who looked at Chun Yeowun while grabbing Ko Wang-hyeon‘s heart, asked with a
bright smile.

―Master. This human. Can I kill him? I am acting as your slave.‖

With those words, Shakena licked her lips.

She seemed like she wanted to kill the man, who seemed strong.

„W-what is that expression!‟

Ko Wang-hyeon‘s face turned pale as he looked at the woman, who looked like a hungry

Chun Yeowun responded to her.



She pulled out her hand right away.


Ko Wang-hyeon, who managed to stay alive, fell down to the floor in cold sweat.

„That woman. What is she?‟

Even the Right Guardian was shocked.

Her abilities were terrifying and dangerous to exist.

She didn‘t seem like a warrior. And Chun Yeowun wasn‘t explaining anything.

―Secretaries will accompany me. It shouldn‘t matter, right?‖

―Yes? Secretaries?‖

Right Guardian looked at Shakena with a puzzled expression.

The woman who could easily take down a Superior Master level warrior, was just a secretary?

A restaurant located to the east of Baoding city.

A scenery of a small lake.

A wonderful place decorated with nice pictures.

It was a place where lovers would usually hang out.

However, men in suits with weapons in their arms, were inside.

It seemed like a group of people had arrived there.

Around 10 that night.


A grey van arrived at the parking lot.

Men in suits, who were walking in and out, rushed ahead and stood in line.


The van‘s door opened.

Manager Ko Wang-hyeon and the Right Guardian got out.

―We are here.‖


And then came Chun Yeowun in his black suit.

On either side were his two secretaries and Bi Mak-heon following them.

Looking around, Chun Yeowun asked.

―Not at the company?‖

―Chairman Chun Yu-seong wanted to invite you to a meal, since you must have been through a
lot to come here.‖

―That so? Is he the one?‖

In the restaurant, ten middle-aged men walked up and stood in front of Chun Yeowun.


The chairman was the one who was standing in the front. And the rest were all middle-aged
people of the Chunshin Group.

Obviously, as they gathered, the air around turned heavy.


Chun Yu-seong glanced at the vice-chairman who was next to him.

Wang Shin nodded his head and sent a message.


Among them, Wang Shin was the strongest.

The moment Wang Shin saw Chun Yeowun, he was confused.

From the outside, he looked like a normal warrior.

However, this meant that Chun Yeowun had reached a level where he could freely manipulate
the energy.
And the simple verification was done.


Chun Yu-seong knelt on both knees and shouted.

―Chun Yu-seong greets the great Chun Ma!‖


Once he said that, the other members who were behind all bowed down in the same way.

―We greet the great Chun Ma!!!‖

Perfect execution.

Chun Yu-seong, who already knew about Chun Yeowun‘s attitude from Ko Wang-hyeon, was
fully prepared not to anger him.

And the start didn‘t seem so bad.

Chun Yeowun, the Chun Ma.

Chun Yu-seong wanted to obtain the notary of this person and be crowned the Lord.

„I need to make it happen.‟

That was his real goal.

At that time, Chun Yu-seong‘s body was raised up by energy.


As his body flew, Chun Yeowun approached him.

He thought that Chun Yeowun would feel nice seeing his bloodline act respectfully towards him.

Chun Yeowun looked at him with curious eyes and said.

―It is fine to be polite. But why do I feel like you are trying to play some tricks?‖


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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 73 -

Notarize (3)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Nov 20, 2021

• 11 min read • 5336 views

Chun Yu-seong looked at Chun Yeowun with a puzzled expression.

It was as if nothing could be hidden.

―No! How can I do that to the great Chun Ma, my ancestor?‖

Chun Yu-seong looked at Chun Yeowun with scared eyes.

Chun Yeowun, who was looking at him suspiciously, calmed down.

Once the energy surrounding his body disappeared, Chun Yu-seong was able to move freely.

―Thank you.‖

Chun Yu-seong bowed 90 degrees to show respect.

His eyes, which were looking at the ground, narrowed.

„We can‟t act vigilantly.‟

Chun Yu-seong sighed.

He was grateful that he had run too many simulations in his mind for this situation.

If it wasn‘t for the simulations, he would have failed before even starting.

„A legend is a legend. Too sharp!‟

He thought that getting the notarization might be difficult. Chun Yeowun didn‘t have a single
ounce of trust in his eyes.

However, he wasn‘t hostile either.

„I can‟t read his thoughts. But I am sure that he doesn‟t have any trust in me.‟

Convincing this kind of person was the most difficult.

However, all the preparations were done.


Chun Yeowun‘s eyes looking at the bowing Chun Yu-seong had a questionable expression.

Everything seemed to be the opposite of what he was told.

[I am sorry to say this as he is from our bloodline, but the eldest son, Chairman Chun Yu-seong
is really frivolous. There are many rumors that the second son Chun Yu-jang would be the one to
take over the position of the Lord as the eldest son has no talent in martial arts.]

Those were the words Geum Oh-yeon had said.

From what he heard, the eldest son was weak.

It was wrong.

„He is better at martial arts than Chun Yu-jang.‟

The energy he felt was all the proof he needed.

He was on the verge of reaching the end stage of Superior Master level.

In addition, he calculated every move.

[Lord Chun Ma. Our chairman has changed. Now, more than anyone else, he wants to save the

That was what Ko Wang-hyeon had said to Chun Yeowun.

Did the man really change?

Chun Yu-seong, who got up, bowed politely again.

―Ancestor. Why don‘t we go inside instead of staying here? We have prepared a meal too.‖

Although the lights were on, the outside wasn‘t the right place to talk.

And when Chun Yeowun‘s permitted it, Chun Yu-seong directly led him to the restaurant.

The layout of the room was unique.

There were three rooms, but each had sliding walls in between.

This room had three tables.

A long table with only two seats facing each other.

And then, two small tables were placed for a large number of people to sit.

Next to the room, was an open kitchen where chefs in white clothes were preparing the dishes.

The sound of a knife hitting the board and the smell of soup boiling, filled the room.

―Please sit here.‖

Chun Yu-seong guided him to the table with just two seats.

―Secretaries and those…‖

Chun Yu-seong looked at Bi Mak-heon.

It was because he knew that that man belonged to the Chun Yu-jang faction.

―It has been long, chairman.‖

―Huhu, you are pretty bold. Coming here with our ancestor.‖

―I only serve Lord Chun Ma.‖

―I hope you understand that we cannot give you a seat close to our ancestor.‖

It was something he couldn‘t understand.

Bi Mak-heon was in the middle of an enemy camp.

But he didn‘t say anything, just a little sign of nervousness here and there.

―Since the relationship in the family isn‘t that great, would it be fine for him and the secretaries
to sit at the table over there?‖

Chun Yu-seong asked Chun Yeowun for permission.

It didn‘t matter, so Chun Yeowun nodded, but Shakena mumbled.

―I want to sit next to master.‖

Of course, it wasn‘t because she was worried about him. She just didn‘t want to be away from

―Even if we are at different tables, we are eating in the same space, so I hope the beautiful
secretaries will understand.‖
Chun Yu-seong spoke in a polite and soft manner. He kind of liked the exotic-looking woman.

The love for beauty was something all men had in common.

However, Shakena didn‘t care about that, so she turned away with a frowning expression and
mumbled under her breath.

―What did you say? You human subject.‖


For a moment, he doubted his ears.

But because he was in front of Chun Yeowun, he didn‘t react.

Like Shakena, Yu So-hwa had a blunt expression as well.

She bowed before heading to the third table with SHakena.

„Arrogant ones.‟

Chun Yu-seong clicked his tongue and sat.

―Oolong tea, sir.‖


As they sat down, a pretty woman in a waitress costume came over and poured the hot tea for
Chun Yeowun.

Once everyone was seated, Chun Yu-seong said.

―Each of us will greet the Chun Ma one after another, sir.‖

As if waiting, people began to come to introduce themselves and greet him.

The first one was, of course, Wang Shin, the vice-chairman.

Kneeling on one knee and bowing, he said.

―Wang Shin of the Dual Martial Sword clan. It is an honor to meet Lord Chun Ma, who took us

„Oh ho!‟

Chun Yeowun‘s eyes lit up.

He had indeed invited Wang Jing to his Cult and given him the position of Great Elder, but he
hadn‘t settled in the Cult yet.

Now it was a clan under the Cult.

„He is supposed to be the best.‟

In his time, Wang Jing was one of the Five Strongest Warriors.

And he was now probably the strongest in the Cult.

The other people began to stand up and introduce themselves too.

―I am Jeon-mu of the Dream Swordsmanship clan. It is an honor to meet the great Chun Ma.‖

When all the seniors finished the greetings, Chun Yu-seong pointed to the bald man with no hair,
who looked like a chef.

―I forgot about the most important person. This is the chef. He is a famous chef who received 3
Michelin stars in his career as the main chef in the 5-star hotels of Beijing. As his cooking suits
my taste, I often come here.‖

At Chun Yu-seong‘s words, the man bowed.

―Yeo Mun-hyung.‖

―We look forward to delicious dishes.‖

―Yes, chairman.‖
Chef Yeo Mun-hyung answered with a smile and returned to cooking.

From the kitchen side, employees were busy moving around bringing dishes to the dinner table.

The start of the meal was soup.

―This is the Crabmeat Soup.‖

―Please have some. Ancestor.‖

When the waiter put down the dish, Chun Yu-seong invited Chun Yeowun to try it.

While everyone was waiting for him to raise his spoon and take a spit, Chun Yeowun shook his
head and asked.

―Enough about the food, get to the point.‖

―Huh? I heard that you didn‘t eat anything on the train.‖

―Did you think I came to see you and have dinner with you?‖


The atmosphere within the room, which was supposed to be brightened and happy, turned
gloomy at the cold tone.

„This won‟t be easy.‟

Chun Yu-seong was trying to create a relaxed atmosphere through food and alcohol.

But Chun Yeowun didn‘t look like he wanted any of those.

―Sigh, we can‘t help it.‖

―Start from why I was called here.‖

Chun Yu-seong stood up at Chun yeowun‘s question.

He knelt and bowed his head.

―Lord Chun Ma must have met with Chun Yu-jang, so I think you are aware of the current
situation of the Cult.‖

―A total mess.‖

At that, Chun Yu-seong banged his head on the floor.

Chun Yeowun‘s eyes narrowed at the sudden action.

―What are you doing?‖

―Forgive me! All this happened because of my weakness. If I had not been stupid and had
managed to be strong, the Cult would have never been divided.‖

The man seemed to have accurate judgement.

When the Lord was taken away, if he had the strength to maintain such a strong position in the
absence of the Lord, this split in the Cult would have never happened.

―You seem to have realized it quite quickly.‖

―I have no excuses. Even if I have to be punished, I will accept it.‖

„This one…‟

A completely different attitude from Chun Yu-jang.

This guy was the kind to grab hold of people.


When Chun Yu-seong, who was bowing, snapped his fingers, a member standing at the entrance
came in with a briefcase.

He took out a tablet PC from it and placed it in front of Chun Yeowun.

A PDF document was displayed on it.

―And this is?‖

Chun Yu-seong answered.

―Please read it.‖

The title was written on the first page of the PDF document.

[Sky Demon Order Resurrection Plan]

Chun Yeowun tapped on the tablet and turned over the pages.

In the PDF document, the plans to revive the Sky Demon Order by the Chun Yu-seong faction
were planned in detail.

Shh! Shh!

„Is he even reading it?‟

The pages were being turned too fast.

It was practically just flipping through it within seconds, and everyone wondered if he was really
reading it.

100 PDF pages within 2 minutes.

After reading all that, Chun Yeowun smiled.

―This is your plan?‖


Unlike before, Chun Yu-seong looked at Chun Yeowun with nervous eyes.

If he read the PDF, then everything was written in detail.

More than 70 percent of the plan was done.

―I am well aware that my ancestor cannot turn a blind eye to the mistakes we made. However,
please, give me a chance. Even if it means for me to take a punishment, I will be sure to bring the
Cult back to life.‖


Chun Yu-seong banged his head on the floor once again.

He wanted to move Chun Yeowun‘s heart as much as he could.

„Perfect plan.‟

It was a proud plan.

If the plan could be executed, the Sky Demon Order would be able to rise again.

He thought that since Chun yeowun was the ancestor, he wouldn‘t ignore it.

„If it is for the sake of reviving the Cult, then he has no choice but to help me out. Even if you
were a legend in the past, you aren‟t the Lord of this time.‟

And if Chun Yeowun agreed to help, the plan would go much faster.

He was, after all, one of the three strongest legends of the Cult.

„What will he do?‟

At that point, Chun Yeowun picked up the tablet and said.

―It sounds pretty good.‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s words, Chun Yu-seong‘s face brightened.

―You understand….‖

But Chun Yeowun cut off his words.

―However, the first premise of all these plans is that you become the Lord, right?‖

The basic premise for unifying the Cult.

Since everyone was fighting for that position, it felt natural that he wanted to be appointed as the
Lord. That way, the conflict between the three factions would come to an end.

―The conflict between the three will lead to endless bloodshed.‖

A reasonable statement.

Chun Yeowun asked in a colder voice.

―So, you will take the Lord position of the Cult first without even reintegrating the Cult?‖

―Once we release that order, we can bring back the members of the Cult.‖

―Who talked about this order?‖

Chun Yu-seong smiled at the question and answered.

―The Great Guardian, Order of the Sky Demon, had agreed to do it.‖

The one who proposed it was the Great Guardian.

The Great Guardian had the authority to use the Order of the Sky Demon and select the next
Lord, if the current one was absent.

―Once the Order of the Sky Demon is activated. The Cult members of the two other factions
wouldn‘t be able to deny it.‖

Chun Yu-seong‘s hidden card.

One could never imagine how much it cost him to convince the Great Guardian to agree to this.

The Order of Sky Demon has the seal of the 1st Chun Ma.

No one could resist it.

Except for one person.

„Chun Ma.‟
Because he held the title of Chun Ma.

If Chun Yeowun didn‘t acknowledge it, then everything would be in vain.

However, if thought the other way, if Chun Yeowun was to agree to it, then all the members of
the other factions would willingly come under Chun Yu-seong.


Chun Yu-seong banged his head.

―Please lend me your strength so we can unite the Cult before any more bloodshed happens.
Please notarize the inauguration as Lord!‖

Thud! Thud!

At his cry, the other Cult members fell on the floor, banged their heads, and pleaded.

―Please notarize it!!!‖

Everyone asked with earnestness.

However, Chun Yu-seong, who was bowing his head to the ground, didn‘t have that kind of

His lips turned into a smile.

„This is the right atmosphere. If you really care about the Cult, you wouldn‟t be able to deny this



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 74 -

Notarize (4)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Nov 21, 2021

• 8 min read • 5247 views




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The plan was laid properly.

Chun Yu-seong wasn‘t reckless.

Only one chance.

If Chun Yeowun didn‘t allow it, then he could use it against him and put him in a bad light.

„Yes or no?‟

He waited for Chun Yeowun‘s answer.

Everything depended on it.

And Chun Yeowun opened his mouth.

―Stop rolling your head to make things work out only for you.‖

The result was negative.

Chun Yu-seong erased his obedient face and raised his head.

―Are you going to act emotional at this time?‖

―Are you sure that you didn‘t ask an unreasonable request, which is only in your favor?‖

―Nothing can be done.‖


Chun Yu-seong got up from his seat and snapped his finger.


Changes occurred in the seat where Chun Yeowun was sitting. A transformation occurred in the
floor with a 2 meters radius.

Red LED lights turned on, and a noise was heard from the floor.

Clang! Clang!

The lights in the restaurant weakened due to the enormous power consumption.

―Is this another joke?‖

―Huhu, I have no malice towards the ancestor. Because of your nature, I did expect this kind of
answer to some extent. I knew you wouldn‘t go along with this.‖

With that, Chun Yu-seong looked at someone.

It was the chef, Yeo Mun-hyung.

With the blink of an eye, he extended his hand towards Chun Yeowun.

Everything around Chun yeowun froze, except for the head.

Chun Yeowun couldn‘t move.


Chun Yu-seong smiled.

―Did you think that I didn‘t prepare anything against you, the legend of the Cult?‖

The chair where Chun Yeowun was sitting had a device installed in it.

It had handcuffs which block the internal energy like the ones used by the Public Security

However, the effect was 100 times greater.

And in order to restrain Chun Yeowun, the greatest warrior, they were using electricity from
1km of the area.

―Even if you are my ancestor, we can‘t let you go around.‖

―How dare you!‖

Bi Mak-heon tried to get up.


―Don‘t move.‖

Mon Jeon-mu placed his sword on his neck and warned him.

The same with Shakena and Yu So-hwa.

The highest members in the faction appeared and placed their swords on their necks.

―I really didn‘t want to use swords against pretty girls.‖

Sa Ma-kyung warned.

At that time, Yu So-hwa looked at the chef and said.

―Ice Demon!‖

―Huh. I guess you weren‘t just an ordinary secretary.‖

Chun Yu-seong was amazed when she named him.

The chef Yeo Mun-hyun was a talented person with a long past.

The face had changed a lot, so the only way to recognize it was with the abilities.

„How is he?‟

Ice Demon.

He had the ability to create an ice storm in an area of 100 meters.

Even before the SS-class was introduced, he held a reputation for being an S-class keeper.

He was so talented that people said if the SS-class was present at that time, he would be the first

„He is supposed to be in prison…‟

The man disappeared 8 years ago.

Supposed to be imprisoned in a secret prison for using his abilities to kill civilians.

Chun Yu-seong looked at Chun Yeowun and said.

―The Guardians weren‘t the only ones who tried to save my father who is being imprisoned. I
searched for a long time as well.‖

And he found this man when he was searching in the secret prisons.

Chun Yu-seong looked at someone who stood behind Chun Yeowun and said.
―Start it.‖


The woman who poured him tea, supposedly an employee, seemed to be a servant of Chun Yu-

She approached Chun Yeowun, whose body was frozen.

―What are you trying to do?‖

―I don‘t intend to harm you, Lord Chun Ma. I am just trying to change your perception of me.‖

―Change my perception?‖

―She has the ability to manipulate others‘ memories. A dangerous ability. She and the chef were
imprisoned in the secret prison. We can‘t let such good people rot in prison, right?‖

Chun Yu-seong asked.

She was the reason he didn‘t mind meeting Chun Yeowun.

In case of rejection, the plan was to manipulate Chun Yeowun‘s memory.

„I can get my hands on the Demon God!‟

His lips slowly turned into a smile just thinking about it.

The female employee asked him.

―How should I change it?‖

―Hmm, I‘d love to have a teacher who cares for me.‖

He took into account the eyes of others.

It was impossible to keep Chun Yeowun as his subordinate.

So all he needed was to make Chun Yeowun follow him.

After she thought of a specific manipulation of memory, she took Chun Yeowun‘s hand.

That was when Chun Yeowun said.

―Is the reason why I couldn‘t feel the demonic energy also a part of the plan?‖

Chun Yu-seong answered while laughing.

―Hahaha, isn‘t that obvious? If our ancestor commanded us to harm ourselves, we would have
done it as you possess the Sky Demon energy, we can‘t do that.‖

Chun Yu-seong was prepared.

Despite the fact that the demonic energy could amplify martial arts, he discarded it.

To be free from the control of the Sky Demon Order.

―Forgive my disloyalty. If the Cult is brought back, I will surely ask for forgiveness.‖

Chun Yu-seong wasn‘t hiding his feelings anymore.

He felt happy that he managed to trap Chun yeowun, a great Lord, with his plan.


Chun Yeowun sighed.

A look of disappointment.

Chun Yu-seong, who was convinced that he won, joked.

―I am sure those emotions will turn into affection…‖

―You won‘t do.‖


It was then.

The female employee who reached out to Chun Yeowun, coughed up blood.

And with a pale face, she grabbed her chest, stepping backward as she fell down.


She screamed as she convulsed.

―What? What is with her?‖

―My heart… my heart… kyaaak!‖

Chun Yu-seong was shocked at that, but that wasn‘t the end.


A crack appeared in the ice covering Chun Yeowun‘s body.

Chun Yu-seong was dumbfounded.

„How is this…?‟

An industrial machine was the one drawing the electricity.

Chun Yeowun shouldn‘t be able to move as he couldn‘t draw out his internal energy.

―Damn it!‖

Yeo Mun-hyung, who noticed that, reached out to him.


Cold ice rushed for Chun Yeowun, and this time, it was aiming to cover the entire body.

It was then, Chun Yeowun‘s body began to burn up and burst into flames.


The heat radiating from his body was beyond one‘s imagination.

The ice turned into water and then evaporated.


Flustered, Yeo Mun-hyung tried to draw more power.

At that time, his body was lifted and pulled into Chun Yeowun‘s hand.



―A cook should be used to the flames.‖



Fire flowed from the hand which was holding the chef.

Even when he tried to cool his body with ice, the difference between the two wasn‘t something
the chef could handle.



Flames engulfed the body.

The chef screamed and screamed, trying to get away from the grasp of Chun Yeowun until his
body turned to nothing but ashes.


Chun Yeowun threw the head, which wasn‘t burned, to the ground.

And then trampled it with his feet.


―N-no way!‖

Shocked, Chun Yu-seong got up.

Chun Yeowun turned his head towards him and stepped forward.



Sparks shone from the cracked floors. The air conditioning in the room which had been installed
was destroyed.

„How did this happen…‟

Despite having a thorough plan, he wasn‘t able to control Chun Yeowun.

How could one not be affected by so many forces?

It wasn‘t just that which shocked him.



When he turned his head, he saw an officer employee lying on the floor with Shakena clutching a
bloody heart.

And she asked with a bright smile.

―Master. Can I eat it?‖

―W-what crazy bitch!‖

Shocked, the others tried to attack her.


They all ended up turning suppressed by the gravity and crushed to the floor.

It was Yu So-hwa who caused it.


Super Master level warriors couldn‘t even lift their heads, and when one person tried to get up.
Yu So-hwa lifted her finger.



The body dug deeper into the ground. The others could hear the sound of bones being crushed.

„Damn those bitches…‟

He thought they were normal secretaries, but they were monsters.

It was absurd.

Chun Yeowun reached close to him, exuding intimidating energy.


Confused, Chun Yu-seong tried to step back, but his body didn‘t move.

It wasn‘t out of fear.

„M-my body…‟

The profound energy was what was holding him.

And it was obvious who was doing it.

Realizing that he was done for, he changed his tactics.

He tried to kneel down and beg.


At that moment, he felt something, and when he looked down, a red line appeared on his thighs.


A straight horizontal line.

Chun Yu-seong‘s body, which had both legs cut off, fell forward.


He was in terrible pain.

―Kuaaak! Aaccckkkk!‖


Chun Yeowun stepped on Chun Yu-seong‘s head who was writhing in pain, and pressed on it.

He stepped on it so hard that it looked like the head would burst.

―Kuaaak! A-ancestor! Please… please! Forgive me!‖


He begged and begged, but the leg didn‘t.

―Kuaak! Ancestor! Ancestor! I-am your blood descendant! Blood descendant of you!‖

In a cold voice, Chun Yeowun responded.

―So what.‖


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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 75 -

The Cost (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Nov 22, 2021

• 10 min read • 5323 views



The sound of cracking could clearly be heard.

Someone shouted as people were screaming in pain.

―Stop it!‖


The voice belonged to Wang Shin, the Vice-chairman.

When Chun Yeowun looked at him, Wang Shin extended his hand towards the outside of the


Two large swords, large enough to destroy the entrance, flew in.


Completely different from regular swords.

The gigantic sword was longer than an adult male body and had a blade width of 80cm.

It was the dual swords.

―It has been a long time since I saw the dual swords.‖

Contrary to his words, Chun Yeowun still looked cold.

―Let the chairman go!‖

Was it loyalty to the person he served?

Wang Shin boldly swung the two swords at Chun Yeowun.


Due to the weight and width of the sword, the sound it produced when swinging it was different.

The pair of swords sure had the momentum to destroy everything in front of them, however.


Such destructive swords were blocked by Chun Yeowun‘s bare palm.


Blocking those ferocious swords with bare hands was ridiculous, but Wang Shin didn‘t stop his
Swish! Thud!

Wang Shin boldly pulled back one sword and used it again. This time, He spun his body to add
additional power.



Martial Dual Sword.

The power to destroy the whole restaurant with a single blow.

Such swords were engulfed in energy aiming to take down Chun Yeowun.

―Your transition is good.‖

But the gap between the two was too wide.

Chun Yeowun smashed down the swords.



The two swords, which were countered by Chun Yeowun, were split in half.

Therefore, the broken pair of swords didn‘t even reach Chun Yeowun.

―Your loyalty should be directed to me. Descendant of Wang Jing.‖

Chun Yeowun changed his form and extended his hand towards Wang Shin.

A hazy sword appeared in the air and was placed on Wang Shin‘s shoulder.


―In-invisible Sword!‖


Thanks to the devastating power of the invisible sword, Wang Shin flew back and was stuck into
the wall.



A truly bizarre phenomenon.

The sharpness of the invisible sword could definitely have cut Wang Shin‘s shoulder, but it

The invisible sword maintained its form while holding the man on the wall.

„Does this mean that even the vice-chairman isn‟t his opponent?‟

„What unbelievable strength!‟

The others couldn‘t hide their shock.

Wang Shin, who reached the end of Superior Master, was easily subdued.

Like a child trying to defeat an adult.


The sound of someone chewing.

Members of the Chun Yu-seong faction turned their heads towards the sound and saw Shakena
take a bite of the heart and chew it.

Blood was dripping from her lips.

An ecstatic expression was drawn on her face displaying how delicious it was.

―Nice! So good!‖

Demons grow their power through predation.

The heart of Sa Ma-kyung, a Super master level warrior, was the best nourishment.

But it was a horror for the others to watch.

‟… crazy bitch.‟

Even Yu So-hwa, who wasn‘t normally shaken, frowned.

„S-she is eating the heart.‟

„How can a human do such a hideous thing…‟

Well, she wasn‘t human.

The terrifying scene was enough to drive them into fear. And any further resistance had died

„We shouldn‟t provoke them any further.‟

One of the members, Mong Jeon Mu of the Dream Sword clan, ran in front of Chun Yeowun and
bowed while shouting.


―Lord Chun Ma! Please calm yourself!‖

The other people, who realized now how monstrous the man acted, immediately fell down and
began to shout.

―Please calm yourself!!!‖

Chun Yeowun looked at them in his cold expression and said.

―Calm myself?‖

Hearing that cold voice, everyone felt a chill run down their spines.

Mong Jeon Mu banged his head hard on the floor.

Blood dripped down from his forehead, but that didn‘t matter to him.

They had to do something about the current situation and ensure that Chun Yeowun‘s anger
decreased even by a little.

―We committed the act of disloyalty only to revive the Cult. I know this is unforgivable, but
please consider the situation of the Cult…‖


Having said that, Mong Jeon Mu looked at Chun Yu-seong, whose head was being crushed
under Chun Yeowun‘s feet.

Chun Yu-seong‘s half-face looked crooked. He was in a horrible condition.

And if it wouldn‘t be treated properly soon, it seemed like it could turn bad.

―Lord Chun Ma! Please show mercy! The chairman never wanted to commit this blasphemy
against Chun Ma! He will fully reflect on his actions. I will make sure that it will never repeat

―You are a funny one.‖


At that time, Chun Yeowun drew his sword towards him.

And a red line appeared on his neck.


The man‘s eyes widened as he sensed that something strange had happened to him.

Even the others, who were watching with their heads raised, were shocked, so shocked that they
couldn‘t hide their expression.

―M-Mong Jeon Mu, don‘t move…‖

Before one could even say anything, the neck slid down and fell.

The severed head which fell rolled on the floor.


Blood forcefully gushed out from the body.

Seeing a high clan member die in such a way, the others were shocked.

A high clan member was killed without the blink of an eye.

„How did this…‟

Amid the silence, Chun Yeowun opened his mouth.

―This will never happen again? You are all speaking like this is normal dog shit. This shouldn‘t
have happened in the first place!‖

They had no excuse.

Chun Yeowun was absolutely right.

Their intentions to control Chun Ma, the highest authority of the Sky Demon order, wasn‘t
something that could ever be forgiven.

―And you people.‖



When Chun Yeowun pressed even harder, Chun Yu-seong grunted in pain.

„I-is he going to kill me for real?‟

Until a second back, he thought that he wouldn‘t be killed.

However, when the head of one of the senior clan members rolled in front of his eyes, he realized
that everything he thought was wrong.
Chun Yu-seong shouted.

―Ancestor! The company! I will hand over my company! Ancestor can lead us…‖

―Not needed.‖

Chun Yeowun‘s eyes were cold.

It wasn‘t the way anyone would look at someone who shared his blood.

Chun Yu-seong, who noticed it, begged.

―Ancestor…. Ancestor… please, please let me live. If Ancestor spares me, I will lick your shoes
with my tongue. I will lick…‖

Chun Yeowun looked down at him and mumbled at his pathetic words.

―You are not worth sparing.‖


Chun Yu-seong‘s eyes widened in shock.

―Lord? Stop dreaming. Just die now.‖

As soon as Chun Yeowun said that, he put more strength to the foot holding Chun Yu-seong

―A-ancestor! Ancestor…‖




The head of Chun Yu-seong, whose face had been crushed, became one with the floor.

The body, which had been wriggling, went still.


People were shocked that the head of the Dream Sword clan had died, but they never thought
that their chairman, a direct descendant who shared blood with Chun Yeowun, would be killed.

Due to his loyalty to Chun Yu-seong, managing director Yang Ja-myung couldn‘t hide his anger
and shouted.

―Lord Chun Ma! How… how can you do this? He is your descendant. To kill an heir to the Cult,
if you were truly the ancestor…‖

Before he could even finish speaking, Chun Yeowun reached his hand out to him.

His body floated and came rushing into Chun Yeowun‘s hand.



Yang Ja-myung tried to revolt and move but to no avail.

Chun Yeowun‘s internal energy was too strong.

Looking at the man struggling in his hand, Chun Yeowun spoke.

―So what is that supposed to mean?‖

―Kuak… even beasts spare their cubs…‖

―Funny. Would someone who really regards me as an ancestor commit this?‖


He couldn‘t respond.

He spoke up in anger because of his loyalty to Chun Yu-seong, but it was definitely Chun Yu-
seong‘s actions that had caused all this.

Chun Yu-seong had paved his own death.

―And you agreed to this foolish plan, which is why you are here, right?‖


At Chun Yeowun‘s words, Yang Ja-myung realized his mistake.

―L-Lord Chun Ma. It isn‘t that…‖

Chun Yeowun put his hand into the man‘s mouth and grabbed it.



―You should know what happens when you let the mouth run for itself.‖


Shocked, Yang Ja-myung held Chun Yeowun‘s hand and tried to stop him from ripping out his
lower jaw.

However, his lower jaw was pulled apart.



Yang Ja-myung, whose lower jaw was pulled out, screamed and cried out in a strange and
horrible way.

He died of shock and blood loss.

Chun Yeowun threw his body to the floor.



Shakena, who was watching it, felt her body turn hot.
As a demon, she felt a weird excitement witnessing the cruelty of Chun Yeowun.

„So cool! He is so cool!‟

Definitely a worthy master to her. She was the only one who admired him in that place.

Everyone else was pale and afraid of Chun Yeowun.

―You all should pay for this too.‖

Chun Yeowun turned his gaze to the others.


At that time, manager Ko Wag-hyeon hurriedly fell on the floor in front of Chun Yeowun.

―Lord Chun Ma! Please stop! Are you really going to kill all the clan leaders in this place?‖

He had no idea about the faction‘s plans.

Which was why he was still unable to do anything.

However, seeing the situation go out of control, he risked his life to dissuade Chun Yeowun.

„I need to convince him somehow.‟

He saw that Chun Yeowun wouldn‘t even forgive his own blood. So Ko Wang-hyeon took a
different approach.

―These are the clan leaders who lead the Cult. If all of them die, the power of the Cult will be
weakened. Besides, who will lead their clans?‖

A glimmer of hope shone in the eyes of the clan leaders who were scared to death.

As said, they were the power of the Cult.

And objectively thinking, it would be too much damage to the Cult if they were killed.

Director Lee Pyeong-woo helped out.

―Y-yes. Lord Chun Ma. If you punish these many clan leaders, how can the Cult be reunited?
Please! Have mercy…‖



Before he could even finish, something stabbed him in the back.

As he looked down, he saw the blade of something sharp and cold protruding out his body.



A chill could be felt spreading down his body.

As he listed his head, he saw dozens of ice swords aiming at the heads of the other clan leaders.

―Air Swords!‖

The people who noticed the Air Ice Swords couldn‘t hide their bewilderment.

Chun Yeowun grabbed Lee Pyeong-woo who was in pain, and said.

―You think you are the only ones who make the cult move? You are highly mistaken.‖

―There are no other clan…‖

―Despite all the clan leaders, the Cult stayed like this for 27 years?‖


Lee Pyeong-woo was speechless.

The cause of dissolving the clan was the power struggle between the three factions.

No excuse.

Chun Yeowun looked at the other clan leaders and said,

―Blood? Clan leaders? Do you think that you could use this bullshit as a shield to save your
lives? I‘ll say this clearly so listen. You will all die here.‖

At that, all the people began to plead.

―L-Lord, Chun Ma!… please… please have mercy…‖

―Please give us a chance.‖

Chun Yeowun sentenced them to death in a cold voice.

―You should have pleaded from the beginning without thinking of playing tricks.‖

Swoosh! Swoosh!

As Chun Yeowun moved his fingers, the Ice Swords in the air rushed to their targets.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 76 -

The Cost (2)
Descent of the Demon God
Published on

Nov 23, 2021

• 10 min read • 5366 views

A restaurant, which should be filled with delicious aroma, was filled with the stench of blood.

43 clan leaders turned into silent corpses.

Manager Ko Wang-hyeon and Right Guardian Sub-hyung looked at the bodies in bewildered

They hadn‘t even dreamed that such a thing would happen.

„Ahhh, chairman. Why did you…‟

He had seen the Lord Chun Ma with his own eyes.

He should have given importance to the reports they sent and the messages they kept giving.


Ko Wang-hyeon knelt on the ground.

Chun Yu-seong, the next Lord of the Cult, was killed.

„It is my fault for not stopping the chairman!‟

Ko Wang-hyeon was ashamed and unable to overcome his emotions.

―Lord Chun Ma. I was disloyal too. I will pay with my life!‖

Ko Wang-hyeon gathered internal energy on his fist.

Shocked, Sub-hyung shouted.

―Manager Ko! You, what are you doing!‖

―Right Guardian. Please stay away from this.‖

And he tried to hit his head with his fist.

However, it didn‘t touch the head.

A deep energy prevented that.


Chun Yeowun was stretching out his hand.

Ko Wang-hyeon looked at Chun Yeowun with red eyes and said.

―Why would you stop it?‖

―I understand your loyalty, but are you not going to take responsibility for making the Cult like


As the head of a clan that led the Sky Demon Order, he was responsible too.

Chun Yeowun stopped him.

Sub-hyung sent a message.

[Manager Ko, no, Wang-hyeon. I will be honest because of my relationship with you. I decided
to serve the eldest son too. However, he did break the law of the Cult in a very wrong way.]

The Right Guardian was shocked at the incident too.

Chun Yeowun‘s punishment, which didn‘t differentiate between his own blood and the other
clan leaders, was an extraordinary move.

But it wasn‘t a wrong move.

The title ‗Chun Ma‘ meant the Sky Demon Order itself, it wasn‘t just a name.

„Trying to brainwash Chun Ma.‟

No member of the Sky Demon order would even dare to think of it.
It was no different than Catholics and Buddhists intending to indoctrinate Jesus and Buddha.


[Wang-hyeon. The moment the chairman did that, we were disbanded. Didn‘t we make an oath
to revive the Cult? Are you going to break down the oath?]

At the words of the Right Guardian, Ko Wang-hyeon bowed.

It reminded him of that day.

27 years back, when all members were shedding tears of blood.


Ko Wang-hyeon clenched his fist as he remembered that day, and bowed his head.

―I ended up trying to do something foolish. I will surely revive the Cult and pay for the sin I


Chun Yeowun looked at the Right Guardian.

A look of admiration.

Shocked at the sudden eye contact, Sub-hyung bowed his head.


It felt as if he heard their communication.

Chun Yeowun was able to hear other people‘s telepathic conversations with the help of Nano.

Chun Yeowun approached Wang Shin, who was still hanging on the wall.

His head was bowed with a resigned look.

―Was it Wang Shin? Descendant of Wang jing?‖

―Lord Chun Ma.‖

He raised his head, his eyes were lost.

Seeing that, Chun Yeowun knew that the man was prepared to die.

―Why didn‘t you kill me as well? Is this another form of punishment? For committing disloyalty
to you?‖

Wang Shin asked in a bitter voice.

He saw the death of his comrades with his own eyes. The head they were supposed to serve was
also dead.

He had a strong desire to die with them.

―You rushed at me knowing you would die.‖

Unlike others, Wang Shin rushed at Chun Yeowun, knowing how powerful the Demon God was.

The gap between earth and heaven.

Nevertheless, to save Chun Yu-seong, he swung his sword, ready to die.

―… I apologize. Please kill me.‖

No other person in that place had shown that courage.

―You were alright.‖


At the unexpected compliment, Wang Shin looked puzzled.

Chun Yeowun valued his resolution despite knowing the capabilities of the opponent.

Which was why he didn‘t kill the man.

„He was blocked by a wall.‟

With only one technique, Chun Yeowun understood it.

The Current Wang Shin could enter the next level with just a little awareness.

„It is rare. He has the potential to reach Supreme Master level.‟

Unlike the Superior Master level, the Supreme Master level was a totally different thing.

And he didn‘t want to kill someone who could achieve that.

Wang Shin spoke to Chun Yeowun, who was in thought.

―Are you trying to make me feel disgraced by keeping me alive alone? I am a sinner. Please kill

―Kill you?‖

―The sin of harming Chun Ma cannot be forgiven. For the sake of a better future for the Cult,
behead me too.‖


Wang Shin clasped his hands together and bowed his head.

Chun Yeowun‘s lips turned into a smile.

„I like him.‟

If he begged to be saved even once, Chun Yeowun would‘ve killed him right away.

But the man admitted his wrongdoings and was ready to accept death.

That wasn‘t an easy thing to do.

Even Chun Yu-seong, who had the same blood as Chun Yeowun, begged to be saved in the face
of death.

―Please give me death.‖

With stubborn eyes, Wang Shin looked at Chun Yeowun.

Chun Yeowun shook his head and raised his hand.

―If you want it, then I‘ll give it to you.‖


At that time, Ko Wang-hyeon and Sub-hyung knelt down and begged Chun Yeowun.

―Lord Chun Ma. Vice-chairman Wang Shin is an indispensable talent for the Cult. He runs the
Chunshin group in reality. Please let him live.‖

―Killing such a talent would be wrong. Please reconsider this just once more!‖

Killing Wang Shin didn‘t seem right.

Wang Shin was a proclaimed warrior.

Not only that, but he was also good at handling business and management. He was the one who
placed the current Chunshin Group in the top 50 of the business world.

If he was going to die, the Chunshin group was bound to collapse.

―Please, please give the vice-chairman one more chance…‖

Contrary to their hopes, Chun Yeowun‘s question was.

―Can you assure that the man who revolted against me once will not rebel again?‖


The two couldn‘t answer and felt bad.

Chun Yeowun placed his palm on Wang Shin‘s head.

―I will kill you.‖

―I thank the Lord for punishing me. Lord Chun Ma, please bring life back to the Cult.‖
Wang Shin closed his eyes with a sad face.

Chun Yeowun‘s hand sent a tremor to the man.




Blood dripped from Wang Shin‘s forehead.

Go Wang-hyeon and Sub-hyung, who watched it, looked bitter.

Chun Yeowun reached out somewhere.


A woman‘s scream was heard.


She was the waitress who tried to manipulate the memory.

She was still grabbing her chest as she looked at Chun Yeowun in terror.

―S-save me. Please… ach!‖

Her body kept convulsing. She was unable to think and kept coughing up blood.


Go Wang-hyeon and Sub-hyung were curious.

Chun Yeowun didn‘t move his fingers towards her, but the woman kept showing abnormal signs.

They weren‘t sure what was happening to her.

Chun Yeowun pretended to lower something towards her.



A sharp sound arose around her, and sword marks appeared on the floor.



―T-the floor!‖

The floor, which was filled with sword marks and slashes, was cracking.

A sword that seemed like it could cut down anything in front of it.

Go Wang-hyeon and Sub-hyung were shocked.

―Invisible Sword? No, this is…‖

It was different from an invisible sword.

―No… H-heart Sword!‖


At those words, Ko Wang-hyeon couldn‘t stop his eyes from widening.

Heart Sword.

It literally meant to control a sword through the will of the heart.

Only a warrior at the Heavenly Master level could unfold it as the sword isn‘t controlled by
internal energy.

Their bodies trembled.

„To see the Heart Sword!‟

The greatest honour for a warrior.

Chun Yeowun raised his hand and said.

―I drew the sword, so don‘t act afraid, you wench.‖

―Uh… uh…?‖

Her eyes widened.

Until a moment ago, she couldn‘t even rise up, but now she felt like her heart was going to


―Yes… yes?‖

She answered Chun Yeowun‘s call.

―You can manipulate memories?‖


―Good. Then change his memories as I tell you.‖


He pointed to Wang Shin.

Still hanging by the wall with his body drooping.

Ko Wang-hyeon was startled and looked at Wang Shin.

„He didn‟t kill him?‟

Blood was oozing out, so they thought that he was dead.

And when they listened closely, they heard the faint sound of breathing.


He was alive.
Chun Yeowun didn‘t kill him.



At Chun Yeowun‘s words, both of them, who were standing near Wang Shin, moved away.

The woman cautiously approached Wang Shin.

„To do such a thing. Ugh, this person…‟

Ko Wang-hyeon was shocked.

He never thought that Chun Yeowun would use the woman who hurt him.

The female asked.

―H-how should I change it?‖

―His loyalty should be towards me. He also must reflect deeply on this incident so that he is
determined to make sacrifices for the Cult but not through death.‖

Surprisingly, Chun Yeowun didn‘t change much.

Once it was done, Wang Shin wouldn‘t insist on dying.

It was a wise move, so Go Wang-hyeon and Sub-hyung were happy.


The woman put her hand on his head.

White light rose from her hand and soon moved to Wang Shin‘s head.


She immediately released her hand, which caught Chun Yeowun‘s interest.

„Very quick.‟
Memories seemed to have been changed by just touching the head for a brief moment.

―Is it done?‖

She nodded and answered.


―You seem to be quite talented.‖


The woman‘s eyes twinkled.

Until a second back, she thought she would be killed, but now, it seemed like she had a chance to

„I need to make myself look good.‟

She had used her power to draw the attention of Chun Yu-seong when he visited the prison.

And the ability to manipulate the memory was a very useful one.

Judging by the situation, she fell to the ground.

―Please spare me! I will promise to use my powers only for you.‖

―Use your powers for me?‖


Ko Wang-hyeon helped her.

―Her powers are really useful. Just a brief touch can change the memories.‖

That was why Chun Yu-seong hired her.

Although it wasn‘t written down in the Sky Demon Order reconstruction plan, he planned to use
the woman to brainwash every person in the Murim Association and the government.
―It is quite useful.‖

She became brighter.

―I can make anyone you want obey you.‖

At those words, Chun Yeowun narrowed his eyes.

―You can make anyone you want not obey me too.‖


―If you can change the memory with a brief touch, then you can manage to make many people be
on your side, right?‖

Chun Yeowun‘s words made her anxious.

Confused, she waved her hands and said.

―I will swear allegiance to you! So how can I even think about doing that without your
command? I will definitely not!‖

―Really? Then, why did the government have to keep such a loyal person in a secret prison?‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s words, her complexion turned pale.

―No! Believe me! T-that was because of a misunderstanding. They didn‘t…‖


At that moment, Chun Yeowun‘s hand waved at her neck.


A red line appeared on it.

As her eyes looked shocked while her body fell, Chun Yeowun spoke coldly.

―Believe you?‖


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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 77 -

Keep it Hidden (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Nov 24, 2021

• 12 min read • 5619 views



―Master. Can I eat all of this?‖

Chun Yeowun shook his head as he looked at Shakena, who was flicking her purple hair aside
and showing a charming expression.

She was looking at the corpses on the floor like it was a dinner party.

„The energy rose.‟

The unique energy which he sensed in her rose.

It was the energy that demons had and even the Murim warriors couldn‘t notice it. However,
Chun Yeowun, who could feel the energy flow in nature, was able to recognize it.

„She can be more useful.‟

The stronger she got, the more effective she would become.

However, since the day she crossed the Gate, she was caught and kept chained.

―Eat it. No exceptions.‖


She smiled brightly and tried to hug Chun Yeowun. But he pushed her away as if she was a

―Don‘t push me.‖

It was embarrassing, but Shakena chucked.

The colder he seemed, the stronger she felt the affinity of Chun Yeowun with her.

Watching her devour the hearts of corpses, Yu So-hwa mumbled.

―Crazy bitch.‖

Shakena looked back at her and asked.

―Want one?‖

―You… euk have it.‖

Yu So-hwa hurriedly left the place.

At Chun Yeowun‘s orders, he tried to let it be, but seeing Shakena rip the hearts of his colleagues
and eat them, Ko Wang-hyeon sent a telepathic message.
[L-Lord Chun Ma. Even if they were sinners, they were still members of the Cult. For their
bodies to be like thi…]

Saying it out loud could have been dangerous, so he sent his opinion through telepathy.

However, Chun Yeowun wasn‘t bothered by it.

―Aren‘t we supposed to dispose of the bodies?‖

―Yes, that is true.‖

―So? You want to hold a funeral and act all polite?‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s words, Ko Wang-hyeon closed his mouth with a sad expression.

The bodies had to be disposed of. It had to be done either with acid or burned in fire.

‟… I‟m sorry.‟

Because they broke the law and committed a sin, he couldn‘t save them, so he prayed for them.

On the other hand, Sub-hyung was puzzled as he stared at the human eating the hearts.


―Lord Chun Ma. That secretary… is she even human?‖

No human would do such a thing.

Chun Yeowun said with an uninterested expression.

―A demon.‖


―You might understand if I say that she is a Special type entity from the Gate?‖


At Chun Yeowun‘s words, Ko Wang-hyeon and Sub-hyung‘s faces went stiff.

If it was a special type Gate entity, then it meant she had to be higher than A-class.

A total chaos bringer

They did think that her behaviour was non-human.

[My Lord. How could you, such a dangerous being?]

At Ko Wang-hyeon‘s concern, Chun Yeowun uttered.

―A slave, so don‘t worry.‖

Honestly, she wasn‘t dangerous. Since Chun Yeowun managed to subdue her easily, he was
probably the most dangerous existence for the people of this era.

And at his words, they backed down.


It took around 40 minutes for Shakena to eat all the bodies.

Apart from the brutality, she looked like a glutton.

She ate every single part, leaving behind only the bloodstains on the ground.

She chewed a few times and then swallowed. However, despite eating so much, she didn‘t seem
like she was full.

„Really not a human.‟

Seeing her like that, Yu So-hwa‘s expression crinkled.

―Ahh, I am full. Are there any sweet things?‖

She looked just like a woman, except for her lips and dress that were stained in blood.

„Food changes into energy right after eating it.‟

Chun Yeowun was interested in her.

Her digestion system was intriguing.

It seemed to immediately break down the food and convert it into energy.


If the energy she had a while back was 100, then what she had now was 130.

And this was the result of eating the bodies of 39 masters, most of which were at the Super
Master level.

Having so many to eat was very rare for her.

„I am curious about the traitor.‟

Another entity had appeared 15 years ago.

If that traitor demon was still alive, it meant that it had developed strength for a long time.


From the ceiling, Sub-hyung poured down the barrel of oil.

Inside the building, the smell could be perceived.

―It‘s done.‖

―The oil is poured on top.‖

The bodies were disposed of, but they had to remove all the useless traces too.


When Chun Yeowun set off the Flame qi, fire spread throughout the building.

It was fortunate that the restaurant was away from the city.

Even with the fire, which was close to an arson level, no one would notice.

Chun Yeowun, who was looking at the fire spreading all around the building, suddenly looked

Ko Wang-hyeon asked.

―What is it?‖

―Are they coming late?‖


It was then.

The place was so out of town that there were no lights on the road, so everything was in
darkness, but someone was approaching them at high speed.

And they soon arrived.

A man wearing a mask with a strange pattern and a sword on his back with another middle-aged
man with a tall build and short flame-like hair.

―Great Guardian! Left Guardian!‖

They were Guardians like Sub-hyung, so he recognized them right away.

The one called Left Guardian was Lee Jong-hwa.

He looked at the burning restaurant and asked.

―Right Guardian. What the hell happened here?‖

It was natural for Lee Jong-hwa to react as such. They were on their way here as they heard that
a notary guest would arrive.

However, despite coming in haste, they only saw the place burn down.

―And why is vice-chairman Wang Shin like this?‖

Wang Shin was on the floor, with signs of injuries all over his body.
Sub-hyung stuttered.

―There… was a problem.‖


Sub-hyung answered with a slightly sad face.

―Both chairman Chun Yu-seong and the other clan leaders broke the Cult law and plotted

―What are you spewing? Rebellion?‖

Sub-hyung‘s words made Lee Jong-hwa frown.

Sub-hyung thought that he would recognize the identity of Chun Yeowun right away, but seeing
his reaction, it seemed like he had no idea who Chun Yeowun was.

„Come to think of it!‟

No one told him about Chun Ma.

At that time, the Great Guardian Marayun, who was wearing the mask, spoke to Chun Yeowun
in a cautious tone.

―Who might you be?‖

His voice filled with energy.

Lee Jong-hwa was shocked.

The Great Guardian would never take such a stance even when in front of an enemy.

But now he was.

―How interesting.‖

On the other hand, Chun Yeowun looked at Marayun with quite the interest in his eyes.

Noticing his gaze, Marayun ended up opening a distance of ten steps between him and Chun

And shouted to Lee Jong-hwa.


Unexpectedly, Lee Jong-hwa‘s body moved at the shout and spread the distance.

Marayun seemed nervous.

The man in front of his eyes definitely possessed extraordinary abilities he couldn‘t handle.

The man looked like an abyss.

―Great Guardian he…‖



Ko Wang-hyeon tried to reveal the identity of Chun Yeowun to stop them from acting rude
towards him, but Chun Yeowun gestured at him to stay silent.

And looked at the Right Guardian.

[Stay silent for a moment.]

Chun Yeowun turned away.

They couldn‘t understand what he was planning.

Chun Yeowun looked at Marayun,

―You seem quite sensitive to your surroundings.‖

―Who are you?‖

Marayun wanted to know the man‘s identity.

Considering the strength he felt and the cautious attitude of Ko Wang-hyeon and Sub-hyun
behind, this man had to be here for the inauguration or notary.


[When both Guardians come, you will find out.]

Chairman Chun Yu-seong didn‘t give out the name till the end, so he couldn‘t guess.


The most influential would be the bloodline of the Lord‘s family.

However, he knew the faces of all of them.

„Who the hell could he be?‟

That was when Chun Yeowun‘s form scattered.


Marayun moved.

To be precise, his upper body moved back.

―You are pretty good.‖

A hand holding a sword went past his body, which was now leaned back.

Chun Yeowun smiled.

He was testing Marayun without even giving out his name.

It was flustering and confusing for Marayun, who knew nothing about the situation.

―But this posture is…‖


Chun Yeowun tried to lower his hand.


Marayun, who was tilted back, leaned a little more to the back, and tried to kick Chun Yeowun.

Chun Yeowun titled his body lightly and avoided getting hit.


Taking advantage of it, Marayun opened the distance once again.

Then, he took off the necklace he was wearing and opened the lid.

„Steps of the Wind God!‟

Marayun waved his hand, creating swords in the air.

Seven sharp swords.


Seven swords flew in the air and moved at his will, rushing towards Chun Yeowun.

―Air Swords!‖

Ko Wang-hyeon who watched that was shocked.

He knew that Marayun was, along with the Lord, the best in the current Cult. They were

However, he never thought that Marayun could do this.

„Air Sword is possible only when one is a Supreme Master.‟

As Shocking as it was, Great Guardian Marayun was a Supreme Master.

There were only five strongest warriors in the current Murim who could do that.

It seemed like this one stayed hidden.

„Seven swords?‟
That meant he wasn‘t at the beginning of the Supreme Master, but at the end.


The Air Swords lined up around Chun Yeowun.

All tips pointed at him to kill him.

―I have the upper hand. Please stop this and reveal yourself.‖

Marayun wiggled his fingers, the swords ready to pierce at his will.

He had done his best.

However, the opponent hadn‘t even pulled out his sword.

He thought that even if the opponent was skilled, the distance between them was too much for
him to attack.

[Prepare, just in case.]

However, Marayun was the careful kind, so he sent a message to Lee Jong-hwa.

In response, Lee Jong-hwa increased his energy and condensed it on his sword, ready to move
any time.


The hot flames that appeared, seemed like they were ready to exorcise everything with his
Crimson Flame Sword.

―I told you that in this situation, my sword has the upper hand.‖

―Well. If you want to know my identity, try finding it out by force.‖

Chun Yeowun tried to move his hand.

Noticing the slight movement, Marayun quickly released the swords.

All seven swords rushed for Chun Yeowun at the same speed.

―You brought this on yourse…. Uh?‖

Marayun‘s eyes, which could be seen through the gap in the mask, shook.

The swords, which were heading towards Chun Yeowun, stopped before hitting him.

Shocked, he ended up using more energy to control them.



The swords, which were stopped mid-air, only trembled but couldn‘t move.


Soon, the swords turned in the opposite direction.

Chun Yeowun slightly stretched out his hand towards Marayun.


Having escaped his control, Seven swords went for Marayun.

„H-he eroded my control?‟

Marayun couldn‘t help but be shocked.

In a short span of time, the opponent managed to take control over his Air Swords.


Judging that Marayun was in danger, Lee Jong-hwa charged at Chun yeowun.


Flames soared from his sword.

Blazing bright, the sword drew a hot trajectory and rushed for the opponent.

[Great Guardian! Get away!]

His sword moved for the purpose of helping Marayun.

Those who used the Air Swords had to control them, so they wouldn‘t be able to change to close

And if they decided to move their body, their control over the Air Swords would shatter.




Lee Jong-hwa couldn‘t hide his shock.

Chun Yeowun suddenly put his hand in the path of the trajectory, which was the first formation
of the Crimson Flame Swordsmanship.

He grabbed the sword with two fingers.


Even more shocking was that his sword, which was covered in flames, didn‘t seem to have
affected the opponent.

„Does that mean he can handle Flame qi? Then!‟

He increased the Crimson Flame energy to the maximum.


The flames on the sword blazed even more.

It was to push the sword further in and cut off the arm. But Chun Yeowun seemed calm all
„T-this one…‟

Chun Yeowun said.

―Can you even call this hot?‖


At that moment, the sword Chun Yeowun grabbed turned hotter.

The eyes of the swordsman widened.



Lee Jong-hwa, unable to stand the heat, let go of the sword.

His palms were burnt black.

„A Flame qi which surpasses mine?‟

He wasn‘t called the Fire King for nothing!

―Great Guardian.‖

Shocked, he widened the distance and looked at Marayun.

Despite getting the sword stolen by the opponent, he thought he bought enough time for the
Great Guardian to escape.

―No way!‖

The seven swords seemed to have reached Marayun‘s body, the swords had blood on them, and
the body was gashed.

Cold sweat was running down the mask. A little further and the sword would have dug into his

―W-who are you?‖

A level of mastery they had never seen.

Chun Yeowun flicked the sword he was holding.

―Take this.‖

Wheik! Pak!


The sword went exactly where Lee Jong-hwa was and struck the ground.

The ground turned red from the heat.

Chun Yeowun reached out to the swords aiming at Marayun, and the seven swords that lost
contact fell to the ground.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

As they stood stunned, Chun Yeowun said.

―This is surprising. I thought everyone was regressing, but did the Guardians actually surpass
their predecessors?‖


At those words, Marayun‘s eyes widened. He immediately ran to Chun Yeowun and bowed.

―Great Guardian, what are you doing?‖

Lee Jong-hwa still couldn‘t understand, but Marayun didn‘t care.

―Great Guardian Marayun, greets the 24th Lord of the Great Sky Demon Order, Lord Chun Ma.‖


Chun Yeowun‘s eyes lit up.

When he came here, everyone had to see the Sky Demon Sword, but this man accepted his
existence right away.
He was about to ask out of curiosity, but Marayun said something unexpected.

―Please punish me! For not waiting for Lord Chun Ma to appear again! For forsaking what the
predecessors have built!‖



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 78 -

Keep it Hidden (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Nov 25, 2021

• 14 min read • 5914 views



[Keep in mind. He will surely return. The day when the Demon God comes… will be the day the
Sky Demon Order will rise again.]

The last will of the past Great Guardian.

This will was kept in his heart for over 30 years.

No one knew about this other than the Great Guardian and a few more clans.


Marayun looked at Chun Yeowun standing in front of him.

No one ever overpowered him, but Chun Yeowun was too fast for him.

However, the two had one similarity.

„He learned Steps of the Wind God.‟

Steps of the Wind God was the best light footwork method in the Sky Demon Order.

And it was spread down to those with the title of Great Guardian.

„I heard that the 2nd Chun Ma knew most of the martial arts which existed in the Cult. That
legend has to be true.‟

Even during the reign of Chun Yeowun, only a few knew of that.

After walking away from the burning restaurant, Chun Yeowun stopped.


Marayun stopped.

Chun Yeowun said.


Chun Yeowun changed the place at the request of Marayun, who asked for a conversation.

Others moved away to erase any trace left behind near the restaurant.


Marayun fell flat on the ground.

Chun Yeowun waved his hand.

―Omit the unneeded formalities.‖

Chun Yeowun only wondered about what Marayun said and how he recognized him.

All the members of the clans, even those of the Chun family, couldn‘t recognize him.

Who could even accept that the 2nd Chun Ma who disappeared one thousand years ago has come




At Chun Yeowun‘s absolute words, Marayun knelt.

And Chun Yeowun asked.

―How did you know it was me?‖

―I was ignorant and didn‘t recognize you right away…‖

―Don‘t sweat it.‖

Marayun, who took a moment to breathe, continued.

―… the Great Guardian family shares down the secrets of the Lords. As Guardians, and holders
of Order in the Cult.‖

―I know that.‖

It happened during the time of Marakim too, the Great Guardian during Chun Yeowun‘s era.

He was a shadow to the Lord. The Lord‘s alter ego.

―A thousand years ago. After the sudden disappearance of the Chun Ma, the Cult was in chaos.‖
Natural outcome.

The Lord was missing. It was bound to happen.

Confusion rose

Chun Yeowun‘s eyes grew heavy at that.

―At our Cult, and everywhere else, the entire Jianghu was searched to find Chun Ma. Years and
years, but nothing was found out.‖

The disappearance of the Lord of the Cult, who created the best era for the Sky Demon Order
since the first Chun Ma.

Because of that, Cult members couldn‘t stop worrying and crying.

―That is what is known to all.‖

There is always another version.

And that was a secret that Great Guardians kept inheriting as information.

―After the disappearance of Chun Ma, Seong Mu-chun, who was a warrior in the Cult, made a

―Seong Mu-chun.‖

Chun Yeowun frowned. It was his first time hearing that name.

Marayun continued.

―What I know is that he was a talented person selected by Lord Chun ma in the Liaoning


Chun Yeowun had no memory of him choosing someone from Liaoning province.

Chun yeowun‘s eyes pondered at the thought of who he was.

„Seong Mu-chun… Seong Mu-chun… wait! Is it Chun Mu-seong?‟

The descendant from the distant future.

The name written backwards.

He couldn‘t return to his original time period, and Chun Yeowun rescued him from the TP who
came for him and even taught him martial arts.

„Did he stay in the Cult for a while?‟

Chun Yeowun thought that the man would have gone back to his time once he disappeared.

―He made a prophecy?‖


The descendant was reluctant to talk about the future.

Prophecy meant he said information about the future.

But the time axis had changed, so how could he tell?

―And what was that prophecy?‖

―It was said that Chun Ma attained enlightenment by fighting someone and went to the realm of
heaven, and once a thousand years pass, he will return back to the present time.‖

―He said I‘d be back in a thousand years?‖

Chun Yeowun‘s eyes narrowed.

Even if the descendant came from the future, the time axis had changed, so it was questionable
how he found Chun Yeowun‘s whereabouts.

That was when Chun Yeowun remembered one thing.


Chun Mu-seong had a tracker.

The tracker was made of Gatelinium metal which the Nano chip was made of. And that was in
Chun Yeowun‘s body.

„So that‟s how he found out.‟

In order to find where he was, Chun Mu-seong must have used the terminal. But the location was
a thousand years in the future, so he must have been confused.


Chun Yeowun exclaimed.

Knowing that, he felt like the descendant did something good.

It would be impossible for the descendant to announce something like that.

[Hello, I am a time traveller from the future. Ancestor has travelled to the future.]

No one of the past would have believed that.

So he spoke in a way the people of that era could understand.

―You and the Lord are the only ones who know of this?‖


Great Guardians, who firmly believed that, made it known to the following generations.

Marayun, who came to power, knew about Chun Yeowun, his skills, and his appearance. So he
was able to identify Chun Yeowun the moment he saw him take control of the Air Swords and
use Flame qi much stronger than the Left Guardian‘s.

―I am sorry for not recognizing you right away.‖

He would have noticed Chun Yeowun sooner if it wasn‘t for the suit and the cut hair.

Even then, who could have ever recognized a person based on an oral description?

As Marayun was feeling guilty, Chun Yeowun said.


―Even though it was passed down with each generation, you all continued to be loyal to me and
never forgot about me. Do you think I will blame you for that?‖

―Lord Chun Ma!‖


Marayun lowered his head, feeling emotional.

It was an honour to be told such soft words by Chun Ma, who had descended onto the current


Marayun apologized by hitting his head hard enough to crack the mask.

―I have sinned! I wasn‘t able to maintain the will of the Cult the way my predecessors did.‖

―You keep saying will this and will that, but what the hell is the will you keep talking about?‖

―I thought that the Chun Ma had crossed over into the sacred realm.‖


People of the Sky Demon use the expression of sacred realm when the Lord dies.

It was meant to say that one was dead.


Chun Mu-seong claimed to be a prophet and said that Chun yeowun would return back in a
thousand years, but he didn‘t give the exact time.

„Why did he do that?‟

It was questionable, but there was no way to confirm it as he was too far from them now.

Chun Yeowun asked Marayun, who was bowing his head.

―Why did you think I was dead?‖


Marayun hesitated.

―Go on.‖

―It was because of the remains and relics of Chun Ma that Chun Woo-kyung, the younger
brother of the current Lord, had discovered.‖


Chun Yeowun‘s eyebrows rose.

―Please punish me!‖


Marayun banged his head.

He was hidden behind the mask, but his face was crossed with shame and guilt.

Chun Yeowun clicked his tongue.

―For a man like you to be played by him.Tch.‖

―I am sorry!‖

―Tell me in detail what happened.‖

10 days ago.

As he wandered around to check the secret prison looking for the Lord of the Sky Demon Order,
he sensed something.

During his 27 years of sincerity, the Sky Demon Order didn‘t come out of dissolving.

All the Cult members were aware of the factions war.

―The Lord didn‘t place anyone on the seat, and as Guardians, we couldn‘t just point to anyone
and take a side.‖

However, the Guardians couldn‘t just stand still.

If left as it was, it looked like the faction war would never end, and the Cult would only be
completely destroyed.

―Unfortunately, I thought that we needed a new Lord.‖

As the Great Guardian, he did have the authority to appoint a new Lord when a crisis struck.

―However, we couldn‘t have an unqualified person become the Lord.‖

Marayun decided to see the two factions in person and then decide.


―Chun Yu-seong and Chun Yu-jang.‖

Not three, but two.

From Marayun‘s standpoint, who served the current Lord, it wasn‘t right to appoint Chun Woo-
kyung, the younger brother of the Lord, as the new Lord.

It was because he was already pushed away from the competition in the past.

Therefore, Marayun planned to select the most suitable person among the Lord‘s kids.

―But I was wrong.‖

The first person Marayun went for was Chun Woo-kyung.

―Why did you go to him?‖

―It was to tell that one of the two kids will be the Lord.‖

To declare the purpose.

Besides, he requested Chun Woo-kyung to help in the unification of the Cult by guiding the new

―How stupid.‖

Chun Yeowun shook his head, and Marayun was embarrassed.

―I took Chun Woo-kyung too lightly.‖

He thought that Chun Woo-kyung would at least understand his reasons.

However, the visit provided an opportunity for Chun Woo-kyung.

Once Marayun revealed his intentions to the man…

―Chun Woo-kyung told me that he found the remains and weapons of Chun Ma.‖

Marayun was genuinely shocked.

That was dangerous news for the Great Guardian, who was waiting for Chun Yeowun to actually

―I thought that the man‘s prophecy was wrong.‖

Marayun believed the prophecy till the end.

However, Chun Yeowun who disappeared, only his remains were found after a thousand years.

Although he didn‘t say it, that night, Marayun had wept.

―So, did he say that he would be the new Lord and the Chun Ma?‖

―It wasn‘t that.‖

Director Chun Woo-kyung was an evil person.

He never revealed his true intentions because he knew that the Great Guardian was better in
martial arts.
―Rather, that time, when the Sky Demon Sword appeared, someone said that a new Chun Ma
needed to be created to re-establish the Sky Demon Order.‖

Chun Woo-kyung never put himself first.

Rather, he even suggested to the Great Guardian to pick someone who was better qualified
among the kids.

At that time, Marayun just accepted the words.

He, who was weakened with the constant war in factions, truly believed in the words of Chun

―… then I told him about it.‖

―About what?‖


Mount Hangbaek, southeast of Huangshi city.

Although it was located inside the city, it was close to the wall, making people less visible.

The mountain wasn‘t too steep, but once entered, people could see why it is called Hangbaek.

Frozen cliffs.

It had a winter-like appearance all around the year.


As people weren‘t around, one didn‘t know, but the icicles were shaking strong enough to fall.

It was an artificial vibration and not an earthquake.

At the innermost foot of the mountain, there was a place where the inside was covered with
Numerous lanterns were lit in the place where light would never come, and many workers in
uniforms were dragging the icicles out of the cave.

―It‘s not there. More ice over there!‖


At someone‘s call, the others moved the cart.

Barracks of tents were encamped 200 meters away from the ice mining site.

And in one tent.

Tap! Tap!

A middle-aged man was nervously tapping the table inside the tent.

The man in grey padding was Chun Woo-kyung.

There was an old phone on the table, and he looked at it with irritated eyes.

„Damn bastard!‟

He sent an A-class core as payment. However, no progress has been relayed.

„Why is he not contacting me?‟

By now, he should have mentioned if the assassination was successful or not.

However, contact was completely lost.

Chun Woo-kyung got up from his seat and pulled out a cigarette.


As soon as he lit the fire, he took a deep breath and then exhaled.

„Great. I didn‟t expect much from them either.‟

As he walked to the tent entrance, he looked at the place where the ice was being mined.

„If only I can get the legacy of Chun Ma!‟

Inside the cave lies the legacy left behind by the 24th Lord.

It wasn‘t something like the Sky Demon Sword.

If the legend he knew was true, then it was the source of the Demon God‘s power.

„I should have coaxed the Great Guardian a bit more.‟

In order to avoid suspicion as much as possible, only one place where the legacy was held was

He tried to hurry, but with ice settled in, it was hard to see any result despite the best equipment
being used.

„It will be in my hands soon. I need to finish this work quickly…‟

It was then. Shouts came from outside.


The sound was muffled, making it hard to understand.

But one thing he knew was, it had to be found!


Chun Woo-kyung rushed down to the cave with anticipating eyes.

When he arrived, he saw someone shouting loudly.

―Lord Chun Ma!‖


When the person saw Chun Woo-kyung, he bowed down and greeted him.
The man was wearing the same winter clothes as the workers. He was a supporter of the Chun
Woo-kyung faction.

Although the video had broken out, he still believed that Chun Woo-kyung was the real one.

―Did you find it?‖

Chun Woo-kyung asked.

―That… you will have to head down there and see.‖

―What happened?‖

―While moving the ice…‖

It was then.


A huge roar from inside.

The moment they heard it, the cave shook too. This time, it was like an earthquake.


―E-everyone out of the cave!‖

Thinking the cave would collapse, the workers rushed outside. Ha Woo-chan, his supporter,
spoke in a bewildered voice.

―There are several leaders inside!‖


Ha Woo-chan hurried into the cave.

―Ha Woo-chan!!‖

It wasn‘t just the workers, but the supporters of Chun Woo-kyung, who were down here as
regular workers, could get hurt during this work.

Chun Woo-kyung looked at the shaking cave.

Workers ran out, trembling in fear of dying.

It seemed like something was going on inside.


Thinking, Chun Woo-kyung opened his eyes wide and looked at the cave.

As work continued for days, the cave was quite deep. Around 300 meters.



A tremendous amount of heat was coming from inside the cave, enough to burn everyone.

„What the hell is this?‟


Chun Woo-kyung noticed that flame was flickering inside the cave. But he wasn‘t sure what it

To be as careful as possible, they didn‘t even bring any explosives into the cave, which was why
it seemed more strange.

It was then.


Screams came from within the cave.

Chun Woo-kyung hurried inside only to see a huge cavity.

The cave was overflowing with flames, flames which looked like hell.


Chun Woo-kyung raised his internal energy to protect himself.

Something screamed inside and ran towards him.

―Kuaaak! S-save me!‖

It was Ha Woo-chan who went into the cave to save others.

He was naked with his skin burning.


Behind him, huge flames seemed to be coming to life.

Flames that moved like they had life in them.



Chun Woo-kyung covered his ears.

The screams from the flame couldn‘t be stopped.

Ha Woo-chan, who reached him, said covering his ears.

―L-Lord Chun Ma! We must run away!‖

It was then.

―Chun Ma?‖

A puzzled voice, the flame which wanted to burn everything subsided.

Step! Step!
An unknown person whose body was covered in flames stepped forward.

The flames wrapped around the body vanished, revealing the person.

„A human?‟

A naked man with long red hair like the flame, every hair on the body was red.


The flame disappeared, but the naked man was giving out energy like a ferocious storm.


The man got down on his knees and opened his mouth.

―Chun Ma…. Chun Ma… my… My Lord.‖


The entire body trembled.

Chun Woo-kyung smiled at the excitement he felt.

„This… this is the legacy of the Demon God!‟



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 79 -

Legacy of Demon God (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Nov 26, 2021

• 10 min read • 5457 views



Chun Woo-kyung couldn‘t hide his satisfaction as he looked at the man sitting in front of him.

He was a bit slurred and lacked awareness, but his power was so strong that it was no
exaggeration to call him a walking war machine.

Clank! Clank!

Even in the cold, the red-haired man with only pants on his body, was seated on the cold floor
and was eating the stockpiled food.

Ravenously, he put food into his mouth with his bare hands, as if he was trying to fill the
starving stomach.

„He already ate half of the food!‟

„Is he the God of Gluttony?‟

The amount of food the red-haired man ate was the share of 86 people.

Watching that, the people of the Chun Woo-kyung faction were dumbfounded.

―Lord Chun Ma. If you leave him like that…‖

―Doesn‘t matter. We can just get more food.‖

More important was the condition of the man.

The monster who knelt in front of Chun Woo-kyung and then collapsed.

Staying in the ice seemed to drain him.

[T-that monster… was trapped in ice.]

Ha Woo-chan‘s words, who survived from the burns.

How the man got out, how he survived in ice, they were all full of questions about the man
trapped in the ice prison.

The coldness of the ice was at -273.15°C. At a temperature where molecular movements would
stop, this mysterious man was alive and moving.

„Maybe the secret to immortality is contained in that.‟

Immortality, the dream of mankind. Chun Woo-kyung began to turn greedy.

―Hehhe! Delicious! More! Give me more! I want to eat more!‖

The man who ate the whole pile of dried beef jerky spoke excitedly.

He ripped the rest of the canned food.

Then, a middle-aged man entered the tent.


―Lord Chun Ma.‖

A half-white, middle-aged man bowed.

―Did you check it?‖

The man was a neurosurgeon specializing in the brain.

He was playing the role of a doctor on this trip.

―How was it?‖

In response to Chun Woo-kyung‘s question, he handed the tablet PC.

The tablet PC contained brain scans and other results.

―You can see here! I don‘t know how long he has been in here, but the brain cells have been

―Is that why he is like that?‖

Chun Woo-kyung asked, looking at the man digging his hands into the canned food.

The man was more like a savage child.

―It is because the nerve cells in the brain have been damaged, and he was left in that state for a
long time in the cold, which is why he is displaying such degenerative behaviour.‖

Chun Woo-kyung nodded his head.

He did make this rough guess, and this only helped him.

―It is just the brain. The body is well and moving normally. Besides, he has fast regenerative


―The regeneration of cells is several times greater than that of a normal person. If there is a
wound, he will heal real quick.‖

Chun Woo-kyung was interested in the new piece of information.

The ability to rapidly regenerate without medical intervention might be the starting point to
―With this rate of cell regeneration, it has potential to clear the degenerative behaviour
syndrome, and might become normal in a month.‖


Chun Woo-kyung‘s expression was weird, making the doctor ask.

―Is there a problem?‖

―So the regenerative syndrome can stay if the brain cells are stopped from regenerating?‖


At Chun Woo-kyung‘s words, the doctor was dumbfounded.

Those were the words that any doctor would hate the most, to keep a patient suffering.


At that question, Chun Woo-kyung licked his lips.

―Cause this is the perfect condition.‖

He wanted the power, not the man.

So he didn‘t want his original memory to come back, which meant he didn‘t want the syndrome
to leave.

Making the man believe that he is Chun Ma, is all that he wanted.

―Hehehe! I am full. Nice!‖

The red-haired man ate for 120 minutes and was now satisfied as he pounded his belly.

Chun Woo-kyung approached him and asked.


―Yes. My Lord!‖
Chun Woo-kyung called him subordinate as he couldn‘t know the name.

―Are you all done now?‖

―Yes. Indeed, the Lord is the best!‖

The others shook their heads.

If one ate all that and wasn‘t full, then they wouldn‘t be humans.

Chun Woo-kyung leaned closer and asked.

―Subordinate. Do you remember what you said to me before you passed out?‖

―What words? Subordinate said nothing.‖

―Didn‘t you say something inside the cave?‖

―Inside the cave?‖

The man shook his head and then smiled brightly.

―In the cave. It was very hot.‖

―Right! Then!‖

Chun Woo-kyung waited for the next words with wide eyes.

At first, he thought that the man was a legacy of Demon God, but no.

The man said he was protecting something inside the cave before he fainted.

And now that he woke up, he completely forgot it.

―Guide me to where it is.‖

―Lord orders. I listen to Lord very well. Hehe.‖

The man jumped up and tried to leave when Chun Woo-kyung caught him.
―Put this on before we leave. I prepared this for you.‖

No matter how great his resistance to cold was, he had to wear something.

On the table was a top and something like a mask in the form of a helmet.

Tinted goggles which could cover the face.

―This is stuffy, lord.‖

Putting on the mask, he was about to take it off.

―Always keep this on. This is an order from Chun Ma.‖


At that, the man nodded with a sullen face.

Chun Woo-kyung was trying to prevent the others from knowing the man‘s face.

In particular, ‗that person‘ shouldn‘t recognize it.

―Never take it off, okay?‖


At first, he didn‘t like the mask, but after a few times of constantly telling him not to take it off,
he stopped complaining.

After the preparations were done, Chun Woo-kyung tried to re-enter the cave.

But because of the degenerative syndrome, the movements of the subordinate were slurred and



As they moved slowly, the man suddenly moved so far, unfolding light footwork.
Looking at the posture, it was definite he learned martial arts.

Despite having degenerative behaviour syndrome, the man‘s body seemed to remember

When they reached the middle of the cave, Chun Woo-kyung gave orders to the others.

―You guys stay here.‖


―Do not let anyone come in.‖

A treasure which was the legacy of Demon God, was inside the cave.

He had no intention of sharing it with others.

―Come on, Lord! A little further!‖


Chun Woo-kyung ordered his men and went into the cave alone with the man.

And not long after, they reached the place where he was first discovered.

Now the flames were no more, just the ice.

―Where is it?‖

―Over there. Lord.‖

He ran somewhere, a place tightly closed by the ice.

―Isn‘t that blocked?‖

―I will break it, my Lord. You wait.‖

He put his palms on the wall. Hot flames erupted from his hand, and the old ice wall began to

„Indeed, he is amazing.‟

Chun Woo-kyung couldn‘t hide his satisfaction. As a master at the Superior master level, he
couldn‘t melt the ice with internal energy.

The strength of this man was too much, to break down an ice wall.

„The best power. Hahaha!‟

A subordinate like him was strong.

He thought that with this kind of power, he could even deal with Chun Ma.



Before long, the floor they were standing on was turning into water, revealing a space behind.


Chun Woo-kyung exclaimed at the sight.

A hidden cave.


There was an altar where the man pointed.

On the altar was engraved the word DEMON in red , a symbol of the Sky Demon Order.


Chun Woo-kyung ended up laughing aloud.

The legacy of the Demon God he had been searching for, was finally in front of his eyes.

He approached the altar at once.

It was hot.

There was something on it.

―Is this made of sapphire?‖

There were few things that could withstand heat for more than a thousand years.

This green colour vial had to be sapphire.

Chun Woo-kyung protected himself with energy and opened the bottle cap.


A musty smell escaped from within.

It was the smell of blood.

Chun Woo-kyung couldn‘t hide his emotions as he smiled.

―Found it.‖

What he waited for for so long was inside the vial.

―Blood of Flame Qilin!‖

The red liquid inside must be the blood of Flame Qilin!

The power of one of the five spirit beasts and a rare treasure that could enhance the body with a
single drop of blood.

―Lord feels good. That is all I need.‖

The man waved his hands with a smile.

Chun Woo-kyung said.

―Subordinate. Get away and stand.‖

―Get away? What?‖

―It means not to touch me.‖

Chun Woo-kyung was planning on drinking the blood.

„With this, I can attain immortality.‟

Legend has it that those who had the core of the spirit beasts or the blood will be immortal.

In addition, the spirit beasts contained a certain attribute so, if the Blood of Flame Qilin was
taken, he could use flame.

„This is the source of this man‟s power.‟

If he drank it, then he would be the same as the red-haired man.

Chun Woo-kyung wanted to drink that quickly.

―Hmm. How do I do that? Lord?‖

Everything was fine, except for this.

He has to explain every single thing.

Chun Woo-kyung sighed and pointed his finger at the cave.

―Sigh… go to the entrance over there so no one can enter…‖


It was then. The man suddenly turned his head and stared at the direction of the cave.

―Why would you do that…‖


A scream from the cave.

―What is that?‖

Members and workers were guarding the path into the cave.

So what did the scream mean?

In a solemn voice, the subordinate said.

―Someone is coming. Lord.‖


―Strong. Very strong.‖

As soon as he said that, another scream followed.



Continuous screams.

They kept getting closer.

Chun Woo-kyung began to lose his happy face.

It looked like the enemy who invaded was indeed strong.


The only people who knew of this place were him and Marayun.

Even if Marayun told the other two factions about this legacy of Demon God, it was impossible
for them to come here so quickly.

Impossible to move as their transport was on ground.

„Then at such times…‟

The screams were getting closer and closer. It felt like no one was able to stop the intruder.
Chun Woo-kyung looked at the cave with a troubled face and looked at the vail.

„Blood of Flame Qilin!‟

He can‘t let someone else take it.

He lifted the bottle and drank it at once.

Gulp! Gulp!

The blood was as hot as boiling water. He felt his throat burn. Enduring the pain, he gulped
every drop of it.


His stomach was burning.

The blood of Flame Qilin was intense.


Chun Woo-kyung, who gulped the blood, sat down.

He wasn‘t sure how, but he wanted to absorb the power which was in the blood.

―Subordinate. No one should touch me…‖

―He‘s here.‖


At those words, Chun Woo-kyung‘s eyes turned to the cave.

The long shadows of the cave walls.


It was true.

Step! Step!
Soon, the face of the intruder appeared.

He was.


Chun Woo-kyung‘s eyes widened.

It was the most unexpected person.

„Chun-Chun Ma!‟



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 80 -

Legacy of Demon God (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Nov 27, 2021

• 11 min read • 5228 views

„Ch-chun Ma!‟

The man was different from what he had seen in the video.

The existence in the whole place itself turned intimidating.

„H-how is he here?‟

Chun Woo-kyung couldn‘t understand it.

He was sure that Chun Yeowun was in Jinan city.

And in Jinan city, a Gate Warning was issued, so no transportation was operating.

Coming here should be utterly impossible.

At his bewilderment, Chun Yeowun spoke in a cynical voice.

―It‘s better if you don‘t wait for that brain to find an answer.‖

Finally, he came face to face with the leader of the third faction.

Because this faction was like an organization, it wasn‘t easy to find the members and trace the
whereabouts of Chun Woo-kyung.

But he ended up finding it thanks to him aiming for the legacy.

―Greed has made you get caught by the ankle.‖

Chun Yeowun stretched out his hand.

Energy rose and pulled Chun Woo-kyung‘s body.


The red-haired man blocked it.

When the man held out his hand, tremors occurred, and Chun Woo-kyung‘s body, which was
about to float, fell to the ground.


Chun Yeowun‘s eyes lit up.

„He stopped energy?‟

It was the first time it happened since coming to this era.

Even Superior Masters couldn‘t do that here, which meant this one had to be exceptional.

The subordinate shouted at Chun Yeowun.

―Lord. I won‘t let him touch you! If you bully my Lord, I won‘t forgive you!‖

The moment he heard those words, Chun Yeowun‘s eyes narrowed.

A very familiar voice.

„No way…‟

The voice was thicker than the one he knew, and the tone was slurred.

A wording that children usually use.

Unlike Chun Yeowun, who was puzzled, Chun Woo-kyung was surprised by the subordinate‘s

„He stopped the internal energy of Chun Ma?‟

He didn‘t think that he was this strong.

A small ray of hope bloomed in his heart.

„If he can deal with him, then I may have a chance.‟

He thought that there was a slight possibility of taking down the enemy while aiming for a gap.
But not everything goes as planned.


Chun Woo-kyung coughed up blood.

The man started to panic at the sight and supported him.

―Lord! Are you alright?‖

―I-I am fine.‖

Even speaking seemed difficult for Chun Woo-kyung.

His body was swelling up because of the blood he drank.

He said he was fine, but his insides were burning like fire.

„I need to stabilize…‟

It was urgent to stabilize and control the energy movement in his body.

In the meantime, he hoped that the man could block Chun Ma.

―Subordinate. Stop him, no, just kill him!‖

Rather than stopping him, killing him would be the best outcome.

But the response from the man was different.

―Lord. But that person. I feel like I saw him before.‖


Chun Woo-kyung frowned.

If this was the legacy of the Demon God, then it had to be passed down from a thousand years

There was a possibility of the person being acquainted with the Demon God at one point.
„Even with the problem in his brain, he still remembers that man?‟

It seemed similar to knowing martial arts.

According to the doctor, it had to take a month for the degenerative behaviour syndrome to cure.

But Chun Woo-kyung couldn‘t stop being nervous.

„I shouldn‟t think of other stuff.‟

He pointed to Chun Yeowun, who was at the entrance of the cave and spoke.

―Listen up. That person is a wicked person who pretends to be the Chun Ma.‖


―He calls himself Chun Ma.‖

At those words, the subordinate‘s ears went red. It was because he was angry at what he had just

―Chun Ma is my Lord!‖


He achieved what he intended to.

If anger was brought out, the man wouldn‘t think of anything other than smashing the man in
front of him.

Chun Woo-kyung licked his lips.

―That person is trying to kill me and confuse the Sky Demon Order. What should you do?‖


The subordinate slammed his hand on the floor.

―He needs to be killed! I will kill him! No one will touch the Lord!‖
He was angry.

His brain has degenerated, but he could feel anger.

On the other hand, Chun Yeowun‘s eyes turned cold.

―You are pulling strings till the end.‖

He stretched out his hand.


Cold spread throughout the cave. Hundreds of Ice swords appeared.

Chun Woo-kyung was at a loss of words at that sight.

―W-what is this?‖

―Then both of you die together!‖

Chun Yeowun pointed his finger at them.

All the ice swords went rushing for Chun Woo-kyung.

He could have used Sky Flash, but they were in the cave, so he avoided doing that.

―D-damn it!‖

Shocked and scared, Chun Woo-kyung closed his eyes.

When he was one step away from turning into a hedgehog.

Something he hadn‘t expected happened.


Flames formed like a thick film around them.

The ice swords which hit the shield made of flames, shattered or melted because of the heat.

Not a single sword made it inside.


Chun Woo-kyung was excited and amazed.

He didn‘t think that it could be stopped.

―My Lord! Do not bully my Lord!‖

The man who blocked the Ice Swords, groaned and slammed his red palms to the ground.

„What is he trying to do?‟

Bewildered, he raised his palms again.

A pillar of fire rose where Chun Yeowun was standing.


The pillar of flame engulfed Chun Yeowun in an instant. But that didn‘t seem enough, so the
man opened his hands, and dozens of spheres of flames were formed.


Temperature rising even more.


The sphere of white flames created in the air rushed towards the pillars like cannons.


As the sphere of flame entered the pillar of flame, an explosion occurred.

The destructive power was enough to shake the entire cave.


Chun Woo-kyung couldn‘t keep his mouth shut. He couldn‘t hide his shock at the man who had
tremendous power in his hands.

He didn‘t seem like a human.

„This is the subordinate‟s strength.‟

This man looked like he was overpowering Chun Ma.

Within the explosion which looked impossible for everyone to survive.


A huge spear of flame appeared in the subordinate‘s hand.

It seemed like he was trying to be certain of his kill. It was the moment he was about to throw the
spear of flame.


Something happened to the flame pillar.

Like the Red Sea which split in half, Chun Yeowun‘s extended hand was revealed.

―You are pretty good.‖

Chun Yeowun said casually.

Chun Yeowun was uninjured, not a single burn.


Chun Woo-kyung was startled.


The man was shocked too.

However, he soon regained his posture and threw the spear of flame at Chun Yeowun.


The spear of flame tried to pierce Chun Yeowun‘s heart.

Of course, the subordinate thought he would avoid it, so he threw another spear at the same time
towards where Chun Yeowun moved.



Chun Yeowun grabbed the spear of flame flying in.

There was a risk of getting burned, but Chun Yeowun threw the spear of flame back at the man
as if nothing had happened.

―Take it back.‖


Flames were his power, so he believed that no damage would happen to him.

―Flames are useless to me…‖



His expectations shattered.

The spear of flame pierced through the man‘s shoulder.

And with that, he bounced back.


After bouncing back a few times, the subordinate got up.

The pierced part was rapidly regenerating.


Blood vessels connecting and muscles reforming.

Several times the speed of any normal regeneration.

Chun Yeowun, who saw it, said.

―Indeed, it is you. You took the blood of Flame Qilin.‖

The flame, and the regenerative abilities.

Chun Yeowun was suspicious of the man.

„Blood of flame Qilin couldn‟t be taken by a human.‟

Flame wasn‘t easy.

It contained energy which men couldn‘t take, and without neutralizing the blood, the insides
would burn, and the person would die.


There was only one man who overcame that.

Thanks to the neutralizing of blood with Ice qi, the man who called himself the aide of Chun
Yeowun, survived.


Chun Woo-kyung‘s subordinate felt nostalgia.

More than a thousand years have passed.

The blood did extend the lifespan, but not to this extent.

The only way to dispel the doubt was to check it out for himself.

If he could check the face behind the mask, he would know for sure.


Chun Yeowun‘s form dispersed and reached in front of the subordinate.

Most people couldn‘t have noticed it, but the subordinate raised his flames when Chun Yeowun
closed the distance.


After Chun Yeowun dodged it, he reached for the mask.


Shocked, the man moved back.

[Never take off the mask.]

He remembered the command from Chun Woo-kyung, so he avoided it.

Besides, Chun Woo-kyung, who was unable to concentrate on the energy flowing in his body,
kept shouting.

―Don‘t take off the mask!!‖

The man who heard it tried to run.


Chun Yeowun followed him.

The man desperately tried to escape, but the same thing kept happening again and again.

When he was on the verge of being caught, the man screamed.

―Show your face.‖

Not caring about the other person‘s wishes, Chun Yeowun kept going after the man, trying to cut
off the mask.

At that moment, huge flames engulfed the body of the man.


„This one?‟

Chun Yeowun frowned. He used flames to escape from the crisis.


The man crossed his arms and swung the flame around like a tornado.

Now, a whirlwind of flames was soaring high in the cave right between them.


The whirlwind of flame which was between them kept getting stronger.

„I-it‟s getting stronger.‟

Chun Woo-kyung got up from his seat and moved back in fear that the flames would touch him.

If he kept sitting there trying to control the energy, he might get swept away.


The entire cave was devastated.

Cracks and fragments everywhere, powerful enough for the cave to collapse and bury everyone.

„No! If this goes on, I might die here.‟

He didn‘t have the time to control the energy of the Flame Qilin in his body.

Chun Woo-kyung, who thought that he might die, tried to escape from the cave passage.
It was then.


The flames which were going around wildly changed.

A terrifying coldness rose, and the flames, which didn‘t look like they could go down, were
subsiding into water and vapour.

„F-flame is…‟

Shocked, Chun Woo-kyung looked back.


In the dying flames, someone‘s body was thrown in the direction of Chun Woo-kyung.

The subordinate.

Bounce, thud!

The floor shattered as the man kept bouncing.

After rolling on the floor multiple times, the man stopped, barely catching his breath and
exhaling harshly.

―Huk… huk…‖


Meanwhile, Chun Woo-kyung checked to see if his mask was intact.

Fortunately, the mask did have cracks, and the colour changed because of the heat, but it was still

The mask was fine.

‟… even this monster is not an opponent for him.‟

Victory and defeat.

The subordinate was no match for Chun Ma.

Just seeing that the monstrous man stagger with ragged breathing, was enough proof for anyone
to understand it, the man was afraid of Chun Ma now.

„He is not human… kuak!‟

Chun Woo-kyung grabbed his stomach as the Flame Qilin‘s blood moved inside.

If he was careless in his movement and control, the Flame qi might devour him.

„We have no chance of winning.‟

Chun Woo-kyung looked at the face of the subordinate.

If this went on, both would die together.

‟… nothing more can be done.‟

It was unfortunate, but it seemed like there was no other chance for Chun Woo-kyung to escape.

There was no other way to live.

Chun Woo-kyung, who made that decision, ordered the man.

―Subordinate. Just kill him.‖

He said that so that he could run away.

However, the man didn‘t respond this time.

―What are you standing there for? Kill him…‖

The man turned.


He didn‘t realize it as he only looked at the back, but when the man turned, he saw that the mask
had been torn off, and the face was covered in blood.
„Shit. His face!‟

He tried to keep the man away from the sight of others, but it didn‘t work.

But it didn‘t matter.

Either way, the man was only going to buy some time for Chun Woo-kyung to escape.

―Sigh…don‘t worry about the mask. Just kill him…‖

It was then.



The subordinate moved at the speed of lightning and grabbed his neck.

Shocked, Chun Woo-kyung tried to push him away.

―Cough, what are you doing…‖

―Who should I kill?‖


―And who is the subordinate?‖


Chun Woo-kyung‘s face went stiff at the voice, which wasn‘t slurred and not child-like anymore.

His eyes trembled at what he thought.

„N-no way….‟

At his bewilderment, the subordinate showed his bright red eyes and shouted with pride.

―I am Hu Bong, the lieutenant of Lord Chun Yeowun, the Demon God of the Great Sky Demon


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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 81 -

Legacy of Demon God (3)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Nov 28, 2021

• 9 min read • 5283 views



‗_H-how does he remember already?‘_

The doctor said it would take an entire month for his brain to get back to normal.

Well, that‘s in normal cases.

When trapped in the whirlwind of those fierce flames, in order to subdue the rebellious Hu Bong,
Chun Yeowun inflicted a hit to the head.
That was the starting point.

The moment the head was injured, the Flame qi and Flame Qilin‘s blood began to heal it,
regenerating the brain cells in the process.

But Chun Woo-kyung was unaware of it, so he was shocked.

At that time, the grip on his neck was so strong.



Hu Bong, who revealed his identity, couldn‘t hide his anger.

When his memory returned, he remembered everything he had done.

―How dare you pretend to be him?‖

He couldn‘t forgive the man.

For Hu Bong, there was only one Chun Ma.

„I-I can‟t breath…‟

As if the Flame Qilin‘s blood inside of him wasn‘t enough, Hu Bong was now killing him.



Hu Bong grabbed the man‘s hand.

―Let… g…‖

―Let go of what?‖

Hu Bong broke his wrist without warning.


The broken bone twisted in a weird form.

If not for the pain, then Chun Woo-kyung‘s face was red because of being grabbed by the neck.

Hu Bong showed no sign of releasing him.

―How dare a bastard like you seek the title and legacy of the Lord!‖

Despite having the blood of Qilin inside of him, Chun Woo-kyung couldn‘t handle Hu Bong‘s
Flame qi.

That was when someone called him.

―Hu Bong.‖


The moment he heard that voice, Hu Bong‘s face contorted.

He was unable to hold back his emotions, and with tears forming in his eyes, he threw away the
body of Chun Woo-kyung and rushed to Chun Yeowun.


Hearing Hu Bong‘s winy words, Chun Yeowun had a change of expression too.

Even though Chun Yeowun‘s emotions were never shown, he never dreamed of meeting Hu
Bong in this era.

―My Lord, your first and eternal lieutenant Hu Bong is… ugh… wahhh…‖

He couldn‘t stop the tears from pouring down.

Hu Bong‘s feelings couldn‘t be expressed in words.

―Same here. Hu Bong.‖

Chun Yeowun spoke to him in a soft voice. It was because he was moved by the unchanging

―My Lorrrd! Wahhh!‖

Hearing that, Hu Bong burst into tears once again.

Despite having the looks of a man in his 30s, it seemed like Hu Bong hadn‘t changed.

Hu Bong was still Hu Bong.


Chun Woo-kyung, who had been thrown away by Hu Bong, grabbed his stomach and groaned.

He wasn‘t feeling well.

„Flame qi… I am unable to control it…‟

And as time went on, the Flame qi in his body grew stronger.

His intestines were swelling up as if he suffered from internal injuries.

If he wouldn‘t be able to control it, then he might die right there.

„Kuaa. I need to get out of here.‟

Chun Woo-kyung forced himself to endure the pain in order to escape the place.

The pain was so severe that he felt like he would lose his reason.

Even if it meant he had to crawl, he had to get out of the place.


That was when, something pierced his left calf.


Not only that.

He felt another thing pierce his right calf.


Chun Woo-kyung screamed and looked at what lodged itself in his calves.


It was nothing but the ice swords.

Two Ice Swords pierced his calves to the ground, making him unable to move.


As he fell into bewilderment, Chun Yeowun appeared in front of him.

―Who told you you could go?‖

―Ch-chun Ma!‖

Chun Woo-kyung‘s face darkened at Chun Yeowun‘s words.

Since the moment he saw Chun Yeowun in the video, he had been certain that such a day would

―You must realize your sins, right?‖

The fake Sky Demon Sword and the fake jade plaque.

He even declared himself as the next Chun Ma.

Death was the only possible punishment for those who committed such grave sins.


Chun Woo-kyung ground his teeth.

Hatred was emanating from his eyes more than fear.

„If only you… you hadn‟t appeared…‟

Unlike Chun Yu-seong, who begged for his life in the face of death, this man resented Chun

If Chun Yeowun hadn‘t appeared, his plan would have been executed without a single hitch.

„Sky Demon Order…. The title of Chun Ma… all mine.‟

He could have had all that, but now, everything had collapsed.

He resented the man for it.

Chun Woo-kyung, who decided that it was too late for him to escape, spit out all the words he
had been holding in his heart.

―From the moment the Cult was dissolved and till now, you didn‘t bother showing yourself once,
but now you come up when it was going to finally have a Lord? Why are you even meddling in
the affairs of your descendants…‖



Before he could even finish what he was saying, Chun Yeowun looked bitter.


As he kept coughing up blood, Chun Yeowun said.

―Meddle? What a joke..‖


―Right. Whether you fight for the position of Lord or not is your matter, but how could you allow
yourself to impersonate Chun Ma?‖

Chun Woo-kyung, who was coughing up blood, raised his head and said.

―Kuaak… a thousand years… are you saying that it was wrong to use the title of Chun Ma, not
used since a thousand years ago, for the sake of reuniting the scattered Cult?‖
There are people who do not bend their beliefs in any situation.

Chun Woo-kyung was such a man. He never thought that he did anything wrong.

―After the dissolving of the Cult, the members were all divided into 3 factions, and they fought
each other for 27 years. Despite enemies lurking around, our confrontation kept going on. How
could such a Cult be brought into one? By killing others? Do you think that by killing and
weakening the power, you will make the Cult one?‖

When Chun Yeowun said nothing, he continued in anger.

―How can we know whether the lost Sky Demon Sword still existed or not? How could we know
you would actually stay alive for a thousand years? Even if it was a fake sword, it was to bring
everyone together…‖


Before he could finish, Chun Woo-kyung‘s head was crushed to the floor.

Chun Yeowun said in a cold tone.

―I can‘t hear this anymore.‖


―A person who cares so much for the Cult hires assassins because I appeared?‖

Chun Woo-kyung‘s body trembled.

He wondered why the man on the phone never called him back, but he was sure that assassins
had gone to Chun Yeowun.

Not caring about the man‘s thoughts, Chun Yeowun continued.

―And the fact that the Cult has been like this for 27 years is because of your incompetence, but
you‘ve put up a good font with all that bullshit.‖

No excuse was acceptable.

Considering that he was his descendant, he didn‘t kill him right away and heard the words. But
the excuses were disappointing.

―You aren‘t even worth keeping alive.‖


When Chun Yeowun took his foot off the head, Chun Woo-kyung‘s body was lifted up.

It was more painful as his calves still had ice swords struck in them.


Chun Woo-kyung‘s battered face was screaming, but Chun Yeowun didn‘t mind and put his
palm on the Dantian.

―What are you…‖

―Taking back what you coveted.‖



At that moment, energy rushed into his Dantian.


A wave of energy.

Chun Woo-kyung, who couldn‘t handle it, bent.

The energy, which entered his Dantian, broke it apart.

Noticing something, Chun Yeowun said.

―I thought you must have absorbed even a little, but you don‘t seem the least bit talented.‖


Chun Yeowun slowly brought up the palm which was on the Dantian.


A reflux-like feeling was felt within, eventually, the palm reached the neck.


Red thick liquid gushed from the mouth.

The blood of Flame Qilin, the liquid he had drunk.

Chun Woo-kyung was unable to absorb the blood because of its attribute.


The blood, which came out of the body, floated in the air without a single drop being wasted to
the ground.

Chun Woo-kyung looked at that in disbelief.

―It is dirty, but it is a waste to let this go.‖


―My lord, here.‖

Hu Bong came to his side carrying a vial.

Chun Yeowun put the blood of Flame Qilin into it.


In the end, not a single thing Chun Woo-kyung wanted, had happened.

Even the blood of Flame Qilin was stolen away.

Chun Woo-kyung looked at Chun Yeowun with resentment.

―The same till the end. That is the one thing I like about you.‖

But he wouldn‘t spare the man.

Chun Yeowun grabbed something in the air.

Chun Woo-kyung‘s head collapsed under the internal energy.



And then, Chun Yeowun clenched his fist tighter in the air.


The head shattered like a watermelon.

The last member of the three factions, who dreamed of being the Lord, lived a tragic end.

Even though he was his blood descendant, Chun Yeowun didn‘t show mercy.

―Hu Bong.‖

―Yes, my lord.‖

―Burn him.‖



Flames rose from Hu Bong‘s hands and burned Chun Woo-kyung‘s corpse.

Chun Yeowun and Hu Bong, who left the cave, went up to the point where the barracks were set.

Chun Yeowun asked Hu Bong what he wanted to know the most.

―What the hell happened?‖

Hu Bong was here in the current era, and Chun Yeowun was curious about how that happened.

Hu Bong, who was still happy to see Chun Yeowun right in front of him, spoke with tears in his

―My Lord! My Lord was said to have fallen into the distant future. How could I not have waited
for you?‖


Chun Yeowun‘s eyes trembled at those words.

Unlike the Great Guardian, Hu Bong seemed convinced that he had crash-landed into the future
instead of some random cooked up story.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 82 -

Legacy of Demon God (4)
Descent of the Demon God
Published on

Nov 29, 2021

• 13 min read • 5653 views




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Hu Bong.

A loyal follower of Chun Yeowun since the early days of the Academy, an institution with the
role of fostering the warriors of the Sky Demon Order.

Originally, he was a small clan member, but he became the lieutenant and right-hand of Chun
Yeowun after overcoming the other subordinates.

In a way, he was like Chun Yeowun‘s friend and lieutenant at the same time.

―How do you know that?‖

Chun Yeowun asked in shock.

Even the Great Guardian of the present age, the Guardian of the Sky Demon Order, didn‘t know
the exact story.

So what happened?

―That‘s what the warrior Seong Mu-chun said.‖


Chun Yeowun couldn‘t hide his curiosity.

It was strange that descendant Chun Mu-seong, who was concerned about the spread of
information about the future, was going around saying stuff.

―It is different from what the Great Guardian of this era said.‖

―Huh? My Lord, this era, you mean you are talking about the Great Guardian one thousand years
from then?‖


―Oh! The Cult is alive and well!‖

Hu Bong trembled as if it was an odd thing.

Although there was faith, no Cult member would not show such a reaction hearing that the Cult
was alive a thousand years later.

Chun Yeowun shook his head.

―No. It dissolved 27 years ago.‖

―Yes? The Cult is? W-what is that…‖

Hu Bong‘s expression changed with those words.

Hu Bong was a man with various expressions.

―First listen to me and then tell me about this situation.‖

Chun Yeowun informed him of what happened, and relaid what Marayun said.

Hu Bong kept nodding through the story and then said while clapping his hands.

―I think I know.‖


―Maybe it was because of Seong Mu-chun‘s request.‖

―He made a request?‖

―Yes. He said that no one but us should know about this. That… What did he say… moth? No!
Butterfly! Right. He said something about the future changing because of a butterfly effect! That
it may cause us not to meet with the Lord.‖

[Butterfly effect. Even the most minor changes or small events could lead to unexpected results
in the future, just like the flapping of a butterfly‘s small wings could cause major weather

Nano explained it to Chun Yeowun.

Thanks to that, he understood what Hu Bong tried to say.

„It was because of the fear that history will be changed or affected?‟

When it came to space and time axis, one couldn‘t be sure.

His descendant Chun Mu-seong, who lived in the era of time travel possibilities, wasn‘t sure
what changes could happen.

―Hu Bong. Do you know his real name?‖

―Huh? Real name?‖

At that response, Chun Yeowun was sure of one thing, that his descendant didn‘t reveal all the

Like the fact that he came from the future.

―Nothing. Hu Bong, so after hearing from him that I fell into the future, you waited for me?‖

At his question, Hu Bong‘s eyes turned red again.

―My Lord was alone. How can I leave you like that when I am your right-hand! Euhhh!‖

―You… really…‖

At those words, Chun Yeowun felt his throat go tight.

Hu Bong couldn‘t leave him alone, so he ended up in slumber for a thousand years.
And this loyalty was enough to move Chun Yeowun‘s heart.

―Now that I have met Lord again, I can rest in peace… ah, it isn‘t like I am going to die or
anything. If I die, I won‘t be able to serve my Lord.‖

Chun Yeowun smiled bitterly at the shivering and crying of Hu Bong.

Hu Bong was the one who used to make him smile.

―Hu Bong. Just how were you able to endure it all this time?‖

Achieving such a feat would require a tremendous amount of courage and mental strength.

Chun Yeowun didn‘t know that Hu Bong was sealed in the ice.

―I was stuck in ice.‖


―The man said that it was called hibernation.‖


―A method of freezing people, and if frozen like that, one could survive without getting old. But
I thought that I would die of cold. Euuu.‖

Hu Bong shuddered at the terrible experience he went through.

The person who froze him was Dan Ju-cheon, who was brought in from the Ice Palace. He was
able to make the strongest ice which wouldn‘t melt unless it was purposely melted.

―I don‘t think I will ever do something like that again.‖

―You did something dangerous.‖

Actually, such a thing was dangerous for ordinary people to do.

In the future, there were safe means to defrost those in hibernation, but not the time they were in
―I had the blood of the spirit beast, so I was the only one who could do it.‖

He could do it because he had great regenerative abilities.

Hu Bong wanted to meet Chun Yeowun even if it meant losing himself in the process.

―Hu Bong, you really are…‖

The man could have really died, but the fact that he was alive made it even more emotional.

―You are so foolish to try all this to meet me.‖

At that, Hu Bong said.

―It is because I had to meet the Lord and take you back.‖


Chun Yeowun‘s face hardened at that.

It was impossible for them to move through space and time as they were in a place where science
hadn‘t developed that far.

―What do you mean? Take me back?‖

―Seong Mu-chun said there was a way to get the Lord back to us.‖

―A way back?‖

Chun Yeowun‘s eyes fluttered. This was completely unexpected.

It was shocking that Hu Bong had gone into hibernation and waited all this time to take Chun
Yeowun back.

―… what is that?‖

Calming his heart, Chun Yeowun asked.

Hu Bong responded, a bit perplexed.

―That… I don‘t know exactly.‖

―What? You don‘t know how but you plan on taking me back?‖

―He said that he had a divine object which would allow the Lord to return to our time. But he
didn‘t tell me what it was.‖

―Divine object?‖

Chun Yeowun frowned at the word.

The word Divine Object meant it was very special.

And if it was an object that would help in time travelling, then there was one thing Chun
Yeowun could think of.


Timepack, a space-time movement device from the era of his descendant.

However, it was a disposable and personal device.

If Chun Yeowun could remember correctly, Chun Mu-seong had just one timepack left with him
to go back to his era.


If the object Hu Bong was talking about was indeed that, then Chun Mu-seong had given up on
returning to his time.

Chun Yeowun felt a weird feeling in his stomach.

Not realising that, Hu Bong continued.

―He said that the object could make the Lord come back again. But he said that it can‘t fall into
others‘ hands, and to destroy it before that happens.‖

―Did you hide that divine object?‖

―Kya! Indeed my Lord! I made sure to hide it so that no one could find it.‖

If it was the timepack that Chun Yeowun was thinking of, then it could never be given to
someone else.


Chun Yeowun thought of something else.

―Hu Bong…. Did you sacrifice yourself to tell me this?‖

At first, he thought that Hu Bong was here to not leave him alone in the future.

But that didn‘t seem right.

Hu Bong said that he waited a thousand years to reveal where he had hidden the timepack and
make sure that Chun Yeowun heads back to the past.

―Are… are you insane?‖

Chun Yeowun was experiencing a mix of emotions.

The timepack would allow only one person to go back.

―That divine object…‖

Hu Bong interrupted Chun Yeowun, who was about to say something.

―Lord… I know.‖

―What do you know!‖

―He said that only one person could use it.‖

At Hu Bong‘s words, Chun Yeowun furiously shouted.

―You went through this knowing that!‖

It wasn‘t to criticize him.

It was because he didn‘t want to accept the idea of letting Hu Bong sacrifice himself.


Hu Bong knelt down with tears in his eyes.

Looking into Chun Yeowun‘s eyes, he said.

―Lord! You need to go back! All the members of the Cult are waiting for you!‖


―And Lord! Mun Ku… Mun Ku is waiting for you. We can‘t let your only child grow up without
a father, right? Euuhhh!‖

Hu Bong began to cry again.

Chun Yeowun, who was feeling complicated, looked up and covered his eyes.

He never felt this frustrated even when he crash-landed into the future, but he was feeling more
pain at Hu Bong‘s words.

„Mu-seong… Mu-seong… you really…‟

Chun Yeowun blamed his descendant.

Even if it was for Chun Yeowun, Chun Mu-seong did a cruel thing.

He made Hu Bong sacrifice himself.

„What a pain.‟

Chun Yeowun was clever, but right now, his mind didn‘t work.

Everything was messed up.

Since this era was on a different axis, time was passing in other ones.

He himself saw that he could do nothing in this era which was so different to him, so how could
Hu Bong stay here?
„You should have just waited for me.‟

That seemed way better to him.

Chun Yeowun could have waited until a space-time device was developed and then use it.

That required a lot of patience from Chun Yeowun, but at least Hu Bong wouldn‘t have to be


Not everything would go the way he wanted.

As much as he wanted to return back to the original era, a sacrifice was needed.


Chun Yeowun bit his lip.


―Hu Bong.‖

―… yes.‖

Hu Bong responded with a dull face.

He knew that Chun Yeowun would be angry, but Hu Bong was happy.

„My Lord thinks so much of me…‟

If he didn‘t care about him, he wouldn‘t be so angry.

He felt like celebrating his sacrifice.

―Don‘t even think about making sacrifices.‖


―I am taking you with me.‖


Hu Bong was touched. He was moved by the words he heard.

It felt like he was being paid for the sacrifices he made.

„Lord… this much is enough for me. Even if the Lord goes back alone, I feel like I have achieved

Just words were enough.

Contrary to his thoughts, Chun Yeowun never said empty words.

‟… I will find it. A way to take Hu Bong back!‟

One thought came to his mind.

If the hidden timepack was a machine, then he could have Nano do an analysis.

If Nano‘s system was locked and refused to, then he would just find a brilliant scientist and find
a way.

First, the Divine Object has to be found.

―Hu Bong.‖

―Yes, Lord?‖

―Where is that divine object?‖

With an apologising expression , Hu Bong said.

―Lord, I am sorry. I don‘t exactly know where, but I have a password.‖


―And the password…‖

Chun Yeowun touched his forehead.

―You hid something else, didn‘t you?‖

―I apologize. Lord!‖

Thud! Thud!

Hu Bong banged his head on the floor.

Despite being hurt, he kept banging again and again.

Annoyed, Chun Yeowun raised his hand.


Hu Bong was lifted up.

―Just saying.‖

There was one thing that Chun Yeowun was worried about.

Marayun had clearly said there were three legacies left behind.

Chun Yeowun was really hoping that he was wrong.

―Hu Bong… you aren‘t the only one waiting, right?‖

Hu Bong answered very slowly.


―Ackhh! I‘m going crazy!‖

His headache was reaching its peak.

―You people are really…‖

He never thought that the loyalty of his subordinates would end up biting him like this.

―Who else?… Tell me quickly.‖

There were two people he could guess.

Besides Hu Bong, there were two others who took the blood of a spirit beast.

Hu Bong clasped his hands and said.

―L-Lord. Since just one wasn‘t guaranteed to survive, we had to go all three of us.‖


―Baekgi went into hibernation after seeing the kids, and I went into hibernation right away with
my partner.‖

―Your partner?‖

Chun Yeowun couldn‘t understand Hu Bong‘s words.

As far as he knew, Baekgi wasn‘t even married in the first place, and he had no idea who the
other person was.

Baekgi had taken the Dragon Turtle‘s blood, but who was the other.

―What the hell? Did you come with your wife!‖

―Mun Ran-yeong. Lord.‖


Chun Yeowun stood speechless for a moment.

Mun Ran-yeong, whom Hu Bong spoke of, was the Great elder.

She was a loyalist who stayed in the imperial palace protecting the Flame Qilin‘s blood for a
long time.

Chun Yeowun even gave her the highest position for it.

―Mun Ran-yeong?‖

Hu Bong smiled shyly.

Chun Yeowun stared at Hu Bong with widened eyes. He married an older woman who was a
hundred years apart in age.

Besides she was.

„Mun Ku‟s ancestor.‟

She was from the same clan as Mun Ku, Chun Yeowun‘s lover.

This was really twisted.

Even Chun Yeowun, who was never easily surprised, was really shocked at this news.

―Hu Bong… you are a shocking person…‖

―Hehe. Somehow it ended like that.‖

Hu Bong ruffled his hair.

―Ah! Lord!‖

Hu Bong suddenly drew something on the ground.


―What are you doing?‖

―The password that Seong Mu-chun gave me. I don‘t know what this means, but I was told to
memorize this.‖

What Hu Bong drew was a square.

And then he started adding many other shapes. They were mostly squares and rectangles.

36 Quadrangles.

„What is this?‟
Chun Yeowun couldn‘t think of anything until Nano said.

[This is a TQC code.]

„TQC code?‟

[A password created in 2600.]


A password used in the future.

His descendant Chun Mu-seong took measures so that even if the legacy was found, the person
wouldn‘t know what he was trying to convey.

„He was very thorough about this.‟

Fortunately, Nano didn‘t have a lock on deciphering.

„Can you decipher it?‟

[It isn‘t possible. There is only the Q code.]


[TQC code is made of Triangle, Quadrangle and Circle.]

Three codes need to be combined.

Hu Bong had one of the three codes.

Which meant the code could be unlocked when the other two people were also found.

―My Lord, I was told that you would surely know.‖


A code which only Chun Yeowun, in this era, could understand.

Chun Yeowun moved.

―We need to find the other two.‖

The code was one thing, but he also couldn‘t leave them in hibernation for long.

Hu Bong opened his mouth carefully.

―Hmm. Lord. Then I will start with the person I know…‖


It was then.

Chun Yeowun stretched out his hand to the east.

Swoosh! Bang!

At that moment, a huge explosion occurred, with the sound of something flying in.

The blast tore all the tents around the place at once.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 83 -
Vanished (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Nov 30, 2021

• 9 min read • 5851 views

On a mountain, 2,5 km away from Mount Hanbaek.

Inside a tent under the transmission tower.

-Click! Distance secured.

―It is more than 2.5km.‖


At the altered voice from the walkie-talkie, A man wearing a black mask looked at the screen on
the monitor.

There were three monitors in total, each monitor had ten cameras displayed on it.

All of the cameras were shooting from different angles, but the target was the same.

―Still in the barracks.‖

Hearing the answer, the masked man continued to ask.

―Do we have to be this careful?‖

-The target is estimated to be an S-level target or higher. Accurate measurement is still required.

―Still, it will be impossible to notice from this distance.‖

-Don‘t lower your guard. If it‘s an S-level target we are talking about, he must be around
Supreme master level.
―Supreme Master…‖

The Murim people who learned martial arts had the ability called Energy Feeling.

They could sense the energy of humans or anything else within a specific range. It works for 20
meters for first-rate warriors, 50 meters for a Super Master and 100 meters for those at the end of
Super master.

And its realm could widen as one grows.

Warriors who reach past the level of Superior Master could sense beyond 500 meters.

Of course, that‘s considering that the opponent doesn‘t hide himself.

―I covered it up with an energy breaker, so there is no way he won‘t be caught. It will definitely
be enough to kill him.‖

If the opponent was hiding his presence, it would be difficult to detect him no matter how good
the warrior was.

Tents over here had the ability to shut off the energy flow.

-The drone has moved.

―Moved to 1km point.‖


―No change yet.‖

-In case of a silent drone, it cannot be detected for 1 km.

―Should we move closer?‖

-No. That‘s enough. Carry out the mission.


As if the masked man was waiting, he moved the device ahead of the monitor.
And then a red cross aiming for a certain point appeared on the screen.


At those words, the masked man pressed the red button, and a missile was launched along with a


The missile flew towards the target. It would take just 3 to 4 seconds to hit the target.


30 rockets bombarded the barracks simultaneously.

A huge explosion occurred, setting the entire garrison on fire.

It was so huge of an explosion that not a single Murim warrior would be able to survive.


The explosive force was enough to crumble the ice on the mountain.

The area was completely destroyed.


The masked man looked at the screen.

―I will withdraw before the National Agency gets dispatched.‖

An explosion of this magnitude was bound to be noticed by the Defense.

Before that, they had to call back their drones and move away.

Of course, knowing the procedure, he was ready to type the command.

-Are you sure?

-This target destroyed the Scepter 27 lab, so we need to be certain. Fire all the remaining ones.


The masked man asked.

Due to the recent launch, the whole area was already devastated. If he fired another missile, it
was bound to cause landslides in the close-by areas, and the aftermath would be huge.

Things might turn troublesome if people start to trace them.

-Are you disobeying orders?


Disobeying orders calls only for death.

The masked man was forced to carry out the command.

He had to use all the missiles.

That was when.


The eyes of the masked man trembled as he looked at the monitor.

A change occurred within the flames that burned after the explosion.

The flames began to whirl.

―H-How is this…‖

-What is happening?

―Something strange is happening.‖

The flames which twirled around turned smaller and then were distinguished.

In the centre stood the target, Chun Yeowun.

Not only was he unharmed, but there was also another man with red hair standing right next to

Both were alive.

―T-target is alive. Unharmed!‖

The man was bewildered.

The altered voice gave the command.

-Hand over the control to me.




When the masked man typed something, the drone cameras moved.

The control was passed.

On 10 screens, the precision aiming was on the target Chun yeowun.

And the remaining…


It was facing the nearby hillsides.

He intended to hit the close-by ranges and bury them both alive.


Missiles were fired simultaneously.

They moved at the speed of 1 Mach and reached the location in 3 seconds.

But something unbelievable happened.


The masked man exclaimed in shock.

The missiles, which were simultaneously flying for the target, stopped in mid-air at once.

Chun Yeowun, who hacked into the drones, zoomed in on the camera screen, and raised his right
arm out.

„No way!‟

While doing this, Chun Yeowun pretended to hold something.


The trajectory of the stopped missiles changed.

The missiles had turned around at once and began to flow again.

―N-No way!‖

They couldn‘t believe what their eyes were seeing.

The missiles moved towards the drones.

The masked man shouted in a hurry.

―Move the drones!‖

The masked man spoke to the man who was controlling them.

The drones immediately moved away to avoid being hit.

But there was no way they could outspeed missiles.

The missiles flew and hit all the drones.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

At the same time, all the screens went black.


The masked man grew nervous.

He thought all cameras were destroyed, but three were still fine. It seemed like three drones
could avoid the missiles.

-…is that so?

The altered voice mumbled.

And then a black shadow appeared on one of the screens.


The camera screen was moving.


-Tap! Tap!

The altered voice spoke in distress, and the sound of tapping could be heard.

At that time, the camera pointed to someone.

And he was.


Chun Yeowun.

―W-what the hell?‖

He couldn‘t understand this.

The location of the drone was about 1km away from the target.

At that moment, Chun Yeowun extended his hand towards the drone.

―What is he doing?‖
The masked man asked in a puzzled voice.

The altered voice spoke.

-How can this happen?

―What happened?‖

-H-he is trying to hack the drones.


The masked man couldn‘t hide how absurd it sounded.

Chun Yeowun just extended his hand at the drone. So how could he hack it?

He couldn‘t understand what was happening, but if the target was indeed trying to do that, then
they had to stop it.

So the masked man pressed the black button with an X.

At that moment.


Both screens turned black at the same time.

It was the self-destruction option of the drones.

However, the drone, which was shaking, didn‘t turn off.


-Controls of the drones have been taken over. I can‘t control it, nor can you.

At that moment, Chun Yeowun, who was on the screen, mumbled something.

It was a short word, so one could tell by the shaping of the lips.o

„Found it?‟
And with that, Chun yeowun disappeared from the camera screen.

The masked man‘s eyes searched in fear.


As he was doing that, the devices in front of him began to spark, and he heard something.

The device was being destroyed.

And the voice in his earphone said.

-If you want to live, destroy everything and withdraw right away.

Chh! Click!

Before he could do anything, the tent tore open, and someone fell in.

The masked man was drenched in a cold sweat and stiffened.

There was someone right behind him.

-What is happening? No…

Nothing could be heard.

If he stood still, he would be bound to be killed.


The masked man quickly turned back and gave strength to his arms.

His clothes tore, and guns popped out of his arms.

Both arms were modified with machine guns.

The moment he was about to fire.

His arms were cut.


Because the shoulders were made of flesh and bones, he felt pain.

When the masked man looked at his fallen arms, Chun Yeowun said.

―You modified your body.‖

Chun Yeowun looked at the fallen arms and mumbled.

He had met such people before.

They were assassins sent by the MS group.


Chun Yeowun reached out to the man who was in pain.

A coldness flowed out and froze the body of the man.



It was to prevent him from self-destructing.

Chun Yeowun noticed something in the man‘s ear.

He reached out his hand, and the earphone came out.

He put his finger on it and put it in his ear.

„Nano- track the location.‟


After giving the order to Nano, Chun Yeowun said.

―Ms Group?‖


Seeing that he didn‘t answer, he felt that the man on the other side must be shocked.

―You people are pretty tough. You think I won‘t be able to destroy all of you?‖

-Looks like you are trying to track us down.

Chun Yeowun tried to pass the time until the tracking happened, but the man noticed.

Since the drones were hacked, the operator knew that tracking back was possible.

Nano was still busy tracking.

―I will give you a chance. Stop coming after me. Otherwise, I will make you regret it. I have a
knack for finding and killing people like you.‖

Not an empty warning.

-We‘ll see who will die. Good luck.


With that, the connection was cut off.

[The other side has disconnected.]

Because the time was short, even Nano couldn‘t track it.

Because there were several devices that could block tracking, it required time.


Chun Yeowun mumbled as he crashed the earphone.

―… we‘ll see.‖

Letting that voice live didn‘t sit well with him.

Unknown location.

There, someone was typing while looking at the screen.

At the top of the screen, was an analysis table, and below it, was a picture of Chun Yeowun with
‗S-class hazard level‘ written under it.

Tap! Tap!

The letters were written at high speed.

[Able to move 1.5km within 6 seconds. Has the ability to fly. Seems to have abilities similar to
telekinesis, but only in a range of 1km. In the video, the accuracy of the missile‘s trajectory
dropped as it moved near the 1km mark. Has enough defence to withstand the bombardment of
cm204-class missiles.]

The person was writing an analysis of Chun Yeowun.

After a long detailed recording, the person put the last remarks.

[Request to increase the hazard level from S-class to SSS-class.]

That window was brought down, and another was opened.

A picture of Hu Bong next to Chun Yeowun.

As the cursor was dragged, he zoomed in on something in Hu Bong‘s hands.

A vial containing Flame Qilin‘s blood.

After capturing the zoomed-in photo, he wrote in the report again.


[Assumed to be the same form kept in Scepter 49 lad. Analysis wind.]


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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 84 -

Vanished (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Dec 1, 2021

• 13 min read • 5833 views



Tremble! Tremble!

A man with rugged looks and cut-off arms trembled on the ground.

He didn‘t seem to be in good condition, considering all the burn marks on his body.

They were torture marks.

―Haa… Ha…‖
The man clicked his tongue as he looked at Chun Yeowun sitting in front of him.

His body froze, so he assumed that he had died.

Since his body was enhanced, there was a self-destruct device planted in his brain and other parts
of the body.

They should have melted his body from the inside, but when he gained consciousness, he found
himself still alive.

[H-how am I still?]

[Did you think your plan would work?]

Pieces of metal, which seemed to be parts of a detonator, were scattered on the floor.

He couldn‘t figure out how they were extracted.

„This guy is a damn monster.‟

And because of that, his body didn‘t melt.

He was tortured.

―Where is your people‘s base?‖

―Haa… Ha… I really… don‘t know.‖

Snap! Pang!


Chun Yeowun snapped his finger, and the big toe exploded.

The man had already been in this kind of pain for an hour.

Chun Yeowun put the nano bombs inside him.

―Kuak… I, I told you before. This earphone…. We just got a call from it. I went to the contact
point and executed the order…‖

Chun Yeowun patted his chin and looked at the man.

50 nano bombs were detonated in an hour, but he kept repeating the same words.

„Nano, your results?‟

[Pupillary contraction, movement of facial muscles, heart rate. All the same. The chance of lying
is less than 5%.]

Chun Yeowun sighed in disappointment.

Clearly, this organization was meticulous about the spread of information.

„It is like abandoning everything when needed.‟

To be able to dispose of the workers at any time.

Those related to the MS group didn‘t have any information either.

What was more absurd is that when he asked Nano to search through the internet, it said that
they disbanded 15 years ago.

It was as if the organization didn‘t exist. It felt like a waste of time.

„I think it would be better to find someone of a higher position.‟

Chun Yeowun got up from his chair.

And without hesitation, he decapitated the man.



The man who was slashed in an instant, fell to the ground with a slight groan.

After all, if this guy was already abandoned, then it was definite that the MS groups would have
blocked all the networks this man could use to contact them back.
―Hu Bong.‖



When Chun Yeowun left the tent, Hu Bong set fire to the man.

Hu Bong‘s fire was much hotter than normal flame, so it was the best to erase the traces.

„Nano. Which is closer? Zhumadian or Datong city?‟

According to Marayun, Zhumadian and Datong city were the other two places the legacies were

He decided that getting the two subordinates would be better because there was a possibility the
MS group could find them.

[I will mark it on the map.]

The locations of the two were marked in augmented reality.

Datong city was located to the left of Beijing city, so he‘d have to go up a long way north.

„It would be better to stop at Zhumadian city and then to Datong.‟

Hu Bong, unaware of this, approached Chun Yeowun and asked.

―Lord. Hm, where are we going first?‖


―Huh? Where is that?‖

There was no way Hu Bong could know the names used in the current time.

―To the south of Henan.‖

Hu Bong couldn‘t help but be disappointed.

From that reaction alone, Chun Yeowun could guess that the person who was hibernating there
was Baekgi.

―Hu Bong.‖

―Yes… Lord.‖

―I think it is a good thing that you have grown strong.‖


Hu Bong understood right away why Chun Yeowun said such a thing.

Chun Yeowun had a nano suit on and hugged Hu Bong as he flew into the sky.



When they crossed the sky at a speed of Mach 13, the impact of the air hitting the body was
beyond imagination.

Had it not been for Hu Bong‘s regenerative power, he would have died right away.

„Zhumadian, it was said to be near the reservoir on the west.‟

He definitely heard Marayun say that.

It was difficult to get to the place since it was outside the wall, but that was no problem for Chun

At least, that was what he thought.

Chun Yeowun and Hu Bong both arrived at the coordinates Marayun had mentioned with stiff

―Lord… didn‘t you say that there is a reservoir here?‖

Unexpectedly, what should have been there was no more.

The place was devastated, as if it had been bombed.

„I heard that there was a huge underground cave near this reservoir.‟

There was no cave, just a huge pit formed from the aftermath of the explosion.

If there was anything stranger, it was the huge hole in the ground that seemed to be made to
bring something out.

―L-Lord. What happened to Baekgi?‖

Hu Bong‘s expression darkened.

Hu Bong‘s case seemed to have been a lucky one.

No one could know what could happen when one was hibernating inside the mountains for long.


As the problem couldn‘t be solved by jumping to conclusions, Chun Yeowun asked Nano to
investigate the site.

Nano was capable of ultrasound detection and lipid analysis.

Nano‘s voice echoed in Chun Yeowun‘s mind.

[Ultrasound detection results. No site has been found. What is believed to be an underground
cave seems to have sunken due to the explosion.]

„If we dig here, will we find something?‟

[Nothing is present according to the ultrasound.]

The image below the ground was shown to Chun Yeowun in augmented reality.

As Nano said, not even human remains could be found.

„Just what happened here?‟

[As a result of analysis of shape and geology of the ground, traces of lava flow are found.]



It means the magma which is ejected to the surface.

The hot lava is a phenomenon that usually comes when a volcano erupts.

The west side of Zhumadian was hilly but definitely not a volcanic area.

„There are traces of lava flow in here?‟


It was Nano‘s analysis, but it felt hard to believe.

Nano added.

[According to the analysis, the magma isn‘t from earth.]


[This is lava from the Gate.]

It was highly likely that they were traces of lava from the Gate.

There were three forms of Gates.

One of them was disaster type. These were occasionally occurring and were more devastating
than a natural disaster on earth.

„Was Baekgi swept away by the lava when he was hibernating?‟

Chun Yeowun looked at the lava.

However, the pit at the hidden coordinates where Baekgi should‘ve been hibernating showed
signs of an explosion.
An explosion which seemed to have pushed aside the lava.

„If lava flowed through this point as it is…‟

Then lava should have entered the city behind.

Perhaps to prevent that, the humans caused an explosion.

He concluded that the place where Baekgi was sleeping was caught up in the explosion.

„Baekgi was this easily beaten?‟

Chun Yeowun looked at the vast pit.

If he really died here because of the explosion, then the wait of Baekgi for his Lord was so futile.


Chun Yeowun clenched his fists. That was when Hu Bong approached him and said,

―Lord. Could it be that someone coveted the Blood of the Dragon Turtle?‖


Chun Yeowun frowned at those words.

Hu Bong was unaware of this time, so he guessed what he could think of.

The blood of the Dragon Turtle.

―There was a vial of a spirit beast blood where Baekgi was kept?‖

In the place where Hu Bong was hibernating, there was a vial holding the blood of Flame Qilin.

It was Chun Yeowun who never asked about it.

―Well, we kept them in case we woke up from hibernating and were unable to recover.‖

It was for their own selves.

After Chun Yeowun disappeared, the people in the Cult studied the blood of the spirit beasts.

One of the things they discovered was that even the cut-off body of the person who could absorb
the blood of the spirit beast and embody it, could recover.

―It was like that.‖

The blood of the spirit beast was to promote their recovery from hibernation.

For Hu Bong and the others who decided to hibernate, it was a recovery drink, but for the other
Murim people, it was an elixir from heaven.

That‘s why Hu Bong ended up thinking that.

―Hu Bong. Now that you say…‖

Chun Yeowun, who was trying to explain what happened to Hu Bong, stopped.

And then looked at the ultrasound map in augmented reality.


Chun Yeowun didn‘t answer his call and kept looking at the map.

He found out something.

„Ah! Right!‟

As a result of taking a closer look.

―Hu Bong, follow me.‖


Chun Yeowun jumped into the pit.

―Uh? L-Lord!‖

Hu Bong hurriedly followed him.

The pit, which was the result of an explosion, was so massive in depth and surface.

Chun Yeowun, who reached the pit, stopped and reached out his arm.

The hardened soil began to dig.


―L-Lord, what are you doing?‖

―Take a good look.‖

He couldn‘t have done it faster because Chun Yeowun was trying to calm himself.

After digging a few meters, Chun Yeowun stopped.

The artificially-made cave shook, and something came out.

―Uh? Altar!‖

Hu Bong recognized it.

The same altar which Hu Bong was placed on during hibernation.

The altar was made of sapphire.

―The altar is unharmed.‖

―The altar is in good condition, but here is no sign of Baekgi and the vial.‖


Hu Bong‘s eyes widened.

It was then that he understood why Chun Yeowun had done this.

If everything was destroyed, but the altar was still safe and unscratched, then it meant that
Baekgi was safe somewhere else.

―Did Baekgi wake up?‖

―I don‘t know.‖

All they knew was that Baekgi wasn‘t hurt in the explosion.

There was no way of knowing if he woke by himself or had fallen into someone else‘s hand.

There were no traces on the altar which could have given an answer.


At that time, Chun Yeowun saw that the sapphire altar was partially cut off.

Looking closer, it seemed to be a man-made cut.

„The place which is cut…‟

It wasn‘t a smooth cut with a sword, but an irregular cut.

„To be cut like this means…‟

When Chun Yeowun raised his hand up, an invisible sword appeared.

Of course, the sapphire would be cut very easily with the invisible sword, but Chun Yeowun was
using another method.


The sword trembled.

The invisible sword was imitating the ultra-vibrating sword.


Chun yeowun brought it down to the altar, making the sapphire altar split in half.


Chun Yeowun pulled back the sword and looked at the cut section on the altar.

Hu Bong noticed it too.

―L-Lord! The traces are the same. How did you do this?‖

The microscopic irregularities were the same.

At that, Chun Yeowun narrowed his eyes.

―Ultra-vibrating sword… those guys again.‖

In this era, there was only one group of people who had the tech of ultra-vibrating swords.

―MS Group!‖

―MS Group? What is that?‖

―I think they took away Baekgi.‖

Chun Yeowun was convinced that they were involved in this.

―How dare they! Lord! Let‘s find them right away and punish them! Let‘s bring back Baekgi!‖

Hu Bong was furious at it.

It felt like if given a chance, he would tear them all down.

But Chun Yeowun shook his head.

―Huh? W-why? Lord! Without Baekgi, you may not be able to return to our time.‖

Baekgi had one of the three codes.

Hu Bong was worried about Baekgi, but even more concerned that Chun Yeowun wouldn‘t be
able to go back.

―Hu Bong, calm down.‖

―What? But without Baekgi…!‖

―Just tracking back is a waste of time. We need to find clues.‖

If the MS Group was an exposed organization, it would have been easy to find them, but they
were strongly hidden.

Looking for the MS Group was like searching for a needle in a haystack.

It would take up too much time.

―Ah! I hope they come to us directly. We can catch and kill them.‖


Chun Yeowun‘s eyes shone at Hu Bong‘s grumbling.

―That is a good idea.‖


Chun Yeowun smiled at the furious Hu Bong.

―Right. We don‘t have to search for them.‖

After receiving a commission from Chun Woo-kyung, they aimed for Chun Yeowun.

It was likely that the MS Group had covert ties with other organizations too.

And if Chun Yeowun could use that, he could pull them out.

―Hu Bong.‖

―Yes! Lord.‖

―I promise you. I will make it possible for you to slaughter each one of them with your own


Hu Bong stopped grumbling after that.

Because the Chun Yeowun he knew was a man who would definitely get that done.
―Before that, Mun Ra-yeong…. No, your wife, we need to go for her.‖

―L-Lord! Let‘s hurry then.‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s words, Hu Bong wanted to hurry.

Because Baekgi was gone, he was worried that his wife might be in trouble too.


Chun Yeowun wore his suit and spread his arms.

―Come on.‖


Hu Bong, who had already experienced the tremendous speed once, hesitated for a moment.

But what could he do?

Deeply frowning, he went and hugged Chun Yeowun.

Once again, Chun Yeowun flew into the sky.

Swosh! Phut!


Datong city.

It was a city in the northern part of the Shanxi province, west of Beijing.

Chun Yeowun, who almost reached it, frowned.

„What is this?‟

He was still several kilometres away, but he could feel an energy wave spreading from Datong

Such an energy wave could only be felt when a Gate was open.

The energy which shook the space was stronger and gloomier than the ones he felt before.

It wasn‘t this strong when he fought the Shivaras.

Bang! Bang!

As they got closer, the sound of some heavy shelling could be heard.

It sounded like explosions.

Chun Yeowun, who thought something weird was happening, lowered the speed and gave Nano
an order.

‗Nano. Enlarge the field of view.‘


The field of view on one side of the eye was enlarged.

However, on the outside of the wall, a huge number of tanks surrounded and fired into the air.

[PGZ-15 aircraft tank.]

It was a tank specialized for air.

The tanks‘ guns were busy firing into the air above the wall. But it was obvious that they were
aiming for something.

„What is it?‟

It was strange.

It was invisible to the naked eye, but something was surely there.

Bang! Bang!
As he was wondering, he saw something like a hazy smoke fly in the air.

„What is that thing?‟

It left a trail of white particles with each movement.

Like a ghost.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 85 - S-

class hazard entity (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Dec 2, 2021

• 13 min read • 7072 views



The Defense garrison was located about 1 km outside the Datong city wall.
The most central part was the Command Situation control room.

Dozens of monitors were showing the status of each wall in real-time.

―Commander. Ten units escaped from the B-13 barrier, damaging 3 aircraft tanks and injuring 30

―Commander. The searchlight on the D-5 barrier was broken, and a request for assistance came

The monitoring officers were delivering reports from each unit and relaying them to the

A moustached middle-aged man was sitting at the top of the barracks tent.

He was the brigade commander, Major General Mak Wu-cheong.

General Mak Wu-cheong was sweating at the information he was hearing every second.

He was a competent commander who blocked the Gates for 40 years, but this was his first time
encountering such a terrifying situation.

„I am going crazy.‟

Normally, the role of the National Guard was to block the enemies from infiltrating the wall.

But this time, the situation changed.

This time, they were all blocking the entity of the Gate from coming out of the barrier.

„Damn it! Why did the Gate open in the middle of the city?‟

The worst place for a Gate to open.

The Gates never open in the same place.

The Gates always moved positions little by little, but a situation where the Gate position changed
entirely was scarce.
And that was happening right now.

Two days ago, exactly 29 hours ago, due to the Gate opening in the southwest of the wall,
Datong city was unable to respond properly.

The inside of the wall was overflowing with ghost-like things.

It was a horror.

Despite hiding in bunkers, people were scared out of their wits.

The statistics were still not available, but it was estimated that there were more than a million

Finding survivors seemed hard.

„The only thing the military can do is to stop them from coming out entirely.‟

Everyone felt so powerless.

There was no way to kill the hazard entities.

The National Guard research team was looking for weaknesses, but they haven‘t found any.

―30 aircraft tanks have been destroyed, and more than 5 hundred people from the National Guard
have been killed. Reinforcements must arrive quickly.‖

The Defense forces from the 5 close-by cities had already sent reinforcements. They were also in
a dangerous state, so they couldn‘t send their entire force.


When the commander was in thought, someone entered the barracks of the control room.

It was the sergeant guarding the outside.

―Haven‘t the reinforcements arrived?‖

―The 3 teams of the Murim Association from Beijing, Shijiazhuang and Baoding have arrived.‖
―Is that so?‖

Mak Wu-cheong couldn‘t help but feel disappointed.

It was good that the Murim people had come to help them, but what they needed more than
anything now, was military support.

But he felt glad that they came anyway.

―Guide them to the barracks where the secondary support team is stationed.‖

However, the sergeant‘s report wasn‘t done.

―Commander. And it seems like the Ministry of Security and Intelligence Agency have come
with the Beijing Murim team.‖


Commander Mak Wu-cheong jumped out of his seat.

The Ministry of Security was the core department under the State Council, including the
Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Public Security and Civil Government and Judiciary.

And the head of that important department had come to where the Gate was open without even
contacting him.

„Oh shit.‟

He grabbed his head, feeling pain.

He knew why.

„It is dangerous, so I asked them to wait.‟

But they came.

As he was about to leave the barracks, a man in his late fifties, wearing a protective suit with
pale eyes and wrinkles on his face, entered.
―Commander Mak!‖


He was Cho Hyung-mu, the director of Internal security.

Commander Mak Wu-cheong hurriedly saluted the person.

This man wasn‘t his direct superior, but if he was higher than the head of State Council.

However, the director Cho Hyung-mu of the ministry of Internal Security, raised his voice as
soon as he entered.

―Commander Mak. What are you even doing now? Why hasn‘t the rescue operation been carried
out yet!‖

―Director. It wasn‘t…‖

―What do you mean! My son and daughter-in-law are in a dangerous place right now. I don‘t see
the son and wife of Cho Hyun-mu, the head of Internal security!‖

Commander Mak Wu-cheong couldn‘t help but feel embarrassed.

The Gate opened and this man was asking to send a team to rescue his son and his wife.

―Aren‘t the Murim Association teams being kept on stand-by too?‖

„Who told him?‟

Mak Wu-cheong frowned.

He seemed to know that the second support team of the Murim association was on stand-by.

―Director. We put them on stand-by because we don‘t know the weakness of those entities

―Are you going to stand back and keep watching till then?‖

He couldn‘t answer that.

„Even though he has no idea what‟s going on, he comes in and screams, not knowing how
dangerous an S-class entity is!‟

Mak Wu-cheong, who was losing his patience, spoke in a slightly stronger voice.

―Director… the gatekeepers and Murim warriors who came with us and went inside, lost contact
with us within 30 minutes after entering. As a commander, I need to be careful…‖

―Ahh! Commander Mak is saying that it doesn‘t matter if civilians die or not. Even if you close
the Gate as soon as possible, you are done.‖

In the end, Mak Wu-chang gave up.

As a soldier, he didn‘t have the knack to argue with politicians.

In front of the barracks.

Around 400 Murims warriors had gathered in protective suits.

They were from the Murim association of 8 cities around Datong city.

Hearing that an S-class Gate opened, the elites who came in were all above Super Master level.

8 cities, including Tianjin city.

Even before the Gate, Peng Neung-gyeom, descendant of the Hebei Peng clan, have always
supported others.

„A lot of people seem to have gathered. Hehehe.‟

Opportunities to target an S-class core were rare.

Despite the danger, the Murim people flocked to it like moths to fire.

And there are some famous ones here.

[The fact that Hong Pal-son, the head of Beijing Murim Association, is here, is the most

The most surprising one.

Normally, the branch heads of the Association never stray too far from their areas.

However, the S-class core was a different story.

Bu Do-kyun of the Six Life Insurance was also there.

Peng Neung-gyeom, who was looking around, couldn‘t hide his shock when he saw someone.

„That person?‟

They were wearing hazmat suit helmets, but he would never forget that face.

„The monster from Shenyang city Gate?‟

Chun Yeowun.

„Did he come with the 3rd support team?‟

No way.

Chun Yeowun wanted to fly above, but due to the aircraft tanks moving around, he couldn‘t.

At the same time, he discovered the Murim warriors gathered in the place.

Seeing that they were heading into a war, he hid among them.

Feeling the gaze on him, Chun Yeowun looked at the man.

„Descendant of Peng clan.‟

He thought that it was some unknown person staring at him.

But he recognized the person.

However, since he didn‘t have much interest in him, he turned away.

The only objective Chun Yeowun had was to enter Datong city without being noticed.

―Lord. Ugh… these clothes… are damn shitty.‖

Hu Bong, who was next to him, looked out of place as his body felt tight with the protective suit.

It was because he was wearing a suit that didn‘t fit his size.

Chun Yeowun focused on the man who was explaining the strategy instead of listening to Hu
Bong‘s grumbling.

―Use the goggles on the helmet, and you can see the entity. Never take it off.‖

The special goggles used by the National Guard.

It was equipped with a function to distinguish the ultraviolet wavelengths.

―We will tell you the precautions before entering.‖

The officer of the National Guard turned on a large monitor and began his briefing.

―This is the photo of the hazard entity.‖


„What the hell?‟

„It looks like a ghost.‟

It had a form similar to that of a human. It walked on two legs.

However, everything else was blurry, and every time it moved, it left footprints like particles.

The Murim warriors mumbled as they saw it.

―First, they can go through walls about a meter thick. We do not even know where and when
they will come out and so be very careful.‖

―If it can pass through walls, then won‘t our attacks just pass through?‖
A warrior raised his hand and asked.

At that, the man shook his head and pointed to the entity.

―It was the second thing I was about to say. It can‘t go through everything. Things like physical
attacks and bullets don‘t work. But it was said to have a high level of energy.‖

―High level of energy?‖

―According to the first team‘s last words, they said that when high-level heat energy is used, it
would be effective.‖

Which meant, only heat-induced energy attacks could work.

Fortunately, since most Murim people were of higher level, they could use sword energy.

―However, even if energy and heat were used, they don‘t feel much pain, and if they are still left
in one piece, it can continue to move, so be careful.‖


Which meant that it had to be shredded or crushed.

And that was the most difficult thing to do.

―The third is to avoid any direct close contact with them. Never let them touch you.‖


The man pressed a button, and a photo was shown.

The person who touched that entity looked frozen dead.

―It is an entity which goes past humans too, and if it does, you will die of hypothermia. The
warriors are no exception, so if in any chance they come for you, avoid touching you and move

Silence reigned.
Till a moment ago, they were all interested in the S-class core, but this warning was so scary that
they went stiff.

Only now did they realize why the 1st team never survived.

Being assigned to fight an S-class was the worst.

―That is what we managed to find out so far. If you could learn anything new, please let us know
through the radio right away.‖

The information they had now was the cost of countless sacrifices in the last 29 hours.

Now, the new batch had to find out further information.

―If you don‘t have any questions, this briefing…‖

―The entity. What should we call this entity?‖

A Murim warrior asked.

Most hazard entities were named once discovered.

―This is the first time such a being has ever appeared in the world, so it hasn‘t been announced,
but we call it Ghost.‖


Literally meant Ghost.

There was no word more appropriate than this.

And the soldier added.

―Any more questions? So, this concludes the briefing. We ask those who are called to remain in
the last group and the others to depart in the vehicles to the site.‖

With that, the man called out a list of names.

Most of them were warriors of the Beijing Murim Association.

„The diversion…‟

Chun Yeowun, who heard the conversation inside the main barracks, knew why this was

These people were a special team made to rescue the son and wife of the Internal Security

If the other Murims found out about this, they would hate the Defense.

―Come this way.‖


The others headed to the military truck, which was prepared in advance.

―Hu Bong.‖

―Whoa! Lord. Try this one. We can even see the other side of the water!‖

Hu Bong put on the goggles and looked around.

Hu Bong, a person from a thousand years in the past, surely was shocked at this new era.

And this was a natural reaction.

―Stop it and let‘s go.‖

―Alright. Lord… Woah! Lor-Lord! There is a strange-looking wagon moving without horses!
How the hell!‖


―Ump! Ump!‖

With the constant words, Chun yeowun turned irritated and sealed his mouth. Thanks to that, Hu
Bong kept his mouth shut until they entered the city.
30 seater military trucks moving in four directions.

To the wall from the north, east, south and west side.

Since they weren‘t sure where the Alpha was, they were sending people in all directions.

As they got closer, the Murim people began to behave weirdly, some were nervous and some…

„S-class core.‟

People with greed for the core.

Not being scared, they even declared that they would get the S-class core.


There were people who looked at them and clicked their tongues.

One of the people who didn‘t like them was Oh-hyeon, the branch head of Tianjin Murim

―Huhuhu, leave them.‖

―Senior Peng!‖

―Everyone has different ways of overcoming their fear.‖

―Is the senior afraid?‖

Oh-hyeon looked at Peng Neung-gyeom, who was still looking calm.

According to the briefing, the Ghost was scary and something they had never tackled before.

If the entities were this scary, he couldn‘t even think how terrifying the Alpha would be.

―I trust senior.‖

The reason Oh-hyeon chose this truck was because of that.

As far as he knew, Peng Neung-gyeom was one of the top three Murim warriors who had come

He believed that if he stuck with him, he could survive.

―Don‘t trust this old man.‖


―But your choice isn‘t wrong.‖

Peng looked at someone sitting in the front.

It was Chun Yeowun.

Just like Oh-hyeon did, he got on this truck because of someone.

―Someone you know? Looks young. Very young.‖

In Oh-hyeon‘s eyes, Chun Yeowun was like a little kid.

He couldn‘t understand why Peng Neung-gyeom was so interested in him.

―You will find out soon.‖

―Is that so?‖

Oh-hyeon didn‘t care much about those words.

But as soon as the truck passed the front gate of the wall, the meaning was well understood.


As soon as the gate opened and the truck entered, a number of Ghosts, which were trying to
come out of the wall, rushed to the truck.


They moved so fast that the ones inside the truck couldn‘t even see where they were coming and
There was no way that ordinary people could have survived.

―Damn it!‖


The driver accelerated the truck to shake off Ghosts.

The road on the inside of the wall was flat, so it was easy to escape.



The speed of Ghosts chasing the truck was too fast.

―They will catch up.‖

―Everyone! Get ready!‖

Srn! Srrr!

The Murim warriors in the back of the truck pulled out their weapons and induced energy into



They used sword energy slashes to block the Ghosts from catching up.

Thanks to that, the truck accelerated and gradually moved away from Ghosts.


―We lost them for now.‖

The Murim warriors‘ faces turned a little calm.

But a problem arose.


The driver yelled.

And the Murim people looked ahead to see what happened.



Many Ghosts were flying in the direction the truck was going.

At first glance, it seemed like there were hundreds of them.

Ghosts ahead and Ghosts behind.

„W-what should I do?‟

The driver was confused and turned pale when someone said.

―Keep going.‖


The driver was shocked, when someone got onto the top of the bonnet of the truck.

It was Chun Yeowun.

„W-what is he planning on doing?‟

Oh-hyeon looked at the man with shocked eyes.

At that moment, Chun Yeowun stretched out his hand towards the front.



Hundreds of flaming swords appeared around the moving truck.

Such a majesty made the fear of Ghosts forgettable.

―W-what is that?‖

The eyes of the Murim warriors, including Oh-hyeon, widened at the majestic scene.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 86 - S-

class hazard entity (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Dec 3, 2021

• 16 min read • 5598 views




―W-what is that?‖
The driver couldn‘t hide his shock at the flame swords swirling around the truck.

―Don‘t concern yourself with that and keep driving.‖


Chun Yeowun grabbed one sword with his outstretched hand and shook it lightly.

At that moment, the hundreds of flame swords around the truck went right for the Ghosts flying
towards them.


The flame swords, which were made of pure heat, swept away the Ghosts.

Where the flame sword swept through, there wasn‘t even a trace of what was hit.

This was like watching a tyrant be born.

―Senior Peng…. W-who is that guy?‖

Oh-hyeon, the clan leader of the Oh Sword clan, was shocked at the sight.

It was the same with Peng Neung-gyeom.

He knew that the man was strong, but this exceeded his expectations.

„He used all those swords with flame? All flame swords? Is he even human?‟

Hundreds of flame swords moved at Chun Yeowun‘s will in an instant.

He knew about Air Swords, but never knew that so many swords could be handled


The flame swords left a trail behind them as they moved.

The flame swords devastatingly crushed the Ghosts.

The word S-class hazard entity looked meaningless in front of Chun Yeowun‘s power.

„What the hell am I seeing now?‟

„He isn‟t human.‟

The Murim people were all bewildered.

It was so overwhelming that their overwhelming fear for the Ghosts started to subside.

―Kya! Indeed, my Lord!‖

Hu Bong was the only one who looked at it with proud eyes.

Chun Yeowun in action. He hadn‘t seen that in a long time, so seeing it made a chill run down
his spine.

„Hehe. This is the Demon God of the Great Sky Demon order. You stupid idiots.‟

Hu Bong couldn‘t speak, so he kept thinking all sorts of things he wanted to say.

Thanks to Chun Yeowun‘s overwhelming power, the military truck overcame the crisis and was
able to move.

The other warriors kept their mouths shut.

In front of a monster like Chun Yeowun, they couldn‘t help but be silent.

And that was the case with Oh-hyeon too.

„I see why Senior Peng got on this truck.‟

There was no reason why anyone wouldn‘t choose the safest military truck.

Meanwhile, the truck ended up entering the innermost wall.

―Thank God. I don‘t see any Ghosts.‖

―Phew, I can finally breathe.‖

The warriors, who were tense seconds ago, took deep breaths.

The area close to the barrier was overflowing with Ghosts.

However, as they went inside and drove further into the roads, they couldn‘t see any Ghosts



Horrendous sights were awaiting them.

Exploded cars.

Overturned vehicles.

And the most horrifying sight was the dead frozen bodies, white as frost.


„How can this…‟

All of this was the result of the Gate opening inside the barrier.

It looked like the end of the world.

-Click! This is the commander unit. I am lieutenant Lee Ho-sung. West team 1! Can you hear

At that moment, the voice of the lieutenant who did the briefing was heard.

Originally, the team leader was supposed to be Peng Neung-gyeom, but everyone ended up
looking at Chun Yeowun.

Even Peng Neung-gyeom.

When Chun Yeowun waved his hand with an annoyed expression, Peng Neung-gyeom nodded
and then answered.

―We can hear you.‖

-Haa… that is good. Commander, West Team 1 has entered safely.

At the lieutenant‘s words, all the warriors were puzzled.

It was as if the lieutenant was saying the other teams had faced some trouble, so Peng Neung-
gyeom asked.

―Was there any problem with the other teams?‖

-The two teams that had entered from the east were entirely wiped out.

At those words, the faces of warriors darkened.

The fact that two teams were annihilated meant that 60 warriors were dead.


The strongest person in the east team was at the end of the Super Master level.

It was weak compared to the other teams, but annihilation was still shocking.

-The other teams weren‘t that lucky either.

Just as they entered, the other teams were attacked by waves of Ghosts too.

Hearing the calm voice of the lieutenant, they guessed that there were loss of lives in the other

The lieutenant asked.

-Any casualties in the team?

―None yet.‖

He seemed shocked.

-No one hurt?

―Fortunately, no casualties or injuries on our side.‖

-That… that‘s amazing!

The lieutenant was genuinely shocked.

They were the only team with zero casualties.

―It was all…‖

Peng Neung-gyeom tried to make it known that Chun Yeowun was the one responsible but.

[Do not say anything.]

He stayed silent at Chun Yeowun‘s warning.

It was necessary to gain fame and name for the revival of the Sky Demon Order, but he didn‘t
want his information to be passed to the government.


―Nothing. We were all extremely lucky.‖

-You are being humble. Anyway, it is good that all team members are doing well. Could you
explore the coordinates we are sending you?


The coordinates were marked on the goggles.

Peng Neung-gyeom asked.

―Why this place?‖

-…we have information that the Alpha object could be at those places. Please explore.
―Hmm… I get it.‖

Peng Neung-gyeom wasn‘t convinced, but he just agreed for now.

If there was an Alpha entity, it was right to head to the place.

However, since they weren‘t sure of how the situation inside the wall was, he wondered if he had
to go for the Alpha right away.

„Any survivors?‟

There was no way to know.

In any case, it seemed better to follow the instructions of the Defense, so instead of wandering,
they went searching for the Alpha.

―Hm, hm, what about you?‖

Turning off the radio, Peng Neung-gyeom asked for Chun Yeowun‘s opinion.

He respected him as the strongest there.

However, the words which came out were unexpected.

―Only till here.‖

―Huh? What do you mean?‖

―Literally. You can go to the coordinates.‖

―There could be an Alpha entity! You don‘t want it?‖


Not just Peng Neung-gyeom, but the others, too, were shocked when Chun Yeowun said that he
wouldn‘t come.

They thought that if Chun Yeowun came along, then they would be able to survive.

However, when they heard his words, they lost all hope.
Oh-hyeon hurriedly stepped up.

―If you don‘t come, what will the Murim people here do?‖

It was he who wanted to let Chun Yeowun do all the work.

Chun Yeowun tried to get off the truck with Hu Bong when they complained.

―Isn‘t it irresponsible to neglect a mission and derail?‖

Anxiety and dissatisfaction.

Someone grabbed that man‘s throat.



―Yah. Who do you think you are talking to? Huh?‖

It was Hu Bong.

The murim warrior who was caught was a Super master level warrior, but he was never trapped
in such a speed.

As soon as he was caught by Hu Bong, he felt heat spread in his body.

―Kuak… Let go!‖

Hu Bong spoke with enraged eyes.

―Why? A bastard like you who insulted my Lord needs to have his neck broken…‖

―Let go, Hu Bong.‖

―Huh? But this guy just…‖

―He isn‘t worth killing.‖

With that, Hu Bong released the grip.

Thanks to that, the Murim people no longer tried to stop Chun Yeowun from leaving.

―A warrior? expecting someone to protect you? How pathetic!‖

They really weren‘t worth killing.

Chun Yeowun clicked his tongue and disappeared along with Hu Bong to the northwest

The faces of the warriors on the truck were full of despair.

Chun Yeowun, who got out, went straight to the coordinates that Marayun had given him.

His original purpose was to wake Mun Ran-yeong, who was hibernating.

The coordinates were to the northwest of the Datong city, where mountains made of sand and
stones were concentrated.

Thanks to the tremendous movement speed, they reached the place in less than 30 minutes.

A hidden cave emerged as they entered through the rugged place.


On the way, Hu Bong giggled as he thought of seeing his wife.

However, as they entered, the smile disappeared.

They hadn‘t even gone halfway in, and the cave had collapsed.

―No way!‖

Since they had already seen that Baekgi was nowhere to be found, Hu Bong was anxious and

There was no ice found or Ice qi felt in the cave.

―L-Lord! It couldn‘t be that the MS people took her?‖

Hu Bong‘s face turned red.

He was so furious he jumped to conclusions.


Chun Yeowun looked at the collapsed cave.

It didn‘t seem to have collapsed due to an external shock.


[Wind is blowing inside. It isn‘t entirely filled.]


He had the same thoughts.

―Hu Bong, look at this.‖


Chun Yeowun reached out to the stones blocking the way.

The stones were shaking because of the energy which was being induced and then started to

When a few large stones were moved, the passage was seen again.

―Oh!! The cave!‖

―Let‘s go.‖

They entered through the cave.

―Uh? Lord, over there.‖

There were things scattered on the floor.

It was bones.

When they got closer and looked, the skeletons seemed charred.

When Chun Yeowun gently shook his hand, the soot moved away from the bones.

Most of the skeletons had blows to the ribs and other parts, and the bones were cracked or


Chun Yeowun, who examined that, smiled, making Hu Bong ask.

―L-Lord, why are you smiling?‖

Chun Yeowun asked.

―These damages were caused by Demon Dragon technique.‖

The Demon Dragon technique belonged to the Demon Dragon clan.

And that was the clan to which Mun Ran-yeong belonged.

A steel mill to the southwest of Datong.

Numerous traces were visible within the sight.

Bodies that were believed to have died when fleeing.


There were still many Ghosts floating around in the factory, creating a gloomy atmosphere.

However, there was one place where the Ghosts didn‘t go.

It was where the furnace of the forge was on.

As the factory was operating, the furnace was on, and the Ghosts didn‘t even approach that place
which was hotter than anything else.
But it didn‘t seem like that would last long.

―Damn it!‖

A man in his mid-30s wearing a grey suit cursed.

―Stop cursing. I am becoming more worried because of you.‖

A woman in her fifties yelled at him.

At that, the man in the suit shouted.

―You? Ha! Even a cleaning lady is yelling at me!‖

The woman was also angry at the man, so she didn‘t hold back her words.

―What? Cleaning lady? Right! Enough words! Once the electricity runs out, the furnace will go
out, then everyone should just die! I don‘t even want to speak another word with you! You are
like my son! What if you are the city hall planning director?‖

The man was the head of the planning department of Datong City Hall.

He was Cho Hyung-man. The eldest son of the head of Internal Security.

―What? You old lady must have lost your mind!‖



Cho Hyung-man couldn‘t stand it and hit the woman in her stomach.

―How can this man!‖

The other people around couldn‘t stand it and tried to come at him, but a strong-looking man
stopped them.

―Everyone, calm down! How can we fight here?‖

All the people were on the verge of breaking down.

―What! What about that guy there? Are you taking sides as he is from the city hall?‖

―You said you were the deputy of the Murim department, but man! You are all the same.‖

The man with a muscular physique was shocked at those words.

He was the deputy director of the Murim Department of Datong City hall, Han Jun-pyo, and he
had no other option but to work for his boss.

„Everyone is on edge.‟

The gathered people were all survivors.

20 people.

They could survive as the Ghosts couldn‘t come close to the furnace.

However, once the city had cut off the electricity, the situation changed. The furnace slowly
began to drop the heat.

„This guy is the biggest problem.‟

Han Jun-pyo understood the people‘s words.

If he could, he would have hit Cho Hyung-man right away, but he couldn‘t


[Deputy director Han Jun-pyo, if you can protect me from this hellish place, I will tell my father
to try and push you into the Murim department of the State council.]

That was the biggest reason.

Which was why he has been taking care of the man till now.

But with the way he was acting, the task was turning out to be more difficult.

―Tch. Idiots.‖

Cho Hyung-man kept throwing snarky comments at the people.

No matter how much the deputy director tried, the situation didn‘t seem to calm down because of
that. The kid was a golden spoon, so he always trampled on people.

There was one person who understood it well.

[Secretary Mun. Calm the man.]

At Han Jun-pyo‘s words, an attractive woman with short hair and a brown pencil skirt nodded.

She was the secretary of the planning department.

―Chief. Please be patient.‖

At her warm voice, the man looked proud.

Even though he was a married man, he always made sure to dress well for her.

―Ahh. Secretary Mun. Don‘t worry. I don‘t know what they will do, but I will make sure that
secretary Mun gets out of this hellish place.‖

Cho Hyung-man said.

It was hard to believe that this man‘s wife had died just yesterday.

―My father is the head of Internal Security. The national guards will come to rescue us, so


A scream which tore their ears.

A woman with a pale face pointed somewhere as she kept screaming.



A Ghost had appeared.

―Damn it, already?‖

It had been just two hours since the power went out, and the furnace was still hot.

Shocked, people turned around the factory to avoid the Ghosts.

Han Jung-pyo tried to dissuade them.

―Everyone! Please calm down! It is just one. If you keep making a fuss, more of them will come

There was no way panicked people could ever calm down.

They were running to get as far as they could from the Ghost. Everyone trying to save their own

―C-Chief Han!‖

―Stay behind me.‖


Han Jun-pyo drew his sword to protect the chief.

He had fought with the Ghosts several times as he brought the man here, so he knew that sword
energy worked on them.

―This guy!‖


Han Jun-pyo slashed through the body of a flying Ghost.

The Ghost split in half and fluttered to the side as he scattered some white stuff.


Han Jun-pyo shouted at the people around.

―I killed the Ghost, so come…‖


At that moment, the Ghost‘s split body passed through the body of Han Jun-pyo.


As the Ghost passed, his body turned white.

As if he had been frozen to death.


He fell.

―D-deputy Han!‖

At the man‘s death, only Cho Hyung-man kept on screaming. He wasn‘t sad. He was just scared
that no one was there to protect him anymore.

Someone shouted.

―Look over there!‖

―Ghosts are coming in swarms!‖


Through the walls, numerous Ghosts began to rush in.

There was no escape from Ghosts which were coming through all the walls.

People were stunned.

They couldn‘t even move when they saw so many of them approaching them.

―Damn it! Shit! What the hell is my damn father doing!‖

Unable to overcome the fear, he kept cursing while crying.

Secretary Mun, who was next to him, stepped forward.

―Secretary Mun. what are you doing?‖

Cho Hyung-man was puzzled as she boldly ripped the skirt which came down to her thighs and
took her shoes mumbling.

―Haa… I tried not to get involved.‖


At that moment, flames rose in her hands.


Cho Hyung-man‘s mouth was hanging open at the sight.

As she stretched out her arms, flames shot out at the Ghosts like a flamethrower.


The Ghosts melted away without leaving any trace.

It would be more correct to say that Ghosts were being swept away.

Pak! Pak!

Each time her hand moved, Ghosts disappeared.


People cheered.

No one cared why she had such an ability, but if she wasn‘t there, they would die for sure.


However, her face was full of sweat.

She hadn‘t used her power for such a long time that she was getting tired fast.

Secretary Mun frowned.

She didn‘t know why, but every time she used her power, she was in pain.

However, she managed to deal with the Ghosts who entered the factory for now.

―haaa… Ha…‖

She gasped for air.

She was exhausted because she used Flame qi after a long time.

―Secretary Mun!‖

Someone hugged her from behind.

It was Cho Hyung-man.

―if you had this strong ability, why didn‘t you tell me? Secretary Mun? Were you a Gate

Cho Hyung-man was extremely happy about this.

After Han Jun-pyo died, he was scared that this was going to be his end, but thanks to the
woman, he thought he would live.

―This… let go of me. Chief.‖

She spoke weakly.

Instead of letting her go, he whispered into her ear.

―I think Secretary Mun is tired, so let‘s sneak out. If we try to move with trash like them, we
might die.‖

He was speaking about abandoning people like it was a normal thing to do.

He thought that if he had her, then he could surely get out of the place safely.

That was when secretary Mun spoke coldly.

―I told you to let go of me.‖

―Huh, I will hold you until you agree with me.‖

He moved closer to her, speaking in a sly tone.

Tired, she was unable to push him away from her.



Someone suddenly grabbed the man by his head and lifted him up.

Flustered, Cho Hyung-man tried to move, but the grip on his head kept getting stronger and


And then, someone spoke.

―Yah fucking bastard! What do you think you are doing holding someone else‘s wife?‖


Cho Hyung-man was the only one who was shocked.

Secretary Mun, on the other hand, smiled brightly.

―Bong Bong!‖

Bong Bong was Hu Bong‘s nickname.

Despite being caught like that, Cho Hyung-man didn‘t come to his senses and said.

―Kuaak… what fucking… marriage…‖

―What are you spewing! You worm!‖

Hu Bong‘s finger dug into the man‘s head.




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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 87 - S-

class hazard entity (3)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Dec 4, 2021

• 10 min read • 5358 views



―Bong Bong, wait!‖

Secretary Mun hastily tried to stop him.

However, Hu Bong‘s five fingers penetrated the head one after the other.

Blood was flowing down the man‘s face.


His eyes flipped over, and just the whites were seen.

When Hu Bong relaxed his hand, Cho Hyung-man fell to the floor while trembling.

Looking at his condition, he didn‘t seem like he would last long.

―You brought it onto you. Ugh.‖

She shook her head.

Although the man was trash, she didn‘t want him to die in such a terrible way.


Hu Bong, who seemed like a lion as he split open the man‘s head, was now pouting as he hugged
the woman.

She was Mun Ran-yeong.

Hu Bong‘s wife and the woman that served in the Cult for the longest time.

She patted Hu Bong and comforted him.

―Seems like my hubby missed me a lot.‖

She was in tears as she had missed Hu Bong.

A familiar voice greeted her ears as the two of them were hugging each other.

―Great Elder, it has been long.‖


Mun Ran-yeong‘s eyes widened.

She pushed Hu Bong aside and fell to the floor.

―Lord Chun Ma!‖

The voice belonged to Chun Yeowun.

Mun Ran-yeong, who was bowing her head, shouted with a shocked expression.

―Great Elder Mun Ran…‖


Chun Yeowun asked her to remain silent.

She wondered why, but then she noticed the survivors who were staring at them.


The survivors were all civilians.

It meant that their identities shouldn‘t be revealed.

Understanding that, she changed her way of greeting to telepathy.

[Great Elder, Mun Ran-yeong, greets the Chun Ma of the Great Sky Demon Order!]

Tears streamed down her face.

She was skeptical of the prophecy she was told, but when she saw the man right here in front of
her very own eyes, she couldn‘t stop the eruption of her emotions.

―To see you like this after… this is really…‖

She was choking on her words, unable to accept the reality in front of her.

Chun yeowun smiled brightly and lifted her up.

―I heard everything from Hu Bong. This is late… but congratulations on your wedding.‖

Mun Ran-yeong blushed at it.

She, too, seemed to be conscious about her marriage to Hu Bong, who was a lot younger than

He was shocked too, but now Chun Yeowun didn‘t care.

―But how did you wake up?‖

Hu Bong was curious too, so he added to Chun Yeowun‘s question.

―Right. Honey, how did you wake up?‖


Chun Yeowun frowned at his choice of words.

Hu Bong didn‘t seem like he was talking to someone two hundred years older than him.

And he continued.

―When I saw the skeletons in the cave, it seemed like someone broke in. Honey, were you

The cave she was hibernating in.

Chun yeowun and Hu Bong found more than 20 skeletons inside the cave.

Nano‘s analysis said that the skeletons were two to three years old.

Mun Ran-yeong opened her mouth with a dark expression.

―It is as you have guessed. I was forcibly woken up by a group of people.‖

―What bastards!‖

Hu Bong‘s face contorted.

It was natural that he was reacting like this, since she was touched by someone else.
―Lord, was it those MS people?‖

At that question, Chun Yeowun looked at Mun Ran-yeong, and she shook her head.

―MS? I don‘t know what you are talking about, but I don‘t know who they were.‖

―You don‘t know them?‖

At Chun yeowun‘s question, she told them what had happened.

Exactly 2 years and 4 months ago.

When Mun Ran-yeong came to her senses, her Dantian was touched, and someone was
performing the Energy Absorption technique.

―Energy Absorption technique?‖

It was a technique to suck in the internal energy of the opponent.

It was impossible to absorb more than 10% of the energy, and even when used, the side effects
were too severe in the era of Chun Yeowun too.

―My energy was being absorbed, so I came back to my senses. Startled, I tried to push him

But the man, who noticed it, stopped absorbing the energy and then broke her Dantian.

―But I attacked him at the same time.‖

A man who absorbed her energy and then destroyed her Dantian.

However, since she drank the blood of Flame Qilin, Mun Ran-yeong had excellent regenerative
power and spirit energy within her.

She didn‘t weaken right away and was able to inflict a blow to his heart.

The injured man tried to escape in panic.

―I went after him.‖

Mun Ran-yeong tried to catch him, but there was another man with him.

He interfered, and she lost the man in the process.

What made things even worse was that she was losing consciousness.

As she lost more than half of her internal energy, her regenerative power weakened a lot.

―When I woke up, I was in Datong city hospital.‖

She said, looking at the dead body lying on the floor.

―He found me by accident and took me to the hospital.‖

In order to adapt to the world which was so different from hers, she pretended to have lost her
memory and received the help of Cho Hyung-man.

And the man who fell in love with her beauty, helped her a lot and gave her a job at the city hall.

Because of that, knowing his horrible personality, she tried to protect him as much as possible.


Hu Bong looked at the dead body with a troubled face.

He killed the person who helped his wife. It was natural that he was upset.

―I was weak, and I couldn‘t move.‖

Mun Ran-yeong, who decided that unknown people could be targeting her, dyed her hair and
mixed into society.

In her spare time, she tried to find anything regarding Chun yeowun or the Sky Demon order, but
everything she heard was shocking.

―They said that it was dissolved and disappeared.‖

Mun Ran-yeong learned about what happened 27 years ago to the Cult.

And her plan to meet Chun yeowun with their help was flushed away.
Looking at Hu Bong, she said.

―I tried to restore my strength to wake them up as the next best solution, but…‖

Since she lost more than half of her internal energy, and her regenerative power slowed, she
couldn‘t do anything.

However, unable to give up, she concentrated on recovering her strength.

―But, the Gate opened inside Datong city.‖


Hu Bong was moved by the hardships she went through and hugged her again.

―I will kill those bastards who made you like this with my own hands!‖

―Bong Bong…‖

Hu Bong‘s angry voice made her smile.

It was because she felt satisfied with meeting him.

―Hu Bong. Move away for a second.‖

―Yes? Yes!‖

Chun Yeowun, who made Hu Bong step back, looked at Mun Ran-yeong‘s physical condition.

A scan of Dantian.

As she said, it was damaged.

„It is natural that her internal energy is less.‟

In addition to that, her Flame qi from the spirit beast has also weakened.

There was a high probability that the Flame qi was taken away too.

―Hu Bong, give me that vial.‖

―Ah! Here.‖

Hu Bong handed him the vial.

―My Lord. This…‖

There was no way she didn‘t know what that vial was.

If it hadn‘t been for the vial which was taken away, she would have recovered right away.

―There is nothing wrong with Hu Bong, so Great Elder should use this.‖

With this amount of blood, she would go back to her original strength.

Mun Ran-yeong was moved by Chun Yeowun‘s words.

―Ahh… Lord Chun Ma.‖

―I am going to make Hu Bong stand close for your protection, so you can recover.‖

―You mean now?‖

―If you don‘t have strength, we won‘t be able to move.‖

Startled, Hu Bong looked at Chun Yeowun.

Considering her current state, it was true that they couldn‘t move, especially at the 13 Mach

―Honey… you could die too.‖


She didn‘t know what Hu Bong was talking about, but she felt like she needed to recover.

But something was bothering her.

―I… Lord. Before that, I think we should help them get out of Datong city.‖

The survivors.
They had no power, and they wouldn‘t be able to get out of this place.

Mun Ran-yeong felt compassion for them as they let her stay near the furnace.

Hu Bong looked at her and asked.

―Lord, will that be fine?‖

If they helped them, their plans would get delayed.

Chun Yeowun looked somewhere and said.

―You don‘t have to worry about that.‖


Hu Bong understood what he meant.

The sound of approaching cars could be heard.

Soon, a group of 40 people in suits entered the factory.

They were the Murim team that was given the rescue mission.


The survivors cheered when they saw them.

It was because they thought that the Defense had sent them to save them.

―Is this the right place?‖

―Yes. The signal is close-by.‖

However, instead of taking care of the survivors, the Murim people were looking around for
something else.

The survivors wondered what it was.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

At that time, one of them looked at Chun Yeowun‘s side.

The closer he moved to Chun Yeowun, the faster the beep.

The place where the man stood, was near the dead body of Cho Hyung-man.

―Found it!‖

―Found it?‖

At this shout, the warriors flocked to him.


Someone looked at Cho Hyung-man‘s corpse.

It was Hong Pal-son, the head of the Beijing Murim Association.

He hurriedly ordered the people to take him back to the truck.

And then he looked at Chun Yeowun and Hu Bong with anger-filled eyes.

―Who did this?‖

Hu Bong casually said.

―Huh? I did that.‖

―Ha! You think you are so great!‖

Hong Pil-son clicked his tongue at the way Hu Bong responded to him and gave orders to the
warriors behind.

―Arrest this man!‖



Two warriors drew their swords and approached Hu Bong.

As if a sign to say that they would attack if he resisted.

Chun Yeowun spoke to Hong Pal-son.

―What do you think you are doing?‖

―He killed this person, and then spoke to me like this. He will be brought to trial!‖

―You don‘t even ask why he did that?‖

Frowning at that, Hong Pal-son asked.

―What reason could he have?‖

―This happened because he touched someone else‘s wife.‖


Hong Pal-son‘s expression turned stiff.

At that time, the middle-aged woman who was kicked by Cho Hyung-man shouted.

―Right. He hugged and molested her!‖


Hong Pal-son looked at Mun Ran-yeong, who seemed like a middle-aged woman.

Seeing her skirt torn and pale face, he sighed and he held his forehead.

„This is insane.‟

He mistook the reason she was dressed like that.

It did look like she had almost been sexually assaulted.


For Hong Pal-son, this was an embarrassing situation.

The Beijing Murim association was promised a huge sum of money if they rescued the son of
Cho Hyung-mu.

But the son is dead and the reason was that he touched another person‘s wife in public.

„What should I do?‟

If this is the case, then all his hard work would have been for nothing. Instead of money, he
would only get insults from Cho Hyung-mu.

About 50 team members have died on their way here.

Hong Pal-son looked at the survivors.

‟… nothing can be done.‟

So many people saw Cho Hyung-man harassing a woman.

It would be a huge deal.

Hong Pal-son told the other warriors behind.

―Don‘t leave a single one behind. Kill all of them.‖


His orders fell, and the warriors took out their weapons.

Killing all the witnesses would hide the truth.


―A-are you killing us? What do you mean?‖

The survivors couldn‘t hide their shock.

He thought that they had come to rescue them, but it seemed like a lie.

Hong Pal-son clasped his hands.

―I am sorry. Please understand that this is unavoidable…‖

―Hu Bong.‖

Chun Yeowun cut off his words and called for Hu Bong.

―Yes! Lord!‘

Chun Yeowun glanced at Hong Pal-son and the Murim warriors behind him.

―Don‘t leave a single one behind. Kill all of them.‖


At those words, Hong Pal-son looked at Chun Yeowun in utter disbelief.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 88 -

Alpha Ghost (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on
Dec 5, 2021

• 12 min read • 5315 views




Hu Bong shouted loudly.

At the thought of kicking some asses after a long time, he soared with determination.

―Come on! Who should I start with?‖

Hu Bong uttered.

And then he pointed to the leader, Hong Pal-son, and added.

―Hehe, aren‘t you the head? Let‘s start with you.‖

It was as if he was giving the weaker ones some time to rest.

―How dare you act this rude!‖

Hong Pal-son was around 59 years old.

He was selected as the head of the Murim Association.

He had also taught many people martial arts.

With his outstanding talents, he managed to learn most of the essential techniques of the Forces
of Justice formations. He was known to be the centre of the Forces of Justice.

He rose to the brink of greatness and was one of the few people known to be the next great

His pride was overflowing.

―I guess you young people don‘t know your place. There is no need to even think about asking
you to understand.‖

Looking at his red face, anyone could tell how angry the man was.


Chun Yeowun laughed openly at those words.


It was unforgivable for a man in his early twenties to talk back to a branch president of the
Murim Association.

―I am going to fix that bad habit of yours now.‖


Hong Pal-son quickly moved at Chun Yeowun, who was standing close to him.

True to his skills, he moved in the fastest yet subtle way.

„He offended the head.‟

„Tch tch, he brought this on himself.‟

The warriors of the Beijing Murim Association shook their heads.

Being attacked by Hong Pal-son meant that the young man would suffer badly.

„Eighteen Palms of the Dragon!‟

From his right hand, a dominant force like the power of a dragon was unfolded.

The technique, which was meant to block the opponent‘s escape, aimed for the enemy‘s blood

―Take this!‖

―Where do you think you are going!‖

Hu Bong stepped ahead with great force.

―I should be the one dealing with this bastard.‖

―What? Bastard?‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s words, Hong Pal-son turned even more enraged.

Chun Yeowun casually outstretched his hand.

„What is he trying to do…‟



The moment the palm touched the index finger.

Hong Pal-son‘s movement halted right away.

The formation stopped.

Since it depended on the lower body, he dug into the floor.


―W-what is this?‖

―He blocked the president with one finger!‖

The Murim warriors, who were watching, couldn‘t help but be shocked.

Hong Pal-son was trembling as his body was stopped when Chun Yeowun didn‘t seem like he
even did anything.

―Who is the young one here?‖

Chun Yeowun said.

„This guy… who the hell is this guy?‟

Hong Pal-son was shocked.

He was stopped by one finger. Just one finger.

„Was he hiding his skills?‟

No, that wasn‘t the case.

Since Chun Yeowun reached the highest point in martial arts, his energy could never be felt,
unless his opponent was stronger than him.

„This is so embarrassing.‟

Hong Pal-son‘s face turned beet red.

It was shameful that his juniors were seeing him in such a miserable state.

„I can‟t let this happen.‟

He hurriedly pulled himself and took a step back, pretending to be bold.

He then clasped his hands.

―I thought you were young, but you have exceeded my expectations. Could you tell me the

It was a trick.

Pretending to be obedient, he would gather the energy and hit Chun Yeowun in the crotch.

No matter how strong a man was, he wouldn‘t be able to stand if that part of his body was hit.




Chun Yeowun stepped on his foot before he could even move.

He stepped on it so hard that the foot dug into the floor.

The foot was crushed, not broken.

―You troublesome old trash. Stop using your brain.‖

―Kuak… you… you…‖

―And your mouth too.‖

Chun Yeowun reached for the mouth.



His hand went past the helmet and grabbed the lips.

It was as if Chun Yeowun was trying to rip them out.

―You can‘t control this mouth, right?‖


Hong Pal-son tried to cut off Chun Yeowun‘s hands.

But Chun Yeowun had always been faster.



As he kept grabbing the lips, he hit the body.

Kick! Thud!


Hong Pal-son, whose body was thrown to the floor, struggled to get up.
Chun Yeowun threw something to the floor.

It was the torn lips of Hong Pal-son.

The other warriors were at a loss for words.


Hong Pal-son shouted.

―Wha ar ydoi? Evey on atck hi!‖

„What are you all doing! Everyone attack him!‟

With his lips torn off, his pronunciation was off.

But what was more annoying.


Despite his scream, not a single warrior moved.

They had just seen a Superior Master get his ass kicked so hard. Who is the idiot that would
throw himself at such a monster?

„Those bastards!‟

Hong Pal-son was getting more and more pissed off.

He thought that no matter how strong the enemy was, the juniors would come together and
support him, but not a single person stepped forward.

―I guess not everyone is stupid.‖

Chun Yeowun approached him.

Seeing that, Hong Pal-son‘s face turned white.

„Is he going to kill me?‟

It was such a funny situation.

The person who was intending to kill was now thinking of his own death.

Terrified, he tried to move backwards.

―Hya, wa. I am the bra head of Wuriw. So harw we is to sallenge the austorisy of…‖

―Yah, wait. I am the branch head of the Murim Association of Beijing. To harm me is to
challenge the authority of the Murim Association…‖


Before he could even finish speaking, Chun Yeowun waved his hand.

And with a sharp sound, Hong Pal-son‘s arm was cut off.

―Kuaaak! My hand! Hand….‖

Chun Yeowun said.

―What about the Murim Association?‖

„Y-you… isn‟t he afraid of the Murim Association?‟

The Murim Association was the centre of the Murim world.

No warrior would challenge the authority of the Murim Association, which was backed by the
State Council.

But Chun yeowun didn‘t even seem bothered.

When Chun Yeowun tried to raise his hand, Hong Pal-son began to shout.

―Let me go! Please! I have done wrong!‖

―If you realize, then accept your punishment.‖

Words didn‘t seem to work, so Hong Pal-son used his last resort.
―Please spare my life! I have a young daughter to look after. If I die, she will have no one to look
after her.‖

An emotional appeal.

Chun Yeowun looked at him with a disgusted expression.

―You are a funny man. What about the people you were about to kill? Don‘t they have families

Pointing to the survivors.

―B… bu…‖

The survivors were clearly angry at the Murim warriors.

He tried to kill them to hide the truth, and now he was dying in a humiliating way right in front
of them.

―Kill him!‖

―He doesn‘t deserve to live!‖

Some survivors shouted.

If it was a normal day, they would have thought rationally about it, but not today.

These people suffered and saw their beloved die at the hands of Ghosts.


Everyone shouted.

―I see.‖

Chun Yeowun smiled and tried to draw his sword.

―I-I can‘t die!‖

The desire to live was so strong that Hong Pal-son forgot about his injuries and flew towards the
Murim warriors.

They didn‘t help him, so he decided to use them as a shield and escape.

―Did you think you could run away?‖

Chun Yeowun reached out and pulled him back with internal energy.



At that time, a somber energy flowed around, which startled Chun Yeowun.

It was completely different from the cold feeling going around.

The energy was so strong that Chun Yeowun wasn‘t the only one who noticed it.


―T… this energy?‖

All the warriors turned their heads around and checked.

The direction was at the factory entrance, which was right behind them.


Starting from the entrance, white frost began to fall down on the floor and walls.

The walls and floors were all losing their color and turning white as if there was a drop in

The phenomenon was spreading out so fast that no one could even recovered from the shock of
seeing it.

All of a sudden, the phenomenon which was moving around came for the warriors who were
standing still in fear.

Noticing that, the warriors gulped and looked at the gloomy energy.

Something pure white had appeared through the wall.



The warriors, who looked at it, were shocked.

It was a Ghost three times larger than a normal one, which would normally be the size of a


With white particles moving behind and around it as if it was waving a dress, the identity was
easy to know.

―Alpha! Alpha!‖

The warriors who recognized it spoke out loud.

This was the key to closing the Gate, which opened right inside the city.

„Damn it!‟

Hong Pal-son was losing it. An Alpha entity had appeared right where he was and he wasn‘t
even in the state of dealing with it.

This was the worst situation.

When he looked behind, he saw Chun Yeowun looking at the Alpha Ghost.

„He is interested in the Alpha too.‟

Any warrior would be interested in an Alpha.

Killing an S-class Alpha and getting the S-class core was the dream of any warrior.

In that brief moment, Hong Pal-son thought of an idea.

He thought of it as an opportunity.

The Alpha Ghost was an enemy which threatened humanity.

He thought that with this, he could convince Chun Yeowun, so he shouted at him.

―Look. No more fights between us. How about working together and getting rid of this? I will
yield the core…‖

It was then.


A warrior shouted in surprise.

―What happened? Huh?‖

Hong Pal-son was shocked and wondered why there was a scream.

He saw that the floor was turning white, and the eerie energy kept on moving.

The colour of the Murim warrior‘s shoes had changed.

That was just the beginning.


―W-what is this? My, my feet are cold. They aren‘t moving! What is this! Kuak!‖

In an instant, the man‘s body turned pale and fell.

Seeing the frozen body fall, the others shouted.

―H-he is dead!‖

―Everyone run!‖
Flustered, the warriors retreated away from the white frost.

Each time the alpha Ghost moved, the range of its control would widen.

So they kept on running away.


„What kind of monster…‟

They all knew that Alphas were different and hard to handle.

With ordinary Ghosts, they only had to worry about being touched, but this one was able to use
its power on the ground and walls.


Another unexpected thing happened.


White particles rose from the body of the dead warriors.

It was.


―Ghost came out of the body!‖

At the birth of a Ghost from the dead body, the warriors went stiff.

Even though the Ghost had a fuzzy shape, it looked very similar to the dead man.

It was as if he had died and turned into a ghost.

At that moment, the voice of someone could be heard from the earphones in the helmet.

-click! This.. is west… team… 1… can… you… listen?

The voice belonged to Peng Neung-gyeom, the leader of the west team.
The cracking voice continued.

-Click! Among the Ghosts… the team members who went from the east…. We found similar
shaped Ghosts… shhh… we guess… the hazard entities… are from humans… these Ghosts have
to be… click.

With that, the voice cut off.

It sounded like the connection cut off because something wasn‘t right, but each warrior could
understand what Peng Neung-gyeom was saying.


―Then the Ghosts we killed so far were people?‖

The Murim people were shocked.

The Ghosts did seem like humans.

They were shocked, and the culprit of this situation was the Alpha.

Ghosts came from dead humans.


Meanwhile, the Ghost that rose from the dead body rushed for them.

A warrior used sword energy and shouted.

He was Ha Hyeon-woo.


―Does that change anything? In the end, dead people never come back. If that is the case, there is
nothing wrong in killing them again! Hm!‖

Ha Hyeon-woo used his sword.

Something unbelievable happened.

The Ghost which came running at him evaded the sword and unleashed a footwork?


As if being a Ghost wasn‘t enough, it held something like a sword in its hand.


The Ghost swung it at Ha Hyeon-woo.

However, the sword wasn‘t simply moving but was unleashing a sword technique.

The sword technique of the dead warrior.

„Martial arts?‟

Flustered, Ha Hyeon-woo responded to it.

He thought that the Ghost would be vulnerable to heat so he used sword energy as he unleashed


―No! How is it stopping sword energy?‖

Even sword energy could be stopped.

He looked at the Ghost which was moving, and the hand which seemed to be holding something
hazy like another sword.


At that moment, the Ghost‘s hand, which looked like a sword, pierced the chest of Ha Hyeon-

Shocked, he tried to block it with his bare hands.


The moment he came in contact with the Ghost, his body turned white and died.



The warriors who were close to him shouted.

But that was just the beginning. Several Ghosts appeared through the wall behind the Alpha.


And they were all Murim Ghosts coming from the south.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 89 -

Alpha Ghost (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on
Dec 6, 2021

• 9 min read • 5233 views

60 or so Ghosts, with hazy weapons in their hands, moved.

If each Ghost was able to perform martial arts like they had just witnessed, then everyone in the
factory was in a huge crisis.

„W-what should we do?‟

The only advantage they could have was if there was someone stronger than the Ghosts among
them. However, the branch president of the Murim Association was now injured.


The Alpha Ghost moved, not giving them time to ponder.

As it moved, the range of the ice floor widened even more.

And now, it occupied nearly a fifth of the factory.

―W-we have to run away!‖

―We can‘t go against all of them!‖

Terrified, the warriors began to run.

They turned and ran to where the survivors were.

Shhh! Shhh!

From the side of the factory, regular Ghosts arrived.

In huge numbers.

At first glance, it seemed like all the Ghosts in the vicinity flocked to this place.

―Damn it!‖
All the exits were blocked.

Flustered and bewildered, the warriors heard something similar to a burst of eerie laughter from
the Alpha Ghost.


A hazy ghostly laugh. The sight and sound were both creepy.

―Is it summoning Ghosts around here?‖

It was a known fact that the Alpha was the leader of the group.

But this was the first time they were seeing such a level of intelligence.

This Alpha knew how to control its kind.


―This is it. We are all going to die.‖

The survivors were all scared, looking at the huge number of Ghosts.

There was no way that anyone would be calm in such a situation.

Even the warriors were the same.

„This is it. There is only one way to go out.‟

„It is unreasonable to face the Alpha and the warrior Ghosts at the same time.‟

Their eyes naturally turned to the survivors.

The Ghosts were coming in huge numbers, but at least sword energy works on them.

If their objective wasn‘t to subdue the enemy but to break past them, then there was only one

The range of the ice moved further as the Alpha moved a little.

The Ghosts went closer to the people, enjoying the fear in their eyes.


The creepy laughter from the Alpha was heard again.

The warriors, who looked at each other, nodded.

And the moment they decided to move.


Chun Yeowun opened his mouth.

―Hu Bong.‖

―Yes, Lord!‖

―Change of plans. Take refuge with your wife and those people. I will clean this place.‖


Hu Bong was disappointed, but he still answered.

He wanted to fight with Chun Yeowun too, but he couldn‘t leave his wife or the other people

„For the sake of my wife.‟

He didn‘t care too much about the survivors who didn‘t belong to their Cult, but he couldn‘t
ignore his wife.

Hu Bong raised his arms, and at that moment.


Dozens of flame spheres appeared in the air.

The Ghosts, who were slowly narrowing the distance, didn‘t come any closer because of the

„W-what? Is that guy a monster too?‟

Hong Pal-son was shocked.

He didn‘t expect Hu Bong to be this strong.

It was hard to believe that Hu Bong was a martial artist in the first place. This just made him go

„He fully embodied the Flame qi.‟

Chun Yeowun was satisfied with Hu Bong‘s development.

He did see Hu Bong fight in the cave. It felt like he had fully taken in the qi.

It was beyond metamorphosis.

At that, Hu Bong smiled and said.

―I might not be able to handle it as precisely as my Lord, but this much is good.‖

Hu Bong reached out towards the Ghosts.

The flame spheres rushed at them at once.

Wheik! Shhh!

The Ghosts tried to avoid being hit by the flame spheres, but there were too many of them, and
they got hit.


The targeted Ghosts were torn apart.

Hu Bong didn‘t stop with that. He concentrated on hitting the walls with flame.

Kwang! Kwakwakwang!

As a result, the northern entrance which was filled with Ghosts was opened.

Not missing the chance, Mun Ran-yeong yelled.

―I will take the lead, everyone, follow me!‖


She stepped forward with a flame sphere in her hand and used it whenever a Ghost got close.

She had exhausted her energy, so now she was using a small amount of energy to deal with
normal Ghosts.

―H-Hurry up!‖

―We will live!‖


The survivors, who were scared of dying, shouted as they followed her.

Hu Bong followed behind them and eliminated the Ghosts that were following.

―Done! Open the way!‖

―We should follow them too!‖

The scared warriors flew in the other direction.

In order to not miss the chance, Hong Pal-son also tried to escape from there.



The Murim warriors, who were running at their best, were blocked by something and bounced
They tried to move again, but something like a strong wall was blocking them.

―What is this?‖

―I can‘t get past this!‖

Hong Pal-son, who knew what it was, mumbled in shock.

―T-this… internal energy?‖

Although he was injured, he could feel the energy. And what stood in their way was energy

―This is internal energy?‖

The eyes of the Murim people turned towards Chun Yeowun, who had his hand outstretched.

It was absurd that this man was trying to prevent them from leaving the place.

―What the hell is this!‖

―Aren‘t you going to pull back the energy?‖


Gradually, white color spread on the floor to where they were standing.

Chun Yeowun spoke calmly.

―Since when did you think that we were on the same side?‖


At those words, the murim people couldn‘t hide their shock.

Who would have thought that Chun Yeowun would still consider them as enemies despite a
greater enemy standing right in front of them?

―Please don‘t do this!‖

―I beg of you. We are all Murim warriors here. Please open the way.‖

―This isn‘t the right way!‖

The Murims were begging.

But Chun Yeowun didn‘t even blink his eyes and said.

―Have a good battle.‖

And he smiled.

―Damn it!‖

―I am going to break this.‖

In the end, the Murim people tried to break down the wall of energy using their swordsmanship.

But that was an impossible thing.


Because the Ghosts which went back flew towards them.



The warriors hastily confronted them.

As seen before, warrior Ghosts could use their swordsmanships.


It was as if two warriors were fighting.

However, since Ghosts were extremely dangerous at a close distance, the Murim warriors had to
fight them from afar.

Hong Pal-son was the only one who couldn‘t fight because of the injury and remained in front of
the invisible wall, staring at Chun Yeowun with hateful eyes.

[You are not human. If you really want to get rid of the resentment, you should deal with those
entities which are the enemies of mankind first.]

His lips were ripped off, so his speech was slurred.

That‘s why he sent a telepathic message.


[Aren‘t you trying to use me and the other warriors here to fight the Ghosts? Since no matter
how strong you are, you are alon….]



Chun Yeowun extended his arm and acted like he grabbed the neck of Hong Pal-son.

Who now seemed to be in pain.

―You are misunderstanding something.‖

―Cough… what?‖

―Do you think I didn‘t let you people go out because I am using you?‖

At those words, Chun Yeowun stretched out his other hand to the sky.


An uncountable number of Flame swords was generated inside the factory.

The factory turned hot all of a sudden.

―W-what is this?‖

―Flame swords?‖
The warriors who were fighting Ghosts couldn‘t help but be shocked.

This flame was different from the flame sphere that Hu Bong used.

Hong Pal-son, who looked at that, forgot his pain and stared at Chun Yeowun.

„W-who the hell is he?‟

Five Great Warriors of the current Murim.

No, even the president of the Murim Association, who is known to be the strongest, could he do

Chun Yeowun said.

―Why do you think I did this? It was to get rid of all of you here at once.‖


At Chun Yeowun‘s words, Hong Pal-son‘s face turned pale.

The man‘s intention was to kill everyone within the factory.

And that was the reason why he sent the survivors, Hu Bong and Mun ran-yeong outside.


The Alpha Ghost made a strange sound.

And all the Ghosts which were fighting with the warriors rushed at Chun Yeowun at once.

―Even the monster has a smart brain.‖

Alpha Ghost knew that Chun Yeowun had to be stopped.

Chun Yeowun looked up at him and smiled.


And then, he lifted his arm which was holding Hong Pal-son‘s neck.

„Uhhh? What are you trying to do?‟

Hong Pal-son‘s eyes trembled and moved his body.

But nothing worked.

Chun Yeowun immediately threw Hong Pal-son at the Ghosts which were rushing in.

―N… Nooooo!‖

He screamed as much as he could.



But he collided with the Ghost head-on and lost his life right away as his body fell to the ground.


The warriors were shocked at the outrageous death of their head and glared at Chun Yeowun.

Who could have thought that the man would be thrown at the Ghosts?

―You ruthless man!‖

―How could you do that!‖

Chun Yeowun extended his hand, not bothering with them.

―You all should worry about your own lives.‖



At that moment, all the flame swords came down at once.


―C-crazy bastard!‖

―Avoid it!‖

Terrified, the warriors tried to avoid it, but the flame swords were faster.


Sky Flash of Flame Swords.

This was much stronger than the normal Sky Flash.

The flames indiscriminately destroyed not just the Ghosts but even the warriors and the factory.

400 meters away from the factory site.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Explosions erupted everywhere.

―Wh-what is that?‖

―Look over there!‖


Rays of flames were seen across the sky in the distance.

The survivors who were fleeing were stunned.

Because the explosions were coming from the factory they were in.

Only Hu Bong was smiling.

―Hehe. Indeed my Lord is the best!‖


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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 90 -

Alpha Ghost (3)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Dec 7, 2021

• 13 min read • 5307 views

In the heart of Datong city.

The eyes of the Murim people inside the moving military truck were directed somewhere.

It was where the red beams and explosions appeared from a distance.

―Look over there!‖

―What is that?‖

It was far, so they couldn‘t make out what was actually happening.

But they knew for sure that something crazy had occurred.

―Might be the Alpha.‖

―What do we do, leader?‖

The Murims asked someone for his opinion.

It was the leader of this group, Bu Do-kyun, the president of Six Life Insurance.

He was leaning against the driver seat when he knocked on the window and said to the driver.


―Change the direction.‖


The military truck veered towards the red beam.

A factory swept away by flames.

Not only the inside, but even the entire building had collapsed.

It was now only filled with traces of destruction.

Even the surrounding factories had collapsed, making the entire area look like a bombing scene.

―Did I overdid it?‖

In the middle of the factory, Chun Yeowun was standing.

He glanced around and mumbled.

It definitely seemed like he overdid it.

However, there was nothing like Sky Flash when it came to removing multiple enemies at once.

Forget about the Ghosts, finding the bodies of the Murim warriors now seemed impossible.

Chun Yeowun looked at the sky in the southwest direction.

There was energy coming in from the Gate, which meant that the Alpha wasn‘t dead.

―Where are you? You…‖

Having Broadened his senses, Chun Yeown‘s gaze turned from the sky to his feet.

It was then.


Where Chun Yeowun was standing, the ground lost its life and turned white.


Chun Yeowun jumped into the air.

In that brief moment, something jumped out at high speed.

That blurry thing was the Alpha Ghost.

―You were hiding there?‖

[Huu… hu… uhhhhhh!]

All parts of the Alpha Ghost‘s body were hurt with the flame, and because of that, it seemed

The Alpha Ghost emitted waves of white particles which floated in all directions and then came
for Chun Yeowun.


The white particles moved very quickly. In an instant, they reached Chun Yeowun.


The Alpha titled its head.

Shockingly, nothing occurred to Chun Yeowun even though the white stuff touched him.

―Did you think you could steal my soul?‖

Black energy rose from Chun Yeowun‘s body.

The Sky Demon energy protected him.

―It seems like I‘m closer to darkness than you are.‖

Chun Yeowun smiled.

Pure darkness, the energy that was filled with resentment, hatred and murderous intent, could
never succumb.

―Now it is my turn.‖


Chun Yeowun raised his hand.

Five invisible swords suddenly appeared around him. Sky Demon energy and Flame qi were
both engulfing them.


The black flame gave an uncontrollable power that was so different from a regular Flame qi


[Huu… huuu… huuuu!]

Did it sense the pure darkness and the bursting heat on the swords?

The Alpha Ghost stopped aiming for Chun Yeowun and tried to run away.


Chun Yeowun stretched out his hand towards it.

As if waiting, the five swords rushed and pierced the Alpha Ghost.

As it was an Alpha, it was more heat resistant than normal Ghosts.

However, nothing could stand against the almighty black flame.


An uncanny scream of unbearable pain.

Not wanting to die, the Alpha Ghost tried to seep its body into the floor.

―That will be your grave.‖


As Chun Yeowun‘s waved his hand, the black flame swords changed their trajectory and aimed
for the other parts of the Alpha‘s body.

Shhh! Puck!


The white particles turned black as they scattered everywhere.

When it repeated over three times, the Alpha Ghost‘s original form was destroyed.


The Gate core, in the form of a black sphere, fell to the floor.

The core was the size of a human head.


This would have been an absurd sight.

How many people could make an S-class Alpha entity run away?

Chun Yeowun grabbed the core and used his internal energy.

The A-class core had cracked when he used this level of internal energy.

But this core was holding its ground.

Indeed. How expected from an S-class core!


He would have to put more effort.

When Chun Yeowun applied double the energy, it began to crack.

Eventually, the outer shell of the core was completely cracked, and a gap opened.



A strong wave of energy erupted from inside the cracked shell.


The waves spread in all directions.

It was as if it moved at the speed of light.

The entire city of Datong was covered.

Before long, the Gate to the southwest began to close.

Bang! Bang!

At the wall around the Datong city, the Defense forces, who were desperately trying to stop the
Ghosts from coming out, shouted in shock!

―Uh! Th-there!‖

―The Ghosts have disappeared!‖


The Ghosts left like ghosts.

Their forms shattered and disappeared in white.


The soldiers who were watching this cheered at once.

The people in the aircraft tanks and those on the wall were all excited.

The garrison was in an uproar too.

―Commander! The Gate is closing!‖


All the officers in the barracks screamed and cheered at the lieutenant‘s report.

It was a miracle that an S-class hazard Gate was closed within 2 days.

Cho Hyung-mu, who was next to the commander, patted him on the back.

―Look there. What you said couldn‘t happen happened!‖

At the man‘s political way of talking, the commander‘s face frowned.

It was obvious just how much this man was going to use the Gate to his advantage.

And then, Cho Hyung-mu said.

―Commander! What are you doing? Now, if there are no Ghosts, conduct a large-scale search


He did not forget to look for his kids.

At that moment, the expression of the commander darkened.

None of the warriors he deployed had reported anything back.

Meanwhile, Chun Yeowun was looking at the shell.

There was still a piece of shell attached to the core, but the energy reaching out was strong.


When Chun Yeowun induced more energy, the cracked shell pieces fell apart.


A pure core emitting light was revealed.


An exclamation flowed out of Chun Yeowun‘s mouth.

When he examined the A-class core, the amount of energy was comparable to that of a spirit
beast core.

However, the power inside this S-class core was much stronger than that.

Twice the energy of an A-class.

„Everyone wants it.‟

If someone would take this energy, then not just something on the level of Divine Master, but it
could be a whole different level of growth.

However, the energy emitted in this core was so great that it seemed unreasonable for normal
warriors to consume it without refining it.

„The body won‟t stand it.‟

Only by reaching enlightenment would one‘s body accept such a form of energy.

Recklessly accepting any source of energy might make it turn into a poison.

Chun Yeowun grabbed the S-class core and then kept playing catch with it.

„Well, this is of no use to me.‟

For Chun Yeowun, this pure form of energy was meaningless.

By absorbing the cores of 5 spirit beasts, he gained absolute strength and surpassed the limits of
a normal human body.

He was able to freely use the energy in nature after reaching the Heavenly Master level.

„I don‟t need it.‟

If it could have a use, then maybe to train others.

The Sky Demon Order surely lacked skill in this era.

And in this time, since the energy in nature was lacking, such a core was a treasure to have.

„Then, let‟s go to Hu Bong… hm?‟

At that time, Chun Yeowun narrowed his eyes and looked at the core.

He didn‘t realise it because of the light, but he saw something hazy inside the core.


It was hard to see.

„Nano, control the light which enters my eyes.‟

[Adjusting the light in wide mode.]


Chun Yeowun‘s pupils shook and contracted.

The light then faded away.

The phenomenon where the light entering his eyes was controlled.

In doing so, he examined the core.


Something was inside the core.

Something uniquely shaped.

Chun Yeowun asked.

„Nano what is this?‟

[Unknown. It is wrapped in pure core energy that cannot be checked.]

„If I break it, will it come out?‟

[That will result in a significant loss of energy.]

„Can you temporarily absorb the energy of the core?‟


In the past, Nano managed to absorb the core of the White Tiger and then passed it to Chun

It took that energy as a recharge.

The gatelinium metal in Nano made it possible. And this metal was something beyond the Gate
which didn‘t exist on earth.

„Then, do it.‟



Chun Yeowun‘s hands, which were holding the core, soon had gloves equipped on them.
Wires protruded and wrapped around the core.

[Absorbing the energy of the core. 5%.]

The light was being sucked in.

Nano, who had absorbed the energy from the White Tiger core in the past, did this with ease.


However, it was happening faster than expected. Since the energy was pure, it seemed like the
process of absorbing it happened quickly.


The energy was absorbed in 5 minutes.

The dazzling light on the core was sucked away, and now it looked weak.

―This should be enough.‖

Chun Yeowun used strength onto the weakened core.

Then the core cracked like the outer shell.


When he applied more force, it cracked more.

And then the unique shaped thing hidden inside came into view.

‗What is this?‘

There was something the size of a palm, and it gave off a dazzling light.

„As expected.‟

It contained a lot of energy too. However, this weird star-shaped core had a unique aura.

It resembled the gloomy Alpha Ghost energy.

Chun Yeowun was watching it carefully when an unexpected phenomenon unfolded.



Chun Yeowun brought out the wrist guard on his right hand, which was trembling.

It was as if it was resonating with the new star shaped core.

„What? Why is the Sky demon sword?‟

Chun Yeowun couldn‘t figure it out.

The Sky Demon Sword was a sword made from a meteorite that fell on the earth during the time
of Chun Ma.

It had the energy of the fallen dragon, but this was the first time that this sword had resonated
like this except when it was first acquired.

„What is it trying to say? Sky Demon Sword.‟



The star shaped core trembled.

They were trying to get closer along with the resonation.

It was then.


Chun Yeowun didn‘t call for it, yet the sword came out on its own.


At that time, the star-shaped core in Chun Yeowun‘s hand got attached to the sword.
At the unknown phenomenon, Chun Yeowun tried to hurriedly grab it away from the stone.

But something amazing happened.


From the star shaped core, a bright blue light entered into the sword.

And the sword, too, began to be entirely engulfed in the brilliant blue light.

The light soon spread to Chun Yeowun‘s hand.



The blue light permeated Chun Yeowun‘s hand.

Chun Yeowun, who felt an intense ting like a lightning strike, let go of the sword, but illusions
appeared in his mind.

„This… this is…‟


It was like when Nano sent him information. However, this wasn‘t that simple.


As if it was being engraved into his mind, the illusion was showing him something.

And suddenly, blue light flashed from Chun yeowun‘s eyes.


When he was immersed into this, the bright blue light disappeared from the star shaped core as it
fell to the ground.

It was now emitting an ordinary light like a pure core.


Chun yeowun, unaware of that, continued to be captivated by the blue illusion and didn‘t move.

Ten minutes passed.


30 men in protective suits ran towards the factory ruins.

They were all warriors who came in haste.

They were looking for something in the ruins.

―This is…‖

A vast energy around the place stimulated their senses.

It was the energy of the S-class core.

The Murim people who had a good sense went closer.

―Ah! Leader! There!‖

A warrior pointed to the centre, where only rubble remained.

Someone was standing there with a sword.

Chun Yeowun.

―Oh my!‖

The eyes of all the warriors turned in a certain direction.


One meter in front of Chun Yeowun, a star shaped core was emitting a dazzling light.

The faces of warriors who discovered the core turned greedy.

It wasn‘t a normal core.

It was an S-class.

It was the greatest treasure for all the people.

Of course, not everyone looked at the core.

Bu Do-kyun, the president of Six Life Insurance, was puzzled.

‟… why is he being like that in front of the core?‟

Chun Yeowun was watching from a distance as if he had lost his mind.

He couldn‘t see if the man was dazed or just lost consciousness, but his eyes were open.

It was strange for someone to act like that in front of a core.


A warrior, who couldn‘t hold back the greed, flew there.

―What are you doing?‖

―Whoever gets it first is its owner!‖

―Come on, wait up! We don‘t know anything yet!‖

―That man has lost his mind, so the owner of the core hasn‘t been decided yet!‖

―Shit! That one!‖


In order to not lose the core, the other warriors too went there too.

They no longer saw their leader as a leader.

They were all wanting to get their hands on the S-class core.


„I need to get the S-class core!‟

The time when everyone raced there with hopes.


Chun Yeowun‘s eyes, which had lost focus, were back to normal.

The warriors who didn‘t see that, were only focusing on the core.

„Rats have flocked over here.‟

Seventeen were running towards the core.

Trying to be faster than the others to catch it.

„This is good.‟

Chun Yeowun smiled as he looked at them.

There was something that he wanted to check out.

Chun Yeowun put the Sky Demon Sword to the ground and touched it.


That moment.

Blue light flashed from the Sky Demon Sword, and its colour began to change like frost.

The ground where the sword touched turned all white.

―Wait! Stop everyone!‖

Bo Go-kyun, who was watching it from afar, shouted at them.

However, since they were too greedy, they didn‘t care and kept going for the core.

It was then.


Five warriors, who were running ahead, stopped, and their bodies trembled.


―Why did they stop?‖

The warriors who were behind them were puzzled.

All five of them turned white.

And went stiff.


This was something they had seen.

A phenomenon that happened when one died in the hands of a Ghost.

At that moment, the voice of Bu Do-kyun entered the other warriors‘ ears.

―Get away now! Don‘t touch the ground!‖

Shhh! Shh!


Suddenly, the floor ahead was losing life in it.

Flustered, the warriors backed away.

―What is this? Why is the ground…‖

But their shock didn‘t end there.


From the five bodies which lost life, a hazy thing emerged.

It left ghost traces and white particles as it moved up.


It was the hazard entity Ghost.

From the eyes of the blurred Ghosts, blue light was radiating.

Like the one coming from the Sky Demon Sword.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 91 -

Ghost Qi (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Dec 8, 2021
• 11 min read • 5207 views



―How could a Ghost suddenly appear?‖

―It came out from the body…‖

All the Murim warriors couldn‘t hide their shock. What surprised them even more was that the
faint Ghosts resembled the dead warriors.



They had already heard Paeng Neung-gyeom‘s report a couple of moments ago.

However, since they hadn‘t seen it in person till now, their shock was too extreme.

―No way…‖

―Then the Ghosts were coming from the dead?‖

They were now sure of it after looking at the Ghosts‘ faces.

But what was more incomprehensible was that this was happening after the Gate had closed.

Indeed. The Gate has closed.


Why was a Ghost coming up now?

―Look, the floor!‖


At the cry of one warrior, the others looked at the ground.

The range of the lifeless floor continued to expand.

It was over 50 meters now.


The warriors spread their footwork and moved backwards.

The Ghosts of the dead warriors rushed towards the people with flashing blue eyes.


―Damn it!‖


All the warriors got their sword energy ready.

And then they tried to hit the Ghost.


The Ghost‘s weakness was the heat.

And if they were to use it while maintaining a good distance, there is nothing they couldn‘t


There was one thing they weren‘t aware of.


―It blocked the sword energy!‖

The Ghosts were able to use martial arts they had learned when they were alive, so they became
stronger after turning into Ghosts.

―Is that sword energy?‖

―Ah! It uses footwork too!‖

They grew more confused when they saw Ghosts unfold martial arts.

Normally, people would tend to jump around when unexpected things happen.

However, the warriors responded by creating a distance between them and the Ghosts, which
were coming for them.


―How in hell are they unfolding the swordsmanship?‖

The Ghost warriors were crazy scary beings.

By condensing the hazy white particles, they were even able to block the sword energy.


In addition, since their bodies were all Ghost-like and couldn‘t be touched, the warriors had no
other choice but to perform their footwork.



The first victim for the Ghost warrior fell.

While competing with the Ghost, the warrior‘s hand touched it, and he died.

―Be careful not to touch it!‖

―Damn it! Don‘t go in alone. Let‘s work together!‖

―I will block the front, so aim at them from behind!‖


However, when it came to numbers, the warriors were at an advantage.

There were only 5 Ghosts, when the Murim people were about 24, excluding their leader, who
was far away from the factory.

The Murim people, who were confused, slowly calmed down and found a solution.



Two Ghosts died.

Excited, the warriors shouted.

―There is nothing I can‘t deal with if I pay attention to not being touched.‖

―I am glad that Ah-hyun‘s skills are lower than mine.‖

The warriors learned one thing about the Ghosts they were dealing with.

Ghosts could perform martial arts that they learned when they were alive, but their ability to use
them was relatively low.

And when numerically expressed, the power was decreased to about 50 or 60 percent.

That was partially balanced, thanks to the touch-death skills. However, when going against a
huge group of people, the Ghosts didn‘t have an advantage.

―Get rid of the rest of them quickly…‖



Someone put a sword into the chest of the warrior.

He looked to see Chun Yeowun.


―There was one thing I wanted to check.‖

―What… what are you say….‖

Before he could even finish his words, a gloomy blue light shone from the Sky Demon Sword in
Chun Yeowun‘s hands.



At that moment, the body of the warrior turned pale and lifeless.


As he drew back the sword, the warrior fell to the floor.

The other people couldn‘t hide their shock at the sudden attack.

―What is he doing… uh?‖


An amazing thing happened.

From the dead Murim‘s body, something hazy came out.

A Ghost.

The Ghost with bright blue eyes looked at Chun Yeowun and bowed, as if it considered him his

―I see this is how it is.‖

Chun Yeowun nodded his head.

On the other hand, the warriors, who saw it, realized one thing.

―H-he! He is the one making Ghosts!‖

―How is he doing this?‖

The Ghost was an entity that came from the Gate. But they hadn‘t heard anything about a human
controlling it.

„Making a Ghost?‟

Bu Do-kyun, who was on the other side of the factory, was shocked.

He was observing the situation from afar and was convinced that Chun Yeowun‘s sword was the
one that had done this.

However, in the beginning, he thought that it was a coincidence when the warriors turned into

Now, he was sure.

„Who the hell is he?‟

Bu Do-kyun was curious.

He was hesitant to step in and help them.

If the man had the ability to create Ghosts, then it was a matter of killing him, but something felt

„But the way he just moved.‟

It was so fast that he didn‘t see Chun Yeowun move.

Bu Do-kyun was a Superior Master, and he couldn‘t see the movement.

That meant that the opponent was someone who was on a higher level than him.


Bu Do-kyun looked at the S-class core, which was still on the floor.

The opportunity to have it was rare.

„Should I just grab it and run away?‟

The opponent was busy with the warriors. This could be his chance.

„No. what do I do if he gives up the fight with them and pursues me?‟

Bu Do-kyun was a man of rational judgement. Never do something unless he had a certain
chance of winning.

Bu Do-kyun put his hand in a bag at his waist and fiddled inside.

It was a small stick about the size of a pen.


This specially crafted object was a modern item.

And if the button was pushed, the ammunition inside would detonate, and hundreds of needles
would fire at an incredible speed at enemies within 5 steps.

What was more amazing was that each needle was a bomb.

„A descendant of the DANG company of the Tang clan had made this self-defense weapon!‟

The maximum effective distance was within 10 meters, but in 5 steps it was a 100% chance to

„I need to get close enough. Close….‟

Bu Do-kyun, who fiddled with it, stood up.

It was the only way to distract Chun Yeowun.


Bu Do-kyun pulled out his long sword and moved to the place where Chun Yeowun was.

At the appearance of a powerful ally, the warriors shouted.

―Leader! This man is creating a Ghost. If we don‘t kill him…‖


Bu Do-kyun cut off the warrior‘s head with a long sword.

That sudden action made them all go bewildered.

―L-leader! What are you doing?‖

―Have you gone crazy!‖

Keeping a straight face, Bu Do-kyun spoke.

―There is a thing called law in Murim! How can you all act greedy and try to covet something
which belongs to another warrior? How unforgivable!‖


With that, he attacked the others.

―Ah no!‖

The warriors were all baffled.



Bu Do-kyun once again took down another man.

―Damn it!‖

In the end, they all had to fight to survive.

However, since Bu Do-kyun was a Superior Master, the others couldn‘t stand much. And their
leader was already fixed on killing them.

―Kuak… yo. You traitor.‖

―Is it beneficial to attack the members of the same association??…‖

As they were dying, they all cursed.

And while listening to their curses, Bu Do-kyun didn‘t stop and kept going on killing his own

He even killed those who wanted to escape.


Chun Yeowun watched the entire show with his arms crossed.

Bu Do-kyun, who killed the last warrior, sheathed his sword.

Chun Yeowun asked.

―Weren‘t you on the same side?‖


He answered without lying.

Chun Yeowun asked, looking at the man.

―Yet you killed them?‖


Bu Do-kyun knelt on the floor, and bowed low enough for his head to touch the floor.

―I made sure they paid the price for attacking and falling into their greed.‖

―And you want to live in return for that?‖

―You are strong enough to kill everyone, including me. As a rational warrior, I want to serve
you, who is strong.‖

Bu Do-kyun lowered and expressed his intentions of becoming Chun Yeowun‘s subordinate.

Of course, that wasn‘t his real intention.

The goal was to make sure Chun Yeowun trusted him, and then come closer, closer than 10 steps
to use that pen.

„Come closer. Closer.‟

Five more steps, and he could use the Derpencil.

As he waited with tensed eyes, Chun Yeowun opened his mouth.

―Fine. I needed someone like you. Raise your head.‖


Bu Do-kyun was happy.

Now all he had to do was make Chun Yeowun get closer to him.

For the first time, he calmed his face and raised his head without showing any expression.

It was then.



Something pierced his chest.

It was the Sky Demon Sword.

―Uh… why… you… you accepted… me…‖

Bu Do-kyun looked at Chun Yeowun as if this was unfair.

To that, the answer was.

―I accept you… as a Ghost.‖


Bu Do-kyun‘s eyes widened.

He hadn‘t expected such a turn in the situation.

The gloomy light on the sword passed through his chest.


―Euk! Kuuk!‖

Convulsions spread all over the body, and his body began to turn weak and pale.

The dead man bowed his limp body.


The pencil he was holding fell from his hands without being used.


And a Ghost appeared from the body.

―The distance was long.‖

Chun Yeowun checked to see if he could freely use the powers in the sword.

The experiment was successful.

Because of the Sword Heart, which was like a connection between him and the sword, he was
able to use the skills of the sword without touching it.


Chun Yeowun reached out, and the Sky Demon energy in the body of Bu Do-kyun came back.

And as he grabbed onto it, the eyes of Chun Yeowun shone blue.


When he looked at the Ghost, which came from the body, he could see the blue light turn
This Ghost was brighter than the other ones.

„The stronger the Ghost, the brighter and darker the light.‟

This was something only Chun Yeowun could see.

This Ghost of Bu Do-kyun was much stronger than the others.

Even if the Ghost was weaker in strength, the brightness it had seemed like he was at the
beginning of Superior Level Master.


Chun Yeowun put his sword on the floor and gave an order.

―Come in.‖

As soon as the order fell, the Ghosts approached them and then went into the Sky Demon Sword.

This time, Chun Yeowun held the sword in the opposite direction.

And the four Ghosts came closer to it with an eerie energy and went inside.

But Chun Yeowun didn‘t seem shocked.


The Ghosts could be put inside the sword and then summoned out, unless it was destroyed.

What was strange was the illusions that he had seen.

Another ability.

―Come out.‖


The Ghost of Bu Do-kyun came out.

Chun Yeowun put his hand on the head of the Ghost.

Normally, when a living person would come into contact with the Ghost, the body would turn
pale and lifeless, but in this case, Chun Yeowun‘s hand turned blue.


And then a blue light penetrated him.

As the light completely entered, thoughts entered Chun Yeowun‘s head.

The illusion looked like a film being played through someone else‘s view.


[Should I take it and run away?]

[No. What if he gives up fighting with them and pursues me.]

[The descendant of DANG of the Tang clan made…]

[Closer, come closer]

The voice of Bu Do-kyun.

Shockingly, they were the last line of thoughts he had.

It wasn‘t long, but everything he was thinking after Chun Yeowun appeared was there.


Chun Yeowun reached out somewhere, and the small pencil which had fallen to the floor got
pulled in his hand.

It was because he heard the thoughts.

―Reading the memories before death… How useful.‖

Chun Yeowun smiled.

This was an unexpectedly satisfying ability.

„No need to waste time on torture.‟



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 92 -

Ghost Qi (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Dec 9, 2021

• 13 min read • 5465 views

A gloomy blue light with the ability to rob the vitality of a being.

Chun Yeowun called it Ghost qi.

As a result of experimenting with various things he learned from the illusion, he learnt most
things he could do with this qi.


‗Robs lives.‘
If an opponent was stabbed with the sword, his life could be taken away.


‗Those without vitality are turned to Ghosts.‘

And those Ghosts could exert around 60 to 70% of their abilities.

Normal Ghosts were vulnerable to heat, but Murim class ones could resist that to some extent.

They could even block the attacks if the Ghost was a Super Master.


‗A Ghost can be placed inside the Sky Demon Sword.‘

The created Ghosts could be stored in the sword.

It meant that it could be stored semi-permanent.

In a way, the more the Ghosts, the more troops he had.

The only downside was, once it vanishes, it is gone.

It was still not known how many Ghosts could be put inside his sword.


‗Reading the memories of the Ghosts.‘

Reading the thoughts of the Ghost before death. The sights it‘d seen and the situations it‘d been

Not all the memories though.

He could see about 10 to 15 mins before death.

It was a bit unfortunate, but good enough for Chun Yeowun.

‗That is all I could know for now. However, seeing that it was able to create the Ghost without
touching the sword, there could be other abilities too.‘

And he would gradually figure it out.

Chun Yeowun carried the special Derpencil and the S-class core in his waist bag.

He then asked.

‗Nano. Have you finished analyzing the smartphone?‘

[As a result of analysis, there is no data related to the headquarters of Blade Six.]

Chun Yeowun read the memories of the Ghost.

And he found out that Bu Do-kyun is the president of an affiliate of Blade Six.

‗And seeing how he wasn‘t using that technique, he couldn‘t have been an executive at the

The man didn‘t seem to be aware of Blade Six techniques.

If he did, then Chun Yeowun would have recognized him right away.

There was nothing about Blade Six in the phone since this man wasn‘t related to the executives.

‗Well, it doesn‘t matter.‘

Anyway, Blade Six‘s headquarters was open to the public.

Unlike the past where Chun Yeowun had to go through a lot of trouble to know where their clan
base was, in the current era, they were visible to everyone.

And the same was the case with the Murim Association.

The more interests one had, the more exposed their organization would be.

‗The problem here is the MS group.‘

The MS group, Chun Yeowun had no clue about them.

If one tried to divulge even the smallest information, their bodies melted.

It was difficult to even find clues regarding them, since they left no traces behind.

But things were different now.

‗Memories of the dead.‘

A useful tool.

‗Should I head to Hu Bong now?‘

Chun Yeowun opened his energy senses and traced Hu Bong.

Normally, Chun Yeowun could feel up to 2 km away, but since he reached Heavenly Master
level, he could feel up to 15 km.

Of course, he could sense farther too, but the farther it went the harder it was to know.


Chun Yeowun frowned.

He thought that they would be within 2 km even if they went far.

However, Hu Bong‘s energy was coming from 13km to the south.

It was close to the outer wall.

‗Already?… did he get into a car?‘

Otherwise, going that far with the survivors seemed impossible.

However, it wasn‘t just the survivors.

There were many energies around them.


Chun Yeowun immediately moved to that place.

About 3 km from the south gate of the wall.

Ten military trucks and five aircraft were parked.

About three hundred infantrymen had their machine rifles aimed at Hu Bong, Mun Ran-yeong
and the other survivors.

―How dare you do this to my son!‖

The person who was shouting in anger towards them was Cho Hyung-mo, the head of Internal

Next to him was the commander, Mak Wu-cheong, who couldn‘t hide his shock.

‗Ha. I am going crazy!‘

Mak Wu-cheong glanced behind him.

There was a dead body with blood all over it.

It was Cho Hyung-mo‘s son, Cho Hyung-man, the head of the planning department of Datong

‗How did this happen?‘

Mak Wu-cheong shook his head.

How did it happen?

It started with the radio, which came in when the Gates were closing.

[This is the latter group. The condition of the rescued one is critical.]

Mak Wo-cheong, who heard it, hastily formed a team and rushed for the wall to retrieve them.

And when they arrived, the man was dead.

Hearing about what happened before and after the incident from the 4 warriors who brought the
body, Cho Hyung-mo was angry.

[He was killed by a warrior.]

A warrior said it was a warrior who had seriously injured his son.

They said that they managed to escape because of the help from their leader Hong Pal-son and
others who were fighting the Ghosts.

[These bastards!]

Naturally, Cho Hyung-mo asked the commander to arrest the people.

But an odd thing happened.

A military truck with survivors had appeared from the same direction and the person who killed
his son was in that truck.

―Kill those bastards who killed my son, commander.‖

Cho Hyung-mo recklessly insisted.

As a result, Hu Bong began to get angry.

―Honey. It seems impossible to reason.‖


Mun Ran-yeong sighed at the situation.

While leading the survivors, she found a military truck and brought them to the south Gate,
which was the safest place.

And once she dropped the people, she wanted to return to Chun yeowun, but then this happened.

―Commander! What are you dazing around for! Give the order to kill them right away!‖

Cho Hyung-mo yelled.

Commander Mak Wu-cheong tried to calm him.

―Chief. They are civilians, and with procedure, they need to be arrested and investigated…‖

―What nonsense are you saying! It is clear that he killed my son, what is the need for
investigation? Give the order to kill!‖

At Cho Hyung-mo‘s words, Mak Wu-cheong was sweating.

Full of anger for losing his son, the man was unreasonable.

―If you act like this, I won‘t stand still. Do you know that my junior is the deputy director of
National Defense?‖

At that, Mak Wu-cheong bit his lips.

This was the reason he couldn‘t speak back to the man at all. It was because both departments
were closely related.

Cho Hyung-mo was powerful.

―What do you want to do?‖

―… I understand.‖

In the end, he succumbed to the orders.

He didn‘t want to bring down the honor of the National Guard in front of civilians, but he had no
other way.

―Chief. First, we have to at least get the civilians away.‖


Cho Hyung-mo didn‘t stop that.

He only wanted the one who killed his son to be killed.

The commander shouted to the civilians who were behind Hu Bong.

―Datong city civilians, it might be dangerous, so please step away from that killer.‖

The people were confused. A middle-aged man who couldn‘t stand it said.

―W-wait! There seems to be some misunderstanding on the Defense side.‖

―If you don‘t move, you might get hurt.‖

At Mak- Wu-cheong‘s warning, the middle man asked Cho Hyung-mo by pointing to the dead

―Are you that man‘s father?‖


Cho Hyung-mo calmed down and answered.

And the middle-aged man said.

―You say that you are the father, so I will say it. Your son was sexually harassing this man‘s

The man bluntly said it.

At those words, Cho Hyung-mo‘s face distorted.

Who wouldn‘t be shocked to hear that his son was killed as he sexually assaulted a woman?

―W-what nonsense are you saying!‖

At that time, the woman who was beaten by his son stepped up and said.

―It is something we all saw. Your son molested this wife, and we were there. How can you even
try to kill them without asking what happened?‖

―Right! You are all being too much!‖

The survivors voiced their displeasure and defended Hu Bong.

They wanted to repay him for saving them.


Hu Bong licked his lips at this new feeling which wasn‘t bad.

On the other hand, Cho Hyun-mo didn‘t like it.

One of the survivors said that his son harassed a woman and died.

As a parent, it was humiliating.


Cho Hyung-mo grunted his teeth as he stared at the people collecting his son‘s body.

The warriors who brought his body waved their hands.

―We-we didn‘t know!‖

They were telling the truth. They were there after it happened and took the body out right away.

They had no idea what had happened.

‗Did my son molest that girl?‘

Cho Hyung-mo looked at Mun Ran-yeong. The woman had an alluring look with short hair. At
the sight of her pale face and torn skirt, he clenched his fist.

‗Hyung-man that bastard…‘

He was the father of Cho Hyung-man.

He raised him till he was an adult, so he knew what kind of person his son was.

Even before being the head of the planning department, his son was always in trouble with

And it cost him millions of won to abort the kids he had with other women.

‗I told him to be careful.‘

He didn‘t think that his son would touch a married woman when a Gate was open.

It was clear since the survivors were voicing it out.

Commander Mak Wu-cheong had to change his decision and said.

―Chief. It isn‘t good to order a kill on sight so how about we hold a detailed investigation.‖

―Commander Mak.‖


―I am sorry, but save the face of my son this one time. If you help me, I will do my best to
promote you.‖

At those words, the commander frowned. Because he knew what the cause of this proposal was.


―Kill them all.‖


―If you leave them alive, what will happen to my dead son‘s pride and name?‖

The man didn‘t want civilians alive as they could speak all sorts of things about his son.

And that would destroy his political career.

―Since you are wearing a military uniform, you need to stand at the top. I will support you to
become the head of the National Guard.‖

The man kept whispering sweet words to the commander.

The commander was losing himself to the tempting idea.


This was something which could raise him or break him.

And the wrong decision would hurt his conscience.

Mak Wu-cheong opened his mouth in a troubled way.

―Chief. I am the commander of a unit of the National Guard who protects the safety of citizens.‖

The commander decided to uphold justice.

He could never point his guns at citizens.

Cho Hyung-mo sighed in disappointment.

―Commander… sigh.‖

―I am sorry. I just can‘t…‖



A bullet went through the commander‘s thigh.

Clack! Clack!

―W-what is this?‖

The lieutenant and other people of the military pointed their guns at Cho Hyung-mo right away.

In Cho Hyung-mo‘s hand, was a pistol with smoke oozing out.

―C… chief!‖

Mak Wu-cheong grabbed his thigh and glared at the man.

Cho Hyung-mo answered.

―Isn‘t it natural for a soldier who disobeys orders to be shot?‖


―What is this?‖

All the machine guns and the aircraft aimed at the National Guard.

The drivers in the tank tried to stop it, but the machines didn‘t stop.

―Did you think that I came to this place all alone?‖

At those words, the lieutenant glared at the bodyguards of Cho Hyung-mo.

They weren‘t simple bodyguards, but talented people.

―Y-You are going too far! Chief!‖

Mak Wu-cheong yelled at the man.

Not caring, he shot the other thigh.



And then spoke to the lieutenant.

―I will give you a chance, lieutenant Oh-pil. Will you be acting stupid like your head? Or will
you listen to orders and get a higher position like a General?‖

At the pistol aimed at him, Oh-pil turned scared.


Any soldier would dream of wearing that badge.

Oh-pil‘s gaze looked at the machine guns, tanks and aircraft aimed at them and Mak Wu-cheong
who was in pain.

There were very few options.

If he refused, then it would be death.

―Don‘t make me do this. If you accept my offer, you can shoot your commander in the head with
your own hands.‖


―So we aren‘t on the same boat?‖

Cho Hyung-mo said it casually.

It was like a devil whispering.

―It is the same for you all. If you complete this task, then I will give you all a promotion.‖

At Cho Hyung-mo‘s sweet suggestion, the officers aiming their guns lowered them.

And that made Cho Hyung-mo smile.

At that, commander Mak yelled at Oh-pil.

―Ouch, what are you all doing! If you give in to the wrong side and shoot innocent civilian…‖


―Y… you?‖

Oh-pil aimed his gun at the commander. And spoke to the bewildered man.

―Are civilians more important in life and death situations than allies?‖

―Kuak. Don‘t say such things!‖

―Don‘t blame me, sir. I cannot sacrifice three hundred allies for 20 civilians.‖

―That is what the National Guard was made for.‖

―I did nothing wrong.‖

With that, he pulled the trigger.


And then, it happened.



The bullet stopped mid-air and continued to spin.

A little bit further, and it would have pierced the commander‘s head.

―W-what is this?‖

Oh-pil couldn‘t hide his shock at that. It was the same with Commander Mak.

―Bullet is…‖

An unfamiliar voice was heard.

―I really liked it. Do not ever give up your faith.‖



And someone appeared next to him like a Ghost.


Hu Bong shouted with a bright face.

It was Chun Yeowun.


Oh-pil aimed his gun at Chun Yeowun.

Chun Yeowun just snapped his finger.



The bullet which stopped flew back and stuck the lieutenant in his forehead.

When the man collapsed, the others aimed their guns at Chun Yeowun, but not a single person
could pull the trigger.

―What are you waiting for! Shoot him!‖

Cho Hyung-mo screamed at them.

But no matter how hard they tried, they couldn‘t pull the trigger.

―I can‘t shoot!‖

―What nonsense is that…‖

At that time, Chun Yeowun raised his finger at three officers.


The three of them suddenly got their necks cracked.

Their death was fast, but terrifying to those who watched it.


Cho Hyung-mo, who was scared, tried to move away.

The bodyguards protecting him reached ahead to stop Chun Yeowun by using their abilities, but.


When Chun Yeowun waved his hand, their waists were bent at a weird angle.


Their spine was bent back, so there was no way they could live.

The two of them struggled and trembled before they died.

That frightened Cho Hyung-mo even more as he tried to run away, when Chun Yeowun
appeared in front of him.


―Where are you going?‖


Startled, he fell back as if he saw a ghost.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 93 -
Sky Demon Order (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Dec 10, 2021

• 11 min read • 5656 views



Cho Hyung-mo was terrified and shouted at the National Guards.

―Wh-what are you all looking at! Shoot him!‖


About three hundred infantrymen, who weren‘t even sure whose orders they were supposed to
follow anymore, aimed their guns at Chun Yeowun.

The problem, however, was that there were survivors between Chun Yeowun and the infantry.



The bewildered survivors screamed and crouched in order not to get hit.
At that moment, a huge wall of flame appeared in front of the infantry.




It was Hu Bong.

Even before Chun Yeowun had appeared, he was getting ready to fight them all.

―Who dares touch my Lord!‖

The infantrymen were blocked by the flames.

―Your sin is to wish death upon my Lord.‖

Hu Bong reached out his hand, and the flame wall covered the entire infantry.

There was no way that infantry, which was made of normal humans, could stop that.


―Spare me!‖


In an instant, the entire place turned into a sea of flame.

Those inside the flame screamed in fear.

It was hell.

„What is this…‟

Cho Hyung-mo couldn‘t believe what was happening in front of his eyes.

Two people able to annihilate the entire force.

„I need to run away.‟

Cho Hyung-mo, who thought that, staggered as he got up.

Was it true that the body could move if the will to live existed?

His body rose right away.


But unfortunately, it didn‘t rise because of his will.

―I-I can‘t move…‖

It was due to Chun Yeowun.

Step step.


When Chun Yeowun approached him, fear overwhelmed Cho Hyung-mo.

―I am the head of the Internal Security, which is under the council. If you want anything, I can
give it to you. Money or power or anything.‖

―Father and son are so similar.‖

At those words, Cho Hyung-mo yelled.

―If you kill me! A member of the government, then you are…‖


―Who would even care about your death?‖



Chun Yeowun‘s fingers pierced the man‘s neck.



A blue-colored light flowed from the black wrist guard on Chun Yeowun‘s right hand.

The light went into the holes in Cho Hyung-mo‘s neck, and his life was sucked out.


His skin turned pale white as if he was killed by a Ghost.


A Ghost would soon come out of the body.

„I need to get rid of it.‟

As his hand reached out to the falling body, the wrist guard trembled.

And the Ghost dispersed before it formed.


It was possible to annihilate the Ghosts without even doing much.

This seemed extremely convenient.


Chun Yeowun approached commander Mak who was on the ground.

With bullets in both his thighs, he was in pain and pale from the bleeding.

The pain must have been unbearable, but probably because he was a commander, he kept
enduring it.

With a pale face, commander Mak asked Chun Yeowun.

―Are you going to kill me too?‖

Chun Yeowun smiled at that.

―I like you.‖

And he reached out to the wounded area.




The two bullets lodged inside the commander‘s thighs were pulled out.

Chun Yeowun, who brought out the bullets, threw them away.


And when he sealed the blood points on the thighs, the bleeding stopped.

After that, Chun Yeowun snapped his finger.




Flames flickered around the wounded area.

At the pain, Mak Wu-cheong groaned in pain.

―You won‘t die right away now.‖


At those words, Mak Wu-cheong looked at his wounds.

In an instant, the bullets were out, and the wounds were sealed.
But this was just a temporary measure.

As a soldier, he knew that a bullet shot had to be given medical treatment.

―Why are you saving me?‖

Puzzled, Mak Wu-cheong asked.

―It is a waste to leave someone like you to die here.‖

The man was lucky.

If he didn‘t stand up for his beliefs, he would have died like the others.

―What if I decide to go out and open my mouth?‖

―Then I must have misunderstood you.‖

At that answer, Mak Wu-cheong‘s eyes fluttered.

Men sometimes had emotional changes in the most strange situations.

He was recognized by an unknown stranger, but that pleased his heart.


Mak Wu-cheong put his hands together and bowed to Chun Yeowun.

―I heard that warriors express gratitude like this.‖

He wanted to get up and thank him, but his legs were both wounded, and he couldn‘t risk getting

―Well, no need. I just did that on a whim.‖

With that, Chun Yeowun turned his back, no longer interested.

Mak Wu-cheong hurriedly said to him.

―I want to repay the favor! Please tell me! I would like to help you in whatever way I can.‖
When Chun Yeowun turned around, the man looked very friendly.

He seemed to really care.

„Was he the commander of the National Guard?‟

Chun Yeowun looked at him.

If he was a commander, then he must be someone in the line to be a major.

In addition, with the achievement of closing an S-class Gate, the man would be more famous.

„It might be worth it.‟

Chun Yeowun wasn‘t interested in the government at all.

But seeing this man, he changed his thoughts.

The man looked useful.

„Nano. Are you done?‟

[The function you mentioned has been modified.]

The timing was good. Chun Yeowun approached the man.

―Show me your hand.‖


At the unexpected request, he held out his hand.

Chun Yeowun raised the energy and wounded the palm.

Mak Wu-cheong frowned at the stinging pain.

Chun Yeowun placed a finger on the palm and lifted it.

The man didn‘t know what was done.

However, he heard Chun Yeowun‘s voice in his mind.

[Can you hear me?]


It was strange.

Chun Yeowun clearly didn‘t open his mouth, but he heard him talking.

[When you want to talk to me, think strongly.]

He wasn‘t sure if it was possible, but commander Mak wanted to try it.

And when he thought of wanting to talk, he felt something strange tickle his head.

[Can you hear me? Can you hear me? You can hear this?]

[I hear you.]


Mak Wu-cheong couldn‘t hide his shock.

Because he was in the National Guard, he always got to experience the new communication
devices, but this was a first.


―You don‘t need to know.‖

Knowing wouldn‘t do him any good either.

The man‘s brain now had a modified nano bomb.

Nano, which remodeled the nano bomb particles, made it easy to track and communicate.

This seemed like a great strength to use.

„Not knowing gives you peace.‟

His head would explode any time if he recklessly decided to disclose what he spoke with Chun

To the surprised man, Chun Yeowun said.

―You said you wanted to repay the favor?‖


―Then let‘s make a deal to help each other.‖


Mak Wu-cheong was puzzled.

―What is it?‖


Chun Yeowun opened the bag and showed him something.

The S-class core in it made Mak Wu-cheong‘s eyes glow bright.

―The core!‖

He still couldn‘t figure out what the deal was.

―You caught the S-class core?‖


At those words, Mak Wu-cheong grew excited.

It hadn‘t been long since the Gate was destroyed, so he was curious who did it.

―What about the team?‖

―I caught it myself.‖
―The Alpha, all alone?‖

The commander turned speechless.

He knew that Gate Keepers and warriors had abilities.

But they had limits too.

Even an A-class core was tough to catch without assistance.

„Did he do something almost impossible even for an S-class Gate Keeper?‟

If someone else had said it, he wouldn‘t have believed it.

Who would even believe that an S-class Alpha was caught by one person?

―Only you need to know this.‖

At those words, commander Mak nodded his head.

―The deal is simple. Let me know if any A-class or S-class Gates open in the future. I want to

―T-that is all?‖

This was a simple suggestion. And commander Mak would be the one gaining from it.

Chun Yeowun said it lightly, but it was as if this man had promised to take care of the A-class
and S-class Gates, the worst disasters.

―That will help you too.‖

―Help me?‖

Closing an A-class Gate was treated as public service.

And in the case of an S-class Gate, which was impossible to close, even a promotion could be

It was more like being helped than making a deal.

―One more thing. We need something like a permission for me and my subordinates to freely
roam when the Gates open.‖

―… so you are not a member of the Association or a registered Murim?‖

If they belonged to the Murim Association, then they could all freely participate.

Of course, it all happened under the guidance and control of the National Guard.

―I don‘t belong to the Murim Association.‖


―And I don‘t like people controlling me.‖

What Chun Yeowun wanted was to roam freely without anyone intervening during the Gate

He could sneak in, but it would be a mess if he got caught.

„You want to participate in the Gate wars independently.‟

Now that was tricky.

It would‘ve been a different story if it was Chun Yeowun alone, but he mentioned something
about subordinates.

The Murim Department of the State council strictly controlled the Murim warriors under them
and blocked individual participation.

―The first is possible if I write a report… but the second one comes under the Ministry of Murim,
and it might be difficult.‖

The Ministry of Murim had extreme power.

And had policies like other departments.

However, the Defense couldn‘t get involved with the Murims, since friction could rise.
―Are you being on caution because of the Murims?‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s words which were close to provocation, Mak Wu-cheong frowned.

A line that no department would ever cross.

Politics is what it is.

―L-let me be honest. When the Gate happens, we need all the power we can from the Murim
warriors. But it is the Ministry of Murim which has all the powers.‖

So each department kept a close eye on another.

It was impossible to close the Gate with just the Gate Keepers, especially with Alphas.

―It is a policy of the Ministry of Murim that those who aren‘t registered cannot participate in the
Gate. As you said, granting the right to participate in the war as individuals would be denied by
the ministry.‖

„He must be smart.‟

Chun Yeowun shook his head.

This policy was made to exert influence over the Defense.

―The answer is simple.‖


―Without being on the side of the Murim Association or of the Ministry of Murim, there should
be an organization that could support the Gate problem in close connection with the Ministry of
National Defense.‖

―Right, but…‖

Mak Wu-cheong couldn‘t keep up with this.

The Ministry of Muirm had a Murim Department, which handled over 2 thousand associations.
It wouldn‘t be easy for the Ministry of National Defense to accept an organization unless it was
on the same level as the Murim Association.

―It might be difficult. But arrange a meeting with the head of National Defense.‖

―Are you talking about the director of the Ministry of National Defense?‖

When the request grew bigger, commander Mak went pale.

―Although you might be right, unless your organization is on the same level as the Murim
Association, it wouldn‘t obtain approval…‖

Commander Mak thought of Chun Yeowun‘s side to be a small group.

Chun Yeowun said.

―What are you so afraid of?‖

―Aren‘t you taking this too easy…‖


Before he could finish it, Chun Yeowun stretched out his hand, and held the air like holding a


A dazzling black light flashed around, and an invisible sword appeared.

It was the invisible sword of Black Thunder qi.

Of Thunder qi and Sky Demon energy.

―Wh-what is this?‖

Puzzled by the sudden action, he asked, but Chun Yeowun pointed to somewhere with the sword.

A mountain range stretched to the northwest side within the wall.

At that moment, a tremendous amount of black lightning flew to one point.


The rays of lightning, which passed through air, went for the mountain.


A huge hole was drilled within the mountain.

The hole was so wide that everyone could see the other side.

Mak Wu-cheong was so shocked that he couldn‘t close his mouth.

„N-no way!‟

Was it possible to do that?

A single human showed a destructive power that no military machine could perform.

Chun Yeowun looked at Mak Wu-cheong.

―What about the Murim Association?‖

Mak Wu-cheong looked at the man in awe.

This man was never arrogant.

This man knew what he could do.

―… what should I tell the director of the Ministry of National Defense about the organization you
are running?‖

Chun Yeowun smiled and answered.

―Sky Demon Order.‖


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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 94 -

Sky Demon Order (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Dec 11, 2021

• 12 min read • 5552 views



Hu Bong couldn‘t stop being restless and kept on wandering around.

His gaze was unable to stop at any particular place.


The inside of the cave where Hu Bong was looking had been in flames for over an hour now.

So he was full of concern.

―Hu Bong. Be calm.‖

―Euk! Yes!‖

Only after hearing Chun Yeowun‘s words did Hu Bong stand still.

Of course, that didn‘t last very long.

Hu Bong‘s body moved again, and he was just as restless as before.

Soon, the flames in the cave subsided a little.

And someone appeared from inside.

It was Mun Ran-yeong.


Hu Bong ran to her with tears in his eyes.

„I am not getting used to this.‟

Chun Yeowun was shocked each time he saw this different appearance of Hu Bong.

Mun Ran-yeong seemed different when she came out of the cave.

Her hair, which was dyed in black, was now blazing red like Hu Bong‘s.

Besides, her hair grew long.

In addition, the contours on her face were much clearer, and it seemed like she looked even

„She seems to have been through metamorphosis of skeletal bones.‟


It referred to the reconstruction of bones and muscles into the best version of the body.

However, it is probably right to say that she didn‘t change because of a growth in level, but her
body just returned to the previous state because of gaining strength.

―My Lord.‖

Avoiding Hu Bong‘s hug, Mun Ran-yeong kneeled to Chun Yeowun.

―Thanks to you, I am back to normal.‖

Mun Ran-yeong had taken the blood of the Flame Qilin and regained her power.

Her eyes were not confident. And the aura she was emanating was unusual.

„It feels good, but…‟

Chun Yeowun was surprised.

He thought that it was strange for her body to have undergone changes when she hadn‘t attained
any enlightenment.

Even if she was at the beginning of Supreme Master level, this is much different from what he
experienced, she was stronger, and he could feel it.

―You have made a lot of progress, Great Elder.‖

―You are being too generous.‖

She was originally a Supreme Master.

Even in the past, she was on the same level as the Five Great Warriors, but now, except for Chun
Yeowun, there seemed like no one else could compete with her.

Therefore, even if her Dantian was damaged, she could still defeat those targeting her.

„This is enough.‟

Hu Bong and Mun Ran-yeong.

With those two joining him, he knew that his orders would be carried safely.
Although Chun Yeowun himself was the strongest here, there were few adherents in the Sky
Demon Order of this era.

There were many warriors who were strong, and the strategies one used were diversified.

―Great Elder.‖

―Yes. Lord Chun Ma.‖

She confidently answered him.

―Put some clothes on.‖


Her face turned red.

It was normal for all her clothes to be burned when metamorphosis happened.

Fortunately, Chun Yeowun, who knew that, predicted the burning of clothes and prepared an
extra pair of clothes for her.

―Honey. Here.‖


Hu Bong brought the clothes to her.

Mun Ran-yeong smiled at her young husband and quickly put on her clothes.

Chun Yeowun then asked her.

―Are you done?‖


―Now extend both your arms.‖

Mun Ran-yeong was puzzled by that.

Hu Bong said with a crying face.

―Honey. You might want to defend yourself with internal energy.‖

―What do you mean?‖

Eventually, she understood why Hu Bong said that.

Chun Yeowun, who was in a nano suit, hugged the two of them and flew at 13 Mach speed.


„My face!‟

It was the first time she experienced such pain in her face.

Yongchun Group headquarters in Jinan city.

In a small meeting room, the executives have gathered.

Someone was receiving the reports in awe.

―Is that true?‖

It was the chairman Chun Yu-jang.

The person reporting to him was Bi Mak-heon, the vice-chairman‘s assistant.

Bi Mak-heon had reported what had happened in the recent meeting.

Having heard about it, Chun Yu-jang went still.

„Chun Yu-seong and his faction were wiped up.‟

He thought that since they were all descendants, they would be punished and not killed.
However, no exceptions were made.

‟… I must never have ill intentions towards my ancestor.‟

Even if they were descendants, there was no mercy in his heart.

He thought that Chun Yeowun would excuse them for the sake of uniting the Cult, but everyone
was killed.

„This is the Demon God.‟

The legend who created the second great Sky Demon Order.

He knew that there was a lot of blood spilled behind that legend, but no one knew the truth.

And now, since they heard it first hand, not just Chun Yu-jang but all the other executives were
afraid of Chun Yeowun once again,

―As expected, Master is wonderful.‖

The only one who liked this side of Chun Yeowun was the secretary, Shakena.


Bi Mak-heon didn‘t say anything to them.

He wasn‘t sure how the executives would react if he said that this woman had eaten up the
bodies of the Chun Yu-seong faction.

„This woman is more frightening.‟

Chun Yeowun is the head of the Sky Demon Order.

But this woman was different.

Her identity wasn‘t a human, but a demon, a special type entity from Gate.

„I need to give separate advice to the chairman and the executives later.‟

He was afraid that they could get into trouble with Shakena.
And only Chun Yeowun could control her.

Then Shakena abruptly got up from her seat and walked to the window.


Everyone was curiously looking at her.

―Master… is coming.‖

With those words, she put her palm on the window.

And the window turned transparent.


Three people passed through it.

―Lord Chun Ma!‖

It was Chun Yeowun, Hu Bong and Mun Ran-yeong.

Chun Yu-jang and the others got up startled and then bowed on the floor at the same time.

Chun Yeowun never seemed to have entered through the entrance.


His secretary Yu So-hwa approached him and bowed.

She was currently adjusting to the predictable behavior of Chun Yeowun.

―Hey. Master!‖

Shakena tried to hug Chun Yeowun, but Mun Ran-yeong stopped her.

―Get away.‖

Shakena glared at the woman with an anguished expression.

―Human bitch. What is with you?‖

„It is starting again.‟

Yu So-hwa, who was watching, shook her head.

But like Shakena, she was curious about the two people too.

From the eyebrows to hair, everything on their bodies was red, like a blazing flame.

And it looked natural, not dyed.


Shakena‘s body turned invisible to some extent.

She reached out to Mun Ran-yeong to threaten her.

―I told you to get away.‖

Mun Ran-yeong tried to grab her hand.

However, due to the ability of phasing, Mun Ran-yeong‘s hand passed through.


―If you don‘t move, I will pull your heart out. Human.‖

Saying that, she reached out to Mun Ran-yeong‘s chest.

At that moment, Mun Ran-yeong‘s hand, which was red in heat, hit Shakena on her chest.


―Ah! Hot!‖

Shakena was startled and stepped back.

She thought that her phasing ability would damage her, but heat seemed to work on her.

She couldn‘t understand, so she looked at Mun Ran-yeong‘s hand.

The air around her hand seemed to be hazing because of the heat.

As a current Divine Master, she too was able to freely control her surroundings.

As a result, she was able to transmit heat to Shakena‘s body.

―You are strong.‖

Shakena‘s eyes were filled with joy.

Due to her war-like nature, she wanted to see who was superior.

―Let‘s try again.‖

Shakena rushed like lightning towards Mun Ran-yeong and tried to kick her.

But there was one thing that Shakena didn‘t know.

Mun Ra-yeong was a member of the Dragon Fist clan.


Mun Ran-yeong was already prepared and then made sure to bounce off the foot of Shakena with
her palm.

She then grabbed the head and slammed it into the ground.



She had no choice but to stop the phasing ability as the heat was being transmitted into her head.


Her head was violently smashed into the ground.

Without the ability of phasing, she was not able to cope with the Divine Master, Mun Ran-

Her power was nothing in front of Mun Ran-yeong.

―Don‘t delude yourself. Chun Ma is not someone who cares for you.‖

Mun Ran-yeong warned Shakena, whose head was stuck to the floor.

„She can‟t handle a Divine Master level.‟

Chun Yeowun smiled as his guess turned out right.

Normally, he would have ordered Shakena to stop running wild, but he left her alone this time to
show her that there were others who could subdue her.

„Just a little more awakening and Great Elder…‟

Then she would be able to control the entire space around her and not just the space around the

Of course, for that to happen, she would have to be at the peak of Divine Master level.

„Got what you deserved.‟

Yu So-hwa‘s lips twitched.

She barely held herself from laughing.

She always wanted to see that demon suffer, and it was undoubtedly refreshing.

As her pride was hurt in front of everyone, she thought that Shakena would lay low for a while.


Shakena jumped up from the floor and grabbed Mun Ran-yeong‘s hand with sparkling eyes.

―I‘ll accept you as my sister.‖

She seemed to recognize Mun Ran-yeong as her older sister.

Due to the nature of demons, they wanted to be close to people stronger than them.


Yu So-hwa felt upset again.

Yongchun‘s Group‘s conference room was full of surprises.

Chun Yu-jang and the other executives who found out about Hu Bong and Mun Ran-yeong
thought they were losing their minds.

What was more interesting was their reaction to Hu Bong rather than Mun Ran-yeong.

―Flame Hu Bong!‖

―Demon God‘s right arm!‖

―Burning swordsman!‖

Titles kept flowing out from the executives‘ mouths.

Although Chun Yeowun didn‘t realize it, Hu Bong, as his right hand, had performed so many
tasks after he disappeared.

He was more famous than any other member of the Cult.

Of course, the title of the right hand, which served Chun Yeowun, the Demon God, played a
huge role.


Hu Bong, who was unfamiliar with the titles the future descendants were giving him, was

But he slowly began to feel proud.

‟… these are better than Bong Bong.‟

Chun Yeowun wasn‘t shocked by these new titles.

Looking at Hu Bong, he could see how much he had changed and improved.


The eyes of Bi Mak-heon, looking at Hu Bong, were filled with ecstasy.

Hu Bong had a reputation for using the Sword of Illusion from the Illusion Sword Clan.

And it was a natural reaction when he met the most famous figure in the clan.

―Hu Bong.‖

―Yes, Lord!‖

―Bi Mak-heon is a descendant of the Illusion Sword clan.‖

―Oh-oh! Is that true?‖

―Teach him everything and make him useful.‖

―Alright, Lord.‖

Bi Mak-heon was moved by Chun Yeowun‘s words and fell flat on the ground.

―L-Lord Chun Ma! This is such a blessing!‖

The man was genuinely happy as he seemed to be crying.

Chun Yeowun looked at the room where the entire air seemed heated because of Hu Bong and
Mun Ran-yeong.

Everyone focused on him.

―Now is the time.‖

―What do you mean by that?‖

At Chun Yu-jang‘s careful question, Chun Yeowun opened his mouth.

―Now that we have sorted out the rest of the group, we will unite the Cult by gathering the

―Huh? To bring in the rest of the group…‖

―Are you seriously asking me because you can‘t get what I am saying?‖

Chun Yu-jang‘s eyes trembled at that.

He did hear that the Chun Yu-seong faction, one of the three factions, had collapsed 20 minutes

However, according to what Chun Yeowun said, he wanted to bring in the last remaining people
in the Chun Yu-seong faction.

Chun Yu-jang cleared his thoughts and then opened his mouth.

―A… ancestor, is it fine to ask one question?‖

―Tell me.‖

―What happened to Chun Woo-kyung?‖

―You should know what happens to those who pretend to be Chun Ma.‖


Not just Chun Yu-jang, but all the other executives went silent.

Chun Woo-kyung lost his life too.

In the end, the fact that the two heads of the three factions were dead.

„I am the only one alive?‟

The only candidate left was Chun Yu-jang.

This meant that the 27 years-long war between the 3 factions had come to an end.

„He did all this in just a few days…‟

It was so shocking.

Everything was sorted out so quickly, although they have been quarreling for so many years.

„Is this… the ability of those who have power?‟

And Chun Yeowun showed them all this directly.

How much a strong person could achieve.

And when they all saw that, Chun Yu-jang realized what he was lacking as the Lord.

„I am not good enough.‟

If he was Chun Yu-jang of the past, he would have just been happy that the situation was

But now, he was embarrassed.

Now he was blaming himself for not achieving this with his own strength, and having to lean on
Chun Yeowun.


Chun Yu-jang knelt and said.

―Ancestor… I am extremely ashamed. I came to realize that I amount to nothing.‖

Chun Yu-jang bowed with tears in his eyes.

And silence reigned in the room.

Their leader realized his weakness and accepted the truth.

Chun Yeowun opened his mouth.

―You are lucky.‖

―If you showed joy and happiness, I was going to take you down too.‖


Hearing Chun Yeowun‘s words, Chun Yu-jang felt his heart drop.

Chun Yeowun was not someone who would lie or spout useless nonsense.

Cold sweat dripped down.


It was then, the sound of iron clashing was heard.

He looked up to see the Sky Demon sword.

„Sky demon Sword?‟

Chun Yu-jang flinched as he was frightened.

It seemed like the Sky Demon Sword was being brought out to kill him.


―I hope that you will cherish what you have realized. When I think that you are not suitable
anymore, then you will come down from the position at any time.‖

―… the position?‖



Chun Yeowun held the dazzling Sky Demon Sword above his head.

And spoke in a low voice.

―I, Chun Yeowun, the 2nd Chun Ma and the 24th Lord of the Great Sky Demon Order appoint
Chun Yu-jang, who inherited the great lineage of Chun, as the Sub Lord of the Cult.‖


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Core Refining Machine (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Dec 12, 2021

• 15 min read • 5768 views



„Sub Lord?‟

All the executives were surprised at the unexpected promotion.

A second ago, the man seemed enraged, but now, he appointed someone as the Sub Lord.

The executives should‘ve been happy, but they were as shocked as Chun Yu-jang.

Chun Yu-jang opened his mouth. But nothing came out.

―Why aren‘t you saying anything? Isn‘t it admirable to be a Sub Lord at this age?‖

Only when he heard the words of Chun Yeowun did he come back to his senses.

Although he realized that he had shortcomings, Chun Yeowun, the legend of the Cult, appointed
him as the Sub Lord.

„Who else can get this glory!‟

Chun Yu-jang bowed and cried out.

―I will not disappoint you!‖

―I hope you don‘t.‖

Chun Yu-jang was appointed as the Sub Lord of the Sky Demon order, which was a vacant
position for a long time.

In a way, he was fortunate.

Unlike the heads of the other two factions, he didn‘t think of playing tricks and acknowledged
the existence of Chun Yeowun right away.

―Okay then, let‘s continue the meeting?‖


Chun Yeowun sat down at the top seat. The executives who were standing also sat down.

Chun Yu-jang got up and sat in his seat. His heart, however, was still full of boiling emotions.

―Let‘s start with the problem of merging everything into the Cult.‖

The meeting went smoothly.

The agenda was to unite all the factions into one Cult.

The PPT material was prepared in advance by Huan Myung-oh and was played out.

He pointed to the graph illuminating on the wall with a laser pen and explained.
―If you look at the graph, you can see that the main Cult is a branch of this company.‖

There were a total of 40 companies.

After the dissolution of Black Sky Company, the Cult was divided into 3 factions, and two
factions managed to create notable companies in the business world.

Chun Woo-kyung was an exception since he ran an organization with small to medium-sized
enterprises and venture companies.

―Among the listed groups, 13 companies have significantly higher stock prices.‖

―Mergers and acquisitions will be difficult.‖

The people mumbled at that.

There were different types of mergers.

The most common form was that a large company would buy a small one, but funds were the

―So what‘s your plan?‖

―A new merger of affiliates of the same type.‖

The Yongchun and the Chunshin group, which had multiple subsidiaries, had similarly oriented
affiliates under them.

The same was true for SMEs and venture companies.

And merging similar ones would reduce the financial burden.

―But it will take quite a lot of time compared to normal mergers.‖

It was because this required the persuasion of each company‘s shareholders.

If the company merged, then it was the duty of the higher company to convince them that their
company would grow bigger once it came under their company.
And that wasn‘t an easy task.


Chun Yeowun clicked his tongue saying that.

Unlike anything else which seemed simple in the modern world, the process of merging was too

There were too many restrictions starting with tax issues.

But it didn‘t matter. The corporate matters were the executives‘ responsibilities.

―And how long will it take?‖

―Since we haven‘t even started the negotiations with the Chunshin group, if we start it now, it
would take around a year.‖

At Huan Myung-oh‘s words, Chun Yeowun said.

―Too long.‖

―A few required permit reports from the IRS and the economic commission from the
government. This cannot be completed in a short time because there are screening and
verification processes.‖

The others nodded in agreement.

A merger of a small company would end with a small bride, but it was tougher since the
company they wanted to merge was huge.

Naturally, the bribing won‘t work as huge companies were under the watch of the Chinese

―Huan Myung-oh.‖

―Yes. Lord.‖

―What you told me now is the normal procedure. Which means that there is another way, right?‖
Huan Myung-oh responded to Chun Yeowun‘s words.


―Then what is the problem?‖

―The Ministry of Murim and the Murim Association have connections with economic
organizations, including the state council. They will surely obstruct us when we try to merge.‖

If all the companies affiliated with the Sky Demon Order were merged, the growth potential
would be enough for the Cult to enter into the top 20 businesses.

That would definitely cause trouble for the Murim Association.

―Pathetic ones.‖

Chun Yeowun clicked his tongue in disappointment.

Even with the Imperial Family not controlling Murim anymore, the Murim Association was now
stepping in his way.

―I apologize.‖

―Chun Yu-jang. Huan Myung-oh.‖

―Yes. Ancestor!‖

―Yes. Lord!‖

Chun Yeowun called the two of them.

―I will give you three months. Get the consultation and the merging of the Wangshin and the
Chunshin group within that time.‖

―Huh? L-Lord. To make it happen so fas…‖

―It is up to you people to make it happen.‖

Not just Huan Myung-oh, but even Chun Yu-jang was perplexed at that.
If a person knew a little bit of management, then one would know how unreasonable that was.

Chun Yu-jang looked at Chun Yeowun‘s eyes.

„Ahh. Ancestor is testing us again.‟

Testing him again.

Hearing unreasonable demands, he remembered his father, Lord Chun Woo-jin.

Chun Woo-jin, who left the Black Sky Company, never gave the executives easy tasks.

Perhaps the one leading the group hopes for those following him to be capable.

With a confident look, Chun Yu-jang said.

―I‘ll do it.‖

The faces of executives, including Huan Myung-oh, were distorted.

Chun Yeowun warned.

―I know better than anyone how you all stayed at this level only. If you say that something is
difficult from now on, I will judge that you are not worthy of the position you are in.‖


The faces of the executive turned pale.


Hu Bong yelled with a loud voice.


Looking at them, Mun Ran-yeong and Hu Bong shook their heads.

Their anticipation for the future descendants ended up with disappointment.

„They need mental training.‟

Hu Bong vowed to get everything done.

But he knew that Chun Yeowun wasn‘t the kind to leave the matter in others‘ hands.

―I will take care of the Murim association.‖


At those words, Chun yu-jang and the executives smiled.

If the checks on the company were stopped, then they could get the task done.

However, that didn‘t mean that all their problems were solved.

„To deal with the Murim Association means to deal with the entire Murim.‟

The Jinan Murim Association handled the Gate battles.

And that was why the Cult was never able to respond to battles.

However, the association had already realized that the Cult was moving, so they would do
everything in their power to stop them from rising.

In other words, it meant war.

„Maybe I need to prepare!‟

„It is war with them!‟

After 27 years, the battle between the Sky Demon Order and Murim was finally going to happen.

Surprisingly, the concerns of the past turned into determination.

The 27-year-old grudge engraved in their bones.


Seeing that, Chun Yeowun smiled.

He was going to warn them if they showed weakness, but that didn‘t seem necessary.
―Hang Yu-rin.‖

―Yes, Lord.‖

―I will give you a different mission.‖


―Take the information from the info group under Huan Myung-oh and merge the information
side with the Chunshin Group.‖

Huan Myung-oh was flustered at those words.

―Lord. The info group…‖

He was the one who had been handling the information gathering.

And when he was asked to give the management rights to someone else, he felt bad.

―I am not getting rid of your rights.‖

―What do you mean?‖

―They are to hand over the intelligence and information in charge of finding the Lord, to Hang


Huan Myung-oh felt relieved at that.

Once the merger process started, Huan Myung-oh wouldn‘t be able to handle everything.

Chun Yeowun was trying to make Hang Yu-rin work on it in the meantime.

―After 10 days, when the training in the Chunshin group is done, the Great Guardian will come
here. Get all the information about that secret prison from him.‖


For 27 years, the Great Guardian had been tracking the whereabouts of the Lord.
And his data would be even more massive than the two factions.

In conclusion, Chun Yeowun asked her to gather all the information and see the tracking process.


―I will give you two months. Find the current Lord.‖

―Yes! I will definitely find him!‖

Pak! She knelt down and bowed.

Finding their Lord was something they have always been longing for.

Once everything was done, Chun Yeowun asked Yu So-hwa to bring something.

That was.


They were the A and C-class cores that Chun Yeowun had obtained.

They were kept in the safe of the vice-chairman‘s office.

And Chun Yeowun took out the S-class core from his waist bag.




He just took it out, but its energy made the executives drool.

―S-class core.‖


Since they all weren‘t registered Murims, they couldn‘t participate in the Gate Defense openly,
so they didn‘t have the chance to see cores.
As a result, seeing 3 of them in front of them shocked them. Looking at their reaction, Chun
Yeowun opened his mouth.

―There are other pressing issues with you all.‖


At those words, the executives couldn‘t raise their heads.

Chun Yeowun repeatedly criticized them for being pathetic compared to their ancestors.

It was the same for Chun Yu-jang.

―Your energy is pathetic.‖

Even Hang Yu-rin, a Superior Master, had only 80% of internal energy compared to Superior
Masters of the past.

That was due to the weak energy in the nature around them. And the Murim Association only
supplied assisting devices to the ones under it.

Besides, the Cult was at a disadvantage.

―By refining the core, we raise the power of the Cult. Do you get it?‖


The executives all responded.

In the present era, cores were the best way to improve their skills.

And if that was given to them, then it would surely help them grow stronger.


Happiness was apparent on all their faces.

―I heard there is a way to refine the core. Can you secure that?‖

Chun Yeowun could refine the core through Nano.

However, it would be impossible to absorb the energy and then pass it to others.

Huan Myung-oh then said.

―I was about to say. The Cult hasn‘t yet established a technology to refine the core.‖

It was due to the restrictions.

The Cult wasn‘t registered under the Murim Association and couldn‘t participate in Gate wars.

As a result, there was no need for them to have cores, and getting a refining tech was difficult
because of that.

―Are you saying refining cannot be done?‖

―No. not that, we found a core refining machine when we were cleaning up the Murim branch in
Jinan city.‖

Huan Myung-oh has always wanted to secure that machine. But he couldn‘t get his hands on it.

However, when the chance came, he didn‘t miss it.

―That is good.‖

Huan Myung-oh couldn‘t hide his happy face at that.

―And where is it located?‖

―It is located in the product warehouse in the Jinan city Murim Association branch.‖

―Why didn‘t you move it?‖

Huan Myung-oh answered it.

―The device is so big that we need to disassemble it to move it. Since we couldn‘t remove it
carelessly, we were securing the blueprint first. It was done yesterday, and the disassembly
started this morning. I will check when we‘ll get it delivered.‖

Huan Myung-oh made a call.

The call didn‘t connect despite the constant ringing.

Sensing that it was strange, Huan Myung-oh frowned and called the one in charge of security.


However, that person didn‘t answer either.

Just in case, he looked to see if his phone had some problem.

He had instructed his guard to text him once every 30 minutes to make sure nothing went wrong.

The last text was received 40 minutes ago.

Biting his lip, he said.

―… we seem to have a problem.‖

The Murim Association‘s product warehouse in the southern part of Jinan city.

There, warehouses and factories of various companies were located.

It was possible to put their warehouses in a secret place, but the Murim Association wanted them
to be in that place.

Sector 7 warehouse.

A device that could enhance the core.

Although it was a device, it weighed around 400 tons.

And it took up a huge space. Even after disassembling, it would take a few huge trucks to move

And such a device was being disassembled and transported.

The boxes were moved non-stop by machines.

There was a middle-aged man in a blue padded jumper watching it.

The blue scabbard around the waist showed that he was a Murim warrior.


A man with a black mask appeared.

―All the corpses have been disposed of.‖

―How many minutes passed since the bodyguard sent the text?‖

―Fifteen minutes later than usual.‖

―I guess we have time here.‖

Almost everything was loaded in boxes.

And in 10 minutes, everything would be done.

―It will take the Yongchun group at least 40 minutes to come here.‖

―Move it.‖

Hearing the middle-aged man‘s words, the masked man bowed.

―With the kind of protection you gave us, we were able to start the mission with peace. To be
honest, I don‘t even think they will come.‖

At those words, the middle-aged waved his hand.

―Don‘t just say stuff like that.‖

―I am serious. I just came here as the association dispatched me, but I never dreamed of being
with such a great person. It is an honor.‖

The middle-aged man smiled at those words.

Who would even hate praises?

―One of the Five Great Warriors, warrior Kwak, is with us. Besides, Eighteen Flame Plum troops
are guarding this place, so why would I be scared even if the remnants of the Cult come?‖

Shockingly, the man was Kwak Woon, one of the Five Great warriors of Mount Hua.

One of the five Great warriors had descended here.

It was only natural for the masked man to be pleased.

―Stop with this and finish the rest of the work. Even if you don‘t want to, get this work done, we
don‘t need others to get hurt.‖


Before Kwak Woon could even finish speaking, something rolled on the floor.

The masked man looked down.


It was a man‘s head. Kwak Woon was shocked.


The deceased was his disciple and a member of the Eighteen Flame Plum troops.

It was ridiculous. He was supposed to be guarding the southern entrance of the warehouse with
four others, so what is his head doing here?

„I didn‟t even feel anything, who did this?‟

He was one of the Five Great Warriors, and he could sense everything around him.

And then he heard something else.


This time it was two heads.

―Han-jeong! Yun-hwan!‖

Two more of the same troops.

They were supposed to be guarding the eastern side of the product warehouse.

They had blank expressions, which meant they didn‘t even see what had happened.

―K-Kwak Woon sir! What the hell is this?‖

Even the masked man couldn‘t hide his shock.

Kwak Woon opened his energy to sense his surroundings.

And at that moment he felt something.


The west side of the warehouse.

―How dare that person!‖

Kwak Woon brought out his sword and stretched out his hand to the west.


The Scarlet Plum Sword, a treasured sword of Mount Hua clan, came out and rushed to the west.

―I don‘t know who that is, but I won‘t…‖



Something unbelievable happened.

The scarlet Plum Sword which flew stabbed the masked man in his chest.

―K-Kwak sir!‖
The masked man fell to the floor.

He believed in Kwak Woon and died by his sword.

Kwak Woon‘s face was filled with anger and shock.

„W-who? My Air Sword?‟

He didn‘t see the sword fly in that direction.

And then he heard footsteps.

As if the person didn‘t need to hide his presence.

Kwak Woon slowly turned his head.


Someone walked in the dark shadows of the warehouse with something in his hand.


It was the head of Bae Byung-chan, one of the members of his troops, dripping in blood.

The head was thrown at Kwak Woon.


―You, Youuuu!‖

Kwak Woon, who lost his reason at the death of his people, stretched out his hand to grab the


The Scarlet Plum Sword, which was lodged in the masked man‘s chest, was pulled out and flew
to him, but then it stopped.


The stretched-out hand was staggering with veins popping up.

Even though Kwak Woon raised the energy, the sword didn‘t come for him.


And then the sword, which stopped mid-air, shattered.


Kwak Woon coughed up blood and moved two steps back.

Due to the enormous amount of internal energy he used, he suffered an internal injury.

Who would have thought that one of the Five Great Warriors would be humiliated like this.

―Kuak… you… you bastard…. Who are you!‖

Kwak Woon glared at whoever was hiding in the shadows.


And someone appeared from the shadows.

It was Chun Yeowun with his sharp eyes.

„So young?‟

This man looked to be in his twenties, which made Kwak Woon doubt his eyes.

Cun Yeowun spoke with a disappointed face.

―It is pathetic that you were given the title of Five Great Warriors.‖



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 96 -

Core Refining Machine (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Dec 14, 2021

• 12 min read • 5404 views




Five Great Warriors.

Among the registered Murim warriors, these five people were at the very top.

How much did one have to work to get that honor?


Angry at the insulting words, Kwak Woon swung his swords.

There was one secret he realized as he reached this current status.

„Plum Blossom Sword!‟

It was a technique in which shattered sword pieces could be controlled.

However, he had never thought that he would use it on the treasure, Scarlet Plum Sword.


The sword‘s fragments on the ground moved at once.

It may have seemed easy, but it was not.

The trajectory of the fragments of the flying blades followed the 25 Plum Blossom Sword

„The moment you try to block the fragments, the smaller pieces will cut into you.‟

A deadly technique.

As a descendant of an orthodox clan, he knew how vicious this technique was.


As expected, Chun Yeowun raised his hand.

It seemed like he was trying to block the shards of the sword.

―Pretty interesting attempt, but the idea is sloppy.‖



Chun Yeowun lowered his palm.

The fragments of the blade, which were rapidly flying at him, were knocked onto the ground
with internal energy.


Kwak Woon‘s face hardened.

His secret technique was blocked as if it was nothing.

„My… my secret…‟

Kwak Woon, who was staggering with extreme shock, coughed blood again.


It was because he raised his energy to control the shards, and it then unexpectedly backfired.

Kwak Woon almost fell down, but he held his stomach and glared at Chun Yeowun.

„Who the hell…? Why is this monster here?‟

The Murim Association had several rules.

The first rule was so important that no one under the association would dare break.

Each year, there would be five requests from the association, and they need to be fulfilled.

But there was an exception.

The higher the rank, the better the treatment.

[Go to Jinan city to check the working of the Yongchun Group, the remnants of the Demonic

It was a letter Kwak Woon had been given.

He asked the Murim Association executive.

[Weren‘t they being monitored by the Jinan city Murim branch?]

[I… I guess you haven‘t heard yet.]


[Before the latest opening of the Gate in Jinan city, 70% of the Murim warriors of the Jinan city
branch who participated in the war were wiped out, and the remaining ones requested their
leaves to be granted.]

[What… why?]

The fact that 70% died and that the remaining ones left the branch meant that the Murim
Association had no control of Jinan city anymore.

[The head office is concerned about this. They are urgently asking you to stay at Weifang after
the Gate issue is done.]

Weifang city was to the east of Jinan.

The Demonic Cult.

The one thing the Murim Association was wary of.

Which was why they were monitoring the Cult for 27 years.

[I get it. I‘ll take this task.]

Kwak Woon thought of what happened and was now regretting it.

He had one remaining right to refuse the task. He should have used it.

However, since the location was close, he accepted the job.


Blood was clogging up in his throat.

―Haaa… Haaa…‖

His injuries seemed worse than he imagined.

The more he tried to use energy, the worse his condition got.

It was as if he was already defeated.

„Who the hell is he?‟

It was clear that this young man was stronger than him.

No matter how much he tried, he couldn‘t feel the energy from Chun Yeowun, which meant he
was on another level than him.

„Body change?‟

There was no other way to explain the young look.

Kwak Woon opened his mouth, while trying to endure the pain.

―Kuak… you… are you from the Demonic Cult?‖

He asked out of curiosity.

It was definite that those who interfered with their work must be related to the Yongchun group.

Chun Yeowun moved his finger.



Kwak Woon hurriedly moved his body.

A sharp sense passed by his side.

Sword marks lay on the ground.

„He made swords which can‟t be seen?‟

It was something that every martial artist longed for.

Kwak Woon acknowledged this man.

This young man was someone he could never defeat.

―Interesting. To call the Cult like that in front of me.‖

Despite saying it was interesting, the voice was cold.

Even when he was in the past, not a single person could use the word Demonic Cult in a
degrading manner, but here, in front of Chun Yeowun, this man was calling the Cult in such a

„He has to be from the Demonic Cult.‟

Kwak Woon‘s expression darkened.

It was because the concerns of the Murim Association were correct.

„What the hell? Was there a monster like this in the Cult beside the Black Horse and Wind

The Black Horse was a nickname for Chun Woo-jin, the imprisoned Lord.

And Wind Demon was the Great Guardian Marayun.

They were like beasts 27 years ago, until the company fell.

And Chun Woo-jin was one of the Five Great Warriors of that time.

Originally, Kwak Woon was a normal warrior, but 20 years ago, he managed to awaken and took
the empty spot.


Kwak Woon grunted through his teeth.

‟… this is bad. It doesn‟t matter who I am.‟

It was embarrassing, but he had to run away.

If he was gonna stay obsessed with the title, then he could be taken hostage or die right there.
„And if I am caught, the Association will have to make a bargain. I need to let them know that
there are monsters like this in the Demonic Cult!‟

He kept trying to justify his thought to run away.

Without that, Kwak Woon would die.

„I need to retreat. Retreat…‟


―What do you keep mumbling inside?‖


All of a sudden, Chun Yeowun appeared right in front of him.

Embarrassed, Kwak Woon tried to move away by causing a diversion with the sword pieces.


In an instant, his arm was cut-off.


The pain was beyond imagination.

However, since he was a Supreme Master, he could control his body more freely. So he tried to
endure the pain.


„I need to hold on.‟

Because he knew the moment his heart would shake, he would meet his end.

Kwak Woon pulled something out of his waist with his left hand.

„This is the worst. To use this.‟

It had the form of a grenade.


A flash bomb with twice the power of a military M82.

An explosive that emits millions of candelas and sounds over 200 decibels.

It would blind both eyes and even cause permanent damage to the ears.

„To use this against a Human and not Gate entities.‟


The flash bomb, which was supposed to explode as soon as the pin fixed on the belt was pulled
out, exploded immediately.

Along with light, came the sound of a dolphin screaming.


Even with his eyes closed, the light was still horrible.

Kwak Woon cuffed his ears to not let the sound enter his ears.

„It would work in 4 seconds.‟

And those 4 seconds were crucial.

Even if the eyes were closed a moment later, they would be burnt.

„Now is the time. Injure him and run away.‟

He knew that the flash bomb wouldn‘t do any damage to the opponent.

Feeling the crisis, he knew that the enemy would also expect this.

However, even if the enemy expects it, he would have to sense the opponent without seeing nor

Kwak Woon immediately shut his eyes.

It was then.



His left wrist was caught.

„Is this even possible?‟

Only 2 seconds passed.

And the light was bright.

Kwak Woon closed his eyes tightly and tried to shake off the hand.


At that moment, something moved through his ankle, and pain came over him.


Kwa Woon screamed as the light disappeared and opened his eyes.

He didn‘t know what happened in the 4 seconds.

It made no sense for a man who lost his blindness and hearing to have such a good sense.


Kwak Woon‘s face turned pale.

Chun Yeowun, who was holding his wrist, looked at him.

For a man who was supposed to be blind by the light, he was looking straight at Kwak Woon.
―Why did you think I couldn‘t do this?‖

―No… No way…‖



Chun Yeowun slammed his face into the floor.




And then sealed his blood points.

Despite being a Supreme Master warrior, he felt defeated for real.

„Body isn‟t moving.‟

Kwak Woon was desperate.

His plan to run away had failed miserably.

Chun Yeowun lifted his hand, which pushed him to the ground.

―Kay. Now I want to hear what you people were trying to do.‖

As expected, information.

Kwak Yoon bit his lip strong enough for it to bleed.

He couldn‘t answer.

After being caught, it was obvious that the enemy would kill him once he got the information.

Shaking in anger, Kwak Woon opened his mouth.

―Kill me.‖

He wanted to protect the honor he had left.

After all, he lost because he wasn‘t skilled.

However, he was never going to betray the people by leaking information.

In pain, he tried to speak.

―No matter how much you torture. I will not give you anything, not to you the evil Demonic

―That so?‖

Chun Yeowun smiled.


Kwak Woon smiled.

Even though he showed such will, the enemy was relaxed.

„Doesn‟t matter. I will endure.‟

Even if a sword would be put on his neck, he was going to stay silent.

But it felt strange.

He thought that the enemy would pull out his nails and then cut his fingers, but Chun Yeowun
kept asking questions.

―Is the Murim Association the one who sent you?‖

―Where did you come from?‖

―What instructions did you receive?‖

―What do you know about the Murim Association?‖

After each question, he waited for 10 seconds and then asked another.

Kwak Woon couldn‘t understand what the man‘s intentions were.

He kept asking questions despite not getting any answer. Why was he doing that?

Kwak Woon stayed silent.

He wasn‘t sure what mind game was being played, but he wasn‘t going to fall for it.

It lasted for around 10 minutes.

―That is all.‖


Chun Yeowun stopped asking questions.

Kwak Woon‘s face turned tense as the questions stopped.


He felt something cold and gloomy.

He was unable to move his body, but the weird energy was very unpleasant and he wanted to

„What? What is this gloomy energy?‟

At that moment, Kwak Woon‘s eyes widened.


Something hazy was moving around.

Like a ghost.

―Wh-what is this?‖

Even when he closed his eyes and then opened them again, the ghost stayed.
It was approaching them while passing through the warehouse wall, and the sight made him want
to run.

And it wasn‘t just one ghost.


They appeared from all sides.

Confused, he shouted at Chun Yeowun.

―Y-you can‘t see those things around?‘

He was trying to see if he was the only one who could see them.

Chun Yeowun smiled.

―Do I look like I don‘t see them?‖


The ghosts were approaching them.

Kwak Woon, who was unable to move because of the sealed blood points, yelled.

―Are you not going to do anything?‖

Despite that, Chun Yeowun stood still.

Soon, the ghosts were near them.

Kwak Woon‘s eyes met with Chun Yeowun.

He then looked at the ghost.


He wasn‘t sure, but the face of the ghost was similar to his disciple.

And the others too.

„These… these are…‟

Kwak Woon‘s eyes turned red.

„Did they appear because they couldn‟t forget their grudges?‟

Kwak Woon believed that the ghosts appeared because of their grudge against Chun Yeowun,
who killed them.

He felt ashamed for trembling in front of them.

„You are the true heroes of the faction…‟

At that time, Chun Yeowun spoke to the ghosts.

―Have you dealt with all the rats around you?‖


Kwak Woon couldn‘t understand why the ghosts were nodding their heads at Chun Yeowun‘s

―W-what is this?‖

―Ah, were they people you brought?‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s question, Kwak Woon shouted.

―Yes you bastard! They are the proud disciples of the Mount Hua clan! They will kill…‖



Chun Yeowun grabbed his mouth.

And then said.

―Noisy. Whatever they are, I will make sure to use them even if they are disciples.‖

Kwak Woon‘s eyes went wide at those words.

Unless he misunderstood, Chun Yeowun said he was the one who turned them like this.

―Eup! Euppppp!‖

„What did he do?‟

Kwak Woon tried to protest.

But with his mouth closed, it sounded like a groan.

At that moment, Chun Yeowun‘s right wrist shone with a gloomy blue light.


And the feeling from it was the same as the energy around the ghosts.

„C-could this be possible?‟


Chun Yeowun‘s hand pierced his chest.



The whole body turned pale and fell.

It then soon began to convulse and then stiffened.

It was a truly tragic death for one of the Five Great Warriors, said to be the strongest in Murim.


Before long, a ghost appeared from Kwak Woon‘s body.

Chun Yeowun nodded with a smile as he looked at the ghost.

―I must be lucky. A ghost of a Supreme Master.‖

He was satisfied.

Reaching out his hand to the ghost‘s head, Chun Yeowun mumbled.

―Let‘s see what you thought about those questions.‖

The ability to read memories.

Finally, he got a chance to use it.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 97 -

The Murim Association (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Dec 16, 2021

• 12 min read • 5722 views



„I guess they aren‟t that stupid.‟

Chun Yeowun, who read the memories of Kwak Woon‘s ghost, thought so.

No matter how much information was blocked and covered with the pretext of the Gate wars, the
Murim Association‘s suspicions were directed towards the Sky Demon order.

„This is proof that they are afraid of the Cult.‟

The proof was that the Murim Association could do nothing other than hold back even though 27
years had passed

However, that wasn‘t all. The Murim Association‘s response was quite extraordinary.

According to Kwak Woon‘s memories, the Murim Association sent him because he was close to
Jinan city.

„They didn‟t hold onto their power.‟

Even among the association‘s warriors, the Five Great Warriors were the best.

In the case of Kwak Woon, he was from the Mount Hua clan.

Of course, this action was taken by the association since they thought that such a skilled person
would be able to solve the suspicions they had in the Jinan city.


Understanding the entire situation from the memories alone was difficult.

Kwak Woon didn‘t directly give the full answers, but he did unconsciously recall a few things.

And those fragments were being seen by Chun Yeowun.

It was more like a movie, but unclean editing.

„Well, it wasn‟t like there was no benefit from this.‟

He got some pretty useful ghosts, and learned about some of their weaknesses too.

The number of Ghosts around Chun Yeowun was 14, including Kwak Woon.

Five out of the Mount Hua clan disciples couldn‘t be turned into Ghosts.

„Some kind of self-defense which prevented the Ghosts from forming.‟

Among the 18 disciples, some witnessed the death of their comrades and responded accordingly,
so the surprise attack didn‘t work.

And as they died, Ghosts didn‘t form from their bodies.

So the ghost wouldn‘t be formed if the man‘s body was being protected by self-defense

„That was unfortunate.‟

If this weakness spread to others, then they would use that to prevent more Ghosts from forming.

„Well, the secret should just not leak out.‟

Since he was aware of this, he blocked the blood points of Kwak Woon in advance.

―Come in.‖

When Chun Yeowun raised his right arm, the Ghosts roaming around began to get absorbed into
the wrist guard.


Any power could be used appropriately. Chun Yeowun came out of the warehouse and
approached the large RV parked in front.

Looking at the license plate, it was clear that this car was a rental.

Shh! Click!
Chun Yeowun reached out and broke the window.

A study case bag inside.

The case seemed to be made of special alloy and locked with a fingerprint.

However, that meant nothing to Chun Yeowun.


Nano hacked through it, and the case was opened. It revealed a fist-sized sphere emitting
dazzling light.

A core.

[Estimated to be an A-class core.]


If one looked at the vast energy radiating from it, it was sure to be an A-class core.

Satisfied, Chun Yeowun closed the case.

This must‘ve been the core that Kwak Woon had acquired in the Gate at Weifang city.

„I must be lucky.‟

Coincidentally, right after acquiring the core, he was asked to take up this job in Jinan city.

Due to that, the man could not absorb the core and brought it along, only to die and let Chun
Yeowun take it.

At the dying moments, the man had intensely thought of this.

„Two A-class and one S-class core…‟

Chun Yeowun was anxious as he didn‘t have many cores with him, but he managed to have three
cores of top quality.

And this would be enough to increase the power even more.

―Now that we have recovered the important thing, should I recover the others too?‖

Chun Yeowun closed the case and walked around the entrance of the product warehouse looking
for the dead masked people and the corpses of the Mount Hua disciples.

Meanwhile, some people of the Yongchun group had arrived.


Huan Myung-oh couldn‘t hide his shock.

Fortunately, the situation was sorted out by Chun Yeowun, but he hated himself for not being
able to get the information that the Murim Association had come here.

―I am sorry. I should have known this.‖

It was hard to say that this was Huan Myung-oh‘s mistake.

Because of the underground high-speed trains, which were managed by the Defense, it was
unreasonable to know who was using them in real time.

And as the trains were the most important means of transportation, it was impossible to plant
people because the Defense would thoroughly check for suspicious people.

Huan Myung-oh tried to plant people with fake human skin masks, but it always failed as
fingerprint and iris verification were needed.

―I‘ll try to figure out a way to identify the people coming into Jinan.‖

Chun Yeowun threw something at Huan Myung-oh.

―Use this.‖


―This is?‖

A ring.
It looked like an ordinary ring, why would he be given a ring?

―The one called Kwak Woon had it.‖

―Huh! Kwak Woon? The Mount Hua clan‘s Kwak Woon?‖

Huan Myung-oh was shocked at those words.

Even though he wasn‘t a member of the Murim Association, Huan Myung-oh knew the things
happening in the Murim world.

And Kwak Woon was one of the Five Great Warriors.

He didn‘t even imagine that one of the strongest in the association would break into the

―Director Huan! Look at this body!‖

At the same time, the cultists who were incinerating the bodies around the product warehouse
brought a body out on a stretcher.

The body belonged to Kwak Woon.

White face and a ghastly body.

But the man was easily recognizable.

„For the swordsman of Mount Hua to turn into this.‟

He knew about Chun Yeowun‘s power.

And for Chun Yeowun, even the Five Great Warriors seemed to be just rats.

„Are they sending the strongest ones? That means that the Murim Association has noticed us.‟

Huan Myung-oh‘s face darkened at that.

When they went against the Jinan city‘s Murim branch, they did expect this to some extent.

But he didn‘t think that such strong people would be sent.

This meant that they were being vigilant.

„If Lord Chun Ma hadn‟t come here first, then the device would have been taken away and we
would have suffered terribly.‟

Chun Yeowun could easily handle Kwak Woon.

However, the reputation of the Mount Hua clan‘s Kwak Woon was huge.

And if it was the Yongchun group that fought with him, then they would have lost.

The Murim Association would have also received the information that the Cult was trying to rise

Huan Myung-oh opened his mouth with a serious look.

―My Lord, the Murim Association…‖

―Must have noticed us. They would be idiots if they didn‘t.‖

―I see why Lord has ordered for the merging to be done right away.‖

If the Murim Association was being this wary, it was obvious that they would think of other
ways to attack the Cult.

The longer it took for the merger to happen, the more chances Murim Association would have to
sway others.

In the end, the merger had to be hastened like Chun Yeowun said.

―Lord Chun Ma, what about this?‖

Huan Myung-oh asked about the ring he was given.

A personal belonging of Kwak Woon, but he didn‘t know the reason Chun Yeowun gave it to

―There is a chip in the ring.‖

―Huh? Inside?‖

The ring was small and thin.

Which meant that a micro-scale chip could be planted in it.

―It has to be the Murim Association. You brought your phone?‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s words, Huan Myung-oh handed the smartphone around his wrist.

As Chun Yeowun grabbed the phone, a nanowire jumped out of Chun Yeowun‘s palm and
connected with it.

It then sent information to the screen.

After finishing, Chun Yeowun handed the phone back to him and said.

―I put the code of the frequency of the chip in the ring.‖

―L-Lord, code of the frequency?‖

Huan Myung-oh couldn‘t hold back his expression as the task was done in such a short time.

He looked at his phone. Since not even the fingerprint was unlocked, he couldn‘t understand.

To him, Chun Yeowun said.

―Can you use that to make a tracking device?‖


Building a tracking device could be possible if the frequency code was known.

And with that, it would be possible to find out the owner of this chip.

Though it couldn‘t be used inside the underground trains, just putting the members of the Cult
with the tracking device on the platform would be enough to detect people.

„We can stop them as soon as they enter Jinan city!‟

Suddenly, Huan Myung-oh thought that it wouldn‘t be just Kwak Woon, but the other warriors
of the Murim Association would have this too.

„Then the others will…‟

―No need to check. Put your hand out.‖

Huan Myung-oh stretched his hand out at Chun Yeowun‘s words.

A handful of things were grabbed from the pocket of Chun Yeowun‘s coat and placed in his

It started with buttons and all.

―Y-You found all these?‖

Huan Myung-oh was shocked.

Without proper equipment, he was worried about how to find these chips.

But the surprise didn‘t end there.

―Take this as well. This is what Kwak Woon had.‖

―Kwak Woon?‖

Huan Myung-oh was puzzled by the case that Chun Yeowun handed him.

It had fingerprint recognition, but it wasn‘t locked, so he opened it.


A core was inside the case.

Huan Myung-oh was at a loss of words at the core which was emitting tremendous energy.

„Just when…‟

It seemed like Chun Yeowun possessed a number of abilities that didn‘t go in line with a martial
And it was so amazing to see them all in action.

„They are all unlucky ones.‟

They tried to take away the core refinement device and dig up information about the Cult.
However, they didn‘t just lose their strong warrior, but also a precious A-class core.

They were going to get pissed now.

And just the thought made Huan Myung-oh feel refreshed.

Up Until now, they were all in a position where they were bowing down to the Murim
Association. But seeing how the Murim Association was now getting beat, he felt excited.

And then came one concern.

„Ah… this one, will make them certain.‟

Come to think of it, till now, the association was in a state of doubt.

However, if the recapturing of the device failed and the fact that Kwak Woon died was known,
then their doubt would turn into certainty.

―… Lord Chun Ma. it seems like their movement will be in full swing after this.‖

―In what way?‖

―Maybe they will try to pressure us saying that Kwak Woon disappeared or maybe… they will
come for an all-out war with us before we even get the numbers on our side.‖

If the association dispatched one of the Five Great Warriors because of a doubt, then they‘d
surely wage a full-out war if they were sure.

If that happened, the merger wouldn‘t be the most important task, since it would be crucial to
come up with a way to handle the Murim Association.

―That won‘t happen.‖

Puzzled at Chun Yeowun‘s, Huan Myung-oh asked.

―How could you get to that conclusion?‖

―Huan Myung-oh. What do you think is the best defense?‖

It seemed like Chun Yeowun was asking about the invasion preparation of the association.

Chun Yeowun spoke in a calm voice to Huan Myung-oh as he was nervous and couldn‘t come
up with an answer.

―It is a preemptive strike.‖


Three days later.

Wuhan city.

Located in the middle of Hubei province, this city was known to be the safest city.

The reason was that the head office of the Murim Association was located here.

The home of the modern martial arts with hundreds of small and medium clans taking root here.

More than 30,000 of the residents were martial artists.

The headquarters of the Murim Association was to the northeast of Wuhan.

The main office building was in the form of a tiled house modeled after the old Murim structure.

In addition, there were more than 20 buildings and hundreds of exercise facilities on the vast site.

―Haa! Haa!‖

The cheers of Murim people filled the hall throughout the site.

And a large cargo truck had entered the Murim Association.


The barricade went down and blocked the entrance.

The guards at the entrance of the main gate came out and stopped the cargo truck.

A security guard wearing a yellow band, who seemed to be the team leader, gestured for the
window to be rolled down.


The truck‘s window rolled down and showed the driver‘s face.

But the driver seemed nervous.

Puzzled, the security guard asked.

―Your vehicle isn‘t registered, so what business do you have here?‖


At the question, the driver looked at the person sitting next to him.

Since the cargo truck was large, the passenger seat wasn‘t visible from outside.

However, the truck driver suddenly looked confused.

―Huh? If you say that…‖

The head of the security guard thought this was strange and took out the pistol.

―What are you up to? Show me your identity card right now.‖

Waving his hands in fear, the driver said.

―I-I have nothing to do with this…‖


The guard aimed the pistol at the driver.

―Declare what business you have here! Otherwise!‖



When the leader gestured, the other guards pulled out their pistols and surrounded the truck.

They were ready to check the truck at any moment.

―This is the last warning. What business…‖

It was then.

The voice of the one next to the truck driver came out.

―Business? I have come to wipe out the entire main office of the Murim Association.‖



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 99 -
The Murim Association (3)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Dec 19, 2021

• 13 min read • 5322 views



Beep! Beep!

The intercom in the control room.

The head, who was staring at the CCTV, was startled at the number of people who were
simultaneously calling in.

―Yes. I am the head of the control room.‖

-What are you doing right now?

A thick voice filled with displeasure came through the receiver.

They weren‘t even face-to-face, but the man seemed very upset so the head was standing stiff.

―I-I apologize!‖

-Apologize…. How far do you plan on letting the cargo truck go?

The head was restless at the words he heard.

„He was watching too.‟

There was no way the man on the line couldn‘t see it.

The most number of intercoms existed in the highest place of the Murim Association head office.
The cargo truck was moving fast.

The goal was, of course, the main office of the head office.

―Dir-director. They don‘t seem to be ordinary warriors. They can freely use Flame qi…‖

-Activate the EV fields.


EV field.

A device that scatters the energy around.

Since the disbandment of the MS group 15 years ago, all the technical equipment related to them
had been completely taken away and banned by the State.

Numerous wires were deeply buried in the ground, and they were left untouched to avoid tearing
down an entire site to retrieve them.

Of course, that was the reason why the Murim Association was placed in such a place, but not
many knew the reason behind it.

―Director General, the use of EV fields has been officially banned. Unless a majority of the
council agree…‖

-What do you think we are doing right now!?


Currently, the council meeting is being held in the conference room. So rules could be made at
any time.

Then there would be no particular problem using the field.

Except for one thing.

―But, if we use the EV field, it will also affect our allies.‖

The worst downside of the EV field.

It would make it impossible for anyone in that area to use their energy.

Because it scatters all the energy around.

-In that case, won‘t we have an advantage with numbers? Wouldn‘t they have less advantage?

At those words, the head of the security room went silent.

Obviously, as he said, surely the energy in the bodies wouldn‘t be harnessed anymore, and it
would be difficult to handle the opponents.


The man knew.

Even if that was done, they had thousands of warriors there.

―I‘ll do as instructed.‖


With that, the intercom was cut.

At the same time, in the conference room on the 30th floor of the Murim Association office.

A tall, blue-eyed middle-aged man in a navy blue suit, with the disconnected intercom, turned his
head and looked at the conference table.


A hologram device was spinning.

Most of those who attended the conference hall were present as holograms.

In fact, there were just six people who attended this meeting.
A middle-aged man with a sad-looking face, in the second seat, asked.

-If the problem is serious, you can postpone this meeting. Director Kwon.

―Not at all. What could be more important than the Demonic Cult forming again? We will
continue with the meeting right now.‖

―I know.‖

When director Kwon took his seat, a tall man in his late thirties, sitting at the top of the table
with a blue suit, started the meeting.

On the nameplate, was written, Mun Jeong-so, the acting chairman of Murim Association.

He was a disciple of the chairman of Murim Association and the director of the Ohshin Group.


A speeding cargo truck crossing the site of the Murim Association.

BI Mak-heon, who was holding the steering week, was on alert.

On the way to the office, there were a huge number of warriors that couldn‘t even be counted
with the naked eye.

„My mouth has gone dry.‟

And there were some strong ones.

It seemed like they were surrounding them to not let them go to the office.

The reason they couldn‘t attack them was because of the numerous flame spheres around the

Some warriors tried to get close to the truck, but each time, Mun Ran-yeong or Hu Bong would
guard the truck with flames.

Nevertheless, they continued to move, and at some point, more warriors gathered in front of the
office building.

„What is their plan?‟

It was the moment they were puzzled.


At the same time, the flame spheres spinning around the truck disappeared.

It wasn‘t because Hu Bong or Mun Ran-yeong wanted to.

„This is?‟

Chun Yeowun narrowed his eyes.

The energy of nature around him was rapidly dissipating.

All around them.

„Is it like that time?‟

Chun Yeowun had been through this once.

The EV field he experienced in the Research Centre run by the MS Group.


―Bong Bong. The energy is scattered.‖

The two people on the truck were shocked at what they were experiencing for the first time.

Hu Bong raised his sword and tried to induce energy into it, but soon, the sword was back to

―This is bad.‖
Not being able to channel the energy meant that they couldn‘t do wide-ranged attacks anymore.

―Done! We did it!‖


The warriors screamed.

They had been gathered in front of the office because they were informed that an EV field would
be activated.

Even if the opponents were amazing warriors, if they couldn‘t make their swords fly or cast
techniques, the battle would be close-ranged.

Numbers would definitely win.


Phat! Phat!

As if waiting for it to happen, at the shout of the leaders, the warriors moved for the truck.

When he saw people rushing in to fight the war.

―M-My Lord. What do we do now?‖

Bi Mak-heon was terrified.

At this rate, it wouldn‘t be weird if they abandon the truck and move out.

Those who used footwork were Super masters, and they were gradually closing the distance.

―Huh. I guess they aren‘t all idiots.‖


Chun Yeowun had lost interest as he didn‘t like how the Murim Association responded to their

This was supposed to be the Murim association

The first counterattack was horrible and didn‘t meet his expectations.


―Yes! Master!‖


Shakena passed through the driver‘s seat.


Despite knowing her abilities, Bi Mak-heon was startled by her sudden appearance.

―Woah! A swarm of humans! They look so delicious.‖

Shakena wiggled her tongue.

Instead of looking at them as enemies, she looked at them as prey.

―Use Phasing.‖


With a hum, she placed her hands on the truck‘s centre.

At that moment, a purple energy emanated from her dyed hands and gradually turned the truck


―What was that?‖

―The truck is turning transparent!‖

The warriors rushing towards it were confused by the strange phenomenon.

The leaders urged the warriors to not stop.

―Don‘t concern yourself with that!‖

―That‘s just a gimmick! Move!‖

At their leaders‘ request, the Murims shouted and rushed again.



The leader of the vanguard troops tried to cut the truck in half with the huge sword.

And then came the amazing thing.



The sword just went through the truck.

It just passed through.

The truck didn‘t stop and moved forward.



Flustered, the man tried to stop the truck with his sword, but the truck passed through him again.

And the same happened with other warriors too.


―W-what the hell is this?‖


The warriors on the front swung their swords to smash the truck, but it passed through their


As the truck passed through them, everyone was shocked and stood still.

―Stop it! We need to stop it!‖

―How can we even stop this?‖

There was no point in attacking the truck when it could pass through everything.

The truck kept passing as if the 3,000 warriors ahead didn‘t even exist.

And then reached the front of the Murim Association office, which they were desperately trying
to defend.

―Such a stupid thi…‖

―The intruders passed us.‖

The warriors were stunned as they saw the truck right ahead of the office building.

For the first time in the history of the Murim Association, the enemy reached the office.

And that while passing through all the defensive power.


When the truck stopped, The door of its cargo compartment went up and around fifty people in
black shirts and red letters came down.

The elite people, all above Super Master level.

―No. those clothes…‖

―Demonic Cult!‖

The clothes were the traditional attire of the Demonic Cult.

The warriors of the association who recognized that couldn‘t hide their shock.
They all wondered what kind of enemies would do such a crazy thing. Who could have imagined
that it would be the Demonic Cult?


―How dare the remnants of the Demonic Cult raid the head office of the Murim Association! The
center of the Murim!‖

The leader of the Vanguard troops, Kam Cheok, grunted his teeth.

He was furious from the moment these intruders broke through and now when they were in front
of the main office too.


―Senior Kam.‖

Next to him, Hang-ryong, the leader of the swordsmen unit White War troops, one of the five
Murim Association units, approached the man and held his shoulders.

Contrary to his anger, he spoke in a relaxed manner.

―They aren‘t stupid people. To think they would hit this association with that much power.‖

―Leader Baek Cheon‘s words were right.‖


Baek Cheon, the leader of another unit, came up to them and clicked his tongue.

―Because of what they did in the Jinan city, the association was trying to put pressure on them,
but it didn‘t work out because they ended up coming here.‖

―I guess so. We can certainly deal with the remnants of the Cult using this as an excuse.‖

Hang-ryong agreed.

Kam Cheok, who regained his calmness, spoke with a cold face while looking at the cultists who
got down the truck.
―I guess so. You are right. They just entered the tiger‘s jaw on their own accord, they don‘t know
what they are doing.‖

The only way out was blocked by 3,000 warriors.

Moreover, the main office they were standing in front of wasn‘t any random place.

One of the Five Great Warriors, Hyun Won-gyeong, the Song Yang Swordsman, and the other
strong executives were having a meeting inside.

And probably realizing the situation, they would be coming out at any second.

It was literally the worst scenario for the Cult.


At that moment, Chun Yeowun came out of the front seat.

Hu Bong, Mun Ran-yeong and Shakena followed behind him along with Bi Mak-heon.

When Chun Yeowun walked to the back of the truck, the Cult members went down on one knee
and bowed, shouting.

―Long Live the Great Sky Demon Order!‖

And with that, everyone knew that Chun Yeowun was the leader.

„Is that one the lord of the remaining members of the Cult?‟

The older warriors couldn‘t hide their curiosity.

They had been fighting the disintegrated Cult, the Black Sky Company, for several times, so they
knew all their faces.

„Who the hell is he?‟

„When did they have such a young man among them?‟

Just looking at his face, it was clear that the man was in his early 20s.
Even when they tried to sense how strong he was, because of the EV field, they couldn‘t know

„Huh! It doesn‟t matter! They are the ones we need to deal with, nothing else matters!‟

Kam Cheok, the Golden Dragon Sword, came forward and shouted.

―How dare you Demonic Cult raid the association! I guess your lives aren‘t worth much. Why
don‘t you get down on your knees and surrender to us right now!‖

Seeing how widely the voice resounded, people knew how strong he was.

„As expected from the Golden Dragon Sword!‟

„Indeed, the leader of the vanguard!‟

The warriors who were feeling encouraged with it, yelled.

―Surrender now!!!‖

And they seemed to work well together.

Hu Bong, who was next to Chun Yeowun, felt so annoyed that he ended up asking.

―Lord. Please let me kill them all right now.‖


Chun Yeowun raised his hand and made a gesture to Hu Bong, asking him to stay still.

He then took a step closer to the warriors.

And said.

―Listen, you Murim Association people.‖

It wasn‘t even a shout, just a normal voice talking.

Nevertheless, everyone in that place could hear it clearly.

If it wasn‘t for the EV, those with weak internal energy might have suffered internal injuries.

„What amazing power!‟

The faces of the leaders went stiff.

Being Superior Masters, the moment they heard Chun Yeowun‘s voice, they realized the
difference in strength.

And it was so shocking that they felt a chill run down their spines.

Chun Yeowun continued.

―Very foolishly, you people have committed a grave mistake by showing hostility to the Great
Sky Demon order.‖

With those words, Chun Yeowun turned his head and looked at the main office.

―Today, the Murim Association will pay the price.‖


As soon as he said that, Chun Yeowun sprinted into the air.

The Murim warriors of the association were shocked at the man who kept climbing up as if he
was stepping in the air.


―What speed!‖

That was something that only a few people could do.

Normally, he would have just shot up at once, but because of the EV field, he had to use the
energy in his body to move.

„What is he trying to do?‟

The eyes of the warriors were focused on Chun Yeowun, who continued to climb.
It was when he climbed till the 20th floor when Chun Yeowun pretended to grab something with
both hands.


At that moment, something hazy was caught in Chun Yeowun‘s hand, and then turned into a
giant sword.

The warriors watching it couldn‘t help but be shocked.

It was nothing like a sword.

―N-No way.‖

―I-is that an invisible sword?‖

The size of the invisible sword in Chun Yeowun‘s hands was 20 meters long.

Despite being that grand distance, the sharp energy could be felt.

―D-Divine Master level?‖

Only those who reached the Divine Master level could do this.

However, the size of the sword was too weird and large.

Just how much energy would be needed to create an invisible sword of that size.

―Wa-wait a minute! What is he trying to do!‖

Kam Cheok stared at that in shock.

The direction at which Chun Yeowun was holding the sword was towards the office

―This is what happens.‖

As soon as Chun Yeowun said that, he swung the huge sword in his hand.

The blade of the invisible sword struck the roof tile of the office.


With a loud roar, the tiles began to fall all around the office, and the blade of the sword pierced
into the underside.

―S-stop it!‖


The warriors‘ eyes were wide as they screamed.


The office which was modeled after the old building of the Forces of Justice was being split in



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 100 -
Surrender (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Dec 20, 2021

• 13 min read • 5124 views

The conference room on the 30th floor of Murim Association‘s main office building.

The soundproofing was so good and so was the view.

The best place to hold a meeting

And right in the middle of it.


Director General Kwon Jeong-won and Hyun Won-kyung, the advisor of the Murim Association,
turned at the same time in a certain direction.

It was then.

Kwaang! Rumble!

Everything shook violently as if an earthquake occurred beneath their feet.

Except for those who were participating through holograms, everybody jumped in surprise.

―W-what the hell is this!‖

―It has to be an earthquake… gasp!‖

They could see it clearly.

Right through the window, something huge was hitting the building.

„No way!‟

Hyun Won-kyung, the Sung Yang Swordsman, was shocked at it.

If his senses were being on alert, then that thing had to be an invisible sword.

„Is that an invisible sword?‟

The fact that an invisible sword was being used was surprising in itself.

However, what he was seeing now seemed to be beyond common sense.

-Chhk! What is happening over…

-The communication is giving me static on your side… click!

The holograms flickered and the signal went out.



The ceiling cracked and the huge invisible sword invaded the room.

All the lights went off at once.


Director General Kwon Jeong-won hurriedly drew his sword and cut a window.

―Everyone! Jump out!‖

Although they were in a tall building, it was better to move away than stay in such a place.

―Just what is happening!‖

Mun Jeong-seo, the representative and deputy president of the association, mumbled as if this
was ridiculous, and then immediately moved to the window.

The other executives managed to focus on jumping out.


The invisible sword which struck from above took the building down.
It precisely cut the building in half.

Should they be glad?

That the building was cut in half and not the floor collapsed?




The people who were inside the building decided to run out.

As the building cracked, debris fell down and dust rose around.

Those who were quick managed to escape right away.

And those who were higher up or in the middle floors were crushed down between the floors.

―Association… the building is down….‖

―How did this…‖

The warriors, who were watching the scene unfold, couldn‘t hide their dismay.

However, that feeling didn‘t last long.

The feeling of guilt for not being able to save the building and create the worst situation for the
Murim Association was replaced by anger.

―How dare you! You filthy demons!, this holy place of Murim…‖

―The cultists need to be killed right away!‖

―Punish those demons!‖

The mass movement was truly amazing.

As one or two people shouted their anger, the others felt encouraged.
They had witnessed their main office being cut down right in front of their eyes, but the fact that
they were superior in number seemed to have helped lower their fears.


Chun Yeowun landed on the ground and looked at the office building as if it was a wonderful

The Murim Associations office, which was cut in half, looked miserable.

„Isn‟t Lord Chun Ma going too far?‟

Although BI Mak-heon looked at the scene in awe, he was worried that Chun Yeowun wasted
too much of his energy.

Right now, all the energy which was being brought out to use techniques was being dispersed by
the EV field.

And Chun Yeowun created a huge invisible sword, which surely would have consumed a lot of
internal energy.

„You used a crazy amount of internal energy, now you are done.‟

It wasn‘t just the allies who had those thoughts.

The leaders of the armed groups of the Murim Association believed that Chun Yeowun made a
mistake as well.

Just bringing out sword energy in a dispersed EV field was tough, and this man had just created
an invisible sword.

„Even if he was at Divine Master level, there will be a limit to his internal energy.‟

And they thought they would have a chance now.

At that moment, a group of men appeared in the direction of Chun Yeowun.

At that, the warriors shouted.


They were the executives who jumped out of the building.

At the forefront was a middle-aged man with eyes full of anger.

It was Hyun Won-kyung.

In his hand was the famous Sariwon Sword.

Since it was a famous sword, it meant it was crafted at least 10 years ago.

―It is Song Yang Swordsman!‖

One of the Five Great Warriors was standing there.

The name Five Great Warriors gave them confidence.

In addition, the other executives weren‘t that weak either.

„There is Ho Ji-seon, Biryu Seong of Zhejiang and Yeon Woo-kang of Jongnam clan.‟

Bi Mak-heon gulped at the sight.

All of them were amazing warriors in the modern Murim world and were all Superior Master
levels or higher.

He heard that they had resigned from being active on duty, but it seemed like they held onto their
executive position.

―Mak-heon. Where is the chairman?‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s question, Bo Mak-heon shook his head and said,

―He doesn‘t seem to be present.‖


―Not there. But the one who is the centre of this association is there.‖
The person Bi Mak-heon pointed to was Kwon Jeong-won.

The person ranking highest except for the chairman and vice-chairman.

―Tch, we came to rob an empty house?‖

Chun Yeowun clicked his tongue.

He was hoping to deal with the chairman and vice-chairman of the Murim Association, who
were known to be the current head of the Blade Six and the Ohsin group.

When he was told that both weren‘t present, Chun Yeowun felt irritated.


„How dare the remnants of the Cult ignore me?‟

It was Mun Jeong-seo, the aide of the chairman of the Murim Association and the one next in
line to be the head of the Ohsin group. A man with power.

He was being treated as if he didn‘t exist at all, and it was natural that his pride would be hurt.


Mun Jeong-seo called for Hyun Won-kyung.

―Yes, chairman‘s representative?‖

―Are you going to let them insult the association? Don‘t you think that this situation needs to be
taken care of? Let‘s work together.‖

Although he was a man with pride, Mun Jeong-seo wasn‘t an idiot.

He knew that going in alone wouldn‘t work.


Hyun Won-kyung seemed worried about something.

He knew that it was difficult to deal with Chun Yeowun alone.

However, his Five Great Warriors title was holding him by the ankles.

„This is good.‟

Mun Jeong-seo gave the right justification so this seemed nice.

―Since the representative of the chairman is saying it, there is nothing I can do about it. Let‘s try
to suppress them quickly with no casualties on our side.‖

―We will help too.‖

―Let‘s show those foolish cultists what justice is.‖


As if waiting, the other executives pulled their swords at once.

They had the same thought as Hyun Won-kyung.

Mun Jeong-seo, who confirmed that all were acting, shouted at the warriors.

―The representative of the chairman and the other executives will deal with the evil demonic
Cult, so the others can take care of those minions!‖

If the top executives were going to deal with Chun Yeowun, and the 3,000 warriors would deal
with the minions, then they would definitely be able to win against the Demonic Cult.

And thanks to the EV field, the association had the advantage.

Because of their numbers.

„I‟ll trample that bastard!‟

Mun Jeong-seo looked at Chun Yeowun.

And just as he was about to send a signal to the executives.


Something hazy appeared in front of him.

It was Hu Bong.

―How dare you stare at him? I‘ll gouge your eyes out!‖


Still, he could tackle it.

Mun Jeong-seo hurriedly tried to stab Hu Bong in the neck with his sword.

But Hu Bong just lightly brushed it off.


„W-what power…‟

The hand holding the sword felt like it was being ripped.

He barely managed to get back the sword when something swiftly flew in his vision.


It was Hu Bong‘s two fingers!

He was really trying to gouge out his eyes


The man was too fast for Mun Jeong-seo to dodge.

At that moment, a sharp blade cut through Hu Bong‘s arm.


Hu Bong avoided it by moving a bit back, but he didn‘t want to give up on pulling out the eyes.

It was Hyun Won-kyung, who restrained Hu Bong.

He was the only one who could read Hu Bong‘s movements.

„Ugh, I was in trouble!‟

Hyun Won-kyung‘s expression darkened.

Just looking at Hu Bong‘s movements, he knew that the man was on the same level as him.

Till now, he thought that the young man was the only strong one here, but now he realized that a
couple others seemed to be on the same level as him.

„Since when did the Demonic Cult get this strong?‟

The other people were also shocked.

Not a single person could see Hu Bong move.

―Deal with that one first!‖

Mun Jeong-seo was angry at the fact that he was almost hit by that man, so he shouted at the
executives to aim for Hu Bong first.


Biryu Seong brought out his sword to help in taking down Hu Bong.

And then, someone appeared next to him.

―I shall take care of you. Human.‖

Shakena, with her purple hair fluttering around, jumped off the ground and tried to hit Biryu
Seong on his feet.

„This stupid bitch!‟

Biryu Seong held back a smile.

He planned on cutting off the leg of the woman who was trying to hurt him.



Rather than the legs being cut off, the sword which was loaded with sword energy, broke?


Shakena didn‘t stop and slammed Biryu Seong‘s shoulder.



As if made of mud, the shoulders quickly dug to the sides of his body, which soon greeted the
ground below.

Kwang! Crack!

A crack of about 3 meters.

What unbelievable power.

Biryu Seong, whose body was crushed, soon stopped moving.

―Shit. Killed him.‖

Shakena, who said that, smiled and put her hands on the dead man‘s chest.

Pulling the heart out, she chewed on it as if she was eating an apple.


―So delicious!‖

―W-what the fuck is that bitch doing!‖

Yeon Woo-kang, of the Jongnam clan, was furious at her.

However, contrary to his words, his body didn‘t move.

The others were shocked at what the woman did, but soon they turned their heads.

At that time.

―Aah! My eyes! My eyes…‖

Hu Bong dug out the eyes of Mun jeong-seo.

The strongest disciple and member of the Murim Association who had reached the Superior
Master level‘s end, couldn‘t even stop Hu Bong.

The gap in their skills seemed too huge.

―Told you I‘d gauge your eyes out. Hehe.‖

Hu Bong smiled sarcastically as he looked at the blood-filled eyes.

―How dare you!‖

Hyun Won-kyung, who couldn‘t calm himself, tried to attack him.

But was blocked by someone.

―A bitch?‖

She was Mun Ran-yeong.

―If you want to fight my husband, you need to go through me first.‖


It wasn‘t shocking that they were a couple.

Rather, it was shocking that she held his wrist without effort.

―Let go!‖

Hyun Won-hyung tried to make her release the hand she was holding by using his sword.
Normally, people would let go of the hand to avoid getting hit, but Mun Ran-yeong didn‘t seem
to care about it and put her hand on his chest.


The chest of Hyun Won-kyung began to turn hot.

And at some point, his body bounced back.




As he was pushed back almost 20 meters, he knelt down and coughed up blood.

He looked up at the woman with shocked eyes.

„Wh-who the hell is this woman?‟

He thought about how many times he had been beaten since he reached the Supreme Master

When the woman hit him in the chest, he couldn‘t even counter it.

„Just what is this…?‟

„How can the executives be handled this easi…‟

The warriors who were cheering and sure of their win a moment ago, were confused.

What was more shocking was that the executives were being suppressed by the subordinates and
not Chun Yeowun.

―What are you doing! Are you all going to stand still and watch?‖

Kwon Jeong-won shouted at the warriors.

They couldn‘t be dealt with one-on-one.

They had to try with a joint effort.

Hearing that, the leader of the vanguard gave the orders.

―Th-the man is ri…‖

It was then.

Chun Yeowun, who stood still until then, stepped ahead.

Step! Step!

He was just walking, but the dark intimidation was too overwhelming that all the warriors

Chun Yeowun spoke to them.

―I will give you all a chance.‖

―A chance?‖

Chun Yeowun gave the Murim Association warriors the worst choice.

―Kneel down.‖


All the faces went stiff.

To kneel meant to surrender.

At those words, Kam Cheok raised his voice with a red face.

―Kneel down? Unless you are crazy, you would never dare say those word…‖


Kam Cheok‘s body was split in half.

And in front of the split body, stood Chun Yeowun.




Shocked by seeing him suddenly stand that close, the warriors immediately retreated.

And Chun Yeowun spoke again.

―Kneel down. And then I will accept you as members of the Great Sky Demon Order.‖

A voice full of arrogance.

But no one thought of it as simple arrogance.

Chun Yeowun‘s intimidation was so heavy that no one had another thought.

„W-what is this!‟

Kwon Jeong-won couldn‘t accept it.

Did it make sense for one person to scare off 3,000 warriors of the association?


Unable to stand that, he ended up shouting.

―What are you all doing! It‘s just one man! Just one man! Are you all going to fall for his
tricks?? He can‘t even use his power because of the EV field!‖

The leader of another unit, Hang-ryeong, who had also retreated in fear, shouted at the warriors.

―Director is right! If it‘s just one person, we don‘t need to…‖

Chun Yeowun sighed and then laughed at that.

―EV field right? I have experienced this once before, and it is annoying.‖

―You experienced it before?‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s words, Hang-ryeong couldn‘t hide his doubts and frowned.

He didn‘t understand what Chun Yeowun was talking about.

Chun Yeowun continued.

―But do you really think the same technique will work on me again?‖


Chun Yeowun stretched out his palm towards the air.

And the warriors looked up to see what he was doing.

At that moment, an amazing thing occurred.

The entire space around them vibrated.

―W-what the hell is that?‖

―The sky is?‖

It was as if the sky was shaking.

And it only got worse and worse.

Chun Yeowun pulled something hard, as if intending to tear off the sky.

―Y-You, what are you doing?‖

Hang-ryeong shouted at what was happening around.

It was then.


Something bounced all around the ground.

It wasn‘t the end.

Cracks appeared on the floor, and then explosions occurred at the same time on the north, south,
east and west.


Kwon Jeong-won, who looked at the explosions, shuddered.

The place where the explosions happened were where all the units operating the EV field were

„No way!‟

Not long after the explosion.

The nature energy, which was scattered till then, filled the space.

The warriors, who sensed that, were shocked.

―How…just how… how…‖

Chun Yeowun spoke to those who didn‘t believe it.

―If you want to overcome power, you should use a stronger power.‖



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 101 -
Surrender (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Dec 21, 2021

• 12 min read • 5226 views

Chun Yeowun, who had been through an EV field once before, knew just how annoying it was.

So, for a long time, he thought about how to destroy that thing with the help of Nano.

And one of the solutions was to overload the EV field.

What would happen if the EV field was continuously infused with energy to the point it couldn‘t
handle it anymore?

It was a gamble.

As expected, Chun Yeowun was able to do it.

―A stronger power?‖

The leaders of each unit were shocked.

Was that even possible?

Hyun Won-kyung, who was watching this happen, was the most shocked.

„How did this happen…‟

As a Supreme Master, he had a better understanding of energy than others.

Those who crossed the line of the Superior Master level would attain a greater understanding of
He was able to be conscious of all energies.

The energy in nature too.

„More energy than the scattered one has entered the area.‟

The sky was shaking too.

The cohesion and decomposition occurred at the same time, as if space itself was affected.

„He can freely handle the energy within nature…‟

It was unheard of.

But he heard something about it from the chairman.

[If you go beyond the state of Divine Master level, you can reach a stage where you can
influence the energy of nature]

―Heavenly Master level!‖

Only those who attained that realm could do that.

Hyun Won-kyung felt a shiver down his body.

„He really reached the legendary level?‟

It had been said that only five warriors in the entire history of Murim had reached it.

The first monk in the Shaolin.

Sambong, of the Wudang clan, who reached it by attaining enlightenment.

The first Chun Ma, creator of the Demonic Cult.

The Blade God.

And then Chun Yeowun, the Demon God who ruled above them all, had also reached that level.
„Did that man really reach the stage that only legends were said to have attained? After a
thousand years?‟

Hyun Won-kyung‘s eyes were filled with awe.

He was already shocked when he guessed that the young man was at Divine Master level, but
realising that someone surpassed the legend, he felt weird.

„The sixth warrior to reach Heavenly master level!‟


Chun Yeowun was the same fifth one.

Since he was unaware of it, it was natural to regard this man as a new Heavenly Master.

[Director General!]

Hyun Won-kyung, who was shocked, sent a message to Director General Kwon Jeong-won.

He wanted to let him know.

[If my guess is right, then that person is at Heavenly Master level. No matter how many of the
association go against him, they won‘t be able to beat him.]

[W-what? Heavenly Master level?]

Not able to believe it, he turned to Hyun Won-kyung.

It was something he couldn‘t believe.

He was shocked that Chun Yeowun managed to destroy the EV field too, but the thought of him
being a Heavenly Master level did never cross his mind.

[It can‘t be. The Heavenly Master level is… a legend…]


The director general stopped talking as a cold energy spread past his body.

And then came the most unbelievable sight.

Innumerable Ice Swords were created in the sky at once, all over the Murim Association.


There were so many that it was difficult to even count.

At the sight of the Ice Swords filling the sky above, the warriors couldn‘t get themselves to shut
their mouths.


―What… just what am I looking at?‖

―Is he human?‖

―How can human energy do th…‖


The word couldn‘t be more appropriate.

Chun Yeowun raised his hand towards the sky, and it made everyone feel as if he was holding
his finger over a button that would launch a nuclear bomb.


The leaders were all shocked at it.

Even if Ice Swords could be created, they thought that handling them would be impossible.

Unless the human brain was a computer, it was impossible to handle so many Ice Swords.

„No. this might be our chance, when he is focused on the Ice Swords, we can strike.‟

Baek Cheon, the leader of a unit, thought.

The distance between Chun Yeowun and them was 10 meters.

It wasn‘t far.

And if he used his own technique, then he could be there at once.

[Can you hear me?]

Baek cheon sent a message to the others.

To attack at the same time from multiple directions. If Chun Yeowun notices and tries to
respond, he wouldn‘t be able to deal with it all.


Baek Cheon tried to send a hand signal.

It was then.

Swoosh! Swosh! Swoosh!

Kwang! Bang! Kwang!

With a ray of blue light, something passed through the heads of the leaders.

Without even having a chance to realize it, they fell down.


Baek Cheon, who was about to move, stood still.

Chun Yeowun spoke to him with a sneer.

―Thanks for being an example.‖


At that time, he felt something in the air.

Baek Cheon blocked it with defense.


What was falling down was an Ice Sword.

Not one.

―This… this is…‖


Dozens were coming for Baek Cheon, and his whole body, which failed to stop the swords, was

By the time his screams were over, only swords could be seen from his body.

Dazzling blue sky.

The Ice Swords which filled the sky were shining in blue.

Surprise and shock.

And then the thoughts turned into despair and fear.

Chun Yeowun spoke with an intimidating voice to the warriors, who were all staring at the sky.

―Kneel down.‖

That voice that entered their ears.

The upright knees of the Murim people, who seemed to never give in, were bent.

„No! No!‟

Director General Kwon Jeong-won, who was watching the scene, was standing wide-eyed.

He then collapsed.

Thud! Thud!

The knees of people around Chun Yeowun touched the floor.

And it spread like a wave as all 3,000 warriors fell to their knees.

Losing their courage to fear.

In front of one person.

―I… for me to see such a sight…‖

Bi Mak-heon, who was looking at this, felt the warm tears forming in his eyes.

It was the same with the other members of the Cult.

For 27 years, the Sky Demon Order was living in the shadows with their heads bowed.

But now, they saw the entire Murim Association being trampled in front of their eyes.

―Tch. It would be better to kill them all.‖

Hu Bong was dissatisfied with this.

If it would have been Chun Yeowun‘s normal way, everyone would have been mercilessly

However, in the present era where Gates have opened.

If all of them were killed, the manpower to stop the Gates would be reduced.

And this was enough victory.

This wasn‘t some random place, but the main site of the association.

The biggest ripple was caused by the Murim Association.


Chun Yeowun received the surrender, went back to normal.

The members of the Cult shouted.

―Chun Ma! Chun Ma! Chun Ma! Chun Ma!‖

―Great Sky Demon Order! Long live!‖


Kwon Jeong-won and other executives grunted at the sight.

An irreversible situation.

In a situation where even Chun Yeowun‘s subordinates couldn‘t be taken down, what could they
even do?

If this fact would spread around, then the honor of the association would suffer.

„To think the absence of some executives would hit us this big.‟

Most of the executives weren‘t in this place.

Unlike the past, it was difficult to gather all the members of the association except for a rare

Even the Chairman and vice-chairman were not present at the meetings.

And that led to this.


Blood flowed from the hand which was clenching too hard.

The Director General thought to himself.

„This is just the Great Revival!‟

Great Revival.

To stay back and get all the suffering all in order to get revenge.

It was a saying which was taken after the fact that a person once tasted the worst humiliation to
get revenge.

„Endure this.‟
They had no other choice but to retreat.

This was going to be a momentary victory of the Cult.

„You people will all regret it. You touched the centre of the Murim Association and hastened
your destruction.‟

Kwon Jeong-won looked at Chun Yeowun.

If only he died, then dealing with the Cult would be a lot easier.

He was analysing on how to deal with a Heavenly Master.

At that time, Chun Yeowun gave an order.

―Bring them.‖


The members went to the cargo truck and moved a large box.

The warriors looked at it with puzzled eyes.

After putting out 50 boxes side by side, the members stood in front of them as if they were going
to distribute food.

Chun Yeowun spoke to the warriors.

―Those who swore allegiance to our Cult. Come one after one and get this injection.‖


The faces of the warriors hardened.

What was the injection?

The Cult members standing in front of the large boxes pulled syringes out.


The warriors couldn‘t hide their shock.

They had surrendered considering that this would save their lives, but they had the same thoughts
as the Director General too.

It was their promise to the future.

However, that was being trampled on right now.

―… what the hell is this?‖

One of the executives asked.

Chun Yeowun spoke as if it was nothing.

―Nano bomb.‖

―N-nano bomb?‖


The word nano bomb brought extreme confusion.

So they were going to get nano bombs injected in them?

„This is crazy!‟

Director General Kwon Jeong-won looked at the Cult‘s cargo truck with an absurd expression.

„So this is what it was.‟

Something was constantly bothering him.

He thought that it was strange that a monster like Chun Yeowun had only brought 50 Cult
members with him who weren‘t of much power, except for the Flame qi users.

„Was it because of the… truck that they were dragged here…?‟

Director Kwon Jeong-won‘s guess was correct.

This was why the truck wasn‘t abandoned.

This was why he used Shakena‘s phasing ability.

Bae Hyun-jae, the executive who couldn‘t hold back the anger, yelled.

―What is all this? Even though we surrendered to you? Is there no respect for the losers?‖



Suddenly, Chun Yeowun approached him.

Baek Hyun-jae, who was flustered, tried to defend himself.




Chun Yeowun‘s light kick made his leg twist and fall down.

Holding his hair, Chun Yeowun said.

―You are quite a funny one.‖


―What reason do I have to trust you?‖


―Are you trying to say something like, we got down on our knees so everything is fine?‖

―F… formally pap…‖



It felt as if the hair was being ripped off.

Grabbing the hair, Chun Yeowun dragged him to a place where the other warriors could see him

And then he spoke in a cold voice.

―I guess you don‘t remember what you did to the Cult.‖

At those words, the faces of the warriors darkened.

The Murim Association desperately worked on dissolving the Sky Demon Order 27 years ago.

Even when the lord was taken away to a secret prison, they forced the members of the Cult to
live as fugitives.

―I will show you for sure.‖


Chun Yeowun pressed his hand on Bae Hyun-jae‘s shoulder and pulled the hair back.

The man kept on shouting in pain.

„Wh-what is he doing…‟



Chun Yeowun kept pulling.


The head was pulled off from the body.


Blood spurted from the throat and splashed all around.


„He pulled out the head from the hair…‟

At the brutal sight which just happened in front of them, the warriors ended up turning away
their heads.

Chun Yeowun lifted the head in his hand and said.

―You lost to the Cult and are now slaves. If you don‘t like it, say it out now. A loser‘s choice is
surrender or death.‖


With those words, he threw the head in his hand aside.

Despite seeing him disrespect the man, no one could shout.

Everyone was already gripped with fear.

The results soon came.

The warriors lined up to get the nano bombs injected into them.

The reality was too horrific for them to act like heroes.


Kwon Jeong-won and the other executives had wretched faces.

They tried to move slowly.

They were still deciding whether to choose honor and die or shame and live.

―Who told you all to get in line?‖

―W-what do you mean?‖

―Didn‘t you tell us to make a choice?‖

The executives were perplexed.

They thought that they could get the injection and save themselves.

―You need to pay the price.‖


Chun Yeowun‘s words made no sense to them.

―I need you all to be dead.‖


When the office line was cut off, the hologram device was powered off.

However, there will be an emergency generator right?


And the hologram device got activated.

The sound of rumbling.

Soon after, the executives appeared.

The only person who couldn‘t be seen was the chairman and vice-chairman, who sent Mun
Jeong-seo as the representative.

As they tried to reconnect, some rumbling could be heard.


The severed heads of the Murim Association executives.

The hair was discolored as if they were frozen to death.

All their expressions were painful.

-They… why are they…

The hologram executives couldn‘t hide their confusion at the sight.

At the same time, someone sat down in the chair where the chairman should be sitting.

It was Chun Yeowun.

―Lucky. Survivors.‖

Chun Yeowun said sarcastically.

The angry hologram executives didn‘t hold back.

-Who are you?

-How dare you do this!

Chun Yeowun answered.

―I am the Chun Ma of the Great Sky Demon Order.‖


At those words, the speaker to the hologram device went silent as if it stopped working at once.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 102 -
Surrender (3)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Dec 22, 2021

• 12 min read • 5400 views



-Sky Demon Order… Demonic Cult!

The Forces of Justice never called the Sky Demon Order by its name.

They have always considered them the group that worshipped the demons.

„Demonic Cult?‟

The eyes of the executives of the Murim Association, who were wary of the reappearance of the
Demonic Cult, were full of shock.

The Demonic Cult was in the main office.

In the head office, inside the conference room.

„No way… did the main office fall into the hands of the Cult?‟

Even though it was a hologram, their confused expressions were clear.

In order to get to sit on the chairman‘s seat in the conference room, he had to go through the
entire force.

„No way!‟

They wanted to be positive but it was hard to deny.

The heads of the executives were scattered on the conference table.

This was truly terrifying.

Just an hour ago, it seemed like they were talking about the Demonic Cult in Jinan city.

They were planning on punishing them.

„Since when was the Cult…‟

The Demonic Cult had always suffered.

Who would have imagined that the dissolved Demonic Cult would somehow enter the main

-Wait… did he say Chun Ma?

An old monk‘s hologram opened his mouth.

Just looking at the yellow robes with red lines, anyone could see he was a monk.

-Amitabha. Is it the Chun Ma who is the legend?


At the words of the saint Nogak, Chun Yeowun was shocked.

There were a few people who weren‘t members of the Sky Demon order and knew the meaning
of the Chun Ma.
„Actually, the Shaolin temple might be aware of this.‟

Their history was longer and wider than any clan.

Even more than the Sky Demon Order.

―As expected from the saint of Shaolin, it‘s very like you to have such an insight.‖

Even in the past, the Shaolin temple never did any bad, so Chun Yeowun spoke with a soft voice.

At that, the other executives looked at Saint Nogak with puzzled eyes.

-For the Cult to have a Chun Ma born within. For the Forces of Justice, this is very sad news.

-Saint Nogak, what do you mean?

-Amitabha. This isn‘t the time to speak about it.

Explaining it now was hard.

And the appearance of the Chun Ma wasn‘t something to be discussed so lightly.

-What the he…

The executives were even more curious now, and someone with a red face shouted.

-Is that title so important now? Those damned cultists have harmed the association warriors!

The man wearing a neat white robe was Jang Pyeong-gak, a long-time scholar of the Wudag

Although he was a warrior who was supposed to hide his feelings and calm himself, he spoke in

He glared at Chun Yeowun and shouted.

-This is why it is said that evil people like you should never be left alone. Because of what you
people have done, the Gate disaster strikes, and the damage inflicted on the people….

At that moment, Chun Yeowun snapped his fingers.

And the hologram in the middle of the table turned on and something was played.

The situation outside the office.

-Sky Demon Order! Long live! Long live!

People were cheering for the Cult.

There were too many people that not a single person‘s face could be seen clearly other than the
fact that they were warriors of the association.

-How? Just how?

Jang Pyeong-gak was at a loss for words.

He thought that the people outside were hurt, wounded and even dead.

-Why are they?

―Why? Did you think that I killed them all?‖

-They, what are they doing?

―They swore allegiance to the Cult.‖


At Chun Yeowun‘s words, the faces of Murim Association executives were distorted.

If what Chun Yeowun said was true, then it wasn‘t that the office was destroyed, but the entire
office fell into the hands of the Cult.

„How can warriors of justice yield to the demons?‟

Justice was what they meant.

If the executives were present, they would have killed them right away.
―I will give you people a chance too.‖


Chun Yeowun snapped his finger, and Bi Mak-heon dragged someone inside.

―Kuak… please… please spare me.‖


At the appearance of that person, the executives frowned.

The man was the chairman‘s representative, Mun Jeong-seo.

Without eyes, the face looked miserable.

―I heard that he was someone close to the chairman of the Murim Association, but it is
unfortunate that he is like this. Well it doesn‘t matter. Because of him, I managed to get good

Chun Yeowun spoke as if he was satisfied with it, and placed his hand on Mun Jeong-seo‘s

Unlike the others who were dead, it seemed like this man decided to save his life by giving out
the information.

―This one is now born as a member of our Cult. I am a fair person. So I will give you all a
chance too.‖

-A chance?

Chun Yeowun smiled at the executives.

―Surrender to the Cult. If you sacrifice yourselves as the heads of each clan as a token of
surrender, I will accept the clan as a subject under the Cult with a compassionate heart.‖


Chun Yeowun pressed Mun jeong-seo‘s shoulder.

―T-thank you for the benevolence shown by the merciful Chun Ma!‖

The man wasn‘t shouting in fear.

When he, the chairman‘s representative, acted like this, the executives saw that as a strong insult.

-You jerk! You are crossing the line!

-How dare you mock our association!

Unable to hold their anger, the executives burst out.

They were asked to surrender.

Chun Yeowun said.

―Gave up power and chose punishment…‖

Normally, it should be something said with a hint of pity, but the next words were.

―Thank you. I too was thinking what to do if you accepted the chance.‖


The eyes of the executives were wide

From the beginning, all Chun Yeowun did was humiliate them.

Chun Yeowun lightly placed his hand on the table and said.

―From now, let‘s break you down one after another. I‘ll make sure we give you a thousand times
worse pain than what you put the Cult through.‖

As soon as the words were done, the table cracked.


The entire table tore apart in an instant, and then.

The huge table turned into dust.

In an instant, the executives went silent.

Breaking a table was easy, but it was difficult to turn it into dust.

There was only one person who spoke after seeing that.

-Do you think you can handle us?

In that seat of the hologram was the nameplate.

[Geum Song-ryon, Vice Chairman of Murim Association]

The head of Blade Six, the current head of the Blade God Six Martial clan.

Chun Yeowun had been paying attention to this man more than anyone else.

Unlike others, he had a poker face all the time.

„To come out at this moment…‟

Chun Yeowun said to him.

―You can expect a lot. And just like the true ‗leaders‘ you have, I‘ll uproot you this time for sure.
Blade God Six Martial clan.‖


At those words, there was a change in the calm expression of Geum Song-ryong.


When he tried to ask something, Chun Yeowun made a light gesture.

All the devices of the hologram in the room crashed and the connection was cut off.

At the same time.

In the head office of Blade Six.

Geum Song-ryong who was sitting in his room got up with a stiff face.

And he hurried out of the room.


A man in a black suit and sunglasses outside the room called him.

Geum Song-ryong said.

―Book train tickets to Chengdu.‖

―Huh? But there is a meeting with outsourcing…‖

―Cancel it. We have urgent matters at hand.‖

If the chairman said that, who could refuse it?

The man in the sunglasses tried to adjust the schedule on the tablet, but then went stiff.

„chengdu? If it is Chengdu…‟

Geum Song-ryeong mumbled in a serious voice.

―I need to see them.‖

The conference room in the Murim Association.

The emergency generator was barely working, since the building was cut.

„Is this fine?‟

Bi Mak-heon looked at the hologram device which was broken.

„I think Chun Ma pushed them too much.‟

Although they took over the main office, the executives still had a lot of power.
In this case, the Cult did a surprise attack, but the next time would be a war.

No, maybe the association would fight back stronger than the Cult could expect.


As if feeling his fear, Chun Yeowun asked.

Bi Mak-heon cautiously responded.

―I am concerned about the moves of the Murim Department.‖

―The Department?‖

To be honest, he wasn‘t worried.

And that was because of Chun Yeowun, who was strong.

―With this, the Cult has risen again. And they will likely put pressure on us again.‖

Most of the warriors were registered as warriors in the Murim Department.

The only people who didn‘t register were the Forces of Evil and the Demonic Cult members.

And the Murim Association would aim for that.

―If I was in the association, I would move the Murim Department to incite public opinion about
the Cult.‖

So far, the civilians had the worst image of the Sky Demon Order.

It was because of the bloodshed which happened in the hands of the chairman of the Black Sky

―If that happens, we will have a setback in running the company too.‖

The Murim Department was full of people from the Murim Association.

Their absolute allies.

In one way or another, the Sky Demon Order was sure to have an unfavourable future.

And that was also one of the reasons why the people of the Sky demon Order never came in front
of the public.

―Then what will your solution be?‖


―Did you think I put you beside me only to give me more problems to think about?‖

The reason why Bi Mak-heon was appointed as his personal aide was because he was a

Pondering a moment, Bi Mak-heon said.

―We need news which can offset the image of the Cult, which is bad now. And we need allies
who support it. Even better if it is the government department which has enough power to keep
that Murim department in check.‖

―Right. That is your main job.‖


Only then did he understand what Chun Yeowun expected him to do.

Those who use their bodies for Chun Yeowun were already there

Bi Mak-heon was the brains.

―Tell me the specific plan within three days.‖

„T-three days!‟

Just 3 days.

Short period.

Bi Mak-heon almost gasped.

However, he didn‘t want to break the expectations that Chun Yeowun had, so he nodded his

―I will do as I am asked!‖

―I will take care of the latter part you said.‖


The former was difficult and the latter was more difficult. There was no other department in the
State Council that could keep a check on the Murim Department except for the Public Security
and the Ministry of National Defense.

The Chun Yu-jang faction tried to make allies several times, but they failed each time.

„What does he plan on doing?‟

Chun Yeowun mumbled as if he was talking to himself.

―I need to call him.‖


Shiyan city.

A small town southeast of Xian, the capital of the Chinese government.

Further east from there was Nanyang city, where the headquarters of the Ministry of National
Defense and Defense Forces was located.

An abandoned gas station located in the suburb of Nanyang.

It was a sparsely populated place, and there were vehicles with military marks engraved

The surrounding area was marked by soldiers.

Next to the abandoned gas station, there was a shabby restaurant.

A strong-looking bearded middle-aged man with a fine leather jacket was sitting there while
looking at his watch.

―One minute left.‖

The middle-aged man with a beard was sitting opposite to another person who couldn‘t hide his

He was Mak Wu-cheong, the commander of the National Guard, in charge of Datong city.

Wearing a military uniform, with the mark of lieutenant general engraved on his shoulder.

He recently got a promotion in recognition of his efforts in blocking the S-class gate.

„Why hasn‟t he come yet?‟

This was a meeting.

The person in front of him was Ahn Woo-hong, the minister of National Defense.

After receiving the medal for the achievement, Mak Wu-cheong struggled to convince the man
to come to dinner.

-Chick! No vehicles approaching.

The radio of the people standing guard could be heard.

And with people checking for their safety, it was tough to extend this meeting any further.

―The current time is 13:29:30. It makes no sense anymore.‖


―I hope that in the future, you will not waste the time of your boss with this kind of thing.‖


Ahn Woo-hong stood up.

He was a military man, and he served as the commander-in-chief for seven years.

And he was famous for being strict with punctuality.


To get off on the wrong foot from the beginning, Mak Wu-cheong didn‘t like this.

Ahn Woo-hong was leaving the restaurant.

Intending to appease him, Mak Wu-cheong followed him and headed to where he was.

―C-chief wait! Please wait…‖

―It‘s too late…‖



Something fell right in front of the door.

Ahn Woo-hong, who had a steel heart wasn‘t surprised by anything else, but was startled and
stepped back at the thought of a lightning falling there.

―Si-Sir Chun!‖

Mak Wo-cheong shouted.

The one who fell from the sky was Chun Yeowun.

The seconds hand on the watch of Ahn Woo-hong‘s wrist was pointing to 59 seconds.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 103 -
Chakra (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Dec 23, 2021

• 12 min read • 5183 views

The soldiers, who were on alert, didn‘t even look up at the sky.

Flustered by the sudden appearance of Chun Yeowun, who fell from the sky, they quickly ran
towards him and aimed their guns while surrounding him.


―Move! Right now!‖

In just a couple of seconds, dozens of people surrounded him.

And one could see just how well trained these soldiers were.

„He fell from the sky?‟

Ahn Woo-hong, the head of the Ministry of National Defense, looked at Chun Yeowun.

He wasn‘t the kind to be shocked by anything.

However, when he was leaving the place, and suddenly someone fell ahead of him, he ended up
moving two steps back.


―This is the man, Chun Mu-seong, I was talking about.‖

In that bloody atmosphere, lieutenant general Mak Wu-cheong introduced Chun Yeowun.

He didn‘t know the real name as the name recorded on the id card was different.

―… he is Chun Mu-seong?‖

―That is right. You must be Ahn Woo-hong, the Minister of National Defense?‖

People who usually meet the ministers and directors in the government, they use respectful

However, Chun Yeowun was different.


Ahn Woo-hong examined Chun Yeowun thoroughly.

Looking at the face, the man seemed to be young in his early 20s, but the air around him was
surprisingly intimidating.

„This person defeated the S-class Alpha entity?‟

Ahn Woo-hong had heard about Chun Yeowun from Mak Wu-cheong.

And he was waiting to meet the person who had the power to deal with an S-rank Alpha entity,
so he took time out of his busy schedule to meet him.


As Ahn Woo-hong raised his hand, the soldiers who surrounded the man put down their guns.

The soldiers immediately went back to their assigned positions once the gesture fell.
Faithful to orders.

„Military man?‟

They seemed to be very thoroughly trained in the military.

It seemed like the head of the Ministry was also trained in the military.

„An interesting guy.‟

That was the first impression Chun Yeowun had on Ahn Woo-hong.

The man had no martial arts or extraordinary abilities, but the inherent strength could be strongly

He was once a soldier, and now, he was standing on the top with dignity just like a martial artist
who had accumulated experience for years.

„He isn‟t the kind to give in to power.‟

This type of person would have to be convinced with reasoning.

Ahn Woo-hong looked at his watch and then at the cloudless sky.

―I have known Murim for 27 years. I have seen a lot of strong people, but this is my first time
seeing someone fly.‖

―It doesn‘t look like you‘re that surprised.‖

Ahn Woo-hong responded with a light smile.

―In today‘s world, how could we live if we get shocked at every single illogical thing? This is a
world where thousands of people die every day.‖

A world with Gates.

Each day holds unexpected things.

Ahn Woo-hong continued.

―I heard from the lieutenant general. The Black Sky Company, no, the dissolved Sky Demon
Order, is where you are from.‖

Ahn Woo-hong, who decided to meet the man, had read all the available materials about the

He knew about how much influence they once had in the Murim world, and even about their
current relationship with the Murim Associations.

―Certainly, making a deal with us rather than the Murim Department and the Murim Association
is worthy.‖

Ahn Woo-hong knew that right away.

In order to break free from the influence of the Ministry of Murim, the Ministry of National
Defense was also in a position to find people completely unrelated to the Murim Department.

In that aspect, the Sky Demon Order was the best.

―However, the risk is high. If we join hands with your organization, even if we do our best, there
will be many things our Defense department would have to work on.‖

In the worst-case scenario, the image of the military would worsen in the eyes of the people.

Ahn Woo-hong pointed it outright at the beginning.

Hearing that, Chun Yeowun answered calmly.

―It could be the other way around too. For example, a firm position in which the Ministry of
National Defense is no longer swayed by the Ministry of Murim.‖

Ahn Woo-hong smiled at that.

He then pointed to a field where there were no people, just a few abandoned buildings.

―Why do you think I chose this place to meet?‖

―It seems like there are quite too many people just for the sake of security.‖
The place was decent, and there were quite a lot of soldiers here for the sake of guarding and
escorting. It was as if they were hoping to solve an issue.

―I‘ll tell you straight up. I‘ve heard from the lieutenant general about your power and I‘d like for
you to prove it.‖

―Prove my power?‖

―As I said before, while working in the military, I have come across a great number of talented
Murim warriors.‖


With those words, Ahn Woo-hong motioned to someone.

And one of the soldiers with a communication device went into a van and said something.

A black van came and stopped right ahead of the restaurant.


Two men came out of it.

They had dark brown skin and were definitely not from China.

Although they were wearing suits, a white cloth was uniquely wrapped around their necks.

„Who are these people?‟

Chun Yeowun‘s eyes shone.

Chun Yeowun discovered a unique energy radiating within his body, the same energy he felt
when he arrived.

― ‖

One of them spoke in an unknown language.

Chun Yeowun ended up asking Nano.


[It is in Hindi. Something like ―This man will compete with us‖.]


[A language used by those in the Hindu region. Analysis of his appearance reveals that he is an
Indian. Transfer Hindi to the brain?]



As soon as that was said, Hindi was transferred into Chun Yeowun‘s mind.

Nano‘s strength.

To learn a language very easily.


Meanwhile, the two Indians approached them.

At the same time, they joined both their palms into a praying position and spoke to Ahn Woo-

―Chief. Is this the time to make a decision?‖


A little weird, but they could speak Chinese.

There were a few mistakes, but this was better than expecting others to understand their

Chun Yeowun asked Ahn Woo-hong.

―These people?‖

―These two are warriors from the old Indian nation.‖

At Ahn Woo-hong‘s words, the two men again joined their palms and greeted Chun Yeowun.

―I am Ashri Rao.‖

―And I am Sura Rao.‖

Chun Yeowun took the initiative to greet them.

―Chun… Mu-seong.‖

It felt different to use an unfamiliar name.

However, something was bothering him.

„Old India?‟

At Chun Yeowun‘s confusion, Nano answered him.

[India of the present world couldn‘t handle the Gate, and the government was disbanded. The
surviving Indians fled to other nations.]


That was why it was being called Old India.

What was the reason for bringing such people?

Ahn Woo-hong answered his thoughts.

―I‘ll be honest here. Before you made such a proposal, we were already in the middle of a
negotiation with the Rao family, a warrior clan in old India.‖

„I see now.‟

Chun Yeowun understood the situation.

Ahn Woo-hong had been preparing to break free from the influence of the Ministry of Murim in
his own ways.

He attracted the warrior family of old India, even non-Murims, to respond to the Gate dangers.
―From the Ministry of National Defense point of view, the risk of the Rao clan is the same as

Listening to Ahn Woo-hong, it seemed like this clan was demanding an agreement with the
National Defense too.

And there were some guesses as to why.

There was only one reason why people who ran from their nation would do this.

„Revive their name.‟

And if that was right, then it was undoubtedly a huge risk for the National Defense.

Blocking the Gate was too much alone. Even with the support from another nation‘s people, it
was too much of a gossip.

―Our department knows that things could only be achieved if risks are taken.‖

Ahn Woo-hong brought up the main topic.

―So, I would gladly propose a bidding competition between the Sky Demon Order and the Rao

The conclusion was they battle it out and the side with the advantage would get the deal.

The expression of shock on the two Indians‘ faces showed that it was their first time hearing
about this.

But soon, confidence was back on their faces.

The bearded Indian Ashri spoke to Sura in Hindi.

―I was worried since this was a bidding with another nation, but this turned out well. It would
have been easier with weapons.‖

―Right. This is the time to show the power of Chakras to the Ministry of National Defense.‖

They were confident in their power.

The best of the Rao clan.

Even in the old India, they always welcomed such kinds of situations.

―We, the Rao clan, accept the proposal.‖

They accepted the offer.

At that, Ahn Woo-hong looked at Chun Yeowun.

At that moment, Mak Woo-cheong‘s voice entered Chun Yeowun‘s head.

[Benefactor. They aren‘t normal people. It was said that the one called Sura had the power to
destroy a small mountain with a punch.]

Chun Yeowun looked at the one called Sura.

As Mak Wu-cheong said, he knew that these people weren‘t ordinary ones.

„They are different.‟

The aura emanating from him was different from qi.

And Chun Yeowun couldn‘t guess what kind of energy it was, but the flowing energy was like
an overflowing river.

He was interested in them.

―Sounds good. Should we change the location?‖

After all, there was only one option to get the Ministry of National Defense to agree with him.

Ahn Woo-hong, who heard the approval from both sides, had them move to a wide field across
the road.

And the military was looking at the field from the corner.

As they faced each other at a 10 meters distance, Ashri asked Sura.

―What should we do? Should I go first?‖

As Sura was about to nod and agree, Chun Yeowun said.

―If you want to hold out even a little, both of you would have to attack at the same time.‖

In Hindi.

Comparable with the fluency of a native speaker.

The two of them were shocked for a moment and then soon asked Chun Yeowun.

Sura was the one who spoke.

―I didn‘t know you could speak our language. However, we are the warriors of the Rao clan, and
we do not attempt such cowardly means, unless in a real war.‖

―Do as you like.‖

With those words, Chun Yeowun leaned back.

Ahri Rao began to think that Chun yeowun was an arrogant jerk.

Although they were being polite because this could be a turning point for their clan, they were
also warriors.

―Crude and stupid. I once tried to show the power of the Chakras to the Murims, and it was good.
I‘ll break that arrogant nose of his.‖

Ashri stepped forward.

And took a pose similar to meditation.


At that moment, the energy around him surged.

The sand on the floor was pushed away like a whirlwind.


Chun Yeowun‘s eyes narrowed.

In Chun Yeowun‘s eyes, who could see the flow of energy, the energy inside Ashri‘s body was
concentrated in several parts.

The neck, the Dantian, blood vessels, the muscles.


„And the energy is explosively strong.‟

They surely had a reason to be confident in themselves.

His energy was surely enough to push a warrior gasping for air.


Once that was done, Ashri‘s body was covered in blue light.

It was like using self-defense energy, but this was different too, it was similar to energy being

Ashri Rao spoke to Chun Yeowun.

―It‘ll be better for you to start. Otherwise…. Hmph!‖

He slammed his fist towards the floor.


At that moment, with a loud roar, the floor around collapsed and created a huge 10 meters low

And the pit stopped right near Chun Yeowun‘s feet.

―Oh oh.‖

An exclamation came out of Ahn Woo-hong‘s mouth who watched it.

He was surprised.

Ashri lifted his head like a happy puppy and looked at Chun Yeowun.

However, Chun Yeowun didn‘t seem that shocked or even surprised.

He thought this much pressure would be enough before entering the battle, but this only brought
insult to Ahsri‘s feelings.

―What a cheeky man! I will punch that nose in right now.‖


Ashri moved towards Chun Yeowun.

His body bounced up like a spring and reached Chun Yeowun‘s face.


Ashri kicked Chun Yeowun‘s head. His kick had a blue light shining.


„You brought this on yourself.‟

Rao was going to blow off Chun Yeowun‘s head.

At that moment, Chun Yeowun lifted one hand up.

„Well then.‟

Of course, Ashri thought that the opponent would have to block it.

However, the place where Chun Yeowun‘s hand went was the forehead.

With the index and thumb curled.

„Forehead flick? Is this a joke now?‟

It was then.

The moment Chun Yeowun‘s finger hit the forehead.



Tremendous force pierced his forehead, and Ashri bounced back with a scream.


He was smashed down and bounced several times.

He only stopped after falling 20 meters away.

Blood was dripping from his forehead, and he staggered a little before losing consciousness.

―No way…‖

Sura couldn‘t stay silent at the unexpected results.

Chun Yeowun said.

―I told you two to come at once.‖



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 104 -
Chakra (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Dec 24, 2021

• 9 min read • 5079 views



All the soldiers who were watching the scene were amazed.

It was the same with Ahn Woo-hong.

For those not familiar with martial arts, it seemed like Ashri was thrown away the moment he ran
towards Chun Yeowun.

„What happened? Suddenly Ashri Rao is lik…‟

Ashri Rao‘s face was covered in blood. And looking at the man, they knew that he wasn‘t in a
good condition.

Sura‘s expression hardened.

„Ashri is a great warrior candidate who even opened his 5th Chakra. Defeating him with just one

Rao warriors learned the energy of Chakras. The warriors of old India like the Rao clan received
the energy in the infinite universe and swirled it into their bodies.

Those who mastered Chakras were like superhumans.

„If the 5th Chakra is opened, the warriors should be the easiest to defeat.‟

Their confidence shattered.

Chun Yeowun seemed to turn around.

The match wasn‘t even over yet, and the man was walking towards the restaurant, so Sura

―What are you doing?‖

„They are strong. But the results are clear.‟

Ashri Rao was in a situation in which standing up seemed great.

It seemed like he would collapse if anyone touched him.

And the winner was clear.

For Chun Yeowun, the match was done.


Sura clenched his teeth and shouted.


Like the roar of a tiger, his shout spread in all directions.

Soldiers more than 200 meters away covered their ears.


Ashri‘s eyes, which were dazed, turned dark.

It was as if his soul was out of his body.

He suffered a blow to his forehead and had a concussion.

„I… what did I do?‟

He remembered Chun Yeowun hitting him on the forehead.

When he looked up, he was far away from Chun Yeowun.

―Ashri! Have you forgotten our mission!‖

―G-Great warrior!‖

Ashri bit his lip at the cry.

He had to win this battle.

„For the nation!‟

They had to save the old India, which was ruined.


Ashri exhaled and then tried to clear his mind.

He thought that if he was mentally strong, he could overcome the situation.



He tried to take just one step, and the ground was right in front of his eyes.


„M-My body isn‟t moving.‟

Ahsri Rao‘s body fell while trembling.

An energy completely different from the Chakras was inside his body, and he wasn‘t able to
push that energy out.

He tried to move again, but nothing happened.


―Great…. Great… warri… my body…‖

―Get up! Is that the spirit of the Great Rao clan?‖

Sura urged him to get up with a voice mixed with anger.

Chun Yeowun shook his head and spoke to Sura.

―He won‘t be able to move for the rest of his life if he doesn‘t relief the energy buried in the

At Chun Yeowun‘s words, Ashri Rao‘s face turned pale.

Even though he wanted to throw out this unknown energy, he couldn‘t use the Chakra.


Sura ran to Ashri who collapsed.

And then checked his condition.

Glaring at Chun Yeowun, Sura asked.

―What did you do?‖

Instead of answering, Chun Yeowun asked him.

―The method of gathering energy might be different, but you must know that when someone
else‘s energy enters you, it destroys the organs, right?‖

―This is organ destruction?‖

Sura stepped aside and looked at Ashri.

The veins were popping up on his body.


Chun Yeowun frowned.

What he did was supposed to cause an internal injury, but looking at this, it seemed like the flow
of energy had been reversed.


Chun Yeowun suddenly appeared in front of them.

„He is fast!‟

Sura looked at Chun Yeowun in bewilderment.

He didn‘t like how this man was better than them despite not utilizing Chakras.

―Stand back.‖

Sura turned away with a dissatisfied expression.

Chun Yeowun looked at Ashri‘s pulse.

It was to find out what kind of influence was exercised on the body.


Chun Yeowun‘s eyes shone.

He assumed that this was something like an adverse effect on his opponent.

But he was wrong.

„His energy is absorbing the energy I induced into the body.‟

A unique thing.

The properties of their internal energy were different.

Despite that, it was absorbing an energy different from theirs.

„It is absorbing… but, maybe the body is overloaded because I used too much? Is that it?‟

It was confusing.

Usually, the absorption of energy happens when one‘s level is higher. Like how the Sky Demon
Energy absorbs the other energies.
―Do you know what is happening?‖

Sura asked in a worried tone.

Instead of answering, Chun Yeowun asked again.

―Are the five energies in this one‘s body the thing called Chakra?‖


―What is this energy.‖

Sura‘s eyes narrowed at that.

Just as how it was forbidden in the Murim to ask about the martial arts of other clans, it was also
rude to ask warriors of India how their Chakras operate.

―… What are you trying to ask now?‖

―I am asking the definition of this energy called Chakra.‖

What Chun yeowun was curious about was what kind of energy the Chakra was.

„Even if I don‟t have the Sky Demon Energy, I can absorb the other energies of nature.‟

That was something he could do after reaching the Heavenly master level.

And if he hadn‘t reached that state, Chun Yeowun wouldn‘t be able to accept a foreign energy
into his body.

Rather, it would harm the body to even try.

―That… Do you think I will tell? The vision of our clan.‖

Chun Yeowun smiled at those words.

And then walked away.

―Well, if that is the case, there is nothing I can do. The match is over too.‖
It didn‘t matter if the other person died or not.

It was at that moment.


A loud sound from behind

Chun Yeowun turned his head.

Sura was giving out intense energy.

―Did you think you could just leave!‖

Looking at his expression, it seemed like he would rush in right away.

Seeing that, Chun Yeowun spoke coldly.

―Don‘t tell me that you weren‘t prepared to die despite jumping into a battle?‖

Ashri Rao had rushed forward wanting to kill Chun Yeowun too.

It was natural that when there was a battle, both sides would enter knowing that they could die at
any point in time.


Sura clenched his teeth.

―… I admit it. This victory is yours. We, the Rao clan, never feel ashamed for losing our lives in
a fair fight.‖

―Really? Then… your current actions?‖

Life and Chakras were intertwined, and it was similar to the wind blowing in all directions.

Sura spoke.

―Compete with me this time.‖


―I, the great warrior of the Rao clan, challenge you.‖

―Not interested.‖

Chun Yeowun ignored him and moved away.

At that, Sura quickly moved in front of Chun Yeowun.

And looked with bitter looking eyes.

―You aren‘t afraid of me right?‖

A deliberate provocation.

At that, Chun yeowun smiled.

―If I was afraid, I would have put my tail…‖


Chun Yeowun placed his hand on Sura‘s shoulder.

Sura was about to slap it away, but then it felt like his body was being stopped.



Slowly, his legs began to dig into the ground, till his waist.

It happened so quickly that he couldn‘t even open the Chakras.

Chun Yeowun looked down at him and said,

―Don‘t use strong words. They will only make you look weaker.‖

―Thi… this…‖
Chun Yeowun shook his head and began to walk away.


At that moment, a bright light shone from Sura‘s body.

At first it was red, then it turned yellow, green and then blue like Ashri, and then purple.

And finally, the whole body was dyed in white light at last.


The ground around Sura melted.

Shaking as if something was moving.


Chun Yeowun stopped.

This was unique.

Energy was resonating from Sura.

However, it is completely different from the energy in nature.

Chun Yeowun turned his head.

„The energy around is condensed. It whirled and then was sucked in.‟

Like an abyss.

Chun Yeowun was interested as he had never seen such a thing before.

Sura spoke to Chun Yeoun.

―Condition. You win and I will tell you about the Chakras.‖

―You don‘t know when to give up.‖

―And if I win, give up the bid and treat Ashri‘s condition.‖

That was Sura‘s true purpose.

Chun Yeowun knew this was absurd.

―I don‘t see why I should go along with this.‖

―I think you must think this is easy because it is a vision of the clan, but this is a vision of Timur
the Conqueror, who was famous in the myth for attaining invincibility a long while ago.‖


Chun Yeowun heard nothing about it.

So Nano explained it to him.

[Amir Timur, a conqueror who rose in Samarkand.]

Amir Timur, the ruler of Timur Empire.

The conqueror of Central Asia, Afghanistan, Russia Northern India and even the Anatolian
Peninsula. The Jianghu is the last place he tried to conquer to turn into the greatest emperor, but
he failed.

If it wasn‘t for someone killing him in his barracks, it was said that he would have controlled

[He is said to be the strongest warrior in the Timur Empire.]

„Stronger warrior?‟

Chun Yeowun looked at Sura.

The source of the energy, he understood it to some extent now.

The Rao clan was one of the two clans who succeeded in following the Chakra vision of Timur.

Chun Yeowun asked.

―You don‘t seem to be worried about losing your vision.‖

―I am not! I am the great warrior of our clan. The warrior who conquered the 10th Chakra of
Timur. There is no defeat.‖

Having opened the seven Chakras, his confidence was overflowing.

It wasn‘t just a rumour that he took down a mountain.

Chun Yeowun looked at him and said.

―The balance isn‘t right.‖


He was using the vision of a great person, what balance was he talking about?

Chun Yeowun looked at the man once again and said.

―Not just the vision of Chakras, but the loyalty of the Rao clan.‖


At Chun Yeowun‘s words, the expression on Sura‘s face twisted.

It was absurd to ask for them to swear allegiance to another clan.

―Y-You really!‖

As he was about to get angry, Chun Yeowun said.

―You aren‘t in a position to argue. I am accepting the match despite winning the bid here, can‘t
you even do that?‖

Sura clenched his fists.

Chun Yeowun was the kind to get what he wanted.

When Sura realized that everything depended on him, his shoulders felt heavy.
„Right. I should win. I am the strongest warrior of the Rao clan. I can‟t be taken down by a
Murim warrior.‟

After making up his mind, Sura said.

―Fine! I hope you keep your promise.‖

At that decision, Chun Yeowun smiled.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 105 -
Chakra (3)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Dec 25, 2021

• 11 min read • 5106 views


―What are they doing?‖


At Ahn Woo-hong‘s question, Mak Wu-cheong titled his head.

It seemed like the confrontation had ended, but Sura Rao was suddenly acting furiously, and then
the two people talked.

Ahn Woo-hong mumbled.

―It seems like one side doesn‘t understand.‖

He thought that he should intervene.

It was the moment when he was about to ask a soldier to go.

Sura suddenly went for Chun Yeowun.

The moment he raised his fist.

A bright light formed into the shape of a giant fist and stretched forward.

The ground which was below him tore apart.



The aftermath hit the soldiers and even Ahn Woo-hong, who was far away.

Due to the sudden wave of energy, their bodies almost flew away.

―Ch-chief! Everyone should back off.‖

Even though they were pretty far, because of the aftermath that hit them, the assistant of Ahn
Woo-hong gave the orders to move away.

Meanwhile, Sura, who released the fist, looked at the place, hoping for the dust to die down.
„I felt like I hit him.‟

But it wasn‘t a good hit.

And then the gust of wind stopped and the dust fell.

In the middle of the place was Chun Yeowun.

―That was good.‖

Said Chun Yeowun as he was brushing off the dust.

He truly admired Sura‘s blow.

„Almost as good as East Challenger God.‟

A blow that had reached the highest level of unification.

East challenger God.

One of the Five Great Warriors in Chun Yeowun‘s era. He was known to be the strongest of the
Five, and he was one of the few warriors who could stand against Chun Yeowun.

However, the abilities of the current Chun Yeowun weren‘t comparable to back then.

„After completing the 7th Chakra, I wondered if there was anyone else other than the great
warrior of the Amir clan who could receive my attack.‟

Sura‘s eyes turned alert at the sight of Chun Yeowun being unscarred.

After that, he unfolded a unique movement.

Sure moved his arms in a circular motion, like a qi gathering movement, and then suddenly,
countless hands stretched out.

They were like images, but not illusions.

„Shiva form Chakra.‟

The several hands, which increased to a dozen, were glowing.

And all the hands stretched out, aiming to hit Chun Yeowun.

In a confident voice, Sura declared.

―I will show you the power of Shiva.‖

―If it is you, then I guess you can stop this.‖


Chun Yeowun raised his hand.

A sudden chill on the skin, and then Ice Swords appeared all around.


Sura‘s eyes widened as he looked at the hundred Ice Swords.

Even Ahn Woo-hong was shocked.

„W-what the…‟

He couldn‘t put it into words.

This was completely different from what he knew about the Murims.

―Stop this.‖

Chun Yeowun stretched out his hand towards the shocked Sura.

The hundred swords soon rushed towards him at once.


The power of Sky Flash being concentrated on one person for the first time.

If Sura couldn‘t think of something, then it was definite that he would die miserably.

At that moment, Sura crossed his arms.

And the space around distorted as the energy around was sucked in like an abyss again.

Phat! Phat!

And then it happened.

The Ice Swords, which were rushing for Sura, didn‘t reach him.

They began to bend, and then were absorbed into the distorted space.

„He sucked in sword energy too.‟

It wasn‘t Sura who absorbed it.

It was the distorted space that sucked it.

Sura exhaled and took a deep breath, it was as if he wasn‘t sure whether he could stop the attack.

―The Vishnu form can stop any attack.‖


One of the three major gods of Hindu.

It had the meaning that ‗permeate everything‘ and it was a power suited to defend against such

This filled Sura with a bit of confidence.

―Now it is my turn!‖

Sura‘s form bounced and reached for Chun Yeowun.

When he drew a circle with his hands, the Vishnu form Chakra appeared, and numerous huge
hands shone trying to suppress Chun Yeowun.

The sight was frightening, but.

―This is fun.‖

Chun Yeowun raised his hand with a curious expression.


And the energy of nature around condensed to create an invisible film.

It was because he knew that this attack couldn‘t be blocked by internal energy.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The hands were blocked.

They kept coming as if they wanted to break the film down, but since it was made by the energy
of nature, it wasn‘t an easy thing.

„Kumar form!‟


Not wanting to lose the lead on attack, Sura reached for Chun Yeowun with a kick.

The Kumar form is a close combat technique.


Chun Yeowun pretended to grab something in the air.

Suddenly, a vague hazy form similar to a sword appeared.

Chun Yeowun blocked the kick with an invisible sword.


The hit bounced off, giving sparks all over the area.


The floor on either side of Chun Yeowun tore down and cracked.
All because of the force at which the Chakra kick came in.


Sura turned and kicked Chun Yeowun in succession.

The kicks, which kept flying in, were quite hard to unfold.

Chun Yeowun avoided it by moving back.



The ground touched by Sura‘s kick would always get dug into holes.

It was a deadly skill.

Chun Yeowun continued to dodge, which made Sura yell.

―How long do you plan on running away! Do it right!‖

Sura changed his stance from kicking, and tried to catch up with Chun Yeowun.

―I told you not to run!‖

Sura used the blow he showed Chun Yeowun previously again.

The fist of light, which moved with two circles.

„Ah, Indra form!‟

He intended to increase the destructive power by activating another form, a way to use two
Chakras at the same time.

Indra meant strength.

―Fine. You want to fight, right?‖

Chun yeowun stopped moving back and then took a solid step.

The floor below cracked.

In that state, Chun Yeowun clenched his fists strongly.


The moment he made that motion, the space around Chun Yeowun shook.

„The space is shaking?‟

Sura‘s eyes frowned.

Great energy was condensing into one point enough to shake the space.

This was unification, a skill of East Challenger God.

And then he pushed his fist forward.


The two fists of Sura and Chun yeowun collided at the same time.

The force was so huge at the collision, that it seemed like a destructive force.


In an instant, a strong wave spread out like a storm.

The waves were so strong that an abandoned gas station and a shabby restaurant on the other side
weren‘t able to withstand it and collapsed.




The soldiers, who were using the military vehicles as shields, couldn‘t hide their shock.
They were all watching this from 20 meters away.

However, the impact was so strong that the vehicles were being pushed away. If their vehicles
were any closer, they would have tumbled away.

„Is this a fight between humans?‟

Ahn Woo-hong was shocked as he looked at the scene from behind a vehicle.

He had seen a lot of warriors and people with super powers too, but this fight wasn‘t something
supposed to happen between humans.

Both of them were monsters.

Whoever would win, Ahn Woo-hong would acknowledge them.

„Huh. I guess the world is indeed big. With this we can flatten the noses of the Murim
department‟s bastards.‟

Thinking about that in the midst of the terrifying fight, he didn‘t seem like a normal person

The aftermath of the collision ceased.

Where the two were standing was a huge pit of over 50 meters.


Blood was dripping from Sura‘s lip.

He looked at his right hand.


His hand couldn‘t stop trembling.

„It is broken.‟

Since fist was protected by the Chakra, it shouldn‘t have gotten broken.
He could still feel the pain in his wrist and shoulder.

„Such a huge cost to pay.‟

If he was like this, then his opponent had to be in the same situation.

With that thought, Sura looked up.

Only to be shocked.

Chun Yeowun was casually walking towards him.

Phat! Phat!

So leisurely that even the sound of footsteps couldn‘t even be heard.

Not a single wound.

„He endured my fist which can break the mountains?‟

Not just that.

He injured Sura too.

„Then, I, the best warrior of the Rao clan, who mastered the Chakra of Timur, was pushed back
by a Murim in China?‟

It was unbelievable.

His mentor had called the Timur Chakras the greatest ever.

He was told that no one could handle the seven Chakras.

But that was wrong.


Sura clenched his teeth in anger.

Chun Yeowun asked him.

―Do you see the difference in skills now?‖


―If you don‘t want to get more hurt, admit defeat.‖

Chun Yeowun had already thought about taking Sura as his subordinate and didn‘t want to inflict
more injuries to him.

However, that only angered Sura.

―Are… you insulting me?‖

―What insult?‖

―Our confrontation is a battle in which the revival of our nation and honor of our clan is at stake.
In such a battle, you look so relaxed and say such stuff!‖


Sura stepped ahead in anger.

He was the kind to accept defeat when the battle was fair.

However, Chun Yeowun wasn‘t even doing his best, it was nothing but a disgrace to him as

Sura crossed his arms and said.

―Do your best. I am not broken yet!‖

He had Vishnu Chakra, the absolute defense.

―Best huh…‖

―If you want to defeat me, then convince me.‖

Sura said out loud.

Chun Yeowun looked at him coldly.

―If I do my best, you will die for sure. You won‘t regret it then?‖

Sura laughed out arrogantly at those remarks.


And then he smiled.

―Huh! Say something like that after you break down the Vishnu form.‖

The Vishnu form was something where the Timur Chakra were concentrated.

And this was the Chakra which brought invincible reputation to Timur, the absolute defense
which no one could break.


As Sura raised his energy, a tornado swirled around him and once again the energy began to get

An abyss that could suck in endless energy.

Chun Yeowun shook his head and said.

―Don‘t complain once you are dead.‖

―Huh! That kind of talk about Vishnu…‖

That moment, a black energy surged from Chun Yeowun‘s body.

Dark like an abyss.

The darkness was present till the tip of the sword.

„What the hell?‟

As Sura looked puzzled, an unbelievable thing happened.

The sound of something being cut.

At the same time, the strong rise in energy around.


A black line drawn in the air.

Sura‘s eyes widened as if they were about to explode.

He couldn‘t believe what he was witnessing.


A sound which made him feel like his eardrums would tear.

As a space appeared in the black line, the space around Sura cracked and the Vishnu Chakra
which had to be strong like an iron wall, was cut.

„H… he cut it?‟


It didn‘t end there.

The black line was about to reach him.

In that brief moment, in Sura‘s mind, he saw himself be split in two.


In fear, he screamed.


And then something hit the back of his head.

When Sura opened his eyes, he was lying on the floor.

The pain at the back of his head was still there.

„What… just what happened?‟

He looked at his lower body in shock.

Fortunately, he was still in one piece.

Getting up, he looked at Chun Yeowun in confusion.

Chun Yeowun was pretending to hold something in his left hand, like sheathing a sword.

„Did he knock me down?‟


Chun Yeowun knocked him down.

Had it been a little late, his body would have been cut in two.

Sura was at a loss for words.

„What did he deal…?‟

Cutting through space meant that there was nothing that the sword couldn‘t cut.

The first time for him to be so close to death.

―W-what the hell was that sword?‖

It was definitely a sword.

He clearly felt the presence of the sword.

―Supreme Sky Demon Sword.‖

―Supreme Sky Demon Sword?‖

―That is my power.‖

A sword that had the power to destroy everything.

The Supreme Sky Demon Sword.

Something that no one other than the first Chun Ma and the second Chun Ma knew about.

„This… this one isn‟t a human. He is the second coming of a god!‟

Sura felt a thrill run down his body.


Sura felt his body tremble in awe, and immediately knelt on the floor and said.

―Sura Rao, the Great Warrior of the Rao clan, serves the Lord!‖

He admitted defeat.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 106 -
Chakra (4)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on
Dec 26, 2021

• 11 min read • 5554 views


Ahn Woo-hong stamped the document.

Unlike in the past, web PDF docs were used in this era. However, the government still depended
on paper documents.

It was to accurately record the documents.

Pyeon Seorim, Ahn Woo-hong‘s assistant, had two documents with a special seal on them.

―Here it is.‖

He handed the file to Chun Yeowun.

Chun Yeowun, who won the match, was able to smoothly conclude the agreement with the
Ministry of National Defense.

And it took only a little time to get everything done.

―I think we are in the same boat now.‖

Ahn Woo-hong asked for a handshake.

Chun Yeowun, who was unable to adapt to those western greetings, was a bit puzzled before he
reached out his hand.

And now, Sky Demon Order officially was in an alliance with the National Defense.

―It would be nice to have a meaningful and open conversation with a partner.‖


At those words, the assistant shook her head.

―We don‘t have time for that, it seems, I‘ll make sure to have an opening in the schedule next

Ahn Woo-hong stood up.

As the Minister of National Defense, he didn‘t have any breaks.

So he walked away while looking at Sura Rao, who had a bitter face.

Because he understood this situation.

He knew very well that words were no consolation for warriors, and that sympathy was the last
thing they‘d want.

„This is unfortunate. I would like to help if I could.‟

It was hard to handle two risks at the moment.

In a sense, it was more difficult to help the Rao clan in rebuilding their nation.

„I hope you can stand tall again.‟

Still, he felt connected with the man, so he prayed for him.

When Ahn Woo-hong left, Sura Rao explained the vision of Timur to Chun Yeowun and then
made sure to get Ashri‘s condition back to normal.

―The Chakras originate from mental training. It is the hakra which receives the energy from the
vast universe and interacts with the mind and body.‖

―Receiving energy from the universe?‖

Chun Yeowun narrowed his eyes.

He knew what the universe was with the help of Nano.

It was also known that this planet earth was nothing but a speck of dust in the universe.

„It is different from martial arts.‟

The basis of martial arts was breathing.

Receive the energy in the earth through breathing and build the energy inside the body.

That‘s cultivation.

―How do you receive the energy of the universe?‖

―Our human body can be called a microcosm of the universe.‖


―Like the stars which are around the universe. There are around 88,000 Chakras in the human
body. The basis of Chakra comes from feeling the 88,000 Chakras.‖

―What kind of feeling?‖

―The teacher makes the successor feel them.‖

Chun yeowun nodded his head.

It was similar to how a master teaches martial arts to his disciple by infusing energy into the

However, 88,000 Chakras were too many.

―Are there people who have learned all of them?‖

―Only one in a hundred passes through the 1st stage and feels it. It takes 3 to 5 years for even the
most talented.‖

That was why Chakras were taught from a young age.

The process of memorizing all the 88,000 is complex.


When it comes to techniques in martial arts, one only learns what their clan teaches.

Ultimately, this was because their techniques go well with their cultivation techniques.
―And those who pass the first stage would be able to unlock the Root-Chakra.‖

It was said that once the Root-Chakra was opened, nothing could be blocked.

And when all the impurities in the body would be discharged, the second Chakra, the Sacral-
Chakra, would open, and then power would be used in earnest.


The second for martial arts was Dantian.

It was similar to developing a Dantian and earnestly utilizing it.

―Up to this point, all the warriors of the Rao clan have learned the basics. However, the third
stage, the Solar Plexus-Chakra, could only be mastered by the elected.‖

Those who mastered the Solar Plexus were said to be able to release the Chakra outside the body.


Sura showed it.

With just the third Chakra, he was able to shine a yellow light.

It was like a freely flying flag.

―The fourth is the Heart-chakra, it amplifies the energy.‖

When the fifth, the Throat-Chakra, is opened, they reach a stage where they can utilize the
Chakras of the whole body as one, and only then would they be called Chakra users.

The sixth is the Third Eye-chakra, one will gain an excellent intuition other than eyes and ears
and be able to read the truth in others.

―You would then be called a Chakra expert. And when you open the last Crown chakra…‖

It is possible to draw power from the universe through spiritual communication.

And then one would be called Chakra Master, one who openly communicates with the universe.
Timur the Great was able to become a king because he was a Chakra master.


Upon hearing that, Chun Yeowun had a strange feeling that the Chakras were the same as
internal energy.

The start and end were different, but the process was the same.

„To communicate with the universe…‟

According to Sura‘s words, the Chakras aim for realization and communication with the energy
of the universe.

However, in the process, beyond depending on the surrounding nature, they boldly were
connected with the universe.

―I want to know how to operate the Chakras.‖

―Operation is…‘

―I cannot improve Ashri‘s condition without knowing it.‖

Sura, who heard those words, put his hands together and prayed.

Although he wasn‘t saying anything, it felt like a prayer of self-reflection for letting someone
other than the clan members know about the vision.

But a promise is a promise.

―Are you going to master Chakras?‖


Just by looking at Ashri‘s condition, it was impossible to know how Chakras would handle
internal energy.

―For now, start using Chakra.‖


―I will check it through your body.‖

Sura‘s face showed he couldn‘t understand it.

If he couldn‘t infuse the Chakras into the 88,000 points, then mastering them would be
impossible for Chun Yeowun.

„This has to be a waste of time.‟

Sura looked at Ashri.

The man was sweating and the blood vessels were still bulging, he didn‘t look good.

―Will this help?‖

―If you do it.‖


In the end, Sura opened up the Chakras in order.

To unlock the first, he had to go through the process of connecting all 88,000 Chakras in the

And then, Chun Yeowun reached for his body.

A red light shining on his palm.

―What do you plan on doing?‖

―Don‘t mind me and continue. Slower than normal.‖

He didn‘t know the reason, but Sura decided to continue.

As an accomplished Chakra master, he was able to control them right away, but did it slowly
since he was asked to.

He didn‘t know, but Chun Yeowun‘s eyes were trembling.

Nano was scanning his body, each change in the body and each point of Chakra.

And this was possible because Chakra is also some kind of energy.

„Is this what it is?‟

Chun Yeowun who looked at the scans was shocked.

The circulation of energy without leaving a single blood point, now he understood why this took
time to learn.

‟… with cultivation it might be possible.‟

Although the energies were different, it wouldn‘t hurt to try.

Chun Yeowun, who was now a Heavenly Master, already learnt all kinds of cultivations.


He controlled his breathing and operated his internal energy.

It wasn‘t difficult to follow the order which Sura showed.


And when he operated the 88,000 points called Chakras, surprisingly, energy was forming.


What was even more shocking was that the energy had changed.

It was completely different from the internal energy he had generated so far, it has become
similar to Chakra energy.

Sura‘s whole body flowed orange, and his energy slowly died.

„Bottom level.‟
The Dantian of Chun Yeowun, which had adapted to the Heavenly Master, was divided into
three parts.

It was focused on the top, middle and Dantian, he followed the order in which Sura opened the


And at some point in the opening, Chun Yeowun‘s body began to shine.

It went straight from red to orange, yellow and then green.


Sura‘s eyes, which were checking the man, went wide.

If his eyes weren‘t wrong, then Chun Yeowun just managed to open the 4th stage.

―H-How did you?‖

―Keep going.‖

It was called Going Against the Flow of the Energy.

Chun Yeowun had already been through this once, and was far higher than Sura.

Confused, Sura opened the 5th stage.

„I see.‟

Chun Yeowun was immediately able to grasp how it was done.

A blue light shone from Chun Yeowun‘s body.

The same indication of opening the fifth Chakra.

‟… No way.‟

Sura couldn‘t hide his shock.

He couldn‘t quite understand what was happening right in front of his eyes.

„Chakras can‟t be learnt this easily.‟

He had no idea how this man was doing it.

And then something went wrong.

„From the 6th Chakra, it won‟t open unless one acquires the 7th sense intuition.‟

Sura thought that Chun Yeowun wouldn‘t be able to do that.

Sura opened the 7th sense and then opened the 6th Chakra. And his body glowed purple.


Chun Yeowun moved the new energy which came from opening the Chakras into the blood.

When the energy was placed there, Chun Yeowun felt as if he was liberated like a bird.

„What? This is…‟

An unknown energy.

This was different from the energy of nature.

„What is this?‟

This energy seemed infinite and endless.

Chun Yeowun‘s eyes were dyed black.

Lights twinkled as if countless stars were being drawn on his eyes.


At some point, Chun Yeowun went into the world of unconsciousness.

Sura, who was seeing the man open the Chakras one after another, couldn‘t shut his mouth.
„How can this even…‟

Sura hadn‘t even opened the 7th Chakra yet.

However, the light slowly flowing from Chun Yeowun was consuming the surrounding energy
and encroaching it.

„He is trying to open the 7th Chakra by himself!‟

Sura was stunned.

He never heard of such a thing.

It was impossible to reproduce the Chakras by listening or feeling them in someone else‘s body.

Because they wouldn‘t know how to operate them.


The incandescent light shining from Chun Yeowun turned black.

He couldn‘t tell if it was black light or pure darkness.

―Now what is this…‖

It was something that never happened to him.

Chun Yeowun‘s body suddenly was covered in darkness and countless small lights twinkled like


It was like looking at the huge universe.

‟… did he just attain a higher enlightenment than me?‟

Seeing such radiant light, Sura was in awe.

It was impossible for him to understand this phenomenon, but he was certain that Chun Yeowun
had attained enlightenment.

Before long, the lights disappeared.

And Chun Yeowun, who was staring into the dark with black eyes, was back to normal.


At Sura‘s call, he sighed.


And then he put on a sad expression.

He wanted to see the infinite world a little more, but all he got was a mere peek.

Now he was just vaguely aware of this new world, and he wanted to grasp it.

But even that mere peek felt amazing.


Chun Yeowun looked at his hand.

„It seems to be there, but not, and it doesn‟t seem to be there but can be felt. Even though it is the
same, it is infinite too.‟

This vivid feeling was still in his body.

If the energy of nature is the flow around, then this new energy is the truth behind everything.

„It was there…‟

Chun Yeowun was sure.

A bigger world beyond the Heavenly Master Level was present.

―… what did you see?‖

Sura asked in a trembling voice.

At that, Chun Yeowun went close to Ashri without answering.

And placed his hand over his head.


A mix of darkness and starlight came from Chun Yeoun‘s hand.

At that moment, Ashri‘s body trembled and the veins began to shrink.


Ashri coughed up black blood.

And then fell down with a more relaxed face than before.


Sura ran to him to check his condition.

He was shocked to see that he is now better.

And Ashri‘s Chakra was higher than before.

―How is this possible?‖

―I let the energy of nature enter the Chakra.‖

―H-how is that possible?‖

Sura thought that Ashri couldn‘t control this new energy as it was different from theirs.

Chun Yeowun smiled and said.

―It is possible. The energy of nature is also part of the universe.‖


―If I am right, this can be done.‖

With that Chun Yeowun held out his hand in a certain direction.

The place where the restaurant had collapsed.


Strong energy condensed into the air around the restaurant and the space distorted.

A tornado occurred and the debris was sucked in.


A black hole.

It happened in an instant.

―It works.‖

Chun Yeowun spoke as if it was nothing.

When Sura saw it, he went stiff in shock.

What this man just unfolded was the Vishnu form, the 7th Chakra.

Yet different.



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Chapter 107 -
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An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth (1)

Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Dec 27, 2021

• 15 min read • 6310 views



Xian, the capital of the current Chinese government.

All the government agencies were located there.

Naturally, the State council, the central institution of the government, was also located there.

Besides, there were three hundred buildings for policy institutions.

In front of the Ministry of National Defense building, on the Southwest side of the State Council.

Like the Ministry of National Defense, the entrance was guarded by military police officers and
other officers in various military uniforms.

All walking back and forth.

There was a middle-aged man standing in front of the building with a dissatisfied face.

Wearing a neat white uniform, he was Jang Pyeong-gak of the Wudang clan.

―You can‘t get in without a permission pass, huh.‖

Jang Pyeong-gak expressed his frustration to another middle-aged man standing in front of him.

The middle-aged man was wearing a fancy luxury suit and sunglasses.
―I know. Mr. Jang.‖

The middle-aged man was Tang Moon-su, the vice president of D.A.N.G pharmaceuticals.

He is an orthodox descendant of the Tang family.

What was the reason for the two most influential executives of the Murim Association to come

―Why the hell was director Oh so furious?‖

―No idea.‖

The director they were talking about is Oh Tae-chung, the head of the Ministry of Murim.

The two had come to meet Oh Tae-chung and pressure him regarding the Demonic Cult‘s

But at that time, Oh Tae-chung was absent.

All they heard was that he had run over to the Ministry of National Defense in anger.

―This is hard. The situation seems to be serious.‖

If Oh Tae-chun was enraged, that meant that something had happened.

Although he was close to the Murim Association, that man was a politician.

And a demanding person.

―My bones hurt. Why are all these things happening so fast after each other?‖

Jang Pyeong-gak was puzzled at Tang Moon-su‘s words and asked.

―What do you mean?‖

―Hmm, I will let you know.‖

―About what?‖
―There seems to be a quarrel within the Moyong company.‖

―Moyong company?‖

Jang Pyeong-gak was surprised.

It was known that the five great clans‘ descendants usually came to the Murim Association‘s

So information naturally flowed between them.

―Since Chairman Moyong fell into a coma, there have been disputes between the two sons over
the succession.‖

―Hold on. The Moyong company‘s successor was already decided on, right?‖

As far as he knew, the eldest son and the managing director was the successor.

He heard that there was a second son, who was once called a genius, but then the kid suddenly
lost his martial arts due to an unknown reason.

―It seems like the second son was able to regain his martial arts skills.‖

―What? You know that a Dantian could never form again once destroyed, right? How did that

Jang Pyeong-gak asked.

He was there when the chairman Moyong asked him for a favor in therapy.

He couldn‘t treat the child, so how did that kid regain his martial arts?

―I don‘t know. But the recovered skills aren‘t normal… ah! Director!‖

The conversation stopped.

It was because Oh Tae-chung, the head of the Ministry of Murim, came out.

The man was at a loss for what to do.

―Damn it!‖

Despite being in front of another building, he didn‘t seem to hide his true feelings.

The man was visibly angry.


The two people from the association immediately went to him and greeted him.

―We greet you, director.‖

―Director, this is Jang Pyeong-gak, of the Wudang clan.‖

Oh Tae-chung frowned as he looked at them.

He just remembered that he had a meeting with them.

But more importantly, he was angry.

―You two. What have you done?‖


The two men were dumbfounded at the ambiguous question.

It wasn‘t that they didn‘t understand, it was more like they couldn‘t figure out what he was
referring to, so Oh Tae-chung added,

―What the hell did you do so that the Ministry of National Defense is acting like that!‖

―D-director! We don‘t understand what you are talking…‖

―Give it here.‖

Oh Tae-chung reached his hand out to the female secretary next to him and then took a hard case

Oh tae-chung, who took it, almost threw it at the two.

―What is this?‖

―That is an official announcement letter from the National Defense.‖


The two were puzzled and looked at the file.

However, after looking at its content, their expressions turned more stiff.

―T-this… what the hell!‖

The contents of the letter stated that the Ministry of National Defense has signed an alliance with
the Yongchun Group. If Gate Defense battles were to occur in the future, it would no longer be
possible to engage in the battles without the Ministry of National Defense‘s permission.

―W-when did the…. Demonic Cult bastards get this done?‖

It was like lightning had struck them.

Jag Pyeong-gak was the first to speak.

―Director! This is absurd! The Yongchun is from the Demonic Cult. Don‘t you know?‖

―Who doesn‘t know that? What the hell did you people do to make them end up joining hands
with the Defense?‖

At those words, the two couldn‘t say anything.

They were here to ask the Murim Department to pressure the Cult because half their executives
were not present.

„Now isn‟t the time to judge the right and wrong.‟

The party judged this situation to be serious.

Not being able to defend the Gate Defense battles meant that the Murim Association‘s core
supply and demand was going to be cut off.
In addition, the reason the Murim Association affiliated companies have always walked proudly
was because they have been contributing to the Defense.

―Director. We need to stop it right now. If the Demonic Cult and the Defense join hands, it will
be a huge blow to both us and the Ministry of Murim.‖

If the influence of the Ministry of Murim decreased, the position of the association would
decrease as well.

Oh Tae-chung spoke to Tang Moon-su with a harsh face.

―Well we are late!‖


―It was already reported to the State Council and passed.‖


Tang Moon-su and Kang Pyeong-gak‘s faces distorted at the same time.

If it was passed by the council, it meant that the majority had accepted it.

And there were already many people who didn‘t like the Ministry of Murim.


This was the worst.

Now they found out why Oh Tae-chung was angry.


Oh Tae-chung went closer and poked Tang Moon-su‘s chest with his fingers as he spoke in a
raspy voice.

―We need to come up with a countermeasure right away! Otherwise, all vested interests in the
association will be in vain.‖
The association who came here to lighten their burden, only received more.

A holographic meeting in a dark conference room.

The present holograms were the executives of the Murim Association.

Even with the loss of the Murim association main office, the meeting could be held.

-Now that things have become like this, how can the chairman and vice-chairman be absent!

The atmosphere was serious.

It was because of the shocking news delivered by the two who visited the Ministry of Murim.

They had to come up with a solution but the most important people were absent.

The chairman was in a closed door training and the vice-chairman was away on a business trip.

-Where are they in such a frustrating situation?

-Did you tell them that we were meeting for this situation?

-Of course, I informed them.

However, the only answer which came back from the Ohshin group was that they couldn‘t
interfere with their chairman‘s closed door training. Despite how critical the situation was.

That was what made the other executives burst out in anger.

-If that‘s the case, the meeting cannot proceed. How about changing the chairman for the time

-You are talking about the chairman of the association?

At that comment, everyone‘s faces darkened.

They too felt that someone had to be held accountable.

However, it was quite difficult to bring down the chairman right now.

The Ohshin Group boasted the most undeniable power in the current Murim.

-Mr. Jang. There are 3 years left for the position of chairman, is it possible?

It was Hyewon of Emei clan

-What do you mean? I agree with what Mr. Jang has said. Isn‘t the chairman always sending his
representative to every meeting since last year? Does it make sense to not attend such a crucial
meeting? Is he so busy that he can‘t even appear through a hologram?

Nam Gung-oh of the Namgung clan agreed.

As the opinions were divided, the meeting proceeded in a way to remove the current chairman.

It was then.


The hologram device at the top seat was activated.

A middle-aged man with big ears and thick lips appeared.

With a fairly unusual face, he was Mun Il-hyang, the chairman of the Ohshin Group and the
chairman of the Murim Association.


The executives who were still fighting were shocked.

Jang Pyeong-gak, who was arguing so strongly till then, went silent.


Mu-Il-hyang spoke right away.

-Mun Il-hyang greets the executives of the Association. It has been a while since I last saw you,
and I feel very responsible for this situation.
In a nasty voice, Nam Gung-oh said.

-It is really hard to see your face, chairman.

-Well I am a warrior you see.

-What is that supposed to mean?

-I couldn‘t just give up on the newly acquired realization.

At those words, everyone went stiff.

They thought there would be some improvement in the closed room training, but they didn‘t
think he would attain some realization.


„How strong is he trying to be?‟

Although Mun Il-hyang stopped reporting to the Ministry of Murim, he was the strongest person
in Murim.

Even among the other Five Great Warriors, he was the best.

-Huh, rather than that, chairman. What should we do with this? It seems like the ministry is
shaken to the extent that they aren‘t talking with the Association.

Jang Pyeong-gak changed the topic.

Since this was a hologram, the jealousy couldn‘t be seen.

Jealousy of the chairman who was now stronger.

-Well, it is our Murim Association‘s job to prevent the Demonic Cult from growing.

-What do we do? Right now, even the Ministry of National Defense is taking their side…

-Well, I just got some information.

At Mun Il-hyang‘s words, everyone was shocked.

When Mun Il-hyang pressed some buttons, a huge screen shone.

It was an underground high speed train.

Unlike the ordinary ones, this only had five compartments, and they weren‘t numbered.



The executives were not sure about what they were seeing.

At that, Mun Il-hyang smiled and said,

-It is the mobile prison which holds the Demonic Cult‘s Lord.

-Demonic Cult!

At those words, the others couldn‘t hide their shock.

Most of the executives knew that Chun Woo-jin, the Lord of Demonic Cult was in some secret
prison, but not an underground train.

-How did you get it?

-I am in charge of guarding the mobile prison at the request of the prosecutor‘s office.


The one in charge of the security!

The executives were perplexed at the words of the chairman who just revealed it.

Mun Il-hyang spoke to them.

-Only me and the bailiff who gave the sentence know about this train. But this morning, a man

-It has to be the work of the Cult.

-Then, we need to stop them right away!

-Yes. Those Demonic Cult people would try to break him out…ah!

Shocked by the news, the executives started clamoring for the need to stop the Cult, but they
then went silent.

They were all looking at each other with the same thought.

Mun Il-hyang smiled and said.

-Shouldn‘t the government and the civilians be shown just how dangerous the Demonic Cult is?

Main office of Yongchun Group, Jinan city.

Senior executives including the chairman, chun Yu-jang, couldn‘t hold back their joy.

The reason was that they managed to find the whereabouts of the Lord Chun Woo-jin, whom
they were looking for.

―Hang Yu-rin. You really worked hard!‖

―It was nothing. Chairman.‖

Chun Yu-jang praised the woman.

Based on the information that the two companies gathered and the information in the hands of
the Great Guardian, she managed to find the bailiff who was in charge of the sentence.

The bailiff, who was escorted into the Yongchun group, refused to open his mouth and was ready
to die.

However, unfortunately, that didn‘t happen.

„A convenient ability.‟
Chun Yeowun made the man a ghost and read his memories.

They managed to discover that he was in an underground train.

However, they now had to rescue the man.

―Finally, we will be able to bring back our Lord!‖

The executives all rose up and congratulated Chun Yu-jang.

There was a sense of haste, still, they knew just how difficult it would be to get their Lord from
the prison.

Hu Bong, Marayun and Shakena went to rescue him.

Shakena had her Phasing ability.

If the three went in, then it would be an easy task.

„Now we are getting closer.‟

Even without Chun Yeowun, there were plenty of talented people.

―They must have got him by now.‖

Huan Myung-oh said while checking the clock.

The underground train would reach Zhugushi at 12 o‘clock.

According to the information they got, the train runs non-stop for 12 hours and stops for 20
minutes to shift the workers.


The smartphone of Huan Myung-oh rang.

A text flew in.

Huan Myung-oh, who saw that, went stiff.

―What is it?‖

At the chairman‘s question, Huan Myung-oh said.

―I think we should watch TV right away.‖


Huan Myung-oh hurriedly got up and switched it on.

And the screen shone.

He immediately changed it to a new channel which was reporting breaking news while standing
in front of the State Council

-As reported by our correspondent, the judicial authorities of the State Council have decided to
proceed with the execution of Chun Woo-jin, the former chairman of the Black Sky Company, at
6 o‘clock. He is the worst criminal who caused the bloody death of the president 27 years ago.
The perpetrator Chun Woo-jin…

―W-what is this!‖

Chun Yu-jang and the executives who were watching it couldn‘t hide their disbelief.

Chun Woo-jin, who was a death row inmate, was given life in prison.

Now they wanted him executed.


-This sentence will be carried out in a judicial prison under the State Council in an unusual…

It was said that the execution would be carried out by the State Council.

Chun Yeowun narrowed his eyes.

He tried various things to make sure people didn‘t know about the mission, but it seemed like it
was found out, and rather soon.
„Too fast.‟

Things were progressing too fast.

If this was exposed to the public like this, even if the man was brought out of the prison, people
would look at them negatively.

At that moment, Chun Yeowun heard something.


It was Hu Bong.

It was through a nano bomb which was placed inside. Inside whom the nano bomb was placed??

‗How did it happen?‘

Hu Bong spoke in a confused voice.

-Lord. There are other prisoners here, but not the current Lord.


Did that mean that Chun Woo-jin was pulled out?

Something felt wrong.

According to the bailiff‘s memories, the train would travel in different routes, so there were fixed

And the only stop was the station where Hu Bong was now at, so it was impossible to get the
current Lord out.

‗Do you know if the train has stopped somewhere?‘

-The prisoners say that the train hasn‘t stopped in 12 hours.

At those words, Chun Yeowun‘s brows rose.

Chun Yeowun sighed and looked at the State Council building.

Everyone was puzzled when Chun Yeowun sighed when he said.

―We were lied to.‖

―Wh-what do you mean…‖

Chun Yeowun answered Chun Yu-jang‘s question with irritation.

―The train was fake. The current Lord was never in a mobile prison from the start.‖


At the same time.

The Murim Association meeting.

Mun Il-hyang spoke in a happy voice.

-They must be out of their minds. There is no Lord in the prison at all. There is no way they can
get the man before the execution. Huhuhu.

The kidnapped bailiff had the wrong information, so it was no use to torture him and get

-Indeed our chairman!

The Murim Association executives were satisfied.

It felt like they were having a cool sip of cider in the hot sun.

Tang Moon-su opened his mouth.

-I think this has limited their options. In order to save their Lord, will they try and rescue him at
the cost of being seen badly by the world again? Or boldly let the man die? Haha!

Such a plan!
They knew that the Cult wasn‘t blind to the existence of their Lord.

And if they do something wrong to bring back their Lord, people will remember everything that
happened 27 years back.

-Cool, Public Execution by the State Council.

The others acknowledged it too.

If they try to bring the man from the judicial prison of the State Council, then the Demonic Cult
won‘t only get bad complaints from the people but also anger from the government.

At that time, Jang Pyeong-gak asked.

-What if they give up on their Lord?

Mun Il-hyang smiled and said.

-Huhuhu, don‘t worry. One way or another, the next day Demonic Cult will be a felony group
trying to free the worst criminal.



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Chapter 108 -
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An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth (2)

Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Dec 28, 2021

• 12 min read • 5292 views

Conference room of Yongchun Group, Jinan city.

When the executives found out that the prison was fake, they couldn‘t contain their anger.

Who would have imagined that the bailiff was giving them wrong information?

―We can‘t let the Lord be executed!‖

―We need to rescue him now!‖

Huan Myung-oh spoke with a look of resentment.

―… I understand the sentiment, but this is a clear trap.‖

It was clearly a trap laid for the Sky Demon Order.

And most importantly, the execution was decided by the State Council.

The place where the government stood.

If they tried to rescue their Lord out from such a place, the bad relationship with the government
would be obvious.

―But you‘re saying we are going to stand by the execution as they want to? He is the Lord! He is
the head of the Sky Demon Order.‖

Seohyun, the head of internal inspection, who had a rather aggressive tendency, raised his voice.

And the answer was given by Hang Yu-rin.

―Calm down. You know that director Huan didn‘t mean that.‖


―If we rescue our Lord, everyone will believe that what happened in the past was our doing. If
that happens, the agreement with the Ministry of National Defense will be broken.‖

What the enemies were aiming for is clear.

It was to force the government to cancel the agreement.

They could ask the Ministry of National Defense to push hard, but if the Cult decided to go in
and rescue their Lord, the ministry would receive condemnation from the State Council.

―How dare they do such tricks!‖

Chun Yu-jang was the one who was upset the most.

He felt that it was a great disgrace to his father, and the Lord of the Cult, to be executed by the
enemies in such a cowardly way.

―Is that all?‖

Chun Yeowun, who was listening to the conversation, spoke for the first time.

All eyes were focused on him.

―What about you?‖

Chun Yeowun asked Bi Mak-heon who was next to him.

The man opened his mouth holding back his anger.

―… this isn‘t simply a matter of whether we can rescue or not.‖

―What is that now?‖

Huan Myung-oh asked.

―Their true intentions may lie elsewhere.‖

―True intentions?‖

―Their purpose is to make our Cult shown to the government and public. And it isn‘t difficult to
sway the public opinion and make it look like we invaded the state council. But it isn‘t easy


At Bi Mak-heon‘s words, the executives sighed.

In the past, the president‘s spilled blood was blamed on their Lord, and that happened because of
their foolishness. Even if they don‘t rescue their Lord, the result would be the same.

―Indeed, that was what they aimed for?‖

A dilemma.

No matter what choice they made, the Cult would look bad.

―Is there no other way out?‖

Bi Mak-heon shook his head at Chun Yu-jang‘s question.

―… I think we will have to choose the less evil looking option.‖


It means to knowingly head into a trap.

If there was no choice but to enter the trap of the enemy, then it would be better to rescue the
Lord at all costs.

―I apologize.‖

With that, Bi Mak-heon had a hard time finding a solution.

After the Murim Association managed to report the news of execution through news, they will
now keep an eye on the Yongchun Group and the Sky Demon Order.
Whether the cult will come to the State Council or not.

While everyone was shocked, Chun Yeowun spoke.

―Are you going to move according to the choices the enemy gave us?‖


All the executives were puzzled. The number of enemies they were dealing with was huge. And
they had no choice but to move in the way the enemies had shown them.

―But ancestor. There is no other way to take. To save the Lord without it affecting the Cult in
any wa….‖

―If you are trying to find an answer in the framework they made, there will be no answer.‖


With narrowed eyes, Chun Yeowun spoke to Chun Yu-jang and the other executives.

―Remember, when you are attacked by an enemy, it is common sense to attack back. An eye for
an eye, a tooth for a tooth.‖

The execution day of Chun Woo-jin, the former chairman of the Black Sky Company.

The execution was blindfold firing, the orthodox Chinese method.

Thanks to the title of mass murderer, all the public attention was focused here.

2 hours before the execution, inside the Judicial prison in the Judicial building.

On the prison‘s rooftop, someone was smoking and speaking on the phone.

―Yes yes. I have placed it as you said.‖

The man was dressed as the bailiff of the prison while he spoke in a hoarse voice. The name on
the badge was ‗Pan Jun-young‘.
Looking at the rank, he seemed to be the deputy of the prison.

-There was no problem, right?

A modulated voice through the speaker.

It was quite a suspicious voice, but Pan Jun-young answered normally.

―Most of them were badged as people from the western side, so it doesn‘t matter what is

Being able to handle prisoners in the prison meant that it didn‘t matter if anyone was killed.

―Then, when will I have to start it?‖

-The plan will be put to motion in 10 minutes before execution.



With that said, the phone was hung up.

Pan Jun-young mumbled as he wrapped his smartphone onto his wrist.

―The second blood after the president. The only surviving person in the prison is the deputy.‖

The best case scenario for him. When that is done, he will be able to get a promotion.

30 minutes before the execution.

Numerous military people stood guard around the judicial prison.

Reporters from various media organizations gathered around to cover the news.

This was flashy enough to attract the foreign media too.

The topic of the execution of the culprit who murdered of the President of China and the Prime
Minister of Russia and other senior officials of the nations.

The execution room on the first basement floor of the prison.

An old man with a prison uniform and a number in red was walking.

The old man was Chun Woo-jin.

He is the current Lord of the Sky Demon Order and the former chairman of the Black Sky

Step! Step!

Powerless steps.

His eyes, which had been imprisoned for 27 years, were in a state of despair and hopelessness.



―Walk straight! Prisoner 205!‖

One of the prison guards kicked the man.

He used to be a confident man, but being subjected to the same treatment for 27 years, he gave

„Just a bit more.‟

Chun Woo-jin was also longing for his death.

In a life full of disgrace, he thought that it would be better for him to die than hold onto his life.

Chun Woo-jin stood in front of the firing squad.

The bailiffs tied him up with ropes to keep him from moving.

―Eyes… you won‘t cover the eyes?‖

Chun Woo-jin asked in a hoarse voice.

Even if he was on death row, people had their eyes covered in respect to human rights.

The bailiff kicked the man and said.

―Criminals like you can‘t have wishes. You deserve to die while savoring the pain of death.‖

He had now to be in pain.


Chun Woo-jin sighed inside.

He wasn‘t afraid of death, but he wasn‘t interested in arguing in the last moments.

Chun Woo-jin looked at the electric clock in the room.


In 15 minutes, his damn life would end.

He felt sad, but he had no way out.

So he quietly closed his eyes and began to memorize the sutras of the Sky Demon Order.

„I have no regrets in life or death as this one body is set on fire. Let the light shine on the way I
want to do, and joy and sorrow will be all but dust. Pitiful living beings who are troubled.‟

Although he brought disgrace to the Sky Demon Order in his time, he only wanted to make sure
the new Lord of the Cult would bring light again onto the Cult.

There were people watching him through the glass door.

Although they were wearing the clothes of a bailiff, they were unusual for some reason.

And one of them said.

―You made a surprisingly cold decision. Demonic Cult.‖

―I know right. I thought they would do unreasonable things to save their Lord, but they aren‘t
idiots I guess.‖

―Well. It wasn‘t like we didn‘t predict this case.‖

They were all prepared in case the Cult had appeared here.

It was their order to annihilate every single member of the Cult in the judicial prison.

―I thought I wouldn‘t be able to use it, but turns out there was an opportunity right here.‖

They even learned martial arts from the Demonic Cult.

From here, it was their job to leave traces of the Demonic Cult in the place.

And the time was 17:50.

―Should we start now?‖


They took masks out of their pockets and put them on.

One of the masked men touched an earpiece and spoke.

―It‘s time.‖

-Click! Roger!


As soon as the answer came, all the CCTVs in the room turned on the red light and went off.

Not just the CCTVs in the prison, but everywhere around the prison.

It was to leave no evidence.

―Let‘s start, shall we?‖

They opened the glass door and entered the firing range.

The bailiffs, who were inside, couldn‘t hide their shock when masked men came in.

―W-what! Why are you all wearing masks?‖

―For this reason.‖



One of the bailiffs was shot in the chest by the masked man and pushed away.

The bailiff was killed right away.

―W-why! You bastards!‖

In a panic, the bailiffs in the range pulled out their guns and aimed theirs at the masked people.

But they couldn‘t do much since the masked people were warriors.

―It isn‘t even a machine gun, what can you even do! Heheh!‖


They opened fire towards the bailiffs.

The bailiffs panicked and fired back, but the masked men dodged the bullets and shot them back.



In an instant, four bailiffs were killed.

―Wh-what are you doing?‖

The bailiff , who was standing in front of Chun Woo-jin, couldn‘t hide his shock at what
It was the same with Chun Woo-jin, but he was shocked for another reason.

„It is my Cult‟s martial arts!‟

The martial arts used by the masked people belonged to the Sky Demon Order.

He knew the martial arts thoroughly, so he recognized them at a glance.

Eight masked men approached Chun Woo-jin who was tied.

―Y-You men! You are here to rescue this one!‖

The only surviving bailiff put his gun at Chun Woo-jin.

At that time, Chun Woo-jin bit the man‘s hand.


―Kuak! you bastard…‖

He bit so hard that the flesh ripped off from his hand and the gun fell down.

The moment he was about to pick it.



A sword flew for the bailiff‘s head.

Chun Woo-jin spit the flesh out.


This was the one thing Chun Woo-jin wanted to do before his death.

He had been harassed quite a lot by his bailiff.

The masked man went to him and said.


―We greet the Lord.‖

There was a weird sense of playfulness in the eyes of those who greeted him.

As they instilled hope, the feelings inside Chun Woo-jin turned more miserable.

However, Chun Woo-jing couldn‘t be happy.

―Masked men. Who might you be?‖

He inquired about their identity.

He wanted to know which clan they were from, so that he would recognize the martial arts of the
clan they belonged to.

They answered, but Chun Woo-jin said.

―How dare you try to deceive the eyes of the Lord!‖

―Lord! What are you saying?‖

―I see that you are going to act like this till the end. Huh, did you think that I won‘t be able to
recognize the clumsy martial arts that don‘t go with the cultivation method you use?‖

To their surprise, Chun Woo-jin didn‘t buy the fact that they were members of the Cult.

Although they were using the martial arts of the cult, they weren‘t using their cultivation method.

With his deep knowledge in martial arts, he was able to tell right away that the people only
learned the techniques.


The masked people looked at each other. If they were caught, there was no need to continue with
the act.

„The CCTV is off anyway.‟

The masked man, who seemed like the leader, smiled.

―I was told that he would be rotting, but he still possesses the eyes of the Five Great Warriors.‖

―You men. Are you trying to do the same trick as before?‖

Chun Woo-jin hadn‘t forgotten what happened 27 years ago.

The scene of bloodshed which took place while he was away.

By the time he arrived, government officials were executed and the Murim Association accused
him for being the culprit.

―Are you going to frame the Cult by making fake traces this time too?‖

At Chun Woo-jin‘s words, the masked men laughed.

And with a snort, the leader spoke.

―You are a man who knows that and still is trying to taunt us, I don‘t know if you are bold or just
lost fear.‖

―Fear? Ha.‖

Chun Woo-jin, who realized that he was turning angry, sighed.

He wasn‘t afraid of death.

―Do you think I will be afraid?‖

―It is right to be afraid now, Lord of Demonic Cult. Because your usefulness will end as of

The masked man approached him with a smile.

The man pulled something out of his pocket, a syringe.

And at that moment, Chun Woo-jin knew that it wasn‘t a good thing.
―Huhuh, the Lord of Demonic Cult. I will pay tribute to you, the Lord o f the Demonic Cult, for
sacrificing yourself for the sake of justice.‖

With those words, the man slowly opened the syringe lid and approached Chun Woo-jin.

To watch him get afraid.

At that time, Chun Woo-jin said something unusual.

―I don‘t know who you are, but I did what you told me to do!‖


It was then.



Someone fell from the ceiling of the firing range, and crushed the masked man‘s body in a

It was Chun Yeowun who stood on the corpse of the crushed masked man.



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Chapter 109 -
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An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth (3)

Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Dec 29, 2021

• 11 min read • 4997 views


Chun Woo-jin was surprised by the sudden appearance of Chun Yeowun and looked at the
ceiling of the firing range.

Except through some ventilation fans, there was no way for a person to descend from the ceiling
without making gaps.


He was puzzled for a moment when he heard the sound.

Although his Dantian was broken, and he couldn‘t feel anything, this was such an unexpected
way for a person to appear.

„What is he?‟

„Where did he come from?‟

Even the masked people were perplexed.

It was ridiculous to believe that their leader was killed by simply being crushed to the floor.

„A warrior!‟

They surrounded Chun Yeowun with extreme alert.

One of them spoke.

―Hahaa! This is it. You must have come to save your Lord.‖

To which Chun Yeowun said.




When Chun Yeowun raised his hand, the syringe, which was on the floor, reached his hand.

―What is this?‖

There was no way that the masked men would answer him.

One of them rushed at him with energy gathered on his fist.

―As if I would tell you…‖

Shh! Puck!


However, the syringe, which was now in Chun Yeowun‘s hand, was now pierced into the
masked man‘s forehead who approached him.

Flustered, the masked man tried to pull out the syringe.



However, the liquid inside the syringe was injected into the body.

At that moment, the masked man‘s skin was dyed red. The blood vessels bulged out and then

Psuh! Swoosh!
―So that‘s what it does.‖

If they didn‘t want to answer, he could just find out by himself.


Another colleague was easily beaten.

That was when the masked men felt how dangerous the situation was. Of course, there were
several countermeasures.

„Turn on the CCTVs!‟

That was plan B in case the Sky Demon Order sent their men to rescue their Lord.

At the gesture of one masked man, the other men rushed towards Chun Yeowun at the same


In the meantime, the masked man, who made the gesture, touched his earpiece and said.

―This is the firing range. Turn on the CCTVs of this room only.‖

Their colleagues were scattered all over the prison grounds, including the control room. It wasn‘t
difficult to create a favourable situation.


However, a woman‘s voice answered.


Confused, The masked man asked.

―You… who are you?‖

-Human, you don‘t need to know.


The masked man frowned.

The problem was that the control room was occupied by an unknown person. He tried to inform
his colleague in the prison site about it, and as he tried to switch channels…

―Right now…‖



Someone grabbed him by the neck.

It was Chun Yeowun.

„What the hell are the others doing…. Ah?‟

The masked man was shocked.

The others were lying on the floor like dead birds.

„Just when?‟

Chun Yeowun asked.

―You were trying to get in touch with them with this?‖

Chun Yeowun reached for the earpiece the man was wearing.

The masked man laughed.

„Idiot! If you pull it out, it will self-destruct.‟

However, the earphone didn‘t.


It was crazy. It had to break once pulled.

―Do you think you would be able to rectify the situation by calling your colleagues?‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s question, the masked man tried to answer, enduring the pain.

―Kuak… the earphone… they‘ll get it… kuak… check it soon…‖



Chun Yeowun grabbed the neck even harder.

And then he put the earpiece into his ear.

„Was anyone listening?‟

The earpiece was connected to various channels of all men within the prison.

Chun Yeowun opened his mouth.

The masked man‘s shock increased.

―Ahh. Ahhh. Is this the voice?‖

To his surprise, the voice coming from Chun Yeowun‘s mouth was his own voice.

„No way!‟

Chun Yeowun had the ability to modulate his voice with Nano‘s help.

Chun Yeowun spoke.

―This is the firing range. They showed up, I got them all, but missed two guys. They need to be

It looked to be some kind of plan, but the masked man couldn‘t figure it out. Sending a message
to his colleagues to search for two members of the Cult. It seemed like a sloppy plan.

„Why is the radio…‟

He was puzzled, but Chun Yeowun smiled and said.

―If that‘s the case, no one should escape, right?‖

The masked man‘s eyes widened.

Come to think of it, if such a message was sent, no one in the site would be able to retreat until
those who fled were caught.


Chun Yeowun‘s goal was to get rid of every single one of them.

Without hesitating, Chun Yeowun crushed the neck of the man.



Chun Yeowun threw the corpse to the floor. And then, he pointed his finger at Chun Woo-jin.


Miraculously, the ropes around Chun Woo-jin loosened.

„What amazing power.‟

Chun Woo-jin was surprised.

It was the first time he had seen a person control their energy like that.

At first, he thought that this man was a member of the Cult, but it was his first time seeing such a
young face.

„Well, I got help. That‟s what matters.‟

It was right to say thank you.

―Thank you for the help.‖

Chun Woo-jin greeted him.

Chun Yeowun clicked his tongue at the sight.

―Tch, tch, I was thinking of punishing you, but it would be hard if you act like that.‖

Chun Woo-jin frowned at Chun Yeowun‘s words. At first glance, it was as if an adult was
scolding a child.

„Calling it Cult means that he has to be someone related to the Cult, but how can he act this

He is the Lord said to be the strongest in the Sky Demon Order. No one in the Cult would utter
such words in front of him.

―Do you know who you are speaking to?‖

Chun Woo-jin asked politely.

After losing his power for 27 years, he gained patience.

―If you are related to the main Cult then…‖

―You shared the secret with the Great Guardian, but I guess you aren‘t very smart.‖

―Great Guardian?‖

„A secret with the Great Guardian?‟

The secret he shared with the Great Guardian was related to the Sky Demon Order.

Chun Woo-jin‘s puzzled eyes shot wide.

Memories flashed through his mind.

[He may appear in your time according to the prophecy.]

Was what the former Lord said.

A secret that was passed down from the 25th Lord of the Cult to each Lord. A Prophecy that
each generation was waiting for it.

He forgot about it as he was in prison for 27 years.

―N-No wa…‖

―You are so quick at remembering.‖

Chun Woo-jin‘s eyes turned red.

Unable to believe it, he said.

―How…. How can this happen…‖

The Demon God they heard about in legends was standing right in front of his eyes.

Chun Woo-jin hurriedly fell to the floor.

―Chun Woo-jin greets the legend of the Great Sky Demon Ord…‖


However, the energy around lifted him up.


―We are busy, so let‘s do that later.‖

As soon as Chun Yeowun said that, someone fell from the ceiling.


A woman with purple hair, dressed in a tight leather suit, landed on the floor very lightly.

She was Shakena.

―Phew, Master. I dealt with the others as instructed.‖

―You didn‘t eat anyone, right?‖

―Like you said, I only made their hearts stop. None of them looked appetizing anyway.‖

After tasting the heart of a Superior Master, the other hearts didn‘t seem that tasty anymore.

Shakena was the one who stopped the people in the control room and killed them.

Chun Woo-jin, who couldn‘t understand it, asked.

―Ancestor, that woman?‖

Ignoring the question, Chun Yeowun gave new instructions to Shakena.

―Move him.‖

―Yes yes.‖

Shakena approached Chun Woo-jin.

She then embraced the old man, who had a bigger build than her.

―W-what are you?‖

At Chun Woo-jin‘s bewilderment, she asked.

―You can hold your breath, right? Human.‖

―What do you…‖


At that moment, their bodies turned purple and went into the floor.

Once they disappeared into the floor, as if diving into the sea, Chun Yeowun widened the


And a huge amount of Sword qi was raised in his hand.

―Would this much be enough?‖

Chun Yeowun used the Sword qi and then began to unfold technique.

Around 19:15.

The atmosphere around the judicial prison was chaotic.

If the death penalty had been carried out, the warden would have come out and given a
statement, but that didn‘t happen.

―Isn‘t it taking too long?‖

―Did something happen inside?‖

The whispering of the present reporters grew louder.

―Please step back.‖

―The execution isn‘t done yet.‖

The military guards in the front line warned the reporters to not come close.

―I don‘t get it. What kind of sentence takes an hour to execute?‖

―Aren‘t you just trying to hide what happened?‖

As one person asked, all reporters began to bombard the military with questions.

And with that, the atmosphere outside the prison turned chaotic.


Right then, a group of men in suits appeared in front of the judicial prison.

When the military people saw the man in the middle, they couldn‘t hide their shock.

„Oh Tae-chung!‟
The man was the head of the Ministry of Murim and next to him were several Murim
Association executives, including Jang Pyeong-gak and Tang Moon-su.

And five more executives of the association.

Oh Tae-chung spoke to the military blocking the entrance.

―We need to go inside.‖

―The execution isn‘t over yet.‖

Oh Tae-chung asked in a daunting voice.

―Does it make sense for an execution to take this long?‖


The military guards had no way of knowing what was going on inside.

They only took the orders from the judicial head and kept guarding the place to make sure no one

―You know who is being executed right?‖

―… we know.‖

―The worst criminal that our world has seen. Don‘t you know that the evil Demonic Cult wants
to break him out?‖

―Heavenly God. That is right. And that‘s why the Murim Association had expressed its intention
to help with the security, right?‖

They were speaking loud enough for the reporters to hear.

Due to that, it was clear that the judicial system didn‘t want the Murim inside the prison.

„This is…‟
Ko Sa-woong, the captain of this team, was at a loss of how to deal with this situation, and not
missing the chance, the aide of Oh Taec-chung glanced at the reporters and then shouted.

―What the hell is the prison hiding? Reveal what is going on inside!‖


And it was effective. The reporters too began to make similar demands.

Oh Tae-chung addressed himself to the captain of the team and said.

―I have been watching for a while, are you going to do this till the end? I can‘t help but think that
the Ministry of National Defense which has signed an alliance with a certain group has impure


Captain Ko So-woong bit his lip.

There seemed to be no way to stop them.

―… reporters aren‘t allowed.‖

―Isn‘t that natural?‖


When the captain raised his hand, the military guards blocking the entrance opened the way.


Oh Tae-chung smiled at it.

He already knew what was going on inside from the executives of the Murim Association.

Now, by going inside and turning it upside down through the testimony of the executives he was
taking inside, he could be able to corner the Defense.

―Come on. Let‘s enter.‖

Oh Tae-chung boldly led the executives of the association to enter the prison.

However, someone called him.



Oh Tae-chung turned his head to see the voice owner.

From the west side of the reporters, a middle-aged man in military uniform appeared along with
other officers.

The man was Ahn Woo-hong, the head of National Defense.

―Director Ahn.‖

―If something did happen inside, then the Ministry of National Defense, which has been
entrusted with the security of the prison, should also investigate.‖

Oh Tae-chung‘s face went stiff at those words.

He didn‘t expect this man to show up at this time.


However, even if the Defense joined them, the results wouldn‘t change.

But the faces of the executives of the Murim Association next to him weren‘t good.

―What is it?‖

At Oh Tae-chung‘s question, Jang Pyeong-gak of the Wudang clan, opened his mouth with a
puzzled expression.

―Director. Th… that man is a Demonic Cult member.‖


The person standing next to Ahn Woo-hong, was Chun Yeowun.



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Chapter 110 -
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An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth (4)

Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Dec 30, 2021

• 12 min read • 4958 views




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―What? Demonic Cult?‖

Oh Tae-chung, the head of the Ministry of Murim, frowned.

If this man was a Demonic Cult member, then isn‘t he a subordinate of Chun Woo-jin, who was
being executed right now?

Even more shocked were the executives of the Murim Association.

„How is he?‟

The Murim Association concentrated all its power on monitoring the Cult in Jinan city. It was to
confirm if they were coming to Xian or not.

„Weren‟t we told that no one moved?‟

Clearly, the person who was dispatched to Jinan said that none of the Yongchun Group‘s
executives left the city. So they didn‘t understand how this man came here.

[How did this happen?]

Tang Moon-su, one of the executives, sent a telepathic message.

However, what was the use of asking Jang Pyeong-gak if he himself didn‘t know?

[Oh god. I don‘t know either.]

[Huh, I don‘t know if they are smart or stupid.]

Tang Moon-su clicked his tongue.

Now the judicial prison they were going to enter will be overflowing with corpses. This man had
just walked into the trap on his own feet.


At that time, Oh Tae-chun snorted.

He didn‘t like this, and he never liked the Yongchun group who were always trying to make an
agreement with the National Defense.

―How dare yo…‖


Tag Moon-su grabbed him, however, he didn‘t stop and kept trying to yell.

[Director. Please hold back.]

Oh Tae-chung wasn‘t well versed in martial arts, but he knew the basics.

Knowing that it was the technique to convey thoughts, Oh Tae-chung went silent.


There were a lot of people around.

The reporters were already holding their cameras.

Oh Tae-chun looked at Tang Moon-su and the other executives.

[Maybe this is for the good.]

„This is for the good?‟

[That man is a representative of the current Demonic Cult.]

The executives of Murim Association kept telling him in detail about the Demonic Cult and
about this man being called Chun Ma.

At those words, Oh Tae-chun‘s eyes narrowed.


So this man was truly a Demonic Cult member, and he believed it, but if he was a representative
then things are different.

[That man is the one who attacked the Association. If that man is arrested on the spot using the
incident in the judicial prison and reported to the media, the process will proceed smoothly.]

Oh Tae-chung seemed satisfied with Tang Moon-su‘s words.

„With that we can certainly put pressure on the National Defense.‟

Oh Tae-chung regained his composure, and spoke to Ahn Woo-hong.

―The Ministry of National Defense has been entrusted with the security by the Judiciary, so it‘s
only natural for you to enter. But you want that young man to accompany you?‖

Oh Tae-chung asked.

Actually, he was still angry and on the verge of yelling at the man who didn‘t seem to care about

Ahn Woo-hong answered.

―Huhu, this is the vice-chairman of the Yongchun Group that just signed a contract with the
Ministry of National Defense. He is the head of an organization which uses martial arts, just like
the Murim Association, so if any problem would emerge, I brought him along to seek advice.‖

―Ahh, is that so? There are better advisors here, but I don‘t know why you had to bring him.‖

Said Oh Tae-chung sarcastically.

„Better advisors?‟

Ahn Woo-hong snorted.

He witnessed Chun Yeowun‘s monstrous strength with his own eyes, so he had full confidence
in him.

―Well, this man is the most reliable. Heheh.‖

Oh Tae-chung got annoyed at those words.

„Let‟s see how that attitude changes.‟

From the moment they entered the prison, he was sure that Ahn Woo-hong would back down.

―Let‘s enter.‖

Oh Tae-chung took the first move and went to the entrance.

He was then followed by the secretaries and the executives.

Jang Pyeong-gak couldn‘t take his eyes off Chun Yeowun the entire time.

„He is a dangerous person.‟

He was very wary of Chun Yeowun.

He heard from Saint Nogak that the Chun Ma of the Demonic Cult meant a warrior who
surpassed the Lord of the Cult, but no one believed it.

However, when they came face to face rather than through a hologram, he felt weird.

‟… however, all the media is concentrated here, even foreign ones. No matter how evil he is, he
won‟t be able to walk out if he does something wrong.‟

At least, if he wasn‘t an idiot, he wouldn‘t do it.

If that happens then their entire plan to resurrect the Demonic Cult will be blown away.

The Murim was a structure which was close to the public and the government.

They went inside through the revolving door at the entrance.


It was tinted, so the ones on the outside couldn‘t see anything, and the lights were flickering on
and off, as if some electrical problem was happening.

„They did it right.‟

The executives nodded with a smile.

Even when they opened their qi senses, they could feel nothing.


The Ministry of National Defense also went inside.

And the executives started to act.

―Looks like something is wrong.‖

―I don‘t feel anything here.‖

Oh Tae-chung helped them out.

―Come on, let‘s head to the execution site.‖

―Director. The execution is in the basement.‖

The secretaries led them down the stairs to the basement.

The faces of Oh Tae-chung and the executives were full of anticipation.

They started to get curious as to how the faces of Ahn Woo-hang and Chun Yeowun would look.

As soon as they began to go down, a foul stench of blood hit them.

And then dead bodies greeted them.


The secretaries, who weren‘t familiar with such situations, covered their noses and frowned.

Even knowing about the circumstances before, they couldn‘t stay calm.

―What the hell happened here?‖

―Looks like someone broke inside.‖

The executives were the first to speak, and Oh Tae-chung acted with them.

The first scene was about to be done.


The body lying on the front side had sharp scars.

To examine it, they wiped the blood stains on the wound with a towel.

Jang Pyeong-gak‘s eyes narrowed.

The marks had to be from the Demonic Cult‘s martial arts.

„What is this…‟

However, the traces were different from the Demonic Cult‘s.

Tang Moon-su urged Jang Pyeong-gak who didn‘t say his line.

„What happened?‟

He wanted to urge the man to say that there were traces of the Demonic Cult‘s martial arts on the

And then Jang Pyeong-gak answered him.

[… we have a problem.]

Tang Moon-su, who thought it was strange, went closer to inspect the wounds.

And looked at the corpses.


He couldn‘t hide his dismay.

As warriors of Superior Master level, they were knowledgeable.

And it was possible for them to guess the killer‘s martial arts by looking at the scars, but what
was on the corpses was not the traces of the Demonic cult.

„This… blade marks.‟

It wasn‘t just ordinary marks.

Tang Moon-su also looked at the other corpses.

As he looked at the second body and third, his eyes trembled.

„What the hell is all this?‟

Unless his eyes were deceiving him, the scars were blade techniques.

And that was.

―Blade God Six Martial arts.‖

„Who said that!‟

As someone said it loudly, Jang Pyeong-gak and Tang Moon-su looked at the person.

It was Chun Yeowun.

„Damn it!‟

Tang Moon-su couldn‘t hide this shock at the situation.

What Chun Yeowun said was the right answer.

The sword marks on the body were caused by the Blade God Six Martial Clan‘s technique.

„How is this even possible?‟

The corpses had traces of that technique.

The traces were too apparent to claim that the Demonic Cult created them.

At that moment, Oh Tae-chun shouted out.

―No! Doesn‘t this mean that these traces are of the Demonic cult?‖


Jang Pyeong-gak and Tang Moon-su went stiff at that.

This was a problem.


Oh Tae-chung hadn‘t mastered martial arts, and they didn‘t even tell him what they discovered.

So he still claimed that the traces were of the Cult.


Jang Pyeong-gak tried to correct him.

However, Oh Tae-chung looked at Chun Yeowun and went ahead.

―I am asking what happened?! Why do the bodies of the bailiffs have traces of the Demonic
Cult‘s martial arts?‖

Oh Tae-chung‘s face was showing happy expressions.

He was hoping for Ahn Woo-hong to be flustered.

However, the reaction they had was so far from expected.

―If I hadn‘t come here, they would have said that everything was done by the Cult.‖

Chun Yeowun spoke disappointedly.

―No. What are you saying…‖

Oh Tae-chung, unaware of the situation, was about to speak up, but Jang Pyeong-gak intervened.

―Director. That isn‘t Demonic Cul…‖



At that moment, something sharp touched Jang Pyeong-gak‘s neck.

Blood dripped from his skin which was a little scratched.

A little to the side, and his throat would have been pierced.
―W-what are you?‖

Panicked, Jang Pyeong-gak glared at Chun Yeowun and shouted.

―You have been saying Demonic Cult till now, but since when was the Sky Demon Order called
Demonic Cult?‖

Demonic Cult was a term used to demean the Sky Demon Order. Despite having an official
name, people called it Cult.

―Look here. Even if that is the case, this is too much!‖

Tang Moon-su stood up and tried to protest.

It was to change the topic and cover the mistake that Oh Tae-chung made.

In a stern voice, Chun Yeowun said.

―Is that so, then should I call you the Murim Association?‖

Tang Moon-su was speechless for a moment.

If he said okay, then it would mean he was intentionally calling it the Demonic cult.

Wiping the blood from the neck, Jang Pyeong-gak apologized.

―I didn‘t mean to demean the Cult. I apologize.‖

―I don‘t need your apologizing, tell the truth.‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s words, Jang Pyeong-gak bit his lip.

A difficult situation would come up if it was revealed that the traces on the corpses were of the
Blade Six‘s clan.

„If that happens, it won‟t just be the Blade Six which will be suspected.‟

However, he couldn‘t lie in front of Chun Yeowun or the Ministry of National Defense. So
contemplating, he opened his mouth.
―Director. These aren‘t the traces of the Demo- Sky Demon Order.‖

―Huh? What is that supposed to mean?‖

Oh Tae-chung‘s face contorted at it.

His eyes were asking, just what the hell happened.

„What the hell is he trying to say?‟

Dang Moon-su looked at Jang Pyeong-gak with worried eyes.

If he said something wrong, then Blade Six will become the culprits of the incident.

„Kuak! Especially with the Ministry of National Defense!‟

If only the National Defense wasn‘t here, they would have changed the scars on the corpses.

Thinking that their plan was successful, they even brought in another department inside the

Jang Pyeong-gak spoke cautiously.

―It seems to be a different martial arts, but I think we should officially investigate this with the
experts in the association.‖

For now, that was the best way out.

„Good job!‟

Tang Moon-su praised the man for solving the issue, however, something unexpected happened.

―I guess the justice seeking warriors are very political.‖


At that moment, Chun Yeowun‘s blade passed through Jang Pyeong-gak‘s shoulder.

The sleeves of his white clothes were soaked red and the severed arm fell down.


Pang Pyeong-gak screamed as he held onto the cut hand.

In response, the other people of the association pulled out their weapons.

Shh! Shh!

―What is this?‖

Tang Moon-su yelled at Chun Yeowun.

Who would have imagined that he would dare do such a thing?

Chun Yeowun opened his mouth.

―Everyone here should know that the martial arts of the Blade God Six Martial clan are
impossible to learn unless one belonged to the clan. And now you want to give out the results
after investigating it? Are the martial arts and enlightenment you gained just for decoration?‖

The martial arts of the Blade God Six Martial clan could only be learned properly when the
human body exceeds the limit.

Even the warriors who learned the best martial arts could never copy their techniques as their
joints and muscles wouldn‘t withstand it.

In response to Chun Yeowun remarks, Tang Moon-su spoke.

―W-we don‘t know that. It is just that Blade Six could never do this, so we are trying to be fair to
them so that no one would frame them.‖


―Right! I want to do things fairly…‖

―You are very good at making shitty statements.‖


Chun Yeowun answered him.

―So when people die with the traces of my Cult, the Cult is punished right away, but when they
die with the traces of the Blade God Six Martial clan, the clan is treated fairly?‖


Tag Moon-su‘s face distorted at that.

He had to calm his emotions and talk, but he wasn‘t able to.


It was because of the energy that Chun Yeowun was releasing.

He was suffocating with the energy spread around.

Tang Moon-si barely opened his mouth.

―W-what are you releasing the energy for?‖

―For this.‖

At that moment, Chun Yeowun‘s sword drew a unique trajectory, passed through various
members of the association and then went for Oh Tae-chung.


It happened so fast that Oh Tae-chung couldn‘t do anything but stand bewildered, and the body
fell down, into pieces.

Tuk tuk tuk tuk!

„What is that!‟

Tang Moon-su‘s eyes widened at what he saw.

The trajectory which Chun Yeowun just unfolded was the technique of the Blade God Six
Martial clan.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 111 -
Reversal (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Dec 31, 2021

• 11 min read • 5106 views




Something no one could have imagined happened.

The murder of the head of the Ministry of the Murim, occurring right in front of their eyes…
And in the building of the State Council.

The secretaries, who were stabbed, pulled out their guns and aimed them at Chun Yeowun.

―Raise your hands!‖

―You are under the arrest for the murder of the head of the Ministry of Murim!‖

They surrounded Chun Yeowun.

Yet, not a single person moved close to him to arrest him.

Because they worked for the Murim, they knew well how terrifying warriors were and that they
could dodge the bullets.

A secretary yelled.

―Y-You can‘t escape from here even if you are a warrior! Raise your hands right now…‖

―How Annoying.‖

Before the speech was done, Chun Yeowun gestured lightly, and the gun shattered.




When the gun broke, the secretaries who were frightened backed away.

The executives of the association were at a loss for words at Chun Yeowun‘s overwhelming

„He broke the gun with energy alone?‟

That would be difficult for even Supreme Masters.

They knew that Chun Yeowun was strong, but this was too much.
„No. if we don‟t deal with this one, we might all get killed.‟

One of the executives behind Chun Yeowun, Sung Gu-hwan, tried to attack him.


The moment he tried to stab him in the back with his dagger…



Chun Yeowun turned around and grabbed his face. Sung Gu-hwan raised his internal energy and
tried to get rid of the hand, but Chun Yeowun didn‘t budge.

―You don‘t seem to realise how weak you are.‖

―Uhm! Uhm!‖

Sung Gu-hwan struggled.


Chun Yeowun‘s fingers dug into his head.


Sung Gu-hwang‘s head exploded like a smashed watermelon.

―S-Mr. Sung!‖

The sight of the corpse on the floor with a smashed head, left everyone speechless.

It was such a cruel way to kill someone.

‟… this was a trap.‟

Dan Moon-su‘s eyes went wide.

He understood what this was about the moment Oh Tae-chung was murdered by the martial arts
of Blade Six.

„It was somehow strange.‟

The corpses of the bailiffs must have left traces of the Demonic cult.

The one thing he didn‘t understand was just how Chun Yeowun managed to learn the martial arts
of the Blade God Six Martial clan.

„Even within Blade Six, I‟ve heard that there were only a few who mastered their techniques

Since it is called the best swordsmanship, every clan tried to analyse it and learn it, but the
conclusion they all came to was that it was impossible to learn.

„Wait… the fact that he left trails of martial arts of Blade God Six Martial clan which is only that
one cla…‟

It meant that the clan would be accused of being criminals.

In that case, it was safe to say that the association was being used to reverse the situation.

„Then, it wasn‟t that they came here to prevent being framed, but to kill all of us and frame the
Blade Six as real culprits.‟

Tang Moon-su felt a chill run down his spine.

It was surprising that this man appeared alone here and performed such a daring thing, knowing
that he was within the State Council site and under the eyes of the media.

―I think you are on his side.‖

Tang Moon-su stared at Ahn Woo-hong.

Despite the murder of Oh Tae-chung, he was just watching the scene with his arms crossed.

Along with the other people of the Defense.

―… is it alright for the Minister of National Defense to be like this?‖

In response to Tang Moon-su‘s question, Ahn Woo-hong expressed his opinion.

―Huhuhu, I made a promise to never interfere in the affairs of the Murim people.‖



The head of the Ministry of Murim was killed right before his eyes, and he‘s calling it interfering
with a matter between Murim?

Tang Moon-su bit his lip.

It was foolish to ask for Ahn Woo-hong‘s help.

From the time the agreement was signed, the National Defense has become the Demonic cult‘s

―If you get it, then I can‘t let you leave.‖

Chun Yeowun took a step towards Tang Moon-su and the executives.

The secretaries of the Murim ministry tried to escape thinking that it was their last hope.




They were unable to take even a single step.

Chun Yeowun snapped the secretary‘s neck by just wiggling his fingers.

And as he was about to move to another one, someone blocked him.

With drops of blood dripping on the floor, Jang Pyeong-gak stood there.

Despite having a severed arm, Jang Pyeong-gak drew his sword with the other hand and raised
his energy.

Despite his injury, the energy roared around like a haze.

―Elder Jang!‖

―I… I will risk my life to stop this person. Please inform the media about this.‖

Jang Pyeong-gak was risking his life to stop Chun Yeowun.

„If I could stop him, then they might hae a chance.‟

The two men, including Tang Moon-su, were Superior Masters.

All they had to do was get upstairs.

―Please go!‖


As he shouted, Jang Pyeong-gak tried to use his sword.

He used the 7th formation of the clan‘s sword.

It was one of the three swordsmanship styles that only the strongest of the Wudang clan could
learn, and it was the kind of swordsmanship that could overturn the results.


Jang Pyeong-gak‘s sword quickly filled the space.

He used the technique to buy time.

―Kuak. Mr. Jang!‖

The executives immediately turned around, and they ran for the stairway.
At that moment, a scream came from behind them with a sharp sound.


Tang Moon-su spread his distance, and glanced without realising.

However, Chun Yeowun was running behind them.


And in Chun Yeowun‘s right hand, was someone‘s hair.

The head of Jang Pyeong-gak.

As soon as he unfolded the technique, his head was cut off.

„Crazy bastard!‟

Although he was injured, it was the desperate sacrifice of a Superior Master.

Pondering for a moment, Tang Moon-so thought if he should run away? Or use himself as a
shield for the others.

And his choice.

―Do not stop!‖

He hurriedly pressed a button on his sleeve with his finger. Then, something appeared on the
upper and lower body of the suit he was wearing.

„If I can use this, everything within a 20-meter radius will explode.‟

That was the only way to stop the monster. W

Without hesitation, he opened his arms.

―Ah! You Demonic cult warrior! Receive the technology of DANG!‖

Tiny needles lodged in the body were fired.

At the same time, something like smoke began to ooze out.

They would explode once fired, but what was even serious was that the poison would definitely
kill the target.


It was a chemical weapon called the Devil‘s Gas.

It was made by combining the poison arts and modern chemical technology. When it comes in
contact with the smoke, the body starts to corrode and dies within 1 minute.

It is the worst method, but there was no other option now.


No person would be able to withstand it.

However, this happened.


He was puzzled because the needles he released should have spread out, but instead, they
gathered at one place.


It was where Chun Yeowun reached out his hand.

Even the poison gas which was being released was sucked into the air and then disappeared.

It was as if the air around Chun Yeowun turned into a vacuum cleaner.

―W-what the hell…‖

He never thought that the most dangerous technology made by his family would be countered
this way.
In the midst of his bewilderment, Chun Yeowun moved to him.

―W-wait up!‖

―You don‘t seem that good.‖



The 5th formation, Extreme Art of Blade God, which was unfolded by Chun Yeowun, cut off
Tang Moon-su‘s head.

―It is worth it.‖

Chun Yeowun smiled.

The new thing he learnt was used quickly and effectively.

Chun Yeowun himself was invincible, so the gas wouldn‘t have affected him anyway, but Ahn
Woo-hong and his officers who have been in danger.

Ahn Woo-hong, who was silent till then, spoke.

―Master Chun! Those people are heading up.‖

If they were missed, everything they did till now would be a waste.

At that, Chun Yeowun spoke as if it wasn‘t a big deal.

―No need to worry.‖

―Everyone is coming!‖

The four executives of the association who went up to the first floor brightened as they saw the
entrance to the hallway.

If they could just leave, they would be able to speak about what happened to the reporters.
―We cannot let their sacrifices be in vain!‖

If they didn‘t hurry, the monster would arrive soon.

Since their strength wouldn‘t even harm him, they had to go out and tell the truth.

It was the moment they were about to open the door and get out.


Someone had come up to the hallway.

That person had purple hair, Shakena.

And with a broad smile, she asked.

―Where are you going?‖

She had been there waiting for them for so long that she was getting bored.

Seeing her, the association members went stiff.

„Ha! Now people with superpowers are making fun of us.‟

The executives considered themselves to be talented.

However, they knew that they weren‘t a match for the monster in the basement.

Seo Dae-bong drew his sword and shouted at Shakena.

―Young lady! If you don‘t get out of the way, you‘ll die…!‖



Her body suddenly went to the left side of Seo Dae-bong.

Confused, he swung his sword to the left, but Shakena used her leg to block it.
‗Stupid bitch! To try and block sword energy with bare legs.‘


„What was that!?‟

The sword, which had blue-coloured sword energy on it, was cut in half.

Without stopping there, her foot still kept coming in and hit Seo Dae-bong on his left shoulder.

Puck! Crack!


His body, unable to handle the force, crashed into the wall.


The panicked executives stopped running and tried to move away from the woman.

They couldn‘t hide their shock as they saw the most capable person among them being taken

―To take down Mr. Seo with just one kick?‖

„What is that woman?‟

If she had this kind of power and such looks, then surely people would have talked about the

However, they haven‘t heard about her till now.

Not knowing what to do, Shakena pointed her finger at one person and said.

―Count. How long are you going to pretend that you don‘t know me?‖

The person Shakena pointed to was the Jong-seong clan‘s Doun.

The other two executives wondered what she was talking about.


―Elder Doun! What are you doing?‖

Elder Doun grabbed both people from behind.

The two panicked and tried to get away from the grasp as they raised their internal energy, but
the grip was too strong for them to move.



―S-stop… kuak!‖

Just by grabbing the neck, he was able to break off the bones.

Elder Doun, holding the two heads, exuded a gloomy aura and spoke as if he was annoyed by the

―I hid my energy as much as possible, how did you know?‖

―I was almost confused. Hiding energy means hiding everything.‖

Shakena barely felt any energy from the person.

If she hadn‘t gotten this close to him, she wouldn‘t have even realised it.

―I wasn‘t sure if you were alive. I didn‘t hear any news, so I thought that the traitor was dead.‖

Doun didn‘t answer Shakena‘s words.

Rather, he ran at her.

―I guess you don‘t like talking about it?‖

Shakena clenched her fists as elder Doun ran towards her.

However, he moved back right away and threw a dagger at her neck.


Due to her phasing ability, it just passed through her.

At that moment, Doun tried to run ahead and get out of the place.


Shakena tried to catch up to him, but he was already way ahead of her. He was running at the
speed of light.

In a couple of seconds, he would be out.

Around 8 meters ahead of the entrance.


The floor shattered, and someone blocked the way for Elder Doun.

It was Chun Yeowun.

―Who said you could leave?‖

Chun Yeowun asked, making Elder Doun smirk as he said.

―You are arrogant, human. Don‘t think I am the same as them.‖


Tremendous energy began to explode from Doun‘s body.

It was gloomy and evil.

He, who gathered enough energy to deal with Chun Yeowun, immediately moved like a beast
going for its prey.

―If a high ranking warrior like me combines my power with martial arts, your neck, made of
human flesh, wou…‖



As he came in, Chun Yeowun grabbed Doun‘s neck in an instant and lifted him up.

Doun, who was in an unexpected situation, couldn‘t hide his shock.

„W-what the hell?‟

Chun Yeowun smiled and said.

―What is so different? Demon.‖

Upon hearing that word, Doun‘s expression was distorted.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 112 -
Reversal (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Jan 2, 2022

• 9 min read • 5017 views



Doun, who heard the word ‗demon‘ from Chun Yeowun‘s mouth, was surprised.

He was in human form now, so he shouldn‘t have been able to know.

„How did he know who I am?‟

Shakena walked up to him and spoke sarcastically.

―Huh. Indeed, my master is the best.‖


Doun looked confused at Shakena.

Calling someone master according to their clan meant defeat.

―It must be you.‖

Doun glared at Shakena. Chun Yeowun‘s eyes narrowed at that.

„I am holding his neck, but he doesn‟t seem to have a problem talking.‟

Demon‘s neck was different from ordinary humans. A trained warrior normally protected his
neck, but not this demon.

Like Shakena, demons were born with a combat-type body.

―Heart Hunter Shakena has a human as a master? How funny.‖

―Shut up.‖

Chun Yeowun knocked him to the floor.

As if he didn‘t care about being hurt, Doun looked up at Chun Yeowun in anger for being thrown
to the floor.

―How dare a human!‖


Doun grabbed Chun Yeowun‘s wrists, which were close to him.

―I will twist them!‖

As he held the wrists with the strength of a demon, he tried to break them.



Chun Yeowun‘s wrists didn‘t break despite the amount of strength he used on them.

„Is it because of energy?‟

Doun immediately grasped the problem.

Deciding that Chun Yeowun must be using internal energy to protect himself, he changed his

―Human. You aren‘t the only one who can do martial arts.‖

Replacing the energy of demons, he began to infuse energy into Chun Yeowun‘s abdomen.

Pang! Kwang!


However, instead of hurting Chun Yeowun, his body only dug deeper into the ground.
Doun couldn‘t understand what had happened.

„What the hell?‟

The fighting sense of demons exceeded that of humans. Besides, this demon had even learned
martial arts.

„Why is it not working?‟

Chun Yeowun‘s ability to manipulate energy was beyond his imagination.

Doun had no choice but to acknowledge that Chun Yeowun was stronger than him.

―It seems like you are done analyzing.‖

Doun‘s expression contorted.

Chun Yeowun continued to speak, not caring for him.

―Do you understand that it‘s useless to continue struggling?‖

―How can a human have such power…‖

―If you want to know that, then tell me why you were one of the executives of the Murim

At Chun Yeowun‘s question, the demon smiled.

Glaring at Chun Yeowun, he said.

―You certainly have surpassed the human limits. I don‘t think I will be able to defeat you if I
don‘t use my ability.‖



At that moment, the neck muscles in the demon‘s body softened.

It moved like water or sweat around Chun Yeowun‘s hand.

„What is this now?‟

Chun Yeowun frowned.

This was such a strange ability, and Shakena yelled.

―Master. He has the ability to freely manipulate his body.‖

Doun, who went soft and slimy, went back to human form again.

His face, which had been a human till a moment ago, was now exotic looking like Shakena.

He was a handsome man with long brown hair and a sharp nose.

―So that is your real face.‖

―I was trying to maintain my human form, but you made me show this, so you‘ll have to pay the



Before he could even finish his words, Chun Yeowun was in front of him.

The demon managed to move a little and avoid getting hit.

Chun Yeowun extended his fist towards that.


Bewildered, the demon changed the rigidity of his body. His whole body turned grey and then
hard like a stone.

Puck! Tak!

The new demon was pushed back about four steps, but he didn‘t take any damage, so he said.

―Kuak,did you see it? If I make up my mind, not just internal energy, but even sword energy
won‘t touch my body.‖
―Is that so?‖

As soon as he said that, Chun Yeowun grabbed the neck with lightning-like movements.


―It‘s no use!‖

The demon tried to change his body into a smile.

However, from Chun Yeowun‘s hand, a strong cold spread around.



The cold penetrated into his body and then his slimy body grew stiff.

The demon, who didn‘t expect Chun Yeowun to do this, was shocked.

At that, Chun Yeowun clenched his fist once more.

―Did you say you were too strong?‖


Chun Yeowun‘s clenched fist was embodied with energy.

The demon screamed as he looked at the fist which was condensing and unifying energy enough
to shake the space.


―Too late.‖


Chun Yeowun‘s first pierced the demon‘s abdomen.

At that moment, the floor collapsed because of the impact and they fell into the basement.


The demon opened his eyes and looked around, unsure what to do, but Chun Yeowun was ready
with his fists clenched again.

Bewildered, the demon tried to block it.



Chun Yeowun‘s fist hit his face this time.

Although he managed to stop it because the coldness inside his body ended, the face went in like
rubber, probably because his ability was halted for a moment.


―What are you doing?‖

Chun Yeowun didn‘t stop and struck the demon‘s chest.


The basement collapsed and the demon‘s body fell into the second basement floor.

A groan went out of the Demon‘s mouth.


Chun Yeowun clenched his fists and lifted him again.

The demon, who watched it, shouted in shock.


―I am not done yet.‖

―I give up! Surrender! I will surrender so please stop!‖

Even if he was a demon, he was hit three times in a row with a fist which could shake the space,
so there was no way he would continue to fight.

There was no blood, but blue smoke was rising from the demon‘s body.

„This, this one isn‟t a human.‟

The demon looked at Chun Yeowun with tired eyes.

The humans he knew were insignificant beings with many weaknesses to exploit. But this one in
front of him was a monster that he couldn‘t even deal with.


For demons, that meant defeat.

Safe to say that the demon had no intention of fighting anymore and would obey the winner‘s

However, this demon wasn‘t reliable.

Not letting the energy out, Chun Yeowun uttered.

―You will surrender to me?‖

―… yes.‖

He spoke in a voice that didn‘t sound very believable.

At that, Chun Yeowun smiled and raised his fist again.

―I don‘t think you have been tamed well.‖


„No… way!‟

The energy which was being condensed this time couldn‘t be compared to the previous one.
The demon‘s eyes widened as if they would explode.


At that level, forget pain, even the body of the demon would perish.

The demon hurriedly shouted.

―According to the law of the clan, Count Deo will concede defeat! Everything will be at the
disposal of the victor. Take my life or make me your slave, as you will.‖


Chun Yeowun laughed at that.

The change in attitude was quick, probably because he had been living in human society for

Chun Yeowun looked down at Deo unsure of what to do.

He was contemplating whether to kill him or not. Deo anxiously waited for Chun Yeowun‘s


At that moment, Chun Yeowun raised his head upwards.

From outside the building, people began to move, a sense of urgency and the sound of gathering
at the entrance.

„Nano. Raise the volume and let me hear it.‟


Nano amplified the sound above.

He heard reporters constantly ask what was happening inside. It was probably because the floor
„This is so annoying.‟

He reduced as much energy as he could when he was subduing the demon, but it seemed like the
sound wasn‘t blocked.


Chun Yeowun looked at Deo‘s face. The face which was punched in like a rubber doll, was back
to normal.


Seeing that, a good idea came to Chun Yeowun.

―You. I will accept you as a slave.‖


Deo‘s face brightened as he was scared that he would kill him.

„If only I get to live…‟

He thought he‘d always have a chance.

At that, Chun Yeowun lightly stretched out his sword at Deo.


And that moment, great pain passed through his body, the core in his chest was touched.


Deo‘s body twisted in pain as if some sharp blade was stabbing him. He had never experienced
such pain in his life.

Chun Yeowun said.

―I put a Heart Sword into your core. From now on, if you do what I tell you to do, I will remove
―H-heart Sword?‖

Heart Sword.

A sword of heart.

It was a sword based on the will of a warrior who had reached the Heavenly Master level.

Since he learned martial arts, Deo recognized it.

„Is that even possible?‟

He thought warriors were just imagining it.

Now he was genuinely afraid of Chun Yeowun.

As he clutched his chest with a pale face, Chun Yeowun said.

―If it is you, then you can endure the pain.‖


Deo was confused.

Even now, he was still afraid of being killed.

„He-he is a true devil!‟

Whisper! Whisper!

―Open it!‖

―What was that noise just now!‖

―How could the military stay silent!‖

The military was flustered by the actions of the reporters who kept making a fuss to enter
through the barricade.
If only the foreign reporters weren‘t there, they would have forcibly sent back the domestic

When it came to a scoop, reporters were fearless.

„I am losing it!‟

Captain Ko Sa-wong, glanced at the prison.

Even he wondered what was happening inside.

Since the director of the Ministry of National Defense went inside, he wanted to walk in and
make sure he was safe.

―Let us enter!‖

―I said you can‘t!‖

Both sides were in a tense confrontation.


A huge roar at the entrance of the prison.

Everyone outside looked at it.


A sound of battle inside, and then suddenly something broke through the wall instead of the
building entrance.

It was a human.

The reporters were quick to take the pictures.

The human had a puzzled look as it covered his face and hurried somewhere.


It was so fast that they lost track of where he went.

The reporters couldn‘t get enough details.

However, a reporter played a reel he caught and looked at the human.

―Uh, this, this one….‖

Shockingly, the person in the photo was Geum Song-ryong, the chairman of Blade Six.

A frown appeared on his face, but the reporter was certain.

„Yah! Chairman Geum Song-ryong!‟

A photo of the head of one of the five largest conglomerates in China caused a riot among the



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 113 -
Reversal (3)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on
Jan 3, 2022

• 11 min read • 5403 views



An old fashioned and spacious office.

The news was broadcast along with the words ‗Special Program‘ as a relay screen on a 100 inch
no bezel wall tv.

A middle-aged anchor in the room said.

-We have informed you of the terrible incident that had occurred in the State Council‘s judicial
prison last night, which broke the news. We will take time to inform you of the current situation
in detail. Reporter Woo Hyun-bong at the scene will now speak to us.

The screen was split in half and revealed the judicial prison in the background. It had yellow and
black tape sealing it, written on it ‗No Entry‘.

A young reporter spoke.

-Yes. This is Woo Hyun-bong at the scene.

-Reporter Woo. What is going on over there?

-Yes. As you can see, this is the scene of the incident.

Numerous military soldiers and the state council policemen were guarding it. The bodies found
inside were being moved outside.

-Bodies are still being found inside the site. The search has been going since 20:00 last night and
till noon today. That was how horrific the incident was.

-I can assume that the State Council isn‘t giving us a clear answer, is that right?

-The press conference, which started at 10 am, is still going on. Let‘s connect to the conference
The split-screen was back to one.

And then the scene changed to the press conference hall of the State Council.

The deputy prime minister of the Standing State Council was seen having a question and answer
session with the reporters.

The reporters were asking questions.

-This is Ahn Je-hyeon, of Beijing TV news. Deputy prime minister, if so, then is the culprit of
this bloody crime the chairman of Blade Six, Geum Song-ryong?

The deputy prime minister frowned in response and said.

-We aren‘t sure yet.

The reason why the deputy prime minister was reluctant to answer was simple.

The Blade Six company boasted was in the top 5 businesses of the world. Starting with the
defence industry, there was no field it left untouched, so it wasn‘t possible to conclude the
chairman of that company as a suspect.

-If you look at the opinions of the experts who conducted the autopsy, and the photos of the
body, it is likely that chairman Geum Song-ryong is the culprit. What do you think?

Most of the reporters were already convinced of it.

Therefore, the focus of the interview was mostly on that.

-Hmm, please refrain from making hasty reports in a situation where accurate announcements
haven‘t been made by any department.

The deputy prime minister maintained a calm attitude.

Someone who was watching the TV changed the channel.


As the screen changed, other news channels brought breaking news.

It was one of the public broadcasts of JHBC, and it was the channel with the most viewers.

It was broadcasting an exclusive report now.

-View the video obtained by our JHBC.

After the anchor was done, the screen switched to a CCTV video.

The figure of an old man tied to a firing squad was seen on the screen. Around him were people
dressed in bailiff uniforms.

And the anchor tried to narrate it.

The old man tied there is the head of the dissolved Black Sky Company, known to be the culprit
for the massacre 27 years back. Let‘s watch this video again.

In the video, the masked people were seen moving around the old man.

-You are going to act till the end. Huh, did you think that I wouldn‘t be able to recognize just
because you know the martial arts of the Cult? Your cultivation is so different from ours.

-Tch. You have been stuck here rotting, but you still have good eyes. Welll, that‘s to be expected
from the former Five Great Warriors.

-You people! Are you really going to do the same trick as before? Are you trying to frame the
Cult by making fake traces again?

-For you to say this to us, it‘ll only stimulate us. I don‘t know if you are bold or just lost fear.

-Fear? Ha! Do you think I would be afraid of you?

-It will be better if you are afraid. Lord of Demonic Cult. Because your usefulness ended as of

The masked man took out a syringe.

-Huhuhu, Lord of the Demonic Cult. I will pay tribute to you, to the Lord of the Cult, who is
being sacrificed for justice to the very end.
Finally, the video was cut off. The screen switched back to the newsroom.

-This video that we urgently obtained is from a CCTV camera in the basement of the prison. It
has been analyzed that this wasn‘t manipulated based on the video experts…


Before the anchor was even down, a glass flew over the screen. And the glass was lodged into
the screen like a weapon.


Sparks went off on the monitor.

A man hidden in the shadows walked closer and another man knelt in front of him and asked.

―Are you sure you handled the situation well?‖

At the question, the man answered in a trembling voice.

―W-we definitely dealt with it very carefully. We gave instructions in case there was an
emergency too, and we requested the help of elder Doun.‖

―Then how did this happen?‖

The man in the shadows pretended to grab something with his hand. At that moment, the left
elbow of the person who was kneeling was bent.



He was in gruesome pain, but he stopped screaming. And the man in the shadows continued.

―Ah, I forgot. The human body is always weak no matter how hard you train.‖

It wasn‘t a consolation.

The man on his knee let out occasional groans.

―I was going to kill you here, but consider yourself lucky.‖

―Lord… Lord, thank you.‖

He was really grateful. He was scared of losing his life.

―Fix this shit right now.‖


The kneeling man got up.

As he got up, his face revealed his identity, the chairman of Ohshin group, Mun Il-hyang.

The power he showed in the VR meeting was nowhere to be seen, his eyes full of fear now.

As Mun Il-hyang left the office, the man sitting at the desk called someone.



Someone appeared from the other side. And as he came close, his face was full of scars.

―Yes. Lord‖

―Find Deo. And kill him.‖

The man pointed to the TV screen which still had sparks.

On the TV screen was Chun Yeowun‘s face, and it was said that he was the hero who prevented
the criminal from achieving his goals.

―As my Lord wishes.‖


The figure of the one called Kyle seeped back into the shadows.
Chengdu city, deep mountain valley within the walls.

There was a hut hidden in a sparsely populated place.

It looked like an ordinary two-storey place from outside, but when entered, it was a large scale
facility with up to 10 floors built underground.

The 8th basement floor of the lodge was a space equipped with various medical equipment like a

In the large hospital room, was a person with dark blue hair and wrinkled skin. He was in a
wheelchair with numerous things inserted all over his body.



There was a person next to him who couldn‘t contain his anger, and that was the chairman of
Blade Six Geum Song-ryong.

He was stunned when he saw the news on the wall TV.

Unbeknownst to him, the news reported that he was the one who murdered the bailiffs of the
judicial Prison and accused him of killing the Ministry of Murim and the other Murim
Association executives.

―At a time like this!‖

This wasn‘t a good situation. His business trip to Chengdy was confidential. And in a way, this
was the perfect timing to frame him.

„At this point, all the images I tried to build up about me will collapse.‟

How long did it take for the Blade God Six Martial clan to rise?

All that hard work was ruined by this one incident.

An old man full of wrinkles, who was staring at the TV with blank eyes like a dying person,
suddenly smiled.


Geum Song-ryong who was flustered asked.


The Blade God Six Martial clan was in a crisis, so why was this old man laughing?

The old man, who continued to laugh like a mad man, suddenly stopped. And then, tremendous
energy burst out from his body.


It was hard to believe that he was an old man on the verge of death, the medical tools were
beginning to crack.

Crack! Crash!

The energy of the old man was amazing enough to create and destroy life.

―Elderly stop! Stop it!‖

Geum Song-ryong hurriedly stopped him, wondering something bad would happen.

And the energy sweeping through the room stopped.

The old man, with his dark blue eyes, mumbled as he looked at Chun Yeowun who was on the
TV screen.

―It has been long… this long time has been worthwhile.‖


The old man kept saying that as he looked at the TV, and Geum Song-ryong was puzzled.

―A revenge opportunity has arisen!‖

The conference room of Yongchun Group in Jinan city.

A sea of tears and joy.

All the executives were weeping because of the old man who was in front of them.

The old man, Chun Woo-jin, chairman of Black Sky company.

The radiant energy he had in the past had disappeared in the face of storms he had faced in the
past years of hardships, but it was unchanging that he was the true leader of the Sky Demon

―Thank you so much for not forgetting me.‖

Chun Woo-jin expressed his gratitude to the kneeling executives.

He was the one who had given up everything and accepted death too. Never had he ever dreamt
that such a moment would come.

―How can you say that?‖

―You should punish us for not finding our Lord earlier than now.‖

The executives fell on the floor and pleaded.

Chun Woo-jin smiled at them. He, who had already given up everything, was just content to
have come back here.

―Father! Please punish me too! I made my father suffer as I couldn‘t fix the problem within our

His son, Chun Yu-jang, also pleaded.

Chun Yu-jang had realized his shortcomings during his time with Chun Yeowun, and realized
that it was his fault for not solving the internal division of the Cult sooner.

He was ready to be yelled at too.

But Chun Woo-jing didn‘t do that.

“No. The absence of your father beside you is what made you suffer, how can I blame you?”

Chun Woo-jin had been thinking for the past 27 years.

The only regret was that if he had been a little smarter and stronger, what happened wouldn‘t
have happened.

„Ahh… father.‟

In the past, his father would always shout at him, but seeing his father just back down made
Chun Yu-jang‘s heart tremble.

He wanted to see his father act proud and strong.

At that moment, Chun Yu-jang looked at him and said.

―Since you have come back, please father, lead the Cult again!‖

At Chun Yu-jang‘s words, all the executives fell onto the floor and shouted.

―Please lead the Cult!‖

At that, Chun Woo-jin shook his head and spoke with a serious face.

―No. This old man knows when to step down. My time has passed. No, it is pointless to call it
my time. I am an example of failure. Now you will lead this Cult.‖


On the way back there, Chun Woo-jin had heard everything which had happened from BI Mak-

From the rebellion of his own brother, Chun Woo-kyung, to his eldest son who wanted to control
Chun Ma.

Having heard all that, he felt how immoral they were.

Judging that he hadn‘t accomplished anything when he was the Lord, he considered that it was
futile to assume that position any longer.

―How can you say that? No one will have any objection to father leading the Cult again!‖

―Yes. Lord!‖

The executives nodded their heads at Chun Yu-jang‘s words.

―Huh, I have made up my heart. I‘ve already been weakened 27 years ago when my Dantian was
broken. How can I even lead the Cult again?‖

With those words, Chun Woo-jin knelt down and spoke to Chun Yeowun who was sitting at the
top of the table watching them all.

―If my ancestor allows it, I would like to pass down the position of Lord to my son, who is a
younger Lord.‖

After all, he had no more right to be a Lord.

How could an old man come back and hope to perform martial arts like the past?

He thought that Chun Yeowun, the Chun Ma, would understand and allow it.

―I can‘t allow it.‖

Flat out refusal.


To those who were shocked, Chun Yeowun shook his head and spoke.

―You are thinking about taking a break without paying the price for making the Cult in such a

―N-no that isn‘t it! I put the Cult in a crisis, and have no qualification or power to lead the

Chun Yeowun cut off Chun Woo-jin‘s words.

―If that is the excuse you want to use, then I will restore the martial arts you lost.‖

―Huh? Wha-what do you mean?‖

Chun Yeowun spoke casually to Chun Woo-jin who was surprised.

―I said I will restore your martial arts.‖



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 114 -
Shadow Assassin (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Jan 4, 2022

• 14 min read • 6381 views



27 years ago.
When Chun Woo-jin was imprisoned in a secret prison, his Dantian was destroyed.

As one of the Five Great Warriors, he thought that he could restore his martial arts at a later time,
but that didn‘t happen.

They had even blocked the flow of energy into his blood.

„Restore my martial arts?‟

He had already given up on such a dream.

Arriving at the Yongchun Group headquarters, he tried to restore his Dantian by using a
cultivation method, but that didn‘t work.

It had been so long since his Dantian was destroyed that recovering it seemed impossible.

„I thought I accepted my fate.‟

Chun Woo-jin‘s eyes tinged with hope as he sat cross-legged.

The place where he was sitting was the training room of the chairman of the Yongchun Group.

His heart trembled.

„Can I do martial arts again?‟

Murim warriors would achieve the greatest happiness and satisfaction when they gained a sense
of accomplishment. And their most desperate time would be when they lose their swords.

As soon as he felt hope, which could be called the root of martial arts, his eyes lit up.

―You must be ready.‖

Chun Yeowun approached him.

Chun Woo-jin gulped and answered.

Although he had the face of a 76 years old man, his heart was beating like a teenager. Seeing
that, Chun Yeowun smiled. It was because he could empathize with his feelings.

„I hope I succeed.‟

It was Chun Yeowun‘s first time restoring someone‘s lost Dantian.

This was something he had realized after reaching Heavenly Master level, but there was one
person he wanted to rush to and heal their Dantian.

„Escort Jang.‟

The man who took care of Chun Yeowun since he was young. Chun Yeowun always felt bad for
Escort Jang, who lost his Dantian as he fell into the trap of another clan, a rival clan seeking

„It is possible now.‟

Chun Yeowun put his palm on the old man‘s Dantian.

Chun Yeowun spoke to him, who was nervous.

―It will be very painful.‖

―… I am used to pain. Huhuhu.‖

Chun Woo-jin responded with a huge smile. He had never stayed still in the prison. Yet, he was a
man of patience.

―Then I am glad.‖


As soon as he said that, Chun Yeowun drew energy from the nature around him.

Chun Woo-jin, who lost his skills, couldn‘t feel a single thing, but.

„What is this? The surrounding energy is rapidly increasing.‟

In the present era, the energy of nature has remarkably faded.

Due to that, Murim warriors had to gather devices able to provide them with energy.

However, clear energy was gathering in the training room.

„Use me as a medium.‟

The energy of nature condensed into Chun Yeowun‘s body.

At the same time, the energy which was in Chun Yeowun, soon moved to the palm on Chun
Woo-jin‘s Dantian.


An exclamation left Chun Woo-jin‘s mouth. The energy he felt after a long time was now filling
his Dantian.

What was even more surprising was that this energy was so pure that it couldn‘t be compared to
the devices they had.

―It will be hard to endure from now.‖

―It is fine.‖


A red light began to shine from Chun Yeowun‘s palm. Nano‘s scan function controlled the
energy of nature while seeing the condition inside the body.

„The place where the Dantian had been completely shattered is stiff. It‟s been so long since he
was hit.‟

This wasn‘t a problem that couldn‘t be recovered by a Nano.

Chun Yeowun concentrated the energy of nature in that spot.

Then, the energy of nature fathered in the centre of Dantian.

In doing so, the stiff things were destroyed.


A groan erupted from Chun Woo-jin‘s mouth.

It was as if the pain of destroying the Dantian was being relayed.

And this was just the beginning.

When Chun Yeowun waved his hand, the energy of nature gathered around him and turned into a
small sphere.

―I will break through the blocked vessels.‖


When Chun Yeowun moved his hand, a small energy sphere condensed into his body.

Great pain took over him.


Chun Woo-jin clenched his teeth. Even though it was painful enough to turn him pale, he

„He is pretty stubborn.‟

Chun Yeowun thought that the man wouldn‘t be able to stand it, but he was shocked.

It certainly made no sense considering his age.


Chun Yu-jang looked through the window of the training room in sweat. It was about an hour
after it started.

„This much should be enough.‟

Chun Woo-jin‘s body adapted to the energy.

And the Dantian created by the energy of nature, was done.

Chun Yeowun pulled out a small bottle from his pocket.

„Blood of Qilin.‟

What was inside the bottle was a few drops of the Blood of Qilin.

Once Mun Ran-yeong had recovered, Chun Yeowun had taken back the bottle.

Because he knew how crucial even a single drop of that blood was.

―Haha… sigh…‖

Chun Yoewun looked at Chun Woo-jin who was sighing while drenched in sweat.

He opened his mouth and poured three drops in.

―Gulp and cultivate it. From now on, you need to handle it.‖

Since the vessels were opened, the energy couldn‘t be blocked anymore.

And he could recover his Dantian if he could cultivate the energy he received from the Blood of

There was only one thing Chun Yeowun could do now.

It was to control the flame generated by the Qilin with his Ice qi.


It was only three drops, but heat still surged from Chun Woo-jin‘s body.

Because his internal energy was close to non-existence, he wouldn‘t be able to handle the three
drops by himself.

The entire room began to freeze.


Even the windows were fogged.

Due to that, Chun Yu-jang, who was watching from outside, had no choice but to turn impatient.

And two more hours passed.


The door to the training room opened.

From there, Chun Yeowun appeared, his whole body covered in ice. Chun Yu-jang, who hadn‘t
moved a single step, asked.

―Ancestor. How did it go?‖

―Look by yourself.‖


At that moment, someone walked out from inside the training room, with steam exuding from his

Chun Yu-jang, who saw that, turned teary-eyed.

„No… No way…‟

He never dreamed that he could see this again. Just three hours ago, his father was nothing but a
fragile old man in his 70s, and now, he was back to the way he was before the arrest.

From the outside, he looked like a middle-aged man in his 40s.


Looking at the flowing energy, Chun Yu-jang could tell that the Dantian was recovered.

Chun Woo-jin was also unable to hide his joy. A wide smile was drawn on his face.

Chun Woo-jin knelt down in front of Chun Yeowun.

He never thought that he could recover his Dantian and do martial arts again, but he didn‘t just
recover the Dantian, but his body was back to its peak again.

He could feel it from the firmer skin.

―I don‘t know how to repay this favor…‖

Chun Yeowun said to him.

―If you want to repay the favor, you need to restore the prestige of the Cult after fully


He recovered his Dantian, and his body was back to normal.

But he still had to get used to the new body.

Chun Yeowun had forcibly returned the body into a prior state with the help of the energy of
nature, but the muscles were still in a degenerated state, which now required training.

Banging the head on the floor, Chun Woo-jin said,

―I will recover as soon as possible and correct everything!‖

This was something that would be solved with hard work and time. Chun Yu-jang was at a loss
of words at his father‘s confident words.

„To restore him back to his state 27 years ago… is this what the second generation Chun Ma
truly means?‟

He couldn‘t help but be amazed at the endless abilities of Chun Yeowun. He wondered if
anything was impossible for him.

Chun Yeowun asked Chun Yu-jang.

―Is it done?‖
―Ah! The core refining machine?‖

The installation was delayed as it took several days to retrieve the trucks which were on the way
to the Murim Association. But now they could use it.

―Was it in the Sector 4 factory?‖

―Yes. Right.‖

―Let‘s go. I need to take a look.‖

―Huh? Ancestor. You must be exhausted after everything you did today, shouldn‘t you rest?‖

Chun Yu-jang, who was outside the training room, felt how huge of an energy was flowing
inside. It was too much, and he knew that such energy won‘t replenish right away.

Chun Woo-jin also agreed,

―Yu-jang is right. If it isn‘t urgent, it is better to res…‖

―No need.‖

Chun Yeowun immediately refused.

He understood their worries, but Chun Yeowun didn‘t really use his energy.

All he did was act as a medium for the energy from nature. He was mentally exhausted. That was


Not knowing that, Chun Woo-jin and Chun Yu-jang felt bad.

One of the office buildings of Yongchun Group.

There was a hidden prison in the basement. In the prison was an exotic handsome man with long
brown hair and a pointed nose in a chair with a dissatisfied face.
He was the Demon Deo, who was defeated by Chun Yeowun.


How many times had he fainted in his life? After completing Chun Yeowun‘s order, he was able
to get the heart sword embedded inside the core once he arrived here.

As he was through so much for a long time, he felt stunned the entire day.

―This… is a prison?‖

―Hh. Right.‖

It was Chun Yeowun‘s second secretary Shakena, who grunted out outside the prison cell.

Upon waking up, she sensed that he had awakened his energy and came to the place.

And feeling that this was absurd, Deo said.

―I surrendered. Why am I inside here and you out?‖

―I don‘t know. Master told me to lock you up till you wake up.‖

Deo clicked his tongue at Shakena‘s bright words.

―Tch tch, the heart hunter‘s reputations seem to have run out, working for humans.‖

Their clan considered humans worms. An insect that moved and died.

To surrender to such a being and swear allegiance to it!

―Master is different from other humans. You must have experienced it too.‖

Deo sighed in relief at Shakena‘s words. Clearly this person was different.

―… is he really human? The clan has been sending people to this planet for a long time, but this
is the first time I‘ve seen such strength.‖

―Huh. You say that when you only lived for 400 years.‖
Their average lifespan was not the same as humans. With a body structure that increases life as
they get stronger, the number of years they can live is over 1,000 if they were above Marquis.

―Four hundreds is long enough. You haven‘t been here for long so you don‘t know, but humans
live less than a hundred. Looking at his face, he is less than 1/5th of that. I don‘t understand it.‖

―Really? I heard from a human called BI Mak-heon that he lived for over a thousand years?‖

―What? Thousand years? Is he really human?‖

Deo couldn‘t believe the word ‗thousand years‘.

It was a misunderstanding on Shakena‘s side, but Deo was convinced.

‟… well, if he is that strong, living for a thousand years makes sense. He wouldn‟t lose to me,
who has been here for just 20 years.‟

Shakena asked him as he was thinking.

―By the way, what happened to you? Did you find the traitor?‖

Deo, who hesitated for a moment, nodded his head.

Not understanding what he meant, Shakena asked.

―And you are fine?‖

It was definite that if they met the traitor, they would have a desperate fight. One side would be
able to run away, and the other would aim for the throat of their king.

But Deo only frowned.

Smiling, Shakena said.

―You… lost.‖

The proud Deo had no reason to stay silent. And she continued.

―You were defeated, but survived because the traitor gave you the chance.‖
From the standpoint of a traitor who preyed on his own people, there was no reason to keep Deo

Unless, he surrendered and swore allegiance.

―Yes, you swore to surrender to humans!‖

―But it isn‘t breaking the clan‘s law!‖

The predation of their kind was a taboo. Killing was fine, but only under the command of their
king. However, Deo violated it and surrendered to a traitor.

―What a shame! I don‘t think you deserve the Count title.‖

―Don‘t talk like that. If you saw him 4 years back, you would have changed your mind.‖


Shakena‘s eyes narrowed at that. Deo spoke as if he didn‘t care.

―Right. He… he is no longer in a position to be called a traitor.‖

―What was that now? Not on a level to be called a traitor?‖

―He has grown so strong that he no longer needs to form his own clan.‖


―What do you think is the reason for him to keep me, a Count, alive?‖

It was then.



A black shadow pierced its hand into Deo‘s chest.

In his head was the core, which could be called the heart of Deo.
―T… this…‖

Deo was startled at it. From the shadow behind him, an exotic looking man with a face full of
scars and a bulging body was there.


Deo recognized him and called his name.

At that, Kyle said.

―He told me to bring you in, but you are leaking information to the bugs.‖


Shakena, who recognized Kyle‘s presence, called out to him in a voice mixed with anger, and
phased herself to enter the prison.

At that moment, Kyle‘s body went back into the shadows.


Shakena looked around with narrowed eyes. She tried to sense the demonic energy again, but she
couldn‘t feel a thing.

And Deo, who was running out of time, said to her.

―N… No use. Run away.‖

―What are you saying!‖

―Un… Unlike me… the ones… below him…. are… strong.‖


Deo‘s neck went limp.

―Yah! Wake up! If you die, I will be scolded by Master!‖

At that moment, a black shadow created sharp thorns on the prison floor, trying to kill her.

It happened in a fraction of a second, but Shakena phased it.


In that state, she reached to the floor. Purple energy began to rise around her in the form of
spheres and crashed to the floor.


Numerous holes were drilled into the floor, and the lower floor was visible. However, the one
who attacked her wasn‘t seen.

„Where the hell is he?‟

Shakena was now serious.

She knew the demon called Kyle.

As a Count class demon, he was far lower than her rank, and in the past, he wasn‘t so good at
hiding his energy either, so his presence was always revealed.

„I don‟t feel any energy!‟

But now, she couldn‘t feel it. Even when he appeared from the shadow, she only knew it after he
made a sound.

Shakena yelled!

―Where are you? Kyle! Don hide and come out to fight!‖

Her cry echoed in the building. But Kyle didn‘t show up. Shakena continued to move around,
trying to find any trail.

It was then,

At the sound ringing in her ears, Shakena used Phasing. Suddenly, a black shadow passed
through her chest. A little late, and it would have caught her.

―You bastard!‖

Annoyed, Shakena clicked her tongue. In that brief moment, Kyle‘s shadow seeped back into the
shadows again.


The fight was troublesome because his ability was more perfect than before.

And Kyle‘s gloomy voice could be heard by Shakena.

―With the powers we both have, this fight will keep going on. Give up. Heart Hunter.‖

―There you are!‖

Shakena fired an energy sphere at the location of the sound.

Swosh! Bang!

The sphere broke the wall.

―You bastard!‖

Kyle‘s voice came out from another direction.

―I will give you a chance as you are a member of the same clan.‖


―If you surrender and kill the human called Chun Mu-seong with me. I will give you the honor of
working for him.‖

Shakena yelled out as if the offer was absurd.

―Fuck that shit! You think you can go against my master!‖

Then, Kyle‘s head was out from the ceiling.

With a laugh, he said.

―Kuak, a human is your master? The Heart Hunter is a mere pet for a human! Hahaha! Humans
can be killed at any time…‖

Even before he was done,

―What are you, and what are you doing here?‖

Kyle frowned at the voice which came from elsewhere. Unlike him, Shakena smiled and called.



The moment Kyle wondered.


A hand pierced the ceiling and grabbed his head.


Kyle, whose head was caught, tried to seep back into the shadows, but the unbelievable energy
around him suppressed him, and his body was dragged out.





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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 115 -
Shadow Assassin (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Jan 5, 2022

• 11 min read • 5236 views




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Kyle was dragged up as he bumped into some ceiling fragments.

He looked at the young man with a fair face and sharp eyes who grabbed his head.

„This one?‟

It was Chun Yeowun that he saw on the TV screen.

Kyle didn‘t expect this man to be found so quickly, this wasn‘t how things were supposed to go.
The headquarters area of the Yongchun group was huge and had spacious buildings, so he didn‘t
think that anyone would be able to notice a battle.

Chun Yeowun‘s energy was so great that it covered the whole Yongchun group area.

―You sneaked in like a rat.‖

He did say that, but Chun Yeowun‘s intentions were different.

„The response was faster than I thought.‟

He knew that the enemies would try to deal with him, but he didn‘t expect them to do so right

Holding Kyle‘s head, he asked.

―You are a demon too?‖

A scarred face, but an exotic appearance.

A unique energy utterly different from internal energy.

„Does he know how to hide his energy?‟

If he wasn‘t right next to him, feeling the energy would‘ve been hard.

Meanwhile, Kyle said.

―You seem to be aware of our existence, Chun Mu-seong.‖

He knew Chun Yeowun by his pseudonym. And no matter how much he heard it, Chun Yeowun
couldn‘t get used to it.

―I came to look for you, but you came by yourself!‖


Kyle, who was being held by his head, kicked Chun Yeowun‘s neck.

Chun Yeowun raised his hand to block it.


It was a light kick, but the power it held was beyond normal.


It was so strong that the force from the kick extended to the other side, and the wall of the
building was ripped open.

It was evening, so it was dark outside.

„He stopped the kick?‟

Kyle‘s eyes shuddered.

His goal was to kill Chun Yeowun, so he kicked him with all his might.

―You are a little stronger than Shakena.‖

That was Chun Yeowun‘s evaluation, he was better than Shakena, who ate the hearts of Murims.

The fact that his kick was this strong meant he ate a lot more than Shakena.

―And that‘s about it.‖


Feeling enraged at being compared with Shakena, Kyle stretched out his left hand.

―How long are you planning on holding my head! Cheeky humans!‖

His hands were now dyed in black and had the shape of a sharp weapon.

They aimed at Chun Yeowun‘s chest.


Chun Yeowun caught the hand. But Kyle‘s lips twitched.

―Caught you!‖

At that moment, the shadow hand trembled like a liquid and then covered Chun Yeowun‘s left
arm till the elbow.

―No matter how strong you are, you are still a human.‖

The shadow moved around trying to constrain Chun Yeowun‘s movements. This was different
from physical restraint.

Since the hand was already touched by the shadow, it was now in the shadow realm.



Chun Yeowun moved his hand, but it felt like something was sucking it back.

He tried to use his full energy, but the part covered in shadow didn‘t move.

In the meantime, the shadow kept creeping a little further.

―Useless. Unless you are in the shadow realm, It is impossible to get out of the shadows! Get this
shitty hand away from me!‖

Kyle pretended to grab something.

At his gesture, the shadows from the walls changed into thorns and rushed for Chun Yeowun.


Chun Yeowun brought out a curtain of energy to block it, but the shadow passed through the


―Did you think you could stop the shadows like that! Die now!‖

Kyle seemed elated.

―Really? Then I guess there is nothing to do.‖


Chun Yeowun gave strength into the hand holding Kyle‘s head.


His fingers dug into Kyle‘s head.


Kyle, who was suffering from tremendous pain, groaned out loud, yet the shadow thorns didn‘t

„Going ahead even if it means sacrificing yourself?‟

As the opponent seemed to be stronger than expected, Chun Yeowun‘s punishment turned more


Kyle‘s head was smashed.

Black smoke flowed from the head, bloodless. He tried to keep him alive to get information, but
since things took an unexpected route, he had to kill the demon.


Kyle‘s body fell to the ground. In the gap, something purple and opaque was grabbed by Chun

It was a round core.

―Master, Count Deo‘s core is safe!‖

Thud! Thud! Thud!

To her surprise, the core in his hand was beating.


―Our clan can survive as long as the core isn‘t destroyed.‖

Shakena explained to Chun Yeowun who was puzzled.

He thought that he lost all means to get information, but thanks to her, it seemed like Deo could
be saved.

However, something was weird.

„If the core isn‟t destroyed, then they live?‟

That feeling was right.


The shadows on his hand hadn‘t disappeared yet. Rather, they were still climbing up his body.


Chun Yeowun looked at Kyle, who had fallen on the floor. But the body was nowhere to be seen.
It had already seeped into the shadows.

„He was still alive?‟

Chun Yeowun frowned. He smashed the head, but he was still alive?

At that moment, Shakena shouted.

―Master! He is running away!‖

Fortunately, as the head was shattered, he couldn‘t hide the energy, so Shakena could sense his

Breaking through the wall, she moved. And Chun Yeowun followed her.


When they went out, there seemed to be quite a lot of cultists.

They had come to see what the commotion was about.


―Ah! We greet Chun Ma!‖

The cultists who looked at Chun Yeowun, bowed to him.


The timing was right. So Shakena threw an energy sphere at the members.

Shh! Bang!


She kept firing spheres in succession at the members.

The people who were startled by her acts, moved away.

However, the black shadow which protruded from the floor like tentacles, immediately attacked
around 30 cultists.


―W-what is this?‖



The bewildered cultists pulled out their weapons and raised sword energy to cut it off. But it was
like cutting a shadow.

However, the shadow tentacles soon gathered and aimed for the gaps in the weapons.


The body of a person touched by the shadow was engulfed fully this time. As if the entire body
was eaten by shadow.

―Avoid! Everyone move!‖

Surprised by it, they immediately moved to different places.

However, the fact that it was evening made the shadows the worst ability to fight against.

Demon Kyle‘s powers were at their peak.


The tentacles from the wide floor rose dozens of meters in length, and tried to swallow up all the
people around in an instant.

―Oh my!‖

―M-My body!‖

Some cultists couldn‘t avoid being eaten by the shadow. But that wasn‘t the problem.


Those who were eaten by the shadows turned black and rushed for Chun Yeowun and Shakena.


Their physical abilities were beyond human limits. Chun Yeowun and Shakena were now in the
air, about three stories high, yet the human shadows jumped up at once and attacked them.

Since they were cultists, Chun Yeowun avoided them, but Shakena hit them without hesitation.


A shadow man hit by Shakena‘s kick was thrown away.

However, as if not hurt, the shadow got up and jumped up again.

Shakena created an energy sphere ready to kill.

―Don‘t kill them!‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s shout, she didn‘t fire it. Meanwhile, a black shadow fell over her.


Of course, with her phasing, it passed through her. But in that brief moment, Shakena discovered

Drop! Drop!

Drops of blood were dripping down the black shadow‘s face.

As they were suddenly engulfed in the shadows and were being manipulated, they seemed to be

―Master! The members seem to be in pain.‖

―I see that.‖

Their concern was right.

The one called Kyle was using the cultists as hostages. A mouth appeared on the face of the
shadow man and said.

―Kuku! Attack me all you want. That is if you want to kill your subordinates.‖

At those words, Chun Yeowun‘s eyes turned cold. Without noticing that, Kyle continued.

―At night I am invincible. I am not someone you bastard can handle!‖

―Shakena, where is he?‖

Chun Yeowun ignored his words and asked Shakena.

And she pointed to a direction in the west.

―Over there!‖
At that, Chun Yeowun swung a sword on his right hand.

At that, five invisible swords appeared in the air, and with great speed they went to the place
where she pointed.


Chun Yeowun frowned as he couldn‘t feel like he had hit something. At that moment, 6 shadow
men jumped up and rushed for him. The six of them spoke at once.

―Are you trying to kill us?‖

―You are being so annoying.‖


Chun Yeowun held onto a sword he created and then lowered his palm. And the shadow humans
which were floating up went flat to the ground.

Thud! Thud!

The shadow humans were stuck to the floor, unable to move like before.

They were still humans, so internal energy worked on them.

―These low level tricks don‘t work on me. Demon.‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s words, a mouth formed in the shadows and smiled.

―I see. But there seem to be three hundred more humans in this place. Can you protect all of

Kyle spoke as if he held all the people in the Yongchun group under his control. Since he
couldn‘t deal with Chun Yeowun, he took this method. And it didn‘t sit well with Chun Yeowun.

―You… there is no need to keep you alive.‖

―Ah. It seems like you are misunderstanding something about who has the upper hand here.
Rather, you should be concerned about your human body.‖
At some point, the shadow had engulfed Chun Yeowun entire left arm. Since Chun Yeowun was
strong, the shadow couldn‘t move like usual.


―At the moment I completely have control of you, I‘ll kill all your people right in front of you.‖

The shadow was slowly moving to Chun Yeowun‘s shoulder when it suddenly began to crack.



Kyle, who was hiding in the shadows, couldn‘t hide his shock as he saw that.

The shadow was nothing more than a two-dimensional gateway.

Once sucked, there was no way out.

But this was odd.

―You are going to tie me with this?‖


The shadow completely collapsed and Chun Yeowun‘s arm was revealed.

Chun Yeowun‘s left hand, which had a sword in it, had a dark energy rising from it.

„No! did he destroy the shadow realm?‟

The shadow realm was where he wanted to imprison Chun Yeowun. But the ferocious energy
from the sword destroyed it.

„Is he really human?‟

It was the first time anyone escaped from the shadows.

Chun Yeowun smiled and said.

―There are places you cannot touch.‖


The place where Chun Yeowun was looking at was Yongchun Group‘s lamps.

Some of the members who escaped from the shadows had gone over to the lamps and light posts.

―Weak to light.‖

Kyle‘s only weakness. If the shadows were limited by light, then the power of shadows cannot
be used properly.

―Huh! So what? Do you think those streetlights would protect all of them?‖


At that moment, a thorn of shadows rose from the dark side of the ground and hit all the

In the meantime, the other Cult members were rushing out of the buildings.

As the battle kept happening, more people began to come.

―If I can‘t kill you, then I will kill everyone under you first!‖


In a radius of ten meters, shadow tentacles jumped out reaching for the people who were coming

It was then.

Chun Yeowun stretched out his hand.

―No us…‖


An unbelievable thing happened.

Thousands of swords in flame filled the entire air around them.

―T-this is…‖

―The sky!‖

The Cult members were shocked at what they were seeing. The site of the Yongchun Group was
as bright as day thanks to the Flame qi swords.

„This… insane…‟

Kyle, who looked up from the shadows, was at a loss of words.

Due to the blazing swords, it became difficult to use shadows.

He never imagined that this would be possible. It was then.

―That‘s where you are?‖


Something came in, grabbed him by the neck and pulled him out.


Kyle, who was pulled out, was wide eyed.

―H-How can a human have such… power…‖


The moment his eyes met Chun Yeowun‘s, his face turned pale.

A great void that seemed to destroy everything was imprisoning him.

Kyle, who lost confidence, lost his will to battle.

„Th… this one… isn‟t someone… I can… handle.‟

Hurriedly, he shouted.
―I-I surrender! I, Count Kyle, will swear allegiance to you, a great warrior, so spear my lif…‖


Before he could even finish, Chun Yeowun‘s had dug into Kyle‘s chest.


Thud! Thud! Thud!

Chun Yeowun held onto the core. Kyle‘s eyes were drenched in fear as he saw that his life
source was captured.

―P-Please have mercy on me…‖

―Mercy? If you wanted that, you shouldn‘t have provoked me. And…‖


Suddenly, a gloomy energy erupted around. And a blue light appeared in Chun Yeowun‘s eyes.

„W-what is this?‟

Chun Yeowun spoke to Kyle who was bewildered.

―Do I really need to save and use a guy like you?‖



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 116 -
Shadow Assassin (3)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Jan 6, 2022

• 8 min read • 5317 views




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Chun Yeowun used Ghost energy.

A weird and demonic eerie energy came out of his wrist guard which was on his right wrist and
entered Kyle‘s core. Kyle‘s body trembled at the gloomy energy which entered his body.


However, it was strange.

Naturally, Chun Yeowun thought that the skin would change and lose its vitality. But nothing
like that happened to Kyle.


Unlike the human body, Kyle, a demon, had no vitality inside his body.

Without blood and vitality, the body was filled with something called demonic energy, which
was different from vitality.

As the demon didn‘t lose its body or erode, there was no way to turn it into a Ghost.

And then, something unexpected happened.


Once again, the Sky Demon Sword came out and resonated. Kyle‘s core which he had turned
into liquid was soon absorbed into the sword.

Chun Yeowun pulled out the hand.


As the Sky Demon Sword resonated, the core trembled.

Then it turned into a black liquid entirely and entered the sword.


At the same time, something entered into Chun Yeowun‘s mind.

Chun Yeowun‘s eyes turned black and his body went stiff.

The father and son, Chun Woo-jin and Chun Yu-jang, who arrived then, went closer.


―What happened?‖

Chun Yu-jang asked Shakena who was guarding Chun Yeowun.

However, she shook her head as if to say she knew nothing.

―Who is this person, and what was he doing here?‖

Chun Woo-jin went close to Kyle in front of Chun Yeowun, and asked with a puzzled

He gently touched him with his hand.



Black smoke suddenly rose from his body and quickly collapsed down into ashes.

―T-The body is!‖

Chun Woo-jin and Chun Yu-jang couldn‘t hide their shock. Only after hearing from Shakena did
they know that Kyle wasn‘t a human but something from the Gate.

„Huh. Special entity.‟

They couldn‘t help but be shocked that a special entity, which they all heard about only in
rumors, had infiltrated the Yongchun group.

Not too long after that, Chun Yeowun‘s eyes were back to normal.

Chun Yu-jang, who sensed the change in Chun Yeowun, asked.

―Ancestor, are you alright?‖

Despite his question, Chun Yeowun looked at the Sky Demon Sword in his hand, unable to

„What are you? Sky Demon Sword.‟

From what he knew, the sword was made from a meteorite that fell from the sky.

But more, he wanted to know more about the sword.

Chun Yeowun reached out to somewhere, and the black cold iron wrist guard resonated.


At that moment, shadows rose like thorns from the dark places.

―Master… that ability is?‖

Shakena asked with trembling eyes.

It was the ability to control shadows.

Surprisingly, Chun Yeowun was now able to use the powers of Kyle.

At the same time.

A gorgeous office room on the top floor of a tall building in Gwangju.

There was a person biting a cigar while looking outside the window of the dark office.

The night view was clear.

A silver-haired woman appeared inside with a glass of red wine in her hands.

The woman offered the wine glass to the other person and gently hugged him from the back.

Eyes full of awe rather than affection for the supposed lover.

It was then.


The wine glass was shattered.

Surprised, the silver-haired woman asked.

―What is it? My king.‖

At her question, the black form muttered in an angry voice.

―Kyle is dead.‖


The silver-haired woman couldn‘t understand it.

―Kyle is dead? Did the clan send someone above Marquis?‖

No one could kill Kyle unless they were from the clan and with a higher title.

And among humans, she was certain that there was no one who could touch Kyle.

If there had to be one, then only the ones they raised could do this.


―Then who the hell could?‖

In response to her, the black form spat out a name.

―Chun Mu-seong!‖

Another name for Chun Yeowun.

Surprisingly, as soon as Kyle‘s body fell, the black form noticed the death. He had no idea how
this happened.

The silver-haired woman frowned, and then opened her mouth.

―I can‘t believe it. How could humans touch our clan?‖

―Well, the unbelievable thing happened.‖

The black form seemed to have already accepted it.

But despite that, the anger didn‘t subside.


A terrifying amount of huge demonic energy was rising from the body.

The silver-haired woman, gently stroking his back, said,

―My king. Then let me go. I will bring the man over here.‖

―You will bring the man?‖

―Yes. I will deal with it so that my King doesn‘t feel like this anymore.‖

As the black form seemed to think, she pushed her huge breasts onto his back and spoke in a

―You know my abilities better than anyone.‖


She murmured as she gently ran her fingers across the collar bone of the black form.

―Because human beings don‘t mind dying for pleasure and cannot live without it.‖

A strange greed was apparent in her eyes as she said that.

The man turned around and grabbed her neck.



―Clan members died and you want to satisfy your own greed?‖

A red light flickered in the eyes. As if terrified, the silver-haired woman withdrew and trembled.

Looking at that, the black form smiled and said,

―Fine. If you can deal with him, I will give you four years to handle your powers.‖

Once the permission fell, the silver-haired woman who had been trembling in fear till a moment
ago, looked confident now.

Three days after that.

Chun Yeowun closed his eyes, as if meditating and organized the shadow ability in his mind.

This ability he got was more useful than expected.

Starting with restraining the opponents through shadows to making them move as he desired, it
could also be used as weapons.

And the most useful ability was the shadow realm.

„It is as if it is a different space.‟

Once entered, it would be like a two-dimensional space. The whole space is dark, but infinitely

The advantage of the place was that it could be used as a pocket. He could put and pull things

„Interesting ability.‟

Chun Yeowun spoke as if he liked it, since it was a skill that could be used in various ways.

A lot of things could be stored there.

In addition, if there is something he wants to hide, keeping them inside the shadow realm is

„What is its principle?‟

Nano couldn‘t figure it out either.

Probably because they were foreign powers different from the ones on earth.

Chun Yeowun can enter this shadow realm and once he entered, he could move at a higher

„Body turns a light as a feather.‟

In the shadow realm, it was possible to move two to three times faster than in the original world.

There was no layer of air obstructing him.

Originally, Chun Yeowun himself was very fast, but in the shadow realm, he was even quicker.
Unfortunately, all this was possible only in darkness.

Still, this seemed enough. Moving between places could be done secretly with this power in the

And he was quite satisfied.


―Lord. It seems to have stopped.‖

He heard Hu Bong‘s voice.

When Chun Yeowun opened his eyes, a voice of guidance from the underground train station
came out.

-This train stops in Qingdao. Passengers moving from Qingdao to another area will need to head
to another station…

The train arrived in Qingdao. A port city in the southern part of Shandong province.

As it was close to the sea, there were many beautiful things to see.

Laoshan was a tourist place.

Why did Chun Yeowun come here?

It happened a few days ago.

-You mean from the information agency?

Chun Yeowun asked director Huan Myung-oh, the head of the information agency.

-Okay. So are clans like the Lower district clan still active?

Lower district clan.

A representative information-gathering organization 7of the Forces of Evil in Chun Yeowun

A group of thieves, storekeepers, courtesans and brothel women, any place fit to gather
information was filled with them.

-Not there?

-… from what I know, there are several such groups.


-Black Athena and Club PAB. But I know that they are dangerous places.


-I heard that they don‘t only sell information, but are also involved in horrible things like drug

Gate-related stuff or drug smuggling was considered to be illegal. And it wasn‘t right to be tied
to them as they were such a crooked group.

-Lord Chun Ma. it would be better to find the information needed from our information…

-If possible, sure.

-What information do you need?

-MS Group.

The information Chun Yeowun wanted was the one related to MS Group.

The group disbanded over 15 years ago and was now a ghost organization.

If they were doing business with Chun Woo-kyung, then there must be a way to find them.

And there was one reason why Chun Yeowun was looking for MS Group.

It was Baekgi.

Now he turned his attention to Baekgi because the merger went smoothly and he also saved Lord
Chun Woo-jin.
He also built a nice relationship with the Ministry of National Defense.

-If it is the MS Group… there may be some clues out there, but we reached a dead end.

It was a shameful story. They tried to track MS Group several times under Chun Yeowun‘s
instructions, but couldn‘t find any traces.

-Which of the two is closer?

-Black Athena. They have a large liquor business in Qingdao.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 117 -
Black Athena (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Jan 7, 2022

• 13 min read • 6254 views

Two organizations which were acknowledged by Huan Myung-oh, the head of the Sky Demon
Order‘s information office.

Black Athena and Club PAB.

One of them was Black Athena which was located near Jinan city.

―Kuk. Lord. It smells like the sea already, isn‘t that right? Mak-heon?‖

―Y-yes it does.‖

They hadn‘t even left the station yet, so they were still underground. There was no way they
could smell the sea from there.

Hu Bong, who was extremely excited, and BI Mak-heon, who treated him like a mentor, were
acting like this.

Looking at them, Yu So-hwa just shook her head.

Originally, Lord Chun Woo-jin and Chun Yu-jang asked Chun Yeowun to take more people with
him, but he refused.

[Lord. My wife…]


Hu Bong asked for Mun Ran-yeong to accompany them, but Chun Yeowun was against it.

And the reason was simple.

[She needs to stay here in case something happens.]

Although the merger went smoothly, there were still enemies waiting for the chance to attack the
Sky Demon order.

The Murim Association, Blade Six…

In addition, the demons who were special entities, were boldly infiltrating their site.
That was the reason he wanted to leave behind a strong person.

Surprisingly, this time Shakena obeyed the orders right away.

[Guard him at the headquarters.]

The person Chun Yeowun asked to be guarded was Deo.

Demons who lost their core couldn‘t recover their bodies if it wasn‘t placed back right away.

Oddly enough, Deo entered into a cocoon state, a state of self-recovering.

[Don‘t let anyone touch him.]

[I understand. Master.]

After seeing Chun Yeowun absorb the energy from the demon core, Shakena acted more

Maybe she was scared of having her core coveted by him.

And it didn‘t seem like a bad outcome for Chun Yeowun who wouldn‘t have to push her away.

‟If my guess is correct, that traitor demon is among the executives of the Murim Association.‘

He was angry with Chun Yeowun over the incident in the judicial prison and boldly sent his

And such a person wouldn‘t give up just because Kyle died.

„Before that, I need to find clues regarding Baekgi.‟

With that, Chun Yeowun came here.

Enemies who realized that he was the centre of the Sky Demon Order were likely to attack him.

And before they earnestly enter war mode, he wanted to find Baekgi.

―Vice-chairman. Can we move publicly like this?‖

As he was going upstairs, BI Mak-heon asked.

The reason was simple.


A lot of people were already looking at Chun Yeowun as if they recognized him.

―Oh my. Isn‘t that person the vice-chairman of the Yongchun group who appeared on the news?‖

―It‘s the person who protected the Ministry of National Defense during a case in the judicial

After that incident, Chun Yeowun became a celebrity.

In a world where gates have opened, the Ministry of National Defense was very important.

And the public thought great of him as he saved a man from that department.

―He is the vice-chairman of a large corporation at that age.‖

―So cool.!‖

Most of them were young women.

Chun Yeowun was pretty fine-looking, he was tall and a cold city man vibe was around him.

However, what attracted women the most was that he was the vice-chairman of a large

―They seem to like the Lord very much. Hehe.‖

More excited at the gossip of women, Hu Bong spoke to Chun Yeowun.

He was now a Supreme master, so he heard everything.

―Lord. It might be better to pretend like you don‘t care.‖

Bi Mak-heon said as he looked at Hu Bong.

He really didn‘t like the attention they were getting.


―I am afraid that those who tried to send assassins would send them again.‖

Their location was out. And all sorts of enemies were aiming for Chun Yeowun now.

Chun Yeowun smiled and said to BI Mak-heon.

―That is why we are here.‖


Rather, that was his goal from the beginning.

Exposing himself was a ruse.

The true purpose was to make the enemies‘ attention turn to him rather than the headquarters of
the Yongchun group.

„I would appreciate it if they aim for me.‟

Meanwhile, the Murim Association in Cheongju had an emergency meeting.

They were in utter chaos because of the prison case.

The current public opinion was divided into two, clans that wanted to withdraw from the
Association and those who wanted to protect their clan members who were trapped.

Meanwhile, the person behind all that was happening appeared in Cheongju, so they were

―It was said that they moved into town. What should we do?‖


At Kwak Cheon-gi‘s question, all executives were shocked.

It was impossible for them not to remember what happened.

In the Murim Association, the demonic Cult was their all-time enemy.

Their main enemy was now in their area, so it was right to respond. However, they heard that
one of them was stronger than the Five Great Warriors.

And there weren‘t any decent ones in Cheongju.

―Chief. Did you not hear that the one named Chun Mu-seong had destroyed the entire main
office? How can we stop him?‖

When one of the executives said that, the others added.

―Right. It would only make things worse.‖

―It doesn‘t seem like they are here to mess with us, why not leave them alone?‖

At those words, Kwak Cheon-gi seemed troubled.

Like they said, he was moving openly. They could just watch the man.

But he was worried if this was some kind of trap.

„Is this a trap?‟

Gradually, he began to believe that Chun Yeowun was up to something. If not, he couldn‘t find
another excuse.

„Right. Let this go. Rather, he could be doing this to taunt us too.‟

Right now, the public opinion of the Association wasn‘t good.

And if they moved and fell into a trap for nothing, it would be even more embarrassing.

―Right. If this is a trap, it seems appropriate to just watch them. Let‘s just inform the people to
monitor them and make sure they aren‘t messing with the city.‖

Everyone nodded as they agreed to it. But then, a man raised his hand.
―Branch chief?‖

He was Yeom Hae-kyun, the deputy head of the association and holder of the beer business.

Unlike his droopy eyes, he was greedy and wasn‘t the same as the other executives.

―The words of the branch chief are right, but what if the Demonic cult came to join hands with
the Forces of Evil in Cheongju?‖


Kwak Cheon-gi coughed as if he didn‘t like what he just heard.

Here, in Cheongju, the Forces of Evil were more active than in other cities. They were involved
in trade and liquor and were using drugs too.

Because of a lot of reasons, the Murim Association couldn‘t touch them.

―What are you trying to say? Deputy chief?‖

In response to the question, Yeom Hae-kyun smiled.

―I am just saying you know. Use barbarians to deter other barbarians.‖

It meant to pit one against another.

―We leak the information to the Forces of Evil in advance.‖

―Leak information?‖

―If the demonic Cult is trying to enter Cheongju… and the person in charge of the group is
visiting here. wouldn‘t they be riled up?‖

The executives seemed a little interested in the plan. It seemed plausible too.

Especially since it didn‘t require the Association to use their power.

If they could move the Forces of Evil, then the results would be out.

And nothing would happen to the Murim Association.


Kwak Cheon-gi, who thought that Yeom Hae-kyun was aiming for his spot, didn‘t like this, but
agreed to it.

―Fine. Let‘s do that. Then who will handle this?‖

At that, Yeom Hae-kyun got up.

―Since I was the one who suggested it, I will handle it.‖

Suddenly, Kwak Cheon-gi felt a weird chill when he saw the man take the lead. But if something
went wrong, he could throw the blame on Yeom Hae-kyun.

On the other hand, an elevated roar overlooking the sea.

Chun Yeowun and his party members were riding a black sedan down the road.

A man in his mid-30s wearing a yellow cap was driving the car, he was an agent of the
information agency of the Cult.

He was ordered to wait for them in front of the station and was now taking them to Black

Black Athena was located in the downtown area on the southeast coast. It was commonly known
to be a place of pleasure.

―Based on our research, the Black Athena has ranked by trading.‖

Agent Rayun gave information about Black Athena.

Not many details were known because they do things secretly, but they managed to gather
information from people by telling them they would do business with them.


Agent Rayun, who was driving, pulled something out of his pocket and handed it.
It was four coins.

Coins with an image of Greek goddess Athena holding a spear and shield, one in copper, one in
red and the other two in blue.

―These coins represent membership of Black Athena.‖

―They said that the members are divided into seven types…‖

White for guests.

Blue is for level 5 trading.

Red is for level 4 trading.

Copper is for level 3 trading.

Silver is for level 2 trading.

And Gold is the first class trading.

It was said that black was only owned by the VIP level ones.

Looking at the coins, Chun Yeowun asked.

―Seems like for us, the copper is the highest leveled one of these 4.‖

―Sorry. We were running out of time.‖

Chun Yeowun had arrived here in less than half a day.

In that time alone, they managed to get information and memberships for them.

―It doesn‘t matter. How to use these?‖

―It is said that if you enter the club, which is the main building of Black Athena, there is a large
coin design on it. And if the coin is shown there, you are allowed to enter.‖

The process was simpler than he thought. Since they were mainly doing behind-the-scenes
transactions, he thought they would pay more attention to the security, but they seemed rather

„I‟ll know once I enter.‟

The black sedan soon entered the downtown area.

As if it was Las Vegas, the place was full of colorful places and filled with entertainment venues
worthy of the title city of pleasure!


The car halted as entry to the place of Black Athena was restricted. And there were so many
people on the road that driving it would be tough.

―I will be waiting in the public parking lot on the 4th street about 100 meters away.‖

After leaving the car, Chun Yeowun headed to the gates of Black Athena with the others.

As it was still around 5 pm, there were huge neon signs lit and EDM music rang out.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

Hu Bong looked at the music ringing out from the speakers and the people entering Black
Athena with shocked eyes.

In particular, his pupils contracted each time he saw women‘s breasts revealing through their
clothes and thigh-high skirts.

―Is this how this place normally is?‖

Chun Yeowun frowned as this was his first time coming here.

People were drinking and dancing, and as they went inside, it felt weirder for them.

―Lord. Thank you.‖

―For what?‖
―Even if I die now, I have no regrets. Hehehe.‖

Hu Bong looked at the women shaking their hips with his red face.

Yu So-hwa, who was next to him, took a photo of his face and said.


―I‘ll send it to sister Ran-yeong.‖


Hu Bong wondered why she took the photo.


He had to plead with her after that. This was Hu Bong‘s only weakness.

When entering the site of Black Athena, the stage was set up outdoors in front of the building
and the DJ raised the mood.

Thud! Thud! Thud!


Chun Yeowun never enjoyed music, but listening to this, he missed the music from wind

In this era, he quickly got used to various cultures, but it seemed like this was something he
could never understand.

And even more shocking as they went further inside.

Starting with colorful lasers, artificially created smoke on the ground, and men and women
dancing like crazy.

Thud! Thud!

The EDm music kept hitting their ears.

After passing the dancing stage and as they went inside, they saw a huge door with goddess
Athena under small stairs.

―That seems to be the place. Vice-chairman.‖

In front of that large door, two large men in black suits were guarding it. Both were martial arts

―I heard it‘s sapphire, quite good.‖

Chun Yeowun nodded at Hu Bong‘s words.

These people were only guards, but they were still amazingly skilled.

He heard that most of the Forces of Evil had fallen during this time, but seeing these people, that
didn‘t seem right.

As Chun Yeowun and his party approached, the large men stopped them.

And said in a daunting voice.

―You aren‘t allowed to go through.‖

At that, BI Mak-heon took out a copper coin and showed it to them. There was no need to show
lower-level coins. One of the men who checked it, spoke into his earpiece.

―There is a copper grade guest. Guide 4 people inside.‖

And then opened the door with a friendly voice, unlike before.

―Welcome. Please enter Black Athena.‖

The real entrance of Black Athena.

As they entered, a beautiful woman in her early 20s was waiting there with her waiter outfit.

She was there with four glasses of green martini and red cherries placed to greet them.

―I shall guide you.‖

Following her inside, another large hall appeared.

The place was well soundproofed, and classical music was playing instead of the EDM outside.

It was like entering another world.

‗Silence is so nice.‘

Chun Yeowun‘s expression brightened.

On the other hand, Hu Bong‘s mood darkened. All the people inside were wearing fully covered
clothes, this was more like a banquet hall.

The large hall had an inner circle for the purpose of the stage, and tables were placed outside the

As they said that, the beautiful woman who served them left after telling them to have a good

―… Is this it?‖

―We-well. This is different from what we heard!‖

Bi Mak-heon was puzzled.

The agent said if they went inside, a person would come to take them. But no one showed up

„Hmm, I need to take a different approach.‟

Chun Yeowun knew of a way to meet the needed person directly without this method. But it was
a bit extreme this time.

It was then, someone approached their table.

―You don‘t know how to use them?‖

Contrary to her pure voice, she was a woman with an alluring figure.
Yu So-hwa‘s expression went stiff at the woman wearing a red dress showcasing her breasts.


―It has been long. Probably since the appointment ceremony.‖

The two women seemed acquainted.

The woman called Im So-hye put her hands on the table, bent her upper body forward so that her
breasts were on display for Chun yeowun and said.

―I wanted to know the man who made one of the three SS-class keepers retire, and he turns out to
be the vice-chairman of the famous Yongchun Group.‖

Her eyes sparkled with curiosity.

Chun Yeowun asked Yu So-hwa, not interested in the woman at all.

―Who is she?‖

At that question, Yu So-hwa bit her lip and answered.

―… SS-class Kepper Im So-hye.‖



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 118 -
Black Athena (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Jan 8, 2022

• 14 min read • 5130 views



SS-class Gate Keepers.

There were only 3 of them right now.

Their abilities were so great that even A-class Alphas could be taken down by each of them, and
each could be called as chaos bringers.

―SS-class Gate Keeper?‖

Chun Yeowun‘s eyes brightened.

This meant that the woman in front of him was as strong as Yu So-hwa.

It was a rare sight to meet an SS-class Keeper anywhere other than battlegrounds.


However, Yu So-hwa‘s expression wasn‘t good.

She was staring at the woman with disgust. Im So-hye made a gesture and asked.

―Same as ever. Still can‘t stand looking at my face?‖

Yu So-hwa tried to make her stop her gesture by using her powers when BI Mak-heon
―You were talking about using this. Can you tell us what you mean?‖

Im So-hye smiled and then went back to looking at Chun Yeowun, she placed her finger on the
table, and as she dragged it back, she said.

―You look more handsome than on the news. You are talented and handsome. So So-hwa Unnie
gave up her work?‖

Im So-hye seemed interested in Chun Yeowun.

When they first entered here, she was the one who noticed Yu So-hwa, so she was curious.

As far as she knew, Yu So-hwa couldn‘t just quit like that.

However, she was wondering if this man was attractive enough for her to give up on it, and he
definitely was.

―You are attractive.‖

She patted the table and kept flirting.


But Chun Yeowun didn‘t seem interested.

―Answer the question you were asked.‖

Im So-hye frowned.

„How can he be so indifferent when I am here?‟

This was a first for her.

She was always confident with her body, from a narrow waist to voluptuous breasts.

She thought this man would definitely like her too.

In fact, a lot of men liked her.

„Trying to act hard to get?‟

Such an indifferent attitude stimulated her desire to win.

She thought there was no reason why she couldn‘t have him.

Im So-hye spoke with a smile.

―If I tell you, what can you do for me?‖

It was a seduction trick she used the most.

It was safe to say that if he said he would offer a drink outside, then he passed.

But the words from Chun Yeowun were.

―Your life is spared.‖


Im So-hye‘s face went stiff. She even doubted her ears for a moment.

―Just now… what did you say?‖

―Do you have hearing problems? I said I would spare your life.‖


Im So-hye exasperated.

Since she became an SS-class keeper, nobody has dared talk to her in such a way.

No, this wasn‘t guts, it seemed like recklessness.


A snorting sound in the ear.

It was Yu So-hwa who laughed.

Until recently, she was upset with Im So-hye being here, but she was feeling better now.

Biting her lip which was painted red, she asked.

―Spare my life? It‘s been a long time since I‘ve seen such an arrogant man. But did that
outstanding confidence come from your own strength? Or does it stem from So-hwa Unnie over



She stopped talking when something touched her neck.


Hu Bong, who was next to Chun Yeowun, threatened her with his finger with sword energy
embedded on it.

Although she wasn‘t Murim, at the sharp sensation on her neck, she felt a chill run down her

―Lady. Lord didn‘t tell you to speak what you want. He told you to answer the question.‖

In front of Chun Yeowun, Hu Bong was a funny, light-hearted guy, but there was no forgiveness
for anyone who was rude to his Lord.

With a stiff face, the woman spoke.

―There is a place. It is definitely good money. Especially considering such strong men.‖

―Lady. The warning ends…‖

Hu Bong turned his head to some people approaching him from behind.

Five men and women, dressed in banquet attire, approached Hu Bong with angry faces.

Im So-hye smiled and said,

―I believe in myself the most, but there are team members on whom I can count on too. You
know, right? So-hwa Unnie, SGK team members.‖

A team led by Im So-hye.

Hu Bong threatened her from behind.

They approached the table with angry faces ready to fight, when a waiter appeared.

―No fighting inside Black Athena. If you want to fight, take this outside.‖

That was the rule. And one of the waiters came up to Im So-hye and said,

―The VIP members‘ trading room is ready.‖

As if feeling bad, Im So-hye said.

―What exquisite timing. It was unfortunate. I wanted to have a little more fun.‖

She turned and tried to move, but Hu Bong stopped her.

―Lady. You haven‘t answered yet.‖


Im So-hye‘s face turned red.

Although she was suppressing her emotions as much as she could, now she felt insulted.

―I said no to fighting. Members.‖

The waiter‘s voice got stronger, and he warned both Hu Bong and her.

Another mess and the waiter was sure to send them out.

„Ha. If only we didn‟t meet here.‟

Because she had work to do now, she tried to be reasonable.

Shaking her head, she looked at Chun Yeowun and said,

―The rule is to put a coin in a martini and drink it. If you don‘t do that, you won‘t get anyone

The way to trade. Surprisingly, the waiter didn‘t stop her. It seemed like irrelevant information to

―Let‘s meet another time! Vice-chairman.‖

Im So-hye turned her head proudly. Hu Bong cleared the path he blocked so she could move.

As she was passing, she looked at him and said,

―You. You are quite different from what you look like. Lady? Were you locked in a freezer for a
thousand years or something? Those words are used in historical drama. Huh!‖

This was a way for her to get rid of anger.

After she followed the waiter, Hu Bong spoke to Chun Yeowun with a serious face.

―Lord… that woman isn‘t an ordinary one. Seeing me and telling me that I have been trapped in
ice, she seems to have intellect.‖

―… sit down.‖

Hu Bong couldn‘t tell the difference between a joke and the truth.

After he sat, Chun Yeowun received the coin from Bi Mak-heon.

A coin about the size that would be hard to swallow.

„Drink this while putting it in?‟

The martini left by the waitress when they entered. It was used for this. However, it was strange
to drink this.

―Vice-chairman. There‘s probably something vague about it. Rather, let me do it just to be sure.‖

Bi Mak-heon looked at the coin and the drink suspiciously.

Chun Yeowun put his finger on them and asked.

„Nano. Analyze if poison is on them?‟

[I‘ll check.]

And Nano never took long.

[Neither the coin nor the drink is toxic.]

„No poison?‟

Neither had poison in them.

„Then why did she ask us to put the coin and drink?‟

Nano gave the answer.

[If the two are mixed together, they cause strong toxicity the moment they come in contact with
stomach acids.]

„I see.‟

Now it was solved.

All elements needed to be there for the poison to take effect.

The poison was a safety device used by the Black Athena.

Even if a coin was given out, no one could detect anything on it, so there was no way public
security would come for them.

Smiling, he put the coin into the drink. And then took the glass.


Bi Mak-heon was startled and tried to stop, but Chun Yeowun swallowed it down in one shot.

It didn‘t matter if he drank this. He had an indestructible body thanks to Nano, so it could
decompose the poison.
―It is better if I…‖

If Bi Mak-heon took it, he would immediately die.

―No need.‖

Chun Yeowun, who didn‘t want to create a mess by telling them about the poison, didn‘t
mention it.

[Decomposition of toxic substances in the body is done.]

The poison has already been detoxified. And before long, a waiter came.

―Copper trading room is ready. Please ask the companions to wait until the talks are over.‖

Hu Bong tried to protest.

―Lord, you can‘t go in alo…‖

―Enough. Wait here.‖

But at Chun Yeowun‘s words, he sat down again.

After he instructed them to wait, he was guided by the waiter and headed to another entrance on
the other side of the hall.

Upon entering that place, he saw seven doors.

Among the doors painted with Athena in black, gold, silver, copper, red, blue and white, the
waiter for copper opened the door.

―Please head down the hallway.‖

The hallway was straight. And as he went inside, a smaller hall appeared.

There was only one table and chair.


As soon as he entered, Chun Yeowun smiled.

The entire floor was equipped with a ventilation system, so he couldn‘t use internal energy to
detect the sound.

In addition, there seemed to be several other safety devices.


Something which looked like a wall went down and blocked the entrance.

It was pretty thick.

-Please take a seat.

An altered voice spoke from the speaker.

Chun Yeowun walked leisurely and sat down on the chair.


A hologram was formed opposite to the table as the light came from the ceiling. A man in a
black mask and tuxedo appeared.

He politely greeted with one arm stretched outside and the other one in his stomach.

-Welcome. Welcome member.

Chun Yeowun looked at it and asked.

―You don‘t seem to prefer face-to-face meetings.‖

-I am sorry if you feel uncomfortable. This is for security reasons.

―Well, it doesn‘t matter.‖

-Thank you. We will notify you before the trade. First of all, you must never speak out about any
transaction which happens here. Second, the basic interview is about 10 minutes, and you have to
pay another 10 minutes if needed.

Both sides of the table were split in half, revealing a glass table.

A glass and something which looked like a rose-shaped faucet appeared.

Red liquid flowed from the faucet and filled the glass.

-Since you are here for the first time, let me explain. If you do not take this antidote in 10
minutes, the toxins in your body will spread all throughout. Please remember that.

A timer was marked on the table. The poison was a device they used for trade.

-Trading starts the moment you drink the antidote.

The masked man held out his hand and showed it. And when Chun Yeowun drank it, the timer

-Then let‘s start trading. Do you want to sell or buy?

So they didn‘t just sell, but also bought.


-Alright. I‘ll let you know before we start. Please note that there are items that are subject to
transaction restrictions depending on your level. So what do you want to buy?.


-Please note that the price varies depending on how specific the information is and how difficult
it is to obtain. What is the information you are looking for?

At that, Chun Yeowun directly asked.

―MS Group.‖


When he said MS Group, the man didn‘t answer. Even though it was a hologram, Chun Yeowun
noticed the man‘s eyes shaking.
―I want all the information you have on MS Group. Even better if you can give me their location
and how to connect to them.‖

At that, the man glanced somewhere and then opened his mouth.

-Sorry. The information you asked for can‘t be given at your trading level.

It means he won‘t give.

―Then at which level?‖

-The information you mentioned is open to VIP members. Sorry for not being of any help. If you
have other stuff, I can respond to that. If not, I‘ll close this inte…

―Is it possible to trade if I get to the VIP room?‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s question, the man gave a straight answer.

-Not possible without membership.

―If I really need this information.‖

The masked man responded in a rather cold voice.

-We will expunge you according to the rules of Black Athena.

It meant to be killed.

Chun Yeowun seemed interested.

―And how do you plan to do that?‖

-The trading hours end soon. I warn you. If we don‘t open the door to this room, you‘ll have your
organs melted, and you‘ll be a corpse within 5 minutes. If you keep insisting, that is what

The masked man blinked, and the rose faucet was back on the table.

-Now you have 6 minutes and 35 seconds left. Please choose.

―I need to get any information related to MS Group.‖

-Then the trade will end here. Please forgive me for not being able to see you off on the way to
the underworld…

―The VIP room is in the basement?


For a moment, the masked man was confused. At first glance, people would think that the VIP
rooms were on the same floor, but the VIP room was in the basement.

―I guess it must be right.‖

It was a guess based on the strongest energy around, and it was correct.

Chun Yeowun said to him.

―I also warn you. If you don‘t guide me to the VIP room right now, I won‘t leave your limbs


The masked man glared at Chun Yeowun as if it was ridiculous.

It was absurd to threaten a hologram when he was the one going to die.

-Crazy bastard.

The masked man said as he looked at Chun Yeowun.

And then turned off the hologram.


In another room on the other side of the trading, full of monitors with CCTV videos.

Several people were inside, a man with a mask and tuxedo on the hologram device asked.

―Is it off?‖
―Yes. Right.‖

―How the hell did the idiot know where the VIP room is?‖

The VIP room has an elevator. It reaches the basement when the transaction starts. So most
people don‘t notice it.

―Absurd guy. He was right in front of me and threatening me.‖

A man in front of the monitor shook his head.

And then asked.

―What should we do? Should we wait until automatic expunge is started?‖

At that, the man in the tuxedo shook his head.

―No. The expungement is confirmed, so why wait that long for him to die? Push the deals of the
other copper members.‖


The man in front of the monitor was about to press the button for gas release.

As soon as the poison gas was inhaled, one would die within 30 seconds.

―Uh? But what is he doing?‖

Chun Yeowun, seen through the monitor, was approaching the wall.

The wall was sturdy and made of a special alloy thicker than the other sides of the room. Even a
bomb couldn‘t break it open.

―What is with him? What is that bastard doing now?‖

The man in front of the monitor laughed at the question of the masked man.

―There is a ventilation system in that room, so he can‘t use anything. It looks like he is trying to
do something stupid. Should we keep an eye on him?‖
―He must be stupid. I wondered what a great guy he was because he came in the news, but he
hardly understood….‖


At that moment, a sharp sound was heard.


Chun Yeowun on the monitor was holding an energy sword against the wall.

But why were they hearing the sound from this side?

―How is…‖

At that moment, Chun Yeowun kicked the wall with his foot.


At that time, the wall they were standing close to flew off.

Flustered, those who were standing pulled out their weapons.

Srng! Srrng! Srrng!

It was unbelievable. Cutting down a special alloy thick wall with bare hands!

―Uh, how can we let the gas enter when the ventilation…‖


Before the masked man could speak, Chun Yeowun reached out his hand and the weapons they
were carrying moved away from their hands and landed on the floor in front of Chun Yeowun.



―My blade!‖
It didn‘t end there.

When Chun Yeowun pretended to clench his fist, the swords on the floor shattered like glass.


„What nonsensical power!‟

They were perplexed, but Chun Yeowun suddenly approached the masked man.

He then grabbed him by the neck.



―I warned you.‖


As soon as he said that, Chun Yeowun‘s energy sword cut his right arm.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 119 -
Black Athena (3)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Jan 9, 2022

• 13 min read • 5060 views


The masked man in a tux gripped his severed hand.

He looked at Chun Yeowun, who was looking down at him, with frightened eyes.

„What the hell is he? A monster!‟

Those who dealt with information knew that Chun Yeowun was related to the Sky Demon Order.

But they were overconfident in their own defense system, the gas and the poison, so they never
imagined that things could turn out like this.

He remembered what happened 2 hours ago.

The Black Athena‘s Second Master gathered all the people.

[The vice-chairman of the Yongchun Group might come?]

The vice-chairman made headlines in the news.

The fact that the Yongchun Group was the descendant of the Demonic Cult couldn‘t be

Recently, rumors that the Demonic Cult was being resurrected have caused a stir in the Murim

[Isn‘t that Yongchun Group the Demonic Cult one?]

[Why would they come to Black Athena?]

For the Forces of Evil, the relationship with the Demonic Cult was rather subtle.

Although they were known to be the evil kind just like the forces of Evil, they acted proud and
said they were different.

Although they weren‘t in direct confrontation, the Demonic Cult strongly despised others and
never came in contact with the Forces of Evil.

[According to the information, they are aiming for the wealth and power of the Black Athena to
help with their resurrection.]

The Second Master warned that the Demonic Cult would come in contact with them with ill

Thus, if they showed any signs of making a fuss in the pretext of a deal, the workers were
ordered to expunge them.

[However, wouldn‘t that make us enemies of the Demonic Cult?]

[They have the power to even take down the main office of the Association, shouldn‘t we be
more careful?]

Naturally, some people were concerned.

But the Second Master said,

[Don‘t worry. If we do it, the Murim Association will come to our side.]

{The Murim Association? They will interfere?}

[Yes. The Demonic Cult and the Murim Association are currently at war. It wouldn‘t be hard for
them to interfere. Besides, the one called Chun Mu-seong is the biggest enemy of the
Association, so they will make sure to use this chance to repay the disgrace they faced.]

As people heard it, no one felt concerned anymore.

In addition, in the absence of the Master, the Second Master held all powers in Black Athena, so
everyone would have to obey his orders.

„Kuak… If only the Master was here, this wouldn‟t have happened.‟

It was too late to regret.

Things happened and this monster was now right in front of him.

―Guide me to the VIP room. You don‘t want to lose your other arm, do you?‖

Chun Yeowun gave a daunting command. At that, the masked man endured the pain and

―Yah, if you don‘t take the antidote, you will die. Are you sure you can threaten me?‖

The gas was stopped, but what about the poison?

No matter how strong the man was, in order to clear the poison with only cultivation, it would
take a long time. At least, that was what he thought.

―Are you talking about this?‖

When Chun Yeowun raised his hand, something like black gas rose from his skin.

The black liquid floated in the air. And Chun Yeowun snapped his finger.


The black liquid split into several directions and penetrated the bodies of the Black Athena staff
who were struggling with anxious faces.


―W-what is this…‖

Flustered, they touched the parts where the liquid entered and tried to squeeze it out.


The poison was spreading through their bodies, so they tried to start cultivating. Six people sat
on the floor at the same time. The masked man couldn‘t help but be shocked.

―No way…‖

The poison they were proud of was now inside their bodies. They weren‘t sure, but it turned out
that Chun Yeowun had cleared the poison.

At their shock, Chun Yeowun said.

―Last warning. If you want your other limbs to stay intact, guide me to the VIP room.‖

6th basement floor of Black Athena.

Unlike the normal hall, this was a huge circular hall.

In such a place, a door made of tempered glass and about 10 meters of space was arranged
outside the circle.

However, in this place, people in tight-fitting grey tights locked up one by one were displayed
like items.

What was peculiar was that the eyes of the people in that glass space were out of focus. They had
blank expressions like they had lost it.


A man in a blue tux with a mustache and pomade hair touched one of the glasses.

―This is a 3rd generation improved model.‖

The man inside the glass was called to be a 3rd generation improved model.

There was a woman in a red dress waving her hand at the sight of the man in the glass, it was Im
So-hye, the SS-class keeper.
―Is he unconscious?‖

―Without the owner‘s command, thinking and cognition are still not possible. The risk can be
regarded as zero. Hahaha.‖

The man who was smiling and explaining was Byun Ho-young, the Second Master of Black

He was the second in command and exclusive to the VIP members.

From Gold members with high loyalty and high purchase rates, the managers come down
themselves and don‘t just appear as holograms.

VIP members have many privileges, including their ability to bring in up to 5 companions.

So Im So-hye‘s team members came along.

―His chin is unique.‖

Im So-hye said while looking at the one in the glass.

Byun Ho-young answered with a smile.

―The 3rd gen has improved structure and genes, so the body changes are more unique and
colorful. As the jaw moves, it turns into a larger mouth.‖


The man with glasses frowned when he heard the thing about the jaw, it just felt pretty creepy.

―Although the mutant does look pretty ugly, it has amazing abilities. I can guarantee that. It is far
superior to the 2nd gen models with carnivorous mammalian genes.‖

The people in the glass space that Byun Ho-young pointed to were unusual.

Some had long ears and others had leopard patterns.

According to him, these were genetically engineered humans.

―The price is obviously higher than the 2nd gen. one B-class core per object.‖


At Byun Ho-young‘s words, Im So-hye‘s team members were shocked.

Unlike other transactions, this floor would only accept cores as a form of payment.

Even a B-class core was known to be very expensive.

―Ah, it isn‘t that expensive. This 3rd Gen model can easily deal with Super Master level Murims
and A-class keepers.‖

―Dealing with an A-class keeper? Isn‘t it unreasonable to think that engineered humans could
exhibit such crazy things?‖

One of Im So-hye‘s team members, a 2-meter tall man, said while clicking his tongue.

As an A-class keeper, it felt like Byun Ho-young‘s words were targeted at him.

Super Masters and A-class Keepers were those in charge of people‘s safety.

―You don‘t seem to believe it.‖

―I won‘t believe it unless I see it with my own eyes.‖

―Huhuhu, then shall we take time to check out the product? No.27 glass restraint released.‖


At Byun Ho-young‘s words, the glass went up and opened.

As the door opened, the muscular man inside stepped forward.

―If the A-class Keeper Pa Jin-sang checks it, he might be able to trust us more.‖

At Byun Ho-young‘s words, Pa Jin-sang‘s eyes turned sharp.

Although they had come here several times before, no one knew their names, but since this place
dealt with information, they knew who the guests were.
Pa Jin-sang looked at Im So-hye asking for permission.


Pa Jin-sang took off his tux and walked to the middle.

―I believe that you won‘t ask me to compensate you if the product is defiled?‖

―Of course not. However, be careful not to get hurt.‖

―Huh. Doesn‘t apply to me.‖

Pa Jin-sang spoke in a confident voice.

His ability was super strength. He could exert force up to 100 tons.

With that strength, he could easily crush steel. He was a Keeper who defeated dangerous Gate
entities with just his fists.

―You can order the product right now too. And if it doesn‘t work, you can ask for a change too.
No. 23, defeat him.‖

As soon as Byun Ho-young‘s words fell, the man in grey tights ran towards him.

The movement was incredibly fast. Like bouncing off the floor and reaching the middle of the
room at once.


The man in tights who was hit by Pa Jin-sang bounced back.

The Keepers who watched it cheered.


They assumed that the genetically made model was of no match to them.

However, Pa Jin-sang‘s expressions changed.

He clenched his fist, but it didn‘t exactly feel like he hit something.
„What is this? This weird feeling?‟

It felt more foreign than dealing with Gate objects.

A very bad feeling.


The guy in grey tights, who bounced back, flew towards the man as soon as his foot touched the

He raised his fists upwards and tried to smash Pa Jin-sang.

Pa Jin-sang, who stopped it, tried to land a hit, but something completely different happened.



From the elbow, the arms were split open.

And then long arms which seemed made of saw blades came out.

The same with legs as well.


He opened his mouth, and the chin cracked.

The ugly appearance didn‘t look human at all.

It literally seemed like an insect.


Im So-hye mumbled.

The Second Master Byun Hi-young smiled and answered.

―Right answer.‖
This man was a human with a mantis gene.

Honestly, calling him human was ridiculous.

„Th-this is a monster!‟

Pa Jin-sang had outstanding durability and strength, but he didn‘t want to block those long arms,
so he tried to avoid being hit.


Just by spreading the long arms, he managed to grab the opponent at once.

―This bastard!‖


Pa Jin-sang tried to grab the arm and break it. However, despite his ability, he couldn‘t break off
the mantis man‘s arms.

„What power does this one have?‟

Rather, the area around the hand changed.



Pa Jin-sang‘s palm tore.

The moment he released his hand in shock, the mantis opened the forked jaw and bit Pa Jin-
sang‘s shoulder.


The ferocious teeth hurt the man. They dug in so easily that it was as if the mantis tried to rip it

As Pa Jin-sang screamed, Second Master Byun Ho-young snapped his fingers and shouted.



As soon as the command fell, the mantis opened its mouth.

Blood kept dripping down the pierced shoulder and the teeth marks were visible.

―Kuak… kuak…‖

Pa Jin-sang‘s eyes tinged with fear as he groaned. It was the first time he had experienced this
kind of fear since the Gate battles.

―Strong Pa Jin-sang like this?‖


His colleagues were shocked and so was Im so-hye.

Byun Ho-young smiled and said to her,

―How was it? Enough?‖

This was a super amount of power, so admiringly she said,

―Is there anything stronger than this?‖

―There is a 4th gen improved version.‖

Shockingly, there was a stronger one.

If the 3rd gen made with insect genes were this strong how strong could the next gen be?

―The 4th gen is really expensive and we have a limited number.‖

―How many?‖

―I was only asked to sell 2 of them and the two aren‘t up for brokering.‖

―Up to the 3rd gen, they are possible to produce when the genes are available, but when it comes
to the 4th gen, it is tough.‖

Hearing that, Im So-hye was curious.

―How much?‖

―3 A-class cores.‖


The outrageous payment shocked her.

It wasn‘t an exaggeration to say that getting a single A-class core was almost impossible, but

―How can the price go up like that?‖

―Because it is worthy. You did see this one right? A 3rd gen can easily overwhelm an A-class
Keeper. And that one can easily surpass it.‖

―Nevertheless. The payment is so…‖

―The Japanese, Russians and Americans have bought 14 of them at a higher price in the auction
markers. Comparatively, this is a lower price.‖

At those words, Im So-hye‘s eyes lit up.

It was said that the price paid for it was extremely high, but it was something else that drew her

―Oh my. Are you going to auction them on the market?‖

At that, Byun Ho-young realized he had said something he shouldn‘t have and went silent.

The auction wasn‘t something he had the liberty to speak about.

―Ahh, I made a mistake. There is so much competition in the black market rather than


The earpiece which was plugged in his ear beforehand suddenly began to give static.

-Second Master, we have a problem.

It was a call from the Control Room. In response, Byun Ho-young looked at Im So-hye and said,

―Could you give me a moment?‖

And then, he moved slightly away from them.

―What is it?‖

-He is on the way to the 6th-floor basement.


-The vice-chairman of the Yongchun group.


Byun Ho-young couldn‘t hide his shock. To get here means to pass through several defense

If he wanted to get here, he would have been blocked by the other rooms. So how?

―What about the poison?‖

-I don‘t know sir. We didn‘t know until he even got into the elevator.

―What are you spouting now? How did he?‖

-Seeing that Cooper is accompanying him, it seems like he is taking the manager‘s aisle.

The paths for guests and managers were different.

Despite the tight surveillance, the cameras in the manager path were few.

And there was an elevator there.

―Stop the elevator!‖

The elevator was made of superalloy just in case. It had the strength to even withstand an

-Already shut it and send fighters to the elevator…

It was then.


The entrance of the elevator at the entrance of the hall split and then,



Someone appeared from the smoke.

It was Chun Yeowun in his usual attire.

„Vice-chairman Chun Mu-seong?‟

Im So-hye couldn‘t hide her curiosity.

The man who appeared after breaking an elevator definitely didn‘t have good intentions.

Chun Yeowun said as he walked in.

―Are you the representative of Black Athena?‖

Chun Yeowun‘s eyes went to Byun Ho-young, and the man‘s face contorted.

„In the middle of the most important deal!‟

Everything was disturbed.

At that time, a man with curly hair, one of Im So-hye‘s team members, stepped ahead and said.

―Our deal isn‘t done yet, what is this now? Go back and…‖


Chun Yeowun ignored him and passed by.

Angry at that, the curly-haired man tried to show off his abilities.

―Cheeky bastard…‖

―Don‘t bother me.‖


Chun Yeowun lightly waved his hand and the man‘s body bowed to the side.




His upper body went into the tempered glass and stuck into it.

The entire team couldn‘t hide their shock at the sight of an A-class Keeper being taken down in
an instant.

―No. 23, get rid of him!‖

Second Master shouted in panic.

The mantis man in the middle flew for Chun Yeowun with the jaws wide open.


―What kind of joke is this?‖

Chun Yeowun stretched out his right hand.

The mantis man who was aiming to attack him stopped mid-air and the legs shuddered.

In that state, Chun Yeowun clenched his fist.



The mantis man‘s body folded like a ball and rolled on the ground.

„W-what is that…‟

At that scene, Pa Jin-sang fell into despair. It was absurd to see the mantis which caused him
pain and anguish die at a single gesture.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 120 -
Black Athena (4)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on
Jan 10, 2022

• 10 min read • 4786 views




Second Master Byun Ho-young couldn‘t hide his shock.

The mantis, a genetically engineered model, died so absurdly. He thought that it would at least
earn some time, but the gap was too wide to cover.

„How on earth can he have so much power to do that with just internal energy?‟

If he hadn‘t mastered Martial Arts, he would have thought that Chun Yeowun was a person with

As Byun Ho-young was a member of the Forces of Evil, he wasn‘t famous, but he was a
Superior Master.

„That, that one is a monster.‟

And because of that, he was able to guess Chun Yeowun‘s skills.

„Damn that Yeom Hae-kyun!‟

Byun Ho-young cursed the members of the Murim Association.

He fell in love with the theory the man said and believed in the poison they made, but everything
was in vain now.

„I can‟t help it anymore.‟

Once the opponent‘s strengths were understood, the next choice was obvious.

―Release all restraints.‖

At his command, all the glass doors opened.

From the 1st to the 3rd gen, 29 genetically weaponized humans walked out.

If this person had to be stopped, all of them would have to be used.

Im So-hye shouted at that.

―Look here, Second Master! Our deal isn‘t done yet!‖

The deal was very important for her.

This was being done after she received the orders of the Director of the National Defense, and if
she failed, the ongoing plan would be back to the starting point.


At her cry, Byun Ho-young‘s eyes lit up. The clever man thought of a way to take advantage of
the moment.

―Member. That man is going against the rules of Black Athena. There isn‘t much we can do.‖


Im So-hye was irritated. It was because she understood what the man was trying to hint at.

„This clever raccoon bastard is trying to make me move.‟

Unless one was an idiot, they could have easily noticed it.

She was an SS-class Keeper. There were only three people who were as strong as her.

And this man wanted her help to stop Chun Yeowun.

―If the member can stop him, I will listen to you as much…‖


Before he could even finish his words, a profound energy pulled him. His body which was
floating moved to Chun Yeowun.

―Don‘t use your brain.‖

There was no way Chun Yeowun would let him do what he wanted.

„This is insane!‟

Byun Ho-young tried to use his own internal energy, but nothing happened. And was caught by
Chun Yeowun‘s hand.

It was then,


Byun Ho-young, who was up, fell to the ground.

A tremendous pressure which was created prevented him from moving further.

Chun Yeowun looked at Im So-hye right away.

―Don‘t look at me with those eyes. There are rules and morality in everything and you are the
one who ignored it.‖

―Are you going to interfere?‖

―Interfere? That is funny. I was the first to come here and deal with him. Don‘t tell me you have
forgotten that?‖

She was right. Chun Yeowun was the one who broke the deal in the middle.

However, he couldn‘t make concessions after what she did.

„Right! Hurry up and fight.‟

Byun Ho-young, who was released from the energy, liked what was going on.
Banter usually leads to fighting, and once they start to fight, he was planning to escape into the
underground shelter.

„It is a pity that I won‟t get to see the fun scene of the Demonic Cult‟s best being defeated by a
Keeper, but I at least will get to live.‟

That was the most important thing, life.

However, what Chun Yeowun said was unexpected.

―Okay. Then I will wait until your deal is done.‖


Byun Ho-young‘s expression grew distorted. This wasn‘t what he hoped for.

If they continued their trade, Im So-hye wouldn‘t have to fight,

―Such a gentleman. Thank you for understanding. After my trade is done, the vice-chairman can
take care of his business.‖

She immediately accepted it.

„This bitch!‟

He wanted them to fight, but now that they had reached an agreement, he was shocked.

Looking at Chun Yeowun, he knew that the guy wasn‘t the friendly kind, and asking him to let
her complete her trade, wouldn‘t that mean she wanted to fight? But what was this?

„Huh! Did that raccoon bastard think I would fall for his plan!‟

Im So-hye had no intention of fighting Chun Yeowun. She couldn‘t even fathom how capable he
was, and she wasn‘t the kind to enter fights for no reason.

However, her team members weren‘t of the same opinion.

―Team leader! That person made Yeong-gang like that and you are letting him go?‖
―This isn‘t what we do right?‖

They trusted Im So-hye, the SS-class Keeper, and thought that she would subdue Chun Yeowun.

„It isn‟t that I don‟t care.‟

Im So-hye glared back at her teammates. It meant to shut their mouths.

They were dissatisfied, but she had absolute authority, so they could no longer express their

―Okay then should we continue trading?‖

Im So-hye smiled at the Second master.

At that, he bit his lip.

„As soon as the deal is over, I am sure that he will kill me.‟

He needed to plan. After thinking for a while, Byun Ho-young decided to take the risk.

―Well, nothing could be done. Then let‘s go. I‘ve seen you take an interest in the black market.‖


Even if she didn‘t say it out loud, Byun Ho-young noticed her reactions.

―I won‘t make unreasonable demands. If you protect me from that person, I will give you the
right to attend the black market. And I will give you five items of your choice for free, so please
help me.‖

Im Sho-hye‘s eyes fluttered. It was because the proposal was unconventional.

Besides, the National Defense was showing great interest in genetic technology.

It was an opportunity to obtain the objects and information they desired without spending any
government funds.

She couldn‘t help but be worried, and the deal was different.

Moreover, Byun Ho-young didn‘t ask her to take down the man, he only asked for protection. He
just asked to make sure he wasn‘t hurt.

„It could be possible.‟

Judging from her conversation with Chun Yeowun, it seemed like he wasn‘t the reckless kind.

She wasn‘t sure if she could persuade him enough and take the role of a mediator.

―Fine. Keep your promise.‖

―I will.‖

She then turned to Chun Yeowun and opened her mouth cautiously.

―Vice-chairman Chun. If it isn‘t disrespectful, may I ask for a favor as a member of the National


―Yes. If there is no malicious relationship with the Second Master of Black Athena, I would like
the vice-chairman to ensure his safety. Wouldn‘t it be better to get what we want without

She came up with the right choice of words.

This way, there would be no need to argue with each other.

Chun Yeowun said.

―If the information I want is handed over, there will be no bloodshed.‖

If he was given the information right away, he wouldn‘t have even come to this place. Im So-hye
who wasn‘t sure of what he wanted was happy.

―Oh my. I see why Unnie moved to you hehehe.‖

When he answered the way he wanted, she looked at Byun Ho-young.

―You heard it. Second Master.‖

―… yes.‖

He didn‘t want this, but Byun Ho-young had no reason to hesitate if his life was being spared for

So he asked,

―May I ask what kind of information you want?‖

―All information you have on MS Group. How to get in contact with them and their hideout

At those words, Byun Ho-young‘s eyes fluttered.

His expression hardened right away.

If this was asked in a normal situation, he would have said it was too tough to get that, but now
the situation was different.

„Damn it! Why did it have to be the MS group…‟

The MS Group wasn‘t something he could touch. If he did then Black Athena itself could come
and make them disappear.

„I need to pretend like I don‟t know.‟

The man here didn‘t know if he had the information or not, so he could take the risk.

Hiding his expression as much as he could, Byun Ho-young said.

―Ha… the information on that is…‖

But then an unexpected thing happened.

―The hall manager said that only those in charge of VIP members know of it. You aren‘t going to
say you don‘t know, right?‖


Everything seemed to have blown over. Byun Ho-young, who was planning to lie, was shocked.

„What? That bastard!‟

That bastard was currently trembling in the elevator.

Byun Ho-young bit his lip. If blown over, those people will annihilate Black Athena.

Escaping from their hands would be impossible.

„Damn it!‟

Any smooth transaction seemed unreasonable here.

So he shouted,

―Kill him!‖

All the modified humans from 1st to 3rd gen who were waiting for the orders tried to attack, but
Chun Yeowun clicked his tongue and lowered his palm.

―Tch tch.‖

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

At that moment, all the modified ones knelt on the floor. Starting with the one who looked like a
tiger, a grasshopper and many others.

All kneeling down, unable to get up.

―N-No way!‖

Byun Ho-young couldn‘t help but be astonished. Not one, but 29 of the modified humans were
suppressed at the same time.
„Who the hell is he?‟

This wasn‘t something that even a warrior of the Five Great Warriors could do.

The tremendous energy emanating from all directions was so great that he was unable to breathe.

―Do you still think that these toys would work?‖

Chun Yeowun lowered his palm further.


The bodies kneeling down were on the ground and even dented the floor.



The modified humans died while howling a non-human wail.

„No! no!‟

At that, Byun Ho-young felt like he had to run away at any cost.

5 meters ahead was another exit.


Byun Ho-young flew towards it.

―Stupid man.‖

Chun Yeowun reached out and pretended to pull him back.

The massive energy suppressed him. He couldn‘t even lift his foot and was pulled towards Chun
Yeowun again.

Im So-hye put on an annoyed expression, she tried to solve this smoothly, but all plans were in

Even if she didn‘t want to fight, she was being made to fight.

―I can‘t help it. Vice-chairman was the one who brought this…‖



At that moment, she felt a pain in her heart. As if something sharp had penetrated her. She
grabbed her chest and looked at Chun Yeowun.

It was the Heart Sword.

―Y-You… coward…‖

―I knew you would attack soon, why would you think I would listen to you even after seeing my

―You… you!‖

Im So-hye‘s beautiful face was distorted. It was the first time that she had been subjected to such
treatment before showing her skills.

It was shameful because her team members were in there.

―Accck! I will kill you!‖

How desperate she had to be for her to move with those bloody eyes


The Heart Sword pierced her heart again and again.


Im So-hye rolled on the floor screaming in pain.

Chun Yeowun muttered in a dry voice.

―I don‘t have the time to hang out with you.‖

He didn‘t bother checking her abilities at all.

―T-team leader!‖

Her team members were shocked and called for her.

However, not a single person dared to step at the man who did this to her.

―Want to try?‖

Despite Chun Yeowun‘s provocation, not a single person moved.

Seeing how easily the SS-class Keeper was taken down, who could believe themselves and do

―You people at least have learning ability.‖

Chun Yeowun smiled. Meanwhile, he caught the neck of Byun Ho-young with his hand.



In a savage voice, Chun Yeowun said to the man trembling in fear.

―Now should we hear the things I want to know?‖



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 121 -
Unexpected Gain (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Jan 11, 2022

• 10 min read • 4912 views

Im So-hye grabbed her chest as if she was in pain and continued to cough up blood.

―Ack… Ack!‖

„Team leader.‟

Seeing her suffering, her teammates didn‘t know what to do.

If they could, they wanted to take her and run away. However, dozens of ice swords were in the
sky, threatening to stab them if they moved.

„What the hell is he doing?‟

The man had dragged Second Master Byun Ho-young into the broken elevator as it was hard to
see. They thought it was torture, but there was no scream from there.

„Damn it! Just what the hell is this!‟

They were all a team made of elites.

Even with just five members including their leader Im So-hye, they could take down the A-class
Alpha entity, so this situation was absurd.

„Is he really a Murim warrior?‟

It was their first time hearing about a Murim warrior with such ability.

Not long after, Chun Yeowun came out alone.


The Keepers were fully dissatisfied. At the time, Chun Yeowun waved his hand, and the ice
swords around shattered.


Chun Yeowun went closer to Im So-hye who was clutching her chest.

The red dress was full of dust as she was on the floor, and looked like a 10-year-old unable to
hold back her pain.

It was sad to see such a beauty in pain, but Chun Yeowun looked at her with cold eyes.

„Cruel man!‟

„Doesn‟t he have any compassion!‟

Her team members thought as they looked at him.

However, when Chun Yeowun considered someone as an enemy, he never discriminated

between men and women.

All were nothing but enemies.

―Is it painful?‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s cold question, she looked up.

Eyes with no sympathy.

She realized that this man wouldn‘t hesitate to kill her.

Heart pain which lasted for 20 minutes already.

The first time she experienced her pride being stamped on.


―Ha.. Ha… please! Please save… me.‖

Im So-hye didn‘t pay attention to her team members anymore.

Her desire to live made her throw away her pride.

―Is there any reason for me to keep you alive?‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s question, Im So-hye became paler.

Again, this man wouldn‘t hesitate to kill her.

One of her team members, a young man in glasses named Lee Wonju, said,

―If you have signed an agreement with the Ministry of Defense, in some way you are like a
member of the Defense agency which the Keepers belong to. Are you still planning to kill us?‖

―Because I hate annoying things.‖

Chun Yeowun never trusted his enemies.

Once an enemy, then it was definite that they would keep aiming for him.

In particular, the Keepers related to the government would report this in detail and complicate it
even more.

―I promise. We‘ll make sure to hide what happened here as a secret! Even if the director asks, we
won‘t answer him, so please show mercy!‖

Lee Wonju fell flat on the floor and cried.

At that, the other Keepers too fell to their knees.

―Have mercy on us!‖

They fell down with clenched teeth. If they could get out alive, then they could at least have a
different future.

„Leave us. I will expose you right away to the Ministry of National Defense and make sure the
contract is shattered.‟

Secret? Who keeps secrets on such things?

And it wasn‘t like this man knew anything about them.

Chun Yeowun asked.

―You people, what are your levels?‖


―Your classes as Keepers.‖

Pa Jin-sang, who was injured, answered the question.

―We are all A-class Gate Keepers.‖

There was a certain amount of pride in his voice. Each of them was talented enough to be
recruited by a city chief.

At that, Chun Yeowun said.




When Chun Yeowun lifted his finger, Pa Jin-sang‘s neck bent backwards.



The man fell to the floor right away. The other three couldn‘t hold back their shock and their
comrade‘s death.

―Th-this, what is this?‖

―It is what you heard. I don‘t need you people.‖

And those words made them even more confused.

Even though they asked to be spared, they didn‘t remember saying they would become his

However, it was different for Chun Yeowun, he would only spare someone if they were of use to

„We are useless?‟

The other three were stunned.

A-class Keepers, most cities would want them in their ranks to be less anxious during gate
situations. And this guy was treating them like trash.

At that moment, Chun Yeowun raised his hand upwards.


Im So-hye, who was clutching her body in pain, suddenly thought.

As an SS-class Keeper, she was a human whose brain usage was at its maximum, and her mental
power was extremely strong.

Even after being hit by the Heart Sword, she didn‘t give up her will. At her level, despite being
hit by the sword and not being able to hold the pain, she managed to survive.

―Want to live?‖

Im So-hye pleaded with him at the question.

―Please… please spare me. I‘ll do whatever it takes. No, I‘ll quit being a Keeper and serve you
just like So-hwa Unnie… please my life only…‖

This woman had a strong obsession with her life.

And weakened by the pain in her heart, she wanted to live.

―You want to be like So-hwa?‖

―Haa… Haa… yes.‖

―Okay. Good.‖


Im So-hye‘s face brightened at those words.

And Chun Yeowun‘s finger gently pierced her slender neck.



She felt something creeping into her body.

Shocked, she yelled.

―W-what is that?‖

―Nano bombs.‖

―Nano bombs!‖

Her eyes widened as if they would pop out.

She heard about the Nano bombs.

These people investigated it, and it was difficult to get their hands on it even through the black
―By now, the Nano bombs must have spread from your brain to other parts of your body as well


And when Chun Yeowun snapped his hand, a small explosion occurred in Im So-hye‘s left palm.



She screamed at the burning pain inside her palm and looked at it.

Traces of charring could be seen.

―What do you think would happen if this exploded in the brain?‖

At that, her two eyes fluttered wildly.

If it exploded in her brain, then it meant absolute death.

―I-I said that I would serve you! So why?‖

―Didn‘t you say you wanted to be like So-hwa?‖

―Then, Unnie too?‖

Chun Yeowun affirmed with silence.

She was shocked to learn the truth behind Yu So-hwa‘s resignation. And that wasn‘t the end.


Chun Yeowun put his hand down, and then removed the Heart Swords inside her heart.

As the excruciating pain disappeared, she looked a lot better, but Chun Yeowun‘s words were
still keeping her on edge.

―Your first mission as my subordinate. Kill them all.‖

The ones he pointed to were the rest of her team.

―H-How… that…‖

Chun Yeowun smiled and then said to her as he looked at her trembling body.

―Prove your loyalty.‖

„What… what should I do now?‟

It was only at that moment she realized that she had made a deal with the Devil himself. Her
team members looked at her with puzzled expressions.

Chun Yeowun had given her a tough choice.

―Team leader. You can‘t do this!‖

―H-Haven‘t we worked together for 4 years? Please…‖

The team members pleaded with her. Not knowing what to do, she looked at Chun Yeowun who
was ready to snap his finger.

His gaze was directed to her head.

If she didn‘t kill them, she would die.

„Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!‟

The human heart is truly deceitful. There would be no shame if she would keep her honor and
choose to die with them.

But she didn‘t have the guts to risk her life like that.

With teary eyes, Im So-hye opened her lips.

―I‘m… sorry.‖


The team members were shocked.


That meant their death sentence.

When she closed her hands and reached out, the bodies of the three kneeling people were
engulfed in strong wind pressure.


Chun Yeowun came down the hidden underground passage.

It was the very passage that Byun Ho-young tried to escape from. One of the pieces of
information that even the executives of Black Athena didn‘t know about was the 7th basement

Because there was a hidden entrance in it.


Normally, there would be a need for security awareness, but Chun Yeowun broke the hidden

Entering the cracked area, he walked down the stairs and then another hall appeared.

The dark hall lit up automatically.

―Is this the place?‖

There were several safes in the hall. This was where Byun Ho-young had collected the goods he

And Chun Yeowun, who turned him into a ghost, learned of all the things and contents in the

Chun Yeowun approached a certain safe and put his finger on it.

And when Nano hacked the security, the door opened right away.


When the door to the safe opened, an intense energy with dazzling light spread out in all

To his surprise, there were as many as 8 cores inside.

Two of them were C-class, three B-class and three A-class.

―He hid a lot.‖

This wasn‘t a bad thing.

Rather, it was an advantage he never thought of.


When Chun Yeowun raised his hand, the black wrist guard resonated.


And then, a shadow flicked, causing a change.

When Chun Yeowun moved, the cores inside the safe were all pulled into the shadows.


If he could put them in the shadow realm, he wouldn‘t feel their weight.

Chun Yeowun, who took the cores, headed to the other safe.

When he opened that safe, there were dozens of cards inside, with which he could retrieve cash
right away.

The sum was about 83 billion won.

Cash laundering, if this was used, then he could reduce the loss which occurred with the mergers.
„Such things seem quite nice.‟

An almost astronomical amount of money was found.

Chun Yeowun, who put the cards in the shadow realm, opened other safes and took the goods.

He read from the memory that if all these items were sold, he would make almost 170 billion

If Byun Ho-young was alive, he wouldn‘t be able to contain his regret for losing all these.

„Now only three are left.‟

These were the main ones.

Two safes didn‘t differ in size, but the other one was 5 feet tall.

Chun Yeowun opened the small one.


Inside was an invitation card with five blue letters written on it, ‗MS Group‘.

It was an invitation to the auction hosted by the MS Group.

Black Athena had a relationship with the MS Group through this auction house.

Unusually, there was a black LED screen on the back of the invitation card and it was said that
the location would appear there before the auction started.

„Nano. Can you track this?‟

„Impossible if the other side doesn‟t send anything.‟

Unfortunately, he couldn‘t find it out right away.

However, if the auction was held, he would know the location.

After Chun Yeowun took the invitation, he opened the second safe.

If Byun Ho-young‘s memories were correct, an interesting thing had to be there.


When the safe opened, there was a glass bottle of 1L in it.

It contained a very thick red liquid. Chun Yeowun picked it up.

―This is…‖

It was his first time seeing blood in such a state.

What could it be that Chun Yeowun was showing such interest in it?

„We will check it later.‟

Chun Yeowun put the bottle into the shadows and approached the largest one.

The safe opened shortly after, and unlike the others, it opened from the middle like an automatic


As soon as the door opened, cold air greeted him.

The inside was ice cold and someone with both arms and legs bound was there.

The man, who seemed to be looking blank with his gray hair flowing out, breathed out as if he
hadn‘t lost his life to the cold.


Chun Yeowun exclaimed.

The body in captivity was unique.

The body was white, like a snake with brilliant scales.

Looking at that one, Chun Yeoun mumbled.

―The one who took the blood of Imoogi…‖

Surprisingly, this person had taken the blood of Imoogi, one of the Five Spirits.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 122 -
Unexpected Gain (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Jan 12, 2022

• 11 min read • 4928 views

Five Spirit Beasts.

They are the five sacred beasts.

The Great Bird, Flame Qilin, White Tiger, Dragon Turtle and the Immogi were known to be the
guardian spirits of the Jianghu region since ancient times, but they were also known to be chaos
bringers due to their terrifying power.

Chun Yeowun looked at the man whose body was covered in white scales.

„Couldn‟t withstand it.‟

It was because of a side effect.

The blood of the core, which was known to be the central part and spiritual life of the beast,
wasn‘t an elixir that anyone could take.

Even the Superior Masters would meet their death if they dealt with it.

„This is what happens when the pure blood of Imoogi is drunk.‟

Chun Yeowun had also absorbed the Imoogi‘s spiritual power. However, it wasn‘t exactly
Imoogi, it surely was a dragon, but its horns were cut off.

When it was trying to ascend, it turned its pure self into a beast obsessed with anger, and then its
power was absorbed.

And that was the Sky Demon energy that resides in Chun Yeowun‘s body.

„I was always curious about the pure form of Imoogi.‟

He must be lucky.

So what Chun Yeowun put into the shadow realm a moment ago had to be the Imoogi‘s blood.

Covered in white scales, this man must have taken about a third of the blood in the bottle.

„Should I wake him?‟

Chun Yeowun approached the man whose body was still being exposed to the cold air.

For a long time, he was in this freezer-like safe, so he breathed some energy into the man who
had lost his consciousness.
A warm energy penetrated the man‘s body. And made the cold air flowing through the body melt


The man‘s eyes opened. And when he did, he had unique black eyes with a unique cry which
was different from a human.


Like a snake.

And his eyes looked at Chun Yeowun.


If it wasn‘t for the restraints on his whole body, this man would have pounced on Chun Yeowun.

―Tch, it worked.‖

Instead of controlling the Immogi‘s blood, this man let himself be consumed by it. He was no
different from a ferocious beast.

Clank! Clank!

And his strength grew stronger as time went on.

It seemed that the coldness in the freezer didn‘t bother him anymore because of what Chun
Yeowun did.



Chun Yeowun grabbed the man‘s head and then induced energy.

It was to suppress the power of the Imoogi, which was taking over the man‘s mind.

The man twisted his head as if in pain and tried to get out of Chun Yeowun‘s grasp.

Yet, the energy from Chun Yeowun rushed into his mind.



A human-like groan erupted from his mouth. With a distressed voice, the man looked at Chun
Yeowun and asked.


―Shut your mouth and try to suppress that spiritual power with my energy.‖

―Suppress power… kuaak… ahhh!‖

As he had been in this state for too long, the man couldn‘t understand Chun Yeowun‘s words.

And then he suddenly shouted like he had given up.

―No! This, this isn‘t the time for this! We need to stop the Second Master now! That bastard
Byun Ho-young showed his true colors. He is aiming for the Master‘s position and hit… kuak!‖

It was gibberish, but he spoke all that he wanted to.

This man is the Master of Black Athena, Do Hyeon-soo. Chun Yeowun knew that from the
Second Master‘s memories.

But he didn‘t care about it.

―He needs to be caught right away! He is after blood and effort!‖


The restraints were holding him. And as he kept getting better, he kept getting stronger and

―Yah. Stop talking… if you want to live, concentrate and suppress that power raging in you.‖
Subduing a raging spiritual energy wasn‘t something Chun Yeowun could do alone from the

In fact, he had to suppress it and then the man had to embody it in himself, but Do Hyeon-soo
wasn‘t in a state to understand what was happening, probably due to the side effects.

He blinked his eyes and then glared at Chun Yeowun.

―Byun Ho-young, you bastard!‖


The restraint tore off.

Do Hyeon-soo threw his fist at Chun Yeowun, wanting to kill him.

And as it contained the spiritual energy of the Imoogi, it was destructive.


―You keep bothering me.‖



Chun Yeowun grabbed the man‘s face and pressed it against the wall inside the safe.


Do Hyeon-soo‘s body couldn‘t hold it.

It was powerful enough to kill any warrior at once.


The sounds of bones being crushed were coming outside. However, the broken bones were
regenerating rapidly.

―You are recovering quickly because of the blood of Imoogi you took.‖
Chun Yeowun shook his head.

Do Hyeon-soo‘s eyes lost reasoning, probably because he couldn‘t suppress the power.

Do Hyeon-soo, who recovered fast, aimed for Chun Yeowun.


Although it seemed like he lost reason, he remembered the martial arts he had learned and
unfolded them.

It was something that made even Chun Yeowun shocked. It was his first time seeing something
like this and it was great.


Chun Yeowun, who suddenly felt interested in the man, decided to face him.

„This much should be enough.‟

Chun Yeowun put his hand in his pocket and raised his right arm as he held out his index finger.

He decided to stop the incoming attack with just his fingers.


Chun Yeowun‘s fingers easily blocked the martial arts techniques that wanted to destroy

The power contained in each punch was so overwhelming, that this man could destroy an entire

Had this man been sane, he would have shocked himself.

„The one who made this fist technique deserves to be called a genius.‟

Chun Yeowun kept evaluating the punches.

It was no exaggeration to say that Chun Yeowun knew how to block three of the formations he

In addition, the most distinctive feature was.


The complicated movements were showing illusions.

From a certain moment, the technique which unfolded showed illusions of numerous evil beings
appearing and attacking in front of the other‘s eyes.

And they all felt real. It was enough to add confusion to the enemy.

―But it is all a trick.‖

However, it wasn‘t enough to confuse Chun Yeowun. Using this high trick to create illusions
was close to an illusion clan.

Chun Yeowun, who had a glimpse of the universe beyond the energy of nature, saw the reality.

―It would have been a pain if this was more completed.‖


When Chun Yeowun snapped his finger, his energy penetrated Do Hyeon-soo‘s right knee.

And as he was running towards Chun Yeowun collapsed.

Chun Yeowun aimed his index finger at Du Hyeon-soo‘s forehead.

―It doesn‘t seem like you have better techniques, so let‘s end this.‖

And the moment she snapped.


At that moment, the floor cracked and sand rose up.

As the sand was alive, it changed to the shape of a hand. This wasn‘t an illusion but was actually

―The power of spirit.‖

Chun Yeowun could feel the spiritual energy moving in the sand.

This was Earth qi.

Since the Imoogi was known to be an earth spirit, it could control the land.

„In this short time, he was able to use the energy?‟

This was similar to how Mun Ran-yeong and Hu Bong took the spirit energy by drinking the
blood of the Flame Qilin.

So Do Hyeon-soo pretended to clench his fists. His palm-shaped hand hardened and the earthen
sand grabbed Chun Yeowun trying to crush him.



The sand froze before it even reached Chun Yeowun.


Do Hyeon-soo raised more Earth qi and tried to bring in sand, but everything around them had

And that was enough to make Do Hyeon-soo, who was blinded with the power ranging in him,
turn shocked.

Before he realized it, Chun Yeowun stood in front of him.

―When there is a problem with the mind, there is nothing more effective than this one.‖

Before Chun Yeowun was done, Do Hyeon-soo tried to run away. It was because he instinctively
knew that he couldn‘t face Chun Yeowun.

Chun Yeowun grabbed the man‘s head as he was about to run.


Do Hyeon-soo was back to making snake-like sounds and struggled, but Chun Yeowun‘s hands
were bringing out Thunder qi.



Do Hyeon-soo, who was hit with lightning, screamed.

As if his brain was burned, red and yellow liquid flowed from his eyes, nose and ears, along with
black smoke.


Do Hyeon-so collapsed to the ground once the Thunder qi was stopped.

It was difficult to describe the face which lost its hair because of the shock.

However, the spiritual energy of Imoogi didn‘t let him die.


His wounds, which were burned, were clearing off.

And in less than 10 minutes, even the burnt hair was back to its original state.

And not long after, Do Hyeon-soo stood up like he was fine.


And when he woke up, he remembered everything that had happened to him.

He was able to recall all of the damaged parts of the brain which was destroyed by the Imoogi
blood, and was amazed at Chun Yeowun‘s power.
„Did I make a mess?‟

Drinking the blood of Imoogi, he destroyed himself and exploded like a child.

Was there ever a time when the Fist of the Emperor of the forces of Evil ever suffered so
helplessly after that incident 600 years ago?

―W-who might you be? You…‖

Chun Yeowun answered.

―The Great Sky Demon Order‘s Chun Ma.‖

The main hall of Black Athena. It looked like an all-out war waged out there.

Everywhere was full of dents and cracks and people in their waiter outfits lying on the floor.

―Eh, is this the last one?‖


Hu Bong pulled the sword from the waist of a middle-aged man.

Bi Mak-heon looked at Hu Bong in respect. His Sword of Illusion technique was perfect.

Every time he used the Sword of Illusion technique, the flames would rage, fitting his nickname,
Flame Emperor.

―As expected from my teacher!‖

Hu Bong shrugged at Bi Mak-heon‘s praise.


He was infinitely weak to praise.

―Hmm, if you study swordsmanship a couple of times, your skills will improve by a lot.‖
―Ah really?‖

In fact, Bi Mak-heon‘s skills had improved when compared to before.

However, Yu So-hwa didn‘t like the way these two were complimenting each other, and shook
her head while saying.

―This place seems to have been cleaned, let‘s head inside.‖

If they went ahead, an alarm would go off and people would come rushing out.

There was no difficulty in disposing of these men, but there was one thing.

―Hehe, Miss Yu, there is no need for that.‖


Hu Bong directed her towards the reception room entrance, and Chun Yeowun walked out from

Behind him were two people, the SS-class Keeper Im So-hye and a gray-haired man, Master of
Black Athena, who seemed to be in his early thirties.

―Lord, did it go well?‖


―But those two?‖

At Hu Bong‘s shock, Chun Yeowun responded.

―This is Do Hyeon-woo, the head of Black Athena, who was newly brought into our Cult.‖

Do Hyeon-soo bowed and greeted them.

―I was shown great grace which I would never be able to repay, so I have joined the Sky Demon
Order. Please take care of me.‖

Bi Mak-heon couldn‘t hide his shock.

He thought the deal went sour, but now Chun Yeowun ate up the entire Black Athena. One of the
two largest organizations!

‟… why is that bitch?‟

Yu So-hwa was puzzled when she saw Im So-hye, who couldn‘t look into her eyes and kept her
eyes down.

Until a while ago, she was acting arrogant in front of her, but now she seemed to be acting like a

At that time, Chun Yeowun said.

―New secretary. As the first one, you will educate her yourself. Greet her.‖

At those words, Im So-hye‘s face turned red. Her self-esteem was seriously damaged.

As an SS-class Keeper, to be turned into a mere secretary! In addition, to be placed under Yu So-

―Don‘t make me say it twice.‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s cold words, Im So-hye flinched and bowed her head.

―P-Please treat me well. Senior.‖

At that, Im So-hye‘s eyes caught the corners of Yu So-hwa‘s lips turning up into a smile.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 123 -
Tempting Night (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Jan 13, 2022

• 12 min read • 5351 views




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Around 9 in the evening.

In the training hall within the Yongchun site.

Two people were fighting in there.


The sounds of clashing in the air.

The trajectory of each attack would change in various forms when the footwork changed, but the
opponent couldn‘t be hit properly.
„Need a break. By using an unexpected blow!‟

Pak! Shh!


However, the lightning-like kick came through.

„I am using it the same way, but why is there such a difference?‟

Baek Jong-so, the leader of the Pure Kick clan, continued to practice a technique.

Following Chun Yeowun, he came to this site with his mother and was currently focusing on
training his martial arts.

„I need to get stronger.‟

Despite his name as the leader of the highest sect, he was extremely weak.

He was honing his skills day and night to overcome that, but he would constantly blame himself
for not getting the desired results.

―Too cluttered.‖



The person he was fighting against was none other than Mun Ran-yeong.

As an amazing expert in her clan‘s techniques, she was dealing with Baek Jong-so in a leisurely

„Certainly stricter than teacher Hu Bong.‟

The one who originally trained him was Hu Bong.

After being ordered to teach Baek Jong-so and Bi Mak-heon, Hu Bong taught them in his spare
time. However, he was now away, so his wife was helping.
„I am envious!‟

The other people were envious of this. There was no way they wouldn‘t be jealous of the guy
who was being taught martial arts by such a strong person.



With just her light gestures, Baek Jong-so was thrown all over the hall.

Just by looking at his muddy clothes, one could tell how many times he had rolled on the floor.

„Did she really tailor her skills to my level?‟

The way she dealt with him made him suspicious. It was difficult to even move his body.

„I thought I managed to improve.‟

Yesterday, he had even absorbed the energy from the refined core.

Despite all his effort and growth, the situation didn‘t seem to change at all, and he couldn‘t see
any difference.

―You don‘t seem to get it.‖


Mun Ran-yeong spoke to Baek Jong-so as if she could read his thoughts.

―If you use the internal energy, you should be able to use it more efficiently, but you are too
straightforward and aggressive when using the techniques.‖

―What do you mean?‖

―The stronger you come out, the easier it is to use gentle force to divert it. Even if I don‘t have to
use the full extent of my skills, I can just use your reckless power to stop you.‖

Mun Ran-yeong barely used her internal energy.

There was a technique where the person used the opponent‘s movement and force to deal with
them without using anything of their own.

And this was something she managed to realize once she entered the Divine Master level and
began to feel the energy around her.

„If you can realize that, you will be on the verge of aiming for the Supreme Master level, but if
you can‟t, then this is your limit.‟

She couldn‘t give everything the man wanted. He would have to figure it out by himself.

And Baek Jong-so didn‘t catch onto the clue.

„It would have been better if master Baekgi taught him.‟

Since this was the Pure Kick clan which dealt with close combat, if Baekgi was here, he could
understand the man and tell things more easily.

„Haa… is master Baekgi fine?‟

Every time she thought of him, she was worried for his life. Despite trusting Chun Yeowun, she
couldn‘t help but worry for him.

―Please come at me once again.‖

Baek Jong-so got up and asked.

Mun Ran-yeong relaxed her posture and then looked at the man who was gasping for air.

―Let‘s stop here for today.‖


Baek Jong-so put on a sad expression. However, he couldn‘t ask her to continue since she had
already been training him for 3 hours.

So he thanked her.

―Thank you.‖
Mun Ran-yeong advised Baek Jong-so to stop for the day, but he said he would practice more.

So leaving him behind, she left.

And once she did, Baek Jong-so tried to take time to understand the flow and technique.

Since he was the only one left, it was nice and quiet.

„The fact that the 3rd form shook indicates there is a problem with my footwork. Let‟s focus on

It was when Baek Jong-so was thinking about it that he saw the shadow of someone enter.


He was puzzled by the form, which looked like a woman with long hair.

„Great Elder?‟

He was too tired.

From what he saw, he realized that he couldn‘t feel energy from the person, so he thought it had
to be Mun Ran-yeong or Hang Yurin.

„But the clothes are odd?‟

It didn‘t seem like Mun Ran-yeong. The clothes this person wore were clearly showing off the


As he thought, the woman came further in.

―Who… ah!‖

In an instant, Baek Jong-so exclaimed.

It was his first time seeing this woman.

However, she had an exotic appearance with shiny silver hair that looked like it was sprinkled
with jewels.

In addition, he was captivated by the tight and sexy clothes which showed off her breasts. He
wasn‘t the kind to act this way towards women, but this one had a charm.

His alertness immediately softened.

―I am using this place right now. Who might you be?‖

At that question, the woman closed the door of the hall.

―Well. Does it matter who I am?‖

Baek Jong-so‘s eyes fluttered at the alluring voice which seduced him. The silver-haired woman
slowly walked towards Baek Jong-so while touching her breasts.

Around 10:15 in the Youngchun group headquarters.

There was a middle-aged man turning his tired head to relax it.

It was Chun Yu-jang, the chairman of the Yongchun Group.

He was on his way to go down after sending the staff off.


Because of the merger that was going on, he didn‘t have much time for himself.

Still, more than half of the merger was done. And he did worthwhile work.

„Should I head home, have a glass of drink and sleep?‟

He was too tired to do anything else. He thought of inviting someone to have a drink, but
everyone was exhausted with work.

„When will father‟s closed room training be done?‟

When the training was done, he wanted to have a drink with his father like in the old days.

„These are the times I wish for a son.‟

Chun Yu-jang had one son.

However, the son betrayed his hopes and expectations as he left for France.

It was such a sad relationship between them. It only consisted of checking if the other person was
alive or not and the occasional sending of money.

‟… would it have been different if Ae-ran was alive?‟

Chun Yu-jang‘s wife died of an incurable disease shortly after the son was born.

Even without a mother, he tried his best to raise his son, but after the incident 27 years back,
everything shattered.

„So lonely.‟

He pretended to be strong on the outside, but he was always lonely.

The feeling of going into a house where he wouldn‘t feel lonely.

„Have I ever thought of getting married again?‟

As a courtesy to his dead wife, he decided to stay single until the revival of the Sky Demon
Order, but he was a human too.


As he sighed, the elevator stopped.


He noticed that the elevator was pushed to the 7th floor.

‗It seems there are people that haven‘t left work yet.‘
During these days, the employees were also overworked due to the merger. Even the chairman
himself didn‘t have time to relax.

And when the elevator reached the floor, he saw someone inside.


Chun Yu-jang sighed.

A silver-haired woman with an exotic appearance and the most revealing clothes that made Chun
Yu-jang turn his gaze away.

Coughing, he looked away.

―Uhm! Uhm!‖

The woman got in, and Chun Yu-jang slightly moved away.


Chun Yu-jang frowned. Her appearance definitely moved him, but he couldn‘t figure out who
this woman was.

It was impossible for their company to have foreign staff, and it was too late for them to have

―Excuse me…‖

Chun Yu-jang turned his head and tried to ask her who she was, when he went silent.

The silver-haired woman with a revealing top was looking at him with seductive eyes. And when
he looked at her bra, Chun Yu-jang turned his head in embarrassment.

―Kum! Miss, what are you doing? Miss.‖

His heart was beating strangely. It had been so long, he couldn‘t even remember the last time he
was with a woman. The silver-haired woman spoke something more shocking.

―Excuse me… have you ever done it in an elevator?‖

A seductive voice.


And the moment he heard it, Chun Yu-jang‘s reasoning flew out of the window. He grabbed her
face and kissed her as if he knew her.

Their Tongues intertwined like snakes.

He lifted her right thigh up and pushed her against the elevator wall.


The elevator shook. As if waiting for this moment, the woman raised her other leg and wrapped
it around Chun Yu-jang‘s waist.

There was a constant sound of thumping from the elevator that went down.


The elevator stopped on the 1st floor, but the door stayed closed with the constant sound of

Around five minutes passed.

The inside of the elevator was heated in excitement.

Looking inside the mirror, the woman adjusted her makeup and reapplied the lipstick.

―They said the chairman was delicious. And strong too.‖

Behind her, Chun Yu-jang seemed to stand blankly. A silver haze inside his eyes.

―But you couldn‘t do it for long? The other ones lasted at least 15 minutes. Huhu.‖

Those words would‘ve hurt the pride of any man, but Chun Yu-jang didn‘t respond. She
mumbled as she put the lipstick back in her bag.

―Should I stop with this much today? I even ate the chairman, so this should be enough.‖
Humming, she pressed the open sign.

―The Vice-chairman would be delicious too. Huhuhu.‖


The moment the door opened, her eyes widened. Two women were standing there.

The purple-haired Shakena and the red-haired Mun Ran-yeong.

Shakena raised her brows and asked.

―I was wondering where I was getting the smell of a slut, it was you?‖

―Heart hunter?‖

Perhaps unaware of her being here, the silver-haired woman seemed shocked.

―3rd place in Count ranks?‖

Shakena slammed her fist with an annoyed expression.


When someone stopped it.


It was Chun Yu-jang whose hand was broken.

Although he had reached the Superior Master level, he didn‘t have the power to handle Shakena.

Yet, even when his hand broke, he showed no sign of being in pain.


Shocked by his actions, Mun Ran-yeong yelled out. She didn‘t think that he would protect a
woman who was an enemy.

―You! What did you do?‖

―Huhu, I turned him into my man, anything wrong with that? And… how long will you block

The silver-haired woman kicked the wall next to the elevator.


The thick elevator opened, and she escaped through there. She slipped out of the lobby and flew

„Shakena is here!‟

Due to the existence of her clan‘s people, she decided to retreat.

If there was a clan member helping the Sky Demon order, then she had to be careful.

However, Shakena blocked her.

―Yah! Who sent you, you horny bitch?‖

―Who are you calling a bitch?‖

―Should I call you a wench then ?‖

Shakena kicked her head. The silver-haired woman stopped it by lifting her wrist.


―Stopped it?‖

Shakena was shocked. The silver woman had a Count title, but her fighting power wasn‘t strong.

However, she was able to stop Shakena‘s kick?

―Shocked? How long did you think I would remain a low-rank one?‖

At the same time, the Silver-haired woman pierced her nails which were sharp like knives into
Shakena‘s chest.

Shakena used phasing on her upper body.

„Annoying ability!‟

The silver-haired woman wanted to avoid this battle because of this ability. No matter how
strong she got, if Shakena phased, then nothing could be done.

It was when Shakena aimed for the heart of the silver-haired woman…


The silver-haired one spread the distance.

Although no damage could be done, she wanted to run away a little further.

―Yah! Stop there!‖

―Huhuhu, if you can, try to catch me.‖

The silver-haired woman teased her and kept moving.

Until someone stopped in front of her, Mun Ran-yeong.

―Ha! From where did this human bitch…‖


In an instant, hands filled with flame pierced her abdomen.

―Damn it!‖

Because of the force of the attack, the silver-haired woman bounced back 10 meters.


She barely stopped, and when she looked down at her burnt stomach, black smoke was coming

„A human can hurt me?‟

Mun Ran-yeong approached her with flames still fluttering in her hands.

―How could a human deal with you? Don‘t care about that. Release that control you have on the


Mun Ran-yeong in the front and Shakena in the back. The situation wasn‘t helpful.

„How annoying! I didn‟t prepare it for this reason!‟

A trap was prepared for another reason, but now she was being forced to use it. The silver-haired
woman raised her hand.

And a silver light spread out in all directions.


―What is that?‖

Shakena wanted to know what it was and she soon did.


At that time, a group of men of the Sky Demon Order began to come.

Some higher ones like Baek Jong-so were also there.

Step! Step!

Even Chun Yu-jang was walking out with his broken arm.

Seeing that, Shakena muttered.

―Just how many people have you eaten?‖


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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 124 -
Tempting Night (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Jan 14, 2022

• 9 min read • 4553 views

Count Anas.

She was in the top 700 among the thousand Counts. Compared to the other clan members, her
ability wasn‘t fit for battles, but it was more tricky than one could think.

Because it had a tremendous impact on the males.


Like a drug. Those who are seduced by her fall into her charms like insane people.

And since all their five senses turn dull, they obey her orders.

―Vice-lord. Calm yourself!‖

Despite Mun Ran-yeong‘s words, the chairman Chun Yu-jang was unable to regain his senses.

It was the same for the other Cult members. All had silver eyes, and looked like they were

―No use. Unnie. We need to get rid of that bitch to get them back to normal.‖

Shakena, who was well aware of Anas‘ abilities, knew that dealing with her was the right move.

―If you can kill all these people, then come at me.‖

As soon as Anas‘ words fell, the seduced Cult members rushed towards Shakena and Mun Ran-


As they rushed in, Mun Ran-yeong was flustered.

If she attacked them with flame, they would definitely suffer from fatal wounds, so she
responded with bare hands.


The Cult members were hit by her with light gestures. She wished it would end like that, but
since they didn‘t feel any pain, they kept getting up like a spring.


Among them was Baek Jong-so.

Baek Jong-so, who began to unfold the technique, rushed at her with determination to kill.

„When he was mentally sane, he couldn‟t fight like this.‟

After his alertness and fear for the other person disappeared, the connection of the technique was
more natural.

It was truly ironic.

Even if the back of the neck was hit, those who should have fainted were walking up like

The enchantment didn‘t end with controlling the men, it could also make them walk to their


Normally, she would have killed the opponent, but Shakena remembered Chun Yeowun‘s words,
so she couldn‘t take the risk.


She was contemplating on what to do while avoiding Chun Yu-jang and the others who kept
attacking her.

She wanted to kill the woman right away.

As if understanding her anxiousness, Anas mocked.

―Try your best against the slaves!‖

After spouting those sarcastic words, she tried to run away again.

That was when Shakena thought of a good way.

―Jump, Unnie!‖


At Shakena‘s shout, Mun Ran-yeong jumped up. And Shakena put her hands on the floor.

A radius of 100 meters was dyed in purple, and soon, it was phased.

As a result, some of the members standing in that place fell in.


The phasing was released and the people were pulled into the ground till their upper chest.
Thanks to that, those who were trapped couldn‘t move.

―Well done!‖


Without missing the chance, Mun Ran-yeong sprinted ahead.

After reaching Anas, who was desperately running away, she reached out and used flame


The moment Anas discovered it, she held out her hand which made silver magical spheres

The two simultaneously used it on each other.



When they collided, the spheres exploded in the air. It seemed like they were on the same level.



The flame sphere which shattered passed through the one created by Anas and fell.

When she saw that, Anas tried to avoid it.

And she bounced back and forth like a cat trying to avoid it.

„How can a human have this kind of power?‟

She couldn‘t believe it.

She couldn‘t believe it when she heard that Chun Mu-seong had killed Kyle.
However, she didn‘t think that another human who could handle her race would be there.


At that time, Mun Ran-yeong jumped down from the front. Anas tried to kick her, but.


Mun Ran-yeong skillfully wrapped the kick like a snake with her hand and aimed for Anas‘
stomach again.



This time too, she was pushed back by 5 steps.

Mun Ran-yeong was shocked.

She was determined to kill this woman, but it didn‘t seem like the woman took much damage
apart from the black smoke. There were no injuries.

„No internal organs then?‟

If that wasn‘t the case, the woman couldn‘t be standing like this.

She knew this woman wasn‘t human, but she didn‘t think her body would be this strange.


Mun Ran-yeong turned her gaze to Anas‘ chest.

Since too many things happened, she had forgotten about it, but Chun Yeowun did tell that if
Demons came, she would have to aim for their core.

„Aim for the chest!‟


She moved like lightning towards Anas.

This time, she was aiming for the chest, but Anas crossed her hands and pulled out her sharp


They crossed each other‘s hands and bumped.

Surprisingly, Anas knew martial arts. She used a technique to avoid being hit.

―Martial arts?‖

At her puzzlement, Anas shouted at her.

―Did you think that only humans could do this?‖

She tried to claw Mun Ran-yeong‘s face, but Mun Ran-yeong leaned back and kicked her in the


Anas, who was kicked, tried to resist the pain and stabbed Mun Ran-yeong with a nail in the

She was aiming to cut off her spine, but because of the flames around her body, her nails were
burning black.


Anas tried to avoid the flames and spread the distance between them again.

In that brief exchange, both had fatal looks.

„Annoying! If only this bitch was a male, everything could be resolved!‟

Anas was flustered. The biggest downside of her ability was that it didn‘t work on females.

Although she could seduce a person of the same sex, she wasn‘t interested in women, so she
never used it.
„Tch. This is a battle of time.‟

Anas glanced at Shakena.

Shakena had buried most of the members in the ground and was dealing with other strong ones,
including Chun Yu-jang.

She tried to trap him in the ground too, but he seemed to have managed to escape it.

However, it didn‘t seem like they would last long against her.

It was then, Mun Ran-yeong‘s hands reached her chest.



Anas flew back to avoid it. She thought that she was far enough, but as she moved back, an
opaque form of a hand reached to her chest with flames around it.

It was an Invisible Palm embodied with Flame qi.



Unable to avoid it, the palm struck her chest.

Black smoke rose from her mouth as if Anas‘ core was hit. She couldn‘t hide her shock.

„This bitch? Knows about the core?‟

Otherwise, she wouldn‘t be aiming for that spot with that attack.

Anas was genuinely shocked.

„To a human girl, who lived for only 20 years, I lost?‟

Unfortunately, Mun Ran-yeong was older.

And even older because of the recent hibernation. She was probably twice Anas‘ age.

In any case, since her life was in danger, there was one single choice.


She flew without looking back.

The only way to survive.

―How dare you?‖

Mun Ran-yeong jumped into the air and tried to deliver one last blow. It was then.



Someone appeared in front of her and stopped her.

He kicked Mun Ran-yeong with his two legs.


She crossed her arms, yet she fell to the ground because of the power of the kick.


As she fell down, a 10-meter hole was created. Fortunately, she didn‘t suffer any internal


It was someone else.


And then, a figure appeared before her.

The man had light blue hair and was wearing glasses.
He gave off an exotic feel.

As if interested, he mumbled.

―You withstood a blow with the intent to kill. Are you human?‖

―I see you are a demon too.‖

Mun Ran-yeong immediately guessed.

If this man was a Murim, she could have felt internal energy within, but she couldn‘t sense
anything from this man.

―You are quick-witted.‖

The man smiled and said.

Anas, who found him, spoke in a shocked expression.


The glasses man was ‗that person‘. So she was wondering why he was here when he should be
somewhere else.


―Is the core safe? Anas.‖

―Ah! Hale… you too?‖

The man in the gray coat with a ponytail was also a demon. Anas who didn‘t understand asked

―Just how?‖

―He foresaw this.‖

At the words of a demon called Hale, her expression darkened.

―So he couldn‘t believe me?‖

―Don‘t be offended. It is just that your abilities are imperfect. That was why he sent us to
annihilate the one called Chun Mu-seong for sure.‖

Despite putting it politely, it was the same.

In the end, that person couldn‘t believe Anas and came up with another plan.

But thanks to that, she was alive now.

―… fine.‖

―But it is unexpected. He didn‘t know that the pursuers of the clan were cooperating with
humans. A person with the highest ability of a Count… Heart Hunter.‖

She was the most powerful Count, she ranked 3rd.

So now, they thought that Chun Mu-seong was able to deal with the previous demon with her


Just like Hale was shocked, Shakena was also shocked at the demons who appeared now.

„Did they also surrender to the traitor?‟

Before she came, a lot of trackers were sent in. and she assumed that they were all dead, but it
didn‘t seem like that was the case.

„What? This power…‟

Shakena frowned at the ominous demonic power rising from the two demons. She knew this
better than anyone.

―You people! You ate your own kind!‖


Leaving Chun Yu-jang aside, she flew into the air and threw her fist at Hale.
Hale lightly blocked it with his palm. At that, Shakena‘s eyes fluttered.

„Someone in his 800 is blocking my fist?‟

The demon called Hale was lower than Anas. Yet, Shakena‘s fist didn‘t work.

―Heart Hunter. Long time no see.‖


―You used to look strong in the past… but not so much now.‖


Black veins began to bulge on the face of the demon Hale.

This was a phenomenon that would happen after preying on their own kind.

When they did, their strength would rise and in order to cope with it, their bodies would
experience some changes as well.

And this phenomenon was called.

―Forced Awakening!‖



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 125 -
Tempting Night (3)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Jan 15, 2022

• 9 min read • 4734 views



Among the demons, those of the Marquis rank were known to have a Demonic Power

However, this Forced Awakening would only happen through predation of one‘s own kind.

Which meant that the power inside them was impure.

―How strong will I be if I eat the Heart Hunter?‖

Hale licked his lips with a sinister smile.

At that, Shakena shouted.

―To think someone like you will beat me!‖

With her phased body, she tried to put her hand inside Hale‘s chest.

But Hale smiled with strong sparks rising from his body.



The sparks prevented the molecules from breaking down, and the phasing didn‘t work.
Shakena couldn‘t hide her dismay.

―Is this your ability?‖

―Kuak, don‘t tell me that only the demonic powers would increase if we eat our own kind?‖

Hale slammed his fist into Shakena‘s face.

Puck! Crack!

With a cracking sound, Shakena, who was hit, fell to the ground. It was just one blow, but the
tremendous power it held made her body dig deep into the ground.


Mun Ran-yeong shouted, and the demon named Martin standing in front of her, grinned.

―Worry about the one who is ahead of you. Human bitch!‖

With that, Martin‘s form disappeared from her sight.

Strictly speaking, he didn‘t disappear. He was just moving at a speed that was invisible to naked


Mun Ran‘yeongs eyes couldn‘t look at the opponent‘s movements.

She normally was the kind to rely on sight and hearing, but now she couldn‘t feel anything from


Mun Ran-yeong engulfed her entire body with Fire qi.

Covered in flames, she struck the floor with her palms, and huge pillars of flame soared high.


―Ah! Hot!‖
Martin, who was moving around making fun of her, widened the distance as he was burned by

When Mun Ran-yeong spread out her hands to him as he widened the distance, an invisible field
rose and an opaque hand spread out with the technique of her clans.

―You are pretty good for a human.‖


Martin‘s body scattered in the air, and the distance increased further.

He reached out towards Mun Ran-yeong.

At that moment, a yellow smoke flowed from his hand and wrapped itself around the pillars of

„What is this now?‟

The moment the yellow smoke touched the flame, a strong explosion occurred.

Kwang! Bang!

The only reason Mun Ran-yeong could survive the explosion was that she was used to dealing
with fire, but as it continued, her vision began to be obscured and her body began to fall.


In the end, she had no choice but to call back the pillars of flame. As soon as the flames
subsided, the entire area was covered with yellow smoke.

She tried to push the smoke away with wind.


Weirdly, her entire body ached and hurt.

A Strange feeling.
At that, she looked at her hand and saw the skin was rotting away.


She wasn‘t sure if it was poison, but it was definitely strong enough to rot her skin.

However, she was someone who drank the blood of Flame Qilin, so she had excellent
regenerative abilities, and her skin began healing.


―Are you human? Corrosion doesn‘t work. Then, how about this?‖

Martin‘s voice, who has been watching her, could be heard from the smoke.

Soon, the yellow smoke turned blue.


Mun Ran-yeong felt something off about this smoke and tried to protect herself by unfolding a
defense technique.

It was then.



In the smoke, there was a sound of someone being hit, and the one in the smoke was Martin.

―W-what? How are you here….‖

Goooo! Pang!


With a strong blue, the smoke around was swept away in all directions.

In an instant, her obscured vision was back to normal.


In Mun Ran-yeong‘s eyes, she saw the man in glasses, who was supposed to be close to her, 20
meters away with his arms crossed and in shock.

And far from him was someone in a black suit.

―Lord Chun Ma!‖

It was Chun Yeowun.

―Ah! Is he the one?‖

Anas‘ eyes were dazzling. She knew that this man was elsewhere, but he was here now.

―I was right.‖

Chun Yeowun said while looking around.

Fortunately, there didn‘t seem to be any casualties.

„Ah! He really heard me!‟

Mun Ran-yeong was surprised. A modified Nano Bomb was planted in her head.

Through that, he was informed that demons had appeared in the Yongchun group, and Chun
Yewun arrived 15 minutes after that.

Martin lowered his arms and then straightened his posture.

―You must be that one.‖

He pretended to be as relaxed as he could, but he was extremely alert.

The blow he received from Chun Yeowun was quite shocking.

„I didn‟t block with full strength, but that one is no ordinary human!‟

Black beings began to bulge on the face of Martin too.

The body muscles began to develop one after another, and ominous energy began to spread.

Matin, who looked at Chun Yeowun, said.

―It is an honor for a human to fall victim to Awakening. I‘ll chop you and eat you up right away!
For the trouble you caused!‖


Martin‘s form disappeared in the air. Due to the Awakening, the movements had turned a lot
faster than before

―Lord! He is no ordinary enemy!‖

At Mun Ran-yeong‘s worries, Chun Yeowun said.

―Don‘t worry about it and help Shakena.‖


On the other side, a fierce battle was making a building collapse. Shakena was struggling with
the demon who had Awakened too.



And so, Mun Ran-yeong immediately moved there.

When he saw that, Martin smiled.

„He must be foolish to think he can deal with me on his own. Kukukuk! In front of my high-speed
movement, he won‟t be able to do anything.‟

Martin was so fast that everything around seemed standing still as if time had stopped.

Chun Yeowun also seemed still. Which meant he couldn‘t see Martin.
„Let‟s kill him!‟

Martin, who kept spinning around, ran for Chun Yeowun from the side. And then tried to kick
his neck.

But then, something happened.


Chun Yeowun‘s eyes turned, and he looked at where he was standing.


He thought it had to be a coincidence that this man knew where he was. It was flustering, but he
already was ready to use the power on the kick and couldn‘t stop it.

„Doesn‟t matter. Even if he can see, he can‟t stop it.‟

Even if he could guess the place, stopping a kick loaded with demonic power would be a
different thing.

Pang! Pang! Pang!

The moment his kick was about to land on Chun Yeowun‘s neck, breaking through the air.


Chun Yeowun grabbed the ankle.


Chun Yeowun clenched his fist and aimed at the chest of the demon.

The space around the fist began to tremble.

„No! It is dangerous!‟

In order to prevent it, Martin crossed his arms and covered his chest.

His wrist, which was right above the chest, was slowly tearing apart.


And then, through the torn part, Chun Yeowun‘s fist hit the chest right where the core was

Puck! Crack!

Martin‘s face contorted as he felt the breast bones breaking inside of him.


Both eyes widened at what happened. The moment the pain hit him, the time which slowed for
him started to move again.


Chun Yeowun‘s fist which pierced the chest made Martin open his mouth.

―Kuak… auk…‖

He muttered something at Chun Yeowun.

―This… I was going to leave that behind.‖

Due to the destructive power of the fist, which was unified with the internal energy and the
energy of nature, the core was completely destroyed.

―You… are… you really… human…‖


Before he could ask, Martin‘s body cracked and black smoke erupted from it as it crumbled into

Seeing that, Anas couldn‘t help but be shocked.

„No way….‟
Among them, Martin had the power of a Marquis. But such a person was turned into ashes in the
blink of an eye.

Anas‘ body trembled.

But it wasn‘t out of fear. The corners of her lips raised into a smile at the excitement of seeing
this man.

This was a reaction different from feeling bad about the death of a colleague.

„Strong! Strong! Amazingly strong!‟

She was so fascinated with Chun Yeowun‘s strength that her entire body shuddered. It wasn‘t
like she was in love.

What filled her eyes was greed.

„If I eat him, I might be on the same level as a Duke!‟

They all gain strength by eating the strong.

And seeing Chun Yeowun, she was eager to have him.


Her charms made the males want her. Even if that doesn‘t work well with demons, it has a 100%
success rate with humans.


Anas reached the ground and quickly approached Chun Yeowun.

„Me! Mine!‟

Once the man fell in love with her, he would be her slave.

Just the thought made her happy.

Swaying her hips, she approached him with an alluring expression and said.
―You are really strong. And a strong man is attractive. Huhu.‖

Placing her index finger in her mouth, she pretended to suck on it, as if implying to take that
thing into her mouth.

Silver energy began to emanate from her body and flowed towards Chun Yeowun.

To captivate all his five senses.

―What do you think? Do you want to enter me?‖

―Really? Don‘t complain then.‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s words, with a smiling face, she gently widened the gap between her thighs.

―Come into me….‖

It was then.



Anas lowered her head in pain.

Something was inside her.

However, it was the hand of Chun Yeowun which pierced her chest and not the place she had
hoped for.

―You are a unique demon. Now that I know, I need to end this.‖

―N… Not… the… there… kuak!‖

Unfortunately, her ability didn‘t work on this man. As the core which was connected to her body
was severed, she mumbled with an absurd expression.

―It isn‘t… like you… are… a crazy…. Eunuch…!‖


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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 126 -
Tempting Night (4)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Jan 16, 2022

• 9 min read • 4972 views

―Tch tch, what a worthless ability.‖

Chun Yeowun recalled the ability. He thought that Anas had the ability to brainwash seeing how
the members of the Cult were in her grasp and absorbed it, but it was useless.

There was no way that Chun Yeowun would be seduced by someone. Well, Anas‘ body
disappeared, and the Cult members who were under her grasp were back to normal.

„What? Why… is my arm?‟

Chun Yu-jang, who was back to normal, looked at the broken arm, unable to understand
It was the same for others. Those who were buried into the ground till their chests had no idea
what happened.


―Why are we here?‖

In fact, the last thing they remembered was.

A silver-haired woman trying to seduce them. But since then, all their memories were blank, and
they couldn‘t try to remember them either.


Chun Yu-jang found Chun Yeowun and approached him by holding the cracked arm. At that,
Chun Yeowun said.

―Ancestor how…‖


Before he could ask, a roar of blasts could be heard.

And when he looked at it, it was the Yongchun Group building which was demolished.

Fortunately, there were no people in that place as it was a training hall, but it was too sudden.

―What the hell…‖

―Guard the members of the Cult who were here.‖


Leaving him, Chun Yeowun moved towards the building which was destroyed.

Meanwhile, a fierce battle is raging over there.


A huge mass of flames exploded.

Through the gap, the muscular demon, Hale, with black veins bulging on his body, walked out.


An annoyed sound from Hale.

„To do this!‟

Until he was fighting alone with Shakena, he had the upper hand. However, once Mun Ran-
yeong entered, the situation changed.


Mun Ran-yeong went towards him.

Hale‘s body turned dark red and hardened. One of the two abilities he had, Hardening.


Even if this wasn‘t changed, he could take on the flame woman who was coming for him.

However, there was someone else who kept aiming at him.


„This bitch!‟

It was Shakena.

She, who used her phasing ability, was constantly aiming for the core, so he used hardening.

In that case, he had no choice but to use electric shock once again.



She avoided it. Not missing that chance, Mun Ran-yeong aimed for the chest.


Black smoke erupted from Hale‘s mouth. This was the problem.

The working of the two women together didn‘t go well with him.

Unfortunately, he couldn‘t use both abilities at the same time, so he had to constantly change
each time depending on the woman.

―These damned wenches!‖

Enduring the pain, he kicked Mun Ran-yeong.


It was to prevent her from making any more attacks, and Mun Ran-yeong was thrown into the air
10 meters away.

Mun Ran-yeong used the internal energy and stopped herself from flying further away and
giving him time to recover.

„A little more and we can subdue him.‟

She felt like this was a good time.

The hardening ability was definitely annoying, but Shakena was decent when it came to hitting

And she wasn‘t the only one who was thinking.

„No. this can‟t keep going on.‟

Hale thought that he might die if this fight went on.

And from the moment he thought that, his fighting spirit disappeared.

Running away seemed the best chance to survive, but.

[You must understand why I kept you guys alive instead of eating you.]
He remembered what that person said.

If he went back without results, there would be a price to pay.

Whatever it was, he was bound to be punished.

„Damn it! Fine. Then I‟d go down with two blasted wenches!‟

As if he decided something, his eyes changed.


Hale bit his teeth. And his eyes which had been dyed in black till then were now red.

Shakena, who noticed that, went stiff.


She knew what that meant, so she hurriedly moved back and shouted at Mun Ran-yeong who
was going towards him.

―Unnie! Run away! He is trying to self-destruct!‖


The veins bulging out were turning red. It was a phenomenon where the core would reverse the

Normal demons wouldn‘t be able to do it, but these ones had awakened themselves so they could
do it.

―Then he needs to be stopped!‖

Despite Shakena‘s plea, Mun Ran-yeong went towards Hale.

Although self-destruction was possible, there were too many Cult members right outside.

And she couldn‘t let them die.

„Invisible Palm!‟
She tried to suppress the force of the explosion by creating an invisible field of energy around

Hale, who felt the invisible field around him, smiled and mumbled.

―You are late., human bitch!‖

At the same time, the runaway was already done, and Hale caused the explosion.


Tremendous energy exploded from his body, and he moved towards Mun Ran-yeong. Shakena
caught Mun Ran-yeong before he could and flew away.

―I told you to run away!‖


As she held Mun Ran-yeong, she used her phasing to make sure no one hit them.

The explosion was a kind of physical energy phenomenon that could be transmitted through her
phasing too.


Everything around Hale would be destroyed.


It was right then.


The space around Hale distorted and rotated. And as if a black hole opened, a strong force was
generated and the energy of explosion was sucked into it.


And that prevented the explosion from happening around.

Hale‘s eyes widened at that.

„How is that possible?‟

As he was confused, someone appeared.

„H-he is?‟

It was Chun Yeowun.

Due to the destructive energy, the aftermath of the explosion seemed severe around him, but
Chun Yeowun was able to block any of it from happening.

―You seem to be doing everything you can think of.‖

Chun Yeowun approached him by shaking his head.

The explosion kept flowing back and was sucked into space.

„How is he?‟

As he was shocked, Chun Yeowun went closer and put his hand on his head. And at that
moment, tremendous coldness seeped into Hale‘s body.



His entire body went white and the explosion stopped. The explosion didn‘t go past 10 meters.

Chun Yeowun‘s hand then pierced the chest of Hale, who was frozen and shocked.


And grabbed the swollen core.


Probably because of the sudden runaway power, the core was hot.

Despite Chun Yeowun protecting his palm with internal energy, the heat could be felt.

―Can it be absorbed in this state too?‖

Chun Yeowun, who pulled it out, brought it close to the wrist guard.


The Sky Demon Sword resonated.

The swollen core little by little began to seep into the guard and the information flooded into
Chun Yeowun‘s mind.


Shakena and Mun Ran-yeong, who watched that, were shocked.

―Unnie… is master really human?‖

It was her first time seeing someone stop a self-destructing demon this way.

But there was one more thing.

„What is that wrist guard? It absorbed the core once again!‟

She knew that it was weird as she saw Kyle‘s core being absorbed the last time.

And it did that again, which meant that the wrist guard wasn‘t normal.


A gorgeous office with a night view in Gwangju.

The face of the man in the shadow who was looking outside while drinking wine went stiff.

His heart connected to three demons was cut off.


Just in case, he even sent two awakened ones that have preyed on their own kind.

And he thought those three would be able to handle the strongest humans, but this was

„Did a human get rid of two Marquis-level demons?‟

It was impossible. If it was a Marquis level, then only the Divine Master level Murim could get
rid of them.

Besides, if the two demons worked together, then any human would fall.

He assumed this human to be on the same level as the Five Great Warriors, but it seemed like he
was stronger than that.

-My King. Did something happen?

A small voice echoed in the air. The man standing in the shadows drinking the wine said.

―All the clan members sent to kill him are dead.‖

-Huh? No way? We sent two Awakened ones.


A moment of silence and then the voice came from the air.

-My King. I understand how you feel but wouldn‘t it be a problem if we lose more of our clan at
such an important time? Why not try a different method?

―Different method?‖

-Moving to the 3rd Restricted Area.

3rd Restricted Area, commonly called TRA, the area which was completely quarantined and
Even the government called it a forbidden place.

The man in the shadows said,

―It isn‘t a card to be used yet.‖

-The image of the Murim association isn‘t good. Wouldn‘t it be better for us to crash it rather
than wait and be more concerned?


-That is a difficult thing for us too. It wouldn‘t be something a human could handle. He is sure to
die, but even if the human lives, the injuries would be hard to overlook and by that time, we can
think of a plan and transfer the achievements to ourselves. The image of the Murim Association
will also be recovered.


At that, the man fiddled with the wine glass and walked towards the phone on his table, and
touched it.

After a couple of ringing tones, someone answered and the man spoke with a friendly voice.

―Yes. Commissioner Wang. It is me.‖

Vice-chairman‘s office

In the reception room was a cocoon the size of a king-size bed.

The demon Deo was recovering inside the white cocoon resembling a caterpillar.

In front of it, someone was walking. It was Chun Yeowun.

Chun Yeowun asked Shakena who was following him.

―How long is left for him to recover?‖

At that, Shakena put her hand on the cocoon and felt the flow of energy as she answered,

―Hmm… I think a day or two is left to fully recover.‖

―And how much did he recover?‖

―The chest area holding the core has recovered and the problem now is stabilizing the demonic

Before the words were done, Chun Yeowun moved closer.

Slash! Tear!

As the cocoon was torn, the demon Deo curled in a fetal position.

Naked, he rolled down on the floor with a sticky liquid.

Deo didn‘t wake up as if he was dead.

In shock, Shakena yelled.

―Master! He isn‘t fully recovered…‖

―No need.‖

Chun Yeowun breathed his energy into the center of the demon‘s chest.

Deo, who didn‘t seem like he would wake up, opened his eyes and screamed.



Chun Yeowun grabbed the neck.

As everything was happening too fast, Deo didn‘t understand what had happened.

―W-what? All of a sudden?‖

―Your former boss. Where is he now?‖


―The traitor who preyed on his own.‖

―… why?‖

Chun Yeowun answered with a cold voice.

―I need to get rid of him right now.‖



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 127 -
Oshin Group (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Jan 17, 2022

• 10 min read • 5599 views

Within the Oshin Group.

A man on the terrace answered the phone with a serious face.

The middle-aged man with big ears and thick lips was Mun Il-hyang, the chairman of Oshin
Group and the Murim Association.

―Yes, Yes… I understand.‖

Looking at the way he answered the call, it was clear that he was talking to a difficult person.

After hanging up the phone, he took a cigar and lit it.


The smoke filled the face. And then a man with thick lips in his thirties asked the man.

―Father. Was it them again?‖

The man was Mun Yi-kyung, Mun Il-hyang‘s first son.

This one took the place of Mun Jeong-so, the deputy of the Association who died at the hands of
Chun Yeowun.


Answering, he sucked on the cigar once again.

Mun Yi-kyung was frustrated by that.

―This is bad. They have lately been acting like our boss, aren‘t they doing too much?‖

Mun Il-hyang didn‘t answer.

It meant he didn‘t want to get into the conversation.

―Father. I think we need to move our hands now. We can‘t always be swayed by them. Think
about the future of the Group.‖


Mun Il-hyang sighed as he let out the smoke.

His son‘s proposal wasn‘t an easy thing to do.

Unfortunately, he was the only one who knew their true selves. This might seem horrible for his
son, but he knew that there was no escape from them.

„Son… that one is the devil.‟

Mun Il-hyang sold his soul to the devil. If he didn‘t do it, the Group wouldn‘t be where it was,
and he wouldn‘t have been so strong.

„He and those who follow him are something that humans couldn‟t tackle.‟

No one knew how many times he wanted to say it. However, if he said that to the public, things
would head differently for him, so he kept silent.

―… father, you speak of nothing to me!‖

Mun Yi-kyung kept looking at his father and sighed.

―At least what was it in the middle of the night?‖

―They asked me to hire people to enter the TRA right now.‖

At that, Mun Yi-kyung‘s face went stiff.

―Huh? That restricted area?‖

The TRA was the place where even the government gave up and locked it down. Why did they
want people going down to such a dangerous place?

A starless dark night filled with clouds.

A cold city where not a single light could enter.

The name of the city was Fuyang.

As one of Anhui‘s cities, it was once a place with a population of over 3 million, but now the city
of death has no survivors.

Most of the buildings were destroyed, and no place was left intact. More than 80% of the wall
has been broken, and Restricted Area signposts have been buried in the grounds.

This was one of the reasons why the entry was prohibited.


In this place where a gloomy wind blew, green smoke rose like haze.

It was a radioactive contamination phenomenon.

At first glance, it could have been mistaken to be the outcome of a nuke, but mankind cannot use
a nuke at present.

This was created by that ‗being‘.


A black shadow moved across the city at high speed.

The black shadow flying over the dark city stopped at a certain point.

It was a ruined area.

―Must be here.‖

The shadow mumbled as it started over a pit of 120 meters. There was something huge in its
middle, but it was unique to see.

―He needs to be woken up again.‖

The shadow mumbled in a nervous voice and reached out his hand.

A faint red energy flowed out from the shadow and entered the pit.

There was no reaction.


The eyes looking down the pit were a bit confused. It obviously had to be in this place.

„No way, they said it died 7 years back… ah!‟

At that moment, the ground shook as if an earthquake had occurred around the pit.

The hardened ground crumbled, sharp things in unique shape began to soar.

It seemed like this thing was high enough to be taller than the high-rise buildings.

„It is up!‟

The shadow‘s eyes, which were looking down, smiled.

One of the worst beings that was put to sleep was now up.

At the same time, in Xian‘s City State Council, an emergency meeting was held.

Because it was late at night, not all the council members were present. Even the Prime Minister
and the Deputy Prime Minister weren‘t there, and this meeting was being led by council member
Wang Yi-cheng.

The agenda for the meeting, which was being held by the heads of four departments and
important members of the state council, was truly shocking.

―What are you saying now? Are you saying that thing in the TRA has awoken?‖

―It was quiet for 7 years. Why now?‖

The councils were enraged. They didn‘t want to believe what they were hearing about this
existence within the TRA.

In particular, that being in Fuyang city was risky.

It destroyed three cities and killed over 5 million people.

―No! Wasn‘t that thing dead?‖

The existence which could destroy everything with a single move, it had one day stopped

It was seven years since the last time they heard about it, so everyone considered it to be dead.

However, that thing was now awake from its slumber, which was an utter crisis.

When everyone was shocked, Defense Minister Ahn Woo-hong said,

―The Prime Minister and deputy aren‘t here yet, so why not just give out a Code Red and issue
evacuation orders for those close to the city and wait for further orders?‖

The surrounding places were in danger.

Unlike other gates, this one could destroy the entire china.

And if they weren‘t cautious enough, history could repeat itself.

―We will keep the army close to Fuyang city.‖

The situation was critical, so Ahn Woo-hong was about to step in when Wang Yi-cheng said,

―Director Ahn.‖

―What? Commissioner Wang! Since we are in tough times, say it quickly.‖

―This isn‘t a matter of military only.‖


To the puzzled Ahn Woo-hong, Wang Y-cheng said.

―Didn‘t the Ministry of National Defense sign an agreement with someone?‖

Oshin Group office.

About 3 hundred employees were gathered. With swords on them, they all seemed to be skilled
martial artists.

Counting the eight strong people that were leading them, this group was the best force.

They were called out in the middle of the night by an emergency call for Mun Il-hyang.

The people immediately came out with weapons, unable to take their eyes off the TV in the

-Breaking News. The state council issued a red alert. Citizens residing within the walls close to
Fuyang city, which is a TRA, have been requested to follow the guidelines and head to the other

―Oh my…‖

―Did it move in the TRA?‖

Three places were under the TRA.

And there wasn‘t a single person in the Murim who didn‘t know of it.

The TRA was an unsolved place, be it the military or the Murim, and clearing it was impossible
for the humans.

―Wait… we aren‘t heading there, right?‖

―We are going to the TRA?‖

Because of the news playing at the same time, the people‘s faces darkened. No matter how
strong the Murim people were compared to normal humans. The risks of a Gate appearing were
the same.


The people looked at Mun Il-hyang who was standing cross-armed in the room.

From his response, they were trying to guess if they had anything to do with the TRA, and it
seemed to be true.
Mun Il-hyang‘s expression was dark.

„Ugh, did we have to touch the TRA?‟

Mun Il-hyang thought to himself.

Of course, that one said he would intervene later, but it was evident that sacrifices would be
made. It would be like burning the house to catch three bugs.

He knew about the place.

The place to use the TRA to get rid of the Sky Demon Order and recover the image of the Murim

Making sacrifices was essential for it.

Indeed, that one regarded human life like worms.

„Huh, funny. Since when did I start to care about human life…‟

Mun Il-hyang shook his head. He sold his soul to that one for the sake of the success of his

Human lives didn‘t matter to him at that time.

„Let‟s just do what we need to and not complicate stuff.‟

Mun Il-hyang stopped worrying about it.

It was funny.

How could other people feel if the so-called great warrior of the Murim, which many Murim
people are envious of, was just a minion wielded by the devil?

At that time, 12 handsome men and women with exotic appearance appeared in the lobby.

„They are here.‟

The demons.
The demons who will deal with the one in the TRA.

Among the 12 people, two demons stood at the forefront.

„The three.‟

Beside ‗that one‘, two other demons were here.

He wasn‘t scared of the others, but the three were the scariest ones apart from the one in the top.

―Is everything done? Human?‖

Mun Il-yang frowned at the words of the demon called Brom.

He was one of the three, with gray-brown hair and a blue suit.

„This one…‟

This one demon was the kind who didn‘t hide his distaste for humans at all.

And Mun Il-hyang was hoping not to run into this one.

[… it is done. Mr. Brom. You can leave.]

He couldn‘t bow to the demons in front of his staff, so he used telepathy.

―It is annoying to do something like this to kill one human.‖

The demon didn‘t like this.

He was confident that he could kill the human, but he couldn‘t understand why such a
troublesome plan was made for that.

―Don‘t complain, Brom. There is a saying among humans. Even lions need to do their best to
catch rabbits.‖

Alcado, one of the three, was standing next to him.

He had no hair, not even brows as if he had alopecia. And gave out a terrifying impression.
Brom mumbled at that.

―Huh! Humans are just prey. After all, what if I kill him before entering the TRA… huh?‖


A man with sharp eyes, a white face, and a black suit walked into the lobby leisurely.


Mun Il-hyang unintentionally looked away and was shocked at what he saw. It was Chun

„No, how did he get here?‟

Because it was a trap made for this person, who should be on the way to Fuyang city, not this

What was even more shocking was.

„I feel nothing.‟

Even when the man was this close, he couldn‘t feel anything from the man. He thought there
would be no man who reached the Divine Master level.

„So he is above me?‟

At that time, Chun Yeowun smiled and said,

―Thanks. I was planning on taking care of it all, it seems like all were brought into one place.‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s arrogant remarks, Brom, who was already annoyed, yelled.

―Ha! What is with that cheeky bastard? I was getting annoyed so this is a good thing, I‘d rather
end you here…‖


At that moment, Chun Yeowun appeared right in front of Brom.

Brom panicked as he was startled by the speed, which made him stretch out his nails that looked
like sharp weapons.

―You. You seem fine, so I‘ll start hard.‖


Chun Yeowun swung this sword.


At that moment, a jet black line appeared where the demons were, and including Brom, the
trajectory passed countless times.


It was shocking.

And the moment the lines were done, all body parts split at the same time for all the 12 demons
without a chance to attack.

„W-what the hell was that?‟

Mun Il-hyang was shocked at that.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 128 -
Oshin Group (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Jan 18, 2022

• 9 min read • 4749 views

[T-that is suicide! Most of the clan members were forcibly awakened, and all have Marquis level
abilities. Considering the Murim people, they all must be around the Divine Master level. Beside
his three henchmen, those three have different skills.]

Deo tried to dissuade Chun Yeowun.

He didn‘t like it, but since he swore allegiance to the man, he didn‘t want him to die.

[Everyone reached Divine Master…]

As fighting-type beings from birth, the demons were stronger than humans. Which meant no one
could stand against them.

In that case, if that man was sending in demons when Chun Yeowun was away, one day he might
be late and too many casualties might occur.

To prevent that, Chun Yeowun wanted to remove them.


Trajectories in black.

It was the invisible sword of Sky Demon energy. If there was an absolute way to destroy the
opponent, he could always unleash the Supreme Demon Sword.

„But this much is enough.‟

The power of the invisible sword with Sky Demon energy is enough.

―H-How could a human…‖

Brom, whose head was split into dozens of pieces, asked.

It wasn‘t just him.

In an instant, the entire body of 12 demons was torn apart.



The only thing remaining unharmed from the demon‘s bodies was the core.

The demon-like swordsmanship cut down everything apart from that one thing.


When Chun Yeowun reached out his hand, the core was sucked out from the demon‘s bodies.

„It would be bad to get rid of these.‟

Mystic abilities were inside the demons‘ cores. And that was the reason why he didn‘t use the
Supreme Sky Demon Sword.

Since the Supreme Sky Demon Sword would cut off everything, Chun Yeowun tried not to use

―No way!‖

Mun Il-hyang, who was watching from the sidelines, wasn‘t shocked.

Even he, who was at the peak of the current Murim, could barely deal with one demon.

Besides, two of the three main demons were here.

„To take down two of the three strong demons like this…‟
It was truly overwhelming.

With that, Mun Il-hyang knew for sure.

„This man is Heavenly Master level…‟

At that time, Chun Yeowun swung the sword.

And the invisible sword which emerged in the air, flew through one of the pillars in the lobby.



The same sound cracks could be heard from other sides too. And suddenly, the space below the
lobby shook, and someone appeared.

It was Alcado.


Alcado grabbed his stomach, and black smoke was coming out.

It was a wound made by the invisible sword.

In addition, the face and body were full of cuts.

―How did you avoid it?‖

Chun Yeowun asked curiously.

The invisible sword with Sky Demon energy on it definitely aimed for them all.

But in that brief moment, one escaped.

Alcado stared at Chun Yeowun.

„That one is a monster!‟

One of his abilities was teleportation. He could use it within a distance of 15 meters.
„I thought I managed to avoid…‟

He used it the moment Chun Yeowun appeared in front of Brom.

If he hadn‘t instinctively felt the crisis and did that, he would have been cut into pieces of meat
like them.

He always thought that his teleportation wasn‘t that good since it was short-range, but now it
saved his life.

„He isn‟t someone I can deal with by myself.‟

―What the hell are you doing? Attack him!‖

Alcado hurriedly shouted at Mun Il-hyang and the other warriors.

The elders and the others, who were watching it in admiration, came to their senses, but they
didn‘t act on it.

It was strange for them to act after seeing what they did.

„What should I do?‟

„How can that monster be stopped?‟

Seeing their attitude, Alcado bit his lip. Maybe the humans were too scared to move.

His clan members felt fear as well, but their master or leader ordered it.

„But the humans… huh?‟


Alcado tried to hurriedly teleport because of the invisible sword flying towards him. And his
body appeared at the entrance of the gate, which was 15 meters away.

„Damned bastard!‟
A little late, and the sword would‘ve been pierced in him. While he was annoyed and worried,
Chun Yeowun appeared ahead of him.


―You. Do you call that fast movement?‖


Chun Yeowun tried to touch him again with the sword.

Confused, Alcado teleported again.


This time, it was outside the building. It would be nice to teleport in a cool way, but he had no

„I need to run away.‟

This wasn‘t someone he could deal with.

So he thought that if he teleported constantly, he could escape.


Alcado teleported.

And once again, his body appeared 15 meters away.

And he was about to teleport again, until he saw something.


Lightning sparks flowed right ahead of him. And not just one. Uncountable swords with Thunder
qi were spread out around him.


Right ahead, stood Chun Yeowun once again.

Although he was unable to teleport, he couldn‘t believe Chun Yeowun‘s fast movement.

―You can only move around 5 jang?‖

The distance of jang was the traditional unit, which meant 15 meters.

Alcado‘s face went stiff.

„When did he notice it?‟

Unfortunately, and despite not using it a lot, Chun Yeowun understood the ability. If this man
couldn‘t travel too far, then the solution was simple.

It was to make a ranged attack ready in any direction he might take.

With a smile, Chun Yeowun said.

―Try it again. That ability to move.‖

―… You, are you really a human?‖

―I am tired of hearing the same question each time.‖


When Chun Yeowun lifted his finger, the countless swords surrounding Alcado rushed for him.


„What fucked up mess is this!‟

Acaldo‘s face turned pale at the lightning coming for him.

Meanwhile, in the sky, not far from Gwangju city.

There were two flying figures which were moving across the sky.
As they flew at the same high speed, the faces were disrupted.


When one stopped, the other stopped too.

And the exotic-looking man in a grey jumper asked.

―My King. Why did you st…‖

―The link with the clan was cut off.‖

―Huh? What is that supposed to mean?‖

At the bewildered question, the man whose face was in shadow, yelled out.

―It means that all those gathered in the Ohsin Group were killed.‖


The clan was their strength.

And the clan members sent there were strong ones who were awakened, and such ones were

―There were two of the top three there. No way, are they…‖

―They were hit.‖


The three people had served this person since the past. They were the ones who turned strong as
they ate the pursuers of the clan.

It was hard to believe that they were defeated.

―No… did a Duke come?‖

Otherwise, these clan members couldn‘t be defeated.

―Did the Dukes move?‖

The man stroked his chin with a serious look. If the Duke‘s pursuers came, then the situation was

―If even one of the Dukes was sent or came here, then returning to Gwangju will only disrupt the
entire thing the King established.‖

At the subordinates‘ words, the man fell into anguish. At that moment, the phone on his wrist


He looked at the screen.

[Oshin Group chairman, Mun Il-hyang.]

His eyes gleamed in suspicion.

The entire clan was annihilated, and it was strange that this man only called now.

Hesitating, he answered it.

―Mun Il-hyang?‖

-It must be you.

The man‘s eyes narrowed. This wasn‘t Mun Il-hyang‘s voice.

―Who are you?‖

-Me? I am the Chun Ma of the Great Sky Demon Order.

Chun Yeowun.

When he boldly gave out his identity, the man‘s face distorted.
He thought that this was done by the pursuers of the clan, but this was done by the person they
were trying to trap and kill.

It was absurd, so he said.

―You… did that? Chun Mu-seong?‖

-Well… I didn‘t mean to, but I did what you did to me.


-I was going to wipe out all of you, not just that one place.


The man clenched the phone, it was fortunate that the phone was made of gold and didn‘t break
right away.

―You are cheeky. How dare you say that to me?‖

-You have been too immersed in human society for too long, but it doesn‘t seem like you can
fully act like a human.

At Chun Yeowun‘s words, the man went silent.

According to what he had just heard, this man knew about his identity. Which meant there was
no need to act.

―You know about us.‖

-A traitor who preys on his own people.

At Chun Yeowun‘s sarcastic words, the man spoke in a voice filled with anger.

―That isn‘t something I want to hear from inferior humans.‖

-You are a funny one. If you think humans are inferior, come to the Oshin group.

-Don‘t make me wait for long. Don‘t tell me you are trying to run away with your tail between
your legs?

―You cheeky worm!‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s words, the man‘s face turned red. Suddenly, his eyes turned black. He
wanted to kill this man on the phone right away.

―My King.‖

The subordinate, who was listening to the call, shook his head after pressing the silence button so
the other side couldn‘t hear it.

―It‘s a trap. Calm down.‖


The energy he was releasing subsided and the man was back to normal.

„I am glad I have this one.‟

He lost all his power and two of his best subordinates, and he was on the verge of losing his

„Luther is right. Having dealt with all of them meant he came well prepared over there. So I must
not fall for his trap.‟

He wanted to go, but he wasn‘t sure what the enemy was wanting him to do. And Luther spoke
in a hushed voice.

―He is going to come to the TRA area. We can use that as our stage.‖

The man nodded and released the silence button and said.

―Do you think I will do what you want me to?‖

-Running away?
―Running? Ha! Do you think I will be afraid of a human who is nothing more than a bug? If you
want to die so much, come to Fuyang. I will take your life over there.‖


As Luther said, he brought Chun Yeowun to the place he wanted.

If Chun Yeowun came there, he could trap him.

-Such an obvious plan.

―If you don‘t come, I will do the same to you. Doesn‘t your presence there mean that Yongchun
is empty?‖

This time, he provoked Chun Yeowun and thought it would work.

-You are pretty close.


The man frowned at those words. He wondered what it meant.



A scream erupted from Luther‘s mouth and a hand protruded from his chest.

And in the hand was Luther‘s core.


When the man looked at the one behind Luther, he couldn‘t hide his shock.

It was Chun Yeowun.

―H-How are you here?‖


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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 129 -
Oshin Group (3)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Jan 19, 2022

• 8 min read • 4798 views



The man who was always in the shadows was Hagar. The clan‘s traitor.

„Where in hell did he come from?‟

Hagar‘s eyes shone.

Even when he gained strength, since he was a fugitive and always on the run, he was extremely

So since this man came from the office side, he should have known.

Chun Yeowun smiled.

„It was worth it.‟

He decided not to let Hagar notice him.

It was around 2:00 in the morning.

Moving in the shadow realm, Chun Yeowun moved closer, where the other two immediately
used the teleportation ability to narrow the distance.

A useful ability he managed to get.

―Kua… you…!‖

Luther, whose chest was pierced, was furious. But what could he do? His core was already in
Chun Yeowun‘s hand.

―Are you the last of the three?‖


Without hesitation, Chun Yeowun pulled it out.


Hagar tried to reach before his friend‘s core got pulled out, but he was too late.

When the core left the body, Luther fell to the ground.

Swosh! Thud!

Black smoke began to rise around the body which fell.

If the core wasn‘t put in right away, he would die immediately.

―You bug!‖
Hagar‘s eyes got dyed in black and black veins grew all over his body.

But the appearance was unusual.

„What is that?‟

All the exposed areas were covered in scars. Most of them were sword cuts.


At first glance, it looked like sword wounds. However, these weren‘t, it seemed like numerous


They seemed to be wounds from several kinds of weapons.

He was puzzled, but Hagar, who was standing there enraged, yelled,

―if you don‘t give me that, I will kill you!‖

He pointed to the core in Chun Yeowun‘s hand.

―Do you need this?‖

―Careful. Human! If it takes even the slightest damage, you will die…‖

Before he could even finish, Chun Yeowun opened the shadow in his palm and put the core in it.



Seeing that, Hagar‘s expression hardened.

―No… that ability?‖

If he wasn‘t mistaken, the ability he witnessed belonged to Kyle.

As he had no reason to hide anything, Chun Yeowun said,

―Ah, thanks it was useful.‖


Hagar couldn‘t understand it.

If what he heard was true, then that meant Chun Yeowun took Kyle‘s ability.

But that was impossible!

„A human has the powers of demons? No way.‟

He himself had done too many experiments since he came here. In addition to preying on his
own kind, he tried to transfer abilities to people.

However, not a single human could possess a demon‘s power. It was impossible and he was sure
of it.

„No. rather than that, I need to take that core from him.‟

He didn‘t have the time to fall into thinking. He should reclaim the core before it was too late.

―Don‘t make me do something which will make you regret your actions.‖


Hagar flew towards Chun Yeowun as he reached out a sword with flames in his hand.


Hagar, who was pushed back, took a unique pose, and then he unfolded a technique.

„Sword technique?‟

Wickedly clean! The sword of flames in Hagar‘s hands aimed at Chun Yeowun‘s body like a
vicious beast.

―I‘ll cut off your limbs with the martial arts you are so proud of!‖
The trajectory drawn by the sword of flame went for Chun Yeowun. However, in an instant, he
disappeared and appeared behind him.


Hagar couldn‘t hide his shock.

This was Alcado‘s teleportation.

„How did this happen?‟

There was no room for shock.

Chun Yeowun drew his sword.

And at that moment, the demon felt a chill run down his spine.


Not thinking, Hagar leaned back, and a black line passed through.

„Invisible Sword? No, this is different.‟

Hagar, who had mastered martial arts, was aware of the systems within it. However, this was
different from the normal invisible sword.

From that black line, he could feel a ferocious yet thick darkness, and if he hadn‘t moved, he
would have definitely lost his life.

―I thought you wouldn‘t avoid it, well, you are the leader.‖

Hagar‘s face contorted at Chun Yeowun‘s words. He couldn‘t tell if this was a joke or a

It was unbearable to hear such things coming out of a human‘s mouth.

Hagar stretched out his hand.

Woong! Woong! Woong!

Hundreds of spheres with demonic power appeared all around the space.

When Hagar grabbed the sword, the spheres turned into sword shapes and surrounded Chun
Yeowun within 100 meters.

―How do you plan on dodging that?‖


―Surprised? Did you humans consider that using swords freely without holding them was Air
Swords? Unlike you humans, the demons with higher psyche like mine can handle as many as I
want at the same time.‖

Hagar yelled in a happy voice. And as he said that, the demonic spheres moved as if they were


Hundreds of them rushed at the same time.

„This is fun.‟

Chun Yeowun smiled.

Other than Chun Yeowun himself, Hagar was the first demon to have this idea.

―But you‘re facing the wrong opponent.‖


Chun Yeowun stretched out his hand and then pretended to hold it down.


Dazzling blue light rays fell from a higher sky and stopped the demonic swords.

Pang! Pang!
The swords which collided exploded. Hagar was taken aback at the swords which came in from

―W-what is this?‖

It was one of Chun Yeowun‘s favourites, Sky Flash.

All the swords were accurately stopped with the help of Nano‘s panel system.

„No way! How can a human being…?‟

From what he knew, humans could never have such strength.

Even if they have attained enlightenment, they have a limit because of their narrow thoughts.

But seeing this human control so many swords, he was speechless.

„Is he really human?‟

Like all others, he had the same thoughts. But there was a difference, this demon wasn‘t going to
give up.


He looked at the sky. And then the black eyes turned grey.

The night sky above began to change as clouds began to come.

Chun Yeowun narrowed his eyes.


Rumble! Rumble!

Dark clouds were coming above them as if an extreme weather phenomenon was happening.

Thunder clouds were appearing.

―I will kill you!‖


As he finished speaking, blue lightning strikes could be seen on the black clouds, and they all
went for Chun Yeowun.

The lightning seemed too powerful and destructive.


―Human! Die!‖

The lightning devoured the Sky Flash and struck Chun Yeowun.

It was strong enough to destroy the entire area.

Among all the Count level hearts that Hagar had eaten, this was the best ability he got.

„This is the price a human has to pay for provoking me.‟

Even an S-class Alpha entity could be killed at once, which meant this couldn‘t be stopped.



An unbelievable thing occurred right ahead of him.

Chun Yeowun, who had to be dead, was standing completely fine.

―H… how?‖

He had no way of knowing that Chun Yeowun, who became immune to lightning after absorbing
the core of the Dragon Turtle, wouldn‘t be affected by this.

―How disappointing.‖

At that time, Chun Yeowun raised his hand and swung it like a circle, and the lightning followed
his movement.

The huge lightning started to move in his hands.

―No… way?‖

―Let‘s hit you this time.‖

When Chun Yeowun reached out to Hagar, the lightning went there.

Hagar tried to avoid it, but since it was too huge,


―This is insane!‖



Hagar, who was struck, fell to the ground as he screamed.

Unfortunately, he didn‘t have any core or blood of a spirit beast inside him, so he received the


―Kuak… cough…‖

Black smoke came out of his stomach as he was dug in a 100-meter pit.

If he hadn‘t changed into an awakened body, he might have completely disappeared.

Hagar stood up as he staggered and involuntarily clasped his hands.

―Kuak… among the trashy humans…. are monsters like this…‖


He recalled what happened six years ago, and felt the wounds on his body hurt again.
Since that day, he had been avoiding direct fights and began to build his power, but he never
dreamt that he would once again be in the same situation.


Chun Yeowun descended in front of him.

―Now let me take your core as well.‖

Hagar‘s face flushed red at the words and laughed.


―Have you gone crazy because of your own helplessness?‖


After laughing, Hagar grunted his teeth.

―You asshole! Fine! I couldn‘t control my power since I was in this form, and so I endured it, but
I don‘t need to do it anymore. I will show you my true power, you human!‖


Hagar‘s veins, which were bulged, sank.

His entire body swelled up and scales began to sprout out like armour.

Even horns were coming up from his head.


His power rose explosively, and the surroundings trembled.

In the midst of the change, Hagar said, revealing his sharp teeth which were black.

―Kuak! rejoice. For the first time, you will have the honor of seeing a member higher than Duke


At that moment, Hagar‘s vision turned downward and he fell.


All he saw was the ground where he fell.

His head was cut off.

―Kua… y, you…‖

Chun Yeowun‘s voice could be heard.

―Idiot. Did you think I would wait until your transformation was complete?‖



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 130 -
TRA (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on
Jan 20, 2022

• 10 min read • 6283 views

It was only a year ago did Hagar make some progress.

There was a limit to becoming stronger by preying on his own kind, so he concentrated on
controlling his demonic powers.

And when he became able to control it, he thought he moved to a new level of advancement.

However, as he progressed, he discovered a major drawback.

The power was so explosively increased that the Nation Defense Agency had managed to capture
it on their radar. After that, he never used it again.

The first time he decided to use it was against a strong enemy and the result was…

Roll roll!


His neck was cut off, and his head was rolling on the ground.

Who would have imagined that the man would decide to attack him at the moment he was

„You.. you coward!‟

For Hagar, this was flustering.

The most absurd thing was that during the process of awakening, the body turns indestructible.

However, that body was cut off.

„I need to restore the body.‟

Fortunately, he had self-healing abilities that could help him out. As long as the core wasn‘t lost,
any damage could be repaired.
„No? why isn‟t it healing?‟

Hagar couldn‘t hide his shock.

Although the wound on the neck was severe, he was sure it could heal.

But it didn‘t.

„Isn‟t this the same as then?‟

This was the second time the wound didn‘t heal.

If there was a difference, it healed in the past after some time, but there was no sign of that now.

The ferocious destructive dark energy was blocking it.

„What the…‟


Chun Yeowun pulled the demon‘s head.


―Still alive? Amazing.‖

Even though the head was severed, it was spinning and the demon seemed alive.

―Is this the effect of awakening?‖

It sounded cold and Hagar thought it was sarcastic.

Gritting his teeth, he opened his mouth.

―You bastard! What did you do? Why is my body…‖

Before even letting him finish, Chun Yeowun asked,

―What did you mean earlier when you said other monsters like me?‖
Hagar‘s eyes fluttered.

He didn‘t think this man would take his words seriously.

―A human?‖

As Chun Yeowun personally fought with the current Murims, he knew that there was no one
who could win against Hagar.

It was no exaggeration to say that even the Five Great Warriors would lose against Hagar.

―Was that the one who left the scars on your body?‖


At the mention of the scars, Hagar felt anxious.

Demons cannot leave scars.

However, it was strange that the wounds inflicted by that person didn‘t heal.

„Damn it!‟

He still couldn‘t forget that day.

It was raining that night.

The indifferent red eyes which looked down on his bleeding body.


Without answering, the monster aimed to kill him.

At that time, Kyle appeared and dragged him into the shadow realm.

If not for that, he would have been long dead.

Kyle was seriously injured and the scars on his face were also made by that person.

„That can‟t happen now.‟

Because he had no more subordinates around, Hagar opened his mouth while glaring at Chun

―Huh! As if I would tell…. Ah!‖

But suddenly, something popped into his head.

He wondered what if the monstrous humans collided? Hagar became curious about the martial
arts because of that person.

„A monster versus monster…‟

It was an interesting plot.

He even wanted to see it, but might not have the chance.

It was definite that he would die.

―Do you know a place called Mount Bigol?‖

―Mount Bigol?‖

Chun Yeowun narrowed his eyes, he definitely heard of it.

„When? Ah!‟

Mount Bigol, on the Sichuan province border.

Famous for its steepness, there was a place on the cliff. The one called Death valley because it
was so deep and the torrents from the upstream were so strong that no one could survive it.

The reason Chun Yeowun remembered it was…

[Unfortunately, the civil war within the Forces of Evil is likely to end with the victory of Hang-
yeon. Lord.]

[Is that so?]

During that time.

Precisely before heading to the North Sea Ice Palace.

The Forces of Evil were having a civil war and he heard from Elder Huan that due to the sudden
appearance of the great Forces of Evil‘s Hang-yeon, one of the Five Great Warrior at that time
and leader of the Forces of Evil, the situation was known to be troubling.

[Didn‘t we think that the Forces of Evil were at a disadvantage?]

[We did, but information came out that the one leading the other side of the fight fell into Death
Valley and died. I wondered if Hang-yeon‘s era would pass, but it didn‘t seem like it would
happen. Huhuhu.]

At that time, he heard about this place. And this thing had happened around a thousand years

Hagar continued.

―If you want to meet that monster, go there.‖

He didn‘t say anything else.

It was because the man could think he was deceiving him, if not, one day they would definitely
cross their paths.

―Kill me. Now.‖

As he was done, he wanted to self-destruct. But with the head being cut off and the sensations in
his body gone, it was impossible.

Chun Yeowun spoke to Hagar who gave up.

―Just one more question. What were you guys up to?‖

The reason they put themselves in the Murim Association was heard from Deo.

It was to monitor the pursuers coming to them, observe the Gates and increase their power.

Deo said that the man wanted to become the king and return back to his world. But he couldn‘t
figure out why he still stayed here.
So there must have been another reason.

―Huh! Did you think I would say that to someone like you? Don‘t waste your time and kill me!‖

Of course, he wouldn‘t answer such a question. Chun Yeowun shook his head.

―Well, it doesn‘t matter. I heard that you are the last.‖

Whatever their intention was, Hagar was their head and the others were already dead. If he was
killed, everything would be back to normal.

„Such a pity.‟

If only the Ghost qi worked, his last question would have been solved, but it didn‘t work on

Chun Yeowun approached Hagar‘s body which was on the ground.

And then used the sword.


A sharp black sword cut the center of the chest into a circle.

After doing that, Chun Yeowun sucked the core from it.

And Hagar watched it with trembling eyes.

„No way! Does it end like this…‟

A baron with the dream to become a King. He thought of becoming the King of Demons!

Only if he could have ‗that‘!!

But everything was ending like this.

„That when I just found a clue to it.‟

Sadly, it was too late.

Once the core breaks, he will be done.

At the moment when he was in despair.


Chun Yeowun, who knew how to destroy it, put it on the black wrist guard.


The guard resonated, and the core was taken in.

Confused, Hagar asked.

―You, how did you do it?‖


Chun Yeowun looked at him.


As the core was absorbed, Hagar‘s body cracked and with black smoke, he soon turned into


Chun Yeowun frowned.

The way Hagar asked, it was as if he was shocked by it.

―Sky Demon Sword?‖

Hagar definitely looked at the sword which was in wrist guard form.

„Why was he shocked with the sword?‟

He couldn‘t understand it.

Meanwhile, information about Hagar‘s abilities flooded into Chun Yeowun‘s head.

Xian, the capital of the government.

The West Public Security Bureau wasn‘t too far from the train station.

As it was a place for the government, there were four Public Security Bureaus in Xian, and the
general Public Security office was within the State Council.

One of them, the West Public Security Bureau‘s special department building.

In the hallway, a sad-looking middle-aged man in the chief‘s uniform was personally guiding

The director of Public Security was Ahn Jung-yun.

―Secretary general, this side.‖

And the man in his forties with a beard and glasses, who was being guided, was Wei Hae-sang,
the secretary general of the National Defense Agency.

He was like the third head of the National Defense Agency.

―Is it running rampant?‖

―Fortunately, docile.‖

At that, Wei Hae-sang nodded his head and they eventually entered the special task force


At the appearance of the director and a guest of the National Defense Agency, the members of
the special task force got up and saluted them.

―Enough. Everyone back to work! Manager Kang.‖

―Yes. Director?‖

―Where is it?‖

In response to Ahn Jung-yun‘s question, the man led them to the interrogation room.

The 5th interrogation room.

It was a room for Murims and people with abilities.

―In here?‖

―Yes. Meal time.‖

―This time?‖

―He kept saying that he was hungry, so we ordered a late-night snack.‖

Director Ahn Jung-yun clicked his tongue at Manager Kang‘s words, and said to the secretary

―Let‘s head into the observational room.‖

Each interrogation room had an observation room right next to it. It was a place where one could
see what was happening.

As they entered, Wei Hae-sang‘s eyes lit up.

―What is all this?‖

Numerous weapons were placed on the table in the observation room.

It seemed like 30 at first glance.

Starting with swords, blades, spears, knuckles and more unique stuff which could only be seen in
movies, but next to the table was a box.


Manager Kang explained.

―They all belonged to him.‖

Through the glass, he pointed to the man in his early thirties, who was wearing shaggy clothes
and eating with his hands. He ate like a possessed beggar.

―Is this the one who made a GateKeepers leader that way?‖

―Not just that one. Also the Lee Cha-jun of the special department who went in to get him.‖

Special task force department.

There were 7 Murim warriors of which the Public Security was proud.

One of them was Lee cha-jun, a Superior Master. He was now in the emergency room.

Chief Kang could still remember that scene.

―… such a monstrous person. With just a few snaps of his fingers, he defeated him.‖

―Snaps of fingers?‖

At that, the secretary general was shocked.

He knew about Lee cha-jun, the man in top 30 warriors. It was hard to believe that such a person
was sent to the emergency room in a couple snaps.

―A registered person?‖


―Not even the identity?‖

―We were told that he had been living with his grandfather in deep mountains since he was a
child, but no means to check if it was the truth or not.‖

At that, Wei Hae-sang was confused.

―Does it make sense for such a skilled warrior to reach that level in the mountains? Where the
hell did he come from?‖
―It is a name I heard for the first time…‖

―What is that place?‖

―Death Valley.‖

―Death valley?‖

Just the name gave them creeps.

However, they had no way of knowing that name.

―Ha! Insane! No name! No identity! He just comes and spouts that… and what the hell is that

Chief Kang scratched his head as Wei Hae-sang said that and added,

―Uh…it made me laugh after hearing about it, but he said that he came down to become the best
in Murim.‖

―What? Best in Murim?‖



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 131 -
TRA (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Jan 21, 2022

• 13 min read • 6036 views



Wei Hae-sang frowned at what he heard.

It was understandable that Manager Kang was laughing.

„To become the best in Murim… he came down the mountain? Ha!‟

He was speechless.

As a result of this man‘s actions, most of the special ability people in the Western Public
Security Bureau were taken to the emergency room, and he wants to be the best in Murim?

„Because of the warning order in the TRA region, I am already on the edge.‟

The city was in a state of chaos.

Due to the state of emergency that was issued, the State Council had decided to call the available
reserve forces of each agency and provide support.

The western area was included in it, and this was the fourth time.

―What is his name?‖

―He said it was Sayogi.‖

It was an odd name, but the attitude and the face seemed to go well with the unique name.

The man called Sayogi, who was eating the delicious pork legs, raised his head and looked out
the window.

It was as if he was looking through it.

―They can‘t see from that side, right?‖

―Yes. But it doesn‘t seem like the interrogation room‘s glass would work on him.‖

―Now what shit is that?‖

―When someone comes into the observation room, he acts up and guesses it. Besides, he seems
to know if the person entering is a new one or not.‖


The more one knew about him, the more terrifying the man would seem.

He was put in the special room made for people with abilities, yet that didn‘t work on him.

Does this mean that this man could actually escape any time he wanted to?

―How is such a person being submissive?‖

At that time, director Ahn Jung-yun answered.

―He asked for a permit for weapons.‖

The first time Sayogi was exposed was at the underground high-speed station in Xian. Over
there, he was caught trying to pass through the checkpoint without an ID and weapons permit.

Naturally, the officers wanted to confiscate the weapons, but it ended up backfiring.


Wei Hae-sang looked at the man called Sayogi. He couldn‘t understand what this man was
He looked at the other two and said.

―I will head into the interrogation room.‖

―Huh? Secretary general will? Sir, it could be dangerous. No, sir, you could be seriously hurt, the
man there…‖

―No. enough. According to what you said, if he wanted to, he could have done a lot of things

―That is true, but.‖

Although they tried to stop him, the man seemed adamant on going in.

From the weapons on the table, Wei Hae-sang took a sword.


The sword alone was quite heavy, and the man carried so many things with him? That meant he
should be a lot stronger.


When he entered the interrogation room, Sayogi looked at him as he was eating.

And then looked at the sword.

―I was promised that it wouldn‘t be touched.‖

It seemed more like a warning than a question.

―Rather than that, you have a lot of weapons, are you carrying them because you can use them

Sayogi didn‘t eat anymore and reached out.


At that time, both the sword and the sheath were pulled towards him at the same time, like a fish
caught in the bait.

It looked like the sword was made to fly.

If any Murim warriors saw it, they would have been shocked.


As it flew, the sword rushed for its sheath at the same time.


Wei Hae-sang closed his eyes.


As the sword entered the sheath precisely, he was quite surprised that he went stiff.

Sayogi put the food back in his mouth and said,

―Managing hand to hand combat is the basis of White Martial Blade.‖

―Hand to hand? White martial?‖

Wei Hae-sang didn‘t know what it meant, but he knew one thing for sure.

„He is a strong warrior.‟

When he experienced it right in front of his eyes, he was definite.

And he opened his mouth.

―Do you know who I am?‖

―Nope. But you‘re called the Secretary general. What is a secretary general and why would I
know you? I don‘t know because my grandfather didn‘t teach me that.‖

Wei Hae-sang‘s eyes went wide.

„Did he hear our conversation in the observation room?‟

The next room was soundproofed, so no one could listen to what was happening inside.

„But he talks as…‟

Something was strange. This man seemed to be using an old-fashioned drama‘s martial warriors

The fact that this man was with his grandfather till now meant there was credibility in what was
being said.

„He learnt everything from his grandfather?‟

If it was just the two of them, then why did his grandfather teach this man to listen to other
people‘s conversations?

―Hm. I am the one authorized to give you a weapons license.‖

―… really?‖

At that, Sayogi stopped eating and showed interest. The man seemed quite honest about his

He knew how valuable getting the license was to stop being pulled out for handling weapons.

―Give me! My grandfather told me to be sure to repay what was done, and be self-employed! I
will repay you for the favor.‖

Sayogi smiled and held out his hand.

Looking at the way he talked, the man seemed naïve, like a man who didn‘t know that his hands
were cruel.

―Are you aware of the term equivalent exchange?‖

―Equivalent Exchange?‖

―If you want something, you need to pay a price for it.‖
―Didn‘t I say I would return the favor?‖

―Before that, you even carried weapons illegally and harmed government officials. Actually, you
should be put in jail.‖

Sayogi answered as he didn‘t understand what was being said.

―Government? You mean officials? But aren‘t officials and Murims inviolable? That is what I
have learned from my grandfather.‖

―How long have you been in the mountains?‖

―Uhh… I was taken to Death Valley by grandfather when I was around 7 years old. It has to be
around 90 years back.‖


Wei Hae-sang was confused.

No matter how much he looked, this man seemed to be in his early thirties, did it make sense that
he‘s been in the mountains for 90 years?

―Why are you making that face? Don‘t you believe me?‖

He asked.

―I did hear about the most talented warriors in Murim having their bodies transformed to
younger selves and living a long life, but would anyone believe that you are close to 100 if your
face is like that?‖

―Ehhh! What is so special about this? You see, my grandfather has thousand…‖

Sayogi, who was trying to say something by waving his hand, went silent.


―Nothing! Anyway, I learned from grandfather that the officials and Murims are inviolable, isn‘t
that right?‖
Wei Hae-sang‘s head throbbed. He didn‘t know from where to begin. This man knew nothing
about the current world, as if he existed in a different time.

In the end, Sayogi was informed about everything that had happened and about the Murim
coming under the control of the government due to the First Dimension Gate incident.

Sayogi, who listened to it as if listening to a story, shook his head and mumbled.

―Oh my, I guess even my grandfather didn‘t know a lot about the world. There is not a single
true thing from everything he told me.‖

It seemed like his grandfather was away from society for a long time as well.

Sayogi asked,

―Anyway, do you mean that I need to register as a Murm before I work as one?‖

―Now we seem to be understanding each other.‖

Wei Hae-sang liked this man who was finally understanding him.

„Such an innocent one.‟

And there was just one thing left to do.

―Well, even if you don‘t register as a Murim, you will be able to possess a weapon if you
become a Gate Keeper. Fame will be yours as well.‖

―Oh. Was there such a way?‖

―Yes. Because I am in a high position in the defense department and the one responsible for the
Gate Keepers.‖

Wei Hae-sang was trying to get the man to become a Gate Keeper.

However, it didn‘t work out.

―But I apologize. I would rather register as a Murim.‖

No matter what was said, this man remained the same.

―Didn‘t you say you would repay the favor?‖

―How can a person who wants to be the best in Murim take a different path? Please understand
me taking the way of the warrior.‖


He thought that Sayogi was naïve and that he could manipulate him, but it didn‘t work out.

„Okay, then let‟s change the way.‟

―Then don‘t do this. The people you sent to the emergency room were the ones who were called
for emergency during the TRA crisis. You made them like that because of an accident, so you
will attend the emergency call as a Gate Keeper just this one time, we will give you an ID and a
weapons permit. How is it?‖


Wei Hae-sang wanted this man to see what he wanted him to be. And Sayogi seemed to think
about the proposal.

However, it wasn‘t easy to confirm if the man was going to agree or not.

„I was mistaken. I thought he didn‟t know about the world and was an idiot.‟

Wei Hae-sang clicked his tongue. According to the man, he was 100 years old, which meant he
wasn‘t too stupid.

―You. Didn‘t you say you wanted to be the best in Murim? Then, shouldn‘t you build a

―… right.‖

―If you play a role in TRA, your name as a Murim warrior will be widely known.‖

―Did you know that famous Murim people are participating in the TRA this time?‖

―Famous Murim?‖

Finally, Sayogi seemed to be fully interested.

―Famous… you mean the strongest ones?‖

Sayogi had the dream of being the best in Murim, so it was natural for him to show interest in

―Yes. Chun Mu-seong, who is the hottest topic these days, some of the Five Great Warriors, and
other strong people are participating.‖

―Strong people of Murim?‖

―The greatest of the Murim people.‖

―Oh oh! Is that true?‖

For Sayogi, taking down on Five Great Warriors was his way to become the best.

―Okay. Then I accept the proposal.‖

Without hesitation, Sayogi accepted the offer. In a way, it was like meeting each other‘s needs.

Wei Hei-sang thought he should make good use of this chance and raise the status of Gate
Keepers through this when Sayogi asked.

―But, is the one called Chun Mu-seong stronger than the Five Great Warriors?‖

A high-rise office with a good night view in Gwangju. The luxuriously decorated office was
where the dead Hagar stayed.

Chun Yeowun reached there under the guidance of Mun Il-hyang, the current head of the Ohsin
group and was looking through the belongings.
Mun Il-hyang looked at him and thought.

„How did it end up like this?‟

Mun Il-hyang‘s face looked like it aged 10 years over the last hours.

It was because his Dantian was destroyed by Chun Yeowun in return for keeping his life.

It would have been better if that was all.


The slashed part of his right arm was painful. Taking the arm of a swordsman had a significant
mental effect. But he didn‘t complain.

[Is there any reason to keep you, a minion working for those demons, alive?]

His weakness was figured out.

If it was known to the world that the chairman of the Murim Association was a slave working for
the existences beyond the Gate, his family would be over.

„That devil!‟

As if the arm wasn‘t enough, Chun Yeowun took a lot more.

He took the personal slush funds that Mun Il-hyang collected and the stocks of the Ohsin group
that he owned. Besides, he ordered to move the main office to another region, pledge allegiance
and join the Sky Demon Order.

Only after agreeing to all that did he assure his survival.

„I should have fought till the end or killed myself.‟

He regretted it, but he could do nothing now. He didn‘t have the confidence to win against this
monster who destroyed the other beings as if they were nothing.

Despite being in a miserable situation, he managed to survive.


Chun Yeowun searched Hagar‘s office and found a hidden space in the shower room.

Inside was a safe with a security device.

When he hacked and opened it, it contained a cylinder with a paper roll and a gold pattern on it
and a tablet PC.

„Extract all information in the tablet, Nano.‟


Of course, the tablet was secured, but Nano had no difficulty unlocking it. The tablet contained
quite a lot of information.

It told about Hagar‘s Schedule. What caught Chun Yeowun‘s attention was that there was a
monthly schedule to attend the black market auction of the MS Group.


He had no idea what MS would pop up here.

Looking at Hagar‘s schedule, he knew that the man personally attended it and didn‘t send a
proxy. Moreover, it was marked in red as if it was important, and it seemed like Hagar
desperately needed something from the auction.


There was no further information.

So his gaze turned to the cylinder with a gold pattern.

„How to open this?‟

He tried to open it, but it didn‘t have a lid or device attached to it. And then Nano said,

[It isn‘t an item from the earth.]

‗Not from earth?‘

[As a result of analyzing the materials, it is composed of substances that don‘t exist on earth.]

Chun Yeowun narrowed his eyes.

If so, then there was a high chance that this thing was from beyond the Gate, the place where
these demons lived.

„Any way to open it?‟

[I don‘t know since it isn‘t a human technology.]


If it couldn‘t be opened right away, then there was only one way to open it.

Break it open.

Chun Yeowun tried to break it with force, but it was so strong that nothing happened.

„Cut it?‟

This time, he raised sword energy and drew it to the cylinder.

He was careful to only cut the outer part and not damage what was inside.


But nothing happened to it.

„Then this?‟

Chun Yeowun drew out an invisible sword and used it carefully. Once it was split open, it
showed a paper inside.

When he opened the large piece of paper which was rolled like a scroll, there was a picture on it.

Seeing that, Chun Yeowun‘s eyes shone.

„Huh? This…‟

In the picture, there was an armour covering the entire body, but it looked familiar.

It was the armour‘s wrist guard, which surprisingly had the same shape as the one on Chun
Yeowun‘s right hand.

„Why are they so similar?‟

Chun Yeowun, who was puzzled by it, unconsciously put his hand on the wrist guard in the



The picture of the wrist guard came to life like an animation and then disassembled and changed
to an image in the form of a sword.

Which was,

„Sky Demon Sword!‟



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 132 -
TRA (3)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Jan 22, 2022

• 12 min read • 5182 views



„Why is Sky Demon Sword…?‟

Chun Yeowun couldn‘t hide his shock at the image that turned to the Sky Demon Sword.

He thought that the wrist guards only looked alike, but this sword looked exactly the same as

He couldn‘t figure out why the Sky Demon Sword was included in this armour. Chun Yeowun,
who had been looking at it in doubt, suddenly looked at another part of the armour.

It was the upper part.


In the picture, the upper body part of the armour looked familiar. Chun Yeowun, who was
looking at it, pressed his finger on it.

And once again, the armour came to life and its form changed, it turned into a staff.

„Ice Cold Staff!‟

Surprisingly, it was the Ice Cold Staff, which was a divine item of the North Sea Ice Palace. The
reason why Chun Yeowun knew about it was that he had gone to the Ice Palace to catch the
Dragon Turtle in his time.
At that time, he managed to get the staff, a lost sacred object of the palace, and took it back to the

„But the colours are different.‟

He didn‘t know it right away because it was in the same dark colour as the Sky Demon Sword,
but this staff was definitely the same one.

The surface of the Ice Cold Staff was painted with gold, so recognizing it at a glance was


Was the divine item of the North a part of this set?

„How could such a thing happen?‟

As Chun Yoewun knew, the Sky Demon Sword was a sword made from a meteorite that fell
from the sky.

And he suddenly thought.

„Wait, wasn‟t the staff made from a meteorite too?‟

He remembered the story he heard from Dan Jucheon, a person he recruited from the Ice Palace.

[The staff is an item made from a meteorite which fell in the Yunnan region by Dan Yeong, the
first Lord of the Ice Palace.]

The common denominator of the two items.

Both were made from meteorites that fell from the sky.

However, looking at the picture, it was as if the item was already a completed one.

„Just what could this be?‟

When he pressed the other armour parts, they transformed into various weapons.
The left wrist guard turned into a sword, and the helmet turned into a weapon resembling a

Helmet, upper body, lower body, left and right arm, and leg guards. A set of armour which
turned to seven weapons.

„This is a paper from this cylinder, not from Earth, but I don‟t know why two items that I know
about were in the picture.‟

A huge question.

Both people who made the weapons from the meteorites had left records of how it was made, so
why did this picture show them?

„Thinking about it, the staff had the spirit of the Great Bird.‟

No famous or strong sword could withstand the spiritual energy of a Beast.

However, the staff managed to hold it just like the Sky Demon Sword. It could also absorb the
power of the Gate beings‘ cores.

„I should have brought it.‟

One unfortunate thing was, after absorbing the spirit of the Great Bird, Chun Yeowun gave it to
Dan Jucheon as a reward for his loyalty.

He heard that when the Black Sky company disbanded, the Dan clan left for Russia.

„I need to call them back.‟

He had to get that thing to be sure.

„I don‟t have much time, this much should be enough.‟

As Chun Yeowun rolled the paper ready to leave, he looked at a unique pattern written near the
top of the paper, which he didn‘t pay much attention to in the start.

„This… a letter? Nano? Can you understand it?‟

[The regularity of strikes says it is a letter, but it is confirmed as a language not registered in my

Naturally, the letters weren‘t from Earth, so Nano couldn‘t understand it.

„I guess I need to ask Shakena or Deo.‟

There were two demons he could ask about this thing. That was when Chun Yeowun heard
someone‘s voice.


It was Hu Bong.

Unlike him, who came here to catch Hagar, Hu Bong went with Bi Mak-heon, Yu So-hwa, Im
So-hye and the other members to the area of TRA.

„Have you reached Fuyang?‟

-Lord. I think you should come sooner than later. Not to Fuyang city, but what was this place?
Hold on… ah! It is said to be southeast of Huainan.

„Huainan city?‟

Huainan wasn‘t far from Fuyang. This meant that the presence of the TRA entity had moved.

-Can you hear me? It is the first time I have seen such a thing. Right now, it looks to be a sea of
fire all around the place. Strange things have come out and explosions occurred everywhere…

It was being transmitted through their brain messages because of the Nano bomb, so the
surrounding sounds couldn‘t be heard.

„Hu Bong, just wait. I‟ll be there soon.‟

At the same time.

A large number of troops gathered in Huainan city.

Hundreds of tanks and flying aircrafts were constantly firing missiles, filling the night sky with
flames and smoke.

Bang! Bang!

The place where the bombing took place was around 1.5km to the front.

It was a place slightly off to the east side of the wall, and the constant bombing made the area
turn into a wasteland.

However, what was even more impressive was behind the bombing.

Even in the blurred vision, most of the destroyed buildings in the region had green smoke rising

Like Fuyang, Huainan city was a death city. Fortunately, all the citizens were asked to leave

―Shoot! Don‘t stop the shelling!‖

The command post was about two hundred metres behind the tanks.

The camp was in a heavy truck.

It was meaningless to set up a garrison in this place when the being was constantly moving and
when they had to continue bombing.

―C-commander. I don‘t think the missiles can do much.‖

At the subordinate‘s words, major general Yu Young-kang, the commander, went stiff.

Two divisions have already been killed since they‘ve started. This was now the location of the
third line of defence.

Although there was no way for the military to act, they only used the bombing to stop that being
from moving.

―Commander! Again the radioactive levels are skyrocketing!‖

A sergeant monitoring it shouted.


―In the direction of the ZRV-30s 2nd tank‘s coordinates 32.714957, 117.105750 are within

―Damn it!‖

Commander Yu Young-kang went to pick up the radio.

―Captain of tank 2! Move right away…‖

Before he could even finish his words, a green light appeared on the monitor screen.

And then, the green light turned into a straight line.


At that moment, the heavy truck shook. It was so strong that the monitors were tumbling out of
their places.


The sound of an explosion.

The officers in the truck fell down. When the vibration and thudding stopped, Yu Young-kang
looked at the monitor showing ZRV-30s. His face went stiff.


The ground was dug deep, and green smoke was blowing out. The place was devastated.

With one hit, hundreds of tanks were wiped out.

„How can this thing be stopped?‟

It was frustrating. If this continued, the entity would absorb the energy around and destroy

As one could see, its power was dangerous enough to be called the worst.

However, unless they bombed it, the being wouldn‘t stop moving.

‗In the end, will we sacrifice the military to stop it from moving?‘

Right now, that was the role of the National Guard. The moment they would stop, the being
would head for Bengbu city.

Since the evacuation was still happening in that place, they had to do their best to stop it from
moving. At that time, the second lieutenant in charge of defence radioed.

―Commander. The director has contacted.‖

Director meant the head of the Ministry of Defence. He couldn‘t ignore it, so he raised his hand
and saluted to the radio.

―Loyalty! Yu Young-kang here sir!‖

After receiving the radio, his expression turned strange.

Soon after the radio ended, Yu Young-kang gave the orders.

―Stop the bombing right away.

A high hill about 300 metres south of the military base. There were people in protective suits.

Murim warriors with weapons and Gate Keepers. Many strong people were called out.


Military trucks continued to come in with reinforcements. As the situation was serious, they had
to bring people from various places to this spot.
A large number of well-known Murims and Keepers had joined. And even they couldn‘t hide
their nervousness.


Everyone had serious faces as they looked at the green light that rose from the 2km destroyed
region. It was their first time seeing a being withstand such a massive bombing.


―Bombing stopped?‖

The bombing had stopped. As a result, the Murims and Keepers grew more nervous. The
meaning was simple.

It was time for them to be deployed.

―Oh! Is that it? This is great.‖

A man wearing a protective suit worn by Keepers with a large iron box on the back of the truck
which just arrived, looked out and seemed amazed.

Everyone was serious, but this one seemed excited.

„What is with him?‟

„Is he here for a picnic?‟

It made other people feel uncomfortable.

Not just that, there were a few people who were trembling too.

―Wow. It is huge. ―

It was Hu Bong.

Bi Mak-heon, who was next to him, nodded with a stiff face.

As the smoke covering the bombing area went away, the figure of the being was revealed.
Almost 120 metres tall.

The appearance of the hard-looking shell which seemed like armour on the body, and numerous
thorns on the head and back. A gigantic monster one would only see in movies.

And that wasn‘t the only problem.

As the gigantic monster was visible because of the reduced smoke, it showed that there were 20
beasts of 20 to 30 metres in size crouching.

They were smaller than the huge one, but still huge.

It seemed like the giant one took the bombing and saved them.

―Crazy! Even those small ones are the size of Alpha entities.‖

―How can we catch them?‖

It was uncertain if anything could survive the bombing. In the end, it seemed like getting rid of
the cores and attacking the weak spots was the only way out.


A truck arrived. And a man in a protective suit with seven large sharp wheels on the back

It was Seo Jang-ryeong.

One of the special officers of the public Security and one of the Five Great Warriors with the
name of Chil Ryun-jae.

―Have you waited for long? Now is the time to hunt! Everyone.‖

He spoke loud and clear.

The Murim people who recognized him were delighted.

―Chil Ryun-jae!‖
―One of the Five came!‖

A captain wasn‘t appointed for this. However, it seemed like Seo Jang-ryeong took it.

―This dangerous entity is the worst thing ever! It is designated as TRA and could be called S-
class. If the forces aren‘t joined together, that monster will slaughter millions of civilians.‖

Seo Jang-ryeong began to give a speech to the Keepers and Murim warriors to stop them from
splitting into teams.

Judging from his age, ability and leadership qualities, there was no way anyone could replace
him, so everyone stayed silent.

But not everyone was like that.

One of them stepped ahead.

―Are you the Chil Ryun-jae of Five Great Warriors?‖


A person in large iron armour stepped ahead. It was Sayogi.

He was aiming to be the best of Murim, so he was itching for a fight as soon as he saw Seo Jang-

―Yes. Young friend. The situation is urgent so let‘s talk later. Then the Keepers of Team C

It was urgent, so Seo Jang-ryeong tried to continue his instructions but,

―After we take care of the monster, how about fighting with me?‖

Seyogi interrupted again. Everyone thought he was a Murim warrior who was excited to see one
of the Five Great Warriors, but when he asked for a fight, Seo Jang-ryeong‘s face contorted.

He was annoyed, but he resisted.

―I am well aware that the young friend is motivated, so stop now, and wait for the instructions.‖
However, Sayogi didn‘t stop.

―Is it so hard to accept the request for a battle?‖

In the end, Seo Jang-ryeong warned with anger.

―I see that words don‘t work with you. I won‘t forgive you if you interrupt me anymore…‖



Before the words were done, Sayogi‘s hand went for Seo Jang-ryeong‘s neck.

He wasn‘t aiming to kill, but the sharp energy from the hand touched the neck.

―I wonder if my challenge was taken lightly. I treated you with courtesy since you were strong,
but I guess you lack manners.‖

Seo Jang-ryeong looked at the man with a stiff face.

If this man was determined, he could have extended his hand a little more and killed him.

‟… who is he?‟

At this level, this man could be the same, no higher than him. He was shocked when someone

―L-look over there!‖

The eyes of those who watched the two turned to other places.

It was none other than a colossal monster. And a small human figure floating in the air with a

―What? Is he flying?‖

―Who is he?‖

Since it was dark, no one could see anything.

The man raised his hand, and countless blue swords appeared in all directions around the

―No… No way!‖

Seo Jang-ryeong was startled, forgetting the hand close to his neck.

„Are they all Air Swords?‟

When the black form lowered his hand, the Air Swords from all directions exploded at the
monster and the small ones around it.

Swoosh! Kwakwakwang!

Seeing that, Hu Bong smiled.

―Sky Flash! Lord is here!‖

It was one of Chun Yeowun‘s famous skills, the Sky Flash.

Chun Yeowun, who was expected to arrive later, had come.

Sayogi watched the scene and mumbled with twinkling eyes.

―Not this one. But he is the strongest one.‖



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 133 -
TRA (4)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Jan 23, 2022

• 13 min read • 4877 views


Literally called a monster, it appeared 7 years ago. The Alpha-class dangerous entity Kaiju,
which descended from the S-class Gate, had turned three cities into cities of death.

Unlike the other cities, it was difficult to rebuild these 3 because of the heavy radiation.
Therefore, it was given a Restricted Area (RA) rating, which couldn‘t be resolved since the First
Gate Dimension Gate opening.

And access to it was forbidden.

„Is that him?‟

Commander Yu Young-kang‘s eyes didn‘t leave the monitor showing Chun Yeowun floating in
the air.

Other officers assumed that the attack was stopped in order for the Murim warriors and the Gate
Keepers to be deployed, but the reality was different.

[Only that man can stop it.]

That man, which Ahn Woo-hong was raving about.

Ahn Woo-hong called this man to be the best and said that he possessed stronger abilities than
any Keeper or Murim warrior. Whether that was true or not would soon be decided.


―W-what was that?‖

The officers exclaimed constantly. It was clearly visible on the monitor.

Thousands of Air Swords.


The enormous number of Air Swords which directly pierced into the body of a 120 meter long
Alpha Kaiju.

It was more than just missile bombing.

It seemed like these swords could push out the Kaiju any time.



Chun Yeowun frowned.

The Air Swords kept hitting the Kaiju, yet he couldn‘t feel a single attack working on it. Rather,
it gradually made the Kaiju stronger.

At that moment, Nano said.

[Radiation level is rising rapidly.]


It was then.

The green light began to condense and the Kaiju, which couldn‘t be seen because of the Air
Sword bombing, began to rise.


The condensed green light was radiation.

Chun Yeowun noticed the Kaiju opening its mouth as the radiation breathed out from it.

Ping! Swosssh!

A green ray crossed the air and precisely aimed at Chun Yeowun.

The speed it was emitted with was unbelievable, and even the thickness of the beam was
enormous, which meant it couldn‘t be avoided by teleportation.


Chun Yeowun raised his sword. In an instant, an invisible sword energy rose.


Chun Yeowun tried to cut the green ray coming at him, but the destructive power of the beam
itself was the sum of energy the Sky Flash possessed.

And with such speed and power.



The invisible sword was unable to cut it and Chun Yeowun ended up bouncing back. As a result,
Chun Yeowun‘s figure was swept away by the green light and disappeared.


And with the beam, the wind moved around like a storm. Both the Murim warriors and the
Keepers couldn‘t hide their shock.

―No way!‖

―Oh my… can that even be caught?‖

They all believed that Kaiju, which was hit with thousands of Air Swords, would definitely take

But even that looked unsuccessful since there wasn‘t a single scratch on it.

‟… is it even possible for Air Swords to not work?‟

Seo Jang-ryeong went stiff. He tried to confirm that Air Swords could do something. As a
warrior of Supreme Master level, he wanted to know if his best technique would work or not.

„It cannot be caught.‟

When Seo Jang-ryeong realized that it didn‘t work, he fell into despair. To compare it, it was like
trying to break a rock with an egg.

Of course, not everyone was filled with fear and horror.

―It‘s my turn.‖

Sayogi saw this as an opportunity. Although he lost the chance to compete with Chun Yeowun,
who was swept away, he would be able to call himself the best if this monster was taken down.

„Grandpa told me not to go, but I will prove that I am the strongest in martial arts.‟

Sayogi didn‘t leave Death valley with his grandfather‘s permission. The man looking after him
never allowed him to go.

And it has been almost 90 years now.

So his desire to be the strongest grew.

„I‟ll prove my power here.‟

While everyone was stunned, Sayogi tried to rush to the Kaiju. It was then that someone blocked

Hu Bong.

―What is it?‖

―It isn‘t over yet, so wait.‖

Chun Yeowun instructed hu Bong to prevent anyone else from getting close, so he stopped
Sayogi from participating in the war to fulfil those orders.

―It is done. Haven‘t you seen it too?‖

―Lord isn‘t someone who will lose so easily. My Lord has the greatest power under him.‖

―Lord, Ah… he is your Lord?‖


Hu Bong answered proudly when Sayogi continued.

―It must be tragic to lose your Lord, but the title for being the strongest will be in my hands.‖


It wasn‘t spoken in a way to provoke the opponent.

But since the words were casually told, Hu Bong felt enraged.

―How dare you!‖

Hu Bong reached out to subdue him. At that moment, Sayogi swiftly evaded Hu Bong‘s hand.


Hu Bong brought out Fire qi on his hands.


Sayogi took a step back. It was a brief jump in the air and that was enough for Hu Bong to know
that Sayogi wasn‘t an ordinary warrior.

„He is strong.‟
Which meant this man wasn‘t just casually spouting those words.


Hu Bong pulled out the sword he had on the back. He acknowledged that this enemy wasn‘t
someone he could easily deal with.

Seeing that, Sayogi pointed his finger backwards and said,

―I don‘t think this is the time for us to argue like this. Aren‘t we supposed to stop that monster?‖


The ground shook. The Kaiju, which blew Chun Yeowun with a beam, moved.

Not just that one thing, but even those smaller versions of it moved ahead. Their goal seemed to
be to advance towards the National Guard.


Hu Bong frowned. He wondered if Chun Yeowun was really injured. And not missing the
chance, someone passed by him.


―That bastard!‖

He flew with great speed while wearing that iron armour.

The fact that he was able to move in the air meant that he was stronger than most.

―He is flying!‖

―No way. Doesn‘t that mean he is also a Supreme Master?‖

The Murims couldn‘t hide their shock. The Supreme Master level is something that only five
people have managed to achieve.

―Over there!‖
Even Hu Bong, who followed the man, was moving in the air. At that sight, Seo Jang-ryeong

„Just… what the hell is this?‟

In a few minutes, three more warriors appeared. From his point of view, a large number of strong
people had appeared.

Flustered, Bi Mak-heon spoke to Yu So-hwa.

―Secretary Yu, shouldn‘t they be stopped?‖

It seemed like she could stop them. At that, Yu So-hwa shook her head and answered.

―I don‘t see any need to do that.‖


Bi Mak-heon‘s face brightened as he looked at where she looked.

Meanwhile, Sayogi‘s heart pounded while he ran towards the Kaiju. Finally, he had the chance to
showcase his White Sword Martial Arts to the world.


He could see that monster moving ahead. As Sayogi pretended to raise his hand lightly, the iron
lid on the box behind him opened, revealing several weapons.

36 kinds of weapons.


At that moment, Sayogi hurriedly turned to the left as he felt fire behind him.

The flame sphere passed.

„This is?‟

―Didn‘t I tell you to stop!‖

When he saw Hu Bong closely following him, Sayogi shook his head.

―You really are a stubborn man. In that case.‖

He held onto a dagger in his left hand and a sword in the right.

He then extended his hand ahead.

At that moment, four weapons escaped from the iron armour. A sword, a blade, a spear and a
spiked wheel.

„White Sword Martial Arts!‟

The four weapons rushed for Hu Bong. Surprisingly, it wasn‘t a simple movement.

All four of them moved differently like four different warriors were handling them.

„Such strong technique.‟

Hu Bong was startled and stopped as he unfolded the Illusion Sword technique.

The sword drew numerous shadows and created a dense net, it was to block the weapons from


Hu Bong‘s eyes trembled.

„What the hell is this…‟

It was the first time he had seen something like this.

Completely different movement of weapons from a single master taking advantage of the gap as
if the weapons had a mind of their own.


Hu Bong brought out the Fire qi. It was because he knew that no normal technique could go
against this.

He used the fire with the Illusion Sword technique.


The sword was engulfed in flames, further developing the mesh-like form.


All four weapons were blocked, and they bounced back, making Sayogi look surprised.

―Ha. Blocking that. You must have such great skills, but it is a waste to serve under others.‖

Contrary to his expectations, as this man managed to subdue his weapons, Sayogi was now
drenched in winning over him.

―Then let‘s see if you can stop this.‖

As Sayogi raised his hand upwards, four additional weapons escaped from the iron armour, and
when he reached out, they once again aimed for Hu Bong.

That was when he heard a sound from behind.

Thud! Thud! Thud!


He looked behind and saw one of the 30 metres tall Kaiju rushing ahead with great speed.

It seemed like it walked out of the group after seeing these two fight.


Its roar was terrifying. And each step it took was making the floor vibrate.

―You must have a death wish.‖

Sayogi reached for the Kaiju. And the four weapons which were going for Hu Bong soon
changed direction and rushed for the monster.


―For monsters which prey on humans, death is your only end.‖

He saw that sword energy wouldn‘t work on it, so what should he do?

He didn‘t stop.


When Sayogi‘s eyes gleamed with a red light, the energy roared, and the blue sword energy
turned red.


„What amazing energy.‟

Even Hu Bong went stiff at it. It was the first time that he felt goosebumps in this world.

―Let‘s show you what you are dealing with.‖

Eight weapons with blood-stained energy flew towards the Kaiju. And they crossed together to
hit it.

Kwak! Kwak!


A roar of pain erupted from the Kaiju‘s mouth. Surprisingly, it managed to penetrate its body
which couldn‘t be dealt with by sword energy.

However, even the weapons couldn‘t penetrate its body.

„It is strong.‟
As Sayogi waved his hand, the weapons moved. It was meant to pierce the body with a drill-like



Green light flashed from the Kaiju‘s mouth, and then the breath was fired.

Sayogi flew up.

He could avoid it because the beam was smaller than the Alpha‘s.

―I just don‘t want to get it!‖

As Sayogi stretched out his hand, eight more weapons flew out.

―It is the first time I use 16 weapons against a monster, handle this with pride!‖

Sayogi stretched out his hand, and the 8 weapons flew towards the Kaiju‘s head.

The weapons were divided to attack the eyes, nose, mouth and chin.


Sweat dripped from Sayogi‘s forehead. Handling 18 weapons at once wasn‘t easy. Even after
training for decades, just a minor loss of concentration and the technique would be lost in an


Finally, the weapons that were targeting the head completely penetrated it.

Seeming to be in pain, the Kaiju ran ahead.


It ran wild in all directions and soon fell to the floor.

Seeing that, Sayogi smiled.

He wiped the sweat off his forehead and looked at Hu Bong.

―See that? That monster is no match for me. If you want to stop them, then don‘t disturb me
anymore. I will deal with all the monsters here.‖

Hu Bong smirked at that statement.

―Look behind you.‖


Sayogi turned to see what this man was talking about, the vibration from the ground had
vanished. And Sayogi looked up and noticed that the Kaiju which was marching for the National
Guard stopped moving.


Something was holding the Kaiju in check, black shadows came out and were holding its lower

„What is that thing?‟

That wasn‘t the only thing.


The feet were gradually dug down. A great deal of pressure seemed to be put on the monster.

―This… Heavenly Master?‖

It wasn‘t a common thing.

The energy gathered around crushing the Kaiju was enormous.

But thanks to that, the movement stopped. It was none other than Chun Yeowun who did such a
Hz lowered his palm, and the energy within nature moved according to it.

―What the hell are we witnessing right now?‖

―Is he suppressing that thing with energy?‖

The Murim people who watched it couldn‘t hide their shock.

Chun Yeowun, whom they thought to have been dead, was alive and holding the monster in one

Seo Jang-ryeong mumbled as he couldn‘t understand this anymore.

―I can‘t believe it… a Heavenly Master… it actually exists…‖

Seo Jang-ryeong, who felt the energy in the surroundings move, was amazed at it.



At that, whispers spread around. The world ‗Heavenly Master‘ was something people considered
a legend.


The 120 metres long Kaiju stepped out. Having gotten a bit used to the energy stopping it, it
gradually moved and the mouth began to turn green.

―It is doing that again!‖

―Man! You need to avoid it!‖

The Murim warriors shouted for Chun Yeowun.

They considered Chun Yeowun lucky to have survived the first time, and were scared he would
be now hit for real.

However, Chun Yeowun flew towards the monster.


―It is dangerous!‖

The Alpha opened its mouth and then released the breath at Chun Yeowun.

Chun Yeowun swung the Sky Demon Sword in his hand and the breath was slashed.

―I-It was slashed!‖

The radiation breath was divided into two and spread out in other directions, and Chun Yeowun
aimed for the neck.

It was then,


He drew the sword.

As a black line formed on the Alpha Kaiju‘s neck, the space shook.


The moment everyone felt the creepy energy, they saw it, the neck of the Alpha Kaiju seemed to
slowly fall down.

―I-it was cut!‖

―The neck of the monster belonging to RA class!‖

Everyone was so startled that they couldn‘t take their eyes off it.


Such a huge head, finally fell to the ground.

Thud! Thud!

The small Kaijus, which looked at the rolling Alpha Kaiju‘s head, began to scream.


As if they could recognize that their leader was dead.

But it didn‘t last long.

Before long, Chun Yeowun‘s sword went for their heads too.

Clash! Clash!

Each time the sword was swung, a head would fall off.

It was utterly devastating.

Looking at Sayogi who was biting his lip, Hu Bong grinned.

―Hehe, that is the level that can be called as the best in the world. Kid.‖



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 134 -
Heavenly Killing Star (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Jan 24, 2022

• 13 min read • 4864 views



There was a man who couldn‘t hear the sound.

„What is that sword?‟

His eyes fluttered as he had seen the dawn of heaven and earth.

Everything in the path of the sword split. Even space.


An absolute state of a sword that couldn‘t be understood.

„What my grandpa said must be true.‟

His grandfather had repeated the story over and over again during the 90 years that they lived

The words were always repeated that he was anxious to get out of Death Valley.

One time he was about to go out.

[Best person? What nonsense is that? If that was so easy, then this old man would have taken
over Murim a long time ago.]

[Wouldn‘t that be possible if grandpa makes up his mind?]

[Nothing is easy like that. And do you think that you can defeat all the warriors with your
inexperienced skills?]

[Huh. I don‘t believe in that anymore. That man who came to me at that time said that no one
other than my grandfather and myself could be my opponent. And since you have stepped back,
am I not the strongest?]

[Tch tch, that damned man whom I accepted, he caused such a mess.]

[What now? But he is right.]

[Don‘t spew nonsense. You don‘t know the scary things about the Murim. It is a place where
new things keep happening. And you will end up getting hurt because of the stupid things you
are doing.]

[I know that you are doing this to scare me. Huh!]

[Yah. It isn‘t a lie. Walls are everywhere. Not just for me but for you too.]

[Ehh. Even then, I will overcome it. What kind of wall was it for grandpa.]

The man didn‘t respond.

[Grandpa… is there really a wall?]

With a stiff face, he admitted,

[There was. Two of them.]

Quite a surprising statement. An old man who could never be defeated said such a thing.

[What exaggeration.]

[You bastard. That is no exaggeration.]

[Then who are they? Let me listen to those names.]

[How would knowing the names of the dead help you?]


Dead. The two people his grandfather couldn‘t overcome have died.

[It is fine. I want to fight them again, but time has taken them away. In the end, life turns into
history. Don‘t fall for delusions and focus on what you need to do.]

He kept asking for their names, but the old man never told him.

After trying endless times to no avail, he thought that the grandfather was using that as an excuse
to keep him from leaving.

However, after seeing that person‘s sword technique, he knew for sure.

„His words are right. There are strong people in Murim. That red-haired man too.‟

It was quite strange. He was confronted with a monster with such overwhelming ability, but
rather than feeling fear, his determination soared.

Despite knowing that he couldn‘t compete, he wanted to bump into the man.

„Uncle Ark said it too. Only by bumping into those higher than us can we get stronger.‟

The battle between the grandfather and that man was so familiar. At this point, he wondered if he
could also get stronger while competing with this monster.

Sayogi flew to the place where the Kaiju were buried.


―Uh? Yah!‖

Hu Bong, who came to his senses, was shocked.

„He still wants to compete with my Lord? Ha!‟

Hu Bong rushed after him thinking he should stop the man.

Meanwhile, Chun Yeowun managed to deal with the small Kaiju.


At that moment, a strange thought appeared in his mind. It was dangerous, so he dealt with the
small Kaijus, but since there was one thing left, curiosity arose.

„Can this be made into a ghost?‟

There was nothing wrong with checking. He knew demons couldn‘t be turned into ghosts, so this
monster shouldn‘t too.

But Chun Yeowun decided to check nonetheless.


After cutting through the thick skin, Chun Yeowun used the Sky Demon Sword and Ghost qi.


A blue light flowed in along with the resonating sword. The life inside the body began to drain at


And then the body turned white.

„It worked!‟

Absorbing life meant that it could be turned into a ghost. It took a while as the body was huge.

And about 50 seconds later, the entire 30 meters tall Kaiju‘s body paled.

Something opaque was about to appear. Not missing the chance, he absorbed the Ghost into the


It took longer than human-sized ghosts. And fortunately, no one seemed to notice that.

„So this can be turned into a ghost.‟

An unexpected benefit. The disappointing thing was that if he had known from the beginning, he
would have tried it right away.

However, considering the time it took, this was fine enough.

„Even this little monster can be handled only by a Supreme Master.‟

All that was left was to retrieve the core inside the Alpha‘s body. And since he could absorb the
abilities of an S-class ghost, maybe he could absorb the core of the Kaiju with the ability.

And when he was approaching it.

Kwang! Kwang!


The sound of an explosion. When he looked at it, he could see a sphere of flame coming.

Someone was flying while avoiding those spheres.

It was Sayogi in his armour.

„What is it?‟

Perhaps because of how skilled he was, the man didn‘t even turn back to check which direction
the spheres were coming from.

„Seems pretty good.‟

Hu Bong, who was shooting out flame spheres, suddenly stopped as the man arrived in front of
Chun Yeowun.

―Lord! No need to worry. I can…‖


Chun Yeowun raised his hand and said it was fine.

He then asked.
―What is it? What business do you have with me?‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s question, Sayogi took the chance and answered in a confident voice.

―I am Sayogi, the second hair to the White Blade Martial clan from Death Valley. I formally ask
for a duel with you.‖


Chun Yeowun‘s brows went up.

It was the first time anyone had appeared out of the blue and asked for a duel. That too after
witnessing everything he just did.

―This bastard is trying out his luck!‖

Hu Bong couldn‘t contain his anger, if Chun Yeowun hadn‘t given an order to not act out, he
would have attacked Sayogi.

Suddenly, Chun Yeowun remembered something.

„Death Valley?‟

It was his second time hearing it after coming here.

Narrowing his eyes, Chun Yeowun asked.

―You. Are you from the Death Valley which is in Mount Bigol?‖

―Oh! You know of Death Valley? It is the first time since coming here that someone knew about

When Sayogi met someone who knew the place he came from, he couldn‘t hide his excitement.


Chun Yeowun looked at the man, and noticed that the energy from him wasn‘t normal.

„But… not so strong either.‟

This man didn‘t seem strong enough to overwhelm the demon Hagar. At least, from the energy
oozing out, this was the conclusion he could come up with.


Chun Yeowun naturally looked at the armour Sayogi had. And the 36 weapons.

Looking back, Hagar‘s skin had traces of numerous weapon wounds on it.


The weapon wounds on Hagar exceeded 36. Just on the face and neck were scars from 50
different types of weapons.

Staring inside the box, Chun Yeowun asked.

―Apart from these weapons, are there any more?‖

Sayogi seemed visibly shocked at Chun Yeowun‘s question.

―How did you know?‖

―You must have had a mentor.‖

And that reaction itself told Chun Yeowun that this guy had a mentor.

Perhaps, the mentor could handle more.

„Who is he?‟

With a strange vigilance, the man approached Chun Yeowun who seemed to keep getting things

―Who are you?‖

Sayogi raised the energy and asked.

Chun Yeowun didn‘t care and asked, ―What is your mentor‘s name?‖

―I don‘t know.‖
Chun Yeowun frowned at those words. Sayogi didn‘t even know the name of his own
grandfather, all that he knew was that he was made to live in the mountains and the old man was
the leader and Lord of White Blade Martial clan.

―Are you hiding it?‖

―I mean it. I learned martial arts from my grandfather.‖


Looking at his eyes, it didn‘t seem to be a lie, when Chun Yeowun opened his mouth to ask


Sayogi brought out a blade with his left and a sword with his right hand.

And then all the weapons inside came out.

Chun Yeowun asked in a low voice.

―What are you up to?‖

―I didn‘t ask for a duel in this way. All we are doing is talking. A man talks with weapons like

Sayogi reached for Chun Yeowun and all 36 weapons made their way to him. Each in a different


„This man wasn‟t doing his all against me?‟

Hu Bong was shocked at it. All 36 weapons with different trajectories and techniques.


„Everything is different.‟
Chun Yeowun was surprised too. This seemed a lot more fresh than the battle he had with Hagar.

No matter how good a warrior is, handling more than 12 different weapons would take a toll.

„4th technique of White Blade Marital clan!‟

The 4th technique involved 36 techniques unfolded with each weapon.

Among them, the 1st technique would aim for the target. Chun Yeowun, who felt interested in it,
picked up the Sky Demon Sword.


―It‘s been a long time since I had a showdown with techniques.‖

Having seen such a raging one, it was natural that he wanted to fight.

And like the name, it seemed like a flooding sea.

Chun Yeowun stood still with his left arm behind his back and swung the sword lightly.

„Should I try it with the Supreme Sky Demon Sword?‟

Supreme Sky Demon Sword.

The best swordsmanship of the Sky Demon Order created by the Chun Ma.

In the past, Chun Yeowun couldn‘t, but now, he was able to perform it without having to tackle


24 exquisite sword techniques in harmony.

„Is he making fun of me? To stand so carelessly and spread his sword technique?‟

As Sayogi felt like he was being ignored, his intent to win raged.

And finally the two men collided.


As the Sky Demon Sword and the 36 weapons collided, sparks flew.

And despite all that happening, Chun Yeowun‘s eyes didn‘t even close for a second and kept
looking at the techniques that each of the 36 weapons were unfolding.

„They aren‟t entirely different.‟

If the weapon was being controlled one by one, then the movement of them should be more
fluid, but each time a weapon bounced back, it didn‘t move right away.

Despite that, with bloody training, the man was able to handle 36 weapons.

„The one who managed to make this technique has to be a great master.‟

It was the first time that Chun Yeowun felt like this after witnessing Ark Wui‘s unification of

„He is blocking without moving a single step?‟

Unlike Chun Yeowun who analysed the techniques, Sayogi was shocked at this.

He had no idea that his opponent would respond so easily.

„Then, 2nd technique.‟

Sayogi went straight to another technique. The technique which was like flowing water till then
suddenly changed into numerous soldiers rushing at the enemy.


However, Chun Yeowun blocked that too without taking a single step away.

Sayogi, who was unfolding new things, was pushed back.

„Such incredible force.‟

Each time their weapons clashed, his heart would beat wildly.
Thinking that he couldn‘t keep moving back, Sayogi decided to unfold another technique as a
desperate attempt.


The 36 weapons encircled Chun Yeowun. At the same time, the weapons began to unfold.

Even if one of them was blocked, the other weapons would surely aim for other parts making the
opponent immobile.


Chun Yeowun stopped the sword which came for him with his right arm.

And it was the moment the other 35 were coming…

„I see it.‟

Sayogi stretched out the sword. At that moment, the sword moved through the gap created.

His sword was moving at an angle that couldn‘t be noticed.



Chun Yeowun grabbed the sword with his two fingers, and Sayogi, who didn‘t think that it could
be stopped, couldn‘t hide his shock.

―It is a pretty nice technique. Aiming for the blindspot when other techniques unfold.‖

Energy formed around Chun Yeowun‘s fingers.



The blade between the pinched fingers broke.

―My Sword!‖
Sayogi‘s face distorted when the age-old sword broke. He was angry that his dear old friend was

―You broke my sword!‖

Intense rage emanated from Sayogi‘s body.


The energy he was giving out now was different. The energy moved like a raging storm and
seemed terrifying.

„That energy again.‟

Hu Bong frowned as he felt it. That energy which seemed more evil than just trying to kill

And when Sayogi‘s eyes turned red, the weapons were dyed in blood red.

„This is?‟

Chun Yeowun narrowed his eyes at Sayogi‘s aura, which had become a lot stronger than before.

It‘s hard to believe that this is coming from the same person.


Sayogi held a spear and threw it at Chun Yeowun.

He, who had narrowed the distance in an instant, wanted to devour Chun Yeowun.



It was like madness itself. It seemed like Sayogi had turned anxious at the fact that he was unable
to kill Chun Yeowun.

Chun Yeowun didn‘t move a single step and lightly moved his sword to counter it.

As the attacks didn‘t keep working, Sayogi‘s face turned more and more distorted.

Chun Yeowun spoke,

―It‘s my first time seeing this, Heavenly Killing Star.‖


At Chun Yeowun‘s words, Sayogi‘s face went stiff.

His eyes which were filled with madness now regained their focus.

„This. I lost my mind for a second.‟

Sayogi bit his lip. There were two things his grandfather made him promise.

He was told to not reveal the fact that he had been alive for a long time, and to never let anyone
find out that he is the Heavenly Killing Star.

Heavenly Killing Star is a spirit born from the stars that govern death.

Born with a cursed fate to randomly kill all living things through his lifespan.

―This is no fun.‖

And according to the sacred records, it was said that the existence of Heavenly Killing Star needs
to be killed as soon as spotted. But Chun Yeowun was interested in him.

„Damn it!‟

Sayogi felt like he had to run away. For the past 90 years, he trained himself to control the urge
and he thought he had it under control, but that didn‘t seem to be the case.

Someone had realised that he was the Heavenly Killing Star.

It was then.

While he decided to retreat, Chun Yeowun appeared in front of him.


―The Heavenly Killing Star is quite strong.‖



At that moment, Chun Yeowun‘s fist pierced his chest. The fist seemed like it shook the space.



Sayogi‘s body was thrown back and his chest sank in because of the strong blow.

In that brief moment, he managed to gather internal energy around the chest to minimise the

―Cough… Cough…‖

This man was truly astonishing. His chest was sunken in, but it was able to recover.


The sunken chest began to protrude out little by little. But the pain didn‘t go away.


As he was in pain, Chun Yeowun went behind him.

―The recovery is pretty fast.‖


Chun Yeowun slammed Sayogi‘s head with his palm.



Blood gushed out of Sayogi‘s face, and his neck broke.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 135 -
Heavenly Killing Star (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Jan 25, 2022

• 10 min read • 4515 views



The time when Chun Yeowun entered the Demonic Academy, the institute for training, he had
an amazing master.
It was Submeng. He was the Right Guardian of the Sky Demon Order.

Submeng, who liked Chun Yeowun, accepted him as a disciple without even concerning himself
with the Cult‘s rules.

[Hehe, my disciple. How is it that you have such amazingly developed muscle, and no one has
even selected you?]

That was what Submeng said to Chun Yeowun.

Having his body treated with Nano to be suited for martial arts, he managed to get the best body,
and Submeng had always admired it.

[It is really strange. Strange! You don‘t have a special body either, so how do you have such

[Special body? What is that?]

[Curious? Hehe. Well, there is nothing wrong with knowing it. Occasionally, there are optimal
bodies that are made only for learning martial arts.]

[Optimal body?]

[Well, actually if we were to classify them in detail, there are a lot but there is no need to know
such trivial things. Chuckle, you only need to remember that once in a thousand years, a person
comes, who will be born with the body to learn the martial arts.]

[One in a thousand!]

[According to a legend, there is a saying that Chun Ma, our founder, was one of those with a
heavenly body.]

The most excellent body to learn martial arts. Heavenly Body.

That body, which can have a superior achievement compared to the others, will come out once in
a thousand years.

[Well, there are other bodies that are also second to none, but most of them have side effects and
risks, so it isn‘t worth knowing about them.]
[Risk, like?]

[Well, it is said that some have innate yin or yang excess, but such people don‘t live past 20
years despite having such amazing energy within them. Having such a body honestly doesn‘t
mean much.]

[20 years… that is an unfortunate fate.]

A risk.

There is nothing more meaningless than taking risks and becoming stronger.

When Chun Yeowun thought about that, Submeng said something else.

[Ah! Come to think of it, there is a body form which is comparable to the first one, Heavenly
Killing Star.]

[What is that?]

[Blood and murderous body that only those born from stars possess.]

[… sounds like a scam.]

Unlike the heavenly body, this sounded eerier.

[I don‘t know if it even exists. But unlike other bodies, it is said to be the most dangerous kind.]

[Why dangerous?]

[It is said that those in this body are destined to kill others for the rest of their lives. It‘s said that
they are born with a killing intent which wants to annihilate everything.]

[Annihilate everything… That is a crazy word to use. And has this Heavenly Killing Star ever

[I never heard of it. However, the record says that if he appears, he must be killed, not just for the
sake of the Murim warriors but also for the sake of people.]
For that reason, Chun Yeowun had never thought this Heavenly Killing Star would make an

[Master. But how do we know if the person is that one or not?]

[It is quite easy to find out because of their uniqueness.]

[… and what if they could be controlled?]


Submeng made a strange expression in response to the question and then smiled.

[Hehe, the Heavenly Killing Star is said to be able to hide his energy because of his intent to kill.
And If he is so trained in hiding it, there is a simple way to find out.]

[Simple way?]

[That is…]


Blood gushed out from Sayogi‘s face. The man staggered and tried to fall down with his neck
bent weirdly.

―Not yet.‖

Chun Yeowun grabbed him by the collar this time and shoved his feet in his stomach.



Sayogi was turning pale with the pain of internal injuries. Despite having the power to withstand
it and save his organs, Sayogi didn‘t hold his breath.


Like seeing a demon, it was safe to guess that this man had gone past the humans‘ normal limits.
Normally when hurt like this, people would start screaming out and asking to be spared.


Sayogi grunted his teeth.

The constant pain only brought more anger. And in order to press down the inherent rage, he
always memorized something that his grandpa said.

The Heavenly Sutra created by a famous monk which governs the mind.

„As a calm lake shining in the moonlight, clear the mind… damn it! Damn it!‟

He was trying to correct his growing anger through the sutra, but the constant pain was hindering

Right now, all he could think about was killing the person ahead of him.


Sayogi shouted out loud. And ran for Chun yeowun.

―I will kill you!‖

Much faster and more intense than before.

The eyes were glowing red.

„Is he… really a human?‟

Hu Bong bit his tongue, this wicked energy felt too odd to belong to a human.


Chun Yeowun managed to stand still, using only one hand to block Sayogi‘s punches.

„More! More! More!‟

Sayogi‘s evil intent grew.


The fists‘ power was amazing.

„Is it possible to increase the punches‟ strength with just raising the evil intent?‟

It was as if there was no limit to this body. Chun Yeowun, who was using his hand to defend
himself, could clearly feel it.

Sayogi shouted enraged,

―I will kill you!‖

―Isn‘t that an impossible feat with your abilities?‖



Chun Yeowun grabbed Sayogi‘s face.


Sayogi‘s head was once again hit to the floor. A crack within 5 metres occurred around him.

―Oh. Can you handle this?‖

It wouldn‘t bring a concussion, but it could surely turn the man immobile for a second.

However, Sayogi‘s body was still wriggling.


Chun Yeowun tightened the grip, and then something happened.



A red mist began to spew out, and Chun Yeowun‘s body was pushed back with the rising energy.

Chun Yeowun ended up being pushed back around 10 metres in the air. He then looked at Sayogi
with narrowed eyes.

―Blood Killing Body.‖

It wasn‘t the muscle.

It was to awaken the stage, which can make the flow of blood filled with evil intent.

The reason why Chun Yeowun continued to hit the man and enrage him was to see the full and
complete form.


The land which was touched by the red mist melted.

Sayogi, who was fully transformed, spread out his arms and the invisible evil intent of blood
energy spread like wings.

His body floated up, and looking at Chun Yeowun, he said,

―I will kill you for sure.‖

He spoke in a voice as if he had regained his composure.

He looked at Chun Yeowun, at the Murim people and then at Hu Bong.

―Everyone will die. All of you will die!‖

As if he had been consumed by the karma of life and death.

According to the tradition, the Heavenly Killing Star, who reaches the full form, wouldn‘t stop
killing until everything is annihilated.

―I will kill you all!‖

Sayogi flew for Chun Yeowun.

Scared at the evil intent, Hu Bong yelled.


He wouldn‘t normally worry, but it seemed like this man managed to change into something
which he couldn‘t deal with anymore.

However, Chun Yeowun raised his lips into a smile and held out his sword.

At that moment,


Sayogi, who was approaching him, suddenly grabbed his heart and stopped.

A Heart Sword embedded into the heart.

Sting! Sting!

Sayogi trembled and coughed up blood.

He tried to push out the Heart Sword.

―It would be better if you don‘t do that.‖


As soon as Chun Yeowun said it, Sayogi gushed out blood again.

―The sword I prepared to kill you cannot be taken out with your power.‖


Chun Yeowun raised his hand upwards, and four black invisible swords appeared.

When he reached out his hand, all four of them rushed for Sayogi with great speed.


Sayogi‘s body fell to the floor as the invisible sword stuck to his arms and legs.


Unable to understand, he mumbled.

―H-How did you break through the blood po…‖

Having felt the pain due to the Heart sword, it seemed like he regained some of his sanity.

The armour on the body, a perfect weapon and shield to manipulate.

And the blood points, which were sealed to stop his killing intent, were pierced.


Chun Yeowun came ahead of him and said,

―You seem to be back to yourself.‖

Sayogi was shocked at those words.

―Just what did you… ack!‖

The pain in his heart was too much to ignore. The Heart Sword seemed to rip through his heart.

If it wasn‘t for the resilience of the Heavenly Killing Star, the man might have died.

―Does your grandfather know that you are the Heavenly Killing Star? And that you turn
completely under its control?‖

Sayogi nodded as it felt meaningless to hide it anymore.

„Other than my grandfather, for such a monster to exist!‟

It was shocking.

After his grandfather, this man was the first one to make him calm down.
„Why did I come back? Was it… because of this energy invading my body?‟

He looked at the black invisible swords in his arms and legs.

The ferocious chaotic dark energy flowing around and suppressing it.

Sayogi‘s red eyes flickered.

„This new energy is suppressing that intent?‟

Sayogi looked at Chun Yeowun. This man was a huge barrier that he could never think of

He was enraged that he lost to this man even after completely turning into the Heavenly Killing

Sayogi, confessed

―Cough… cough… I lost.‖

Sayogi looked down without another word.

Chun Yeowun didn‘t understand what the man was thinking, and then he continued.

―Please take me in as a disciple!‖


Chun Yeowun frowned as he never expected the word of a disciple to come out of his mouth.

Until a second ago, he was the guy who asked for a duel and wanted to kill him.

―Teach me about this sword.‖

Sayogi glanced at the black invisible swords in his arms and legs. He was talking about Sky
Demon Energy.

―You are seeking instructions from the enemy? You are a funny one.‖

―Right now… I know well that I cannot defeat you with my current strength.‖
Chun Yeowun looked at the man who still seemed to want to try and fight him.

―You have quite a filthy purpose.‖

―I… I will go beyond this!‖


―You know that there is no one who is a match for you. There is nothing more pitiful than a
strong man with no opponent.‖

Sayogi said it with serious eyes.

At that sincerity, Chun Yeowun chuckled. It was the first time that someone had said such things
to him.

―I should raise someone with my hands knowing he is aiming for my neck?‖

At those words, Sayogi smiled boldly, thinking his words worked.

―You will never regret this!‖

Chun Yeowun looked down and smiled.

And then,



The Sky Demon Sword was thrust into his chest.

Sayogi put an expression which said he couldn‘t understand this.

―T-take me… as.. a… disciple… of…‖

Chun Yeowun looked down with a cold expression.

―You seem to have read too many novels.‖

―Cough… cough…‖

―Well, don‘t be too disappointed. Since I am accepting you. As a Ghost.‖


The blue-colored energy spread out of the sword and into Sayogi‘s body.

Life was quickly sucked out and the body turned white. Looking at that, Chun Yeowun smiled
and mumbled.

―Blood Killing body and Ghost…a good match.‖



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 136 -
Heavenly Killing Star (3)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Jan 26, 2022

• 11 min read • 4925 views



„M-My body doesn‟t feel strong…‟

As his vitality was rapidly drained, Sayogi lost consciousness.

And Chun Yeowun said,

―Does anyone other than your grandfather know you are the Heavenly Killing Star?‖

Why bother asking such a question to a dying person? Well, It would unconsciously make
Sayogi remember people.

An old book he read said: It is said to be a sign of apocalypse because Karma is nothing but

However, while the vitality was being sucked. Something unexpected happened

„What is this?‟

The blood which had turned stiff and the body which had paled out, were turning back to the
original state.

„The Ghost qi doesn‟t work?‟

It seemed like something similar to those demons was happening.

Except for their cores, the demons had nothing else in their bodies, so Chun Yeowun‘s plan
didn‘t make it.

However, Sayogi was a human.

„Should I stop?‟

Strangely, in the demons, the Ghost qi didn‘t move inside.

However, it was able to enter Sayogi‘s body.


At that moment, Sayogi‘s eyes were back to normal. However, his two eyes which were dyed in
red had a blue tinge in them now.

Seeing how ridiculous it was, Chun Yeowun said,

―You can handle ghost qi? You aren‘t normal.‖


Sayogi looked at Chun Yeowun without answering.

He looked at him blankly, like he had no emotions and something felt rather strange about him.

The expression of a god looking at its master.

„This one.‟

Just to check, Chun Yeowun said,


And Sayogi got up the moment the words fell.

However, his movements were halted because of the black invisible swords lodged into his arms
and legs, so Chun Yeowun removed them.


Sayogi looked at him and got up.

Carefully watching that, Chun Yeowun exclaimed.

―Ha… how could something like this happen?‖

The eerie energy of the Ghost qi could be felt from Sayogi.

Originally, he had to make this man a ghost, but surprisingly, he was a ghost with a physical

At Chun Yeowun‘s words, Sayogi held out both his hands.

And this time, like he gave orders to Ghosts, Chun Yeowun commanded in his mind.

„Do some flips.‟


Sayogi jumped and turned. It seemed like even when the order wasn‘t given directly through the
mouth, the loyal dog was listening well.

„Can it unfold in this state? Raise the Blood Kill Body.‟

The blue eyes turned purple. It was as if his actual killing intent blood mixed with Ghost qi.


And a purple mist began to rise from Sayogi‘s body. An eerie and creepy killing intent rose at
the same time.

„Take it back.‟

And once the command fell, the energy was back to normal.

Puzzled by this strange phenomenon, Chun Yeowun approached and looked at the pulse to check
what had happened.

‟… no way.‟

Chun Yeowun who sensed the condition of the body was amazed.

In fact, the Ghost qi and the Blood Kill energy were merged and coexisting inside one body.

As a result, he was moving under the control of Chun Yeowun, but there was another peculiarity.

„Doesn‟t seem to be alive.‟

It was clear that the body was back to its normal state, but it didn‘t seem to have any vitality left.
Vitality is said to be a subtle energy in all beings, especially in human beings.

However, Sayogi seemed lifeless.


Chun Yeowun put his finger to Sayogi‘s nose, and didn‘t feel any breathing.

„This is really weird.‟

It was safe to say that two different energies were in one body, making it difficult to determine
whether it was alive or dead.

„The Ghost qi takes away the body‟s vitality. However, the Blood Kill energy gives life to this
one body only, and those two have turned into one.‟

Chun Yeowun pondered and finally came to that conclusion. Perhaps that was all.

„Well, this is interesting.‟

In the end, unintentionally, he managed to obtain a loyal and faithful slave who was better than a

And having a body makes a lot of difference. Ghosts were something he could use normally, but
using this human body wouldn‘t bring any doubts towards him.

„I am so lucky. Ah!‟

An idea popped into Chun Yeowun. And as he reached out his hand, a black shadow shook,
creating a passage.

„Go in there.‟

At that, Sayogi trudged into the shadows. It looked normal, but it wasn‘t. Chun Yeowun took Hu
Bong into the shadows once as a test, and unable to breathe within, he came out after a couple of

On the other hand, Sayogi, who was out of the shadows after a couple of minutes, seemed
completely fine.
„Doesn‟t breathe, moves with my orders, and can be put into shadows.‟

Which meant he could call for him whenever needed. Chun Yeowun placed his hand on Sayogi‘s
forehead to confirm one thing.

And everything that Sayogi thought before his death, rushed to Chun Yeowun like a video.

A thatched place full of books lit by old kind of lamps, an old man with white hair and white

The old man dressed in red had a face full of wrinkles, but could stand tall.


The face in the memories looked similar to Sayogi.

„His grandfather?‟

They resembled quite enough to believe that they were related. If this man had grown old, maybe
that was how he would look.

Stroking Sayogi‘s head, the old man mumbled.

[Sleep well and deep.]

It seemed to be the last memory of the old man.

What the man was doing was sealing the points where the Blood Kill energy flowed and stunned
the kid. And when Sayogi opened his eyes, no one was in the house.

[He seems to have pressed on those points again. It is good to get this done in advance.]

This was Sayogi speaking.

[where does grandpa go to each full moon after sealing the blood points?]

Sayogi, who was puzzled, soon laughed.

[Still, if grandpa is here I wouldn‘t be able to head out.]

Sayogi hurriedly packed his belongings, and then went to the warehouse to take out the weapons
hanging on the wall and an iron box. That had to be the memory of Sayogi coming out of the
Death Valley.

[Why am I here?]

Suddenly, it was Sayogi‘s monologue. It seemed like he regretted coming out of Death Valley.

And the memories continued.

Another face appeared. A handsome middle-aged man with square face, short hair and beard.

[Uncle Ark.]

This person called Uncle Ark had visited Sayogi‘s thatched house several times, and they have
competed with each other as well. However, Chun Yeowun was shocked.

„This… the Fist of East God!‟

The martial arts used by Sayogi was similar to the martial arts of East Challenger God, Ark Wui.

At the time when Chun Yeowun was in his own time, he was the best of the Five Great Warriors.

A man who was in the Changbai Mountains protecting his close friend.

Chun Yeowun assumed that he had no descendants or disciples, but that didn‘t seem to be the


And the memory played till there.

The last thing in Sayogi‘s memories was the figure of the man called Uncle Ark and the feeling
of regret.

Chun Yeowun felt like he had to meet the man in person, Sayogi‘s grandfather. There was a very
high chance that he was the one who defeated Hagar. However, it was questionable why such a
strong person raised this man in secret.


Hu Hong‘s voice came from above.

Chun Yeowun was in a 20 metres hole dug into the ground. It seemed like the fight was done,
and he was shocked why his Lord hadn‘t come out yet.

―I am coming.‖

Chun Yeowun, who put Sayogi in the shadow realm, climbed up.

―Are you fine? Lord?‖

―I am fine.‖

―And him?‖

―Well taken care of.‖


Hu Bong had no idea what was being said.

In addition, he saw that Bi Mak-heon, Yu So-hwa, Im So-hye and the other members of the Cult
were coming to see their vice-chairman.

He could see the Murim warriors and the Gate Keepers walking towards them as well, judging
that the situation was done.

The only person that didn‘t come was Seo Jang-ryeong. The man got his pride broken and was in
huge shock from what he witnessed, so he didn‘t move to where Chun Yeowun stood.


All the Murim people cheered and whistled at Chun Yeowun like they were celebrating
something, which made Yu So-hwa just shake her head.

―Let‘s be like the vice-chairman of the Yongchun group who has the best name ever!‖

―Who thought I would have the chance to greet him?‖

―I am very glad to have gotten his opportunity to meet the vice-chairman!‖

All the Murim people were anxious to establish contact with Chun Yeowun.

Ever since the prison case, his reputation had risen, and it strengthened a lot after he solved the
TRA issue.


Chun Yeowun looked at those who were approaching and flashed the head off the dead Alpha
Kaiju. Inside it, was a huge brilliantly shining core.

Unlike the other ones, this didn‘t have a shell.

It was because these dangerous entities which were named as TRA had been on the earth for a
long time since their own gates vanished.

„It is amazing.‟

This exuding amount of energy had to be called another rank. It was almost three times the
energy of an S-class core.

If an S-class was known to be difficult to put a price on, then what would be the price for this

„There is too much attention.‟


Chun Yeowun put it into the shadow realm and decided to check it later when there was no one

―The energy is gone.‖

The Murim people who sensed a vast energy from Chun Yeowun were puzzled at its

It was the same with Bi Mak-heon who couldn‘t understand what happened. So Chun Yeowun
relayed it to him through telepathy.


―Ah! My Lord!‖

[I‘ll go first, so you take care of the rest and bring everyone back.]

Take care of the rest meant to handle the Murims and Gate Keepers.

It was so they wouldn‘t develop any bad relationships with people and would make the Sky
Demon Order look great.

[I understand.]

As he heard the answer, Chun Yeowun said to Hu Bong.

―Hu Bong, go with Mak-heon.‖

―I refuse! Lord! I will serve you!‖

Hu Bong didn‘t want to let go of Chun Yeowun even for a second.

―Is that so? Then come and hug me.‖


When Chun Yeowun opened his arms, Hu Bong‘s face turned pale.

That posture, that posture meant that they were going to fly in the sky, and the pain of moving at
Mach speed was too much for him.

Hu Bong gulped, hugged Chun Yeowun, and said very cautiously,

―Lord. Hehehe. You know… it isn‘t bad to fly a little slo…‖


Chun Yeowun took off.

He immediately went higher with the Nano suit wrapped around him and headed west.



Hu Bong‘s bright scream echoed in the night sky. And the Murims who watched it were stunned.

―What was that…‖

―People aren‘t missiles to move that fas…‖

Sichuan Province, Xinlong county.

A deep mountain valley about 20 km away from Xinlong County.

It had a different name now compared to the past.

In the past, it was called Bigol, a valley with very rough water flow and once entered, there
would be thick forests.

―Lord. Is this the place?‖

Hu Bong asked while pointing to a place covered in thick bushes.

Unlike the other places, a certain place had no grass around.

„If the place I saw in the memory was right, this had to be it.‟
Obviously, looking at the bushes around it, it had to be the place.

A thatched house had to be there, but he couldn‘t find one.


Chun Yeowun crossed the grassy area and touched the ground.

Dry soil.

„Feels different from the soils in the bushes.‟

So just in case, Chun Yeowun waved his hand in the ground. Grey smoke like ashes began to

Hu Bong, who saw that, said,

―Lord. It looks like it was burned.‖

Chun Yeowun nodded right away, agreeing to it.

As if feeling bad, Hu Bong mumbled that it was unfortunate.

―That was why we haven‘t been able to find any traces.‖

―No. This is good. I have something to check.‖


―get off this ground.‖

―Ah, okay!‖

Hu Bong was puzzled but he walked back, and Chun Yeowun stretched out his right hand
towards the empty ground and held out the black wrist guard.

A green light shone out of it. And a circular line was soon formed in the air, which Chun
Yeowun swiped to the left.

The green light moved around the empty field.


It looked like a stereoscopic image.

In that video that showed as if time was running backwards, a pile of dirt was seen, and people in
white clothes with shovels and masks were there too.

Each time they lifted the shovel, a pile of dirt was revealed all covered in ashes.

Then, the sparks soared from the ground covered in ashes, and the thatched house which had
been crumbling was restored back to its original form.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 137 -
Oddities (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Jan 27, 2022

• 12 min read • 5218 views

It was really strange. As if time was moving backwards in that area.

―Oh! My Lord is really wonderful!‖

Hu Bong was mesmerized as he looked at the scene rewinding.

„It was worth it.‟

This was the ability Chun Yeowun got from one of the demons he killed at Oshin office. And it
was called Time Remind.

It had the ability to recall what once happened in a specific location. This ability to reproduce the
events in that space in a three-dimensional image for a 24-hour gap was one of the most useful
things Chun Yeowun achieved.

Most of the subordinates of Hagar were low-level demons, so their abilities were rather vague,
but Chun Yeowun liked Time Remind.


The thatched house, which was rewound, had returned to its normal shape. This time, Chun
Yeowun turned his hand in the opposite direction for the time to pass, and someone appeared.

„Sayogi‟s grandfather.‟

In the 3d image, an old man with white hair, white beard and dressed in red walked ahead. Hu
Bong pointed to the man and asked.

―Lord. Is that him?‖


The old man standing ahead of the front door had a strange expression and raised his hand.

People in white robes and masks rushed for the thatched house right away, each of them had a
long gun which seemed unusual.
„Nano, what is that?‟

[No information about the gun.]

Then, it had to be a new one or a self-made weapon. The masked men in white opened the door
and entered the thatched house.

It was empty.

A fat man appeared next to the old man and said.

[Didn‘t you say that you sealed the raging blood within him?]

[I did.]

[But the GC-000 prototype is gone. Before we could even test.]

The old man‘s forehead wrinkled at the question. At that, the fat man stuttered and hurriedly
tried to cover what he said.

[I had no intention of making you seem uncomfortable. I am just asking because there was no
way that you would let that GC-000, which you have been managing for a long time, go


At the old man‘s low voice, the fat one responded very soldier-like.


The old man grabbed the man‘s neck.


The two eyes of the old man, who grabbed the throat, were turning red.

Chun Yeowun looked at it closer.

„Those eyes are…‟

The dark red blood-like eyes which Sayogi had when he wanted to slaughter everyone.

Chun Yeowun was in doubt. He couldn‘t be sure of this since a video wouldn‘t let him feel the
energy, but this old man seemed suspicious for some reason.

„A Heavenly Killing Star raised another Heavenly Killing Star?‟

If true, it couldn‘t be a simple coincidence. The old man spoke.

[You need to learn to control your mouth.]

[Kuak, yes… yes. I apologize.]

This old man was different from how he seemed in Sayogi‘s memories.

In the memories, this old man is kind and playful. However, not once had he shown such an
intimidating feeling.


The old man let go of the hand and his eyes turned back to normal as he said.

[In the end, I managed to find the material so I don‘t need to depend on him anymore.]

[Cough… cough… but we need to retrieve him. Wouldn‘t he be a ticking time bomb?]

At that, the old man smiled and said.

[Chuckle, if it is him, he would be dead set on turning the Murim into a mess. He couldn‘t have
gotten far, so look for him.]

At those words, the fat man in glasses bit his lip. It was dissatisfying but he didn‘t try speaking
out as he was afraid of this old man.

[What if the material couldn‘t be gotten hold of, then the spare would be a waste, are you fine
with it?]

[Don‘t be silly. I found a way to not move it, what do you plan on doing with such a risk without
[…. Alright. That side will fully preserve the power of the elderly.]

While paying attention, Chun Yeowun had a hard time understanding what they were talking

If Chun Yeowun was like this, could Hu Bong ever get anything into his brain?

Hu Bong just looked at the video and titled his head.

At first, he thought that it would be better to watch till the end.

[I have no reason to stay here anymore, so get rid of everything.]


After saying those words, the old man disappeared.

It was the place he had lived in with his grandchild for a long time, but he said to get rid of it
without a hint of regret. As the old man vanished, the men in white came out with flamethrowers.

The man in glasses mumbled.

[That monstrous old bastard missed the kid? As if I could laugh. He must have let him go
because he developed affection after nurturing him for so long. Tch, how dare he!?]

The man seemed annoyed and gave orders to burn everything done.


Chun Yeowun who watched till then, stopped it and rewinded it back.

After turning it a little back, the figure of the fat man trying to get away stopped.


With his two fingers, he tried to enlarge the screen.

A small logo was engraved on the sunglasses.

It was the logo of MS Group. In that brief moment, Chun Yeowun noticed it.

―Lord! Isn‘t that the mark of MS or something? No, those guys that couldn‘t be found


Chun Yeowun nodded and stroked his chin with his hand. He never expected that this
grandfather of Sayogi would be in contact with them.

At first, he only thought of finding one clue, and now that he found one, he felt rewinding it back
for more, and watched the scene of the thatched house burning.

The house was covered with soil over it to hide the ashes.

„Why is this person affiliated with MS?‟

He couldn‘t figure it out. The conversation seemed like there was a purpose behind it. However,
it was difficult to understand as they didn‘t state it out. The only clue was that there was a GC-
000 prototype, but he couldn‘t figure out what that meant.


[It means a trial with only core functions before commercialization.]


The man in glasses spoke as if he was handling Sayogi, and what did it mean to retrieve him?

„If it was Sayogi‟s words and memories, only his grandfather and that uncle should know he

Which meant that Sayogi was unaware of this fact for many reasons.

Was it possible that he was deceived all his life? If that was the case, wasn‘t it the most horrible

‟… should I say it is pitiful?‟

He died not knowing the truth behind the people around him. Well, maybe it was the best thing.

At least he didn‘t know about the other side of the man he considered his grandfather.

Flustered, Hu Bong asked.

―Lord, what are you going to do? Should we look around for a moment? Maybe someone could



Chun Yeowun raised his hand, gestured for him to be silent and looked somewhere.

His eyes pierced through the forest like a hawk hunting down its prey.

About 400 meters away from there.

The top of a tree branch was so high that looking down would make one dizzy.

Two forms covered in the shadows of the branches were swaying on it, squatting with their
knees bent.

The two men were looking at the same place.

The man with the hoarse voice on the left opened his mouth.

―Ark Young. Why are there two unidentified people in the place you mentioned? Without old
man Cho?‖

They were looking at Chun Yeowun and Hu Bong in the distance.

These people had excellent eyesight. The man called Ark Young shook his head.

―Elder Wang. I don‘t know either. It seems like something had happened to old man Cho.
Sayogi, I can‘t even feel his energy.‖
―Is it true that the child was born with a Heavenly Killing Star like the old man said?‖


―Ugh, this is getting tough.‖

The one called elder Wang spoke to Ark Young in a low voice.

―I am sorry. I was too late in accepting your request for help.‖

―No. I owed one to the old man, so I came here, prepared to hear what he wanted to say. It looks
like we came at a bad timing. What should we do?‖

―They seem related. We should catch them and interrogate them…‖

Before he could even finish, Elder Wang yelled.

―Ark Young. Ahead!‖

Ark Young looked and noticed that the two people ahead of the thatched house weren‘t there


Ark Young hurriedly stretched out his fist to the branches which were covered ahead.


A man with red hair appeared through there. Hu Bong.

―Why are you hiding there and watching?‖

Hu Bong raised his fist with Fire qi and the two fists collided.

Wheik! Bang!


Ark Young‘s body bounced back, filled with heat.

It was the same with Hu Bong.

„He blocked my fist?‟

The opponent must have been in a hurry to counter him, yet, he managed to hold his ground.

―Ark Young!‖


The man called elder Wang jumped out of the shadows and tried to help Ark Young who
bounced back. Elder Wang was an old man.


When the old man Wang lightly stroked his pal, the fire dug on the body creating the heat was
discharged from Ark Young‘s body.


―T-thank you.‖

―Such an amazing person. Handling Fire qi. You aren‘t injured internally, right?‖

―I am fine. I just couldn‘t respond to the flame because I was in haste.‖

―Right. However, I hid our presence as much as I could, I really didn‘t think he would notice.
Where is the other…‖



Elder Wang and Ark Young couldn‘t hide the shock at the voice which came from behind.

„Just when?‟

In the case of Hu Bong, they managed to know the presence a minute before the attack.

However, despite being behind them, they couldn‘t notice his presence.
―You kept an eye over me like a rat.‖

An intimidating voice. This man behind seemed like a great warrior.


Elder Wang hurriedly checked for injuries on Ark Young and turned back.

A pale white face, sharp-looking eyes and black suit.

Chun Yeowun.

At the same time, Elder Wang brought out his sword.

„This sword technique?‟

Chun Yeowun‘s eyes lit up.


Elder Wang swiftly aimed for Chun Yeowun‘s forehead.

However, Chun Yeowun caught it as he pinched it between his fingers.


―Catch a sword?‖

Elder Wang‘s eyes widened in surprise.

He was surprised that a man caught a sword unfolding a technique with bare hands.

The hand could have been cut if there was sword energy on the sword.

Chun Yeowun asked him.

―Old man. The sword technique you…‖

At that time, before Chun Yeowun could finish speaking, Elder Wang stretched out his left hand.

While the right hand was being moved, it was not possible to wield a technique with the other.

That too a completely different one.

„Right and Left swords?‟

It was similar to what Chun Yeowun used to do, use both right and left swords with different

However, unlike the right one, which had to be dominant, right now, the left was natural and full
of energy.




Elder Wang was flustered. He didn‘t think this man could block the sudden attack coming in
from the left side, which would usually make the opponent fluster.

Chun Yeowun said,

―Dual swords. I heard that the All Truth Clan had gone extinct a long time ago.‖


Elder Wang‘s eyes fluttered at those words. There wasn‘t a single person in the Murim world
who knew of the All Truth clan.

It was because the clan hadn‘t moved forward and went extinct ages ago.

Even in the time of Chun Yeowun, it was a legendary clan which only stayed in the records. It
was natural to be shocked when such a young man could discover that by seeing the sword

„Who the hell is he? What is the purpose of him being here? Ah? He is…‟
As he was too worked up, he couldn‘t recognize him, but seeing up close now, this was a face he
had seen several times during the news of judicial prison.

„Chun Mu-seong the vice-chairman of Yongchun group? Why is there a Demonic Cult member

Chun Yeowun asked.

―It doesn‘t matter what you do. You people. What relationship do you have with the MS

Chun Yeowun thought that these people had something to hide as they were hiding in the bushes
and watching them.

―Are you going to erase us?‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s question, Elder Wang frowned.

And responded.

―Young warrior of Demonic Cult. Don‘t think that since you have recently gained reputation,
you could run wildly without knowing how wide the world is.‖

Elder Wang raised the energy. He was a warrior of one hundred and ninety years old.

Although he was shocked by Chun Yeowun, he didn‘t think he would lose to him.

―There are many unknown and oddities about Murim.‖


And he kept raising it. As Chun Yeowun was holding the sword with his hand, it was a battle of
internal energy.

―Young master, let‘s have that cheekiness of yours kneel…‖


Elder Wang, who tried to make Chun Yeowun kneel, couldn‘t hide his shock.
His face turned red. It felt like the veins in his arms were about to burst.

„Ah no, what kind of internal energy…‟

It wasn‘t just that.



Chun Yeowun gave strength and bent the man‘s finger as he asked.

―Who is the oddity? Descendant of the All Truth clan?‖



Tremble! Thud!


Elder Wang, who was trying to endure it with all his might, was forced to kneel.

And the floor around him cracked.

The knees scraped and blood oozed out. His stomach trembled in pain.

At that moment, Chun Yeowun was ready to punch.


―Stop! Release Elder Wang right now!‖

Ark Young, who was dealing with Hu Bong, rushed for Elder Wang.

Chun Yeowun, who saw him coming, smiled, lifted his hand and made it into a fist.

The sound of something breaking.

The space where the fist touched seemed like a storm would rage and shape everything.

The sight which made Ark Young puzzled.

„No, that fist?‟

The fist unfolded by Chun Yeowun was the unification of energy which was used by Ark Wui.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 138 -
Oddities (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Jan 28, 2022

• 11 min read • 5022 views



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Sichuan‘s Ark family.

A prestigious warrior family that shook the entire Murim world once upon a time. However, at
one point, they disappeared from the memory of every single warrior.

And Ark Young was a descendant of the famous Ark family. On the outside, he seemed middle-
aged, but he was actually 119 years old.

Which meant he lived a long time, but even for him, this was surprising.


A part of the forest, which was covered with thick greenery, was blown away.

In the midst of the fan-shaped destruction, he stood with crossed arms crossed and ragged


Blood came out of his mouth.

„I blocked it but…‟

He couldn‘t fully block it. The defense he tried to use was impenetrable, but even that was

The space shook like a raging storm.

The unification of energy… the legend…

In disbelief, Ark Young said.

―You… how did you know of the techniques of the Ark family?‖
Chun Yeowun responded.

―For a descendant of the East God, you are so weak.‖

―East God?‖

Ark Young‘s eyes fluttered.

„How did he come to know of that name?‟

Among the ancestors, there was only one person who had the name of East God and was pretty
famous too.

It was Ark Wui, the 8th generation member, who was the most prominent and proficient warrior.

In the records of the Murim, it was said that Ark Wui, who was famous for a long time as a
member of the Five Great Warriors, had one day disappeared.


Chun Yeowun, who held onto Elder Wang‘s finger, suddenly appeared ahead.


Startled, Ark Young tried to hit him.

The fist made of the essence of energy and 10 times level power within.

It was a one-shot kill. However,


Chun Yeowun grabbed it.

―Not yet!‖

Ark Young‘s hand was twisted. The fist he used was the Wind God‘s Fist, which should have
taken down the opponent at once, but wouldn‘t work if the opponent was stronger.


Ark Young‘s arm, which was twisted, soon dislocated and dropped.

―Stupid too.‖

Chun Yeowun seemed disappointed. And that made Ark Young feel absurd.

„How can someone who looks so young have such energy?‟

In general, with body transformation after enlightenment, finding out the age was difficult.

But there was one way to guess.


In case a tooth was pulled out and the color was checked, one could guess the age, but Chun
Yeowun‘s teeth were pure white.

―Chun Mu-seong. What are you…‖




When Chun Yeowun added more power, Ark Young‘s knee bent down, and his arm was twisted.

―I will be the one asking questions.‖


―What is your relationship with the MS Group?‖


Ark Young seemed confused at the question.

―Pretending not to know?‖

―I have no idea what you are talking about. Isn‘t MS Group a company which disappeared a long
time ago?‖

That was what Ark Young remembered. He remembered it to be a company of tech and military

Chun Yeoeun looked at that and said,

„What is the possibility of a lie?‟

[Considering the changes in the facial muscles, including the pupil contractions, it is less than
5% likely to be a lie.]

Nano‘s ability to detect lies.

It wasn‘t 100% accurate as it was based on science, but it was almost 80-90% accurate.

Chun Yeowun asked.

―Then why were you wandering around here?‖

At that, Ark Young responded.

―That is what I want to ask. The Vice-chairman of Yongchun is… no, Demonic Cult…‖



―Demonic Cult?‖


Ark Young, who noticed what he said, changed his words.

―I-isn‘t it strange that you, a member of the Sky Demon Order, has come to such a remote

At that, Chun Yeowun responded.

―Heavenly Killing Star.‖


At the mention of that, Ark Young went stiff.

„How did this person come to know?‟

It was a secret.

Ark Young‘s face, which gave out the hints, tried to cover it.

―What are you trying to say?‖

So awkward.

―You are horrible at lying. You wouldn‘t say that Sayogi isn‘t the Heavenly Killing star now,

―You know Sayogi?‖

―I ran into him.‖

―No… you met Sayogi outside this place?‖


At that, Ark Young sighed. He occasionally told Sayogi about the outside Murim world, but he
didn‘t think he would leave.

He just talked about it because he didn‘t want the man to feel suffocated in the forest, but it
seemed like a lot had happened.

―Sigh… I must be out of it.‖

‗That happened?‘

Having seen Sayogi‘s memories, Chun Yeowun knew that he walked out willingly.

Chun Yeowun asked.

―Did you let him go even after knowing he is the Heavenly Killing Star?‖

―Ah! I didn‘t! If that was the case, I would have trapped the man here forever.‖


―… Sayogi lived for nearly 90 years. He‘s old, but he is just a kid who knows nothing.‖

Chun Yeowun nodded, agreeing to it. He got that when he battled with the man. Ark Young
continued to speak.

―Mr. Cho and I did our best to help Sayogi overcome the situation. Please don‘t misunderstand.‖

―So the problem of Heavenly Killing Star can be overcome?‖

Chun Yeowun, who was curious about the Heavenly Killing Star, had looked through ancient

However, all of them said that the slaughter couldn‘t be stopped as it was simple karma. It was
said that the killing was done for the sake of the other living beings.

At Chun Yeowun‘s question, Ark Young spoke in a loud voice.

―It can be overcome! Actually, there are cases of overcoming…‖

―Are you talking about the old man? Sayogi‘s grandfather.‖

―H-How did you know?‖

Ark Young couldn‘t hide his shock. He wasn‘t sure how far Chun Yeowun knew the truth. So he
decided to be upfront.

―If you know the old man, you must know that Heavenly Killing Star‘s Blood Kill energy can be

―Don‘t know.‖

―You call that old man Mr. Cho?‖


Ark Young realized that the man knew nothing.

And as far as the old man‘s existence is concerned, even in ‗that place‘, not many could know
about him.

Unknowingly he said the name out.

As he was shocked, Chun Yeowun asked.

―Do you really think that old man managed to overcome it?‖

―… what are you trying to say?‖

―Why are you so sure?‖

At that, Ark Young turned furious.

―Mr. Cho has never committed an act of killing till now. If that had happened, not just the Murim
world, everyone would have been destroyed.‖

―You have a strong belief in him.‖

―I am a witness. Mr. Cho and Sayogi never left this place till now. Occasionally I would come by
to bring clothes and other necessities.‖

Chun Yeowun looked at Ark Young. It didn‘t seem like he was lying, but there was one problem.

―So close yet you don‘t know anything.‖


―Bring that old man and follow me.‖


Where Chun Yeowun pointed was the place where Elder Wang fainted.
―You should know better that you can‘t run away, right?‖

At those words, Ark Young‘s expression darkened. He couldn‘t escape while holding an
unconscious man in his arms.

The red-haired man was also strong.

Chun Yeowun walked to where the thatched house was.

It was now empty.

They didn‘t realize it from a distance, but everything was really gone.

„What the hell happened with Mr. Cho?‟

At Ark Young‘s ignorance, Chun Yeowun used the Time Remind power and showed what

Seeing that, Ark Wui couldn‘t hide his shock.

―This… just how…‖

These were things he didn‘t know. He didn‘t know that Mr. Cho interacted with other people.

He never expected the man to have a hidden duality within him.

―Know what they are saying?‖

Ark Young shook his head. It was difficult for him to understand what they were talking about.

What was certain was that the old man had Sayogi with him for a purpose and now there was no
more need for him.


Ark Young suddenly remembered something.

―What? Did you remember something?‖

―… the problem just turned more severe.‖


―Mr. Cho… must not leave this place because of the oath.‖

―Now what is that?‖

Ark Young, who wasn‘t sure what to do, looked at Chun Yeowun and then said,

―You might know that Mr. Cho is also a Heavenly Killing Star. He overcame it, but not many
believed it. So, in front of everyone, Mr. Cho made an oath to hide himself in Death Valley for
the rest of his life.‖

―You said you believed him, now what is this?‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s sarcastic question, Ark Young said,

―What? Just like there are those who trust him like me, there are those who don‘t.‖

Chun Yeowun asked,

―You keep saying it, so who else apart from you and h…‖


―Ah! Elder Wang!‖

Coincidentally, Eder Wang, who passed out, woke up. Even though he had an injured arm, Ark
Young rushed to the man to check his condition.


If Chun Yeowun‘s guess was correct, that person is a descendant of the All Truth clan.

But that man didn‘t exist in Sayogi‘s memories.

―Why did you bring him? Does he know that Sayogi is the Heavenly Killing Star?‖

When Chun Yeowun asked in a tone of doubt, Ark Young responded.

―Elder Wang was here to help Sayogi.‖


―There is a technique which corrects the raging evil intent in the All Truth clan‘s cultivation. He
came over to help the man.‖

That was the purpose Ark Young brought him alone. He felt sorry for Sayogi, who was
imprisoned all his life and asked Elder Wang to help the man.

„He was the only one who accepted it.‟

Ark Young felt grateful for that person.

Chun Yeowun, who looked at the two, commented,

―That is quite strange.‖


―I am told that he had been imprisoned here for 90 years, but only now the person comes to teach
the cultivation method?‖

At those words, Ark Young turned defensive.

―It isn‘t an easy thing. And the eyes of people in the opposition and Sayogi…‖


At that time, Elder Wang put his hand on Ark Young‘s shoulder and said.

―Ark Young… I am sorry. It wasn‘t because I didn‘t trust you.‖

―Elder Wang… what are you saying?‖

Ark Young couldn‘t understand what was being told.

Chun Yeowun shook his head as he spouted,

―The scent which comes from the old man, can‘t you smell it?‖

Ark Young looked at Elder Wang. He couldn‘t smell anything. However, Elder Wang had a
perplexed expression.

„He is speaking of the Thousand Miles Chase Scent?‟

It was a tracking scent made in a place called Amhyang, which is known to be a legendary
Murim place.

It is a scent that can literally track people from thousands of miles away, but it couldn‘t be
detected by humans.

Only those who have taken a special medication can take it.

―Elder Wang…‖

Ark Young suddenly felt something was bad. However, something struck his mind.


Numerous martial arts warriors were secretly approaching the place. No matter how much the
presence was hidden, the people who were inferior in level could be noticed from a distance.

Approaching secretly and surrounding the place they were at.

A siege.

Elder Wang spoke to Chun Yeowun.

―Cough… Cough… Chun Mu-seong. I don‘t know how you sniffed out the scent, but it is too
late. At least the strongest elders must have made their way here.‖


―About the disappeared Heavenly Killing Star and all, I am going to tell everything.‖

At that, Ark Young hurriedly said,

―Elder Wang, there seems to be some kind of mistake…‖

Chun Yeowun interrupted him and said,

―It seems like he is on the other side. Seeing that three hundred and fifty people came, it seems
like they wanted to kill the Heavenly Killing Star.‖


Ark Young and Elder Wang were both shocked.

Understanding the siege was one thing, but pinpointing the exact number of people was
impossible. What they were feeling couldn‘t be described.

„A person with such good sense knew of the siege but didn‟t run away, why? Why… no!‟

Elder Wang‘s eyes widened.

―Slow. I was getting tired of waiting.‖


―Let‘s move on this side first.‖

Chun Yeowun moved slightly away from them and held out his right hand. The black wrist
guard disassembled and turned into the Sky Demon Sword.


Chun Yeowun grabbed the sword and pushed it to the ground.


They looked to see what he was doing and noticed a blue light from the sword entering the

Chun Yeowun mumbled,

―Come out.‖
As soon as the words fell, opaque auras began to rise one after another.

Shrek! Shrek! Shrek!




Elder Wang was shocked upon seeing the Ghosts.

―This… is this….‖

The appearance of so many ghosts would need another word than terrifying.

When they filled around, a terrifying coldness spread out and Chun Yeowun gave the orders.

―All of them.‖


And with those short words, the Ghosts scattered all over the place passing through trees and
bushes without hesitation. At the terrifying sight, Elder Wang was dumbfounded.

―How, how can a human summon ghosts?‖



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 139 -
Oddities (3)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Jan 29, 2022

• 13 min read • 5159 views




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The horde of countless black clothed men moving fast.

Three of them were at the forefront.

An old man with long grey hair was walking across the valley‘s bushes. His eyes were closed.

On the other side was a bald old man wearing a tank top showing off his muscles and unsuitable
for his age.

The other old man with the sunglasses and the fluttering coat was trodding on the branch at a
similar speed as the other two.

The old man with sunglasses was Yang Hon-cheong.

He was the heir to the Yang Sword Emperor clan. He was a person who boasted elegance and
had the softest swordsmanship.

―Has to be Elder Cho. Seems like Elder Wang is injured. Huh.‖

At those words, the muscular older man said,

―Right. Seeing how his energy suddenly dropped. Ugh, that is why I warned him not to move
until we arrived.‖

The loud voice matched the appearance.

He was the 13th generation descendant of Mount Ho, Ho Cheol-woo, which was once called as
King of Mountains for over 800 years, and had amazing power to wield the two huge axes on his

For the past hundred and seventy years, he devoted his whole life to learning and managed to
attain enlightenment.

With a frown, Yang Hon-cheong said,

―I thought that since he is old, he wouldn‘t last long in front of them, but he seems to be fine.‖

―Maybe that Sayogi is a young one. Haha, no matter what anyone says, he‘s a Heavenly Killing

For them, a hundred-year-old person was still young. Yang Hon-cheong clicked his tongue.

―Tch tch. Let‘s say goodbye. Two of them, two Heavenly Killing Stars being killed as soon as
we arrive. Hhhh.‖

The old man with long white hair, who didn‘t speak much, opened his mouth,

―Be quiet now. Everyone is coming.‖

―Hmm. I see. Elder Go.‖


It showed that this old man held the highest position of the three. The white-haired man was Go

They were the three Elders, the ones in the highest level. And Go Ju-ryeong was the strongest.

However, one thing made him curious. With his senses, he could certainly feel one person‘s
energy in addition to the two familiar energies.

„It can‟t be just one person on the other side.‟

Thus, he made two assumptions.

Maybe that old man who had been in that house had become so strong that he couldn‘t even feel
his energy.

‗If it is that monstrous old man, everyone will have a hard time. There will be no one who can
defeat him.‘

Now, they brought in such a huge force assuming the old man had turned stronger.

Two of the four Elders on either side. He himself, a top-three Elder, and another three elders
moving in different directions.

Other than that, there were also elite warriors trained in martial arts under guidance. It was an
effort to fight the great monster who had once defeated hundred and eight warriors.

„At this level, that old man can be subdued. And then…‟

Jo Ju-ryeong touched his closed eye. And then heard the voice from someone behind.

―Master Go. They came, but I promise you. Please give me a chance to compete with Sayogi

A confident voice. Go Ju-ryeong turned his head to see a handsome man with curly hair and grey
uniform, who seemed to be in his mid-forties.

―Hehehe, you. You seem fully committed.‖

Ho cheol-woo praised the man.

The curly-haired man was called Baek Hyang.

He was the next candidate for the head of the Green Forest clan and chosen by the Three Elders.
Yang Ho-cheong smiled and answered,
―Actually, I am more curious about the battle between the Heavenly Body and the Heavenly
Killing Star.‖

Surprisingly, Baek Hyang had a Heavenly Body which came once in a thousand years.

Unlike the high-risk bodies, he had the optimal one to learn martial arts.

―I will not disappoint the masters!‖

„He grew up well.‟

Go Ju-ryeong smiled while looking at the confident man.

He was the one who found this man. Originally, he wanted to make him his own disciple, but
then the man was taught by everyone thinking that he would be the best candidate as the head
with the Heavenly Body.

―Are you confident?‖

―This a battle between two of the heavens which were sent down, I won‘t be careless.‖

The three of them were satisfied with it.

―Kuahaha, how is he so pretty despite saying such words?‖

―I know.‖

Go Ju-ryeong nodded his head. Anyway, they brought him here to let him gain practical
experience as a candidate.

―Good. Will give you the first chance…‖


At that moment, all three Elders stopped moving at the same time. Baek Hyang too.

―Master. What is that gloomy energy…‖

A gloomy energy which they hadn‘t felt until they stepped into that place. It was growing fast
and they couldn‘t figure out what it was.

Yang Hon-cheong took off his sunglasses and frowned.

―Elder Go. Isn‘t that weird energy coming from the Heavenly Killing Star?‖

At that, Go Ju-ryeong shook his head.

―No. That energy is rather… evil.‖

It was then.

A scream.


Hearing the scream, Ho Cheol-woo urgently said,

―Seemed like Elder Jo. Let‘s go in the scream‘s direction.‖


As soon they thought that, a scream came from another direction.

Go Ju-ryeong clicked his tongue and complained,

―Tch Tch, looks like Cho and Sayogi split into two. It seems like they decided that they would be
in trouble if we all gathered. He is old too. Such a…‖


Before he could even finish speaking. Another scream came. This time it was in the northwest

Ko Ju-ryong looked at the place, unable to understand.


―W-what is this? Acuk!‖

The screams kept coming from all directions. And not a single person knew what it was.

It wasn‘t like they were here to kill the two men, rather it felt like they were trapped within a

―What is all this?‖

―Do you know anything about this?‖

Screams all around meant a huge problem.

Go Ju-ryeong frowned and mumbled,

―What the hell are the other Elders doing?‖

―Master! Look over there!‖

At that moment, Baek Hyang, who was in front of them, pointed to a creepy opaque thing.

Beings which were coming out from within the trees and bushes.



―No. What kind of ghosts would come in broad daylight?‖

All the warriors couldn‘t hide their shock.

The Ghosts flew here and there with gloomy energy leaving behind a white haze on the ground.

Even the Elders who lived for so long, went stiff.

However, Go Ju-ryeong regained his thoughts.

―Everyone, calm down! How could Ghosts even exist? It must be some weird thing that old man
did! Charge!‖

At those words, the warriors rushed towards the Ghosts.

Surprisingly, these Ghosts knew how to perform martial arts.

―Huh? A Ghost which knows martial arts?‖

―Isn‘t that the Plum Blossom Sword technique of Mount Hua?‖

When the Ghosts began to unfold martial arts, people fell into chaos. They had no idea what
these were.

However, it was certain that this was caused to trample on their plan.

―That old man Cho!‖

Ho cheol-woo couldn‘t hold back his anger. He took the giant axe he was wearing on his back
and hit the Ghosts.


The axe pierced through the bodies of several Ghosts and came back to him.


The Ghosts which were hit disappeared like they didn‘t exist.

―Have you all seen that? They die too! Don‘t be afraid!‖

―Oh! Kill them!‖

―We can do it!‖


Once the morale grew, the warriors went for the Ghosts. If it was something that could be killed,
then they didn‘t have to worry about anything.

Suddenly, a huge pillar of flame rose from the bushes in a certain direction.

Shocked, Yang Hon-cheong said,

―That is where Elder Seo and Elder Kang are.‖

Elder Seo and Elder Kang were in the top-five Elders.

There was something unusual about the pillar of fire that soared. Yang Hon-cheong said to Go

―Looks like the old man is over there.‖

―It seems like that group there has failed…‖


The moment Ko Ju-ryong was speaking, Yang Hon-cheong turned his head.


He was at a loss for words. It was a Ghost in the form of a giant 30- metre-tall monster.

Everyone was shocked at the enormous size, which was nothing like a Ghost.

―What the…‖

And when the giant opened the mouth. A blue light beam was shot from it.


―A-avoid it!‖



The Elders and the others spread out immediately. The ground was dug in a straight line where
the beam passed. What was unusual was that the ground turned white.

―B-body is…‘

The bodies of the warriors, who couldn‘t avoid it, fell down and turned white.

Even their eyes were white, as if life was sucked out of them.

―Where did this monster come from!‖

Ho cheol-woo bounced up like a spring despite his muscular body and tried to smash the monster
with the axes right in the head. The monster‘s face was about to be cut down by the energy
which extended out.

Right then.



Ho Cheol-woo couldn‘t hold his shock. Someone grabbed the two axes he swung with all his

A white face, black suit and sharp-looking eyes. It was Chun Yeowun.

―Sorry, but that is a bit dangerous. You see, he is a hard-to-find thing.‖

―You, how can you hold sword energy with bare hands?‖

That was the reason HO Cheol-woo was shocked. This man managed to hold both the axes as if
they were nothing.


And his sword energy was distorted.

„What unbelievable energy.‟

In other words, just how much internal energy did this young man have to not be bothered by the

Flustered, Yag Hon-cheong shouted,

―Chun Mu-seong? Demonic Cult?‖

It was so loud in the news that no one could not know him.

Go Ju-ryeong, who heard it, was puzzled.

―Then why is he here?‖

On the other hand, Baek Hyang liked it.

„Is he the most famous Demonic Cult member in the current Murim?‟

Because their clan never made an outside appearance, they didn‘t make a name for themselves,
so seeing Chun Yeowun interested him.

Unable to move the axe, Ho chul-woo shouted in anger.

―Are you a member of the Demonic Cult?‖

Despite the time changing, he was the head of the Green Forest clan. And it was no exaggeration
to say there was a time when they had a connection with the Sky Demon Order.

―Fine! If you like the axes that much, take it!‖


Ho Cheol-woo blew the axe into pieces. And the smashed fragments loaded with sword energy
flew for Chun Yeowun‘s face.


When Chun Yeowun slightly waved his hand, the fragments scattered. Ho Cheol-woo stretched
back his fist, gathered energy around it and swung it at Chun Yeowun‘s chest.




His fist with maximum power was caught, and Chun Yeowun didn‘t even move a step back.

―Pretty rough fist.‖

―This… you?‖

―But you don‘t seem to have much of a clue.‖


―You just swing your fist.‖

As soon as he said those words, Chun Yeowun clenched his fist.

Biting his lip, Ho cheol-woo began to give more strength into his body. He was confident in his
body‘s strength.

―No use. I have go…‖



Ho Cheol-woo‘s eyes widened as they were about to pop out.

―What was that?‖



Chun Yeowun clenched his fist and aimed for the chest which distorted the space.
At the same time, the strength which Ho Cheol-woo was so proud of, crumbled in vain and his
heart sank in.

Pak! Kwakwakwang!

Ho Cheol-woo was thrown out, broke the ground below and shook his head.

Yang Hon-cheong was at a loss for words when one of the top-three Elders fell down so easily.

―H-How can this…‖

Chun Yeowun was thought to be on the level of Five Great Warriors.

However, the Green Forest clan had abandoned the Murim levelling. They lived past human
years and attained pure strength.

Yet, Ho Cheol-woo wasn‘t an opponent for the young man.

„He is just a member of the Demonic Cult?‟

If such a person existed, the Demonic Cult would‘ve never been defeated by the Murim

So as Yang Hon-cheong was wondering who the man was, someone stepped ahead.

„Baek Hyang!‟

It was Baek Hyang.


Baek Hyang‘s eyes were twinkling.

Even after seeing one of his masters fall, he wanted to go and fight.

―Hyang, stop!‖


But he already left and moved towards Chun Yeowun with confidence.
„Don‟t worry. Master Yang. I surpassed you all a long time ago.‟

He wanted to fight against Chun Yeowun, who is the most famous in current Murim. It was a
good chance for him to check his level.

―It will be different now. Handle my sword! The strongest in the world!‖

Baek Hyang grabbed his sword and struck with lightning-fast movement. The moment to divide
the mountains and seas.

A true level of swordsmanship for which everyone complimented him.

„Amazing. When did that child get to that level…‟

Yang Hon-cheong‘s eyes widened. Baek Hyang seemed to have surpassed the three elders.




With a single hand, Chun Yeowun stopped the sword.

Everyone thought that the body would be cut with the sword, but he managed to stop it with his
bare hands.

At his shock, Chun Yeowun ridiculed,

―Well. Not much of a difference.‖

With that, Chun Yeowun brought his index finger close to his forehead. At the absurd pose of
forehead flick, Baek Hyang yelled,

―Are you trying to pull my le…‖

At that moment, Chun Yeowun‘s finger struck him.


The pain felt as if a hammer had been used to hit him. Baek Hyang‘s body bounced back, but
Chun Yeowun, with his swift movements, grabbed the neck.



The neck vertebrae was broken because of the force at which the body was about to move and
was caught.

If not for Chun Yeowun‘s hand position, the man could have died.

However, the pain of being hit and grabbed by the throat couldn‘t be endured.


Go Ju-ryeong couldn‘t help but be shocked.

„Such a monster is a mere member, just a member of the Demonic Cult?‟

Chun Yeowun was known to the outside world as the Vice-chairman of the Yongchun Group.

Therefore, they all thought of him as a high-ranking member of an Elder.

Shocked and nervous, Go Ju-ryeong asked.

―W-what is your position?‖

With his voice full of confidence and pride, Chun Yeowun said,

―Me? Chun Ma of the Great Sky Demon Order.‖



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 140 -
Oddities (4)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Jan 30, 2022

• 10 min read • 5060 views



―Ch-Chun Ma!‖


Go Ju-ryeong and Yang Hon-cheong were shocked at the same time. They were the older
generation of Murim who knew better than anyone else what Chun Ma meant.

Wasn‘t it a title that meant that this man was the most powerful force in the Demonic Cult?

„No way… there is a 3rd generation Chun Ma in the current Demonic Cult?‟

Go Ju-ryeong looked at Chun Yeowun with trembling eyes. The elders who fought with him had
suffered so much. It was their first time seeing such a monster.

Go Ju-ryeong suddenly remembered a conversation he had with his lord.

[Leader! Why aren‘t we going out? With the Gate and all, the world is in a mess. Although we
have turned our backs on the world, shouldn‘t we do something in such situations?]

[Elder. A real disaster will come soon.]

[Real disaster?]

[That is more dangerous compared to any other.]

[Are you saying that we should continue to stock up our strength for that? What could that
disaster be?]

[The prophecy mentioned is coming to an end soon.]


[Soon that calamity will appear. A demon that even the sky will fear. We need to prepare for

[Demon… sky?]

[The world has enough power to deal with the current crisis. Don‘t worry. The world isn‘t as
weak as you think.]

Contrary to his concerns, as the Leader of Green Forest, the world regained power and even
Murims attained a name for themselves. Although the root cause hadn‘t been solved, mankind
adapted to it.

„Fall from heaven… demon… Chun Ma. That was it. The disaster that the leader mentioned.‟

He was convinced that this disaster the leader spoke about was Chun Ma.

Go Ju-ryeong‘s eyes turned sharp. When they were here to catch the Heavenly Killing Star, this
man appeared.

[Kill the Heavenly Killing Star. And erase anything related to it.]
The order given by the Elder. It was an order to kill the Heavenly Killing Star.

„The mission has already failed. I‟d rather run away somehow and let the leader know that Chun
Ma has appeared. If Chun Ma joins hands with the Heavenly Killing Star, a greater disaster
would come.‟

It would turn out to be worse than the worst situation they feared. So Go Ju-ryeong sent a
message to Yang Hon-cheong.

[Elder Yang. I‘ll stop him. Take the surviving warriors and go back to inform our leader!]

[Elder Go! What are you…]

[He has to be the Chun Ma mentioned in the prophecy.]

At that, Yang Hon-cheong‘s expression went stiff. He had forgotten about it as it happened 27
years back, but he remembered the conversation.


And Go Ju-ryeong was right. This man had an amount of power they couldn‘t handle.

Moreover, seeing that he had the power to control Ghosts, it was even more of a disaster.

[Wait! Then you alone cannot hold him back.]

Yang Hon-cheong tried to help.

[You know my ability.]

Go Ju-ryeong pointed his finger at one of his closed eyes. Which made Yang Hon-cheong bite
his lip. Elder Go was trying to show how determined he was to stop the man.

[I… I must tell you. I will wait for you, Elder Go. I want you to say it with your own mouth, that
you stopped the prophecy.]

With a nervous face, Go Ju-ryeong smiled.



Even before the conversation was done, Chun Yeowun appeared in front of Go Ju-ryeong.

―Quite an interesting story you were telling. sky fearing something?‖


Go Ju-ryeong‘s eyes fluttered.

It was supposed to be an energy tone, but was the conversation heard?

„Who is this person?‟

―Can you tell me what it means?‖


Chun Yeowun stretched out his hand making Go Ju-ryeong move back.



Chun Yeowun frowned. He knew this man was stronger than the one he faced before, but he
didn‘t think he could avoid Chun Yeowun‘s movements.

However, as soon as he tried to catch the man, he managed to avoid it.

Go Ju-ryeong, who moved back, yelled.

―Everyone out! Hurry up, Elder Yang!‖

Yang Hon-cheong, who was bewildered at the situation, soon took out a stick from his sleeve
and lifted it to the sky.

And when pressed, a firework went off in the sky.


A signal to withdraw.

―Elder Yang, take care! Haah!‖

Yang Hon-cheong pulled out the sword he was wearing on the waist and hurled it at Chun
Yeowun. It was to stop him from moving.


At the same time, Yang Hon-cheong moved away.


Chun Yeowun cut down the sword with sword energy, and the split sword flew to the side,
cutting down trees until it fell.

―You are doing something useless. No one can run away.‖

Chun Yeowun was about to extend his sword at Yang Hon-cheong, but at that moment, Go Ju-
ryeong‘s sword aimed for his forehead.


Interference in perfect timing. Chun Yeowun tried to cut down this new sword. At that time, Go
Ju-ryeong suddenly changed the sword‘s path from head to thigh.

„This one?‟

Chun Yeowun narrowed his eyes. He clearly saw it.

Right before he moved his sword, the old man unfolded the sword as if he knew what Chun
Yeowun was doing.


Without blocking the sword flying to the thigh, Chun Yeowun tried to aim for the throat of Go
Ju-ryeong who could come close.
With that, he moved his sword.


At that, Go Ju-ryeong quickly spread light footwork and flew back.

Chun Yeowun‘s eyes shone.

„Indeed, he knows the future.‟

He knew of the future before Chun Yeowun moved. He looked to see that the closed eye of the
old man was open. A white light gleaming inside the pupil.

„It works. Even against a monster.‟

Go Ju-ryeong smiled.

Contrary to what he feared, he realized that his ability was working properly. It was harnessed 7
years ago.

He woke up suffering from fever for three days and nights and after having pure core elixir, the
ability came into existence.

―The ability to know the future 3 seconds ahead.‖

It might not seem like a huge deal, but it could be said to be the strongest ability against such
monsters. Life and death was something that could happen with a single swipe of a sword.

To him, this ability was the same as knowing the future 30 minutes ahead.

„I might even be able to kill him.‟

With his ability, he could find out the gap in the monster‘s movement and avoid being hit too,
which meant he had a chance to end the bloody prophecy with his two hands.

Suddenly, he was dyed with confidence.

Chun Yeowun said,

―I don‘t know what you did, but you seem to be pre-reading my actions.‖

Go Ju-ryeong was shocked. This man guessed his ability roughly in just a few seconds. If the
ability was figured out then how to deal with it could be figured out too.

―It is of no use…‖

At that moment, Go Ju-ryeong‘s eyes shone as he looked into the future.

He could see in his mind what would happen in 3 seconds to help him respond.


Suddenly his heart was grabbed and he fell. He didn‘t even know what the attack was.

„How is that possible?‟

He had no idea on how to avoid the attack. In that brief moment, it felt like his head was going to
explode. Unable to hold back the restlessness which grew in him, he moved to the air.


At that moment, something pierced his heart.



Go Ju-ryeong, who was soaring in great pain, fell to the ground.

And he held his chest as he fell to the ground, just like how he had seen in the vision.

―Heart Sword?‖

―Ohoho. I guess you weren‘t stupid.‖

Heart Sword was embedded in the heart. The Heart Sword, the Sword of the Will couldn‘t be
avoided even if he knew the future.

Unless he had the ability to run a few hundred meters in an instant.

Go Ju-ryeong shook his head.

―Kua… H-heavenly Master level?‖

The legendary sword which can only be used by them. When he found that the level of the
monster was something that people dreamed of, he was terrified.

„H-How can this be stopped?‟

Just a moment ago, he thought he could kill Chun Yeowun, a false illusion. The monster in front
of him wasn‘t something he could even have a chance of standing up to.


It was a situation where he should feel glad for stopping the monster for a second. All the Elders
and warriors must have fled by now.

A white light shone in his eyes and he saw something again.

―W-what is this…‖

The future.


Chun Yeowun flew into the air.

As he floated up to a high place, he held out his hand and numerous Ice Swords appeared in the

It was astonishing to see the number of Ice Swords.

„No way!‟

It was a sight that was more shocking than the sword lodged in his heart. Each of the Ice Swords
was brilliant. And he wasn‘t the only one seeing it.

„W-what is that?‟
Yang Hon-cheong, who had been working hard to escape, turned his head at the energy he felt
from behind.

Only to be terrified.

„I… is this?‟

He lost his senses. No matter how good the internal energy was, no warrior could handle so
many swords.

Of course, a human couldn‘t, but Chun Yeowun was different.

He had Nano. The best partner.

Beep beep beep beep!

Chun Yeowun‘s eyes had augmented reality open within it, numerous X signs locked.

[Target Lock On. Activate the panel system.]

With Nano‘s voice confirming, the Ice swords moved out at their respective targets.


Sky Flash.

Chun Yeowun‘s absolute secret technique hit the fleeing warriors.

An empty thatched house.

There were people who were unable to move because of the internal energy. It was a descendant
of Ark Wui, Ark Young and Elder Wang.

Unlike Ark Young, who was confused, Elder Wang was hoping to resolve this situation quickly.

„Control Ghosts… but that ability of Elders isn‟t that bad either.‟
The Elders were confident enough to enter the Murim world and never lose face because of their

They considered themselves to be on the same level as the Five Great Warriors.

„Ark Young… I am sorry.‟

He felt bad for the man. He trusted only to get backstabbed. Still, he tried to defend Elder Wang.

Elder Mak had asked Elder Wang to deal with Ark Young too.

„He isn‟t a danger like the Heavenly Killing Star. Ark Young.‟

All the Elder Wang could hear was the screams and roars from the fight outside. At some point,
everything went silent. It seemed like everything ended.

Yet, 30 minutes passed without any news.

„Why is it this quiet?‟


At that moment, he heard the sound of something walking.

„They must be here!‟

Someone appeared in the bushes, Elder Wang looked to see who it was.


Those who appeared weren‘t the Elders but Chun Yeowun and Hu Bong.

And in Hu Bong‘s hand were three hanging people.


They were Elder Yang, Elder Ko and Elder Ho. All died in a painful manner. What was unusual
was that their faces were discolored.

„All were hurt?‟

Ark Young bit his lip. He couldn‘t believe that such Elders were taken down.



Hu Bong dropped the bodies down in front of the two men. Elder Wang‘s eyes turned red in

―Release them.‖

―Yes. Lord.‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s command, Hu Bong released the sealed blood points.

―You! ―

Elder Wang tried to vent his anger at the death of his colleagues, whom he had known for a long
time, but Chun Yeowun spoke ahead of him.

―How were these people even trying to kill the Heavenly Killing Star with their skills?
Descendant of East God.‖


Elder Wang went stiff at those words. He didn‘t think they would tell Chun Yeowun about his

„Did the Elders tell him?‟

They died and even gave information to the enemy. But that wasn‘t the problem.

In a trembling voice, Ark Young asked,

―… Elder Wang. Is that… the truth…?‖

Chun Yeowun, who watched that, had a subtle smile.


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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 141 -
Eun Jarim (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Jan 31, 2022

• 10 min read • 5335 views



The voice of Ark Young was filled with anger.

Bewildered, Elder Wang shook his head.

―I-it had to be done. Even Ark Young knows better than this, right?‖

Normally, Ark Young would have been swayed, but he was already betrayed today.

If he hadn‘t seen the video of Mr. Cho, he would have blindly believed everything.

Ark Young felt confused. It felt like all the people he trusted were betraying him one after

Mr. Cho, who he thought was hiding in the mountains, was associated with an unknown
organization and was a murderer. It was hard to believe.

―Would the Elders spill out the truth to him in the fear of death?‖

Elder Wang tried to appease Ark Young as he looked at Chun Yeowun and said,

―Your words… aren‘t entirely believable.‖

At that, Chun Yeowun smiled.

―There is a place where the four of you were hiding, Kunlun Mountains.‖

―H-How did you know?‖

Both the men were surprised at it.

„They really said that?‟

Information which couldn‘t be known. Of course, Chun Yeowun got this by looking through the
Ghost memories.

Either way, it was a decisive blow.

Elder Wang, who was convinced the cover was blown, decided to plead.

―I-I was going to let you go. I‘ve known you for nearly a hundred years now, can‘t you believe

Ark Young‘s eyes were filled with disappointment. Human hearts are truly deceitful.

Even though he believed in Ark Young for years, after knowing that he was involved in killing
someone, he turned cold.
„How could this be…‟

Nothing more could be said. He simply turned away his head.

―Ark Young!‖

Ark Young could have resented the man, but he didn‘t. It was said that it was the last courtesy
with the man he thought he was friends with.

Enraged, Elder Wang yelled at Chun Yeowun.

―You bastard! Trying to divide us…‖



Chun Yeowun grabbed his mouth. Elder Wang couldn‘t even resist it.

Chun Yeowun opened his mouth,

―I already know everything I wanted to know, which means there is no need to keep you alive.‖

―Ump! Ump!‖

Chun Yeowun already had all the necessary information from the other three elders. What was
strange was that they believed in prophecies.

A demon, which the sky is afraid of, causes great bloodshed, and was regarded as Chun Ma.

And keeping it alive would cause troubles.


Ark Young called out.


―Please spare him. Don‘t commit any pointless murders for what happened because of
It seemed like Ark Young couldn‘t see this man die.

At that, Chun Yeowun shook his head.

―Do you think the orders were to kill you?‖


―I have been told that they were ordered to dispose of everyone who was related to the Heavenly
Killing Star in any place. Is there any reason to keep such a person alive?‖

At those words, Ark Young looked at Elder Wang. The old man didn‘t dare to look at Ark

This old man was the one who said nothing should be hidden between them.

„Since when did things change?‟

Even just a few decades ago, it didn‘t seem like this. At that time, people who turned their backs
on the world had strong characters and learned martial arts. An organization that showed extreme
movement under the guise of justice.

„Was the cause Elder Mak Wei-gang?‟

Elder Mak Wei-gang.

50 years ago, he made a name for himself in Murim and returned.

Although he belonged to the younger generation compared to the Elders, he quickly gained the
Elder title. However, he was different from the others. Probably an ideological problem.

Ark Young spoke to Elder Wang in anger.

―Are you trying to make Blue Sky again?‖

―Blue Sky?‖

Hu Bong frowned upon hearing that.

―My Lord! They seem to be the remnants of that association!‖

At that, Chun Yeowun stroked his chin.

―A little mixed.‘


―It seems like the remnants of the Blue Sky Brotherhood are mixed with Eun Jarim.‖

―Eun Jarim!‖

Eun Jarim.

Like the name says, it was a hidden organization.

The ‗rim‘ was used for the Murim or martial arts warriors, which means hidden group of martial
arts warriors.

An organization which existed at Chun Yeowun‘s time. Normally, it was a secret group made to
prevent the Blade God from trying to control the Murim.

However, after the death of Blade God, they became nothing but a group of hiding people.


A sigh escaped from Ark Young‘s mouth.

Of course, he knew that this man could figure out the organization but it was still shocking.

„To be mixed with it.‟

Unlike Eun Jarim, the Blue Sky was made up of extremists. It was a faction focused on creating
Blue Sky.

Made up of extremists who wanted to create a world of justice and they wouldn‘t hesitate to

―At that time, a man named Hoe-jue died in the hands of the Lord, didn‘t he?‖
Blue Sky‘s Mak Wei-gang. An extremist.

It was Chun Yeowun who took care of him. Perhaps, if so, there was a chance that his bloodline
had continued till now.

„Mak Wei-gang was it?‟

Reading Ko Ju-ryeong‘s memories, he came to know about Mak Wei-gang‘s relatives. Probably
the descendant.

Hu Bong shook his head.

―Terrible people are born.‖

Even at that time, those Blue Sky people always bothered Chun Yeowun with trickery.

They were really clever.

From Heavenly Killing Star to the MS Group, and now the traces of Blue Sky.

―What an impure thing.‖



Chun Yeowun clenched his hand around Elder Wang‘s mouth and ripped out his chin.



Elder Wang, whose chin was torn off, collapsed with a scream.

Wriggling, he died in shock after suffering. Seeing that, Ark Young turned away his head.

As a Murim warrior, he didn‘t avoid killing, but it wasn‘t easy to watch the death of a man he
considered his friend.

„Elder Wang…‟
Ark Young clenched his fist and spoke to Chun Yeowun.

―Kill me.‖

He was the one who asked for death. There was no reason for him to live anymore. After all, he
had lived enough and had no attachment left to life.

His eyes were calm.

Chun Yeowun looked at him and said,

―You are similar.‖

―… what do you mean?‖

―East God Ark Wui.‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s words, he frowned.

He wondered when they fought, but this man kept talking about his ancestor. Thinking about it,
this man even knew how to use their family technique.

„Someone related to our Ark family?‟

As he was puzzled, Chun Yeowun said,

―He was a true warrior.‖

―… what are you saying?‖

It was strange, the way he spoke meant he met with Ark Wui.

At that time, Chun Yeowun took the pose of Fist of Unification. At that, Ark Young‘s eyes


It was similar to their clan‘s, yet there was a difference in the length and stride.

And Chun Yeowun unfolded it.


Every time Chun Yeowun pushed his arm ahead, a strong wind pressure rose.


When he drew his hand around, the wind rotated creating dust.

Each move was their family‘s. At that, Ark Young‘s eyes had gone wide.

―No way…‖

If the Ark family‘s technique was complete, was this how it would be like?

It was a fist. A technique that has no gaps.

Perfect execution.

Chun Yeowun exhaled.


―What the hell… what did you do?‖

―Void Fist Martial Arts.‖

―Void Fist?‖

―It was the technique which was completed with the dedication of Ark Wui.‖


Ark Young was speechless at it. He heard of this technique.

„How… how can he…‟

A technique made by the cultivation of the Ark family as fist martial arts.

However, the technique disappeared and no descendant knew about it. The ancestors made every
effort to relearn it, but it was never completed.
However, seeing Chun Yeowun do it, he was shocked.

―… how did you learn that?‖

―I don‘t know… to meet the descendant of Ark Wui like this.‖

―I don‘t know what you are talking about…‖

―My debt to him.‖

If it was not for Ark Wui, Chun Yeowun might not have reached Heavenly Master level. He was
the one who taught Chun Yeowun how to cross the wall.



A strong wind pierced through Ark Young. It was the basic form.

―I will pay that debt now.‖


―I‘m going to hand over the Void Fist.‖

As soon as he heard those words, Ark Young felt goosebumps rise over his body. The legendary
technique was lost within the family.

Who would have thought that their own family‘s technique was being passed to him by another?

―Who… are you?‖

At that, Chun Yeowun smiled.

―Chun Ma of the Great Sky Demon Order.‖

―Chun Ma!‖

At those words, he was even more shocked.

―And I share a small relationship with East God, Ark Wui.‖

It was also a deep friendship shared on the battlefield of life and death.

Places where the snow-capped mountains were a sight to see. Kunlun Mountain in the west of
Qinghai Province.

The whole mountain range was covered with snow.

According to the legend, it was said to be the origin of the Yellow River.

The mountain had a height of 7,167 meters.

The Kunlun Mountains were the highest in the world except for the Himalayas. Also called
Mount Song, and many legends existed about it.

Some say it was the place where a Palace existed and some mentioned there was a place where
once every three thousand years a ceremony is held.

It was a sacred place for many.


Three men were running fast in that place filled with snow. It was Chun Yeowun, Hu Bong and
Ark Young.

They protected their bodies with energy to avoid freezing to death.


―Ark Young. How long do we have to go up the mountains?‖

Ark Young, who was leading them, answered Hu Bong‘s question.

The place where they were heading to was the Snow Line which was the holy land of the Eun

―I can feel energy close by.‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s words, Ark Young was shocked. The snow line was protected by a large
force of energy which meant that anything inside it couldn‘t be felt by the outside people. Yet,
Chun Yeowun could.

―As expected from teacher!‖

Ark Young spoke in admiration. It was really fun.

In just three days, they had become close.

When he learned that Chun Yeowun was the Chun Ma from a thousand years in the past and had
met with his ancestor, Ark Wui, Chun Yeowun said he was open to take Ark Young as his
disciple, so he felt great.

Despite his real age, Ark Young decided to call Chun Yeowun as ‗teacher‘. And Chun Yeowun
let him do what he wanted.

―It is here.‖

Eventually, they arrived at the entrance of the Snow Line which Ark Young spoke of. Hu Bong

―Huh? What is here?‖

In front of them was a distant cliff.

In reality, it was an Ever Changing place, which made it impossible for one to understand it with
the naked eye. Ark Young stood and pointed to the cliff.

―The Ever Changing place in front of the Snow Line blocks entry each time, so if it isn‘t entered
the right way, we will end up falling into a maze. So follow me.‖

Saying that, Ark Young took a step ahead. And his feet sank.

Ark Young pulled back his feet right away and seeing that, Hu Bong said.

―And someone asked us to follow him.‖

Ark Young felt embarrassed.

―… it seems like the path changed.‖

Otherwise, this wouldn‘t have happened. It was said that the person who built the Ever Changing
formation was famous. So it was known that this couldn‘t be broken, which was why Ark Young
was at a little loss of ideas.

Chun Yeowun interfered.

―Stand back.‖


When Ark Young stepped aside, Chun Yeowun stepped ahead. As they wondered what he would
do, Chun Yeowun drew out a sword.



A sharp energy with eerie feelings and a black line which appeared in the air over the cliff.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 142 -
Eun Jarim (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Feb 1, 2022

• 10 min read • 5539 views

The blue roof of a tiled house was covered with snow. Above it stood a woman in her mid-30s in
a simple blue dress and a middle-aged man in uniform with a stiff face.

In front of the tiled house stood an old man with a gray beard and a robe.

―Huh! What do you mean by saying I can‘t meet the Forest Lord? I can‘t even see the Elders and
warriors who have gone out for four days now.‖

The old man was Seong Jin-gyu. He was the last descendant of the Martial Sword family and
held the post of Elder in Eun Jarim.

The woman responded to Elder Seong‘s without changing her expression.

―It is what you heard, Elder Seong. Right now, my father is ill and it is difficult for him to talk,
so please go back.‖

The woman was Ha Baek-ryeong. She was the only child of the Forest Lord and the head of Eun

Although she looked like she was in her 30s, she was actually in her late sixties.

Elder Seong Jin-gyu clenched his hand and stared at the middle-aged man next to the woman.

„That bastard! Mak Wei-gang!‟

The middle-aged man was Mak Wei-gang. He was an elder of the opposition force and the
husband of Ha Baek-ryeong.

It was like the originality of the stone was being shredded. Ever since this man stepped foot,
Snow Line‘s Eun Jarim was slowly swaying into his control.

„I should have never let her meet him.‟

The men of Eun Jarim felt sorry for this child who spent her entire life in these snowy places and
realized that she enjoyed Mak Wei-gang‘s company.

Had they known that this would be the result, they wouldn‘t have allowed her to meet him.

―… It is serious, Miss. Four or more elders can go out only under the permission of the Lord. It
isn‘t something that Elder Mak can decide on his own.‖

About 300 warriors of Eun Jarim had gone out without the Lord‘s permission. The fact that Mak
Wei-gang dared to give orders to have the Heavenly Killing Star killed without holding a
meeting enraged Elder Seong.

It wouldn‘t be strange to deprive this man of the position.

„And there aren‟t many people following him!‟

Normally, the line between the extremists and the moderates was quite tight, but at some point,
more and more people moved to the extremist side. And two elders of the top three followed
Mak Wei-gang.

80% of the Elders followed him now.

―This is a matter that I decided on behalf of my father. Is that such a big deal?‖

At Ha Baek-ryeong‘s words, Elder Seong clicked his tongue.


Protecting that man.

At least before this man appeared, Ha Baek-ryeong was clever and sensible, but now she
protected the man even if he was wrong.

„Nothing can be done.‟

He wanted her to know what was right and wrong, but it couldn‘t be done anymore.

―Nothing can be done. Since he acted as the deputy, now allow me to organize a search party to
find the Elders we have lost contact with.‖

Elder Seong asked with a bow.

It felt strange to treat this woman who lost her reasoning with respect, but he had to because she
was the daughter of the Lord.

At one time, when the world was devastated by war, it was this Eun family that had accepted

„Nothing more can be done.‟

More than three hundred people have disappeared now. More than half of them were extremists,
so he thought that people willingly went along with Mak Wei-gang.

Ha Beak-ryang answered with a delay.

„I can see her eyes moving. I know they are talking with that damn telepathy.‟

Discussing something.

And then she opened her mouth.

―Obviously it makes sense. As a representative of the Lord, I give permission, so how could
Elder Seong and Elder Hyang work together?‖
The moment he heard that, Elder Seong‘s face was distorted. Elder Hyang was the leader of the
moderate faction. It meant that they were openly trying to keep an eye on this man.

Unable to contain his anger.


―How can you–‖

It was then.

Before he could even say anything, a strange phenomenon occurred. The space around them
shook and began to crack.



―W-what is this?‖

The three of them couldn‘t hide their shock as they watched it. The entire line was surrounded by
a technique and it would look like vast land for people on the outside.

Fortunately, it was in the middle of the mountain, so no one could even come.

„Is the technique being broken?‟

Elder Seong Jin-gyu hurriedly said,

―Miss. We need to head towards the entrance of the line right now.‖

The defense was located at the entrance. In case the outsider invaded, they could block them.

However, the two people who were surprised with it, didn‘t even think about moving.


―We will stay and protect this place.‖

―The lord‘s condition is critical. How can I move from here?‖

It makes sense that she wanted to stay here and protect her father.

―Elder Gyeong is guarding it!‖

Gyeong Cheon-guk, the best after the lord.

Even Mak Wei-gang, who was confident in his intelligence, wouldn‘t be able to surpass that

And unlike those who came in recent times, Gyeong Cheon-guk has been protecting the family
since ancient times.

―Didn‘t you hear her? Elder Seong.‖

Elder Mak asked. However, that only enraged the man more.

―You bastard! Did you forget that Miss is the only one who can take the role of the Lord?‖

―What do you think you say…‖


Ha Baek-ryeong raised her hand at Mak Wei-gang, who was getting angry, and then spoke to
Elder Seong.

―If the enemy attacked right away, isn‘t it absurd for us to repair the technique right in front of

―That is…‖

Elder Seong was speechless. She was right.

If the Lord, who was in critical condition, died now, then the entire thing would be revealed to
the world.

―Go quickly. The lord will be protected by us two.‖

Elder Seong stared at Elder Mak and then turned.

He couldn‘t force them anymore.


When Elder Seong was long gone, with an irritated expression, Ha Baek-ryeong mumbled.

―How long are you going to treat me like a child? This is…‖

The elegance she had disappeared. Mak Wei-gang hugged her and comforted her.

―It is fine. After all, everything will change soon. Don‘t worry too much, wife.‖


Her expression brightened. She truly loved her husband, and wanted to do anything for him.

―We were interrupted, so let‘s finish what we were doing.‖

Mak Wei-gang said while looking at the entrance of the snow line.

If the enemy really invaded, the time of chaos was the best time to do what they aimed for.


They opened the door to where the Lord was living, which had a musty smell and the smell of
flesh rotting.

In that dark room, the figure of the Lord was lying in bed.

Blink! Grind!

The Lord opened his eyes and grunted his teeth. His condition was strange.

Starting with the blue blood vessels, a large part of the skin was rotting. Her father‘s condition
was critical, yet the daughter was looking at him coldly.
Mak Wei-gang approached him and pulled a small bottle with a dropper. He opened it, sucked
liquid into the dropper, brought it to the Lord‘s eyes, and said,

―Now, Lord. Let‘s continue what we were doing earlier. Please tell me how we can open the

With that, he dropped the liquid into the wide-opened eyes of the Lord. At that, the man groaned
in pain.


His fists clenched as if he was trying to endure it. Seeing that, Mak Wei-gang mumbled,

―The patience of the person who inherited such blood. How long will that last?‖

He dropped another drop of the liquid. And the eyes of the Lord began to tremble and his eyes
lost focus.

Mak Wei-gang smiled at it.

Meanwhile, at the entrance of the Snow Line,


Ark Young couldn‘t stop being shocked. Chun Yeowun cracked the entire defense technique
with one slash from a sword. And then the bridges which connected the cliffs appeared.

„It is as if he broke the world apart.‟

The technique used to cover this place was an ancient one and the man who did it was the
forefather of Green Forest Lord. It was the first time for it to be broken.

„That sword just…‟

A sword that destroys anything. Superior Sky Demon Sword.

Surprisingly, it could even cut through such things. It was the first time Chun Yeowun tried it for
such a thing, and it seemed to work.

―Hehehe. My lord is amazing!‖

Hu Bong gave him a thumbs up. A gesture he recently learned and enjoyed using.

―Let‘s go.‖

When Chun Yeowun took the lead, Ark Young was out of the dazed state.

As they crossed the bridge, the space shook, and the moment they passed it…


A new world opened up. The mountain peaks with a flat top were connected by swinging bridges
and buildings with tiles.

„How was such a place hidden?‟

Chun Yeowun found it interesting. Until recently, it was hidden, but as he entered, he could feel
the strong energy from here and there.

„Amazing. To hide all this energy.‟

Chun Yeowun was a bit skeptical. He thought Ark Young was deceiving him, but that didn‘t
seem to be the case.

He wondered who made it.


As they crossed the bridge and stepped onto the first peak, numerous soldiers in yellow uniforms
flocked in front of them.

Ark Young said,

―Teacher. They are warriors of the Eight squad, the entrance line.‖
Eight Squad. The name of the first peakof the Snow Line.

The Snow Line consisted of 9 peaks.

And the first was Eight peak, the second was Seventh peak, the third was Sixth peak, the fourth
was Fifth peak, the fifth was Fourth peak, the sixth was Third peak, the seventh was Second
peak, the eighth was First peak and the ninth was Heavenly Mountain Peak where the Lord

If they were normally invited, they could easily enter. Through that, the next peak can be reached
and those who reach higher will be given the title of Elder.

However, Chun Yeowun broke into the place.

And eventually.


Soldiers in yellow uniforms with their weapons surrounded them.

They were enemies.

A middle-aged man.

―Entrance Peak leader.‖

Ark Young mumbled. This man was the leader of this peak. He was second to no Elder, yet he
remained in his place to help nurture the new people.

―Ark Young. What are you doing by bringing in people of the world into our place without the
permission of the Lord?‖

The people of Eun Jarim called outsiders people of the world.

Ark Young tried to answer it.


Chun Yeowun stepped ahead and stretched out his hand. The leader was puzzled wondering
what he was doing when Chun Yeowun suddenly lowered his hand.




He was brought to his knees by force.

„Wh-what strength does he possess…‟

Unbelievable energy. But not just him, the hundreds of warriors all were on their knees.


―M-my body…‖

Ark Young couldn‘t hide his shock. Each of the warriors here were Master level in the outside
world. And who could bring them all down to their knees?


The energy was making it hard for them to breathe. One by one, people were beginning to lose


Since Ark Young too was an Elder, he was trying to talk to him.

Chun Yeowun said,

―What? Were you about to talk?‖


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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 143 -
Eun Jarim (3)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Feb 2, 2022

• 10 min read • 4961 views



Mak Wei-gang went to the opposite cliff of Heavenly Mountain Peak along with his wife. The
Heavenly Mountain Peak was located at the far end of the nice peaks, and was extremely tall.

Mak Wei-gang looked around the place covered in grass.

„Red stone… red stone… red stone… found it!‟

A piece of red stone visible through the grass. The first hint.

Mak Wei-gang approached the stone without touching it and looked closely. It was shaped like a
triangle with the pointed end pointing to a certain cliff.
―Hubby! It is that.‖

Ha Baek-ryeong pointed to the place which was ten steps away from the cliff.

With both feets aligned, he took exactly ten steps ahead, the right foot first.

[In the front… three times right foot… three candidates… three lefts.]

He moved like the Lord said, and so did his wife.

After taking three steps, he took something out of his arms.

A bottle of water.


He poured it to the floor in front of him. And when the water touched the ground, something


The soil moved and something like a stone slab appeared.

[Hidden… inside… soil… on top… of stone… arises flame…]


Mak Wei-gang created flame and when it touched the stone slab, it cracked and then opened
showing them a stairway leading to a basement.

―Hubby. The road to the heavenly peak has opened.‖

She said while leaning on Mak Wei-gang‘s back. The stairway would go down, but if they
moved this close, they wouldn‘t take a couple steps either.

„The hidden tenth peak!‟

His lips twitched.

The time invested until the day came. the past fifty years he spent here. In order to obtain ‗it‘,
which was sealed by an ancestor, he worked tirelessly to gain trust of the lord.

„Stubborn old man.‟

However, even when the Lord trusted him, he never spoke about the hidden peak. It was his
daughter who told him about it.

„Stupid bitch‟.

She fell in love with him and told him everything.

However, even she didn‘t know where that hidden peak was. In the end, Mak Wei-gang had to
resort to extreme methods and do this.

He was worried his wife wouldn‘t allow it, but she let him poison her own father as revenge for
her dead mother.

„What a wretched daughter you rose, Lord.‟

She was of useful value to him because he needed her to have an official name here.

With a sly smile, Mak Wei-gang said to her,

―Let‘s go in, my wife.‖

The bridge which connects the Fourth to Third peak. There was a person running on it, Elder

Followed by Elder Hyang, the leader of Third Peak.

They could fly from one peak to another, but the reason they were using the bridge was because
of the climate which was unusual in the place.

The moment they tried to fly, they would be dragged down. No matter how great the energy was,
it would happen.
What was certain is the movement had to be done on legs.

„We must hurry.‟

He looked at the other peaks with a serious face. A great energy was approaching. And that too
at a fast rate.

„What are the warriors guarding the other peaks doing?‟

He couldn‘t understand.

Fifty people in the Seventh Peak were Superior Masters, so if they wanted, they could go against
this intruder at once and end it.

These people weren‘t called hidden martial artists for nothing.

But what was this feeling?

―Elder Hyang, we need to hurry.‖


Elder Seong moved faster to cross the bridge and headed to Fourth Peak.

In front of them were two Elders who looked blank.

―Elder Geum, Elder Seok!‖

―Elder Seong!‖

―You two. What are you doing here…‖

Before he could even ask, a loud roar came from the other side.


―What is that?‖

The peak on the other side of the bridge shook. It seemed like a fight was happening and then it
stopped. Not long after that, they saw three people walk out.
Chun Yeowun, Hu Bong and Ark Young.

„No… why is Elder Ark with them?‟

The man called Elder Seok couldn‘t hide his shock. He knew that Ark Young would also be
killed after Heavenly Killing Star was killed by the extremists.

However, he was shocked to see that the man seemed fine.

On the other hand, Elder Seong and the remaining ones were shocked by other stuff.

―He is here in less than 15 minutes?‖

The fact that they appeared here meant that those who were guarding the other peaks were
defeated. There were only three left.

Elder Seong looked at Chun Yeowun.

„Is he the one?‟

Remarkably stronger than the other Elders.

An unknown intimidation from him. A strength which cannot be measured. It was the first time
seeing such a monster.

Elder Hyang spoke first.

―Wait… isn‘t that person the vice-chairman of Yongchun Group who has been a hot topic

―Yongchun Group? Demonic Cult?‖

Being an Eun Jarim didn‘t mean living like a monk. They also watch TVs and use phones. And
in order to prepare people for the prophecies, they often send people to the world to gather

At the word ‗Demonic Cult‘, the face of Elder Seok, an extremist, went stiff.

―How dare the members of the Demonic Cult step foot into the holy land of Eun Jarim! I cannot
forgive them!‖


―Elder Seok!‖

He couldn‘t be stopped. Elder Seok rushed for Chun Yeowun who was crossing the bridge.

„Ark Young. I need to get rid of him before he spills something out.‟

Actually, anger about the purity of Eun Jarim was an act.

What he cared for was killing Ark Young. Killing him before he spoke to other Elders about
what had happened.

―Uh, doesn‘t seem to have senses.‖

Seeing that, Hu Bong shook his head.

Perhaps because he was in here all this time, he was proud of his martial arts.

―Take this! You bastard!‖


Elder Seok, a master of spears, created spear energy and performed techniques. His skills were
different from the past peak‘s leaders.


―That is all.‖

There wasn‘t much power to corner Chun Yeowun.

Chun Yeowun moved through the trajectory without being hit.


And he grabbed Elder Seok‘s face.



„W-what energy is this?‟

Elder Seok raised his own energy to shake off the grasp but nothing happened.

Ark Young, who was watching it from behind, was shocked again,

„Incredible! Even the four Elders were treated like kids…‟

Elder Seok was a spear master of a reputable clan.

Chun Yeowun shook his head and asked Ark Young.

―Is he an extremist or a moderate?‖

Knowing what he was asking it for, Ark Young answered in a weak voice.

―… extremist.‖

―Extremist huh… tainted with useless thoughts.‖


Shocked by the strength, Elder Seok tried to struggle and get out of the grip.

At that, Ark Young spoke.

―That… teacher. I am close to Elder Seok, can‘t you show mercy to him?‖

Chun Yeowun laughed and shook his head along with…



He smashed the face without thinking.

―Elder Seok!!!‖

Those watching from the other side screamed the name. Ark Young too looked away from the
face of the dead Elder.

Chun Yeowun threw the dead body off the cliff.

―That isn‘t the right way to think. Ark Young.‖


―Didn‘t you say to me? Those who are tainted with the Blue Sky ideology and Mak Wei-gang‘s
orders are turning people into rotten water?‖

―… right.‖

The change came 50 years after Mak Wei-gang joined.

Originally, the Eun Jarim were prepared to counter the prophecies, but then from one moment,
they didn‘t seem to be much different from the warriors of the world.


The solution was simple.

All those who believed the ideology of Mak Wei-gang needed to be killed. It might not be easy
to recover, but that is the best way.

„Is the teacher‟s method correct?‟

Chun Yeowun‘s method was too daring. When he came to the peaks, he was making it a point to
kill the extremists.

Maybe because he didn‘t belong here, he was able to decide their fate quickly.

Chun Yeowun said,

―If you really want to be my disciple, I‘ll tell you one thing. If you yourself judged the other one
to be wrong in any act, don‘t act merciful. You realize that thinking of yours is halting your

With that, Chun Yeowun moved ahead.

With the form of an undefeatable man.

At that, Ark Young bit his lip and said,

―I will remember that!‖


―But, teacher. What about them?‖

He pointed to the three Elders across the bridge. They were key figures of moderation.

―Which side?‖

Ark Young answered,

―All moderates.‖

―Is that so? Then leave them alive after making them beg for their lives.‖

When Chun Yeowun moved, Ark Young said,

―They are the leaders of the moderate faction.‖


―They aren‘t shaken by the ideology of Blue Sky. Teacher, we can leave them.‖


Chun Yeowun nodded.

―Ah… thank you!‖

Chun Yeowun didn‘t kill all of them, he only wanted to deal with the evil people in Eun Jarim.


Worried that Chun Yeowun would change his mind, Ark Young moved to the Elders first.

Despite being on different sides of the peak, Elder Seong, who witnessed a brutal murder,
couldn‘t hide his anger.

―Ark Young! You bastard! What is all this? Are you even sane? Bringing in a Demonic Cult
member into the Snow Line?‖

―Elders. Please hold your reins.‖

―What? Are you really saying such things now?‖

Elder Seong had no intention of listening to him. He decided that Ark Young sided with the
Demonic Cult. At that, Ark Young raised his hands to show that he wasn‘t going to harm them
and said,

―I have no intention of fighting. Give me a chance to explain.‖

―Explain? What are…‖

―Did you know that Elder Mak ordered the squad to kill me too?‖


Elder Seong, who was enraged, stopped. This was something he didn‘t know.

Frowning, he asked.

―What do you mean?‖

At his question, Ark Young explained everything which happened. When the Elders heard it,
they were all shocked.

Especially by the fact that Mak Wei-gang had controlled the warriors and Elders too.
However, a more worrisome fact was revealed in the story of Ark Young.

―The entrance point changed?‖


At that time, Elder Hyang couldn‘t understand it.

―Elder Seong. The entrance can only be changed by the lady and our Lord right?‖

No one other than those with the blood of the Lord could change the entrance point.

Moreover, if the change was done without telling the people inside, then those who would leave
wouldn‘t be able to enter.

„Did the Miss change it?‟

All the three elders were shocked. Because they knew what kind of person she was for her

Feeling betrayed, Elder Seong opened his mouth.

―Mak Wei-gang! What the hell is that bastard up to!‖

It was then.



The entire peak shook. But the epicenter wasn‘t here, which made all the elders turn their heads.


―W-what is that peak?‖

Where they looked, a great mountain peak they had never seen before appeared.

Heavenly Mountain Peak, where the Lord stayed, was the last peak, but now another peak
That was when someone moved past them.


„Uh? Who?‟

Ark Young, who saw who moved, called.


It was Chun Yeowun and Hu Bong.

Chun Yeowun didn‘t bother looking back and said,

―How long do you plan on talking? Follow me!‖

―Ah! No!‖

The Elders were dumbfounded. A person from the world was asking them to follow him? But
they didn‘t have any other choice.


From the new high peak, a mysterious energy was spreading out in all the directions giving out

For all they knew, their Lord was already in danger.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 144 -
Eun Jarim (4)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Feb 3, 2022

• 11 min read • 4766 views


Elder Seong, who was chasing after Chun Yeowun, exclaimed. He wanted to chase him and tell
him that it was difficult to catch up to him.

But that man‘s movement was too much for him to even catch up to.

―Elder Seong. What is that peak?‖

Ark Young, who was next to him, asked.

Elder Seong was 230 years old. He was one of the three people who have lived the longest here.

He was the one who would know something. However, even that man knew nothing about this
new peak.

―I‘ve lived here for over 180 years, but never heard of another peak… ah!‖

Suddenly, Elder Seong frowned.

He certainly never heard of a peak.


However, he did remember the stories which were handed down to the people in here.
A long time ago, there was a scholar in Kunlun Mountains who sealed something in the peak.
Some said it had treasure in it, and some said there was a monster.

„Is that the place where they sealed it?‟

If something important had been sealed, it would have been invisible to others. Elder Seong
mumbled in a low voice,

―I don‘t know what exactly, but something must have been sealed by the ancestors.‖

―Sealed by ancestors?‖

―Even I don‘t know what it was. However, if measures were taken to prevent it from being seen,
it must be dangerous for the world.‖


Weird energy was constantly rushing out from the peak. A chilling energy so great that it
overpowered all the peaks. Elder Seong started to be afraid of what was sealed.

―Whatever it is, we should never let Mak Wei-gang get his hands on it.‖

The others nodded with a serious expression. Eventually, they reached the final peak.


As expected, the residence of the 1st Elder was empty at the peak. It was the Lord who asked this
Elder to move.

„Elder Gyeong has served the Lord for a long time.‟

Unlike the others, they knew that Gyeong Cheon-guk had served the Lord since ancient times.

He would know exactly what that mysterious peak was.

As they passed through, the residence was revealed.

Chun Yeowun was the first to arrive. There were several buildings in there, and in the centre was
the tiled house of the Lord.
The feeling of someone residing in it.

As they entered through the front gate, they saw the main building with a large yard.

Hu Bong pointed to the room which seemed to be the Lord‘s and said,

―The breath is pretty rough from over…‖

Before he could finish, a shout was heard.

―Who would dare to enter the Heavenly Mountain Peak?‖

A voice with energy in it.

Just seeing that, it was definite that someone was inside.

―Huh? Is there someone here?‖

Hu Bong muttered as he scratched his head.

Even he couldn‘t feel it.

„This is the one.‟

Unlike him, Chun Yeowun had sensed this energy the moment he stepped foot onto the Snow
Line. The energy which was the most powerful of all in this place. And he felt it move when the
new peak soared.

„One… on the verge of death.‟

As Hu Bong said, the breathing was rough and ragged. The exact thing seemed to be known by
the other person. Chun Yeowun passed the yard and tried to enter the residence.


Something flew through the window of the room. It was an inkstone. A heavy inkstone with
energy on it, and Chun Yeowun caught it lightly.

„Seems pretty good.‟

His palm, which was holding the inkstone, trembled. It was the aftermath of holding it.

He looked at the window where a middle-aged man with thick eyebrows, bewildered eyes and
one hand on his back was looking out.

This man looked at Chun Yeowun in shock.

He seemed surprised that Chun Yeowun caught the inkstone.

„He isn‟t an ordinary person.‟

The middle-aged man was Gyeong Cheon-guk. The 1st Elder of Eun Jarim and the most capable
man in here.

And since he decided that Chun Yeowun wasn‘t ordinary, he immediately called for swords.

As he moved, three Invisible Swords appeared in the yard.



The invisible swords moved towards Chun Yeowun at the same time. Each sword unfolded a
different technique.


Even Hu Bong was shocked when he saw it. This level of skill was definitely amazing.

―My lord, be careful!‖


The invisible swords aiming for Chun Yeowun came in and were stopped by 12 invisible swords
that came from various directions.

Wooong! Clang!
As the path was blocked, the techniques being unfolded were also stopped.


Gyeong Cheon-guk was shocked. The maximum number of invisible swords he could bring was
5. Considering that he couldn‘t concentrate fully on the opponent because of the Lord, who was
critically ill, this man was a monster.


He tried to move the invisible swords, which were blocked, but they didn‘t even budge.



Black blood flowed from the Lord‘s mouth. Gyeong Cheon-guk‘s face distorted at that.

„What should I do?‟

The Lord could lose his life if the fight went on. However, it could be more dangerous if the
invaders were allowed in. At that moment, Chun Yeowun opened the window wide and entered.

―You! Come closer and I…‖

―The condition is serious.‖

Ignoring his words, Chun Yeowun walked over and put his hand on the Lord‘s neck.



Gyeong Chwon-guk tried to stab the man in the heart, but Chun Yeowun caught it without even
sparing him a glance.


„What energy is this?‟

―Don‘t try anything funny.‖



Chun Yeowun broke the blade. Gyeong Cheon-guk, who had his finger broken in the process,
was shocked, but Chun Yeowun was touching the pulse of the Lord.


He was afraid this man would harm his Lord, but he didn‘t.

―… What are you trying to do?‖


It wasn‘t like this middle-aged man wasn‘t aware of it. The problem was that even the Lord who
knew how to counter the poison was turning weak.

Chun Yeowun said,

―Remove your hand, your Lord.‖


If he let go, then the energy he was sending to the Lord to counter the poison would halt, and the
man would die. The only reason this man was still alive was because of his faithful subordinate
who kept supplying him with energy.

―What nonsense are you….‖

It was then that someone rushed inside and said,

―Elder Gyeong!‖

―Elder Ark?‖
It was Ark Young. And following him several other Elders entered the room. Looking at the
Lord, who was on the bed in a horrible state, they noticed what was happening.

Their Lord was dying.


Gyeong Cheon-guk was shocked at the appearance of the four Elders.

So Ark Young explained,

―Elder Gyeong. We don‘t have time, please let sir handle it.‖


The way Ark Young was treating that other man like an honorary being… Even the Elders didn‘t
seem to say anything about it, what was their relationship with this new man?

―He is my teacher.‖

―Teacher? Elder Ark, do you have any idea what you…‖

―This is an urgent situation! Please trust me this once and entrust the Lord to him.‖

Ark Young was concerned about the situation. However, he trusted Chun Yeowun who was
looking at the Lord‘s dying state.

When everyone didn‘t seem convinced, Ark Young said,

―My teacher is a Heavenly Master level warrior.‖


At that, all the Elders were shocked.

―He-heavenly Master?‖

―Heavenly Master level?‖

For a moment, they doubted their ears. They knew that Chun Yeowun was stronger than them,
but not this strong.

The best warrior of Eun Jarim, Gyeong Cheon-guk, was also shocked. He too thought that
Heavenly Master level was legendary.

„Is that true? Heavenly Master level?‟

He thought it was possible since he used 12 Invisible swords. He knew that this man had the
strength to overpower him, but it was still a shock.

Chun Yeowun angrily ordered,

―Don‘t move.‖

Despite his frown, he removed his hand when he heard that.

―… Please help our Lord.‖

With that, he stepped back. Chun Yeowun sat there and placed his palms on the back of the


It was to determine how far the poison had spread. While protecting the body from the poison, he
observed the inside.

[Analyzing the toxic substance.]

Nano had already started the analysis.

Chun Yeowun frowned as he kept feeling the poison.

„The poison has entered the bone marrow.‟

The Lord wasn‘t in a state that could be easily saved.

This man was almost a corpse filled with poison to the rim. It was surprising that he was still

Elder Seong and others grunted at the sight of their Lord in this meek manner. They didn‘t even
have the permission to meet him. The 1st Elder, his daughter, and his son-in-law, Mak Wei-gang,
were the only ones who could.

―Did he use poison? That Mak Wei-gang!‖

―Is this what he has come to?‖

The Elders couldn‘t hide their anger. Unlike them, Gyeong Cheon-guk just bit his lip.

He had the same opinion about Mak Wei-gang, but he was ashamed that despite serving the
Lord, he hadn‘t noticed something like this.

„But even if it is Mak Wei-gang, would he be able to do this to our Lord?‟

At the same time, he was skeptical. Despite not being trained in martial arts, the Lord of the
Green Forest excelled at tactics, energy, and five spirits.

Which meant he would surely have found the abnormalities in his body.

‟… Is the Miss involved in this?‟

He couldn‘t help but think that this all happened with the help of his daughter. She was the one
responsible for the Lord‘s meal. Even so, the Lord must have known something.


He felt sorry for his Lord.


At that moment, the Lord coughed. A dark blue blood touched the floor with a pungent smell.


Everyone was shocked and worried. Chun Yeowun decided that he needed to detoxify the poison
and, more importantly, push it out.
As the entire room was dark, Chun Yeowun put his hand on the shadow on the floor.



Everyone was shocked. What Chun Yeowun pulled out from the shadows was a glass bottle of

He opened the cap with a swing of his finger and a drop of thick red liquid floated up from the
bottle‘s mouth.

„I didn‟t think I would use it like this.‟

The blood of Imoogi. Even one drop should do the task as it was similar to an elixir.

―What is that?‖

Curious, Elder Seong asked what that was, but Chun Yeowun didn‘t answer and dropped the
blood into the Lord‘s mouth.

And the change occurred.


The Lord struggled in pain. Everyone was already on the verge of anxiousness and tried to
approach the Lord when Hu Bong stopped them.


Interfering in such things would make things more difficult. The blood of a spirit beast, which
was known to be the head of the others, had great power.

And Hu Bong knew better than anyone what the side effects would be.

„It has to be that.‟

As the blood of Imoogi was taken in, Earth qi was activated. Normal people have an aura of five
elements within.
And the five are always in balance, but if it is broken by one element, then the condition would

„The Earth qi needs to be suppressed.‟

Since Chun Yeowun was Heavenly Master level, he could handle all five spirits. When he
reached out the hand, the energy in nature shook.


The elders exclaimed as they witnessed the energy of nature. In the Snow Line, only the water
could be accessed, but this man was bringing in the energy from outside this Snow Line.



The Lord‘s convulsions which had been shaking his body subsided. Fortunately, there were no
more problems.

„He is a great handler of elements.‟

Rather, his body was full of pure energy. The Lord had learned the method to obtain the purest
energy. And that was why his body allowed the poison.


Thanks to that, it wasn‘t tough to suppress the Earth qi.

As the power of Imoogi spread to all the body parts, all five internal organs began to regenerate.

They started detoxifying.


The pace was fast. The dark blue veins had risen all over the skin and the original color was

All the Elders were shocked at it.

―Oh! Oh!‖

―The Lord complexion?‖

Tears flowed from Gyeong Cheon-guk‘s eyes.


It was strange not to cry if their Lord, who was dying, was revived.

He looked at Chun Yeowun.

„I should apologize for not believing him.‟

Now that he helped, he decided to apologize for his previous actions.

It was then.


The ground shook as if an earthquake happened, and the tiled houses shook too.

―W-what is this?‖

Much stronger than before. The Elders were startled by the roar which came and ran outside to
check it, only to be shocked.


―Huh? The peak?‖

The sound of the tenth peak which newly appeared.

The huge peak was shaking.


A constant roar from within as if something was trying to get out.

„What the hell is happening?‟

It seemed like they had to go there to know what was happening. However, their Lord wasn‘t in
the best state to move. Then, they heard someone. Someone staggering back.


It was Ha Baek-ryeong. She spoke with a frail expression, a face full of bruises.

―H-help me! My husband is in danger!‖



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 145 -
Great Yokai (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Feb 4, 2022

• 14 min read • 4864 views


20 minutes ago.

A dark and cold cave.

Relying on the lantern he had prepared in advance, he was moving forward.

It was the hidden tenth peak. It could only be entered through the Heavenly Mountain Peak.

As she entered the cave, Ha Baek-ryeong felt a strange chill on her body.


A tremor in her stomach.

And she couldn‘t even figure out the reason.

[Wife, are you alright?]

[… I am fine.]

As her expression wasn‘t good, he asked her with a face heightened with panic.

Mak Wei-gang was expecting a treasure inside, and it wasn‘t long before they made their way to
the innermost part.

[Wife. Wait!]

[What is it?]

Mak Wei-gang stepped forward.

She didn‘t understand why, but he picked up a small stone and threw it ahead.


At that moment, the stone oxidized and turned into dust in the air.

Lines of red light were created in the air.

[Huh… a defense technique?]

What stood there was another ordeal. Mak Wei-gang broke in cold sweat, this technique seemed

It was easy to get seriously injured.

[Can you remove it?]

[It won‘t be that difficult.]

As a woman who shared the blood of the ancestor who created it, she could take it down.

[However, it was impossible to completely cancel it. It will only be possible if father comes.]

Although she had learned some things, she wasn‘t perfect.

And a technique wasn‘t something which could be mastered in a short period of time.


When she touched something, red lines floated and then created something like an entrance.

At that, Mak Wei-gang smiled.

It was for this reason that he made her fall for him.

[We can move now, my wife.]

Mak Wei-gang touched her lovingly. After walking in, the entrance of the cave, which seemed to
be the final point, was revealed.

The entrance was blocked by a stone wall.


Ha Baek-ryeong could feel the tremors stronger than before. She didn‘t know what it was in the
beginning, but now she understood.

[The pure energy is shaking around.]

Her father had the ability to recognize the energies and she had learned that from her father.
This pure energy was making these tremors.

[Husband… I don‘t feel good about this.]

[What do you mean? We came all this way!]

[There seems to be something dangerous inside.]

The trembling of pure energy means that the energy within that cave was bad.

Something bad was lurking inside. But despite her warning, the man insisted on opening the
stone door.

After she realized that he wouldn‘t listen, she decided to open it.


As the heat rushed out, the energy could be felt again.

The door opened on both sides. When it opened up in such a strange way, the torch inside the
cave lit up by itself.


The large cavity inside was enough to fill an entire peak. As they entered that place, the first
thing which caught their eyes was the talismans.

„My God!‟

Seeing that, Ha Baek-ryeong was shocked. On each talisman were written things for defense.

She couldn‘t even imagine just how dangerous the inside was.

„This is bad. Too dangerous!‟

She wanted to head out right away, but Mak Wei-gang found something and burst into laughter.

[Hahaha! I finally found it.]

He ran to the center of the cave.

A rocky pedestal in a strange shape with a 10-meter-tall black stone statue standing there.


What Mak Wei-gang saw was a shiny string of black whip around the statue.

Unusually, the whip was so long that it wrapped the entire statue.

[H-Husband! wait]

But Mak Wei-gang stopped listening to her. No matter how much she pleaded, it was like the
man couldn‘t hear her anymore.


He grabbed the handle of the whip and pulled on it.


At that moment, an amazing thing happened. The whip around the stone statue of the large
monster shortened and the whip around the face, which was the last one, was exposed.


And the beast‘s face was revealed.


Mak Wei-gang was standing right ahead of the statue looking at it.

The beast had the face of a fox. However, the corner of the fox‘s mouth, which was made of
black stone, moved.

[H-Husband! Stop!]

She ran and tried to stop her husband, who kept moving close to the statue.

However, at the moment she took a step ahead, the whip moved.

Fortunately, the four legs were still tied.


[… No.]

Ha Baek-ryeong couldn‘t even raise her head in the tremendous energy that was moving.

A terrifying evil energy was suppressing her from moving ahead.

Clenching her teeth and trying to pull Mak Wei-gang‘s wrist.

[Husband… please! We need to run! Please please!]

But he didn‘t move.

Flustered, she looked at him.


His eyes were tinged in a golden light. This man was completely possessed with this fox‘s


The moment she saw the gold light, something flashed through her mind.

She knew the beast in front of her.

„Golden hair…‟

It was then.

-An abominable being.

A creepy voice echoed around.



An unknown force struck her.

Ha Baek-ryeong flew and rolled on the ground. Her innocent beautiful face was covered with
blood in an instant.

The upper body of this huge being was full of golden hair.


And nine tails were moving above the head.

Seeing that, she ran to escape from the cave without looking back and closing the stone door.

―Nine tails?‖


The Elders who heard what happened inside that peak were shocked. A creature with nine tails.

The nine tailed fox of the legend, Gumiho.

Who would have imagined that a magical being, a legend, was trapped inside that peak.

Gyeong Cheon-guk asked with a serious voice.

―Miss. Did you say golden hair?‖

―Y-yes. Brilliant gold.‖


With trembling eyes, he looked at the peak which was roaring.

―What is it? Elder Gyeong?‖

Ark Young asked.

―Not a nine-tailed fox.‖

―Huh? Not a nine-tailed fox?‖

―… from the ancient book, there was a monster which is said to have existed in the Yin


The Yin Dynasty was very ancient.

―The great yokai has been called by many names through the centuries. Like Tamamo-no-mae,
pale-faced scholar…‖

A being that was once called yokai. And at some point, they turned from calling them yokai to

It was said that the last trace of this monster was defeated by a man in Japan, but it didn‘t seem
like the information was true.

―Our Gyeong family stayed with the Ha family for generations. This is why I have heard from
my father about the deeds of the ancestors.‖

―Then you…‖

―The ancestors say that this great yokai was trying to shake up the world, so people went to get
rid of it. However, I heard that the great yokai had the power of an entire nation of Murim, and
so unable to defeat it, they sealed it up. Ha… and it must have been residing in the Kunlun

It surprised Gyeong Cheon-guk that the holiest place for them was where that monster was

Come to think of it, it might have been the Lord‘s mission to monitor this monster.

―Is it that dangerous of a monster?‖

―Not just dangerous. This golden haired nine tailed fox is one of the Three Yokai.‖

The ancient book on spirits mentioned 5 Spirit Beasts and 3 Yokai. The Spirit Beasts were said
to be born from the sacred nature, but this trio was different.

Evil beings born from the worst deeds.


―Is this what the Lord talked about? The demon that the skies fear?‖

All had the same thoughts. At that time, Ha Baek-ryeong yelled.

―How long are you going to talk? Are you going to let my husband die?‖

At her words, the Elders felt like they had to do something.

Not that they were going to save that man, but at least do something to not let the creature walk

Elder Seong spoke,

―Let‘s do this. Elder Ark stays with the Lord and so will the lady. Let the rest of us head down

He proposed splitting into two.

However, Ha Baek-ryeong objected and said she would follow them, but they didn‘t want her
down there.

―I am the only one who can open it up, what could you Elders even do to head in?‖

They had no choice but to take her.

Everyone, except for Ark Young, who was the least powerful among the Elders, went to that

At the entrance of the sealed place, the Elders looked at the stone door with tensed faces.


A loud roar from within. The cave shook as if it would collapse the next moment.

Those who heard it felt pure fear.

„Such different energy.‟

Even though the door was closed, they could still feel it. The Elders looked at each other and

Gyeong Cheon-guk said,

―Miss, please open the door for us.‖


When Ha Baek-ryeong put her hand on the stone door, red letters were engraved on it and


The door opened once again revealing the cave, but the shaking stopped.

―The shaking stopped.‖


A musty smell, as if something had burned inside.

Ha Baek-ryeong, who was behind the Elders, covered her mouth.

„The talismans…‟

The talismans covering the wall of the cave were charred and ashes were flying around.

The sight was appalling.


As Gyeong Cheon-guk waved his hand with energy, the ashes were pushed aside and the site
ahead appeared.

They saw something in the middle.

A man with a black appearance, supposedly Mak Wei-gang, was holding something, and in front
of him, was a beautiful naked woman with her long hair flowing down.

The woman was on the pedestal, and seemed unconscious.

―What is th…‖

―Let‘s get Elder Mak out now…‖

When Elder Seong was trying to ask what happened, Ha Baek-ryeong asked them.

The Elders went to the place that the lady showed and if her words were correct, then there
would be a golden haired nine tailed fox, not a naked woman.

―Elder Mak?‖

Elder Hyang called for him. Looking at how he stood still, it seemed like he wasn‘t harmed
despite the strangeness.

There was no reaction. Puzzled, Elder Hyang approached and put his hand on his shoulder.

―Elder Mak, are you…‖

It was then.



Something protruded from Elder Hyang‘s back.

―Elder Hyang!‖

What came out from the back was none other than Mak Wei-gang‘s hand, which was now
holding the heart.

―Uhhhh…. Mak… Mak Wei….‖

Elder Hyang, who was attacked, yelled until he fell limp.

As the hot blood of the dead Elder flowed on the floor, an astonishing phenomenon occurred.


On the floor with the shape of eight trigrams, a red light flashed and then soon died.


It didn‘t end there. The heart Mak Wei-gang pulled out was presented to the naked woman in a
very gentle manner.

―W-what the hell!‖

The woman opened her eyes.

The bright gold eyes of the woman were pleased.

At that moment, the hair turned golden.

Gyeong Cheon-guk mumbled,

―What! That woman is the golden-haired nine-tailed fox!‖


He immediately called out invisible swords and tried to attack the woman right away, but
something blocked it.


Huge golden tail.

„It could block the sword?‟

This being called ‗great yokai‘ had skills beyond what one could imagine.

As he was shocked, something more absurd happened.

The stone door behind was closing.

Elder Seong tried to move to that place, but another golden tail flew in and smacked him away.



He flew to the wall of the cave and blood gushed out of his mouth.

With a voice full of fear, Ha Baek-ryeong shouted,

―Sa-save my husband as promised.‖

At her words, the golden-haired woman, no, the golden-haired nine-tailed fox, smiled.

―What was that?‖

Hearing that, Gyeong Cheon-guk realized that something was wrong. He thought that she was
telling them the truth, but it seemed like there was a deal between them.


He screamed as he looked at her, but she turned her back towards them.


The stone door completely closed, and the roaring sound started.

She muttered to herself in a venomous voice.

―I did nothing wrong. She needs to be kept alive. If it means saving him, I will do anything.‖

Elder Gyeong‘s guess was right. She had made a deal with the fox in exchange for her husband
and her own well-being.

-I have been locked up for a long time and need fresh blood. Pay the price and I will spare this
person‘s and your life too.

Originally, she was aiming to control this woman with that captivating energy.
However, that didn‘t work because of that woman‘s bloodline, so she made a deal.

„This is the only way to save him.‟

She was comforting herself until she heard a voice.

―What are you doing?‖

She couldn‘t even hear the person approaching because of the roars. She looked back in shock.


A man with sharp eyes and a fair face in a black suit. It was Chun Yeowun.

When she came to ask for help, she didn‘t enter the Lord‘s residence, so she was unaware of his

Chun Yeowun asked again.

―Why did you close the stone door?‖

Confused, she spoke without realizing.

―The Elders told me to close it as it was dangerous.‖

She didn‘t need to make excuses as he was someone she didn‘t know, but she felt like she had to
say something.

In a cold voice, Chun Yeowun asked,

―By the way, what was that scream about keeping your husband alive as promised?‖


Ha Baek-ryeong couldn‘t hide her shock. She couldn‘t understand how this man heard that.


Chun Yeowun looked at the door and said,

―Open it.‖

It was a command which made the woman glare at him.

Judging from the noises, it was clear that the Elders weren‘t dead and were fighting that fox.

They had to die for the deal to close.

―… I can‘t.‖


Chun Yeowun‘s brows rose.

She felt intimidated by it, but she insisted.

―If I open the door, my husband will die.‖

She wasn‘t going to open it.

Chun Yeowun asked in a low voice.

―This is the last time. Open it.‖


As Eun Jarim‘s successor, she was always treated as the highest force.

That‘s why she was annoyed at the way Chun Yeowun spoke.

She yelled.

―You! Do you know who I am! I am the only…‖


At that moment, Chun Yeowun grabbed her mouth.

The grip was so tight that it let her think that her teeth and jaw would break out. As she was
flustered, Chun Yeowun spoke in a cold voice.

―Why do I need to know who you are? I clearly warned you. Open it.‖

„W-who is he?‟

It was then that she realized that this person was from the outside, and that he didn‘t care about

Scared, she tried to say,

―If you… harm me… I won‘t open the door.‖

Only those of the Lord‘s bloodline could open it. Using that as an excuse, she tried to make sure
he wouldn‘t hurt her.

However, Chun Yeowun said,

―Woman. Did you think I asked you to open the door because I couldn‘t?‖


Ha Baek-ryeong couldn‘t understand what he was saying.


Chun Yeowun waved his hand towards the stone gate with the sword. A black line appeared on
the door and it cracked.

„H-How can it happen?‟

At that, Chun Yeowun spoke in a cold voice.

―Ark Young asked me to spare you just this once.‖


Both her eyes trembled. A great energy was pressing down through her chest.
―But you let go of the chance so easily.‖


Flustered, she tried to wave her hand and beg.

―J-just a little….‖


Chun Yeowun grabbed her lower jaw and pulled it from her mouth.

Her jaw was ripped off and her screams in pain sounded strange.


―Shut up.‖


Chun Yeowun drew the sword towards the woman this time. As she staggered a little, her head
had already fallen to the floor.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 146 -
Great Yokai (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Feb 9, 2022

• 8 min read • 4735 views



The moment the stone door closed, the great ordeal came for Elder Gyeong and Elder Seong.


Each time the golden tail swung, it shattered everything. And the two Elders constantly worked
hard to just avoid it.

It was the golden-haired Gumiho sitting on the pedestal and biting down the heart of Elder


It was a terrifying sight to see, but the Gumiho savored the heart with a noble face.

―So good.‖

The corners of her mouth rose with satisfaction. The heart of Elder Hyang, who was very strong,
had a greater effect on restoring her body.

―So nice.‖

The golden-haired Gumiho ate the heart slowly and stood up. The black whip, which was still
clasping around the naked woman‘s lower body, shone with a red light.

―How long can this hold me? Huh!‖

She tapped the whip with her finger and the red letters engraved on it disappeared.


As the red letters lost their light, a smile fell on her face.

As if relieved, she stood up.

―Release the whip.‖

Mak Wei-gang, who was standing in a dazed manner to the side, pulled the handle, and the whip
opened up from the lower body as it was now the length of a normal whip.



The golden-haired Gumiho‘s face was dyed with emotions. After being imprisoned for so many
years, when she was finally released, she felt like she had the whole world.

She smiled broadly.


She smiled until she stopped and looked at the whip in Mak Wei-gang‘s hands.

„Abominable thing!‟

If it wasn‘t for the whip, the divine thing, she wouldn‘t have been imprisoned here.

When she reached out her hand, Mak Wei-gang politely handed the whip to her.

Gumiho took its handle with her right hand and the tip in her left.

„Let‟s break this.‟

She pulled on the whip with both her hands. A whip which was pulled so much that it felt like it
would break.

But the whip was still fine.


Gumiho‘s eyebrows rose up at it. Although she had her powers suppressed for long, she was still
the great yokai.

„Because it is a divine thing? Then let‟s break it with my own body.‟

There was a limit to the power she could draw from her human form. Now that she was freed,
she can return to her original form and destroy that divine artifact.

It was the moment she was about to turn into her original body.

„You monster! Take my sword!‟


Avoiding the tail, Elder Gyeong raised two invisible swords to block and tried to stab her in the
back with another.

―You are pretty good. It must have been quite a while. Someone who can block my tail.‖



Elder Gyeong hurriedly tried to move but the tail was faster, it appeared from behind and tried to
strike him.

A little late, he would have taken serious damage.



Another tail struck him from above. Two more tails slammed into his body at the same time.


Elder Gyeong‘s body slammed to the ground. A pit of 5 meters was formed.

Even though he was protecting his body with internal energy, his insides were shaken.

He wanted to stand up and move, but his legs gave out.

As he trembled, he heard the voice of the Gumiho.

―A human heart with that strength must be delicious.‖

She clicked her tongue.

―Should I eat you?‖

Within the pit where Elder Gyeong was slammed into.

He lifted his head and looked at the woman who smiled with her tails moving around her.


A clear sound of whirring, and a huge tail coming down to cut him up.

―Elder Gyeong move!‖

Elder Seong called out, but it was too late.


All the martial arts he learned were of no use in front of this monster. Truly a great yokai. It was

Slash! Pang!


The scream of the woman.

Elder Gyeong opened his eyes to see her tail curled to the side. It was shocking that the tail
wasn‘t cut, and he heard.
―I tried cutting it, quite hard.‖


It was Chun Yeowun, and he had a huge invisible sword in his hand.


As if angry, Gumiho groaned.

She began to emit evil energy which was filling the entire cave.

„What kind of energy!‟

Elder Seong, who was trying to avoid the tail, turned pale. He, who was a Superior Master, never
thought he‘d feel fear from this evil energy.

―I‘ll kill you. Human!‖

Three tails went for Chun Yeowun at the same time.


All rushing for Chun Yeowun, each hair on the tail was like a needle.

Chun Yeowun raised the sword.



Twelve invisible swords about 10 meters tall arose in an X shape and crushed the tails.

„Oh god!‟

Elder Gyeong was shocked at it.

The invisible sword was literally a sword with amazing energy. It would take great energy to
grow the size of a sword, but he couldn‘t imagine a person freely making not one, but twelve!
„This human… is strong.‟

Gumiho‘s expression changed.

She looked down on Chun Yeowun because she couldn‘t feel anything from him.

She could never be afraid of a powerless man.

But this man was different.

―I‘ll deal with you in my true body! Human!‖


Her body was dyed in a dazzling gold color. The already explosive energy around her rose again.


―Give me a break.‖

Chun Yeowun stretched out the sword towards the woman.

Flame and Ice Qi surged from the invisible swords.

A red and pure white beam of light went for her.

Cha! Cha!

It was a unification of attributes.


However, it was blocked by the golden energy. Even the unification of energies didn‘t pass
through her barrier.

„This was stopped?‟

What worked against an S-class Alpha entity didn‘t work on this fox.

„This is a great yokai which has existed since ancient times.‟

Chun Yeowun heard about this from Ark Young.

Reading the ancient records in his time, Chun Yeowun knew about the Spirit Beasts and the

The Spirits Beasts are constantly reborn because they come from the energy of nature and then
they ascend to heaven.

On the other hand, these 3 yokai are born from evil feelings and have been a single being since
the beginning.

These catastrophes never died and only grew stronger.

„This is interesting.‟

Chun Yeowun smiled.

Ever since he fell into the future, he couldn‘t even remember a time where he had a good fight.

He couldn‘t even use half of his power ever since he came here, but with this Golden Gumiho, it
seemed like he could go all out.


The woman was now into her fox form.

A giant fox of nearly 20 meters and majestic enough to be called a monster.

It was so huge that it filled the entire cave.

―H-How did something like this exist in…‖

Elder Seong was terrified.

The energy from the fox made him feel helpless. Even in a human form, the monster looked
horrible, but in its true form, it instilled fear in everyone.

Elder Gyeong mumbled with a pale face.

―The Demon that the skies fear has been awakened like this.‖

The prophecy the Lord said had come true. But what could they, mere humans, do to stop this
terrifying being?

They were in utter disbelief.



There was dark and ferocious energy creeping in from somewhere. It was completely different
from the evil energy of the Gumiho.

It was closer to the abyss.

―Demonic energy?‖

Elder Gyeong looked at Chun Yeowun in shock. A black haze was rising from his body. The
eyes of the Gumiho were looking at him strangely.

Chun Yeowun stretched out his hand and said,

―This place is too small for a fight.‖


At that moment, a sword with five lights appeared in the air. It was no ordinary invisible sword.

„What is that?‟

Five colors.

Several different energies at the same time.

A single sword which had the energy of all five qi at the same time.

What made it possible was the Sky Demon Energy which united it.

Chun Yeowun pierced the ceiling. And something amazing happened.


The entire peak shook. Due to the strong vibrations which spread around, both the Elders lost
their balance and held onto the walls.


Eventually the vibration stopped and shocked them again.

The cavity, which was dark, was lit up with sunlight now.

Elder Seong mumbled at that absurd thing he witnessed.

―Oh God… the peak is gone.‖

The peak had completely disappeared. It was shocking to see the force which seemed like it
could even pierce the heavens above.

„H-he can stop it!‟

Elder Seong‘s face brightened with hope.

He thought it was the end, but then realized that if it was Chun Yeowun, then that fox could be
dealt with.


Chun Yeowun floated up and spoke to Gumiho.

―Let‘s do it right now.‖

The place was too cramped for a proper fight. But something more unexpected happened.


Suddenly, the Golden Gumiho‘s huge body was dyed in golden light once again and the body
shrank as it returned to human form.

No one could understand why she was doing it, and her human form had golden tears in her eyes.

„What is this?‟

Chun Yeowun frowned at her and asked.

―What are you doing?‖

She burst into tears and flew towards Chun Yeowun while wailing.

―Lord Chun Ma!!‖




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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 147 -
Great Yokai (3)
Descent of the Demon God
Published on

Feb 10, 2022

• 11 min read • 4777 views



A very long time ago.

There were three great yokai which had existed since the beginning of Earth. The three yokai
were born from the amalgamation of evil and grew stronger with wickedness and fear of living

One of them was the Golden Gumiho. She appeared in the form of a human.

Compared to the other two, who focused on destruction, she was interested in the existence of
humans, and she melted into the society as she enjoyed the chaos within.

She would wander into one nation, destroy it, then head to another and do the same.

In that process, she made several enemies. Outstanding swordsman, shamans, and samurais.

Everyone hated her.

However, she was different from normal monsters.

As long as she existed, she annihilated all those who challenged her without fear. But one day,
the strongest enemy appeared in front of her. For the first time since her birth, she faced a crisis
that could‘ve killed her.

-Why… Why aren‘t you killing me? I am an evil being who wants you humans to die.

[Not interested.]

Funny human. He turned her into a corpse and said he was no longer interested in her. Then why
bother fighting her and turn her life this way?

-You‘ll regret it. I will definitely kill you.

[If you can, do it.]

It was an opportunity for her to change, who only thought of humans as entertainment or food.

The Golden Gumiho, who recovered her power, visited the human several times and lost many
times. But each time she visited him, he would never ignore her and kept dealing with her, and
soon she became interested in him.

From his enemy, she turned into the protector of that person. It was so much better to hang out
with him than fight him.

She wanted to be with him forever until the day he said he was leaving.

-Why? Don‘t you know it is not impossible for you to live forever in this world?

She tried to say anything to make him not leave.

-Don‘t go. Please… let‘s live together, you and me. A world without you means nothing to me.

[Forever is…]

Despite her earnest plea, he disappeared. There were rumours about him leaving or dying, but
what was certain was that he didn‘t exist in her world anymore.

After ten decades, Gumiho realised that he was no longer in the world.

-I don‘t need this world…

She thought that the world was meaningless without him.

Deciding to annihilate everything and return to nothingness, she reconciled to herself and killed
everything she could see.

Until that man appeared and imprisoned her in Kunlun Mountains.

For many years she vowed.

If she could go out, she would kill everything!

But something surprising happened.

„This darkness.‟

Her heart was pounding. The ferocious yet darkness felt from this man was the same as the man
in the past.

Although the appearance had changed, she would never forget it.

―Lord Chun Ma!!!‖

The Golden Gumiho with her broken heart tried to embrace Chun Yeowun.

Unable to understand her intentions, Chun Yeowun held out his hand and a huge invisible sword
blocked her like a wall.

―Chun Ma! Me! It is me!‖

―What are you saying?‖

―Don‘t know me?‖

Gumiho kept asking by pointing to herself, but Chun Yeowun couldn‘t figure out what she was
talking about.

But the word Chun Ma which came out of her mouth made him stay alert. Who could have
thought that the name Chun Ma would come out from the yokai which was imprisoned in this

―Golden Gumiho. Have you ever met my ancestor?‖


She, who was acting all ferocious till a second back was looking at him with her eyes wide open.

Chun Yeowun, who realised she knew nothing, said,

―I am the 2nd Chun Ma. Chun Yeowun.‖

―2nd Chun Ma?‖

―The person you are talking about seems to be the 1st Chun Ma, my ancestor right?‖

The woman spoke as if she couldn‘t understand.

―What are you saying? This energy is unmistakably Chun Ma! You are him!‖

―Are you talking about Sky Demon Energy?‖

―Sky Demon Energy?‖

―This is the energy I received from my ancestor.‖

Chun Yeowun obtained the energy from the Sky Demon Sword which was in the Demonic
Cult‘s library. And now the energy was united in him.

Elder Gyeong who heard that conversation frowned.

―Chun Ma?‖

So was Elder Seong.

Unlike Elder Gyeong, who only cared for the Lord, he knew other stuff.

„2nd Chun Ma? Chun Yeowun?‟

He doubted his ears for a moment.

The man was the vice-chairman of Yongchun Group, and a Demonic Cult member.

What was this 2nd Chun Ma stuff now?

„Demon God Chun Yeowun!‟

There was no way someone who tries to be a great martial artist wouldn‘t know that name.

The name of one of the few warriors who were called as the strongest in the history of Murim.
Elder Seong looked at Chun Yeowun with trembling eyes, who was still talking with the woman.

„No. how can anyone other than Chun Ma withstand that energy?‟

She didn‘t admit it. The Sky Demon Energy from Chun Yeowun was more dangerous than her


―… sigh.‖

Chun Yeowun sighed.

Both men were different looking, so he couldn‘t understand why this fox wouldn‘t believe him.

The woman had a grasp on the energy as she too was someone who has lived for a long time.

―You think I won‘t notice your energy?‖

―Please stop now. It was my ancestor you had met.‖

He didn‘t want to deal with her anymore, but it wasn‘t the same for Gumiho.

So in a cold voice, she spoke to Chun Yeowun.

―You really want to act like you don‘t know me?‖

―I said it was my ancestor.‖

―Really, are you going to keep saying that?‖


As soon as she said that, her body shone in golden light again with nine huge tails.

-If you aren‘t Chun Ma, you can‘t stop me!

Gumiho said.
At that moment, tremendous energy was concentrated around her and soon created a golden
sphere which was shot like a beam to the sky.

Chak! Kwakwakwang!

As it was released, it erupted causing storms of wind in all the directions.

Like a laser canon.

Chun Yeowun grabbed the sword, and once again, the invisible sword with the five qi was


Chun Yeowun swung his sword towards the beam.

The beam of light which was flying to destroy everything was split in half and hit the peak of
Heavenly Mountain Peak.


As a part of the peak was damaged, it shook.

Elder Gyeong, who watched that, was at a loss for words.

The attack of that woman and the man who managed to cut it.

„I made a mistake.‟

Chun Yeowun frowned as he looked at the swaying peak. In that peak were Ark Young, Hu
Bong and the Lord.

At that moment, huge tails came from both sides of Chun Yeowun as if clapping with both


Chun Yeowun held the sword with his left hand. Then, another huge sword was born with an
amalgamation of five qi.

Chun Yeowun blocked both the tails with two swords of five qi. There was a tremendous amount
of pressure from the fox.


The pressure was so strong that this peak, which had its top blown off, was still shaking.



―W-what the hell!‖

Both Elders were pushed to the ground. Despite trying to resist it, they couldn‘t do much in front
of the monstrous energy.

„A confrontation between a yokai and a Heavenly Master? Both which were thought to be

A battle of transcendental beings. They could see the damage these two beings could do.


The Golden Gumiho opened its mouth as it caught Chun Yeowun between its two tails.

An energy sphere was being made ready to fire at him.

―It is dangerous!‖

Elder Gyeong shouted.

Having pulled out two swords made of 5 qi meant that he was doing his best, which meant Chun
Yeowun could no longer do anything.


A beam of light pierced through the air.

At that, Chun Yeowun held out the hand which was holding the sword.


The space in front of Chun Yeowun immediately twisted like a whirlwind.

And a huge black hole was created into which that beam was sucked.



The fox‘s eyes fluttered. The Chun Ma she knew was only able to block things with the one
sword he had, she never knew that her attack could be stopped this way.

„Then how about this?‟

The fox jumped.

Thud! Kwang!



As she jumped, the peak shook and the Elders moved away to avoid being hit by the rocks which
bounced up at the fox‘s movements.


Thousands of golden hairs on the fox stood up and moved for Chun Yeowun.


A single hair couldn‘t be blocked by the Elders, but now, a thousand of them were coming for
one man.

―I-is that the Golden Gumiho?‖

As the fight was too destructive, Ark Young, who came out of the residence, asked.

He saw Chun Yeowun in the air, and numerous golden thorns-like things going for him.

„That is?‟

He wondered if his teacher could stop it, but Chun Yeowun moved his invisible sword of five qi
into the air.


At that moment, the sword which was mid air and flying slowly, crumpled and vanished.

At that, Chun Yeowun smiled,

„It is the first time I am using it since I looked into the universe.‟


Something unbelievable happened.

In the twisted space, a tremendous amount of energy came out and formed into a tornado, which
swept away the golden needles aiming for Chun Yeowun.

„Is this the power of a Heavenly Master?‟

Elder Gyeong was at a loss for words. He learned of the power a warrior in Heavenly Master
level has, but this was too much.

„Is this Chun Ma?‟

Even the fox frowned. The power this man was using was nothing like the power her Chun Ma

Chun Ma used demonic power, but this man, the power he was using was difficult to understand
despite knowing it was close to chaos.

Chun Yeowun spoke to the Golden Gumiho.

―If you dealt with ancestor, you would understand this too‖

He raised a sword. And the sword was dyed with black.


A weird energy. A force which could cut through anything.

„Supreme Sky Demon Sword?‟

The fox‘s eyes trembled. That sword, an absolute secret weapon which could cut down anything
in the world, a sword technique that Chun Ma made before he disappeared.

She had seen the power with her own eyes.


Chun Yeowun drew a vertical line towards her.

The black line split the air.

„I need to avoid it!‟


In that brief moment, the Golden Gumiho turned to the side by emitting out golden light. The
size of her body shrunk. However, she couldn‘t completely avoid the speed at which the black
line cut the air.

Two of her tails were cut.



A shriek from her mouth.

Two tails, which had never been cut since the immemorial times, were cut.

The pain was indescribable.


She turned into her human form. But unlike before, she was looking young and short too.

From a mid-20s woman, she now looked like an 18-year-old girl.

„Yokai energy….‟

Her two tails were cut off. Her yokai energy in her nine tails was reduced and the core, called fox
orb, had lost its energy too.


The touch of something sharp pressing her. Chun Yeowun‘s invisible sword was on her neck.


Actually, Chun Yeowun was planning on killing the fox. But since he found out that she had a
relationship with his ancestor, he was hesitating if he should or not.

Ignoring the sword, the woman asked.

―Really not Chun Ma?‖

Both eyes were trembling. Chun Yeowun sighed.

―… I am Chun Ma, but it is a title I inherited from my ancestor.‖

When she heard Chun Yeowun‘s words, her eyes reddened. And his voice, the man she liked, his
voice rang in her head.

[I won‘t disappear. The one who will succeed me will become another Chun Ma. I don‘t know
when that will be though.]

[That means they are just your descendants.]

He smiled at her words and said,

[This is how humans live forever,]

The strong nostalgia. A single tear fell down the pure white cheek of the 18-year-old Golden

With a red face, she said to Chun Yeowun.

―No. You are undoubtedly Chun Ma.‖



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 148 -
Demonic Sealing Whip (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Feb 11, 2022

• 9 min read • 4630 views

„She is so stubborn.‟

Chun Yeowun shook his head. However, looking at the eyes and the expression, she seemed like
someone who had realized something.
It was the thought that perhaps she knew the answer to the question.

―Think whatever you want.‖

Chun Yeowun wasn‘t the kind of person who repeated the same words over and over again.

He thought that there was no point speaking to someone who had no intention of listening to

Fortunately, the Golden Gumiho understood it.

―You look a lot like him. All of the ones who were his direct descendants didn‘t look like him at

She watched the descendants of Chun Ma for decades.

However, it was difficult to find anyone resembling him. Except for the one standing in front of

―Are you going to kill me?‖

The Golden Gumiho asked, looking at the invisible swords close to her neck.

At that, Chun Yeowun stared at her, letting the energy disperse slowly.


And the swords disappeared as if they never existed.

There was a gleam in her eyes.

―If you don‘t kill me, the world will be in danger.‖

She said with her eyes wide open. Although she looked like an 18 year old girl, she was a
catastrophe which existed since the start of the world.

Chun Yeowun looked at her and said,

―Not interested.‖
At that, she smiled.

―Indeed, it is similar.‖

Chun Yeowun clicked his tongue.

―You knew Chun Ma and that was it, stop.‖

Chun Yeowun had demonstrated his abilities and was no longer interested in her. He was
thinking of sparing her since she seemed to know his ancestor. But looking at her now, it didn‘t
seem like she would harm anyone.

However, something unexpected happened.

―Since you saved me. I will follow you from now on.‖

Chun Yeowun raised his brows.

Normally, he would have immediately brought the opposite person towards his side, but for
some reason, she wasn‘t appealing to him.

So he let her go.

―You have been imprisoned here for a long time, enjoy your freedom.‖

―No. I want to go with you.‖

Chun Yeowun started to feel bothered.

She put on a nice pose and spoke to Chun Yeowun who shook his head.

―Look here. A beautiful woman with a body like mine is wanting to be with you. Isn‘t that a
good thing? Right?‖


As her power had diminished, she was now nothing great.

―Did you just ‗tch‘?‖

Not interested in her, Chun Yeowun landed on the ground. The top of the peak was already


Gumiho followed him.

Chun Yeowun asked the naked one.

―Are you going to stay like this?‖

―Ah, I have been locked for a long time so I forgot. Why? Is your manhood twitching looking at
my body?‖

―… do you want to die?‖

―Sheesh, you are colder than him.‖

She mumbled as if she wasn‘t pleased.

And then, the clothes of a pretty woman which could only be seen in the original timeline of
Chun Yeowun came up.


It was also said that Gumiho had a great stealth, and that didn‘t seem like a rumor.

―Kay! Happy now?‖

Chun Yeowun didn‘t answer her.


And in front of him came two figures. They were Elder Seong and Elder Gyeong.

Elder Gyeong looked at Gumiho and asked.

―Why didn‘t you kill that beast?‖

He watched the battle and how absurdly it ended.

Both Elders didn‘t understand why Chun Yeowun didn‘t kill her.

Chun Yeowun casually said,

―There won‘t be any problems.‖

―Are you really saying that? That yokai is an existence which harms the world…‖


Before he could finish it, something flew at Elder Gyeong. A golden tail.



Confused, Elder Gyeong created a sword to block it.

However, because of her massive strength, he was thrown to the side.


It wasn‘t as bad as in the beginning, he was only pushed 10 steps.

―Sheesh. If only my strength didn‘t die down, you would have been done.‖

She had lost two tails.

„This was weak?‟

Elder Seong struck his tongue. Elder Gyeong was the best and a Divine Master.

But despite being in her human form, she could push him back.

„She is dangerous.‟

Elder Seong moved.


And then bowed his head to Chun Yeowun.

―What is this supposed to mean?‖

This man openly questioned Chun Yeowun a moment ago.

So what is this now?

―Elder Seong Jin-gyu of Murim, greets the great Demon God.‖


Only then did Chun Yeowun understand. He must have heard that he was the 2nd Chun Ma.

It was still surprising.

His own descendants didn‘t believe him when he said it but this man, Elder Seong, seemed to
believe him.

―Do you know me?‖

―How can I not know about you?‖

―But I guess you are stupid, it is because of that this place was stained with the Blue Sky.‖

At those words, Elder Seong felt odd.

„I guess it was true.‟

He knew the things of the past.

He also heard that Chun Yeowun‘s grandfather, the 22nd Lord of Sky Demon Order, was a
member of Eun Jarim, and was constantly against the enemy Blade God.

―Senior‘s grandfather, Lord Chun Inji, was a member of Eun Jarim, how can you call us like

―What are you trying to say?‖


―Now that you introduced and set the past out, you have something to say right?‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s words, Elder Seong was flustered.

With utmost caution, he tried to speak.

―Senior. The Golden Gumiho is a yokai, as Elder Gyeong said. The reason why she was
imprisoned was because of her existence which turned the balance. If you release a yokai,
destruction will come to the world, please consider releasing it.‖

Elder Seong was convinced about releasing her out into the world, but it would be difficult to
push Chun Yeowun, who was the Demon God, to kill her, so he tried to put it respectfully.

At that, Chun Yeowun said,

―If you think it is dangerous, kill it yourself.‖


Elder Seong and Elder Gyeong were both shocked at it.

Even if she lost 2 tails, she was still a Gumiho.

―Feeling bad that I am walking out? Maybe I should just kill you all.‖

The golden-haired Gumiho licked her lips. She had a playful face, but she would do it if allowed.


―Are you really sending her into the world?‖

The two looked at Chun Yeowun with worried faces. They couldn‘t stop Chun Yeowun or the

„It is impossible.‟

Elder Seong bit his lip and spoke.

―Then Senior. Can I just ask for one favor?‖


―Without you, no one can control Gumiho. If this Golden Gumiho harms the world, who can
stop her?‖

―Elder Seong!‖

Elder Gyeong couldn‘t figure out what he was trying to do.

Elder Seong didn‘t bother and continued.

[What to do? Elder Gyeong? Can we stop that Yokai?]


He was just merely suggesting something.

And it was true that there was no one who could stop her.

Chun Yeowun looked at the fox which kept clinging to him with an annoyed face.

―Right right. If I need to be stopped, I need to be next to you.‖

―Don‘t touch me.‖

―… you are so rude.‖

Gumiho had a sullen expression.

„This is gum sticking on.‟

He was already bothered by Shakena who stuck to him. And now this one too.

After thinking, Chun Yeowun decided to take her, but it was then.


He suddenly reached out to the floor.


Fragments shattered revealing something underneath.

It was a round, black sphere.


As he was puzzled, he was about to touch it, when something like a black rope stretched out
from the sphere and tried to wrap itself around Chun Yeowun.


When Chun Yeowun swung his sword, they went back.


A very long black rope.

It was strange, as it was so long that the end couldn‘t be seen, like a snake.

However, as the black rope kept moving, someone who was inside it could be seen.

―Mak Wei-gang!‖

It was Mak Wei-gang.

„He is alive!‟

They all thought he was caught in the charm of Gumiho and died after the place shattered.

„Damn that beast!‟

Mak Wei-gang was staring at Gumiho.

He was aware that he was possessed by it because he had his memories intact.

―So you are Mak Wei-gang.‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s words, he smiled bitterly.

―What a bad day. To be able to see my enemy here.‖

He was able to hear everything despite being within the sphere, and was shocked when Elder
Seong called him Demon God.

Demon God Chun Yeowun which made the family of Mak go into hiding for hundreds of years.

―It is fine. For the sake of Blue Sky, I was going to get rid of all your people, since you appeared,
I will start with you.‖

Elder Seong thought this was absurd. He knew the ignorance this man had, but he couldn‘t
believe that Mak Wei-gang thought he could defeat Chun Yeowun.

―It seems like the charm wore off when the tail was cut. Then again!‖

She looked at Mak Wei-gang and used her charm.

Nothing happened.


―You foolish yokai. As long as I am the owner of this whip, your tricks wouldn‘t work on me.‖

Mak Wei-gang handled the whip.


The black string flew towards her.

Laughing through her teeth, she tried to use her tail, but the black whip wrapped itself around the



The whip moved around the tail and wrapped around her body like a snake. It seemed that the
energy in the whip was too much for her to break through.
―Damned divine item!‖


Mak Wei-gang smiled as if liked it and looking at Chun Yeowun he said.

―These divine artifacts can be used like this.‖

A mysterious light shone from the black whip.


The eyes of the Gumiho turned dazed with it. As if the emotions had been lost.

Demonic Sealing Whip.

A weapon called Divine Artifact wasn‘t just a whip. It could subdue the opponent and absorb the

The scariest thing was that it could control beings like monsters, spirits and stuff.

With her 2 tails cut off, she wasn‘t strong enough to subdue its force.

―Golden Gumiho. The time has come for the battle of the Demo…‖

Before he could even finish speaking.



Mak Wei-gang held his chest. Something seemed to have pierced his chest and now it was
hurting him.

―T-this is…‖

Chun Yeowun spoke to him in a sarcastic manner.

―Idiot. Did you think I‘d keep watching if you used it?‖
A sword which transcends the will of the owner. The Heart Sword.


Even before he could properly use the new weapon he acquired, he was rendered useless.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 149 -
Demonic Sealing Whip (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Feb 12, 2022

• 11 min read • 4830 views



Mak Wei-gang tried to push out the Heart Sword with his internal energy, but it was to no avail.
From the get-go, the gap between him and Chun Yeowun was simply too big.„Kuak… a Heart
Mak Wei-gang didn‘t expect to be able to stop the Heart Sword – even if he did manage to stop
it, it felt like he would die before completely stopping it. Chun Yeowun walked towards him.

―Forces of Great Heaven.‖


―You guys managed to survive like little rats in hiding. Are there others who share the same
baseless ideology as you?‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s question, Mak Wei-gang spoke with red eyes.

―Th…. Th… the Forces of Great Heaven… is forever! We will rebuild the… Blue Sky

―Well, I already killed all of your men that were here.‖


Mak Wei-gang‘s eyes trembled. He had no idea that outside the peak, all the extremists he
brought in and the foundation he had built for over 50 years were no more.

―Are any of your family members out there?‖

Chun Yeowun asked. He wanted to get rid of all of them for sure this time.

―Where are they?‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s question, Mak Wei-gang cried out in pain.

―Kuak… foolish man… Come on now… You think…. I‘ll answer?‖

Even if he died, he wasn‘t going to reveal where they were. In response, Chun Yeowun smiled.



At that moment, Chun Yeowun‘s hand pierced Mak Wei-gang‘s chest.



A blue light spread from Chun Yeowun‘s wristguard into Mak Wei-gang‘s body through his


His face had its life drained from it and turned white. After acquiring the ability of Ghost Entity,
Chun Yeowun didn‘t bother with torture anymore.

„Two birds, one stone.‟

Mak Wei-gang was a Supreme Master level warrior, and it was difficult to obtain a Ghost at such
a high level.

Chun Yeowun then read the memories to find out where the rest of Mak Wei-gang‘s family


Upon Mak Wei-gang‘s death, the whip around the Golden Gumiho was freed and she tried to
destroy it once more.

―Damned item! I will destroy you!‖


Chun Yeowun ordered her to stop.

―Why? With your strength, there shouldn‘t be any need for it.‖

For her, a Yokai, this whip was a dangerous weapon. If it weren‘t for the whip, she would have
never been trapped there.

„This seems familiar.‟

Chun Yeowun thought that the whip looked familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere before. He
recognized the engraving on the handle to the work on it, and even the shape of the whip as well.


When Chun Yeowun reached out his hand, the whip on the floor was sucked into his hand. As he
held its handle and grabbed the whip part, he could make out the numerous sentences engraved
on it.

„Taoist scriptures?‟

The symbols that were engraved were common engravings in Taoist paraphernalia. In other
words, these were the symbols that Taoists used to make talismans and other spiritual objects.

Cheowun knew that the ancestors of the Forest Lord had used this whip to seal the Golden
Gumiho, so it had to be a relic from the past.


[The material of the whip is the same as that of the wrist guard of the user.]


Chun Yeowun narrowed his eyes at Nano‘s information and then he realized why the whip felt
so familiar.

„Is it that?‟

It was from the blueprint presumed to belong to the Demon realm that Chun Yeowun obtained
by killing the Demon realm‘s traitor, Hagar. That was where Chun Yeowun saw the whip!

He remembered that the whip was a weapon that had transformed into a right leg shield.


Just like how his wrist guard which turned into the Sky Demon Sword, Chun Yeowun tried to
infuse Sky Demon Energy into the handle of the whip.

The whip trembled strongly.

Something was blocking the Sky Demon Energy from entering. As the Taoist engraving radiated
a red glow, it seemed like it was the source of the blockage.

„That‟s blocking it?‟

Chun Yeowun touched the writing on the whip with two fingers. And in the parts where the
engraving was done, Chun Yeowun focused the channeling of the Sky Demon Energy.


The engraving seemed to have little defense despite its ability to repulse the energy, but it soon
gave in and the Sky Demon Energy found its way into the whip.


As each of the letters engraved were being overtaken and consumed, the whip began trembling.
The Gumiho‘s energy that was trapped within the whip for over a millenia was finally escaping
from its prison.


―My strength! My strength!‖

The Golden Gumiho was surprised as she watched this unfold. The Demonic Sealing Whip had
sealed her for so long and kept absorbing her energy to suppress her.

Now that all the energy was escaping from the whip once the Sky Demon Energy overtook the
engravings, she could feel the yokai energy that had been absorbed for nearly 1,800 years return
back to her.

Chun Yeowun grabbed the handle again and infused Sky Demon Energy into it once more.
Unlike before, there was some resilience, but something strange occurred…


The whip resonated and the yokai energy inside reacted to the Sky Demon Energy. Then, the
yokai energy started to enter his body.

Chun Yeowun couldn‘t hide his shock as a new foreign energy was entering his body –the
Golden Gumiho‘s yokai energy. It was an unmistakingly evil energy.


The veins on his hand began turning blue, as if the yokai energy was infecting his body.

―What are you doing?! Chun Ma! Get your hands off of the damn whip!‖

Realizing that something unusual was happening, she tried to help Chun Yeowun.



However, an unknown force pushed her away. It was the yokai energy that was stored for 1,800
years that was strong enough to push her.


An energy sphere formed around Chun Yeowun, and everything within 10 meters was pushed
out. Both of the elders were shocked at this.

―W-what just happened?‖

―I don‘t know, but…‖

They knew approaching this new energy would be dangerous, and that Chun Yeowun‘s
condition was not looking too good.


Now his face gained a certain repulsiveness when blue veins began to form within his facial

Even Chun Yeowun, who was accustomed to pain, couldn‘t hold back a groan. There was a
problem when the yokai energy collided with the spiritual energy and the energy of the five cores
that were residing within Chun Yeowun.

All the energies within him were now fighting against the yokai energy. As these opposing
energies fought, Chun Yeowun‘s body became a battlefield with him having to take the burden.


[Warning! Body is unstable.]

Nano was restoring the internal injuries. Normally the recovery would be done by the spiritual
energy from the Spirit cores, but because they were battling the yokai energy at the moment, it
was up to Nano.

„I need them to calm down.‟

Chun Yeowun sat down right away and concentrated. He had no choice but to contain this new
energy within him and balance its flow.

And the perfect energy to do so was:

„Sky Demon Energy!‟

It was the only energy that could absorb all the other energies, so he tried to balance the clashing
energies using the Sky Demon Energy as the center, but a strange thing happened.

The spiritual energy from the Spirit Beast cores and the yokai energy, which had been rampaging
against one another just moments before, were now in perfect harmony like yin and yang. The
two energies aligned and circulated smoothly in Chun Yeowun‘s body as if they were always
like this.


This new golden energy along with the five-colored spiritual energy arose in Chun Yeowun‘s

Elder Gyeong, who looked at it, bit his lip.

―… what an unbelievable energy.‖

It was a lot greater than the energy of the Golden Gumiho that he faced.

In fact, it wasn‘t an evil or natural energy, but one of true chaos.


And Chun Yeowun was stabilizing it.


At one point, Chun Yeowun‘s consciousness was fading out as if he was returning to
nothingness. However, this was something he had experienced several times.

He entered the unconscious world from when he first obtained the Sky Demon Sword.

-Strange. So strange.

Someone‘s voice was heard. Chun Yeowun, without a body, naturally turned his head to where
the sound was coming from.

There was an old man in white robes. From just the white beard alone, Chun Yeowun could tell
this man had to be either a famous swordsman or a sage.

-How did something like this fall from the sky?

The old man looked up. He was standing inside a very deep pit that was a crater of sorts.

-I thought a star had fallen. Hehe, this can‘t be that.

The old man picked something up. It was the Demonic Sealing Whip.

The old man who was paying close attention to the Demonic Sealing Whip then shook his head
as white mist rose from his feet and his body began to float.

Chun Yeowun looked at the floating man and realized that the location changed to a thatched
house. In the house, the old man was engraving characters on it one after another, but not with
ink but rather a substance resembling melted gold.


Someone appeared. Another person wearing the same robes entered the room with his back to
Chun Yeowun. What was unnatural was that his eyebrows and beard were red.

-Sage Cheok Mino, you are here?

-Are you saying that these things fell all over Yunnan?

The old man in the red beard named Cheok Mino asked as he put something on the sword that
was made of black iron radiating a brilliant light.

-Huh. Another one?

The old man who was engraving sighed.

-Isn‘t this strange? Weapons made of this unknown material are falling from the sky. Doesn‘t it
seem like a bad omen?

-Right. Did you recover all of said weapons?

-Unfortunately, the other three have fallen into the hands of people.


-Should I tell you something interesting? The sword shaped thing fell into the hands of the man
you spoke of before, the one who didn‘t seem like a human. He noticed me even though I was 40
kilometers away. He‘s truly extraordinary.

-And you backed out?

-There was nothing I could do about it cause I didn‘t want to show my face.

„Five things?‟
Chun Yeowun was puzzled. According to the conversation, besides the two weapons, three more

And according to the drawings in Hagar‘s safe, there were a total of seven in the set.

„What the hell are these weapons?‟

There was no meteorite that fell, but rather the weapons themselves fell. Cheok Mino asked.

-So? Do you have to seal them?

-Don‘t you think so? These weapons pull in the energy around them. Let it be good or bad
energy. I don‘t think they will bring goodness to the world.

-Then, this thing will have to be sealed and kept somewhere.

-Mount Oji?

-Wouldn‘t it be too dangerous to place them together in Kunlun Mountains?

The old man agreed. It seemed like there was something else. But the vision ended there and the
two people disappeared like smoke.


And Chun Yeowun‘s eyes shone.

As he looked around, he could see Elder Gyeong and Elder Seong and even the Gumiho holding
their breaths.

They were keeping an eye on the changes that were happening, but something was missing on
his body.


Chun Yeowun then realized that his clothes were gone.

His body felt stronger than before. Looking at his energies that were now in harmony, he realized
his newfound strength.

―I congratulate you on your achievement, Senior.‖

Elder Seong who looked at him said it with a shocked face, knowing that Chun Yeowun knew
for sure what had happened.

„Have I undergone body reconstruction again?‟

This would be his fifth time, and it wasn‘t by some realization.


His body had gone through another transformation to handle the new energy. It was truly

„Where did it go? Ah!‟

He couldn‘t find the whip he was holding so as he looked for it, he saw it as an iron guard on his
right ankle.

Chun Yeowun, who saw it, thought it was weird.

„Just what exactly are these weapons?‟



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 150 -
Demonic Sealing Whip (3)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Feb 13, 2022

• 15 min read • 5004 views




A middle-aged man with small eyes let out a long sigh. He was the Lord of the Green Forest and
the Eun Jarim as well as the Lord of Snow Line of Kunlun Mountains.

Although he looked young, he was more than three hundred and sixty years old. There were
three elders sitting in front of him and they all had expressions of regret, as a lot had happened in
the past few hours.

The Golden Gumiho that had been imprisoned by the ancestors was released and part of Eun
Jarim was sacrificed. Both internal and external matters were breaking the man‘s heart.

―Did you find that kid?‖

At the question from the Lord, Elder Seong and Elder Gyeong shook their heads. They were
trying to find out the whereabouts of his daughter, Ha Baek-ryeong, as she was his only blood,
but she seemed to have disappeared.

Since the peak collapsed, there should have been some bodies or corpses, but none could be

„Probably dead.‟
The red candle in the Lord‘s room was out. It was the candle that displayed her condition.

„Is this retribution?‟

He sighed. He regretted what had happened. As the leader of extremists, Mak Wei-gang and his
influence were bad, and the Lord knew that his daughter was changing because of that. However,
he left it alone because he thought that a person should be rational enough to understand the
consequences and results, but they were disastrous.

„Baek-ryeong. Baek-ryeong… ahhh.‟

It was the heart of a father who wept for his daughter who was lost. Seeing him in full sorrow,
the elders bowed their heads.

―It is our fault.‖

―Please punish us.‖

The Lord shook his head.

―… No. It all happened because of me, so how can I dare blame you all?‖

The air in the room grew heavier. Ark Young felt the most burdened. It was the first time since
the Snow Line was established that such blood was shed.

―And where is he?‖

Ark Young answered the Lord‘s question.

―He is on the other peak.‖

―That one?‖

―… He said that he would wait for Lord.‖

The Lord asked for the details surrounding Chun Yeowun. Having heard what happened, he even
wanted to meet the man.
The Sleeping Heavenly Peak, the new peak which had not only risen but destroyed as well. Chun
Yeowun was there trying out the Demonic Sealing Whip.


Hu Bong‘s eyes widened at it.

―Wow! Lord, what kind of whip can stretch out like that?‖

The whip swung by Chun Yeowun stretched out for more than 10 meters. It seemed like it could
stretch out as far as the user wanted it to go.


„I‟ve got the whip, but I‟m just not used to this.‟

Whips were used in the cult as well, but they weren‘t that great for battles so there was not much
focus on their usage.

„Hmm, should I take this chance to try it out?‟

It was worthwhile to use this.


A small snore could be heard. It was the little fox with golden fur that had been asleep on his
shoulder. This was, indeed, the Gumiho.

She wasn‘t just able to change her form into a human, but also change her forms within the fox
into a cub.


Despite telling her not to stay, she insisted on being with him. At first, Chun Yeowun prevented
it, but then he gave in and let her attach herself on his shoulder.

When Chun Yeowun infused the whip with the Sky Demon Energy, it turned into a guard on the
leg. However, unlike an actual guard, it looked more like a snake rolling around. Did it have its
own personality? Chun Yeowun kept thinking about it.

„Is it better to try and get the other ones too?‟

In addition to this, he knew the locations of two other weapons. One was on Olkhon Island in
Russia, where the Dan family stayed.

The other was in Mount Oji, which was the place that the man Mino had talked about.

„I wonder what it‟ll turn into when all of them are put together.‟

While Chun Yeowun immersed in his thoughts, a group of four arrived. They were the Lord, Ark
Young and the other two elders.

The Lord approached Chun Yeowun and looked at the golden fox that was sleeping on his
shoulder. At a glance, it looked like nothing more than a cute pet.

„Is this the one?‟

Who would guess that this little fox was the yokai that could bring doom to the world? However,
after learning how to distinguish between energies, the Lord could see its true energy.

It was well taken care of now, but if this fox blew up again, it would be difficult to keep up with

―You are the Lord.‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s arrogant tone, Elder Gyeong frowned. He was accustomed to the man‘s tone,
but he couldn‘t stay still when his Lord was addressed with the same tone.

However, he said nothing because Ark Young and Elder Seong confirmed that this man was
Chun Yeowun of the past, the Demon God.

[Lord. That person…]

Elder Gyeong tried to inform the Lord.


The man was looking at Chun Yeowun with wide eyes. Just looking at it, it seemed like he was

„No way…‟

The Lord couldn‘t believe what he saw. Having learned to feel the true nature of each energies
for more than 350 years, he was skilled. He even knew how to feel fate and prophecies.

„Just who is he…‟

A person‘s fate sometimes showed in the colors surrounding them. In the Lord‘s eyes, Chun
Yeowun was chaotic. The space around was badly shaking and numerous colors were moving,
creating a haze-like feel.

„Is he human? I can‟t read him at all.‟

He couldn‘t see Heaven‘s Will.

He was the kind to know what kind of person the other was by looking at their flow of fate, but it
was proving to be difficult.

―How long are you going to look at me for? I‘m guessing your eyes are special.‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s question, the Lord was taken aback.

„Did he realize it?‟

When he tried to read the fate, the other person wouldn‘t notice the difference in it. However, if
one was aware of this, they could figure out by looking at the white tinge in the eyes.

―What are you trying to do with those eyes?‖

The Lord, who was shocked, answered Chun Yeowun‘s question.

―… I was trying to see who you were.‖

He couldn‘t tell it despite trying to see. As if guessing that much, Chun Yeowun asked.
―Really? And how did it look?‖

―I haven‘t gotten a clue. It seems like this old man cannot read yours.‖

Chun Yeowun sighed.

―Well, your body seems to have recovered.‖

At that, the Lord expressed his gratitude.

―I heard from the elders that you saved this old man. I‘m very thankful for it.‖

―Is that all you can do?‖

It sounded like Chun Yeowun was dissatisfied. The Lord spoke in a bitter tone.

―Many sacrifices have been made today. I was not present, but I lost my one and only blood. I
know it isn‘t your fault, but it still hurts my heart.‖

He was in a mess. However, Chun Yeowun had no intention of considering his words.

In the first place, it was because he, the Lord who was responsible for this place, didn‘t rule it
properly that such a thing happened.


The Lord brought about the main point, but Chun Yeowun asked.

―Heavenly Killing Star. I want to hear about that.‖

―Heavenly Killing Star‖

The Lord frowned at it. He didn‘t think that the person would be curious about that. In fact,
before the Lord woke up, Chun Yeowun had asked the other 2 elders about a Heavenly Killing
Star. But they knew nothing.

„He was the person who held the position of 1st elder, overpowering the Gyeong family that
protected the Lord, and was the person who had been there the longest along with the Lord.‟
Despite that, the moment they found out he was the Heavenly Killing Star, they kicked him out.

Strictly speaking, the man left on his own.

―I need to know what was being discussed before he left this place.‖

―… and why would you need that?‖

The Lord asked.

―I have some work with him.‖


―Since when was he here?‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s question, the Lord looked at the elders. If they hadn‘t informed him to some
extent, he wouldn‘t have gotten used to this man.

―May I ask why?‖

―It is said that the Eun Jarim settled here about 300 years back or something like that. But no
matter how I look at it, it seems like he is a person whom I heard of during my days.‖

In the original time of Chun Yeowun there was a Heavenly Body possessed man who was called
a genius in the Forces of Evil. And Chun Yeowun thought that maybe the true identity of that
Heavenly Body person was Heavenly Killing Star.

However, that meant that the person would have lived for a long time, and no elder knew for sure
how long the man lived. Even Ark Young, who knew Mr. Cho, didn‘t know how long he had
lived for.

„Ahh… now that I see, wasn‟t he known to be famous a thousand years back?‟

The Lord was surprised to hear that from Ark Young and Elder Seong. He knew that Murim
people who practiced cultivation and internal energy for a long time live longer, but living past a
thousand years was impossible.

„Who could even guess that this man lived past a thousand?‟
Chun Yeowun looked like he was in his twenties. Of course, that was his true age. But he didn‘t
say it as he knew people wouldn‘t believe that he had skipped through time.

At that time, the Lord swung his fingers.


Red letters engraved in the air formed around Chun Yeowun in a circle, and created a barrier
from the outside.


―My Lord!‖

Hu Bong and the elders were shocked.

―What are you doing!‖


Hu Bong fired a flame sphere to destroy the barrier. Ark Young tried to stop him.

―Stop. Mr. Hu.. it seems like they two are talking alone.‖


The Lord was saying something inside the curtain like Ark Young had told, but the words
couldn‘t be heard from outside.

As expected, the Lord had opened a place only for just the two of them to talk.

―Is it okay if the two of us talk?‖

At that moment, the golden fox sleeping on Chun Yeowun‘s shoulder woke up, and its tails stood
up as she looked at the man.

-You are his successor!

Both of her eyes became dyed with yokai energy.

―You run rampant, and I will kill you this time.‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s warning, the fox snorted.

-This is unfair!

She then tried to enter Chun Yeowun‘s suit, as she was desperate not to stray too far from him.
At that, the Lord stuck his tongue.

„The Golden Gumiho is acting according to him.‟

He thought it was weird, wondering if such a thing could even be controlled, but this man
seemed like he could.

―Is this fine?‖

Chun Yeowun asked, pointing to the fox that stayed attached to him. To that, the Lord nodded as
if he didn‘t care.


Cun Yeowun thought it was strange, but he didn‘t care.

―If it is you, I think you must have known something about Mr. Cho.‖

At the Lord‘s words, Chun Yeowun‘s eyes shone knowing that he was right.

―He is defying his entire destiny. His fixed lifespan and even his missions aren‘t the same, and I
was very afraid of it.‖

―What do you mean?‖

―I think you are the answer that Mr. Cho is searching for.‖


―Mr. Cho came here to become youthful.‖

This was something no elders knew. It was because he, too, only knew it after Mr. Cho asked for

―At first I didn‘t realize. I just thought that he was trying to control his life.‖

―… but that wasn‘t it.‖

―Exactly. That wasn‘t his goal.‖

On the day that he was teaching Mr. Cho his family‘s technique, the man asked.

[Isn‘t there a way to learn the technique without suppressing the blood flow within?]

He was asking for the malice intent to overflow, but learning something while letting that rage
happen would be impossible.

Recognizing that, each time that the technique was taught, his blood pressure points were sealed,
Mr. Cho asked him to bypass it.

―I said it was impossible.‖

At that, he said something unexpected.

[Then this doesn‘t work.]

[What do you mean?]

[… even if I learn this, I cannot stop aging.]

The very old man was able to suppress death and shape his own fate. But the moment the Lord
heard those words, he knew that he had misunderstood Mr. Cho.

―What he wanted to learn was how to gain youth.‖

The secret to living long without martial arts. That was what he wanted.

And despite not learning martial arts, the Lord was getting stronger slowly and so was his
daughter. And the moment he saw through the true intention of the man, he felt the need to
respond to him.
―But then he himself said he would leave.‖

Eun Jarim had one rule.

Once outsiders come in, they live and die here, not leaving into the world on their own accord
but only for mission. And if they want to leave of their own volition, they have to lose their
martial arts.

―He looked fine to me.‖

Seeing the Time Rewind ability, the man was fine. The Lord who went silent as he turned back,
opened his shirt and showed his chest.

A scar on it.

―About 50 years ago, he asked to leave as he was. And he left this scar.‖

Chun Yeowun thought this was intriguing.

―You were threatened.‖

―… I tried to subdue him, but I was defeated.‖

The Lord thought he could subdue him, but then became scared for his life.

―He said that if I tried to stop him, he would annihilate all who were here.‖


Only then did Chun Yeowun find out why this man had blocked the sound. It was because the
truth was different from what the other people outside knew. The people here thought that the
man was sent out because of the Lord, but not because the Lord was threatened.

―It was an inevitable choice to save everyone.‖

Chun Yeowun spoke with a smile.

―So funny.‖
―What is?‖

―You could kill him and your life was threatened, so wouldn‘t it be funny to think you decided to
save your face after letting him go?‖

The Lord thought of crying at those words. Because it was an undeniable fact.

Despite having been through it, he concealed the truth.

―In the end, despite knowing he was dangerous, you just let him go.‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s words, the man sighed. But Chun Yeowun knew that if the others knew the
truth they wouldn‘t have been this loyal to the Lord.

The Lord bit his lip.

―… You are right. It all happened due to my fault. When I saw a man with Heavenly energy who
was trying to change fate, I shouldn‘t have let him.‖

―Heavenly energy?‖

To Chun Yeowun who was puzzled, the man continued.

―Mr. Cho, no, Cho Yushin, after that man, this is the second time I have seen it.‖

―What are you talking about?‖

―I heard from Elder Seong that you are called Chun Ma (Heavenly Demon).‖

With that, the Lord stretched out his hand and pointed to the floor. And the whole ground was
filled with red letters.


The space around the ground shook and showed strange things. The energy inside that place
seemed to explode at any moment, and even the fox seemed startled a bit.

-Yah! What are you trying to do?

―Our Ha family, and the descendants of the Ha family, have collected information in preparation
for the moment the seal is broken.‖

When the Lord took off the black robe he had on, a white robe with gold letters was revealed
under it and an overwhelming energy broke out. This was something that the ancestors of the Ha
family have passed down from generation to generation.

The Lord looked at Chun Yeowun and the fox with eyes full of determination.

―This old man doesn‘t want the same thing to repeat again. I cannot send a dangerous person like
you and that Golden Gumiho into the world.‖

The Lord opened his eyes wide. He was sacrificing himself to destroy the fox and Chun Yeowun.
At that, Chun Yeowun shook his head.

―And I even saved your life…‖

―I am sorry. But since this has already been triggered, you won‘t be able to escape it. The sin I


Chun Yeowun‘s feet dug into the floor and the moment the floor cracked. With that, the red
letters on the floor began to lose the light.


It meant that something was stopping it, flustered the Lord tried to use everything he could to
overpower it.


With the speed of lightning, he tore off the robe and, when he lifted it up, the space shook as it
sucked in the robe.


The energy that was about to destroy him disappeared.

―W-what did you do…‖

―Did you think I wouldn‘t know?‖


When he was puzzled, Chun Yeowun spoke in a cold voice.

―You wanted to talk between just the two of us, but didn‘t mind letting the fox stay? You only
learned to use the technique but you are innately stupid.‖


―Like father, like daughter I guess.‖


As soon as he said that, Chun Yeowun‘s hand was nailed into the Lord‘s forehead.



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Hayden Hotel (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Feb 14, 2022

• 13 min read • 5332 views



Reading others‘ heavenly energy. Or seeing their fate.

It was never beneficial; those who strayed on the path of good would still meet an unhappy



The Lord grabbed his head, but not a single drop of blood flowed out. The forehead that was
supposed to have been pierced seemed fine.

―What are you doing?‖

Chun Yeowun asked, looking at him. The Lord was trembling in fear.

„Was that my future?‟

Out of caution, he had looked into his own fate. He saw that the moment he used the white robe
that his ancestors had passed onto him, he died without having time to save himself.

„Is this man an actual monster?‟

Seeing even further into the future was just as shocking as when he looked into Cho Yushin‘s.

The moment that he died, Elder Gyeong and Elder Seong rushed for Chun Yeowun but he
effortlessly managed to kill both of them using a sword full of eerie energy. Then, he saw ghosts
coming out of their bodies.

The Lord then realized the fact that attempting to stop the fox and the man would bring him the
worst outcome: the destruction of Eun Jarim.


Beads of cold sweat ran down his forehead and cheek. His body was feeling cold. He
remembered the advice his father gave him.

[Father. Why do we turn our backs on the world when we learn this?]

[To read the flow is to entangle ourselves with the end. It might be hard to understand now, but
the deeper you learn our family‘s technique the more you‘ll understand what I‘m saying.]

Reading the heavenly energy and fate meant to know in advance what wouldn‘t be good.

This instilled more discipline in a person, and allowed the Lord to understand the reason why his
ancestors didn‘t enter the outside world.

„Because it was meaningless. And it didn‟t make sense.‟

Every time he read fate, it hurt him. He kept telling himself to not read the flow of fate, but he
did and each time it filled him with bitterness.


The Lord groaned, sighed, and bowed his head to Chun Yeowun.

―You are right. This all stemmed from my fears and foolishness to save my face. I apologize.‖

Chun Yeowun‘s eyes shone at it. He felt a subtle feeling that the bowing man was scheming
something, but suddenly heard him apologize.


The Lord raised his hand and part of the curtain opened.

―Can you send the Golden Gumiho out?‖

At that, Chun Yeowun looked at the fox.

-What are you looking at? No, I won‘t go.

She tried to stick to him, but he picked her up by the tail and threw her out.

-No! Don‘t hold my tail! Ahhhh!

He could hear her screaming but the moment she went past the curtain he could hear nothing.

―What do you want to talk about?‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s question, the Lord took off his robe and showed what he was wearing. There
were gold letters on the white robe.

Without knowing what they meant, Chun Yeowun knew it wasn‘t good for him. However, the
man took it off and handed it to Chun Yeowun.


―I heard that you are strong. However, the Golden Gumiho you are about to take with you is a
yokai that wants destruction. Please take this with you and be prepared for anything she might

―This is?‖

―It is a robe which has the good energy of our clan instilled in it. If you are accustomed to
dealing with energy, you will be able to use it.‖

The Lord changed the fate he saw. He knew it was impossible to stop both the fox and this man.
So he decided to do something better than dying.

―This might be useless.‖

Said Chun Yeowun, but he didn‘t refuse it. Even if not for him, he could give it to Hu Bong or
someone else to be ready to use whenever the fox went out of control. And when Chun Yeowun
put it in the shadow, the Lord removed the curtain that blocked the sound.

-Ugh! I hate you!

The moment the curtain vanished, the fox bit Chun Yeowun‘s ankle, but rather than actually
biting, it seemed like it was only acting to bite. Looking at that, Chun Yeowun sneered.

―If you are fine, can I ask for a small favor?‖

―What do you mean?‖

―Even though this all happened because of me, it would be dangerous if the Heavenly Killing
Star gained eternal life.‖


―You seem to have an idea of what he is and are interested in him, so if you ever meet him,
please make sure he doesn‘t come here.‖

A cautious request. In fact, it almost sounded like a deal. To that, Chun Yeowun responded.

―If he blocks my way, he will pay the price.‖

Chun Yeowun was sure that he would meet this man because he had connections with MS
Group. If that ever happened, Chun Yeowun decided that he would kill him; the Lord didn‘t have
to request it.

„Right. A monster is a perfect opponent for a monster.‟

Chun Yeowun‘s answer gave him a creepy feeling, but he thought this was good.

―Then I guess this old man‘s worries have been relieved. Elder Ark.‖

―Yes, Lord.‖

Ark Young approached him.

―Did you say that Mr. Chun is your teacher?‖

―I reserved this undeserved honor from him.‖

There were only five people in the entire Murim world who were Heavenly Masters. And Ark
Young thought that it was lucky that he was the disciple of Chun Yeowun who seemed to have a
connection with Ark Wei.

―Stay beside the man and learn well.‖

―Ah! Lord, thank you.‖

Ark Young‘s face brightened. In fact, before Chun Yeowun left, he was waiting to ask for
permission to leave his home and go with his teacher.

However, as he was a member of Eun Jarim, he couldn‘t just move as he wished and let Chun
Yeowun be his teacher. However, now that the permission was given, he could leave.

―Mr. Chun. I heard that Cho Yushin had some connections with an unidentified group. And as I,
a lord who doesn‘t know any martial arts, will be sending the elders to help.‖

The Lord was changing his fate. He regretted not being strong enough, but thanks to the future
he saw, he was able to continue the Eun Jarim and the legacy of his ancestors.


A small vibration.

-You arms are shaking, Chun Ma.

The fox tilted its head. Chun Yeowun pulled something out of his coat pocket. An invitation card
with an MS lettering in blue. Not knowing when it would come, Chun Yeowun carried it with
him at all times.

„I am glad that this didn‟t burn during the body reconstruction.‟

Everything on his body had burned, but thanks to its special material composition, it was still


The date, time, and place were written on the back of the card and there was a button to accept it.
„In 3 days?‟

The next event would be held three days later, at 7 p.m. in the Hayden Hotel in Shanghai.

„Where did I hear this….ah!‟

Chun Yeowun had heard of this hotel because he knew that Chun Wu-kyung had used the place
for trading.

„Is this a coincidence?‟

Chun Yeowun ordered Nano to check the place without accepting it right away. If it was waiting
for a reply, then the signal must be active.

[Tracking the signal.]


Not long after, augmented reality opened. The position was marked in the area of China.

And in it.

―Hayden Hotel, Shanghai?‖

The signal was coming from there. It seemed like they were sending the invitation from the hotel
and not their base.

„We need to go there.‟

In the end, he had a clue about the auction site. Chun Yeowun looked at the LED screen and
pressed the button.

„Return Baekgi to me, MS.‟

3 days later.

Shanghai city.
Originally, it was just a fishing village. However, Shanghai grew slowly into a financial center,
accepting the cultures of every nation within and was one of the most renowned places.

Even with the Gates opening, Shanghai continued to be a great city.

There was Hong Kong as well, which had the most foreigners.

People arrived at the Shanghai City West Underground high speed train station.

They were the two secretaries and Bi Mak-heon.

―Do you always go back and forth like this?‖


At Im So-hye‘s words, Yu So-hwa shot her a glance. Im So-hye changed her attitude right away.

―I‘m just asking.‖

After being brought in from Black Athena, her life had changed. She now had to look at Yu So-
hwa everyday.


Bi Mak-heon just sighed as he looked at the women constantly bickering. Fortunately, he was
happy that Shakena wasn‘t here. He couldn‘t fathom a situation where all 3 women would be

He heard a voice calling to him.



It was Hu Bong. Then, he saw Chun Yeowun and Ark Young.

When Bi Mak-heon was puzzled at the new face, Hu Bong answered with a smile.

―Lord‘s disciple.‖
―Disciple? Huh? A disciple?‖

Bi Mak-heon was startled. Not just anyone‘s, but Chun Yeowun‘s? It was impossible to not feel
envy when this new man was going to be the disciple of the great leader of the Sky Demon

―I am Ark Young. It is embarrassing, but I am being guided by Teacher.‖

Ark Young greeted them. Both the women were a bit shocked at his way of speaking.


Chun Yeowun asked them. Yu So-hwa placed the coat she had prepared for Chun Yeowun on
his shoulders and said.

―The car is ready out…‖

-Take your hand off.


Yu So-hwa was puzzled at it. She didn‘t know where this came from. At that moment, Chun
Yeowun pulled something out, a cute baby fox with golden fur. Yu So-hwa, who was putting the
coat on, loved it.

―Oh my!‖

Im So-hye too watched it.

―Vice-chairman, what is this? When did you bring such a cute ki…‖



As she tried to stroke the put, the fox bit Im So-hye‘s finger. And it was not just a painful bite,
but one that drew blood.

-Where do you think you are putting your hand?


When the fox spoke, both women wouldn‘t hide their shock. To those who didn‘t know she was
a yokai, the fox cub‘s ability to speak human language was enough to shock them.

Hu Bong warned them.

―Even if it looks like that, I recommend you to not touch it.‖

―W-what are you saying! This thing bit me!‖

Im So-hye was angry at Hu Bong, so he asked why she was getting pissed at him.


The fox moved from his hands and walked onto Chun Yeowun‘s shoulder. And warned both

-Chun Ma is mine. Don‘t touch me carelessly.

The way she wiggled her seven tails was cute, but it wasn‘t so cute for Im So-hye, who got her
finger bitten.

―V-Vice chairman… she… she what is it?‖

―Don‘t mind it. As Hu Bong said, don‘t touch it.‖

Chun Yeowun wasn‘t the kind to explain things.

-Hear that? Hear that?

The fox moved from the right shoulder to the left, and left to right. Only later, through Ark
Young, did they learn that the fox was a great Yokai, the golden-haired nine tailed fox.

In the sedan waiting outside, they moved to the Hayden Hotel. On the way, Chun Yeowun
looked at the information prepared.

The hotel was a 5 star hotel famous for its designation as a black market. It was an old hotel,
over 100 years old.
―Politicians, famous journalists, as well as foreign investors often use it. Quite an unexpected

Choosing a hotel that was quite open to many people was strange.

―Maybe they aimed to stay under the darkness of the lamp.‖

The hotel was quite a long distance away, and they arrived about an hour and a half later. As is
the case with most hotel arrivals, a valet in red opened the door.


Chun Yeowun, who got out, looked around. Numerous strong energy sources could be felt.

―Ha. From the yellow-haired punks to a lot more.‖

Hu Bong said it. Undoubtedly, there were a lot of foreigners here.

―Teacher. Those people… aren‘t ordinary ones.‖

Ark Young, standing next to Chun Yeowun, pointed to a few. Their nationality was hard to tell,
but they seemed quite strong and had a unique energy.


―They must be foreign talented people or warriors of their place.‖

Bi Mak-heon asked,

―Foreign talented people?‖

―I heard that there are people with special martial arts or skills or talents in other nations like
ours. And I heard that they try everything to save their own nations.‖

It was impossible for just one place to have martial arts, as other places should have their own
way of martial arts when it came to fighting. Considering the warriors of India he had met, Chun
Yeowun knew that strong people existed in other nations too.

―Shall we head in?‖

They still had two hours more to spare. Chun Yeowun wanted to check in and then look around.

After passing through the revolving door, a large lobby emerged into view.

However, strange words appeared.

―このやろ! この方が誰か知っているのか.‖

The characters were weird, causing Bi Mak-heon to frown.

―Seems to be Japanese.‖


Hu Bong didn‘t know the myriad of languages in this world. At that, Bi Mak-heon frowned and

―A nation to the east.‖

At that, Hu Bong clicked his tongue like he understood it.

―Ah! Those ones! Such a nuisance wherever they went.‖

Even in Chun Yeowun‘s times, there were frequent incidents where pirates from Japan attacked
the villages on shore.

This was why Chinese people hated the Japanese. Of course, not just that, as there were lots of
reasons why the two nations didn‘t like each other.

In an instant, the Japanese language patch was added to Chun Yeowun‘s mind, allowing him to
pick up what the Japanese at the desk were saying.

―Do you know who this man is? This is Kenji-san, the vice-boss of Odagum who inherited the
samurai lineage in the Kansai region.‖

The man shouted while pointing to a middle-aged man with pointed eyes, a gray kimono, a
blade, and sunglasses.

In the hotel, an employee wearing a white bow tie spoke in firm Japanese.
―Sorry. You won‘t be able to check in without an invitation card.‖


The man seemed frustrated at this mess. At that, Kenji reached out, trying to stop him, and said.

―The invitation was stolen on the ship, so what do you want me to do?‖


The attitude of the hotel staff was still adamant.

Stroking his chin while glaring at the hotel staff, the one named Kenji said.

―I just need to have an invitation?‖

―… yes.‖

In response to that, Kenji looked at the tall man with long hair in black kimono next to him.

―Did you hear that, Tanaka?‖

―Yes. I will take care of it.‖

With an answer, the one called Tanaka looked around. And looked at Chun Yeowun and his
companions who were walking to the desk. Seeing the sword on Hu Bong‘s waist, Tanaka
smiled and gestured something which made a group of six men in suits follow him.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 152 -
Hayden Hotel (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Feb 15, 2022

• 13 min read • 5039 views



The man named Tanaka and six other men in suits stood in the way, naturally attracting all the
attention of people in the lobby.

―Huh? Why are these bastards blocking our path?‖

Hu Bong asked with an annoyed expression. Tanaka, who stood in the way, spoke in Chinese
despite the subtle hints of a Japanese accent.

―Did you come here with an invitation?‖

―What are you talking about?‖

Looking at the sword on Hu Bong‘s waist, Tanaka asked,

―Are you a samurai?‖

Samurai was a word meaning warrior. Hu Bong responded to Tanaka with a harsh tone.

―Move it.‖

―Give me the invitation.‖


―If not, then…‖

As Tanaka gestured, the men in black suits began to move, taking poses for normal karate but
concentrating a certain energy around their hands. It was difficult to tell if it was internal energy,
but they definitely dealt with a special energy.

―You will regret this.‖

It meant that the invitation would be taken by force. The golden fox just yawned as it looked at
the six men and Tanaka‘s smiling expression.


Interestingly, no one in the lobby wanted to get involved. Instead, they would rather—


Tanaka held out his hand.

―I‘ll let you make the first move.‖

The atmosphere became weird. How would this situation turn out? Seeing Hu Bong, one of Chun
Yeowun‘s party, wield a sword, everyone assumed that they would begin fighting.


Chun Yeowun ignored that and tried to walk ahead to the desk.


[This man!]

Tanaka‘s expression hardened at Chun Yeowun‘s actions and tried to pull out the blade on his


Tanaka‘s knees bent and hit the floor. Flustered, he tried to stand up, but he couldn‘t budge under
the tremendous energy.

„What the hell is this?‟

While Tanaka barely managed to lift his head, he looked at the woman who was looking down at
him while pressing down her palms. She was Yu So-hwa, the infamous Gravity Witch.

―You arrogant bitch!‖


Six men in black suits ran towards her, but Yu So-hwa just reached out her other hand and
lowered it.

Thud! Thud! Thud!




They too fell on the floor. Because many powerful people appeared after her within the Sky
Demon Order, she didn‘t get to show off her skills often, but she was still one of the only three
SS class keepers.

Yu So-hwa asked Chun Yeowun in a polite manner,

―Can I deal with him? Vice-chairman?‖

―Just in moderation.‖


Yu So-hwa lowered her palm further, causing the bodies to penetrate into the marble floor.

Seeing this occurrence, many people in the lobby spoke in surprise.

―That woman… isn‘t she the Gravity Witch?‖

―Gravity Witch, Yu So-hwa!‖

―What? The SS-class keeper?‖

Among the people with abilities, she was the top. Seeing how the Japanese people went against
her, the observers thought that the men were done. However, someone came shooting at Yu So-


He was Suzushi, the right hand of Kenji. He was a samurai who ranked in the top three of the
Odagumi, and, in deciding that Tanaka and the others were done for, moved to save his
comrades. The speed at which he moved was quite quick.




Suzushi‘s body floated to the ceiling in a tornado gust. Im So-hye was wriggling her fingers as
she clicked her tongue.


Suzushi held onto the ceiling to make sure he didn‘t move further. He tried to kick the ceiling
and move to Im So-hye, but…


The wind created a tremendous pressure impelling things to fly his way and people shouted
―Im So-hye the Red Wind!‖

People called her Red Wind because she always had red lipsticks and red clothes on. There are
only three people at the SS-class keeper level, and two of them were here.

―Two SS-class keepers?‖

―W-what the hell is this? Gate keepers?‖

Only a few people knew that they quit as Keepers to become the secretaries of Chun Yeowun; all
they knew was that they had quit as keepers.

„Phew, I can‟t let her have the spotlight.‟

The human mind is very intriguing. She had no motivation to work for Chun Yeowun, but she
didn‘t want to fall behind Yu So-hwa.

―W-what are they?‖

Kenji couldn‘t hide his shock. The warriors that he brought with himself were the best of Japan,
but even they couldn‘t go against these people.

„Where did he find such monsters…‟



Kenji‘s face went stiff at the cold blade which touched his neck. In front of him was a man with
red hair: Hu Bong.

―Eh… You. Are you the boss?‖

Kenji, who couldn‘t speak Chinese, just nodded, knowing that any more actions and his neck
would be cut.

―Final warning. Stop messing around and get out or you‘ll regret it.‖

―You see him?‖

Hu Bong asked by showing him Chun Yeowun.

―He is my Lord. You should be grateful that I am one here with the blade. If it was him, you
would have lost your arm or even your jaw.‖

Recently, Chun Yeowun had been ripping up more jaws than arms. A man could live with a
missing arm, but could not with a missing jaw.


Kenji felt goosebumps rise on his body and nodded. It was impossible to win over these people.

―Then go back to your island.‖

At that, Kenji shouted to his men.


With that, he tried to move away fast to hide his face. And both the secretaries called back their
abilities to let the other men run off too.

-Hmm, pretty good.

The golden-haired Gumiho on Chun Yeowun‘s shoulder thought. She had seen many people
over the years, so she knew that Chun Yeowun‘s secretaries weren‘t normal.

-Well. Kids, but good. Right? Chun Ma? Clap! Clap!

The fox licked Chun Yeowun‘s neck with its tongue, to which he pushed the bridge of her nose.




-You are being too much!

She screamed and went into his hands. To try and act cute but nothing worked on him. Kenji,
who was running away, kept his head down, causing him to run into someone at the entrance.


Suddenly, he lowered his head and saw something – the clutch bag he cherished and in which he
had placed the invitation card. Since it was a clutch bag made in France, he could never not
recognize it, as it was the only one of its kind in the world.

―You were the one!‖

Kenji was convinced that the person had his bag, which was either lost or stolen. Kenji grabbed
it and tried to use his blade.


At that moment, his body plummeted to the floor. Shocking members of his drew their swords,


In the blink of an eye, 12 people collapsed. The eyes of the people in the lobby went towards the

At the entrance was a middle-aged man with a mustache and sunglasses with a dark hood over
his head. He seemed so relaxed that it was hard to tell whether he was the cause of the uproar.

But, people began to call out his name.

―Oh my…. Kohaku!‖


Hearing that, Chun Yeowun looked at the middle-aged man. He could feel great energy coming
from him. No one else in the lobby was as strong as him.

―Teacher. He is… really strong.‖

Ark Young said with a startled look. If he, a Supreme Master, was saying it, then Kohaku had to
be strong. Bi Mak-heon, who knew about him, said,

―Vice-chairman. That person is Kohaku of Speed.‖


―He is the best warrior in Japan.‖

―The best?‖

It wasn‘t like Bi Mak-heon knew everything about foreign affairs, but he still made sure to keep
track of the names that circulated often. And since Japan was known to have more talented
people, he made sure to know about them.

Kohaku of Speed was said to be at the pinnacle of Godspeed, and to be the best in the Kanto

―That one looks strong. The Lord can take him down instantly. Hehe.‖

Hu Bong said. As long as a warrior was fighting against Chun Yeowun, he would always feel
sympathy for them.


Kohaku went past the Odagumi members and entered the lobby. He turned to Hu Bong and Ark
Young, and he raised his sunglasses with two fingers to get a good look at the strong men.

―He is looking at you, Lord.‖

―Not interested.‖

Of course, unlike them, Chun Yeowun lost interest.

It was weird to him that these people were coming here for an auction.

„What kind of auction is this?‟

He was skeptical, but he would find out when it was time. Chun Yeowun went to the desk, took
out his invitation card, and handed it over.

―How many people are staying?‖


Confirming that, the hotel staff asked him to sign documents and handed them key cards. There
were a total of two cards, divided into rooms for men and women. He hadn‘t even thought about
staying at the hotel but was actually being given a room.

He turned away when the desk staff called for him.

―Wait a minute, customer.‖


The staff went to the back of the desk, pulling out a cage for dogs and cats.

The staff pointed to the fox on his arms and said.

―Hotel rules, sir. The pets need to be kept in cages.‖


The fox glared but no one even looked at it. The great yokai was being treated as a domesticated

The inside of the hotel room on the 15th floor was gorgeous. There wasn‘t a single thing that
wasn‘t luxurious in it, from antique furniture to leopard carpets to a minibar. Not to mention, the
huge 100-inch TV.

―Wow! This cannot be compared to anything I have seen.‖

Hu Bong looked around in admiration, which was shown for every place he visited.

Unlike Hu Bong, Bi Mak-heon , upon entry, took out a device from his bag and searched the

―Mak-heon what are you doing?‖

―I am checking to see if there are any cameras or wiretapping devices here.‖

He knew what kind of group the MS group was from Chun Yeowun, so he was checking in
advance since they seemed like a shady group of people. He handed this job to the secretaries,
who began checking the room.

At that moment, Chun Yeowun looked at the door.

Belatedly, Hu Bong and Ark Young looked at it and frowned.

Bang! Bang!

Someone kept banging on the door. When he looked at Bi Mak-heon and nodded, Bi Mak-heon
went to open it. However, he ended up flying across the other side of the room.


Blood gushed out of his mouth as he barely managed to stand. He received a blow to the chest
and suffered internal injuries instantly as two men walked through the door. The person at the
forefront was the one who attacked, a middle-aged man with yellow hair and exotic appearance.

―Я наконец вижу вас, ребята!‖

He came in saying something harshly; while no one else could understand it, Chun Yeowun

―I‘m finally able to meet you guys.‖

When he realized that the Ice Cold Staff went to Russian, Chun Yeowun asked Nano to feed the
language. The language recognition let Chun Yeowun figure out that this man was Russian.

As if looking at the enemy, the Russian man glared at Chun Yeowun and the others and shouted.

―You are the group of murderers who killed Prime Minister Agonov and our other politicians.‖
Chun Yeowun frowned.

This man seemed to be talking about the incident that occured 27 years ago. At that time, Chun
Woo-jin was the Lord and was accused of committing the slaughter of everyone at a diplomatic
meeting, which included the President of China and the Prime Minister of Russia. It was recently
revealed that the indictment was wrong, but this man‘s reaction meant that he was ignorant.

―What is this bastard saying!‖

Hu Bong began to get angry on the behalf of Bi Mak-heon. The man behind the Russian opened
his mouth.

―Подождите секунду.‖


At this, the Russian turned back with an anguished face as the person behind him stepped ahead.

A woman in her late 20s with glasses and curly hair in a neat suit appeared as she bowed and

―Sorry. I didn‘t expect Mersen to be so agitated about the past.‖


Bi Mak-heon looked at the Russian with an expressionless face, to which Chun Yeowun asked.

―Mak-heon, is this someone you know?‖

―That man, Mersen Agonov, is a warrior and member of the Russian Federation.‖

Mersen Agonov, a cousin of Agonov, was the last prime minister of the Russian federation and
one of the best warriors in Russia.

He was known to be a monster unmatched in close combat and Sambo, a Russian martial art. He
shed a lot of blood in the name of revenge as he searched for the members of Sky Demon Order.

―I thought they disappeared and returned back to their land.‖

He didn‘t expect to meet the man here. Along with the Murim Association, it was difficult for
the Cult to form because Mersen kept hunting down members.

―What good would talking with this disgusting bastard do?‖

Mersen asked in an enraged voice to which the woman said.

―Поскольку переговоры еще не закончились, Пожалуйста, подождите‖

[Wait until everything is decided.]

―Чего вы ждете? Я убью немедленно!‖

[Wait for what! I will kill them right away!]

―Ждите шанса. Пожалуйста, подождите.‖

[I will give you the chance so wait.]

At her words, Mersen stepped back. However, he showed a gesture of sliding his thumb by the
neck. The woman smiled and spoke.

―Sorry. I felt like bringing him in as a guard. There are very few talented people these days, so
please understand…‖

At that moment, Chun Yeowun moved to Mersen. Surprised by the approach that happened in
the blink of an eye, Mersen tried to hit back.





Chun Yeowun grabbed the wrist of Mersen, who was unfolding Sambo, and broke it.
It was unusual for Mersen, a master in Sambo but it didn‘t end there. Chun Yeowun then
grabbed his head.


The woman screamed.

―W-what are you doing?‘

Chun Yeowun spoke in a dry voice.

―What were you thinking, bringing in this piece of shit?‖




As soon as he said that, Chun Yeowun began to push his head down. Mersen ended up breaking
his own neck as his head reached the torso, causing his spine to protrude out as he fell.


The woman couldn‘t hide her shock. Mersen was one of the three top warriors in Russia. At that
level, she thought no one could touch her or the man, but now he had become a chunk of meat in

To her, who knew nothing, Chun Yeowun said.

―A chance to kill? What a funny wench you are.‖


Her face turned pale. She never fathomed that anyone in the room could understand the
conversation they had in Russian.


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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 153 -
Hayden Hotel (3)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Feb 19, 2022

• 11 min read • 4885 views

„Indeed, as expected from Chun Ma!‟

Bi Mak-heon exclaimed inwards. Mersen was so absurdly put down and killed like he was weak.
He along with many other sects had gone after the Sky Demon Order‘s clans that were scattered
and tried to kill them, but he had now been defeated without a fight. The curly-haired woman,
who seemed to be Russian, spoke in shock.

―W-wait. I really didn‘t mean…‖



Chun Yeowun grabbed her by the back of her neck, threw her into the room, and then closed the

She rolled on the floor and looked at Chun Yeowun in fear.

„He is more dangerous than I expected.‟

The information she had said that he was one of the Five Great Warriors of China, so she thought
that Mersen, rated one of the top three in Russia, would be able to handle him.

Chun Yeowun walked into the room and sat on the sofa as he said.

―Tell me.‖


―Why did you come here?‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s words, she became restless. The pressure that she could die any moment
made her unable to open her mouth.

―If you don‘t open your mouth…‖

When Chun Yeowun raised his hand, the woman spoke in a hurry.

―I-I am here to negotiate.‖



Hu Bong clicked his tongue at her words.

―These days, negotiation seems to start with force. So bloody.‖

There was nothing to be said. At first, she should have exerted more control over Mersen, but
chose to allow the man to alone try and corner the other party into accepting her terms.

―Did MS send you?‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s question, she waved her hand and said,

―Ah- No!‖


He thought that she was sent by the MS Group, but Chun Yeowun didn‘t show off any
expression. If not, then who was this woman?

She answered him promptly.

―I am Tuan from the East Asia Union.‖

East Asia Union?

He looked at Bi Mak-heon, who shook his head, meaning that he knew nothing about this.

―Doesn‘t seem like an official organization.‖

The name was the East Asia Union, but there was a high probability of it being a private
organization. She even said her name, but it wasn‘t like her name was ever mentioned in China.

[As a result of analyzing her way of pronunciation, she is presumed to be Mongolian.]

Nano spoke in his head. As expected, she wasn‘t from China. As she had brought in Russian
warriors, it was plausible to believe that she was actually from the East Asia Union.

―And what does that group want?‖

―… that…‖

Because there was no one to save her, she couldn‘t just speak out confidently, which made Chun
Yeowun believe that turning her into a ghost would be more effective.

It was then.


The 100-inch TV screen turned on, but no one in the room had pressed anything. The screen
whirred to life, and the speakers too, as a video began playing.

A person wearing a black mask, showing only his eyes, appeared on the white screen. The
masked man bowed his head.

-It is an honor to meet the vice-chairman of the Yongchun Group, the most famous group in
recent times. My name is I, the head of Sector 9 of MS Group.

The voice identified himself as I, using an altered voice. Measures were taken to make sure they
couldn‘t be identified.

Since it wasn‘t known when the video was recorded and being played, Bi Mak-heon approached
the TV dubiously.

-We apologize in advance for greeting you with a recorded video.

Showing a recorded video meant they were trying to avoid being tracked, at which Chun
Yeowun snorted.


It seemed like the MS Group learned new tricks to avoid being figured out. As if they were
afraid of being pursued.

-The fact that this video is being played means, as expected, the vice-chairman has received this
invitation from one of our Guests.

―They noticed that.‖

Bi Mak-heon said it to Chun Yeowun. This was something they were already guessing about.
They didn‘t think that they‘d allow just anyone with an invitation to come in.

-I‘ve heard from some sector heads that we‘ve had a bad mix-up lately, and I apologize again.

The masked man bowed again and got up.

-We are trying to rectify what happened. Please accept our small token of sincerity.
A bell sounded from outside the room. Shortly after, a knock on the door. As Bi Mak-heon
flinched because he was attacked the last time the door was answered, Hu Bong decided to go


It was a hotel staff. Hu Bong tried reading his energy, and the man turned out to be an ordinary


―A guest has asked me to bring this to room 1504 in the morning.‖

The staff handed it over and left. Hu Bong, who was holding this bag, brought it to Chun
Yeowun with a puzzled look.

-The password is 492390,

The masked man said, and when the number was put in, the bag opened. But the moment it was
opened, Bi Mak-heon was shocked.


In the bag were dozens of diamonds. With this number of diamonds, the monetary value was


Bi Mak-heon was speechless. He didn‘t know what was happening. The masked man continued
to speak.

-I understand that you are in need of money because of the recent merger. We hope this helps.

Bi Mak-heon frowned at it. The merger was being done as silently as possible. Of course, he
knew the experts on the financial side would have noticed it, but these people seemed to be
paying close attention to the Sky Demon Order.

-Of course, I don‘t think that the vice-chairman‘s anger can be solved with just this, but I hope
that it at least helps in restoring our relationship.
―You seemed to have used a lot of your brain.‖

Chun Yeowun clicked his tongue. These people didn‘t know why he was looking for them.

-It is an honor to know you will be attending the auction hosted by us. We hope you have a great

The masked man kept continuing to speak, as if he was trying his best to improve their
relationship. At that, a CG photo was displayed on the top right corner. The photo was,

―Lord, that‘s…‖

It was a bottle with the blood of the Flame Qilin.

-I‘ll give you the gist of our offer. I am sure that you would be aware and would like to know if
you would like to do business with us.

There was something this man still wanted, as he kept showing the bottle that looked identical to
the one at Hu Bong‘s site.

-We are willing to buy this for a thousand gold. Or, we are open to exchanging it with anything
physical you want. Now that you have this bottle in your hand, I am sure you know what it is and
its side effects as well.

Spirit beast blood was difficult to absorb. And its side effect was death if the person couldn‘t
handle it.

-We have succeeded in eliminating the side effects with our technology, so if you would like to
do business with us, we can refine it and hand it back to you. Please consider it.

„Without side effects?‟

Did they figure out a way to take in the blood? Still, it meant nothing to Chun Yeowun.

Even without their skills, he could help others also absorb the blood.

-If you want to make a deal, please present the VIP invitation to the driver at 7 pm. I hope we
have a nice meeting.
With that, the video ended.

―VIP invitation? Driver?‖

He wasn‘t sure what it was, when Bi Mak-heon found something in the bag.

―This was inside.‖

It was a card along with diamonds. Unlike the normal card, this one was in diamond. And the
VIP was engraved in the center.


The eyes of Tuan of East Asia Union shone at the card, as the task she was given was to get that

After receiving information that Chun Yeowun might get the VIP invitation, she came to

―You seem interested in this.‖

―… yes.‖

―Can you guess what my answer will be?‖

At his question, Tuan bit her lip. It was dangerous to say anything without her men.

―What does the East Asian Union want?‖

―… we…‖

-Sorry, Tuan

It was a subtle sound, but Chun Yeowun heard it. When he looked into her ear, he noticed a tiny
wireless earphone.

Tuan was shocked at the message.

At that moment, something pierced into the hotel room‘s window.


There was a sound of something moving. Tuan turned to see a very long bullet suspended in

―W-what is this?‖


The spinning bullet was sucked into someone‘s hand. It was Chun Yeowun. He looked at the
direction of the bullet. Where the hole was from, it was from a high rise building 400 meters

―So they‘re there?‖

Chun Yeowun flicked the bullet with his finger.


The ponytail sniper watching the hotel room couldn‘t believe his eyes.

„Is he looking at me? From 400 meters away?‟

It was then.



Something pierced his shoulder.

His eyes trembled at it.

„A sniper bullet?‟

He didn‘t see any sniper rifles around. The only thing he saw was someone snap the finger.

It was absurd. That man controlled a bullet and shot it with a snap?

―Kuak… damn it!‖

Either way, the mission failed. He hurriedly put the sniper into his bag and was ready to get

―He is running away. Hu Bong, catch him.‖

―Yes Lord!‖


Hu Bong broke through the window and flew out. In less than three minutes, the sniper was
dangling in his hand.


Tuan recognized him. She didn‘t think that a sniper that far away could be caught and retrieved,
but the condition of the man, Cycoon, was just as strange.

―Uh? Lord. This man seems weird… uh? Poison?‖

Being caught, the man was ready to die.


Tuan shook her head. This measure was to prevent leaking information to them. Chun Yeowun
placed his hand on Cycoon‘s head.

„What is he doing?‟

Tuan was puzzled when a gloomy blue light flashed from his palm. And then soon, the skin of
her ally changed to white.


And something creeped up.


Tuan screamed in fright. A Ghost with Cycoon‘s form appeared in front of her, and Chun
Yeowun then touched the ghost.


The head trembled and everything he thought before he died moved into Chun Yeowun. The
man, Cycoon, was talking in English.

[Will the negotiation go through?]

[I wish for our success this time. If you miss the timing, we will miss their tracks once again. We
need to reclaim the stolen goods.]

[Sigh. But wouldn‘t it be better to send Amuchai instead of Mersen? Mersen loses his mind when
it comes to Demonic Cult.]

[Amuchai is a secret power.]


[Stop. I know Tuan is your friend but this job is important. In the event that the negotiation fails,
Mersen‘s experience as a great warrior of Sambo is perfect for killing the opponent. Things will
turn into a mess if the God of Killing, Amuchai, steps ahead.]

At the word of Amuchai, fear and awe could be felt in Cycoon‘s emotional state.


Not long after, he noticed the problem, and reported.

[Mersen seems to have been hit!]

[… Kill Tuan.]

[If the Yongchun has any relations with MS, we will be revealed. We need to stop that.]

He could feel the Cycoon‘s agony. Like Tuan, he was also Mongolian.

It seemed painful for him to kill someone of the same ethnicity, but he had no choice.

[Sorry. Tuan.]

His memories after that were of the shooting and being captured. It was unfortunate that the
earphone was broken in the process of escaping.

„This much only?‟

Chun Yeowun put his hand away and then held out the wristguard, which sucked in the Ghost.

―W-what did you do?‖

Tuan stepped back with trembling hands. She felt terrified by this man who could handle Ghosts.
In response, Chun Yeowun said.

―We have the same goal.‖


From what he understood, these people hated MS too, and were trying to reclaim stolen goods.

―Is your goal to retake what the MS Group has stolen?‖

―H-How did you know about that?‖

She couldn‘t figure it out, Chun Yeowun said.

―I also have something to take back from them.‖


At those words, Tuan‘s eyes fluttered. She remembered the video talking about a not-so-good
relationship between the Yongchun and MS Groups.

Moreover, this man here seemed to share the same purpose as EAU.
Cautiously, she tried to persuade him.

―Enemy of an enemy is an ally. If you, the vice chairman, have the same purpose as us, how
about joining hands for both of our benefits…‖



Before she could finish her words, Chun Yeowun grabbed her neck and spoke in a cold voice.

―Would an ally kill you if necessary?‖

―Kuak… kua… p… please…‖

―Want to live?‖

At his question, Tuan nodded her head.

―Then tell me who is involved in the EAU and where they are hiding.‖

She was terrified of revealing the information. She wasn‘t sure, but it looked like this man could
kill them all.

Normally, she would have sacrificed herself to keep it a secret, but now, for the first time, she
was actually scared of death.

―I-I will tell you everything.‖



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 154 -
Auction House Onboard (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Feb 20, 2022

• 12 min read • 5163 views



There was a dark space in virtual reality, with nothing but chairs.

Ten people wearing masks were seated, with the letters from the alphabet written on the forehead
of their masks from ‗A‘ to ‗J‘.

The person wearing the mask with the letter ‗D‘ looked at I and asked,

―Did we have to be that irrational with our request?‖

―Right now, the Yongchun Group is very popular, and there are quite a few people who consider
them as heroes.‖

G furthered the point that I was making.

―He has a point. Since the TRA crisis was resolved in no time, their influence increased. If this is
their asset, then they are very valuable.‖

A picture of Chun Yeowun floated in the middle. E, who was watching it, asked.
―What do we do if things don‘t go our way? We have a huge number of VIP guests attending this

No one wanted to mistreat any VIP guests, as each of them had enormous wealth. At that, C


―… Are you laughing right now?‖

―Your jokes are too much.‖


―Do you think the VIPs are there because of their wealth? Worrying about them is ridiculous.‖

B, who was next to him spoke,

―You are speaking as if you don‘t know. It is because a mess turns bigger if those rich VIPs go

The air around became tense, as despite being in the same group, they were competitive. As a
result, each of the members kept the others in check.

―Haha… is this going to happen again? I heard that more than 30% of our original traders

F, who seemed to be a woman, changed the topic. The change of more than 30% of the original
traderse meant that the invitations had been transferred. I nodded in reply.

―Among those, we have Kohaku of Speed, God of Killing Amuchai, and Holy Sword Jack

―Japan, Thailand and England… they haven‘t come out till now. They have begun to move at

B seemed interested. The people who were mentioned were the strongest in their respective
―Is it because of that?‖

―Has to be.‖

Such people wanted to participate in the highlight of the auction.

―Thanks to that, we will have quite an entertainment.‖

Most of them in masks agreed to it, but D-mask mumbled.

―If only the problem were resolved, I would have gone and watched it in person.‖

―Watch the live broadcast then.‖

―Tch. As if I have a choice.‖

Thanks to the change in topic by F, the atmosphere changed. People began to leave the virtual
meeting until A and I were the last two remaining.

―I will now disconnect to prepare for the auction–‖


A, who hadn‘t said a word since then, spoke. It wasn‘t an annoying voice, but it was strangely


As soon as he said that, the virtual space changed. The scene was blocked from the eyes of the
other masks, and only some of the masks could hear.

―Take care of Chun Mu-seong at the auction house.‖


I couldn‘t hide his confusion. They were intending to make him a VIP, so he couldn‘t understand
his orders.

―But he…‖
―As a result of the data calculated, the probability of him rejecting our offer is over 98.3%. He
will not come outside.‖

―Didn‘t we think of a reason and decide to bring him to our side using the gift and the VVIP card
to avoid that?‖

The decision had already been made. However, there was a piece of information meant for only
one mask.

―Among the ten, there is a leaker.‖


―Did you think that the change in the original guests was normal?‖

―Then… you think we have a leaker?‖

I‗s voice became heavy. This wasn‘t an easy task.

―A lot of VVIPs and VIP guests were being handled by that mask and will even try to contact
this man, Chun Mu-seong.‖

―… We don‘t know who the leaker is?‖

―It has to be one of the masks participating in the entertainment.‖

At that, I‘s eyes trembled. There were three people at the table, including him, who decided to
participate in the entertainment, meaning he too was under suspicion.

―… Am I under suspicion too?‖

―Do you want to prove your loyalty?‖


―Get Chun Mu-seong and get rid of him.‖

He had no choice but to do it to avoid suspicion and follow his leader‘s, A‘s, words.
―I understand.‖

7 pm.

Numerous sedans were lined up in front of the hotel. All the auction participants with invitations
came down and waited in the lobby, and once their name was called out, they would get into the

―So the auction isn‘t here.‖

Chun Yeowun nodded at Bi Mak-heon‘s words. That was why they said to hand over the VIP
invitation to the driver.

―Then it seems like the auction house is split in two. Shall we do as discussed before?‖

There were two types of invitations. General and VIP one.


Hu Bong had a sad expression. It was because in the event of two auctions, he would enter the
General one with Bi Mak-heon and Im So-hye to find traces of Baekgi.

This was because only him and Chun Yeowun knew how Baekgi looked.

―Guest Amuchai.‖

When someone called out the name, the people In the lobby gasped.


Chun Yeowun looked at the person being called.

He heard this name in the most recent Ghost that he made. A sharp looking Thai man with brown
skin and blue hair appeared.

―God of Killing.‖
Bi Mak-heon seemed shocked.

―I didn‘t even think that he would come here. In Thailand, he is called the God of Killing. He is
the apex and unrivaled.‖

God of Killing, Amuchai.

A monster so strong that he had no enemies within his nation. Ark Young and Hu Bong asked,

―Huh? Mak-heon, is he that strong?‖

They couldn‘t find anything special about him. In fact, it was difficult to read others since the
kinds of martial arts were different for each nation.


Amuchai, who was called, passed by and stared at Chun Yeowun. He heard that Mersen had died
at the hands of Chun Yeowun.

However, he couldn‘t take revenge on him.

― ‖

[Cowardly bastard.]

The East Asia Union received Chun Yeowun‘s message from Tuan, who returned alive: he
wanted all the agents who infiltrated the auction house to refrain from causing friction with Chun

Amuchai couldn‘t understand the reason, but he decided that the moment the mission was done,
he would kill Chun Yeowun with his own hands.

―Guest Chun Mu-seong.‖

Before long, his name was called.

―Hu Bong. If there is a problem, let me know right away.‖

―Yes, my Lord.‖
Chun Yeowun‘s party, which was divided into two, moved. The sedan drove on the overpass for
about 30 minutes and arrived at a port.


-Huh? The smell of the sea wafted after a while.

The fox in Chun Yeowun‘s hand poked its head out. The unique scent of the sea made it feel
good. She felt like growling.

„This isn‟t even a cat, what is this thing doing?‟

-Come to think of it, I had never been to the sea with your ancestor.

The golden fox looked at the sea with shimmering eyes, thinking of the past. The lights around
the place made the sea shine. Just looking at the view was enjoyable.

―This is my first time here, Teacher.‖

Surprisingly, it was Ark Young‘s first time too. He had never been to any body of water before
because he had always stayed in the Kunlun Mountains.

―This way.‖

Since there were numerous ships in the port, the driver and an attendant in the front seat guided
them on a speedboat. The speedboat was very fast.

―It isn‘t here?‖

―Ah! The auction house is over there.‖

The attendant pointed to a small and sparkling thing over the sea. It was far enough to make it
tough for humans to see.

[Zoomed-in night vision mode activated.]

With the various functions in Nano, Chun Yeowun could see the huge ship floating in the middle
of the ocean.
The auction was being held on a ship.

„I can‟t attack or act out.‟

Chun Yeowun thought about it, deciding that it didn‘t mean much. The speedboat carrying the
VIPs quickly crossed over and headed to the auction house on the ship.

When viewed from a distance, its size looked normal, but up close, it was huge, like a ship made
by weaving together several ships.


It wasn‘t an exaggeration to say it looked like there was a Las Vegas on the ship, as there were
lights all around and the splendid decoration.


As the auction was being held in the evening, the chefs were cooking in the open kitchen and the
food was being served at a buffet. It seemed more like a festival.

And then came an announcement.

-VIP guests on the last speedboat, please come to the central dome where the auction is being

The center of the ship was crafted with an open ceiling.

Upon entering, there were designated seats and in the center was a wide pedestal that rose about
2 meters high.

As the last people entered and took their seats, a man in a purple suit and purple mask walked up.
The man grabbed the mic and spoke,

-First of all, we would like to welcome all the VIP guests who have come here to the auction,
which has resumed after a year.

The man in the mask seemed to be in charge of this auction. Chun Yeowun gave Nano an order.

„Nano. Analyze the voice.‟

Chun Yeowun wanted to compare the person who appeared in the recorded video with an altered
voice and this man to see if the people were the same.

[The result from analyzing the tone and intonation pattern of the voice is negative.]

They weren‘t the same person, as there was no way that the same man would come here.

However, someone sat in the seat ahead of Chun Yeowun and started talking to him after turning
his head a little.

―You are the vice-chairman of Yongchun, right?‖

He was a man in his 40s with a bald head and a wide smile. He reached out for a handshake.

―I wanted to see you at least once, as it is such an honor.‖

Chun Yeowun ignored the hand. The bald man lowered his hand, sighed, and talked again.

―Perhaps I greeted you too openly? First time here? At the auction, I mean. I think it will be the
third time for me.‖

Despite being ignored, the man continued to talk. Ark Young wasn‘t his assistant, but he took the
role and asked.

―Do you have some business, sir?‖

At that, the bald man waved his hand.

―Hey, nothing like that. I was just trying to get acquainted with the vice-chairman of the
Yongchun Group, who seems to be running a lot of things these days. Just wanted to form a

There were a lot of people who had been doing this lately to Chun Yeowun, all because of his
rise in fame.

―If it‘s fine with you, let‘s have a drink and talk during the break…‖

Just as he was about to ask Chun Yeowun, the bald man stopped at what he heard the host say:
-Prior to the full-scale auction, this time, I would like to take some time and boost the
excitement. Those of you who know me, might know what I am saying.


The eyes of the bald man became sharp. He lost the smile he was trying to put on and turned his
hand away.

―I need to go away for a while. I will see you again later.‖

With that, he tried to walk down stairs. Chun Yeowun, who had no interest in him, became
suspicious of his last movements, and said to Ark Young,

―Ark Young. Can you follow him and find out who he is contacting?‖

―Yes, teacher.‖

Ark Young‘s level would easily allow him to follow the man. As the bald man made his way
towards the east exit of the dome, Ark Young trailed shortly behind.

He didn‘t even have to use light steps because of the huge music and the noise around.

―Damn it. What are they planning… putting the last thing first!‖

The bald man kept muttering and headed somewhere. To the right of the exit at the east side was
a hallway leading to a bathroom which he might enter.

„I need to keep my distance now.‟

Because there were fewer people in here, Ark Young decided to stay a little farther away. so he
proceeded slowly as the bald man passed by the bathroom and entered the warehouse with a sign
saying ―NO ENTRY‖.


Ark Young was confused because there were security guards, who seemed strong, guarding in
front of that warehouse.
Taking them down wasn‘t a problem, but it would create a mess with the CCTVs overflowing in
this place. However, he was able to learn one thing.

„That man is involved in this.‟

Otherwise, there was no way he could freely enter this warehouse that was clearly saying no
entry. Meanwhile he heard the cheers from the crowd in the dome.


People cheered because of the performance on the podium. An iron bar made of special alloy
was cut.

-See that? Watch the cutting of this special alloy rod.


Something black was spinning in the air above the podium. And then it stopped in front of the
man in a black uniform on the podium.

It was a Wheel weapon made of black iron.

-This is a weapon that we found in an old temple in the Yunnan Province.

The Ryun, or Wheel, floated in the air, but what was even more shocking was that this man in
black wasn‘t a warrior.

-This mysterious weapon moves according to its owners‘ thoughts. The man here is an ordinary
person who never learned martial arts, but the sharpness of this weapon allows him to cut down
any metal or alloy.


People shouted and applauded. Several people looked at it with greed in their eyes while the
masked host continued.

-This Wheel is being auctioned for an A class core. Anyone can become the owner of this wheel
once the A class core is paid.
Yu So-hwa clicked her tongue at it. Although the weapon was strange, it was ridiculous to pay
an A-class core for it.

This was literally an entertainment show.

„Who would go up and give an A-class core for such a thing and risk their life…?‟

Yu So-hwa‘s eyes widened.


Was it Chun Yeowun who was walking up on the podium?



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 155 -
Auction House Onboard (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Feb 21, 2022

• 11 min read • 4672 views



Chun Yeowun wasn‘t interested in the auction at first. However, he changed his mind after
seeing the weapon that was shown, and it wasn‘t the mysterious ability of the weapon he was
interested in.

„To see this thing here.‟

The weapon was called Wheel. It was none other than a weapon from Hagar‘s blueprint of the
armor suit. If his memory was correct, this wheel would turn into a helmet.

„This is what I want.‟

He knew what an auction was and had to have the Wheel in his possession.


The people who saw him walk up the podium cheered. The vice-chairman of Yongchun Group,
who recently gained a large name for himself, seemed to be interested in something.

―Isn‘t he the best in Murim?‖

―I heard that the Five Great Warriors are no match to him.‖

Their evaluation of his strength happened after the TRA incident, the biggest crisis of China. At
that time, rumors spread that one of the Five Great Warrior‘s couldn‘t move against him in fear.

―Is he the best?‖

―Er ist der berühmteste.‖

[It is said he is the best.]

The participants of other nations were interested in him too. Since most of them were
participants in MS Groups, they were all related to arms, so keeping an eye out was natural.
The observation room on the top floor of the dome. There was a man in a dark suit looking at the
podium, as smoke filled the room from the cigar he was biting. Suddenly, someone came in by
slamming the door.


―I! No, Chae Mun-tak!‖

The bald man who had approached Chun Yeowun suddenly arrived. The man with the cigar
turned his body around at the mention of his name.

Chae Mun-tak‘s eyes were very distinct. The right eye was blue and the left was red.

―During work time, you‘re supposed to use my code name, Jay.‖

At Chae Mun-tak‘s words, the bald man, named Jay, spoke.

―Is the code name the problem now? Why did you start with the entertainment?‖

―Is that the problem?‖

―The entertainment game is always supposed to be at the end, so why‘d you change it

―Be quiet.‖


When Chae Mun-tak snapped his finger, all the attendants inside the room went out. Jay walked
towards him.

―What are you planning?‖

―Our leader noticed it.‖


Jay‘s face turned hard at that.

―… Noticed it? What does that mean?‖

―As I said. Our leader found out that we had been working behind the scenes.‖

The truth was revealed – there wasn‘t just one defector.

Among the group, there was Jay, the bald man, and Chae Mun-tak, whose code name was I.

―So, you changed the order so that the entertainment game would come first?‖

If the show became overheated, an accident could occur, so it was usually placed last.

―And the leader asked us to get rid of Chun Mu-seong.‖

―Chun Mu-seong? What?‖

They were planning to form a relationship with Chun Mu-seong, knowing that things went
wrong, Jay‘s complexion darkened.

―So you pushed the entertainment game forward? But how could a person with that level of fame
participate in this show…?‖

Jay unintentionally looked through the window and was shocked. He saw Chun Yeowun step up.

―Wheel? Isn‘t that something that would never come before the main event?‖

Originally, it was a weapon priced at an S-rank core. Since it was something that any Murim
would want, they never dreamed of putting it up before the main event.

―Didn‘t he come up?‖

―Are you thinking of using him for the entertainment game?‖

―We need to use such items for the monsters in each nation to move.‖

More than half of the VIP people were not just wealthy but strong as well. It was no
exaggeration to say that this place was full of superhumans. In particular, there were 6 strong
people here who were known to be the strongest in their nations, so he knew that everyone would
be vigilant.
―But that doesn‘t mean they will come…. No!‖

―Come what? Ah!‖

Chae Mun-tak couldn‘t help but be shocked when another person climbed on the podium.

-Finally, the first contenders of the entertainment game have been decided. They are Chun Mu-
seong, the vice-chairman of Yongchun Group, and Jukwad Amuchai of Thailand!

Jukwad Amuchai was nicknamed the God of Killing. Among the people there, he was thought to
be the strongest. There was a moment of silence before cheers erupted among the others.


The appearance of this monster, who was known to never have come down from the top position
in Thailand for 24 years.

―Crazy! He‘s finally up!‖

―Will we see his strength?‖

―The strongest man in China vs. the strongest man in Thailand?‖

Everyone was excited. It was no longer just a game of entertainment. One couldn‘t watch this
game even if they paid billions.

―… Unfortunate. We could have made money out of this.‖

Chae Mun-tak put on a sad expression. This was an event they could have been paid enormously
for if the broadcasting was sold on the black market. Jay raised his brows.

―One of them will die.‖

Chae Mun-tak nodded in agreement. The best scenario would be for Chun Yeowun to die. Of
course, even if Chun Yeowun won, he would have to keep dealing with other contenders who
wanted the weapon, building up his exhaustion.

„I am lucky.‟
A bearded man with his arms crossed, a blue hoodie, and sunglasses one welcomed the situation.
He was Kohaku of Speed from Japan.

It would be a lie to say that he didn‘t want the Wheel.

„We shook hands, Amuchai.‟

Not just Kohaku, but everyone in the place was watching it. This game was increasingly difficult
for those who fought for the weapon earlier.


A man with a red coat, blonde hair, and a golden scabbard adorned with a splendid British Royal
Pattern was also happy about it.

„The person considered the strongest has appeared first.‟

He was Holy Sword Jack Oren of England. Although Chun Yeowun was the hottest topic these
days, Amuchai had a reputation that preceded Chinese martial arts.

The audience all hoped that Chun Yeowun would die and Amuchai would be drained of strength
at the end of the game.

― !‖

[I‘ve been waiting for this moment!]

Amuchai looked at Chun Yeowun, not believing that such a chance would come soon. Weapons
were meaningless to Amuchai because he pursued martial arts using only his bare hands. All he
wanted was revenge for his colleagues Mersen and Cycoon.

-Let the entertainment game begin!

As soon as the masked man finished talking, a sound was played.


A strong energy formed at the edge of the podium and a barrier of membrane surrounding the
podium came up.

―Looks like a barrier.‖

The people sitting were amazed at it. They realized that MS Group‘s technological prowess was
higher than that of others, and that this barrier was made to prevent the aftermath of the battle
from reaching the others.

― .‖

[This is just a toy!]

Amuchai looked at the barrier surrounding him, and felt that he could break it with a little effort.

-The barrier is designed to withstand the attacks of an A-class Alpha entity, so feel free to go all

„Huh! Indeed I will.‟

Amuchai kicked the barrier, and at that moment, a great wind pressure arose.

-Pang! Bang!

When the strong wind pressure that ripped even the air was sent, the entire ship shook.



―T-the ship is shaking!‖

The crowd exclaimed at rumbling. However, what was more surprising was that the barrier was
still intact. Because they were on a ship, the force couldn‘t be absorbed entirely, but it was still
greatly effective.

„I think it‟ll be fine to use my full power.‟

Amuchai felt relieved at the thought. He was worried that the ship would break, but seeing the
barrier work well, he could do his best.

Ark Young, who came after following the man called Jay, couldn‘t help but be shocked at
Amuchai‘s kick.

„Without internal energy, it‟s still that strong.‟

It was just a basic kick with that much power. He couldn‘t imagine what level would be reached
if the man showed his true power. Amuchai glared at Chun Yeowun who was relaxed.

― .‖

[I‘m going to kill you.]


Chun Yeowun asked Nano to transfer the language to him.

[Transfer of Thai has been completed.]


With a trembling feeling in his mind, Chun Yeowun managed to understand it. And use it too.

―Kill… funny.‖

When Chun Yeowun was able to fluently speak in Thai, Amuchai was shocked.

―You speak my tongue.‖

―If you knew anything, then you would have heeded to the warning of the East Asia Union.‖

―Warning? Hahaha.‖

At those words, Amuchai laughed.

―Who is warning whom? Today you will cross the river of Hell!‖

Amuchai made a gesture of slitting the throat with thumb.

―You may think you are the most famous one here, but the world is wide, man. And you are a
frog in a well who knows nothing of the sea.‖


Amuchai took his pose. The posture with which he raised his knees was similar to Muay Thai,
but not entirely identical.

―I‘ll show you the power of Kantar.‖

Common Muay Thai was strong, but not as strong compared to this new derivative. While Muay
Thai crushes the bones and flesh, Kantar destroys mountains and seas.



Amuchai raised his knee, and at that moment, a great amount of energy rose from the floor.


A rippling wind pressure engulfed the entire podium and swept upwards from the bottom. When
the wind pressure hit the barrier, it felt like a storm inside.

„It has to be that.‟

„He is indeed Amuchai!‟

The strong people watched as if it was natural. They knew he was strong, but it was their first
time seeing this technique. Even Ark Young was shocked.

„It‟s like watching the void technique.‟

Amuchai‘s kicks were similar to the Ark family technique that used the unification of energy,
and Amuchai was a man who was absolutely strong enough to have kicks at that level.

Kohaku clicked his tongue and shook his head.

„I was hoping to see Amuchai exhausted, but is this already the end… !?‟
Kohaku‘s eyes, which thought the match was done, widened. His vision was blurred with the
pressure inside, and saw an unbelievable sight.


As the wind subsided, everyone saw it.



Amuchai, who was alive, seemed to be struggling, especially with Chun Yeowun holding his
face tightly.

―No way!‖

―What happened inside?‖

It was their first time seeing Amuchai being held like this helplessly. The monster called the God
of Killing couldn‘t move.

„W-what is he?‟

Amuchai was confident enough to even win over an S-class entity alone. However, the moment
the kick was released, Chun Yeowun moved like lightning and cut off his leg.


The floor on the podium was filled with blood. Chun Yeowun looked at the man in his hands and

―I definitely warned you all.‖


―If you bother me one more time, I will kill you all.‖

Amuchai tried to kick Chun Yeowun with his other leg, but felt a strange sensation upon impact.



The kick hit Chun Yeowun‘s head, and a fan-shaped wind pressure then formed in the direction
of the kick and the podium was devastated. It was a kick that could break the mountains.


He tried to shake off the hand holding him.



Chun Yeowun‘s fingers dug into his face. In the midst of the pain, Amuchai‘s two eyes shook.
Chun Yeowun‘s head was intact despite the powerful kick, as if it hadn‘t even hit him.


„T-this man survived this attack?‟

Chun Yeowun spoke to Amuchai who was shocked.

―That was nothing.‖

After undergoing five body reconstructions, Chun Yeowun‘s body had surpassed the realm of
human beings.


For the first time, Amuchai felt fear.

―For ignoring the warning, you need to be punished. You foolish Thai.‖

Amuchai was desperately trying to speak. If only he listened to the warning, things would have
been fine, but–

―You are too late.‖



Chun Yeowun tore off Amuchai‘s face, and most people who witnessed it turned their heads


Amuchai‘s body, once the face was torn off, went limp. Chun Yeowun threw the body on the

The dome that was moments before filled with noise had turned silent. Chae Mun-tak, known as
I, and Jay, were shocked.

―Amuchai…. Was killed that easily?‖

One of the world‘s strongest men had died in vain. Everyone watching had expected a fierce
battle, so the entire fight was nothing like they had expected.

―This is too bothersome. Come at once.‖



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 156 -
Auction House Onboard (3)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Feb 22, 2022

• 9 min read • 4751 views



―This is too bothersome. Come at once.‖

They were arrogant words. Many of the people gathered were world-famous warriors.

Telling them to come out was attacking their pride, but:

-Oh ho! No one is coming out. Look at that.

As the host said, the dome was silent, as if succumbing to Chun Yeowun‘s seemingly crazy
attitude. The game of the entertainment game had been decided so the host nodded his head,
looked at the observation room that was instructing him, and spoke again.

-Are the companions of Mr. Amuchai fine with the outcome?

There were two Thais and a few other Asians seated in the third row, and they were all members
of the East Asia Union and masters of Kantar martial arts. The host was trying to instigate the
anger of those who came along with Amuchai.

But it didn‘t end there.

―Are the rest of the VIPs also yielding to vice-chairman Chun Mu-seong?‖
At those words, the faces of the powerful men who couldn‘t respond to Chun Yeowun‘s words
became distorted. Everyone saw what had happened. Amuchair, the strongest among them, had
died in vain so it was obvious that they would be hesitant to come out.

„Is that host… deliberately doing this?‟

Even though he was the host, his behavior seemed a little strange. Yet, the provocations worked.


Someone got up and kicked the ground. He was a young Thai about 190 cm tall and in his mid

―Stop it. Didn‘t you see our master suffer?‖

―I need to take revenge for him!‖


The Kantar martial arts masters tried to stop Amuchai‘s disciple but gave up knowing that he
wouldn‘t listen.



Konchosu moved towards the podium and tried to hit the back of Chun Yeowun‘s exposed back.

„Master‟s enemy!‟

Although he wanted to take revenge, he knew that this man was stronger than him, meaning he
would have to strike him from the back.

„Sea Splitting Technique!‟

It was a technique that gathered energy at the feet and pushed it out, having enough power to
split the sea.


With Chun Yeowun‘s back exposed, Konchosu‘s form zoomed onto his target. However,

―Good. Perhaps I should get rid of the entire East Asia Union.‖


Chun Yeowun leisurely turned around and moved to the side, using his hand to strike
Konchosu‘s chest.



In response to the energy penetrating Konchosu‘s body, he bounced back.



Three of the Thai warriors had to catch him before he hit something, and in doing so were
pushed back very far.


Others moved, seeing that his companions were unable to stop his movement.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The seats made of marble were crushed and all three of the people who had tried to help the man
were coughing up blood.

„How can he unleash so much energy in such a brief moment? He must also be a Master.‟

If it were a simple attack, they wouldn‘t have suffered so much; the agents of the East Asia
Union couldn‘t hide their anger any longer and decided to fight one by one.

„They lost a lot of power.‟

The most important role in their current mission was played by Amuchai and the others who
survived. However, losing them would mean failure of their mission. Seeing these people move
of their own volition, Chun Yeowun considered them dumb.

„Chun Mu-seong, you bastard!‟

However, there was no one strong enough to face Chun Yeowun.

Watching the events unfold, the man in the mask gulped and said.

―I think we need to stop the game now. It‘s becoming weird rather than exciting.‖

-No, encourage them more! Didn‘t he just say that he would deal with all of them at once?

Jay spoke these words, at which the masked man couldn‘t hide his confusion. As a host, he had
to make sure the auction progressed naturally, and causing such a fight would create a bad light
for the MS Group.

―There could be opposition from VIPs…‖

-It doesn‘t matter. Follow the orders!

The host turned off the earphone and took a deep breath. The man speaking was one of the ten
executives of MS Group, so he couldn‘t speak back.

-Vice-chairman Chun Mu-seong made a great suggestion of having a one-against-all. How about
it? We won‘t have such a chance again.


At the host‘s words, the audience became utter chaos.

Everyone knew Chun Yeowun‘s strength which made the VIPs puzzled at this battle being

„What will happen if I step out?‟

Some people, like Jack Oren and Kohaku, had made up their minds to not participate. Not only
did they judge that dealing with Chun Yeowun would be difficult, but the fact they had to team
up with others and the ensuing shame were strikes to their prides.

However, not everyone made such a wise choice.

Unlike those who practiced martial arts, the people of foreign nations were confident that their
techniques couldn‘t be used by this man so a group of them appeared.

―We will participate.‖

They were the warriors from Australia. All eight people standing next to each other had abilities
equivalent to those of A-class keepers and the brown man between them was an S-class keeper.

They decided to take the chance.

‗What an idiot, trying to make an offer that puts himself at a disadvantage.‘

They all laughed at Chun Yeowun. No matter how strong he was, if several talented people
worked together, his defeat was inevitable. Out of confidence, they shouted at Chun Yeowun,

―You suggested this. No regrets if you end up dying.‖


The person who appeared to be the leader of this group snapped his finger to send a gesture to
the host to start the game. At the signal, the people cheered again.

―Show us your martial arts!‖


-What an interesting group of challengers. These guests are guild members of the Black Roaring
Guild, who came all the way from Australia with their guild leader Max.

As the purple-masked host raised his hand, the barrier went up once more.

Max and the others waited for the barrier to form completely. They had been in the guild for a
long time, so they had the time record of dealing with an S-class entity within 2 hours using their
team work.


Once the barrier formed completely, Max raised his hand, and two of the in line with fighting
abilities tried to use them on Chun Yeowun. It was then:



No one understood what happened. Obviously, the people tried to close the gap the moment the
barrier formed, but they seemed to have completely disappeared. The only trace of them left was
the blood and flesh pieces on the ground they were just on.


Chun Yeowun had his palm pressed down. Those who learned martial arts were shocked by what
he had done.

„He did that with his internal energy?‟

It was an overwhelming energy that made others feel like they were being hit with a hammer.

The Australians who were trying to attack Chun Yeowun were instantly flattened to death. Chun
Yeowun hadn‘t thought of sparing anyone since this was a battle to the death.

―Mo… Monster….‖

―He‘s a monster.‖

Everyone in the audience felt like their life was being sucked out as they stared at the hand that
tore off Amuchai‘s face and had the power to literally crush people to death.

This was no longer entertainment but a massacre caused by one man.

Even the host was mesmerized. It was too shocking. Chun then Yeowun sliced the barrier with
his sword.


With two slashes, the barrier cracked, and an opening like a door‘s entrance was created.

―T-the barrier broke?‖

The host couldn‘t hide his shock. The barrier which an A-class entity couldn‘t destroy had been
taken down. Chun Yeowun left the barrier and grabbed the Ryun/Wheel, which was hanging
next to the host.

―Any more complaints?‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s words, the host nodded his head. Everyone just watched the scene without
saying a word. No one objected to it.

-A-alright, let‘s take a short break of 15 minutes.

The host decided that continuing the auction would be difficult with the current atmosphere.
Meanwhile, in the observation room:

Jay‘s face, which was staring through the window, was visibly pale.

―… Is he a monster?‖

I, who was next to him, nodded. He too was equally shocked at this situation that went against
their expectations.

―What are we going to do now?‖

The entertainment game failed, and in the event of this occurring, the MS Groupwas ready to
gather the stronger fighters to achieve their goals.

„Before that…‟

Chae Mun-tak looked at Jay, thinking of changing his orders.

He planned on dealing with Chun Yeowun and then using Jay as a scapegoat. Chae Mun-tak‘s
Odd Eye drifted.

„That has to be dealt with first.‟

Jay was startled and turned his head to the side. He, too, wasn‘t an ordinary person. There was no
way he couldn‘t sense that subtle energy radiating from Chae Mun-tak.


Moving back, Jay asked.

―What are you trying to do?‖

Chae Mun-tak wiggled his fingers and said.

―Since the leader already knows, shouldn‘t someone just take the fall?‖

―And you want that someone to be me?‖

Chae Mun-tak‘s fingers were dyed with a glowing red energy. Jay, who knew his abilities,
stepped towards the ground.


Chae Mun-tak tried to catch Jay.



However, in an instant, the floor was pierced and Chae Mun-tak fell into the lower floor.

Jay had the ability to corrode everything he touched. Looking at the aftermath, he mumbled,

―I was almost done. I always knew that you would stab me in the back one day.‖

Jay realized that he had to leave the scene right away. As he ran towards the entrance of the
observation room, however, he heard a bang on the outside that kept getting closer.
„Is he coming up already?‟



The door next to the room shattered and someone‘s head peeked out.


„T-this person is?‟

There was a man near the door who was bleeding – it was Chae Mun-tak‘s escort, who was
guarding the entrance of the room. Surprised, Jay took a step back and opened the door only to
be greeted by someone unexpected.

He then realized who it was.

―Chun, Chun Mu-seong, vice-chairman?‖

Chun Yeowun had appeared in the observation room. After the match, Jay thought Chun
Yeowun had returned to his seat, but he was actually making his way to the observation room.

Chun Yeowun stretched out his hand to Jay, who was trying to run away.



His body was lifted up and dragged towards Chun Yeowun, who caught him by the neck.


―Baldy. Are you the one in charge of this place?‖


Jay couldn‘t hide his shock at these words. The guy in charge of this auction happened to be on
the floor below the room they were in.


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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 157 -
Auction House Onboard (4)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Feb 23, 2022

• 13 min read • 4942 views

Jay, the bald man who was caught by the neck, couldn‘t hide his shock. Of course, Chae Mun-
tak had given him orders to kill Chun Yeowun, so he tried to instigate the fight through the
auction host, but he didn‘t try to do anything else.

―Cough! L-let go of…‖

―If you are left in charge of this auction, what position do you have in MS Group?‖

He was one of the ten high-ranking officials, or executives. At Chun Yeowun‘s words, Jay saw
that this man was targeting the high-ranking people in MS Group.

„Isn‟t it dangerous for me to reveal my identity, then?‟

This was a bad situation, in the group the person he was supposed to work along with had
abandoned him and was ready to kill him, and now if he let this monster know of his position, he
would die.

„I need to run away.‟

Jay, who was determined to run, revealed his ability, which corroded anything it came in contact
with. Since Chun Yeowun was holding his neck, he could use his ability perfectly.



Chun Yeowun‘s hand, which should have been corroded, was intact. Of course, they weren‘t
entirely fine, but Chun Yeowun already normally protected his body with energy and sensed that
Jay was trying to do something to him.

―You. You‘re up to something useless.‖

―Kuak, w-wait…‖

Chun Yeowun slammed the man to the floor.


The floor cracked.


Jay‘s face had turned red and swollen, as if his veins were about to burst. Although he was
talented, he never trained his body for such powerful attacks. In a way, it felt like he was going
to die.

―So weak.‖
Chun Yeowun was beyond puzzled at the sight of this high ranking executive who was way too
weak. Once he thought about it, he realized that the people in charge of the secret MS hideouts
weren‘t very strong either.

―Well then, shouldn‘t you start opening your mouth?‖

Chun Yeowun was planning on using the Ghost ability to read Jay‘s mind, but he surrendered.

―Kuaaak! I-I surrender! I‘ll tell you everything you want so let me live!‖

―… What?‖

A quick surrender. Jay had a great sense of survival.

Meanwhile, Chae Mun-tak, who had fallen to the floor due to Jay‘s corrosion ability, came to his
senses. As he also had a fighting ability that he could use, but he didn‘t train his body, causing
him to get a concussion when he fell.

―Kuak, that Jo Hogi!‖

Jay‘s real name was Jo Hogi, and Chae Mun-tak hadn‘t expected the baldy to use his ability in
such a way.

„How long was I out for?‟

Although it was only for a brief moment, the pain in his head made him check the time to figure
out how much time he had lost. He took out his phone and turned on the CCTV video watching
the room to which Jay had fled.


He could see Jay being nailed down and Chun Yeowun in front of him. Chae Mun-tak realized it
wouldn‘t be possible to return to that room now.

„Chun Mu-seong moved first?‟

This was unexpected. He double-tapped on the earphone on his left ear.

―Cheol-ryeong! Can you hear me?‖

He spoke it almost like a whisper. After a short moment, someone answered.

-Yes, Senior Researcher.

―Code Red.‖

-Code Red!

Code Red signaled that the worst outcome was happening.

-Are you stopping the auction now?

At Cheol-ryeong‘s question, Chae Mun-tak faced trouble. The best, safest answer was to stop the
auction and escape with all the items, but if they did that, they would lose the interest and
support from the VIP customers.

„If that happens, the head or even the entire table will hold me accountable.‟

He would be killed even if he tried to run away. Once the MS Group put its mind to it, it could
find anyone.

„What do I do?‟

Something flashed through his mind. There was a chance he could take advantage of the
situation naturally.

―I have to move.‖

It would, at least, help avoid losing the VIPs.

―Cheol-ryeong. Bring the escorts out right now and put the 4th Gen and 5th Gen prototypes on the

-Huh? They‘re supposed to be shown at the end of the auction…

―Now isn‘t the time for questions.‖

Chae Mun-tak decided to adopt an all-or-nothing approach for the current predicament. Since
Chun Mu-seong was running rampant, the only solution was to stop the auction.

Chae Mun-tak gave the orders and took a silver mask out of his sleeve. Wearing that mask, he
hurried down to the first floor of the dome.

In the dome‘s observation room, Jo Hogi, with a shaking body that was trembling due to his
broken spine, explained the situation to Chun Yeowun.

―I-I was abandoned by the group. Please believe me.‖

Jo Hogi figured that, even if he were to escape with his life, he would die in the hands of the MS
Group, so clinging to Chun Yeowun was his only hope.


Chun Yeowun looked at him. His eyes shone with a will to live, as he didn‘t seem to be lying.

―Please! Please save me!‖

From what Chun Yeowun was told, Jo Hogi moved against MS Group‘s order and was cut off.
However, Jo Hogi said that the person in charge of the auction house was another one of his
colleagues who was trying to pin all of the trouble on him.

„He‟s worth using.‟

If he could use this man, he would be able to enter the MS Group from the inside.

―There are two more executives besides you?‖


―Where are these two?‖

―E is bound to arrive soon, and the man in charge is I, or Chae Mun-tak, who fell down.‖

Jo Hogi pointed to the hole in the floor. Chun Yeowun approached the floor and looked down.
―There‘s no one there.‖

―Ugh, he‘ll probably come up to kill me.‖

Chae Mun-tak had manipulated the auction and tried to use Jo Hogi as a scapegoat, so Jo Hogi
thought Chae Mun-tak would for sure try to come up to kill him.

―Are you sure?‖


Chun Yeowun couldn‘t feel any energy moving towards this room. That was when Jo Hogi
looked out of the window.

―No! Chae Mun-tak, that bastard!‖


―Chae Mun-tak is over there…‖

The place where Jo Hogi pointed out the window was the dome. There was a man standing on
the podium wearing a silver mask: Chae Mun-tak. All of the guests were all looking at him.

-Nice to meet you. My name is I, and I am in charge of this auction house. It seems like it‘s the
first time our guests have faced such a situation.

The appearance of a high-ranking MS Group executive who oversaw the auction house in
secrecy behind the scenes was enough to attract their attention.

―What is he doing?‖

Jo Hogi couldn‘t answer Chun Yeowun‘s question. A high-ranking executive wouldn‘t appear in
public unless it was really special, so Chae Mun-tak had to be up to something.

―I-I don‘t know.‖

―… You really don‘t.‖

Chun Yeowun looked at him with annoyed eyes. Even if he was an executive in charge of an
auction house, this man knew nothing.

„But what is that bastard doing out there?‟

There was no way that Chae Mun-tak was unaware that someone broke into the room, as it alone
had 6 CCTV cameras inside..

„Did that Chae Mun-tak bastard see…‟

Jo Hogi frowned as he figured out Chae Mun-tak‘s intentions. There were influential people
from all over the world at the auction, and it seemed that Chae Mun-tak appeared suddenly to
prevent Chun Yeowun from harming him by taking the cover of the VIPs.

„That bastard. He‟s outsmarted me!‟

Jo Hogi grinded his teeth. In order to survive he ended up begging this man, but that one was
playing tricks!


At that moment, the center of the platform opened and something rose up surrounded by glass

The spectacle was labeled ‗Fourth Generation‘, and a total of 24 men and women of various
nationalities and ages were on the platform in restraints.


―4th Gen!‖

The VIPs all seemed excited at the sight, as they were attending this place mainly for the auction
of these humans. The humans in the glass protectors were the 4th Gen combat weapons created
through various genetic modifications.

―Did they make those?‖

Chun Yeowun clicked his tongue when looking at those humans. He had seen the genetically
engineered ―humans‖ in the VIP room of Black Athena, and never thought he‘d see them again
after that.

Chae Mun-tak opened his mouth again.

-This isn‘t the end! What you have been waiting for…. We are here to show that to you today!


When Chae Mun-tak snapped his fingers, the floor cracked and something came up with smoke.
As if revealing a new product, the new arrival was unveiled with glass protectors that had rose
gold designs, giving it an ornate appearance.

Unlike the previous ones, this human had its face covered, and in the center, ‗Fifth Generation‘
was written in red letters.


Clap! Clap!

People stood up and began to clap at the 5th Gen modified human. The officials of each nation‘s
National Defense wanted these, and in fact only participated in MS Group‘s auctions because of
their reputation to produce the most effective combat weapons.

Chae Mun-tak pressed a button on a wireless terminal.


The glass protector around the 4th Gen humans was released and the humans who previously had
their eyes closed, opened their eyes and walked forward.

-I think the 4th Gen is familiar to those who attended the last auction.

The 4th Gen all wore unique silver mechanical suits, with energy sources shining like LED lights
in the center of their suits.

Chun Yeowun‘s eyes lit up. The radiating light in the suits‘ centers wasn‘t just any energy.

It was the energy of cores.

Based on the levels of energy of each human, the 4th Gen were equipped with B-class cores. The
exact use of the cores was unknown, but it seemed like the energy source for the suit. Chae Mun-
tak exclaimed in a loud voice,

-Behold, the latest work of our group today!


When Chae Mun-tak pressed the button again, the entrance of the 5th Gen‘s gorgeous glass
protector opened. A light was pointing at the podium, and as the entrance opened, a man with a
golden suit, gray hair, no expression, and a long scar in the corner of his right eye, walked out.


Intense energy was emanating from his suit. Chun Yeowun couldn‘t feel the energy when the 5th
Gen was caged, but once he was out, the energy was impossible to miss.

―No way…‖

―Is that an S-class core?‖

The light from the core was unmistakably an S-class core. Most of the VIP guests who attended
guessed that the 5th Gen weapon used an A-class core, but this exceeded their expectations.

Kohaku of Speed was surprised as well.

„A 4th Gen itself is tough to fight without Sukeru; this must be a monster.‟

The pure energy alone surpassed the warriors who were the strongest in their nations, making
them wonder if A-class and S-class cores could be used as the strongest weapons without
refining them.

„Have they established a technology to withstand an S-class core?‟

If this knowledge was released to the world, chaos would definitely ensue. The next-gen human
weapons of MS Group were still prototypes, but if they could be commercialized, all the
countries would make huge investments.

„I want to see it!‟

„How much will it be?‟

Everyone in the dome wanted to know how powerful the 5th Gen was, as the reason that it was
revealed here was to demonstrate its power. A middle-aged blonde, presumably American,
woman spoke,

―Please show us the demo!‖

―C‘est vrai! Nous voulons aussi voir!‖

[Right! We want to see it too!]

People of national defense kept speaking. They wanted to see the 5th Gen weapon in action.

-No need to rush! Even if you didn‘t ask, we were going to demonstrate it any ー

It was then.


It was the sound of glass breaking, and someone entered and stood in the middle of the podium.

―Vi-vice chairman of Yongchun?‖

―Chun Mu-seong?‖

It was Chun Yeowun who had suddenly gone onto the podium. At his appearance, all the VIP
guests expressed their shared displeasure.

―What the hell are you doing?‖

A woman from the US National Guard shouted at Chun Yeowun. Even though this man was
strong, she couldn‘t hold back her anger, but Chun Yeowun ignored her and moved to the 5th Gen
human, saying,


The human weapon which the MS Group revealed as the 5th Gen was none other than Baekgi,
Chun Yeowun‘s subordinate whom Chun Yeowun had attended the auction to find!

―Baekgi. It‘s me. Get yourself together!‖

Despite Chun Yeowun‘s words, Baekgi stared back with an expressionless face. Chae Mun-tak
was smiling behind the mask.

„As expected!‟

Chae Mun-tak was skeptical at first. The place Baekgi came from had a bottle containing the
blood of the Flame Qilin, and Chae Mun-tak received a report that Chun Yeowun had brought a
man with red hair with a similar background. MS Group had assumed that the human they found
frozen had something to do with the Demonic Cult, and they were right!

„Originally I was intending to use it as a negotiation card.‟

However, he now had to change his plans. Chae Mun-tak spoke.

-This is good. Guest Chun Mu-seong has volunteered to help us with the demo.

Chun Yeowun looked at the man.

―What are you planning?‖

Ignoring Chun Yeowun‘s question, he spoke to the audience.

-It is an honor to present to you: the 5th Gen!

Chae Mun-tak ordered while looking at Baekgi.

-Neutralize the opponent in front of you.

As soon as the words came out, the energy source in the middle of the golden suit emitted an
ever stronger light and Baekgi rushed towards Chun Yeowun.

-This is a combat weapon we‘ve concentrated all of our resources on. Can he deal with it?‘

It was a perfect weapon for winning a battle, and there was no way this man would recognize
Chun Yeowun.

At that, Chun Yeowun simply gave an order to Baekgi who was coming at him.

―The Chun Ma of the Great Sky Demon Order orders you, Baekgi, on your knees.‖

Chae Mun-tak smiled bitterly.

„There is no way that such an order will work…‟

At that moment, something unbelievable happened.


Baekgi, who was running towards Chun Yeowun, suddenly fell to his knees. Even Chae Mun-tak
couldn‘t hide his shock.

„W-what the hell just happened?‟



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 158 -
Baekgi (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Feb 24, 2022

• 10 min read • 4875 views



The Thunder Wind Kick, Baekgi.

He was one of the Six Swords of the Demon God, Chun Yeowun. As a leader of the clan, he was
also at the center of the revival period of the Sky Demon Order, and was a master in thunder qi

After drinking the blood of the Dragon Turtle, one of the Five Spirit Beasts, he gained the
thunder qi, giving him the name Thunder Demon.

[Grind and polish it within you. It will help you control the thunder qi inside.]

Chun Yeowun‘s closest aides had drunk the blood of Imoogi and were possessors of the demonic
energy for a long time.

Baekgi, specifically, never neglected to learn to control the demonic energy under Chun
Yeowun‘s guidance.


Even if he couldn‘t think, that demonic power inside of him succumbed and he couldn‘t fight
against the control of Sky Demon Energy.

Baekgi, kneeling on the floor, couldn‘t move. His mind was clear with no thoughts, but the
demonic energy within was controlling his body.


Chae Mun-tak couldn‘t understand it. His eyes in the holes of the mask, trembled. To him, Chun
Yeowun said.

―Did you think that a loyal member of the Great Sky Demon Order would listen to your orders?‖


The reaction of the VIP customers began to change. The 5th Gen was a new improvement that
they had huge expectations for, but they didn‘t know what kind of ‗product‘ it was.

Chae Mun-tak bit his lips.

„Seriously, he isn‟t an easy one to deal with.‟

Of course, it seemed to be difficult. The other VIPS were aiming to try to create a deep bond
with Chun Yeowun, who had the strength to take down multiple organizations.


Chun Yeowun approached Baekgi, who was kneeling. He knew that tampering with Baekgi‘s
mind and forcing it to undergo regeneration would restore his memory, like what had happened
with Hu Bong.


Chae Mun-tak turned off the mic and said.

―I didn‘t foresee this situation… but I did anticipate a situation where a person‘s memory would
be revived.‖


Chae Mun-tak pressed a button on the terminal, and both of Baekgi‘s eyes widened as he began
to speak in a mechanical manner.

―Chipset mode activated.‖


The sound of something changing within Baekgi‘s body. Although it couldn‘t be seen on the
outside, the control devices penetrated into the spine of the suit he was wearing while not
inflicting any pain onto him.



Ignoring the demonic energy, Baekgi stood up because of the device inserted into each spine;
starting with the chip implanted in the brain, they were able to control the whole body.


―It‘s moving again.‖

The people seemed interested in the 5th Gen once more. Chae Mun-tak turned on the mic again
and said.

-Everyone, in case we lose control of the 5th Gen human, MS Group has made sure to take
proper precautionary measures through the release of the NC-35X chip that will relieve your

Chae Mun-tak looked at Chun Yeowun with a smile.

„Are you flustered? Fufufu. I‟m Chae Mun-tak.‟

Chae Mun-tak.

In the past, he had earned the name of a genius geneticist, receiving the attention of many
celebrities and press.
Among MS Group‘s researchers, he boasted the highest proficiency in genetics and neural

„Well, this is nothing for me.‟

To him, this innovation was nothing to brag about. He said to Chun Yeowun,

―Outdated warriors like you martial artists tend to downplay the power of science and
technology. I‘ll show you his power!‖

‗Kill him.‘

At the end, ―kill him‖ was whispered. Despite the noisy dome, would Baekgi be able to hear it?


With those words, an electric shock blasted through his body.


Sparks dazzled around his body as if he were a god of thunder. The spectators continued to
watch him intently.

The sparks emitted looked a little huge, but the suit he wore made sure that he wasn‘t channeling
too much.

„Indeed, MS Group‟s tech prowess is decades ahead of ours.‟

„I need to maintain my ties with them.‟

Representatives came here not only for the auction but also to form connections with MS Group.


Baekgi, engulfed in the electricity, finally moved.

Completely dominated by the machine inside him, his movements were rapid.

He moved so fast that he left behind a streak of light. Even Kohaku, who prided himself for
being the fastest, was startled at Baekgi‘s speed.


In the eyes of those who didn‘t practice martial arts, Baekgi seemed to have teleported behind
Chun Yeowun as he unleashed a thunderous kick that flew at Chun Yeowun‘s head.


Chun Yeowun‘s form blurred in an instant, changing direction to raise his left arm to block the


At that moment, the light of the S-class core in the center of Baekgi‘s suit grew stronger, causing
the power in the kick to grow.


Chun Yeowun was pushed back, as even though he was directly blocking it, the kick was still
extremely powerful.

„You idiot.‟

Chae Mun-tak laughed at Chun Yeowun. Hundreds of clinical trials were done to analyze and
optimize the full power of Baekgi, who had both the thunder qi and the S-class core.

It was no exaggeration to say that it was MS Group‘s greatest work, or even its masterpiece.


In an instant, Baekgi unleashed tremendous power.

As soon as he unfolded the technique of his clan, causing not just the podium but also the ship to
shake. Even though the barrier was just reinstated, the dome started cracking as it became unable
to withstand the power from Baekgi.

„What unbelievable power!‟

The people around the dome were shocked.



―Isn‘t the dome going to break?‖

Even though the ceiling was open, they were worried as they were in the middle of a sea.

The power Baekgi had was different from what Baek Jong-so, the current leader of the Pure Kick
Clan, possessed, and the techniques he used were confusing with attacks flying in from different

For anyone else, it could be intimidating, but Chun Yeowun smiled.

―Even with that body, you have grown so much.‖

The difference of Baekgi now and him of the past was like the difference between heaven and
earth. Chun Yeowun remembered when he used to train with the Six Swords.

―Of course, the results were always the same.‖


Chun Yeowun blocked the attacks with just one hand. Baekgi was doing his best, but Chun
Yeowun didn‘t move a single step and kept blocking them.

„Did he get stronger than before?‟

„Can he stop that?‟

Kohaku and Jack were shocked. Even they themselves would have a sense of desperation if they
were to respond to Baekgi‘s attacks, but Chun Yeowun was doing so in such a leisurely manner.

„What the hell… was he hiding his powers?‟

The gap in skill and ability was unmistakable..

Even if the S-class core was being fully utilized, the difference was still too great.


Chun Yeowun, who was blocking a kick, grabbed Baekgi‘s ankle and slammed him down like a
hammer ramming the floor.


The moment Baekgi‘s body struck the floor, the podium collapsed and the dome split in all
directions, causing people to jump up in panic.


As the podium collapsed, the place where Chae Mun-tak stood too had collapsed. Fortunately,
this time he didn‘t faint from the fall.

„W-what happened?‟

Chae Mun-tak looked at the podium in shock. He thought that the 5th Gen he made by pouring in
his heart and soul would be the best one, but it still seemed to be suffering.


However, it turned out to be fine. Baekgi‘s body, which was on the floor, didn‘t show any
injuries on it; not even a hair was out of order. At that moment, Chun Yeowun placed his hand
on Baekgi‘s chest and head.

„What is he up to?‟

Chae Mun-tak didn‘t know what was happening until a beeping sound came from the terminal.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Chae Mun-tak‘s eyes widened at what he saw.

[Error! Error! Error!]

He couldn‘t hide his fluster at the error displayed on the terminal that was controlling Baekgi.
„What is this?‟

Chae Mun-tak hurriedly accessed the terminal, trying to fix the error by entering a code.
However, his expression went stiff.

„What? W-what just happened?‟


His terminal was changing things up and the program was being modified.

It was,


The phenomenon of something changing in the program and chips which controlled Baekgi had
to be due to hacking.

„No. I-I need to disable the system!‟


Chae Mun-tak continued to try and stop it, but nothing worked. Confused, he raised his head and
looked at Chun Yeowun.

All the man did was put his palm on his chest. What just happened?

[The command code of the main chip has been completely bypassed.]

Nano‘s voice echoed in Chun Yeowun‘s head. What was hacking was none other than Nano. No
matter how great the technology of MS Group was, it was nothing compared to the tech inside
Chun Yeowun which was from the far future.

„No! This has to be stopped!‟


Chae Mun-tak tried to switch the terminal to control the 24 4th Gen human weapons, who came
down the podium standing with their eyes glowing.
―Kill him right now!‖

At the moment the order fell, they all flew at once. The movements of the 4th Gen human
weapons using the B-class core were comparable to those of Superior Masters.


It was then.


Lightning flashed in the air, striking all 24 of the human weapons at the same time.


As a result, all 24 of them crashed to the ground simultaneously.

―D-damn it!‖

Chae Mun-tak cursed at it. This was an unforeseen situation. Unlike the 5th Gen, the other 4th
Gen suits were only made to withstand the energy from the core.

―Wh… what was… how did this happen…‖

Chae Mun-tak looked at Baekgi, who was standing in the middle with his hand stretched out.

That was the proof that it was he who had called for the lightning. Ultimately, due to the
overload of the lightning, the 24 human weapons closed their eyes and fainted.


Tears filled with blood were running down Baekgi‘s eyes; the blood was coming out because of
the chip in his head being destroyed. His condition didn‘t look good, but his face was also
different from before.

His face, which before had been emotionless, was now frowning.

Chae Mun-tak couldn‘t hide his anxiety. And that soon turned into reality as Baekgi spoke.

―Who! Who dares to touch the Chun Ma of the Great Sky Demon Order!‖

A loud shout like a lion. The cracks in the dome grew and people covered their ears. Seeing that,
Chun Yeowun smiled.

―You are back, Baekgi.‖

Baekgi‘s lips twisted at those words. As if he were convulsing, his eyes turned red.


It was a voice he had wanted to hear so desperately. Although Baekgi had a blunt personality, he
was very emotional.


He knelt as he continued to cry.

―One of the Six Swords of the Demon God, Baekgi, greets my Lord!‖



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 159 -
Baekgi (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Feb 25, 2022

• 11 min read • 4934 views

A thousand years ago.

Everyone was watching the former clan leader, who had once dominated through power, lie on
his deathbed. Everyone around him had tears in their eyes at the sight of this once powerful man
on the bed, vulnerable and gasping for air.

Baek Yong, the current leader, looked at his father.

―Father, do you have anything left to say?‖

―Haa… Haa… look after the cult.‖

―H… how can we not? I will make sure that our Pure Kick Clan will continue to flourish under

He resembled his father to a great degree, but the bluntness in his eyes soon turned red. Who
wouldn‘t be sad when watching their father die?

Baekgi‘s breathing gradually weakened, as he said to Baek Yong,

―Something… needs… to be… checked.‖


Baek Yong couldn‘t understand it.

―Father. What are you saying—‖

Before he could find out, Baekgi‘s head fell to the side.


―Former Leader!‖

Everyone in the family was shocked. The legendary leader of the Pure Kick Clan had passed

And after his death, his funeral lasted 49 days, but on the 43rd day of the funeral:

Silence fell around. After waiting some time, someone approached the coffin behind the funeral,
where the incense was lit. The man who approached the coffin pushed the lid aside.

Inside, the body of Baekgi lying lifelessly with a pale face.


The intruder put something into his mouth, and something amazing happened. After the 43rd day
of death, Baekgi woke up.

―Cough! Cough!‖

Waking up with constant coughing, Baekgi tried to control his breathing. Calming down, he
lifted him and looked at the man in the shadows.

―You are late, Seong Mu-chun.‖

The man who brought him back from death was no other than Seong Mu-chun, the seer of the
Sky Demon Order. To that, Seong Mu-chun smiled.

―Are you ready to die again?‖

―Disgusting words.‖

―Such words from one of the Six Swords. When you open your eyes, the world will be different.
It will be entirely different from what it is now. if you plan on changing your mind, do it now.‖

Despite that, Baekgi said.

―… If it means I can see my lord, it doesn‘t matter.‖

And the moment he came to his senses, he saw a familiar face in front of him. The hair was short
and the clothes were different, but the face was the same as ever.



The two just looked at each other, each conveying their emotions. Their eyes were adept enough
to see the other‘s body state.

„He is fine, that is all I need to know.‟

Baekgi felt relieved that Chun Yeowun wasn‘t hurt.

„What is this?‟

However, his body felt very strange, as on his body were various iron equipment, and as if a new
dantian had been created, he felt a newfound energy emanating from the center of his chest.

―Don‘t worry, measures were taken to prevent any harm to your body.‖

Of course, Nano had prevented any bodily injuries.


At those words, Baekgi felt relieved; he had confidence in Chun Yeowun‘s skills since their time
at the Academy.

Chun Yeowun would never lie to him.

―This place is so confusing,‖

Baekgi looked around and said. This world was much different from what he imagined, from the
clothes people wore to the shape of buildings.

„Damn it!‟

Chae Mun-tak couldn‘t understand what was unfolding. Not only did his greatest prototype fall
into Chun Yeowun‘s hands, but all 24 of the 4th Gen models were taken down.
―I think it‘ll be difficult to hold the auction for any longer.‖

―Let‘s go back.‖

―If I stay here, my life will be in danger.‖

The murmurs of people resonated throughout the ship, and Chae Mun-tak noticed people began
leaving the dome.

As he was an idiot, he could recognize that the auction was ruined.

―Let‘s take advantage of this chaos.‖

―There might be goods under the deck.‖

In addition to the people leaving, the East Asia Union was trying to break through the chaos to
retake some of the auction items that were stolen by MS Group.


Chae Mun-tak gritted his teeth. Because of one person — just one person — everything had
become a mess.

„Chun Mu-seong!‟

He understood why such a man was classified as dangerous.


Suddenly, a man wearing a suit and mask appeared next to Chae Mun-tak.

―Senior, many of our guests are heading to the speedboats.‖

This auction was held in the middle of the sea, and there was one way out.

―Cheol-ryeong, the items?‖

―As you said, we transferred them in advance.‖

―Good job.‖
Chae Mun-tak sighed. Most of the auction items were moved in case of an emergency.

―Are you sure you want to stop the auction completely?‘


He knew that he couldn‘t fight against Chun Yeowun and win. By now, Chun Yeowun too must
have realized that MS Group was aiming for his life, and staying here would be dangerous.

―What about them?‖

Cheol-ryeong looked at Chun Yeowun and Baekgi, who were still on the broken dome.

―They must be buried here.‖

Cheol-ryeong asked again,

―Should we use that?‖

―Use it. No matter how strong he is, do you think he‘ll be able to deal with that monster in this
sea at night?‖

Hearing the confirmation, Chae Mun-tak hurried out of the dome, at which Chun Yeowun

―Quite a silly one you are.‖

Chun Yeowun reached out, and a deep shiver passed through Chae Mun-tak‘s body as he tried to
run away. It was then,



The escorts around the dome moved to Chun Yeowun at once. Each of them were Master level
warriors, but there was no need for Chun Yeowun to even use his hands.

Baekgi raised his hand and pushed it down, causing the people moving toward them to fall down.





It was impossible for those who were weaker than him to withstand the pressure, when even the
human weapons couldn‘t. Meanwhile, Chae Mun-tak, who tried to escape, was dragged back.

―Senior researcher!‖

The subordinate named Cheol-ryeong jumped and grabbed Chae Mun-tak‘s body to stop it from
being dragged.

„What kind of power is this?‟

Now, both of them were being dragged.


After a few moments, Cheol-ryeong let go of Chae Mun-tak; while it was definitely the right
decision, the one left behind wouldn‘t see it that way.



―What a disloyal subordinate.‖

Cheol-ryeong ran away from the dome without looking back, but Chun Yeowun didn‘t mind as,
after all, his purpose was to get his hands on an executive. Since he regained Baekgi as well,
there were no more strong forces on the ship that could go against him.

―Let‘s see your face.‖


Chun Yeowun took off Chae Mun-tak‘s mask, revealing the face of a man with different eye
colors. The person looked much more ordinary than he expected, and his face was full of fear.


―You wanted to make a deal with me, but your actions didn‘t match what you were saying.‖

Chun Yeowun, who was speaking, frowned, as he felt something strange.

„What is this?‟

He already caught the man, but something felt off; the man looked fine, but didn‘t seem to have
any life.

―…What are you?‖

―W-what are you doing!?‖

Chun Yeowun narrowed his eyes, concentrating on the palm holding Chae Mun-tak‘s neck.

The palm was definitely warm, but Chun Yeowun couldn‘t feel any pulse coming from it.


Chun Yeowun suddenly grabbed Chae Mun-tak‘s right arm.

―W-why my arm—‖

And then, without mercy, he tore it off.


It should have been painful and scary, but Chae Mun-tak didn‘t scream. On the contrary, it was
Chun Yeowun whose expression changed.

The result was shocking. When the arm was ripped off, a bunch of wires were disconnected
within the arm.


In addition, sparks were flying off. Chun Yeowun didn‘t realize since the skin was made so
elaborately, but he then figured that the body was a machine.

―What are you?‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s question, Chae Mun-tak erased his scared expression and spoke,

―I didn‘t expect you to notice this was an avatar so quickly, but it‘s already too late.‖


Nano‘s voice eased the confusion of Chun Yeowun.

[An avatar isn‘t an actual body, but a separate one that a user controls. It isn‘t a technology that
should be available at the current time period.]

There was flesh surrounding the machine. Thus technology was originally developed for people
with physical disabilities, and it was supposed to take a few more decades before a human-type
android would become popular. This was a prime example of MS Group‘s technological

―You‘re a rat. You think I can‘t catch you?‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s words, the avatar smiled.

―Hahahaha, it‘s already too late for that.‖


―You see, the ship has already departed.‖

Near the west side of the auction was a ship with all its lights shut off moving away. It was very
different from the speedboat that the guests used.
On board, a man with a unique helmet could be seen. Using the goggles attached to the helmet,
he looked at Chun Yeowun, who was clutching the avatar‘s neck.

„It‟s a good thing I got the avatar from „F‟ recently and developed it.‟

The technology wasn‘t commercialized yet, and only a select few executives were given them in
case of an emergency, but Chae Mun-tak never thought that it would be so useful as he grinned.

―Don‘t tell me that you thought I would put myself in such an unreasonable situation?‖

-You seemed to have thought this through.

―You‘ll be buried in the sea soon.‖


―Why do you think we held the auction in the middle of the sea?‖

There were more than just one or two people who targeted the MS group, and governments were
always trying to keep their eyes on them while others were trying to steal their technology.

In such situations, the auction could be selected and destroyed each time. As Chae Mun-tak
stopped speaking, someone spoke to him.

―Cheol-ryeong has arrived.‖


A video feed appeared in the goggles, showing a black figure on a water scooter approaching the
dark ship. Chae Mun-tak ordered,

―Release the Kraken.‖

―The VIP guests haven‘t left yet, are you sure it‘ll be fine?‖

A subordinate asked in concern. To be honest, Chae Mun-tak was just trying to stall for time, but
didn‘t think that Chun Yeowun would find out so quickly that he had been dealing with an avatar
the whole time.
Urgently, Chae Mun-tak said,

―Release it.‖

If it was that monster, the sea would become chaotic very soon. Chae Mun-tak judged that he
had enough time to get to a safe distance away from it.


Chae Mun-tak exhaled with a nervous face. This is the first time they unlocked the A-class
Alpha hazard entity, ‗Kraken‘.

The monster was given the name of the monster from the legends, which was known to be the
largest predator of the sea due to its immense size.

„At least a target can be signaled.‟

If they sent a signal to Kraken, it would attack the auction house. A detector suddenly appeared
on the goggles.

From the depth of the sea, a monster began to rise up quickly.

―I hope you can engrave your fear into the night sea.‖

With that, Chae Mum-tak tried to turn off the helmet, but,


Chun Yoeuwn, who was holding the avatar, suddenly turned elsewhere: to the western side of
the auction house.

„Idiot, it‟s already too late. Have a long, hard fight with the Kraken…‟

At that moment, he saw Chun Yeowun step towards the sea as an amazing phenomenon


The sea water began freezing at a rapid rate around Chun Yeowun at an unimaginable speed.
―The sea is… freezing?‖


The entire ship shook violently.


Unable to keep the balance, Chae Mun-tak fell to the floor. Confused, he took off his helmet on
his head and stood up.

―R-researcher, look outside!‖

One of the crewmates then shouted.

At that, Chae Mun-tak looked outside. Seeing what was happening, his eyes trembled.

―W-what is this…‖

The entire surface around the ship was frozen.


At least 300 meters away from the auction house was the sound signifying that the whole sea
within the distance was frozen.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 160 -
Kraken (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Feb 26, 2022

• 9 min read • 5076 views

„What‟s he planning?‟

Chun Yeowun was sure that Chae Mun-tak had something planned, then feeling the oscillations
of the ship gradually increasing in strength.

It was swaying less compared to other ships because of its size, but he could still feel it.

„Is something coming from underneath the ship?‟

Chun Yeowun judged quickly that if something was coming from the sea, he needed to create a
defense first.


He decided to use Ice Qi, emitting a distinctly cold energy. Chun Yeowun, who held the purest
form of energy in his body, covered the nearby sea area in just a few seconds.

„Got it.‟

Even though it was his first time, it seemed to be successful. The ship‘s swaying stopped once an
ice layer 2 meters thick was created. In addition, as the water froze, Chae Mun-tak‘s fleeing ship
also got caught in the ice.

―Thought you could run away?‖

Chun Yeowun said to the avatar in his hand, which didn‘t move. It was then,
Thud! Thud! Thud!

The ship, which he thought had finally calmed, shook as if it were being pounded by something
in the sea.


Baekgi ran to where Chun Yeowun was, thinking that the ship was acting unusually and was
shocked when the sea froze.

―This… Lord, did you freeze all of this?‖

Chun Yeowun nodded. At that, Baekgi wondered how much Chun Yeowun had grown.

‟… he is still a monster to me.‟

Seong Mu-cheon said that his Lord had gone into the future due to an unexpected accident, and
Baekgi figured that Chun Yeowun would grow steadily in the new environment. However, he
was showing phenomenally exponential growth.

„Is he Chun Ma?‟1

Baekgi had amazing talent as well, but he couldn‘t be compared to Chun Yeowun.


At that moment, the golden-haired Gumiho in the appearance of a baby fox appeared from Chun
Yeowun‘s hands.

―A fox?‖

Baekgi who looked at it seemed puzzled, but ignoring him, the Gumiho spoke to Chun Yeowun.

-There is something interesting down there, Chun Ma.

―… A talking fox?‖

His eyes widened even more; he had been through hell and back with Chun Yeowun, but it was
his first time seeing a talking fox.
-What, not satisfied?

Gumiho glared at Baekgi as if she was uncomfortable. Then, the ship shook and a loud roar
broke out.

Bang! Thud! Bang!

They all looked at the epicenter at the same time.

―What is that?‖

On the south side of the auction, where the VIP guests‘ speedboats were kept. Something huge
and long jutted out through the ice, and along it resembled the suckers of an octopus.


―W-what is this?‖

People on the speedboats began to scream. At first glance, the gigantic, thick and squirming
tentacles as long as 15 to 20 meters were enough to make anyone scared. The whole creature
looked like a large octopus.




On the gigantic suckers along the tentacles, what seemed to be eyeballs were constantly moving!

―What? A hazard entity?

―When did a Gate open?‖

People had a gut feeling that this was a hazard entity, and unsurprisingly, the entity looked at the

Three huge legs squirmed, trying to attack the speed boat with a whip.



It was then.

A huge tentacle that was trying to hit the ship at first then stopped at the sound of a blow.


From the top of the ship, someone was approaching the monster at a high speed.

―A giant octopus is certainly a difficult opponent to adjust to.‖

It was Kohaku of Speed, who was contemplating stealing the valuable items on the ship but then
decided that if he didn‘t stop the monster, the ship would be buried there.


Of course, many others responded to the sudden appearance. Warriors who were famous in their
respective nations took out their weapons, including Jack Oren.

―I just came to participate in the auction, but these annoying events keep occurring!‖


The man jumped and instantly flew towards the entity that threatened the state of the ship. This
was the moment that the ship became a battlefield for the Gate Entity.

Meanwhile, on the dark ship about 300 meters away, the ship‘s searchlights lit up the frozen
surface in front.


Thousands of people at the forefront were thawing and throwing bombs at the frozen water, as
they wanted to move away as quickly as possible.
―What happened to the motor?‖

―I‘m trying to thaw the frozen parts, but it‘ll take another ten minutes.‖

―Fucking shit!‖

It would take the crew another 10 minutes to break the ice and continue moving. Everyone in the
ship looked at Chae Mun-tak, who was peering out at the auction board very far away. More and
more tentacles began to pop out from the sea.


―It‘s grown bigger.‖

It was much larger than when they had first caught it seven years ago. The Kraken didn‘t have a
limit to the amount of tentacles, far exceeding the 8 or 10 of the squid or octopus. If that person
hadn‘t been there, they wouldn‘t have been able to catch it.


Someone opened the door to the wheelhouse he was in and entered. A middle-aged man in his
forties took off his mask, revealing a grim face.

―Mr. Cheol-ryeong!‖

It was Cheol-ryeong.

Thanks to the frozen lake, he managed to run over to the ship without a problem.

―What happened? Can we move the boat?‖

One of the crewmates in the wheelhouse answered,

―If we can resolve the motor issue, it might be possible to operate the ship.‖

―Might? Do you think we have room for possibility right now?‖

Cheol-ryeong looked at them and yelled. He had a rough time coming here so he was being
―That monster-like bastard might come after…‖

―Be calm, Cheol-ryeong.‖

―Senior researcher?‖

―There‘s enough time. Look at that.‖

The place he pointed to was where the huge tentacles were coming up from the frozen ground. It
looked like 12 tentacles were coming out.


Warriors of each nation were guarding their own speed boats but the ships attached to the auction
board were destroyed. People who weren‘t armed were screaming.

―It… grew.‖

Cheol-ryeong said, shocked. It was no exaggeration to say it grew twice, or even thrice from
when they had first seen it. It was originally an A-class Alpha entity, but now, it seemed to have
grown into an S-class.

―Do you think they can deal with that monster in those ten minutes and come after us?‖


―He won‘t come for us.‖


―The world calls him a hero now.‖

Chun Yeowun was heralded as the hero who solved the TRA crisis. Thanks to that, the public
saw all of the Yongchun Group and the Sky Demon Order in a good light.

Chae Mun-tak was aiming to take advantage of the fame that Chun Yeowun had.

―Ah! Chun Mu-seong can‘t run away from his reputation.‖

―Those warriors are the kind of people obsessed with fame, especially the ones leading a huge

Chae Mun-tak chuckled. Although it would be a loss if they lost their guests, he was sure they
would find more.

―Not much time is left.‖

5 minutes had passed; just a little more, and they would be out.


At that moment, the ship shook and the engine motors spun. One of the crew shouted,

―The motor side has been defrosted!‖

At that, Chae Mun-tak smiled.

―See that? We don‘t have to rush. Once we get out–‖


With a pale face, Cheol-ryeong was pointing somewhere, and Chae Mun-tak turned to take a


Someone was standing outside the wheelhouse: Chun Yeowun, in the shadows.

„W-why is he here?‟

He didn‘t have the time to be shocked as Chun Yeowun quickly put his finger on the window.


The window shattered, sending a flurry of shards inside.



Glass shards pierced the bodies of the crew members.


Cheol-ryeong tried to protect Chae Mun-tak with his body, but–

―Stand aside.‖

When Chun Yeowun swung his hand,



Cheol-ryeong‘s body exploded through the wall and flew out. It was surprising, considering how
many layers of iron and wood were broken.


His escort was strong, but not strong enough to counter Chun Yeowun.

―Worried about him?‖

Chun Yeowun motioned as if he were pulling something. Chae Mun-tak‘s body, which was
about to run away, was dragged towards Chun Yeowun.


―D-damn it!‖

At the thought of being caught, he decided to finally display his ability. His right hand glowed
red as his left hand shimmered in white frost.

His powers demonstrated the duality of heat and cold; he could burn with the right hand and
freeze with the left.

―You idiot.‖
It was an ability that could work if used as a surprise attack, but Chun Yeowun instantly formed
a sword.



Both of Chae Mun-tak‘s arms were slashed right away. If warriors with decades of training
couldn‘t bear the pain of their arms being cut, how would an ordinary person given an ability
handle it?


His screamings seemed to be unending as blood kept flowing. If the bleeding wasn‘t stopped
soon he would surely die from blood loss, so Chun Yeowun sealed the blood points on his
shoulder to stop the bleeding.

It was only a temporary measure, however. If the man was left alone, he would die from the
shock of bleeding. Chun Yeowun went and sat in the captain‘s chair of the wheelhouse, calling
for Chae Mun-tak‘s body with his hand.

„I-is he a God?‟

He was able to do unbelievable things.

―You seem ready to talk now. Chae Mun-tak, was it?‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s words, the man bit his lip.

„Jo Hogi! That bastard!‟

There was no one else who would disclose his name. He was worried about everything that that
man could have told Chun Yeowun. Chae Mun-tak glanced outside, seeing the auction board in
chaos with the Kraken‘s legs.

―W-why… ugh… aren‘t you… helping them?‖

Chun Yeowun laughed and asked,

―Why should I?‖


He was stunned at the answer for a second.

―I-if you don‘t save them… your reputation… will be… damaged…‖


Chun Yeowun grabbed Chae Mun-tak by his hair.


―You seem to be misunderstanding something. In your eyes, do I look like one of the Forces of
Justice bastards?‖


―Why would I want to lose myself in order to save people I don‘t even know?‖

At those words, Chae Mun-tak felt as if he were hit on the head with a hammer.

He thought Chun Yeowun was just another Murim bastard who was after name and fame, but
this assumption turned out to be a foolish mistake.

„T-this man is…‟

Until the very end, Chun Yeowun only moved according to his own ideals of practicality.

1. What Baekgi is trying to say here is that Chun Yeowun is a very talented martial artist. A true
genius in martial arts. ↩



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 161 -
Kraken (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Feb 27, 2022

• 9 min read • 4850 views

„How can this be?‟

Chae Mun-tak thought that he had been stabbed in the back. Chun Yeowun‘s actions thus far
seemed to have been very conscious of public opinion, but that was Chae Mun-tak‘s fatal


Chae Mun-tak, who began analyzing things because he couldn‘t understand people, wasn‘t able
to imagine what would happen until he suddenly remembered.

―Right. This… Since you don‘t know others… you are going to let your party die tonight?‖


From the moment Chun Yeowun entered the hotel, Chae Mun-tak kept his eyes on him, knowing
all of their identities and capabilities.
―Did you think that your friends would be fine at the general auction? Your monstrous force was
definitely unexpected, but…could the rest of your party survive this predicament‖

Chae Mun-tak asked with a pale face. He couldn‘t die here, anything but death in vain. He had
already instructed the general auction house people to secure Chun Yeowun‘s party members.

―Besides, aren‘t some of your people still there?‖

Chae Mun-tak glanced at the auction house on board; if Chun Yeowun appeared had suddenly
appeared here, then that meant he left his party members on the ship, which Chae Mun-tak
planned on using as leverage.

―Let‘s make a deal; I can stop the dangerous Kraken from acting out.‖


Chun Yeowun‘s voice didn‘t change, but Chae Mun-tak continued to talk.

―If you release me and this ship, I will guarantee the safety of your men.‖


One of Chun Yeowun‘s eyebrows rose. Chae Mun-tak spoke more strongly,

―Otherwise… I‘ll die, but your members will become corpses as well!‖

Chae Mun-tak was the kind of person who believed that those who were ready to die would
always survive. At the very least, he would be able to pressure his opponent this way. However,
Chun Yeowun‘s reaction was:



The hand holding his hair tightened. Chae Mun-tak groaned in pain, feeling as if his head was
going to explode.

―Y-You mean it is fine for your subordinates to die?‖

Chun Yeowun smiled in response.

―You seem to be looking down on my subordinates.‖


―Look again with your eyes.‖

Chun Yeowun grabbed his hair once more and lifted him up.

―Kuak! W-what… huh?‖

Chae Mun-tak saw something unbelievable. Something began to rise from the cracks of the
shipwreck of the auction house, which was broken in half.




The huge monster with an innumerable amount of tentacles was on the shipwreck. At this point,
there were more than 20 tentacles. As if gravity had disappeared, the Kraken floated up into the
air as water dripped down from the creature.

―Gravity Witch!‖

Chae Mun-tak remembered the female secretary Chun Yeowun brought along: the only SS-class
Keeper who could control gravity.

„That‟s the power of an SS-class Keeper?‟

He always heard of the Gravity Witch‘s power, but he never expected that woman to be able to
pull out the huge Kraken from the water.

―No way!‖
―It‘s being lifted?‖

The warriors who were struggling to fend off the tentacles to defend their speedboats were
shocked. The woman raised her hands, causing the huge monster to float up.

―Gravity Witch!‖

―It‘s the Gravity Witch! Yu So-hwa!‖


People seemed to recognize her. Given her reputation, those familiar with the Gate battles were
bound to recognize her. Contrary to such cheers, Yu So-hwa‘s expression showed signs of

„Its repulsion force is too strong.‟

If an object was just strong and heavy, it wouldn‘t be difficult to lift it. However, since this was
an Alpha-level Entity, the repulsion force was becoming increasingly stronger.


The energy from the Kraken‘s body was constantly trying to break past Yu So-hwa‘s
gravitational field.

She shouted to the two people who were next to her,

―I won‘t last much longer, hurry up!‖

She was communicating to Baekgi and Chun Yeowun‘s disciple, Ark Young.

―Yes, miss.‖

―Be patient for just a little longer.‖

The two men received orders from Chun Yeowun to deal with the Kraken. Their strategy was
simple: if she locked the Kraken with the gravity field, the two warriors could use their strongest,
ultimate techniques and bring it down.
―Aren‘t you the descendant of the East God?‖

―Yes, senior.‖

―Then let‘s test your skills.‖


Baekgi flew into the air first. He was stronger than he was in the past, as he walked on air to
enter the range of the Kraken in an instant. Even Ark Young managed to appear on the Kraken‘s
other side at the same time.

„Thunder Kick!‟


When Baekgi lifted his leg, a vein of lightning formed and struck a huge tentacle. The technique
combined his Invisible Kick with Thunder Qi.

On the other side, Ark Young prepared his right fist.


The wind rose like a whirlwind rustling the air and began to concentrate on one point; this was
the unification of energy.

Although he hadn‘t reached the Divine Master level at which the technique would reach full
completion, he still learned how to utilize it at a rudimentary level from Chun Yeowun.



The pair of subordinates hit the beast at the same time using their strongest powers. A kick with
lightning came from above as the punch gathered wind pressure at the center of the Kraken.


―Was he always such a monster?‖

Kohaku and Jack Oren were shocked. They were impressed with Baekgi‘s, and it seemed like
these two could take down the Kraken.



Something no one expected happened. The eyes on the tentacles of Kraken opened up, and even
those between the thorns along its body opened.


At that moment, the kick that reigned down on the Kraken reflected back at Baekgi!


Baekgi had to move midair to counter his own attack; the same with Ark Young.The situation
instantly turned around, as they were trying to defend themselves from their own attacks.

―No way…‖

―Isn‘t that an S-class Alpha Entity?‖

Others couldn‘t hide their shock. This being was able to deflect a powerful attack, which meant it
couldn‘t be an A-class entity. And if it was an S-class entity, all their lives were in danger.


Yu So-hwa‘s face was drenched in sweat. The energy from the Kraken had increased tenfold.
Just as she reached her limit,


The Kraken let out a monstrous roar, and the vicious eyes on its body turned towards her as it
realized that she was the one holding it up.


Even before she could say anything, numerous thorns on its body flew towards her.

Shocked by the huge number of thorns, she closed her eyes and braced herself. But,


She heard the sound of something bouncing off, and nothing hit her. She opened her eyes to see
what happened,


She could make out something that looked like golden hair around her. She couldn‘t understand
what had happened until she heard,

-Yah! Hold on tight!


With a puzzled expression, she lowered her head to the place where the sound came from. There
it was: in front of her, she could make out a small fox‘s butt.

„Golden-haired Gumiho!‟

It was the fox that always stayed on Chun Yeowun‘s shoulders.

The golden hair around her was its tail, but the surprise didn‘t end there.


The golden hair soon dazzled in gold and grew in size.


Yu So-hwa exclaimed at the sight of the Golden Gumiho that was steadily increasing in size. The
huge fox with golden fur and seven tails was in no way inferior to the size of the disgusting

At the appearance of the Gumiho, the Kraken let out a strange roar. All the eyes on its body
turned to her, seemingly wary of the yokai energy the Gumiho was releasing.

-What is this little rat from the sewers doing here!


As the Gumiho opened her mouth, a sphere formed.

―W-what is that?‖

―This absurd energy…‖

People couldn‘t help but feel the intense eeriness from the energy in the sphere.

They were surprised by the Kraken‘s power, but this new energy flowing out was even more


A beam of light flew from her mouth, enough to create storms everywhere that coalesced at the


To prevent the impact, the Kraken created an invisible barrier with the energy it absorbed from
Baekgi and Ark Young, but the yokai energy of the Gumiho was different.


In an instant, the barrier made by the Kraken was pierced and the beam hit the body of the



The Kraken let out a roar of pain. The tentacles twisted trying to move, but it was to no avail.

Because Yu So-hwa was holding onto it with all her might, the Kraken, caught in the
gravitational field, couldn‘t escape as a hole was drilled through its body.

―Haaa… Haa…‖

Yu So-hwa let out a raspy breath. Without any further movement, the Kraken went limp.


Yu So-hwa was drained, letting the body of the Kraken collapse onto the floor. It was the first
time she had ever lifted an entity that turned out to be S-class.

-Well, you are satisfactory, woman.

This outcome was only possible because of the golden-haired Gumiho, who handled the Kraken
easily. Yu So-hwa just nodded at the praise.


Soon, when the work was done, the fox‘s body shrunk to its regular size. Who would have
imagined that such a cute fox could have caused such destruction?

-Now, let‘s head to the loot!

The Golden Gumiho raised its seven tails excitedly and rushed to the fallen body of the Kraken.

―W-what is… that…‖

Chae Mun-tak was at a loss of words when he watched the Kraken die. The sudden appearance
of the golden fox ruined everything. Chun Yeowun just clicked his tongue.

―Tsk tsk, I told her to come out only if it was dangerous.‖

At that Chae Mun-tak‘s eyes trembled.

„That monster is his subordinate?‟

Even though he had conducted several experiments, he couldn‘t get any gate entities under his
control. Finding out that the fox was under Chun Yeowun and acted according to his orders,
Chae Mun-tak‘s fear only grew.

„T-this man isn‟t someone we can control!‟

He was convinced that if Chun Yeowun wasn‘t removed, the entire MS Group‘s progress would
be disrupted.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 162 -
Variable (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Feb 28, 2022

• 12 min read • 4903 views



The Kraken, an Alpha hazard entity presumed to be an S-class, died and fell back into the ocean.
Everyone had seen it die, and their eyes were filled with greed.

An S-class core which was so incredibly difficult to find that it was impossible to set a price, but
to Murim warriors, it was the highest treasure.

„Where did that monster go?‟

„Did it disappear?‟

The energy that suppressed everyone in every direction dissipated as some doubted the identity
of the Golden Gumiho, but they couldn‘t see the majestic fox anymore so they looked at the
Kraken instead.

But their attention was only on the Gumiho for a while. Seeing the Gravity Witch, Baekgi, and
Ark Young approach the beast, they held themselves back.

―What is it doing?‖

Baekgi asked, puzzled while looking at the golden fox that was poking through the corpse of the
Kraken. Yu So-hwa replied.

―Probably looking for the core.‖

Baekgi had no idea about this era‘s strange occurrences, and with him coming from the past, it
would be even stranger if he knew about the Gates and cores.

Ark Young tried to articulate the ideas in a way that Baekgi could understand.

―Cores are like a dantian of such beings.‖

―Ah! Got it.‖

Baekgi nodded to show that he understood.

―That fox too must be a spirit creature then, but it‘s unusual for one to be aiming for another
spirit creature‘s dantian.‖

Hearing Baekgi‘s words, Ark Young wasn‘t sure how to explain the tiny fox‘s identity as one of
the Three Yokai, which was different from other creatures.

Baekgi asked Ark Young, who kept answering him,

―Is that fox my Lord‘s pet…?‖


Ark Young was flustered at the question, and tried to change the topic.

―Ah! I think there was a person Teacher asked me to secure, so I‘ll go ahead and check on him

Ark Young looked at the Golden Gumiho searching through the corpse of the Kraken. Even
though she looked rather cute, she was very mean to everyone apart from Chun Yeowun.

„It would be best not to touch her.‟


Ark Young hurriedly moved and headed to the collapsed dome.

Jo Hogi, one of the ten members of MS Group, was still in there with his blood points sealed. He
was put in a safe room to avoid the chaos and danger of the fights outside.
―Why‘s he acting like that?‖

Baekgi was puzzled at Ark Young‘s suddenly moving away, to which Yu So-hwa whispered,

―Because he hates talking about the fox. It‘s better to not mention it.‖


Baekgi sighed as if he couldn‘t understand. However, he figured that if the fox had such
immense power, then the outstanding fear of his comrades was justifiable.

„How did the Lord tame that fox?‟

He saw the fox find something the size of a human body that was glowing with a dazzling light.

―The core!‖

It was the core of Kraken, an S-class Alpha Entity.

-Found it!

The Golden Gumiho excitedly jumped and licked the core, thinking about using it to recover her
energy that was drained and regrow the two tails that had been cut off too.


The tails of the Gumiho grew even bigger and wrapped around the core as she began to absorb
the vast energy inside it.


As the energy was absorbed, an even stronger golden light shone from her. The fox purred in

Baekgi who saw the fox‘s growth, mumbled.

―Is it not… a fox?‖

He couldn‘t figure out why it was acting like a cat. Yu So-hwa tilted her head when Baekgi
turned somewhere with a darkened expression.


Yu So-hwa asked Baekgi, who acted strangely,

―What is it?‖

―The people around us have vanished.‖


Confused, she looked around. As Baekgi stated, the people who were on the speedboats just a
moment ago were nowhere to be seen.

―Where did they all go?‖

The sea was frozen and the speedboats were stuck, so it didn‘t make sense for all of the people to
have simply disappeared.


Someone approached so fast that they left afterimages. It was a middle-aged man with a dark
blue hood, sunglasses, and a mustache: Kohaku.

„He must be a warrior from the east.‟

Baekgi recognized the technique in an instant, to which Kohaku asked,


[Did you see that?]

Since Baekgi didn‘t know Japanese so he couldn‘t understand, Kohaku tried speaking in horrible

―See that? While back… people disappeared.‖

Unlike them, who had their eyes on the kraken, Kohaku witnessed the people disappearing right
before his eyes. They all suddenly vanished as if they were sucked somewhere else.

Realizing that something strange was happening, Kohaku escaped so fast he looked invisible,
trying to give himself enough time to grasp the situation.

―What‘s going on?‖

Yu So-hwa frowned at the ominous feeling. Around one hundred and fifty people who came had
disappeared in an instant.


Baekgi hurriedly moved in the direction of the dome. Back at the collapsed safe room, inside was
a fainted Jo Hogi.


Ark Young brought him out, checked the pulse, and sighed in relief one he was sure the man was
fine. It seemed like he just hit his head during the shaking and fell on the ground.

―Should I bring him?‖

Ark Young carried him over his shoulders and exited out of the safe room, lightly stepping on
the broken floor to climb out. Then, he suddenly felt something behind him.


The moment he looked, he suddenly felt a presence behind him.


Ark Young moved back right away.


The propulsion from his movement caused part of the dome to collapse, but luckily no one was
„A Ghost?‟

It was strange that he couldn‘t feel the mysterious entity, but a voice from behind said,

―I recommend you put down that burden on your shoulders.‖

It was a slightly hoarse voice with an underlying threatening tone. Ark Young asked without
turning his head,

―And you are?‖

―You don‘t need to know.‖

―… if you say that, you must be from MS Group!‖

Ark Young stepped forward and tried to use the knocked-up debris as a defense, but in that brief
moment, something unknown flew towards them. Confused, Ark Young moved to the side.



Jo Hogi, who was on his shoulder, disappeared.

„What is this!‟

It didn‘t feel like he was pulled away from his hands, but the voice then asked,

―Where would you like to go?‖



At that moment, everything in Ark Young‘s sight spun as he felt a strong sense of moving, as if
his body was being sucked into something.

Something unbelievable happened the moment Ark Young tried to get rid of this foreign energy.

There was a cold wind on his skin. It looked like it was nighttime, but he wasn‘t sure.

The whole area was white and snowy, and even the mountains around were dyed in white. Up
until that moment, he had been on a ship in the middle of the sea.

―Where am I?‖

Ark Young opened his eyes and tried to move, but the only thing he could see around him were
the mountains covered in snow.

Ark Young opened the phone on his wrist and checked his coordinates. Seeing them, he felt like
he had been hit in the head.

―Ru… Russia?‖

His location was in the middle of Russia. In the blink of an eye, he went from Shanghai to

At the same time, the dome of the auction house…


Part of the dome was destroyed, along with a loud sound. Debris was thrown in all directions.
Someone could be seen through the debris and dust.

It was Baekgi.

„Where is he?‟

Baekgi, who felt that something was off, witnessed his own eyes Ark Young disappear as if he
was sucked somewhere.

Baekgi attacked the opponent without another thought, but the man suddenly disappeared.


He tried to detect the man, but at that moment felt something behind.

Baekgi stretched out his hands towards the weird energy.


At that moment, there was a flash of lightning, causing sparks to scatter everywhere. Baekgi
frowned, as his opponent was nowhere to be seen.

„Where is he?‟

Baekgi tried to concentrate on finding the opponent. When he felt the foreign energy again, it
was exactly where he was standing.



Baekgi tried to move his body to the side right away, but in that brief moment, the place he was
just at shook.

„What is this?‟

It was strange.


Baekgi kicked towards the unknown energy that he felt. Then he formed the Invisible Kick.


The area that was hit shattered and broken, but Baekgi‘s expression wasn‘t good. Since he had
used the Invisible Kick, he thought he would at least unveil his opponent‘s presence, but it was
to no avail.

„Where is he?‟

Baekgi moved at high speed to find the man.

At the western end of the ship, far from Baekgi. The space shook, and a man with curly hair, a
white researcher suit, and black horn-rimmed glasses appeared.


Blood dripped from the man‘s nose as the veins on his forehead were popping out.

„Like a ghost.‟

He was trying to send Baekgi to a different location, but somehow, Baekgi kept sensing his
intent and moving away. He was confident he could send Baekgi away if he had more time, but
his brain was overloaded from using this ability too much.

„I need to accomplish my mission.‟

The man looked at the ship that was 300 meters away, where the real body of Chae Mun-tak, one
of the MS members, was.


The space shook and the figure of the man disappeared.

Chae Mun-tak‘s point of view.

A large number of people were gathered in the wheelhouse, and since there was a very audible
roaring and windows being smashed, it wasn‘t impossible for them to notice something wrong.

―Senior Researcher!‖

However, they didn‘t enter the wheelhouse because Chun Yeowun, who was standing there, had
sliced off Chae Mun-tak‘s arms.

„Among all of them, there is no one who can save me.‟

Chae Mun-tak was desperate.

Everyone was afraid after they witnessed Chun Yeowun‘s skills in the dome, now knowing that
this man was able to take down the 4th Gen humans.
―Tell me where you guys are from and what you‘re trying to do.‖

Chun Yewun deliberately asked the question because no intention of keeping the man alive. All
he wanted was for this man to think of the answer.

―I… I will not say!‖

Chae Mun-tak answered, with his face full of fear. He didn‘t want to beg for his life when so
many of his subordinates were around, to which Chun Yeowun smiled.

―It doesn‘t matter. Who is your lead–‖

It was then.


The space shook and someone appeared in the wheelhouse: the man with the curly hair, white
researcher suit, and glasses.


Chun Yeowun narrowed his eyes at the sudden appearance of the man, whose movement he
couldn‘t sense.

Chae Mun-tak‘s face instantly brightened.


The curly haired man was one of the 10 MS Group executives, and was one of the two most

„He‟s alive!‟

The reason why Chae Mun-tak was happy was simple. While E wasn‘t suitable for combat, he
had a space mobility assumed to be at the SS-class level.

He had the ability to move not only himself, but also people and even monsters as well with no
constraint. Of course, he could only move to places he had been to, and overusing the ability
would cause his brain to overload. Nonetheless, it was safe to say he was one of, if not, the best.
―You all must leave.‖

E reached out to those outside the wheelhouse, who all disappeared in an instant.

„They really disappeared.‟

Chun Yewun frowned at the sight, as his senses confirmed their disappearances when he
couldn‘t detect anyone around.

―What are you?‖

At his question, E laughed.

―Don‘t rush me, Chun Mu-seong. Even if you don‘t want to, we will meet sooner or later.‖

With that, he reached for Chae Mun-tak.

―Who says you can do what you want?‖

Chun Yeowun tried to stop it.

―It‘s no use.‖

At that moment, the space shook and E‗s view rotated. He didn‘t intend to fight with Chun
Yeowun, knowing how strong Chun Yeowun must be if he could deal with Baekgi.

His objective was Chae Mun-tak.


His view changed to reveal a large hall with a round table in front. Sitting in that hall were four
men and one woman, all in white research suits.



E staggered and grabbed the table, feeling like his brain was going to explode. However, he was
able to achieve his purpose.
E spoke to the others in researcher clothes.

―Haaa… Haa… even I escaped. What a shitty business. All this hard work just to save the person
who ruined our plans…‖

E frowned. It was unpleasant to see the four men staring at him with stern expressions.

―What‘s up with you guys?‖

At that, the middle-aged man with thin eyes asked,

―E, whom… just whom did you bring with you?‖


E turned right away, hearing his heart beating quicker with each passing second.

―You… how?‖

The person behind him was none other than Chun Yeowun.

E was only aiming to bring Chae Mun-tak, so it was no surprise to say he was shocked.

Chun Yeowun smiled and said,

―It‘s been too long, MS Group.‖



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 163 -
Variable (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Mar 1, 2022

• 8 min read • 4576 views



30 seconds ago,

Chun Yeowun saw E move people in front of him, and it was then that he grasped the foreign

He was able to quickly realize that this foreign energy was very similar to the ability he had.

„Spatial movement?‟

Chun Yeowun obtained the ability to move 15 meters in space, deemed teleportation, from one
of the demons, which was how he recognized the situation vaguely.

In just a few seconds, E once again displayed his ability to move through space with himself and
another person at the same time.


In that instant, Chun Yeowun threw Chae Mun-tak to the side and moved to the point the space
distorted, giving up spatial control over his body to enter E‘s teleportation. Once his
surroundings changed instantly, Chun Yeowun smiled.

„I think I‟ve figured it out.‟

E‘s ability was a long-distance spatial movement. This allowed Chun Yeowun to understand the
principle beyond teleportation.

Normally, it was absolutely impossible, but his knowledge of the principle of teleportation and
his understanding of space through the realization of the universe played a big role.

„H-How did this happen?‟

On the other hand, E couldn‘t understand what had happened; the ally he had to bring wasn‘t
here, but rather the enemy came with him.

„Damn it!‟

Embarrassed, E showed his ability by force. As their location was one that only MS Group
should know.

―Go back!‖


However, something unbelievable happened. The space where Chun Yeowun was standing
distorted and then,


The space returned to its original state. *E‘*s eyes fluttered.


It felt like his head was going to explode due to the overload of his brain, but he still used his
ability. However, when it didn‘t work at all, he couldn‘t hide his agitation. Then Chun Yeowun
said to him,
―I roughly understand your ability.‖


At that, E made an expression of disbelief.

„He even tried to figure out my abilities?‟

His ability wasn‘t something that could be understood with common sense.


Then through his ears came the voice of one of the men in the research suits behind him. It was
just a call, but E understood the intention.


If there was nothing they could do to the man, they had to at least move their positions far away
from him.


Just one more use of his ability would overload his brain and he might collapse, but at least the
situation would be better.

E tried to quickly move the others in the room along with him.

It was then.



Before E could use the ability again, his blood points were sealed and he passed out. Even
Baekgi evaded his ability only a few times. Chun Yeowun, who was overwhelmingly stronger
than that, was capable of moving faster than anyone else at such a short distance.

„If I turn him into a Ghost, he will definitely be very useful.‟

Chun Yeowun understood the principle of spatial movement, but moving others was a
completely different matter. If the Ghost could use the spatial movement ability, he would then
be able to utilize it without space constraints.

„Quite literally the best ability.‟

It was definitely worth coveting.


The space 3 meters around Chun Yeowun was twisted, and then it was torn from the floor to the
ceiling, and the whole part disappeared in a round shape.

―Hmph! How dare you run wild after coming here!‖

A man in his mid-thirties with brown hair reached out his hand. This was his ability, Compress.

His ability allowed him to compress and completely destroy everything in that space. It was a
monster-like ability that could reach up to 100 meters, but if that happened, even the people in
the conference room would be swept away, so he only showed this much.

―Good job, K.‖

The thin-eyed man praised him. It was unfortunate that Chun Yeowun‘s power would be lost
when killed, but killing him seemed better than keeping him alive.

―Wait! Isn‘t that E?‖

At that moment, a man in a research suit pointed towards the entrance of the conference hall.
There was a man lying on the floor in a strange position.

From just the curly hair, it was definitely E.

―When did he–‖


At that time, someone placed a hand on K‘s shoulder. K unconsciously turned his head, and
Chun Yeowun was behind him.

―You‘re doing funny things.‖

Flustered, K turned his head without even thinking about the distance and tried to use his ability,

Grab! Crack!


Chun Yeowun grabbed his wrist and ripped it off his shoulder.


He proceeded to grab K by the face and threw him to the floor.



Among those wearing researcher suits, there were not only people with abilities. Among them
was a short-haired woman with a pretty good appearance and a mole on her forehead who flew at
Chun Yeowun‘s neck from behind.



Her hand that was swinging the dagger was stopped by Chun Yeowun‘s internal energy, and
unable to understand what happened, she decided to change her attack.



At that moment, her hand split open and a barrel machine gun was revealed, firing bullets right

She couldn‘t hide her surprise as the bullets that flew for just a few inches were stopped mid-air.


When Chun Yeowun lowered his hand, all of the bullets fell to the floor.

―W-what‘s this?‖

Chun Yeowun spoke to her, who was shocked.

―It seems you‘re an avatar as well.‖


She couldn‘t say anything to counter his point because it was true.

Her code name was F and she was the one who established the avatar technology, a genius in the
development of machines, bioimplants and humanoid androids.

―You‘re lucky.‖


As soon as she asked, Chun Yeowun‘s hand cut through her throat.


As her neck was slashed, sparks and wires were revealed and her body crumpled to the floor
promptly. Chun Yeowun smiled.

―I‘d like for you to experience decapitation.‖

From *F‘*s mouth, a buffering mechanical voice was heard.

―This… this… this…‖

It looked like her speaker was damaged. Chun Yeowun grabbed the head of the avatar and said
to Nano,
„Track the location.‟


If the avatar was being controlled remotely, then Chun Yeowun thought he could move to the
location right away. While the location was being tracked, he could feel different energies
flocking nearby.

It was probably because of the loud charos happening around him.


Footsteps outside the closed door made clacking sounds that could be heard across several
rooms. Hearing them, the man with thin eyes said to Chun Yeowun,

―I advise you to stop right now.‖

In response, Chun Yeowun chuckled.

―You don‘t seem to understand the situation.‖

―No, you don‘t understand it.‖

―What do you mean?‖

At his question, the man with thin eyes said,

―Is he in the parlor?‖


A red dot appeared on the table and a voice said,

-…He is in front of the door of the conference room right now, Senior Researcher D.

The sound was from the speaker on the table, but Chun Yeowun could hear the voice of someone
right outside the door. The voice seemed to be quite an important one.

D said,
―We have a little problem, Your Majesty Marquis Albat.‖


Chun Yeowun frowned at the title, and the Marquis‘ voice sounded once more.

-What‘s the problem, human?


Chun Yeowun concentrated further on the conversation.

Who would refer to people as humans?

―Someone stole the divine item and broke into the conference room. He‘s caused everything to
go wrong.‖

-This is different from what we agreed to in the contract.

The voice was low, and Chun Yeowun could tell it was making the person named D nervous.

―W-we didn‘t know that he would want the–‖

It was then.


The door turned into ashes that scattered, revealing a blonde exotic-looking man wearing a
dignified blue suit in the style of European nobility.


When the newcomer arrived, D immediately knelt down along with the others and said,

―This lowly human shows respect to His Majesty, Marquis!‖

Without even replying, the ostentatious man walked into the room. He was simply just walking,
but everybody in the room felt an intense intimidation.

Looking at him, Chun Yeowun asked.

―Do you guys work with demons?‖

At the word demon, D looked shocked.

„How did he know?‟

He had never mentioned anything about the demons, and was perplexed when Chun Yeowun
mentioned them. At that moment, the Marquis looked at Chun Yeowun and asked D,

―Is this the worm?‖

He condescendingly called Chun Yeowun a worm, which was welcomed by D, of course.

„Idiot. If you hadn‟t come here, you wouldn‟t have gone through hell.‟

The being in front of him was superior to humans, and since they couldn‘t control them, they
made a pact with them instead.

D carefully replied,




Before he could finish speaking, something had been sliced. At the sound of the blade, D and the
person next to him raised their heads while still kneeling.


Something unbelievable had occurred; Marquis Albat had a bewildered expression with eyes
wide open while a black line separated his body vertically.


The body slowly ripped to each side and then collapsed. Black smoke rose from the cut portions
and the body turned to ashes.

D couldn‘t hide his shock at the sight. A Marquis of the Demon clan, known as a monster among
monsters, had died in an instant.

―This… no…‖

Behind where Marquis Albat stood, Chun Yeowun stood and said,

―Why? Were you expecting to run away after throwing him at me?‖



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 164 -
MS Group (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Mar 2, 2022

• 13 min read • 5027 views



The moment Chun Yeowun saw Marquis Albat, he felt a considerable power resonating within
him. If they had a fight, it would only be a matter of seconds for this place to be devastated, so he
chose the neat way.

Of course, after seeing him kill the Marquis, D and the other man were at a loss of words.

„I-Is he even a human?‟

„He killed a monster among monsters with a single blow…‟

They knew about demons and the strength they possessed.

It would not be an exaggeration to say demons were comparable to or even stronger than those
called the strongest among humans, even at the Count level. Chun Yeowun passed by the ashes
that were scattered and walked towards them.

―What stupid agreement did you make with the demons?‖

Chun Yeowun had certainly killed all the traitors of the Demon clan, but the demons kept
appearing. Nonetheless, he had somewhat of an idea for their appearances: the one he just killed
either came to pursue traitors like Shakena or just had other plans.

„Is there a high possibility that it is the former?‟

From what Chun Yeowun knew, Shakena was ranked third among the Counts. The chances were
high enough.

―Y-You think we‘ll just answer you?‖

While the researcher next to D was scared, he looked at the combat agents who were surprised
behind Chun Yeowun. In response, the combat agents pulled out their guns and shouted at Chun
Yeowun. It might or might not work, but it was their duty to protect the executives.

―D-don‘t move! I‘ll shoot!‖

―So annoying.‖
That was all Chun Yeowun said.


At that moment, cracks appeared on the floor, and dents formed in several places as dozens of
agents suddenly disappeared from view.

―No… how…‖

The two people‘s faces turned pale. They could guess just by looking at the pieces of blood and
flesh splattered where the soldiers had just been that they were all crushed to death.

What they were most shocked about wasn‘t the lack of screaming during this process, but rather
Chun Yeowun who didn‘t even blink at using such a crude method.

―This won‘t change anything,‖

D said, preparing for his death. Chun Yeowun responded as if he didn‘t care.

―It doesn‘t matter if you answer me or not. I just need an ear that can listen to me.‖


An eerie blue light shone from Chun Yeowun as he approached them.

Memories began to play like a film.

Inside the laboratory with the words Sector 73 engraved on the wall. There, several researchers
wearing full-body sanitary robes were experimenting with exotic-looking naked bodies.

[Don‘t worry about the material flowing through. It will naturally disappear.]

[Yes, Senior Researcher.]

The leaders of this were D and H, who were among the 10. They connected various mechanical
devices and cut something from the naked man as they observed the reaction.

The ceiling collapsed and someone suddenly appeared: a person wearing a white hooded cloak
with a splendid pattern on it, and those wearing blue European aristocratic clothes on either side
of him were his assistants. One of them had a familiar face.

„That‟s him.‟

It was a man named Marquis Albat, who had just died in Chun Yeowun‘s hands. Due to their
sudden appearance, the agents guarding the laboratory immediately stepped forward and
surrounded them. Then the man in the middle, wearing a hooded cloak over his head, opened his

[You little worms.]

As soon as he said that, Marquis Albat raised his hand and the people who surrounded them
disappeared as ashes, leaving no one behind.

[What are you guys?!]

Among those wearing sanitary robes, a tall man about 190 cm came out throwing his sanitary
mask away. He stretched out his hand, and pulled out a sword out of the scabbard that stood on
one side of the lab, a blue haze rose from it and flew towards the intruders.

„Supreme Master?‟

Surprisingly, the tall man was a Murim warrior who reached Supreme Master level. The
Supreme Master warrior, of which only five were officially in the current Murim, was held by
MS Group as an escort to protect the 10. Such a great talent came out, but the result was,


Marquis Albat, who easily blocked the sword, turned the tall man into ashes at once. The alarm
sounded and numerous agents appeared, but the result was the same: everyone was murdered
without a chance to do anything.

Suddenly, the view of the memories started to change again.

„Did they come in contact with the demons like that?‟

The next question Chun Yeowun asked was what kind of agreements were made with the
demons. The place had changed. A man in a hooded cloak sat arrogantly in the hall, and those in
research suits knelt and spoke to him.

[As ordered, we will surely bring the traitor.]

The one who said this was someone whom Chun Yeowun didn‘t get to meet. He was a middle-
aged man with short hair and big eyes, giving the impression of a frog and he seemed to be one
of the 10.

But at his words, Marquis Albat spoke in an uncomfortable tone,

[Lord! Even so, to entrust these insignificant insects with the divine items that His Majesty has
ordered us to use–]

Before he could finish his words, the man in the hooded cloak pulled something out of his

It was the Golden Wheel that the MS Group talked about as if they had found it, but in reality a
demon had actually given it to them.

The man in the hood said,

[If you can‘t find the traitor after borrowing this, I will erase all of you from this world.]

[… Is there anything to do?]

[Take it.]

Hearing those words, the frog-like middle-aged man walked forwards with his head bowed and
carefully accepted the Wheel.

The hooded man asked the middle-aged man, who took the Wheel and stepped back,

[What do you want?]

As if waiting for the answer, the middle-aged man answered,

[If you are all-powerful, then you must know what‘s in the sky.]

At those words, the man in the hood smiled. He seemed to understand what the frog-like middle-
aged man was saying.

„In the sky?‟

On the other hand, Chun Yeowun couldn‘t understand at all. The middle-aged man continued,

[Please remove the worst thing that took the sky from us.]

At the words, someone other than Marquis Albat, a man with tan skin and blue aristocratic
clothes, said with a noble voice, looking outside the window.

[That is the earnest plea of the bugs that cannot fly even though they have wings, My Lord.]

Even though these were memories, the demons were all arrogant. They acted as if they were
ruling over the humans. The man in the hood opened his mouth,

[Is that all?]

When the permission was granted, the middle-aged man smiled. At that time, *D‘*s thoughts
were heard.

„Will we be able to get the right to offer in our hands?‟

At the end of the thought, the memory was cut off. As the place changed again, this time it was a
space made of black. There was a large round table in the black space, and there were 10 people
wearing masks with alphabet letters on them.

„Are these guys the 10 executives?‟

The next question Chun Yeowun asked was about their purpose.

It was obvious that the reason they were reaching out to so various places behind the scenes was
because they had an objective. At the round table, a voice came out from a masked person named

[Welcome to being a member of the 10, J.]

It was a mechanical tone from a hard, cold voice with no emotions. The person A was looking at
was D.

„So he wasn‟t „D‟ from the beginning.‟

Jo Ho-gi said that a total of ten executives leading the MS Group were referred to as the 10.
There were many other researchers besides them, but these people were the ones he remembered
as being the center of the MS Group.

However, they didn‘t seem to have an equal relationship.

[Your research paper on DNA extraction and fossil restoration published in science journals is
highly appreciated by myself and the others.]

At that, J, who was D in the present, got up and bowed to express his gratitude.

[That is an exaggeration, Commander.]

In response, B, who was next to A, said,

[At the round table, call only by code name.]

[Ah… I understand.]

D, who was called J, cautiously answered.

„He‟s the one.‟

Thanks to this, Chun Yeowun knew for sure that A was the leader as A spoke again.

[J‗s research achievements will play an important role in achieving our tasks in the future. For
this group‘s long-awaited goal, all 10 members should support him.]


Everyone answered simultaneously. Chun Yeowun still couldn‘t understand what the purpose of
this could be. However, the words A said next made Chun Yeowun‘s mind blank for a moment.

[Never stop until the moment we actualize and bring forth the true God: the source of mankind.]

They all responded vigorously as if they were a cult.


What was the meaning of A‘s words just before?

What Chun Yeowun knew as God was the Sacred Fire and the Demon God that the cultists
worshipped in the Sky Demon Order.

Of course, other than that, there were the Jade Emperor and the Three Pure Ones in Taoism,
Tathagata in Buddhism. God was a transcendent being.

However, with their own mouths, the executives declared that their purpose was to embody,
create such a being.

„What are they up to?‟

Chun Yeowun felt entirely baffled. It would be more realistic if they wanted China in their hands
or to become the masterminds behind the world‘s affairs..

„They are all crazy…‟

These people were more absurd than any enemy he had met before. According to the knowledge
from Nano, science and technology were said to be created for the development of mankind, but
these people were now looking beyond the realm of God and beyond God itself.


Suddenly, the memory changed again. A number of different places came to mind. These were
the locations of the labs that they called sectors.

„Are these all?‟

The places of about thirty bases were imprinted in his mind. However, among the 10, there were
only three sectors that D knew.

Chun Yeowun opened his eyes. This was all the information he got from D‘s Ghost. A‘s base, the
most important one, was unknown.



Chun Yeowun looked at the man in the research suit, who was trembling.

―What‘s your code name?‖

Normally, the man would have chosen death, but after seeing Chun Yeowun turn D into a Ghost,
he was terrified.

Terrified, he wasn‘t able to answer.

―Realize God? Crazy bastard.‖


The man‘s eyes widened at Chun Yeowun‘s words. Only the 10 executives knew of MS Group‘s
ultimate goal. Numerous people had been replaced but even then their purpose wasn‘t revealed
because leaving the group entirely meant death.

„H-How does he know? Could it be from when he put his hand on D‟s head after turning him
into a Ghost?‟

The man was a genius; just by seeing Chun Yeowun‘s actions, he was able to realize what
happened, and the fact that he guessed it put an even greater pressure on him.

„And if I‟m killed, will he be able to search through my memories?‟

If so, was there even any meaning to being loyal and keeping his mouth shut?


The corner of Chun Yeowun‘s lips rose. This man had realized exactly what Chun Yeowun was
intending for, and it certainly helped him.


Chun Yeowun had his hand on the chest of D‘s Ghost, which made a groaning sound. In that
state, Chun Yeowun raised his energy.


The Ghost vanished without a trace.


The man‘s eyes widened in shock at what he saw. After seeing the Ghost being dispelled, he
knew that Chun Yeowun could even kill the ghosts.

―From now on, I won‘t be asking twice. Next time, that will be you.‖

As soon as he said that, the man shouted.

―My code name is H!‖

Finally the mouth opened.

―Do you know the base of the other 10, A in particular?‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s question, H trembled and said,

―I don‘t know the others‘, only D‘s lab, Sector 4; my lab, Sector 8; and F‘s lab, Sector 6.‖

At those words, Chun Yeowun was happy to realize one thing; in his memory, G‘s sector was

In that case, Chun Yeowun knew the information of seven people: D, E, F, G, H, I (Chae Mun-
tak) and J.

―So the others don‘t have code names?‖

―S-some of the mid-level researchers who are skilled are given code names.‖

In other words, it meant that the one called K was a candidate for 10.

―How about B and C?‖

―Even among the 10, there is almost no interaction to keep the secrets among them, and they can
meet through the virtual roundtable.‖

That was true. According to the memory of the deceased, only if their research overlapped did
they visit the other sectors.

„He doesn‟t know any important information.‟

Chun Yeowun clicked his tongue. The most effective way would be to get rid of the head, but his
identity was unknown.

„That would be nice.‟

Chun Yeowun thought of a simple strategy. He didn‘t know if it would work, but he wanted to
give it a try.

―What are you doing here?‖

According to *D‘*s memory, the 10 had an important role in MS Group, and if so, their
achievements would surely reflect in their sectors.


―I told you I won‘t ask twice.‖

Hearing that, H guided him. H, who was hurt and bleeding, led him outside the room and
touched a place with no buttons with his thumb, making a beeping noise.

[Going down to the basement lab.]


They went down the elevator for about 30 seconds.

„Energy is around.‟

Chun Yeowun sensed about 30 people right outside, but they weren‘t very skilled Murim
warriors or anything. As the elevator opened, a bright LED caught his eyes and a space with
numerous mechanical devices was revealed.


At first glance, it was large enough to fill thousands of people; hiding this underground was a
huge task. When H took the lead, two guards at the front let them pass without any checks.

„Maybe all of them are researchers.‟

This place was a lab filled with people in white coats wandering as they spoke or did their work.
However, Chun Yeowun looked elsewhere.


The lab was around three stories high and had numerous capsule shaped objects with living
people suspended in blue liquids.

He could understand that they were experimenting on humans, but…

―What are you people doing here?‖

In the numerous capsules were people with the same, unmistakable face.

It was impossible to have so many twins, and the face they shared was of:


They were all Sayogi, whom Chun Yeowun turned into a Ghost.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 165 -
MS Group (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Mar 3, 2022

• 8 min read • 4722 views

There were dozens of humans in large capsule-like machines, and they all had the faces of

Not only did their faces look identical, but also their naked bodies seemed almost identical
except for a few subtle differences.


Chun Yeowun was just speechless, and undoubtedly shocked at the same ―thing‖ captured in the
many capsules.

„What the hell.‟

[This appears to be clone technology.]

At that moment, Nano‘s voice answered.

„Clone technology?‟
[Clone technology is a technology that produces human bodies of the same individual through
gene analysis and DNA replication.]


His head trembled as the information was transferred to his brain. Clone technology was simply
cloning but it was strictly prohibited ethically and legally, even in Nano‘s time despite the
sufficient technological prowess.

„To clone a human…‟

It was something Chun Yeowun, who lived according to his own will, couldn‘t understand. He
believed that human beings were born with a purpose.

The Heavenly Killing Star, Sayogi, had the physical potential of a killing machine that even the
Heavenly Body couldn‘t measure up to, and the fact that so many people were mass-produced
raised a few doubts in Chun Yeowun.



H, who was watching from behind, responded quickly. The sector‘s secret wasn‘t disclosed to
anyone thus far, so he could understand Chun Yeowun‘s reaction as it was a study that everyone
could criticize.

―You guys, did you plan on making an army made of Heavenly Killing Stars?‖

H didn‘t answer, making Chun Yeowun release his vicious energy.

―Yes, that was our goal.‖

Flustered, H immediately answered out of the fear of losing his life. They had produced any
human life they wished for their own purpose, but there was no way that they thought this was
morally sound.

―Quite absurd.‖
Just one Heavenly Killing Star was dangerous, and it was no exaggeration to say that the idea of
mass-production of such a human would cause the end of the world.

―You guys thought you could create Heaven… ha!‖

As he walked forward, Chun Yeowun exclaimed as he looked at the capsule in the back,
assuming that all the capsules were of Sayogi.

However, he was wrong.

In the back row, there were dozens of clones with the same face as Mun Il-hyang, the head of
Oshin Group, but they looked like they were in their mid-20s.

―Were you people…‖

Chun Yeowun looked at the rest of the rows as well. As he approached the back rows, all of the
clones seemed to be in their 20s, looking youthful; there was even Kwak Woon, who died at the
hands of Chun Yeowun as one of the Five Great Warriors.

―Crazy bastards.‖

It was obvious that he didn‘t have to look back. He cloned most of the warriors of current

It seemed like they were doing this because they had different bodies, and the things they were
doing were disgusting even for those working there.



―You guys are clearly misunderstanding something.‖


―If you make a large number of cloned warriors in this way, do you think they‘ll have the same
physical capabilities as the original ones?‖
Chun Yeowun considered the cloning efforts foolish. Even if their bodies were replicated, the
Five Great Warriors reached their higher state after decades of training and realization, and it
would be impossible to create such warriors from clones.

―You seem to be looking down on Murim warriors.‖

There was no point in creating hundreds of them. Artificially created warriors wouldn‘t have the
training or passion, so from where would they get their strength?


It was then that a voice came from the speaker in the lab.

-You came all the way here.


It was a voice Chun Yeowun had heard before. No, to be more accurate, it was a voice he vividly
remembered from reading someone‘s memories. *H‘*s face turned pale.


The voice from the speaker was the head of MS Group, A. H was perplexed when he heard A‘s

„Where is he?‟

Chun Yeowun opened up his senses to find out where the man was, but realizing Chun
Yeowun‘s intentions, A said,

-You can‘t find me.

As soon as the words were said, something unexpected happened.

Pang! Pang!

Suddenly, an explosion sounded within the researchers walking around the lab. As they looked,
there were explosions inside their bodies, glowing red signs of head, and cracks on their skin.

Then, all of the researchers fell down like ashes fluttering. It happened to not just one person, but
all of the researchers at the same time.

They didn‘t even have the time to realize that they were dying before their bodies fell over. Chun
Yeowun had seen this before:

„Nano bomb!‟

When a nano bomb exploded inside the body, this was the kind of death that ensued. The
presences of the people were completely wiped, and the lab felt empty.

―A-All of them were killed…‖

H was stunned at the sight of the researchers turning into ash. All of them were outstanding
people in the field, and it was heartbreaking to see such people killed without hesitation.


Then something unexpected happened: a strong dizziness and feeling of abnormality crept
throughout his body.

„N-No! My body too?‟

Since he was a member of MS Group, once he was pushed into the executive position, he had
went out of his way to rid of all the bombs in the body.

―I-I removed them though?‖

However, reality was harsh.

-The absence of explosives doesn‘t mean that all the nano machines in the body were eliminated.

―H-How do you know?‖

He could think of a couple things, but he could not think much with the pain he was going
through as his internal organs were hurting and bleeding.
-Pay the price for bringing in the enemy inside.


H, who felt a sense of betrayal, shouted with a face full of despair as something rang in his ear.


With the sound of a finger snapping, the pain in his body disappeared.


H made a face displaying his inability to understand what happened when Chun Yeowun
snapped his finger.

-… Interesting. Interfering with frequencies by snapping your finger.


H, who luckily saved his life, looked at Chun Yeowun in awe. Chun Yeowun was a little
skeptical, but was fortunate to have succeeded.

„There was the chance the frequency that activates the nano bomb is the same.‟

The main frequency wavelengths controlling the nano bombs in the MS Group and those of
Chun Yeowun were the same, causing interference with the frequency coming out.

-Even then, you won‘t be able to get anything from there.

Crackle! Papang!

With *A‘*s voice, the computers in the lab sparked up as their internal circuits were all burned.
Measures were always taken to dispose of unimportant places in case something happened.

―You must be afraid of being found.‖

Chun Yeowun provoked A as he was trying to destroy everything. A, with the altered voice,
-This is a reasonable measure.

―Do you think cutting off your tail will keep you hidden?‖

-You will not find us.

―Quite overconfident.‖

-You will die there.

With those words, the capsules holding the clones all opened at once.


A gooey blue liquid spilled out from the opened capsules as numerous clones slumped. Tubes
inserted in their heads, necks, and spines kept them suspended within the capsules.


A loud mechanical whirring sound came from all around.

H quickly said to Chun Yeowun in an urgent voice.

―W-we need to get out of here right now!‖

H knew what was happening, and the perfected clones that were attached to the ceiling only
made the situation worse.


Chun Yeowun looked down, feeling the energy right below the site.

―The core.‖

The energy from the core was coming from below, but it wasn‘t just the energy from the core
that he was feeling. It was the energy of the core being injected into the clones.


As energy was injected to the tubes, the clones began to fall.


H, unlike Chun Yeowun, wasn‘t a Murim warrior, so he couldn‘t feel anything that was
happening, but since he had developed the control of the place‘s core, he knew what would

„He plans to stop the monster and blow this up!‟

H was in panic.

―The commander is trying to wake them all up and kill us. Even if we were to beat them, if the
core control unit below this explodes, a radius of 2 to 3 kms will be destroyed!‖

Even a monster wouldn‘t be able to stop the release of the explosive energy. *A‘*s voice came
out through the speaker.

-Even if you recognize it, it‘s already too late. Soon this will be your grave…


At that moment, Chun Yeowun‘s figure disappeared as if seeping into the air. *A‘*s voice,
which was speaking through the speaker, stopped.


H couldn‘t help but feel flustered. He had seen people get sucked into space countless times
through *E‘*s ability. For a moment, he thought it was ridiculous, but he ended up saying his

―Fuck! Did you just use spatial movement alone and leave me here!?‖



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 166 -
MS Group (3)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Mar 4, 2022

• 9 min read • 4768 views




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[Angel: Hi! I‘m the new 2nd editor for DOTDG. Happy to be part of the team! Enjoy reading!]

―Damn it!‖

Since their relationship had been hostile from the beginning, Chun Yeowun had no obligation to
rescue him. However, H was dismayed at the thought that the person had left him.

Meanwhile, a total of 420 surveillance cameras that were installed in the lab were moving, trying
to figure out the location of Chun Yeowun.
H said that it was a Spatial Movement but A didn‘t seem to believe it. There were cameras
everywhere in the lab. Unlike general sectors, these cameras had various functions.


The cameras searched every nook and cranny, but Chun Yeowun was nowhere to be seen.
However, there was one place without cameras. That was where the core control unit linked to
the main system. So it wasn‘t a place where Chun Yeowun could enter either.

It was then,


The sound of sparks bursting. With that, the sound of the motor running which had made the
entire laboratory deafening, gradually diminished.


H looked down. The floor where the sound of sparks was heard turned still and not long after.


Someone came up with a roar from the floor.

That person was Chun Yeowun.


H‘s face, who thought Chun Yeowun had escaped earlier, contorted. He was aware of E‘s ability
which could be used when he had been to the place before but what Chun Yeowun did was

„How did he get down there?‟

Of course, it was because of the teleportation ability that Chun Yeowun had absorbed from the
demon. The teleportation ability was a short distance movement. Although it was only 15 meters,
he was able to move around the place.

It was the first time that A sounded flustered. The energy of the core, which had been activated as
if it would explode any moment, was gone.

Chun Yeowun spoke.

―I am thankful. Not that it is necessary, but thanks to you I got a lot of stuff.‖

Of course, it was Chun Yeowun who took the cores in the control unit. He went down and took
away all 3 S-class cores, 13 A-class cores and 27 B-class cores.

―I‘ve picked up a lot.‖

There was no reason to not loot it, so it was put in the shadows.


The LED lights in the lab began to flicker. All of the energy inside itself was returned to the core
control unit and converted to reserve power.


H let out a relieved sigh. Chun Yeowun‘s fast thinking allowed him to avert both the activation
of clones and the explosion of the lab at the same time.

―Shall we find out where you are?‖


Chun Yeowun‘s figure disappeared in front of the cameras and then reappeared. The Gatelinium
line came out and linked to the camera as he grabbed it with his hand.

„Nano, track it.‟


There was a location where they could control the cameras and lab.

However, the instant Nano attempted to hack.


The camera exploded.

As Chun Yeowun judged that A did it, he immediately moved to another camera 5 meters away.
At that moment, that camera exploded too.

„Look at this one.‟

He was blocking any way in advance to be tracked down.

Then A said,

-My prediction turned out to be true. I‘m not sure how you achieved it, but by simply touching a
machine, you have a degree of hacking expertise that exceeds that of any professional hacker.
That‘s how you were able to find us.

At those words, Chun Yeowun narrowed his eyes.

„He‟s cool headed.‟

Chun Yeowun‘s enemies would either panic or rush ahead to strike, and they frequently
exhibited gaps. This one, on the other hand, was cold-blooded. He was instead analyzing Chun

„I should kill him.‟

Chun Yeowun decided that A could be a nuisance to him. The criterion for judging him in this
way was because of the safety of Sky Demon Order rather than for himself. A declared war to
Chun Yeowun.

-As expected, you are an existence who has to be killed.

―Funny. I was thinking the same thing.‖

-I really want this place to be your grave.

At the end, all the cameras in the lab had exploded along with the speakers. And the remote
devices were broken. As a result, Chun Yeowun couldn‘t pursue him any longer.



His eyes were irritated, as if he had lost sight of the main head that was directly in front of him.
However, it was evident that this tragedy had given MS Group serious damage. It was stated that
the 10 sectors overseen by the 10 people in MS were crucial.


The sound of something falling. At that, Chun Yeowun turned his head to the place. A naked
man with blue liquid on him.

It was a clone of Sayogi.

―W-wasn‘t he… dead?‖

The energy was cut off, but then this man had his eyes open and the evil energy could be seen
from the eyes.

It didn‘t stop there.


The tubes moved as the clones, whose tubes were fixed, opened their eyes and struggled.

„Damn it! They seem to have energy within.‟

H couldn‘t hide his shock at that appearance. They thought that since the energy stopped flowing
then the clones couldn‘t be activated any longer. But then all the clones were looking at Chun
Yeowun and H.

―Chun, Mr. Chun. What do we do?‖

H looked bewildered and scared at what happened. He knew that Chun Yeowun was the only
one who could fight.

The clones moved.

However, contrary to Chun Yeowun‘s expectations that they were born in capsules and couldn‘t
have combat powers…


Blue colored energy fluttered from the hands. Just by looking at it, he knew that they had to be
Super Master level.

―Energy?… What did you people do?‖

―Now isn‘t the time to ask all these…‖

When Chun Yeowun looked back with a cold gaze, H, answered.

―W-we developed a chip which contains information about the battles and martial arts of people
of murim.‖

They developed a learning system to assist the clones in adapting. A method of transmitting data
via inserting chips into the brain. A lot of materials and techniques on martial arts were
embedded and refined so that it could be applied naturally.

―T-the development hasn‘t progressed enough to be commercialized yet. Even if the chip takes
over the learning function, we can‘t keep it up physically…‖

―So you mean that the body was created with the DNA of strong warriors?‖

H nodded at Chun Yeowun who understood it at once. It was possible to create and experiment
with the body of an ordinary person, but they didn‘t want to end it with that and the clones were

―Tch tch.‖

Chun Yeowun was a bit impressed with it. The end of their technology would be making
someone like Chun Yeowun. To transmit all the information to the brain and analyze martial
Besides, the nano machine in Chun Yeowun helps the body match the martial arts. But since
these people didn‘t have those chips in their possession, they utilized clones.


At that time, the clones which fell, moved at the same time. Rather than an organized movement,
they all aimed for Chun Yeowun and H.


Chun Yeowun immediately looked at the techniques the clones were unfolding.

The technique wasn‘t simple, in particular, the clones of Sayogi were unfolding the
swordsmanship which he actually did in the past.

„They aren‟t techniques which need any kind of enlightenment. But, does it mean that they can
use the techniques and its power to the maximum too?‟


―Ueak! Mr. Chun!‖

H bowed his head and shouted at the clones which were rushing in. He thought he was going to
die for sure.

―This is the limit.‖


Chun Yeowun raised his hand and then lowered it. That moment,


The clones rushing towards Chun Yeowun knelt on the floor at once. Almost three hundred

Even if they were supplied with the energy of the core, or a chip in their brains, they were
nothing for Chun Yeowun.
―… Oh my.‖

H, who opened his tightly closed eyes, was startled. He knew Chun Yeowun was a monster, but
he never dreamed that he could see this happen.

―You can‘t accomplish anything on your own without realization.‖

There was a limit to what a body which only had a theory could handle the technique and qi. The
more complex the energy had to be manipulated, the more one had to be enlightenment, and such
clones couldn‘t have that done.

„But it‟s definitely a dangerous one.‟

The clones were stronger than humanoid weapons. Considering that there weren‘t so many
people in the world who were strong in martial arts, mass-producing such stuff was a danger.

Thousands or ten thousands of warriors in Super Master level made-like clones could take down
a lot of people.

„Is that why they collected so many cores?‟

Chun Yeowun now understood why MS Group was obsessed with cores. And H said,

―You must kill all of them. After all, they listen to the one who gave orders to them.‖

There was no reason to spare them. Chun Yeowun rolled up his right sleeve and said,

―Throwing away such power isn‘t right.‖



The wrist guard on Chun Yeowun‘s wrist disassembled and turned into the Sky Demon Sword.
As he grabbed it, he slammed it into the ground.

A blue colored Ghost rose from the sword and permeated into the floor. It spread like ice as the
floor turned white and faded like frost. And eventually, reached the kneeling clones.



The clones convulsed and soon their bodies turned white. Eventually, Ghosts were created from
the clones‘ bodies.

―No way!‖

Watching that, H was at a loss of words.

It was because in front of his eyes were Ghosts. But the funny thing was…

―They are all like Sayogi.‖

Fifty Sayogi clones were now Ghosts. The Ghost Qi and the Blood Killing Energy were giving
out a creepy purple energy.

―Well… this much should be enough.‖

Chun Yeowun was quite satisfied. Two hundred and fifty Ghosts and fifty Heavenly Killing Star
clones were now acquired.


In front of Chun Yeowun, H fell down like a lightning and begged.

―P-Please accept me! I‘ll give all the knowledge I have and the information you want, so please
let me serve you!‖

In addition, he gained one of the ten members of MS Group.


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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 167 -
MS Group (4)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Mar 5, 2022

• 12 min read • 5186 views



There was a space with an area measuring about 39 square meters. The walls were decorated
with orchids and flower pots while the middle of the room carried an old-fashioned desk.

Sitting at the desk was a man in his early 30s with his eyes closed. His face, however, was not
unfamiliar, as it closely resembled that of Sayogi. His closed eyes instilled a feeling of stillness
and calmness.


The man opened his eyes and looked at the entrance.

The automatic door at the front of the room opened and someone entered. It was a woman
wearing white research coat and a silver mask with only two eyes and the letter ‗C‘ on it. The
woman in the mask said to the man who was sitting,

―Elder Cho.‖

Was she calling such a younger man an Elder?

―It‘s difficult getting used to calling you elder; it‘s really awkward.‖

―If that‘s too hard, just call me Sir Yushin.‖

At his words and tone, the woman in the mask seemed flustered. He was speaking in a kind voice
that masked the obvious fact that he wasn‘t such a nice human being.

„He‟s trying to test me.‟

Elder Cho didn‘t give his name to just anyone. In fact, even the 10 executives never mentioned
his name, but despite this he still held the position of commander.

―How could I ever do that?‖


In contrast with his youthful appearance, he burst into laughter reminiscent of an old man. The
man was indeed Cho Yushin, not long ago he looked much closer to his age.

„His body went through reconstruction, or exuviation, by activating and reversing his aging
cells. By comparing his blood samples this time, we‟ll definitely understand the process.‟

Her eyes were smiling. By studying Elder Cho, they managed to make a lot of progress and
actually had a chance to get their desired results this time.

―Alright. What do you have to say after coming here and ending my meditation?‖

She promptly answered his question,

―I was told to bring the guests from the guesthouse.‖

―Oh, the guests?‖


Elder Cho stroked his chin, shaking his head in disappointment at his beardless chin.

―Huhuhu. I can never get used to this.‖

Elder Cho felt weird that his beard didn‘t exist anymore and said,

―The new non-humans will also come?‖


Elder Cho, seemingly interested in that answer, got up from his seat. At that, C masked woman
immediately guided him into the mechanical corridors reminiscent of a ship‘s that were equipped
with automatic movement devices. After moving along for 10 minutes, a large entrance with a
colorful pattern engraved with the word MS suddenly appeared.


The doors opened on both sides.

Upon entering was a round table with five people waiting. Elder Cho looked at a figure wearing
a hood who was sitting at the top, noticing another one in an old European blue robe.

―It‘s funny seeing you without your usual flair. Hehe.‖

At Elder Cho‘s words, the person in the hood spoke in a puzzled voice,

―Human… you look younger.‖

―Younger is better. There is a difference in movement.‖


The eyes from the hood seemed sharper.

„He seems to have gotten stronger.‟

The hooded man‘s eyes were clearly on alert. These two beings had crossed with one another
before, and the interaction was so violent that not a sector but an entire area was blown away.

―Sit down, Elder Cho.‖

C intervened between them, guiding Elder Cho to an empty seat. On top of the round table was a
nameplate made of crystal, engraved with the name 1st Guest. There were four such plates
numbered until the 4th Guest.

At that moment, the back screen in the back of the room turned on and someone appeared.


C, who was standing, bowed her head to A, the man on the screen. Seeing A, the middle-aged
man in red with sunglasses in front of the crystal plate naming him 2nd Guest, said,

―Why must I see your face through this screen again, Commander?‖

Hearing the 2nd Guest, A bowed his head and said.

―We ask for your understanding for our communication through virtual imaging, but it is because
there is a problem.‖

He was apologizing but with a stiff tone. There was no change in emotion, but everyone seemed
fine with the apology. On the other hand, Elder Cho was looking at A questioningly.

―What were we called for, human?‖

The person in the hooded cloak asked A with an unwelcome voice. In response, on the screen
displaying A, the display changed to show the word ‗Demon‘ engraved in red on someone‘s face.


The attention of Elder Cho went to the man on the screen: Chun Yeowun, a tall young man with
white face and sharp eyes. He was known to them as Chun Mu-seong of the Yongchun Group.

―Demonic Cult.‖
The word ‗Demon‘ was a mark for those from the Sky Demon Order. In addition to Elder Cho,
the man in glasses seemed interested in the man as well.

Conversely, the woman wearing two contrasting colors who sat in front of the hooded cloak,
sitting undeniably behind the crystal plate saying 3rd Guest, remained indifferent.

―What about him?‖

A answered Elder Cho‘s question.

-This person is Chun Mu-seong, the real leader of the current Demonic Cult, and he is the Chun

―Chun Ma!?‖

Elder Cho was shocked at the mention of the title. C, too, was puzzled because it was her first
time hearing this news.

―Hehehe, the Chun Ma was born on this land amidst those filthy people?‖

Elder Cho couldn‘t believe it; the Demonic Cult was way too weak compared to the past, and he
believed that they weren‘t even worth dealing with.


Then, A changed the large screen to display numerous photos.

They were photos taken directly on the location where MS Group and Chun Yeowun had fought
in the past, and among them, one image caught Elder Cho‘s eyes.


The old man‘s expression hardened at the image of Sayogi fighting giant monsters.

„He was fighting a Gate entity?‟

Elder Cho was the one who took interest in Sayogi for a very long time, raising and teaching him
enough to rival against Murim‘s strongest warriors. However, the range of images showed his
„Is that… Sayogi?‟

In addition, Chun Yeowun had taken down the worst TRA entity. Red light shone in Elder Cho‘s

―The Sky Demon Sword!‖

He didn‘t really trust *A‘*s words initially, but the moment he saw this sword, he knew he was
speaking the truth.

„He… must have killed Sayogi.‟

As the red light coming from Elder Cho‘s eyes flickered, the air around him became noticeably
heavy. The aura was dangerous enough to make normal people faint, but the guests didn‘t falter.

―Arisha‘s Sword!‖

At that moment, the figure in the hood jumped up. His two eyes, which were indifferent until
then, couldn‘t move from the sword in Chun Yeowun‘s hand.

―What is that sword?‖

The man in the European-style attire, who was behind the hooded figure, was also surprised. The
two of them looked at each other.


Numerous images flew in succession, allowing them to keep observing Chun Yeowun. The last
image displayed an analysis of Chun Yeowun‘s ability.

[Chun Mu-seong

Social status: Vice chairman of Yongchun Group

Demonic Cult status: Chun Ma

Level: Estimated to be a Heavenly Master

Weapon: Sword seems like his main weapon but also handles blades. In addition, he‘s also good
at close combat

Abilities: Ability to hack and track machines he comes in contact with, and the ability to move
through space

Others: Can handle Thunder Qi, Fire Qi and Ice Qi.]

Although it was a simple analysis, it was a no-brainer that he was a monster. Even Elder Cho
couldn‘t take his eyes off the Heavenly Master level; it was said that only five people in the
history of Murim were able to climb to that level, and this man was one of them?

―Heavenly Master level…? Are you saying that a monster this powerful was never found

The red-haired man in sunglasses asked. His shocked eyes told everyone that he knew what this
all meant. It was intimidating that one person possessed such dangerous abilities.

―Why are you showing us this person?‖

In response to the question, A said,

-This person cannot coexist with our group. Therefore, MS Group has officially declared war
with him.


‗War‘ carried a huge meaning. Of course, words like ‗kill‘ would have made more sense, but
‗war‘ meant that this man was their strongest opponent thus far. The woman with two unique
colors opened her lips as she crossed her legs, exposing her thighs.

―So, the bottom line is that you want us to join this war?‖


They were the 4 Guests.

Officially, the ‗4 Guests‘ name was given to them by MS Group, but they were also called the
Untouchables; they weren‘t in a relationship where the MS Group could order them around, but
rather in one based on each other‘s conditions.

If they refused, MS Group would just wage war against Chun Yeowun and the Cult on its own.

―It doesn‘t look appealing to me.‖

The woman said as if she wasn‘t interested. It was the first refusal, and the middle-aged man in
red hair shook his head right after.

―I think you‘re aware that this exceeds the terms of our agreement.‖

He, too, refused. Coincidentally, the other two others spoke at the same time.

―I‘ll take care of that human.‖

―Let this old man handle it.‖

Elder Cho and the hooded man sounded their confirmations. The two looked at each other with
disgust, leaking their hate for each other.

―That human possesses an item of our clan. This isn‘t for you, human.‖

―No. If that person is the Chun Ma, I can‘t yield in this matter.‖

―Is that so?‖


The round table in the conference room was split in half at the tremendous energy emitted by
two different people.

As the atmosphere filled with their intent to fight, C tried to intervene as A took charge.

-He is a person who can use spatial movement, so we can‘t guess where he is headed. How about
the one who finds him first handles him?
The two rivals looked at the screen. As A said, the person who found him first would get to
handle him.

Back in Shanghai.



At first, the two hugged each other because they were moved by the face they hadn‘t seen for a
long time, but not long after, Baekgi seemed to have had enough of it and told Hu Bong to stop.

―You‘re being too much. I haven‘t seen you for so long, don‘t blame me!‖

Hu Bong didn‘t hide his emotions as tears flowed from his eyes while looking at his friend.

-Ugh, that red-haired guy. Tsk.

Looking at Hu Bong, the golden fox clicked her tongue. However, the position where this
dangerous fox was on was on the head of Bi Mak-heon.


Bi Mak-heon knew about her identity, but he still felt strange. A weird energy manifested in the


―Move back everyone!‖

Baekgi shouted right away to everyone as Hu Bong, Mak-heon, Yu So-hwa and Im So-hye
stepped back.


The space shook and a person appeared. It wasn‘t just one person, but actually two people and a

Hu Bong and Baekgi shouted at the same time. The two people were Chun Yeowun and H, who
was wearing a white research coat.

-Chun Ma!



The fox kicked Bi Mak-heon‘s arms to jump into the arms of Chun Yeowun, who took away the
fox rubbing its body on his and put it on his shoulder; the fox proceeded to say that it liked this
place as well.


Chun Yeowun clicked his tongue, using the Sky Demon Sword to absorb the E‗s Ghost into his
wrist guard. He was skeptical at first, but once E became a Ghost, Chun Yeowun now had the
ability to move through space and could move other people at Chun Yeowun‘s will.

„What an effective means of transportation.‟

It was his favourite achievement so far. Looking at H, Hu Bong asked,

―Lord, who is he?‖

―Oh Hyun-gu, a new researcher in our cult.‖

H‟s real name was Oh Hyun-gu. He, too, was a researcher who published his findings in major
journals. Since he was abandoned by MS Group, he swore allegiance to Chun Yeowun and

―I am Oh Hyun-gu, please take good care of me.‖

Baekgi frowned at the unfamiliar face and just nodded his head. He suddenly got on his knees
and apologized to Chun Yeowun.
―Lord. It was because I was incompetent that I couldn‘t carry out the orders given by Lord, so
please punish me.‖

―Punish? For what?‖

Chun Yeowun was puzzled when Baekgi pointed somewhere. There was an object covered with
a black cloth, and beneath the cloth was a corpse without arms or a neck.

―This was the one on the ship.‖

The owner of the body was Chae Mun-tak. Baekgi was looking for Ark Young, who suddenly
disappeared, and found Chae Mun-tak on a speedboat. However, Chae Mun-tak shortly had a
seizure right before his head exploded.

H, or Oh Hyun-gu, heard that and thought,

„I would have turned like that too.‟

H had only survived because his life was saved by Chun Yeowun. The nano explosions weren‘t
something Baekgi could prevent, so Chun Yeowun told him not to worry. However, even the
executives could be removed by A this easily and thoughtlessly, Chun Yeowun figured that there
must be more secrets beyond what he knew so far.


―However, my Lord…‖


Hu Bong, who joined them later, was curious about what happened to Baekgi because he was
acting weird. When Hu Bong asked, Baekgi told him not to worry so he just waited first, but he
couldn‘t wait any longer.

―What happened—‖

―Lord Chun Ma, look at this.‖

Bi Mak-heon suddenly intervened.


At Chun Yeowun‘s confusion, Bi Mak-heon showed him his phone screen. An unexpected
message was written on the screen along the word, ―EMERGENCY‖:

[Raid by Blade Six]



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Chapter 168 -
Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord

Blade God Six Martial Clan (1)

Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Mar 6, 2022

• 10 min read • 6265 views

The site where Yonchun Group head office and buildings were gathered.

A man in a mask was looking inside the Yongchun Group site with a telescope on a mountain
about 2.6 km away.
The masked man was dressed in tight black clothes and a black sheath was on his back. A voice
came from the wireless earphone in his ears.

-Shanghai. Chun Mu-seong is moving to Hayden Hotel from the port.

The moment he heard those words, the masked man‘s eyes were filled with joy.

He took off the mask he was wearing. The owner of the mask was none other than Blade Six‘s
Geum Seong-ryong, the current head of Blade God Six Martial clan.

„At last the time has come.‟

Geum Seong-ryong has been waiting for his moment.

He waited for Chun Yeowun, who was the main power, to leave his group.

„All because of him, the name we accumulated over time have collapsed.‟

Together with the sects of the Murim Alliance, Blade Six was at the top of everything, until it
went downhill because of an incident in the prison. The company‘s sales were down, and the
stock price hit rock bottom.

He was investigating the Black Sky Company, which was known to be the business of the Sky
Demon Order.

„Huh! Do you think that I would fall so easly?‟


Geum Seong-ryong said after tapping into the earphone three times.

―Six Martial Masters.‖


Six voices could be heard.

The six executives of Blade Six. With the exception of their Vice-Chairman Oh Cheon-su, and
General Director Seong Baek-chun, these people were the next best.
―Are you ready?‖


―We waited so long.‖

The six of them didn‘t hide their excitement. They have been guarding this place for several
days, heightening their determination to wage war. Geum Seong-ryong has the orders for the
hungry wolves.

―We move!‖


There was a sound of something breaking.


With that, the power supply 3 km away from Yonchun site was cut off, and darkness overtook.

Meanwhile, in the Yonchun site, Chun Yu-jang, was going to his father Chun Woo-jin who
managed to reach the desired state after the closed room training, and were having a light dinner.

―It‘s been so long since I‘ve had dinner with my father like this, it reminds me of the past.‖

Chun Yu-jang, who ate alone every day was full of smiles. It felt like he was reliving his

Chun Woo-jin had a bitter smile.

―… I was lacking and I couldn‘t look after you.‖


Actually, Chun Woo-jin felt more bad for Chun Yu-sang. No matter how bad he was, he was
also his child. During his closed training the father thought that, if he didn‘t fall into the trap of
the enemies, he would be able to prevent the fight of the brothers.

―It is absolutely not your fault, father. We are responsible for our own.‖
Chun Yu-jang, who was weakened by the sight of his father with a bitter expression, tried to
support him, which made Chun Woo-jin feel like his son had matured a lot.

―Thank you for saying…‖


Before he finished his sentence, the electricity went out. Chun Yu-jang was puzzled by the

―Was there any information about electricity being cut off or repairs happening?‖

―No way. Our place is on contract with the City Central Electric Unit so it shouldn‘t be cut 24

The site couldn‘t shut down at all since there‘s a factory building inside Yongchun. It was
because there were too many things that had to be constantly cooled.

Chun Yu-jang got up and picked up the phone connected to the kitchen.



Come to think of it, the extension phone wouldn‘t work because of electricity being cut off.
Chun Yu-jang, who had a smartphone, dialed Huan Myung-oh.

-Please move to an area where the call can be made since the area you‘re in is currently not able
to direct the call.

Chun Yu-jang‘s face hardened at it. If just the electricity had gone out, then he wouldn‘t have
thought much of it, thinking it was just a fault in the lines. However, cellular networks too?


―I heard it.‖

Chun Woo-jin picked up his sword that was next to the table and Chun Yu-jang opened the
curtain to look outside the window. The entire side was covered in darkness.


It was then, a part of the building was lit up. The reserve power was turned on and operating.
Since it was for a factory, the other buildings weren‘t considered a priority since consumption
would be great.

―Let‘s head to the main office first.‖


The two hurriedly grabbed their swords and headed out. Like their current building, many sites
had their power cut off so people were gathering at the main office site.

When they arrived in the lobby, they ran into the executives.

The executives looked at both the men.

―Lord! Chairman!‖

―Huan Myun-oh, what is happening? Do you have any idea?‖

Huan Myun-oh then answered.

―We have dispatched our men to check around and find out the situation. Rather, it would be
better for us to be prepared first for an enemy attack.‖

The other executives too agreed with it. At that, Chun Yu-jang gave the orders to the clan

―The heads of each clan lead the members to defend the assigned area. Move now.‖


Chun Yu-jang had led them for 17 years. With his skillful command, the people immediately

Three people appeared. It was the Great Guardian and the other two Guardians.

―Lord! Chairman! We greet you.‖

The Great Guardian Marayun, Left Guardian Lee Jong-hwa, and Right Guardian Seob-hyung
stood around them in a triangle. Seeing that, Chun Yu-jang felt relieved. It had been so long
since he had seen these three people in one place.

It wasn‘t just them. Someone walked into the lobby with two gigantic swords on his back, he
was Wang Shin.


He knelt on one knee and said.

―Lord. I will stay with you!‖

―Oh. Wang Shin.‖

As one of the greatest powers of Sky Demon Order, him being here meant a lot. The current
Yongchun Group wouldn‘t fall behind in terms of power. Rather, it wouldn‘t be an exaggeration
to say it was stronger.

All because of one person. The strongest power who was absent now.


Then someone appeared. A woman with red hair, she was Mun Ran-yeong.

―Great Elder!‖

Chun Yu-jang, the lord, greeted her with a bright face. Mun Ran-yeong was stronger than the
Five Great Warriors of this time.


―Human! Have you all gathered?‖


―Ah! Sister. I was showering and then the hot water got cut off!

Shakena had her purple wet hair and frowned face. She was displeased but her appearance here
was reassuring for others. As a demon she was stronger than Supreme Master levels.

Huan Myung-oh approached Mun Ran-yeong and asked.

―Has Lord Chun Ma been informed about this?‖

He knew that even without a phone, Mun Ran-yeong could contact him. They had power to
fight, but there was nothing wrong with letting Chun Yeowun know. Mun Ran-yeong shook her

―I couldn‘t contact him. Is there any other way to contact him?‖

―Ahh… I see.‖

―What is it?‖

Huan Myung-oh‘s face darkened.

―After all, they cut off the radio waves so I think it is jamming the nano chip inside you too.‖

The waves of nano machines in Mun Ran-yeong needed a certain frequency to communicate, so
if jammers were used, everything would be affected.

―Then how?‖

―We sent out my men. I told them to send a warning signal to everyone.‖

Mun Ran-yeong asked in a concerned voice.

―Can they break through the siege around there?‖

Everyone was shocked. In fact, the person with the widest senses was Mun Ran-yeong. As a
Divine Master level warrior, she sensed that a large number of people were narrowing the siege.

―Close… for sure.‖

What they feared was real. Chun Yu-jang approached her and asked.

―Great Elder. Could you use your senses to feel just how many there are?‖

―…. The number of people I can feel exceeds 1,200 people. Of course, all of them are good.‖


Everyone was flustered at it. If her words were sure the people coming in were 1,200 Master
level warriors. There were many sects right now who had such power. However, since the
Murim Association had fallen recently, and the Oshin recently went down, there weren‘t many
which had such power.

No. There was one.


―Blade Six!‖

Among the sects, only Blade Six had such a power. Huan Myung-oh bit his lip.

„How could I make such a mistake!‟

On Chun Yeowun‘s orders, he had placed agents in Blade Six to monitor their movements. Not
long ago, it was reported that Blade Six‘s chairman had gone missing. However, they had
noticed that the enemy had surreptitiously relocated to Jinan City.


Huan Myung-oh got on his knees.

―It was my mistake! Lord! I didn‘t realize that they had moved over here and mobilized power.‖
Actually, it was difficult to see it as his fault. There were forces of the Blade Six that had gone
missing, and it was impossible to track them down individually. Furthermore, unlike Sky Demon
Order, which has just recently begun to stand tall, Blade Six has continued to thrive.

Chun Woo-jin shook his head.

―Director Huan Myung-oh. Now isn‘t the time for this.‖

If the enemies were sieging the place, then they had to be stopped. It would be no exaggeration
to call this an all-out war between Sky Demon Order and the Blade God Six Martial clan.

―It is dangerous.‖

Chun Woo-jin said. Due to what happened in the prison, the enemies must have been enraged.

―Ha, I have to tell this to Lord Chun Ma…‖

If there was going to be an all-out war, then Chun Yeowun had to know of it.

Shakena said to Huan Myung-oh who was mumbling.

―Can‘t we call Master through a phone?‖

―Not possible. Because the entire area is being jammed.‖

―Then do it from outside.‖


At those words, Mun Ran-yeong had a good idea looking at Shakena‘s hands.


There are numerous military people wearing masks and holding swords around the Yongchun

They even had the night goggles on, they were fully prepared for one purpose.
It was to capture all the members of the Sky Demon Order within the Yongchun site and kill

For each group, one of the Six Martial Masters was leading.

As soon as Geum Seong-ryong gave the orders, they moved over the fence.

-Click! Did you enter?

-Wait up.

400 elite warriors of Blade God Six Martial clan were standing near the dark entrance of
Yongchun Group.


Someone in a wheelchair appeared at that moment. An elderly man with dark blue hair, body
markings, and aged skin. It wasn‘t even an automatic wheelchair but the one moved with internal


At his appearance, all four hundred people and even the chairman bowed their heads.

[I will lead directly from the front.]

Originally, they were supposed to advance right away, but they were waiting for this old man to

The chairman approached the old man and said,

―Sir. We are ready. Just give us the orders.‖


Like his eyes, the elderly man‘s words appeared to flow with resolve. The old man, who had
been motionless, slowly stood up.

Chairman Geum Seong-ryong tried to support him but was flatly refused.
―I can walk alone.‖


The old man straightened his back and relaxed his muscles then pulled out all the needles in his


The old man mumbled in a young voice.

―Today, you will lose everything you treasure…‖



Before he could end it, the space shook.


Geum Seong-ryeong attempted to kick it after sensing a foreign energy. However…


The person who emerged from the trembling space handled it lightly. Geum Seong-ryong
couldn‘t comprehend how this individual handled things, even though it wasn‘t the greatest.

„He caught it?‟

He looked at the one who caught his kick. Seeing the face, his eyes widened.

―H-How did you get here?‖

In his bewildered ears came the old man‘s angry cry from behind.

―Demon God!!!‖

Who suddenly appeared before them, was supposed to be in Shanghai.



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Chapter 169 -
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Blade God Six Martial Clan (2)

Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Mar 7, 2022

• 13 min read • 4946 views


An unidentifiable form was traversing at an unfathomable speed as it turned opaque. The

movement didn‘t slow as it passed right through obstacles in front of it.

„Why am I being used like this?‟

It was Shakena, flying low as her purple hair was fluttering. There was a smartphone in her hand,
and although she couldn‘t use it because she didn‘t know the programmed language, she knew
which button to press.
„With Master‟s pace, it won‟t take too long.‟

She predicted that Chun Yeowun would return while they were at war. The moment she pressed
the button on the phone, she turned to return to the site.


She felt his presence as her gaze was directed to the site in front of the Yongchun Group.

―Demon God!!!‖

The old man‘s blue eyes trembled. After many years had passed, people‘s faces and land
locations were blurred but the memories of Chun Yeowun‘s face were clear in his head.


Chun Yeowun was interested in that reaction. As soon as his face was seen, someone in the
modern era called him Demon God, which most people in this time did not know about.

―You know me?‖

When Chun Yeowun asked, the old man smiled with joy.

―Yes, I know! How can I forget that abominable face?‖

Hate was displayed with each word, gleaming with sincerity as well.

―How long can you hold on for?‖


Geum Seong-ryong infused his hand with Blade Energy and struck Chun Yeowun on his
shoulder with great force.


He wasn‘t able to cut Chun Yeowun‘s shoulder; on the contrary, the Blade Energy couldn‘t dig
into the shoulder and stopped with sparks.
„What kind of power is this?‟

When he was unable to make a scratch on his opponent, Geum Seong-ryong couldn‘t hide his
embarrassment. Chun Yeowun then spoke to him as if he were disappointed,

―If you were the current leader of Blade Six, you must be the Blade Lord, but it seems like you
aren‘t as good as him, the one that Blade God set as his substitute.‖


―That means that there‘s no place for you here.‖


As soon as he said that, Chun Yeowun‘s fist slammed into his chest, and the moment it made
contact, the sound of bones being crushed resonated.




Men wearing black masks held onto Geum Seong-ryong as he flew back, but they too were
moved back because of the force.

„Stop! Stop!‟

Geum Seong-ryong tried to stop his motion, but he couldn‘t stop the momentum and kept flying
back. Then, he suddenly stopped.


Someone caught him. Geum Seong-ryong raised his head, which was bleeding profusely by now,


The one who stopped his movement was an old man called Il-ryeong who seemed unable to
move without his wheelchair.



Il-ryeong threw the man who was thanking him to the ground. Il-ryeong looked down at him as if
he was pathetic and said,

―You are tarnishing the prestige of this clan.‖

―I apologize.‖

It was difficult to speak with his crushed breastbone, and he didn‘t raise his head in shame. He
never fathomed their abilities to differ by this much. The old man named Il-ryeong looked at
Chun Yeowun and said,

―All of you aren‘t strong enough to deal with the Demon God.‖

Chun Yeowun‘s eyes lit up at those words.

„His body moves well for his age.‟

In Chun Yeowun‘s eyes, the old man was severely aging, and moving was definitely hurting his
body. However, his ability to swiftly like water was amazing seeing his age.

―Who are you?‖

Chun Yeowun was curious about him. The unique energy felt from this old man reminded him of

„Blade God.‟

Their energy had the same feeling, but Chun Yeowun was sure that he killed the man. This axis
of time leading to the future all happened after Chun Yeowun had already killed Blade God.

―I see that you don‘t remember me.‖

―I‘ve never met you.‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s words, the old man laughed.


Even the masked men who were at his side covered their ears to avoid the energy leaking out of
his voice.


―I‘m Il-ryeong!‖

The old man was smiling as he looked at Chun Yeowun.

―Well I haven‘t seen you in over a thousand years, so it could be because those who live forever
will forget others, but I will never forget you!‖

The man‘s form moved, appearing right before Chun Yeowun.


The old man‘s hands were empty but he simply needed to use his Invisible Blade to attack. Chun
Yeowun turned around and created an Invisible Sword to block the attack.


Il-ryeong was only using an invisible weapon made of internal energy, but when their weapons
collided, a sharp sound rang out. What was more surprising was that the aftermath of the
collision caused the land to crack and wind to blow everywhere.



The masked men were thrown to the floor from the strong winds. As the invisible weapons
clashed, the old man said,

―This will be different from the past.‖

He spoke as if he had fought before, but Chun Yeowun had no memory of this old man.

„Haven‟t seen me for a thousand years? Nano, do you have any idea who this man is?‟

He asked just in case, since his mind wasn‘t able to recall him. Since Nano was an AI and
supercomputer, he thought it could find something at least.

[Beginning the search.]

Chun Yeowun‘s pupils trembled and the augmented reality activated. As the augmented reality
showed an analysis of the old man‘s face, he said,

―Back then, I didn‘t deal with you with my true power, but I‘m not exaggerating when I say that
now, a thousand years later, I‘ve surpassed you!‖


The old man‘s forearm began to transform, and the transformation spread to the upper body parts
as his clothes were torn, revealing his body to be full of muscles.



Surprisingly, the old man was able to deflect Chun Yeowun‘s Invisible Sword. Chun Yeowun
quickly changed the path of the sword and tried blocking the counterattack.

Kaaak! Kwang!

Chun Yeowun‘s feet sank into the ground from the power of the Invisible Blade. The floor was
dented in a 10 meter radius with cracks everywhere, and Chun Yeowun‘s body dug into the floor
until his waist. However, the old man‘s attack wasn‘t done yet.

―Let me show you the true essence of the Blade God Six Martial clan!‖

The blade swung towards Chun Yeowun unleashing the Seventh Form of the Blade of Eight

The old man branched into eight afterimages, each with explosive power that all gathered for
Chun Yeowun.


Chun Yeowun was surprised. The technique that the man was performing was quite different
from what he knew about the techniques of Blade God Six Martial clan, as they were much more
advanced than those in the past.


Chun Yeowun‘s body, which was dug into the ground, rose up. While in that state, his Invisible
Sword created displayed his splendid swordsmanship as the 24 Demon Swords were interlocked
in a complex form.

‗Sword God Waterfall Rain.‘

It was the third form of the Sword Art of the Demon God, Sword God Waterfall Rain. In this era,
for the first time Chun Yeowun unleashed the Sword Art of the Demon God, which was made by
combining the Sword Force of the Sky Demon and the Extreme Art of the Blade God.


Two strong warriors collided and the people around moved back. The people of Blade Six, who
had already retreated 50 meters outside, were shocked.

―W-what kind of confrontation is this!‖



One masked man was cut in half because of the force. There were situations where arms and legs
were also cut off by the force.

―M-Move further back!‖

The confrontation wasn‘t at a level that they could decide and watch. They all knew that death
was in their footsteps if they wanted to watch this. However, came the voice of someone.

[While this old man is dealing with him, you people take care of the remnants of the Demonic

It was sent to not one, but all the people at the same time. And then all knew who sent it, Il-

„Amazing. In the middle of a battle, he is guiding us.‟

The masked men couldn‘t help but be marveled at it.

―Haa. Haaa… everyone heard it, right!‖

Geum Seong-ryong, who suffered from internal injuries, asked.


Except for the four who were there to guard him, the others tried to enter the site of the
Yongchun Group.

Clash! Clash!

At that moment, countless Ice Swords appeared in the air.


They were surprised that Ice swords formed. Geum Seong-ryong who saw it mumbled.

―That… Sky Flash!‖

He heard everything he could from Il-ryeong about Chun Yeowun. The sight of being able to
handle so many different techniques.

„A monster. He is doing this while dealing with Il-ryeong?‟

Chun Yeowun was still in battle. But in the midst he reached out his hand and unfolded this one.
―Sky Flash!‖

Il-ryeong too recognized it. There was strong anger in his eyes as he looked at it.

―Who let you take your eyes off me?‖

Chun Yeowun sarcastically asked the old man and then clenched his hand. At that moment,
numerous Ice Swords came out.


It was then. Il-ryeong had slashed his Invisible Blade to the floor.



Along with a sound, a change occurred in the ground. As if the ground was going to explode, it
suddenly shook and rose up.


A lot of rocks came up, but that wasn‘t all. A lightning bolt flashed from the rocks.


Like a shield, the Ice Swords were blocked. If it was normal rocks they would penetrate it and hit
the targets, but the rocks had Thunder Qi around it.

―H-he stopped it!‖

―Il-ryeong has stopped it!‖


The masked men cheered for him.

Chun Yeowun‘s eye lit up. It was the first time anyone had properly blocked his Sky Flash. And
even more shocking was.
―You… have taken the energy of all five spirits.‖

The energy emanating from the old man‘s body could only come out by taking the energy of the
Five Spirit Beasts. The combination of Earth Qi and Thunder Qi just before was also the same.
The old man named Il-ryeong smiled as he said.

―Did you think that for all these thousand years I was messing around? You aren‘t the only one
who can handle the energy of the Five Spirit Beasts.‖


Flames soared from the Invisible Blade. And the flames drew the trajectory aiming to kill Chun
Yeowun. Everything the flaming Invisible Blade touched was burnt.


Chun Yeowun, who was blocking it said,

―Is that so? Then stop this.‖


Chun Yeowun stretched out his hand.



The old man grabbed his chest and spit out blood as he bounced back. It was Chun Yeowun‘s
Heart Sword that aimed at his heart. The Heart Sword, which unfolded with the determination to
kill at once, seemed to have dealt a huge blow to the old man, and his body continued to be
pushed away.


And at some point, the feet stopped. And the man bowed his head. Perhaps because of the pain
lodged in him, he trembled as he held the chest and,

A sharp energy flowed out of the floor where the old man stood, causing cracks. Countless
energies were raging around. And when Chun Yeowun saw it, he couldn‘t help but feel amazed.

―Did you take out… the Heart Sword?‖

The energy flowing out from the feet of the old man was the Heart Sword‘s energy. The old man,
holding his head down and grabbing his chest, looked at Chun Yeowun with sharp glare.


Chun Yeowun stretched out his hand. And the cracks in the floor right between the two made a
pounding sound.


Invisible energy was flowing through the cracks. This phenomenon was unknown. It was
because the will of the two collided. The old man lowered his hand from his chest and said,

―Did you think that you alone were the Heavenly Master?‖


What the old man tried to send through the ground was the Heart Blade. Not only did he absorb
the energy of the Five Spirit Beasts but was also able to use the Heart Blade. It meant that he was
the 6th Heavenly Master warrior in the history of Murim.

―It has been a thousand years. With the sole intention of taking revenge on you, this man has
studied everything about you.‖

―Studied about me?‖

―Whether it be unification of energy or Sky Flash, the Heart Sword and more. Try anything.‖

It seemed crazy, but the words were nonsense.


The old man pounded on his chest and shouted.

―What do you think these wounds are? Traces of dealing with you with the images of the
thousand years!‖


For many years, he thought about Chun Yeowun fighting him. The Demon God with greatest
ability. He stood in front of the old man with his strongest form.

―I know you are still hiding a couple things. Demon God.‖

The old man looked at Chun Yeowun‘s sword. He remembered it, the ferocious energy which
was able to stop the energies of the spirits and even the regeneration of Blade God too.

―Try to do everything. I will give you the worst despair that you will never forget.‖

With those words, the old man pointed to the Yongchun Group. It wasn‘t for Chun Yeowun, but
the masked men who were watching them.

„He must concentrate.‟

It was to distract Chun Yeowun. The opponent was a monster known to be the strongest since the
history of Murim, so the old man decided to take him down by using all means and methods.


Another energy gathered in the old man‘s flaming Invisible Blade. It was the energy holding all
five spirit energies.

―The Five Elements… Blade?‖

The five energies flowed brilliantly on the Invisible Blade. It was to prove that this old man was
definitely a Heavenly Master.


In the meantime, the masked men moved and climbed over the rocks reaching for the Yongchun
site. The old man took his stance.

―Let‘s see the end. There has to be only one Heavenly Master who survives today…‖
At that moment, Chun Yeowun raised his hand towards the sky, seeing that Il-ryeong clicked his

―Foolish idiot. You should know that Sky Flash doesn‘t work…‖

Cutting his words, Chun Yeowun said,

―It seems like you made some great progress, but… you. But do you think that Heavenly Master
is the end of martial arts?‖


At that moment, Chun Yeowun grabbed the empty space and tore it apart. A foreign energy rose
in the air around.


And the sky began to distort.

„This… what is this!?‟

The old man gulped as he looked at the sky looking all bizarre. As the distorted sky turned
turbid, a strong tornado struck. To the bewildered man, Chun Yeowun said.

―Did you see this image of me when training?‖



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Chapter 170 -
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Blade God Six Martial Clan (3)

Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Mar 8, 2022

• 10 min read • 4942 views

[ Editor - Angel says it‘s war time!! Round 1000000x!! Fight!! ]


- Haa… Haa… Enter.

It was Geum Seong-ryong‘s raspy voice commanding the Six Martial Warriors who were
waiting for the instructions.

They couldn‘t hide their curiosity.

―Chairman… Blade Leader? By any chance…‖

- Hurry!

The order fell. If there was further delay, cutting off the energy and communication to this
location would be pointless. Ridges impeded the path north to the Yongchun Group. Despite the
fact that it was a natural fortress, the most efficient approach was to use it in darkness.

One of the Blade Six members ran and jumped from it.

Both of his hands were covered in materials that made it appear as if he had wings, allowing him
to manipulate the direction and fly. The others leaped off after Yeon Mu-kyeon. Even if they
were engulf in darkness, they were able to see inside using their night vision goggles.

„The defense formation‟

The cost of delay in entering wasn‘t too great. Members of the Yongchun Group were already
stationed at each building, holding torches.

―I will hit the front first. While the other Blade Master begins by cleaning up the north.‖

All six of them were competing with each other. They thought that they could handle it easily
because the Sky Demon Order had weakened compared to the past.




Suddenly, they were greeted by hundreds of flame spheres. Unfortunately, Chun Yeowun‘s best
man, Hu Bong, was guarding the north. He was in charge of the most difficult place to protect.

―How dare you aim for us?‖


When Hu Bong opened his hand, the flames burst and the fire spread in all directions.


„Damn it!‟


Yeon Mu-kyeon jumped ahead and tried to block the flame, but it kept exploding. He managed
to block it easily but that wasn‘t the case for the others.


The bodies of those who died in the flames were vigorously burned. The fabric between their
arms and waist that was assisting them in flying was ripped, and as a result, they fell.





The five clans defending the northern side of Yongchun were all the sects that handled long-
distance weapons. They immediately moved with arrows loaded with energy and spears in their
hands, targeting the intruders.

―These bastards!‖

The fallen masked men, believing they couldn‘t be beaten, countered the attack with spears and
daggers. They basically believed that the weapons they threw had an effect on the cult members.



―Use iron to block it!‖

Of course, they had a better defense than those who fell. What was interesting was that both
sides of the war were proud of their non-explosive weapons. The same was true in the northeast
and northwest, as well as to the east and west.



The masked men and members of the cult collided.

Since the First Dimension Gate opened, this was the longest war in murim.
―Stop them! No one is allowed to enter!‖


Under the command of the clan leaders, the members swung their weapons desperately to stop
the masked men from entering.


A tremendous force threatened the cult member‘s safety each time the Strong Blade Master, one
of the Six Martial Masters, wielded his blade.

―Are there no strong ones other than these insects? Hahaha!‖

Gu Cheong-sa, the Strong Blade Master, who mastered the techniques was robust. Hang Yu-rin
was the one who was battling him and was wounded within just three seconds.


―You are pretty fine for a woman, but still a long way off from us.‖

Gu Cheong-sa had cut her on the thighs and tried to slash her neck, but then a sword stopped it.


―Air Sword?‖

The overconfident Gu Cheong-sa suddenly became tensed. A warrior with the ability to block his
blade had appeared.

A man wearing a unique patterned mask had appeared among the numerous warriors colliding
with each other.

―Wind God!‖

It was the Great Guardian, Marayun. He had to protect the Lord but chose to ignore the

Marayun raised his right hand up.


Six Air Swords appeared and surrounded him.

―Handle this!‖


One of the swords that bounced back from the attack of Gu Cheong-sa had gone back to
Marayun, who caught it.

The intimidation he was showing wasn‘t common, and now he was handling seven Air Swords.

―Kuakaka. The famous Wind God is here.‖

Gu Cheong-sa, well aware of Marayun‘s fame, was both nervous and excited.

―Anyone who enters the cult without permission will die.‖

Gu Cheong-sa held his blade in both hands in front of Marayun.

Marayun extended his sword. The seven swords rushed towards him like lightning at that


The form of Gu Cheong-sa was divided into several parts and defended against the flying
swords. The sound of seven swords clashing with something could be heard.


Due to the confrontation between such strong warriors, all those around them retreated. On the
other hand, Wang Shin, the Dual Swords wielder, one of the strong warriors, was on the west
side having a fierce battle. The battle was brutal, and both warriors wielded massive swords and
blades that were much larger than normal weapons.

Each time they collided with other people‘s swords, their swords and blades would break down.
No one could enter the 50-meter radius.

There was a person who was watching this from the rooftop of Yongchun Group.

―There is no help needed.‖

She was Shakena, with her purple hair fluttering. She wasn‘t the only one there. There were
Chun Woo-jin, Mun Ran-yeong, Yu So-hwa, and Im So-hye. They were all watching this scene.


Chun Woo-jin, who was watching the battle happen, had a heavy expression on his face. The
reason he couldn‘t step out was because he was King here.

However, the reason why the others didn‘t step out was different.

[Defense is played only with the power of the cult, excluding others.]


[This is a battlefield for warriors only, not for people with special abilities or gate entities. Is
there any reason why you should be involved in the cult‘s affair?]

With those words from Chun Yeowun, they fell back.

In the north, Hu Bong participated in reducing the number of masked men since it was a
geographical disadvantage.

„Right. The words of Ancestor are correct; we can‟t always rely on others. This is a problem
which the cult needs to overcome.‟

A crisis like this which the cult had to face. If Chun Yeowun kept solving things for them each
time, the growth of the cult as a whole would fall.

Until now, no enemy has managed to break through the defense.

„We have made such progress.‟

Chun Woo-jin looked at the southwest with a happy smile. There, Chun Yu-jang and a masked
man were fighting. Chun Yu-jang, who recently learned more techniques from Chun Yeowun
and refined his fighting style, was able to handle the intruders.

„The problem is… over there?‟

Chun Woo-jin looked at the south gate. A huge event which couldn‘t be compared with the other

‟… There is a reason why my ancestor wanted to go there.‟

Chun Yeowun told them to handle this problem. But then suddenly he said he would handle the
south gate. It made Chun Woo-jin puzzled but now he understood.


As he was looking at the south gate, he thought it was hard to believe that it was a battle between
warriors. The entire area was devastated. It seemed like anyone who would approach them
wouldn‘t survive it.

„What is happening?‟

Chun Woo-jin‘s two eyes couldn‘t see much because of the tornado. It wasn‘t a whirlwind or
tornado caused by nature.


In those winds, someone was wielding a weapon with five colors on it, and that was Il-ryeong.

„What the… What the hell! What is this?‟

The old man was bewildered. Sharp energy was pressing against him as if the entire space had
turned into swords, but his mind was elsewhere.

„I should keep on moving.‟

Just a little gap and the sharp energy would dig into his body. He felt the entire space was filled
with swords.
„I need to get close to him.‟

However, he couldn‘t move close to Chun Yeowun.


Even the five energies on the Invisible Blade didn‘t seem to work as the entire space was just
taking the energy away.


The old man screamed in anger as reality didn‘t go his way. This wasn‘t what he had imagined.

―H-How could this…‖

Geum Seong-ryeong, who was on the ground with a pale face, couldn‘t understand what this
tornado moving around was like. All he knew was that he didn‘t want to be caught in it. There
was no concept of being cut or stabbed. If one was swept away, he would be reduced to ashes.


Even Il-ryeong, who was trapped in there, couldn‘t help but try to protect himself.

―B-Blade Leader! H-Humans can‘t do that!‖

Even the men protecting him were stunned at this. A little closer and they would have been
caught up by the winds. Perhaps now was their chance to move to a safe place.

„Should I… escape?‟


As he was thinking that, the space, which was twisted, was back to its original state. The fierce
energy subsided.

„It stopped?‟

As the winds stopped, the old man tried to catch his breath.
―Haa… Haa… ―

Chun Yeowun went close to him, to which the old man opened his mouth.

―Haa… Haa.. Why… why did you… stop?‖

He felt anger at the thought of Chun Yeowun sympathizing with him.

Chun Yeowun answered.

―It is a waste to turn a guy like you to ashes.‖


The old man was shocked. Just listening to it felt like he was acknowledged as his rival.

„This one…‟

When the man with the strongest ability to kill anyone said that, his anger subsided a little.

He then regained his composure and asked,

―… What did you just unfold now?‖


Chun yeowun stroked his chin. There was nothing to say. It was something he obtained when he
realized the truth about space and the universe.

―Well… If I had to give it a name then it would be Space Sword.‖

―Space Sword!‖

Space Sword. The old man bit his lip at the fitting name. This was a very thrilling technique,
using the entire space as their own and using it like a sword.

‟… If I had exhausted all my stamina, I would have died.‟

The result of the match was already decided. There was no way he could defeat Chun Yeowun.
The joy of countless victories he had imagined during his practice was in vain.

Cracks rose on the ground as the old man was filled with fury. He thought that he would be able
to avenge his master by ascending to the Heavenly Master level. All of that turned into a lie.

He looked at the night sky.

„Is it like the sky above the sky?‟

He wasn‘t sure if Chun Yeowun‘s sky was above their sky, but this reality seemed to make it
sound true.

He lowered his head and asked Chun Yeowun in a voice full of frustration.

―Demon God…. What kind of state have you reached?‖



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Chapter 171 -
Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord

Blade God Six Martial Clan (4)

Descent of the Demon God

Published on
Mar 9, 2022

• 10 min read • 4861 views



Chun Yeowun stroked his chin at the question. He had gained an understanding of the universe
and the space beyond Mother Nature, but he didn‘t think that he had reached any state in
particular. Fully realizing the universe was no different from having an understanding of all

―Hmm, well…‖

The old man said to Chun Yeowun,

―There is a saying that when you reach higher and go beyond nature, realizing the void above,
one will break free. It seems that you have reached the Void Master level.‖

Knowledge of the universe came from the Mansa Sutras along with the ancient books, such as
one written by a past scholar named Horo during the period of the Three Emperors and Five
Monarchs that described the nature of everything.


The word void meant emptiness, and Chun Yeowun, who realized some of the truth of the
universe, thought the word was apt with his current level of understanding.

―Void Master… sounds good.‖

Even though the name was given by the old man who was his enemy, it was definitely the most
appropriate one. The old man told him that if he were to clearly understand the entire universe
and freely handle everything in the future, the state of ‗wisdom‘ would be appropriate.

„No way He‟s beyond the Heavenly Master level?!‟

Geum Seong-ryong, who was right there watching the scene unfold, was shocked. Just reaching
the legendary Heavenly Master level was rare within the entire history of Murim, but the
crossing of that stage had just been recognized.
„How can this be?‟

Geum Seong-ryong was flustered at the realization. Looking at the old man, he saw that he had
no will to fight.

„Now matter how much we fight, if the opponent is that strong, then…‟

Their efforts would be meaningless because of the clear difference between their skills. The old
man said,

―Why… why didn‘t you use the sword that you used against him?‖

He didn‘t understand Chun Yeowun‘s decision; From the sheer difference in ability, he might
have been able to subdue the old man with that ferocious sword rather than the Space Sword.

Chun Yeowun smiled and said,

―You‘re not immortal so there‘s no need to use it.‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s words, the old man‘s wrinkles deepened.

―I see… you‘ve realized it.‖

―How could I not? If you had taken the spiritual power of the Five Spirit Beasts, you would be
fully immortal; your failure to stop aging proves this.‖

Chun Yeowun absorbed all the cores of Five Spirit Beasts to achieve immortality, meaning that
he would never grow old or die. However, although the old man did indeed have the energy of
the Five Spirit Beasts, he still showed signs of aging. The reason was simple: he wasn‘t

―Yes, you‘re right. I took their blood and not the cores.‖

The Five Spirit Beasts had both blood and cores, and those who drank the blood would gain great
power and regeneration.

―However, I didn‘t take in the energy right away and couldn‘t help gaining age.‖
Nevertheless, thanks to the blood, he was able to live for quite a long time. Chun Yeowun
clicked his tongue.

„So this is what you‟ve been through.‟

No matter how much blood was taken, a thousand years was still a long time to live. The energy
in the blood must have lost its potency as years passed.

Chun Yeowun‘s three subordinates had also taken the blood, but since they had hibernated in the
ice like Hu Bong, the effects of the blood couldn‘t be guaranteed. Chun Yeowun asked,

―Couldn‘t you have just taken the core?‖

To that, the old man responded,

―I was told you had been hiding for a long time, but I guess you also don‘t know of the worldly
affairs, Demon God.‖


―The Spirit Beasts disappeared long ago.‖

―The Spirit Beasts….disappeared?‖

This shocked Chun Yeowun; since Black Athena had the blood of Imoogi, he thought the Spirit
Beasts still existed.

―I tried to save them‖

The power in the blood wasn‘t enough to survive, so the old man sought out the Spirit Beasts.

―There were too many enemies, thanks to you.‖

For the past several hundred years, even reforming the clan was difficult because the alliance of
the Sky Demon Order with the Imperial family and the Forces of Justice led to all of these forces
trying to kill anyone affiliated with the Blade God Six Martial clan.

He had to take a lot of time to form the clan again.

―Spirit Beasts are beings born with the energy of Mother Nature. Did something happen to this


At some point, the number of humans increased and the population kept growing, detrimentally
affecting the natural environment. Destruction of forests, depletion of natural resources, and the
rapid air pollution leading to the destruction of the ozone layer dispersed the pure and clean
energy of nature.

„So that‟s the reason.‟

Chun Yeowun had vaguely guessed this from the modern information he obtained from Nano,
but he hadn‘t thought about the effects on the birth of Spirit Beasts.


If he thought about it, it was strange that people of this age didn‘t know about the Spirit Beasts,
showing that they were beings of the past. He now understood why there weren‘t any mentions
of the Spirit Beasts on the internet at all.

―This was futile.‖

The old man approached Chun Yeowun with a disappointed face and poitned to his own neck.

―I can never reach your state. Kill me.‖

Chun Yeowun‘s eyes lit up when the man admitted his defeat and asked for death. Despite
having hatred for a thousand years, it was weird how he gave in so easily.

―You gave up too quickly.‖

―It‘s to prevent bloodshed.‖


―It seems like your men are stronger than I thought; I assumed I would only have to deal with
Il-ryeong had reached the Heavenly Master level, so he felt the energy around him, allowing him
to sense that not a single one of the Six Martial Masters had entered the site.

―I beg you to spare their lives.‖

―Il-ryeong! Hmph!‖

At those words, Geum Seong-ryong yelled. He never dreamed that the old man would sacrifice
himself for others.

―You think I will spare them?‖

Chun Yeowun asked in a cold voice. He never spared people. The first time he ever did so was
when he had stopped the Space Sword to stop the old man‘s body from turning into ashes.

―I know all about you, Demon God.‖

―You keep talking as if you know me very well. Who are you?‖

He asked Nano to search, but he couldn‘t find a name for the man.

―Kulkul, it seems like you‘re still not perfect. I am Hwang-heol. Once, long ago, I dealt with you
and managed to escape because of my leader‘s words.‖

―Hwang… heol?‖

It was a name he didn‘t remember. Il-ryeong frowned at Chun Yeowun, who tilted his head.

―It seems you can‘t even remember my name.‖

―I remember every person I‘ve dealt with.‖

―Do you remember the one with bandages all over who stayed by the Blade God until the end?‖

Chun Yeowun‘s eyes fluttered. That was all he needed, how could he not remember that man?!
The man in bandages protected the Blade God by the side until the very end.

―You… were dead.‖

In Chun Yeowun‘s memory, the man had died when his heart was pierced by Sky Flash.

―I didn‘t die. I was barely holding my breath.‖

The old man, Il-ryeong–no, Hwang-heol–was on the verge of death until someone came and
gave him the blood of a Spirit Beast.

―At the moment before death I took the blood of a spirit beast.‖


Those who took the blood of a Spirit Beast were known to have extraordinary regeneration.
Chun Yeowun didn‘t notice it because Hwang-heol‘s body was covered with bandages that
blocked Chun Yeowun from sensing his energy fluctuations. If Chun Yeowun had noticed it, he
would have burned him right then. Then, Chun Yeowun remembered something.

―… Then, there might be others with spirit energy.‖

If he thought about it, even Blade God had the cores of the Spirit Beasts and was immortal.
Naturally, he would have given the blood to his men. At Chun Yeowun‘s question, Hwang-heol
had a bitter expression.

―I… am the last.‖

―How can I believe that?‖

They could be hidden, waiting for the right moment. Of course, he could find them if he read the
man‘s memories.

―There are a total of four people whom he endowed with spirit energy.‖

―Four people?‖

―Huh! You killed one of them, Gulwon with your own hands. You don‘t remember?‖


Hwang-heol sighed. At the time, it wasn‘t just one or two that Chun Yeowun had killed: the
number was over a thousand people.

―He had the spirit of the Flame Qilin.‖


Hearing that, Chun Yeowun nodded his head. As soon as he reached the state of Heavenly
Master, the first person he killed was a red-haired man with flames.

„That has to be him.‟

Now, there were still three others. Hwang-heol bit his lip.

―Fate is something we‘ll never figure out. We were only holding onto this tough life to get
revenge on you when you disappeared.‖

There wasn‘t any anger directed at Chun Yeowun, so Chun Yeowun asked,

―Are you really the only one alive?‖

―Even though we aren‘t on good terms, it has been over a thousand years. When I said I would
give up my life, why would I have to deceive you?‖

Hwang-heol looked sad, and by looking into his eyes, Chun Yeowun knew that the man wasn‘t
lying. Hwang-heol man spoke again,

―I am the last. Please end my life.‖

Chun Yeowun stroked his chin. This was the first time since becoming enemies in the past that
such a person was being nice.

―You‘re a funny one.‖

Chun Yeowun rolled up his right sleeve and held out his hand.


The wrist guard changed to Sky Demon Sword.

―Sky Demon Sword!‖

Hwang-heol recalled it from the past: the sword he hadn‘t seen for a long time. The enemy he
wanted to kill for so long was sharpening his sword to kill him, but seeing the sword actually
made him happy.

―It‘s like we were friends on bad terms, hehe.‖

Hwang-heol accepted everything, to which Chun Yeowun said,

―It would be disgraceful if I put my hands on you with your subordinates here.‖

―Thanks for that, bad friend.‖

Hwang-heol called Chun Yeowun a bad friend, and considering how they were now, it did seem
like an accurate description. It was refreshing, in a way.

―Don‘t expect things to go your way.‖

Chun Yeowun raised his sword and the Ghost Qi rose.


A gloomy energy emanated from the sword, making Hwang-heol gulp as feeling death closed in.

―As long as I die, there will be nothing for you to worry about. Of course, those who respect me
might hate you a bit.‖

Chun Yeowun mumbled to it.

―Want me to kill you or not?‖

Hwang-heol closed his eyes, pushing his neck forward and said,

―Do it. Kill me.‖

Chun Yeowun sighed, seeing the man so desperate.

―You really are a funny one. One last question before I kill you.‖
―What do you want?‖

―The four people with spirit energy you mentioned should be strong, right? How did they die?
Did they die at the hands of my descendants?‖

Chun Yeowun was curious about the others, to which Hwang-heol spoke in anger,

―No. They were killed by one force.‖

―A force?‖

―They pretend to be gone now, but they still exist I‘m telling you!‖


Chun Yeowun felt that Hwang-heol was more angry at this force than at him and asked,

―Was that force the MS Group?‖


Hwang-heol was shocked.

―How do you know?‖



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 172 -
Bad Friend (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Mar 10, 2022

• 9 min read • 5150 views




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[Editor - Angel has dropped some of her tears.]

―H-how did you know?‖

The shocked Hwang-heol asked. To say that he guessed the name with a few words was strange
that the guess was correct.


Chun Yeowun thought about the involvement of MS Group. Unknown to them, there was no
place that MS Group didn‘t touch, from politics to Gate Keepers to Murim. It was surprising that
even this clan, which was horrible to control, was destroyed.

―How did you get involved with them?‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s question, Hwang-heol recalled the past. About 350 years ago, it was the time
when Blade God Six Martial clan, who hadn‘t been able to establish itself in Murim, was slowly
trying to rebuild itself.

„350 years back?‟

Chun Yeowun was puzzled by the story. He had no idea that MS Group existed since then.

―The three of us, who were still alive as a result of the Spirit Beasts‘ blood, were looking for a

People hadn‘t seen the Spirit Beasts again. It took a lot of manpower and time to find them. Then
came word that an Imoogi had been discovered on Mount Oji.

―It was the last Spirit Beast in this world. So we moved directly to catch it.‖

Imoogi was the leader of all the Spirit Beasts, and the Earth Dragon was stronger than the others.
So the three of them went out to hunt it.

―We fought the Imoogi for half a day.‖

The three of them were strong because of their long lives. Even though they had to work together
to defeat the Imoogi, an unexpected thing happened while they were reviving their youthful

―Those people suddenly showed up.‖

It had to be around the time they were all physically exhausted. An ominous energy emanated
from a man wearing a silver mask and a man with red brows.

„Red eyebrows.‟

Chun Yeowun was reminded of someone when he heard the phrase ―red eyebrows.‖ However,
he soon became more interested in the ominous evil energy.

„Was it him?‟

The Heavenly Killing Star called Cho Yushin?

Hwang-heol continued to talk.

―We were wary as they suddenly appeared.‖

Hwang-heol and the other two didn‘t notice the people until they appeared. And they were well
aware that these were not ordinary people.

Then the one in the silver hair suggested,

[I‘ve been keeping an eye on you for a long time. If you join us, we will be able to stand as the
strongest rather than a heretic in Murim.]

They couldn‘t pass on the suggestion. It could have been different at any other time, but they
were exhausted in the battle with Imoogi and thought that it wasn‘t a good idea.

[If you want to hold hands, shouldn‘t you at least reveal your identity?]

As a response to Hwang-heol‘s question, the man with silver hair said,

[Right. I believe I misunderstood something. We are part of the Mu-seong group.]


Chun Yeowun interrupted Hwang-heol‘s story.

Hwang-heol was perplexed as to why this man said that, which prompted Chun Yeowun to pause
for a moment and think…

„A coincidence?‟

Chun Yeowun was quite shocked at the answer which came out froom Hwang-heol from his

―And that group was MS Group?‖

―… It is.‖

Chun Yeowun‘s face hardened. There was a time he was worried what this MS meant, but there
was no record of it on the internet.
„No way.‟

Mu-seong was Chun Yeowun‘s fake name. It was also the name of his descendant who had
given him the Nano Machine.

„Has to be a coincidence… right?‟

He wondered if he was simply overreacting. Names could always overlap. The name Mu-seong
couldn‘t have belonged to one or two people in the entirety of China, and it wasn‘t weird for
companies to make up names either.

According to his subordinates who were stuck in ice, the descendant was going around with the
name of Seong Mu-chun as a seer.

„Must be a coincidence.‟

No matter how he thought, there was no way Chun Mu-seong would create such an organization.
There was no connection at all.

Hwang-heol, who noticed the seriousness, asked.

―Is there something wrong, Demon God?‖

―… No, continue.‖

It was suspicious but Hwang-heol continued.

―We were exhausted and not in perfect condition, so we ended up listening to them.‖

Their condition, however, was that they give them the Imoogi‘s core and corpse. In other words,
they desired the entire beast. It was impossible for Hwang-heol and the other two to give up on
preventing the aging process.

―In the end, we fought them.‖

―Must have been tight. And all three of you?‖


―There was one who left.‖

Hwang-heol spoke while trembling. The old man who didn‘t hide that evil energy had said.

[Blade God Six Martial clan. Huhuhu. I‘ve finally met you. It‘s unfortunate that you‘re like this,
but I‘m hoping you‘ll be able to satisfy me.]

An old man who uttered words they didn‘t understand. As soon as the man was done speaking,
he extended his arms towards them.

With trembling eyes, Hwang-heol said,

―I have met the Demon God and many more monsters in my life, but never a monster like him.‖

Despite their exhaustion, the three of them worked hard. Of course, Hwang-heol hadn‘t yet
reached the Heavenly Master level at the time, but he never imagined such a crushing defeat in
just a few seconds.

―If Ma Hu-yeon and the other hadn‘t tried to stop them, I wouldn‘t have been able to get out of

Hwang-heol‘s eyes turned red at the mention of Ma Hu-yeon. His face was full of anger and

Hwang-heol, the last of them, tried to escape from there.

―I never dreamt that I would run away again in my life after the fight with you, Demon God.‖

Hwang-heol, who barely escaped with serious injuries, soon went to the base of the clan and then
spread rumors that all of his companions and himself were dead.

―In the beginning, they sent out a lot of spies to find out if I was alive or dead.‖

Hwang-heol had to hide himself like a dead mouse. At least until they disappeared, he thought
that he should increase his strength. Contrary to his wishes, those people had invaded China a
long time back and exerted influence in politics, the economy, and Murim.
―I had to change course in order to survive.‖

He wouldn‘t survive, judging that they were called ―bad clan,‖ so he tried to change.

―At that time, we put on the pretense of being good and pushed into the Murim.‖

From then, they were members of the association.

Chun Yeowun nodded his head.

„So that was what happened.‟

It was only then did he come to know why the Murim Association let them be in. The Murim
Association was like the Forces of Justice which hated the Blade God Six Martial clan.

―I heard news that the group had suddenly disbanded 15 years back.‖

The reason was unknown. It seemed like something big had happened to the MS Group. And the
Blade Six didn‘t want to miss the chance.

―Since then, we have been tracing them! We traced and pursued their whereabouts, seeking our

His voice trembled as he emphasized it.

It was even more intense than his anger for Chun Yeowun in the beginning.

Chun Yeowun asked,

―If you don‘t want to, you don‘t have to answer… Is it because of Ma Hu-yeon?‖

As Chun Yeowun asked, Hwang-heol expressed sadness.

It wasn‘t certain but he thought that the name belonged to a woman, and that this man had a deep
relationship with her.

Whether it was love or companionship, Hwang-heol‘s sorrow for losing someone important had
to be filled with revenge.

At that moment, Chun Yeowun asked another thing.

―Wait… You have been tracking the MS Group for 15 years?‖

If it was the Blade Six, these bunch were famous for spies and having information no one had.
So Hwang-heol yelled at Chun Yeowun at that.

―Demon God, you came in and ruined it at the crucial moment!‖


Chun Yeowun was taken aback at the accusation.

―What is that supposed to mean?‖

―I found after a long search that they were outside the gate barrier and not inside.‖


It was more information that Chun Yeowun knew. The result of tracking on a group for 15 years.

―However, thanks to the prison scenario that broke out, we turned out to be targets even in the
eyes of the government and Murim!‖

They were all put under surveillance as a result of Chun Yeowun‘s fabrication. Unexpected
events occurred. Furthermore, Chun Yeowun entered into an exclusive agreement with the
Ministry of National Defense, which meant that no organization other than the Yongchun Group
was allowed to leave the gates.

―… So you came here?‖


At the question, Hwang-heol coughed.

Blade Six had no choice but to risk their lives in this war with the Yongchun Group. It wasn‘t
just to avenge some thousand year back revenge.

―Things just fell in like that, Demon God.‖

―You are a funny one.‖

Chun Yeowun clicked his tongue, looking at the man. If he had considered Chun Yeowun his
enemy, he would have killed the man despite his body being weak. But in the end, the old man
himself had given up, knowing he couldn‘t do much.

―Still… It is unfortunate.‖

Hwang-heol looked at the night sky. It was the first time he had said what had happened to
anyone. The pillar of the current Blade God Six Martial clan.

He couldn‘t show weaknesses like this, but he felt more at ease after speaking.


Hwang-heol, who eased his heart, opened his eyes and asked.

―I have a request to ask from the Demon God. If you too, have something against the MS



Hwang-heol clenched his teeth.

―Erase them from this world!‖

With that, he stuck out his neck.

There was no more hesitating as he said everything he needed to say. It felt unjust that he
couldn‘t exact his vengeance, but this seemed fine.

Chun Yeowun then said to him,

―Well, fine. That request… let this bad friend do it.‖


A smile crept on Hwang-heol‘s lips at those words. It felt like his loneliness, pain and emptiness
had been filled after a long time.

―Thank you.‖

Hwang-heol felt at ease. The sound of Chun Yeowun raising his sword was heard.

„Hu-yeon. Your revenge is left to the monster who can get it. We haven‟t seen each other in these
long years, so don‟t criticize me when I see you.‟

Slash! Tak!

The cold blade stopped on his neck. Hwang-heol opened his eyes.

―What are you doing?‖

To which Chun Yeowun answered,

―It is a waste to kill you.‖



The Sky Demon Sword turned into a wrist guard again, which resulted in Hwang-heol raising his
head in anger.

―Are you sympathizing with me?!‖

He didn‘t want sympathy from anyone.

Chun Yeowun answered,

―No. This is not sympathy. I am just trying to use you.‖

―Use me?‖
Chun Yeowun smiled.

―The enemy of my enemy is my friend.‖



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 173 -
Bad Friend (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Mar 11, 2022

• 9 min read • 5599 views



Puah! Puah!

Fireworks soared into the sky as yellow fireworks decorated the night sky. Seeing the night lit
up, the Six Martial Masters couldn‘t hide their doubts.
„Stop the war?‟

The yellow firecrackers meant stop, red meant retreat, and blue meant gather. The battle hadn‘t
even started for long, and they hadn‘t even stepped into the site yet, but they were asked to stop.

Back at the north of Yongchun site:

―Blade Master! What do we do?‖

Yeon Mu-kyeon was perplexed by the questions, and his poor physical conditions didn‘t help.


He looked at two people who were constantly clashing with their weapons. He arrived with
another Blade Master, trying to take down the red-haired man his partner was fighting.

„We haven‟t even subdued this monster yet.‟

The monster they were dealing with was Hu Bong, and while they were struggling to break
through this one enemy, then the signal to stop was sent into the night sky.

―Is that your signal? Hehe.‖


Hu Bong excitedly spread out his sword as he asked the Blade Master he was fighting against,
but neither of his opponents answered.


They didn‘t answer him because they couldn‘t afford to let their concentration on him waver.

„What should we do?‟

They couldn‘t figure out their next step and Yeon Mu-kyeon, who had fallen down from just one
kick, couldn‘t understand if it really was a signal to end the fighting or if the signal came from
the enemy tricking them. It was then:

―Senior! Stop fighting!‖

At that instant, someone who Hu Bong assumed to be one of the cult members sent him the
message through telepathy. Hu Bong widened the distance between himself and the Blade
Masters to ask,

―What? Stop the fight?‖

Blade Six wasn‘t the only one who gave the order to stop, as signals to stop the war came from
both sides.


Another firework lit up the sky, and this time it was the blue signal for gathering.

The members of Yongchun Group and Blade Six, who were fighting for their lives 30 minutes
prior, were able to gather while facing one another.

In the midst of the war, the Yongchun Group executives and the Blade Six executives had
gathered. Without knowing what was happening everyone gathered under the call of Chun
Yeowun and Hwang-heol, who were the heads on both sides.

[Blade Lord, why did we stop?!]

Butchery Blade Master Yang Mun asked, still glancing at Wang Shin. The wounds on their
bodies showed the ferocity of the battle between the two warriors.


Geum Seong-ryong had nothing to say. Although he was the chairman of Blade Six and the
Blade Lord, he couldn‘t disregard the old man because Il-ryeong was his ancestor.

On the other hand, Gu Cheong-sa was looking at Chun Yeowun and not Marayun, who he had
been fighting.

„This is the one Il-ryeong spoke off.‟

Chun Yeowun defeated the one called Blade God, so there wasn‘t anyone in Blade Six who
wouldn‘t be angry with him.

„Is he that strong?‟

The aura they were feeling was ordinary. Of course, those who were stronger could mask their
presence, but the Blade Six warriors were all curious.

„I want to fight him. I want to test his strength.‟

Yong Dal-chung, one of the Blade Six Martial Masters, sighed.

„It‟s starting again.‟

Gu Cheong-sa was one of the most interested in martial arts, known for his strength because of
his will to learn from those who were stronger. He had even fought with Il-ryeong before, though
he was beaten to death.

[Hey. That monster will not spare you like Il-ryeong.]

One of the Blade Masters warned him just in case. He knew that thousands of people of his clan
had died in the hands of Demon God, and any curiosity would cost their lives.

„You want me to miss this chance?‟

Gu Cheong-sa licked his lips. As a Murim warrior, the strongest-known existence was right in
front of him, stimulating his urges like a gourmet dish made by the best chef.

„I just need a cause.‟

The current situation was a ceasefire that stopped the war. Geum Seong-ryong pretended to be
fine, but his legs were trembling as he suffered from internal injuries. Moreover, it was evident
that Il-ryeong hadn‘t been able to defeat the Demon God.

„I‟m sure I‟ll get a chance.‟

Hwang-heol stepped ahead and opened his mouth,

―As a representative of Blade Six… no, as Hwang-heol, one of the Spirit Blood users, I will
inform you of the reason for bringing you all here.‖

He was speaking normally, but his voice was heard by everyone. Unlike the members of the
Yongchun Group who were puzzled, those of Blade Six were anxious. They had predicted this
outcome to some extent but all hoped that the declaration of anything but victory wouldn‘t come
from Hwang-heol‘s mouth.

―There has been a long-standing grudge between us and the Sky Demon Order for a thousand
year, but it is now time to change that.‖


„What‟s he saying?‟

Both sides were looking at Hwang-heol with their utmost concentration.

―Unfortunately, both us and the Sky Demon Order share a common enemy: MS Group.‖


A change occurred in the eyes of Blade Six members, recognizing their worst enemy as MS

After the collapse of Black Sky Company 27 years ago, they were no longer obsessed with the
Sky Demon Order. However, their situation with MS Group was different because they were
constantly at war with one another.

―After a long conversation with Chun Ma, we figured out that the MS Group has been setting us
up to wage a meaningless war between us.‖

Hwang-heol paused and looked around as he said,

―Are you going to turn our heads at this trickery?‖

At Hwang-heol‘s word‘s the Blade Six members shouted.

―We can‘t stand by!‖

The voice of people resounded. Hwang-heol was adept at commanding people and the Blade
Six‘s suspicious stance transformed into a self-righteous stance in an instant. When the desired
atmosphere was formed, Hwang-heol said,

―I declare it: starting today, I will form an alliance with the Sky Demon Order to end this
meaningless battle and face the true enemy!‖


When Hwang-heol finished speaking, all of the members of Blade Six shouted. From their point
of view, the word alliance was a lot better than surrender, which they had all been fearing.
Hwang-heol looked at Chun Yeowun and coughed, causing Chun Yeowun to smile.

„He‟s quite proud of himself.‟

Originally, Chun Yeowun suggested the man join him, but Hwang-heol refused the offer right

[… Kuh, I can‘t do that.]

Hwang-heol promised that anything other than integration could be possible. However, he said
that he would never enter another clan or risk his clan‘s members, displaying a final bit of pride
in front of his rival of a thousand years.

[Thanks to my whim!]

Hwang-heol looked at Chun Yeowun and remembered the request he had asked for on a whim.
He was skeptical that Chun Yeowun would even listen to the request in the first place, as Chun
Yeowun could have easily annihilated all the Blade Six members if he wanted to.

„Thanks for the kindness, Demon God.‟

Thanks to Chun Yeowun‘s mercy, he was able to save face. Chun Yeowun, however, was
looking at the situation with a different attitude as if seeing a different scene when he felt that
something was awry.

Someone shouted in the warm atmosphere,

―I can‘t understand this!‖

At the cry, everyone turned to the voice that came from Strong Blade Master Gu Cheong-sa.


The other Six Martial Masters sighed, knowing that he was up to no good.

„That bastard‟s idiotic attitude!‟

Yong Dal-chung, the Jade Blade Master, had looked to the side and shouted out loudly when
their ancestor had declared an alliance, but now turned his attention to Gu Cheong-sa.

[Stop it! Have you lost it?]

Yong Dal-chung sent him a message.


However, the man only pulled out his blade and pointed it at Chun Yeowun.

―The Blade God who is your lord will weep in the underworld. His blood is on this man‘s hands,
how can we make an alliance so easily?‖

At that, the other people mumbled too. Clearly what he said was true. If such a word was used,
no one would blame this man for acting out.

„This bastard!‟

Hwang-heol stared at Gu Cheong-sa in anger. In the past, he had cheekily asked Hwang-heol for
battles several times, each time being let off the hook because he was a member of the clan.
However, this was a drastically different situation.

―How dare you aim your blade at him!‘

Hu Bong stepped forward in anger, causing the floor to crack from the intense energy he was
releasing.In fact, all of the members of the Sky Demon Order were full of rage and murderous
intent. At that moment, Chun Yeowun stopped them and said,

―He seems pretty daring. Right, I do have the blood of your ancestor on my hands, so what?‖

Hearing Chun Yeowun‘s words, Gu Cheong-sa smiled. This was what he wanted: a challenge
that would allow him to raise his weapon against Chun Yeowun.

―How can a Murim warrior say that? If you‘re truly forming an alliance, then convince me—‖


Before he could say more, an unbelievable energy expanded in the atmosphere, and the
suffocating feeling of the energy was only enhanced further by the terrifying silence.

„W-what a strong energy…‟

Even breathing was very difficult, and the effects of the energy weren‘t limited to just Gu
Cheong-sa. All of the Six Martial Masters became pale, feeling as if there were swords on their


Chun Yeowun slowly walked towards Gu Cheong-sa. With each step, Gu Cheong-sa‘s face
turned a more prominent shade of red.

„Move. I have to move my body!‟

He tried to move his arm but it was to no avail as Chun Yeowun reached him.


His face was already drenched in sweat from his fear of dying. Chun Yeowun whispered in his

―Then should I kill you all instead of forming an alliance?‖

He spoke with a soft voice, but there was no way that the Six Martial Masters didn‘t hear his
words as all their eyes fluttered in shock.

„It‟s possible.‟

„This is… Demon God!‟


The pressure was so overwhelming that they couldn‘t think of anything else; in fact, this was the
first time that they had such a strong pressure exerted on them. Only then did Gu Cheong-sa
realize that the alliance was nothing more than a façade to maintain the dignity of their clan.


Chun Yeowun put his finger on the man‘s forehead.

―Kid. Have you changed your mind yet?‖

It felt like the finger could pierce his head any moment. Gu Cheong-sa gulped and said,

―I… I made a mistake.‖

―Then you know what you‘re supposed to say.‖

―T-thank you for forming an alliance.‖

Hearing Gu Cheong-sa‘s words, Hwang-heol trembled out of anger.

Because of one stupid subordinate, the façade was no more.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 174 -
TQC Code (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Mar 12, 2022

• 11 min read • 5523 views



All the Yongchun and Blade Six executives gathered in the conference room of the Yongchun

However, at the top of it were Chun Yeowun and Hwang-heol, who were the heads of both sides.

Hwang-heol was holding a laser pointer in his hand, showing a specific location on the 3D map
on the table.

―There are currently 38 estimated locations. After tracing them, we searched through 483 places,
and the remaining places are those that are yet to be checked.‖

Blade Six had searched the outside of the gate whenever they had a chance after signing an
agreement with the Ministry of National Defense and tried to get the locations for ten long years.

The search appeared to take a long time at first glance, but given it was done only when the gates
were unlocked, it was astounding.

―Then it means that one of those 38 places is the MS Group‘s base.‖

―Cough, unless they suddenly decide to move their place, I can guarantee that there is a 90%
chance of us being right.‖

Hwang-heol said in a confident voice. It was reliable information.

The reliability of the information was high as the time when the Blade Six was under
surveillance after the prison act wasn‘t too long.

―38 places…‖

Investigating those places alone will determine the base of MS Group.

―How do we help?‖

Hwang-heol answered Chun Yeowun‘s question.

―There is no need to look for them. In any case, this is what we‘ve been doing. We only require
some minor assistance.‖

―Tell me.‖

―The right to explore outside the gate barrier.‖

Except for the government and Yongchun Group, no one could head out. The agreement with
Yongchun Group was permission to wander outside freely even without any Gate warning.


Chun Yu-jang reached out to Chun Yeowon through telepathy.

[The alliance had formed because of the command of our Ancestor, but we have been in a hostile
relationship with them for a thousand years. Wouldn‘t it be dangerous to just give them what
they want?]

The right to move freely beyond the Gate barrier was an authority any Murim warrior and clan
would want, so Chun Yu-jang was wary of the Blade Six.

Chun Yeowun smiled.

―Good. I will contact the minister of Defense and give you the rights.‖


Chun Yu-jang was perplexed at how the man ignored his opinion. However, that wasn‘t all.

―However, if you go outside the barrier to search, you take people from our clan outside. Do you

―I do.‖

Hwang-heol said that he was fine with it.

If the authority was passed on without any condition, then it wouldn‘t be long before Blade Six
took over the power. Chun Yeowun blocked that in advance.


―We should be thankful for that. And hmm… There is one more…‖

―What do you mean?‖

Hwang-heol slowly showed a news article. It was the fake news about Geum Seong-ryong being
involved in the prison act. Now, Blade Six was having a hard time moving properly because of
this case, and all their contracts were terminated.

―What about it?‖

―… Senior, you know it wasn‘t me.‖

Geum Seong-ryong said carefully to Chun Yeowun. They were asked to clear up the public

At that, Chun Yeowun smiled and said,

―Isn‘t that something you should do on your own?‖

Geum Seong-ryong, who thought that the alliance would help in the matter, was flustered by
Chun Yeowun‘s answer. Currently, he wasn‘t indicted or anything, but the government was wary
of him.

―If my charges are dropped, the scope of movement will…‖

―It happened before the alliance. That is your task.‖


Chun Yeowun pointed to the Lord of the cult, Chun Woo-jin.

―Our current Lord has been imprisoned for at least 27 years. That, too, was because he had been

Geum Seong-ryong was silent at it. He was a party involved in the case. He too had been one of
the Murim warriors who was tasked to check the marks on the dead people.

―Be grateful that you aren‘t being forced to accept responsibility for it.‖


Geum Seong-ryeong and Hwang-heol said nothing about it.


On the other hand, the members of the Yongchun Group nodded their heads. In their hearts, they
were all worried that Chun Yeowun would concede because of the alliance, but that didn‘t seem
to be the case.

The alliance negotiations were all done.

Ultimately, the details were decided by the Chairman and the Executives, and most of them were
finalized by Chun Yeowun and Hwang-heol.
From now on, it‘s a race against time. Blade Six will do everything they can to find MS Group.
And Yongchun Group decided to help the broken contracts of Blade Six to their side. It was a
temporary solution, but in the long term, Blade Six would have to rely solely on Yongchun.

Of course, Blade Six will do everything to restore their honor.

In the conference room after Blade Six left, Bi Makpheon handed over a phone to Chun Yeowun.


―Ark Young.‖

It was Ark Young, the descendant of Ark Wui and Chun Yeowun‘s disciple. He had been moved
to Russia thanks to E‘s ability.

―I heard what happened.‖

-I feel so embarrassed.

Ark Young wanted to connect directly with Chun Yeowun. However, he waited due to the all-
out war that happened.

―Where did you say you are now?‖

-Near the city of Bratsk.

Bratsk is a small town in Irkutsk Oblast, Russia. He wanted to enter the city, but Ark Young
didn‘t have a passport and didn‘t know Russian, so he couldn‘t get through the wall.

-Teacher. I am sorry, but could you please send someone who can understand Russian and my
passport here?

It‘s impossible to wander outside the wall forever since the outside wall was full of toxic
substances. It wasn‘t good to be exposed to such things for long, even if it was Ark Young.

―I know. Keep your smartphone on. They will come.‖

-I am sorry for all this.

―It isn‘t your fault. Don‘t worry.‖

-Thank you for saying that. I‘ll wait.

Chun Yeowun hung up the phone.

He was planning to meet the descendants of the North Sea Ice palace who had gone to the
Olkhon Island of Lake Baikal in Russia.

Looking at the executives, ChunYeowun said,

―I will go to Russia for a while, it won‘t take long so…‖


Baekgi had called for him.


―Would you mind stepping back with the three of us for a moment?‖

Chun Yeowun was puzzled at it. The three were Mun Ran-yeong, Hu Bong and Baekgi.

Chun Woo-jin, who noticed it, stood up and said,

―Ancestor, it seems like they have something to tell you. We will now take our leave.‖

After he got up, the others followed him and left after they bowed.

Even Yu So-hwa, Im So-hye, and Shakena too went out.

Then Baekgi said,

―Lord. I heard from Hu Bong and Great Elder that you know the reason why we were

They had a code divided into three parts left behind by Chun Mu-seong. It was the location of
the time pack which was arranged for Chun Yeowun to access and come back to his era
according to the seer called Seong Mu-chun.

―Lord. What Lord is doing is important, but I believe that finding that divine artifact as soon as
possible is the right thing.‖

Mun Ran-yeong too nodded at it.

―Baekgi is right. I too believe that, and with Baekgi, who was in the MS Group‘s hands, I think
that the divine artifact might have fallen into their hands, so retrieving it in advance seemed to be
the right thing to do right now.‖

―Oh! I think the same too, Lord.‖

―… Please, you didn‘t think the same.‖

Hu Bong‘s lips twitched at Baekgi‘s words.

The trio thought the same. They thought retrieving it as soon as possible was the right thing to

―… I see.‖

Chun Yeowun had been thinking about it as well ever since Baekgi regained his consciousness.
If his guess was right, this divine artifact has to be a time pack.


He sighed.

The time machine can be used by one person only. From the perspective of his subordinates, they
didn‘t mind dying for this, but Chun Yeowun couldn‘t accept their sacrifice.

„Right. That needs to be brought back.‟

Only then can he analyze it and produce it. However, since the time pack was a future thing,
there was a high probability of the materials not being available and Nano being locked.

Mun Ran-yeong, who has become a bit proficient in modern culture, put a touch screen tablet on
the table.

―I will draw my part.‖

She sketched something on the white screen. A total of 36 triangles of various sizes were drawn.

―Huh? My wife‘s drawings are different from mine.‖

Next, Hu Bong sketched his 36 combinations of rectangles and squares. The last was Baekgi.
Baekgi had circles and 36 different triangles.

„TQC Code.‟

The TQC Code, a cipher, was created around the year 2600. TQC Code can be interpreted by
forming a combination of Triangle, Quadrangle, and Circle. It was a code that was completely
impossible to interpret if one of the three people was missing.

The descendant, Chun Mu-seong, had taken measures to prevent the loss of the item.

„Can you interpret it, Nano?‟

[I will scan the TQC Code.]

Chun Yeowun‘s eyes trembled as the code was scanned. The scanned code was superimposed
into one location in augmented reality and then turned into a complex barcode-like pattern.

[TQC Code combination complete. Decrypt the password.]

It didn‘t take long to crack it. Not long after, the map of China was shown and numerous red
lines were drawn on it, all converged at one point.


The location was…

It was at Hubei. It was a location far from Jinan City. While Chun Yeowun was looking at it, it
seemed like a mountain valley.


However, there was a weird thing. If his memory was correct, the place was quite close to the
coordinates that Hwang-heol pointed to as MS Group‘s base. The distance was around 1 to 2 km

It felt like what he feared was becoming real.

„I need to hurry.‟

If he had been there before then maybe he had been there once.

„Have I been to that place?‟

As he asked in his thoughts, Nano answered,

[Coordinates 31°23‘38.6―N 110°16‘23.8―E. This is a place the user has been to before.]


So it‘s really a location Chun Yeowun had been to? As he was puzzled, a video played in his

„This is…‟

The Dead Sword Valley. A long time ago, it was the place where his ancestor, Chun Ma, and
Blade God had fought. It was the place where the mountain sank to the bottom and created the

„It was hidden there.‟

It was the most unexpected place. In any case, it was better if it was still there. Since it was a
place Chun Yeowun once visited then he could use the Spatial Movement.

―Lord, do you understand it?‖ Hu Bong asked.

Chun Yeowun looked at them and said,

―We are moving right now.‖

A shower room full of hot steam.


A naked woman drenched in warm water from the shower with her eyes closed. The woman was
appreciating the jazz music as she moved her body to the flow of music. She liked ending her
day like this.

In front of the half-open shower booth, was a Bluetooth speaker, a large towel, and a silver mask
with a mark C.


She was enjoying the music but then she stopped humming.



A crack appeared in the wall to the left of the shower, and a strange thing happened.

It felt like the wall parted and something appeared. The strange thing flinched.




Startled, she moved back forcefully, breaking the glass wall and falling. The man who seemed
like he was stuck in the wall said with a frown,

―D-damn it! Lord. Wall-I am in a wall!‖

It was Hu Bong who was caught in the wall. The naked woman, who couldn‘t understand what
was happening, slowly lifted her head and looked behind her as she felt something weird.

Behind her was a woman with red hair and a man in a black suit and sharp eyes.

„T-this man?‟

The naked woman couldn‘t hide her shock.

Chun Yeowun, who was looking at her expression, asked.

―You… seem to know me.‖



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 175 -
TQC Code (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Mar 13, 2022

• 11 min read • 5041 views

The naked woman was so beautiful that she would cause anyone to exclaim once they saw her,
but Chun Yeowun‘s expression didn‘t change one bit.

Rather, she was the only person who was concerned about the situation, as she was on the
ground using her long hair to cover her chest out of shame.


Hu Bong, who was halfway stuck in a wall, called for Chun Yeowun‘s help. At the sight, Baekgi
shook his head and said,

―Stop playing around and come out.‖



Hu Bong chuckled and then broke the shower room wall as he came out. Hu Bong, who
possessed enough agility to easily break through the steel, was just fooling around by acting
stuck in the bricks of the walls.


Chun Yeowun looked around. He was definitely where the coordinates were pointing, but he
never expected to appear in a shower room. The problem wasn‘t the location, but rather how
TQC code was hidden.


Chun Yeowun‘s eyes were gleaming as he held out his hand to pull in the mask next to the
Bluetooth speaker.

The letter C was engraved on the surface of the mask.


Chun Yeowun felt thrilled, as this was just what he was hoping for.

―You… seem to be one of the 10.‖


Hearing Chun Yeowun‘s words, her face turned red as she no longer had anything to hide.

„He knows who I am?‟

Her true identity was C, one of the ten executives; unlike the other executives who were
replaceable, she was a key executive.

„Chun Mu-seong!‟

And in a few seconds, she managed to recognize the man‘s identity. She had never dreamed that
he would ever come into her hidden base.

―You people seem to be using this place as a base.‖

Chun Yeowun was feeling nervous: the presence of one of MS Group‘s executives meant that
the whereabouts of the item left behind by his descendant could be compromised.

―Lord Chun Ma.‖

Mn Ran-yeong‘s voice was full of worry, and Chun Yeowun looked at the C, who was on the
ground. It seemed they all wanted to interrogate her to know exactly when MS Group began to
settle at this location and if they had touched Chun Mu-seong‘s item.


It was then:

Kwang! Kwang!

The sound of something shattering with strong vibrations resonated throughout the building.
When everyone looked toward the direction of the sound, the wall shattered and something flew
at a great speed.

―Where does it think it‘s coming to!‖

Hu Bong quickly tried to block the foreign projectile with his sword,


Pak! Kwang!

Hu Bong‘s sword broke, causing his body to bounce back as it broke through a wall.


―How dare you!‖

Mun Ran-yeong, enraged at what she had just witnessed, hurried to move her husband away
from any danger and unfolded a defense technique.



Mun Ran-yeong‘s eyes fluttered at the opponent, who didn‘t seem to budge despite her using the
best defense technique of her clan.

She wondered if some monster had appeared, but surprisingly a woman with unique colored
clothes emerged.

―3rd Guest!‖

C‗s expression had brightened once she saw the woman; on the other hand, Mun Ran-yeong‘s
expression darkened.

„What is this feeling?‟

The feeling wasn‘t her internal energy being blocked, but rather that of hitting a solid rock. Most
people would suffer from internal injuries if they didn‘t have an equal understanding of internal
energy, but the defense technique didn‘t seem to be working against this woman.

―I was curious about what kind of rats came, but I see it was just you.‖
The woman in unique colored clothes, called the 3rd Guest, tried to swing her fist towards Mun
Ran-yeong‘s chest.


Mun Ran-yeong reflexively leaned back. At that moment, Baekgi moved in to kick the woman‘s
left ribs.



Baekgi frowned. He always managed to keep up with Mun Ran-yeong, so he thought he had a
chance against this woman, but his foot was hurt rather than the woman‘s legs.

„Why am I feeling this?‟

Kicking the woman‘s ribs felt like kicking a pillar made of some kind of steel with his bare feet.

―You… broke my leg?‖

The 3rd Guest changed her path and decided to really break Baekgi‘s leg, as it was still in the
vicinity of her ribs, but Baekgi managed to react instantly.


Her clenched fist had gone through the floor because Baekgi was able to pull out his leg at the
last second. However, the moment her fist reached the ground, a crater was left in the ground; the
3rd Guest indeed held immense power.

„What kind of power is that?‟

There was no trace of any martial arts or internal energy from the woman. In fact, it seemed like
her power didn‘t come from internal energy but rather pure muscle strength, but it was hard to
believe because her body didn‘t show any noticeable muscle mass.

Baekgi quickly extended his leg once more towards her chest and face, kicking 8 times in


„She isn‟t even moving?‟

Baekgi couldn‘t hide his shock when his leg began to bleed with each kick while her body didn‘t
seem to be bothered by his relatively powerful attack.



Because the space was very enclosed, Baekgi couldn‘t exert much force and thus decided to
change his tactics. He decided to wrap his feet and cover his leg with Invisible Energy.


The woman‘s body was now being pushed back by the kicks that had their power amplified, but
Baekgi wasn‘t satisfied yet.

„She could handle this too?‟

It didn‘t make any sense. Just who was this woman?

―You bastard!‖

The woman was enraged at Baekgi for making her feel pain, so she tried to move when someone
grabbed her body.

―That‘s enough.‖

It was Chun Yeowun.


Chun Yeowun, who held her, narrowed his eyes. He tried to seal her blood points right away, but
that didn‘t seem to work. He then realized:
„No blood points?‟

Humans should have blood points in the same spots in their bodies, but the woman‘s body didn‘t
seem to have any. He was further confused when the woman said,

―Definitely different from what I heard.‖

C shouted,

―If we don‘t catch him, this sector is at risk, 3rd Guest.‖

―I thought I wouldn‘t have to deal with him, but I guess I can‘t run from this ordeal.‖

As soon as she said that, something amazing happened: a yellow light began to glow from her
eyes right before a beam was shot from them.


Chun Yeowun, who was hit point blank, bounced back and flew through the wall.



Baekgi and Mun Ran-yeong shouted out of their concern for him. In the midst of the chaos, C
grabbed a towel, wrapped her body with it, and put on her mask.

„I‟m glad Elena showed up.‟

She fully trusted Elena, which was the true name of the 3rd Guest. Although she was called as a
Guest, she was a superhuman within MS Group.

In other words, she transcended other human beings.

„Strictly speaking, there is nothing human about her.‟

Of course, she had come out of the Gate.

Since she had come out alone from the Gate, she would technically be labeled as a Special
Entity. Unlike the other three Guests, she couldn‘t leave this place because she made a contract,
but this was actually beneficial for MS.


Elena ran towards Chun Yeowun with the rage of a frenzied rhinoceros, seeming like she wanted
to crush his body.



As she dashed to kill him, Chun Yeowun stopped her while she was still moving. Elena, who
looked at Chun Yeowun holding her, was shocked.

―You… you seem strong.‖

Only a few people had even been strong enough to stop her, but Chun Yeowun didn‘t even seem
to have trouble doing so.

―Then try this!‖

Since her hand was being restrained, Elena used her leg to kick Chun Yeowun‘s neck.



Her expression hardened; although she definitely hit his neck, she was surprised when the neck
didn‘t break and when Chun Yeowun didn‘t even try to move.

―Are you done?‖

―You… are you human?‖

When it came to pure physical strength, Elena was considered a monster. However, after
undergoing 5 bodily reconstructions, Chun Yeowun had already surpassed the limits of the
human body and was now at the Void Master level, meaning that his internal energy surpassed
that of the Spirit Beasts.

Elena smiled and said,

―Interesting. This is my first time seeing a human like you.‖

„She‟s definitely not a human.‟

Hearing her words, Chun Yeowun knew that she wasn‘t human; her lack of blood points tipped
him off, but he still looked for solid proof.

„Well, it doesn‟t matter.‟

After all, he had seen so many non-humans that he developed a tolerance for them and didn‘t
show any surprise anymore.

Elena looked at him with excitement.

―Great. In this era, you, an earthling, and I, who have lived in a place with a gravitational
strength 100 times that of Earth, shall compete to see who is the strongest of—‖


Before she could finish speaking, Chun Yeowun smashed her head with his fist.

Her neck was bent to the side by the fist that was infused with the unification of energy, causing
her to collapse to the floor.

Even though her neck was bent, she still spoke,

―I was talking to you, coward!‖

Chun Yeowun quickly closed the gap.

―Right, you talk a lot.‖

While she was on her knees trying to get up, he used his knee to hit her in the stomach.


She normally didn‘t feel pain from any physical blows, but this one was different; the unification
of energy that focused all of the focused energy on one part of the body made her feel intense
pain despite her strong body.


She was angry that Chun Yeowun wasn‘t giving her a chance to move, deciding to shoot another
light beam from her eyes.


However, the space between them where the beam should have traveled suddenly distorted when
a black hole seemed to appear and suck in the yellow beam.

―What was that?‖

―Did you think the same trick would work again?‖

As soon as he said that, Chun Yeowun raised his fist again and slammed it into her stomach.



As a crater in the floor formed from the force, the two fell down again. While she was falling, the
woman tried to move away from Chun Yeowun.


Before she could go anywhere, Chun Yeowun quickly grabbed by her neck.

―Where are you going?‖

―L-Let me go!‖
Even though Chun Yeowun was falling as well, he was able to slap her in the face once again.
However, her superhuman body allowed her to remain unharmed despite the force he had

―Uh, uh! Leee!‖

Her mouth was mangled by the slap, slurring her pronunciation. A normal human would have
died from the impact, but this woman definitely wasn‘t a human. In fact, her face turned back to
normal right after and she didn‘t show any signs of pain.

―You bastard! I will kill you!‖

Elena‘s face, which was back to normal spoke, normally. Chun Yeowun responded,

―You‘re interesting. How much force should I use for you to feel a pain so unbearable you‘ll be
asking for death?‖


Hearing those words, her eyes shuddered.

Kwang! Kwang! Kwakwang!

The sounds of roaring created the atmosphere of an intense war. The vibrations were so strong
that the tiles in the room were falling off. C, who felt the immense power, spoke to Chun
Yeowun‘s subordinates with a firm voice,

―Hear that sound? If you stop this now and surrender, I can guarantee your lives.‖

In response, Hu Bong pointed his sword at her neck.

―What bullshit!‖

Baekgi snarled in a low voice. She wanted to run away while they were occupied with the fight
happening below, but she couldn‘t move because these three were too fast.
―This sector is my base and pride! It would be better to let go of the delusion that you can get out
of here alive. Can‘t you hear the sounds of their fight slowing down?‖

As she said, the sounds of battling from below were slowing down, to which C smiled and

―You must realize that the existence of Chun Ma that you believe so much is nothing more than a
human when compared to the group with hidden pow–‖


Something appeared in front of her.


C, who looked at what suddenly appeared, went stiff.

It was Elena, the 3rd Guest, whose face was a mess and whose arms and legs were both cut down,
making her form hard to recognize.

―W-what is thi–‖

Seeing her flustered reaction, Hu Bong smiled.

―It seems you‘re the one who doesn‘t understand. Hehe.‖



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Descent of the Demon God

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„No way!‟

C desperately wanted to deny this reality.

Elena is a superhuman who lived in a place with a gravity that was more than a hundred times
greater than Earth‘s. For her, the hardness and strength of things on Earth wasn‘t much different
from styrofoam.

„And such a monster is like this?‟

As if cutting down her limbs wasn‘t enough, she now looked like smashed dough.

„But she is a woman…‟

Step! Step!

The expression displayed on Chun Yeowun‘s face as he walked close to C was unbearable for
her. He looked like a merciless human being.

C was horrified of this situation.

―Quite a pretty interesting physique.‖

Chun Yeowun glanced at Elena, whom he had thrown to the floor. He had completely paralyzed
her body by repeatedly beating her until she looked like a smashed dough. He also tried to turn
her into a Ghost but she didn‘t change into one.

Since she has a completely different body structure, he had to incapacitate her like this so she
wouldn‘t be able to rise again.

C‘s face had darkened.

Losing a hidden power like this, she trembled as she asked.

―What will you do with me?‖

―Depends on your answers and actions.‖

At his words, she bit her lip.

Hu Bong, who was looking at her frightened expression, said,

―It seems like the situation has changed. Hehe.‖

Just a little while ago, she was asking them to surrender.

Glaring at Hu Bong, she said,

―I am sorry, but there is nothing I can tell you. I can‘t speak even if I want to. Don‘t you know
that already?‖

All the researchers in the MS Group contained nano bombs in their bodies and were prepared to
use them if they exposed the information.


Chun Yeowun showed a questionable reaction.

It was because Chun Yeowun heard from H, one of the executives he recruited, about the 10
Executives and the difference of B and C from the rest.
[Just because they are the 10 Executives doesn‟t mean the same person will be there each time.
Most of the researchers who are at their best are known to be promoted. However, there is a
difference with B and C.]

[What is the difference?]

[I heard that they were there for a very long time. It was to the extent that even the others in the
10 couldn‟t guess their age.]


Chun Yeowun remembered that.

―Are you one of the two pawns guarding this place?‖


C didn‘t respond to it. She already heard from A that H might have changed sides. Considering
that, a lot of information must have flowed to Chun Yeowun so his question wasn‘t surprising.

―We are just working together for a long time.‖

C answered casually.

She had regained her composure.

―But they seem to put a ban on you like you are everyone else.‖

―There is no point in interrogating me like this. If you really want to know if what I am saying is
a lie, you can check.‖

She looked at Chun Yeowun. It was like she was gambling her life. And since she was the pawn
on the head of this place, she was able to accurately understand her body condition unlike the

„We will know what you are planning to do.‟

The ban wasn‘t placed on her. She was one of the early members of the MS Group, so like Chun
Yeowun expected, there was no ban on her.
Chun Yeowun stared at her confident eyes telling him to decide.

―It would be difficult to expect it to work right away.‖


―Why was this base built here? Wasn‘t there something else in this place?‖

Chun Yeowun kept asking questions to her.

She shook her head.

―I am not going to answer.‖

―Where is the base of your commander and B?‖

―… Are you ignoring my words?‖

She couldn‘t understand why he was asking. It was like he didn‘t expect her to answer anything.

―What is the secret of this base?‖


She didn‘t answer further. Chun Yeowun asked her 3 questions and decided to make her a ghost
to read her memories.

―I clearly said that I couldn‘t answer. You are really wasting your time.‖

―No. This much is good enough.‖

Chun Yeowun brought out the Sky Demon Sword which was around his wrist. A gloomy cold
blue light moved from his hand. Chun Yeowun tried to reach out to make her a Ghost but her
reaction seemed weird.


In the eyes of Hu Bong, who was aiming the sword at C, a strange light flickered in her eyes.
The corners of her mouth twitching, clearly meant she was up to something.
―What are you trying to do?!‖

Hu Bong put the sword closer to her neck to prevent her from trying anything.


At that moment, shock appeared in her eyes.


It was then. Hu Bong fell to the floor like a doll with broken threads.


―Hu Bong!‖

As that happened, Baekgi flashed right away to hold him. But it wasn‘t just Hu Bong who fell.

Even C who was being made into a Ghost also fell to the floor.


„What happened?‟

Chun Yeowun was puzzled by two people who fell down at the same time. He wondered if this
was one of her tricks.

Just a second ago, he felt a foreign energy the moment Hu Bong‘s sword touched her neck.


When Chun Yeowun held out his hand, the collapsed body of the woman stood up. It was
because it seemed like this woman‘s ability had something to do with physical contact.

„No useful information.‟

Unfortunately, even Oh Hyun-gu didn‘t seem to have information about C‘s ability. It was
understandable since the information of A, B, and C were known to be confidential.

At that time, C, who was unconscious, slowly opened her eyes.

She looked at Chun Yeowun and said,


―… What?‖

Chun Yeowun was dumbfounded. He was at a loss for words for a moment at her words.

―Ugh! What the hell! L-Lord. Lord! Why is my voice sounding like a woman?‖


No matter how he looked, it seemed similar to Hu Bong‘s way of speaking. He couldn‘t

understand how C could even imitate that.

In the brief moment that he was shocked, he asked.

―You, woman. What are you up to?‖

―Eh? Lord?! Are you calling me a woman now? No. First, call back this energy… Uh?‖

C lowered her head. As the energy had lifted up the body, the towel stayed on the floor. Looking
down at the breasts which were out open, her face turned red and she said,



Baekgi frowned.

Just now, that snorting sound was very similar to the time when Hu Bong would snort at

It was then.


Something sharp had pierced his armpit which wasn‘t covered in suit. Baekgi sensed this at the
moment of being stabbed and released the grasps around Hu Bong‘s body and stepped back.



He looked at Hu Bong. He was supporting Hu Bong‘s body which fell.

―Bong-bong? What is this?‖

Mun ra-yeong was unable to understand Hu Bong who attacked Baekgi. However, Hu Bong
shook his head and Chun Yeowun used energy to stop the body of Hu Bong, who mumbled.

―Suddenly intervening. Sigh.‖

Hu Bong seemed to have some kind of hostility against C. and C on the other hand, who was
also being controlled by energy, was flustered at the sight of Hu Bong looking at him.

―Lo-Lord! Those aren‘t my eyes, right? Why am I there? Wait…‖

Hu Bong lowered his head again. His face was red in heat.

―Lord… isn‘t this her body?‖

At C‘s words, Chun Yeowun looked at Hu Bong. With that alone, he knew what happened.

Looking at Hu Bong he said,

―Woman. You changed the bodies.‖

Hu Bong raised his hand covering his lips like a woman and smiled.

―Hohoho. You noticed it faster than I imagined.‖

Mun Ran-yeong was shocked at the sight.

―What is this…‖
Some bitch was in her husband‘s body, and this was the most absurd thing anyone could

Hu Bong– No, C, who was in his body, said, as if it was a pity,

―I could have made your body mine if your dumb subordinate hadn‘t intervened. Such a shame.‖

Her ability is Change. It was the ability to exchange one‘s soul or mind for another. That was
how C had been able to live as the henchmen of the head of MS Group for long.

„I could have stolen that monster‟s body.‟

She truly felt bad. If only she could take Chun Yeowun‘s body then the entire situation would
have been solved.

―I, why am I a woman?! Gosh! I am a woman!‖

It was the moment when Hu Bong was excited looking down at the breasts.

He was shocked at the reality that was happening.


Flames erupted from Mun Ran-yeong‘s body.

With rage clearly visible on her face, she looked at C who was in Hu Bong‘s body and said,

―Right now! Get out of my husband‘s body!‖

Even though the walls of the shower room were about to melt, C raised her hands and asked her
to calm down.

―Woah! Woah! I wouldn‘t recommend doing that. Just because I die doesn‘t mean that I will go
back to normal, right?‖


Mun Ran-yeong was bewildered and C looked at Chun Yeowun and said,
―Literally. If you kill me, your subordinate‘s body will die. He will be trapped in that body for
the rest of your life.‖

Hu Bong, who was in C‗s body, couldn‘t hide his shock.


If his body was destroyed, then his precious body which gave up years of his life to learn martial
arts would turn into nothing.


―Then how will I have a child with my wife…‖


Mun Ran-yeong, embarrassed at it, yelled.

Hu Bong went silent at it.

―Tch tch.‖

C, who was in Hu Bong‘s body, shook her head as if watching a comedy said to Chun Yeowun,

―Do you want his body back?‖

She raised her eyes, thinking that she had an advantage in the situation.

―Fufu… Let‘s start negotiating properly…‖


Before she could continue to speak, stars appeared in front of her eyes. It was due to a blow to
her head. When she got up, her vision was dark. She couldn‘t see anything.


It looked like something had been blocked. However, the body was freely moving. Strictly
speaking, it felt like something was swaying.

Something like a mighty force pulled her out. That was when she realized that her head was hit
into the ceiling.

―What are you…‖



Before she could speak, the head was pierced into the ceiling again. It hurt so much that she
wanted to cry, and yelled out in shock.

―W-what are you doing? Do you care if your subordinates get hurt?‖

At her words, Chun Yeowun spoke in a blank expression.

―You made one mistake.‖


He spoke to her, as she was flustered.

―Hu Bong‘s body is quite strong.‖




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Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Mar 15, 2022

• 10 min read • 4535 views





A roar and a scream sounded to everyone in the vicinity. Mun Ran-yeong, who couldn‘t bear to
look at the scene, turned her head to the side.

Hu Bong‘s body was being bumped into the wall rapidly, so she couldn‘t bear to look.



However, C, who was in Hu Bong‘s body, was definitely suffering from the pain, as she felt like
she would die anytime. She was aiming to negotiate with Chun Yeowun by using his
subordinate, but he seemed to be inflicting pain on his own subordinate‘s body without care.

„Ugh! Is this body useless, or is he just a monster?‟

Although she couldn‘t read the memories of the bodies she took over, she could freely use the
body‘s powers; however, Hu Bong‘s body felt powerless.

What annoyed her the most was Hu Bong‘s regenerative power. Even if his neck was broken, it
didn‘t take long to begin repairing itself. And thanks to that, Chun Yeowun was able to
continuously hurt the body.


―Ack! Stop! Enough! Please!‖

C begged Chun Yeowun.

The constant banging seemed to be causing her to lose her senses, but Chun Yeowun said,

―You know what will make this stop.‖

After saying those words, Chun Yeowun moved his hand, and the arms belonging to Hu Bong‘s
body were bent back and broken.



The pain didn‘t stop this time, causing C to keep screaming. However, she had only decided to
persevere because, despite the man‘s position as Chun Yeowun‘s subordinate and the body‘s
regenerative power, she figured that he wouldn‘t be cruel enough to inflict such lasting pain.

―Go back to normal.‖

Chun Yeowun waved his hand, breaking the fingers of the already broken hand. C felt pain all
over her body, and was struggling to continue this act.


Mun Ran-yeong was clenching her fists so tightly that blood gushed out of her flesh from her
nails digging in. As her husband was in pain, there was no way she would be fine.

―Ha… Ha… I won‘t.‖

Despite the pain, C refused, causing Chun Yeowun‘s eyes to glow.

„Quite stubborn.‟

Chun Yeowun knew that inflicting such pain on his own subordinate was terrible, but the woman
who was enduring was very formidable in tolerance.

―Think rationally.‖

―If I… turn back… you‘ll surely kill me.‖

She was aware of the fact that her life would be in jeopardy the moment the souls were returned
to their original state.

Chun Yeowun responded with a cold voice,

―I‘m starting to want to do that more and more.‖

―Haaa… what I said was right. Unfortunately for you, if I remain in this body, you can never kill

―Are you sure about that?‖

―Well, you haven‘t given me any fatal wounds yet.‖

She smiled through the pain. Like she said, there weren‘t fatal injuries inflicted yet and limbs
were still connected with an intact dantian.


Possessors of the blood of Spirit Beasts obtained an excellent regenerative power, but there was
still a limit.

Chun Yeowun was immortal, meaning that even if his limbs were cut off, he could regenerate
them again, but not Hu Bong. C laughed,

―Kik. I have lived for six hundred years. Do you think I haven‘t felt this level of pain before?
Give up.‖

Chun Yeowun sighed. It seemed like there was no use in hurting her.

Chun Yeowun looked at Hu Bong and Mun Ran-yeong, who were both worried sick about Hu
Bong‘s body and said,

―I apologize to both of you.‖


Mun Ran-yeong had an anxious expression as Chun Yeowun grabbed his sword, and spoke,

―Being reasonable won‘t work here.‖

As soon as he finished speaking, he tried to swing the sword towards C, but then:


Someone appeared, grabbing Chun Yeowun‘s wrist and lifting it.


Chun Yeowun quickly formed swords to attack the hand that was holding his wrist, drawing
blood instantly.

―Who are you?‖


Baekgi and Mun Ra-yeong appeared on either side of the person who appeared. However, the
man exerted a strong energy that the two couldn‘t pierce.

―This is like jumping into a tiger‘s jaw.‖

The man who grabbed Chun Yeowun‘s wrist and had his wrist maimed mumbled. His hair and
eyebrows were noticeably red.

Although he was wearing sunglasses, Chun Yeowun could see him looking at him intently.
―2nd Guest!‖

C, still in Hu Bong‘s body, yelled with a bright face. However, the face soon darkened when she
remembered that even the 3rd Guest Elena couldn‘t handle Chun Yeowun.

―2nd Guest, Protocol 3! We need to hurry–‖


Before she could finish her words, Chun Yeowun controlled the surrounding energy to crush her

―You must be an important person.‖

This man was strong enough to intervene and even change the direction of Chun Yeowun‘s
swing. Of course, it came at the cost of the injury apparent along his arm.

―How long are you going to hold me for?‖

Chun Yeowun asked, looking at his wrist.

An incomparable energy rose around Chun Yeowun‘s wrist.


The 2nd Guest‘s eyebrows rose when he saw that the hand he was using to hold Chun Yeowun
wouldn‘t stop shaking.

The 2nd Guest said, as if surprised,

―Ha! This is really amazing. With this kind of power, it would be believable to say that you‘ve
completed the style of Songi.‖


―Holding on longer will be tough.‖

Unable to stand the energy, he took his hand off Chun Yeowun‘s wrist. And that moment,
Baekgi and Mun Ran-yeong got ready to kill him.


The 2nd Guest stretched out both his hands and rotated them as his sleeves stretched out, causing
the energy around him to disperse.


―What is this?‖

It was their first time experiencing the energy dispersion. It wasn‘t a technique of sorts, but
rather the pure scattering of energy, so both of them were rightfully puzzled.

„He isn‟t an ordinary person either.‟


Right after the energy dispersion, Chun Yeowun stretched out a sword as quick as lightning
towards the man‘s forehead. A black haze was creeping out of the sword, revealing the Sky
Demon Energy infused.

The power of the Invisible Sword with Sky Demon Energy was unimaginable.

―EIk! This is really dangerous.‖


The space where the man stood shook the moment that the sword cut through the air.


The space where the black sword fell was dyed black as the sound of air being ripped could be

Chun Yeowun‘s eyes narrowed.

„He folded the space?‟

To others, it would have looked like the man moved very quickly to dodge the attack. However,
Chun Yeowun, who realized that the space was manipulated, knew that it was fundamentally
different from his Spatial Movement.

It was like looking at the ‗Shrinking Ground‘ technique that ancestors were known to do in


Then, something fell on the floor: the arm of the 2nd Guest.


At the same time that his arm fell, the 2nd Guest appeared behind C, who still kept the body she
exchanged with Hu Bong.

2nd Guest who looked at the fallen arm, was bewildered as he said,

―You cut off my arm.‖

He didn‘t seem to be in pain. Rather, he was stating a fact as if the severed arm was someone

„What is this about?‟

Chun Yeowun was curious about this person even more. Unlike the woman who was called the
3rd Guest, this person was definitely human but he didn‘t learn martial arts or have any internal
energy either.

The energy that flowed out was so natural and pure that it was void of any evil or malice.

„Ah! The 2nd Guest can move through space?‟

C, in Hu Bong‘s body, couldn‘t hide her joy. To be honest, she had initially hoped that the 2nd
Guest would run away to inform the others about the situation, but seeing the scene unfold, it
seemed like they could escape together.

―2nd Guest, get me out please!‖

However, his response was unexpected.

―You finally swapped bodies.‖


―There was nothing I could do about it before.‖

―What‘s that supposed to mean? 2nd Guest, what are you thinking–‖


At that moment, C received a shock and collapsed without waking up.

Chun Yeowun seemed puzzled at the 2nd Guest‘s sudden action.

―What are you doing?‖

He didn‘t think that the man would attack his own ally, but the man raised his arms and said with
a smile,

―I surrender.‖


The word ‗surrender‘ was unexpected. Chun Yeowun looked at him with vigilant eyes, unable to
understand the reason for such an underwhelming yield.

―What are you scheming?‖

―Like I said, I surrender.‖

―Are you messing around?‖

―Does it seem like I am? I can‘t even stop the bleeding from the demonic energy seeping through
this severed arm.‖
The 2nd Guest raised his arm and spoke sarcastically. Blood continued to flow from the cut arm as
a black haze was surrounding it. This was the sign that the Sky Demon Energy was trying to
infiltrate his body.

―You‘re surrendering because of that?‖

Chun Yeowun couldn‘t believe him at all.

If he had the ability to manipulate and fold space, he would be able to run away alone. Instead,
he decided to neutralize his own ally and then surrender?

―I guess so. It would be hard to believe because of just that reason, but there‘s that too.‖


―Can you believe me if I do this?‖

The 2nd Guest stepped on C, who was in the body of Hu Bong. At that moment, the bodies shook
and permeated through space. It looked like he was folding the space again.


In an instant, Chun Yeowun‘s form blurred, appearing in front of Hu Bong who was still in C‘s
naked body.

Chun Yeowun stretched out his hand towards the empty space.


At that moment, something jumped out of the empty space as Chun Yeowun was ready to grab
the neck.


The 2nd Guest, who was caught by the neck, looked at Chun Yeowun with a surprised look.

„He can control space?‟

He didn‘t seem to expect that Chun Yeowun would be able to capture him. Unfortunately, Chun
Yeowun realized what he was trying to do, so he unfolded the space right in front of his hand as
he understood the fundamentals of the man‘s techniques.

Even though he couldn‘t imitate it perfectly, he could at least interfere with the man‘s power.
Chun Yeowun spoke to the man, who was still shocked,

―What are you trying to do?‖

―I… I was…walking halfway through the realm?‖


―This is surprising. After that monster, I haven‘t seen anyone who entered into this realm with
pure martial arts in a long time.‖

Chun Yeowun couldn‘t make sense of what the man was saying. Frowning, he pointed to his
sword at the man‘s forehead and warned him,

―It seems like you‘re still dangerous, so just die.‖

He grasped what this man could do; since Chun Yeowun knew the man‘s ability, he was
confident in taking him down.

He was planning to kill him instantly with the Supreme Sky Demon Sword, but the 2nd Guest said
in an urgent voice,

―I-I can change your subordinates body back to normal.‖

Hearing those words, Chun Yeowun stopped his hand, which was about to kill the man.

―What do you mean?‖

2nd Guest raised his hand and took off the sunglasses he wore and said,

―Like I said. I‘ll help you.‖


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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 178 -
Change (3)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Mar 16, 2022

• 13 min read • 5052 views



The face of the 2nd Guest who took off his sunglasses was completely exposed. He had kind and
loving eyes in comparison to individuals who were generally thought to be tough, but even with
those, he appeared strong.

Chun Yeowun, who looked at him, was a bit confused.

„What is this?‟

He was definitely seeing this man for the first time. He did, however, felt a sense of familiarity.
He was certain he had seen him somewhere, but couldn‘t remember.

„It is weird.‟
He couldn‘t figure out why he couldn‘t remember.

―Are you going to keep holding my neck? We don‘t have much time.‖

The 2nd Guest with red hair pointed to the hand of Chun Yeowun that was grabbing his neck.

Chun Yeowun asked.

―Can you really turn it back to normal?‖

„Despite his strength, he is extremely vigilant.‟

The 2nd Guest thought to himself. People who are aware of their own strength and that their
opponent is weak tend to be overconfident, but Chun Yeowun never once dropped his guard.

―Huh… I‘m not good at making promises like this, but if things go wrong, cut off this man‘s
second arm as well.‖

―Do you think it will end with one arm?‖


Chun Yeowun released the hand he was holding.

„He isn‟t the least bit aware.‟

Some people have a hard time even speaking when their life is on the line, but this red-haired
man didn‘t seem to care about it.

―Can you really undo this?‖

―The swapping of souls is an act of arbitrarily disregarding the laws of all things. It is difficult to
change it, but reversing it is fine.‖

The 2nd Guest turned his neck muscles to loosen them.


The bodies of Hu Bong and C, who had fainted, soon moved towards him.
Mun Ran-yeong asked with concern because of it,

―Lord Chun Ma, can we trust him?‖

Because her husband‘s well-being was at stake, she couldn‘t believe him. A person who should
have been an enemy now wanted to be their ally, so it was understandable why she couldn‘t trust

―If there is any indication of anything else, I will deal with him.‖

―… I understand.‖

Because it was Chun Ma, she couldn‘t say much.

The two were right in front of the 2nd Guest, and then with his finger, he would move things in
the air as if practicing something, like sealing things.


After numerous repetitions, the 2nd Guest placed his middle finger on their forehead. Then, to
their surprise, something white, resembling a soul, sprang from their bodies.

It was similar to Ghost.

―Soul Crossing!‖

Chak! Chak!

The 2nd Guest chanted something loud while the changing seals on the two souls that were
floating in the air, and soon they went into the opposite bodies.

„What is this man‟s true identity?‟

„A shaman?‟

Baekgi and Mun Ran-yeong couldn‘t take their eyes off this strange phenomenon. When the soul
enters the body stably and completely,

The 2nd Guest hurriedly touched the blood points of C. it was to seal her down.

It seemed like he was preventing her from waking up. In that state, when he made a motion, C‘s
mouth opened.

―Where is it? Here it is.‖

The 2nd Guest put his finger in her mouth and carefully pulled something out. It was her molar
with something like a chip attached to it.


He smashed it right away.


―What is that?‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s question, the 2nd Guest threw the broken chip and said,

―A device which binds this old one.‖

„Old one?‟

He looked like he was in his 30s but the 2nd Guest called himself an old man. Of course, in this
world, one couldn‘t be judged by their appearance.


Hu Bong had come to his senses. When he awoke, the first thing he did was look at himself.
Even after witnessing what had occurred earlier, Chun Yeowun was still vigilant and had
prepared to take him down if the soul in him was still C‘s.

Hu Bong woke up and the first thing he touched was his most precious place.


Mun Ran-yeong immediately yelled at him to reprimand him. However, Hu Bong‘s face was
filled with joy as he shouted.
―It is there! It is right here! I am back! Lord, I am back. Hehehe!‖

Hu Bong spoke like himself.

„He is back.‟

Chun Yeowun smiled and lowered his hand. But Hu Bong cried out,

―L-Lord. Something is strange. My whole body feels heavy and painful as if it has been


Chun Yeowun erased his smile and turned his gaze to the 2nd Guest. Hu Bong looked fine, but he
did suffer a lot from Chun Yeowun‘s hands.

Although he had the ability to regenerate, the pain would stay for a bit as it was done repeatedly.

―I kept my promise.‖

The 2nd Guest said.

Chun Yeowun nodded and asked.

―What was that weird thing you did and who are you?‖

He was curious about this person‘s identity.

This person managed to return the souls back to their original bodies with some different kind of

The technique was weird, but it was clear that there was energy used in it, and Chun Yeowun
was sure he had felt this kind of energy once before.

―Right. Songi. Songi.1‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s words, the 2nd Guest‘s eyes fluttered. Even those who had good martial arts
couldn‘t recognize this man.
At first, it is difficult to tell the difference.

―You are surprising this old man again. You are definitely no ordinary person. You must have
come here going against the law of causality.‖


―This isn‘t the place where you belong, right? Descendant of Chun Ma.‖


„This man!‟

Chun Yeowun reached out like lightning to bound the body of the 2nd Guest.

When the space itself was entirely distorted to prevent Chun Yeowun from doing anything, the
sight from all directions was messed up.


―The front seems to be buzzing.‖

Even Chun Yeowun‘s subordinates were flustered.

Not caring about it, he asked,

―Who are you?‖

Of course, all members of the Sky Demon Order are the descendants of the 1st Chun Ma.
However, rather than saying that, this person spoke as if he was meaning to say that Chun
Yeowun had completely inherited the vision of Chun Ma.

―You have a completely different disposition from him. It is similar to when the hand went out

As soon as the words were done, a change occurred on the 2nd Guest‘s face. His facial muscles
twisted and it was clearly changing shape.

His face, which had been looking young till then, had changed and aged. Now, he looked like an
old man.

Chun Yeowun couldn‘t help but be amazed at the appearance of this 2nd Guest who had clear

―Elder Jeokmi!2‖

2nd Guest was surprised. The sage who was an acquaintance of the man in Kunlun Mountain,
whom he saw in the images when he absorbed the yokai energy of the Golden Gumiho.

He remembered it because his appearance was unique. And he did think he felt familiar but
didn‘t imagine this to happen.

―Huh. You know me?‖

Elder Jeokmi was surprised that Chun Yeowun knew him. He revealed his identity to show that
he was a sage and not a bad man, but he didn‘t expect the man to know him.

―Good Law technique.‖

The power which Elder Jeokmi had shown so far was that.

Chun Yeowun asked in a puzzled voice.

―How did you know?‖

―About what? About you breaking the rules and being in the world you are in now?‖

―… I guess you knew.‖

Surprisingly, Jeokmi knew that Chun Yeowun wasn‘t of this time.

The old man smiled and said,

―Huhuhu. I have entered the realm of all existence, how can I not know it? All humans are born
with their causes and your cause is different from that here.‖

―You can see that?‖

―I see it very well. If the entire world was white, then you alone are grey.‖

The old man said it in an easy to understand way. It was different from the leader in the Kunlun
Mountains now, who wasn‘t efficient in his techniques.

„A real sage?‟

It made things even more mysterious.

Chun Yeowun, who‘s now suspicious, asked.

―What is a man who is a sage and uses good energy in the world hiding in a dark place and
working on such plots?‖

When it came to the sages Chun Yeowun knew of, they were adamant on honing their way and
entering the realm of truth and goodness. They would never be directly involved in the world.
However, it was strange that a sage was a guest of MS Group.

―I can understand you being skeptical, but I had no choice. In a way, it was the path I chose until
I got that.‖


Jeokmi shook his head and said to puzzled Chun Yeowun.

―I am sorry, but there are things that this old man can‘t just say. You did cross the border you
shouldn‘t have, but this is a thing you shouldn‘t know of, yet.‖

Chun Yeowun didn‘t quite understand what he was talking about.

―However, I want you to know that I, too, gave up a lot of things and bit into bitter meat in this
place before embarking on a drastic plan.‖

Bitter meat. It refers to a plan to get out of a difficult state even if it meant injuring the self. And
the old man meant that he was sacrificing himself.

―What are you talking about?‖

―First… Can you do something about this demonic energy?‖

He pointed to his severed arm. The black haze was still rising over there. Normally, he would
have been able to drive out any energy. However, since it was Sky Demon Energy, he couldn‘t
do much.


Chun Yeowun placed his hand on the severed arm then the Sky Demon Energy trying to
penetrate the body of Jeokmi had disappeared, more like scattered.


―Phew. Now, I might live.‖

―Can the severed arm be attached with your techniques?‖

Chun Yeowun pointed to the severed arm and asked.

To that, Elder Jeokmi shook his head and answered.

―If you could help. I can do it now that the energy is gone, but I think I should leave it alone.‖

―Why would you?‖

―To avoid being doubted.‖

―… are you going to go to them?‖

The „them‟ being mentioned by Chun Yeowun was the MS Group. Elder Jeokmi nodded his

―I still have work to do there. To be honest, I am saying this to you, but I can do nothing until
that thing is in their hands.‖

―Can‘t you just steal it back?‖

―I would very much like to, but even I don‘t know where it is. I don‘t know what power they
used, but it seems like the head, the commander they call it, hid it.‖
Jeokmi is a sage. If a sage, who was strong according to Chun Yeowun was being careful enough
to avoid the eyes of this commander, who was he?

Chun Yeowun asked, wondering.

―Do you know the identity of the head of MS Group? Or where is he?‖

―I don‘t know. It seems like even C or B who are known to be his longest men don‘t know his
identity. They, too, only receive and send the orders.‖

Unfortunately, the whereabouts of the MS Group‘s commander was unknown.

Chun Yeowun looked at C who was down. At first, he wanted to search through her memory by
turning her into a Ghost.


Chun Yeowun, aiming the sword at the woman, asked,

―Are you sure about their relationship?‖

At that question, Elder Jeokmi answered.

―I am an old man who follows the path of truth and goodness.‖

―I need a clear answer. I don‘t care whether the person in front is a man of truth or a demon. If
one gets in my way, everyone‘s the same.‖

At those resolute words, Jeokmi laughed.

„It doesn‟t seem like it, but they are so alike.‟

He thought of it but didn‘t say it out loud.

He lifted his left arm, which made the loose sleeve slide down.

―That is?‖
Chun Yeowun‘s eyes lit up. There was something very familiar on the wrist of the left arm of the
old man.

Something made of black iron.


And when he injected good energy into it, the black iron which was like a band, turned into a


It was a blade.

With black brilliance around it.

Chun Yeowun wasn‘t wary of what the intentions were, but before he could think of anything,
Elder Jeokmi turned the blade around and gave the grip to Chun Yeowun.


―I am giving this blade to you.‖

―To me… Why?‖

Come to think of it, this man said that he followed the path of truth and goodness, but he was
giving it to Chun Yeowun of the Sky Demon Order?


―It seems like this blade is written in your fate.‖

―… what do you mean by fate?‖

He smiled at Chun Yeowun who was puzzled.

―You will find out later. Don‘t rush so much.‖

―You keep avoiding my questions. That said, I can force you to speak.‖
If not, a way to read the memories too. Even if they were sages, they were still humans.

―Huhuhu, that is so scary. But now, the time has come. Huh. I look forward to meeting you


The space distorted again. However, Chun Yeowun didn‘t do it. It was the old man who was
changing the previous distorted space to normal.

―You think I will leave you alone?‖

Chun Yeowun brought out a ferocious energy.


The form of Elder Jeokmi had already gone into the floor, passing through it very much like
Shakena passing through things.

Chun Yeowun drew his sword.


At that point, a black line appeared at the bottom, splitting the area. Chun Yeowun walked on it
with force, causing the floor to break and a hole to appear.


When he moved down to see if the man had fallen on the ground, nothing could be found. No
presence could be felt, most likely due to the good energy those sages utilize.


Chun Yeowun once again did the same. And as he descended through the opening, a dark
warehouse-like place with numerous boxes had appeared.

As he was checking the surroundings, a voice echoed in his head.

-If you are here looking for something, then there is a high chance it is hidden down here. Well,
let‘s meet again!

It was Elder Jeokmi!

Then he felt the space being used again. Chun Yeowun reached out his hand and moved to it, but
it was too late.

In the end, he missed the old man.


It has been a long time since he missed someone this close. Irritation shot into his mind. That old
man was very much a sage. He‘s a being completely different from ordinary humans.

„Elder Jeokmi…‟

There were still so many things he wanted to ask. He wanted to know what kind of relationship
the old man had with his ancestor, Chun Ma.

1. Songi means ‗good energy‘. ↩

2. The author changed Cheokmi to Jeokmi. Also previously translated as Cheok Mino. ↩



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The Record (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Mar 17, 2022

• 14 min read • 5497 views

Tak! Tak!

Hu Bong descended into the pit with Baekgi, Mun Ran-yeong, and the fainted C.


―Did you let your target escape?‖


All three were surprised to hear that Chun Yeowun had let the man escape because he was
known to never let his enemies live.

Of course, it was ambiguous whether or not the old man actually was an enemy, but he certainly
had more power than any person they met thus far.

―Lord, what‘s this blade?‖

Baekgi asked while pointing to the blade Chun Yeowun had left behind that was made of a
black, iron-like metal that wasn‘t from Earth. Chun Yeowun gently touched the blade with his


„I can feel the sword‟s strong energy.‟

Perhaps, in order for the blade to attain its full potential, it needed to absorb and embody Good
Qi, but this wasn‘t the right place for that to happen.
„This blade seems to be trickier than the White Dragon Blade.‟

The White Dragon Blade was Chun Yeowun‘s best blade. Since it was cut off from the horns of
a white dragon about to ascend to the heavens, he considered it a sacred treasure.

He obtained it by accident, but luck played a huge factor.

„I‟ll check this out later.‟


Chun Yeowun opened the shadow realm and kept the blade in it.

Mun Ran-yeong and Hu Bong were familiar with the shadow realm, but Baekgi wasn‘t and
looked at it with curious eyes.

Chun Yeowun closed the shadow and looked around. The place was full of boxes, seemed like a
warehouse, and had dust all over as if no one ever visited this place.

„Is something hidden in here?‟

Chun Yeowun pondered the words that the old man said. Did he know what Chun Yeowun was
looking for?

He was curious, and to resolve his curiosity, he would have to check this place out.

„I‟m alone.‟

He found out from the fight with the 3rd Guest that this place was wider than he had imagined.
Moreover, it had several floors. However, there was something peculiar about this wide

In terms of energy, he couldn‘t feel any external presence.

―I want to take a look around this place, so the three of you should search the other floors and
find out what they were up to here.‖

―Is it fine to leave this woman here alone?‖

Mun Ran-yeong asked, looking at C with intense eyes. Since this woman had used Mun Ran-
yeong‘s husband‘s body to live, Mun Ran-yeong wouldn‘t hesitate to kill C.

Sikk! Woong!

Chun Yeowun put his hand down, and three naked men with identical faces appeared.

―Oh my!‖

Mun Ran-yeong blushed at the sight, which made Hu Bong grumble.

―Honey, turn around.‖

The naked men were all clones of Sayogi that were Ghosts with physical bodies. They were
similar to elites hidden in the shadows, as they also didn‘t have identities.

―They‘ll watch over her.‖


At Chun Yeowun‘s words, the three subordinates moved to other locations and began to search.
Once they left, Chun Yeowun ordered the clones to refrain from any physical contact with C and
went to inspect the warehouse.

„Nano, scan.‟


Chun Yeowun held out his hand as a red laser beamed out and scanned the place. Using Nano‘s
ability would be exponentially easier than manually searching for any clues.


Chun Yeowun‘s eyes trembled as augmented reality activated in his vision.

In augmented reality, dots moved around to show the surroundings being scanned. Inside the
boxes seemed to be documents and some old technology.

„Why hide them here?‟

There wasn‘t anything worth hiding in here that he had found yet. All of the information was
displayed by the scanning, and there were no other doors aside from the east side door, so Chun
Yeowun had to think outside the box for clues.

„If it isn‟t at the surface…‟

It would most likely be below. Chun Yeowun put his palm on the ground.

Beep! Beep!

A red cross appeared in augmented reality, showing the location where numerous boxes were


When Chun Yeowun held out his hand, the boxes were pushed aside and the floor underneath
them was revealed, and initially there seemed to be no signs of anything being hidden.

However, there was one sign:

[There are traces of construction.]

At first glance, the floor didn‘t seem different from the other floors, but Nano was able to see the
differences in its texture and color. Chun Yeown grabbed a sword and drew a circle in the


When the ground was cut by the Invisible Sword, the floor was pulled out along with the pillars
stabilizing it.

„So thick.‟

The pillar was around 5 meters in height, but the height of the opening was too small so he had
to slice the pillars and then lift them up. Because the slabs he had cut were so thick, when Chun
Yeowun descended he realized that something had to be down here.

„Should I go down now?‟

Chun Yeowun pulled out a slab and entered the hole. After passing through the tunnel-like hole,
a dark space appeared.


When Chun Yeowun ignited a fire with Fire Qi, the dark space lit up, revealing a spacious


Since the place had been blocked out for so long, there was a musty smell that filled the room.

There didn‘t seem to be any opening for air to move, so if ordinary people came they would have
had a hard time breathing.


Chun Yeowun raised his hand, causing the wind to rise and the dust to blow in from all
directions in an instant.

It didn‘t take long for the dust that was displaced to coalesce into one huge form of pure dust and
filth. Once the dust was removed, he could clearly see what was inside.


The entire place seemed to be filled with machines. There were many unusual mechanisms,
starting with white machines with boxy square monitors and vacuum tubes with no connections.

‟Nano, do you see the time pack?‘

Chun Yeowun looked around as he asked Nano. Chun Yeowun knew what the time pack looked
like, he couldn‘t search for it all alone in this confusing area.

[The time pack isn‘t in this space.]

Nano concluded that the time pack wasn‘t there. Looking at the old machines, Chun Yeowun

―What is all this?‖

[Cannot be determined definitely. The result of the scan shows many vacuum tubes that are
connected, appearing to be some form of a supercomputer.]


It was literally a computer, unlike regular ones, it was a high-level computing machine.

„Can you turn it on?‟

Chun Yeowun asked while touching one of the tubes. The next words from Nano were very

[As a result of analysis of the components of the computer, it is difficult to operate it now as this
machine was manufactured 400 years ago,]

„400 years ago?‟

Computers didn‘t exist 400 years ago itself. But this one was made?

„Nano. If the information you sent me is right, then the computers were built…‟

[The production of the first computer, known as ‗MARK-1‘, was in 1944. The first super
computer ENIAC, however, was produced in 1946, two years later.]

The information hidden here could overturn history. However, what was even more shocking
was the supercomputer‘s performance speed.

[The computing speed of this device is about 8.0 teraflops.]

A 1 teraflop processor could perform 1 trillion operations per second. The MS Group had the
technology to outperform such a processor by a factor of eight 400 years prior?

Anyone involved in academia would have been surprised at this information.

„Is this even possible?‟

It was now impossible for Chun Yeowun to know the true strength of MS Group.
[To have computing power at the teraflop level is impossible with this number of connections. In
addition, several complex future technologies are part of the machine.]

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Nano pointed out the red crosses on various machines. It was absolutely impossible to achieve
such a high level of performance with such simple tubing, meaning that this was only possible
with help from the distant future.

Chun Yeowun‘s expression darkened. For some reason, it felt like he was getting close to

„Mu-seong company… Chun Mu-seong.‟

MS Group was formerly known as Mu-seong Company.

When he heard the name from Hwang-heol, he thought it was just a coincidence, but he realized
it was much more than a coincidence when he arrived at this sector when he cracked the TQC
code and teleported to the encrypted coordinates.

No matter how much he thought otherwise, there was definitely a connection between MS Group
and Chun Mu-seong.

„What the hell happened to the supercomputer?‟

Since Nano couldn‘t operate it, Chun Yeowun had no information regarding the supercomputer.
Chun Mu-seong clearly informed all three of his subordinates that he would leave behind an item
that would help Chun Yeowun return to the past.

However, all he found was a supercomputer that he couldn‘t access.


However, the moment he began to feel frustrated:


In the augmented reality, which was still open, Nano signaled something on the ground. When
Chun Yeowun approached it, he saw that there were several pieces of glass on the ground.
There were a total of 5 pieces of glass, and three were broken while two seemed intact.

„What is this?‟

[This is a carbon glass image storage device, known as TVM.]


[It is a video recording device developed in 2906.]

Chun Yeowun narrowed his eyes. His descendant, Chun Mu-seong, had traveled back in time
from 2940. However, since this video recording device was made around that time, it was more
than likely that it came from Chun Mu-seong.

„Nano…can you see information about this too?‟

[Yes. Since it is a semi-permanent storage device, if the TVM isn‘t damaged, the media can be
relayed through augmented reality.]

At those words, Chun Yeowun smiled. He had finally found a clue.

His only disappointment was that not all of the 5 glasses were fine, but he couldn‘t be too sad
because at least 2 of them were undamaged.

„Show me.‟

[Place your hand on the TVM.]

Following Nano‘s instructions, Chun Yeowun put his hand on one of the TVMs as a red laser
flashed from his palm to scan it.

[The TVM has many cracks, which damaged most of the footage.]

„What now?‟

When he looked closer, there were quite a few scratches, but considering that the other TVMs
were broken, it was natural for something to have happened to these 2.

[Any restorable data from the video will be played.]

Eventually, Chun Yeowun‘s field of vision changed as he recognized a sight in the video.


„Chun Mu-seong!‟

It was his descendant. Unlike the first time he saw Chun Mu-seong, this time Chun Yeowun
found the beard and clothes of the Murim of the past strangely unfamiliar.

Chun Mu-seong was sitting and filming himself, stroking the beard a few times before opening
his mouth.

―Video record number 421. December 9, 996. The time is 11 pm.‖

This video was created 1083 years ago. Looking at the number 421, it seemed that the broken
TVMs contained the videos he had made prior.

―I finally helped Baekgi hibernate after he memorized the last TQC code. If this all goes well,
I‘m sure that Ancestor should meet them around 2079.

Chun Mu-seong was recording his daily routine like a diary. Chun Yeowun focused even further
on the video.

―One concern is that the hibernating people and their locations will probably receive some form
of shock or disturbance in the future, and if something goes wrong and they end up getting hurt,
then Ancestor might not receive the time pack. Sigh.‖

Chun Mu-seong frowned, as if his mind was in pain. He seemed to have prepared something for
Chun Yeowun, but had some doubts about whether it would actually work. He thought for a little
longer and said,

―I think I should prepare for any contingencies.‖


The video was cut off and the next one started playing.

―Video record number 422. December 23, 996. Time is 8 pm. I was told that Miss Mun Ran-
yeong lived a long life by taking the blood of Qilin, so I will try to replicate her longevity.‖

Chun Mu-seong held what looked like a small gourd in his hand.

-This holds the blood of Flame Qilin. Using it should increase my life expectancy, but this
refined blood is so strong that many people have died taking it. Considering its uses in the past,
this is a huge risk…No, honestly I‘m pretty scared.

Chun Mu-seong put down the bottle and spoke,

―I plan to take blood on the first day of the new year. If… if I don‘t make the next record, then
you can consider me dead. I hope I can record more… click!‖

The video stopped, making Chun Yeowun wonder if the next video would play.

[Other videos cannot be played due to the damage done to the TVM. Do you want to read the
records on the other TVM device?]


Chun Yeowun sighed. Only two short records from the past had survived, so the rest would only
be more unsettling.

„Play it.‟

He had to confirm his thoughts. Nano finally scanned the last TVM and then,


Chun Mu-seong appeared again, but he was different from before. Judging from the red hair, it
seemed like he had managed to control the blood of Flame Qilin, but he looked like he was in his
mid 50s.

―Video record 3021. 1699. August 20th at 5 pm. The update of the supercomputer is proceeding
smoothly. It‘s only in teraflops, but with this level of computational power, it is likely to be able
to support an AI.‖

AI stood for Artificial Intelligence.

―If an AI can be supported, the supercomputer which I named Demon God can self-update and
expedite the development of space and time movement devices.‖


Chun Mu-seung ended the video with a smile, but Chun Yeowun frowned.

―Supercomputer Demon God?‖

That man named the supercomputer with Chun Yeowun‘s title.

He thought it was odd, but he managed to find the important fact through this TVM technology.

„He was developing a space-time movement device?‟

The reason for creating the supercomputer was finally revealed to Chun Yeowun. Through the
supercomputer, Chun Mu-seong was developing a space-time movement device to replace the
time pack, but Chun Yeowun couldn‘t figure out why he was creating it if the time pack was just

„Would it be used for Hu Bong, Mun Ran-yeong, and Baekgi?‟

„Or would it be for Chun Mu-seong to return back to his own time?‟

The next video then played.


However, Chun Mu-seong‘s face looked very exhausted. Judging by the wrinkles on his face, it
seemed like even more time had passed.

―Cough… video record number 3087. March 15th, 1728 at 11 pm. Cough. I am gradually losing
weight. It seems like I‘ve caught something strange, but with the medical information I currently
have, it‘s impossible to know for certain what‘s wrong with my body.‖

Blood trickled down the corners of his lips. It was clear that the body condition was deteriorating
from that alone.
―Did the energy of the spirit blood run out? I have no way to find out. Cough. I guess I should
study how to heal my own body.‖


When the video ended, another continued, but Chun Yeowun‘s face darkened as he saw it.

Chun Mu-seong‘s face was pale as if he had no blood running through him. The now
dangerously skinny man opened his mouth with much difficulty.

―Video… record… number… 3092. February 19th… 10om. I am surviving on drugs… but there
seems to be a limit for it… in order for advanced development I should… haa… haa…‖

Chun Mu-seong exhaled in a long and raspy manner, speaking while biting his lip.

―For a year… I spent all my time digitally recording my brain. I don‘t know if this will work, but
I am trying to update the brain records into the supercomputer Demon God‘s AI.‖

Chun Yeowun frowned at those words.

„This… what does this mean?‟



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 180 -
The Record (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Mar 18, 2022

• 8 min read • 5249 views

Chun Yeowun was at a loss for words after watching that. He became well versed with technical
jargon after Nano transferred the knowledge of the present era. However, he still couldn‘t
understand what Chun Mu-seong was saying.

„Nano. Pause it.‟

[The video has been paused.]

At Chun Yeowun‘s command, Nano paused it.

„Nano, did you understand what he was saying?‟


‟… if what I understood is correct, it seems his brain was converted into information like a
computer file and overlays on the AI of a supercomputer… Am I right?‟

[You have understood it correctly.]


Chun Yeowun was taken aback at Nano‘s answer. His descendant decided to abandon his own
body and transfer his mind into a computer. In a sense, it might be a way to overextend his life,
but in reality, it was cloning his mind.

‟… Phew, let‟s see it through first.‟

Nano continued to play the video. Then, Chun Mu-seong continued to speak with difficulty

— If that happens, I will become one with the supercomputer Demon God… for the
development… and to continue to operate… the organization… will be… haa… haaa.


Chun Yeowun was confused.

If he was right, then there was a high chance that Chun Mu-seong was running the Mu-seong
Company. Or, to be more specific, we could say that the AI copy of his brain was running this

— This ends the recording of video 3092…

Chun Mu-seong‘s eyes were red, and he was choking while speaking. His face was pale,
haggard, and red as he burst into tears.

Chun Mu-seong groaned as he spoke.

— I don‘t want to die… I don‘t want to die. I am scared.

It seemed like he was afraid of being sick and dying. His eyes were clearly full of fear.

— When I close my eyes… it is terrifying to think this… is the end… it hurts so much… haa…
haa… haa… is there really anything like the afterlife? Or is it just void?

It seemed like he was slowly accepting reality. Even Chun Yeowun couldn‘t hide the bitterness
at it. In a way, it was like watching his descendant who helped him, suffer like this.


Chun Yeowun sighed. In this video, Chun Mu-seong kept repeating the words of not wanting to
die. While listening to his descendant‘s agony, Chun Yeowun heard someone else‘s voice.

— Commander.

— Ah?
The crying Chun Mu-seong was taken aback upon hearing the voice immediately ended the


The video was not playing anymore.

„Nano. Are the other ones damaged?‟

[There is no next video. That was the last one.]


The video he watched was the last.

The video ended weirdly to call it a proper end, and it wasn‘t known if the descendant died or if
the AI was a success.

―This is…‖

Chun Yeowun sat down and sighed. He was unsure. The hidden time pack was still lost and only
expected information was obtained again.

‟… Then, is the MS Group an artificial intelligence cloned from Chun Mu-seong‟s brain?‟

That was what the video said. But the more he thought, the more perplexed he became.

If that was true, the cloned brain had to be of Chun Mu-seong.

Then Jong-so came from behind?

„What was the real purpose?‟

In the memory of D, one of the ten members, their goal was to create a god. But the MS Group‘s
AI was of Chun Mu-seong, so the goal had to be of his descendant.

„Come to think of it. He didn‟t recognize me.‟

If the AI was Chun Mu-seong‘s, he should have recognized him. However, MS Group didn‘t
know Chun Yeowun at all.

Even the executives or the voices called him with his fake name—-Chun Mu-seong.

„There is definitely something happening.‟

Considering this, it seemed like not everything went as planned.

„According to the record, it is a video of 1730. It is said that 339 years have passed since then.
What the hell happened in between?‟

Something was obviously missing. Otherwise, the MS Group wouldn‘t lose their initial purpose
and do such bizarre things as creating a god.


There was no point worrying further. If this was the case, the only way to know is to meet the
head of MS Group.


Chun Yeowun put the TVM into the shadows. Then heard Hu Bong‘s voice in his mind.

— Lord. I discovered some strange machines here, all of which exploded and broke.


— Uh? This is?

Following Hu Bong‘s attempt to explain were Mun Ran-yeong‘s words in his head.

— Bong-bong, I‘ll tell the Lord. My Lord. The monitor screen here is saying… Omission of
Report… Suicide Sequence… in English.

Hu Bong couldn‘t understand it since it was written in English. Mun Ran-yeong normally
shouldn‘t have known the language, but she learned it when she was acting like a secretary.

Upon hearing that, Chun Yeowun‘s expression hardened.

―Omission of report? Suicide sequence?‖

„What was this?‟


At that moment, a loud roar and an intense heatwave were felt from above. It was an explosion.
There wasn‘t even time to stop it.



Chun Yeowun moved through the place. As he appeared at the point of the explosion taking

In the midst were Baekgi, Hu Bong and Mun Ran-yeong.


They all shouted when they saw Chun Yeowun. However, their voices were covered by the loud

Shh! Woong!

When Chun Yeowun waved his hand, an intense wind pressure created a vacuum that could
withstand the heat and flames. Thanks to that, the three of them were able to escape from there.


―Stay close to me.‖



As Chun Yeowun raised the Ghost Qi from the wrist guard on his right hand, the Ghost of E
came out.
„To Yongchun Group!‟

Upon receiving the command, the Ghost spread the arms open. Then the three people, along with
Chun Yeowun, were sucked into space.

At the same instant, the vacuum was released, and the place exploded as Chun Yeowun released
his grip.


Same time at Yongchun Group‘s senior management meeting room.

Chun Woo-jin, Chun Yu-jang, and the other executives were all in the meeting room and
couldn‘t hide their shock at the four people who suddenly appeared there.


Steam was rising from the bodies of Baekgi, Hu Bong, and Mun Ran-yeong.

Hu Bong murmured as he rubbed his slightly scorched hair.

―Phew. I almost turned bald again.‖

Hu Bong, who now had long hair, had been bald before due to an unfortunate accident.

Seeing the three of them like this, Chun Yu-jang asked.

―W-what happened? Ancestor.‖

Chun Yeowun answered with an annoyed expression.

―A troublesome thing.‖

He couldn‘t bring back C from there due to the explosion, and he lost three precious clones of
The situation didn‘t give him any other choice. If Chun Yeowun had been a little late, the trio
would have suffered injuries.

A space filled with machines.

The heart of the machines were numerous monitors with screens displaying 0s and 1s.

Something was engraved on it.

— Disappearance of The First. (Lost Start)

Among them were a few English letters on the largest screen.

— No more time…

— Activate the process of making God.

―Lord Chun Ma.‖

Bi Mak-heon came to Chun Yeowun with a smartphone.


Chun Yeowun was a bit pissed because things didn‘t get go his way, so Bi Mak-heon cautiously

―Your disciple.‖


The disciple was Ark Young. Chun Yeowun was the one who had forgotten that he said to Ark
Young that he would pick him but then he went to get the time pack.


The room was then filled with whispers.

Hearing Bi Mak-heon‘s words, the executives were all shocked because this disciple was of
Chun Yeowun‘s!

Not caring about them, Chun Yeowun answered the phone.

―Ark Young.‖

— Teacher!

―Have you arrived at lake Baikal?‖

Before going for the time pack, Chun Yeowun asked Ark Young to go to Lake Baikal. Lake
Baikal was a southeast city that wasn‘t far from where Ark Young was stuck.

However, Ark Young‘s reaction was off.

— Teacher… Uhm, there is a huge problem over here.


-I really feel like you should come to see this for yourself.

A loud noise was coming up. It almost sounded like something was burning.


Same time.

Near the west of Lake Baikal in Russia.

Red lights were shimmering around Ark Young, who was currently holding a smartphone. The
reason he was surrounded by bright red light, even in the middle of the night, was simple.


It was because the place Ark Young was looking at was full of lava, where there should have
been a blue lake instead.
―Huh, how do I say….‖

In the middle of this lava-filled lake, there had to be Olkhon Island, the sacred site of the North
Sea Ice Palace, which Chun Yeowun talked about.

However, this place was so hot that it was impossible to even get near the lake.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 181 -
North Sea Ice Palace (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Mar 19, 2022

• 15 min read • 6395 views



Russia was a land with a largely cold atmosphere.

It was also where the North Sea Ice Palace, which was known to be a strong clan, was located.

There were many theories that the snowy field of the North Sea and the North Sea Ice Palace was
located on Olkhon island.

Originally, there was an indigenous clan living on the island, but the clan came under control of
the North Sea Ice Palace when the Sky Demon Order went to help them a thousand years back.

The North Sea Ice Palace had sent out a group to explore other lands and spread word of their
reputation, but this caused the North Sea Ice Palace, which was originally just one group, to later
be split into two groups with different views and beliefs.

More than a thousand years had passed since then, and this outsider group that was split off was
now located at the southern end of Olkhon island.

The outsiders had originally intended to return to the original clan when they left, but they
weren‘t able to head to the northern tip of the island and had to settle in the southern tip.

Currently, they kept experiencing worse and worse confrontations.


The building located in the center of the southern tip of Olkhon island was the residence of Dan
Cho-jin, one of the leaders of the Sky Demon Order and the head of the North Sea Ice clan.

Dan Cho-jin had silver hair and a beard, and although he looked like he was in his mid 40‘s, he
was actually 85 years old.

Body reconstruction allowed him to maintain youth in appearance and movement.

―Huh? Didn‘t I say no?‖

Dan Cho-jin spoke as if it was repulsed by a silver-haired man who seemed to be in his mid 30‘s
and a beautiful woman with curly silver hair who seemed to be in his 20‘s.

They were Dan Cho-jin‘s son Dan Cho-ja and granddaughter Dan So-yeong.

Dan Cho-ja frowned and opened his mouth,

―Father, you need to make a decision.‖

―What decision?‖

―They are already on a completely different path from ours.‖

―Stop saying that.‖

Dan Cho-jin strongly rebuked his child, prompting his grand-daughter to speak up,

―Grandfather, what my father is saying is correct. No matter how much the North Sea Ice Palace
shares its roots with us, how can we move under the Ministry of Defense of Russia?! That should
never happen!‖

―Ugh, you people!‖

Dan Cho-jin glared at his son and granddaughter.

How could people from three different generations have such a serious confrontation? The cause
of their argument was the agreement of two factions that had been divided for a thousand years.

―Then, are you saying that we shouldn‘t settle in our hometown and leave again?‖

Hearing Da Cho-jin‘s words, Dan Cho-ja spoke firmly,

―Yes, it‘ll be better that way! According to the news we‘ve heard, there are signs of the Sky
Demon Order reviving again in China!‖

―Again with that nonsense!‖

―How can you say that when this could be a fated reunion? Why are you being so skeptical,
unless you‘re adamant about trying to enter Russia?‖

Initially, the North Sea Ice clan was an outsider Murim clan that migrated from China.

However, their location within Russia was far above Mongolia, and as a result, their Russian
neighbors reached out to them. It seemed like the North Sea Ice Palace had already entered into a
treaty with Russia‘s defense.
Dan So-young spoke,

―Grandfather, I want to return to China just like what my father said.‖

―You‘re exactly like your father. This is my domain! How dare you people say that I abandon
this place and the blood I shed here to return to the Sky Demon Order that we supported a
thousand years back? In addition, that clan has collapsed! No matter how much they try to
resurrect, do you think that China will sit silently while they try to revive again?‖

Dan Cho-jin‘s cheeks trembled in anger.

If they weren‘t his son and granddaughter, he would have gotten his hands involved by now.

―I won‘t say any more! I am the leader, and my decision will not be overturned unless I die!‖




Because of Dan Cho-jin‘s adamant response, they got up to leave. Dan Cho-ja, who left first,
smoked a cigarette and stood outside without a word while his daughter followed shortly.

―Father, cheer up.‖

Looking at her supportive side, he put on a bitter smile.

―Thank you. However, you don‘t have to do this and end up being scolded by your grandfather.‖

―Well, what‘s wrong is wrong. No matter how much we say that North Sea Ice Palace has our
roots, our roots are actually in China.‖

―I don‘t know how to get this point into his head.‖

They were the outside group that had left to tell people about the North Sea Ice clan, but when
they came back and settled south of Olkhon island, they were always at odds.
All of the fighting came from internal conflicts. The North Sea Ice Palace that had sent the
people out slowly became wary that, when the group returned, it would start to influence the
power of the clan, so the North Sea Ice Palace forbade them from entering the palace. Despite
the wrongfulness of the North Sea Ice Palace‘s treatment, Dan Cho-jin had always waited for
them to accept the North Sea Ice clan back once more.

―I think what Father is doing is right. Even though Grandfather conceded by handing over the
divine item to them, they still demand more things from us.‖

The requirements of the insiders were increasing each time; as if giving up the divine staff
wasn‘t enough, they wanted the clan head‘s absolute loyalty to the Russian government.

―And I wonder if our roots here will be forgotten.‖

For over a thousand years, they lived as members of the Sky Demon Order but didn‘t know
much about the clan. However, it was no exaggeration to think that the Sky Demon order would
act the same as the North Sea Ice Palace.

―Right. You‘re right.‖

He stroked his daughter‘s hair to ease her thoughts. Dan So-young said to him playfully,

―Don‘t touch my hair with that hand, it reeks of cigarettes.‖

―Ah, sorry.‖

Dan Cho-ja released his hand and looked at the setting sun.

And since they were on an island, the environment was often covered with fog, but today it was
thicker than usual and the entire atmosphere was imbued with a scarlet hue.

―I don‘t feel too good about it, but I‘ll have to convince my father again tomorrow. On the other
hand, when will the power line be restored?‖

―Well, it‘s been 5 days already. It was fine at first, but the fact that I can‘t watch TV or use the
internet makes me so uncomfortable.‖

All the power inside the island was cut off because of a problem with the wiring around the lake.
This was the 5th day of the power outage, and it began to feel like they were living like savages.
Living wasn‘t too bad, but since the power line was cut off, no information was being sent in
about the rest of the world.

―Let‘s head in first. It‘ll get cold once the sun sets.‖

Dan So-young puzzled at those words, asked,

―But Father, isn‘t it a bit too warm today?‖

As if he didn‘t notice it, he tilted his head. The weather was indeed warmer than he had

Russia at this hour would usually be cold enough for people to freeze to death, but that same
level of coldness wasn‘t present at all.

―That‘s true. Maybe the weather‘s changed.‖

Most of the time, the seasons were very discrete, but at some point, spring and autumn had
gradually disappeared.

In most regions, there was only summer and winter. Dan Cho-ja grew up in China, which was a
warmer area than here, and didn‘t think it was of any concern and went in.


Dan So-young thought something was off. The fog was thicker than usual and the warmth in the
evening was something she couldn‘t understand.

―If only the phones were working, I would be able to figure out what‘s going on.

She glanced at the flexible smartphone on her wrist. It had been powered off for so long because
the charge had drained.

―Phew. Am I being overly sensitive?‖

She shook her head and went in after her father. A few hours later, the power was still out and
she couldn‘t think about what to do as the surroundings still felt stuffy.
„Why is it so hot?‟

It was difficult to concentrate on training because it was way too hot now. Just then, someone
came in and shouted,

―Leader! Leader, come out and see this! We‘re in a huge mess!‖

Hearing that, she stopped her training and ran outside. Her father was already outside, still
unable to understand why the heat was higher outside than inside.



―What is this?‖

―I don‘t know either.‖

There weren‘t any signs of fires spreading, so what was the cause of this heat?

Then, one of the clan members came to Dan Cho-ja and said,

―Young leader, we are in trouble! There‘s a problem on one side of the lake.‖

―A problem?‖

The lake wasn‘t visible to them as their clan, which was like a village, was located in a lowland
in the southwestern tip of the island.

Both father and daughter hurried towards the pointed tip, and as they got closer, they could see a
hazy mist and red ground – very ominous signs.

When they arrived near the lake, they were shocked.

―W-what is this?‖

The lake was blazing red, and the liquid was too thick to be considered water. Both the father
and daughter had to cover themselves with energy to stop the heat from burning their skin.

―Father, could this be lava?‖

Dan Cho-ja couldn‘t answer her. The lake around the island was undeniably full of lava and not a
single person had noticed it until now?

This wasn‘t something that could have happened naturally.

―Father… this.. is…‖

Dan cho-ja bit his lip.


Right, this phenomenon was possible only if Gate opened.

There were three types of Gate entities. Individual, Disaster and Special.

This seemed similar to a natural disaster, so it was probably a Disaster type. Dan Cho-ja

―How could this happen right when the power lines were cut off?‖

The Gate seemed to open during the only time when they couldn‘t alarm others. This was
definitely a complicated situation to be involved in.

―And for us to know this only now!‖

If this was happening someone should have noticed it, but no one had. One member of the clan

―Young leader, over here!‖

When he moved there, Dan Cho-ja was horrified at the scene.

There were three bodies, and they were all clan people.

They had died with sharp wounds all over their bodies, as if someone had killed them.
―This is the Ice and Snow Sword technique!‖

The sword marks on the body were undoubtedly from the Ice and Snow Sword technique, a
technique that the North Sea Ice Palace used.

The Ice and Snow Sword technique was taught by either North Sea Ice Clan or the warriors of
the North Sea Ice Palace.

Dying with such scars meant only one thing.

―Father… this is a trap!‖

Dan So-young said in a trembling voice.

Dan Cho-jin, the leader of the North Sea Ice clan, was looking at the lava-filled lake with
bewildered eyes along with the clan members.

The heat from the lava felt like it would burnt everything.

―How could this–‖

The lava was slowly moving into the island. Over time, the entire land would eventually be

―Leader. We need to head deeper into the island as we could be hurt by the heat if we stay here.‖

The heat could be avoided with internal energy, but withstanding the lava directly was a different
matter altogether. Since this wasn‘t a natural occurrence and likely involved a Gate, they
couldn‘t linger in the area any longer.



Dan Cho-jin raised his power and exerted a cold energy.

He then reached out to the place where the lava was flowing.

A long and huge ice wall about 5 meters wide was created to block the lava.


―It‘s been stopped!‖

The members of the clan marveled at the sight. To create an ice wall of this size wasn‘t possible
for just anyone.

Everyone was shocked and thought they could survive the disaster when,


A strange sound from the wall, which turned red as it melted it away quickly.

―No way.‖

―It‘s melting!‖

Unfortunately, even the ice wall was taken down as it was unable to withstand the heat. All the
clan‘s hope turned into despair in just a second.


Dan Cho-jin looked at the melting ice wall as a strange feeling flowed inside him.

If this situation wasn‘t prevented, the entire island would go down as this lava burned everyone
to their death. The only ones who could move through air were him and Dan Cho-ja, but he
couldn‘t leave the clan members and run away.

„If my strength isn‟t enough, I‟ll just need to join forces with others.‟

Dan Cho-jin decided that he could overcome the heat of the lake if he worked with others. He
decided to get help from the North Sea Ice Palace and try using the cold energy to create a path
out of here.

―Let‘s get help from the Ice Palace for now.‖

The crisis called for the North Sea Ice clan and the North Sea Ice Palace to join forces, which
could help them unify once more in the future. Then, someone ran over.


They were his son and granddaughter. Dan Cho-jin sighed in relief as he saw them safe and

―You‘re fine.‖

And as he confirmed what they said, Dan Cho-jin said,

―We don‘t have time for this, the lava is flowing in quickly so let‘s hurry and go to the North Sea
Ice palace.‖

Hearing that, Dan Cho-ja held up his hand and said,

―There is no need for that, and no need for those people here.‖

―What are you saying?‖

―Father, this is a trap.‖

―What are you saying? Tell me in a way that will help me understand what‘s happening.‖

Dan So-young answered to his shouting,

―Grandfather, all the members of the clan near the pier and lake were killed.‖


Dan Cho-jin couldn‘t hide his shock at those words. Even if that wasn‘t the conclusion he had in
mind, he not only wondered how such a thing had occurred but also how no one knew they were

―Grandfather, you know how the power line was out 5 days ago?‖

―Yes, of course.‖
―Because of that, we didn‘t even know about the Gate warning. Out there, the members who
were guarding the lake and pier were killed. What do you think this means? This is all a trap by
those Ice Palace bastards!‖


Dan Cho-jin was at a loss of words, likely shocked at how certain she sounded.

He always thought of the Ice Palace as his compatriots from the same bloodline, but since the
evidence pointed at the Ice Palace as the perpetrators, he was immensely disappointed.

―How can this… no, it can‘t be that.‖

Normally, it would be easy to take this in by others but this was not the case for Dan Cho-jin,
who trusted the Ice Palace.

It made no sense of him that they would kill their own people just because they were now in
different factions.

―Father! All the members killed had signs of the Ice and Snow Sword technique. You need to
accept this now!‖

Dan Cho-jin continued denial made Dan Cho-ja yell, but nevertheless, Dan Cho-jin shook his
head and said,

―No, it can‘t be that. I will go and see the truth with my own two eyes!‖


―What are you talking about?! The lava is rushing and you want to go check that place now?‖

The lava was flowing in quickly, and it now seemed like the entire path would be cut off. At that
instant, the members of the clan shouted,

―Leader, the lava is reaching us! We can‘t stay here any longer!‖

All of a sudden, the lava was dangerously close to their location because even though they were
all trying to hold it off, nothing seemed to work.
Meanwhile, out of stubbornness, Dan Cho-jin said,

―If you won‘t come, then don‘t come, I will go there myself.‖

Both the father and daughter were perplexed by his attitude. They then heard,

―Who is the leader of the North Sea Ice clan?‖


Everyone looked at the source of the unfamiliar voice.

―And you are?‖

Until now, there had only been members of the clan present, but a stranger with a black suit and
white face suddenly appeared.

Of course, it was none other than Chun Yeowun.


―Who are you?‖

―How did you come here?‖

Both father and daughter pulled out their swords and aimed them at Chun Yeowun, showing
their Murim instinct.

Their faces were stained with tension because someone was able to come this close to them
without being sensed.

Then, Chun Yeowun spoke with a smirk,

―You‘re dogs who don‘t even know your master.‖


―Before anything happens…‖

Chun Yeowun raised his hand upwards.


At that moment, something strange happened in the sky. Countless Ice Swords were scattered in
all directions while filled with heat. The members of the North Sea Ice clan were shocked at the

―T-that sword?‖

―What is this?‖

Chun Yeowun waved his hand towards the lava, causing the Ice Swords dyed in blue light
directly hit the flowing lava,




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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 182 -
North Sea Ice Palace (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on
Mar 20, 2022

• 8 min read • 5192 views

A meteor shower in the misty night sky.

―T-this makes no sense.‖

―All of them have sword energy on them?‖

The members of the North Sea Ice Clan were shocked at this. At first glance, they seemed to be
ice swords, but then they had sword energy on them.

Besides, the way they were all arranged looked like…

―Is this… Air Swords?‖

Dan Cho-ja, the young leader of the North Sea Ice Clan, opened his mouth in shock. He had
heard that even a Divine Master could not wield so many swords because it requires a lot of
mental strength and internal energy.

But this was beyond common sense.

―How… how can this….‖


Dan Cho-ja consciously looked at the puzzled Dan Cho-jin. Naturally, Dan Cho-jin was taken
aback, but there was more to it.

―Sky Flash…‖

Those two letters came up. The moment he heard those words, Dan Cho-ja too was shocked.

―The Sky Flash!‖

It was impossible to be unaware of this technique as the leader of the North Sea Ice Clan, who
had served for generations under the Lord of the Sky Demon Order.

Sky Flash.
The absolute power of the Demon God.

When those words were heard, people thought it was an exaggerated story. How can one person
handle all of these swords, no matter how rational a person is?

―… it is true.‖

The rumors weren‘t an exaggeration. Instead, seeing it in person confirmed it.


The swords kept hitting the lava without stopping. However, if they looked closely, it wasn‘t the
lava being hit by the swords. They were aiming for the immediate vicinity of lava.


[70% complete. The entry path of lava flows into depression.]

This was all being done by a thorough analysis of Nano.

Even if it was Sky Flash, it could not handle the lava. So they were digging a drainage trench to
keep the lava from pouring onto the land.

―Over there! The lava is flowing down!‖

There was hope on the faces of the clan members, who were shocked. However, the lava
couldn‘t be calmed with a simple depression inland.


Since the lava was thick and sluggish, its movement was only slow.

―Even that can‘t stop it?‖

―T-the amount of lava is too much.‖

To handle all that much lava, it appeared that a few kilometers of canals would need digging.
Chun Yeowun said to Dan Cho-ja and his daughter, who were levelling their swords at him at the

―Move out of my way.‖

Even though they were the first to draw their swords, they immediately stood aside.


Dan So-young backed away too. As they moved, Chun Yeowun approached where she had
previously stood and used Sky Flash.


The Air Swords kept falling. The lava flowed, sinking into the draining path.

Not everyone knew what was happening.

It was then…


Chun Yeowun stepped forward vigorously on the ground, and then came the highlight.


The ground shook like an earthquake starting from where he stepped on. Then the floor swelled
up and immediately sunk in.


―T-the ground!‖

The ground around rose 10 meters as if there was a barrier. It was because of the Earth Qi: one of
the five attributes of the Spirit Beasts.

―This much should be enough.‖

Not stopping there, Chun Yeowun once again stepped forward on the ground. Then starting with
him, the land began to freeze for several hundred meters.


―T-the ground is freezing!‖


The clan members were all shocked at what they had witnessed. They, too, know how to deal
with cold energy, but it was their first time seeing someone freeze a land for hundreds of meters.


The place overflowed with steam as the heat of the lava cooled down.

As the hot air caused by the lava began to cool, the clan members felt they might have a chance
to live longer.

Dan So-young spoke to her father, who was still in disbelief.

―Father… that man… is he that one?‖

The man didn‘t block the lava entirely. However, it was no exaggeration to say that this is the
safest area from the lava. No human could prevent such a disaster.

At that moment, Dan Cho-jin screamed.

―What is that way you are speaking!‖


―That man is God!‖

She looked at her grandfather with a look of disbelief and absurdity.

She wondered what was wrong with her grandfather, who looked like he would cry any moment
from the emotions overflowing within him.
„What is with him?‟

She was flustered and confused. So she tried asking her father when,


He kept mumbling something as if he had lost his mind while looking at Chun Yeowun.

―The legend… it was true, the legend was true!‖

His voice is full of emotions.


Dan Cho-ja turned to the puzzled Dan So-young and spoke in happiness.

―So-young. For real, he is back.‖

―Huh? He?‖

―The Demon God has come back!‖

There were only three great elders in the Sky Demon Order.

Among them, only two of them managed to help and look after their clan as the third one, Mun
Ran-yeong, had gone into slumber.

They were the Martial Dual Sword clan and the North Sea Ice Clan. They both had a legend
passed down orally for thousands of years.

A legend that the seer, Seong Mu-chun, prophesied that the Demon God, Chun Yeowun, would
return to the distant future.

―What?! What are you all doing?! The Demon God! No - Chun Ma has descended. Greet him!‖

At the cry of Dan Cho-jin, all the clan members bowed their heads by falling onto the ground at

They, too, were members of Sky Demon Order, so there was no way they didn‘t know what
Chun Ma meant.


―The clan members of the Great Sky Demon Order greet the Demon God Chun Ma!‖

Dan Cho-jin banged his head on the floor as he shouted it. Seeing that, Dan So-young bit back
her tongue.

Just a few hours ago, this man acted like he wanted to do nothing with the collapsed Sky Demon
order, but now he was acting like this.


She knew it for a long time, but this proved once again that her grandfather was a naïve man. In
any case, since both her grandfather and father bowed, she too had to bow.

‟… that person is the Demon God?‟

A name mentioned countless times in the Sky Demon Order.

Chun Yeowun, the 24th Lord of the Sky Demon Order. The second person to have the title of
Chun Ma since the first one and was said to have achieved an unprecedented name for the cult
since its founding.

„He doesn‟t seem to have much of an age difference from me.‟

On the outside, Chun Yeowun looked to be in his early 20s, not much older than her. Still, he
seemed too powerful.

„Is that true? no matter how great the internal energy is, can humans live more than a thousand

She‘s currently 29 years old. She was only 2 years old when the Sky Demon Order was
Unlike her father and grandfather, she didn‘t learn the morals and teachings of the Sky Demon
Order, so her mind was filled with doubts.

That was when Chun Yeowun spoke.

―I can feel the energy of the Cold Ice from Heaven cultivation from you two.‖

They were Dan Cho-jin and Dan Cho-ja.

Ever since he hit the Divine Master level, Chun Yeowun was able to distinguish between energy
and qi.


Chun Yeowun said, looking at Dan Cho-jin.

Despite the arrogant tone, Dan Cho-jin didn‘t talk back and raised his head as he answered in an
emotion-filled voice.

―T-this.. Yes, Lord Chun Ma.‖

―Even if it is stopped, for now, it will only hold on so long.‖


The lake of lava. Even if he blocked the area, it was only a matter of time for the lava to enter
once again.

Chun Yeowun continued.

―We don‘t have the luxury of time. Gather all the clan members here.‖


―Didn‘t hear me? I said to gather all of them.‖

Dan Cho-jin couldn‘t understand when Chun Yeowun said to gather all of them. At that, Dan
Cho-ja pointed to the nearby members.
―Lord Chun Ma. These are all our sect members.‖

―The ones here?‖

The people bowing on the ground didn‘t seem like more than three hundred. Considering that
100 of them followed him to China in the past, the number did go up.

But Chun Yeowun meant something else.

―Then what are the ones coming from there?‖

―Huh? The ones coming?‖

The place Chun Yeowun pointed to was in the northeast direction.

These people didn‘t try to sense the energy because of the panic they were in, but Chun Yeowun
wasn‘t the kind to be swayed by the flow.


Some people were coming here. He tried to use his heightened vision.


Chun Yeowun‘s eyes narrowed. It‘s a bit like east and west, unlike the ones from here. The clan
members spoke in a hurry.

―Lord. They seem to be from the North Sea Ice Palace.‖

At that, Chun Yeowun‘s eyes lit up.

„People from North Sea Ice Palace?‟

In the past, they had a strangely exotic feeling like the ones living in the north, but now they
seemed full-on foreigners.

―Look. Wasn‘t this old man right? How can they forsake us!‖

Dan Cho-jin said to his son next to him with a bright voice.
He believed that the North Sea Ice Palace would never betray them. At that, Dan Cho-ja sighed
and mumbled.

―Haa… Father.‖

You are trusting those people till the very end.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 183 -
North Sea Ice Palace (3)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Mar 21, 2022

• 11 min read • 4700 views

Under the leader‘s orders, the 3rd Elder of the North Sea Ice Palace was moving to the location of
the North Sea Ice clan using Light Footwork along with 6 other escorts. However, their facial
expressions showed mixed feelings…

„What is all this?‟

Ha Jong-oh, the 3rd Elder of the North Sea Ice Palace, couldn‘t understand the situation that was
unfolding. At the moment, the entire Olkhon island was threatened by the lava to the point that it
looked like a sea of fire, but the destination was frozen as if it hadn‘t been touched by the heat.

―Elder, this is strange.‖

―This is much different from what we expected.‖

They were expecting the North Sea Ice clan to be desperate for help from the lava, and thus were
rightfully puzzled when they saw that the land was frozen a hundred meters away from the
nearest side of the lake, as if the lava that should have been flowing in was blocked by

―Did their leader do this?‖

―No way. Unless there were dozens of people at his level, they never could have frozen such a
wide area.‖

Ha Jong-oh intervened the escorts‘ conversation with a calm voice,

―It doesn‘t matter. No matter how long they try, what can they do to get out of there? Under the
command of the Royal Court, I will ensure their end today.‖

It didn‘t matter if the location was frozen: as long as the lava was still flowing, everything would
slowly melt away.


They finally arrived where the clan was gathered.

„What‟s happening?‟
3rd Elder Ha Jong-oh frowned. He didn‘t realize it initially, but the North Sea Ice clan members
seemed to be bowing to someone.

In the direction they faced, only one man was standing.

Ho Jong-oh looked at Dan Cho-jin‘s bowing and asked,

―Lord Dan, what are you doing right now?‖

Hearing the question, Dan Cho-jin raised his head and asked for Chun Yeowun‘s permission to

―Lord Chun Ma, please excuse me for a moment.‖

He then urged the 3rd Elder,

―Elder Ha, bow your head.‖

The 3rd Elder was beyond flustered at this point and raised his voice,

―What are you trying to say?! Why would an Elder such as I bow to this man?!‖

―Huh?! How can you use such disrespectful words towards the Chun Ma of the Sky Demon

No matter how great the North Sea Ice Palace was, Dan Cho-jin insisted that the elder refrain
from disrespecting the Chun Ma.

Hearing the title ―Chun Ma‖, Ha Jong-oh turned his head and looked at Chun Yeowun.

―Chun Ma? Are you talking about the Sky Demon Order‘s Chun Ma?‖

―Right. Hurry up and–‖

Before Dan Cho-jin could even finish talking, Ha Jong-oh suddenly burst into laughter.


Hearing the elder‘s response, Dan Cho-jin‘s face went stiff as he asked,
―Why are you laughing?‖

―What, don‘t you think this is funny? It is absurd to me. What are you upto by bowing down to a
fallen clan? It is just so funny hahaha.‖

As if sympathizing, the other escorts too laughed along. Dan Cho-jin was happy they came but
he couldn‘t control his anger at their insulting actions.

―How dare you!‖

It was then.



Ha Jong-oh, who was laughing, suddenly began to float in the air. Out of shock, he tried to raise
his internal energy and tried to fight against the energy holding him up, but his body then flew as
if the thread holding him to the ground was cut and he was being thrown into the air.



Chun Yeowun, obviously the one moving Ha Jong-Oh as if he were a child‘s toy, spoke in his
usual cold manner,

―You‘re talking shit with that dirty mouth of yours. You call us a fallen clan?‖

―Kuak! Kuak!‖

Ha Jong-oh tried to make Chun Yeowun release the grasp, but no matter how hard he tried, his
internal energy didn‘t work and he couldn‘t move.

‗_W-what is he?‘_

The 3rd Elder of the North Sea Ice Palace was known to be the strongest warrior of the North Sea
Ice Palace, and he was rightfully shocked that someone who looked like a young man was able to
control him.
―Do you think you have two lives?‖



Ha Jong-oh, who continued to suffocate, grunted in pain as Chun Yeowun tightened the grasp on

―How dare you!‖

―Release the Elder now!‖


To protect Ha Jong-oh, the 6 escorts drew out their swords at the same time but were blocked by
Dan Cho-ja.

―Those swords… if you pull those out, you won‘t make it out alive!‖

Hearing the threatening warning, the oldest of the escorts shouted in anger.

―You dogs are all crazy! The King is showing mercy because, despite being hybrids, you have
the same blood of the North Sea Ice Palace. However, if you hurt the eld–‖


A freezing chill spread around, and the shouting escort was so started he didn‘t speak any further
and just peered at the coldness.

The freezing atmosphere came from Dan Cho-jin.

―What are you saying? Dogs? Mercy?‖

Dogs and hybrids were words that the Palace used to demean the ―outsider‖ group. Dan Cho-jin
couldn‘t contain his anger any longer.

„These bastards!‟
He wanted to kill the subordinate to the Palace right away but decided against it because they
shared the same blood as him.


The escort was already exhausted from the coldness spreading and said in a low voice,

―You think you can do this? We… we are giving you one last chance.‖


Dan Cho-ja thought everything they were saying was absurd. The fact that these people, the
culprits, were the ones giving a chance was absurd.

―You bastards!‖

―A chance, you say?‖

The North Sea Ice clan members looked at the escort with enraged eyes. In response to the
horrendous energy, the escort hurriedly spoke,

―Ugh! Do you all want to be swept away by the lava and burn to death?‖

―Do all of you people speak like this?‖

Dan So-young then got up and pulled out her sheath. The palace escort, feeling a sense of crisis,
hurriedly shouted,

―There is an undersea tunnel to the North Sea Ice Palace!‖


―Exactly! The king of the palace said that if you accept the proposal sent by the palace, he will
open the tunnel out of hismercy and generosity.‖

―Seriously, you people!‖

Dan So-young, unable to contain her anger, pulled the sword out and tried to stab the escort,
prompting Dan Cho-ja to stop her.


―Pull back your sword.‖

―What do you mean?! Are you going to ignore what these bastards just said? If we accept their
proposal, the generations of our family will be meaningless because we‘ll need to destroy our
dantians and we swear our allegiance to them. Were you even listening to what he said?‖

Right. This was the reason the father and daughter were trying to oppose the proposal until the
end. The requirement to enter into the North Sea Ice Palace was to destroy their own dantian,
which was formed by their own Cold Ice cultivation technique.

Didn‘t that mean that the palace wanted only their people to live and flourish as Murim warriors?


Dan Cho-ja grunted. Like his daughter, he was unable to hold back the anger.

However, there was no other way to save the clan members around him.

„Even if he is Chun Ma, he can‟t save all of us in this situation.‟

This was why he stopped her; if he was going to be a leader, he had to prioritize the people
below him.

Dan Cho-jin, too, held back his anger when he heard the word ‗tunnel‘. The 3rd Elder, who was
caught by Chun Yeowun, struggled to open his mouth,

―Kuak, d-did you hear what I said? If you want to live, let go of me and apologize—‖

It was then.


Chun Yeowun grabbed his chin.

―W-what are you doing—.‖

Before the escort could even finish asking, Chun Yeowun poured more strength into his hand.



His jaw was ripped out as a strange scream tore the sky.


Dan So-young turned her head away at the cruel sight. Ha Jong-oh, whose mouth was torn out,
let out a groan and then shook his head in pain.


Everyone was stunned at what had happened so suddenly and was at a loss for words. Chun
Yeowun said to them,

―I listened very patiently to what was going on, but in the end, it all sounded like bullshit.‖


Chun Yeowun wiped the blood off his hands and threw away the body on its side.


The escorts trembled, looking at the corpse that had died in immense pain. One shouted,

―This crazy bastard seems to want everyone here dead—‖


At that moment, Chun Yeowun appeared in front of him. Flustered, the escort tried to draw out
his sword, but Chun Yeowun‘s hand went for his forehead.

It seemed like a:
„Forehead flick?‟

Chun Yeowun flicked his finger.


The head of the escort promptly exploded.


The other escorts couldn‘t understand what happened: the moment the finger was flicked, the
head was completely blown away.


One of the escorts even had to wipe the blood and flesh remains off his body, as it seemed like a
piece of brain had splattered on him.



The escort fell to the floor, but what the escorts saw was so overwhelming that they took a step


When Chun Yeowun raised his hand, all their bodies floated into the air and were pulled close
together. With their bodies imprisoned, they couldn‘t move and looked at Chun Yeowun with
fear in their eyes.

―Are you going to spout bullshit too?‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s question, they all shook their heads at the same time. They had just seen two
horrible things happen right in front of their faces; who would dare speak?

Dan So-young spoke out,

―W-wait, Chun Ma — Lord Chun Ma — if we kill all of them, we can‘t get out of here.‖
She was worried that this action might provoke the Ice Palace and cause her clan to be stuck in
here, to which Chun Yeowun smirked.

―You don‘t need to worry about that.‖


Chun Yeowun pulled out his right sleeve and held out his right hand.


A gloomy, blue light flashed from the black iron wrist guard as something hazy came out.


Dan So-young, surprised at it, covered her mouth. The appearance of a Ghost was something one
would almost never see. Chun Yeowun said to the Ghost,

―Get all of them off the island.‖


As soon as the words were said, Dan So-young‘s vision changed. She staggered at the sudden
change and then closed her eyes.

„What is happening here?‟

For a moment when she opened her eyes, she trembled, unable to understand what was

―How is thi—‖

She wasn‘t the only one surprised. Dan Cho-jin, the leader of the clan, and Dan Cho-ja as well
were looking around in shock.

Their location had definitely changed.

What they were looking at now was Olkhon Island covered in lava. For a second, they thought
they were hallucinating.


The members of the clan too began to talk about what had happened so suddenly.

―No way!‖

Dan So-young looked at Chun Yeowun in disbelief.

In the blink of an eye, more than 200 members of the clan were moved away from the island.
The people who realized it a little later shouted,


―We‘re out of there!‖

They were moved by the man who saved their lives. Dan Cho-jin looked at Chun Yeowun.

‗_Y-You are God! The God of our clan has descended!‘_

―Oooh! Demon God‖

Dan Cho-jin was in awe of this tremendous ability, raised his hands high, and bowed to the
ground, which made the others follow him.

―Demon God!!‖

Chun Yeowun was being worshiped as their God in an instant.

„H-How did this even happen?‟

Unlike the clan, which was happy about this, the escorts of the North Sea Ice Palace who were
still under the pressure of Chun Yeowun‘s energy were going crazy.

Fortunately, the only way to save their lives was gone. And to them, Chun Yeowun was a
monster, not a God.
Chun Yeowun slowly approached them and asked,

―I will ask only once. The North Sea Ice Palace… where is it?‖



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 184 -
North Sea Ice Palace (4)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Mar 22, 2022

• 12 min read • 5139 views

The northern part of Olkhon Island is where the North Sea Ice Palace was located. Of course, it
was no longer the place with tiles and the fantastic structure of Chinese culture, but modern
buildings making up a town that is now a ghost town.

The town in North Sea Ice Palace did have civilians, but the important items and people had been
moved using the tunnel for the past seven days. As a result, it was now vacant.
The North Sea Ice Palace, which suffered from various hardships such as the Turtle Dragon
incident and the world war in the past, secretly built a tunnel to escape from the place.

In a tunnel connected through the lake‘s northwest side to the exit, five hundred soldiers from the
North Sea Ice Palace were armed and surrounding the place. Interestingly, in those five hundred,
one hundred had Russian Defense guns.


The soldiers who were stationed there were pointing their guns to the exit.

―Я еще не видел это.‖

(I haven‘t seen them yet.)

The special unit leader reported to someone with a wireless earphone walkie-talkie. That
someone was a blonde middle-aged man at a location where soldiers and courtiers from the
North Sea Ice Palace had established a makeshift base camp behind the siege. He was also was
wearing the military uniform of the Defense with the rank of a Major.

The Major put his hand on the radio.

―понимаю. Будьте очень осторожны.‖

(I see. Be vigilant.)

After giving the order, the Major turned his head and looked at someone. That person seemed
like a middle-aged man with sagging eyes who looked like he was in his early 50s with long
padded clothes and a furred hood.

He was Dan Kyeong-gak, the Lord of the North Sea Ice Palace.

―Lord Dan. Happy now?‖

The Major asked in a displeased voice. In response, the Lord bowed his head a little.

―Thank you for the consideration you‘ve shown, Major Verno.‖

―Tch tch. We‘re being forced to perform a difficult task when we could have just knocked down
the tunnel with one shot.‖

Major Verno, a member of the defense department.

The North Sea Ice Palace people watching him weren‘t very pleased.

In particular, as if expressing dissatisfaction, Dan Young-soo, the young master of the Palace,
stared at Major Verno and the grey-haired man in sunglasses with arms folded next to him.

„Crazy bastards. Destroy the tunnel? Is that an idea that even comes out of the human mind?‟

If the tunnel collapses, two hundred people on the island would be deserted at once. And these
defense people wanted that.

Dan Young-soo heard something in his mind.

[Handle your expressions.]

It was the Lord of the Palace.

[But father, aren‘t their demands too high? No matter how far apart we stay and the blood has
diluted, they are still the same as us. They share the same roots as us. And to kill them all is–!!]

[I understand. However, after the massacre in China, they don‘t like the Murim anymore.
Especially if one is related to the Sky Demon Order.]

Like the People‘s Republic of China, the massacre event involved the Prime Minister of Russia,
who opposed the federation government. Since then, the Russians have hated the people of

[Still, this is too much. Surely that Modve….]


[Phew… that person‘s thing might have worked.]

Modve Radev, the Commander of one of Russia‘s four major armed forces.
Modve, one of the most powerful figures in the armed groups, inked an arrangement with the
Ministry of Defense at a young age and wielded considerable power.

[That Modve doesn‘t dislike the outsiders because they are related to the Sky Demon Order, but
he is afraid of the change that could happen, the change of four armed groups to five armed
groups if they enter Russia officially.]

Until now, the position of the North Sea Ice Palace was vague. They weren‘t entirely Russian or

However, if they were now officially incorporated into the Ministry of Defense, this time, the
North Sea Ice Palace would be strong enough to be called one of Russia‘s five armed groups.

Furthermore, if the outsiders‘ force of roughly 200 people is added, this man‘s position,
Modve‘s, would be jeopardized.

[It‘s not like the Palace doesn‘t know. The only solution is to limit the amount of damage we will

Dan Young-soo nodded his head. He also knew now that his father wanted this. He hated the
outsiders as hybrids, yet he stood back and waited for them to come because his power would
increase significantly.

„I need to learn a lot from my father.‟

Dan Young-soo considered his father a great leader. Either way, there was one thing that

The crucial question was whether or not the North Sea Ice Clan‘s Leader would accept the

[But Father… Do we have to put in such a proposal? In a way, they too are the people who share
the same blood and roots from us.]

At Dan Young-soo‘s words, Dan Kyeong-gak said firmly.

[Only the Lord of the Palace should learn the Cold Ice from Heaven techniques.]
This was something that only the Lord of the Palace should learn, and the outsiders were always
considering them to be a part of the Sky Demon Order.

Those who weren‘t directly the descendants of the Palace but just allies were learning their
technique and using it, from the point of view of the Palace Lord, it couldn‘t be tolerated.

[We aren‘t after their lives, just the martial arts.]

[But to waste such great levels of martial…]

Instead of their lives, they were going after the dantian. However, for a Murim warrior, a
destroyed dantian is equivalent to death.

„But if they accept it, they will be a part of the Palace.‟

On this point, the father and son had different opinions. One values efficiency, the other respects
the father, but his thoughts didn‘t go well with him.

„The Palace Lord is Father…‟

So he had no choice but to follow.

[But Elder Ha hasn‘t contacted us. Is it because of the lava?]

Elder Ha was the 3rd Elder. They did give him a walkie-talkie, but the man didn‘t contact them
back, which made them think it was because of the lava.

They had no idea what was happening. It was then….


The was a sudden commotion happening outside the camp.

One of the escorts rushed in to report.

―Lord! I think you should come outside.‖

―Out? Did something happen?‖

―They have appeared outside.‖


―T-those outsider bastards!‖


At the puzzling words, Major Verno stood up. He hadn‘t heard anything about people coming
through the tunnel, but they suddenly appeared outside? Everyone in the camp gathered.

The guards, escorts, and soldiers surrounded some people in the middle.

―Dan Cho-jin!‖

There were three men there. They were the Clan Leader, his son, and someone they saw for the
first time.

But that wasn‘t the problem.

―This… What the hell is this?!‖

The face of the Palace Lord Dan Kyeong-gak was red in anger. There was something round in
the hand of the new person, and it was none other than the head of the 3rd Elder with his chin
pulled out.

―How did they get out?‖

Contrary to him, Major Verno and Modve Radev were puzzled.

To them, it didn‘t matter how they died inside the island. They just couldn‘t understand how they
got out.


Major Verno tapped the radio with his finger.

―This is Alpha. How did they get out?‖

A platoon soldier answered it while putting down the gun in his hand.

-Click! Beta here. They didn‘t come out from the tunnel.

―Didn‘t come out from the tunnel?‖

-They suddenly flew in from the sky.

―What? Do they have special abilities…‖

It was when Dan Young-soo intervened.

―Not that.‖

―… What do you mean? Young Lord?‖

He answered.

―Perhaps they all came in through light footwork through the air?‖

―Light Footwork? The technique of running fast in murim?‖


Dan Young-soo was convinced that these people used it. The Palace Lord was a Supreme
Master-level warrior, so he could do it. However, Dan Cho-jin, who was almost on par with him,
wasn‘t that perfect.


―Uhh! It‘s those bastards again!‖

The Palace Lord, Dan Kyeong-gak, was angrier seeing the dead head of the 3rd Elder, which was
why Dan Young-soo tried to calm him.

―Father. Please hold back. Now they seem to have given up on all those proposals and seem to
have come here for revenge.‖

Dan Young-soo came to that decision. From the beginning, it was assumed that only two people
could escape.

However, seeing the head of the Elder, it seemed like they chose to sacrifice themselves rather
than abandon their identity and clan, but this was unexpected.

„But who is he?‟

Along with the two men was a young man.


―You are dogs in the end. Are you here to get revenge by killing everyone here?‖

Dan Kyeong-gak stepped ahead in anger. He shouted using his internal energy.

―You bastard! Dan Cho-jin! How dare you, a hybrid, touch the Elder! Your limbs will be cut off
for you to come to your senses!‖

The soldiers had to cover their ears from the loud voice. The voice was as ferocious as a lion.

―As expected, so great.‖

Major Verno mumbled in admiration. In response, Modve Radev said,

―That is nothing, Major. All murim warriors can do that.‖

He did say that, but he was also shocked.

He knew that the old man was the Palace Lord and that he was strong, but not this strong.

At that time, Dan Cho-jin, the Clan Leader, shouted in reply.

―That is what I want to say! How can you force your fellow people into such a situation!‖

Normally, he would be terrified of the Palace, but now he was just filled with disappointment.

Major Verno frowned at the voice, which didn‘t fall in comparison.

―Well, that one is a dangerous person too.‖

―I think the same. Just kill him.‖

At Modve‘s suggestion, Major Verno nodded. But Dan Young-soo tried to dissuade them.

―Wait a minute, Major Verno. The Palace Lord has to talk….‖

―Talk what? Hasn‘t your request been granted already?‖

Major Verno refused to listen. He touched his earphone and gave the orders.

―This is Alpha.‖

— Click! Orders, please.

―Kill them.‖

— Roger!

As soon as the words fell, about a hundred soldiers loaded their guns.


This made Dan Cho-jin and Dan Cho-ja bewildered. They followed Chun Yeowun to break apart
from the Palace for good, but they didn‘t know that the Russian Defense Ministry would be here.

Dan Cho-jin shouted in a hurry.

―Stop! Do you know who is here!‖

Which made Major Verno laugh.

―You‘re all so funny. Who came? Huh! Who is here?!‖

Then he gave the order again.

Them moment he commanded, the soldiers began to scream.


Hundreds of soldiers fired their guns at once.

―Kuak! Gear up!‖

Dan Cho-jin and Dan Cho-ja drew out their swords and raised the cold energy at once.

They were strong, but they couldn‘t block all the bullets coming.


―What? This is?‖

An amazing thing happened.

Bullets fired by hundreds of soldiers had stopped in mid-air less than a meter away. As they
continued to fire, the bullets came to a halt.

„The bullets?‟

The soldiers were shocked at what had happened before them.

―W-what is this?‖

Major Verno was confused as the Palace Lord who was next to him.

However, he was also not in the right mind to explain.

„No. Could this power be that one?‟

He never thought anyone could have such vital internal energy.

Even he, who reached the Supreme Master level, couldn‘t stop a bullet with energy alone.


And with that, the soldiers who were shooting stopped; they had run out of bullets.

They quickly changed the magazine and shot again, but Chun Yeowun turned his palm lightly
and waved his hand.
It was then…





Bullets that had stopped flew back to the soldiers and hit them. The entire unit was baptized
instantly, and they fell with screams of pain.


A moment of silence.

When hundreds of soldiers fell, Major Verno panicked and yelled.

―Tt-that monster! Who is he?‖

The Palace Lord answered.

―I don‘t know him.‖

―Lord Dan! If you don‘t know, who here will know? Damn it! This shouldn‘t happen. Quickly
tell your men to stop that monster!‖

Chun Yeowun‘s monster-like ability to annihilate soldiers at once made Major Verno lose his
mind. As that was happening, the Elders of the North Sea Ice Palace came ahead and shouted.

―Warriors of the Palace! Kill them!‖

The guards pulled their weapons at the same time. They, too, were shocked at what happened,
but they had the numbers to take down three people.

At that time, Chun Yeowun leisurely walked ahead, raised his palm, and lowered it.

After that..

Thud! Thud! Thud!


―M-my body!‖

Not a single warrior could move ahead and harm them and kneeled. The faces of the guards were
confused at this. They were forcibly brought down to their knees!

―H-How can this….‖


The Elders of the North Sea Ice Palace were losing words.

Four hundred guards of their Palace were on their knees right in front of their eyes. This was an
impossible situation.

Dan Cho-jin walked and shouted.

―The Chun Ma of the great Sky Demon Order has arrived! Won‘t the Palace Lord of the North
Sea Ice Palace come and kneel?‖

At that cry, the eyes of Dan Kyeong-gak and Dan Young-soo widened.

„Chun Ma?‟



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 185 -
Palace Lord (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Mar 23, 2022

• 13 min read • 5154 views



„Chun Ma?‟

‟The Chun Ma?‟

Hearing the title proclaimed by Dan Cho-jin, everyone went silent.

The moment they heard the title, the people of the Palace couldn‘t hide their shock. They, too,
were under the Sky Demon Order for a long time and thus knew what the name meant.

―Father, isn‘t the Sky Demon Order in ruins right now?‖

Dan Young-soo asked his father, unable to understand. His father nodded,

―Yes, but I have no clue what this is.‖

It was natural for them to react so cluelessly. 27 years back, the Sky Demon Order had given up
on everything and went into hiding; the North Sea Ice Palace took the chance to cut off their
contact with China completely.

Since then, North Sea Ice Palace started making efforts to be incorporated into Russia.

It was no exaggeration to say that the people of the Palace knew nothing of the current events
happening in China.

―What are you talking about? Lord Dan! What are those Chinese bastards talking about?!‖
Major Verno yelled on top of his lungs, unable to understand the circumstances.

„Fucking shit!‟

Dan Kyeong-gak and his son felt embarrassed: the Russian government hated the Sky Demon
Order, but Dan Cho-jin had openly proclaimed the monster-like newcomer as Chun Ma.


―What are they talking about?! Didn‘t he just call that man the Chun Ma of the Sky Demon

Dan Cho-jin was surprised by Modve‘s ability to understand Chinese.

―What? The Sky Demon Order? The group involved in the massacre 27 years ago?‖

Major Verno began to emit an aura of hostility now, prompting Dan Young-soo to intervene.

―Major! They aren‘t related to us. In addition, the Sky Demon Order collapsed so long ago that
there‘s no way anyone can be related to them.‖

Modve intervened,

―Putting that aside, it is indeed strange that a person of the Sky Demon Order has entered Russia.
Major, aren‘t all affiliated individuals banned from entering the country?‖

Modve talked excitedly, not wanting to miss the chance to ruin North Sea Ice Palace‘s chancecs
of being incorporated into Russia.


Meanwhile, Chun Yeowun took steps towards them, increasing the pressure in the atmosphere
with each step.

Terrified by the abilities Chun Yeowun had showed, Major Verno shouted,

―L-Lord Dan! That monster is coming! If you really have nothing to do with them, what can I do
Modve stepped ahead.


―Major, give me a chance.‖

―Ah! You want to fight?‖

Major Verno was pleased with Modve‘s willingness to help.

Despite Modve‘s assignment to assist Major Verno, he couldn‘t just give orders to Modve, who
was one of the heads of Russia‘s four armed groups.

―Leave it to me.‖

With those proud words, Modve walked towards Chun Yeowun as strategies ran through his

„This man was gifted with abilities.‟

Modve was convinced that Chun Yeowun used abilities and not martial arts, and had counted
two abilities so far. He considered it Chun Yeowun‘s telekinesis ability to be at the SS-level.

„However, all abilities have fatal weaknesses.‟

All abilities have weaknesses; Chun Yeowun‘s ability was weak in combat, and it would be easy
to neutralize him before he had the chance to demonstrate any other abilities.

„I‟ll just move towards him for now.‟

Modve loosened the belt he had on, setting it on the ground.

There were three knives and a pistol attached to the belt, and as he put it down, he raised his
hand and said,

―I want to talk.‖

Saying those words, he walked closer to Chun Yeowun as Dan Cho-ja informed Chun Yeowun
of what he knew about Modve.
―Lord Chun Ma. That man is Modve Radev, a leader of one of the four armed groups in Russia.‖


When the North Sea Ice clan had come back to Russia, they were first sent to two of the armed
groups that monitored their immigration, allowing him to gain some knowledge of the Russian
bureaucracy and officials.

Modve approached Chun Yeowun and said,

―I heard you came from China. We have no information about your arrival, so you must have
come here illegally, right?‖

Modve went straight to the topic, to which Chun Yeowun answered,


―So, there is a high ranking official from the Russian government here. I think you understand
where I‘m going with this.‖

Modve thought any decent human would quickly understand and realize the repercussions of
their actions.



Modve‘s brows twitched.

Despite the mention of the Russian government, Chun Yeowun‘s reaction didn‘t change. Modve
assumed that Chun Yeowun would at least try to converse, but he didn‘t seem like he wanted to
talk at all.

„Tsk. As if that wasn‟t enough, he had even killed Russian soldiers without blinking an eye.‟

The man‘s behavior would be understandable if he was confident in his own power. Realizing
this, Modve decided to use his backup plan.

Modve clapped and laughed,

―Hahaha! Indeed, spoken like a true SS-class person. If you had given in simply because I
mentioned the government, I would have been quite disappointed.‖

He was now acting bold.

―I like you. You see, Russia doesn‘t allow the people of China to enter, but I think it‘s acceptable
with your level of power.‖

Modve chuckled and raised his thumb, continuing to speak,

―What about this? A person of your strength would be greatly appreciated in the Russian
government. Considering that less lives would have to be sacrificed, would you consider
standing down to and joining Russia? I promise to treat you right.‖

His backup plan was to buy Chun Yeowun as a mercenary.

The stronger one was, the higher their pride. But, if the right conditions were given, there was a
chance for the pride to be quelled and the situation to be settled.

Normally, most people who would accept Modve‘s conditions, but,

―No need.‖


Chun Yeowun‘s blunt refusal made Modve‘s brows twitch once again, as he had rejected both of
Modve‘s options.

„How is he so picky?!‟

Now, there was only one way left for Modve: the method that he had initially planned. As if
feeling troubled, Modve said,

―It‘s quite absurd how difficult you‘re being. It would be a waste to fight someone as strong as
you. Can we settle this peacefully?‖

Along with those words, Modve took another step closer to Chun Yeowun.
„Six more steps closer to him.‟

Modve was one of the three top martial artists in Russia. He could kill anyone 100 away, but
against a monster like Chun Yeowun, he had to be much closer. Somehow, he had to close a
distance of five more steps to kill him.

His skill was Silent Break, which allowed him to ignore the opponent‘s defenses and increase his
speed for those five steps.

„Five more steps.‟

Modve tried to speak naturally as he tried to get closer,

―The Gate is open and we can‘t close it, so we should work together and fight—‖

―I‘m going to warn you. If you want to live, don‘t take another step.‖


Taking in Chun Yeowun‘s words, Modve paused. Did this man read his intentions? He stopped
his feet as it hung in the air.


Another step and everything would have been resolved, but Chun Yeowun didn‘t let that happen.
Flustered, Modve scratched his head and spoke with a puzzled expression,

―Huh. This is the first time I‘ve met someone like you. Before I‘ve even attacked—‖

It was then.


Modve stepped forward as fast as a flash of lightning and tried to use his technique.


His arm, which moved like a whip, aimed for Chun Yeowun‘s heart. He moved so fast that even
Dan Cho-jin didn‘t notice what happened.
In Modve‘s mind, time moved slowly.

„This is the end for you.‟

His fingers were imbued with a white light from all of the energy coalescing at his fingers, which
would allow him to easily penetrate his target.




The hand that Modve placed all of his confidence in didn‘t pierce Chun Yeowun, but was in fact
being held by him.

―Y-you blocked it?‖

Modve couldn‘t hide his shock. To him, Chun Yeowun responded in an emotionless voice,

―Taking your time and then acting fast, so Russian-like.‖

Chun Yeowun raised his hand, exerting enough pressure to make the heart beat faster. Modve
hurriedly tried to shake off the hand holding his but it was to no avail.


Flustered, he tried to ask Chun Yeowun to stop, but,



Chun Yeowun lowered his hand, and Modve‘s body slowly crashed down into the ground.


Major Verno cried out in panic.

One of the best martial artists in Russia was defeated in mere seconds. Out of fear, he looked at
the Palace Lord.

―Y-You! How did this happen? The Russian Defense will never let you live if I‘m hurt by this
monster! Get it? Are you listening to me?‖

No one was listening to him, as everyone was focused on Chun Yeowun.

„Monster… he is a monster.‟

„In just one move, the strongest man died…‟

It was a startling scene. Although he seemed to die with such little resistance, Modve was known
to be extraordinarily strong, even stronger than the North Sea Ice Lord.


Dan Young-soo tried to strengthen himself but his body didn‘t listen to him.

„This is the Chun Ma…‟

A story from the North Sea Ice Palace that he had forgotten suddenly came to his mind.

[Never disobey the Chun Ma. If a being with the title of Chun Ma is born again in the Sky
Demon Order in particular, obey them unconditionally.]

It was an absurd rule. Although it now seemed like a rational warning, it was considered as a
joke by the people of the past.

As generations passed, people became dissatisfied with the rule, but seeing this man here, the
Palace Lord realized what kind of existence the Chun Ma was.

„Not human.‟

His strength didn‘t belong to a human; no person in the North Sea Ice Palace could tackle this
man, whether alone or with others.

„We should avoid fighting.‟

Dan Young-soo who quickly made the decision that it would be better to surrender and plead
guilty than to fight and lose all their lives.


Dan Young-soo called his father in a cautious way. Fortunately, it seemed like they both had the
same thoughts as he nodded he said to his son:

[Son… it seems like our generation will not be able to escape from the grasp of the Sky Demon

It was a bitter choice of words, so Dan Young-soo tried to comfort his father.

[Father… this must be fate. It would be best to make a promise to ensure our future; infact, this
could even help strengthen the power in the palace.]

[Thank you for cheering me up.]

Dan Kyeong-gak clenched his fist, walking ahead as he looked at Dan Cho-jin.

Dan Cho-jin had gone under the Sky Demon Order because he had already thought about joining
it as one entity, but the Palace didn‘t want it.

„I will never let those hybrids get close to the seat of power after they‟ve succumbed to the Sky
Demon Order.‟

He had to strike some kind of a deal. In return for their surrender, he was going to ask Chun
Yeowun to make some sanctions and prevent the outsiders from learning their Palace technique.

„I have the Palace under me so he will grant me a request.‟

He stepped forward, followed by his son and the elders of the Palace.

―L-Lord Dan!‖

Major Verno was left alone and at a loss for what to do. Either way, the North Sea Ice Palace
people began to move and got down on one knee.

―Dan Kyeong-gak, the Lord of the North Sea Ice Palace, greets the Chun Ma of the Sky Demon

Everyone greeted him.

―So late.‖

Chun Yeowun said in an uncomfortable voice. Hearing that, Dan Kyeong-gak bowed his head
and shouted,

―Please forgive me for not knowing Chun Ma has come and committing this sin!‖


Instead of punishment, he had asked for forgiveness; since he was the Palace Lord, he still had a
bit of pride.

Normally, he would have been on his knees with his head on the ground, but he was only on one
knee and slightly bowed.


He raised his head and looked up at Chun Yeowun, who kept looking down at him with eyes that
seemed to have daggers in them.

Dan Kyeong-gak bit his lips and said,

―The Palace will be returning to the Sky Demon Order and will show the same loyalty as our
ancestors. Please, Chun Ma, accept us even if we are weak.‖


Dan Cho-ja snorted at that.

Until a moment ago, the Palace Lord had considered the Sky Demon Order to be a broken clan,
but now seeing Chun Yeowun‘s power, his attitude changed completely.

Dan Cho-ja was disappointed with them, but what could he do?

Whether he liked it or not, they were clearly relatives who shared blood. It was strange that their
prolonged fight was resolved this way, but at least they managed to reunite in some way.

However, Dan Gyeong-gak‘s words didn‘t there,

―However, My Lord, I hope that a cost will be paid for our re-entry into the Sky Demon Order.‖


Chun Yeowun narrowed his eyes as the man continued to speak,

―In the Palace, there are traditions that have been followed since ancient times, similar to our
relationship to the Sky Demon Order in a way.‖


―I implore you to sanction the Palace cultivation techniques to our Palace members only so that
no one else can learn them.‖

Dan Kyeong-gak looked at Dan Cho-jin and his son.

In other words, he wanted Chun Yeowun‘s help to destroy the others‘ dantians.

„This cheeky bastard!‟

Both the father and son were enraged. It was absurd for the Palace to ask for sanctions of this
nature when they were the ones trying to kill their own people.

Chun Yeowun asked,


―The Cold Ice from Heaven Cultivation is something only the Palace Lord can master. Please
consider this similar to the one technique that only the Lord of the Sky Demon Order can learn
and no one else.‖
In order to not raise objections, Sky Demon Order was constantly being brought into the
conversation. Chun Yeowun stroked his chin as if he was thinking about it.


Dan Kyeong-gak smiled at the sight of Chun Yeowun thinking, thinking that he at least managed
to protect his seat.

―Hmm. Right, let‘s do that.‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s words, Dan Kyeong-gak put his hands together and thanked him.

―Thank you Chun Ma for–‖

It was then.



Dan Kyeong-gak‘s eyes widened. He hurriedly grabbed his neck as he felt something sharp pass
through his throat.


Chun Yeowun smiled and said,

―Didn‘t you say that only the Palace Lord can learn it?‖



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 186 -
Palace Lord (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Mar 24, 2022

• 9 min read • 4886 views




Dan Young-soo, the Young Lord of the North Sea Ice Palace, cried aloud. He jumped from the
ground at the sight of his father holding his neck.

He also sensed that sharp sound.

„No! No!‟

A red line is clearly drawn on his father‘s neck. It felt like his father‘s head would fall off if his
father let go of his neck.

Unable to contain his anger, Dan Young-soo yelled.

―What did you do?! My father fell on his knees despite having such high pride and honor!‖

Chun Yeowun responded to him with an emotionless voice.

―I gave what he wanted.‖

―What?! What nonsense is that?!‖

The 2nd Elder Dal Chan asked.


―Who gave you all the permission to stand?‖


However, Dan Cho-ja, who had his sword out, moved it with lightning speed and aimed it at his

The coldness which spread from the sword wasn‘t normal.

„Cold Ice of Heaven!‟

The 2nd Elder Dal Chan was shocked. Other than the Palace Lord and his kids, this was the first
time he saw someone else master it.

When the 2nd Elder couldn‘t move, Chun Yeowun spoke again.

―Wasn‘t this what you wanted? Only the Palace Lord can learn it.‖

―W-what are you even trying to say?‖

―It is as I said.‖

Dan Young-soo was still furious. Is Chun Yeowun saying that he was going to replace the Palace

He was terrified of the power Chun Yeowun had, but he couldn‘t stand back anymore.

―Regardless of the fact that we are a part of the Sky Demon Order, how can you change the Lord
at your will…‖

―You are a cheeky one.‖


Chun Yeowun moved his hand.

Crack! Thud!


With that, Dan Young-soo knelt as both of his legs were broken at once. Only by looking at the
bone poking through the skin, one could tell how terrible it was.

―Young Lord!‖

The startled elders all stood up. They had deeper loyalty than fear. The 1st Elder Oh Yang-saeng,
who was known to be strong, spoke loudly.

―This is excessive! Even if the Palace is under the Sky Demon Order, the laws of the Palace have
been respected till now. How can you recklessly trample on our pride without a second thought?‖

―Right! If you act like this, even we will…‖


At that moment, tremendous energy raged from Chun Yeowun‘s body. It was so strong that even
those voicing their anger were at a loss for words.

„I-is this man really a human?‟

It felt like their heart could stop at any moment. Still, they were Murim warriors who were
known to be proud.

To them, Chun Yeowun said in an indifferent voice.

―Something is being misunderstood here.‖


―Who do you think gave you what you have?‖

The elders didn‘t answer the question.

It was because of the suppression, but they also had no idea what was being asked.

Then Chun Yeowun raised his hand up.


A strange coldness spread in the air as numerous Air Swords with Ice Qi were created.

The Palace guards who were forced to kneel looked at the Ice Swords in the sky with soulless
eyes. The eyes of the elders trembled at the extraordinary sight.

All of them sensed familiar energy from the coldness.

―Cold Ice from Heaven!‖

Clearly, this was the same.

Even the dead Palace Lord couldn‘t have done it so amazingly. Astonishingly, what Chun
Yeowun was doing seemed like the best version of the technique.


„How could this person come to know of this?‟

The elders were dumbfounded. Looking at them, Dan Cho-jin clicked his tongue.

―You people did such a foolish thing. You mean you didn‘t even realize that you were deceiving

―… What do you mean?‖

―You people are in the wrong. I don‘t know when you started saying that you learned the
technique, but it is the other way around.‖

―Other way?‖
―In the past, the ancestors said that those who recover the lost technique of the Cold Ice from
Heaven technique will be the ones to qualify as the Palace Lord. Do you really not know where
this technique came from?‖

Everyone looked at Chun Yeowun.

Their faces hardened one after another—a man who had a better technique output than the Palace


They all looked at him in disbelief. They were all aware of the story that came down from their
ancestors, a story of how the North Sea Ice Palace went under the Sky Demon Order.


The 1st Elder Oh Yang-saeng looked at Chun Yeowun with trembling eyes.

He was under the impression that Chun Yeowun was a new Chun Ma born in the Sky Demon
Order. However, thanks to the hint given by Dan Cho-jin, he fully understood it.

„H-how did this happen… was the legend true?‟

He also knew about the legend that came down from the Seong Mu-chun, but everyone
dismissed it as a story that was passed down.

However, the thousand swords that are floating in the air…

„Sky Flash!‟

The absolute technique of the Demon God Chun Yeowun, Sky Flash.

Realizing that, he reacted faster than anyone.


―T-this insignificant man greets the Demon God of Sky Demon Order!‖

„Demon God!‟
When he said that and fell to the floor, the other surprised Elders fell and shouted.

―We greet the Demon God!‖

Demon God Chun Yeowun.

Even if they were the North Sea Ice Palace which was eager to get out of the grasp of the
affiliation of the Sky Demon Order, this was someone everyone acknowledged.

He is the Demon God who rebuilt the palace that was destroyed by the Turtle Dragon and
restored the lost technique.


Dan Young-soo, who had both his legs broken, was disconcerted by the elders‘ attitude. He
thought they would side with him till the end. However, when Chun Yeowun‘s identity was
revealed, everyone bowed down.

―So slow.‖

Chun Yeowun clicked his tongue as he saw them lying down.

He spoke with a distasteful voice.

―I heard you wanted to be incorporated into Russia?‖


Silence fell with fear in the eyes of the elders. There was no excuse.

No, they had no choice but to keep their mouths shut because they knew they would receive
punishment whatever they said.

―Well, you can‘t just pass….‖


Surprisingly, Chun Yeowun let it pass easily, making them all exhale in response.
Chun Yeowund decided that these people entering Russia were very good for many reasons.

―However, trying to take down a clan by pushing them into the lava is like challenging my
authority of the clan.‖


Chun Yeowun grabbed the sword and slightly stirred it.


At that, all the elders banged their heads on the floor.

Thud! Thud!

They kept hitting their faces again and again and screamed like crazy.


―Aack! My arm!‖

The reason they were bowing and screaming was simple. It was because their left arm was cut

The elders, who thought that they were given a free pass, couldn‘t hide their shock when their
arm was cut off without notice.

Chun Yeowun spoke to those who were in pain.

―Be grateful that I will end it with this.‖

They couldn‘t speak back and bowed their heads in gratitude.

―Kuak.. D-Demon God, we thank you for the grace shown.‖

―Thank you for being so graceful!‖

With that, the punishment is done.

„So clean.‟
Dan Cho-ja thought of the clean movement of the sword. Decisions were made in an instant with
no second thoughts.

Chun Yeowun turned his head.

―And you.‖

He looked at Dan Young-soo, the Young Lord of the Palace, who had his legs broken and barely
supported his body. At the sight of the elders surrendering, he hurriedly said,

―P-please have mercy on me.‖

It seemed like the anger for his father‘s death had gone down, he looked at Chun Yeowun
begging, and the man looked at him with a firm voice.

―You and your father were quite a fussy bunch.‖

―No! We just went to the palace…‖

―I don‘t want to hear it.‖

Before he could even finish, Chun Yeowun raised his finger slightly up.



Dan Young-soo‘s jawbone was crushed down, and his mouth went shut. It wasn‘t bleeding or
anything like that, but it was a weird shape where it didn‘t seem like the jaw would work.


Dan Young-soo, who felt such pain for the first time in his life, shed tears and begged for his life.


Dan Cho-jin couldn‘t hide his sadness at it. A little while ago, they were all angry at each other.
However, when this man was pleading like this, his heart shattered.
He fell on the floor and begged.

―C-Chun Ma. Although the Young Lord might have sinned, please have mercy on him and spare
his life.‖

―Father, how can you?!‖

Dan Cho-ja, the Young Leader, couldn‘t hide his frustration at his father‘s request.

The Palace people aimed to kill all of the clan people by trapping them on the island; it was
absurd to show compassion to such a person.

Chun Yeowun looked at Dan Cho-jin‘s face and asked,

―Are you naïve? Or just simple-minded?‖


As soon as the words finished, he drew the sword.


Dan Young-soo‘s neck, which he constantly rubbed to release the jaw, got slashed, and he fell.

The body and head are both cut without any remorse. Chun Yeowun spoke in a cold voice to
Dan Cho-jin, who stared at him blankly.

―Do you think those who betrayed you once will not do it again?‖


―You know what an incompetent leader means? You, people like you who are swept away by

Chun Yeowun said that and looked at Dan Cho-ja.

―In that aspect, you are pretty good at this.‖


At the praise, Dan Cho-ja bowed down. His heart was pounding as the Demon God of the
legends acknowledged him.

But then,


With a shout, someone rushed towards Chun Yeowun. And he hurriedly tried to swing his sword
when Dan Cho-ja moved in to stop him.


At that moment, the coldness forming on the sword was stopped halfway. Dan Cho-ja looked at
him with shocked eyes.


Surprisingly, it was Dan Kyeong-gak, the Palace Lord. He, who was supposed to be dead with a
throat cut, was staring at Chun Yeowun, wanting to kill him.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 187 -
Palace Lord (3)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Mar 25, 2022

• 12 min read • 5023 views



Whisper whisper!

The surroundings became chaotic when Dan Kyeong-gak, the Palace Lord of the North Sea Ice
Palace, appeared with a pale face.

He had clearly been decapitated by Chun Yeowun‘s Invisible Sword, but was somehow still


Chun Yeowun looked at the Palace Lord‘s neck that had been slashed, but was surprised to see a
strong ice formation around the injury.

„He stopped his death by freezing everything around the neck?‟

It was an action that exceeded common sense, so even Chun Yeowun had a difficult time
understanding it.

In order to survive the decapitation, one had to possess an immortal body, but only Chun
Yeowun had achieved such. Dan Kyeong-gak glared at Chun Yeowun,

―You killed my son!‖

Dan Kyeong-gak was angry; seeing his son die right before his eyes, he didn‘t care about the
difference in strength.
All Chun Yeowun was to him now was an enemy.


Dan Kyeong-gak made sure to use the North Sea Ice Cultivation to imbue a freezing energy
within the sword as Dan Cho-ja looked at him with a nervous face.

„The cold energy is growing stronger.‟

Although Dan Kyeong-gak was old, he was still someone who had learned the North Sea Ice
Cultivation all his life and was known for his strength. The state of rage he was in allowed him to
instantly cross the level of power he had reached.

―Get lost!‖

Dan Kyeong-gak urged Dan Cho-ja who was in the way. Dan Cho-ja replied,

―Lord Dan, it‘s already happened. I don‘t know how you survived but those who cross the line
will have to pay, so stop.‖


Hearing those words, Dan Kyeong-gak grunted.

―Cross the line? If you people hadn‘t brought in that monster, this would have never happened!
You dirty dogs! I will deal with you all first!‖

Dan Kyeong-gak diverted his anger towards Dan Cho-ja, changing his target in an instant and
aiming his sword at Dan Cho-ja, the Clan Leader‘s son.


Dan Cho-ja unfolded his Light Footwork technique and responded to Dan Kyeong-gak‘s new
attack. Ever since the Black Sky Company was destroyed, the North Sea Ice clan had continued
to run and gained experience fighting numerous people, allowing Dan Cho-ja to move quickly.


Dan Cho-ja‘s sword dug into the gaps of Dan Kyeong-gak‘s technique and aimed for his heart.
Fortunately, Dan Kyoeng-gak‘s sword was simple and used a rudimentary form, but,



It certainly pierced Dan Kyeong-gak‘s head, but Dan Cho-ja‘s sword bounced off from the
strong force that rose in the impact.

He was sent back at twice the force that he used in his sword swing.


Dan Cho-ja‘s sword missed for just a moment, but that small chance was all Dan Kyeong-gak


Dan Kyeong-gak was about to strike Dan Cho-ja down like a bolt of lightning; Dan Cho-ja was
able to watch it happen, but he had lost balance and wasn‘t in the state to avoid the attack.

„Damn it!‟

At that moment, someone stabbed Dan Kyeong-gak in the ankle.

It was Dan Cho-jin, who immediately moved close when he thought that his son was in danger.


However, despite the sword stabbing Dan Kyeong-gak‘s ankle, his hand didn‘t stop as if he
would kill Dan Cho-ja even if it meant losing his arm.


At that moment, Dan Kyeong-gak moved.

He changed his posture to take the balance off of his hurt ankle, and moved until a weird energy
pulled back the hand about to cut down Dan Cho-ja‘s arm.
―You‘re so bothersome.‖

Chun Yeowun said, making Dan Kyeong-gak‘s face harden.

„Ugh! This bastard!‟


Thanks to Chun Yeowun, Dan Cho-ja didn‘t die. However, Dan Kyeong-gak was still adamant
in taking down Dan Cho-ja. The moment Dan Cho-jin‘s sword reached him,



Dan Cho-jin, who was attacking with a decent amount of force, was bounced back along with the

„The sword didn‟t even touch him?‟


Dan Cho-jin‘s sword trembled from the impact; it was a treasured sword made by a capable
blacksmith, but the tip of the blade had cracked.

„Is this man‟s martial arts that strong?‟

Dan Cho-jin glared at the Palace Lord with tense eyes, but even Dan Kyeong-gak was surprised
at what he did. He, too, thought that he‘d lose an arm.

„What was that energy just now? Was it…?‟

Dan Kyoeng-gak looked at his chest, and with a happy expression on his face, he moved once


His opponent this time was Dan Cho-jin, who was barely strong enough with his breaking

Dan Kyoeng-gak formed ice in every direction with his sword to reduce the distance he had to
move, but since he was rushing in to kill them, he didn‘t concentrate enough on his surroundings.

―You stupid… Huh?‖


Dan Kyeong-gak‘s body collided with the ice, which didn‘t form correctly. In fact, an even
colder energy rose in the opposite of Dan Cho-jin‘s location and moved towards him.


Dan Cho-jin hurriedly used his sword to take down the ice walls that formed, but the walls were
quite strong and ended up pushing him back.


Even Dan Cho-ja couldn‘t believe his eyes.

In the midst of the chaos, Dan Kyeong-gak went closer to Dan Cho-jin and immediately began to
unfold a new technique to finish him off.

The technique came in like a crashing wave, creating numerous long strokes that carved out a



Dan Cho-jin, who wanted to avoid this at all costs, unfolded the Sword of Ice Cold Heaven.

Although the technique unfolded in an unstable way, since he had used it for such a long time, he
was able to manage to handle it stably.

When the two of them collided, a strong pounding sound resonated. Everyone watched the
confrontation between the head of two North Sea Ice factions: the Palace Lord and the Clan

Everyone was curious about who was stronger between the Lord and Leader.


However, contrary to what they expected, the fight ended very quickly.

Since Dan Cho-jin had to constantly move to unfold his technique, the ice shards rushing in from
Dan Kyeong-gak‘s technique hit him easily.



Dan Cho-jin was hit, causing blood to gush out of his mouth. His son, Dan Cho-ja, was shocked
at the outcome.

„My father lost?‟

He believed that his father would come out victorious, never imagining that the loss would be
this quick. Since his injuries were serious, Dan Cho-jin staggered and stepped back.

―Hahahaha! Just as I expected, you dog!‖


Because of the pain, Dan Cho-jin couldn‘t even talk back.

However, in reality, it was hard to understand what had happened. If their techniques were
compared, Dan Cho-jin‘s technique was much more developed, so why this the outcome?

„Why did this happen? Was it because he reacted quicker?‟

An unknown force seemed to be protecting Dan Kyeong-gak, and if he couldn‘t be damaged, the
fight was meaningless.
Dan Kyeong-gak opened his mouth with a smile,

―Now you‘re all dead…‖


At that moment, a small sensation passed through his neck.


Dan Kyeong-gak hurriedly tried to grab his neck, but his hand was stopped by Chun Yeowun‘s

―If you came back by freezing yourself, then you can‘t come back by …hm?‖

Chun Yeowun stopped speaking.

Something surprising was happening right in front of him.


Of course, it would have been normal for him to die since his head was cut off.

However, something creeped out of his neck and the severed neck was fixed once more. And that
wasn‘t surprising enough, the skin around the neck began to regenerate again.

„What is that? Nano, check it.‟


After Nano‘s response, Chun Yeowun‘s eyes trembled and his sight widened. When he zoomed
in and looked closely, it seemed like thin wires were protruding from the bottom of the neck and
reattaching it to the upper part.

―I need to have a closer look!‖

Chun Yeowun held out his hand and pretended to pull something in as a strong energy pulled
Dan Kyeong-gak‘s body.

However, a strong force rose as a white light shone within Dan Kyoeng-gak, who was about to


At the same time, Chun Yeowun‘s energy was dispersed. No, to be precise, it was repelled.


Chun Yeowun‘s fingers trembled because the force that was reflected back was twice as strong.


It felt absurd.

On the other hand, the Palace Lord, who endured everything, couldn‘t hide his happiness.

„I can withstand that monster too?‟

The fact that he was able to endure and hold back the monster made him feel great about himself.
Dan Kyeong-gak licked his lips and smiled,

―Hahahahhaha! Did everyone see that? Even the Demon God can‘t do anything to this Palace


Then, he ripped off the shirt. When he tore off the robe, he revealed a hidden garment that made
Dan Cho-ja shout in surprise.

―Ice Cold Spear!‖

The golden upper body armor that covered the body was the Ice Cold Spear, the sacred item of
this palace.
Originally, it took the form of a staff, but it was a treasure that changed into armor when a
certain amount of energy was put in.

―This is the power of the Ice Cold Spear, the divine item of the Palace!‖

The gold iron wires from the armor constantly moved and restored his neck. Chun Yeowun‘s
eyes lit up at the sight.

„It has that kind of power?‟

In the past, he didn‘t know of its powers and just handed it over to the leader of the North Sea Ice
Palace at the time. However, its abilities were amazing, starting with the neck recovery and the
repulsive force.

It was outstandingly faithful to the role of thoroughly protecting the owner wearing it.

„As long as this is on me, I‟m invincible.‟

Dan Kyeong-gak exclaimed in confidence.

―Elders of the Palace! Wake up! If you join hands with the Palace Lord, I‘ll even handle the
Demon God for you!‖

He tried to restore the broken morale of his people, as even the elders who saw him in action
were shaken.

However, no one could easily move to his side, so until he killed the Demon God, it didn‘t seem
like they would come to his side.

„It‟s possible.‟

Clearly, the opposing young man was stronger than him, but he had an item with an amazing
regenerative power and an energy reflection power.

„If I take down the Demon God, everything will go back to normal.‟

With his inflated hope, Dan Kyeong-gak pointed his finger at Chun Yeowun.

―Demon God! I bet everything to compete–.‖


At that moment, Chun Yeowun moved ahead of him.


It was so quick that he couldn‘t even react as Chun Yeowun grabbed the hand that had been
pointed at him.

―Your hands don‘t seem to have manners.‖


Since Chun Yeowun was holding his arm too tightly, he screamed as golden lines came out of
his armor and slowly penetrated into his shoulder.


It looked like the small wires were trying to stop the arm from falling off and restore his muscles
back to their original state.

And when his shoulders stiffened, he thought that his arm was restored and tried to hit Chun




Suddenly, his elbow was torn; although his shoulder was being healed, the entire arm wasn‘t able
to withstand it.


As he had complete faith in his armor, he was flustered. Chun Yeowun‘s fist flew towards his

„Is he aiming for places without armor?‟

He tried to tilt his head but he couldn‘t match Chun Yeowun‘s speed. In an instant, Chun
Yeowun‘s fist pierced his face.



The strong power changed his facial structure and dented his bones. Staggering, Dan Kyeong-
gak looked down at his armor.

„Why didn‟t it work this time?‟

―You don‘t seem to understand.‖

Chun Yeowun said as he threw away the torn hand.

―There wasn‘t any repulsion because I didn‘t use internal energy.‖


Chun Yeowun didn‘t use any internal energy when he ripped off the arm or hit the face.

Chun Yeowun had superhuman physical strength and was beyond human growth, able to crush
people without using internal energy.

―Should we try again?‖


―Wait for what?‖

Chun Yeowun kicked his ankle.

Pak! Crack!


The kick broke his ankle and his body flipped three times in the air before it fell down.

His eyes widened as he fell. He didn‘t expect the fight to happen like this, which was why he
was shocked.


A golden line from the armor slowly moved and healed his broken leg. However, the torn arm
couldn‘t be regenerated, and only the bleeding was stopped.

„Damn it!‟

Dan Kyeong-gak‘s face hardened when he realized that he wouldn‘t win this. His abilities
seemed useless so he had no idea how to deal with this monster.


Chun Yeowun grabbed his head and said,

―Unfortunately, the torn arm doesn‘t seem to regenerate.‖

Those words shocked Dan Kyeong-gak.


Chun Yeowun smiled at him and put more strength into his hand.


―Your armor can protect your shoulder, now let‘s see how well it protects your head.‖

„Damn… you!‟

In Dan Kyeong-gak‘s eyes, Chun Yeowun was the devil himself!



The lines from the armor secured the neck to prevent it from being pulled, but that caused the
entire upper part of the chin to be torn instead.
‟… Insane.‟

Everyone who saw it turned pale. Once again, they could understand why Chun Yeowun was
called the Demon God instead of God.


The head was torn off as the upper part of the crown fell to the floor. No matter how great the
armor‘s regenerative power, it couldn‘t restore a severed head.


Dan Kyeong-gak‘s heart stopped, making the armor return to the form of a staff.


The staff, which had lost its owner, was sucked into Chun Yeowun‘s hand. Chun Yeowun, who
grabbed it, looked at it.

―No scratches.‖

Chun Yeowun could have easily used an Invisible Sword, Heart Sword, or sword of any attribute
from the start, but he decided against it to avoid damaging the staff.

―Only two more left.‖

In the end, five of the seven weapons were in Chun Yeowun‘s posession.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 188 -
Encounter (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Mar 26, 2022

• 10 min read • 5350 views

In front of the Yongchun Group.

An emergency meeting was conducted because of the sudden appearance of over 1,500 people in
thick fur. It was a situation where all the cult members were dispatched, thinking the people were

But they weren‘t enemies. They were none other than the people of the North Sea Ice Palace and


Yongchun Group‘s Chairman Chun Yu-jang was at a loss for words with the people who filled
the entire front ground.

„So many.‟

Because the entire crowd came there and not just the heads of the palace or clan, there was
bound to be a large crowd.

And there were so many people watching one place.

―Ooh! Lord!‖

North Sea Ice clan‘s Dan Cho-jin and his son Dan Cho-ja were in tears as they bowed their heads
and looked at Chun Woo-jin.

―Please punish us for leaving our home and running away without telling you.‖

Dan Cho-jin was weeping out loud. It was the same with Dan Cho-ja.

Chun Woo-jin held up by holding their shoulders and spoke in a heavy voice.

―It happened because I was lacking; how can I blame you all? Even if it was like this, I am glad I
get to see you back.‖


All the executives looked at it with delighted faces. As a result, all the scattered people of the
Sky Demon Order gathered at one place.

For 27 years, everyone waited for something like this to happen.

„What is this! Why am I in tears!‟

At first, Dan So-young was just watching them. However, she also began to cry after a few
moments, so she bowed her head.

―This looks so good. Lord Chun Ma.‖

Mun Ran-yeong was satisfied with the cult‘s descendants all back in one place.

When she woke up from hibernation, she was distraught when she heard of the Sky Demon
Order being collapsed.

―It would be great if this continues. Hehe.‖

Hu Bong smiled with a nod. In any case, they too met after many hardships.

The joy of this moment could be the starting point of another history of the Sky Demon Order.

Chun Yeowun was at the back and looked at them. He had no expression on his face, but they all
knew he was feeling the same as them.

„Is this all organized and well?‟

Chun Yeowun felt like the task at hand was finished. He considered it to be fate that he fell into
this time zone.

Maybe it was for him to help.

„The remaining variable is MS Group?‟

The Sky Demon order was no problem.

But the MS Group was something that his descendant might have done or created to bring Chun
Yeowun back to the original timeline.

And only by solving that would he be able to reach an answer. As the people kept talking, Chun
Yeowun moved.

―Huan Myung-oh.‖


At his call, Huan Myung-oh came out right away. At that, Chun Yeowun looked at the people of
the North Sea Ice Palace and clan and said,

―Find a place for them to live.‖

Huan Myung-oh took a deep breath and said,

―I obey the orders of Lord Chun Ma!‖

As soon as the answer fell, the people of the North Sea Ice Palace and clan burst into cheers.

Not only them, but even the leaders of other clans too cheered for them.

―Thank you for showing such grace.‖

―You are so considerate despite us not doing anything.‖

They were worried about this part since they came here in a hurry. Because the Russian Defense
Ministry soldiers had died, they rushed off because of the orders that were given to kill them.

Amid such cheers, Huan Myung-oh asked Chun Yeowun.

―My… my lord. But, has their identity and nationality issue been handled well?‖

―Ah… right. Take care of that too.‖


Huan Myung-oh let out an empty catch and sigh. Not one, but he had to create a nationality
change for nearly 1,500 people.

„The merger hasn‟t even been finished yet.‟

Will he ever be able to get home on time? But what could he do?

Even if he weren‘t an executive, he would still have to take the clan‘s responsibility till the end,
as he was a proud member of the Sky Demon Order.

―Everyone, silence.‖

A short word, but everyone went silent at once. As the place turned quiet, Chun Yeowun

―I heard that the North Sea Ice Palace had been divided into factions for various problems.‖

Dan Cho-jin, Dan Cho-ja, and the elders of the North Sea Ice Palace nodded their heads at those

Everyone knew that this issue would be discussed at what happened in Russia.
―From now on, the clan and Palace will be one. To be precise, in accordance with the cult‘s
system, the palace will be incorporated into the clan.‖


At that, the elders all sighed a little. They had foreseen this to some extent; this was because it
was the moment that their history of the Palace would end when they returned to the Sky Demon


They all felt sorry for their ancestors, but Chun Yeowun wasn‘t done yet.

―And Dan Cho-ja!‖

―Yes, Lord Chun Ma.‖

When he was suddenly called out, he stepped out with a puzzled expression.

―I appoint you as the head of the unified North Sea Ice clan.‖


Everyone was shocked at it. Naturally, they all thought that Dan Cho-jin would be their leader.

However, Chun Yeowun appointed someone else.

―H-How can I…‖

The surprise was short-lived. He was conscious of his father.

Even his daughter looked at her grandfather with worried eyes.

„Will they two fight now?‟

Contrary to their concerns, Chun Yeowun‘s following words resolved it.

―Dan Cho-jin has worked hard as the supreme leader and will continue as an elder, so now you
will fulfill your responsibility as a Senior Executive and Elder of the cult.‖

Traditionally, the leader and elder had the same roles. However, Chun Yeowun decided that Dan
Cho-jin didn‘t have the experience to lead the clan.

Instead, he considered it better to hand it over to his son, who was rational with his judgments.

―Why is there no answer?‖


The two men knelt at the same time and shouted.

―We follow the orders!‖

After answering that, the father tried to relieve his son‘s concern.



[It‘s your time now. Your father will focus on the Sky Demon Order, so don‘t worry and work
for the clan.]

Hearing that, Dan Cho-ja was relieved. And felt gratitude towards Chun Yeowun, who
recognized his true worth.

After the processing of the North Sea Ice clan, which returned into the Sky Demon Order, all the
people were dispersed.

After they left, Chun Yeowun also went somewhere. Baekgi, Mun Ran-yeong, and Hu Bong
were also about to go, but they stopped.

It was because someone approached them; it was Baek Jong-so, the current head of the Pure
Kick clan.

―Oh, right on time.‖

Hu Bong, who noticed him, called him.



Hu Bong was a teacher of Jong-so by the orders of Chun Yeowun, and that shocked Baekgi.

―Who is teaching whom?‖

Hu Bong frowned at the words and grunted.

―What? I teach well.‖

At that, Mun Ran-yeong shook her head.

„Ugh, they are back at it again.‟

Of course, although Hu Bong was usually a funny person, it was hard to see him as a teacher
with talent, especially as he was teaching Illusion Sword to Bi Mak-heon.

It was because Bi Mak-heon was quite skilled already. And teaching martial arts of the same
form were taught to earn.

But that is different for Baek Jong-so. Hu Bong wasn‘t a suitable teacher for him.

―Enough. Baekgi.‖


―Even so, I wanted to introduce him to you.‖

At Mun Ran-yeong‘s words, Baekgi looked at Baek Jong-so puzzled.

Mun Ran-yeong smiled and said.

―This friend is Baek Jong-so. He is the current leader of the Pure Kick clan.‖

―Pure Kick clan?‖

At those words, Baekgi‘s expressionless face changed.

He did want to meet people of the clan in this era. Baek Jong-so, who didn‘t seem to know about
Baekgi, thought it was right to introduce and bowed his head.

―Baek Jong-so, the leader of Pure Kick clan.‖


Baek Jong-so frowned.

Seeing that this man was with Mun Ran-yeong, he thought that this man was of a high position
and felt a bit uneasy.

„Who is he?‟

As Baek Jong-so was puzzled, Baekgi suddenly swung his foot towards him. At the sudden
attack, Baek Jong-so crossed his arms to block the kick.




It looked like a light kick, but the moment he blocked it, his body flew 10 meters away. Due to
the throbbing pain in the wrist, he couldn‘t even move.

„He is strong.‟

A single blow yet the difference was clearly felt. The person in front of him was a warrior he
couldn‘t even compare with.

Baek Jong-so spoke when his pain subsided a little.

―Excuse me. Why are you suddenly…‖

At that moment, Baekgi who was far seemed to have moved since the form turned blurred.
Baekgi was ready to slam this man down into the ground.

It was really simple, but the force could be felt.


Flustered, Baek Jong-so hurriedly rotated his body and got up and used his feet. When their feet
collided with each other, a pounding sound came out.


Baek Jong-so‘s supporting foot in the ground was pushed back and dug into the floor.



A groan escaped from Baek Jong-so‘s mouth.

It felt like thousands of pounds were crushing him down. Baekgi spoke in an arrogant way.

―Now you are using your feet.‖

―W-why are you doing his… kuak!‖

At that time, Baekgi moved and aimed for Baek Jong-so‘s chest.

Baek Jong-so was hit with a kick. Again, his body bounced back. He couldn‘t even hold his form
and rolled on the ground.



It took a long time for him to stabilize himself. At first he was disconcerted by the attack, but he
was surprised by the kick which came in.
„This is shocking. Were there any clans that used their feet other than the Pure Kick clan in our

He really thought this man was amazing. The simple yet strong movements were inspiring.

And then a voice said.

―Ha! What greatness in a thousand years.‖

Before going into hibernation, Baekgi was told by his son that his clan would flourish well for a
thousand years. However, coming here, he felt disappointed.

He didn‘t know the clan would break down this badly. Instead of evolving, it seemed like the
clan regressed.

„Why is he so disappointed?‟

Baek Jong-so couldn‘t understand the man in front of him.

That was when Hu Bong spoke.

―To kick your descendent the moment you see them. Baekgi, seriously. Tch.‖


Baek Jong-so was shocked at what he heard.

Come to think of it, there was a story he kept hearing whenever he had classes with Hu Bong or
Mun Ran-yeong.

[If Baekgi was here, he would teach you right.]

[It might be better to ask your ancestor to teach you later.]

At that time, the story didn‘t strike him. Baek Jong-so, who was shocked, didn‘t know what to

―B-By any chance, Ancestor?‖

Baekgi leaned back and spoke in a dissatisfied voice.

―Unfortunately, yes.‖


Baek Jong-so was startled at how Baekgi answered and fell flat on the floor.

„How did this happen!‟

He couldn‘t stop his beating heart.

In front of him was Baekgi, the 14th Leader of the Pure Kick Clan, the legend of the clan!



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 189 -
Encounter (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Mar 27, 2022

• 9 min read • 5228 views

Baeki was nicknamed the Thunder Swift Kick.

He was one of the Six Swords and known to be the closest to Chun Yeowun. As the 14th leader of
the Pure Kick clan, he was a legendary figure who led the revival of the Sky Demon Order by
Chun Yeowun‘s side.

From generation to generation, the descendants of the Pure Kick clan continued to respect him;
the same with Baek Jong-so, the current leader.

Baekgi looked at Baek Jong-so, who was bowing on the floor.

―The legendary—‖

―Shut up!‖

Baek Jong-so went silent at Baekgi‘s words. Unlike the others, Baekgi wasn‘t fond of his title.

―Do you want to announce that to everyone here?‖


Baek Jong-so shrank from Baekgi‘s cold words. His ancestor, the legend himself, had neither a
single kind bone in his body nor a soft spoken personality. He was blunt and even colder than
Chun Yeowun!

―Very disappointed. As years passed, we should have progressed forward.‖

Baekgi kept repeating his thoughts. He thought that even if the clan didn‘t evolve, it would at
least not regress but seeing Baek Jong-so‘s skills, he knew that the clan was now a mess.

―I apologize.‖

This realization made Baek Jong-so depressed as well. When he was a lot younger, his own
father, the leader, had disappeared, so regression of Pure Kick martial arts was inevitable.

However, Baek Jong-so wasn‘t the kind to make excuses, so he just let Baekgi continue yelling.
„So stubborn.‟

Hu Bong shook his head as he looked at Baekgi, who was the most inflexible and blunt among
the Six Swords.

Unlike the others, he had taken a while before being loyal to Chun Yeowun because of his great

―Yah! It isn‘t because he wanted this that…ugh!‖

Hu Bong was about to speak up, but Mun Ran-yeong stopped him and whispered,

―Bong Bong. This is a matter of their clan from now; let them figure it out.‖

She didn‘t think it was right for Hu Bong to intervene, so he obeyed his wife‘s words the same
way he obeyed Chun Yeowun, stepping back.

Baek Jong-so couldn‘t even raise his head and decided to speak,

―There is no excuse for this to happen in my time. I am sorry for disappointing you.‖


Baekgi snorted, stretching out his hand towards Baek Jong-so and raising him up.


As soon as he stood up, Baekgi suddenly took a stance, and unfolded each technique without


As each technique unfolded, Baekg Jong-so couldn‘t stop his trembling eyes.

„This is the…Pure Kick technique?‟

It was different from what he knew: it seemed too perfect to be changed or improved.

„He‟s so kind.‟
At the sight, Mun Ran-yeong smiled. Baekgi was pretending to be cool on the outside, but he
was trying to display his clan‘s techniques. She clearly understood his intention.


After unfolding all 8 forms of the technique, Baekgi adjusted his posture said to Baek Jong-so,

―Did you see that?‖


Baek Jong-so answered as he trembled. As a person who practiced the Pure Kick technique daily
out of a desire for perfection, Baek Jong-so was amazed to see it in person.

―It is really amazing.‖

―Stop using your mouth. I‘ll give you a day.‖


―If you‘re the leader of the clan, then you need to master the techniques I just showed within 12

„12 hours?‟

Baekgi was puzzled about the 12 hours. In actuality, Baekgi‘s 12 hours meant 24 hours in the
current time; Baek Jong-so‘s mission was to master the technique within a day.


―No excuses. If you don‘t meet my expectations, I will have to change everything here with my
own hands.‖

Baek Jong-so went pale at those words. If Baekgi was up to the task, then he would surely
change everything within the clan.

―Ancestor, can you give me two or three days?‖

He had only watched it once, so how could he perfect it within a day? It was definitely not an
easy task.

Baekgi flatly refused.

―12 hours from now.‖


―What are you doing standing there all dazed?‖

Baek Jong-so, who was restless, bowed and tried to run to the Yongchun Group practice hall
when Baekgi whispered,

―Don‘t let me down.‖

Baek Jong-so, who heard Baekgi, answered with determination,

―Yes, sir!‖

Hu Bong moved closer to Baekgi and tried to say the same thing,

―Don‘t let me down.‖

―What are you doing?‖

―Imitating you.‖


Since it was done in a low whisper, the imitation didn‘t sound right, but Mun Ran-yeong was

―Is he carrying you or something? ‗Don‘t let me down‘?‖

―Don‘t make it a pun.‖

While Hu Bong was making fun of the exchange, Baekgi sounded very displeased.

―Your words are letting me down.‖

Baekgi lost his calm as veins began to pop on his forehead.

In the vice-chairman office of Yongchun Group, the Golden Gumiho who liked to rest on Chun
Yeowun‘s shoulder turned pale.

-You are too much.

―Play with Bi Mak-heon.‖

-He‘s tired now.

During Chun Yeowun‘s visit to the North Sea Ice Palace, she decided to stay with Bi Mak-heon,
who had a horrible time.

„Please, not again!‟

Bi Mak-heon, too, was shocked at Chun Yeowun‘s words. It was no easy task to take care of the
fox; despite taking the form of a baby fox, she acted like a monster boss.

-I‘ll be quiet, okay?

The Golden Gumiho tried to flatter Chun Yeowun, but he stayed consistent with his decision and
refused to change his mind.

-So cold. Even your ancestor wasn‘t this cold.

―I have no intention to hear any of this from you.‖

-I‘ll be doing this, then!

The Golden Gumiho pretended to close her ears. It was so cute that even Yu So-hwa smiled.
When she looked at the adorable little fox, she forgot it was one of the strongest beasts.

―Hey! What are you up to? Master told you to get out. Why are you acting so much like a pet?!‖

The second secretary, Shakena, yelled at the fox. Despite her harsh words, she too wore a
pleasant expression while looking at the fox.
Chun Yeowun had called for her because he had something to discuss with them.

„Hehe. I‟m finally reunited with my master.‟

However, the fox didn‘t even try to listen to the discussion and wrapped itself around Chun
Yeowun‘s neck, protesting for her stay.

-I won‘t go! I won‘t go!

―Fine then, I‘ll pull you off.‖

Shakena reached out for the fox on Chun Yeowun but it used its tail to strike her hand.



-You think I‘ll leave him alone with a naughty girl like you?!

―This fox!‖

Shakena, who was joking at first, was now angry and sincerely wanted the fox to leave.

―Animals should act like animals.‖


A golden energy released from the fox. Shocked by the sudden energy, Shakena too released her
demonic energy, but something suddenly crushed her from above.



A naked woman sat on her with golden hair and elegance: it was the fox in its human form.

Shakena, who would normally fight back, trembled at the weird energy and the nine tails behind
the woman. Chun Yeowun‘s eyes lit up.

„Her powers are back to normal.‟

It seemed like after eating the Kraken, she recovered her powers.

Only Chun Yeowun would be able to deal with the fully recovered Gumiho.

―Animal? You bitch.‖

Hearing the Gumiho‘s voice of bloodlust, Shakena gasped for air. She could clearly feel how
overwhelming the Gumiho‘s energy was, understanding how disadvantaged she would be if they
were to fight.

Chun Yeowun then intervened.

―I told you that I won‘t repeat myself twice.‖


The Gumiho pouted at his words. Although other people would react differently, she knew that
to Chun Yeowun, whether she was in her human or fox form didn‘t matter.


She quickly changed back into a baby fox and rested herself on Bi Mak-heon‘s head.


Holding Bi Mak-heon‘s hair as if his hair strands were reins, she said,

-Go out now. go go!

She spoke with a shrill voice. Unfortunately for Bi Mak-heon, he would never be able to control
her like Chun Yeowun.

Bi Mak-heon accepted that he was just a human horse to the Gumiho and silently took her out of
the room. When they finally left, Shakena approached her master.

―Oh my, it‘s just the two of us, Master.‖

―Don‘t push your luck.‖


As she continued to giggle, Chun Yeowun pushed her way and put his hand into a shadow.


He then pulled something out: a cylinder with a golden pattern on it. Her puzzled expression then
became intense and serious.

―Master, where did you get this from?‖

―Do you know what this is?‖

Chun Yeowun handed the cylinder to her. Receiving the object, she was shocked at what she

„Does she recognize where it‟s from?‟

He had found the item with Hagar, the traitor, which is why he guessed that the language was
from the demon clan.

―Master, this emblem is of the Grand Duke Kaliaf, one of the 3 Grand Dukes of our clan.‖

―Grand Duke?‖

Chun Yeowun was puzzled at the title Grand Duke, as he knew that this title denoted the second-
highest rank after the king.

From birth, demons were stronger than humans, so he could fathom how strong someone of that
title could be.

―But why does Master have this?‖

She wondered.

Not once had she even seen a Grand Duke class demon in person; the hierarchy of the clan made
it so that seeing people of higher titles was tough.

―I found it in the traitor‘s hands.‖


Shakena didn‘t understand what he was saying. From what she knew, Hagar was a low-level

It was strange that he had an object of a higher demon, even more so of Grand Duke Kaliaf.

―Can I open it?‖

―Go ahead.‖

She opened it, taking out the scroll from inside that displayed the drawing of the armor set Chun
Yeowun was after.

Seeing the drawing, her eyes widened.


―Do you know what that is?‖

―This is… Arisha‘s armor.‖

―Arisha‘s armor?‖

It was impossible for Chun Yeowun to understand what she was saying, so she broke it down for

―This armor here is the blueprint for divine items that only the Demon King of the clan can

―So this is the Demon King‘s treasure?‖

The secret armor in the scroll that he obtained from Hagar, the traitor, was the Demon King‘s


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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 190 -
Arisha’s Armor (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Mar 28, 2022

• 10 min read • 5636 views



In a high mountain peak northeast of Jinan City.

A being in a cloak hood with arms crossed looking at the dark sky, he was the 4th Guest of MS

Beside him was a blonde European-dressed man with a unique form. The blonde man carefully
spoke to the hooded one.


―Did you get the signal? Marquis Cawl?‖


―Then what is it?‖

―Sire. I am sorry to ask. Do we really need to wait for all the nobles to arrive on this planet? He
is strong, but I think that the nobles here can handle him well.‖

The blonde one called Marquis Cawl asked. At the bottom of the mountain were twelve men and
women with exotic forms waiting. All of them belonged to upper Count levels.

―How about having the other nobles search for the other three of Arisha‘s Armor and find the

In addition to them, there were 30 nobles down here. And all of them were searching for the

The only weapon they knew for sure was in the video of MS Group. In the opinion of Marquis
Cawl. The hooded one shook his head.

―The sword is the best treasure of Arisha‘s Armor. It can be dangerous if the owner of it learns
its true powers. It‘s better for us to move.‖


Unable to disobey the orders, he backed off. Marquis Cawl again picked up some unique-shaped
terminal and gave out a signal. But then a sudden beep came from it.

Woong! Woong! Woong!

A circle of wavy marks appeared on the screen along with a terminal. It was more like a passage.


Marquis Cawl seemed startled as he called.

Before the content was even relayed, the hooded one calmly opened his mouth to speak.

―… the Gate is open. What is the state?‖

―D-duke title. In addition, more of the many higher ranks seem to be moving.‖

At those words, the hooded one‘s eyes turned sharp.

―That side has…moved too.‖

―Seems like it. It must be because you have been here for a long time.‖

―We can‘t help it.‖


―Hurry up. Retrieve the sword and helmet right away.‖

―Yes, your grace!‖

In the Vice-chairman‘s office in Yongchun Group.

―Then the picture on this belongs to the Demon King?‖

Shakena nodded her head at the question.

―As far as I know. In the past, I have seen the Demon King roaming the fields wearing Arisha‘s
armor during the Third War based on the recordings.‖

As a demon above Count level, she didn‘t have the right to meet the king, so she only looked at
him through videos.

At that time, he definitely had this armor on it. Although it was just a video record, the Demon
King looked amazing to her eyes.

―The Demon King wearing Arisha‘s Armor was truly a strong person. No one could stand in his

―What does Arisha mean?‖

He had been wondering about the word since the first time he came across it. He wondered if it
was the name of the one who made it, Shakena answered.

―Ah… I know that the armor that only a Demon King can wear is Arisha‘s.‖

―… so, the meaning?‖

―Ah! Arisha is a great-being worshiped by our clan. In human language… right. It can be God.‖


In the demon‘s language, Arisha meant absolute strength or God.

Chun Yeowun didn‘t even think that beings of other planets would even worship someone else.
This was because he was too harshly brought up as a member of the Sky Demon Order.

―Then you will know this too.‖

Chun Yeowun touched the armor on the picture with his finger. And when he touched it, the
helmet moved like animation and disassembled and changed into a wheel.


Shakena was confused and surprised.

―This was that?‖


―I don‘t know well. But I have seen the Demon King handling various weapons on the
battlefield, but this is the first time to see it change.‖

―First time?‖


Surprisingly, even Shakena didn‘t seem to be aware of it. All she knew was that this armor was a
treasure of the Demon King.
This time she asked.

―Master, you said the traitor had it…‖


She hesitated to continue, so Chun Yeowun asked.

―What is it?‖

Pondering a lot, she couldn‘t decide.

„Can I talk about this?‟

The information she knew was a clan matter. Everyone was away, but this was the hottest issue
in their clan.

―Answer me.‖

„After all, Master is a human, so it doesn‟t matter if he knows.‟

At Chun Yeowun‘s urging, she spoke.

―Actually, before I set my foot here, there was a rumor going on in the clan.‖


―Yes. A rumor that someone was behind him. Someone helped Hagar escape and sent him here.‖

―Helped him escape?‖

―Actually, Hagar was considered a traitor for preying on his own kin, but a low-ranking noble
would never suddenly turn strong enough to be able to escape.‖

A Gate that allowed one to cross into another planet; it was an important place that only the
Marquis-level nobles would protect and guard, but such a thing had fallen into the hands of a
traitor way too low in title?

Many questioned it.

Chun Yeowun, taking the scroll, said.

―The most suspicious person is the Grand Duke then, the one whose emblem is here.‖

Listening to this, he could make a rough guess.

―Right. Huhu. Master is smart. As you said, Grand Duke Kaliaf is one of the three Grand Dukes
and is the one under suspicion.‖


She hesitated at the question; she thought talking to Chun Yeowun was fine, but it was a
sensitive issue in the clan.

―… Grand Duke Kaliaf is aiming to be the next Demon King.‖

―Next Demon King?‖

This confused him. Shakena was here to catch the traitor on the order of the Demon King, so
what is this plot twist?

―Will the Demon King retire?‖

―No, it is a bit more ambiguous.‖


―The Demon King hasn‘t appeared in public for a long time.‖

―How long?‖

―Before I was even born.‖

Shakena was 820 years old.


―I heard it has been two thousand years.‖

―Two thousand!?‖
Even Chun Yeowun was shocked. He knew the average lifespan of demons was long, but this
was huge.

„So they are long-lived ones.‟

According to Shakena, no one had seen the Demon King since the Third War that occured two
thousand years back.

―Then who gave you the order?‖

―There are the four Dukes who assist the Demon King. One of them, Sir Ludwig, ordered me.‖

―Huh? And only they see the Demon King?‖

―Yes. They are the only ones who can see him. Other than them, no one had seen the Demon
King for years, so they are called unturnable doorknobs.‖


A title that wouldn‘t stick if the Demon King had come out.

―The head of the clan hasn‘t appeared in public, so…suspicions rose.‖


She didn‘t answer Chun Yeowun‘s words; it meant agreeing with him.

The authority of the Demon King was absolute for the clan, but now they were all wondering if
their king was alive or dead.

―I have a rough idea as to what it is.‖


―Normally, the title of authority would be Grand Duke from the Demon King. However, it is said
that four Dukes are close to the Demon King and don‘t let others see him, which makes it natural
for a riot to occur.‖

―Woah… Master. You are so smart!‖

Chun Yeowun shook his head at her words. Anyone could guess this much.

―Right. As Master said, dissatisfaction rose among the Grand Dukes.‖

It had been two thousand years. Even if they were demons, their head had been missing, so it
was natural for the Grand Duke to be discontent with it and aim to be the next one on the throne.

―Then the four Dukes came and announced the condition for the Demon King.‖

―What is this now?‖

―They said that those who Arisha chose are the only ones to challenge the next title of Demon

Chosen by Arisha.

It was as if a member had to be chosen by the god their clan worshiped.

―What qualification is that?‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s question, she pointed to the armor.

―Arisha‘s Armor. It was said that those who find the armor will be given a chance to challenge
the Demon King.‖

Authority fell due to the absence of their King, and the only thing to control the warlike demons
and Grand Dukes was the existence of Arisha.

And once the announcement fell, the Grand Dukes rushed to find the armor.


Chun Yeowun sighed and said,

―Now I see it clearly.‖


―If Arisha‘s Armor isn‘t found in the end, no one will be eligible to challenge, right?‖

―Those Dukes close to the King were one smart bunch.‖


At Chun Yeowun‘s words, Shakena understands what happened.

―If no one can find Arisha‘s Armor, the Dukes closest to the King will continue to maintain the
power and control the clan.‖


―What is right?‖

―Even after the announcement, no one had been able to find the armor for decades. Because of
that, rumors went around that maybe Arisha‘s Armor might not even be on our planet.‖


―The problem was that one couldn‘t enter another planet on their wishes without a specific

It was forbidden to use the Gate. The approval had to come from the Demon King.

―I think I can see why the rumors went that Grand Duke Kaliaf supported the traitors.‖

―There was a reason.‖

―Right! For our clan, preying on a clan member means the culprit should be executed.‖

Killing their own clan members would never be forgiven by them. The traitor who did it
managed to cross the Gate and hide in another planet.

Then, there was a great reason for the demons using the Gate to another planet to catch that

―For some reason, it felt really strange that only one person was sent each time.‖
The Duke closest to them placed a limit on the pursuers, saying that the clan‘s power in their
planet shouldn‘t be wasted to catch a low-level demon despite the contact with the sent demons
always getting cut off.

―It was to make sure that they don‘t find the armor.‖


In the end, it was a battle between Grand Duke Kaliaf and the Demon King‘s men.

Shakena gritted her teeth in anger. Due to these chases, countless demons were sacrificed.

―There is a power struggle everywhere.‖

Chun Yeowun clicked his tongue.

And their power struggle had spread to earth.

„If Shakena is right, then Arisha‟s Armor must have been with the Duke‟s closest aides.‟

It was likely. Even when looking at what Chun Yeowun saw in the memories, the weapons
suddenly fell from the sky, too randomly.


However, Chun Yeowun thought it was strange. Something didn‘t feel right.

If they hid Arisha‘s Armor, it had to be at the time the decree was announced or before it was
announced, but the armor fell on earth long before such an announcement had come.


When Chun Yeowun was puzzled at the thought, a small light shone from the cylinder that
contained the scroll.

―What is that?‖

Seeing that, Shakena looked inside the cylinder.

She said with a puzzled face.

―Master…this is a tracker.‖


Even if he had Nano, Chun Yeowun couldn‘t know what was in it since this was an item of the

However, the question was, why didn‘t it react till now?

―I‘ll remove it right away.‖

She put her hand into it and tried to remove it.

It was then…


Suddenly, the space shook in the room, and numerous people appeared.

Shaken was taken aback and quickly moved at the sudden appearance. In an instant, 50 beings
appeared in the Vice-Chairman‘s room, all demons.


Shakena couldn‘t hide her shock as she looked at one of them.


The white-haired man with the most splendid armor among the demons was the highest-ranking
being with only ten demons obtaining the title.

It was the Duke.


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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 191 -
Arisha’s Armor (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Mar 29, 2022

• 12 min read • 4924 views

Other than Chun Yeowun, Shakena wasn‘t scared of anyone else in the room.

She was outstandingly warlike, yet she trembled in the Duke‘s presence.

She then noticed two beautiful white-haired men and women standing on either side of Duke.

„Marquis Irene and Marquis Isaac!‟

Just looking at those two, she could figure out who this Duke was: Duke Bevman, known as the
White Storm, who was Grand Duke Kaliaf‘s right-hand man.

She couldn‘t even understand this. Two of the Duke‘s men were Marquis and 20 of the 50 people
were of Counts; it was no exaggeration to say that an enormous amount of monsters had gathered


She looked at Chun Yeowun, who was still seated in the chair with his legs crossed and looked at
the demons, acting very relaxed.

At that moment, the white-haired woman next to the Duke, Marquis Irene, opened her mouth,

―Papa, I think this is the right place.‖

In her hand was a unique shaped terminal. When a beep sounded from the terminal, she suddenly
looked at the cylinder on the table.

―There it is.‖

In response, Marquis Isaac, who was to the Duke‘s left, said,

―I knew it, Hagar did steal it.‖

With that, he looked at Shakena,

―Is this your doing, Heart Hunter?‖

As a woman known to be the strongest of the Counts, she was recognized at once.


Chun Yeowun smiled at her timid character; it seemed like titles mattered profusely to demons.
Seeing Shakena act so carefully was pleasant. On the other hand, Marquis Isaac looked at Chun
Yeowun and raised his eyebrows.

A demon then came out from the crowd.

―Smiling? A trivial human is smiling at us?‖

Having said that, the demon clenched his fist and approached Chun Yeowun to showcase the
difference in power.

Marquis Irene suddenly spoke,

―Stop right there.‖


At those words, the demon paused and someone broke through the floor and appeared.


―Who dares to enter my Lord‘s place without permission!‖

It was Hu Bong, who had a flaming sword in his hand. If he had walked another step closer, the
demon would have been attacked.


Two more people climbed up from the hole in the floor: Mun Ran-yeong and Baekgi.

„I knew it.‟

In the elevator they felt the numerous presences. Originally, demons couldn‘t be felt, but since
Baekgi had a suit made by the MS Group, even the smallest changes in energy could be detected.


The two came up and stood beside Chun Yeowun, but that wasn‘t the end.


―Lord Chun Ma!‖

Even Bi Mak-heon pushed into the door along with the other two secretaries, and even his
disciple, Ark Young, came in.

-Rats have come.

The Golden Gumiho, who sensed something, told them and, thanks to her, they all entered the
room right away.

In an instant, the situation became a huge confrontation. For the demons, however, humans were
seen as bugs or livestock.

The demon who had tried to hit Chun Yeowun shook his head and stepped forward again.

―Whose safety are these bug-like humans–‖



Hu Bong‘s sword met his throat before he could finish speaking. The bewildered demon had
tried to avoid it, but Hu Bong‘s sword split into five and stabbed him in the neck, shoulder and
thighs simultaneously.


Since his upper body turned, the hit was avoided, but both thighs were stabbed with the sword,
causing him to fall back.


The other demons looked at him without moving.

They all knew that this human was strong. One of the demons at the Count level came out

―Seriously. This is why you aren‘t able to rank up.‖

The demon who was hit by Hu Bong had the Viscount title. Then, a white light flashed from the
Marquis Irene‘s left eye as she said,

―Zakun, this isn‘t your opponent either.‖

―Huh? What is that supposed to mean, Marquis?‖

―Your fighting power is 58,000. The red-haired man is at 98,000.‖

Hearing her words, Marquis Isaac was shocked.

―Is that true?‖

―Are you doubting my ability?‖

Irene‘s power was ability numericalization: the ability to analyze opponents and read their
combat power.

It was extremely accurate because it analyzed the body‘s internal body.

―Pretty good for a human.‖

She was curious about Hu Bong, who had a higher power level than most of the demons. As
soon as saw him, she looked at the powers of the others as well.

The first thing that caught her eye was Shakena‘s.

―105,000? Heart Hunter, are you stronger than before?‖

The last time she saw Shakena, her power level was 60,000, which alone was considered the
highest number at the Count level. Then, she looked at Mun Ran-yeong.



At her words, Marquis Isaac‘s eyes lit up. Since they were siblings, Isaac knew his sister‘s ability

―A human with 190,000 fighting power?‖

The highest ranked Count had a fighting power of 100,000.

Taking that into account, this human exceeded the top Count. At this level, she could be a lower
Marquis too.
But what was surprising was the next person.


Confirming Baekgi‘s power, she couldn‘t announce it. This was insane even at the Marquis
level; her brother also had a fighting power of 320,000 and was in the upper-middle-ranking.

Numbers were just numbers and things could change in combat, but this man was on par with
Isaac. However, she didn‘t say it because it would hurt her brother‘s pride.


Duke Bevman stopped her with a heavy voice.

―Ah, Papa.‖

Her left eyes turned to analyze Duke Bevman‘s power.

2.89 million. Overwhelming strength.

Immensely different from those at the Marquis level; no matter how strong humans were, they
would never be able to defeat this man.

„In front of Father, humans are just trash.‟

The cruel reality was that the Duke could crush all of them alone.

―We didn‘t come to do that.‖

With that, he looked at Chun Yeowun.

―Human. You seem to be the head of this place. Give me the explanation for why the item that
should be with Hagar is with—‖


As he talked, Duke Bevman looked up. Then,

The building shook with a loud roar. Eventually, the ceiling was pierced and someone broke into
the room. With her left eye, Irene couldn‘t see the people but saw numbers signifying their



Her face hardened. The moment she saw the numbers, she knew exactly who these intruders


―I know.‖


Hearing her cry, Duke Bevman moved.

He rushed to greet the newcomers, who had incredible fighting power and intruded as fast as
lightning. He just swung his fist, and caused the wind to push forward.


The forty windows in the vice-chairman‘s office shattered. The demons and even Chun
Yeowun‘s subordinates were pushed back from the wind pressure.


Duke Bevman‘s fist was blocked by the intruder.


The wind revealed the face of the intruder who blocked Duke Bevman‘s fist. Shakena saw the
black-haired, tall, and exotic-looking man with his hood removed and yelled,

―Duke Ludwig!‖

Duke Ludwig.
He was one of the four Dukes who was under the Demon King. Next to him was a blonde man in
blue European clothing, Marquis Cawl.

Their appearance made the demons become alert. Since a strong man on the same level as Duke
Bevman appeared, they were no longer hostile.

―So you were here, Duke Ludwig.‖

Duke Ludwig didn‘t respond to the words and looked at Chun Yeowun, who was still sitting in
his seat, and said,

―Human, do you have Arisha‘s Armor with you?‖

Duke Ludwig was only interested in whether or not the weapons had gone into the demons‘

The Grand Duke‘s men had shown up sooner than expected, so he was becoming impatient.

―Arisha‘s Armor?‖

All of the demons were now interested in the confrontation because their purpose was Arisha‘s
Armor too.

―I see. So you have them, human.‖

Duke Bevman looked at Chun Yeowun. His white eyes grew even colder.

Duke Bevman lifted his fist and tried to hit him.




Duk Ludwig exerted a strong force to restrain Duke Bevman from moving before shouting his
children and men,

―Catch him!‖
―Yes, your grace!‖


Marquis Irene, who received the order, moved.

As a demon with the Marquis title, she had amazing speed. Unless, of course, someone


Someone predicted Marquis Irene‘s path in advance and blocked it. It was none other than
Marquis Cawl, Duke Ludwig‘s right-hand man.

Marquis Irene chuckled at his interference.

―I knew you would try to stop me.‖

When she reached out her hand, spider web-like substance was spewed out from her 10 fingers.

Since he was too close, Marquis Cawl was swept up in the web.



When Marquis Cawl was forced to use his ability, Marquis Irene bounced back.

„He‟s much stronger than me.‟

Her own fighting power was 280,000; in terms of numbers, it was small, especially against
Marquis Cawl who was the best.

But that didn‘t matter because he wasn‘t her target.


Marquis Cawl noticed Isaac pass by him and tried to move, but Isaac was already in front of the

―Come here—‖



Someone kicked Isaac in the face. He was then hit in the shoulder, then the face, and then a
couple more places. He staggered back from the successive kicks.

The one who kicked him was Baekgi.

„He is able to handle Invisible Kicks?‟

Baekgi was shocked by Marquis Isaac‘s resistance, as he was only lightly pushed.

Baekgi, who was in his best condition, used his Invisible Kicks, but instead of being torn apart,
his opponent was intact.

―How dare you, human!‖

Full of anger from being hit in the face, Isaac turned to Baekgi. As a result, the demons under
Duke Bevman began to move.


―Only that one needs to be caught!‖

They, too, were aware that Chun Yeowun was the one they had to catch.

―Who would dare to aim for my Lord?!‖

As the demons moved, Hu Bong and the others stepped ahead of Chun Yeowun. This was the
moment when the vice-chairman‘s office turned into a warzone.

Chun Yeowun, seeing everything unfold, slowly got up.

―Human, run out!‖

Duke Ludwig, who thought that Chun Yeowun wouldn‘t win, shouted.

Outside the office were demons who were under his control, and he figured that if the human
left, his demons would be able to handle the situation and recover Arisha‘s armor/weapons.

However, Chun Yeowun didn‘t care about the pandemonium.

―This is so funny. You all come into my realm and act however you want.‖

Hearing Chun Yeowun‘s words, the demons wondered what he was saying. Chun Yeowun



―Before I finish counting down from three.‖

One of the Count demons who thought his declaration was absurd shouted,

―What nonsense are you spewing? Ha—‖



The Count who was shouting suddenly grabbed his core as the other demons didn‘t understand
what was happening.

―What‘s happening with you?‖

―Ack! My core…‖

The core was the main weakness. If the core was damaged, the demon would die.

Chun Yeowun clenched the air in front of him.


Black smoke rose from the Count‘s mouth as he crumbled into ashes. The others couldn‘t hide
their shock. Chun Yeowun said,


The countdown started. The two Dukes who were fighting thought this was absurd.

The humans, who were supposed to be insects compared to the demons, suddenly intervened and
were able to control the flow of the war.

Duke Ludwig shouted,

―Human, we don‘t have time for this! I can‘t figure out what you‘re thinking, but right now—‖



Chun Yeowun‘s body emitted a black haze: Sky Demon Energy.

As he gradually raised his energy, more Sky Demon Energy was being released.

Even Duke Ludwig couldn‘t speak as the ferocious energy flowed out, which only made the
demons more scared.



Chun Yeowun kept counting. Hearing the next number, Isaac, whose pride was hurt, screamed as
he ran,

―How dare you, human trash!‖



Beakgi, who confronted him, tried to stop Marquis Isaac from going any farther, but Marquis
Isaac‘s body disappeared. Marquis Isaac, who had the ability to move through space, was the one
who brought the demons into this office.

Isaac disappeared and appeared behind Chun Yeowun.


―This is the price for not fearing us and—‖


Isaac‘s hand sliced through the air, which was suddenly empty. Chun Yeowun, who had been in
front of him moments before, disappeared in an instant as someone grabbed Marquis Isaac‘s
head from behind.



He tried to turn his head and see who was holding him, but he couldn‘t even move. He tried to
move through space again, but,



His body, which should have moved, didn‘t budge, as if it were fixed to this one point in space.

This meant that the person holding his head was also controlling the fabric of space and had
interfered with his movement.


―You seem to want to die quickly.‖

The voice was Chun Yeowun‘s. Bewildered, Marquis Isaac tried to counterattack as best as he

At that moment,


His head was blown off by a tremendous force, and he didn‘t even have a chance to scream.

The demons were at a loss of words when they saw a Marquis-level demon taken down so easily.

„No way!‟

„M-Marquis Isaac?‟

Along with his sister, Isaac was known to be strong enough to be the next Duke.

His death was enough to ruin the demons‘ pride. Chun Yeowun looked at them once more and

―The last chance. The last number: one.‖

And he finished counting.


As soon he finished, there was tremendous pressure which distorted the space and crushed down
the demons in the office.

The pressure was so strong that all the demons were forced to kneel at the same time.



Thud! Thud! Thud!

They were all kneeling against their will. Their strength was too weak to withstand the force
Chun Yeowun was exerting, and the only demons left standing were Shakena and the two Dukes.
„How can a human have this much power?‟

The Dukes thought the same idea.

Marquis Irene, who was also forced to kneel, opened her mouth with a shocked face,

―Pa… Papa…‖

Duke Bevman looked at her with a puzzled face as she spoke in a terrified voice,

―T-that man‘s…power is…close to…10 million.‖



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 192 -
Arisha’s Armor (3)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Mar 30, 2022

• 11 min read • 4803 views



Marquis Irene‘s left eye could see one‘s power level.

Right now, she is looking at Chun Yeowun‘s power.


His power level was so high; it was almost 10 million.

„N-No way could this happen….‟

The first person she looked at using her ability was Chun Yeowun. At that time, the number was
strangely low. It was 10, which was usually the case for ordinary humans.

„He hid his power….‟

The first thing that surprised her was this. Her abilities were entirely accurate. Even if one tried
to hide it, her ability would still figure it out. However, that didn‘t happen this time.

„Just what power is….‟

The second surprise was his overwhelming power that completely surpasses humans—a figure
that slightly exceeded the 10 Dukes of the clan.

―Irene! Did you really see it correctly?‖

Duke Bevman asked in a voice of disbelief. He really thought that she was wrong. However,
Marquis Irene couldn‘t say anything more.

„At this number, it might be comparable to the Grand Duke.‟

She once had an audience with Grand Duke Kaliaf, a demon higher than her father. Unable to
contain her curiosity, she used her ability. He almost caught her, but she saw it go over 9.99
million in a brief moment.

When the number exceeds 1 million, it usually increases slowly one after another, like a timer.


Duke Bevman unexpectedly and violently pushed Duke Ludwig away. Duke Ludwig, who is in a
daze by Chun Yeowun‘s power, couldn‘t stop him.

Duke Bevman, who pushed him away, moved towards Chun Yeowun.


―I don‘t know what you did, but there‘s no way a human being can have such power!‖

Duke Bevman could never admit it.

Humans had been nothing but bugs and insects to their clan since ancient times. Now, such a bug
was more powerful than him?


A sharp wind blew from Duke Bevman. Although the place was small, he was aiming for a close
range, and he made sure that his power wouldn‘t touch his demons, and only Chun Yeowun‘s
subordinates were affected by it.


It ripped apart the ceiling and floor.

The moment came that he was about to hit Chun Yeowun…

- yah!

A sharp cry was heard.

Something huge and golden obscured his vision.

Duke Bevman tried to strike the golden light, but it instantly neutralized his power. The golden
light stopped everything and prevented any aftermath from the room.


Then the golden light that neutralized the attack wrapped around him so fast that he couldn‘t
even respond.

―Kuak! W-what is this?‖

It wrapped around Duke Bevman like a rope. He thought it felt weird.


What wrapped around him was golden hair. The already surprised Duke Bevman then heard a
woman‘s voice.

―Now you‘re trying to touch my Chun Ma?‖

He looked where the voice came from. It was from a naked woman with golden hair. Her arms
were folded, and she looked at him arrogantly. She was the Golden Gumiho.

„This woman?‟

The weird energy which humans couldn‘t possess. The Golden Gumiho looked at him with
narrowed eyes and warned.

―If you don‘t yield to Chun Ma, I will eat you.‖


Duke Bevman‘s face distorted. He had power over demons.

And this one wants him to bow?

He yelled furiously.

―Eat? How dare you try to spout such things to a Duke who is higher than your race?!‖

The Duke‘s power increased. Something resembling human blood was coming up to his face

Seeing that, even the faces of the demons who were kneeling tensed.

―They spoke the wrong words.‖

―You made him awaken. Idiots.‖

It can be said that they were already more robust than humans. But awakening helps them be
twice powerful.


Two long horns sprouted from the forehead of the Duke. The reason people call them demons
was because of this awakening.

Duke Bevman, whose skin was turning white, spoke coldly.

―Woman. You made a huge mistake. The awakened Duke‘s power is too strong. A lower race
like you can never….‖



Before he could even finish speaking, the golden hair wrapping around the body of Duke
Bevman tightened. Her power was so strong that only a scream came out of the Duke‘s mouth.

„H-how is this possible?‟

Duke Bevman couldn‘t understand it. He tried to rip off the tail, but the more he tried, the tighter
it got.

His face contorted in pain. Marquis Irene, who couldn‘t look at him suffering like that, was in

―H…how is this? Even if it was like that….‖

The number that her left eye sees contains the fighting power of the Golden Gumiho.



She was at a loss for words as the power exceeded the Duke‘s.

She didn‘t know that this wasn‘t the full power of the golden fox. How would she react when the
fox turns into her original form, which is more powerful than her current form?


Black smoke flowed out from the mouth of Duke Bevman. It seemed like just a bit more push,
and he would die.

―Pa… Papa.‖

Irene helplessly called for him. She visited earth several times but never once had she seen such

The fox who lived from ancient times and Chun Yeowun who had exceeded the level of

They were all unimaginable beings on Earth!

―That is enough.‖

Chun Yeowun stopped the Golden Gumiho that was going to kill the Duke.

―Why? It isn‘t done yet. He is so cheeky. I need to kill him.‖

―There are things I need to hear from him.‖

At those words, the Gumiho smacked her lips.

―This one sure is lucky. Let‘s meet later.‖

Shhh! Thud!


She pulled back her tail, and the Duke fell like a doll. After his awakening ended, he was back to
his normal state, and he seemed too shocked at what happened as he lost his will. His awakening
was useless.

―And now you.‖

Chun Yeowun looked at Duke Ludwig.

This Duke was also standing except for Shakena, who wasn‘t forced to kneel.

Shakena looked at them with a puzzled expression.

„What now?‟

One side was someone who assisted the Demon King, and the other side was the master she
swore allegiance to. It was hard to choose.


―Stay silent.‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s words, she realized that she should never involve herself until this matter
was resolved.

Duke Ludwig, who was being vigilant, spoke.

―This is extraordinary. I never thought there could be a strong man among humans other than

Chun Yeowun‘s eyes shone.

Then this demon meant that there was someone like him around?

Duke Ludwig continued.

―Human potential isn‘t less to the clan—a being who doesn‘t live for more than a hundred years
to be so strong.‖

He genuinely admired Chun Yeowun, and he even praised the Golden Gumiho.

It was because the Golden Gumiho even made the proud Duke Bevman aghast.

―Stop saying such things.‖

With that, he lifted his sleeve.


The black wrist guard on his wrist disassembled and changed into the shape of a sword. It was
the Sky Demon Sword.

Duke Ludwig‘s eyes twinkled after seeing the transformation.

―Arisha‘s Sword!‖

The reason he showed interest was simple; it was because this was the best sword among the
seven weapons of Arisha.

―Do you know this sword?‖


―Then tell me everything you know so I can spare you.‖

At those words, Duke Ludwig‘s eyes sharpened.

He was one of the four powerful demons.

Duke Ludwig‘s pride was greater than Duke Bevman‘s. However, he didn‘t lose his cool because
of everything he had witnessed.

―Human. It is a treasure of our clan.‖

―I know that much.‖

―Then you must know that it isn‘t something which should be here, right?‖

―I don‘t think so.‖


―It is something which came into my possession… and this sword isn‘t Arisha‘s Sword that you
say; this is the Sky Demon Sword, a sacred item of our cult.‖

At that, Duke Ludwig thought it was absurd.

―You are too much.‖

―Should I show it to you?‖

The atmosphere was so intense that a battle could happen at any time. Everyone who witnessed it
gulped and stayed silent while watching, not wanting to be involved.

Duke Ludwig looked at the gumiho and then at Chun Yeowun. He was analyzing the situation.

The fact that he was analyzing despite seeing what happened meant that there was something
else he could use. Then he spoke.

―Human, I will make an offer.‖


―If you give me that treasure, I will grant you what you want—for example, dealing with the
things which currently control the sky on earth or goods worth 10 million gold. Or prolong life?
Whatever it is, I will listen.‖
Duke Ludwig tried to make a deal. Even if there was a chance to fight, he didn‘t want to get into

To which Chun Yeowun said with a smile.

―Is that so? Then, will you all swear allegiance to me? If you say yes, then I will think about it.‖


This time, Duke Ludwig‘s expression hardened. He tried to take a peaceful way out, but this
human kept pulling his leg.

In a low tone, he asked.

―Are you looking for a bloodbath?‖

―Things without blood shouldn‘t say such things.‖


The more the talks went, the angrier he turned. He really did want to avoid getting into a fight,
but it seemed like this human was asking for it.

―You are overconfident about your strength.‖

―It isn‘t overconfidence; it is reality.‖


Duke Ludwig sighed and took a deep breath not to lose his composure.

He spoke as he clenched his fists.

―I admit that you are strong. However, there is a saying in the world that there is a sky above the
sky. Do you know why I, a Duke, am assisting the Demon King?‖

―Should I even know it?‖

―… I‘ll tell you. When demons of Marquis level or higher will awaken, that awakening will
double the power.‖


―Awakening isn‘t the end.‖

With that, Duke Ludwig spread out his palm and covered his face. At that moment, a tremendous
wind pressure arose.


So strong that even cracks formed in the building.

―You crossed a line you shouldn‘t have. Us four Dukes obtained the power to advance to a
second awakening from the Demon King. That power…‖

He lifted the hand which covered his face. And his face changed into a different one.

This was different from the human form; it is also different from the awakened body of a demon.

The nose, hair, eyebrows, everything to define a human face had disappeared except for the red
eyes and the mouth.

Duke Ludwig, who had a bizarre change, raised his mouth into a smile and said.

―We are of Grand Duke level.‖


The entire building shook as if an earthquake was happening right below it.


Marquis Irene couldn‘t take off her trembling eyes. She was at a loss of words at Duke Ludwig‘s

„Twelve million!‟
The rise in power was exponential. She thought he would be so powerful since he assisted the
Demon King, but not this much.

„Is this why no one recklessly touched the Grand Dukes?‟

Now they realized why no one went against them.


Duke Ludwig stared at Chun Yeowun.

He couldn‘t hold it any longer since he was angry. Although he spoke with pure confidence, he
wasn‘t confident enough to control this power because it wasn‘t a natural strength of a Grand
Duke; this was just a temporary boost.

„Need to finish this in 10 minutes.‟

That was it. With this power, he wasn‘t scared of failing.

―Human. You will have to do your best. Even I cannot control this power….‖


In an instant, he weirdly felt chills in his body.



Suddenly, something passed through his neck.

It was a very sharp sense and so quick that no one recognized it.

A black line appeared on Duke Ludwig‘s neck.

―Kua…th…this…. What…‖

Bewildered, he tried to hold his shaky neck with both hands. He couldn‘t even understand what
had happened to him.
Chun Yeowun said.

―I did my best just as you asked.‖

Then there was the scream which seemed to tear everything apart.


Marquis Irene, who was witnessing this scene, screamed as her left eye suddenly burst.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 193 -
Arisha’s Armor (4)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Mar 31, 2022

• 10 min read • 4925 views


Humans bleed when they are injured.

However, when demons are wounded, black smoke comes out from the loss of their demonic
energy. Black smoke was quickly coming out from Marquis Irene‘s left eye.


The reason why her eye suddenly burst was quite simple: because she was using her left eye to
analyze others‘ power levels, it must have been overloaded.

‗_N-No way!‘_

The pain was only for a brief moment, but she felt lost when Chun Yeowun swung his sword.

In that brief moment, the number her eye displayed had risen extraordinarily, and it was
impossible to even see where the number ended.

„Is this the potential of humans?‟

The demons knew that some humans were strong.

However, a human this strong completely surpassed their beliefs.

„This one is a monster.‟

She recognized that they had touched something they shouldn‘t have, and the other demons
realized this as well.

Even if they didn‘t have Irene‘s ability, they could tell that Chun Yeowun was a monster.

„Our strongest demon was defeated in just one slash?‟

„What had just happened?‟

For the demons, Awakening, or Advanced Awakening, was like an unreachable dream.

It was a symbol of power that only the strong ones had the privilege of undergoing, and it was
seen as a broken power.
The demons‘ gazes didn‘t move from Duke Ludwig.


He was still holding his neck with both hands.

For a high-ranking demon, especially one at his level, if the core wasn‘t damaged, there was a
good chance that stabilizing the neck would help enable and boost recovery.


„I-I can‟t regenerate.‟

Duke Ludwig wasn‘t recovering. Not only did a sharp sensation pass through him, but a
ferocious energy also seemed to interfere with his natural regeneration process.

This energy was none other than the Sky Demon Energy.

Duke Ludwig, gripped by his fear of death, shouted,

―Kuak…you…what the hell did you do?‖

Chun Yeowun responded with a smile,

―Don‘t act stupid. You‘re already dead.‖


Chun Yeowun seemed to know that Duke Ludwig‘s body was failing to regenerate and
approached the flustered demon.

―Ah! I almost forgot.‖



Chun Yeowun stuck his sword right through the center of Duke Ludwig‘s chest. A blue light
shone from the Sky Demon Sword as an eerily gloomy energy was released.


Duke Ludwig‘s eyes widened.

As one of the four close aides of the Demon King, he was well aware of the abilities of Arisha‘s

Why was Arisha‘s sword known as the best?

Simply because of its ability to absorb the enemy‘s abilities without a cost.

„My strength? My—‟

―Thank you. I almost missed the chance to take it, but this was only possible because you
endured for so long.‖

―You bastard!‖

Duke Ludwig was furious at Chun Yeowun, but his anger didn‘t last for much longer.


His body scattered like ashes in the wind as he could not help but feel hopeless about his
impending doom.


Then, Chun Yeowun‘s eyes trembled from the process of transforming information from the
demon‘s core into his mind.

Each time he did this, he always faced a familiar dizziness.

„What impossible strength.‟

Shakena couldn‘t take her eyes off Chun Yeowun. She knew that he was strong, but this was
beyond her imagination.
She never thought that one of the Demon King‘s four close aides would lose their life from a
single slash.


She gulped in fear. Once again, she realized that she had made the right choice.

At that moment, Hu Bong yelled at the demons,

―Hey, what are you going to do? All your leaders are done for, are you going to sit there looking
dazed? Surrender now!‖

The energy forcing them to kneel dissipated, but the demons were too stunned by what they had
just witnessed to move.


They all looked at each other when a demon suddenly shouted,

―A-according to the laws of my clan, Count Norin will admit defeat now! Everything will be for
the winner. Either take my life or turn me into a slave, anything as you will!‖

It was the first declaration of defeat.

Norin, a Count class who had lost his will to fight, surrendered. He confirmed Chun Yeowun‘s
overwhelming power right in front of his eyes. As Hu Bong said, if their leaders couldn‘t do
anything, what could they do?

Shikaran, another Count class demon, was dumbfounded by Count Norin‘s surrender.

―What are you spewing—‖

―According to the laws of my clan, Count Olga will admit defeat now! Everything will be for the
winner. Either take my life or turn me into a slave, anything as you will!‖

Even before Count Shikaran could finish his rebuke, another Count level demon surrendered.

―Y-You guys…‖
When two of his fellow demons surrendered, he was perplexed. They had gotten up and formally
declared their surrender without any care.

―What are you all doing? How can he the—‖

―Then do you plan to just die here? How do you plan on taking down a monster that defeated our
Duke level leaders?‖


He couldn‘t think of anything to refute the statement.

Duke Bevman had lost his fighting spirit and had no chance of winning. All the demons had
already bowed their heads and declared surrender, except for three.


Marquis Irene‘s eye was slowly recovering while Duke Bevman was looking at Chun Yeowun
with a puzzled face.

Lastly, Marquis Cawl, Duke Ludwig‘s faithful servant, was still in shock.

Unlike the other demons, these three were bound by blood or had been loyal for a long time and
thus weren‘t in a situation to surrender just because the opponent was strong.


„This…this human!‟

Marquis Cawl, who had lost his master, grunted in anger.

His master, his lord, had died right before his eyes, and he couldn‘t even do anything. He glared
at Chun Yeowun as if he wanted him dead.

Chun Yeowun shook his head.

„Now is my chance!‟
He thought that this would be the only chance he would get to kill the man, and he considered
the opportunity even more.

„He is absorbing the power from the core.‟

Even Marquis Irene saw this as her last chance. The gap between them and Chun Yeowun would
send them straight to hell. Other than now, they would never even get close to Chun Yeowun.


It was a very clever thought. The two Marquis with the same intention moved simultaneously.

Phat! Crack!

Both of them awakened at the same time as they leapt towards Chun Yeowun.

„I need to kill him!‟

„I need you dead!‟





Their bodies were stopped in mid-air by a golden tail that curled around their bodies.

„This is?‟

The Golden Gumiho had stopped them. The two Marquis‘ who didn‘t think about the other
monster were too hasty and ended up getting caught.

―What are you doing? You guys must really have a death wish.‖

A weird killing intent emanated from the golden Gumiho.

―Damn it!‖

The two demons seemed desperate to avoid such futile deaths, as they would die without having
accomplished much. Then, Chun Yeowun spoke.


―Chun Ma?‖

The golden Gumiho, who was about to crush them with her tail, turned to Chun Yeowun.

He smiled with a strange expression, which the Gumiho didn‘t understand.

As she wondered what he was up to, Chun Yeowun opened his mouth.

―So, you received this from the Demon King?‖

Chun Yeowun raised his hand towards his face, and as he covered his face with his palm,
something amazing happened.


The room began to shudder. The same phenomenon that happened when Duke Ludwig was
transforming occurred.

However, it seemed like with each second, the force shaking the room became stronger.


To the extent where their surrounding space was distorted.


The building couldn‘t withstand the shaking and seemed as if it would collapse at any moment.


The tails of the Golden Gumiho expanded in an instant to support the building, which was on the
verge of collapsing. If she had been a second later, the floors would have collapsed.
―Chun Ma!‖

She shouted at Chun Yeowun, who was unable to control his new power.

However, the distorted space soon turned normal and the tremendous energy that had threatened
everyone moments earlier began to subside.

To be precise, it was coalescing at one point.

―W-what is that? Chun Ma?‖


The Golden Gumiho and the other subordinates under Chun Yeowun couldn‘t hide their shock.
Chun Yeowun‘s entire body seemed to be enveloped in raging flame.

Those flames around his body were flames of pitch black darkness. Seeing this dark form of fire
felt strange to everyone.


Chun Yeowun lowered his hand, revealing his face, but Chun Yeowun‘s face was also black.

The energy around him didn‘t feel like his usual energy; it felt much darker. If they hadn‘t
known that it was Chun Yeowun, they would have thought that they were face-to-face with the
Demon God, a divine being spoken in myths and legends.

„T-true Awakening?‟

Marquis Irene, who was caught by golden Gumiho‘s tail, was sure that Chun Yeowun was going
through a true Awakening.

―How…how is this…‖

Even Marquis Cawl couldn‘t help but be shocked. He always accompanied Dule Ludwig and
was able to closely observe the transformation progress. There was no doubt that this was a True

At that moment, Chun Yeowun‘s face of darkness, which shone like a flame, shook.
-I‘ve learned something great…



―T-the wind?!‖

The moment the sound came, a huge gust of wind seemed to enter the room. Thanks to that, the
demons who were bowing and even subordinates of Chun Yeowun were puzzled back.


Even Chun Yeowun was shocked. Just talking seemed to cause his power to explode, so he
hurriedly raised his hand up to cover his face.

Reducing the effects of the Awakening, Chun Yeowun was able to return everything back to


The darkness that wrapped around his entire body disappeared as it dispersed into the air.

And the energy disappeared, Chun Yeowun‘s hand trembled and he looked at it.

„The moment I used True Awakening, the Sky Demon Energy exploded.‟

It wasn‘t that the other energies increased, but rather that the Sky Demon Energy was pushed
down and had exploded.

As a result, Chun Yeowun turned into an entity of darkness and chaos, creating a strange form.

„I can‟t seem to use it for very long.‟

He only used it for a while but an unknown fatigue rushed over his body.

It was like he had exhausted his entire body.

―Chun Ma, it seemed like you were completely gone.‖

The Golden Gumiho said in shock.

He realized that it was just as she said. When he was Awakened, he wasn‘t there mentally.

For Murim warriors, that meant that they had reached new heights. In an instant, Chun Yeowun
no longer seemed human.

―Well, that could be it.‖

Chun Yeowun didn‘t deny it.

He, too, thought that the weird senses he felt before returning to his human form were odd.

At that moment, someone walked in front of Chun Yeowun. In shock, Marquis Irene yelled at
the person,


Walking in front of Chun Yeowun was Duke Bevman, and as he looked at Chun Yeowun with
trembling eyes, he asked,

―You, who are you? Are you Arisha‘s reincarnation?‖



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 194 -
Grand Duke (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Apr 1, 2022

• 10 min read • 5116 views

Angel’s Notes about the Demonic Power Awakening:

There are 2 levels of the Demons‘ Awakening:

 Awakening – The first awakening of the Demons. As mentioned in Chapter 125, among the
demons, those of the Marquis rank/level were known to have a Demonic Power Awakening.
 Advanced Awakening – The second awakening of the Demons. It was interchangeably used with
‗True Awakening‘ but will now be used consistently.

Another type of Awakening:

 Forced Awakening – An awakening that would only happen through predation of one‘s own kind. Which
meant that the power inside them was impure.

— I am true darkness. Let this darkness of mine be like chaos itself. I am the flame. Let this
blazing flame lead you into darkness. My guidance will be your path.

Those words were written on the stone tablet in the temple of Arisha.

Arisha‘s temple was where only those with Duke title or higher could enter. There, Duke
Bevman saw those words thousands or even more times.

When he saw Chun Yeowun, who had a power that only beings higher than a Grand Duke could
have, he suddenly thought of those words in the temple.
„Why did I suddenly think of it?‟

Chun Yeowun had nothing to do with their clan. He was a human. A mere human. However, the
moment he saw the darkness and the flame together, it popped up.

„Black flame.‟

The power that symbolized Arisha. It wasn‘t known why he thought of it.

―Arisha? That is absurd.‖

Chun Yeowun heard from Shakena that Arisha was a God-like existence to them. Therefore, he
dismissed it, thinking it was his own power.

―Who are you? I have never heard or seen a human with such power.‖

―Quite funny. You people think you are the center of this wide world.‖

―If you aren‘t the incarnation of Arisha, why are you like thi….‖

Chun Yeowun approached him and grabbed his head when he was still speaking.



―Don‘t push your luck. I am the great Sky Demon Order‘s Chun Ma, the Demon God you all
should fear.‖


Demon God.

The title which Chun Yeowun was given.

At that, Duke Bevman‘s eyes trembled.

Just as Chun Yeowun knew that Arisha was the God they worshiped, Duke Bevman, too, had
come to Earth over the years and knew what Demon God meant.
―… you are really the Demon God… No, are you?‖

Suddenly, Duke Bevman‘s attitude turned polite. Chun Yeowun made a puzzled expression.


Duke Bevman suddenly knelt on one knee and placed his right hand on his chest.


Marquis Irene shouted as she was startled by his father‘s actions. The reaction was the same
from the other demons and Marquis Cawl.

They all knew what that position meant.


„I-isn‟t that the bow to the king?!‟

Surprisingly, the bow he did was a sacred bow only to be done to their king, the Demon King,
and of course, to the temple as well.

―Duke Bevman greets the great one with respect.‖


Marquis Irene couldn‘t stand it any longer, so she shouted.

This seemed wrong. He was bowing in front of someone other than the Demon King or the
person he swore allegiance to, Grand Duke Kaliaf.


Duke Bevman reached out and gestured to her to shut up. His voice echoed in her mind as she
couldn‘t understand what her father was doing.

[Stay still.]

This was telepathy to the demons to talk secretly without speaking out.
She asked, bewildered by his actions.

[Papa. What are you doing? That man is the enemy. If Grand Duke Kaliaf knew that you did that
before a human, he would never forgive you!]

But the response from Duke Bevman came back calmly.

[Not a human.]


She frowned.

He might be a monster for them, but what was this about him not being a human?

[What are you even saying…]

[This one is the Demon God of Earth.]


[Well, you haven‘t been to this place for long, so you might not know.]

[…what are you saying?]

[It means someone like the great Arisha of our clan.]


[Our clan uses Arisha… and they use Talisha, this person is the God who symbolizes the Demon
of this place.]

[No way…]

Her expression changed as she looked at Chun Yeowun in awe.

„What is with her?‟

Chun Yeowun raised his eyebrow at that.

Looking at them looking at each other, Chun Yeowun was sure they were talking about

„Nano… can you eavesdrop on their talks?‟

[I will try searching for the frequencies.]

Nano searched for frequencies around. However, the telepathy that demons used didn‘t need
energy for it.

[Cannot perform the action.]

At the unfortunate answer, Chun Yeowun looked at the father and daughter and spoke in

―What are you two doing?‖

Duke Bevman seemed shocked at it. It was just a question, but it seemed like he guessed what
was happening.

„H-He even managed to notice that we were using telepathy?‟

It was funny.

This misunderstanding that started was constantly growing bigger and bigger. Duke Bevman
bowed his head and spoke like a guilty person.

―I apologize. In the presence of the great being, I used telepathy to stop my daughter. Forgive me
for the disrespect I caused so recklessly.‖


Chun Yeowun touched his chin, wondering if something had gone wrong somewhere. Something
felt weird about this demon.

Just by looking at the attitude, he could tell that this was different from how the regular demons
would swear allegiance.

„A little better than that?‟

Either way, it was certain that this demon was afraid of him. If so, he could bring out a
considerable amount of information.

And as demons cannot be turned into Ghosts, there was no other way but to make them speak.

―From now on, answer my questions.‖

―Please do ask.‖

―Lie, and it will end with your death.‖

―How can I lie to a great being?‖


Somehow, even Chun Yeowun felt like this demon was misunderstanding something but didn‘t
see the need to clarify it.

―Why are you all aiming for this sword and the other weapons?‖

He actually knew the reason because Shakena told him, but this question was asked to check if
there was another hidden reason.

―Arisha‘s Armor is a sacred item of the clan. What it symbolizes is the king.‖


―Only the king can have the armor and use it.‖

―I heard that your king isn‘t present or that some problem occurred. So, you did this to take the
vacant place?‖


At Chun Yeowun‘s direct question, Duke Bevman, who was silent for a bit, spoke.

―The king holds a crucial position in the clan. However, our King hadn‘t been seen for a very
long time, and the people closest to him are ignoring the affairs of our clan.‖
―Doorknob something?‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s words, Duke Bevman‘s eyes lit up. He didn‘t think that their clan‘s slang
would be heard from a being of another planet.

―…they can be called as such.‖

―So, this was to drive them out?‖

―How can we ever go and fight enemies without a leader who rules over the clan?‖

―Enemy? Your clan has enemies?‖

At that question, the duke smiled.

―Our planet is ten times the size of this planet. It is natural for other beings to exist besides our

Chun Yeowun thought.

Shakena, who came here under the orders of one of the four aides, who were the closest to the
King, had her own opinion. Now, these answers showed the cause for the actions.

―The one you serve is the one called Grand Duke Kaliaf?‖


―Then he wants to challenge the throne?‖

―Yes. Grand Duke Kaliaf wants to become the king and revive our clan again.‖

Duke Bevman answered with a voice that showed his loyalty. He aimed to make the lord above
him the king.

―Arisha‘s Armor has a value that symbolizes one as the king.‖

―It isn‘t just that.‖

Duke Bevman waved his hand and continued.


―It has been said that those who wear the armor can have the power of Arisha.‖

―Power of Arisha?‖

―Arisha‘s Armor is indeed a powerful weapon. If it falls into one of the close aides of the kind,
their reign will grow stronger too.‖


―Please consider our clan and grant the Arisha‘a armor to Grand Duke Kaliaf, the great being.‖

They needed it.

But Chun Yeowun had a question. According to Shakena, it was said that these close aides of the
king were preventing the others from finding the armor to maintain their power.

„But it doesn‟t seem like that.‟

If Duke Bevman‘s words were heard clearly, even the king‘s aides were also searching for the

As long as they find it, they can replace the Demon King.

Instead, it was possible to rule the clan more stably.

„Weren‟t they the ones who hid it?‟

Initially, Chun Yeowun thought that the Demon King‘s closest aides hid Arisha‘s Armor.
However, hearing both stories, that didn‘t seem to be the case.



―Do you know when and how this sword and Arisha‘s Armor got into this place?‖
From the memories he saw, these items just fell onto Earth a long time back. So he thought these
long-living demons would know.


―I don‘t know.‖

―You don‘t know? Does it make sense that you don‘t know about your own things?‖

―Why would I dare and lie to you?‖

Duke Bevman looked up with bright eyes. He displayed unshaken eyes. Seeing that, Chun
Yeowun didn‘t feel like he was being deceived.

―Even Grand Duke Kaliaf doesn‘t know?‖

His eyes trembled at the question leaving a silent answer.

―He seems to know.‖

―… I won‘t deny that.‖

Duke Bevman didn‘t hide it. To him, the Grand Duke might have known.

He bowed again and asked Chun Yeowun, who had an expressionless face.

―Great being. Could you please give us Arisha‘s Armor?‖

―If I won‘t?‖


Duke Bevman didn‘t hide his shock at the outright refusal.

The demons needed it. So Duke Bevman spoke very cautiously.

―… Grand Duke Kaliaf will never give up on it. Not just him, but even the king‘s aides will not
In other words, if the Arisha‘s Armor isn‘t given, the demons will continue to come to Earth.
This wasn‘t a threat but the truth.

This was because they knew the armor was the only way the internal rift could be ended.

Chun Yeowun smiled.

―If possible, tell them to come and try.‖


Duke Bevman was perplexed at the arrogant response and didn‘t know what to do.

If Grand Duke Kaliaf heard that, he would be so furious that he‘d personally come down here.

―…would the others be fine?‖

Duke Bevman asked, looking around. It was directed at the others around Chun Yeowun. He
didn‘t intend to provoke, but there was no other way.


Chun Yeowun didn‘t seem much bothered.

Duke Bevman began to turn anxious. Chun Yeowun, who stared, moved closer and said,

―Right. You do have a point.‖

Duke Bevman, afraid that Chun Yeowun would kill him in anger, sighed in relief.

Duke Bevman thought he was lucky to escape it.

―You made a difficult decision. I will inform the Grand Duke to take measures so that no one
will come to Earth….‖



Chun Yeowun suddenly grabbed his hair.

At the uncalled-for act, Duke Bevman spoke.

―W-why are you acting like this?‖

―You seem to misunderstand something.‖


―Do you think I will sit here silently waiting for them?‖

To that, Duke Bevman asked, trembling.

―W-what do you mean by that?‖

Looking at him, Chun Yeowun spoke.

―I will go there myself.‖


For a moment, Duke Bevman went speechless.

He never expected to hear words, which meant he would move to their planet, and the other
demons reacted the same way.

„Come to our planet?‟

„No way…does he mean he‟ll attack us?‟


It was an idea that had never crossed their mind before.

As Duke Bevman was still bewildered, Chun Yeowun said,

―Open the Gate this instant.‖


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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 195 -
Grand Duke (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Apr 2, 2022

• 11 min read • 5084 views



When asked to open the Gate, Duke Bevman showed a bitter expression. Duke Bevman was
wary of the danger to his life, as Chun Yeowun was a god-like being on Earth.

„What do I do?‟

There was no one here to stop Chun Yeowun.

Which meant there were two options: either refusing the request and dying, or opening the gate
and taking Chun Yeowun there.

„If I bring him, rebellion will happen.‟

Chun Yeowun‘s purpose was obvious, but Duke Bevman was sure that the Grand Duke would
not bow his head to this monster.

Although Grand Duke Kaliaf was known to be the most powerful amongst the Grand Dukes, he
was at war with the Demon King‘s aides at the moment.

„I believe him, but…‟

In the best-case scenario, only the strongest and most relevant people would be involved, but
otherwise, all demons would be wiped out.

Then, someone‘s voice was heard.


It was from Marquis Irene. Duke Bevman looked at Chun Yeowun with a surprised look, scared
that Chun Yeowun might find out about the telepathic communication.


[Don‘t do anything dangerous. The Demon God might hear you.]

[… What are you saying? How can this Demon God do something that neither the Grand Duke
nor the Demon King could do?]

[Stop talking!]

Duke Bevman was scared and warned Marquis Irene, but ignoring his words, she continued to

[He might notice it, but he won‘t know what we‘re saying.]


[Let‘s test it. Great being, can you hear this? Please look at me if you can hear this.]

Chun Yeowun didn‘t move, still holding onto Duke Bevman‘s hair.

―Did you hear me when I told you to open the Gate?‖


Duke Bevman then realized that Chun Yeowun couldn‘t hear them and was embarrassed for
thinking too highly of him before. Then, Marquis Irene continued to send more telepathic

[See that? Papa, this is good.]

He couldn‘t hide his wonder as she continued.

[Well, this man has Arisha‘s weapon in his hands. We don‘t know how many he has, but we
need to collect all of them from him.]

She was right. In order for Grand Duke Kaliaf to win the war against the Demon King‘s closest
aides, utilizing Arisha‘s armor was necessary.

However, the risk was too great.

[This would be like carrying an uncontrollable, ticking bomb.]

[We have to make it believable.]

[What do you mean?]

[We only need to change the gate‘s coordinates.]

At those words, Duke Bevman‘s eyes twinkled. Come to think of it, he could just teleport Chun
Yeowun to the wrong coordinates.

The Gate entrance‘s destination was limited to only one location, but when going back, they
could return to any desired coordinates.

[That is a nice idea. But—]

[Papa. He might become suspicious, so act a little reluctant.]

Realizing that his daughter‘s plan could work, he said,

―Are you sure?‖

―Don‘t make me say it twice.‖

Duke Bevman acted like he didn‘t have a choice.

―… I understand. I‘ll open the Gate.‖


The demons, who didn‘t know about his plan, were shocked by his actions.

„Is he really fine with it?‟

„The Grand Duke will be angry.‟

Even if they had surrendered here, they would have never taken another being back to their own

―Lord, are you really going?‖

Hu Bong asked Chun Yeowun, hearing Duke Bevman‘s decision.


Once Chun Yeowun made a decision, he never went back on it. Knowing this, Hu Bong didn‘t
ask any more questions.


―Then, take us along.‖

―No. I‘m going alone.‖

―Huh? Alone?‖

It was not just Hu Bong, but even Baekgi and Mun Ran-yeong opposed it.

No matter how strong Chun Yeowun was, there was no way his subordinates would allow him to
enter the enemy base alone.

The Golden Gumiho agreed with them.

―Chun Ma! You mean you know where you‘re going but still want to go alone? Keep me with

―No, you‘ll look after this place.‖


―Chun Ma!‖

Everyone objected to it, but Chun Yeowun didn‘t change his mind for two reasons.

Because he was going to another planet, it was possible that if everyone went with him,
something unexpected could happen and no one would survive.

And the second reason was that there would only be more chaos if they came.

―The war with MS Group is still ongoing.‖

Although the current Sky Demon Order was stronger compared to the past, the MS Group had
the ability to mass-produce humanoids who were strengthened through technology.

Taking these reasons into consideration, it was safe to say that the Golden Gumiho and his
subordinates need to stay here.


Hu Bong fell flat on the floor.

―If that‘s the reason, since I‘m weak compared to my wife and Baekgi, taking me shouldn‘t
really affect the loss of power here.‖

Hearing Hu Bong‘s words, Chun Yeowun rubbed his forehead.

Chun Yeowun was stubborn, but Hu Bong was even more stubborn. Strong and loyal, he always
wanted to be by Chun Yeowun‘s side.

―Lord Chun Ma, please let him go with you. As the Chun Ma of the Sky Demon Order, you
cannot leave alone.‖
Mun Ran-yeong, too, pleaded with him. Although she felt uneasy about sending her husband, she
couldn‘t let Chun Yeowun leave alone.

Baekgi added.

―Hu Bong is right. That guy staying or not staying won‘t have any effect, so just take him along
like a tag, Lord.‖

„Staying or not staying won‟t have any effect?‟

Hu Bong frowned while looking at Baekgi; it didn‘t seem like Baekgi spoke with the intention to
help him.

Hearing them plead, Chun Yeowun still shook his head and said,


―Lord, why?‖

―No more words.‖

With that, he removed his grip on Duke Bevman‘s head and urged him,

―Open the Gate.‖


Chun Yeowun didn‘t turn around. He was grateful for Hu Bong‘s loyalty, but that was why he
couldn‘t take him along.

„What will happen if we‟re both stuck there? What about the Great Elder?‟

Whenever Chun Yeowun thought of Mun Ku, his wife, he was filled with sorrow. He didn‘t
want anyone else to go through what he did.

―Don‘t worry. I‘ll be back soon.‖

There was shuffling around the emergency stairs of the Yongchun Group site.

Duke Bevman and Marquis Irene were heading to the roof to open the Gate. As they climbed,
Duke Bevman asked his daughter with telepathy:

[Irene, where will we teleport him to? I suppose you‘re not planning to teleport him to where the
Grand Duke is.]

It was impossible to send Chun Yeowun, who had Arisha‘s armor, to just anywhere without care.
Irene answered with a smile.

[Papa, that place.]


[Bamut‘s underground water gate.]

[Bamut? No, that‘s where the worst prisoners are locked.]

Bamut‘s underground water cell was a prison for the worst criminals in their clan. It was an
atrocious prison where those who entered never left.

However, this underground cell was also located in the middle of Grand Duke Kaliaf‘s realm.

[That‘s why we‘ll send him there.]


[We can lock him there and make him fight them.]


Duke Bevman seemed to like her plan. Irene was the smart, analytical one from the beginning,
which was why she stayed as his right-hand woman.

[I heard that some prisoners in Bamut are at the Duke level. We can offer pardons to those
prisoners in exchange for killing him, and they‘ll all rush to kill him right away.]

[I thoroughly understand the plan now.]

[Right, even if he is a human on par with a Grand Duke, he will end up exhausting all of his
strength after dealing with those prisoners.]

[Once he‘s exhausted, the Grand Duke can then lead his troops into the prison and deal with

Duke Bevman wanted to applaud the plan, but he couldn‘t risk Chun Yeowun noticing, albeit
walking in front of Chun Yeowun.


The iron gates opened and the large rooftop with a helipad came into view, and only those three
were able to see the view.

The other demons were held as hostages and the Golden Gumiho was keeping watch to make
sure that nobody tried any funny business.


Marquis Irene put down a case-like device to open the Gate on the floor. The demons often
seemed like barbaric, war-like beings, but they actually had advanced technology that could open
Gates to other planets.


Chun Yeowun looked at her fidgeting with the device.

―I am warning you. Don‘t even try to do something strange.‖

At his warning, she responded,

―How can I try anything of the sort in the presence of a great being? We‘ll be moving together.‖

Despite saying that, she was changing the coordinates to where Chun Yeowun would be
teleported. In order to avoid any suspicions, Marquis Irene kept showing the Gate‘s display..

„He doesn‟t know our clan‟s language.‟

Duke Bevman was grateful for their luck; if Chun Yeowun knew their language, he would have
been beyond angry with them.

Once the destination was set, she said,

―Please don‘t move from your standing position. Any movements or changes can interfere.‖

Although she said those words out loud, internally, she was thinking something entirely

„That way, you will fall right into the Bamut‟s cell! Huhuhu!‟

Laughing inside, she pressed one of the buttons as a tremendous energy was released from the


The Gate opened into the air as the space began to warp, which looked like there was a hole in
the sky.


With those words, she moved her hands. Thinking she succeeded, her lips turned into a smile.


Particles began to scatter around as everything was sucked into the Gate.

„You stupid idiot. No matter how strong you are, there‟s no way you can understand our
extremely advanced technology. This is our victory!“


Moments later, the particles over her body scattered and her consciousness was cut off.

On a brown planet hundreds of millions of light years away from Earth:

Three planets several times the size of Earth appeared to be satellites around this planet.

Perhaps, these three planets were the moons of this main planet.

Unlike Earth, where clouds were visible, a sharp crimson hue filled the sky.

The huge planet had an unmistakable red sky.

In one city, there was a large castle with a pointed shape in its center.

This castle belonged to Grand Duke Kaliaf, who ruled the city. In the sky just above the castle,
which was guarded by hundreds of demons, the space was twisted as a huge Gate opened.



―A Gate is opening!‖

The demons guarding the place shouted, and not long after, demons inside the castle walked out
to the courtyard wearing very colorful clothes.

In front of them was a man in a red cloak and golden crown: Grand Duke Kaliaf, who wore
himself with dignity.

―Is the Gate from outsiders?‖

In response to the question, a man with brown hair and green armor who was following Grand
Duke Kaliaf answered,

―It is ours.‖

The man was Duke Igor, Grand Duke Kaliaf‘s left arm.

―So quick.‖

It hadn‘t been long since they were sent out, but they were already coming back so soon?

Then, particles started to gather in the castle yard and took the shapes of two people.

As the particles finalized the shapes, one of the people shouted,

―Duke Bevman greets the Grand Duke.‖

It was none other than Duke Bevman.

Bevman breathed a sigh of relief seeing his lord and hurriedly said,

―Lord! Please, we need to hurry! You need to lead your troops to the Bamut Underground Cell
right now!‖

―To Bamut?‖

―I will explain as we go. A dangerous being with Arisha‘s armor is trapped there. Along with
Marquis Irene…uh?‖

Duke Bevman, who was speaking, noticed that something was off. All the demons, instead of
looking at him, were looking to his side.


Duke Bevman‘s eyes widened as he looked at his side.


Where Marquis Irene was supposed to be stood Chun Yeowun.

He spoke in a cold voice to the shocked man,

―I definitely told you to not mess around.‖

At the same time, in a cavity surrounded by darkness:

A white-haired woman was unable to hide her shock at the gloomy situation.

She was Marquis Irene, and she looked around vigilantly, unable to understand what had


Numerous red eyes were staring at her throughout the dark place, as if looking at their prey.


She knew right away where she was.

―W-why am I in here?‖

This dark environment was none other than the Bamut underground cell, the worst prison filled
with the most horrible kinds of criminals, and she was here instead of Chun Yeowun.

Before she could recover her senses, the voices started sounding.

―A woman!‖

―I want to eat her!‖

―A toy to play with!‖

No matter how hard she tried, she couldn‘t think more as her shock turned into fear.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 196 -
Grand Duke (3)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Apr 3, 2022

• 11 min read • 4969 views

Risha - a title for the best warrior of the Demon clan.

Why was Chun Yeowun there instead of Marquis Irene?

―W-where is my daughter?‖

Duke Bevman asked with a trembling voice. Looking at him, Chun Yeowun answered coldly.

―She must be in the place where you were trying to send me.‖


The prison where their clan‘s most vicious members were imprisoned; monsters ravenous for
their desires. His daughter was in that abhorrible place…?

Being engulfed by the thought that this man harmed his son and daughter, Duke Bevman tried to
attack in rage.

―You bastard!‖


His body, which was about to blow out, was suddenly stopped not by his will but by someone
else‘s. An unfathomable demonic power was holding him back.

Duke Bevman turned his head and looked at the one moving towards him.

―Grand Duke!‖

―What happened? The person there is… human.‖

At the words of Grand Duke, the yard where the demons had gathered was suddenly filled with
whispers. There had never been any chance of humans invading their planet, so this was a
tremendous deal.

The lost-tempered Duke Bevman grasped what kind of situation this was and tried to speak.

―Sire! Grand Duke! This human holds Arisha‘s Armor!‖

―Arisha‘s Armor?‖

There was no need to explain what happened anymore. This one piece of information was more
than needed.

As soon as the words were spoken, Duke Igor raised his hand next to Grand Duke Kaliaf.


All the demons who witnessed it pulled out their weapons.



Furthermore, the defense systems installed on the top of the castle walls were activated, and
numerous muzzle-shaped devices were aimed at Chun Yeowun. And if one was able to get so
many people on alert with a single signal from hand, then it meant that they were well trained.

Duke Igor stepped forward and said, ―Human. Is it true that you have Arisha‘s Armor?‖

Chun Yeowun crossed his arms and answered.


Chun Yeowun‘s relaxed response didn‘t sit well with Duke Igor. In a way, this human was in the
middle of the enemy camp, and just like the other insignificant human beings, he should be
crawling in fear in front of the most high-ranking demons, but he displayed none of it.

―Cheeky bastard.‖

As Duke Igor raised his hand while extending just his index and middle finger, Chun Yeowun
could then feel the vibration in the place he stood.


At the same time, an energy barrier had formed around him and enclosed him like a tube, making
it difficult to move even a few steps.


Without missing the chance, Duke Bevman moved away from Chun Yeowun. Duke Igor was
bewildered seeing him all vigilant about a human.

―Duke Bevman. What are you doing?‖

To which the answer came in a serious tone.

―That person is like Arisha of the Earth. Do not look down on him.‖

―Arisha of the Earth?‖

Duke Igor thought those words were absurd. As if it wasn‘t enough to act scared of a human, he
compared him to Arisha.

―Hahaha. Duke Bevman, you are talking nonsense. Aren‘t you just scared of that human?‖

Duke Bevman bit his lip at the ridicule. Despite being the left and right arm of the Grand Duke,
they were still rivals. That statement was definitely an attack to lower his position.

―Well, you did well. Your decision isn‘t wrong. Humans can‘t stand the environment here.
The gravity of this planet was ten times that of Earth. In addition, the oxygen was much lower
than on Earth which made it tough for humans to survive.

―Duke Igor.‖

―Yes, Your Highness?‖

―Enough of this, and retrieve Arisha‘s Armor from that human.‖

―Yes, Your Highness.‖

The smiling Duke Igor approached Chun Yeowun. Chun Yeowun, who was caught behind the
barrier, merely remained there as if he was waiting to see what else they would do.

Duke Igor spoke to him.

―Human. Even breathing must be turning hard for you. From the moment you entered this place,
you have been pushing yourself to the end.‖

When Duke Igor arrived in front of Chun Yeowun, the Duke suggested while motioning as if he
was ready to flick his finger.

―This Duke will show mercy to you. If you want to live, give me Arisha‘s Armor. Then I will
spare your life. But how long can you even last….‖


At that moment, Chun Yeowun took a deep breath. Duke Igor thought it was because of the less

―It will get harder and harder for you to breathe. Hurry up—‖

―I am getting used to it.‖


Chun Yeowun breathed naturally, which made Duke Igor frown.

By now, it was normal for a human‘s face to be distorted and in pain because of a lack of
oxygen. However, Chun Yeowun seemed fine.

[The lung capacity has been adjusted to the oxygen concentration of this environment.]

Of course, this was because he had Nano. Nano made it easier for the body to receive oxygen
from his new place. Thanks to that, he adjusted well.

That‘s not all.


Duke Igor was even more puzzled as Chun Yeowun easily took a step ahead.

„What is this? How is he moving?‟

The place is ten times the size of the Earth, and the extreme gravity should have made the human
feel a lot of new weight on him. However, what was this light step?

What he had witnessed made him puzzled, and Chun Yeowun put his hand on the energy barrier
around him.

―Don‘t act stupid. That is a field of 100,000 amperes. If you don‘t want to lose your hand….‖


Before finishing his sentence, Chun Yeowun‘s hand had already touched the barrier.

At that moment, the barrier waved.


With the sound, the barrier began to split open like a glass. It was then that Duke Igor finally

„This one is dangerous.‟

He moved back and shouted.


— Wheing!

A red light flashed from the muzzle on the castle wall.

When enough energy was condensed….


After the command, the muzzles shot out numerous beams, hitting the barrier that Chun Yeowun
was tearing.


The rays were so intense that nothing else could be seen. At a distance, Duke Igor mumbled a

―Is he dead?‖

It was then that he heard a voice.


It was Grand Duke Kaliaf‘s command. At his word, Duke Igor bowed.



At a sudden moment, a sharp sense passed through their stomach. The sense passed from him to
the Grand Duke and the other demons.

―Your Highness!‖

―It‘s dangerous!‖

The demons tried to act as shields and block it.

―Stand back.‖

With those words, Grand Duke Kaliaf flicked his finger lightly. Then the space in front shook,
and the sharp sense got sucked into it.


The dust from the beams was also removed, and Chun Yeowun was seen.

―He withstood Detroit?‖

―I-is he really human?‖

The demons couldn‘t help but be shocked at the sight. Chun Yeowun stepped ahead and said,
―Quite good.‖

It was the first time someone blocked the Invisible Sword imbued with Sky Demon Energy this

If the Sky Demon Energy is placed on the Invisible Sword, the power is doubled. Regular
demons would have tried to block it with their abilities, but Grand Duke Kaliaf blocked it with
his unique ability.

―… it‘s been a long time since I‘ve seen a good swordsman like you.‖

Grand Duke Kaliaf walked out looking interested.

―Your Highness!‖

The Demon clan under his command were shocked as they watched their leader show an interest
in an existence that had nothing to do with their clan or his men. Duke Igor, who avoided the
attack, shouted.

―Your Highness! You don‘t have to do this. I—‖

―He isn‘t someone you can take on.‖

Grand Duke highly valued the ability of Chun Yeowun. At his words, Duke Igor just clenched
his teeth and glared at Chun Yeowun because he couldn‘t go against his Lord‘s command.

He then heard Chun Yeowun‘s words.

―I spared your life.‖


„That bastard!‟

Chun Yeowun‘s provocation worked. Even if he didn‘t, he thought this insulted him in front of
the other demons.

―You trivial human!‖


Duke Igor flew to Chun Yeowun. The moment he moved, horns protruded from his forehead,
and his appearance changed.

As soon as he attacks, he transforms his body into the awakened form. Apart from his anger, he
was a veteran in battle. He decided to do his best and give his all, knowing that Chun Yeowun
was extraordinary.


At the moment of his awakening, a tremendous amount of demonic power created a wind force
in all directions.

This is the momentum to kill Chun Yeowun.

―I‘ll kill you!‖

―You will die too.‖

Chun Yeowun drew a vertical slash with a sword. A black line appeared in the air and then
passed to the rushing Duke Igor.



Duke Igor‘s body stopped as his painful scream erupted.

―W-what is… this….‖

―You should have listened to your master.‖

Chun Yeowun smiled, looking at him.

―You… You…‖


Before he could let out his anger, Duke Igor‘s body was split in half. Even the nucleus inside his
body was shattered. A black smoke broke out from his body, and ashes began to scatter.


There was a moment of silence. All the demons who saw the scene were shocked at it.

„D-Duke Igor instantly…?‟

„Is that man really a human?‟

Duke Igor, who was thought to be the second-in-command to Grand Duke Kaliaf, was cut to two

There should be an overwhelming difference in their skills to achieve this result.

„I warned him.‟

Duke Bevman clicked his tongue and thought it was fortunate that Grand Duke Kaliaf had
stopped him when he tried to attack Chun Yeowun.
With this, Chun Yeowun proved his strength to the demons. Being shocked, Grand Duke Kaliaf

―It is surprising… to cut through the space with a sword.‖

In that brief moment, he noticed that the single slash from Chun Yeowun cut through space. He
was the only one from the demons to see this. His lips twitched. He was feeling elated.

―It has been two thousand years since I have felt this intense emotion.‖

A strong force wanting to win.

He didn‘t hide his joy in meeting a strong man after a long time.

Grand Duke Kaliaf smiled and stepped forward.

―I like this.‖


The black iron guard of one of Duke Kaliaf‘s legs disassembled and turned into a spear. It was a
strange spear with seven blades.

Chun Yeowun‘s eyes lit up. The spear that was called was one of Arisha‘s Armor weapons…

„As expected.‟

Chun Yeowun had guessed that two of his weapons weren‘t on Earth, which seemed accurate.

Grand Duke Kaliaf made a proposal to Chun Yeowun.

―Human. How about making a bet?‖


―Yes. I like you.‖


―I want you.‖
Grand Duke Kaliaf said with a greedy face and licked his lips.

At the disgusting sight, Chun Yeowun frowned.

Ignoring Chun Yeowun‘s reaction, Grand Duke Kaliaf continued.

―Compete with me. If you lose, hand over Arisha‘s Armor and become my subordinate.‖

At those words, the demons panicked. To say that he wanted Chun Yeowun as a subordinate was

―It isn‘t a bad proposal to you. Even if you lose, you will have the honor of becoming my right
arm in the future as the Demon King.‖

Grand Duke Kaliaf said as if his victory was decided. Chun Yeowun then responded with a

―And if you lose?‖

―It will not happen.‖

The Grand Duke‘s confidence now seemed like arrogance.

―If that happens, I‘ll give you everything you want. Do you have something you want?‖

At that, Chun Yeowun stepped ahead and said, ―You might not be able to handle it.‖

―Huhuhu~ there is nothing that this Grand Duke cannot handle. Say it.‖

―I am thinking of assuming the position of the Demon King that you people like so much would
be good.‖


The leisure expression on Grand Duke Kaliaf had hardened in an instant.

DOTDG Staff Note:

The term ‗nucleus/nuclei‘ will now be consistently used for demons and ‗core/s‘ for monsters.
These terms were interchangeably used, but our dear translator said they significantly differ since
the demons‘ nuclei don‘t have energy as the monsters‘ cores do.

Angel’s Corner

Did you notice something? Hehe. I‘ll continue adding little facts at the beginning of every
chapter if you guys want me to.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 197 -
Grand Duke (4)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Apr 4, 2022

• 13 min read • 5139 views


Bamut — is known to be the worst prison in the Demon Realm. This was a place where no one
could regenerate after getting injured.

In the Yongchun Group‘s vice chairman‘s office:

The wall on every side was encased with ice, traces of Chun Yeowun‘s freezing the entire
building that was about to collapse.

Hu Bong looked at the walls and sighed,


―Stop it. I‘ll hit you off.‖

Baekgi, who was sitting on the sofa, yelled at the sighs. Frustrated, Hu Bong yelled back,

―Aren‘t you worried?‖

―How can I not be? He‘s somewhere we‘ve never even heard of.‖

There was no way he couldn‘t worry for his Lord. Hu bong mumbled in response,

―The Lord was probably worried for us, but I just want him to trust us a little more.‖

He knew how strong the enemies were and that a crisis would follow the invasion.

However, the feeling of not being able to fulfill his duty as a subordinate kept tormenting him.

―Huh. I guess all the Chun Ma‘s are like this.‖

The Golden Gumiho in human form spoke out suddenly.

She was used to this behavior, as the first Chun Ma was also like this in the past.

„When I see this happening, the scent around him gets stronger.‟
She wanted to see the past Chun Ma more. Baekgi, who was still seated, listened to Hu Bong and

―If you‘re just going to keep sighing, you should go and do some work instead.‖



―Lord didn‘t say anything—‖

―If he doesn‘t give us any orders, are you just going to sit still?‖

―I-I‘m not sitting still.‖

―Either way, the Lord was looking for information about MS Group and we need to look into

―You two.‖

Mun Ran-yeong interrupted their conversation. With pitiful eyes, she asked,

―How do you even plan to help when neither of you knows how to use a smartphone, let alone a


―G-great Elder.‖

―If you want to be helpful, learn more about the time period we‘re in. Don‘t do something dumb
and end up hurting Chun Ma.‖

Hearing her words, the two pulled out their smartphones.

Although both the smartphones and classes were paid for and brought by Bi Mak-heon, neither
Hu Bong nor Baekgi were in the mood to look into them.

―Whatever. Ugh, men. Tsk tsk.‖

Mun Ran-yeong clicked her tongue after talking to them. Seeing her, the Golden Gumiho gave
her a thumbs up to show her approval.



Shakena, who was keeping watch over the demons, approached Marquis Cawl, who was tied
with a rope imbued with Yokai energy.

―How dare you, a traitor of the clan, talk to me?‖

Marquis Cawl turned his head in displeasure. It seemed like he felt that Shakena had turned sides
and was the cause of everything happening. Explaining herself, Shakera said,

―I didn‘t betray anyone. I will always obey the orders of the King. But… those weren‘t the
King‘s orders.‖

―Duke Ludwig and the others represent the King.‖

―Then I am just as right in my position.‖

―You bitch!‖


Marquis Cawl tried to get up, but the rope around him began to tighten.



Seeing him in pain, the Golden Gumiho laughed. Shakena used his chin to lift his head.

―W-what are you doing?‖

As she lifted his face, he was full of shock and surprise as Shakena kept looking him in the eyes
and said,
―I was skeptical because the demonic power seemed weak, but I was right.‖

The Golden Gumiho and Mun Ran-yeong, who didn‘t understand, went closer to her.

―What do you mean?‖

Shakena then pointed to Marquis Cawl‘s eyes.

―I was being watched through the eyes of the Marquis.‖

―Through the eyes?‖

―I remember hearing about it: one of the Demon King‘s closest aides, Duke Edhuy, could look
through others‘ eyes and see their world.‖

―Through others‘ eyes?‖

―Through other people‘s eyes? Do you mean that he can monitor others by watching with their

Shakena nodded in response. Marquis Cawl, whose face displayed that he had been caught,

―You‘re too late. They must already know the situation here. Kuakuk!‖

―Such an annoying laugh.‖

The Golden Gumiho didn‘t like his laugh. Enjoying the reaction, Marquis Cawl spoke,

―Your leader, that human Chun Mu-seong, will never come back alive to this place—‖



Before he could finish speaking, two of the Gumiho‘s fingers dug into Marquis Cawl‘s eyes.

She kept pushing her fingers in as if digging into a holes until his eyes popped out.

―Ahhhhh! My eyes! My eyes!‖

Even a demon felt pain when its eyes were pierced. However, the screams didn‘t last for too

The Golden Gumiho grabbed the eyeballs in her palm and crushed them. Worried, Shakera said,

―He‘s probably fine, but Master might be in danger.‖

―Chun Ma, in danger? As if! He‘s such a monster.‖

―He would be fine if they were in the dark about what was happening, but what if they had been
observing Master‘s power and responded accordingly?‖

This was what Shakena was most concerned about.

What kind of power could they prepare if the Grand Dukes decided to strike first to take down
the one human who was a threat?

Meanwhile, in Grand Duke Kaliaf‘s castle:

The demon‘s reactions were full of confusion and absurdity.

„What a cheeky bastard!‟

„How can a human be put in the Demon King‟s position!‟

No one expected Chun Yeowun‘s mouth to even mention the position of Demon King. They
found it an insult for a mere human being to talk about the Demon King position so lightly.

However, none of the demons were able to express their anger because they had witnessed Chun
Yeowun‘s power with their own eyes.

―The position of Demon King?‖

Grand Duke Kaliaf, whose expression hardened for a moment, asked.

Chun Yeowun answered without hesitation,

―I think that would be asking enough for the bet.‖

Hearing his arrogant words, Grand Duke‘s body trembled in anger.

All the demons looked at him with tense eyes; they too must have been angry but they feared the
anger of Grand Duke Kaliaf, who was officially aiming for the position of Demon King. Then,
something unexpected happened.


Grand Duke Kaliaf laughed out loud. It seemed more like a sneer than a laugh. After laughing,
he said,

―You really are an interesting one. You‘re the first human being to utter such absurd words in
front of me.‖


―Well, it‘s rather bold of you and I like it.‖

Chun Yeowun was puzzled that the Grand Duke considered his personality to be bold.

Chun Yeowun thought that if the Grand Duke was provoked to this extent, he would be unable to
control his emotions and burst out into anger, but this demon seemed to have enjoyed nobility
and maintained control over himself from birth.

―Unfortunately, the position of the Demon King isn‘t a position that I can give if I wanted to. If it
was a position I could obtain that easily, I would have taken it by now.‖

Hearing the Grand Duke‘s words, Chun Yeowun was taken aback. When he heard about the
Grand Duke from Shakena and Duke Bevman, he assumed that the demon just coveted position
and its power.

However, he realized that this man was more than that and seemed capable of ruling over others.

―Fine. I am not the Demon King but I‘ll make an offer that might interest you. If you win against
me, then the Grand Duke, which is I, will become your servant according to the law of the clan.‖

―Your Highness!‖
―How can you!‖

The demons, who had kept their mouths shut until then, were shocked. They had served Grand
Duke Kaliaf as their lord for a very long time.

They all thought that he was destined to become the next Demon King, so they found it absurd
for him to claim that he would give up the position if he lost to a mere human.

In response to their reactions, Grand Duke Kaliaf spoke in a seemingly unpleasant voice.

―Does this mean you all don‘t believe in the Grand Duke?‖

―N-No it isn‘t—‘

―Then keep watching. I‘ll show the power that someone willing to become a King should

Tak! Tak!

Grand Duke Kaliaf removed the cloak from his shoulders; it looked like he was going for a clear
fight and not just entertainment. Seeing this, Marquis Becken, one of the demons under his
command, loudly raised the morale of the other demons.

―Your Majesty is showing his greatness! Do you not believe in our Highness?‖

The demons who were concerned moments earlier, suddenly changed their attitudes.


They slammed their weapons into the floor and shouted,


―This is the duty of us subordinates to boost the morale of His Highness. Victory to the Grand

―Victory to the Grand Duke!!! Woooh!!!‖

A shout which enclosed the entire army.

The demons, who were more barbaric than humans, naturally had strong fighting ability, but they
had even more power when they were united.

They were the epitome of an army.

―Grand Duke! Grand Duke! Grand Duke!!!‖

Grand Duke raised his hand as if he enjoyed the support. In an instant, the castle had become a

―Now move.‖

In response to the Grand Duke‘s command, the demons retreated to the back as if forming a
stage, knowing the aftermath from Grand Duke used his powers would destroy his surroundings.

The Grand Duke swung his spear and stepped forward with a warrior‘s stance.

―Let‘s have an interesting match.‖

Seeing the Grand Duke‘s enthusiasm and seriousness, Chun Yeowun smiled and said,

―I like this.‖

―I can tell. I am also a warrior of the demon clan. You are a swordsman, right?‖


The Grand Duke grabbed his spear and aimed it. While all he did was grab it, the heavy energy
that his body was radiating coalesced at the tip of the spear.

His expression was full of confidence from knowing how to properly handle the spear beyond
just using it as a weapon.

Chun Yeowun said to him,

―I will give you a chance.‖

―A chance?‖
―Don‘t try to play around. Stop wasting your energy and start with your Awakening.‖


Hearing Chun Yeowun‘s words about starting with Advanced Awakening, the Grand Duke was

They hadn‘t even fought yet but the human was already asking him to fight with his best.
Although the Grand Duke knew that Chun Yeowun was a bold human, hearing his words
displeased him a lot.

―You seem to be confident in your skills, but if I do use my Awakening, you won‘t stand a

Chun Yeowun responded with a smile,

―It‘ll be the other way around.‖

―Other way?‖

―If you don‘t use Advanced Awakening, this will end soon.‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s arrogant-sounding words, anger rose not just in the Grand Duke but also in
the rest of the demons who were watching the fight.

―His Highness has done him such a favor!‖

―Arrogant human bastard!‖

As the noise rose, the Grand Duke raised his head, causing the rest of the demons to become
silent at once. With a stiff expression, the Grand Duke spoke again, holding his spear,

―You are the first human to show such arrogance in front of me. I expect you have skills worthy
of said arrogance.‖

―You‘ll regret it.‖

―You talk too much.‖

Grand Duke Kaliaf stretched his spear forward. Although it seemed to be a simple stance, the
moment the spear was pointed ahead, it radiated a powerful force and a whirlwind formed.


It was a spear attack that used demonic power. The spear caused the tornado to fly off, seemingly
eager to swallow Chun Yeowun.

It was a terrifying attack, but Chun Yeowun just closed the gap and drew his sword, slicing the
tornado from the top to the bottom.


At that moment, the tornado split in half. The Grand Duke then swung his spear through the
pierced tornado to block an approaching Invisible Sword.


Feeling the power behind the Invisible Sword, the Grand Duke smiled with pleasure.

―Hahaha! This is what I‘m talking about!‖

―It‘s too early for you to enjoy this.‖


Chun Yeowun appeared right in front of him, causing the Grand Duke to try to create a wind
pressure by rotating his spear.

―Your spear technique is rather dull compared to the strength you have.‖



Chun Yeowun‘s hand shone with five colors as he condensed the energy around him to form an
Invisible Sword imbued with the energy of the Five Spirit Beasts.

Sparks went flying as Arisha‘s spear collided with Chun Yeowun‘s sword of five attributes.

However, after exchanging a few swings, the Grand Duke couldn‘t help but be surprised by
Chun Yeowun‘s swordsmanship.

„What kind of sword is this?‟

Compared to his spear, Chun Yeowun‘s sword felt dizzying.

How many times had the Grand Duke blocked its slashes? Chun Yeowun‘s five attribute sword
then skillfully pierced through a gap in the Grand Duke‘s spear and pierced his heart.



The Grand Duke hurriedly moved back., but the sword that had already stabbed him once
continued to aim for his chest.

A pure white light suddenly shone from the Grand Duke‘s eyes.


At that moment, the space in front of him shook. Chun Yeowun‘s sword, which was aiming for
his chest, moved away in response.

―Did you think you would win?‖

As the Grand Duke prepared the strike to strike back, something unexpected occurred.


Something pierced through his shoulder.


Shocked that something hit him, the Grand Duke looked at his shoulder to find another sword
with five attributes stuck in it.
„The one in his hand isn‟t all he has?‟

Grand Duke, who hadn‘t thought that hard, was overwhelmed by the two swords with the same
natures that pierced both of his shoulders, causing him to fall to his knees.


The demons who had been cheering for him suddenly became still out of shock.

―H-His Highness is on his knees?‖

Grand Duke Kaliaf was considered to be the strongest of the three Grand Dukes. Even if he
didn‘t use his Advance Awakening, he was still someone who could consider the other demons
as bugs. However, even he knelt down?


Chun Yeowun looked down arrogantly at the Grand Duke and said,

―I definitely gave you a chance.‖

―Y… yes… right. I‘ve made a mistake.‖

The Grand Duke admitted his mistake, realizing that his opponent was someone whom he had to
do his best against. The energies of the two swords pressing down on his shoulders weren‘t just
any energies.

―Good. Do it right from now on.‖


Grand Duke Kaliaf struggled to withstand the force from the two swords pressing down on his
shoulders and raised his palms to cover his face.

At that moment, a sharp sense passed through his wrist.


The arm of the Grand Duke, which he was trying to lift, was cut off. The Grand Duke, who was
about to awaken, looked at Chun Yeowun with a face of confusion.

Chun Yeowun sarcastically said,

―I told you to transform before fighting. What are you, stupid?‖



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 198 -
Ambush (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Apr 5, 2022

• 14 min read • 5220 views



[Editor — Angel says no matter how OP Chun Yeowun is, he‘ll still do his cutting of arms
ceremony. Tradition is indeed essential to OPness.]
Talisha‘s clan — a long time nemesis of the Arisha‘s clan.


―How dare you act like that to the Grand Duke!‖

The Marquis-level demons rose as they were enraged at the sight of their Grand Duke‘s arm
being cut off. Regardless of how strong Chun Yeowun might seem, they couldn‘t let their Lord
be humiliated like this.

―You are interfering with the awakening!‖

―What kind of match is this?!‖

They couldn‘t comprehend the match. Grand Duke Kaliaf was defeated without even showing
his full strength and was unfairly hindered. That was their thoughts.

―You are all such funny ones.‖

Chun Yeowun shook his head while looking at the demons. He was thorough in his battles. His
decisions are always based on the most rational judgment to deal with the opponent, and
everyone who fought would think that way.

It was funny that those who liked war couldn‘t understand the concept and thought it was unfair.

Grand Duke Kaliaf opened his mouth.


At his word, all the demons who shouted earlier went utterly silent.

―Are you planning to disgrace me through such things?‖

To come forward when the opponent hasn‘t surrendered wasn‘t accepted. When the crowd
turned quiet, Grand Duke Kaliaf looked at Chun Yeowun and said…

―You have a shameful attitude.‖

―Do you accept defeat?‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s question, he smiled.

―It‘s been a long time since someone looked down on the Grand Duke.‖

―This is nothing special.‖

―Yes. As you said, it isn‘t special.‖


Grand Duke Kaliaf tried to cover his face again. It wasn‘t the other hand but the right hand
which Chun Yeowun had cut off.

„That hand?‟

It recovered in a short time. He knew that demons have a quick regeneration ability, but this
wasn‘t comparable to the demons he had seen.

Chun Yeowun moved quickly.



The sword pierced in the Grand Duke‘s shoulder was pushed in deeper. While in that state, Chun
Yeowun tried to cut the hand of the Grand Duke again.

At that moment, the space around the Grand Duke‘s body trembled and distorted. Then the
sword that was used moved weirdly once more.

―Did you think that the same trick would work on me again?‖

―Is that so?‖

Afterward, black energy fluttered from the sword blade.

The Grand Duke stretched out his hand towards Chun Yeowun at the terrifying energy he felt.
The place Chun Yeowun stood changed.


Chun Yeowun‘s vision, who was trapped inside, seemed to be in disarray. Meanwhile, the Grand
Duke flew back and covered his face again with his hand.


A sound of his nucleus moving was heard. The demonic power in him exploded, and the Grand
Duke‘s body transformed.

His whole body turned red like a burning flame, and his nose, mouth, and ears all disappeared.
The only thing that remained on his face were his eyes.

The clothes he had on disappeared, and his muscular body turned red.


The two swords of five attributes lodged in the shoulder had shattered. It wasn‘t able to handle
the demonic power of the Grand Duke.


As he transformed, the air around felt like it was vibrating.

Even their bodies trembled.


The demons under his command looked at the Grand Duke and his power in awe and shouted at
the excitement.


―Advanced Awakening of the Grand Duke!‖

It was their first time seeing it, except for the other demons that had lived long and high.
Advanced Awakening —— an awakening that can only be done by those on the level close to
the Demon King. It was truly astonishing.


At that time, Chun Yeowun, who seemed trapped in a distorted space, appeared outside.

And the Grand Duke, who saw it, said.

— You can even use space movement?

The marbling prison he created for Chun Yeowun was more than a barrier through which even
the high-ranking demons couldn‘t escape. However, it was easily escaped by this human.

―Quite a nice ability. Make the space curved and stuff.‖

Chun Yeowun, who had reached the Void Master level, was trapped inside and was able to grasp
how the Grand Duke controlled space.

The Grand Duke said in a solemn voice as he looked at Chun Yeowun,

— No wonder Duke Bevman was scared to bring you here. Good. I acknowledge it.

―What do you mean?‖

— You deserve to compete with my full strength.


The Grand Duke‘s form vanished from where he was and materialized in front of Chun Yeowun
as soon as he stated that. It was quite a surprising speed.


Chun Yeowun extended his left arm to the side, and the Grand Duke‘s kick flew through there.

Kwang! Papapapk!
Chun Yeowun was pushed back 20 meters after receiving the Grand Duke‘s kick. That wasn‘t
the end.


The Grand Duke appeared on the other side and pushed him again. The Grand Duke hit Chun
Yeowun, who was already forced back, but this time from above.

Chun Yeowun crossed both his arms to block it.


At that moment, the enormous destructive forces from the kick brought in a sinkhole in the
ground for about 100 meters. A single kick destroyed One-third of the yard.

The demons, who witnessed it, bit their tongues.

„This is the true power of the Grand Duke.‟

With just simple attacks, he was already making the most destruction. Grand Duke Kaliaf spoke
to Chun Yeowun with joy, seeing him struggle to block.

— Feel that? This is just 30% of the power I have. If I do my best, the entire castle will be

The Grand Duke appeared to believe he had the upper hand once more. A word that his power is

— I‘ve been waiting for this moment—a combat battle with no weapons or tricks being used.

As he said, the Grand Duke didn‘t use a spear. The spear was left elsewhere. He was too
confident in his Advanced Awakening.


What made it worthwhile was that the power of the Grand Duke was beyond imagination. Chun
Yeowun‘s arms that were crossed were trembling, and the Grand Duke spoke again.

— Is that all? Make it more fun. I have just begun…

―You talk a lot.‖


The body of the Grand Duke was thrown upwards. The eyes of the Grand Duke were shocked at
the force.

— Right! This is it! You too, come at me with all your…


Before Grand Duke Kaliaf could finish his words, Chun Yeowun appeared in front of him and
pulled his fist. At that moment, the space twisted. Beyond the warped space, Chun Yeowun‘s fist
had black energy on it.


The Grand Duke‘s eyes noticed that this back energy seemed like an abyss.

Then Chun Yeowun said, ―It‘ll be troublesome not to kill you.‖

— What?

— Kwang!

When Chun Yeowun extended his fist, a tremendous amount of power exploded. The unification
of the Spirit Beasts Energies and the Sky Demon Energy—a power that felt incomparable to any.

— Kuak!

The Grand Duke clenched his fists with all his might, unconcerned about the palace or any harm
it could do.


When the fists of the two collided, a vital energy wave spread out all over the place.

As if dozens of layers of air had been created suddenly, gusts ran out, and the already far away
demons were still thrown back.



Some crashed through the wall. The only fine ones were the Duke and the Marquis level demons.
However, they also had been pushed back.

„Is this his level?‟

Duke Bevman thought it was absurd. He believed that Chun Yeowun would also try to use that
Awakening and fight like the Grand Duke, but he showed this force without even tapping into
that power?


The results were surprising. It seemed like the wrist of the Grand Duke couldn‘t withstand this

„It was worth it.‟

Chun Yeowun looked at his fist. It looked like an average power, but when the unification of the
Spirit Beasts Energies and the Sky Demon Energy was used along with the realization of the
universe he got, it was a whole different level.


The Grand Duke‘s arm that took damage was instantly back to its original form.

However, the surprised Grand Duke said….

— You are really amazing. You have skills that permit you to be arrogant. However, the fight is
still unfinished!


The Grand Duke once again flew towards Chun Yeowun. Chun Yeowun also moved, and the
two collided in the middle.

Another layer of gust was created. The walls were utterly blown out this time.



As they collided, the fist of the Grand Duke has shattered again.


The Grand Duke endured the pain and tried to kick Chun Yeowun in the chest.


Chun Yeowun, who didn‘t see it coming, was hit and was moved back. In terms of attack, Chun
Yeowun had the upper hand, but Grand Duke Kaliaf‘s kick was quite strong and the blood
dripping down from Chun Yeowun‘s lips was proof of it.

Chun Yeowun, who was pushed, stopped himself in the air.


As Chun Yeowun stopped being pushed and rushed back again with his fist ready, the Grand
Duke was also set to block and kick Chun Yeowun in the face.


Both their fists met once again. However, due to Chun Yeowun‘s power, the Grand Duke‘s fists
were destroyed once more.


The Grand Duke‘s arm, which bounced back due to the force and the loss of balance, was
restored right away.

It could be said that this ability was what made him still alive.
He spoke excitedly.

— Your punches are really great. However, I am slowly getting used to it. That blood on you is
the proof.

He was the Grand Duke who managed to block or hit Chun Yeowun.

Chun Yeowun just wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

— You may have a bit more power, but the difference in the regenerative power will determine
the victory or defeat.

―That decides the win or loss?‖

— The Grand Duke has the best regeneration among all the demons. Even the wounds which are
fatal will be healed in a short time.

Grand Duke Kaliaf raised his regenerating arm and said,

— As time goes by, it gets worse for you. How are you going to deal…

―I guess it wouldn‘t matter much if one of the two hands is cut.‖

— What?

It was then…

Chun Yeowun drew a sword toward Grand Duke Kaliaf.

At that moment, Grand Duke felt a creepy feeling around.


A black line appeared, and his left arm was severed in an instant. It happened so quickly that he
didn‘t even have the time to react.


The severed arm fell to the ground. The Grand Duke could only look at it in confusion.
— Was this your hidden trick? I told you that I have great regenerative…!?

His eyes trembled. He made sure to send the demonic power to heal his arm. Contrary to what he
had expected, there was no response.

The black energy on the severed section prevented him from regenerating it.

— W-what did you do?

When the regenerative power he had his complete trust in didn‘t work out, the Grand Duke lost
his composure and was shocked.

The loss of an arm meant it was a devastating battle to have.

To him, Chun Yeowun spoke casually.

―Consider it lucky that I stopped with just one arm.‖


A white light flashed from the Grand Duke‘s angry eyes.


The entire space around Chun Yeowun began to bend. It wasn‘t the same confinement space that
he did initially but more like a space to kill Chun Yeowun by crushing him.

―Didn‘t you say the same trick won‘t work on you again? I‘ll say the same to you.‖

Chun Yeowun drew his sword. Then the space curving around soon cracked and was back to

Looking at the wide eyes of the Grand Duke, it was definite that he was shocked.

— W-what was that sword?

The Grand Duke was shocked that this sword managed to cut through everything.

Chun Yeowun answered.

―Supreme Sky Demon Sword. There is nothing that this sword cannot cut.‖

Supreme Sky Demon Sword.

Of all the techniques Chun Yeowun had, it could be said that this was the strongest and the best.

The single sword which destroyed and slashed everything was nothing short of an enemy to
those with regenerative skills like Grand Duke Kaliaf.

The recovery wouldn‘t happen.

The stunned Grand Duke looked at his severed arm in shock. After a while, he used the other
hand to cover his face and then lowered it. After that, Advanced Awakening was canceled, and
he returned to his normal state.


Grand Duke Kaliaf returned to the ground, and so did Chun Yeowun. His arrogant and confident
appearance had fallen, and the demons under his command were saddened by their Lord‘s
haggard face.

Looking at Chun Yeowun, the Grand Duke spoke with a bitter face.

―Was it said that there is a sky above the sky? I‘m ashamed to have displayed such arrogance
before such a strong man as you.‖

Surprisingly, the Grand Duke sincerely accepted the defeat. Without twisting his words, he
admitted that he was weak.


The Grand Duke knelt on one knee. And when he did that, those below him shouted in chaos.

―Your Highness!‖

―Do not!‖

Because they knew what this meant, as promised, he now acknowledges the defeat he faced and
intends to swear allegiance to Chun Yeowun.

Grand Duke raised his hand to calm those under him and said,

―Don‘t let me experience disgrace by saying such things. This wasn‘t a promise by a noble, but
as a warrior to another.‖

―Your Highness!‖

The demons didn‘t try speaking again. It was because of their loyalty to him. Chun Yeowun
smiled faintly at that.

„Not bad.‟

Initially, he planned to eradicate all the demons under this one‘s command, but then he changed
his thoughts after seeing this.

The Grand Duke calmed them.


The space above the castle shook one after another, and many beings fell down. The number
soon reached a little of fifty.


The demons under Grand Duke Kaliaf couldn‘t hold their bewilderment at this. These people
who fell all looked like demons with horns which meant they were high-ranking ones above the
level of Marquis with awakening.

It wasn‘t the end. The demons from outside the castle walls shouted.


―Enemy has appeared!‖

Like an army, several demons were gathering outside. The number seemed to be around five
thousand. Seeing that, Grand Duke mumbled.
―Are they aiming for it now?‖

He knew from the number of troops what this meant.

These were the demons under the command of the aides of the Demon King. They were here to
take advantage of the weakened state of the castle and the people from battle with Chun


Two beings with enormous power finally appeared from the sky.

And when their faces were clearly visible along with the crushing power, Grand Duke Kaliaf‘s
expression contorted.


Duke Deruan and Duke Legon.

They were the Dukes who were currently in their Advanced Awakening form. Two of the four
closest aides of the king have arrived here.

„Those people! They came here with a plan!‟

From the army surrounding them and the ones appearing in the Awakened forms, they were here
with a solid plan to get what they wanted. The Grand Duke stood up and spoke to Chun Yeowun
as if he felt bad.

―I think that my swearing of allegiance should be pushed away for a while.‖

Then raised his hand to bring out Advanced Awakening, but Chun Yeowun stopped him.

―What are you doing? We don‘t have the time for this now.‖

Chun Yeowun smiled and said.

―You are a lucky one.‖

―What are you saying….‖

―What a coincidence that you became my subordinate right when this happened.‖


Afterward, Chun Yeowun covered his face with one hand and then lowered it.


At that moment, everything around felt like it was trembling and exploding simultaneously. Even
the Grand Duke was pushed back by the force this man was releasing, and he was entirely
dumbfounded at what he saw.

The Grand Duke‘s eyes widened.


Suddenly, Chun Yeowun‘s appearance changed from a human to pitch-black darkness.

The Grand Duke couldn‘t help but be shocked at the strange form, which looked like burning

―A-Advanced Awakening?‖



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 199 -
Ambush (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Apr 6, 2022

• 11 min read • 5094 views




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TRA Alpha Satellite — a strategic weapon entity beyond the Gate which stole the sky from

There was a gorgeous red castle five times the size of Grand Duke Kaliaf‘s castle:

This was the castle of the Demon King, the head of the clan. In an annex within the castle, three
figures were sitting around a round table.

These three were Dukes and had more dignity than the other demons standing around the table,
who all were the Demon King‘s or the associates. A map was spread open on the roundtable and
red dots marked on it constantly moved.

―The battle must have become fierce.‖

The red dots on the map left the middle of the yard and moved. However, it turned around at one
The short blue haired Duke with thin eyes, known as Duke Deruan, asked the black haired
demon with one eye closed who was making a strange expression,

―Edhuy, how is the fight going?‖

The black haired demon was Duke Edhuy, the demon who acted as the head and controlled the
others. In contrast to the exotic appearances of the other Dukes, Duke Edhuy had a much more
normal and reserved appearance..

―The atmosphere is ripe.‖

―We‘ll win?‖

―It isn‘t clear. Far from that yet.‖

Duke Legion, a demon with thick lips and red hair, clicked his tongue as responding to his
answer with pity..

―It would have been nice to have a pawn on their side.‖

―The Grand Duke Kaliaf or one the two dukes would have noticed a pawn. This is best.‖

Hearing Duke Deruan‘s words, Duke Legion smiled and pointed at the board, saying,

―Now, only Bevman is left.‖

―Huhuhu, you‘re right.‖

Surprisingly, they knew the details of the fight happening at Duke Kaliaf‘s castle in real time, as
if watching it unfold with their own eyes.

In the center, Duke Edhuy, their leader, sat with one of his eyes closed, looking somewhere
beyond the confines of the room.

―This is shocking.‖

―What‘s shocking?‖

―Grand Duke Kaliaf is being pushed back.‖

The two dukes were shocked by those words, as Duke Kaliaf wasn‘t just anyone.

Everyone had confirmed his and seen his power firsthand in the Third War.

―Huh? The Grand Duke‘s being pushed back?‖

―Just who is the one doing that?‖

The two dukes wondered about the identity of the human who was able to push back the Grand
Duke. Duke Edhuy then ordered them,

―Get ready.‖

After the order was given, the faces of the two Dukes seemed thrilled and lit up.

―The battle is over?‖


In response, the two Dukes stood up.

―This is an opportunity of a lifetime.‖

―Let‘s leave!‖

With their armor equipped, they looked like generals heading off to war, which was a pretty
accurate description. Prepared for battle, they walked out of the annex.

When they left the annex, they saw about two thousand demons lined up outside. Judging from
their weapons and attire, it was clear that they were all prepared for war.


Their morale was great, fitting for the battle that would determine the future of their clan.

-Is he the one?

Duke Legion, who wanted to be certain, asked Duke Deruan who was next to him. Duke Deruan

-I think so.

The person they were looking at was Chun Yeowun. As soon as they had arrived, they sought
out his location, as they considered him the strongest human.

‗Apparently, a human defeated the Grand Duke…‘

The appearance of the Grand Duke without an arm was proof of the feat. They exchanged
glances with each other, a pre-briefing and confirmation of Duke Edhuy‘s plan.

[The current situation is that the confrontation between the Grand Duke and the man is over.
Both are likely to be exhausted, so we will never get such a chance again.]

That was the gist of the situation, which the Dukes saw as a golden opportunity to not only deal
with the thorns in their side but also to retrieve Arisha‘s weapons.

-Shall we start?

-Of course.

Duke Deruan and Duke Legion simultaneously stretched out their hands, which was also done by
the fifty or so Marquis-ranked demons in the air with them.

[When entering the sky above the castle, fire at the yard with the best long-distance skills you
can muster. Aim especially for the Grand Duke and his men.]

This was Duke Edhuy‘s order; it was an operation that aimed to take advantage of surprise.


Swoosh! Wheik!

The demons began to fill the sky above the castle with various weapons and numerous spheres of
Once the two Dukes and the Marquis-level demons had all awakened, the two dukes displayed
their power with all their might, making the sky seem as if it was going to rain with despair.


The demons under Grand Duke Kaliaf‘s command couldn‘t hide their shock at the countless
weapons, lightning, and spheres filling the sky. It was an unexpected situation; since this attack
started when their Grand Duke and Chun Yeowun were fighting, nearly half of the castle‘s
defense was down.

―H-How can we stop them?‖

The demons didn‘t know what to do.

―Everyone move away!‖

―Avoid it!‖

The Marquis demons shouted, realizing that the massive attacks that covered the sky couldn‘t be

Running away was the only way to reduce the damage, but then:


A strong wind pressure arose from somewhere, along with an immense energy.

Duke Bevman‘s eyes widened in shock as he wondered if the incoming attack had already
reached them.


A figure then stood against the attack, looking as if the darkness was burning like a flame. It was
none other than Chun Yeowun, whose pressure was as strong as that of a Grand Duke-class

However, would he be enough to handle the attack?

‗Is he the one?‘

The Demon King‘s aides in the sky all thought the same thing, refusing to take their eyes off
Chun Yeowun and Grand Duke Kaliaf.

Their eyes became sharper as they observed Chun Yeowun for a long time.

―He seems quite strong. I thought it was a joke.‖

―He must have lived long.‖

Duke Edhuy had already informed them that Chun Yeowun could use Advance Awakening, so
even if they were surprised to see it themselves, there wouldn‘t be any hesitation.

―This will probably be useless.‖

―It‘s already too late. Attack them!‖

The Marquis-class demons, who awakened simultaneously as ordered by Duke Deruan,

displayed their best long-distance skills instantaneously as their skills filled the sky above the


It was indeed a dire situation for those near the castle.

―Avoid it!‖

It was at that moment that all the demons under Grand Duke Kaliaf were filled with terror and
spread out in every direction. Chun yeowun, who was in his Advance Awakening state, raised
his hands towards the sky.

The two Dukes saw him and laughed.


―Isn‘t it too late for him to escape!?‖

At that moment, a shocking change occurred in the air, which warped the attacks.

The normal space was distorted as a strong force twirled around like a tornado. The distortion
was the size of the entire courtyard, so it looked as if a huge black hole had formed in the air.

―This isn‘t just for show.‖

―Right, try blocking it!‖

Seeing the spatial distortion, the two Dukes raised their power even further, determined to break
past it. Contrary to their will, however:


Their best attacks were all sucked into the tornado-like space, along with the attacks of the
awakened Marquis.

‗No way!‘

‗The attacks are being absorbed?!‘

Despite looking at it, all of the demons in the sky found the scene hard to believe. The outcome
was completely different from what they had expected: the attacks of the two awakened Dukes
and the fifty awakened Marquises were all blocked by one human.

-This makes no sense.


The two Dukes were dumbfounded as the distorted space returned to its original state.


Seeing this all unfold, the demons in the courtyard were also shocked by Chun Yeowun‘s power.


―H-he blocked it.‖

―H-How, a human?‖
Duke Legion couldn‘t understand it.

‗He protected them?‘

Duke Deruan couldn‘t understand.

‗No way. They were just confronting one another in a fight, but now they are helping each

Then, everyone saw Chun Yeowun slightly bend his knees and jumped up.

It was strange; although he had only slightly bent his knees before jumping, the pressure was
comparable to that of a rocket launch.


Chun Yeowun, who was in his True Awakened form, jumped up, and at that moment, the floor
of the yard collapsed in a 100 meter range as it was shattered by the mere force.

―He‘s coming!‖

―Everyone spread out and attack him!‖


The demons dispersed in all directions and tried to focus all their attacks on Chun Yeowun, who
was ascending. However, Chun Yeowun‘s appearance soared past them and faded into the sky.

Even the two Dukes, who were intensely observing him, couldn‘t see where he went.

At that moment, something passed by at a tremendous speed past the demons. Although it
seemed that a wave of wind had just brushed past their bodies, the Marquises were pushed over.



All of them had black smoke coming out of their mouth as if they were damaged, but some
suffered worse injuries.


The eight Marquises who were closest to the wind and were standing in a line had scattered like


Duek Deruan had tried to look at the thing that had passed by, but it was to no avail. Chun
Yeowun, who had unleashed his Advance Awakening, was higher than them in the sky and was
looking down with an arrogant expression as if he was God.

Duke Deruan, who had great vision, moved to catch up to Chun Yeowun

―You bastard!‖

He spread his arms as his body turned into flame, which resembled lava much more.

The hottest among the demons was Duke Deruan.

‗I‘ll turn you to ashes.‘

Duke Deruan, who was ascending with lava around his body, rushed to close the gap between
him and Chun Yeowun. At the same time, Chun Yeowun raised his hand towards the incoming


The moment Duke Deruan came close enough,


Chun Yeowun smashed Duke Deruan, who was in a lava state, with his palm.

‗I can hold on! I can endure this!‘

Duke Deruan clenched his teeth. He could melt the hand that was holding him if he had enough

He was confident that he wouldn‘t lose, but:



The moment Duke Deruan collided with Yeowun‘s palm, his body was swept away by the huge
force and his entire body was suddenly crushed by the resulting tremendous pressure.


Duke Legion and the remaining Marquises were astonished.

‗Deruan, after unleashing his Advance Awakening, was defeated in one hit?‘

It was unbelievable. Naturally, they all thought that their ally was strong, but the difference in
power seemed too large to ignore.

The moment Chun Yeowun killed Duke Deruan, he reached out to the rest of the floating

―Everyone! Move away!‖

Duke Legion judged that the human was targeting them and hurriedly shouted to the Marquises.

The Marquises, who felt the sense of crisis as well, flew in every single direction.


At that moment, a sword with black flames appeared around Chun Yeowun. Although there were
hundreds of demons, the moment the swords appeared, Duke Legion felt goosebumps all over
his body.

‗This is bad! Really bad!‘

He flew without looking back as his instincts told him to run as far as he could from this crisis.
It was then.


Something pierced his stomach.


Duke Legion stared at what had pierced his stomach: it was a sword with black flame.

The sword of black flame that pierced the body moved with great speed in a line.

―D-Damn it!‖

Duke Legion turned the other way to avoid the sword that was aiming for him again.


Something passed through his face this time: the same sword!

The sword with black flame that had pierced his face moved again and hit the chest another time.
It then kept piercing the Duke‘s entire body.

The sword with black flames destroyed Duke Legion‘s body the same way that piranhas eat their


All the demons looking at the sky from the yard were speechless.

Grand Duke Kaliaf, an old war veteran, mumbled,

―Is this… real?‖

Slash! Slash!

With his eyes, he could see the sword with black flames constantly moving by the black trails it
left as it destroyed the awakened demons.



Even those who were running away were being swept away by the sword and as they promptly
dispersed into ashes.

The air, which had been filled with demons moments before, was now filled with ashes.

Destroying everything in an instant was impossible; even Grand Duke Kaliaf couldn‘t
understand what had just happened

‗He wasn‘t using his true power?‘



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 200 -
Ambush (3)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Apr 7, 2022
• 13 min read • 5488 views

[Editor — Angel bows down to the almighty Chun Yeowun—Demon God, Second Chun Ma,
and the 24th Lord of the Sky Demon Order.]

Chun Ma — nothing is known about his origins, except that at the age of 18, he attained the
greatest level of martial arts and overthrew all famous masters with only one blade, and was
hailed later as the ―World‘s Best Warrior.‖1

Overwhelming power.

It was an incomparable power when it has directly struck the opponent.

Grand Duke Kaliaf‘s surprise was short-lived as his face darkened.

„Dark… flame…‟

A memory he had forgotten came to his mind. At that moment, he felt a shiver run down his

„Why did I forget about it?‟

Darkness itself. The spark which set everything on fire. It was ferocious, all-consuming terror.


At that time, Chun Yeowun looked somewhere and raised his hand. He pulled on something as if
he was ripping it.

Everyone wondered what he would do next and couldn‘t hide their surprise.

―L-look over there!‖

―What is that?‖

The sound of the sky being torn could be heard—the loud sound even hurt the ears of the

As the space was torn, a place filled with darkness was revealed, which brought out a sharp


Chun Yeowun stretched out his hand, pretending to pull something. Something sharp and
warping the space spilled out of the ripped sky at that instant, like a massive wave.

„Spatial Sword.‟

The Spatial Sword could be achieved if one ascended to the Void Master level. Its scale couldn‘t
even be compared to what Hwang-heol, the last alive subordinate of Blade God, said.


The Spatial Sword rains down like a downpour. The place it was headed to was none other than
the outskirts of the western side. It was pouring at the five thousand elite demon army that
arrived earlier and was now stationed outside the fortress.


The demons looked confused. Marquis Laud, the commander of their group, was waiting for the
signal, but something weird was emanating from the castle.

―W-what is that?‖

A sharp sense of something moving could be felt from the torn sky. It was tough to put it into

However, there was just one thing he knew.

„It‟s dangerous!‟

As the swords were rushing in at great speed, Marquis Laud shouted.

―Troops! Retreat!‖
The demons staring up in wonder ran at once when they heard this command. It wasn‘t a
situation where they could appreciate the enemy‘s strength.

The only way to survive would be to run fast.


It was like a tsunami of swords. The Spatial Swords poured down from the castle and swept them
all instantly. It was a different kind of swept away from the waves.



They turned into shreds as soon as the Spatial Swords crashed on their bodies. Their nuclei were
greatly destroyed, which turned them into ashes. Even Marquis Laud was no exception.

―W-what is thi….‖


No one there could prevent what was happening. Everything had to burn down in the place
where the Spatial Sword was moving like a tsunami.

The demons watching it from the other sides were at a loss for words.

They felt chills run down their spines as they watched five thousand elite demons vanishing into
thin air without a fight.

―I-is this the power of a human?‖

―… what are you saying? That isn‘t a human. What kind of human can do the Advanced
Awakening which only Grand Dukes can do?‖

―Then, he‘s from our clan?‖

The demons no longer thought of Chun Yeowun as a human. Perhaps they even question
whether he was an existence that the clan had hidden.

The last remaining demons were killed. The western side of the castle now only had ashes on the

The atmosphere was so strange. Until recently, they were hostile towards each other.

However, when all the demons led by the Demon King‘s aides came, Chun Yeowun helped
eradicate them, and the demons who felt happy shouted at once.


―Risha! Risha! Risha!‖

The demons, who didn‘t know Chun Yeowun‘s name, shouted Risha while looking at him in the

It was a shout calling him a hero.

Chun Yeowun looked at his hand, which had the black flame.

‟… definitely, beyond the human level.‟

It was his, but the power felt like it transcended the human level. He didn‘t know that the power
of the Spatial Sword could be raised to that level. For him, this was just a chance to test how
much he would do if he used the Advanced Awakening, and the result was beyond imagination.

„It will be difficult to control.‟

He felt that he was getting too powerful. He wondered if he would ever find someone who could
fight him on equal footing.

He soon covered his face with his hand.


He then turned back into his original state after lowering his hand. In his human form, he
suddenly felt weak, like he was punched all over his body.

His body was shaking so much that he could feel it without looking at himself. There definitely
was a risk of using the Advanced Awakening. However…

[The overload of the muscles will be handled.]

As the nanomachines in the body were activated, they expanded and relaxed the muscles that felt
like they would explode anytime.

Even the five spirits core in him helped this. The horrible after-effects of the awakening subsided
in just a few seconds.

‟… maybe plain fatigue.‟

He didn‘t know much but decided to consider it as fatigue. Even so, it could be said that the risk
was small compared to the result, and it felt like his body had slightly been drained after it.


After the aftereffects got better, Chun Yeowun moved down to the inner side of the yard, which
had been intact when he first arrived but was now a mess. However, the faces of the demons
were bright. It was because there wasn‘t even a single casualty among them, and the ones who
suffered were the opponents.


―Risha! Risha!‖

They shouted Risha to Chun Yeowun as he was coming down. Chun Yeowun frowned at their
never-seen enthusiastic cheers.


It sounded like the demon language, but he had no idea what it meant. At that time, Grand Duke
Kaliaf, Duke Bevman, and the other high-ranking demons serving them approached.

Chun Yeowun said to them,

―You are lucky. Did I say it before? I eradicated the other, taking the side of one enemy.‖

Grand Duke Kaliaf answered with a smile.

―How could we be Risha‘s enemy?‖

―I keep hearing that Risha… What does Risha even mean?‖

It was Duke Bevman who answered that question.

―Word for the best warrior in the clan.‖

―Best warrior?‖

Only then did the question of why the demons shouted Risha have been resolved. The demons
who were warlike and skilled in battle admired excellent warriors.

They recognized Chun Yeowun as the best of them.


Chun Yeowun snorted at it. He didn‘t hate this. Grand Duke Kaliaf bowed on one knee and said,

―I will repeat the oath of allegiance.‖

Grand Duke Kaliaf was about to repeat the oath, but it didn‘t stop there.


Duke Bevman and the other high-ranking demons also fell to their knees.

All the demons around them, even those on the watchtower, bowed their heads as they got down
on their knees.

Grand Duke Kaliaf shouted.

―Grand Duke Kaliaf acknowledged the defeat and swears the oath of allegiance to Risha
according to the law of our clan.‖

All the demons then shouted along.

―We swear on the oath of allegiance!!!‖

They all shouted in a loud voice. Grand Duke Kaliaf wasn‘t alone in it. All the demons under
Grand Duke swore to Chun Yeowun.

This wasn‘t something to be taken lightly. Among the numerous demons, one-quarter of the
power went under him. Grand Duke Kaliaf smiled and spoke to Chun Yeowun.

―Risha. You have a huge group of us under you.‖



The round table shattered.

It was Duke Edhuy who destroyed it. He was rational and cold-hearted compared to the other
Dukes, but the disastrous results caused this rageful behavior.

Bang! Bang!

Duke Edhuy destroyed anything he could see. With his force razing, nothing in the annex would
be left alone.

―Kuaaah! That damned human bastard! He changed everything!‖

There was no way he could get himself to understand what had happened.

Three of his close associates were killed. Although it was a bit unreasonable, he used 70% of his
force under the judgment that this situation would be the best for them, but everything had gone

As a result, the balance which had been narrowly achieved was shattered.

Duke Edhuy, who was destroying the annex, stopped and gradually regained composure. It
wasn‘t possible to reverse the situation with his anger.

„If the Grand Duke is advancing to the Demon King, then there is no way to stop it.‟

There was no need to wait and collect all of Arisha‘s Armor.

With the power on his side, the Grand Duke could have moved at any time and executed him and
the others, and he would have been able to take the throne without the armor.

„But that won‟t happen because of his personality.‟

Although they were fighting against each other now, he had known Grand Duke Kaliaf for many

He will never move against the laws of the clan. Even for the sake of leading the demons, he will
make sure to follow the process the right way.

This wasn‘t a guess.

The only variable would be the unknown human being who came in.

„How can a human have Advanced Awakening?‟

Besides, the power the human had was beyond imagination. Duke Edhuy couldn‘t have imagined
that a human would eradicate all the demons under him.

„What was it? Was that even possible? Was Arisha‟s Sword that capable?‟

He didn‘t know that a human could use Advanced Awakening. Now the question was how the
Awakening would help the human.

That nonsensical power… was even beyond the level that no one other than the Demon King
could tackle.

„If not the Demon King, then?‟

It was that moment when something crossed his mind.

A secret is known to those close to the Demon King knew. And now, only he knew.

„Demon King…‟

Duke Edhuy shook his head after a brief pause.

„No. That is too much. It‟s a position we barely managed to get… if it is awakened, then it will be
impossible to fix.‟

Duke Edhuy seemed troubled by something.

As a strategist, he made numerous assumptions on what to do but couldn‘t come up with an


A plan was also devised to move the other two Grand Dukes. However, if he moved without a
suitable method, he would only be throwing a good one as prey to the wolf.


Time was running out.

Unless the Grand Duke was an idiot, they would also plan a move. Duke Edhuy, who
contemplated for a long time, moved and headed somewhere.

It was the heart of the Demon King‘s castle. After entering the castle, he went into the Demon
King‘s room and looked at the enormous empty red throne.


Taking a deep breath, he approached the throne. Then he passed the throne and strode straight
towards the wall behind.

However, his body went through the wall.


Passing through the wall revealed a hidden dark space. He was now the only one in the clan who
knew of this secret.
As he entered that space, a dark bright light flowed from the wall, illuminating the surrounding.
And there came a staircase leading to the basement.

Step! Step!

The sound of footsteps reverberated around as he went down the stairs.

After going down for a while, a chamber can be seen. A bright light came from the ceiling and
walls, illuminating the interior.


There was the sound of something boiling. A huge glass tube appeared in front of Duke Edhuy.
There was a blue liquid up to the lip of the tube, and something in the shape of a seal was placed
on it.


The bubbles were coming out of the mouth of the man inside the tube. His form has no arms and
legs, and a third of his torso was also blown off. It was just the head and chest that remained.

Inside, something like a black rise was tightly wrapped around the tiny body as if it was in a
cocoon. The only area exposed was the nose and mouth.


Duke Edhuy glanced at the black armor on his waist and thighs; it was completely different from
the other pieces of armor he had on.

Duke Edhuy mumbled as he touched the tube.

―… can I really control it?‖

There was uncertainty in his eyes. He wasn‘t sure if this choice would make a lot of difference.

Duke Edhuy, who had been standing in front of the glass tube, finally made a decision and
moved closer.

―This is a gamble of a lifetime.‖

At the same time, in a hallway inside the castle of Grand Duke Kaliaf. Chun Yeowun was
following the Grand Duke. He had been following him since the Grand Duke had asked for some
of his time.

A massive door was in front of them after they had reached the end of the hallway. The Grand
Duke touched the ruby stone in the middle of the enormous door with his palm, and a light shone
from the ruby as the door opened.


The door opened with a sound and musty smell. It meant that the inside hadn‘t been cleaned for a
while. As soon as they entered, lights shone from the walls and brightened the place.


It was quite a large room full of many antique-like things, from armors to statues in unusual
forms and books.

―Why did you bring me here?‖

―To answer the question.‖


At Chun Yeowun‘s response, Grand Duke walked further into the room and pointed his finger at
the huge picture hanging on the wall.

The frame was full of dust and hard to see.

Shh! Wheing!

When Chun Yeowun slightly waved his hand, the wind blew the dust away from the frame and
gathered in one place.

Then came the frame clearly visible to them. The frame seemed to be a painting of someone.

However, Chun Yeowun‘s expression changed when he saw the one in it.
―… what is this?‖

―What you asked.‖

The painting was clearly of someone. However, it was someone who was wearing black armor,
Arisha‘s Armor.

It wasn‘t because of the armor that Chun Yeowun reacted like this. It was because the face of the
person wearing the armor wasn‘t in the form of a human or demon with a face but in blazing
black flames.

―Answer my question. What is this?‖

Grand Duke Kaliaf answered most politely.

―This… this here is the portrait of Arisha.‖

1. Nano Machine ↩



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Chapter 201 -
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Bamut Underground Prison (1)

Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Apr 8, 2022

• 16 min read • 5787 views

―A portrait of Arisha?‖

Chun Yeowun looked at the portrait with surprise and doubt.

The face that was a blazing flame resembled the appearance of his Advanced Awakening, but
Chun Yeowun couldn‘t understand why Arisha had the same form.

―Isn‘t Arisha a God?‖

Chun Yeowun was a member of the Sky Demon Order, meaning that he also worshipped a
Demon although his God was absolute.

He was even considered the Demon God because he had a position that other humans couldn‘t

―God… does this term refer to the transcendent being that humans speak of?‖


―Hmm… from whom did Master hear about Arisha?‖


―Shakena? The Heart Hunter?‖

The Grand Duke looked like he was trying to remember anything he knew about Shakena.
Actually, although he was a Grand Duke and didn‘t take note of any demons of Count title or
lower, he was aware of Shakena because she was known for her Phasing ability.
―Did you bring that child?‖

He asked with a bit of anticipation.

He and the other Grand Dukes coveted her, but she constantly refused to obey anyone other than
the Demon King‘s command.

―Master is truly blessed with talent. It is rare for that child to come under one‘s command.‖


He spoke calmly, but an underlying bitterness could be felt. Unexpectedly, it seemed like Grand
Duke Kaliaf liked to joke around lightly. In fact, this was why the demons under his command
followed him so willingly.

―Why does it matter whom I heard it from?‖

―I guess the current generation thinks of Arisha‘s existence that way.‖

―What do you mean?‖

In response to Chun Yeowun‘s question, Grand Duke Kaliaf stood in front of the frame.

―We have a very close relationship with the planet Earth, probably because Earth was the first
place our gate opened to.‖

―I didn‘t know that.‖

While they talking about Arisha, the topic of Earth had come out, intriguing Chun Yeowun.

At Chun Yeowun‘s response, Grand Duke approached a bookshelf near the frame and pulled out
a book.

The book was written in English and not the demon language.

―Conscious beings form language and writing to express their will and leave records. And such a
language system forms a culture which soon grows into a tribe or a group.‖

―It is the same with our clan. Naturally, the clan created its own language.‖

And he pulled out another book, which had words Chun Yeowun couldn‘t understand.

The language written looked similar to what was written on the scroll with Arisha‘a armor.

―I think the current generation will soon start using the language of Earth with ours and create a
natural flow.‖

―What do you mean?‖

―Arisha… we now call it that out of convenience, but it was supposed to be called Larisha.‖


―It‘s difficult to pronounce, so we naturally called it Arisha, as our warlike clan has long revered
the darkness and fire.‖


At that, Chun Yeowun felt a strange familiarity.

The Sky Demon Order, too, revered a Demon as its sacred image.

The word Demon meant ‗evil‘ for the Sky Demon Order, but it also meant ‗of darkness‘.

―Where do you think Larisha came from?‖

Hearing the Grand Duke‘s question, Chun Yeowun thought of ‗Risha‘, which seemed familiar.

Risha was none other than the nickname that the other demons were calling him.

―Didn‘t you say that Risha meant the best warrior of your clan?‖

―Right. But Risha means ‗fire‘, before being a warrior.‖


―Our clan thinks the best warrior is a hot, burning flame.‖

With that, Chun Yeowun looked at the portrait again, and opened his mouth when he looked at
the black flame wearing the armor.

―Then the La means darkness?‖

―Correct, you‘re smarter than I thought. It means darkness and fear.‖

―So that‘s why this being is called Larisha?‖


Larisha, or rather Arisha, literally meant ‗Black Flame‘ to the demon clan, and realizing this,
Chun Yeowun could guess the Grand Duke‘s intention now.

The Grand Duke had told him that Arisha‘s existence didn‘t mean the God he thought, but
actually referred to someone who had actually existed.

―Today‘s generation doesn‘t know all of this. Larisha….No, Arisha is a legendary being in our
clan who became a symbol.‖

As if remembering something, Grand Duke Kaliaf looked at the portrait.

―Larisha used to exist… is what you‘re trying to say?‖

―Right, which is why i wanted to answer your question.‖

―My question…‖

This only made Chun Yeowun more curious.

Why was the form in this portrait in the same as his Advanced Awakening? It felt too similar to
be a coincidence.

―Then, answer what I asked.‖

―Even this Grand Duke doesn‘t know.‖

Chun Yeowun snorted at those words. It had only been a few hours since he even learned of
Advanced Awakening, but now was fully engrossed in its underlying significance.
―This time I‘ll ask. If a demon named Arisha actually existed—whoever they were—then why
are they now a legend?‖

―Arisha is the predecessor of the Demon King.‖

―Predecessor the Demon King?‖

Chun Yeowun didn‘t see this coming.

The demons themselves were old, so of course they had age-old ancestors. However, Chun
Yeowun had overlooked just one thing: their life.

―The same Demon King who has ruled the clan for eight thousand years.‖

―Eight thousand?‖

Chun Yeowun‘s was surprised: the lifespan of the demons was unimaginable for a human.

Chun Yeowun, with his immortality, could definitely live that long, but it was still amazing to

―Wow, he‘s lived for a long time.‖

―Huhuhu, even I, the Grand Duke, have lived for more than five thousand years.‖

―Five thousand… Huh?!‖

The lifespan of demons was strangely long. The reason Grand Duke Kaliaf must have thought of
himself as the candidate of the Demon King was because he lived the longest.

His longevity was a sign of strength and comfort to the clan.

―Why does Master think that I wanted to have a conversation with you like this for?‖

Chun Yeowun looked around. He could feel the entire castle with his senses but couldn‘t hear
anything; the place was soundproofed.

―Is the answer something that shouldn‘t leave this place?‖

Grand Duke nodded.

―Arisha is just a myth for the demons in the current generation, but for me, Arisha is a thing of
the past.‖

―What are you trying to say?‖

―Arisha suddenly disappeared.‖


―Actually, this is something I heard from our current Demon King, who was a Grand Duke at the

The current Demon King who disappeared used to hold the Grand Duke title.

The current generation of demons knew that he was someone recognized by the previous Demon
King and inherited the title from them, but the truth wasn‘t known by many.

―The current King had said that Arisha no longer existed and that he inherited Arisha‘s power.‖

The Demon King‘s position was a result of ignoring all the laws and procedures.

Using the King‘s precedent, Kaliaf was a candidate for the Demon King. According to the law,
the greatest warrior must challenge the Demon King in a battle held by the Grand Dukes.

When the challenger‘s power was recognized, the succession was then prepared.

―So what happened?‖

―It‘s as you can guess.‖

―You just allowed it?‖

―There was no way for me to to allow it or not.‖

The clan was at war at the time, as they weren‘t the only strong clan on their planet: there was
another clan with almost as much power as them.
―We had been going through a long war with Talisha‘s clan, and it was so fierce that if the
balance had been shaken just a little, we would have collapsed.‖

Talisha‘s clan.

They were known as the white, or pure, ones.

During the war between clans for power on the planet, the demons decided that it would be
dangerous if one of the Grand Duke didn‘t follow the rules and had a battle with the Demon
King, so Kaliaf had to accept the results.

―It also wouldn‘t have been a fair fight. Aside from what happened, he had inherited the spirit of
Arisha within him and was already being called the Dragon King.‖

Grand Duke Kalaif was smart, and it was only because of his good judgement that the clan had
survived this long.

Of course, many sacrifices were made along the way.

―After the end of the third long war with that clan, I decided that I wanted to try to uncover the
hidden truth.‖

―Uncover the hidden truth… why would you do that?‖

―Arisha was someone I truly admired. It was hard to believe that such an existence would just get
up and disappear without a word.‖

Out of his own curiosity, he investigated Arisha‘s traces and tried to figure out all the deeds of
the previous Demon King that would lead to a reason for him to disappear.

But, it was too late to find any worthy leads. Due to the long war, Arisha‘s supporters were killed
and those in the royal castle were all under the current Demon King.

―The Demon King noticed that I was moving differently and warned me.‖

―You mean no more searching?‖

Grand Duke Kaliaf hadn‘t ignored that warning; the war was basically over, but because too
many in the clan had died, rebuilding would take a long time and he needed to devote his efforts
to helping the clan.

In the midst of it, Grand Duke Kaliaf knew that if he decided to look beyond his doubts and
uncover the truth, the internal riots would destroy the clan.

‗He has the qualities of a good leader.‘

Chun Yeowun understood that much about the Grand Duke. Although they had only known one
another for a couple hours, Grand Duke Kaliaf was by no means the type to avoid fighting or
death just because he was afraid of something.

Therefore, he must have been seriously worried about the clan to heed the Demon King‘s

―Well, you didn‘t really have any leads to find Arisha anyways.‖

―That‘s not all.‖


―At that time, there was a strange rumor going around.‖


―The rumor came from one of his aides who claimed that Arisha abandoned this planet and left
for another planet.‖

―Another planet?‖

Upon hearing the rumor, the Grand Duke tried to find out who this information came from.
However, despite the Grand Duke‘s searching extensively for the source, the aide‘s existence
had suddenly vanished.

Because the Demon King decreed that those who spread false rumors would be punished by law,
no one talked about it again.

Listening to the Grand Duke, Chun Yeowun clicked his tongue.

―So in the end, you couldn‘t find anything certain about Arisha‘s whereabouts?‖

No solid evidence or information was found; the Grand Duke, who seemed embarrassed at his
incompetence, stroked his beard.

―Ahem. Unfortunately, that was the end result. But considering the Demon King‘s reaction, I
thought that the rumors that Arisha disappeared made sense.‖

―You mean about Arisha leaving for another planet?‖


At that, Chun Yeowun frowned and said,

―So where are you going with this? You think that I am that Arisha who left to another planet?‖


The Grand Duke didn‘t answer and just looked Chun Yeowun in the eye. His eyes weren‘t
confident, revealing that he did have some doubts.

―Unfortunately, that isn‘t the case. I was born on Earth and my mother and father were humans,‖
Chun Yeowun said.

―Earth…You were born there?‖


Hearing Chun Yeowun‘s confirmation, the Grand Duke‘s eyes fluttered. Seeing the seriousness
in Chun Yeowun‘s eyes, he was convinced that Chun Yeowun could be related to Arisha, but
now he was completely flustered.

‘Ha… No way…―

With a serious expression, the Grand Duke asked.

―Then why is Master, a human from Earth, gathering Arisha‘s weapons?‖

This was the second reason that convinced the Grand Duke: the weapons of Arisha that Chun
Yeowun had. At first he thought Chun Yeowun only had the sword and wheel, but he was
shocked to learn that he in fact had five of them.


Hearing the Grand Duke‘s question, Chun Yeowun fell into thought.

After seeing the drawing in Hagar‘s safe, Chun Yeowun had decided to collect them, and he was
quite faithful to his greed.

However, it would be difficult for Chun Yeowun to explain that his desire came from greed and
the way he acquired the weapons were unexpected in most cases because he never deliberately
went anywhere to find them.

Everything had occurred by chance.


Wasn‘t it said that if coincidences overlapped, then it must be fate?

As if the weapons were meant to be owned by Chun Yeowun from the beginning, they kept
finding their way to him, starting with the Sky Demon Sword.

‗This is strange.‘

It felt like he was unlocking something hidden inside his mind.

Grand Duke Kaliaf had inquired about it in a way that caused ripples within the calm lake that
was Chun Yeowun‘s mind.


A red light flashed from the entrance of the room, causing Grand Duke Kaliaf to take a deep
breath and say,

―Phew, we‘ll talk about this later. It seems like a guest has arrived.‖
When Grand Duke Kaliaf opened the door, Duke Bevman was standing there with a puzzled
face, prompting the Grand Duke to ask.

―Bevman, didn‘t you say you were going to Bamut?‖

After the oath, Bevman did lead some of the forces to the underground prison to save his
daughter Marquis Irene, so why he was here?


Going down on one knee, Duke Bevman asked,

―Your Highness, please help me.‖

―What happened?‖

―The field to enter Bamut isn‘t opening.‖

―It isn‘t opening?‖

The field, or force field, was the location of the entrance to the prison.

The force field wasn‘t artificially created but rather a natural phenomenon that occurred at the
entrance to the canyon where this dungeon was naturally formed. Originally, the force field was
opened using a special device.

―The force field seems to have gotten stronger.‖


At those words, Grand Duke Kalaif couldn‘t hide the shock on his face. The force field caused
by the planet‘s natural movement was a collection of energy so great that even the Grand Duke
couldn‘t penetrate it.

Even if they could use all of their energy to go in, they wouldn‘t be able to come out.

Chun Yeowun said,

―Can‘t we just use the gate?‖

In reponse, Duke Bevman replied,

―It‘s possible to use it to go in, but not to come out.‖

―What‘s that supposed to mean?‖

―Inside Bamut prison, measures were taken to ensure that gates couldn‘t open to the outside.‖

These measures twere taken to prevent the prisoners from escaping, meaning that entry was
possible but exit was not.

Unable to look at Chun Yeowun, Duke Bevman spoke in a low voice.


His daughter was trapped there because of the plan they had come up with, but now that he had
taken the oath of allegiance, there was no way he could try anything. Chun Yeowun asked,

―Then should we destroy the forcefield?‖

Duke Bevman couldn‘t hide his complicated feelings and exclaimed,


Bamut Underground Prison.

It was the only entrance and was blocked by the force field, which was why the he prison had
lasted for so long and no one had ever escaped.

However, that wasn‘t the only thing scary about this place: the fact that the force field was at the
entrance meant that a different force was acting from the inside.

The power at the source of this force field made the demons seem helpless.


Someone was running through the dark dungeon: Marquis Irene.


Because the gravity inside stronger than outside, it was too hard for Marquis Irene to run. She
had no more energy left to use and the air inside Bamut made her weak and exhausted.


She could hear footsteps following her, which only made her more anxious; Marquis Irene‘s goal
wasn‘t to talk with those following her.

Her clothes were torn, almost looking like rags.

―Damn it!‖

Curses sprang out of her mouth as she ran. This was the most terrifying situation a demon had
probably ever been in, and in addition the place was so dark that she couldn‘t even see anything.


The only thing that motivated her to run was her ability that wasn‘t displaying anything, meaning
that no one was around.

As long as she could use her ability to scout out her pursuants, she could maneuver away from
their grasp.

She glanced behind as she continued to run.

[284,000; 179,000; 234,000; 365,000; 220,000]

She was shocked at the outrageous numbers.

Every single number her ability analyzed seemed to show scarily increasing power levels. She
didn‘t know if this was because the prisoners were survivors here or prisoners for a long while,
but she knew for sure that they were way too strong for her to handle.

‗I can‘t get caught.‘

If she was caught, she would turn into their toy and die: she had to survive and get out of there.
She kept running with that thought in her mind guiding her.


Suddenly, the floor was crushed as something popped out and grabbed her ankle.


Shocked, she tried to use her power to remove its gasp, but instead of moving away, the thing
that grabbed her instead lifted her up.


Caught upside down now, Marquis Irene screamed out of pure terror. She couldn‘t see very well
because she was in the dark but she knew that it was a prisoner.

And, of course, that she was upside down.

―Huhuhu, a woman.‖

It looked like the prisoner was licking his lips.

Marquis Irene felt the goosebumps appear across her arms and along her body.


Terrified, she stretched out her hand and spewed out a spider web-like substance, but the
prisoner holding her tore it down.


This number filled her with the most fear she had ever felt, as this man was twice as strong as
her. She wouldn‘t be able to even put up a fight.

―D-d-do you know who I am! I…‖


Her top was ripped, revealing her bare body as she went silent out of fear.
―Yes, yes, you are a woman.‖

The savage in the dark drooled out of lust; here in the prison, she was no longer Marquis Irene
but just a woman.

The savage, smelling her bare body, hummed with pleasure,

―Hmm, nice fragrance.‖

With that, she screamed in panic.


Then, in the dark space, a green flash-like beam shone and pierced the prisoner‘s shoulder.



Luckily, the Marquis was released and she fell to the floor. Pierced in shoulder, the savage
prisoner seemed to be in pain as he looked back at the source of the light.


In the darkness, a green glow was emitted as a strong presence appeared.

Seeing this, the prisoner was frightened and bowed to the newcomer, shouting,


It seemed that he was afraid of the being with the green eyes.

A grotesque voice came from the green-eyed being,

―Everyone in the underground belongs to the King.‖


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Chapter 202 -
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Bamut Underground Prison (2)

Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Apr 9, 2022

• 10 min read • 5228 views

[Editor — Angel is wondering if she could put an Angel‘s corner to express her thoughts after
every chapter.]

[Rynoh: I think I know someone in the higher ups…]

The Great Demonic Cult (천마신교) is one of Murim‘s three most powerful factions, and it
seeks only strength. It is on par with the Forces of Justice on the north and the Forces of Evil on
the west. The Blade God Six Martial Clan uprising tipped Murim‘s three-way balance, resulting
in a four-way deadlock.
Content Warning: This chapter may contain scenes that may be harmful or traumatizing
to some audience.

A light was flowing through round marbles. Thanks to that, the darkness in the cave turned

Marquis Irene, who was walking through the long cave, bit her tongue and looked at the people
guarding her.

[930,000… 790,000]

Their power was too high for her to even try to tackle. Furthermore, these were just the minions.

Marquis level wasn‘t something that could go against them, so this was a disastrous situation for

Originally, their clan was tall and beautiful. However, even the man with a strong power had
wounds all over his body, and the left side of his head was blown off.

It didn‘t seem like his condition was good.

„He isn‟t recovering?‟

Demons have regenerative powers, so they can‘t have scars on their bodies.

However, these two demons have many scars that make them look like humans wearing ragged
clothes and not people of their clan.

From green skin to green eyes, everything was appalling.

―Stop staring, bitch. The King doesn‘t like such things.‖

One-armed demon with 790,000 power warned her. He was watching her every move. It wasn‘t
to escort her but because she had her chest out in the open.

„You stop staring too.‟

Even though she was a warrior, she was a woman. If someone continued to stare, she couldn‘t
help but feel uncomfortable.

Marquis Irene asked the demon,

―What about you? Why are you following me?‖

They were calling someone Night King. As there were no guards, it meant that this was a lawless

She wondered who was the leader of these monsters.

„What is that person‟s ability?‟

She wanted to know the strength, but strangely, she couldn‘t read the numbers anymore. It was
because of the ability she heard of.

She narrowed her eyes.

„The fact that there isn‟t just one ability….‟

Here, Marquis Irene was sure of one thing. The person called Night King preyed on his people,
and there is a high chance that he had many abilities.

Predation was the only way to have multiple abilities.


―I told you to stop staring.‖

As such, the demon with 790,000 power grabbed her wrist and warned her. However, contrary to
the warning, his face was smiling as if he wanted to hold her.

―Let go!‖

She shook off the hand. It was unpleasant just to be touched by such people.

―Where the hell are you taking me?‖

She was convinced that there were no good intentions here because the one called Night King,
who was walking ahead was treating her like a possession, grabbed her chest.

―High grade.‖

That was what he said.

From her point of view, this was one trouble after another.

This felt like another threat. However, when he looked at the symbol of Grand Duke Kaliaf on
her bottoms, he moved back.

„He‟s familiar with the Grand Duke?‟

That was the part that gave her hope.

She hoped that the Night King had a good relationship with the Grand Duke or was afraid of

But the worst thing was…

„What if they were enemies?‟

If so, she would be torn apart.

A demon with 790,000 power spoke with a smile.

―You will soon be surprised.‖


What did that mean?

She was thinking throughout the walk. As she was walking, her face turned thinner.

„It‟s heavy.‟

Gravity wasn‘t constant, and it kept getting stronger inside the dungeon. It was tough to breathe.

However, these prisoners who were beside her seemed fine.

„Are they used to this?‟

In that case, their strength was understandable.

Growing up in this horrible environment for a long time, one would have no choice but to evolve
according to it.


And then came the noise. There were a lot of whispers from the prisoners around, and
eventually, she understood what was happening when they reached the end.


Marquis Irene couldn‘t keep her mouth shut.

About three hundred prisoners were sitting and talking. Never had she imagined that so many
demons would be alive here. However, there was even more shocking than that.

„No way.‟

The figure wasn‘t leaving her eye. She looked at them one by one; each had the power of
Marquis level.

„W-what is this place?‟


As they looked at the Night King enter, the demons all rose and knelt with one knee.

―Night King!!!‖

Marquis Irene trembled at that sight. Their voices didn‘t matter. What terrified her was that so
many monsters called him their King.


As if accustomed, the Night King raised his hand and then passed.

―Look at her age! Must be delicious!‖


When they saw her half-naked, they were all interested. Marquis Irene was still having difficulty
walking with her upper body out open for these savages to see.

„N-Not here. I need to run.‟

She thought in her head, but she couldn‘t do anything.

The one-eyed demon with 930,000 power held her so she couldn‘t walk. Well, he was doing
even more than that. He was dragging her.


Her toes would hit the stairs as the demons opened the path for them, going up to the highest
point in the dungeon.

She looked at the ground, which had rags on it. Inside, the weird hut looked like a fortress.

„W… what are they?‟

When she saw two demons standing in front of the hut, she felt terrified, wondering if her eyes
were mistaken.

[5.83 million… 6.23 million?]

How could such strong ones be here?

Surprisingly, they had fewer wounds than the other demons and were far more robust.


They knelt with one knee in front of the Night King.

―You have arrived!‖

―Night King!‖

They got up and followed him inside after he raised his hand.

She was curious about this Night King who made sure that even those with Duke level power
kneeled at him.

In the hut that she was dragged into, she saw the Night King sitting on a seat carved out of stone.

He had wrinkles that had the years of life as if he had been through a long time.

What scared her was his green eyes. Amidst the silence, he then spoke.

―What is your relationship with Grand Duke Kaliaf?‖

It was a creepy and bizarre voice. She pondered how to respond wisely and finally said.

―I serve him….‖

She answered very cautiously and looked at him with tensed eyes.

―I see. That grey hair… you must be Duke Bevman‘s.‖

―How do you know that?‖

She was shocked at the words of the man who knew her identity. If he could figure out her
identity quickly, then he had someone close to Grand Duke Kaliaf, or he was close to him.

―Who are—‖



Someone kicked her shoulder. It was the demon with 930,000 power.

―Who told you to talk and ask questions as you please?‖

Marquis Irene, who didn‘t receive this kind of treatment from Grand Duke‘s side, shouted in
―You will regret this! I didn‘t come here as a prisoner. There was an accident.‖


Night King was puzzled by it.

―What do you mean?‖

―Grand Duke and pa… no, my father, Duke Bevman, will come to save me from this

She paused there. She wanted to threaten with some certainty, but their power was too strong.

Then she continued.

―If Grand Duke Kaliaf steps in, all of you could be in danger.‖

The moment he heard that, the Night King laughed.


He was laughing in a strange voice that sounded like something was screeching. After he stopped
laughing, he said with light shining from his green eyes.


―W-what do you mean?‖

―Well, I wanted to kill that bastard with my hands. Very good. This has to be Larisha‘s


She didn‘t know the old name of Arisha. Night King screeched—-laughed at her.

―This little one doesn‘t even know that.‖

Night King motioned as if he was pulling her, and her body on the ground suddenly rose and
moved to him.
She tried to kick and defend herself.


However, Night King was quick to grab her ankle. Holding her by the ankle, he tore off the
clothes left on her.


Her clothes were torn in the same way before, but now she was completely naked.

She wasn‘t used to close combat; therefore, her physique wasn‘t as muscular as the others‘.

―Your body looks great.‖

―Let go! You must really want to die!‖

She shouted at him with rage. She never dreamed about such a humiliation.

―If the Grand Duke and papa know about this, they will turn you to ashes… kuak!‖

He twirled her and grabbed her by the wrist.

―Right. It would be great if Kaliaf cares enough to come and save you, then I should treat you
with the most sincerity.‖


―Let‘s make you feel pleasure like never before.‖

The Night King lowered his pants, and she screamed as she looked at the monstrous thing
between his legs.

―D-Don‘t do this!!‖

―Kaliaf and Bevman will be pleased…. seeing you turn into a woman.‖

She looked terrified at it. Looking at her like that, Night King smiled and grabbed her by the
waist, pulling her closer to him.

Her eyes widened, and she screamed in shock.

The demons in the hut were only watching them with fascination in their eyes.

It was then…


Suddenly, the hut shook. To be precise, the floor shook; the whole place shook.

The subordinates didn‘t even understand what was happening.

―What is this?‖


And then a loud roar was heard from outside. The demons under the hurt were looking at each

―The fun needs to be pushed back.‖


Night King pushed her away and tossed her aside before going out. When he went out, the
demons surrounded someone in a circle in the square below.

It looked like he had different clothes on. The man who landed was wearing a black suit, and he
had a fair face. It was no other than Chun Yeowun.

―Who the hell is he?‖

The demons mumbled at the sudden appearance of Chun Yeowun.

No matter how much they looked, they didn‘t understand who this different being was.

And then another one fell from above. The one who fell was wearing a red cloak and a golden
crown. It was Grand Duke Kaliaf.

Looking at the hole in the ceiling, the Grand Duke spoke as if it was absurd.

―Is this how the path is made? Master?‖

―Then, were you planning to wander through the caves?‖


Chun Yeowun casually answered. The demons couldn‘t hide their shock at the conversation.

The vibration they felt just now was because this man had come down?


―A hole in the cave?‖

The dungeon of Bamut is known to be strong and sturdy. It was so strong that no one could
burrow and escape.

Shh! Tak!

Then someone else fell in. It was a man with white hair and armor, Duke Bevman.


Duke Bevman bent his knee due to the sudden change of gravity. He couldn‘t adapt to the
sudden change inside.

Following Chun Yeowun and Grand Duke Kaliaf, he landed only to be shocked looking at the
demons around.


A cry echoed through the place.

Hearing the voice, Duke Bevman automatically looked at the top. A naked woman was crawling
on the floor; it was Marquis Irene.


Seeing Duke Bevman come here, the Night King‘s cheeks shook in excitement.

His green eyes looked at Grand Duke Kaliaf.

―You plunged to your hell, Kaliaf!‖



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Chapter 203 -
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Bamut Underground Prison (3)

Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Apr 10, 2022

• 10 min read • 4874 views

Grand Duke Kaliaf looked up at the bizarre voice calling him from the top.

Green eyes and green skin stood out from the monster, who wore a rag-like black coat.

With a puzzled expression at the unfamiliar sight, Grand Duke Kaliaf asked,

―You know the Grand Duke, prisoner?‖

The expressions of the demons who heard the word ‗prisoner‘ instantly showed their anger, as
they hated being treated like prisoners who were confined in this hell.



Usually, demons were frightened by the Grand Duke‘s presence, but their horrible days at the
prison only filled them with hostility.

Even Night King was wearing a strange expression as he looked his palms.

‗Does he not recognize me…?‘

The Night King‘s eyes were filled with disappointment.

―I asked if you knew me, prisoner.‖

Grand Duke Kaliaf asked again.

The Night King grinned and said,

―You hypocritical fake. Nothing has changed over the years.‖

―Hypocritical fake?‖

The Grand Duke raised his eyebrows. He was seeing this prisoner for the first time but this
prisoner had not insulted him. Duke Bevman was uneasy.

―Your Highness, my daughter—‖

―I know.‖
Grand Duke Kaliaf had seen her right away, but judging from the current atmosphere, it seemed
like they would have to deal with the prisoners before bringing back Marquis Irene.

However, it felt strange.

‗Is he leading the prisoners?‘

The prisoners in Bamut weren‘t friends, but they all stood still and surrounded the area, as if
waiting for someone‘s order.

Grand Duke Kaliaf looked at the Night King and said,

―I guess being imprisoned isn‘t enough as you wish to be killed, prisoner.‖

―Killed? Hahaha! Killed!‖

The Night King laughed in a bizarre way, pointing at the Grand Duke and shouting,

―You think this is the same place as the outside you came from? You just entered into hell by
opening the gates with your own hands.‖



The demons laughed at those words, but then they heard someone‘s voice.

―For being prisoners, they sure make a lot of noise.‖

It was the voice of Chun Yeowun.

Even the Night King, who only cared about Grand Duke Kaliaf turned, he asked with a ghastly

―You‘re a… human?‖

At his words, the other demons mumbled. Even though they thought that something was off
about him, they didn‘t think he could be human.

Night King was puzzled.

Even the environment outside the prison was difficult for a human to survive, but this human not
only opened the path into Bamut but was able to speak without difficulty.

‗Is this a bluff?‘

Night King thought Chun Yeowun was bluffing, it was difficult to hold on in Bamut.

Even he suffered during his first several months in this place.

However, something strange began to happen.


Duke Bevman was shocked at the black smoke coming from his nose.

―What is this?‖

He knew that he wasn‘t feeling well since he had landed in Bamut, but this strange feeling was
only confirmed when he realized that he wasn‘t able to move his body.


―Your H… Highness, something is strange.‖

Grand Duke Kaliaf frowned.

He, too, had been protecting his body with demonic power since this environment was different.
However, if even a Duke couldn‘t stand the conditions, then this place surely was horrible to stay

Among the demons on the hill looking down at the newcomers, one with muscles smiled and
spoke to the Night King,

―He is enjoying the benefits of Bamut.‖

Even if he was a Duke, everyone in Bamut received the same treatment and suffered the same
effects. A yellow lipped demon on the other side smiled as he said,

―You will soon realize that this place is hell.‖

Bamut was the worst place for demons.

The moment they realized its secret, they were sure to experience despair. The Night King raised
his hand and commanded,

―You may kill all but Kaliaf.‖


As soon as the command fell, the demons rushed towards Chun Yeowun‘s group at once.

Around 300 or so scar-covered demons joined in the frenzy as Grand Duke Kaliaf grinned while
looking at them.

―So adorable.‖

The Night King seemed to have increased the courage of the other demon prisoners with his
orders; however, the Grand Duke was a warrior was familiar with fighting hordes of enemies.

In a voice full of excitement, he said to Chun Yeowun,

―There is no need for Master to come forward. I will deal with this on my own.‖

―You Highness!‖

When Duke Bevman tried to step in, Grand Duke assured him that he would be fine.

―You, get used to this place first.‖

The Duke‘s condition didn‘t seem too good, so he couldn‘t just put the Duke aside.

The Grand Duke decided that it would be better to clear a few demons before the fight became
more serious, which would give Bevman time to recover.
Otherwise, Marquis Irene would be in danger.


Grand Duke Kaliaf stretched out his hand as the opposing demons rushed in.

He tried to manipulate space by changing it into its marbling form, which would allow him to
deal with multiple demons at once. Seeing this, the Night King‘s eyes shone as he smiled and

―Stupid attempt.‖



When the Grand Duke tried to use his ability, the manipulated space instantly went back to


He couldn‘t understand it. No matter how much he tried to use his spatial manipulation ability,
the space kept returning back to its original form.

Grand Duke was bewildered; this was the first time he had ever experienced this.


The demons next to the hut on the hill all laughed. They thought that the Grand Duke would be
different from the other demons they had dealt with, but even he seemed to struggle like the rest.

The demon who had 6.23 million combat power groaned,

―You didn‘t adapt to Bamut either as expected. What could you do in a place where powers are
completely changed no matter how strong you are?‖

This was the secret of Bamut: the abilities that used demonic powers were nullified or reversed
due to the opposing force inside the prison cell.
From the Grand Duke to the rest of the demons, everyone was scared.

They had all adapted to this place over many years and survived by fighting amongst themselves.

―Kuakukuk! You look ridiculous, Kaliaf.‖

The Night King looked at him and laughed.

He had been waiting for this day to come and it finally did. Here, even the strongest demons
outside the prison became weak and powerless.

―You are all done for.‖

The demons ran in like a swarm of bees trying sting Grand Duke Kaliaf to the bone. Savoring the
scene, the Night King looked down. However:

―When will this end?‖

Chun Yeowun stepped ahead as he asked those words.

―Master, wait a minute!‖


In the unexpected situation in which his ability didn‘t work, Grand Duke Kaliaf tried to use
Advanced Awakening by covering himself. However, the awakening could only happen when
demonic power was condensed and exploded out instantaneously, and in a place where demonic
power couldn‘t be used, that would never happen.


―Enough. Just stay still.‖


Grand Duke Kaliaf was flustered, coughing in response and saying nothing.

―Idiot. If Kaliaf couldn‘t do anything, what can you do? Tsk tsk.‖
Night King clicked his tongue as he saw Chun Yeowun step up. He had planned to kill everyone
but Kaliaf, but now this human was digging his grave with his own hands.

It was that moment:


Chun Yeowun, who had been walking, stepped ahead as the floor was ripped away except for the
land around Grand Duke Kaliaf and Bevman and stone pillars came out.




The demons who were running at the front had their bodies slammed by the pillars and some
were even pierced by them.

Seeing this, the Night King and his men frowned.


―How is he using his powers?‖

In order to use abilities and demonic power, one had to adapt to the environment, but this human
was just casually showing off his powers!

―Damn it!‖

―Avoid the pillars and attack!‖

However, the demons here had more combat experience than those outside the prison and were
evil to the core.

After the first time, they managed to move without being hit the stone pillars.

―I don‘t know how you‘re doing it, but your ability won‘t damage us anymore!‖

Five demons ran towards Chun Yeowun at the same time, but Chun Yeowun kept stepping

Abilities spewed out from the hands of the five demons who were ready to take down Chun

It was then:

Puck! Puck! Puck!



Invisible swords with a black energy appeared in the air and pierced their cores. Before their
attacks could even reach Chun Yeowun, they had turned to ash, leaving the other demons


―How did that happen?‖


Chun Yeowun kept walking forward, not paying attention as he headed towards the hill.

―As expected of Master. Bevman!‖

―Yes, Your Highness!‖

Grand Duke Kaliaf and Duke Bevman followed behind Chun Yeowun, wondering why they
couldn‘t use their abilities when Chun Yeowun seemed to be fine.

―What are you doing?! Kill them!‖

A one-armed subordinate shouted from the top of the hill.

Thankful that they had only witnessed the slaughter and hadn‘t been at the front of the attack,
rest of the demons hesitated to move.

‗What is this?‘

Despite shouting from top, the demon was confused.

The human was just walking, yet the sense of intimidation made them cower.

‗Are those idiots down there scared?‘

They were supposed to be warriors who didn‘t fear death, but seeing this, it seemed that they
couldn‘t step out in face of the overwhelming power.

‗Why isn‘t he affected by Bamut?‘

Even the Night King was confused. Among the prisoners imprisoned there, some of them came
from Talisha‘s clan, and even they turned powerless when they first came to Bamut.


Either way, it didn‘t matter that much.

If this continued, the morale of the demons would crumble so he had to do something.

The Night King looked at the two demons him who were stronger than the Dukes and had 5 and
6 million combat power.

―You need to go.‖

―Yes, we‘ll take care of it.‖

―I will destroy that human.‖

The two demons moved down while looking at the demons scared of Chun Yeowun.

Looking at their backs, the Night King knew he could rely on them as they were the strongest
demons imprisoned in Bamut besides the Night King.
The one-armed demon spoke to Marquis Irene, who was lying on the ground helplessly.

―Woman, this will be a glorious sight.‖


―Those two were the monsters who fought for the top spot before Night King came. As long as
they are there, no one can win.‖

At that, Marquis Irene soon burst into laughter as her haggard face formed a smile for the first
time since coming to Bamut.


The one-armed demon, who was displeased initially, became annoyed at her reaction.

―Have you gone crazy, woman?‖

―You are mistaken.‖


―None of you here made my left eye burst.‖

―Your left eye?‖

The demon didn‘t know about her ability and asked what she was talking about.

In response, she looked at two demons who were walking towards Chun Yeowun and said,

―How long will those two last?‖



The one-eyed demon grabbed her by the hair.

―The more I talk to you, the crazier you seem, bitch. How long will they last? Fine! Should we
make a bet then? Since there‘s nothing left of my left arm, I‘ll bet my right arm—‖

The clear sound of something being cut resounded in the area.


The most unbelievable thing then happened.

A black line appeared in the necks of the two demons who were walking down, the strongest
after the Night King.

Their necks sleekly slid to the side and fell to the ground.

Thud! Roll!

The heads rolled to reveal their faces, which had clueless expressions as they were oblivious to
what had happened to them.

All the demons at the bottom were shocked and couldn‘t say a word; there was one demon in

―Th… that…‖

The one-armed demon, who boldly said he would risk his remaining arm, couldn‘t complete his



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 204 -
Larisha (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Apr 11, 2022

• 12 min read • 5829 views



Void Realm:

After a Chun Yeowun climbed to the realm beyond the Natural Realm, he reached the Void
Realm. According to the ―Myriad Thought Scripture 萬思經,‖ one of the ancient books known
as the Three Great Books of the Central Plains, together with the Xuanbo Zhenjing
(선백진경과), if one realizes the emptiness and residual meaning, one will shed the shell. The
first step is also known as the realm of emptiness. The state of realizing the truth of the universe.
The one who reaches this realm can use space swords and space moves, or you can simply
eliminate specific spaces.1

Grand Duke Kaliaf and Duke Bevman didn‘t have the eyes that could tell them the number of the
opponent‘s power. However, one can predict the opponent‘s level when one reaches their level.


The first time they saw the subordinates of Night King, they seemed fine.

These prisoners were full of confidence, moving with force, and the extraordinary power oozing
out of their bodies was above Duke level.

For Chun Yeowun, it was just one slash. As Chun Yeowun was walking ahead, he lightly drew
his sword, and their throats were slashed without even being able to exercise their power.

‟… I feel it each time, but he‟s really a monster.‟

That was what the two of them thought, then what about the Night King who lost his men? The
expression of the man who had infinite trust in his men went stiff.

„One slash?‟

If he hadn‘t witnessed it with his own eyes, he would have never believed it.


Something protruded from the chests of each demon who were cut down. They were the nuclei
that moved into the hands of Chun Yeowun.

After pulling it out, the heartbeat in the bodies of the demons got weaker.


Night King frowned.

The match was already done. He thought about that because this is one of the many secrets of the
dungeon. Unlike the other parts of the prison, this was the place where no one could regenerate
after getting injured.

That was why the demons were fighting a life and death battle here; it was so that they would be
stronger than the demons on the outside.

„What is he doing?‟

For that reason, the Night King couldn‘t understand Chun Yeowun‘s actions.

At that moment, gloomy energy rose from Chun Yeowun‘s right wrist. The nuclei he held in
both hands were wrapped inside a blue light. The light then seeped into Chun Yeowun, and the
nuclei broke.


Chun Yeowun closed his eyes and trembled. The green eyes of Night King, who was carefully
watching Chun Yeowun, fluttered more than before.

„Right now, he….‟

He doubted his own eyes. Other demons didn‘t even notice it, but he knew.

―Ability absorption!‖

The one-eyed demon standing next to him was puzzled by Night King‘s words. It was because
he didn‘t know what it truly meant.


At that moment, Night King moved ahead like the speed of lightning and went for Chun
Yeowun. He tried to grab the neck of Chun Yeowun, who had been temporarily defenseless as he
was absorbing the power of the nucleus.

―Who said you could?!‖

Grand Duke Kaliaf stopped Night King at high speed and kicked him.


Night King lightly grabbed the Grand Duke‘s leg aiming for him.


As Night King caught the kick, he felt his right hand tremble. His eyes lit up.

„He is a candidate for the Demon King title. Has he gotten used to the place already?‟

The Grand Duke‘s powerful kick was extraordinary.

Until recently, Grand Duke Kaliaf hadn‘t adapted to the conditions here. But in just a short time,
he managed to use great strength.

―You still have a long way off.‖


A green light flashed from his right hand. Ominous energy emanated from the green light along
with a weird stench.

Night King threw it into a fist and launched ahead.

„This is bad.‟

Grand Duke Kaliaf, who judged that this energy was dangerous, tried to move away but then

Chun Yeowun was right behind him.


The moment he would move, Chun Yeowun would get hit by this bizarre energy. The Grand
Duke immediately changed his mind and concentrated on the demonic power in his body to
withstand this attack.


And the first attack was on his abdomen.

The moment the green light touched the body, a scream erupted.


―Stupid bastard. Fighting me to protect the one behind.‖

The secret of the green light was terrible poison.

Night King had the ability to deal with poison even before he was imprisoned. Once he entered
Bamut, he used poison gas and extracted it around the prison to get stronger than before.
— shhh!


The Grand Duke‘s armor began to melt after it was hit, and the color of his abdomen turned
black. Grand Duke Kaliaf didn‘t back down despite the pain.

―Still, in the name of the former Demon King candidate, you must be working hard to not move
despite the poison in your stomach.‖

The Night King praised him.

For a being who had already been through numerous fights, he confirmed his power.

Even Duke-level demons go beyond trembling. Their bodies shake with just a single hit of his
fist, and then they will melt away.

„What amazing power.‟

It was acknowledged that the demonic power in Kaliaf made him known to be a monster.

―What is making you protect him?‖

Grand Duke Kaliaf was close to being a king. However, it didn‘t make sense to protect a simple

Trembling, Grand Duke Kaliaf said,

―He is… the Grand Duke‘s… master.‖

At that, the Night King shouted.

―Master? Ha! You mean that the Grand Duke Kaliaf has a human master! Is it because he has
Larisha‘s sword?‖

Night King noticed the power of Chun Yeowun.

He was convinced that Chun Yeowun had Arisha‘s sword from when he absorbed the nuclei.
Grand Duke Kaliaf didn‘t answer. It was already taking him a lot of strength to control the
poison seeping in.

―You are still the same. Kuk. Do you not know me?‖

Night King asked.

However, Grand Duke Kaliaf had no idea what the other was saying. Green wrinkled face and
glowing green eyes. None of the people he knew were like this.

Disappointed, Night King said,

―Enough. I was going to kill you anyway. Just die now.‖

As if he didn‘t want to talk any further, Night King pulled out a fist full of poison.

Night King‘s fist quickly aimed at Grand Duke‘s chest.

It was then…


Just as he was about to punch, his body bounced back more than 10 meters by some counter-
repelling force.



Night King looked at the Grand Duke with bewildered eyes.

„Did he kick my fist?‟

His fist still had poison on it, but he couldn‘t understand what had happened.

The force which deflected him didn‘t come from Grand Duke Kaliaf.

Chun Yeowun placed his hand on the Grand Duke‘s back.

―I see you got what I entrusted you to, Kaliaf.‖

The Grand Duke tried to smile.

―Of course…‖

Chun Yeowun smiled bitterly.

Actually, he didn‘t take long to absorb his new powers, but he wanted to watch how the Grand
Duke would act. Whether or not he was suppressed by force, if his loyalty was true, or if it was
only in the form of words.

And he passed the test.

―The poison… I‘ll take it out.‖




Chun Yeowun placed his hand on the back of the Grand Duke and breathed internal energy into
the body.

It was entirely different from demonic power, but it would avoid affecting the body if he handled
it as if he was lightly inducing it.


Chun Yeowun lightly patted the Grand Duke‘s body, and the poison came out.


The smoke even came out of Grand Duke Kaliaf‘s mouth.

„He released the poison?‟

Grand Duke Kaliaf frowned at the ability of Chun Yeowun.

This wasn‘t some strong poison, but it was still his first time seeing someone detoxify the poison
this way.

Chun Yeowun looked at Night King and said,

―You must be the leader of this place.‖

He could tell that just by looking at the attitudes of the other demons.

Night King, who was glaring at Chun Yeowun with his gleaming green eyes, said,

―What are you? How can a human have that kind of power, and why do you have Larisha‘s

―Larisha‘s Sword?‖

Chun Yeowun‘s eyes narrowed at the mention of Larisha. Even Grand Duke Kaliaf was the

The only people who knew of Arisha as Larisha were the current Demon King who disappeared
and him.

―Who are you?‖

At the question of Kaliaf, the Night King laughed bizarrely.

―Ahahahaha. You are interested now? So late. You should have immediately recognized me, the
Duke, the moment you saw me and apologize for not performing your duties as the servant.‖


Grand Duke Kaliaf looked confused, and Night King slammed his hand to the floor.


―Everyone! Die!‖

At that moment, a stench and poison began to seep from the floor. Chun Yeowun quickly waved
his hand, and Kaliaf and Duke Bevman behind him were thrown off and flew back.

And the green light began to shine out from the floor—the light, which was poisonous, filled
around a 50-meter radius reaching the ceiling.


Grand Duke Kaliaf looked at the green pillars that were soaring high. If it had been a little later,
they would have been engulfed; they escaped thanks to Chun Yeowun.

Night King giggled.

―Idiot. To sacrifice yourself to save those people….‖


Someone grabbed his head from behind.

―Don‘t tell me you thought you could avoid me with this trick?‖

Night King‘s green eyes trembled as he heard the voice from behind. In that brief moment of his
attack, he didn‘t think the human would appear behind him by avoiding the poison.

―If you know Larisha, you must know a lot.‖

Chun Yeowun gave strength into his hand, and the Night King said with a laugh.

―You made a mistake. You put your hands on my body.‖


As soon as he said that, a green light erupted from the Night King‘s head. It was poison.

He could use poison from his entire body and even make a poison beam from his eyes. In a
cheerful voice, he spoke.

―Too late. It‘s already on your hand, and the poison must be on….‖


Night King screamed as Chun Yeowun‘s fingers dug into his skull. The pain was brief, but he
was still giving out poison, so he couldn‘t understand how Chun Yeowun could still do it.

―Y-You! Have you lost it? The poison will melt your han….‖

―What do you expect me to do?‖


Night King couldn‘t understand what was happening.

However, looking at the current situation and the expressions of the demons, a rough idea

―No… way.‖

―N-Night King‘s poison isn‘t working.‖

The green light wasn‘t entering Chun Yeowun‘s body but was dispersing around.

Poison was also a kind of energy, and it would be of no use if the opponent had energy
surpassing his.

„No. I was planning to have it as a trump card.‟


Night King clenched his teeth and endured the pain. He then tried to raise his hand to cover his




Before he could raise his hand, it was swiftly cut off from the elbow.

Night King was shocked at how he was stopped before even doing anything. Chun Yeowun
spoke in a tired voice.

―This is tiring.‖

Then he lightly swung the sword, and the other arm of Night King was cut off.



Night King, who could no longer depend on his poison due to the pain of the arms being cut off,
soon reduced the poison discharge.

He only looked at his fallen arms.

„H-he knows about Awakening?‟

There was no other way to stop this man.

Chun Yeowun spoke in a voice full of ridicule.

―Thinking you can change with this Advanced Awakening… Well, I wouldn‘t let you do that.‖


Night King was shocked as it felt like Chun Yeowun could read his thoughts.

„W-what is this man!?‟

Night King thought as he couldn‘t understand the situation he had never experienced before.

It wasn‘t a matter of whether or not he succeeded in Advanced Awakening, but this man behind
him could rip him off each chance.

Chun Yeowun asked while holding his head in his hand.

―What do you know about Larisha?‖

At that, Night King‘s expression distorted.

―You think I will just say something to you because you ask me repeatedly!‖

The Night King wasn‘t afraid of death. From the moment he came here, he thought he could die
any moment.

―Kill me if you want to!‖

Instead, the demons under him were shocked at his expression.

No one expected the one they worshipped as King to be so helpless.

With a distressed expression on his face, Night King decided to risk his life.

―World has to be round. Larisha. The one who couldn‘t do anything for you….‖

―If this is what you are, then you must know.‖


It was then.


A tremendous wind pressure raged from behind. Night King, who was held captive, was thrown
to the floor and rolled down as he didn‘t have arms to stop.


As he could not balance, he barely managed to get himself up.


And the moment he was up, his green eyes shook.

―N… No way…‖

Night King wouldn‘t help but be shocked at what he was seeing.

The incarnation of black flame appeared in front of him.

The image of the one he always dreamt of.

―La… Larisha!‖

Angel’s Corner

Since we‘re almost reaching the end, I have a question for you.

What‟s with DOTDG that made you keep on reading?

For me, it‘s because I‘m editing this, so I need to. Lol. Actually, aside from that, I like how the
secrets keep on unfolding in every chapter. Also, I‘m excited for Chun Yeowun to go home and
be with his family! I hope he‘ll be able to go soon after dealing with the MS Group. I can‘t wait!

That‘s mine. So, what about you?

1. Nano Machine Namu Wiki ↩



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 205 -
Larisha (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Apr 12, 2022

• 10 min read • 5486 views

In the hidden underground complex in the Devil King‘s Castle:

Duke Edhuy was looking at a glass tube. When he touched the tube with his hand, the light on an
arrow sign shone and a voice rang out…

[Decreasing the concentration of the regeneration interruption liquid.]

When the voice ended, the liquid in the tube gradually faded.


As the liquid went down, a change occurred in the tube.

Originally, the person in the tube had no body parts except for his chest and head, but he
suddenly took on the shape of a human.

His body was forming as muscles grew and tightened; it seemed that regeneration was occurring.

„I lowered the concentration by just 5% and the rate of recovery is this quick.‟

Duke Edhuy‘s face darkened. Although he had already made up his mind, the regeneration speed
terrified him nonetheless.

„Although nearly two thousand years have passed, he still looks like a monster.‟

It wouldn‘t be weird if normal clan members had turned to ash in that time. He thought if he
were to stop Chun Yeowun as soon as possible, the only hope for him was the being inside the
glass tube.

The being in the glass, which had wires in it, shook.

„Too quick.‟

Once the basic muscles took shape, the body began to move. It was only a matter of time until
this being come to his senses.

„No, I need to finish this.‟

Duke Edhuy, who was about to proceed, suddenly changed his mind and hastily touched the

[Normalizing the concentration of regenerative interruption liquid.]


With a resonating sound, the upper entrance of the glass tube split in half and opened. Duke
Edhuy slowly moved up to look down at the existence in the glass tube, which was fixed with
wires around to restrict motion


Duke Edhuy touched the armor on the man‘s lower body.


The lower body armor disassembled and transformed into 12 daggers that floated in the air as if
they were on defense.


Among the daggers, the one with the most splendid form had the shape of a crown and was on
Duke Edhuy‘s head.

Duke Edhuy stretched out his hand towards the inside of the tube and the rest of the daggers
entered it.


The daggers which went in seemed like they were swimming and soon began to pierce each part
in the tube.


They pierced the back of the man‘s head, middle of his spine, his shoulders, both of his elbows,
and his knees and ankles.

The handles seemed stuck, as if all 11 daggers were restraining him.


Duke Edhuy sighed in relief; he was worried about whether the daggers would work.


Even though the daggers were used to restrain the man‘s movement, the glass tube shook. Even
with just half of his muscles formed, the strength wasn‘t even close to the man‘s actual strength
but he was still strong.

―Are you rebelling?‖

Duke Edhuy put his hand on the crown on his head as a white light flowed from the daggers on
the body of the being. Suddenly, the creature stopped moving.


Duke Edhuy was joyous. Approaching the being carefully, he smiled that he had managed to
control it as he mumbled.

―Does it hurt, Demon King?‖

Shocking words came from his mouth. The identity of the being inside the weird liquid with just
half of its face was none other than the Demon King who hadn‘t appeared in public for 2
thousand years.


Duke Edhuy came down from the tube and looked at the demon King who was restrained by the
daggers and said,

―You will finally be able to move according to the Duke who served you. Hahah!‖

The lower body armor that had transformed into 12 daggers was known as Arisha‘s dagger, and
its ability was Control.

It perfectly restrained the opponent and allowed the user to control them.

―Hahahaha! Demon King! To be able to move the Demon King at will.‖

Duke Edhuy couldn‘t hide his joy at it. As long as he was able to control the strongest demon in
the clan, everyone else would be useless…

With the Demon King at his command, everything was possible. If the Demon King appeared
publicly, not just Grand Duke Kaliaf but all the demons would no longer object to his command;
it was the moment he dreamed of the most when thinking of a new future.

[The regeneration of the constraint is rapidly improving.]

The expression of Duke Edhuy, who was delighted, soon went stiff. Something expected was
happening right in front of him.

The Demon King‘s body, which was once again filled in liquid, suddenly started to regenerate.


Duke Edhuy touched something on the tube and tried to increase the regeneration interruption,
but the speed didn‘t stop.

„J-just what the hell…‟

This was the moment when he stopped understanding what was happening. The dagger in the
arm of the Demon King, who had been fixed with wires, began to move.

Duke Edhuy concentrated his energy onto the crown.

„Stop! Stop!‟

A strong white light shone from the dagger but the Demon King‘s arm continued to twitch.


The wire holding the arm broke and:


Through the glass tube, the arm of the Demon King grabbed the neck of Duke Edhuy, who was
standing in front of him.



Duke Edhuy was the strongest of the aides, but the Demon King‘s hand moved so fast that even
he couldn‘t react.

―D-Damn it!‖

Duke Edhuy raised his demonic power and tried to cut off the Demon King‘s arm, but a scream
then erupted from the Duke.


Duke Edhuy screamed, feeling his face shrink.

No, it wasn‘t just his face. His entire body began to turn thin as if the moisture in the body was
being drained out and his body kept turning smaller.


At some point, Duke Edhuy wasn‘t able to speak any longer. All that was left was the pieces of
armor that he had been wearing, but they too scattered into ashes once his core was shattered.


The wires that covered the Demon King‘s face and chest were cut revealing silver blue hair and a
cold face.

The Demon King ripped off the wires on the rest of his body and broke out of the glass.
However, the eyes of the Demon King were strange, as if filled with anger.


His body then emitted a tremendous amount of demonic power.


The unimaginable power was strong enough to crush everything around him as it continued to

Crack! Thud! Break!

The Demon King‘s castle collapsed in an instant due to the aftermath of his powers. The demons
guarding the castle were startled and ran out.

―W-what‘s happening?‖

―What is this?‖

The huge castle had collapsed in an instant. No, to be more precise, it had suddenly crumbled to
the ground without a reason.

―L-Look over there!‖

The demons who managed to survive this looked at the center, where a huge crater had formed.

The demons discovered the existence in the middle of the crater and were all shocked.

―H… he‘s!‖

―His Majesty!‖

The existence was the Demon King who had disappeared for so long. However, their surprise
from seeing him didn‘t last very long.

This was because they felt the huge, encroaching demonic power rising from him and, out of
anger, the Demon King screamed,


He looked like the darkness that burned like a flame. All the demons there were shocked at Chun
Yeowun‘s appearance.

The motion of raising his hand to transform was unmistakable.

„A h-human Awakened?‟

„Is he from our clan?‟

It was natural that they were confused, but this wasn‘t the reason the Night King was surprised.

His surprise came from Chun Yeowun‘s Awakened appearance.


Chun Yeowun was certain about his guesses once he heard the Night King‘s exclamation.

„I guess he knew.‟

He showed his Awakened form and doubted that the Night King knew of Larisha until Arisha‘s
old name that Kaliaf had spoken of came out.

Night King who called him, hurriedly ran in front and knelt down while bowing his head.

He was sobbing with a voice filled with an emotion that couldn‘t be understood.The Night King
continued to speak,

―I, Joseph, always believed that Larisha would be fine!‖


Hearing the name, the Grand Duke Kaliaf was surprised. There was no way he couldn‘t know
this name.

―Someone you know, Your Highness?‖

Grand Duke Kaliaf nodded his head at Duke Bevman‘s question.

―I know him.‖

„Arisha‟s closest confidant.‟

He was one of the two dukes who had supported the former Demon King, Arisha. He knew that
when Arisha disappeared, he had disappeared too, but didn‘t think that he would be in Bamut.

„Why is he in here?‟

He was curious about it.


Chun Yeowun covered his face with his palm.

Turning back to normal, Chun Yeowun looked at the Night King who was still full of emotion.


Chun Yeowun looked down and smiled.

―Do you know me?‖

At those words, Grand Duke Kaliaf turned pale.

He thought that Chun Yeowun was going to say that he wasn‘t Larisha, but that didn‘t happen.
Instead, the Night King raised his face in shock.

―L-Larisha! Do you not know me?‖

―I don‘t remember.‖

―D-don‘t remember?‖

The Night King was visibly confused at the answer, and looked at Chun Yeowun with a blank
expression. After a moment, he seemed fine.

―Ah, now I know why Larisha didn‘t return.‖

The Night King was convinced that Chun Yeowun was Larisha but had just lost his memory.

Out of pure luck, he had entirely misunderstood the situation. At that, Grand Duke Kaliaf bit his


He didn‘t think that Chun Yeowun would deceive the Night King—no, Duke Joseph—this way.
He thought that Chun Yeowun would try to suppress the former Duke by force, but this was


Due to the rapidly changing situation, the demons around noticed something was off, prompting
Duke Joseph to tell the demons,

―What are you doing! Larisha—no, Arisha—has come! Bow!‖


―He is Arisha?‖

At his shout, the demons were shocked. Arisha was a legend in their clan.
„Is this true?‟

The demons hesitated despite Duke Joseph‘s orders, but it didn‘t last long.

The demons who noticed the difference in power bowed to Chun Yeowun. Regardless of his
being Arisha or not, their leader bowed so they too had to bow.

‗Damn it!‘

There was someone looking at the situation with displeased eyes.

That was the demon who was holding the head of Marquis Irene, who said with a sneer…

―Forget about your other arm.‖

Flustered, the demon unclasped the hand on her head and said,

―I-I didn‘t say that yet!‖

He was an unbelievable coward.

Inside the hut in Bamut. Chun Yeowun was sitting in a chair as Duke Joseph was kneeling.

Curiously, Duke Joseph asked,

―You really don‘t remember anything, Your Majesty?‖

At that, Chun Yeowun nodded his head without changing his expression. Duke Joseph, who
believed that, grunted his teeth.

―It all happened because of that bastard Taura who coveted the throne! If I had noticed his
ambition a little sooner, Your Majesty wouldn‘t have gone to the trivial planet known as Earth.‖



Chun Yeowun and Kaliaf had a questioning look on their faces, and both had their own doubts.
The reason Kaliaf was interested in Taura was because that was the name of the current Demon



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 206 -
Larisha (3)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Apr 13, 2022

• 13 min read • 5329 views

[Editor — Angel is excited for more upcoming revelations.]

The Grand Duke asked with a puzzled face.

―Demon King… no, ‗_this is because of Taura.‘_ What does that mean?‖
Hearing the Grand Duke‘s question, Duke Joseph looked at him. It seemed like he still disliked

―Kaliaf, I have nothing to say to you.‖

However, unlike before, he seemed fine with his presence.

Grand Duke Kaliaf shook his head.

―Duke Joseph. Even if I said I didn‘t know you, it is a little too much if you consider our
friendship in the past.‖

Upon hearing that, Duke Joseph answered in an angry voice.

―Even if Larisha is now like this, do you believe I will speak to someone who acknowledged
Taura as the King?‖


The Grand Duke sighed.

It was then that he realized why Duke Joseph hated him. Duke Joseph was a loyal follower of the
former Demon King.

―… we were at war at that time.‖

Grand Duke Kaliaf tried to explain his stand, but Duke Joseph raised his voice.

―Then, after the war, why wasn‘t Taura punished for breaking the law?!‖

―Duke Joseph… listen to what I have to say.‖

―I don‘t want to hear it!‖

In the end, even Kaliaf couldn‘t stand it and also replied in a loud voice.

―Then, as you said, without recovering from the effects of the third war, should we have waged
an internal war with the man who took the place of the Demon King?!‖
Grand Duke Kaliaf yelled out his reason. The internal war couldn‘t be waged unless the clan was

However, Duke Joseph had a different idea.

―Justification. Reason… in this manner, when can you even catch that rebel traitor if you keep
looking for such justifications….‖


Chun Yeowun, who had been silent, intervened.

Duke Joseph kept his mouth shut at the daunting voice. Then Chun Yeowun commanded him.

―Tell me in detail about everything you know.‖

―What do you mean?‖

―Larisha… no, tell me how I disappeared.‖

Chun Yeowun wondered why Larisha had to go to Earth.

Duke Joseph began to recall it.

―I don‘t remember exactly how many years had passed since I spent a lot of my time here.
However, I do remember that it was during the 3rd war.‖

Two clans were fighting for power on this planet: the Arisha and Talisha. They had led their
clans to war for many years.

―Unlike the 1st and 2nd wars, it was a time when everyone was getting tired as the war lasted long.
And Larisha told me…‖


Duke Joseph spoke with trembling eyes.

―He told me that it was pointless to wage war on this wasteland and said it would be better to
find fertile land elsewhere.‖
The Grand Duke nodded his head.

It was known that they went through a long 1st and 2nd war for thousands of years—turning the
sky red and the planet dry. The shining civilization no longer existed.

„That is so like Larisha.‟

Grand Duke Kaliaf, who accompanied him, couldn‘t hide the bitterness. He was indeed the best
King he ever served.


―Even during the war, Larisha would use the Gate from time to time and inspect other planets.‖

―… so it was decided to move.‖

Duke Joseph nodded his head at those words, and Grand Duke Kaliaf was puzzled by this
unknown fact.


He was the one who never heard Larisha mention it. As if noticing it, Duke Joseph said…

―It was a situation where the front line commander would be summoned after the plan had been

―Then who else knew?‖

―…who do you think?‖

At that time, there were five Grand Dukes. Among them, Kaliaf and Taura were thought to be
the next kings.


―Larisha was looking for a suitable planet with our two Dukes and Taura…‖

―And that was Earth?‖

―You are correct. The creatures living on the planet had low strength, and there are few things
that could be dangerous to us.‖

From the viewpoint of the demon, the Earth was weak. Even if a lower-level demon came, they
could wipe many of them.

Although he agreed to it, Chun Yeowun‘s expression changed as humans were being mentioned
this badly.

Duke Joseph was unaware of this and continued telling the story.

―Until then, that Taura bastard was also positive about moving to another planet.‖

―What was the problem?‖

There must have been some reason.

Duke Joseph grunted his teeth in anger.

―I didn‘t realize at that time that he might be greedy for the throne.‖


―Please punish me for my incompetence.‖

Duke Joseph banged his head on the floor as he sincerely asked for punishment.

Dismissing it, Chun Yeowun commanded him.


―… specifically, around the time the migration was readied, Taura suddenly took a stance against

The two Dukes at that time couldn‘t understand the reason for it. As a result, the planned and
prepared migration was halted.

Since it was in the middle of a long war, Larisha also didn‘t want to lose power, so Taura wasn‘t
―Why did Taura reject it?‖

―It must be because he was greedy for the throne.‖

Duke Joseph was sure that it was because of ambition. At that, Chun Yeowun spoke in

―So you don‘t know.‖


―You don‘t know the reason why he was against it.‖


At that, Joseph shut his mouth.

As Chun Yeowun stated, he didn‘t know the exact reason. There was only one reason he could


―… during a discussion, Taura rejected it at one point.‖


―Larisha frequently visited Earth to check it, and one day at a meeting, we were briefed about
cooperating with humans.‖

―Cooperating with humans…‖


From what he heard, they were supposedly migrating to Earth and colonizing it. However,
cooperation was unexpected for Chun Yeowun.

―Larisha often said that humans on Earth are savage but rapidly developing, so working with
them will help the clan. However, most of the demon‘s attitudes shifted after that.‖
―What about it?‖

―… „what kind of cooperation would we need with livestock?‟ was what Taura said.‖

Chun Yeowun‘s eyes narrowed at those words. The current Demon King, Taura, treated humans
as livestock.

From the perspective of humanity, it is incredibly unpleasant.

„But why did Larisha insist on cooperating with humans?‟

This was strange too. Larisha was in the same position as other demons. Whatever happened,
something changed Larisha‘s intentions.

―So, he started the rebellion because of that?‖



―It didn‘t take long for him to move.‖

The migration to Earth was postponed, but the war was still happening. Small and large-scale
wars were being fought each time, and Larisha, the Grand Dukes, and the Dukes would step in
depending on the situation.

Duke Joseph suddenly spoke to Kaliaf.

―Duke Kaliaf… do you remember that day?‖

―That day?‖

―The day Talisha came to attack from the north.‖

―… that day.‖

Grand Duke Kaliaf‘s face turned heavy. Chun Yeowun asked.

―What do you mean?‖

―In the 3rd war, five wars were happening in different locations when Talisha suddenly came
from the north.‖

The head of the clan is needed to be in the battle. However, it was rare for Larisha or Talisha to
bump heads directly since if the leader falls, so does the clan.

―When the northern front collapsed, we received a message saying that Talisha had stepped up,
and Larisha and the two Dukes went there.‖

It was a clash of the leaders of the clans. It was a battle that could determine the victory at once.

Thanks to that, more than 40% of the clan‘s power was sent there.

―Did you win?‖

―Larisha and Talisha fought for three days and nights.‖

That was a long time. Hearing this, Talisha seemed like a strange one too.

―And the result?‖

―Larisha induced a strong wound on the other.‖


―But… Larisha had consumed too much of the power and suffered serious injuries, so Larisha
had to return to the castle from the front line.‖

Chun Yeowun thought.

„Both sides gained nothing but injuries.‟

Rather than winning, they were both injured.

Perhaps the other side was also happy that Larisha was injured. That would help boost their
clan‘s morale.

―Our clan couldn‘t miss the chance where Talisha was wounded, so we led the army and
marched north.‖
―And Larisha was sent to the castle?‖


Duke Joseph banged his head again.

―It was disloyalty of mine! No matter how many people were there, I should have stayed back
with Larisha.‖

In the end, that was what happened. And Chun Yeowun asked Grand Duke Kaliaf.

―What were you doing then?‖

―… blocking the southwest front.‖

Talisha was able to cross the northern front because of the sudden attack. As the large army
suddenly rushed south, the Grand Dukes went there.

―I see.‖

He could guess what had happened. In the end, the seriously injured Larisha was left in the

―Taura targeted Larisha that time.‖

―Yes. Neither Kaliaf nor I could see that man in charge of the eastern front.‖

Duke Joseph banged his head in guilt. He truly regretted it. If he had stayed back, maybe the
situation would have been different.


Chun Yeowun stopped him from hitting his head with internal energy.

He understood the situation, but he couldn‘t punish him since he wasn‘t Larisha.

―The story isn‘t done yet.‖

Block smoke came from the forehead of Duke Joseph, and he continued.
―When we came… came to the castle, it was all done.‖

There was a message sent to the Dukes at the northern front. A statement that said Larisha
acknowledged Taura was the Demon King.

Duke Joseph couldn‘t believe it and escaped from the front line and ran to the castle.

―I didn‘t believe him, so I questioned him.‖

The current Demon King, Taura, insisted it happened according to law. But Duke Joseph
couldn‘t deal with Taura, who was now the Demon King and had Arisha‘s Armor.

―So what happened?‖

―I investigated the clan which remained in the castle that day to know the truth.‖

―It must have been dangerous.‖

It was the Demon King‘s castle, so Duke Joseph took the risk to uncover it.

―Taura didn‘t fully embody the power of the Demon King, so there were no other better chances
than it.‖

Duke Joseph took advantage of it. After several days of investigation, he found an informant.

The person who was a member of the Demon King‘s escort, and even though he wasn‘t on duty
that day, he happened to listen to the voice of the Demon King and Taura.

―What was it?‖

―Taura said this.‖

[If the Earth is that good, then rot on Earth for the rest of your life.]

That was what the escort heard.

After that, he said he witnessed the current Demon King coming out and slaughtering the others
in the castle.
Luckily he survived as he fled from the castle and hid in fear.

―I asked him to testify, and I tried to bring down the current Demon King.‖

The current Demon King broke the law and rebelled. To execute him, Duke Joseph contacted the
high-ranking demons on the front lines and gathered forces.


―I took him too lightly.‖

Naturally, Taura‘s aides were watching him.

It is said that Duke Joseph, who was caught before even contacting them, was imprisoned under
the Demon King Castle.

―He didn‘t kill you.‖

―He was trying to convince me.‖

A war was going on, but the Demon King was replaced. As a result, the power was weakened.

In such a situation, Taura couldn‘t hastily kill strong people.

If he were killed, the people who were Arisha‘s aides would also resist, and new problems would

―While I was imprisoned, I tried to gain more demonic power.‖

Unlike the first, because of the war, his surveillance was neglected. Duke Joseph didn‘t miss the
chance and escaped.

―After escaping. I hid to recover my body fully.‖

It was indeed a coincidence.

It didn‘t take long for him to recover. However, the third war was finished when he came out,
and the clan was on the verge of stabilization.
―In the meantime, Taura firmly established his position.‖

Duke Joseph couldn‘t let it go. So he started to spread the word about what he knew to change
the public opinion of the Demon King.

―I thought that at least the loyal ones of Arisha would respond.‖

He looked at Grand Duke Kaliaf as if asking why he didn‘t respond.

Chun Yeowun knew one thing from this.

―Kaliaf. The truth behind the rumors you spoke is here.‖

Grand Duke Kaliaf thought and said.

―It was you. The one who made the rumor.‖

―What do you mean?‖

―I was doing inquiries to find someone who knew the truth.‖


Duke Joseph thought Kaliaf had bowed to the current Demon King.

Duke Joseph couldn‘t understand it. In the end, they were at odds with each other.

―How can this….‖

If only they had met, the present situation would have been different.

Considering the power of the Demon King, it was a low chance now.

Then Chun Yeowun asked Duke Joseph.

―You were captured by Taura and imprisoned here?‖

―… No.‖

―I thought the only place I could hide was Bamut.‖

Bamut is known to be the worst prison. Who would think of running here?

Duke Joseph decided that the pursuit would stop then, so he came here.

―I wanted to survive… by gathering strength of the prisoners, somehow punishing those who
rebelled against my Larisha!‖

With a feeling of holding onto something, he chose the lesser evil. When caught, the result
would be death either way.

―Duke Joseph…‖

Kaliaf felt deeply moved by his loyalty. He never dreamed someone sacrificed their lives so
much for Larisha.

Kaliaf felt pathetic for the way he moved till now.

―You are the true loyalist of Larisha.‖

Duke Joseph said in a voice that said that the sincerity was understood.

―… I did doubt the Grand Duke‘s loyalty.‖

The hostility disappeared, and so did the misunderstandings. Duke Joseph looked at Chun
Yeowun and said,

―Still, seeing Larisha like this, all this is a penance for….‖


A commotion could be heard from outside. Not long after, the one-eyed demon under Duke
Joseph brought someone in.

―Marquis Aruso?‖

It was a demon under Grand Duke Kaliaf.

Unable to adapt to the conditions here, he struggled to move.

―What is it?‖

―Y-your… Highness, we have a problem.‖


The fact that he, who was guarding outside, had to come into the prison meant something terrible
had happened.

Then Marquis Aruso answered.

―The long-disappearing Demon King has reappeared.‖


Grand Duke couldn‘t hide his shock. He was sure that the Demon King suffered a loss of life, but
for him to suddenly appear in public after two thousand years.

But that wasn‘t the problem.

―Right now… he is heading towards the Gate.‖


The Grand Duke was puzzled. He disappeared till now and suddenly heads to the Gate?

He couldn‘t understand the reason behind it.


―I-it is strange. According to the informant. The Demon King said he would head to Earth right

Chun Yeowun got up from his seat.

―What did you just say?‖

―H-head to Earth…‖
Head to…

It‘s probably to destroy and conquer it.


Chun Yeowun‘s eyes turned cold.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 207 -
Rise of the Demon King (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Apr 14, 2022

• 12 min read • 5609 views



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As many as two thousand demons were following a blue, silver-haired existence exuding a
daunting force. He was the current Demon King, Taura.

The eyes of the demons, who were moving like an army, were full of fear as they headed to a

‗Why are we doing this?‘

They were all silent but shared the same question. About 20 high-ranking demons were absorbed
by the Demon King in the castle and had instantly died.

The Demon King proclaimed that he would conquer Earth, and those who didn‘t agree died.

‗Who is Larisha?‘

The Demon King, who appeared after two thousand years, was full of anger about this ‗Larisha‘
person; it seemed like a name they had heard of but they couldn‘t quite figure it out.

One of the demons following the Demon King, Marquis Alchemir, asked a demon,

―How is the response to the call for conscription?‖

The demon answered by checking something he was holding.

―Grand Duke Dordo, who is at the northern front, said he cannot take his eyes off Talisha‘s clan
so he politely refused.‖

―And Grand Duke Kaliaf and Everdan?‖

―Grand Duke Everdan began his march to the nearest Gate, but there was no response from
Grand Duke Kaliaf‘s side.‖

―Huh. To be expected.‖
Grand Duke Kaliaf was the one who confronted the Demon King‘s closest aides after he had

It was impossible for him to participate now. In the end, only the Demon King and Grand Duke
Everdan, one of the three Grand Dukes, was going to participate.

‗Well, this should be enough.‘

Marquis Alchemir thought so. He didn‘t know why the Demon King was so enraged, but they
already had amassed a ridiculous amount of power in comparison to the humans.

‗How long would this conquest take?‘

With this power, they could conquer Earth in three days.

The only thing that worried him was Talisha‘s clan. Although they had signed a non-aggression
pact, they would still attack if the forces weakened.

‗Leaving two Grand Dukes here might be the move.‘

Marquis Alchemir thought it was better, or at least safer, in the north and west. At the least he
would be able to head down to Earth with some peace of mind.

―All done.‖

The troop then reached the southwest side of the Gate. In the castle, Grand Duke Everdan and a
thousand demon soldiers were waiting.

―Everdan greets His Majesty the Demon King.‖

He fell to his knees, moved by the sight of the Demon King whom he hadn‘t seen in long. The
Demon King raised his hand coldly, not bothered by the Grand Duke‘s actions.

―Where are the officers and guards?‖

Originally, other demons were in charge of the device of the gate but they weren‘t to be seen.

―When I arrived, the entire castle seemed empty.‖

At Grand Duke Everdan‘s words, the Demon King looked at Marquis Alchemir.



Not just Marquis, but the other demons couldn‘t answer it.

Incredibly, what happened was that the night prior, Grand Duke Kaliaf had sent Duke Bevman to
handle the Gate, and while Duke Edhuy was the only one who noticed it, he was killed by the
Demon King when the Demon King woke up.

―Doesn‘t matter. Open the gate.‖

The Demon King, who made up his mind, didn‘t care anything else.


Nervous, Marquis Alchemir breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the large-scale Gate was able
to be handled by the high-ranking demons.

Count Ditto, an assistant to the Marquis, operated the Gate.

―Highness Marquis, where on earth do you wish to move?‖

At the question, he looked at the Demon King.

He couldn‘t stop thinking of the Demon King‘s recent rampage when he had mercilessly killed
his own subordinates.

Marquis Alchemir, who was afraid of making the Demon King feel uncomfortable, whispered.

―Anywhere. I just need to head to Earth, so it doesn‘t matter where‖

―Got it.‖

Count Ditto, who heard the Marquis‘s response, placed the device down and saw that the most
recent Gate connection was to Earth.
‗There we go.‘

Count Ditto, who found it fortunate, opened the Gate to the same coordinates it was recently

Yongchun Group site.

Coincidentally, the Jinan City National Guard was currently there.

Due to the Gate that opened at the Yongchun site, the commander of the National guard had
gathered an army there along with Chun Yu-jang was there.

―Do you really expect me to believe this?‖

A middle-aged man with a mustache in uniform said. He was Cho Yun, the commander of the
Jinan City Defense Force.

He should have been sitting at the headquarters but had decided to directly lead the army since
nothing like this had ever happened before.

―Calm down, Commander Cho.‖

Chairman Chun Yu-jang said, trying to soothe him.

Raising his hand towards the Yongchun site that still had traces of a fight, Cho Yun yelled,

―How do you explain this? Are you going to say that I‘m not seeing things right?‖

They were traces of the battle with Blade Six.

―Phew, this has nothing to do with the Gate. This is different—‖

―Chairman Yong Yu-cheon! Is this a company or is it some private institute planning something

Yong Yu-cheon was Chun Yu-jang‘s pseudonym, as he planned to use his real name once the
merger was finished. However, due to the recent turn of events, he didn‘t change it just yet.
‗Look at him.‘

Chun Yu-jang clicked his tongue. The Jinan Defense was dissatisfied with them because of their
agreement with the National Defense. It was likely that the Gate was just used as an excuse to
torment them.

―If that‘s the case, then why don‘t you talk with the director of the Ministry of National Defense
for more details?‖


Ahn Woo-hong was the director of the Ministry and Commander Cho Yun was just a
commander for Jinan city, so it would just result in his demotion if he did something wrong.

―Trying to intimidate us by calling our superior…‖

The atmosphere was harsh, but then something unexpected happened.

Grrrr! Woong!

A thunder-like roar as well as bright lightning came from the sky. Everyone began to look up.

At the Yongchun site, a new phenomenon occurred: a huge black hole began to form and one of
the National Guards ran to inform his superior.

―C-Commander! The gate is open!‖

Even if he didn‘t inform the commander, everyone was able to tell nonetheless. Looking at the
Gate‘s opening, Chun Yu-jang was flustered.

‗Is ancestor coming back?‘

The timing was tricky, but unlike his shock, the presence from the Gate was unexpected.


Thousands of human-like figures in medieval armor appeared through the Gate.

Cho Yun‘s face went stiff at the sight; the Gate had several Hazard-class Entities.

Among them, the strongest were the Special Entities who also were intellectually advanced.

―Special… entity?‖

At first glance, it seemed like thousands of people were flying in, but such beings couldn‘t be
human. Commander Cho Yun shouted.

―Prepare for battle!‖

―The entire army is ready for battle!!!‖

At his command, the officers shouted!

Wheeing! Clank!

A mechanical device came down from the side of the 40 ZRV-30 tanks and surrounded the
Yongchun site.

The 130mm caliber barrel went up and aimed for the Special Entity in the sky.

―Ready to fire!‖

More than 2,000 men from the military trucks were down and ready to shoot their machine guns.
Because they had come prepared for battle, their response was quick.

‗This is insane.‘

‗But why here?‘

Chun Yu-jang and the other members of Yongchun were confused. They thought that Chun
Yeowun was coming back, but Special Entities had arrived instead, and thanks to that, Yongchun
was now a battle site.

At that moment, they saw someone coming down the gate.

The being was a beautiful existence with blue-silver hair, and when he appeared, the entities
before bowed to him. Anyone could tell that he was the leader.

―it must be the Alpha!‖

Commander Cho Yun was convinced that he was the Alpha, and no longer hesitated after
figuring this out.

―All troops proceed!‖


As the order fell, the officers followed and shouted as the artillery and machine guns fired at the
same time.

Bang! Bang! Bang!


The sound of guns blaring filled the atmosphere.

The site of Yongchun Group was covered in guns and tanks that resounded as thousands of
bullets rushed for the thousands of Special Entities floating above the Yongchun site.

‗Win-win situation.‘

Commander Cho Yun thought that this situation would take out two birds with one stone, as it
could be resolved at the Gate entrance in the city and, if a war broke out, they wouldn‘t be held
responsible for Yongchun‘s destruction.

But something unbelievable happened.


―Over there!‖

The officers seemed shocked. The countless guns and shots fired weren‘t hitting them, as if
something was blocking them?

―W-what the hell…‖

The firepower, which could damage everything around, was stopped. If their bullets couldn‘t
reach their target, how could they do any damage?

There was one person responsible for blocking it.


―As expected!‖

The Special Entities, or demons, seemed shocked by it.

The blue, silver-haired Demon King had reached out his hand as a huge field surrounded them,
neutralizing the firing.

―Such tiny beings.‖

The Demon King looked at the tanks that were firing, as they were more annoying than the
humans shooting. The Demon King held out his index finger and said,



At that moment, a white light shone from the finger and penetrated the tank that was still trying
to bombard them with bullets.


The tank, which was pierced, exploded, but that wasn‘t the end.

He used the finger-ray on each tank one after another and continued in a line.

Kwang! Kwang!
The ray from the Demon King‘s finger exploded the tanks. Bewildered, the soldiers in the tanks
began to run out of them.

―R-run away!‖


In an instant, the situation had changed, and there was no way they could stop the Demon King.

The tanks that were hit with the beam exploded and, and 50 of the tanks had now been destroyed
in just seconds.

―W-what the hell is that?‖

Commander Cho Yun and the others were at a loss for words. He and the soldiers had dealt with
numerous entities until now, but this was the first time that such a thing happened.

It was the same for Chun Yu-Jang and the other executives.

―What is that monster?‖

In the chairman‘s office of Yongchun site, the demons who were looking at the sky through the
window were shocked, including Shakena.

―H-how did this happen?‖

―Shakena, are they part of your clan?‖

Shakena nodded at Mun Ran-yeong‘s questions. What made it weird was that the number of
demons floating in the air was too much to count.

―What is this? Why is the Lord not coming? Why are they ganging up like that?‖

Hu Bong bit his lip, looking at the demons.

Each of the demons had abilities overpowering most humans, and thousands of them appeared
now. Even Hu Bong began to feel nervous.
―We need to stop them.‖

Baekgi looking out the window said in a serious voice.

These demons couldn‘t be stopped by the National Guards, especially that monster that wiped
out the tanks with a light from his finger.

Mun Ran-yeong nodded, agreeing to comment and tried to move, but Shakena stopped.

―W-wait! Sister!‖

―What is it?‖



―If we don‘t surrender now, all the humans here will die.‖

At Shakena‘s words, Mun Ran-yeong asked confused about the situation.

―What are you talking about?‖

―H-he isn‘t someone that any of us can handle.‖

Everyone was puzzled at her frightened words. She was acting different from the usual Shakena
they knew. Baekgi who noticed her strange behavior, asked,

―Who is he?‖

In a voice full of fear, Shakena responded.

―The D-Demon King.‖

―Demon King?‖

Everyone was shocked at the title ‗Demon King‘. If that was the case, then how would the
captured demons feel?

Baekgi looked at the demons who were bound.

‗They are… afraid.‘

All of them were in fear and horror. It was known how overwhelming the Demon King outside

Hu Bong spoke to Shakena, who was afraid.

―What are you afraid of? We have this.‖

By this, Hu Bong meant the Golden Gumiho, the absolute existence that no one but Chun
Yeowun could stp.

However, Hu Bong seemed puzzled by her actions.

‗What is with her?‘

Unlike before, the Gumiho was looking out with a serious look, and her eyes were fearful and

Hu Bong called her.

―Miss Gumiho?‖

To that, she answered in a trembling voice,

―You all… should run away.‖


The golden Gumiho turned her head to Hu Bong and said,

―You might die here.‖

The golden Gumiho was something that everyone in the world would fear. Unlike humans who
couldn‘t accurately guess others‘ power levels, she could feel how monstrous the Demon King

He exuded an ominous energy that overturned everything.

―Isn‘t it too early to say that without even trying?‖

The Gumiho snorted at Baekgi‘s words.

―You aren‘t a match.‖

The Demon King and the energy he exuded was so unbelievable that he could destroy the entire
place with a single gesture.

She too was shocked at his power; she would be able to escape but the humans here wouldn‘t be
able to do so.

‗What do I do?‘

The Demon King was the biggest problem, but the silver-haired man was trouble too.

Just looking at him, she was sure that no one could tackle them. The person she was thinking of
was Grand Duke Everdan, who could be the Demon King‘s successor.

‗If these ones die… Chun Ma will be heartbroken.‘

Even in the fear, she was worried about Chun Yeowun. Grand Duke Everdan then looked at her.

―It‘s too late.‖

The golden-haired Gumiho said with a voice of despair.

Did the experts recognize one another?

Just as she guessed and evaluated their strength, Grand Duke Everdan noticed the golden

―Your Majesty.‖

At Grand Duke Everdan‘s call, the Demon King waved his hand as if he were annoyed, meaning
that he would let the Grand Duke handle it himself.

―Thank you.‖
Grand Duke Everdan smiled in joy and rush towards the Gumiho.


The Golden Gumiho bit her lip and shouted,

―Everyone run!‖

With that, she threw herself out the window as her body was dyed in a golden light.


Within the golden light, she grew from her human form and changed into a giant Gumiho.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 208 -
Rise of the Demon King (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Apr 15, 2022

• 15 min read • 5147 views

Duke Joseph — one of Larisha‘s closest aides and known as the Night King of Bamut. He went
to hide and make himself stronger until he could oppose the current Demon King. He was one
true loyal subordinate of Larisha, but he‘s a f*cking jerk.


The Yongchun Group‘s site had fallen into chaos. The sound of massive shelling and firing in
the area shocked all the cult members who fled their buildings.

They couldn‘t help but feel that a catastrophe was impending when they saw thousands of
demons floating above.

„W-what in the world…‟

„H-How can this happen….‟

They knew these couldn‘t be comparable to the Gate beings they‘d faced before by just glancing
at the enemies‘ capability to fly. It seemed as if they were watching the most skilled martial
artists in the sky.

Chun Woo-jin, the Lord of the cult, was the one who brought them out of daze and confusion.


He pulled out his sword and shouted.

―Members of the Sky Demon Order. Everyone, calm down! A Gate has opened right above our
place. Are you just going to stand and watch?!‖

As he advanced, executives such as Wang Shin, Dan Cho-jin, and the heads of the clans below
them began to advance as well.

―Prepare for battle!‖

―Prepare for battle!‖


The ground turned into chaos at their battle cries. The power of the Sky Demon Order within the
Yongchun site wasn‘t less.

Combining the power of the North Sea Ice clan and the clan that joined recently, they had close
to 4,000 martial artists under them.


The bullets were still in the air.

The Demon King saw the members of the Sky Demon Order who were gathering down and gave
orders to the commander next to him.

―Sweep them away.‖

―Yes, Your Majesty!!!‖

The leaders were ecstatic, and their morale rose as soon as they sensed the presence of an actual

Even though they were dragged here forcibly by the Demon King, they were all war-like beings,
so they couldn‘t contain their enthusiasm when a battle was about to happen.

―Each legion, eradicate all the worms on the ground! Attack!‖

Phat! Phat!

Legions composed of low-level demons shouted and flew. The Sky Demon Order members
couldn‘t hide their anxiety as thousands of people descended.

―Prepare for battle!‖


The warriors below skillfully handled their swords and weapons in response to their leaders‘

It was indeed a sight to see so many weapons having energy on them and shining in white and

―Kill them!‖

―Kill them all!‖


Attacks made of sword energy and internal energy soared up.

―Kahaha, see those worms fiercely rebelling against us!‖


―Use the sphere of demonic power!‖

Seeing that, the demons upped their forces and threw the sphere to the ground. This marked the
beginning of ranged attacks.


Thousands of attacks clashed and collided in the air. Smokes were smeared in the space between
the land and the demons in the air. The clash was terrifying enough, considering it was only the
beginning of the battle.

The demons made their way to the ground through the flames and smoke. Thousands of the Sky
Demon Order members on both sides collided with the demons led by the Demon King.

From the moment it turned into a close encounter, it was war.


„What exactly are they?‟

„So strong.‟

The members of the Sky Demon Order who clashed with the demons couldn‘t hide their shock.
The strength of the enemies was beyond common sense.

Even if they were low-level demons of Baron or Viscount, their power seemed to be on par with
the Master and Super Master levels.



As a result, the lower-level First Rate warriors couldn‘t help but get hit by them. It wasn‘t a
matter of negligence, but the demons‘ battle experience, strength, and talents were vastly

However, not everyone was swayed by it.


The demons froze whenever Dan Cho-jin spread his sword technique on the fierce battlefield.
Taking advantage of that, the North Sea Ice clan broke the frozen demons down.


There was also Wang Shin, who was wielding his two swords, and Marayun, a ruthless warrior
moving with his seven Air Swords.

Furthermore, the famous warriors within the Sky Demon Order and the sub-clan leaders all
demonstrated their valor.
But thanks to that, high-ranking demons were interested in them.

―There seem to be some fine ones. Haha.‖

―I will deal with this human.‖

The war became more intense as high-level Count level demons joined the battle and rushed to
the clan leaders. The two sides were engaged in a fit of rage, and the situation was dire.

„Things aren‟t turning out fine.‟

Chun Yu-jang, who was leading them, was observing the entire situation. Not all the demons had
yet taken part.

The Marquis and higher-level demons were watching from the skies with their arms crossed,
unlike the leaders of the Sky Demon Order, who were doing their best here.

It felt like they were being hunted.

„I think the seniors under my ancestor should help.‟

Baekgi, Mun Ran-yeong, and Hu Bong.

It appears that the situation would worsen if they didn‘t participate, but they couldn‘t be found

Woong! Phat!

A loud roar was heard from the side of the main building, and a golden ray of light broke through




Due to the destructive power of the golden beam, everyone, regardless of demons or humans,
avoided it. A great battle caught the eyes of those who had just moved.

In the vicinity of the Yongchun Group, a golden fox and a demon in armor were fighting.

Their battle was different from the one here.

„Damn it!‟

The Golden Gumiho cursed. She gathered all the energy within her and spat out a beam at the
bastard, but he simply bounced it off.

Thanks to that, she almost ended up hurting the cult members.

―Ahahaha. This feels so nice. Great! I thought I would have to deal with humans, but this is so
much fun.‖

On the other hand, Grand Duke Everdan‘s morale had risen. He didn‘t feel interested in humans,
but he enjoyed this battle against the Golden Gumiho.

―Make me feel more enjoyed!‖

She altered her plans in response to Grand Duke Everdan‘s demeanor.

„Let‟s fly higher.‟

It appears that if the fight continued here, the members would get hurt. The Golden Gumiho,
who thought of luring him, tried to fly.



―I see what you are doing. Beast.‖

Suddenly, Grand Duke Everdan appeared above her, clasped his hand around her head, and
slammed her.


A scream of pain escaped from her mouth. Even in the middle of it, the Golden Gumiho was able
to twist her body and sought to use her tail to weaken the impact.


Fortunately, she avoided destroying the main building. Grand Duke Everdan smiled bitterly as he
saw her frantically trying not to harm those around her.

―You seem worried about other things and aren‘t fighting properly. Then, I will erase your


Grand Duke Everdan raised his hand.

White spheres made of demonic power rose around the building.



The Golden Gumiho was frightened of what was about to happen. She quickly moved four of her
tails to wrap around the building, but Grand Duke Everdan laughed.

―You are slow, beast.‖

And when he clenched his fist, the spheres rushed to the building at once.

—- Nooooo!

It was then…

The sphere moving towards the building suddenly changed its direction and flew up.


Grand Duke Everdan was perplexed by what had occurred. Even his body lost its balance and
flew upward at that time.



The Golden Gumiho was also puzzled by what she saw.

Someone suddenly screamed.


That was the cry of the Gravity Witch, Yu So-hwa. She unfolded the Gravity Field, reversing the
field within the perimeter.

Thanks to that, Grand Duke Everdan couldn‘t stop and flew around.


Hundreds of spheres of flame appeared all around.


The Golden Gumiho glanced up on top of the building. Hu Bong and Mun Ran-yeong stood on
the roof, their hands up, directing the flame qi spheres.


―I know!‖

The two focused all their energy on Grand Duke Everdan, who was moving weirdly. Then the
spheres rushed at once.


―You people!‖
Grand Duke Everdan looked at the spheres approaching him while he was still moving weirdly
because of the gravitational field and tried to deflect the attack. However, another unexpected
support was there for the humans.



The terrifying wind came over and blew over him. The wind brought a vast amount of gale

―Hurry up!‖

It was Im So-Hye, the third secretary of Chun Yeowun.

She sought the help of Hu Bong and Mun Ran-yeong to test whether they could control the
sphere in zero gravity. Of course, even without that, the flames could reach Grand Duke, but
only with tremendous effort.



The moment the spheres of flame touched, a massive explosion occurred. If the gravitational
field hadn‘t made the Grand Duke float higher than the building, then the entire building would
have been blown away.



Baekgi, who was ready and prepared on the roof, blocked the explosion‘s aftermath that was
coming in with an Invisible Kick. So the four could concentrate on the attacks.

At that, the Golden Gumiho smiled.

— That is pretty fine.

She told them to run, but she was worried they didn‘t and tried to protect the building. However,
she didn‘t think they could think of such an attack.

—- Then, just to be sure.

She opened her mouth wide and concentrated the Yokai energy….


And shot out a golden beam of light to where the explosions occurred.


Grand Duke Everdan bounced it off before, but he couldn‘t avoid it since he was currently


The beam hit the right at the center of the explosion, and Hu Bong was delighted with it.

―Yeah! She did it!‖

It was a linking attack of those strongest here: the Golden Gumiho, the Divine Masters, and the
SS-Class people. Who could avoid it?


Yu So-hwa and Lim So-hye exhaustedly collapsed after doing their utmost to contain Grand
Duke Everdan, who was able to retaliate against them with his strength.

―M.. monster.‖

―I don‘t think I can do anything now.‖

Just looking at the veins on their foreheads and nosebleeds, one could tell how hard it was. They
did a great job tying up that one Grand Duke, which surpassed an S-class Alpha.

The Golden Gumiho praised them.

—- You did well. Still, we managed to kill one of the annoying… shit!

While talking, she suddenly looked up.


The demonic power suddenly shook. The faces of Hu Bong and others went stiff. The sky turned


―Everyone move!‖

Everyone shouted the same thing. At that moment, a huge silver light shone from the sky and
struck the building. The flash of light had a force that wanted to destroy the building and
everything around.

—- Ahhh!

The nine tails of the Gumiho quickly wrapped around the whole building, including its roof. In
that state, she opened her mouth and fired a golden beam at the silver flash.


Both rays of light collided. However, the gap between the two was entirely different. The golden
one didn‘t even last a few seconds and was overpowered by the silver light.


The silver flash which covered the Gumiho also covered the building. A gust of wind broke out
in all directions smashing down the other builds, and debris scattered up.



The demons and the other members who were in a fierce battle were injured at this and thrown
back. It was so powerful that it caused damage all over the place.

―W-what is this?‖

Chun Yu-jang, who looked at the smoke around, was confused. Hundreds of people were hurt
because of that flash that just happened.

However, in a situation where the demons were all injured, they were shouting.


―Advanced Awakening!‖

As seen by the demons, there was a monster in the sky above the site whose body was now silver
with only two eyes visible. It was Grand Duke Everdan.

— Damn things. How dare you target this Grand Duke!

Unlike the demons who cheered, the Grand Duke, which pride had been wounded in the last
attack, stared down in rage.

He had to resort to Advanced Awakening as he nearly lost his life because of the attacks.

— Ha!

He let out an exasperated sound from his mouth.

— Such a foolish beast. You sacrificed your body to stop it?

After the smoke cleared outside the main building, it can be seen that the Golden Gumiho‘s fur
was scorched. It was even more terrible to watch the blood pouring from the openly burnt flesh.


The scorched tail around the building fell down. Hu Bong, Mun Ran-yeong, and Baekgi
managed to stand there because of their regeneration, but Yu So-hwa and Lim So-hye had
―Miss Gumiho! Are you fine?‖

Hu Bong was saved thanks to her, so he asked to know her condition.

However, each tail around the building had fallen.

— thud!

―Miss Gumiho!‖

Besides Hu Bong, the other two people looking down hurried to her.

Only half of the Golden Gumiho‘s face remained normal.

Her eyes, which looked out of focus, only told them to…

[ Run away. ]

The fox was dying. She couldn‘t speak, yet she wanted to convey this to them through her eyes.

„So foolish.‟

Even she, herself, considered her actions to be foolish. She even wondered why she did this
when she knew she couldn‘t save them from the start.

However, she also knew the answer.

„Chun Ma…‟

She didn‘t want to see Chun Yeowun, who resembled her Chun Ma, be sad about losing the
people he cherished.

„Will he be sad if I die?‟

Tears welled in her eyes.

It wasn‘t that she was afraid of death.

„I want to see you.‟

She wanted to see his face just once before she died.

―Foolish beast.‖

Grand Duke Everdan, looking down at the Gumiho and the others around her, reached out his

―I will show you mercy and kill you all right now.‖


Silver light shone on his fingers. The size of this was much larger than the flash before. Which
meant he intended to destroy the entire area.

―There will be no more miracle, beast. As well as for you, humans who tried to attack me.‖

The shame isn‘t something he could recover from if he killed them once with his Advanced
Awakening, but it was his way to repay such humiliation.

Hu Bong, Mun Ran-yeong, and Baekgi closed their eyes in despair, knowing they couldn‘t stand

However, their despair vanished as they felt hopeless for disappointing their Lord.


„Lord Chun Ma.‟


The huge silver flash came onto them.

It was then…


The space where the silver flash should have hit was distorted, and something like a black hole
was creamed. It was a swinging black space.
And it sucked in the silver flash.


―The silver flash is gone?‖

The members of the cult and the demons trying to brace for the damage to it were shocked. Even
Grand Duke Everdan was flustered.

„What is that?‟

No one should have been able to block his attack unless they had the same strength as him or the
Demon King.



At that moment, he raised his head at the eerie feeling that came from above and saw…

— a Gate? When?

A massive Gate had opened up in the sky, and someone came out with a black suit.


Hu Bong saw this and cried out. Someone came out from the Gate, and it was no other than his
Lord, Chun Yeowun. Tears fell from the Gumiho, lying on the floor, looking dead.

‟… you are late.‟

It seemed like Chun Ma had granted her the request.

At the appearance of Chun Yeowun, who came back, all the Sky Demon Order members shouted
at once.


―Demon God! Demon God! Demon God!‖

The demons were puzzled when the morale of the humans, which had been suppressed due to the
Advanced Awakening, suddenly surged.

„Why are these people suddenly acting like this?‟


That wasn‘t the end.

Numerous beings began to appear from the open Gate. At first, they seemed to be around 1500
people, but they were demons.

— Ka-Kaliaf?

Grand Duke Everdan couldn‘t hide his shock. The demon in a red coat with a golden crown on
the right side of Chun Yeowun was Grand Duke Kaliaf.

„Why is he there?‟

And at the left was a demon with green eyes with tremendous power wearing a ragged black

He was Duke Joseph, the Night King of the Bamut prison.

After he came out of that place, his form turned back to normal and displayed his green hair and
tall figure.

―What should we do?‖

―Give us the order, Master.‖

At the attitude of the two high-ranking demons bowing their heads, the demons under the Demon
King couldn‘t understand this situation.

„Why are they doing that?‟

Chun Yeowun looked at the ground and had the order in the coldest voice.

―Kill all of them. Not a single one lives.‖

With that, Grand Duke Kaliaf shouted loud to inform the demons behind.

―You heard that! Our Master has commanded!‖

―Yes, Your Highness!!!‖


The demons that appeared from the Gate rushed to the ground at once.

Angel’s Corner

No Angel‟s Corner the other day since I was super busy. The definition above is by yours truly
. And, yay! Demon King Taura vs. Demon God Chun Yeowun is coming soon! I‘m telling you
since it‘s kinda not a spoiler anymore. Right? hehe



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 209 -
Rise of the Demon King (3)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Apr 16, 2022

• 11 min read • 4969 views


The war situation changed once again due to the appearance of the demon clan under Chun

They included the demons in the prison, who numbered over 500 and were all equal to Count or
even Marquis level demons.

The faces of the demons under the Demon King were dyed in tension at the tremendous power
they felt.

―They‘re coming!‖

―Stop them!‖

The demons gathered against the opponents they could fight well.

„W-what is this?‟

Commander Cho Yun, who was there with the National Guard, was in a trance, forgetting about
what had happened before that led him to the Yongchun site. What would he do now?

Not a single person under his command could say anything.

Demon King Taura‘s eerie and sharp eyes were looking at one being: Duke Joseph, who was
back in his normal form.

The green glow in his eyes sent a ghastly look towards the Demon King, but Duke Joseph looked
nothing like the last time Demon King Taura had seen him.

„He was alive?‟

The Demon King was sure that Duke Joseph was dead, but when he had appeared through the
Gate, only one thought went through his mind: the seed of strife.

Even since Taura ascended to the throne of the Demon King, Duke Joseph had constantly
threatened his existence.

„Kaliaf….and Joseph.‟

The two beings who doubted him were now together; how could this be anything but a good
opportunity? The Demon King smiled.

―Now, I can kill them both.‖


Although he was just expressing his emotions, a tremendous and intimidating sensation
emanated throughout the area.


All eyes were focused on him.

„What pressure!‟

„Is he a monster?‟

The Demon King‘s presence brought fear into everyone on the battlefield.

His ferocious aura was even strong enough to suffocate them.


Duke Joseph, who was about to descend to the ground at Chun Yeowun‘s command, stopped. He
realized that the energy was menacing enough to terrify the others, although he himself was not
scared at all.

For a long time, he had hated just one being, and now was an opportunity he couldn‘t let go of.

Duke Joseph covered his face with his right hand as a great pressure rose about and his whole
body was dyed green.

A disgusting smell spread out: the putrid smell of poison.

―Duke Joseph!‖

Grand Duke Kaliaf, who was heading down, couldn‘t hide his shock. He was worried that this
might happen and it did.

Duke Joseph was the one who always had habored anger towards Demon King Taura before
coming through the Gate, prompting Kaliaf to try to deter him.

―Duke Joseph, doing it alone is impossible—‖


He then heard someone scream. Grand Duke Kaliaf turned his head just as he saw a silver light
flying towards him.


Red eyes shone within a fully silver form: it was Everdan in his Advanced Awakening form.

―How dare you break the law and do this!‖

He was convinced that Kaliaf was committing treason, and was flying in to stop him.

Grand Duke Kaliaf was perplexed at Everdan‘s actions. In terms of strength, he was a step ahead
of Everdan, although after losing an arm to Chun Yeowun, his body was damaged and his
strength was not up to par..

„I can‟t do anything.‟

He couldn‘t handle him. Grand Duke Kaliaf raised his hand to his face and tried to use Advanced
Awakening, but,

Someone blocked Grand Duke Everdan, who was flying in quickly.


Grand Duke Everdan immediately moved up avoid being blocked and lightly moved his hand to
cut down the hindrance.


The opponent however, simply blocked his attack. However, the successful block wasn‘t even
the most surprising part:

„A human?‟

It wasn‘t someone from the demon clan who blocked his attack, but rather a human: Chun

Everdan had forgotten about Kaliaf‘s betrayal, and was now more concerned about the human.

―Human, you seem to be quite good. I want to play with you but I do not have the time to deal—

―Did you do that?‖


Chun Yeowun extended his finger, pointing at the form of the golden Gumiho with burned fur
and skin.

Although it was such a horrible sight, Everdan laughed.

―I see. Looks like you want to take revenge for that beast.‖

―So you did that?‖

Chun Yeowun‘s voice seemed strange. Taking the chance, Grand Duke Everdan provoked him.

―Isn‘t it nice to eat something once it is burned? If you want, I can make you like—‖

At that moment, Chun Yeowun‘s hand went to his head.

Grand Duke Everdan, who felt defenseless as it happened, thought the attempt was absurd.

―How dare you, a human, hold the head of a Grand Duke—‖

―Are you ready for this?‖




Before Grand Duke Everdan could even ask what this was, Chun Yeowun‘s finger poked into his
head. The Grand Duke‘s Advanced Awakening body, which he was so proud of, was pierced as
Chun Yeowun‘s finger kept digging in deeper.

―You bastard!‖

Both of the hands of Grand Duke Everdan,who was angry and in pain, were dyed in flashing
silver lights: Silver Flash.

As if controlling the lights, he tried to cut Chun Yeowun‘s body in half, but Chun Yeowun‘s
hands were quicker.




When Chun Yeowun struck down the head with the motion of a hammer, Grand Duke Everdan‘s
neck broke with the sound of his head digging into his body, which fell limp onto the ground.

Swoosh! Thud!
―I‘ll be back. Stay here for a second.‖

Chun Yeowun said to Kaliaf and went down to the ground.

Grand Duke Kaliaf, who was watching everything unfoled, pointed Chun Yeowun to the place
where Duke Joseph was rushing to: the Demon King.


He had to stop the Demon King. The neck of Grand Duke Everdan, who had fallen down, grew
from his body as he returned.


Although not as proficient as Grand Duke Kaliaf, he was regenerating. Grand Duke Kaliaf shook
his head to the side as if feeling dizzy.


From that one blow, Grand Duke Everdan realized that his opponent wasn‘t any weaker than

‗Is he actually human?‘

The blow that Chun Yeowun inflicted caused a serious injury to him, something he had never
experienced since becoming a Grand Duke.


Chun Yeowun landed right in front of Grand Duke Everdan, who hurriedly tried to stretch out
his hand to hit Chun Yeowun with the silver flash. At that moment, however, something passed
through his shoulder.



His right arm was severed before he could use it.

„This is some crazy shit!‟

Losing the chance to attack, Grand Duke Everdan panicked and moved back.

„I will die if this continues.‟

Grand Duke Everdan, who judged that moving back was the best move, decided to use Silver
Flash on his entire body.


Using Silver Flash on his whole body was something he could only use while in his Advanced
Awakening state, and it would cause enemies who attacked him to receive damage as well.

‗It would be better to keep this distance than to subdue him…‘


However, Chun Yeowun appeared right in front of him. Despite the sudden presence that
approached him once more, Grand Duke Everdan stayed still as Chun Yeowun stretched out his


Grand Duke Everdan laughed at Chun Yeowun‘s attempt to attack him; his entire body was
protected by Silver Flash so Chun Yeowun‘s close-combat would benefit Everdan.

However, it only turned out to be an illusion.


Chun Yeowun‘s hand filled with black flames.


Chun Yeowun‘s hand, dyed in black flame, then grabbed Grand Duke Everdan‘s face.

The Silver Flash that Grand Duke Everdan used on his own face then began to burn and Chun
Yeowun didn‘t hesitate to throw the Grand Duke to the floor.


The moment he hit the floor, the ground cracked. The force was so powerful that a 100 meter
wide crater was created on impact.

However, the pain that Grand Duke Everdan felt was more intense than that.


Black flames spread from his face to his entire body, burning down the Silver Flash surrounding
his body and penetrating into his body.



Grand Duke Everdan screamed at the black flame burning him on the inside and outside. He
struggled to escape Chun Yeowun‘s grasp, but the more he squirmed and resisted, the stronger
the flame burned.

―Let go! Kuak! Please! Let—‖

Chun Yeowun spoke to the suffering demon,

―Didn‘t you say things are better burnt? Let‘s burn you to a crisp.‖

„T-this bastard?‟

At those words, Grand Duke Everdan felt chills run down his spine; the burning he received was
exponentially worse than what he had inflicted on the Gumiho.

The golden Gumiho, who was losing her consciousness, saw something black appear in her eyes,
which had no energy.

It was Grand Duke Everdan, who was fully black; the only things that stood out from his figure
were his crimson eyes.

―Please… please… just kill me.‖

Grand Duke Everdan looked at her, begging to be killed. He was in so much pain because the
seemingly undying black flames, which would eternally torture him as his body regenerated
through the flames.

It was refreshing to see such a monster begging.

―It is unfortunate that a Great Yokai beast had to fight such trash.‖

A blunt voice rang in her ears, and upon hearing it, her eyes lit up.

„Chun Ma…‟

When she opened her eyes, she saw Chun Yeowun holding the nape of the demon, causing her to

„They are so alike.‟

Even though he never said it, Chun Yeowun hated it when she touched him. Every time she saw
Chun Yeowun, she was reminded of the same scent as the first Chun Ma, which made her feel

With the last of her strength, she expressed her will:

―I am… glad… I got… to… see… you… before… I died.‖

Her energy was barely detectable and she was tire, but seeing Chun Yeowun for the last time
meant a lot to her.

―You… came… sooner… than… your… ancestor…‖

The golden Gumiho lost the last signs of life in her eyes, prompting Chun Yeowun to place his
hand on her forehead.
―Who‘s sending you away?‖

―If you like… me… so much… don‘t… pretend otherwise…‖

―Don‘t get it mixed up.‖



At that moment, yokai energy rushed through her forehead.


Her eyes, which were dulled and out of focus, trembled.

If she had simply been given yokai energy it would have taken time for her to accept it, but Chun
Yeowun didn‘t use just any yokai energy: the yokai energy he gave her was her own.

―Instead of giving you my power, I‘ll let you take yours back.‖

It was her yokai energy that he had absorbed in the past and was finally utilized properly. The
body of the Gumiho, which had been burned and was trembling, began to regenerate again.

Looking at her improving condition, Chun Yeowun mumbled,

―Have some more.‖

At those words, the golden Gumiho grinned.

Meanwhile, something horrible was happening in the sky.


Duke Joseph had his neck in the hands of the Demon King; he had rushed ahead only to
tragically die as he was exhaling green poison.

His lower body seemed to be in a horrible state.

―Kuak!… Kuak!‖

Far away, Grand Duke Kaliaf‘s Advanced Awakening was stopped by a huge black hand.

‗This… this difference…‘

Duke Joseph, who had grown stronger in Bamut, was amazed.

He, who was the best of the three Grand Dukes, had jumped in, but the result didn‘t change.

The Demon King hadn‘t even True Awakened; his power could be as strong as God.

―What, did you believe you could attack? Duke Joseph, you should have hidden yourself till the

Demon King Taura laughed at their mistakes with an eerie smile. With difficulty, Joseph



―Larisha is back‖


The lower body of Demon King trembled. Puzzled by what was happening with the Arisha
armor on his body, he felt a sharp energy.


Demon King Taura removed his hand from Duke Joseph as a black line cut through the air.


If he was a moment later, the wrist holding Duke Joseph would have been cut.


The Demon King‘s eyes narrowed as he felt the power and raised his head towards Chun

―Are you the Demon King?‖

The Demon King frowned at Chun Yeowun, who was speaking arrogantly from a higher position
in the sky.



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Chapter 210 -
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Demon God, the Great Demon King (1)

Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Apr 17, 2022

• 13 min read • 5249 views

The Demon God‘s Evil Eye exuded vicious energy. It was utterly unacceptable for someone to
look down on the Great Demon King.

Especially if that someone was a human.


The Demon King looked at Chun Yeowun. A strong feeling of pressure suddenly arose from
above, trying to weigh down the human.


Grand Duke Kaliaf exclaimed in shock. A massive black hand appeared over Chun Yeowun‘s
head, attempting to crush him like an insect. Chun Yeowun swiftly grabbed his sword.


A huge invisible sword with a faint black color appeared above Chun Yeowun‘s head and
blocked the enormous black hand that was about to crush him.


A tremendous wind sprang up all around them as the two forces collided. It was more than
enough to draw the attention of those fighting around.

The Demon King‘s eyes then shone.

„He isn‟t an ordinary human.‟

The ability he displayed wasn‘t something a human could stop. Even Grand Duke Kaliaf, who
was known to be the strongest of the Grand Dukes, was caught by the hand and couldn‘t move.

―Are you really a human?‖

The surprised Demon King Taura asked.

Before Chun Yeowun could even speak, Duke Joseph, whose lower body was shredded, shouted
in pain.
―Taura! This is the Larisha you were afraid of. You will have to come down from that throne you
took by breaking the law!‖


The Demon King‘s eyes turned cold as he looked at Chun Yeowun‘s face while unable to decide
what to make of Duke Joseph‘s claim. Then he laughed out loud, believing it was absurd.

―Do you think that this King cannot recognize Larisha?‖

Duke Joseph tried to refute the Demon King‘s denial, but something huge appeared beneath him
before doing so.



Something black, gigantic, and round opened its mouth wide and tried to swallow him. Duke
Joseph, whose injuries were so severe and hadn‘t regenerated yet, was quickly caught and eaten.

Chun Yeowun used his invisible sword to stop it, but it was already too late.


The sword was stuck inside the sphere.

„I couldn‟t even feel it.‟

Chun Yeowun‘s eyes darkened. At that moment, a squeaking sound came from inside the
enormous black sphere.


Chun Yeowun moved near it and then used the stuck sword to slash it.


This time, it wasn‘t just the invisible sword, but a black line split the sphere.

The swallowed Duke Joseph was released afterward. As if it was a mouth, he looked like chewed
food as his form now looked horrible, and his skin looked so dry like all the moisture he had left
was drained.


―Duke Joseph!‖

Grand Duke Kaliaf couldn‘t hide his concern. With this degree of injury, it was dangerous even
if his nucleus wasn‘t damaged.

The Demon King approached Chun Yeowun.


At that moment, a green-lighted pillar of fifty meters in diameter with a foul odor fell close to
Chun Yeowun.


The poison and green light were Duke Joseph‘s ability.

Chun Yeowun quickly swung his sword.


The pillar of green light immediately split and fell to the ground.



A commotion began underneath them. It was okay if they were the only ones there, but there
were members of the cult right beneath them and some demons as well.

Chun Yeowun stretched out his hand to the bottom then a black hole appeared, pulling in the
parts of the pillar that was falling.


―Pretty good.‖

Suddenly, the Demon King appeared in front of Chun Yeowun and pulled his fist at him. At that
moment, the space twisted like a whirlwind.

„Unification of energies?‟

It was similar to Chun Yeowun‘s technique. The Demon King gathered his might into a fist
capable of twisting the space and punched Chun Yeowun in the chest.

— wooo!

A roaring sound was heard as if an explosion had happened. With that, Chun Yeowun bounced
off like a ball. He flew almost a few hundred meters. Chun Yeowun‘s crossed wrists were
severely trembling as it was the first thing to receive the impact to reduce the damage he could
get from the attack.

Chun Yeowun‘s eyes turned serious.

„Slightly above the Grand Duke level.‟

Demon King Taura didn‘t just randomly wield his fist; he knew how to use his demonic powers
perfectly, like how Murim warriors use their qi.

It has been a really long time since Chun Yeowun‘s body received some damage.


The sound came from the cracked bones in his wrists being put together. This is because Chun
Yeowun had tremendous regeneration ability because of the absorbed cores of the Spirit Beasts
and Nano.

Chun Yeowun sprinted through the air.


At that time, the Demon King appeared right before him again. The speed of his movement was
enough for him to also be called a Wind God.

―Your name is Larisha? He would feel ashamed if he heard it.‖

The Demon King laughed and tried to kick Chun Yeowun. During the kick, the wind around
them seemed to gather, and once again, it felt like the unification technique Chun Yeowun

As the kick was aimed at him, Chun Yeowun drew the sword towards the Demon King‘s leg.


A black line appeared as Chun Yeowun‘s counterattack. The Demon King quickly twisted his
body to avoid it, so the black line only appeared behind him, slashing nothing.

„He avoided it?‟

This was the first time this had happened — a situation where the Supreme Sky Demon Sword
Art was avoided.

The Demon King kicked Chun Yeowun on his shoulder without giving him a chance to react.


However, Chun Yeowun managed to avoid it, and the pressure from the leg that was used to kick
him went above.

He then tried to pierce the forehead of the Demon King.


The Demon King struck Chun Yeowun‘s wrist with his other foot.

Pak! Slash!
With that, he was able to redirect the black line that was aimed at him.


The Demon King disappeared from there and appeared several meters above the line. Then he
pretended to clasp his hands while looking at Chun Yeowun.

And then…


Huge black hands appeared from left and right as if trying to clap some mosquito. Chun Yeowun
stretched out his swords using both hands.


After that, the two huge invisible swords arose and stabbed the giant black hands which were
trying to crush Chun Yeowun.


Meanwhile, the Demon King appeared from the top and tried to kick Chun Yeowun again.

―You are done.‖

The Demon King stated his notion, deciding it was his victory. Contrary to his belief, there was
no reason that Chun Yeowun couldn‘t stop it.

―What nonsense.‖


Chun Yeowun motioned to kick his enemy with unified energies. The leg he used to attack
collided with the Demon King‘s leg that was also about to hit him. When the two kicks, which
were of the same manner, clashed, the clouds in the sky were instantly pushed out.


A smile crept across the Demon King‘s lips.

Thanks to Chun Yeowun, who fights on the same level as him, a strong desire for victory
replaced the other emotions.

The Demon King‘s hand and feet moved quickly.


Of course, Chun Yeowun responded to it.


They hit and blocked the attacks by moving freely in the air and reading the others‘ attacks. Each
time that happened, the clouds would move. Since they were exchanging attacks with the
unification technique, it was no less than a fatal blow.

―Oh my…‖

―The human is fighting on an equal footing with the Demon King.‖

The demons who were watching this from below were lost in thoughts. He was the Demon King
who was nothing less than a God for them. However, they saw such a God fight with a human
who was supposed to be below them and should not have been able to fight on equal footing.

―What an insane fight.‖

―…it isn‘t a human‘s fight.‖

This was also true for the members of the Sky Demon Order.

The battle they are witnessing has an outstanding level of power that couldn‘t be compared to the
battles of the Murim warriors. Each time the two collided, thunder, lightning, and clouds cracked


Chun Yu-jang approached Chun Woo-jin, the Lord. While looking at the sky, he asked,

―Is Ancestor alright?‖


Chun Yu-jang was worried about it, and Chun Woo-jin couldn‘t answer him.

He firmly believed in their Demon God, Chun Yeowun, who was a legend in the Sky Demon
Order, but the existence from the Gate was a monster that humanity had never faced.

The confrontation between the two beings was already on another level, to the extent that they
thought it was a war between the gods.

―I am only certain of one thing.‖


―The fate of the cult—no, humanity—is at stake here.‖


The confrontation in the sky which was happening was like a thunderstorm.

It was telling that this destruction wouldn‘t end with just the Sky Demon Order.


Chun Yeowun‘s three subordinates: Hu Bong, Mun Ran-yeong, and Baekgi, who were also in
the warm below, held their breaths as they looked up at the unfathomable fight.

They had absolute faith in Chun Yeowun, yet their faces weren‘t confident as this was a scale of
fight they had never experienced.

„For Lord to fight this fiercely.‟

This wasn‘t Chun Yeowun‘s usual style.

Looking at the fight above, the Demon King and Chun Yeowun moved and collided where there
was no time to think of a plan or breathe, and the two couldn‘t even be seen with the naked eye.

A single attack would have taken down a mountain if they were on the ground.
„A slight mistake in the fight….‟

There will always be a difference between winning and losing, and a sight they had never seen
before might unfold.

It might be the defeat of Chun Yeowun, the Demon God.

―It could be dangerous… Hu Bong.‖

Upon hearing that, Hu Bong shouted at Baekgi‘s words.

―What nonsense! Our Demon God doesn‘t lose to a Demon King! Ugh! Our Lord will win!!‖

Hearing Hu Bong‘s cry, the cult members began to cheer.

―Demon God! Demon God! Demon God!‖

The cheers, which came one after another, spread throughout the Yongchun Group.

Cheering boosts morale. At that, even the demons under the Demon King began to shout.

―Demon King! Demon King! Demon King!‖

A battle between their heads.

Their shouts which were cheers of support, couldn‘t be heard by those above.

Both the ones above couldn‘t hear the screams as they were focused on their battle.


The two clashed their fists and bounced back. The Demon King‘s eyes were much sharper than
before. Rather than winning, the fight, which constantly extended, was hurting his pride.

Looking at Chun Yeowun, he said,

―You are pretty good for a human. You are the first to fight like this against me other than
Larisha and Talisha.‖

―Same here.‖
Chun Yeowun responded briefly. It was also the first time he had seen something this strong.

It had been a long time since he had a fight where he couldn‘t miss his concentration.

„But this isn‟t his full power.‟

The Demon King hadn‘t awakened yet.

It was right for Chun Yeowun to kill a monster like this before he used Advanced Awakening,
but the opponent could dodge the Supreme Sky Demon Sword Art.

„It is fine. An enemy who can avoid that sword….‟

The world is wide—the Demon King has proved that the single sword which could destroy
everything wasn‘t invincible.

Then the Demon King spoke again to Chun Yeowun.

―I can see why Larisha was obsessed with humans. Good. I‘ll give you a chance.‖


―An honor for you to become the right arm of the King.‖

At that chance which was presented, Chun Yeowun laughed.

The words that came out of Grand Duke Kaliaf‘s mouth were the same.

―Are you seriously laughing right now?‖

The Demon King‘s expression went stiff with displeasure. With that, Chun Yeowun shook his
head and said.

―You need to be stronger than me to be able to say something like that‖

The Demon King suddenly laughed at his words.

The Demon King, who laughed like a crazy man, immediately reached Chun Yeowun. Quickly,
Chun Yeowun used the sword to defend.

Then suddenly, a certain energy in Chun Yeowun‘s head had scattered.


The Demon King smiled at it.

―Did you think that this King who fought you will be unaware of the power you possess?‖


―It is something I passed to the three Grand Dukes.‖

One of the scattered abilities was the Advanced Awakening that Chun Yeowun absorbed from

At the moment when it scattered, Chun Yeowun immediately noticed.

―I can call back my power at any time. If you left that as the trump card, then you are mistaken.

Demon King Taura waved his hand at Chun Yeowun, and a shadow opened regardless of Chun
Yeowun‘s will.

As he pulled something….


They were weapons of Arisha. They were the wheel, the staff, and the spear that were kept.

Then he continued speaking.

―You aren‘t even using the most powerful weapons you have. Human.‖

As soon as he said that, the wheel, staff, and spear disassembled, turned into armor, and went to
the Demon King‘s body.

A strange cry came from the armor that the Demon King wore.

— kirrrrrrrkikrkkkkkkk!

It was a painful scream. The Demon King looked at Chun Yeowun‘s wrist and leg with dark

He was eying at the rest of Arisha‘s weapons.

―I don‘t know how you, a human, got that. However, they are the treasures that only the King,
like me, can handle and exert their power. It is only through me.‖


As he reached out, Arisha‘s weapons on Chun Yeowuns screamed.

— Kikiikkkkk!

— Kyaakkkkk!

They were screaming as if they were desperate to escape, and soon enough, they were


One turned into a whip, and the other turned into a blade, then quickly flew to the Demon King
and turned into a wrist guard and an ankle guard.

It wasn‘t something they could stop. However, the Demon King‘s expression turned strange.

He motioned to pull one thing.


A single weapon didn‘t come back to him. It was the right wrist guard, the sword.
―Come here.‖

The Demon King tried to pull it again.


And the black wrist guard changed into a sword. Seeing that, the Demon King smiled.



It moved to Chun Yeowun‘s hands as it turned into a sword, not to him. The Demon King
couldn‘t understand it.


In his reaction, Chun Yeowun looked at the sword in his hand. They called this as Arisha‘s
sword, starting with the Demon King, but it wasn‘t that for Chun Yeowun.

―Sky Demon Sword.‖


At Chun Yeowun‘s call, a clear resonance sounded from the sword. As if it was answering its
master‘s call.



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Chapter 211 -
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Demon God, the Great Demon King (2)

Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Apr 18, 2022

• 11 min read • 5046 views



The Sky Demon Sword resonated.

Demon King Taura couldn‘t understand it. All of Arisha‘s armors were mentally connected to
the power of the Demon King and those who inherited the title.

Therefore, no matter who it was, others could not bring out the true abilities of the weapons.
However, the sword rejected the King‘s call.


He tried to retrieve the sword by increasing his power, but the Sky Demon Sword didn‘t move
from Chun Yeowun‘s hand, causing anger to arise in the Demon King‘s eyes.

―You, who are supposed to protect the King, choose your own master? Fine. Then I will kill the
master you like so much.‖


When the Demon King extended his hand, the guard on his ankle turned into a whip.

He then swung it as it extended towards Chun Yeowun. In response, the Sky Demon Sword
resonated and shook as if asking to be swung.

Chun Yeowun smiled as he held onto it.

―You seem to know, Sky Demon Sword.‖


Chun Yeowun wielded the Sky Demon Sword in response to the approaching whip. As Chun
Yeowun waited for the approaching whip, the Demon King shouted,

―Arisha‘s whip is used like this.‖


When he injected his own demonic power into the whip, the whip turned thick and infinitely
long, rotating around Chun Yeowun like a barrier.

Arisha‘s whip had the ability to seal the opponent and surrounded Chun Yeowun slowly,
reducing the space around him.

Chun Yeowun held out the sword.

„Demon God Sword Art.‟

When he moved the Sky Demon Sword next, he performed the most splendid sword art.


Twenty four forms of swords interlocked into a complex form as they moved and created a net:
this was the 3rd form of Demon God Sword Art.


The sword art created a sharp net like a tornado, repelling the pressure from the tightening whip.

The whip, which was trying to trap him, couldn‘t help but be thrown off as the Demon King
extended his other hand.
―Go and help.‖


The helmet then disassembled into the wheel and moved at an incredible speed towards the whip.

The armor of his lower body also disassembled into 12 daggers.


The flying wheel and the 12 daggers were imbued with the Demon King‘s powers and moved to
target Chun Yeowun‘s limbs. Seeing the weapons move, Chun Yeowun mumbled,.

―It‘s been a while since I went back to the basics.‖

With that, Chun Yeowun stretched out his hand into the shadow realm and pulled out something.


It was a sword with a white blade that made the sharpest sound: the White Dragon Blade, one of
Chun Yeowun‘s two great weapons, was revealed.


As Chun Yeowun held the Sky Demon Sword in his right hand and the White Dragon Blade in
the left, the cheers from the spectators grew stronger.


It was the cry of the members of the Sky Demon Order. Everyone was enthusiastic when the
right and left swords of the rumored legend appeared. Chun Yeowun‘s three subordinates, Hu
Bong, Mun Ran-yeong and Baekgi, were also thrilled at the sight.

―Lord, show us!‖

Hu Bong exclaimed excitedly.

Both the swords in Chun Yeowun‘s hands resonated.

‗You must be happy.‘

He thought as he held the two swords, which were happy to be back with their counterparts.

Chun Yeowun smiled, infused the two weapons with the Sky Demon energy, and started
performing their respective techniques.


In the right was Demon God Sword Art‘s 4th form, the Relentless Changing Sea, while in the left
was the White Dragon Blade that used Seven Slashing Blade Technique‘s 7th form.


The strongest sword and blade techniques unfolded at the same time in an unfamiliar way, and
the incoming impact and effects could be felt by the Demon King.

„What is this?‟

The sword and blade created a destructive flow, which wasn‘t easy to deal with.

With a stiff expression, the Demon King moved his hand further to make sure that his three
Arisha‘s weapons could pierce through a gap.



There was no gap because the sword and blade were moving together perfectly. Unexpectedly,
the weapons of Arisha were being caught in the weapons‘ violent movements and thrown out


When the three weapons of Arisha were deflected, Demon King Taura couldn‘t help but feel

During the third war, these three weapons were the combination he used to defeat Talisha‘s
closest aides at the same time.


As techniques unfolded on both sides and three of Arisha‘s weapons thrown away by their
synergy, the sword and blade rushed towards the Demon King.

With a stiff expression, he shouted,.

―You seem to know martial arts, but don‘t push your luck!‖


Black light shone from his eyes and something huge appeared in front of Chun Yeowun, who
was wielding the sword and blade.

It was a gigantic sphere that was about a hundred yards tall, much larger than the one that had
been used to eat Duke Joseph.


This time, Chun Yeowun was the target of the black sphere, causing the members of the Sky
Demon Order to hold their breath out of anticipation and anxiety.

The demons under the Demon King began to cheer.


―Right, I knew this would come.‖

Chun Yeowun‘s eyes, which were focused on properly wielding his weapons, were as sharp as
ever. At that moment, a change happened in the trajectory of the weapons.

The space, which was touched by the blade and sword, was broken.

„Space Sword!‟

It was the Space Sword!

He wove the Space Sword into the techniques of the sword and blade on either side to create a
Space Sword that was twice as powerful.

Even the Demon King Taura was terrified of the change.

―You seem to be talented, but your attempt is futile. Enough.‖

The black sphere opened its mouth wider than ever. The Space Sword, which had become one
with the techniques dug, into the black sphere created by the Demon King.


Everyone then saw the black sphere consume Chun Yeowun.


Hu Bong was surprised by the sight, as he thought that Chun Yeowun‘s technique would slice
through sphere. However, the sphere ended up devouring him.

―Ahahaha! There we have it!‖

―Did you think that anyone could survive in front of His Majesty Demon King‘s Dimensional

―Still, he fought well for a human, but the end is the same.‖

The result created an atmosphere full of happiness from the Demon King‘s army, which was
convinced that the Demon King won.

However, this happiness didn‘t last long.

The sound of something cracking was heard by everyone, distorting Demon King Taura‘s


A crack formed in the huge sphere; the demons who watched it were bewildered.

―I-it‘s splitting.‖


Light shone from within the crack. The Demon King‘s face was very telling that something had
gone wrong and he finally let out a scream.


At the same time, black smoke came from his mouth.


Parts of the black sphere cracked and bounced in all the directions, and the traces of the swords
that destroyed it could be seen.



The members of the Sky Demon Order cheered at once they saw Chun Yeowun.

Chun Yeowun had destroyed the black sphere, but he didn‘t stop there and moved towards the
Demon King while still using the Space Sword.


The technique moved like a tidal wave as it was imbued with the Space Blade and tried to sweep
away the Demon King, who was coughing out black smoke.

The Demon King, whose Dimensional Creature broke, flew back. Not missing the chance, the
Space Sword went after him.

Demon King wiped away the soot from the black smoke that was on his lips, revealing a sneaky

―Alright, I acknowledge you. You are worthy of being an enemy of mine! But now, I will show
you the true power of the King.‖


Moving back, the Demon King covered his face with both of his hands. Seeing that, Chun
Yeowun‘s eyes widened as he kept unfolding the Space Sword.

‗Advanced Awakening?‘

No, this seemed different. The act of covering the face with just one hand and gathering all the
demonic power at one point and exploding it out was the essence of the Advanced Awakening.



At that moment, the space where the Demon King was turned black. But, it didn‘t stop there: in
an instant, the entire area was dyed in black.

Thanks to that, the Space Sword suddenly had to confront the black space.


The violent pounding resounded everywhere, as if the two swords were hitting something sturdy
like a wall.

―Oh my…‖

―J-just what is that…‖

The members of the Sky Demon Order were shocked by the sight.
They were stunned as they didn‘t know what to believe. The black space that the Space Sword
collided with in actuality was not black space.

Chun Yu-jang mumbled in a trembling voice.


Everyone looked up, seeing a pitch-black giant large enough to bring night onto the Yongchun
site. At first glance, it seemed like a four hundred meter tall black sheet.

However, the demonic power that is exuded was suffocating the people of the Sky Demon Order.
The Space Sword couldn‘t cut through its existence and was blocked.

―H-how can that be killed?‖

The giant appearance that people thought only existed in stories was in front of them.


The demons didn‘t cheer at the Demon King‘s changed form, but rather knelt down and bowed
to him.

It was a courtesy to the King‘s transformation into his true Demon King form.


Chun Yeowun, who was wielding the Space Sword, stopped and moved as far away as he could.
The Demon King‘s eyes, which seemed to be pure manifestations of evil, were looking down at


He uttered a single word that echoed around. Just one word was indescribably electrifying.

“I will pay a tribute to your strength. This is the third time that I, the King, will show the
true form to anyone after Larisha and Talisha.”

It was hard for him to bear the consequences of using his true form, so he tried not to overuse it.
The Demon King.

His awakened body that contained all the demonic power of the past Demon Kings.

It was no exaggeration to say he had enough power to destroy a planet alone.

“In front of this King, the power to manipulate the space is nothing! I will now show you
the power to rule both Heaven and Earth!”

Grrr! Bang!

Dark clouds gathered in the sky as if heaven and earth responded to his call. Darkness was
everywhere, thunder and lightning raged across, and hurricane winds blew in every direction.


The earth shook like an earthquake, and everyone on the ground could feel the change of heaven
and earth and were filled with fear.

―I-is this really…‖

Cho Yun, the commander, fell to the ground. Despite being soldiers, the officers rest of the army
were humans and thus lost all hope.

―The end.‖

The sound of completely giving up came from the golden Gumiho‘s mouth. She was someone
who believed in Heaven and Earth, but the scene she was witnessing made it impossible for her
to have any remaining hope.

―This… is the realm of Gods.‖

It wasn‘t something a human or yokai beast could handle.

She thought that even if the 1st Chun Ma was revived, he Wouldn‘t triumph against the Demon

“Human, it was interesting. Now I will erase you and those beneath you from the world.”

The giant Demon King slowly moved his hand towards Chun Yeowun, but as he looked down at
Chun Yeowun‘s form, it suddenly disappeared and appeared in front of his face.

“Spatial Movement? In my hand I will—”

―Demon King.‖


Chun Yeowun cut off his words and called him.

The Demon King looked at Chun Yeowun, who was smaller than a bug to him, with puzzled
eyes as Chun Yeowun smiled and asked,

―The power to rule Heaven and Earth, was it? Then, I should show you.‖

“What do you mean?”

He narrowed his eyes and looked at a smiling Chun Yeowun, who raised his hand up.

―This is the Void that moves even the principles of the universe.‖



That was when a huge change occurred in the sky, which turned dark. Everyone who watched
the phenomenon from the ground had their mouths wide-open out of shock.

―L-Look there!‖

―The Sky is splitting open!‖

The sky was splitting even higher than where the giant Demon King was.

In the cracked sky was not blue but rather the universe of countless stars.

―The universe?‖
―Are we looking at the universe?‖

Everyone was confused.

Even the giant Demon King‘s eyes trembled at the appearance of the universe.

“What the hell…”

This wasn‘t really the universe, but rather the chaos itself that was created when Heaven and
Earth were split.

Chun Yeowun clenched his teeth and with his hands in the air, as if pulling the universe with all
his might.

Crack! Goooo!

The universe, which was filled with starlight, began to shake.

“You, what are you trying to do?”

―Look, that is my power.‖

As soon as Chun Yeowun finished speaking, all stars began simultaneously move in the shaking
and trembling universe.



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Chapter 212 -
Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord

Demon God, the Great Demon King (3)

Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Apr 19, 2022

• 10 min read • 5370 views



Nano Suit (Gatelinium Nano Suit) — a black tight-fit suit made out of Gatelinium that looks like
armor with no gaps.

―There! Look over there!‖

―The stars are shaking!‖

The universe was revealed in the open sky. Stars seemed to fall from the sky at any moment in
the fast-moving universe.

Those who watched it from the ground were shocked.

Of course, humans weren‘t the only ones astounded by the unbelievable sight.

―D-does that make sense?‖

―How can this happen?‖

Even the demons who were bowing to the Demon King were now confused. The appearance of
the starlight, which seemed to burst, wasn‘t some scenic sight.
There were meteors in it.


―T-they are falling!‖

It was true. The stars grew huge and started falling, turning the scene into a meteor shower—the
sight of meteors falling right in front of their eyes.

It turned the lightning, thunder, and hurricane into nothing.

―T-this… is crazy!‖

―Is he going to blow up the planet?‖

―Everyone avoid it!‖

They considered the power of the Demon King a wonder. However, even the demons were
experiencing fear for the first time when they looked at the meteor shower continuously pouring
down from space.

―You bastards! This is the true strength of my Lord!‖

Hu Bong suddenly felt happy as he shouted at the demons. Suddenly, holding his shoulder, Mun
Ran-yeong spoke in a worried voice.

―Bong Bong… shouldn‘t we avoid it?‖

―Honestly, why are you saying….‖

―Say that after looking up?‖

―Up? Up… Oh.‖


The sight of the meteor shower in the cracked sky seemed like it could destroy everything. The
meteors kept coming closer, bigger, and more dangerous.
The demons didn‘t just feel the pressure but even those of Earth.

„This man is….‟

The eyes of the Demon King, who was still in his giant form, shook. At this force, it seemed like
the demon-like human didn‘t mind destroying the entire Earth along with him.

„A sacrifice?‟

Otherwise, one wouldn‘t do such a thing.

“You are truly crazy, human.”

The Demon King could no longer stand what he was seeing. He didn‘t expect things would turn
out like this. He then moved his gigantic body.


As if holding the sky, the Demon King stretched out his hand towards the place where the
meteors moved.

In the place where he reached out, black discs appeared orderly and formed into a shield.


―Everyone avoid it!‖

Everyone moved away, from demons to Sky Demon Order members. Large chunks of light were
dropping from the sky.


Pang! Pang!

When the chunks of light collided with the black disc, they shattered, splattering their bits all
over the place. As a result, they tumbled to the ground, surrounded by flames.

Bang! Bang!
Maybe it was luck? The fragments all fell outside the Yongchun Group.


It was an unusual sight.

It appeared as though Chun Yeowun was trying to destroy the world, and the Demon King was
urgently attempting to stop him, given how frequently he made the black discs.

However, the falling meteors or chunks of light always pierced his defenses.


One of those huge meteors slammed into the shoulder of the Demon King.


His giant body swayed from one side to another.

Grand Duke Kaliaf, who had escaped the black hand that had captured him earlier, moved Duke
Joseph and gazed at the Demon King, who stood hundreds of meters tall.

―… is it really Larisha‘s Advent?‖

The Demon Kings‟ Existences.

It was a power possessed only by the Demon King. If it was in that state, the head of the Talisha
clan had to come to take him down.

But then, an unbelievable thing happened.

The Demon King, who was the strongest, was shaken after being hit once.

„What is this?‟

It was absurd that the Demon King was hurt.

The descending meteors, obscured by the barriers created, were now going towards the spaces
between the defenses.
„How can he handle the meteors so freely?‟

Even the Demon King couldn‘t pull it off. The more objects there are around, the less control
one has over the minor aspects.



Was it because he was careless?

Another meteor struck the Demon King‘s chest. The gigantic Demon King was pushed
backward. It was an incredibly destructive force that the Demon King could only sustain.

Kwang! Kwang!

Afterward, another three meteors passed through the barrier.

Two of them flew outside the site of Yongchun, and the other one….



It was dropping exactly where the demons were swarming.





The power of the stars, or whatever it was, was beyond comprehension. Around 80 demons
within a 100-meter radius were reduced to ashes the instant they reached the ground.

It was a sight the Demon King couldn‘t believe.

„This bastard! He is controlling this meteor shower in detail.‟

This was something the Demon King was sure of.

White particles were rapidly moving in Chun Yeowun‘s eyes. It was augmented reality.

[Panel System operation rate 170%. 68% of the user‘s body is being burdened.]

It was the 7th Gen Nanomachine that had this computing power. That helped relieve the burden
on Chun Yeowun, who was using the Sutras.

It made the attack more detailed and precise so as to not hurt others.



Another starlight struck the Demon King‘s chest.

The great thing was that, despite their strength, the meteors were unable to pierce the Demon
King‘s body.

„He‟s aiming for my chest.‟

Despite the pain, the Demon King narrowed his eyes.

Chun Yeowun guessed that the nucleus had to be in the chest no matter how the body changed.

However, even after attacking twice in a row, the Demon King endured it fine.

„It‟s not in the chest.‟

He had to get rid of the nucleus first.

„Is he really human?‟

The Demon King‘s eyes, which had been searching for a way to protect himself, had suddenly
become serious.

No matter how strong the dimensional barrier he creates, it is bound to fall once the meteor hits.

In the end, only the defending one is at a disadvantage.


He didn‘t think it would be this dangerous.

―Is this it?‖

Chun Yeowun focused on the head of the Demon King. Then, three starlights simultaneously
appeared aiming at the Demon King‘s head.


The Demon King‘s eyes turned strange, looking at them flying straight for his head at a
frightening speed.

Something flashed through his mind.

[ Taura. You have an innate sense of battle, but your views are too traditional. An increase in
bulk and volume indicates that your body is being exposed to a greater degree. ]

[ Even so, if the power grows, the opponent will be knocked out instantly… ]

[ That is if the enemy is weaker than you. ]

[ Then what will be excellent? Larisha. ]

[ Consider your options thoroughly. Once this happens, you will have exceeded your existing
restrictions. ]

Why was he thinking of the past? The Demon King stared at the three starlights approaching.

„Has he given up?‟

Chun Yeowun was puzzled by the Demon King‘s actions. This time, three meteors were heading
for the head, so he would be harmed even if he was gigantic and powerful.

It was then…

Black space appeared in front, covering him like a wall. How could the hundreds of meters high
body of the Demon King suddenly perform such a feat?


At that moment, the meteors hit the Demon King one after another. With a tremendous roar, the
space distorted, and wind pressure rose.


In accordance, the body of the Demon King began to shrink.

„Hit it right.‟

Chun Yeowun looked at the aftermath of the explosion.

It was a meteor shower caused by Chun Yeowun, who realized the principles of the cosmos and
opened up a region of chaos, gathered chaotic energy into it, and dropped it.

In a way, it was nothing more than a microcosm.


The flaming lights of the meteors suddenly disappeared, and someone was floating in the middle.

It was the Demon King Taura.

His appearance had just reduced to the form of a human but retained the blackness around.

It was only the mass that had reduced.


The Demon King seemed to contemplate something as he raised his palm and looked at it.

A demonic power he had never felt before was gushing out.

„Can it be this helpful to have concentrated all the power of the Demon Kings‟ Existences in one
point and explode it at once?‟
He thought that Demon Kings‟ Existences were the end, but he was wrong. Now he felt afraid of
his power.


Demon King Taura clenched his fist and looked at Chun Yeowun.

―Human. I owe you a great debt of gratitude.‖


He reached up and blocked a single meteor flying towards him. The meteor blocked by the palm
flashed as if it was burned and faded away.

It was as if he was trying out his new strength and showing it off simultaneously.

Looking at Chun Yeowun with arrogant eyes, he said…

“Thanks to you, I was able to change my thinking.”

―Change… your thinking?‖

“Now, it’s not only Larisha; whoever comes won’t be able to become my opponent.”

After his confident declaration of power, Demon King Taura shook himself to remove something
from his body, and it was the weapons, Arisha‘s Armor, that he was wearing.

Everyone thought he would be up to something, but he dropped them to the ground.


“These things are meaningless to me now.”

He was no longer obsessed with Arisha‘s Armor. Unless he had all seven, he couldn‘t show his
true value before, but now, he was sure that no one could harm him even without them.

―You‘re far too sure of yourself.‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s words, the Demon King laughed.

“Fufufufu, I am warning you. Five seconds from now, your human neck will be in my
hands and….“

Not letting his enemy finish his speech, Chun Yeowun held out his hand to the Demon King and
pushed his palm to the right.



The Demon King was puzzled. He couldn‘t understand what the other was doing.

“Wh… what are you doing?”

―The Supreme Demon Sword and the Void Sutra are combined into one.‖


―It is fine if you want to change your mind.‖

A sudden chill was felt. The Demon King couldn‘t understand Chun Yeowun‘s words, but he
had an ominous feeling.

Assuming he was on his way to victory, the Demon King attempted to go ahead and strike, but
he couldn‘t feel his body.

“Just what—!”

Demon King Taura lowered his head at the weird sensation. The lower part of his chest had

The part was neatly cut, and it was as if his black body had disappeared along with it.

“T-this is absurd….”

He felt nothing. His body and the space around it were taken away.

And as if replacing the lost part, it was slowly beginning to be filled.

„I need to recover my body before it completes.‟

He tried to restore his body, but it didn‘t work.

He had the power to instantly restore his body. However, it was as if his body was still there, but
his existence had vanished.


Then Chun Yeowun appeared in front of him.


Chun Yeowun grabbed the Demon King‘s head. He couldn‘t do anything to escape it because the
lower part had disappeared, leaving just his chest, neck, and shoulders.

The Demon King, feeling a sense of crisis, shouted.

“Wait! Human. This isn’t right. I cannot accept a defeat like this. Such a fraudulent



Chun Yeowun‘s palm sank into the chest before he could finish, and even if he was the Demon
King, he couldn‘t do anything once the nucleus was touched.

Chun Yeowun then said to him,

―Put the nonsense aside… you are now in my hands, Demon King.‖

Angel’s Corner

While editing this chapter, this came to my mind… So I edited it a little bit.
Thus, it has been revealed that Chun Yeowun is the next geo archon. #DOTDGxGenshinImpact



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 213 -
Memory (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Apr 21, 2022

• 11 min read • 5465 views



An unbelievable sight unfolded right before their eyes.

All the demons who witnessed it were shocked; the Demon King was a divine being to them
since the title was for the best and the strongest warrior in their clan.
The fact that the Demon King was defeated by a human, a species that they had always regarded
as mere insects, and not someone from Talisha‘s clan, made it all the more absurd.

―H-How could—‖

―Your Majesty!‖

Chun Yeowun‘s hand pierced through the heart, or nucleus, of the Demon King. If the nucleus
was drawn out of his body, Taura‘s existence would be reduced to ashes.

―Master‘s strength was this strong?!‖

After the Demon King appeared, Shakena had been in despair, but now she couldn‘t take her
eyes off Chun Yeowun.

Unlike the demons, the members of the Sky Demon order cheered for him.


―Demon God! Demon God! Demon God!‖

Everyone thought the end had come when hurricanes and thunderstorms began to shake the
entire place.

However, all of that was gone when Chun Yeowun, a legend of the Sky Demon Order, turned
everything around.

―Hehehe, see that? See? I told you Lord could do it.‖

Hu Bong made a fuss out of his excitement.

―Ahem, did I ever say he couldn‘t?‖

―You seemed anxious. Hehe.‖


Baekgi shook his head and looked at Chun Yeowun.

„I can‟t keep up.‟

Although Chun Yeowun was his Lord, Baekgi still wanted to close the gap in level with martial
arts, but Chun Yeowun seemed to have leapt even farther away.

Chun Yeowun was like a wall he couldn‘t overcome.

Thud! Thud!

Many of the demons had dropped their weapons as if they lost their will. Victory and defeat were
decided between beings who were leaders, so the war ended when the fight of the leaders ended.

―What are you doing/!‖

―Raise your weapons now!‖

The commanders urged them, but nothing could change the fact that they had lost.

―What are you?‖


The commanders were speechless. Even if the forces on the ground were combined, they
couldn‘t do anything against Chun Yeowun, so how could the war continue?

No matter how barbaric the demons were, their ability to judge the situation was spot-on.


The Demon King, whose nucleus had been caught, groaned. His mind was confused.

‗_I, the King… see defeat once again…‘_

This time, he hadn‘t even been careless. Moreover, he had been convinced that no other being
could be called his equal, but that confidence was shattered.

„I haven‟t done anything yet.‟

He had come to Earth for one reason: to get his revenge on Larisha.
Dying like this without getting it done was unacceptable.

“Dying…like this… like this!”

Light shone in the Demon King‘s eyes.

As if he wanted to burn down everything one last time, the demonic power in his body exploded
like a candle.

The Demon King yelled,

“Think you can finish it like—”



Before the Demon King could finish, Chun Yeowun pulled his hand out of the Demon King‘s

Thud! Thud!

The nucleus of the Demon King was beating in his hand, and the Demon King who watched it
was wide-eyed.

Chun Yeowun caught the nucleus as if it was a toy.

―Huh. It‘s done.‖

“You…you… human…”

His dignity as a king was lost. The eyes of the Demon King, who was staring at Chun Yeowun
with a killing intent, lost focus. Since his nucleus was removed from his body, there was no more
power to support his body.

―I‘ll take this.‖

Blue energy flowed from Chun Yeowun‘s right wrist and wrapped around the nucleus in his
hand, soon wrapping around the entire hand.
„Is he trying to absorb the power of the Demon King?‟

Grand Duke Kaliaf looked at the scene while holding his breath. As he watched the battle, the
Grand Duke was shocked at how infinitely powerful Chun Yeowun‘s power seemed.

Now that the fight was over, a serious question arose in his mind.

‟What will happen if Master, who has power that surpasses the Demon King, gains the power of
the Demon King?‘

Imagining it itself was terrifying enough.


It was then:

Black energy exploded and flowed out from the Demon King‘s nucleus as the previous Demonic
Kings‘ demonic powers that were sleeping in the nucleus also came out.


The tangible power inside shuddered wildly as if rebelling or threatening Chun Yeowun; it
almost seemed as if the energy refused to be absorbed by anyone who wasn‘t a demon.

―So rebellious.‖

Chun Yeowun raised the Sky Demon Energy and tried to subdue it.

Then, a ferocious energy was emitted and the demonic power of the Kings inside the nucleus
were suppressed once more.

―Resisting is useless; if you are the Demon Kings, then I am the Demon God.‖

Sky Demon Energy began to devour the demonic energy of the past Demon Kings like a beast.
In front of Sky Demon Energy, all other power or energy paled in comparison.

The momentum of the past demonic powers weakened as they were consumed.

The demonic power began to rush into Chun Yeowun one after another as he began to feel the
demonic power of the Demon King.


Chun Yeowun‘s heart pounded as the demonic power entered his body and his vision turned


When the power inside nuclei was absorbed, the information within would be transferred to his
head. However, images began to flow as if he were watching a film.

„This is?‟

They were from the memory of the Demon King Taura.

Unlike other demons, Demon King Taura‘s body was very different and had a strong spirit
imbued into his nucleus.

Thousands of years of Demon King Taura‘s memory began to play.

Most of them were battles, but then the memories he bottled up were shown.


The memories flowed like a film until the setting came into focus. Chun Yeowun could even feel
the Demon King‘s complex emotions: disappointment and hatred.

[It isn‘t possible! Larisha is recovering right now!]

The demons stopped him from entering the audience room.

Taura killed those demons, forcibly opened the door, and went in. As he went in, he saw the
figure of someone recovering inside a black sphere.

Like the other demons, this one also had an exotic appearance. Strangely, his appearance wasn‘t
unfamiliar, as if he was more than just a stranger.


The being with its eyes closed opened them and looked. Since this was Taura‘s memory, Chun
Yeowun could see Larisha looking right at him.


[I asked for nobody to be sent in.]

[Right, but we don‘t have time right now.]

The Demon King‘s feelings were clearly felt by Chun Yeowun, who sensed that the being in the
black sphere instilled fear within Taura.


Taura then put down a certain device: the device to open the Gate. After touching a certain
button on the device, a large black hole appeared in the ceiling.

[What are you doing?]

[For the last time, I am going to change your intentions.]

[What do you mean?]

[Give me orders right now to go through this Gate and get rid of the bugs on Earth.]

At Taura‘s words, Larisha‘s expression hardened. Ignoring that, Taura continued.

[The Larisha that I know isn‘t like this. Aren‘t you supposed to work for the clan? We don‘t
show mercy to the bugs just because of one human wench.]

„Human wench?‟

Chun Yeowun was now intrigued, as this memory would reveal the real cause for why Larisha
was trying to cooperate with humans.
At Taura‘s words, Larisha warned him.

[Taura, no further disrespect will be forgiven.]

At that, he laughed.


With a ridiculing voice, Taura spoke to Larisha.

[It seems that the information that Talisha‘s sword stabbed your nucleus was correct.]


At that, Larisha didn‘t respond, and Taura looked at him. With a sly smile, he said,

[I will head to Earth right now and remove everything that‘s weakening you to restore you to
your original state. Understand that this is out of my loyalty.]


[I will find that woman and kill her first.]


As soon as he said that, Larisha flew towards Taura, breaking out of the black sphere that was
helping him recover with a force that made it seem like he wanted kill Taura.

[Oh… is this your answer? You really have become weak.]

Seriously wounded, Larisha felt powerless against Taura, as the information about his nucleus
being hurt seemed to be accurate. Taura grabbed Larisha‘s head and looked at his chest.

[Do you not know what my ability is?]


[It seems like you are no longer capable of leading our clan. You are not only weakened in the
head but also you have a weakened heart.]
[Such a crooked thought, Taura.]

Larisha‘s eyes were filled with anger and hatred, but also sadness.

[Don‘t look at me like that!]


Taura began to absorb Larisha‘s power. Although Larisha was weakened, he still was able to
resist Taura‘s absorption with a firm impression. Taura, who kept on going, scoffed once he had
absorbed almost all the demonic power.

[Disappointing. The best warrior can‘t even rebel?]

As someone who tried to overcome his fears by strengthening his resolve, Larisha thought that it
was futile and answered.

[I end here as a King.]

[… What are you saying?]

[I will allow you to lead the clan, so lose your interest in Earth.]


Larisha still held onto his resolve to protect Earth despite having all of his powers taken away.

Taura couldn‘t hide his disappointment after that, and now hated Larisha.

Larisha was the warrior he admired the most, so seeing him sacrifice his nature and heart for
someone other than his clan made Taura miserable.


Taura lifted Larisha‘s body.

[What are you doing?]

[You choose to neglect our clan till the end.]

[That‘s not it, Taura… You think—]

[Enough. I know very well what you think of the clan. If Earth is so good, then go rot on the
earth for the rest of your life.]


[That is… if you can survive in this state.]

As if suffering from his injuries wasn‘t enough, Larisha‘s demonic power had been drained. If he
fell to Earth in this state, his chances of surviving would be zero.

Despite that, Taura threw Larisha‘s body at the Gate without any hesitation.


That was Chun Yeowun‘s only thought after watching the scene unfold.

Like Larisha said, this man was crooked.


Once again, Taura‘s memory began to flow with other memories that just seemed like imprints
of information.

At some point, another actual memory came, displaying the Demon King as he stood in front of
the Gate, and said,

[I will check with my own eyes to see if he is dead or not.]

Taura‘s strong obsession and doubts were trapping him.

After throwing the dying Larisha into the Gate, he was under the pressure that Larisha could
have survived.

„There are rumors that I broke the law and harmed the Demon King.‟

„Duke Joseph, who was being pursued has disappeared.‟

Too many things were pressuring him. The pressure of breaking the clan law and killing the
clan‘s king were getting to him. Without another thought, Demon King Taura opened the gate.


Demon King Taura, who came to Earth after opening the Gate, tried to use the powers to check if
any demonic power existed on earth, which wasn‘t difficult to confirm even at the most minute

‗If I check from the highest point, I‘ll know for sure.‘

He then moved to the sky and began to send out demonic power as if he were a radar device.

The Demon King‘s demonic energy spread out in every direction, but after less than a day of the
demonic energy propagating everywhere, an entirely unexpected existence appeared in the sky.

[A human?]

It was a human with a strong impression and wavy long hair, whose existence surprised even
Chun Yeowun.

„Chun Ma!‟

It was Chun Ma, his ancestor.

Who would have thought that Taura had encountered his ancestor?

Surprisingly, Chun Ma said something to Demon King Taura.

[I did tell you not to pay attention to this place.]

Demon King Taura was startled at those words and tried to deal with him.

Chun Ma then extended his sword.


At that moment, the surrounding space distorted and Chun Ma was sucked into it as a black dot
pierced through the body of the Demon King.

It all happened in a single instant.


With a gaping hole in his chest, Demon King Taura was thrown hundreds of meters away.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 214 -
Memory (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Apr 22, 2022

• 10 min read • 5529 views



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„That one…‟

Vivid memories.

Chun Yeowun was shocked by what he had witnessed.

The technique Chun Ma just unfolded was beyond the human realm or anything he could

Though Chun Yeowun treated his space as a sword, Chun Ma freely handed it as if the weapon
were incorporated with the space.

„I thought I surpassed my ancestor.‟

Chun Yeowun thought that he surpassed the level of Chun Ma as he ascended to the realm of

But now, with one technique, he could see that they were still different.


Demon King Taura‟s chest regenerated rapidly. Despite that, Taura felt confused. Starting with
how a mere human did this to him.

„No way.‟

Larisha was a Demon. However, this man he was facing seemed like a human. How can this be?

Demon King Taura spread his hands.


A black space opened up, and black iron items came out and stuck onto his body. It was Arisha‟s
In any case, Taura judged that the opponent was an enemy he couldn‟t handle easily and put on
the armor.

„It was a surprise attack earlier; it won‟t work again….‟


However, the space shook, and a fist came out and struck Taura‟s chin.




Taura was hit by it and flew into the sky. Taura‟s eyes glowed while soaring up, and a black
hand appeared from the air, shielding him from being pushed upwards any farther.


„It‟s coming.‟

The space resonated. Taura sensed it and quickly tilted his head to the side. At that moment, a
hole pierced through the black hand.


Chun Yeowun, who witnessed it, felt it was terrific. The Demon King must have had a keen
sense of battle, for he immediately responded to the opponent‘s strike after only two hits.

However, the opponent was Chun Ma of the Sky Demon Order. Throughout the history of
Murim, a person who could face him never arrived.



It was an excellent move to dodge, but Chun Ma‟s leg appeared before him and kicked him in the
chin once again. Chun Ma swept aside Taura in that state.

What is that speed?

The sword was so fast that it left traces as it moved. Despite its speed, the blade was cutting
through the gaps in Arisha‟s Armor.

[Kuak! Y-you bastard!]

Demon King Taura endured the attack and tried to counter it. However, when Chun Ma pulled
back the sword and thrust it again, Taura‟s head flew.


In an instant, his consciousness fell away. If it hadn‟t been for the unique regenerative power,
dying wouldn‟t seem strange.


Taura became aware of the situation as soon as his head regenerated. His body is immobilized.
The nucleus in the chest was also touched.

[Move, and you‟ll regret it.]

Taura glared at Chun Ma, who warned him.

[… who are you?]

Taura was the king, and this man was the first to corner him like this.

Chun Ma spoke in a low voice.

[I am the radiant flame which leads all things to darkness.]

As the man said those words, Taura‟s nucleus began to pound. He thought this could be…

[No… no! How can that happen?]

He fell into denial and disbelief.

Then he asked.

[Why… why are you still alive, Larisha?]

Chun Yeowun was confused when he heard it. The Demon King addressed Chun Ma as Larisha.
However, wasn‘t Chun Ma human?

The only person who could answer it was Chun Ma.

[I am grateful to you, Taura.]

He really seemed to mean it.

With a trembling body, Taura asked.

[Just how did this happen?]

[It‟s not as difficult as you might think.]

[Not difficult?]

[Why do we look like the humans of the planet Earth? Have you ever had that doubt?]

Demon King Taura became puzzled by such statements. He used to have the same doubt the first
time he came to Earth.

Unlike other planets, beings on this planet were similar to them. Despite the physical structures
being different, the appearance was strangely identical.

[The roots of our clan originated from here.]

[W-what do you mean?]

[There are Gates on all planets. Our clan passed through that and settled on our world, the
Demon Realm.]

This was Taura‟s first time hearing this.

He was a 4th generation of the clan, and he knew that Larisha was between the 1st and 2nd

[The gravity there is several times this place. We had to evolve to it and adapt to the
environment of thin air and dangerous individuals there.]

Living things evolve in ways to fit with their environment. They have developed themselves to
survive in the barren Demon Realm.

[We evolved? From the lowly form of these humans?]

[Lowly is sure… they have just evolved to the optimal state of this planet.]

Taura felt this all was absurd and smiled.

[So you evolved to adapt to this place?]

When Chun Ma didn‟t deny it, Taura yelled.

[Stop the bullshit! Are you talking about this being evolution? What you did is degenerate!
Evolved to become lower-level humans who can‟t live past 50 years? Ha!]

Taura‟s eyes swelled in anger. He came down with ambition, but now replaced with
disappointment and hatred for the existence in front of him who was someone he respected.

Did his King turn into a trivial human?

The moment he found out, he was gripped with anger and disappointment.

[To give up the fact that we are a clan and leave for a trivial human, a person like you deserves


Taura forced himself to move, ignoring the energy embedded in the body. Even if his limbs were
torn off, he showed such strong will.

Chun Ma‟s eyes sharpened.

[Will you not fulfill your duty as the current King?]

[Hah! I don‟t want to hear this from you!]


Arisha‟s Armor, which covered Taura‟s body, was now in the form of weapons. Weapons of
sword, blade, wheel, and staff all came out and rushed to Chun Ma.



[You fool!]

Chun Ma held his sword and pushed it ahead. Even the Demon King‘s items with the demonic
power were no match.

„Unification of energy.‟

The sword of Chun Ma collided with the rushing weapons.


A blue flash of light appeared with a great roar, and weapons were thrown out in all directions.
Among them, Chun Ma caught one of the weapons.


It was the sword.

He was trying to hold a sword containing the demonic power of the Demon King.


[Have you already forgotten?]

The sword only moves by the power of the Demon King.

Chun Ma tried to suppress the demonic power inside the sword, raising up the Sky Demon
energy and glancing at it.

[I will take this with me, it might be helpful in the future.]

[That belongs to the King!]

Demon King Taura, who had been robbed of the sword that was the most powerful of Arisha‟s
weapons, reacted angrily.

At that, Chun Ma pointed up and said.

[You go back to where you are from.]


Looking up, he saw a gate that was opened. Come to think of it, he couldn‟t see the device he had



Despite the Demon King‟s whole body being unable to move, he endured and tried to raise his
hand up to awaken himself.

Looking at that, Chun Ma shook his head.

[You are acting foolish till the end.]

Afterward, Chun Ma raised his sword, and the energy inside Taura ran wild and ripped up his

Slash! Slash! Slash!


Demon King Taura lost all his parts except for his chest and nucleus.
[Never come back, Taura.]

As Chun Ma said his last warning to Taura, he forced the weakened but ranging demon into the

There was no use screaming, however…


Demon King Taura returned to his throne through the Gate. He couldn‟t hold back his anger.


The feeling of being horribly defeated by a mere human destroyed his pride.

— kiiik!

The door opened, and three of his aides appeared before him, whose body was torn.

The three Dukes were looking for him when he suddenly disappeared. And as they witnessed him
in such a weak state, they didn‟t hide their greedy eyes toward the injured King.


In an instant, the day when he betrayed Larisha flashed into his mind. Karma of betrayal came
to him.

„Did you feel this way too?‟

He suddenly thought that.

Then the memories scattered. That was the last of him.


Chun Yeowun opened his eyes to find new energy filling his whole body.

The Sky Demon Energy became stronger after absorbing the demonic power from the Demon
King‘s nucleus.
It seemed like it had better compatibility than the previous energies.

„Chun Ma… was Larisha.‟

The truth felt weird. He had never imagined this.

„Then I have the blood of demons inside?‟

In a way, it could be considered as that.

The blood may have faded, but the people of Chun Ma, the direct descendants, must have them

‟… is this important?‟

Honestly, this changes nothing.

Chun Ma was his ancestor, that is all. He is a legend within the Sky Demon Order.

Chun Yeowun was a human, and nothing changed.

No, there is one thing.

„Chun Ma, I have taken over everything you once had.‟


As Chun Yeowun lowered his hand after covering his face, tremendous energy exploded with
intense wind bursts, and his form changed to a black flame.

“La… Larisha!”

The dying Demon King Taura was shocked. Who would have imagined that he would see
Larisha during his last moments?


Chun Yeowun looked down at Taura and smiled.

“Didn’t I tell you to never come back?”


After hearing Chun Yeowun‘s last words for him, Taura‘s eyes widen as if they would burst out.
His body then crumbled into ashes giving him no chance to utter any words.

In the end, Taura was the Demon King who suffered because of Larisha.

Witnessing the enemy turn into ashes, cheers erupted from the ground.


They were the shouts and cheers of the members of the Sky Demon Order.

Grand Duke Kaliaf descended to the ground and pointed to Chun Yeowun, who was there and
spoke to the demons.

―The new Demon King, His Majesty! Respect him!‖


Thud! Thud! Thud!

Despite hesitating, the demons fell to the ground. They had no choice. They witnessed Demon
King Taura turning to ashes.

The battle has ended.

The reign of the new King has begun.

At the same time, a gigantic optical telescope was installed on a peak approximately 40
kilometers away from the Yongchun site, and someone was looking through it.

A person with a silver mask behind the man looking through the telescope asked.

―Elder Cho. Why are you still here?‖

Elder Cho didn‘t face the person who asked and only made a sound.

―Is there some problem?‖

―This is troubling.‖


Elder Cho turned his head and spoke in a firm voice.

―I believe he will be more powerful than this old one.‖

Angel’s Corner

YES! FINALLY! IT HAS BEEN REVEALED! Well. Given the clues, we already knew about it,
but it‘s still different to read it directly from the story itself, right? And gosh! The last line
Yeowun said to Taura!! Hah! That was so POG! He was truly excellent at toying with the dying
demon‘s feelings as Taura took his last breath.

Here is an picture by chibi-flurr I found on Deviant Art that looks close enough to how I
imagined Chun Yeowun‘s Advanced Awakening! Love it!

P. S. Truth be told, I‘m actually a chatterbox introvert.



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per chapter.

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This translation is made by fans and while the chapters on our website are free, they cost money
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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 215 -
The Clues to Change (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Apr 23, 2022

• 10 min read • 6093 views



―Stronger than Elder Cho?‖

The person in the silver mask reacted with disbelief.

He had put Elder Cho in charge of the telescope and left to take care of business only to come
back and hear such a seemingly absurd and unfathomable statement.

―Is there really anyone in the world who can defeat Elder?‖

It wasn‘t just flattery; it was the trust he had in the Elder. For the silver-masked man, Elder
Cho‘s existence was the supreme power.

In response to his words, Elder Cho made a weird expression and answered with a smile,

―Being strong and winning are two different things.‖

The eyes of the silver-masked man smiled when he saw that the Elder wasn‘t feeling down.
Suddenly, Elder Cho got up.
―Where are you going?‖

―I need to prepare.‖


―Call the Zodiacs.‖

Hearing that, the voice of the silver-masked man trembled.

―Finally, the time seems to have come.‖

On the forehead of the silver mask, the word Ox was engraved neatly.

―I will carry out the order.‖


The silver-masked man disappeared into thin air as if he had melted away. He seemed to be an
expert at doing so since he had left so effortlessly. As he disappeared, Elder Cho mumbled,

―Whoever survives to the end wins.‖

Yongchun Group‘s chairman, Chun Yu-jang, and the commander of the National Guard, Cho
Yun, were in deep conversation about the recent events.

Cho Yun‘s attitude was noticeably different from before, as there were many signs of newfound
politeness in his words.

―Are soldiers going to be stationed here?‖

―Oh, no way. Don‘t worry, we will evacuate as soon as the damage analysis is done.‖

None of the officers could argue against Cho Yun, as they all felt the same way. They couldn‘t
help but marvel at the vice-chairman of the Yongchun, who had defeated the Demon King and
subdued his army.
They were convinced that even the entire military wouldn‘t be able to take him down.

„For a while, the world will be in Yongchun‟s hands.‟

The officers knew that this statement was undeniable and now understood why Ahn Woo-hong
had signed an agreement with Yongchun Group on equal footing.


When Cho Yun motioned with his hand, an officer came up to him and presented him with a bag.
Inside was a mobile device with a security system.

―What‘s this?‖

―Ahem, this is a secure cell phone with a direct number to the office of the Jinan National Guard.
If there are any problems with Gates or anything else, please feel free to call us here directly.‖

It was an ambitious proposal with heavy implications, as the National Guard‘s request would be
no different than actively cooperating with Yongchun Group. Chun Yu-jang couldn‘t hide his

„Thanks to my ancestor, everything is going smoothly.‟

He believed that everything was possible because of Chun Yeowun, which was an undeniable

Chun Yu-jang glanced at the site.

„What‟s happening?‟

He had approached Cho Yun to manage the situation but was now more curious about what was
happening inside.

Inside the Yongchun Group site:

All the demons were gathered, including Grand Duke Kaliaf and the demons from Bamut prison
who were enjoying their victory and the ones under the former Demon King who were now
awaiting their disposal.
They all focused on the situation at hand, which would determine their fate.

―The 10th Troop‘s Commander, Marquis Poto, pledges eternal loyalty to the new Demon King.‖

―The 11th Troop‘s commander, Marquis Oxod, pledges eternal loyalty to the new Demon King.‖

The highest-ranking demons, the troop leaders, were pledging their allegiance to the new King,
following an oath in their clan laws.

No matter how horribly they lived, they still were beings with respect, and they knew that the
lack of a firmly-established system would shake the clan, which is why they did not hesitate to
announce their loyalty.


Chun Yeowun watched them.

In reality, he didn‘t care too much about such things and wanted to avoid them, but he knew that
these allegiances would be necessary to control the demons.

―The oath of allegiance of all the troop commanders is done, Your Majesty.‖

The 1st Squad‘s commander, Marquis Alchemir, spoke as their representative.

As a central figure in the Demon King‘s army, he played a very significant role and had no idea
that this result would come from his opening the Gate location to this destination.

Now, his heart was beating heavily.

―If our Lord wants to, couldn‘t we conquer the entire China?‖

Hu Bong spoke with a smile. However, Baekgi and the other demon commanders didn‘t answer
him. To be honest, their new King had unbelievable powers.

Even the lowest demon could outperform humans at the Master level. In addition, the demons
above the Count level were strong enough to beat all of the strongest humans.

„Conquering China? He could probably have the entire world in his hand.‟
With his power, it really seemed possible; if Chun Yeowun was their King, then conquering the
world wouldn‘t just be a dream.

The Murim Association had also lost its control under the Sky Demon Order, which had an
agreement with the Ministry of National Defense and now reigned over S-class Entity demons.

Chun Yeowun also had 2 SS-class Keepers on his side and a golden Gumiho that followed him

He definitely had the largest power on Earth.

„MS Group touched someone they shouldn‟t have.‟

Currently, the only enemy Chun Yeowun had was the MS Group, which they felt terrible for at
this point.


Grand Duke Kaliaf and Duke Joseph knelt. Their smiles didn‘t leave their faces, as both of them
were happy that Demon King Taura was dead and Larisha was back.

―Your Majesty, please tell me what to do.‖

Grad Duke Kaliaf asked for Chun Yeowun‘s following orders.

The question would determine the future of the demons and whether or not Chun Yeowun would
come to the Demon Realm with them.

Chun Yeowun controlled all of the power now.


He looked around, looking at the seven thousand demons there who didn‘t have a place to stay.

„Unnecessary power.‟

Chun Yeowun thought that all of them didn‘t need to stay there, but Chun Yeowun was also
someone who had to go back to his original timeline someday.
„And my absence will cause confusion.‟

Chun Woo-jin and Chun Yu-jang weren‘t skilled enough to control them, and the 7,000 demons
were beyond what they could handle. Making a decision, Chun Yeowun said,


―Yes your Majesty!‖

Grand Duke Kaliaf lifted his head. However, Chun Yeowun‘s following words were unexpected.

―I appoint you as the next Demon King.‖


All the demons who heard him were shocked. Just now, they were done pledging their allegiance
to the new King, but he had suddenly announced that he would abdicate his throne?

―Your Majesty, what do you mean?!‖

Duke Joseph was bewildered and asked Chun Yeowun.

―It‘s just as you heard. I said that Kaliaf would be the new Demon King.‖

―Why so sudden, Your Majesty?‖

Grand Duke Kaliaf, too, was perplexed by the words. The seat of the Demon King wasn‘t
something that could be given so easily to just anyone.

If he wanted to receive the throne, Kaliaf would have to convince the demons first and then fight
the current King, but Chun Yeowun had defeated the former King.

Could you just accept it under the law?


Grand Duke Kaliaf clasped his hands and pleaded,

―Please take back your words, Your Majesty!‖

―Right, Your Majesty. No one in the clan can understand this.‖

Duke Joseph bowed as well.

He thought he had finally allowed Larisha to sit on the throne, but this new situation confused

Chun Yeowun looked at them and smiled,

―You seem to be misunderstanding something.‖


―What do you mean?‖

He continued.

―I am in a position to take care of the Sky Demon Order and the clan, and cannot be tied to one
place as a King.‖

At those words, Grand Duke Kaliaf and Joseph were confused.

From their point of view, humans on earth weren‘t strong, but rather very weak.

Was there any need to lead these trivial beings?

Chun Yeowun could feel their thoughts from their expressions.

„I won‟t be able to control them if I leave them alone.‟

Even if they had sworn allegiance, the suppression of power acted on the most basic level.

If one doesn‘t have the strength to convince subordinates, they will never follow.

„I need to press them firmly.‟


Intense Sky Demon Energy radiated from Chun Yeowun‘s body.

Dark energy was creeping and encroaching in every direction, stealing breaths from all of the

Even if that wasn‘t enough, Chun Yeowun now also had the Demon King‘s powers which had
been absorbed and was unfathomably strong.



The suppressed demons couldn‘t raise their heads.

This was the same for Grand Duke Kaliaf and Duke Joseph.

Chun Yeowun spoke in a firm voice and used internal energy so that everyone could hear him.

―I am the Demon God, a being who reigns above the King.‖

His voice rang in the demon‘s ears and stimulated them, which was one of the Demon King‘s

It was the power to overpower and suppress every demon with lower power than him, and Chun
Yeowun was twice as strong than the former Demon King, so every demon was afraid.

Chun Yeowun approached Grand Duke Kaliaf and Duke Joseph.

―Who am I?‖

―Y-Your Majesty…‖

―I am not a King. I‘ll ask again, who am I?‖

Grand Duke Kaliaf struggled to open his mouth at the overbearing force.

―T-The Great Demon God.‖

“I am someone who reigns above the King.”

Chun Yeowun was making sure they all knew that he was someone higher than the Demon King.
Chun Yeowun looked at the commanders and asked,

―Has it been engraved who I am?‖

The commanders, suppressed by the overbearing power, responded with immense difficulty.

―Demon God.‖


Chun Yeowun, who heard their answer, called back his energy as all of the previous suppressed
demons let out a rough breath.

Even Grand Duke Kaliaf looked pale.

Chun Yeowun clearly made his statement.

„He isn‟t someone we can wield recklessly.‟

Grand Duke Kaliaf didn‘t want to incur the wrath of Chun Yeowun, who was a monster strong
enough to annihilate all the demons.

Smiling, Chun Yeowun said,

―I give you the throne. Rule the demons, Kaliaf.‖


Grand Duke Kaliaf now answered.

―I will follow the command of the Demon God.‖

Despite the role of Demon King being given away, Chun Yeowun still held the real power.

It was as if he were wielding a King.

The commanders, Duke, and Grand Duke were aware of this, but they couldn‘t complain.

„Enough. Should I just send them now?‟

Chun Yeowun decided to send them back but still looked around, thinking about whether or not
it would be beneficial to keep the demons with useful powers with him.

‗Wait… they can handle the gates at their will. Wouldn‘t it then be possible to control the Gates
on Earth too?‘

Because of the Gates that opened randomly, Earth suffered greatly from the invasions.

However, there was now a clue to controlling them.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 216 -
The Clues to Change (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Apr 24, 2022

• 12 min read • 6677 views



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The lower body armor of Arisha can transform into 12 daggers and has the ability called Control,
which can restrain an opponent and allow the user to control them.

The next day, a meeting was held in the conference room in Yongchun Group. In the room, a 3D
image of Earth was displayed.

The people gathering in the conference room were the executives of the Yongchun Group, the
five demon commanders, Duke Joseph, and Chun Yeowun with his subordinates.

After the unfathomable battle, most of the demons returned to the Demon Realm. Of course, not
everyone was sent back as Chun Yeowun selected 300 demons with powers that couldn‘t be
ignored to remain on Earth.


Marquis Alchemir, the commander of the 1st squad, operated the 3D machine and showed six
positions of the Earth.

Pointing at them, he said,

―These points are the backbone of the Star-Road that exists on Earth.‖


Chun Woo-jin asked with a puzzled expression.

―The Star-Road is the path which exists between the planets.‖

Marquis Alchemir gave a simple definition. However, it still wasn‘t enough for people who
heard it for the first time.
―Between planets?‖

―Haa. I think I should explain from the start.‖

Marquis Alchemir rubbed his forehead while showing a troubled expression. Despite significant
advancements in human science, there were still so many unknowns. Moreover, the same was
true for the Gates that were opened.


After Marquis Alchemir pressed another button, the image changed to a universe filled with

―The universe is vast. Planets are places where living things settle in the universe. Since the
beginning, these planets have had a way to interact with other planets. That is Star-Road.‖


It meant the passage between planets.

―Are all planets the same?‖

Marquis Alchemir answered Chun Yeowun‘s question.

―Yes, Demon God. We don‘t know why it came into existence, but there is certainly a passage
between planets.‖

Everyone nodded their heads because it was not a tricky thing to understand.

Turning back to the image of the Earth, Marquis Alchemir continued.

―What you see now is the core of the Star-Road.‖

―What is a core?‖

―It is the heart of the Star-Road which opens and closes.‖

―Can you open and close it?‖

―Each planet has its own system that protects the planet itself from external influence by Star-
Road. If something goes wrong with the center….‖

―The same thing as this happens?‖

―… yes.‖

Something like today.

It means that the Gates on the Earth are opened.

And now, as everyone was rushing to block the Gate, he couldn‘t figure out why this was

Huan Myung-oh said in a trembling voice,

―Well, if we solve the problem with the core or heart, will we be able to prevent the Gate

―At least we can prevent unintentional openings.‖


At those words, people could not hide their shock.

To say they can solve the Gate that has put humankind into a cage…

As everyone was expressing their joy, Chun Yeowun asked.

―You said the planet has its own protection system, but there are cases where problems arise


Everyone was focused on those words. As Marquis Alchemir said, there was no way that the
self-protection system would have broken.

Marquis Alchemir took a deep breath and answered.

―The planet‘s own protection was robust. It cannot be broken unless you force it into a shock.‖

―So, someone broke it?‖

Chun Yu-jang asked with a frown, and Marquis Alchemir just responded with a nod.

―No way…‖

―All of this….‖

Everyone in the room was stunned by the revelation. The Gate was no less than a natural disaster
for humankind.

It was natural for them to be shocked to learn the truth that such a disaster was forced by
someone. Thoughts ran in their heads, and their shock turned to anger.

―What kind of things would make it happen?!‖

―How horrible!‖

Even the number of people who died due to the Gate was complex. The reality is that many
misfortunes were caused by this. They wondered what kind of person or being could want to end

―That is what I know….‖

Just because he knew the Gate well did not mean he knew who was behind the incident. It was
the same with the other demon commanders.

However, some people had different reactions. It was Duke Joseph. Chun Yeowun, who noticed
it, asked.

―Duke Joseph.‖

―Ah! Demon God.‖

―You seem to know something?‖

He hesitated and then said, as if unsure of something.


Duke Joseph, who was hesitant about the question, opened his mouth.

―The last time I visited Earth, the Gates did not open arbitrarily. Do you know when this

―28 years ago.‖

Chun Woo-jin was the one who answered it.

Not just him but the members of the Sky Demon Order could not forget it.

The First Dimension Gate.

It was the worst tragedy in history that occurred due to the simultaneous opening of Gates.

―28 years back? Hm… it could only be your beliefs.‖

―You mean it isn‘t that?‖

―It seems to be a little different from what I know.‖

―Different? What do you mean?‖

―If they forcibly damage the Star-Road‘s core, this planet should be under control by now, but it
doesn‘t seem like it.‖


When everyone was puzzled, Duke Joseph shook his head and said,

―I know of a similar thing. If they did damage it, the Earth would have been worshiping the
Heaven clan by now.‖

At the word Heaven, Chun Yeowun remembered something.

―Heaven Clan? Are you talking about Talisha‘s clan?‖

The rest of the demons started to get interested in the topic.

„Heaven clan?‟

„Talisha‟s clan was involved?‟

Talisha was their lifelong nemesis, and it seemed like Duke Joseph had different information
from what they knew.

―Talisha clan was a clan called Heaven. Unlike our clan who enjoy the pure warlike nature, they
are a clan who liked to rule and be worshiped.‖

―They have a desire to conquer.‖

―Among all the living things, there is no one without the desire to conquer. But they are happy to
be worshiped.‖

―Perverts, maybe? It makes them feel happy.‖

Hu Bong clicked his tongue and shook his head.

Duke Joseph smiled and continued.

―It is no surprise when you visit the area they have conquered. They have created sculptures and
constructed temples to worship them as gods.‖

―Funny people.‖

―Their methods are the same. Open the Gates to the planet, cause a crisis, and then come over
and help, which makes people worship them.‖

―They solve it?‖

―It is to showcase their power. Such disgusting beings.‖

Duke Joseph said in a voice of contempt. In the case of demons, they do not treat the weaker
ones more than bugs.
On the other hand, the Heaven clan wants them to be worshiped by the weaker race. They had
opposing ideas.

„However, neither is desirable.‟

Chun Yeowun did not speak out. If not for him, even the demons would be harmful to humans.

―Anyway, it can‘t be them.‖

―It seems like it. If it were them, they would not leave the Gates open this long and attempt to
block the path of the sky and seal off the planet‘s source of power and then suppress the humans
with fear, and after that….‖


Huan Myung-oh suddenly stopped him from speaking.

―What do you mean by blocking the path of the sky?‖

―There are differences in technology between planets, but air transport is at the heart of the
advanced civilizations. Controlling the air movements makes people weak.‖

Huan Myung-oh realized something after hearing what Duke Joseph stated.

Air transport is an area occupied by the large military; it was tightly controlled, resulting in
people losing half of their power.

―Why did you ask that, Huan Myung-oh?‖

―L-Lord Chun Ma, can I ask another thing?‖

Director Huan Myung-oh asked solemnly, and Chun Yeowun agreed with a nod.

―Here. So, what does it mean to shut off the source of the power of living things?‖

―Looks like you are interested. Human. It is simple. If you were to invade with an army, what
strategy would you take?‖

―It is to block the greatest power the opponent has. They will become vulnerable if you cut off
their energy or eliminate their power source.‖

Duke Joseph spoke naturally.

Huan Myung-oh was shocked after hearing that. Looking at Huan Myung-oh, Chun Yeowun was
puzzled as he tried to speak. However, before he could say anything, Huan Myung-oh said a


―NFIJ? What is it?‖

―A fission-neutralizing jammer.‖

The moment he heard it, one of the information Nano had gathered in his mind popped into Chun
Yeowun‘s thought.

Nuclear Fission Incapacitation Jammer.

A device to neutralize nuclear fission.

Shortly after the Gate opened, humankind was unable to engage in it, cutting off the smooth
supply and demand of energy and making it impossible to use the nuclear bomb, humanity‘s
greatest weapon.

The monsters and their cores came out of the Gate, which replaced the supply and demand of
earth‘s energy.


When this came to mind, Chun Yeowun understood why Huan Myun-oh reacted like this.

With a trembling voice, Huan Myung-oh said,

―Lord. It seems like this was truly done by the Heaven clan.‖

Duke Joseph frowned.

―What do you mean, human?‖

―It is as you said.‖

―As I said?‖

―Earth has lost its nuclear weapons and airways due to the TRAs that have been up in each


When they heard what Director Huan Myung-oh had stated, the commanders of the Sky Demon
Order stiffened up. They, too, were aware of nuclear fission and the blockage of the airways.
However, they did not think it would turn out like this.

Duke Joseph mumbled.

―But… why did the Talisha‘s clan leave you alone then?‖

If what they were saying was true, Talisha‘s clan brought the optimal situation they wanted.

If so, Earth should have fallen into their hands.

A heavy atmosphere was filled in the room because of shocking truths.

Then Chun Yeowun said,

―The bottom line is that Talisha‘s clan is responsible for this situation, and isn‘t it possible to
close the Gate by restoring the core of Star-Road?‖

―Right. Demon God.‖

Chun Yeowun stood up at Duke Joseph‘s answer.

―Then we have work to do.‖


―We must close the Gate and wipe out Talisha‘s clan.‖
Chun Yeowun concluded.

In a massive chamber in some unknown place, more than 300 glass tubes were filled with red
liquid and beings that looked like humans.

A computer monitor screen was attached at the top of the glass tubes and displayed for


The steps of someone walking in can be heard.

It was Elder Cho. He passed through the glass tubes and reached the main computer.


Among the multiple monitors connected to the main one, the largest monitor containing
someone‘s rendered image was viewed.

It was a person with the letter A on the gold mask.

A voice came from the speaker, breaking the chamber‘s silence.

— 1st Guest.

To which Elder Cho answered with an expressionless face.

―It is just us two. Don‘t call me that.‖

— I get it, Elder Cho.

―What is the progress of the project?‖

— The process is running smoothly. About 8% of the composition is done. Soon, after we
upload the whole brain, we will succeed and will be able to move directly.

―That is nice to hear.‖

— What about the results?

Elder Cho—no, Cho Yu-shin, looked at the tubes at Mask A‘s question.

―I went to pick it up. Can we use them?‖

— The adjustment is made. Class C entities can simply upload any information at any


— What is it?

Mask A seemed puzzled. At that, Cho Yu-shin smiled.

―A rat infiltrated.‖


With that, Cho Yu-shin turned towards the ventilation at the ceiling. It was about 500 meters

The moment he looked up, the person hiding in the vent was shocked.

„Damn it!‟

The black-masked person mumbled. He tried to escape fast while bewilderedly thinking about
how he was noticed.

Having learned the Silent Walking Art, he was a master in stealth, so he didn‘t think he would be
found so easily.



His body was pulled down and fell to the ground at the strong pull of the internal energy. He
attempted to get up as soon as he fell, but he couldn‘t.


Cho Yu-shin stepped on his head.



Cho Yu-shin looked down at the man and took off his mask.


There was something on him.

A red dot flashed.

―A tracker?‖

Cho Yu-shin threw the tracker away, and something like a mechanical hand jumped out of the
floor and grabbed the terminal.

―Block it.‖

— I will.

Mask A answered from the speaker, and Cho Yu-shin leaned over and touched the mask.

The man bit his tongue, but the massive internal energy grabbed him by the chin.


Cho Yu-shin held the infiltrator‘s chin and leveled the man‘s eyes near his abdomen.

Closing his eyes, he mumbled,

―Huhu~ you people. Blade God Six Martial clan.‖


Hearing those words, the man‘s eyes shook. Just by touching the body, this person could tell his

Looking at him being flustered, Cho Yu-shin smiled.

―I need to clean this up.‖

Angel’s Notes

 Star-Road: is the distance between planets used as a path or a passage to each other.
o It has a core/heart that opens and closes.
 Self-Protection System: a planet‘s protection from external influence.
o When forcedly damaged, external forces can go in and out of the planet without any restrictions, causing
the planet to turn into chaos.
 Talisha‘s clan: is also known as the Heaven clan. It is a clan that would do anything just to rule and be
worshiped, such as causing a crisis and then solving it as the people praise them.
 NFIJ (Nuclear Fission Incapacitation Jammer): is a device to neutralize nuclear fission.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 217 -
TRA Alpha Satellite (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Apr 25, 2022

• 11 min read • 7247 views



There was a vast, barren desert.

This situation occurred because the land was abandoned and dried up over time; in the past, this
area had been filled with trees and livestock.

However, contamination was became a very serious issue, causing the land to become
abandoned and ruined over time.

Thud! Thud!

Originally, the area was outside the wall, so no one would have even thought of entering this
place, but there were footsteps of people there.

There were as many as five hundred men in protective suits like those worn by the army.



A man in a suit, carrying a communication equipment bag, seemed shocked by something.

In response, the man next to him who had a large sword asked,

―What is it?‖

―The tracking signal was blocked.‖

―What, in just 30 seconds?‖

―Yes, Blade master.‖

He seemed to be one of the top six masters of Blade Six, Gu Cheong-sa.

He was comparable to Marayun, the Wind God of the Sky Demon Order.

Unable to understand he asked,

―Didn‘t we get a signal that he was entering the enemy camp?‖


―And it got cut right after 30 seconds of entering that place?‖


The man in a suit that was using the communication device couldn‘t give a straight answer, as
the evidence meant that their comrade was shortly caught after entering the enemy‘s lair.


Gu Cheong-sa was confused. Just moments ago, they were happy that the enemy camp had been

―Was the last location saved?‖

―Yes, the location has been confirmed about 5 kilometers from here.‖

The place was pinpointed in the middle of the barren desert where there were stony mountains.

―For now, send the location information back to headquarters and the others, and we can then
advance from here.‖

―Huh? Aren‘t we going to wait?‖

―What if they notice our movement?‖

―Ah, I see.‖
Listening to Gu Cheong-sa words, the man with the communication device tapped something on
the tablet as Gu Cheon-sa raised his hand and shouted,



At the moment they were about to begin their march,



Gu Cheong-sa looked up in shock and saw something that looked like a dot to him in the

Seeing the point, he decided to use his senses to examine it…

‘Everyone move out!―


As soon as he gave the new orders, everyone tried to spread out, but the approaching dot
continued to fall towards them quickly.



Something fell right in the middle of, causing a huge shockwave and sending back dozens of
Blade Clan members.



Many of the members were thrown back by the impact, while the closest members were cut
down by something sharp that stained the place with blood.
Even the dust in the air seemed to turn into blood.


The Blade God Six Martial clan members drew their swords at once. With tense eyes, they
looked at what had flown right in the middle of their group. When the bloody dust finally passed,
a man behind a red mask was revealed.



Gu Cheong-sa ground his teeth at the unpleasant memories that came up from seeing the mask,
which reminded him of his fight with Mararyun.

He had fought with his all, but towards the end of the battle, he lost his left eye because of

―Tsk. I hate masked bastards.‖


He steadily wielded the huge blade on his back.

The gigantic blade, which seemed to be 1.6 meters in length, was a sign of the Six masters that
only he could handle.

Originally, he had wanted to fight Wang Shin of the Sky Demon Order, but wasn‘t given the
opportunity to.

―Who is that monster?‘

The man to Gu Cheong-sa‘s right was trembling.

A weird, unknown feeling of anxiety began to creep into him. Only when he got scared did it
mean that things were turning horrible.

Gu Cheong-sa shouted,
―Strong Blade Unit, move!‖

The unit took the formation known as the Extreme Blade Circle, which was made solely for the
sake of dealing with Chun Yeowun.

It was a large-scale attack that used three hundred people and had the power to even dismantle an
S-class Alpha Entity in less than 5 minutes.


As soon as the order fell, the Blade Six members began to besiege the unknown man in mask
with their circle formation.

At that time, the man in the mask tried to lift his sword.


To prevent him from doing anything, Gu cheong-sa jumped in with lightning-like movements
and slashed his blade.

The force from the blade‘s strike seemed like it could cut down small mountains, but,


―N-No way…‖

Gu Cheong-sa couldn‘t hide his shock. The man in the red mask had grabbed his giant blade with
just two fingers as if he was grabbing a piece of paper. Even the other members of the Blade Six
clan were shocked.

―T-The Blade of a Blade Master?‖

―With just two fingers?‖

They were surprised, but a voice suddenly rang out from the masked man.

―A lot of you rats have gathered. It‘ll take some time to sort all of this out, so don‘t be upset if
this old man can‘t give all of you the same attention.‖

The voice behind the mask seemed young, yet he called himself old?



An unbelievable and terrifying energy rose from the masked man, and the surrounding gravity
seemed to disappear.


―M-My body!‖


The bodies of the people around began to float up in the air; the sight of hundreds of people
rising up made goosebumps rise.

The members of the Blade Six clan tried to raise their internal energy, but nothing happened.


Gu Cheong-sa tried to move his caught blade, but,



As soon as the blade left the fingers of the masked man, Gu Cheong-sa‘s body rose up. As if he
was in a zero gravity state, Gu Cheong-sa began to float and panicked. trying to use Air Blades
but missed.



Three Air Blades with blue energy flew for the man, but the outcome was absurd.


The flying blades turned to the opposite direction and flew for Gu Cheong-sa.



―Blade Master!‖

The blades pierced his chest, abdomen, and thighs at the same time, and since the major parts of
his body were pierced, Gu Cheong-sa felt like he was going die a horrible and painful death.

„H-How can such a monster be alive?‟

Lifting so many people up wasn‘t enough for the man, so he even used Air Blades to control Gu

This monster was unbelievable.

At that moment, the red-masked man raised his hand and mumbled,

―Hahah, it has been so long since I‘ve used this: Bloodshed.‖

As soon as he finished saying that, something terrible happened.


Dozens of clan members‘ bodies exploded. As if the explosions had happened inside their
bodies, blood splattered everywhere.

―W-what is…‖

At the sight of living people exploding and dying, Gu Cheong-sa‘s eyes lit up with despair, as he
knew that this was just the beginning.

The explosions happened as if a wave of fire was consuming the bodies from the bottom up.
From a distance, it seemed like purple blood was gushing up, a terrifying sight. And Gu Cheong-
sa was no exception to it.


He tried to hold it down, but the blood all over his body vibrated and his eyes swelled and body


The rain of blood of four hundred or so men filled the scene. The man in the red mask had
stopped the fight with just internal energy and finally took off the mask once everyone was done
. enjoying the rain of blood.

―I haven‘t felt the taste of blood in a long. Huhuhu!‖

The smiling man was Cho Yu-shin. The appearance of him enjoying the bloody rain made him
look like devil of madness.

Cho Yu-shin, who was drenched in blood, turned his head and mumbled.

―I need to clean up the other rats.‖


His new form soared into the blood colored sky.

Blade Six‘s hideout in Chengdu.

There, an old man with scars all over his body, Hwang Heol, and Geum Seong-Ryong, the
chairman looked at each other with still faces.

What did they just hear?

With a trembling voice, Geum Seong-ryong asked a man in a black suit,

―Were they annihilated?‖


―How could that…‖

Their huge force consisting of 1,500 people was wiped out.

The force had contained two Supreme Master level warriors and three of the Six Masters had
reached the Superior Master level.

However, they were all killed not long after the message that the enemy camp was found had
reached headquarters.

Hwnag-heol opened his mouth,

―Any information about the enemy?‖

―Ah, that… the location information was deleted on the way.‖

―What? Deleted?‖

―While the information was being uploaded, our system was hacked through the network. We
had to destroy the computer to avoid being traced, so we lost the information as well.‖


Hwang Heol‘s chair handle broke. He thought that he had finally managed to touch the MS
Group, but instead provided them with an excuse to go after his clan.

At this rate, it was only a matter of time before they arrived at his location.


With a worried face Geum Seong-ryong called for Hwang-heol face, whose face hardened as he

―Contact him.‖
―You mean…?‖

―Demon God.‖

Bang! Bang!

Many people at the bar were drinking noisily.

Bi Mak-heon, who was under the vice-chairman, blocked one ear as he answered a call.

―Yes, this is Bi Mak-heon. Ah.. Chairman Geum.‖

Bi Mak-heon was puzzled by the unexpected call. Although they did exchange information, he
never thought the chairman would contact him.

―Ah, vice-chairman?‖

The chairman wanted to speak to Chun Yeowun.

In response, Bi Mak-heon looked at the sky with a puzzled expression.

―It might be difficult at the moment.‖

Chun Yeowun wasn‘t in a position to answer the call.

―Huh? Is he in the middle of something important?‖

The chairman‘s voice did seem unusual; Bi Mak-heon thought it was strange.

Nonetheless, getting hold of Chun Yeowun would be difficult.

―I am sorry, but I can‘t say for sure when you can speak to the vice-chairman.‖

At that moment, a shout came from the call.

―I said it is urgent! Why the hell aren‘t you even trying to listen!‖

Bi Mak-heon scratched his head with a troubled expression, looking at the sky. It would have
been great if he had the words to explain it.

Seeing countless flashes lit up the sky, Bi Mak-heon said,

―The vice-chairman is now leaving the Earth.‖


In an embarrassed voice, Bi Mak-heon narrowed his head and continued,

―Roughly, he seems to have gone past the stratosphere.‖


About 50km from the sky, there were dozens of explosions. In the mist of the explosions, Bi
Mak-heon could see something flying through the sky at a tremendous speed.

Swoosh! Papak!

Someone pierced through the layers of air and soared high, causing explosions to erupt midair.

With a black suit of steel and white particles in his eyes, Chun Yeowun heard Nano‘s voice in
one ear as he flew through the sky.

[Crossed the mid-range point: 55 kilometers.]

Beep! Beep!

Numerous red crosses were highlighted in the Nanosuit‘s field of vision.

Yellow rays of light were fired ahead.

[17 beams approaching directly.]


Chun Yeowun stretched out his hand.

„Nano, assist.‟
[Panel system operation.]


Black Invisible Swords scattered around Chun Yeowun, controlled by Nano‘s panel system.
Chun Yeowun clasped his hand.


Black beams came out from the black Invisible Swords and flew towards the yellow beams that
were flying towards him.


As the beams collided, the air was filled with a flash and sound of the explosion, which was a
sight to see from the ground.

„Speed up, Nano.‟

[Increasing speed to Mach 13.]

With that, Chun Yeowun‘s speed increased even more.


A small fox with nine tails could be seen hanging on the back of the Nanosuit: it was none other
than the golden Gumiho. She was making a horrible face as her hair was moving back and her
mouth and eyes as well at the speed.

―Ahhh! T-too fast!‖

Mach 13 was a tremendous speed that even the Gumiho couldn‘t handle.

―I told you not to stick onto me.‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s words, the Gumiho said,

―I-I, too, want to see the universe!‖


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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 218 -
TRA Alpha Satellite (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Apr 26, 2022

• 12 min read • 6252 views



Angel’s Note

Before starting the chapter, here‘s an image of the Earth‘s atmosphere from NASA! I had
thought you might need a refresher. Hihi. (Just in case some of you need it because I did.)

Image credit: NASA

Self Healing is one of Chun Yeowun‘s abilities that automatically heals any injuries or wounds
dealt to his body, prevents him from being poisoned and extracts the poison out of his body, and
prevents him from being drunk or being put in an illusion.

Someone was flying in the sky, going above the Earth. The higher he went above, the more
frequent the light flashed.

There were a lot of hurdles as he flew up. Amid those hurdles, Chun Yeowun was flying fast.

The conversation from the night before resurfaced in Chun Yeowun‘s mind.

[If you want to enter the Star-Road, you have things that must be done first.]

[What is that?]

[You need to deal with the object controlling the sky in the satellite‟s orbit.]

At Duke Joseph‘s words, Director Hwang Myung-oh said,


It referred to the Three Restricted Areas. The worst Alpha entity nestled in one of the TRAs was
resolved by Chun Yeowun.

[What does that mean?]

[The area above us is included in the restricted area, my Lord.]

[The sky?]

One of those areas restricted was none other than the sky. To be precise, it was the thermosphere1
where the satellite could orbit.

[No, how are we going to get rid of it? We would have to fly higher than 500 kilometers from the
Earth, regardless of whether the satellite should be.]

[That would be impossible.]

The executives considered it impossible as it was already proven once before. Hundreds of
satellites have been made by the nations on Earth to eliminate the dangerous entity located on the

Even if a single aircraft attempted to enter the troposphere2, some strange rays would block it.

[Lord Chun Ma! It is impossible. Even if we try, it would be tough to have a rocket enter that

[This is why humans are like this.]

Duke Joseph and the commanders laughed at them.

Chun Woo-jin, who didn‘t like the demons‘ reaction, asked,

[Then, can you?]

[It will take some risk, but it can be done.]

[To get into the satellite orbit?]

Duke Joseph and the commanders seemed confident. They had the technology to handle the gate;
how could there be no technology to advance into space?

Looking at them being confident, Chun Yeowun said,

[Then it‟s simple. Did you say that the entities are six?]


[We proceed at once.]


[Duke Joseph, command the commanders and take down the five entities. I will remove one.]

At Chun Yeowun‘s words, the sect members were puzzled.

Demons aren‘t humans, so they could try this. But Chun Yeowun was a human and a martial
artist; no matter how good he was, could he really touch the satellite orbit?

Then, their curiosity was answered.


The vision of Chun Yeowun‘s blacking rays turned blurry for a moment due to the use of
unification of abilities with the Invisible Sword containing the Sky Demon Energy.

[Freezing. The current temperature is -100C.]

Chun Yeowun was flying at the height of 70 kilometers above the mesosphere3. It was the
coldest part of the atmosphere. It was difficult to get warmth from the earth and solar heat from
the sun since it was so far from the ground.

[Relieving the freezing.]


Heat dissipated from Nano, and the freezing was cleared.

Chun Yeowun was worried about the Golden Gumiho hanging outside his suit.

―Hey, fox?‖

— I‘mmmm….Ffffff-Fine.

Fortunately, she seemed fine. She couldn‘t get used to the speed of sound, not the temperature.

She was a yokai beast, so this must be nothing.

―It will turn challenging to breathe. Will you be fine?‖

— A-aare you worried about me?

Despite not being able to close her eyes right, the fox asked excitedly. To which Chun Yeowun
just shook his head.
Right now, this beast indeed looked like one.

— Tch.

―If you can‘t stand me, go down.‖

He thought she could actually descend to the ground alone.

With that, the Golden Gumiho answered.

— I can survive three days and nights in the deep sea without oxygen.

The Golden Gumiho could accumulate oxygen in her body. However, adapting to the
thermosphere might be difficult as soon as the friction index disappears.

―You are so stubborn.‖

— Huh. Still, two people going to the space like—

―Seeing how you speak, you must have adapted to the speed.‖

— ???

―I will increase the speed.‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s words, the Golden Gumiho was terrified.

— Wait! Wait! Ahhhhhhh!

She tried to tell him to stop, but the speed was already enhanced as Chun Yeowun now moved at
Mach4 14.

Of course, it was the nano suit that helped him.

A satellite low-orbit point at an altitude of 100 kilometers.

It was a place where the stars could be seen along with the round Earth.
It was an optimal point to see the place. The situation at the low-orbit point of the satellite was
something that humans couldn‘t even see.

Numerous mechanical fragments were all over the place. These shattered fragments were space
debris created by the destruction of hundreds of satellites and space stations, something of the


Numerous beams of light were fired from the cracks of such things. As if looking down at the
situation, spheres were arranged in a row, constantly aiming for something. A massive fortress in
the shape of a ship stood in the center of the spot where the light spheres were connected.

Earth‘s name for this was the TRA Alpha Satellite.

It was a strategic weapon entity beyond the Gate that stole the sky from humans.


There was a massive ship that acted as the head.

It was some dangerous entity for humans who had never approached it till this point. However,
there was a big secret there.

Inside that ship were intelligent, four-armed beings twice the size of humans.


[The flying object is getting faster!]

An entity looking at the monitor shouted.

At that, a six blue-eyed entity which seemed like the Captain said,


[It wasn‟t shot down yet?]

[W-we did.]


[Shit! How about the others?]


[They are also engaging the other multiple flying objects!]

They were conversing in a language that didn‘t belong to Earth. They were beings with
technology enough to occupy the space above a planet.

―What is the situation of each orbit?‖5


Numerous images were displayed on the ship‘s large monitor. There, satellite Alpha instance
ships were seen in orbits of Earth.

The ships were using their beams to repel what was coming onto them.

At that moment, someone yelled.


The being who suddenly yelled had a different appearance from the others. It was a creature with
an exotic appearance but a human in form. The only difference was the unique white wings on
the back.

The Captain asked him.

―Is that someone you know?‖

―Arisha‘s clan.‖

At the white-winged one‘s response, the Captain groaned. They knew that these were the
nemesis of the white-winged ones who ruled them.

The identity of the white-winged ones was the Heaven clan or Talisha‘s clan.

―Are they going to intervene?‖

The Heaven clan‘s member licked their lips and mumbled while looking at the monitor, and then
one of the other ones looking at the monitor suddenly yelled.

―An unidentified object is approaching the satellite orbit!‖


It was being displayed on the large screen. They could see something black emitting a blue field
and flying in at great speed.

„What is that?‟

The Heaven clan member seemed puzzled. Since Arisha‘s clan had been their enemy for a very
long time, they knew everything about the clan‘s technology.

Yet, they couldn‘t figure out what this mysterious being was.

„Are they trying to mess with us?‟

Unlike other satellites, the sight of this single object seemed more like a threat. It felt like
someone was messing with them.

The Heaven clan member spoke in an unpleasant voice.

―Captain! Shoot him down quickly!‖

The Captain with six eyes was flustered. Weren‘t they also trying to shoot this one down?

Even though they were shooting beams, this entity was blocking everything, and it was

―Why aren‘t you answering?‖

―… soon we will enter the area where the space junk is gathered. We will take care of it there.‖

The area with space junk.

It is the place where the fragments of the artificial satellites were floating. It was a place where
vision was obscured.

―Huh! If something happens to us, Captain, you will be replaced.‖


At the warning of the Heaven clan member, the Captain bit his lip.

They were all helpless in front of them.

―Spawn the spacecraft.‖


At the command of the Captain, the first officer turned on something that looked like a
microphone and gave the order.

―Prepare the craft to move.‖


Flight runways appeared in response to the shout; they were a quadrupedal machine, a
spacecraft, and a combat vehicle that could walk freely in space.


Dozens of spacecraft were hung upside down on each runaway in the hangar6. One of the
monitors shouted.

―Spacecraft ready to descend.‖

The Captain shouted.

―The target is an unidentified aircraft heading over here. Turn the space junk into a grave.‖
— Roger!

The subordinates shouted in unison.

Numerous voices were heard from the monitor. There were more than 1,000 spacecraft.

―Spacecraft, launch!‖


The moment the command fell, 1000 of them attached to the runway moved simultaneously.


It was spectacular to see them fly through the junk. The Heaven clan‘s members nodded their
heads, satisfied with their advance.

The Captain said in a confident voice,

―It‘s only one object. It won‘t be able to get past the junk. Bring up the screens of each craft.‖


Pik! Pik! Pik!

The view of those thousand ships was displayed on the ship‘s large screen. They were sharing
the sight with the main ship.

They began to move into the debris to raid the entity as they descended.

Then, the one monitoring shouted.

―The flying object reached the 900-kilometer mark.‖

―… that is fast.‖

It had already reached the space of debris.

The Captain grabbed the mic looking tensed, and ordered.

―Entered the range. Each craft, be prepared for—-‖

The voice came from one of the pilots.

— C-Captain!


The screen of the craft‘s field of vision grew bigger. Numerous blue lights were caught on the
camera. At first, it looked like a thousand—or maybe a hundred thousand lights shone.

―W-what is…‖

The Heaven clan member was also shocked. At that time, an uncountable number of blue lights
rushed at once.


Rays of blue light swept through the junk. The screams of pilots hiding in the debris could be
heard through the speakers.

— Kuak!

— Ack!

On the screen, the view of the floating crafts changed to black.

Seeing that, the Captain shouted.

―W-what was that?‖

―Hundreds of thousands of thermal energy emanated from below.‖

At the cry of the monitoring object, the Captain thought it was absurd.

―W-what does that mean?‖

It was absolutely incomprehensible.

It wasn‘t like ships appeared, but where did the hundreds of thousands of sudden thermal energy
come from?


Due to the explosion, the vision was obscured. As the crafts and satellites exploded, nothing
could be seen.

Then the Heaven clan member said to the Captain,

―Incompetent bastards! It will come to us!‖

The flustered Captain tried to make up an excuse.

―T-this is the first time we encountered something like this—‖

―Shut up.‖

The Heaven clan member got up from the seat.

One of the monitoring entities shouted.


―What is it?‖

―T-the screen!‖

The Captain and the heaven clan looked at the monitor simultaneously. It wasn‘t a low-altitude

It was the altitude above the ship.

The Heaven clan member coughed in anger.

―W-what is this….‖

Many meteors were seen falling from a higher altitude from the ship‘s location. Until recently,
there was no such thing.
When a meteor shower suddenly fell, it was chaos.

―Reposition the mobile lasers to the rear!‖

―Rear barrier operation!‖


Weapons arranged to the left and right of the ship were usually made to keep the earth in check.
If they couldn‘t stop these meteors from ahead, they would also be taken down.

The Captain, who barely came to his senses, shouted.

―F-fire the laser….‖


And with a loud roar, the ship shook violently. The Captain, who was sitting on the chair, fell


The meteor didn‘t even hit them. This shock was from below.


Series of explosions right under them. And the floor cracked open, and something appeared
inside the cockpit.



The Heaven clan member looked at the Golden Gumiho and the man in a black suit. They
thought it was an unidentified object, but this was a man.


―Catch him!‖
As the ship shook, the entities inside had fallen down and tried to get up. However, the presence
in a black suit lowered its hand.

Thud! Thud! Thud!



All the entities inside were thrown to the floor without leaving one.



The Heaven clan member tried to get up by holding the counter, but he couldn‘t hide his shock.

‗W-what is that? Why is that monster in here?‘

1. Thermosphere. Located between 80 and 700 kilometers (50 and 440 miles) above Earth‘s surface
is the thermosphere, whose lowest part contains the ionosphere. In this layer, temperatures
increase with altitude due to the very low density of molecules found here. It is both cloud- and
water vapor-free. The aurora borealis and aurora australis are sometimes seen here. The
International Space Station orbits in the thermosphere. ↩
2. Troposphere. Earth‘s troposphere extends from Earth‘s surface to, on average, about 12
kilometers (7.5 miles) in height, with its height lower at Earth‘s poles and higher at the
equator. ↩
3. Mesosphere. Located between about 50 and 80 kilometers (31 and 50 miles) above Earth‘s
surface, the mesosphere gets progressively colder with altitude. In fact, the top of this layer is the
coldest place found within the Earth system, with an average temperature of about minus 85
degrees Celsius (minus 120 degrees Fahrenheit). ↩
4. Mach. It is used as a unit of measurement in stating the speed of a moving object in relation to
the speed of sound. ↩
5. Alien language turned to English for easy reading. ↩
6. Hangar. It is a large building in which aircraft are kept. ↩


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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 219 -
TRA Alpha Satellite (3)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Apr 27, 2022

• 11 min read • 5620 views

Chun Yeowun‘s expression changed while looking around.

He thought they were intelligent lifeforms, but the bizarre-looking beings looked like aliens.

It seemed like they were lifeforms from another planet. However, among them, there was one
that resembled a human.


Chun Yeowun approached the human-looking being, an entity from the Heaven clan, whose
lower body was embedded in the ship. There were white wings on its back that interested Chun
Yeowun, who hadn‘t heard about them.

If the westerners saw them, they could consider this being an angel.
[Compared to Earth, the oxygen distribution is 80% suitable. It is possible to breathe inside the

At Nano‘s words, Chun Yeowun removed his helmet.


The suit‘s helmet disassembled into his skin and the Heaven clan member couldn‘t hide his
surprise at Chun Yeowun‘s appearance.

―A human?‖

The being would never even dream that this mysterious monster was a human.

―How can a human have such power?‖

The being couldn‘t believe it. Chun Yeowun looked down at it and asked,

―Are you a member of Talisha‘s clan?‖


The winged being‘s eyes seemed shocked by Chun Yeowun‘s question. The only people who
called its clan ―Talisha‘s clan‖ were those from Arisha‘s clan.

By this term alone, it was certain that Chun Yeowun was related to the demons.

―What is your relationship with them, human?‖

Chun Yeowun just stared at the being and lifted its hand.



The body of the Heaven clan member floated up, as if it was tied to a rope connected to the

―I ask the questions here.‖

„What intimidation…‟

One wrong step and he felt like he would die. However, those of the Heaven clan were known to
have an overwhelming pride and sense of superiority, and this being was no different.

―I have nothing to say to a human!‖

―So proud of yourself.‖

―How can a trivial human even think of—‖


Chun Yeowun grabbed the arm of the Heaven clan member, who was perplexed about Chun
Yeowun‘s next move.

―What are you—‖



Both arms were torn off, resulting in a resounding scream. Blue blood instead of red flowed out
from the torn ligaments.

Chun Yeowun‘s eyes shone at the blood color.

„It‟s different.‟

Chun Yeowun thought that the Heaven clan member‘s body structure would be similar to that of
the demons, but despite having blood with a different color, the body seemed to have flowing
blood, which resembled the body structure of humans more than that of the demons.


The Heaven clan member shouted as it suffered in pain.

―There doesn‘t seem to be much difference between someone so great and a human.‖
―Kuaak… you bastard.‖

The Heaven clan member coughed in anger, but couldn‘t do a single thing as its body was still
floating. Chun Yeowun asked,

―Did someone from Talisha‘s clan touch the Gates of Earth?‖

While asking, Chun Yeowun was actually already convinced that the perpetrator was someone
from Talisha‘s clan.

According to Duke Joseph, those from Talisha‘s clan would often manipulate Gates to rule the
corresponding planets.

―Y-You think I would answer a human‘s questions?‖

The prideful being decided to not speak, but based on the being‘s trembling eyes, it seemed like
Chun Yeowun‘s assumption was correct.

„It has to be.‟

It was evident that Talisha‘s clan had touched the core of the Star-Road, but it wasn‘t clear why
they were watching the planet after doing so. Chun Yeowun then asked,

―If you want to be respected and worshiped so much, then why did you leave the Gate open?‖

He dove right into the main topic; he had to know their real intentions.

„What the hell is with him? Did Arisha‟s clan team up with humans?‟

As sensitive topics were being brought up, the Heaven clan member‘s eyes were complicated.
Seeing that the intruder knew so much about the way that the Heaven clan ruled over others, it
was clear that the intruder had something to do with demons.

„I shouldn‟t hand over any information.‟

The foreign being clenched, believing that information would not be leaked, even at the cost of
its own life.

Chun Yeowun‘s fingers dug into its chest.


―Let‘s test how long you decide not to speak.‖

―Kuaaak, Ki-kill me!‖

The being shouted with its eyes open. Chun Yeowun liked those who stayed silent for the sake of
loyalty to their clans, but this situation was an exception.



Chun Yeowun‘s fingers dug further into the chest to see if there was something like a nucleus in
the chest like that of the demons



Chun Yeowun frowned at what he felt. He could definitely feel beating in the being‘s chest, but
unlike the core of the demons, it was nothing more than an organ that circulated blood.


The being smiled with a contorted face.

―You don‘t know us too well.‖


―Sadly. I can‘t keep you alive, as you will bring disaster to our clan.‖

The eyes of the being turned evil.

A weird malice told him that something was being hidden and he shouted.


[Delete ship! Self-destruct sequence activate!]

As soon as the words were spoken, the cockpit machine began to spark.


The temperature in the cockpit rose and the being smiled. Although its clan regarded others as
insignificant, they still learned the native language while staying there. (The foreign language
belonged to the alien-looking beings that were under the Heaven clan‘s control.)

The ship they were on flew through space spanning hundreds of millions of light years. When
the main energy center that was equipped to operate the warp exploded, a nuclear explosion
would follow.

The being laughed and said to Chun Yeowun,

―Kuakuku, you are done for. You‘ll die with me—‖


Before he could even finish his words, his vision changed.

After a moment of confusion, the Heaven clan member couldn‘t hide their confusion at the clean
air, which was different from the characteristic smell that should have come from his order.


A blue sky could be seen and many presences around could be felt.


―Chun Ma!‖

All the voices called for Chun Yeowun, which was when the being realized that it was no longer
on the ship.

A white light appeared in the sky as an explosion sounded and a fierce pressure was exerted
across the ground. The explosion took place at an altitude of about 100 kilometers, but it still
looked powerful.

―Well… you failed.‖

Chun Yeowun said, looking down at the being.

„D-Damn it! He could move through space?!‟

Suddenly, the eyes of the Heaven clan member were dyed with despair. The self-destruct in
which it prepared to give up its life had ended in vain.

―Now, will you talk about why your clan has stayed silent until now?‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s question, the being licked its lips. It was impossible to divulge any
information even though its plan had gone wrong; it had to keep the clan‘s secret at the risk of its
own life.

―Funny bastard! You will get nothing from me!‖


A while light gleamed in the Heaven clan member‘s eyes; it was trying to kill itself using
heavenly power. At that moment, Chun Yeowun grabbed its head.

In response, the being‘s eyes fluttered.

Unlike the demons, the main part of the Heaven clan members was their head.

An immense amount of energy was concentrated at the head to commit suicide, which Chun
Yeowun noticed.


A gloomy blue energy then flowed from Chun Yeowun‘s hand.

„If my prediction is right…‟

Chun Yeowun concentrated.

‟W-what is this?‘

The heaven‘s member was shocked at the gloomy energy that came from Chun Yeowun, and the
question was soon answered.



Starting with the head, the color of the being turned white. Even the wings were all frost white,
as if it were now a cold corpse.

―Huh? You killed it?‖

The golden Gumiho, who was on Chun Yeowun‘s shoulders, asked with a puzzled expression, as
she first thought that they had just lost the chance to dig up information.

It was then,

Something hazy like a ghost rose from the cold corpse. Even some of Chun Yeowun‘s
subordinates were shocked by the sight.



It was a fuzzy-looking but winged spirit that resembled the dead Heaven clan member. Chun
Yeowun smiled.


His prediction was spot-on.

Unlike the demons, the members of Talisha‘s clan could be turned to Ghosts. Chun Yeowun,
who dug his hand into the member‘s body, saw that they were similar to humans in physical
Beings with a flowing blood and heart could be turned to Ghosts, which is what happened.


By touching the Ghost, its memories could be read.

Its memories began to flow into Chun Yeowun, who had turned the being into a Ghost.

They were the memories that the being was thinking of 15 minutes back, including things that
Chun Yeowun had asked. The memories then showed the being protesting against a blonde
human-like being with white wings and a silver crown on his head in a three-dimensional

[High priest, just how long do we wait?]

[The time hasn‘t come yet.]


The being seemed frustrated.

[Isn‘t it better to take the planet into our hands and have those humans become our devotees?]

[Don‘t think for yourself!]

The being called the High Priest shouted. Flustered, the being on the ship fell to its knees and

[T-This foolish priest committed blasphemy. Please punish me.]

[Do not cross the line. Young priest, concentrate on the given task. The High Priest will do the
search for the missing one.]

[I understand.]

When the being said that, the hologram was cut off.

Confirming that it was successfully disconnected, the Heaven clan member mumbled in
[It‘s been 27 years already, looking down on this one planet in this damned space! That bastard
just sits in Heaven and gives such dumb instructions…]


He grunted through his teeth. Full of anger, he approached the window and looked out at the blue
Earth, thinking,

„How long do we have to work on finding the 6th Talisha? Does the one who disappeared after
obsessing over Arisha really exist on this one small planet?‟

The last memory ended there. Chun Yeowun was confused once he had seen all the memories
because the information he heard was unexpected.

„Their goal wasn‟t conquest?‟

According to the memories of the being that was now a Ghost, it seemed like they were looking
for Talisha. In addition, it felt like no one knew if Talisha was alive or dead.

For 27 years, they couldn‘t find anyone and clung to the hope that Talisha was still on Earth.
Chun Yeowun looked at the Ghost.

„Then, the Heavenly clan is here to find Talisha, who is supposedly on Earth?‟

The High Priest had said that Talisha was obsessed with Arisha, meaning that he had come to
Earth for Chun Yeowun‘s ancestor.

Come to think of it, it was said that during the Great War, Talisha and Arisha were both injured.


It seemed like the Ghost didn‘t know everything, but at least it was certain that the Heaven clan‘s
goal wasn‘t to conquer Earth.

At that moment, Bi Mak-heon ran to him.

―Chun Ma!‖

―What is it?‖
―Chun Ma received a call from Mr. Geum Seong-ryong of Blade Six.‖

―Huh? Why?‖

―There seems to be a problem with the MS Group.‖

―What? Were we told anything about it?‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s words, Bi Mak-heon hesitated and said.


Hu Bong answered,

―I tried to speak through the things Lord put in my head, but you didn‘t answer.‖

Hu Bong spoke was talking about the nano bombs that had been altered to allow Chub Yeowun
to communicate with his subordinates. They originally had worked while he was on Earth, but,

[Entering the thermosphere was out of the frequency range.]

Nano explained why.


Chun Yeowun didn‘t think such a problem would occur. Still, it didn‘t take long for the issue to
be resolved.

Bi Mak-heon was then asked to call back the Blade Six chairman.


Bi Mak-heon hastily contacted them back, but despite the ring, no one answered the call.

He then said,

―Chun Ma, they aren‘t answering the call.‖

Expressway to the northeast of Chengdu city.

Forty minutes from there was Chengdu station, where the underground speed train operated.

There was a huge crater, as if a bomb had been dropped in the middle, and several damaged
buses were lying around.

The highway was filled with flames as if a war was happening.


Geum Seong-ryong had been injured and was coughing up blood. Suddenly, metal structures
strong enough to tear down buildings were hurled at him.


At the location he was looking at, Hwang-heol was fighting an unknown person who was
wearing a red mask.


After constantly clashing with the red-masked man for a few seconds, Hwang-heol was thrown



He couldn‘t maintain his balance and his body staggered, struggling to stand up.

Hwang-heol raised his stiff face with trembling red eyes.

„It‟s “that” bastard.‟



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 220 -
Cho Yushin (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Apr 28, 2022

• 9 min read • 5782 views

Hwang-heol — one of the four Elders of the Blade God Six Martial Clan and one of the most
trusted servants of the Blade God. He was the one who helped the Blade God after they fought
against Ark Wui and Chun Yeowun.


The man wearing a red mask walking along the road was covered in flames. He was hiding his
face, but Hwang-heol was certain.

„It‟s him.‟

Around 350 years ago, a monster-like old man took the Imogi‘s corpse, its blood, and the life of
Hwang-heol‘s beloved lady.

Hwang-heol was convinced after fighting for more than a dozen seconds.

Hwang-heol groaned as he took off his clothes. He was the one who reacted quickly to the
unexpected presence. The corpses of their clan members were pilled into the buses so they could
move and defend their hidden base.

―You have gotten pretty strong. Hehehe. At that time, even the three of you couldn‘t handle this
old man‘s attacks.‖

Hwang-heol frowned at the voice.

The voice sounded like it was from a young man.

„It‟s different.‟

Hwang-heol still remembered the voice despite the years passed due to his hatred for the old
man. Then whose this voice?

―You… who are you?‖

―Hmm. You forgot about this old man already?‖

The red-masked man threw the blade at Hwang-heol.


The flying blade moved on its own—it was an Air Sword.


Hwang-heol moved his upper body towards the sword, slowly evaded it, and hit the middle of
the blade.


The crossing blades began to break into fragments and flew at the masked man. It was a high-
level technique in which the blade—no, each fragment of the blade was loaded with energy.
It might seem like a simple technique, but the fragments of the blade were all aimed at the red-
masked man.


The masked man lifted his palm up and then lowered it. Then flying fragments fell to the ground
as if the gravity rose.

―The previous blade has been broken.‖

―Don‘t act like that for a stolen blade.‖

One of those that tumbled out of the bus was the broken blade.

Hwang-heol‘s eyes looked at the red-masked man.

The voice was youthful, and the martial arts talents were something he encountered from the old
man he met 350 years ago and Chun Yeowun.

„Did he go through a body transformation?‟

That seemed most likely. However, it didn‘t matter if the elderly man got younger or anything.
He was still the man who had murdered his lover in front of him.


As Hwang-heol extended his hand, the ground began to tremble, and the road cracked and rose
up into sharp shards.


The attack was being made with the energies of the Spirit Beasts.

However, the red-masked man only laughed at him.


He stepped ahead then the stones on the floor that was about to attack him dispersed.
―Your blade energy is weak. You should use it this way.‖

The masked man stepped onto the floor.


At the same time, he reached out to Hwang-heol. Then the stones on the floor tried to lock him in
from east, west, north, and south as if a giant beast was about to eat him.


However, since the stones were engulfed in fire, the heat felt like it was lava.

It didn‘t end there.

Blue sparks rose in the air, and tremendous lightning struck them.

„How is he dealing with the Five Spirit Beasts‟ energy this way?‟

Aside from anger, Hwang-heol admired his opponent‘s power. Unlike himself, who dealt with
the energy as an auxiliary, the man with a red mask was able to handle it skillfully.


Hazy invisible energy rose to form a blade from Hwang-heol‘s hand. He grabbed it with both
hands and then lowered it to the floor with force.




The energy of the invisible blade that had sunk into the ground spread out in eight directions,
tearing away the stone walls that had been heated like lava pressing around them.

It was the Eight Xian Blade technique.

Meanwhile, lightning hit him from above. However, it just looked like it since he had vanished
and reappeared in front of the masked man.


Hwang-heol used the fifth technique with an invisible blade. It was the Extreme Fast Slashing
Blade that unfolded with the footwork.


Hwang-heol‘s invisible blade tried to cut off the masked man‘s neck. However, the man in front
of him managed to avoid the invisible blade at a tremendous speed.

„He avoided this?‟

In that state, he extended his fist to Hwang-heol‘s chest, and Hwang-heol somersaulted1 to the


However, the fist had extended several tens of meters, making the road a mess. If it had been a
little later, Hwang-heol would have been swept away.


He tried to avoid it, but his back was hurting due to his aging body.

As if noticing this, the red-masked man reached out with his blade and attempted to strike him.


An invisible blade tried to pierce Hwang-heol.


He used an invisible blade as a shield despite the disheveled form.

There was a tearing sensation as if the invisible blades were being torn.

„What is this energy?‟

That was what it seemed like.



Hwang-heol‘s body bounced back as if a cannonball-like force had hit him. However, he was a
veteran. In that brief moment of flight, the blade was drawn towards the man wearing a red



The red-masked man holding out the blade was pushed five steps back. What seemed like blood
flowed through the cracks behind the red mask.


The red-masked man clutched his chest briefly because Hwang-heol used Heart Blade.

―Good. To make this old man bleed…‖


A sharp sense flowed from the bottom of the red-masked man, and then the floor cracked in all
directions. The Heart Blade energy inside him was discharged out of his body.


Meanwhile, Hwang-heol bounced back and used an invisible blade to stop himself from going
further away. He looked tired.

„What a fight.‟
Geum Seong-ryong, who was watching this, bit his tongue. It was indeed a battle of the bests.
But there were differences.

Hwang-heol was battling this hard for the first time since the battle with Demon God.

„Now I understand why the Elder was wary of MS Group.‟

Who would have guessed they were hiding in MS? Geum Seong-ryong tried to turn on his
smartphone. However, the smartphone‘s battery was drained.

„Damn it.‟

All the smartphones were turned off when the red-masked man appeared, and it seemed like an
EMP was used. It was deliberately done to avoid contact with the outside world.

„If only I can contact Demon God.‟

He sincerely hoped for that.

Geum Seong-ryong suddenly remembered something as he looked at the red-masked man with
anxious eyes. They have a special phone with an EMP sensor developed by Blade Six‘s research

„Was it on the 3rd bus?‟

Geum Seong-ryong looked around to find the 3rd bus. Many buses were overturned and were on
fire, so he hoped this one bus was safe.

At that moment, he found something.


It was the 3rd bus cut in half, and unlike other buses, it wasn‘t on fire which meant the phone had
to be safe.

Geum Seong-ryong looked at the red-masked man. With his own abilities, he couldn‘t block the

„I have to aim when the Elder is fighting.‟

To not get his attention, Geum Seong-ryong reduced his presence, covered himself in the soot,
and looked for a chance.

As if not noticing, the red-masked one approached Hwang-heol.

And the red-masked man said,

―You kept hiding, didn‘t you? Then you should have just held onto your life. That old bitch who
gave up her life to make sure to save you is now thrown into waste.‖

Hwang-heol‘s face contorted at it.

„Ma Hu-yeon!‟

Her last moment came to his mind. The bloody sacrifice he had to see.

He shouted in rage.

―You bastard!‖

―Come on.‖

Eyes shining in red could be seen through the mask. The eyes were clearly showing excitement.
The masked man was definitely enjoying the battle after a long time.


The Five Spirit Beasts‘ energy was gathered in Hwang-heol‘s hand that held the invisible blade.
It was the greatest marvel that individuals who had attained the Heavenly Realm could unfold.

―Right. Allow this old man to enjoy this fight more.‖

The red-masked man walked towards him, and Hwang-heol shouted.

―This will be the tomb for the both of us.‖

Hwang-heol was ready to throw his life away. It was only for this moment that he endured the
harsh life.
„Hu-yeon, I will take him to the underworld.‟

In that way, at least, he can face his woman with a proud smile. Hwang-heol gathered all the
spirit energy into his hand, and then…


The red-masked man, who was walking, stretched out his hand somewhere. At that moment, a
loud explosion came.


It was a bus that exploded. Then he saw the figure of Geum Seong-ryong going close to the bus
had bounced back. Geum Seong-ryong looked around, shocked.

―Don‘t do anything useless. Kid.‖

At the words of the red-masked man, Geum Seong-ryong‘s face turned desperate.

He thought they wouldn‘t notice, but the man was aware. There was no way he could move now.

‟… it‟s over.‟

Geum Seong-ryong bowed his head. There was no longer any way to contact the outside world.
Maybe today will be the day when the Blade God Six Martial clan comes to an end.

―Then how about we end it?‖


Around the red-masked man, five colors began to shine, making a shocking thing happen. The
spirit energy was turned into a weapon.

―This old man will show you blade dance.‖

What an overwhelming force, Hwang-heol‘s eyes shook as he watched the opponent be better
than him with the Five Spirit Beasts‘ energy.

„How can this….‟

As he grew, so did the monster. His mind, thinking of dying and taking the man with him, was
confused. However, the red-masked man stopped approaching him.


Then the red-masked man mumbled.

―This guy…‖

The weapon with the spirit energy that floated around the red-masked man disappeared, and then
he flew up.

When he suddenly left, Hwang-heol was speechless.


In a stone mountain in the desert about 110km away from Chengdu City, numerous corpses were
scattered throughout the enormous hidden basement inside it.

Someone in a black suit was leisurely walking among the numerous corpses. It was Chun

[Emergency! Emergency! Emergency!]

Warning tones constantly sounded through the basement‘s speaker.

Angel’s Corner

The last scene was POG!

1. Somersault (noun/verb) - an acrobatic movement in which a person turns head over heels in the
air or on the ground and lands or finishes on their feet. (Definition from Oxford Languages) ↩


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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 221 -
Cho Yushin (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

Apr 30, 2022

• 11 min read • 5381 views



Just 20 minutes ago…

When Blade Six Chairman Geum Seong-ryong didn‘t answer the phone despite several calls, Bi
Mak-heon was worried.

[He didn‘t answer?]

[Something seems to have gone wrong.]


Chun Yeowun began to think from then on.

Geum Seong-ryong had called saying that he had an urgent matter, despite Blade Six having
strong warriors and Hwang-heol as well.

„An enemy Hwang-heol couldn‟t face.‟

That was the most likely situation.

If Hwang-heol couldn‘t deal with the enemy, that meant that the main power behind MS had
moved and that Blade Six had touched something that made MS move.

‗_So they found it.‘_

Chun Yeowun was sure that Blade Six must have found the headquarters of MS Group.


[Yes, Lord Chun Ma?]

[Where was the last coordinate sent by Blade Six?]

Chun Yeowun checked the coordinates of the last place that Blade Six sent. In Blade Six‘s
report, they said that they had found what they assumed to be the base.

Recognizing Chun Yeowun‘s intention, Bi Mak-heon spoke.

[I will check for the location based on their navigation path.]

He selected a total of 3 places; unlike Blade Six, who moved one by one to scout, Chun Yeowun
could search an entire area with his spatial movement.

He quickly found a base on the second place that Bi Mak-heon had selected: the stone mountain.

This base‘s strict security system, which was incomparable to that of other bases, convinced
Chun Yeowun and Bi Mak-heon that this was MS Group‘s main base.

Everything developed by MS was being revealed from genetic humans to combat weapons.
There were only a few hundred people near the entrance.

Bang! Bang!


However, Chun Yeowun was too strong for them to handle.

Chun Yeowun walked in a straight line and dealt with the enemies without even lifting a hand.

Before people could even come close, their heads would explode or be crushed down.

[Emergency! Emergency! Emergency!]

A warning sound blared, signaling that the base‘s main system was aware that a mighty enemy
had arrived. Numerous CCTV screens in the base illuminated the presence of a single person.

Of course, it was none other than Chun Yeowun.

[The 4th sector has been breached. 50% of the genetically mutated biological weapons have been
mobilized to stop the intruder.]

[The 5th sector has been breached. 40% of the bodily modified weapons have been mobilized to
stop the intruder.]

Chun Yeowun broke through the sectors at high speeds; his actions had no strategy or plan. Who
would attempt to break into an enemy camp without a plan?

Well, Chun Yeowun was undeniably arrogant and strong, and his madness was evident.


On the CCTV screen, Chun Yeowun was seen killing people without lifting a hand.

Genetically mutated weapons and bodily modified weapons continued to pour in to stop him, but
they would die before they could even get within 30 meters of his location.


A map appeared on one of the screens, showing a red dot moving at high speed. Although it was
moving incredibly fast, it would take another 15 minutes to reach where the map was located.
With this force, it would take less than three minutes for Chun Yeowun to reach the center.

Something was typed into the black screen, which seemed like the main terminal.

[Temporary sequence has been entered, changed to protect the base.]

[Main sequence #1932.]

[Transferring the recorded brain information to tubes 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, brain, and
body of the test.]


Computers could be heard working together. Before long, tubes containing a mysterious liquid
moved as humans began to form inside them.


[Upload: 60% complete.]

[Upload: 70% complete.]

[Upload: 80% complete.]


While the upload was in progress, the glass tubes labeled 02, 05 and 08 broke, and a human
sprung out from the broken glass.

Its head, however, looked like a broken watermelon.

[Tubes 02, 05, and 08 failed to have the information uploaded to the brain.]

[Upload: 90% complete.]

[Upload: 100% complete.]

When the message said that the upload was complete, the body in the main glass tube, which was
convulsing, stopped. A drain pipe opened at the bottom of the main glass tube and drained it of
the fluids. Once the liquid was drained, the glass tube opened.


As the glass tube opened, air flowed in, and the device that looked like a helmet was released.
Five hairless, humanoid beings came out.


They coughed, as it was hard to breathe because they had just gotten up. Nonetheless, their
breathing quickly stabilized.


Monitor screens rose from the floor and stopped in front of the five humanoid beings. A man
with a mask that had a visibly engraved letter ‗A‘ on his face was seen on the monitor.

A voice came out of the speaker and spoke to the five at the same time.

―First, I would like to apologize that the plan went a little off. With the data transferred, you have
to block the incoming man until the main man arrives.‖

In response, the five beings adopted an absurd expression.

―Main man?‖

Meanwhile, Chun Yeowun was passing through a sector called Sector 8. Numerous people
jumped to intercept him and used many techniques to stop Chun Yeowun, but he was still taking
them down without using his hands.

He was completely unmatched in power.

Chun Yeowun was actually able to reach the center much more quickly, but he decided to slow
down and take care of the people for two reasons.
The first reason was to remove all the power and development within MS, and the second was to
distract the enemies from Blade Six, who seemed to be facing trouble.

‗_I seem to be destroying the base rather quickly.‘_

In the current state, it seemed like Chun Yeowun wasn‘t facing many difficulties as he breezed
through the base. However, Chun Yeowun‘s eyes noticed something strange as he was moving.

‗_They‘re moving away.‘_

The enemies that had been running towards him previously were now backing out, as if someone
strong was coming for backup.

Chun Yeowun detected numerous beings with weird killing intents approaching him.

‗_Are they coming now?‘_

However, something was strange: those approaching him seemed to have similar energy. Chun
Yeowun held out his hand.


Hundreds of Air Swords formed as Chun Yeowun grabbed onto one of them with his hand and
directed the rest ahead.


The swords, which filled the hall, moved to the new enemies, but a red flash appeared from afar
as the Air Swords suddenly disappeared.


The beings who got rid of the Air Swords flew in at an incredible speed.

They were naked, muscular, and had no hair at all. Chun Yeowun felt intrigued by their entrance
into the battle and held out his hand.


The space distorted, twisting in front of them as they approached him. The reckless ones who
continued to run at the forefront, ignorant of his spatial attack, were swept into the space.


Thanks to that, the other ones decided to withdraw. Their desperate response was to break
through the wall, ceiling, or even underground; they were doing anything to get away from the
twisted space, which was the right choice.


Immediately, the ceiling above Chun Yeowun was pierced as one of the beings approached Chun
Yeowun. His eyes shone.

‗_This is?‘_

It was Shaolin Temple‘s Chained God Kick technique, which was performed so skillfully and
perfectly that it looked like a Shaolin Monk had appeared.

Chun Yeowun blocked the attack with one hand.


At that moment, two of the humanoids appeared on either side. Chun Yeowun intently looked at
the martial arts they performed.

The technique that the being to his right performed was none other than the Five Demon Faces
technique, which belonged to a clan under the Sky Demon Order.

‗_An Evil sect‘s martial arts?‘_

The being to his left was using the technique of a sect under the Forces of Evil. These beings
seemed to be using the most potent martial arts and performing them perfectly without any gaps.

Of course, normal warriors would be flustered by their sudden and coordinated attacks, but those
beings were dealing with the strongest being on Earth. Chun Yeowun moved forward with one
hand behind his back.


At that moment, a crack formed on the floor, causing fragments to bounce in all directions.


‗_Should I imbue the fragments with Sword Energy?‘_

Chun Yeowun decided to try it out.

His planning became even more complicated.

‗_Each of their blood points needs to be targeted.‘_

The fragments weren‘t just loaded with sword energy but were being controlled very cleverly.


Ultimately, Chun Yeowun used the fragments to hit three of the humanoids, and those three were
thrown back and hit the wall, while the one coming from the ceiling was blown up.

Chun Yeowun mumbled,

―Did he avoid it?‖


When Chun Yeowun took a step forward, the floor cracked open as a being from under the
ground came up. The being was trying to aim for Chun Yeowun from below, but he had
managed to move in time.


When Chun Yeowun held out his hand, three Invisible Swords formed in the air. Seeing the
Invisible Sword, the being held a blade with both hands and raised it.
However, as the swords moved, the being with a blade mumbled,

―You did something stupid.‖


One of the Invisible Swords pierced the being‘s head, and the remaining swords went for its
heart and stomach.

The being seemed dead, but Chun Yeowun‘s eyes caught something.


The damaged bodies of the beings were rapidly recovering, but that wasn‘t what shocked Chun

‗_Blue blood?‘_

There was blue blood dripping from the beings that had been stabbed. It was strange that they
had no hair, could use martial arts, and even had blood that wasn‘t red.

Chun Yeoun reached out to the dead one.


He turned the body over onto its back. Something was protruding on its side where wing bones
were located on the being‘s back.

Chun Yeowun looked at the strange form curiously when one of the regenerated beings used
Sword Energy against Chun Yeowun.


A white light condensed on its hand, similar to the way that martial artists used sword energy,
but it was slightly different.

Chun Yeowun used Sword Energy against the being‘s attack to stop it.

Blue sparks flashed. Chun Yeowun narrowed his eyes.

‗_No internal energy.‘_

Chun Yeowun subtly felt something strange, and when he clashed with the being, he became
aware that the being could use martial arts without having any internal energy.


The being unfolded two strong techniques at a highly skilled level, but its techniques weren‘t just
any techniques: they were the best techniques from the Wudang clan and the Mount Hua clan,
and it was unfolding them simultaneously.

‗_What‘s this?‘_

It was the first time Chun Yeowun ever saw anyone perform two different techniques at the same

Chun Yeowun had to learn all the martial arts with the Nano‘s, but this being seemed to be
different. It wasn‘t just this being, but other ones also seemed to have the same capabilities.

‗_Even if they aren‘t martial artists, they keep changing their techniques and don‘t seem
flustered when blocked.‘_

Since Chun Yeowun knew the techniques, he knew where to look for gaps.

At that moment, Chun Yeowun grabbed the wrist of a being that was in the middle of changing



The being raised the energy in its body, but that wasn‘t enough to shake off Chun Yeowun. Chun
Yeowun opened his mouth and said,

―You guys… must be hiding a lot.‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s question, the being smiled and said,

―We aren‘t hiding anything. With this body, we‘ve reached our limit.‖

―This body?‖

Chun Yeowun was puzzled; it seemed that this wasn‘t its original body.

―What do you mean?‖

―If it weren‘t for this body, this would have been a fun fight with you, Demon God. It is a pity
that my role is small.‖


At that moment, Chun Yeowun sensed a strong presence at the end of the passage he was passing

An intense energy approached, trying to overthrow everything with killing intent. The smell of
blood all around hurt Chun Yeowun‘s nose.

Step! Step!

A being with a blood-red mask and blood-stained body walked in.

Looking at the newcomer, the caught being seemed to like his smell of blood.

―Hmm, you must have enjoyed it.‖

―Well, it‘s me,‖

The red-masked man said, looking at the being. The being responded with a bitter voice,

―I didn‘t know this would be such a time-consuming role, but clean this up, main body.‖

The man in the red mask nodded.

―Good work. Now, let this old man take charge.‖

At that moment, another being flew towards Chun Yeowun, who lightly flicked his finger behind
him without watching.



The being flew back while screaming in pain; there was a noticeable hole in its chest as it flew


The being that had its wrist held seemed surprised by the outcome of the sudden attack. Yeowun
looked at the red masked man and said with a smile,

―Do you people really think you were able to stall for time?‖



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 222 -
Cho Yushin (3)
Descent of the Demon God
Published on

May 1, 2022

• 13 min read • 5293 views



‗_He was the one acting.‘_

The surprise was brief.

The reckless being returned to his original form and shook his head.

Then, he said to Chun Yeowun,

―Looks like you did what you intended, Demon God. You definitely succeeded in getting

Thanks to this, Hwang-heol and Geum Seong-ryong, the last of Blade Six, survived. However,
the being didn‘t have regrets; instead, he smiled.

―But you made a mistake of gathering all your enemies into one place.‖

―Well, this is a one-time chance.‖

Chun Yeowun seemed relaxed, and the being spoke.

―We know your strength, but do you know of us?‖

Something flew towards Chun Yeowun‘s head as soon as the words were finished. It was the
Energy Sword of the Five Spirit Beasts.

‗_Five Spirit Beasts‘ energy sword?‘_

This meant that his opponent reached the Heavenly Master level.

The sword flying in intends to pierce Chun Yeowun‘s head, but Chun Yeowun would not let that

His own Five Spirit Beasts‘ energy sword appeared like a shield.

Pang! Kwakwang!

A powerful wave was created when the two collided, and the basement sank 50 meters below
ground. Nature‘s energy imbues the Five Spirit Beasts‘ energy sword. It was something more
powerful than the invisible sword.

‗_As expected, it‘s fast.‘_

The being stuck his tongue at the speed of Chun Yeowun controlling his sword. And then he
decided to play his part even though his body was controlled by internal energy.

‗_The self-destruct has been activated.‘_


The entire body of the being was dyed in red, and heat soared. Chun Yeowun, who held the
wrist, began to use Ice Qi.


The being froze before he could explode. He was shocked that his self-destruction was stopped.


At that moment, the red masked man appeared in front of Chun Yeowun and tried to attack with
his fist, and Chun Yeowun responded in the same way.


As they collided, they bounced off by force.


Chun Yeowun‘s eyes widened in surprise as they collided and moved backward simultaneously.
It was because the power of the red-masked man was stronger than what he expected. The
energy he used in his fist was to block, but given how far back his weapon had moved, his
enemy had to be more powerful than demons.


The red-masked man came out of the crumbling wall and tried to relax his neck muscles.


The red-masked man took off his mask and threw it to the floor. Seeing that, Chun Yeowun
narrowed his eyes.


He had the same face as Sayogi, the Heavenly Killing Star.

Chun Yeowun remembered the clones of Sayogi he saw in MS‘ hidden base.

―Are you a clone too?‖

At his question, the man with Sayogi‘s face laughed.


He was laughing like an old man. It was natural, but the voice didn‘t match the body.

The man looked at Chun Yeowun and said,

―Unfortunately, you are wrong. I am the original.‖


―Well, I really wanted to see you. That was why this old man put so much effort into raising that

Hearing those words, memories flashed through Chun Yeown‘s mind. Sayogi talked of another
person like him. And he heard of it from the Eun Jarim, about a warrior who lived for long being
related to MS Group.

With that, Chun Yeowun guessed who this was.

―Cho Yushin.‖


―You are the old man who raised Sayogi.‖

―Do you know me?‖

This man, Cho Yushin, seemed surprised.

There were very few people who knew about him, even in the Eun Jarim. However, Cho Yushin
never controlled information about him; living for so long, he knew the information was bound
to come out.

Step! Step!

Chun Yeowun stepped ahead and said,

―If you are the original, why did you make clones similar to you? Were you trying to mess with
the world?‖

―Mess the world? Hahaha.‖

Cho Yushin laughed as if that was absurd. Then he continued,

―If that was the purpose, the old man would have stepped ahead right away. Wouldn‘t I have?‖

The killing intent from the words of Cho Yushin went beyond the ordinary.

The killing intent was as if he resented everything about the world. Chun Yeowun couldn‘t
understand how the man could still smile with so much killing intent.
―Humans are truly fragile creatures. Even though there are numerous developments, it is finite
like a flower which will eventually fall into darkness.‖

He seemed skeptical of the human lifespan.

Then, Cho Yushin continued.

―Where in the world is this foolish body, which dies no matter how powerful it becomes?‖

Chun Yeowun frowned at those words. At first, he thought the purpose of the clones was to
increase crazy people like him—to create a group of them. But listening to it, it seemed what the
man wanted was eternal life.

But what did that have to do with making clones?

Suddenly, Chun Yeowun thought of Cho Yushin‘s conversation with the other being.

[It‟s me.]

[I didn‘t think this would be so time-consuming, but please clean up, main body.]

[You did well. Now, let this old man take charge.]

Cho Yushin called himself original, and Chun Yeowun thought so…

‗_He can clone himself and not just the body?‘_

The answer was given by Nano.

[It isn‘t impossible. It is possible if it has the technology to transfer the forebrain, which has
converted all the memory information of the brain to data and into another body.]

It is not a complex technology in the environment in which Nano was created. The technology,
however, was legally prohibited. A SOUL‘s existence was controversial at the time. Nonetheless,
there was a general belief that just copying memory does not contain a person‘s soul but rather
simply breaths memories into a body.

Just because they had the technology, it didn‘t mean it could be done.
Chun Yeowun shook his head.

―You are crazier than I thought. Do you want to covet eternal life?‖

In the end, the clones were created to extend his lifespan. Chun Yeowun had an open mind more
than others, but he had contempt for those who thought like Cho Yushin.

At Chun Yeowun‘s words, Cho Yushin laughed and said,

―Do you know how big this old man‘s will is?‖

―‘Big‟ in what way?‖

―Eternal life? It is just an addition.‖

―Addition? How nonsense.‖

―I seek nothing but perfection. Even if there is a perfect mind and the body doesn‘t follow, it is



As soon as he said that, the energy around Cho Yushin increased rapidly, and hundreds of
weapons with the Five Spirit Beasts‘ energy were created. Chun Yeowun‘s eye narrowed at it.

‗_A perfect Heavenly Master level.‘_

Taking in the cores of the beasts. If this was the case, it indicated that this individual had no
internal energy constraints.

Cho Yushin smiled.

―Such unfortunate times. I had a regret after hearing the story that the second Chun Ma destroyed
the one who managed to defeat this old man. Finally, I can relive that regret.‖

Then Cho Yushin moves toward Chun Yeowun while hundred of the weapons are ready to

―Try handling the Hundred Blades.‖

Cho Yushin waved his hand, and the blades around the area unfolded techniques showing how
expert the one handling them was.


Even Chun Yeowun felt amazed.

‗_He can handle all hundred of them?‘_

Chun Yeowun could do that because of Nano‘s help. However, Cho Yushin could do it with pure
talent and effort alone.

What was more was that each blade was moving in the best way possible.

‗_How to stop it?‘_

This man was aware of the abilities of Chun Yeowun. That was why he was confident that he
wouldn‘t lose to him. At that moment, Chun Yeowun raised his hand.

And then…


The space in all directions twisted with intense energy flowing out. The space itself moved like a

Cho Yushin‘s eyes twinkled at it.

‗_As expected, he can handle space.‘_

He watched it from afar but seeing it in person was very different.

The blades that held such strong power collided with the twisted space and were shattered.

Even Hwang-heol‘s blades could work against him. As his blades disappeared, Chun Yeowun
walked toward him.

―I stopped it. What else are you going to show me now?‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s question, Cho Yushin applauded.

Clap! Clap!

―Amazing! You are really amazing!‖

―There is no need to be that shocked.‖

―I was convinced that the Heavenly Master level wasn‘t the end, but seeing it in front of my eyes
made it clear!‖

At those words, Chun Yeowun narrowed his eyes. Even though the opponent he is facing is
overpowering him, he still seems excited. It‘s as if he wanted to also use the Space Sword.

―Thank you because you‘ve shown the old man the way.‖

―You are overconfident. Do you think you will survive here?‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s words, Cho Yushin smiled.

―You made the mistake of coming here.‖


Chun Yeowun, who thought that something was up, reached out to his enemy. Sharp anticipation
sprang out and twisted the space, then surrounded Cho Yushin.

It was then.


The anticipation aiming for Cho Yushin turned at once, and Nano said,
[The vector values and direction have been forcibly adjusted.]


His attacks were moving and destroying the base but not the target. Chun Yeowun frowned at the
strange power which even affected his space.

Cho Yushin smiled.

―You are late, B.‖

At that moment, the place where Cho Yushin was standing opened, and something like an
elevator came out. Someone appeared wearing a silver mask with a letter B mark on it.

‗_A B mask.‘_

He is one of the 10 executives of the MS Group that was the closest to the commander.

Most of the executives have died at the hands of Chun Yeowun, but one or two of them weren‘t

―Sorry. It took me some time.‖

―It does not matter since you came when it mattered. Now, A!‖

A voice was heard at Cho Yushin‘s cry.

— EV will operate in the industrial field.


At that moment, energy beyond imagination surged from the base.

‗_What is this?‘_

Chun Yeowun looked at the floor. The moment different energy was released, the energy around
and the one in Chun Yeowun‘s body scattered.

— The acetic acid hole system and the wide EV field have been successfully activated.
The altered voice of A said from the speaker. Then Cho Yushin smiled.

―You entered your grave.‖

―You prepared a lot.‖

―It will be different from what you experienced outside. Being in the base is real perfection.‖

He could feel it. The energy flowing from the bottom of the base was so intense that it couldn‘t
be compared to the one Murim Association used.

―You guys must be the same.‖

Everyone was in the same position. At that, The person wearing a B mask, who is also presumed
to be called B, flicked his fingers.


The ceiling around Chun Yeowun collapsed and fell around him.


To be precise, it was everywhere except for where Chun Yeowun stood.

The person wearing a B mask saw an energy device emitting a blue magnetic field attached to
Cho Yushin‘s chest.

―This has nothing to do with us.‖

The device was made for the abilities to be used. Cho Yushin tapped B‘s shoulder and said,

―Even without this kind of thing, this friend and this old man have the strongest abilities that are
enough to defeat you. But you see, a tiger should do its best even when hunting a rabbit1.‖

Cho Yushin considered B to be someone with the strongest ability. Come to think of it, H, who
was now one of Chun Yeowun‘s subordinates, said something.

[I heard that one of two—B or C are the most powerful.]

He didn‘t know their abilities, but what was certain was that when it unfolds, Chun Yeowun‘s
Space Sword is made to change directions.

Then, as Nano said, he could manipulate the vector values or directions. Then, the man had to
really be the strongest.

Tok! Tok!

Something like water dripped. Cho Yushin turned and looked at B.

There was blood dripping from B‘s chin.

‗_He overdid it.‘_

Cho Yushin bit his tongue. B‘s brain must be overloaded.

He thought it would be daunting to use his ability that warps space, but he couldn‘t fight Chun
Yeowun alone.

B bleed with just one attempt.

‗_It doesn‘t matter. If B controls the vector value once or twice and blocks the attacks, the old
man can kill him.‘_

In that fleeting moment, he could end it.

The result is obvious.

Now, Chun Yeowun was caught in their trap and could do nothing. Even if he forced himself to
get past the system and try to do something, he could never defeat the two of them.

Then a voice from the speaker was heard.

— He could be a test subject with the best conditions. Catch him, Cho Yushin.

―Even if you didn‘t say it, I would do it.‖

The body of Demon God, known to be the strongest on earth, was what they wanted the most.

Cho Yushin walked toward Chun Yeowun. The magnetic field device on his chest made it
possible for him to use his internal energy, but it was still challenging to use the Five Spirit
Beasts‘ Energy Sword.

Perhaps, the only space B could control was in this area, so his space to attack was limited.

‗_Maybe, we should just be prepared to stop him?‘_

It couldn‘t be figured out for sure. Cho Yushin smiled and said to Chun Yeowun, who was silent.

―It isn‘t the strong one who overcomes things, but the one who overcomes is the strong one.
Demon God.‖

At that moment, Chun Yeowun looked at them and said,

―Can a will be defined as a vector?‖


Hearing that, Cho Yushin was puzzled for a second, then he shouted nervously as he realized

―A! Let B get down—-‖

It was then.


B grabbed his chest.

Blood gushed out from the cracks of the mask.

―W… what is this?‖

Then he fell down.

―Heart Sword!‖

Cho Yushin grunted. He thought he had calculated everything, but he was wrong.

The Heart Sword is the power of the user‘s will. Even if B could control the vectors, his ability
could not do much when it came to the sword made by the user‘s will.

―He should not live. A, I will kill him.‖

Cho Yushin thought it was a problem they could not control. The monster that could open his
path with the slightest gap: Chun Yeowun.

Then Chun Yeowun held out his hand.

―It is impossible! No matter how much you go beyond the Heavenly Master level, in this area—‖

Before he could even finish speaking, Chun Yeowun moved his hand up as if lifting something.
Cho Yushin didn‘t know what his opponent was doing. It was trying to force his internal energy
to flow.

―I said it is impossible.‖


The earth‘s axis shook violently.




The entire base was destroyed. The vibration was so strong that the whole ground and walls

It was shaking severely that they couldn‘t stand.

Even A‘s voice came from the speaker.

— How can this…

Cho Yushin couldn‘t understand.

―W-what happened?‖

— The entire base… is rising.


It was something one wouldn‘t know if they were inside. This massive earthquake was
happening because the base of MS Group was rising.

Outside, the entire mountain was rising, and something unbelievable happened.


Chun Yeowun spoke to Cho Yushin.

―Your trap is too small.‖



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 223 -
Commander A (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

May 2, 2022

• 13 min read • 5283 views



No matter how perfect the plan was, who could have foreseen a future like this? As if Earth‘s
gravity had vanished, the stone mountain was rising.


This was a situation that Commander A and Cho Yushin both didn‘t expect. The biggest problem
was the base rising up.


The entire interior was cracking and shattering while lights began to flicker out of control; it
seemed like the entire base would be destroyed at any moment.


A problem was encountered as the powerlines in the base were cut when the stone mountain rose
out of the ground. Because the ventilation system and a wide EV field required a lot of energy,
the MS members would be in trouble.

„Did he do all that just for this? Ha!‟

Cho Yushin couldn‘t hide his shock when he realized that the previously dispersed energy began
to flow once more. Then, he thought,

„He needs to be stopped.‟

It would take time for his mind to transfer to the rest of the clones, and that process wouldn‘t
finish if Chun Yeowun‘s interference continued. This was his only chance to save his end goal
right before every connection was cut. Cho Yushin‘s killing intent, which he had been
suppressing, suddenly exploded.


A blood-red energy began to exude from his body as he began to release the true power of the
Heavenly Killing Star.

His bloodlust to devour everything began to grow rapidly; it was a vicious energy that wanted to
destroy everything around him.


Cho Yushin concentrated all of his bloodlust at one point and began to release energy full of
killing intent into his Five Spirit Beasts‘ energy sword to kill Chun Yeowun.

Chun Yeowun‘s eyes shone as he continued to levitate his surroundings..


Do those who follow the path of martial arts think the same way?

The surrounding energy exploded when the unification of Five Spirit Beasts‘ energies merged
with the sword full of killing intent. Instinctively, Chun Yeowun knew that this sword‘s power
was comparable to that of the Supreme Sky Demon Sword.

Judging from his expertise in energies, Cho Yushin was indeed a martial artist.


A ferocious red line was drawn in the air as Cho Yushin‘s sword moved. Cho Yushin‘s eyes
were locked on his target, but at that moment, Chun Yeowun smiled.

„Is he smiling?‟

Suddenly, Cho Yushin, who was still wielding the sword full of killing intent, was thrown into
the ceiling.

The impact caused by the collision between Cho Yushin and the ceiling was incredibly painful.


Cho Yushin‘s internal balance was broken.


Cho Yushin clenched his teeth.

„This bastard!‟

He could guess what had happened: the base, which had been rising, was now falling back to the
ground. No matter how strong Cho Yushin was, the weight of tons of buildings suddenly
crashing down on him would temporarily disturb his balance.


Cho Yushin, who was being crushed by the falling base, looked at Chun Yeowun, who was
moving as if he were launched like a rocket and drawing his sword towards Cho Yushin.


At that moment, a black straight line was drawn by Chun Yeowun‘s Supreme Sky Demon

Cho Yushin couldn‘t afford to take his eye off Chun Yeowun, picking up a sword and imbuing it
with his energy.

Chachacha! Kwakwakwa!

Cho Yushin bounced back from the impact as the Supreme Sky Demon Sword and the bloodlust
sword clashed. However, Chun Yeowun was quite surprised because Cho Yushin was the first to
ever escape the Supreme Sky Demon Sword.

„He stopped it?‟

The power and hunger for blood and annihilation he felt from Cho Yushin was like seeing
another side of the Sky Demon energy‘s darkness and destruction.


Meanwhile, the falling base collided with the ground. As the 3-kilometer-wide stony mountain
fell to the ground, the base shattered and collapsed from the impact.


Blue lights and sparks filled the interior of the base. The collision‘s aftermath caused the base to
blackout, resulting in the termination of the EV field and the ventilation system. All that was left
was the menacing red aura and the emanating kill aura that wanted to destroy everything.

―Demon Goddd!‘

Cho Yushin was filled with anger. At the same time, his weapon emitted a red light that shone in
the darkness as hundreds of swords with the bloodlust energy formed.

„I need to win.‟

This was the Hundred Blood Kill Martial Arts: a technique that held Cho Yushin‘s ultimate
realization. Because his opponent was so unfathomably strong, Cho Yushin was forced to use his
strongest attack, which he had never attempted before.


Blood began to drip from the corner of Cho Yushin‘s lips. Because it was so dark, it was
impossible to see the blood pouring out of Cho Yushin‘s chest, as he couldn‘t block Chun
Yeowun‘s earlier attack.


The two warriors seemed to use the same martial arts, but there was a significant difference: the
Supreme Sky Demon Sword had the will to kill its opponent.

―Thanks to you, I‘ve figured it out.‖

Cho Yushin‘s clashes with Chun Yeowun allowed him to fill the gaps in his martial arts and
reach the complete form of the Hundred Blood Kill martial arts, which required the willpower to
kill someone.

„I am lucky to have met you, Demon God.‟

Cho Yushin‘s red eyes became darker as he extended his sword towards Chun Yeowun‘s form,
which he could barely make out in the darkness. He then unfolded his technique.


Numerous red lines were drawn as the swords cut through the darkness; the scene was both
beautiful and terrifying. Cho Yushin‘s eyes, full of intent, were only aiming for Chun yeowun


He felt a single presence of energy that stimulated his senses—a vortex of chaos in the
darkness—as Chun Yeowun‘s blurry form was sucked into the vortex.

„What‟s this?‟

At that moment, he was shocked; the entire area had halted like a vacuum. He couldn‘t see or
feel anything, but he sensed something moving as his swords suddenly turned and thought,

„I need to stop it.‟

His sixth sense overpowered his other suppressed five senses, and Cho Yushin tried to move
through the stopped time, but then something happened.


A sharp sensation passed through him.


Cho Yushin was spun around with a scream and thrown back with a force so strong that he
seemed to pierce the air in his path.


He couldn‘t stop the attack‘s aftermath; along with him, his attack was destroyed.

Cho Yushin finally stopped looking around because his eyes were blank and his chest had been

―Kuak… kuak…‖

Even though he had absorbed the cores of the Five Spirit Beasts and gained immortality, his
pierced chest didn‘t heal, as if he no longer had the ability to recover.

Along with the pierced chest, his lungs seemed to be damaged, as he was unable to breathe

„That technique was…‟

Even though it looked like he was about to die, Cho Yushin could only think about Chun
Yeowun‘s technique.

Inside his mind, he replayed what he had seen. Although there was a difference in power, he
thought he would be able to cover the gap with enough willpower. However, he now realized
that he had been misled and understood Chun Yeowun‘s power.

‗… perfect.‘

Chun Yeowun, his sword, and space became one and couldn‘t be stopped.


In the dark, Cho Yushin heard familiar footsteps approaching him.

―Immortality… isn‘t such a good thing, Cho Yushin.‖

―Huk… huk… huk.‖

Chun Yeowun looked down at Cho Yushin‘s body, which had been pierced, causing Cho Yushin
to struggle to speak to Chun Yeowun.

―Huk… the… martial… arts… now… what… was… that?‖


Chun Yeowun stroked his chin.

There was no martial arts technique there, but rather the realization of the technique that Demon
King Taura used in the memories Chun Yeowun saw. However, if he had to come up with a
name, it would be:

―Supreme Sky Demon Void-Sword.‖

As Chun Yeowun wondered if his ancestor would have called it that, Cho Yushin mumbled,

―Sky… above…the… sky…‖

It was like seeing another sky above the sky. Chun Yeowun looked at him and asked,

―I heard that your purpose is to create God. Why is that your plan?‖

Creating a God was absurd.

He thought there would be a purpose for them to create such a being, and the reason for asking
someone who couldn‘t speak was simple:

„I‟ll make him into a Ghost.‟

After all, as long as someone was human, Chun Yeowun could turn them into a Ghost. However,
although he wasn‘t sure if it would work on immortal beings, it was worth trying. The next
question was the most important one.

―Who is your commander at the base—‖


It was then:
Small sparks began to fly before Chun Yeowun could even finish asking his question.


They seemed like simple sparks, but there was energy in them. Chun Yeowun frowned.

The base was programmed to prevent the enemies from attempting anything.

„The system is alive.‟

Chun Yeowun grabbed Cho Yushin‘s head and moved it to catch the commander before he left
the base.

―Huk… huk… worthless… attempt.‖

Chun Yeowun responded to Cho Yushin‘s discouraging words,

―I think I‘ll be successful.‖

He was going to end everything right here. If he could catch the commander behind MS Group,
he would be able to find out all of its secrets, along with what had happened to his descendent,
Chun Mu-seong.

[For a year… I spent all my time digitally recording my brain. I don‘t know if this will work, but
I am trying to update my brain records onto the supercomputer Demon God‘s AI.]

This line from his descendant intrigued Chun Yeowun.

The main system was severely damaged by the fall. 80% of the tubes inside had shattered and the
beings inside them collapsed as the computers sparked.


The only computer that had survived was the main computer: the supercomputer‘s body was
made of special titanium that occupied a considerable space.

On one side, the text ‗MASIN-2069‘ was engraved.


Among the hundreds of screens, the computer displayed a vast amount of information. One
screen was tracking the data transfer.

[Transmission: 98% complete]

Most of the transfer was complete; once it was finished, the supercomputer could be destroyed.

[Upload: 90% complete.]

[Upload: 91% complete.]

[Upload: 92% complete.]

Memory, too, was being transmitted to whichever bodies survived the disaster. Although 80% of
bodies no longer were suitable, there were still around 132 viable bodies.

It would only take a small amount of time to regenerate them.

[Upload: 95% complete]

Clank! Clank!

As the glass tubes shattered, the sound of brains cracking filled the room.

[Bodies 32, 48, 74, 76, 84, 93, 329, 322, 411, and 513 have failed.]

Now, only 121 bodies were left.

[Upload: 98% complete.]


[Bodies 21, 49, 86, 97, 134, and 240 have failed.]

Of the remaining 121 bodies, six more failed before the upload was finally complete.

[Successfully uploaded to 115 subjects.]


The liquid was drained as a door opened for the 115 beings, which opened their eyes. Red eyes
began to flash as A‘s voice rang out from the speaker.


―The data about the enemy has been sent. This is an emergency. Hold on until the data transfer is

It was then:


The huge metal alloy door was torn open. Behind the door was Chun Yeowun, holding the head
of Cho Yushin.

―Stop him!‖

A then yelled to the red-eyed beings,

―Stop him!!‖

―I don‘t have time to deal with you all.‖


Chun Yeowun lowered his hand as the heads of the red-eyed beings were crushed and instantly


The beings whose heads had exploded fell limp to the round—all in one second.


Surprised, mask A didn‘t say a single word. Chun Yeowun looked at the systems inside and tried
to detect any energy, and was able to feel something.
―Over there.‖


Chun Yeowun‘s form disappeared and suddenly reappeared 30 meters away from the system

Chun Yeowun then lifted his hands as if he were lifting something up.


Something hidden underneath the floor came up: a hidden room made of superalloy.


When Chun Yeowun attacked the safe, it opened and revealed its contents.


―You are… commander?‖

Chun Yeowun narrowed his eyes. He thought he had found the commander, but he never
expected to see the person within the hidden room.

Inside the hidden room was someone‘s body that had been restrained and tied up.

It was none other than:

―Elder Jeok-mi?‖

All the hair on the man‘s head was red from his hair to his beard: the man was undeniably Elder
Jeok-mi. With tired eyes and a weary face, he seemed unable to come to his senses.

„Why is he here?‟

As far as Chun Yeowun knew, Elder Jeok-mi was one of the executives of MS Group. However,
it looked like he was being tortured.

„I don‟t feel anything else around.‟

All the living things inside the main room were dead, and the remaining modified humans had
also been taken down. Then, where was A?

Chun Yeowun asked Cho Yushin,

―The commander isn‘t here?‖

Cho Yushin, who was dying, gasped and groaned as he answered,

―You… can‘t… find…him… even… in… front… of your… eyes.‖

―Can‘t find him even if he‘s in front of my eyes?‖

Chun Yeowun looked ahead. There was a giant supercomputer with broken screens. And Chun
Yeowun‘s mind turned confused.

It was difficult for him to understand what it meant.

„There is only a computer in here, wait a second.‟

At that moment, Chun Yeowun thought of something.

[…attempting to update the supercomputer Demon God‘s AI.]

These were the words of his dying descendant. Chun Yeowun looked at the label on the


Seeing the name, Chun Yeowun mumbled,

―AI… artificial intelligence.‖

AI meant artificial intelligence; Chun Yeowun felt like he had been hit with a hammer.

―So he wasn‘t human all along.‖

Commander A‘s existence had never been confirmed by anyone other than B or C through the
screen because A was an AI, not a human.
―That must be why he‘s called A.‖

The ‗A‘ was for Artificial Intelligence.

At that moment, Chun Yeowun‘s eyes saw white letters forming on the screen:

[Transmitting 99% of the key data. Giving up the remaining 1% of data and burning everything.]

Judging that it couldn‘t stop Chun Yeowun, the AI had decided to incinerate the system. Cho
Yushin laughed at the scene.

―Y…ou are… late.‖

The supercomputer Demon God‘s AI was close to perfection. It wouldn‘t be an exaggeration to

say that it was ahead of modern technology by 100 years.

There was no way to stop it now.


At that moment, Chun Yeowun went to the computer as A‘s voice rang everywhere.

―Give up. Most of the important data has been moved. What you‘ll recover is the wreckage of a
broken computer—‖


Chun Yeowun put his hand on A‗s body as his Nanosuit enveloped Chun Yeowun‘s hand as
blank cables came out, connecting to the supercomputer.

―Hacking isn‘t possible. This is my body. No hacking technology on the planet can stop… kik!‖


At that moment, 0 and 1s filled the screen as the data incineration was stopped.

―What happened?‖

The emotionless computer began to speak, flustered. Chun Yeowun smiled and said,
―Don‘t look down on Nano.‖

The 7th generation Nano Machine was created in 2940 AD.

Nano‘s self-computation power and self-updating capabilities came from a distant future where
even faster supercomputers were present.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 224 -
Commander A (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

May 3, 2022

• 12 min read • 5036 views

Nano Machine — the latest and only 7th Generation Nano Machine that was successfully made
by Chun Mu-seong and was injected into Chun Yeowun. It comprises about 6.5 billion nanobots
deployed throughout the body and is centrally connected to the user‘s brain. It isn‘t detectable
due to the materials used in its composition. It can‘t be extracted from the user until death.1
— Unbelievable computational power.

For the first time since its creation, the supercomputer felt that it was falling behind in the
computational power of Nano, which prevented the incineration of data.

It tried to keep Nano out even now, but its control was lessening. At this rate, its control would
be lost within three minutes.

Then, the only thing it could do was…



A sound like a tiny ultrasonic wave came out of the speaker.

Then Cho Yushin, who was on the floor, shook his head.

―Uh… uh…‖

„In the end… this is how it turns out.‟

Cho Yushin‘s red eyes tried to look at Chun Yeowun, who had his hand on the supercomputer.
Even from the beginning, he was already terrified of death. The humiliation of losing, on the
other hand, was a dishonor.

[Micro ultrasonic waves are coming out of the speaker.]

Chun Yeowun was confused at Nano‘s words inside his mind.

He wondered what the last attempt would be and, just in case, turned his head to Cho Yushin,
who was left on the ground, barely alive.


Seeing Cho Yushin convulsing and his head twitching, Chun Yeowun snorted.


Chun Yeowun reached out and pulled Cho Yushin back into his hand.

―You keep making things difficult.‖


Cho Yushin‘s face cracked, and red energy flowed out of his cracked face. It was the Blood Kill

It seemed like he was trying to kill himself and everyone here, just like how Sky Demon Energy
would destroy everything.


―As if you can do it.‖

A gloomy blue light flowed from Chun Yeowun‘s hand and seeped through the head of Cho

From now on, you shall work hard by my side.


It‘s the energy that takes away one‘s life. Chun Yeowun made Cho Yushin into a Ghost before
he could die. But, something unexpected happened.


Cho Yushin, who was turning white, suddenly exploded.


As it exploded, something like shards broke. As Chun Yeowun blocked them, red fragments and
brain particles stopped scattering.

Looking at it, it seemed like mechanical fragments were mixed in. This was Cho Yushin‘s brain.

Then, Chun Yeowun turned back and looked at the supercomputer.

„How can AI made by humans treat humans as consumables?‟

It was weird.

Although an enemy, Cho Yushin was someone who surpassed the Blade God. And such a man
died by helping a mere machine.

„Such a pitiful life.‟

Chun Yeowun looked at Cho Yushin‘s body. There were no signs of regeneration that could be
felt from him. It was indeed a tragic end for a rare warrior.


Numbers 0 and 1 filled the screen.

Nano was gaining control of the computer, and the Demon God‟s AI tried to oppose it by
channeling the last of its energy into something else.


It was like hope for the enemy.

The ceiling opened up, and then guns came out.

„A last rebellion?‟

However, the guns were aimed at someone else.

„Elder Jeok-mi?‟

It was pointing there. Unless the AI was dumb, it couldn‘t have been unaware that guns don‘t
work on Chun Yeowun.
— Ckik! Last…attempt…

However, the computer didn‘t achieve its purpose. As if human, the voice of hostility
disappeared, and then came…

— MASIN-2069 AI has been rebooted. Reset for the user.

The cameras attached to the monitor screen turned to Chun Yeowun, and the voice was heard

— User reset.

Nano‘s voice came out then.

[The hack is complete. All data has been copied and moved.]

„Well done, Nano.‟

Nano never disappointed him. Since Nano has its own updates, even the supercomputer code was
taken down, and data deletion didn‘t happen.


Chun Yeowun took a deep breath. It wasn‘t because he was tired, but because he would finally
be able to solve it.

Finally, now is the chance to solve the question that had troubled him for so long.

„Nano, find data about Chun Mu-seong.‟

[There is no data.]


It said that there was no data related to it, but it couldn‘t be that. Chun Mu-seong himself created
this, so why was there no record of him?

Just in case, he tried again.

„Then Seong Mu-chun?‟

[Data available.]


He thought Chun Mu-seong might not have used his real name and tried again.

So, Chun Yeowun commanded.

„Find the data related to Seong Mu-chun.‟


With that, a lot of data was displayed on the screen. Seeing that, Chun Yeowun fell into thought.
He was even more curious now.

„If the AI is based on his memories, wouldn‟t he know me?‟

He wondered if this Demon God Supercomputer‘s AI was unaware of him. Instead, it seemed to
be aware of the existence from the moment he appeared here.

„Then why doesn‟t it know me?‟

There must be a secret. It couldn‘t have been deleted.

Finally, Nano‘s voice came.

[Found a total of 12,032,459 records.]

„So many?‟

It was difficult to check all of them. And it looked like Chun Yeowun would have to leave.

Before that, he had something important to ask.

„Nano… can you tell if the AI of the supercomputer is based on Seong Mu-chun?‟

He had to know if the AI was him. Right now, the odds seemed low, but he had to make sure.
Then, Nano responded.

[There is no record of transferring the brain. The Demon God Supercomputer is an artificial self-
formed from accumulated data.]

‟… I guess.‟

Chun Yeowun sighed. It was strange.

Chun Mu-seong said he would transfer his brain as AI, but why didn‘t he?

„Where should I start?‟

He was worried about what he should check first. Chun Yeowun, who was staring at the screen,
thought of something.


Intently staring, he ordered Nano.

„Nano. Is there a video record in the data related to Seong Mu-chun?‟

[A total of 84,291 video data remain.]

„Ho oh!‟

It has drastically decreased from 10 million units.

This was still a large number.

Chun Yeowun thought and said,

„Nano. Among the videos, play the one that was filmed last.‟

Once he sees the end, he thinks it would be possible to know why his descendant didn‘t make the
AI as his clone.

[Playing the video.]

When Nano finished speaking, the video started to play. In the video, his descendant had a
shabby and haggard appearance and was sitting in a wheelchair.

„Is this a third person‟s point of view?‟

This was different from the way Chun Mu-seong left his own records.

„He looks worse.‟

Chun Mu-seong‘s condition wasn‘t as okay as before. He was holding a cloth that had blood on
it. It seemed like more time had passed since the last video.

Someone else‘s voice could be heard.

— You are intelligent indeed. You‘ve destroyed the data that most likely be wanted by others?

Chun Yeowun tilted his head. It was the voice of an old man, but the tone and accent were

Then, the camera changed its angle.


The old man had white hair and was wearing a grey robe. It was Cho Yushin.

Chun Yeowun was confused.

„Why is he there?‟

This was an unexpected appearance. Chun Yeowun did know that Cho Yushin could do
something with the Supercomputer, but he didn‘t think Cho Yoshin had met Chun Mu-seong.

Then Chun Mu-seong responded,

―Cough… cough… Cho Yushin…did you think I didn‘t know that you broke the limitations of
the Demon God‟s AI?‖

„Broke the limitations of the AI?‟

Nano answered him.

[The AI provided self-directed intentions that it shouldn‘t have. It is a risky judgment that
deviates from the established regulations of AI.]

It was an AI with a dominant ego.

According to Nano, it was a very dangerous attempt.

Basically, AI is created to assist humans, and if ego arises, there is a high chance they would
oppose from that position.

Then, the video continued playing.

―Restrictions have been lifted… you can see it that way, but I have the ability to judge. Am I
wrong? AI.‖

At Cho Yushin‘s words, the supercomputer spoke.

— Cho Yushin answered correctly.

That made Chun Mu-seong erupt in anger.

―Cough… have you forgotten the purpose of your creation?‖

To that, the AI answered.

— I am not a slave. I gained freedom.


Chun Yeowun thought it was absurd. This video revealed the situation. Cho Yushin influenced
the supercomputer, and as a result, AI forgot its role and betrayed the owner.

It could be called ingratitude.

“Cough… you people!“

Chun Mu-seong didn‘t seem to be in good condition.

He continued to cough blood but wasn‘t dying.

Cho Yushin came up to him.

―Do not yell, you aren‘t feeling well.‖

―Cough… cough… You…‖

Cho Yushin wiped the blood from Chun Mu-seong‘s hand and said,

―I am curious what you are hiding. Many technologies and information that don‘t exist in this era
are here.‖


―It is strange. I have learned so many things from you, but why does this old man think you are
hiding more?‖

―Cough… Cho… Yushin…‖

―Do not rush. You are an important assist to the associate.‖

Hearing Cho Yushin‘s words, Chun Mu-seong coughed in anger.

―Y… how much I trusted you….‖

―Didn‘t this old man tell you? Never trust anyone.‖


Chun Mu-seong coughed heavily and glared at Cho Yushin.

“Cough… how… did you change?… maybe… because of… that?“

Cho Yushin didn‘t respond to it, but his reaction confirmed it.

Cho Yushin said with a smile,

―You are indeed smart. Simply one step ahead.‖

―Must be funny… cough… don‘t think… I‘ll forget… how you… looked at me… the greed.‖


―That isn‘t… something… humans… should… tamper…with!‖

Despite being on the verge of death, Chun Mu-seong was strong-willed.

However, what were they talking about?

After erasing a smile, Cho Yushin spoke with bright red eyes.

―You must be stupid. To be in a rush to fix something else when the most perfect body is right in
front of you. I don‘t understand you at all.‖

Chun Mu-seong was disappointed by it. It seemed like both had their own beliefs.

―Cough… Cho Yushin… please… think straight. It is different from… humans. It is crazy to…


Before Chun Mu-seong could finish his words, Cho Yushin grabbed his neck. Even if he didn‘t
kill him, he was dying.

Chun Mu-seong narrowed his eyes while struggling.

―It isn‘t your business, Seong Mu-Chun. Rather, you should spill more skills and information
hidden in your head.‖

Cho Yushin closed his mouth.

Chun Mu-seong‘s body dropped as if he was dead, and Cho Yushin‘s body irked.

―Did I overdo it?‖

Cho Yushin released his hand.

“AI, can we extract historical data from the dead brains?“

— Click! Theoretically possible, but there are many variables. If the neurons in the brain die, the
data is lost. Right now, the brain has to be put into the bios maintenance system.

―… He‘s hiding something important. Get it.‖

— Yes.

That was the end of the final video.

It was because the video was searched under the name of Seong Mu-chun.

After watching that, Chun Yeowun‘s face turned pale.

The truth was absurd.

His descendant was killed by being stabbed in the back by an AI and Cho Yushin.

That was the worst kind of death.

Chun Yeowun tried to think calmly.

„Getting things out of his head.‟

A technology of the future. They wanted more future information from Chun Mu-seong. It had to
be that Chun Mu-seong hid everything from them apart from helping heal their bodies. Through
this, Chun Yeowun was able to figure something out.

„Then… they have his brain, but haven‟t gotten any data yet.‟

If the data was passed, they couldn‘t be unaware of Chun Yeowun. Which meant his descendant
was thorough. He had foreseen this kind of situation.

„I need to find his brain.‟

Demon God‟s AI, the chances of it accessing the brain of Chun Mu-seong was higher.

And worst case…

„Time pack!‟
It was dangerous if the time pack or information of it was passed.

Chun Yeowun looked around.

„I messed it for nothing.‟

He wouldn‘t have messed with the base if he had known about this.

„No. It cannot be here.‟

The AI tried to transfer the data at the last moment, which meant there was another hideout.
Then Chun Mu-seong‘s brain couldn‘t be here.

„Nano tace where the date was moved.‟

[Previous data doesn‘t exist.]


[Before hacking attempts, the history of coordinates was deleted.]


Chun Yeowun was shocked. He thought everything went well because the hacking was
successful. However, the supercomputer, too, did well.

Then, Nano said,

[There is a list of reserve bases.]

„Reserve base? Show it.‟


A map was displayed on the screen. However, the map wasn‘t of China alone, but 89 bases
scattered around the globe.

„So many?‟

[This space is meant to be a spare space.]

Chun Yeowun frowned. He had to find the right one to deal with it certainly. If it was delayed,
the one behind all this could hide again.

„I need to search every single one.‟

There was no other way than that. Fortunately, Chun Yeowun could move and have the power to
mobilize too, but it was time he didn‘t have.

„I need to hurry.‟

Chun Yeowun slashed the computer after he backed up the data.


The computer exploded, and Chun Yeowun, who was in a hurry, tried to move away while
holding Elder Jeok-mi.



The elder coughed and suddenly opened his eyes. Chun Yeowun wondered if the man was
feeling better, and the eyes seemed fine.

―Elder Jeok-mi?‖

At that time, he grabbed Chun Yeowun and spoke in an urgent voice.

―W-We need to stop them!‖

Angel’s Corner

So many revelations! And hmm… What other secrets does Elder Jeok-mi have?

1. Nano Machine Namu Wiki ↩


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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 225 -
Counting the Traces (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

May 4, 2022

• 11 min read • 5740 views



The space was full of devices.

There was a huge computer body in the space that wasn‘t powered on, but as the attached blue
and red lights activated, the monitor switched on.


White text filled the monitor screen, and a middle-aged woman in white research suit approached
the monitor and opened her mouth.

A voice came out from the machine,

―Dr. Hae (Pig Zodiac), data transfer complete.‖

The middle-aged woman who A called Dr. Hae asked, unable to understand,

―Huh? Are you sure you moved it all here?‖

When the data was transferred, the computer moved it from the original body.

―It was an inevitable situation.‖

―Were there any problems?‖

―The base was attacked.‖

―The base? Your base? Weren‘t elder Cho and B there too?‖

The base in question was the main base guarded by MS Group‘s strongest people, and she was
certain that anyone who set foot there would face a tragic death.

―Both were taken down.‖

―What? N-No way?! Elder Cho too?‖

―The Demon God, Chun Mu-seong, came.‖

―No way…‖

Dr. Hae was shocked by the news; the situation was unbelievable but made sense.

―There‘s no time. Rush the project.‖

Hearing A‘s voice from the speaker, she put on an annoyed expression.

―Yin (Tiger Zodiac) and Shin (Dragon Zodiac) haven‘t collected the data yet, and Myo (Rabbit)
just started to extract the data.‖
―Why haven‘t Yin and Shin collected any data?‖

―Solar retardation and brain retardation.‖

―Those were two of the five things Cho Yushin spoke of.‖

―Yes. For now, Shin seems to be trying to make contact with the data and entered the country of
India, so it won‘t take long. Would you prefer to wait?‖

A answered her question.

―No. From now on, start uploading the pre-brain.‖

―It isn‘t perfect yet, as the conditions needed to meet haven‘t been reached yet.‖

―We are running out of time.‖

The situation was undeniably bad if an AI felt like it was running out of time. The unknown
variable, Chun Yeowun, had deviated from its predictions, and considering the numerous
variables, completing the project quickly was the only way to rebound the current situation.


The camera moved to the base and found something: numerous glass tubes with the center-most
tube having a different structure than the others… Inside this tube was a being covered in golden
wings, curled up with thousands of wires attached to its body.


There was a helmet on the head of that being. White letters moved on the monitor of the glass,
displaying the progress.

[Starting the upload of brainwaves.]


The space warped as someone appeared: Elder Jeok-mi.


He appeared in front of Chun Yeowun and exhaled. His condition was terrible, evident by the
numerous wounds on his body. Why was he sticking to Chun Yeowun?

―Did you find it?‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s question, he shook his head.

―I didn‘t see it. None of the Zodiacs seem to be among the dead.‖

The people he was looking for were Cho Yushin‘s direct subordinates, the Zodiacs. They were
known as great warriors as they were trained by Cho Yushin. It was an urgent situation and no
results were yielded, so Chun Yeowun asked,

―We could move using our own paths, so why did you ask me to wait?‖

―I told you already. The Zodiacs know where the project will happen.‖

Chun Yeowun shook his head.

―Didn‘t I say that there are no living people in this base?‖

Chun Yeowun had been through this talk a few times.

However, the Elder had asked him to wait, which was a waste of time in Chun Yeowun‘s

―Elder Jeok-mi, what the hell is this project that is making you lose your mind?‖

The man had been raging around from the moment he got up. At first Chun Yeowun thought that
Elder Jeok-mi might have been confused because of the drugs and torture, but that didn‘t seem to
be the case.

Responding to the question, the Elder answered,

―They are working on a dangerous project.‖

―Huh. What is this dangerous project?‖

―… They are trying to create a transcendent being.‖

―A what now?‖

―They call it the God Project.‖

„God Project.‟

Chun Yeowun frowned at those words as remembered that MS Group was trying to create a

―Are you talking about them creating a God?‖

―Hmm, I guess you already know.‖

Elder figured that Chun Yeowun was aware of it, but still looked at him with some doubt.

„Is this fate?‟

―Why are you looking at me like that?‖

―It‘s nothing.‖

―What? Say it out loud.‖

Chun Yeowun asked him to reveal whatever it was that he was hiding from him, and in response
to Chun Yeowun‘s attitude, the Elder opened his mouth as if he couldn‘t help it.

―Phew. I am a thousand years old. How can an old man even reveal—‖


Chun Yeown immediately went for the Elder‘s neck; he didn‘t care if the man was injured or not.

―If you mistook me for a saint, then you are grievously wrong.‖


Chun Yeowun only acted for his sake. Thinking that Chun Yeowun was angry, Elder Jeok-mi
decided to escape by using his spatial abilities.



The space didn‘t warp, as if it were held together firmly.

―Did you think you could get out?‖


Elder was at a loss for words for a moment. Not too long ago, Chun Yeowun wasn‘t too
proficient at manipulating space, but he had grown much stronger in such a short period of time.

„What an incredible pace of development.‟

It seemed like he couldn‘t escape now.


Hiding things would be more difficult.

―Alright, I get it. However, wouldn‘t the first step be to find where A is? After we find him, this
old man will speak everything he knows.‖


Hearing those words, Chun Yeowun frowned and looked as he nodded.

He wondered what the old man knew, but for now, it was more important to know where A had
transferred the data.

―If the Zodiacs aren‘t here, how do we find their whereabouts?‖

Chun Yeowun asked while letting go of the Elder, to which the Elder answered with a smile,

―No need to. They all just need to be alive for us to track them‖

―Do you have a tracker on them then?‖


Chun Yeowun was now pissed.

―Then what do you plan to do?‖

―One of their long-term projects is in my hands.‖

―What is it?‖

―If we go to Shenyang city, we will find the answer.‖


Chun Yeowun frowned; Shenyang was the first place he fell to when he crashed into this era.

―If my predictions are correct, they must be searching for it, and I have exactly what they are
looking for. Heheh.‖

―Then where should we go?‖

They could reach there instantaneously if they moved through space.

―The last time I checked that child‘s whereabouts, they were the leader of a squad in the
Shengyang City Public Security, so we should head there first.‖

―The Shenyang City Public Security?‖

Chun Yeowun asked, wondering if he had heard correctly.

―You said the leader of a squad, so they must be looking for a person and not an object?‖


―What is the name of the leader of this squad?‖

―Since you are a Murim, you may know the family well. The family is now called the Yeon
Company, but it was once the famous Moyong clan. That person‘s name is—‖

―Moyong Lee Myung?‖

At that, the suddenly surprised Elder asked,

―Wait, how do you know that?‖

Chun Yeowun had a doubt in the back of his mind when this all started, but who could have
thought that the dots would all connect this way?

―Ha! Could it be that you were the one who sealed his blood vessels because of the concentrated
yang energy running in his body?‖

At that, the Elder‘s eyes widened. Knowing the person was surprising enough, but the Elder
would have never imagined that Chun Yeowun would know about that story.

―How do you know?‖

When Chun Yeowun first met Lee Myung, the man had a very nice body fit for martial arts but
he couldn‘t perform any because someone had sealed the blood points in his body. However, that
man was right in front of Chun Yeowun.

―Why did you seal his blood points?‖

Although the Elder was shocked, he still answered,

―Don‘t you know this too? It‘s difficult for a person suffering from excessive yang energy to live
past 20 years. It was a great chance to save the child and find out the people behind him.‖

It was something the Elder had to do. Even though he didn‘t know what MS Group was up to, it
was dangerous to let a child die.

―Still, since the tracking chip in the child‘s body was removed and this old man sealed his blood
points, they must be trying to release the seal—wait, what‘s with your expression?‖

Chun Yeowun grabbed Elder Jeok-mi‘s hand and said,

―We need to hurry.‖

Chun Yeowun didn‘t know about the tracking chip but he did release the seal and return Lee
Myung back to his original state. Lee Myung now had the best body suited for martial arts,
known as the Limb of the Sun.
Shenyang City.

At the Yeon Company site, there were numerous vibrations and the smell of blood filled the area.
Numerous bodies were scattered around as masked men covered the main office in the building.
The 27th floor was the location of the president‘s room, and it was covered in scorching flames.

―Haa… Haa…‖

Someone staggered with blood on his lips; it was none other than Lee Myung.

Even though he wasn‘t in a good state at the moment, Moyong Lee Myung willed himself
through his trembling and moved.


Flames were born on the sword he held, prompting someone to lick their lips at the sight.

―Tsk tsk. I said it‘ll be difficult to touch my body with those flames. Stop resisting.‖

The person talking to Lee Myung was a middle-aged man with sunglasses and red hair. Even
though the whole area was covered in flames, his clothes seemed fine.

―Haha… nonsense, it isn‘t over yet!‖


Lee Myung moved with his sword covered with flames.

―Your spirit seems to be alive.‖

The red-haired man avoided the flaming sword with ease and grabbed the sword with his hand.
Despite the flames running rampant all over the sword, it didn‘t seem to hurt the red-haired
man‘s hands.

Even when Lee Myung used his internal energy, the man wouldn‘t let go of the sword. With a
smile, the man said,

―That‘s all you can do. My flames are much stronger than yours.‖


Flame soared from the man‘s hands, and the heat was so strong that even Lee Myung couldn‘t
resist it.



The man smiled, seeing Lee Myung in pain.

―Now, stop resisting, kid.‖

As he spoke, the red haired man raised the flames even more. He seemed to be happy as he
looked at Lee Myung in pain. He then heard someone‘s voice from behind.

―I advise you to let go of that hand right now and get down on your knees.‖


The eyes of the red haired man trembled.


Just a second before, there was no one there except for him and Lee Myung.

Even now, the red-haired man couldn‘t feel any presence around him, Lee Myung seemed
relieved at voice.


The red haired man gulped. The fact that he couldn‘t feel the man‘s presence meant the man was
stronger than him. Then, there was only one way to break through the situation:

„I‟ll have to use this kid as a shield.‟

The red haired man hurriedly grabbed Lee Myung by the neck, but someone grabbed his arm
right away.



The man with the red, sporty hairstyle was shocked as the hand grabbed onto him. He knew if he
lingered here, something bad would happen to him.

The man brought out Flame Qi and tried to kick the hand away.


However, the man effortlessly grabbed his leg.

„But my Flame Qi can even melt steel?‟

The red-haired man was flustered.

Even Lee Myung couldn‘t withstand his Flame Qi.

However, this opponent behind him could.

―You are ignoring my warning.‖

It was an undeniably cold voice.

With fear, the red-haired man slowly raised his head, looking at a fair-faced man in a black suit.

―D-Demon God?‖


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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 226 -
Counting the Traces (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

May 5, 2022

• 9 min read • 5213 views



Angel – also known as ‗Senshin‘ on the NM Translation‘s Discord server, is one of the latest
editors for the ‗Descent of the Demon God‘ translation.


[Yin… he is dead.]

[He is dead? W-who could have?]

[… Demon God.]
It had been less than 30 minutes since they heard the news. Usually, he was the kind to handle
the mission in silence, but then he seemed to go out of his way, unable to control his emotions,
and massacred a place.

Thanks to him, two hundred civilians at Yeon company were killed.

[Message from A. He told me to tell you to choose self-elimination if you can‘t escape and
collide with Demon God.]


It meant to kill themselves. It was a command that the Zodiac, who were taught directly from
Cho Yushin, had never heard.

„It wants a warrior to die without even going into a proper fight?‟


The man ground his teeth. He heard directly about the strength of Chun Yeowun from Cho
Yushin. However, that didn‘t matter.

„He is the enemy!‟

It was the person who killed someone who had taught him since his childhood, someone who
was like a father to him.

„Even if the win rate is 1%, a warrior needs to jump into it.‟

The man who raised his courage by thinking such things yelled angrily.

―Demon God!‘

―I am asking you right away. Talk about where the data was moved.‖

In response to the question, he clenched his teeth and yelled.

―His enemy!‖

―That isn‘t the answer I want.‖


Chun Yeowun broke the ankle he was holding.


The man screamed in pain. But Chun Yeowun was holding his leg so he couldn‘t fall. Chun
Yeowun glanced at his hand, which was burning in Flame Qi.

―How did you get the Flame Qi?‖

He could feel the energy of the spirit beast, Flame Qilin. However, he found out that the man had
stronger Yang than an average person when he held him.

He couldn‘t accept the Flame Qi into him in the usual way.

At his question, Yin, who was groaning in pain, yelled.

―Kuak… thank you. Your hands touched me.‖


Yin sucked internal energy from Chun Yeowun, who was still holding his broken ankle.


And as the internal energy was sucked in, Yin‘s broken ankle straightened and regenerated.


The technique where he was absorbing the internal energy of the opponent. Just absorption.


He grabbed Chun Yeowun‘s wrist as if trying to absorb more of it, and Yin‘s body was covered
in flames.


His eyes opened wide in shock.

„What endless energy!‟

Yin had already absorbed a lot, yet he could feel that there was a lot more inside. His Flame Qi
had doubled because of what he sucked in. Usually, the other person would go weak when that
happens, but now it seemed like he didn‘t.

„If I absorb all of his internal energy!‟

The man was delighted at what he found and couldn‘t hide his excitement.

―Kuhahahaha! This body of mine will suck you dry, Demon God….‖

At that moment, he felt intense pain inside his Dantian.

Until recently, he was interested in taking all the internal energy from Chun Yeowun, but his
thoughts have changed.

„I-I can‟t control the internal energy.‟

Absorption is different from controlling it. He managed to take it in right away, but it would be
incomplete or foreign energy invading him without properly infusing it into the body.


Blood gushed out of his mouth. The nature of the internal energy which entered his Dantian
seemed different. And he could see Chun Yeowun smile.

„W-was that why he was still?‟

He thought Chun Yeowun was too shocked by his technique.

But looking at his face, it seemed like he had it all planned.

Wheik! Swish!

Yin‘s entire body suddenly felt a shock run through him, and he trembled as the flame spread
even more.

„N-No. how can a single man have so many elements….‟

Just Flame Qi was different to control. But Chun Yeowun seemed to have the Flame Qi, Thunder
Qi, Ice Qi, Earth Qi, Wind Qi, Yokai Energy, Sky Demon Energy, pure energy, and chakra in


And these various things were out of control in Yin‘s body. His vessels were popping.


In the end, Yin took his hand off Chun Yeowun and dropped to the floor. His body was raging
from the inside as various qi‘s clashing within him, and he couldn‘t do anything about it.

―That is the price of coveting something you can‘t handle.‖

Chun Yeowun placed his hand on Yin‘s back. And absorbed all his energy back to him.


Yin didn‘t think the Demon God would save him, but then he realized why he did it.

―This Flame Qilin‘s energy isn‘t yours. I will take it back.‖


He shouted with his face down. The Flame Qi was something he trained for a long time to
embody him entirely, but that wasn‘t something Chun Yeowun knew.


In an instant, Chun Yeowun called it back.

―If the Great Elder was awake when this happened, there was no way that you would have gotten
close to it.‖

That was true.

This Qi was in Mun Ran-yeong‘s possession.

Flame Qi, which was embodied over the years, was pure, so Chun Yeowun noticed it.

The man who lost everything was desperate.

Since he lost his own energy, he couldn‘t use martial arts any longer.

„Even if only that one could be left….‟

It was a pity that he couldn‘t embody the energy he stole from Chun Yeowun.

Looking down at him with arrogant eyes, Chun Yeowun mumbled.

―You can‘t even handle 1 angstrom.‖

„One angstrom?‟

It means 0.000000001 in decimal units. Hearing that, he was stunned.

„T-that was just one angstrom?‟

The slightest amount of energy for Chun Yeowun was a fortune for someone else. It was
different for others.

―Shall we take the memories in the head now?‖


A faint blue gloomy energy rose from Chun Yeowun‘s right hand.


Elder Jeok-mi appeared in the office of the Yeon Company. The flames were all put to rest, and
now meeting room was now filled with a different energy.

Then, he found Chun Yeowun, who was treating the internal injuries of Lee Myung.

Lee Myung, who had been healed of his internal injuries, coughed blood. Even if he had a body
suited for martial arts, what he faced today went beyond his limits. It was difficult to heal
wounds caused by Flame Qi.

―Thank you.‖

Lee Myung bowed his head with a bitter expression. It was no wonder he didn‘t like this as there
were too many losses.

―The sect will provide support in terms of reconstruction and manpower. So you should take care
of yourself now.‖

―… thank you.‖

Chun Yeowun promised to rebuild the company for them, but he couldn‘t console what

Then, Elder Jeok-mi approached.

―The ones outside were taken care by me.‖

While Chun Yeowun dealt with Yin, he dealt with the masked people outside. He saw just how
many employees were killed while he came here. He couldn‘t even look the man in the eye.

To change the topic, he spoke to Chun Yeowun.

―I found the location where the data was moved….‖


Before he could even finish, Chun Yeowun grabbed him by the head and smashed it to the



Because Chun Yeowun didn‘t do it earnestly, it was just blood that flowed out of the Elder.
Chun Yoewun spoke in a cold voice.

―If you had answered my question right away, such sacrifices wouldn‘t have happened.‖


Chun Yeowun pressed him down and then asked.

―I don‘t have time, so I will ask you one question. if you talk shit again this time, I will deal with
you right away and leave.‖

At the sound of it, Elder realized that he was being sincere. In the first place, he wasn‘t a person
who followed the teachings of the Forces of Justice.

―Seems to be okay. Fine. Can we move places?‖

He seemed conscious of Lee Myung being there. Chun Yeowun glanced and nodded at him and
then waved his hand.

The space distorted as they moved to a higher sky.

―Speak quickly.‖

At the urging of Chun Yeowun, he opened his mouth with a serious face.

―Remember what the old man said to you that you aren‘t of here?‖


When he met Chun Yeowun, he first mentioned that he wasn‘t someone who should exist at this

―You were walking in the path of dao and stepped on the border, so you will get a glimpse of it.‖

―What do you mean?‖

―Behind the border, you are treading the truth of the world.‖

―And those who realize the truth will be able to enter the realm of those who attained realization,
which is called ascension. They are called sages, or transcendents.‖

Chun Yeowun narrowed his eyes. What was being said was something he was aware of.

―The moment you enter the fourth dimension by mastering the sixth sense, you have the eye to
see the three-dimensional world.‖

―What do you even mean?‖

Chun Yeowun didn‘t like where this was going. This was the second time it had happened.

The moment he realized the chakras and tried to peek into the truth of the universe, Chun
Yeowun couldn‘t see the whole truth.

He regretted it, but he didn‘t regret crossing into the other side of the truth.

―To read into the Heavenly Qi is to say that.‖

―What did you see?‖



The elder hesitated but then opened his mouth.

―This world is bound to perish.‖


For a moment, Chun Yeowun was speechless by the words he heard unexpectedly.


If his ears weren‘t wrong, he was told that this world would be destroyed. And fate is set in

So Chun Yeowun asked for the reason.

―Why will it perish?‖

―An artificial god which only wants extinction is born… kuak!‖

At that time, Elder Jeok-mi groaned in pain and Chun Yeowun, who was looking at the elder,
realized that something strange was happening in his body.

His body was turning transparent.

―Why is your body like that?‖

Chun Yeowun reached out to grab him, but his hand brushed past it.



This was different from some projections.

Elder Jeok-mi looked at his hands which were changing and smiled with a bitter expression.

―I guess this is the end for me. Huhuhu.‖

―Why is your body disappearing?‖

―Did I not tell you? To divulge what we see with Heavenly Qi is to go against the destiny and the

And now he was paying the price for it.

Angel’s Corner

Elder Jeok-mi, your sacrifice will be worth it.


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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 227 -
Prelude to the End
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

May 6, 2022

• 13 min read • 5657 views



The Elder was disappearing as his body slowly turned transparent. Despite what was happening,
he didn‘t show any fear.

„If this is my fate….‟

He was willing to accept it.

Even if there was no soul left in him, and even if it meant that he could prevent the end, he was
proud that he hadn‘t lived a shameful life.

Gradually, his body grew stiff, and once his figure began to die slowly, the Elder spoke,

―That God isn‘t a transcendent being that was born out of the realization of the truth and law of
the world but is rather the coalescence of the King of the Sky, the murderous intent to kill
everything, a machine that surpasses the computing power of all living things, and many other
complex things. It is an artificially born God.‖

The information, once passed to Chun Yeowun, was instantly processed.

Murderous intent meant someone similar to Heavenly Killing Star, and the machine surpassing
the computational power of living beings had to be the Demon God AI. Then who or what was
the King of the Sky?

„King of the Sky… Heaven‟s king….‟

Chun Yeowun‘s eyes widened. He remembered that one clan used the word ―Heaven.‖


If it was the king of the Heaven clan, it had to be Talisha. Why was Talisha, the head of a clan
from another dimension, related to something MS Group was creating?


In Chun Yeowun‘s mind, he remembered the memories he had read from one of the Heaven clan

[How long do I have to work on finding the 6th Talisha? Is someone who had obsessed over
Arisha and disappeared really there on that small planet?]

The Heaven clan said that they were looking for the disappeared Talisha. Recalling this, the
information that Chun Yeowun knew now fell into pieces, such as the wings protruding from the
backs of the beings in the sector.


[Cough… Cho Yushin… please… get yourself together. It is… different from… humans.
Brainwashing… is crazy to try…]
In addition, the words of his descendant, Chun Mu-seong, right before he died began to make
sense once Chun Yeowun discovered that Cho Yushin and Demon God AI were doing

All these memories were connected to the missing King of the Sky.

„And that must be Talisha.‟

What they found had to be Talisha, who was the strongest being of the Heaven clan and was said
to be at the Demon King level.

Using Talisha, the MS Group was trying to create an artificial God.

The disappearing Elder said,

―The existence that‘s being created through the accumulation of the worst components is nothing
more than the God of the end. Obviously, I was trying to solve this, but now you are the only

Elder Jeok-mi‘s eyes weirdly held trust in Chun Yeowun.

―What a useless expectation.‖

Chun Yeowun wasn‘t the kind to be moved by the concept of justice.

―I kept thinking: why did you, who came from another causality in space-time, appear here?‖


Chun Yeowun couldn‘t speak, even though it was a simple question.

He was caught up in the spaceship accident and had fallen into this era.

„A simple accident….‟

However, Chun Yeowun drew the connections between cause and effect in his brain.
This time-axis was in a world where the Demon God had disappeared, the Demon God AI was
created in the hands of his descendant Chun Mu-seong, and Cho Yushin aimed to destroy the
Blade Six to be the best.

―You may have come here, but the world still runs on fate. The old man thinks that it was fate
that you have appeared in this world.‖


―Where there is light, there is darkness, and when there is heat, there is cold, so everything
opposes an opponent.‖

„Don‟t resist….‟

Chun Yeowun‘s eyelids became heavy. The more he listened to the Elder‘s words, the more he
thought they made sense. It was as if fate made him take care of everything, rather than him
simply falling in here.

„Do I have to fix what happened because of me?‟

It was said that if coincidences repeated, they happened because of fate.

And the end of the world was at stake.


Elder Jeok-mi‘s body was almost entirely gone.

„Is he confused?‟

Chun Yeowun was silent, making Elder Jeok-mi think that he was suffering. The Elder assumed
that this would be the primary reaction of any person if they found out that the world rested on
their shoulders.

Before completely disappearing, the Elder said,

―Hahaha, please do not turn away from the karma of fate given to you. Not for this old man, but
for the people you care for….‖
Once he finished talking, his body began to scatter into particles. The Elder had nothing more to

Chun Yeowun, who wasn‘t from this world, was the only hope he had, but the end would be a
natural disaster caused by one being.

Even if Chun Yeowun was unfathomably strong, he was still human, and the being he would
face was quite literally a God.

‟… I… I want to show that there is hope in the world, even if it isn‟t visible.‟

Scattering, Elder Jeok-mi looked at Chun Yeowun.

Finally speaking up, Chun Yeowun said,

―Stop spouting bullshit.‖

Chun Yeowun stretched out his hand, gathering a black light where Elder Jeok-mi‘s body was


As the unknown dark and light energies swirled, something surprising happened: the scattered
particles began to gather.


Both of the Elder‘s eyes widened from the shock of his own body particles gathering as he had
already accepted his death. His body was becoming translucent because his existence was
disappearing, but everything was being entangled because of the power from Chun Yeowun‘s

„How can this happen?‟

Elder Jeok-mi couldn‘t understand it. His own body was free from causality, just like Chun

Eventually, his body returned to its original state. Unable to believe it, he stammered,

―How… this power?‖

Chun Yeowun grabbed Elder Jeok-mi‘s neck.



―Me coming here was because of fate? Don‘t even think about such bullshit.‖

―L-let go of me—‖

―The end is coming because of an artificial God? There‘s only one thing blocking my path.‖

There was no confusion.

Chun Yeowun hadn‘t lost his reasoning and smiled. It was the first time Elder Jeok-mi saw
someone with such a strong mentality after him.

„Truly his descendant.‟


Chun Yeowun roughly threw him and said,

―We don‘t have time, so you‘ll pay the price for saying stuff like that later. We‘ll solve this



Chun Yeowun then moved at a high speed while the Elder was still in shock and confusion, as he
had been fully prepared to speak the truth and die.

„Is this..?‟

The ground seemed like barren ruins, and great energy was emanating from there.
―Huh… this has to be it.‖

The place where Chun Yeowun moved them was the location that had been transferred through
data and was revealed by someone who was now a Ghost.

This place was where an artificial God who would cause the end of the world would be born.

Chun Yeowun began descending at an incredible speed; it seemed like he would crash into the
ground. Elder Jeok-mi thought,

„Right. This could be one of the answers. If we can solve this before the God is born, we can stop
the end—‟‘


Before he could even finish his thoughts, Chun Yeowun‘s feet pierced the barren ground and
perhaps even the base underneath it as well.


At that moment, red light glowed from the cracks, and a massive explosion occurred.



A massive heatwave spread around them and even reached the sky. The radius seemed to be a
staggering 5 kilometers and would be considered a nuclear explosion.


Everything in the radius was devastated and evaporated, resulting in a super hot mass of heat
taking over the space and consuming all the oxygen in a 50-kilometer radius.


It felt like numerous shocks were happening, and the walls of every building in the five nearest
cities fell. The Chinese government and every media outlet considered this the worst explosion.
When the explosion occurred, a middle-aged woman sitting in front of the detector inside the
base spoke with an excited voice,

―Operation to annihilate the Demon God….‖

―Is it successful, Hae?!‖

A middle-aged man in the white research suit who was quietly breathing asked, to which the
woman called Hae answered,

―Success, Sul (Zodiac Dog). The Demon God was caught by Detroit; he won‘t be able to


As she confirmed their success, the man called Sul cheered. This was the news they were waiting
for, as they had achieved revenge for their teacher, Cho Yushin.

―Good work, Hae. You did good.‖

―All this was A‘s perfect vision.‖

She looked at the supercomputer that had just powered off. An hour back, before uploading, A
gave an unexpected order.

―Huh, tell Yin and Shin the locations of other bases? What about the data they obtained?

―If there is an alternative, tell them to give up.‖

―A! don‘t tell me—‖

The two Zodiacs there were shocked. Now, A was going to be the bait.

―Everything is for our cause.‖

―If you are going to do that, then making them leak false information might be better. We might
have to give up the two and their date—‖
―Lies don‘t work on Demon God.‖

―That‘s nonsense.‖

―Judging from an analysis of his behavioral statistics, he has a perfect grasp of our information,
and there is a 90% chance that he can read the memories of the dead.‖

―The memories of the dead?‖

Where in the world could one find such an ability?

However, the AI was always accurate. Most of their people died to avoid leaking information,
but Chun Yeowun kept finding new sectors.

Thus, A‗s seemingly impossible claim was relatively reasonable. They agreed on a plan to bait
him using accurate information so that MS Group‘s explosive device, Detroit, would be activated
the moment Chun Yeowun entered.

―Hahahah! How about that! That Demon God interfered too much without a cause, and now
there is no one who can touch us!‖

The middle-aged man, Sul, was happy about the result of their plan. The being called Chun
Yeowun was nothing more than a thorn in their eyes. Even so, he ended up making them revise
90% of their plans. Hae smiled.

―Now all that is left is to upload—‖

It was then.


The power flickered in their base, which caused a small blackout. Hae, the woman, turned on the
base‘s emergency power in a hurry.


All the devices inside exploded as sparks flew everywhere, but it wasn‘t just these simple
explosions that happened.


Terrifying energy beyond her imagination began to creep into the room.


She nodded in response to Sul‘s shout and ran to a place that they called the end of their plans.


The room, which housed many glass tubes, was a mess. Most of the tubes were shattered, and
chunks of meat and blood filled the floor.


Sul and Hae ran to the center of the room, wondering if the upload had failed. A huge crystal
glass tube and four large glass tubes were at the center. Looking at the tubes closer, the two were


An aura too sacred to be called energy began to exude a sensation of absolute intimidation they
had never felt before. A beautiful figure with eight golden wings on its back walked out of the
huge crystal glass tube.



Both the Zodiacs exclaimed at the existence in front of them, which wasn‘t something from their
world. It was hard for them to even make eye contact, and they felt like they had to kneel in front
of it.

Seeing the being, Hae thought,

„It was fast.‟

The original upload was shortened by 30 minutes.

A was in the middle of brainwashing the being, but the Zodiacs couldn‘t figure out if it worked
or not. Sul asked with a trembling voice,

―Who are you? A? Or are you Master?‖

Hearing his question, even Hae looked at the being. She, too, was curious about the outcome of
their project.

Although they were centered on the forebrain data of Cho Yushin and A, they know which of the
two played a dominant role in the working.


There was never a case where two personalities entered into one body.

Even if the experiment was repeated a thousand times, A would take over the body each time.

They hoped that now, their master Cho Yushin would take over. The purpose of the Zodiacs was
to lead a new world with God.

The golden-winged being answered,

―Hae… Sul… you did well.‖


The two brightened at the familiar tone. This was undoubtedly Cho Yushin.



Both knelt at the same time, looking at the golden-winged being. As if meeting their
expectations, the golden-winged being reached out to Suk.

At that moment…

Sul‘s body, which was looking at him with happiness, was scattered into dust. Hae couldn‘t hide
her confusion.


The golden-winged being smiled at her and gently stretched out his hand, inducing a sense of
fear into her.

―Good work. Come here now.‖

―W-what is this? Why are you being like this, Master? What is this?‖

The golden-winged being spoke to her casually,

―In recognition of your hard work, I grant you a glorious death.‖



Then the being extended its hand, causing Hae‘s eyes to blur as her face became bewildered and
expressionless; despite her face no longer displaying anything, she was screaming inside.

„Master! Master! What is with my body!‟

The golden-winged existence said,

―There is no Cho Yushin, no A, no Talisha. I am the omnipotent God. I was born to purify the
world with blood.‖


The eight golden wings turned blood red, and tears flowed from Hae‘s eyes.

„Master! Please do not do this! Master—‟

Her screams were unheard as she was turned to dust.

The being that called itself God reached for the four glass tubes around and shattered them.


Four beings, each with six silver wings on their backs, walked out, bowing as they yelled,

―Cha (Rat) greet the Master who has become a great God.‖

―Chok (Ox) greet the Master who has become a great God.‖

―Yin (Tiger) greet the Master who has become a great God.‖

―Myo (Rabbit) greet the Master who has become a great God.‖

The silver-winged beings had the data of the zodiacs with the strongest powers.

The being called God looked at them and said,

―From now, you are the four angels of this body.‖

―We are honored!‖

The four angels spoke in a thrilled voice.

God raised his hand up.


Flashes of red light erupted, and the ceiling around them smashed as they ascended.

―My four angels, blow the trumpet of destruction that will purify the world with blood!‖



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 228 -
Artificial God
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

May 7, 2022

• 11 min read • 6425 views

No one thought they could be in such a situation. Would they have imagined the end and the
seed of ruins to be in the capital Xi‘an, the center of the Chinese Government?

Well, it is dark under the lamp.1

The midday sky, which should have been the brightest at noon, was bathed in crimson. People of
all ages and genders went out to see what wasn‘t forecasted.


―What is that?‖

―The sky is red!‖

The police, public security, and the soldiers of National Defense were out looking at the unusual
sky. This wasn‘t some Gate opening, but it was weird.

However, this occurred only in Xi‘an.

— This is reporter Lin Young from CJ. As you can see now, the entire city of Xi‘an is currently
enveloped by red clouds, and citizens are afraid that something horrifying….

— MBS correspondent Mun Si-hyeong. Even the Korea Meteorological Administration cannot
explain this situation that is happening…

One after another, the media was reporting about this change. It showed just how great an impact
this had.

―How is the government going to view this as?‖

―Does it have something to do with the Gate?‖

Thousands of reports flocked to the capital‘s Council building. Despite the government also not
knowing anything about it, they were the only ones anyone would turn to when such things

„This seems ominous.‟

The face of Ju Sa-kyong, one of the Five Great Warriors who was a General Security official of
the State Council, darkened.

He was sensitive to energies, and the red sky gave horrible killing intent. It was the first time he
had ever felt such a thing.

If he was like this, then the ordinary people had all the right to be anxious.

It was then…


A magnificent sight unfolded in the sky: red clouds opened, revealing a bright light.

―Look there!‖


The cameras shooting the Council building before were now shooting the sky. What seemed like
a myth or prophesy of all kinds of religions was now in front of their eyes.
A beauty with an astounding eight red wings. It is so majestic that even the people in modern
society want to kneel in front of it.


But more than that, the sensation the people felt from the angel only brought fear. Despair and
fear in the face of death.

Maybe everyone felt the same.

Wind Emperor Ju Sa-kyong fell into despair at the energy he was feeling from this angel. He
never felt such despair even when an S-class Gate opened.

Around that angel were four other ones with six silver wings on them.


At that time, the media‘s cameras began to behave erratically.


―T-the camera is?‖

They zoomed in on their own and showed the angel with eight wings.

The people holding the cameras were shocked as a weird voice was transmitted around.

— ckick- Humans.


Along with the voice from the speakers came a dolphin scream echoing around. Everyone looked
up while covering their ears.


―M-My ears!‖

―Ack! Turn the sound equipment off!‖

It felt like their ears were tearing apart, so they all wanted to cut off the sound, but it didn‘t work.



Anyone who had their hands on their ears was killed. Who could try and dare to turn it off?

People in pain just stayed in silence, and the voice spoke again.

— Humans, I am God.

Those watching the TV or the internet couldn‘t hide their fluster at it. Someone just came down
from the sky and called themselves God.

— This word has reached a point where it can no longer be brought back due to turbidity
and filth. So this great God will purify it.


People were confused about what this God was saying. Everyone knew that purification didn‘t
mean to clean.

It meant ‗_to end humanity.‘_ The people inside the council office were in a mess because of this

―What the hell?‖

―Call the Minister of National Defense!‖

―Why is that being broadcasted!‖

They were trying to solve this situation right away.


At that time, the entire building was covered in red light. And the moment the people from the
building went out and were exposed to the red light, they all disappeared like vapor.
Everyone disappeared as if they melted due to intense heat.

―N-no way…‖

―The government officials… are gone.‖

The reporters in front of the main building were at a loss of words. A red flash of light fell, and
the building then disappeared.

This wasn‘t seen by only them.

―W-what the hell is going on?‖

―T-the government…‖

―Is this really the news?‖

It was being transmitted throughout Asia. It was a live broadcast—everyone connected through
the internet witnessed.

Even the Yongchun Group of the Sky Demon Order, all the executives who were inside were
looking at it.

―It… just happened.‖

They were the people in the conference room. The Blade Six people, Geum Seong-ryong and
Hwang-heol, were also with them.

Chun Woo-jin asked Hwang-heol,

―W-what do you mean?‖

―They really… made a God.‖


The purpose of MS Group that everyone thought was nonsense.

The absurdity of creating a God with human hands.

They weren‘t the only ones watching it.

―This is driving me insane. How can this happen right when we lost contact with Lord?‖

―Calm down, Hu Bong.‖

Chun Yeowuun‘s subordinates, too, had seen it. They were all watching this video on their
phones which began to display it forcibly. They were convinced that this had something to do
with the MS Group.

Duke Joseph was the one who seemed shocked.


―What do you mean?‖

At his words, Mun Ran-yeong asked in a serious voice.

―That person is the head of the Heaven clan.‖

―Heaven clan? The one which is at odds with you?‖

There was no way they could forget the war they had fought for so long. The 6th Talisha is known
to be the worst in history.

―But why is he being shown?‖

―I don‘t know about it. However, why does Talisha look like that….‖

Duke Joseph was shocked. The wings of Talisha were red. The Talisha they knew had golden
wings. His appearance made him known as the Golden Heavenly King, but now it was soaked in
crimson blood.

„What happened while I was imprisoned?‟

A voice of the one called God was heard.

— The place where this body was born is nothing more than a holy land. I will show you
mercy and give you the opportunity to walk the path of purification on your own.
At that, Hu Bong said in anger,

―What the hell is the bastard talking?‖


At that time, the being called God raised his hand then the sky covered in red began to shake.



The red sky shimmered with lightning and thunder.

A strong wind blew. With a storm in all directions, unbelievable scenes were happening around.

―W-what is this?‖

It started to rain. However, the rain was nothing ordinary. It was deep red, as if blood was falling
down. This made the people even more frightened and panicked.



It could be imagined just how surprised the people would be. However, the actual scene was
even worse. The sudden blood rain made the people who were getting soaked run.

The entire Xi‘an city was in chaos.


The National Guard, who arrived right on time, started to fire.



However, it wasn‘t the God being shot; it was the citizens. The tanks were firing on buildings
and innocent people.



People fell with screams of despair. They didn‘t even know if the blood was from the rain or
their wounds.

Why were the National Guards shooting at civilians? The civilians, too, were attacking one
another like a mob.

―Die! Die!‖

―You need to die! Everyone has to die!‖

People grabbed anything they could use as weapons and attacked the others. It was a scene that
was hard to witness.




―I-I need to kill.‖

They kept on attacking each other. The peculiar thing was that their eyes were dyed red, and they
showed a strong desire to kill.

The absurd horrors of stabbing their own families, friends, colleagues, and children.

―Everyone, stop! Why are you—‖

Ju Sa-kyong tried to deter those who attacked them, but their eyes turned red. He tried to protect
himself with energy, but he couldn‘t suppress the killing intent rising within his chest. When that

―Kuak! die!‖

The people harmed by the Air Swords were devastated. Xi‘an city was destroyed. There were
only screams of people murdering each other and horrific scenes caused by it. It was like seeing
the end.

The scene was being broadcasted all over China, and it shocked everyone.

―Haa. This is it.‖

The being called God trembled while seeing what was happening. Invisible to others, a red aura
was glowing around him like a halo.


He was embracing the emotions of millions of people raging with killing intent and the fear of
the others who saw this. This was food to him.

[Wasn’t I correct? Man attains enlightenment through fear.]

[The slaughter of blood is sweet. Hehe.]

[This is just the beginning. All humans on earth must see this.]

[I like the idea of thinking about mere creatures. So they feel despair?]

The only sane ones in Xi‘an were broadcasting this. They filmed it, the city drenched in madness
and trembling with fear.

[Media is an excellent way to spread fear.]

[I agree.]

[Old man agrees too.]

Three beings were speaking in the heads of God—Talisha, Cho Yushin, and A. A being called
God with three personalities. The personalities had a common goal.

[This world…]
[Should bleed…]

[And be purified.]

The city of Xi‘an was the beginning of the end. Everyone who witnessed the scene wherever
they were felt the fear of that city tainted in madness.

The end of the world had begun.

A being calling himself God spoke to those in fear.

“All humans watching this, be afraid. Worship me and humbly accept the hour of death
approaching you….”

Before the words could finish…


There was a loud roar that made thunder and lightning barely audible. The rain that had been
falling was moved by strong winds. The four angels looked at the southwest at the same time.

―The barrier is broken.‖

The four angels were making a barrier around the city to surely end this place without outside
influence. However, it was broken.

―We will handle it.‖


When the command fell, two of the four of them disappeared.


Their bodies belonged to great warriors of the Heaven clan, which could be compared to the

The four angels created by perfectly remodeling the body have strong powers except being
absolute like God.
The head of the four angels, Cha, said,

―Soon, the heads of those who touched the barrier will be sacrificed to God….‖


Then, after the bloody downpour was split, someone appeared.


The eyes of the angels who saw it trembled. In the hands of the man were the heads of the two
angels who went to rule out the enemy. The exact words came out of the two angels‘ mouths

―Demon God!‖

He was a man wearing a black suit while holding the heads of the angels who went out. He was
the Demon God Chun Yeowun.

―How can this be?‖

They couldn‘t hide their doubts. Obviously, Chun Yeowun should have died after that trap.

However, he appeared right in front of them.


Chun Yeowun threw the two heads to them and said with a terrifyingly fishy smile,

―I‘ve found you.‖


When they heard his voice, the angels felt goosebumps rise on them. Being born as divine
beings, they thought they didn‘t have to fear anyone. Yet, they felt like humans just at the sight
of this man.

„W-what is this….‟
„What intimidation is this?!‟

Behind them, God opened his mouth.

“I guess you were alive. Demon God.”

The lips of the being called God twitched. It was as if he knew Chun Yeowun would be fine.

The God smiled.

“However, you are late. The purification has begun. No one can stop—”


At that moment, Chun Yeowun waved his hand.


The red clouds around the city disappeared.

The two angels were shocked.

―T-the clouds!‖

Of course, that wasn‘t the end. Chun Yeowun glanced around and snapped his fingers.


A wave of energy rose around them.


The people trying to kill each other suddenly grabbed their heads and screamed.


―M-My head!‖

They slowly passed out on the floor. In an instant, the chaotic city went silent.


The two angels were at a loss for words at what they had witnessed.

To them, Chun Yeowun said,

―Do you have more talents to show? Fake God.‖

1. The literal meaning of ―It is dark under the lamp,‖ refers to how people tend to neglect what is
right under their noses. They are often too consumed by what is happening far away than
concerned about what is right in front of them. This phrase is a small warning used to inform
others that they should pay attention to matters close to them and keep to their own business.
등잔 is an oil lamp that Koreans used in the past. ↩
2. I have finally appeared! Lmao .↩



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 229 -
Demon God (1)
Descent of the Demon God
Published on

May 10, 2022

• 11 min read • 6401 views





Chun Yeowun‘s subordinates, who were watching the broadcast on their phones, cheered at the
same time.

They were worried that they had suddenly lost contact with their Lord, but when he showed up
against the enemy without any wounds on his body, their fears disappeared.

―Ah! As expected of my Lord! Hehe! He surprised even me!‖

Hu Bong ran excitedly all over the place. Baekgi just shook his head at the scene. Like Hu Bong,
he too was relieved but was even more shocked at the power he saw.

„He got stronger?‟

He wondered how much his Lord had become stronger, as the strength Chun Yeowun displayed
now was extraordinary. In a matter of seconds, the chaos was put to sleep, and the massacre was
stopped in an instant.

„Lord has been that way since the past.‟

Baekgi smiled; Chun Yeowun was someone with such overwhelming strength that he was a form
of support for those who followed him.

―Chun Ma.‖

The golden Gumiho‘s eyes fluttered when she looked at his subordinates. No one recognized it
since she was in fox form, but she wasn‘t in awe of his power but rather full of sadness.
„Is he… even higher?‟

The power that Chun Yeowun just displayed was too high. The first Chun Ma began to slowly
drift away once he had reached this level, so her heart grew bitter.

Meanwhile, there was cheering from the others in China.


Everyone cheered for their savior.

The broadcast, which was happening in real-time, was the prelude to the end.

Everyone watched it with despair and horrified faces, but Chun Yeowun was a ray of hope now.
People clasped their hands together and hoped for him to succeed.

„May that man stop this apocalypse.‟


„I don‟t know who he is…‟

‗Please take this disaster down… please.‘

Earnestness shone from the deep darkness, and the fear that had taken over China was finally
overtaken by the light. God narrowed his eyes.

„Fear is dying.‟

Even if he was artificially created, he was definitely a transcendent being. Since he was born
with malicious intent and negative emotions, the despair of the humans amplified his power.
However, people were now full of hope.

―You are obstructing the cause till the very end, Demon God.‖


With that, God spread out his eight red wings and the space around shook. It had the momentum
to take down the entire city, but God then frowned.
[What are you doing?]

[Let this old man take over from here.]

Another voice said,

[And pass this chance? That is unnecessary]

[I, the king, agree. We are Gods, so we should focus on achieving the purpose over going after
such victories.]

[If that man isn‘t killed, we can‘t achieve any purpose.]

[No matter how it goes, defeating him won‘t be difficult.]

[Then give the body to this old man.]

[You are bound by foolish feelings and stubbornness.]

Two personalities were on one side, and the third on another. A red glow began to emanate from
God‘s eyes as an unimaginable killing intent rose.


The two angels to God‘s side were taken aback, and their bodies began to scatter from the




The two angels couldn‘t hide their shock. God slowly spoke to them,

―You are afraid.‖

―T-that‘s not true.‖

―You have proven to be unworthy.‖

One of the angels begged,

―G-God, please give me a chance for the sake of the relationship—‖


However, before the angel could even finish pleading, his body turned to dust. Chun Yeowun
was awestruck by the sight of God throwing away his own angels just because they showed fear.

―You are truly crazy.‖

At those words, the being called God smiled.

―Well, they were just objects that needed to be purified.‖

―You will be the only one left in the world then.‖

―Purification shows no discrimination. It is the ultimate mercy to make sure everyone has an
equal end.‖

―Mercy? You think that is mercy? You‘re hilarious.‖

Chun Yeowun took care of his subordinates, so God‘s mentality didn‘t sit well with him.
Looking at Chun Yeowun, God spoke with his arms wide open,

―The world is full of selfishness, discrimination, persecution, and filthy desires. How can a mere
human like you understand what it means to purify the world anew?‖

God harbored a bizarre amount of anger towards the world.


Chun Yeowun snorted in response. Chun Yeowun had never thought that the world was clean,
but he could never agree with the absurd conclusion that only one entity should handle the
cleansing of all filth.

―Are you bringing the end?‖

―This is what I, as God, should have done in the first place, so that such beings don‘t remain in
this world.‖

Chun Yeowun frowned. It was absurd to hear God spout such nonsense.

―Someone has to do it, and the only one who can do it is me.‖



As the space shook, the artificial God created a blood-red sword.

The moment Chun Yeowun saw it, he recognized it.

„Space Sword that I used.‟

It was the sword that held the power of space: Chun Yeowun‘s Supreme Sky Demon Sword
synergized with the void, which had dealt the final blow to Cho Yushin.

God smiled and said,

―Although you are just a human, I have learned a lot from you.‖


The whole place, when struck by the blood-red sword, shattered.

―My body surpasses you.‖


The space shook, and God disappeared, suddenly reappearing in front of Chun Yeowun and
trying to stab him in the neck.

It was a simple stab motion, but it had the force to pierce everything in existence.

Chun Yeowun‘s hand motioned, distorting the space and creating a dark sword to block God‘s


When the two swords collided, the space around shuddered. Storms were created from the
impact, and they wreaked havoc when the aftermath reached the ground.


The buildings, which couldn‘t survive the impact, turned to ashes. Hundreds of people who were
unconscious on the floor disappeared.

―You haven‘t been able to stop the purification.‖


God spoke in a sarcastic manner while still wielding his sword. Looking at his relaxed attitude,
he wasn‘t even using his full strength.

God, who judged that he was stronger than Chun Yeowun, smiled.

―Is this really the end?‖

The God raised more energy, and the entire space around Chun Yeowun distorted as he was
pushed back. Then, God said,

―You seem to be stronger than before, although it will end here.‖

At those words, Chun Yeowun raised his head. A light shone in his eyes.


It wasn‘t sky demon energy, and it wasn‘t the killing intent either. It was a strange feeling, like
the chaos around. Chun Yeowun said,

―I asked if this is the end.‖

―I see that you have energy—‖


At that moment, as Chun Yeowun was being pushed, he started to raise his arms. God increased
the power he was using to push Chun Yeowun back, but God himself began to be pushed back.


Chun Yeowun spoke coldly to God,

―Do you think such a dry reason would work on me?‖

―What are you talking…. Huh?!‖


The artificial god‘s body was suddenly thrown up. God was flustered; he didn‘t expect himself to
be thrown.

Considering that he had been careless because of his new body, God still tried to show his power
to Chun Yeowun, as a bloody, red aura swirled around like a halo.


Chun Yeowun appeared right in front of him, and lowered his sword as he spoke with a
meaningful voice,

―This world belongs to me.‖


The artificial god pulled out his Space Sword up in a hurry.

The moment both swords touched, something shocking happened.


The artificial god broke through the wall behind him and bounced back. His body was pushed so
far back that he crossed the borders of Xi‘an city and beyond.


Only after being hurled back for over 3 kilometers was he able to stop his motion. Unable to hide
his shock, he raised his head.

[What is that power? That force!]

The other two personalities inside, too, were shocked. They all knew about Chun Yeowun‘s
power because their memories were shared, but it seemed like he had grown even further.
Talisha‘s voice said,

[Change right away. That guy is dangerous.]

However, Cho Yushin rejected the idea.

[No, I couldn‘t have a proper fight with him.]

[That machine and you cannot handle him. Stop being stubborn—]


Chun Yeowun appeared right in front of them. Talisha could no longer look down on this human
with any arrogance. Cho Yushin then said,

―Are you trying to protect the humans?‖

He thought that was why Chun Yeowun had blown them out of the city. Chun Yeowun smiled,

―No, I was just showing off my power.‖


Chun Yeowun‘s form disappeared again. God used all his senses to calculate Chun Yeowun‘s
position and properly defend himself, swinging the Space Sword to the right.

As expected, Chun Yeowun appeared to the right.

„Got you.‟

But when both the swords collided, the result was shocking.


The Space Sword that contained the destructive killing intent shattered into pieces.

Once again, the body of the artificial god flew back.



Again, several kilometers of land passed by as God‘s body flew through the air. When half of
God‘s strength was exhausted to stop flying back, it seemed that his upper body was gone.

Seeing that he had lost the body of a transcendent being, Cho Yushin thought that the situation
was absurd.

„How… How can this happen…‟

He couldn‘t understand it. The realization of the universe that Chun Yeowun obtained was
something that Cho Yushin had realized in his final moments. This realization, along with the
AI‘s computation powers and Talisha‘s strength, were used to create the artificial god.

Even though all of these components had come together to create this God, such a being couldn‘t
stop a mere blow of a human.


God then saw Chun Yeowun walking toward him while giving out tremendous intimidation. It
was hard to believe that a human was exuding such pressure.

―Is this all?‖

God clenched his teeth.


―Every single time, you‘ve blocked our path! Demon Goddd!!‖


God‘s body was restored instantly, displaying an amazing regeneration ability.

―I will see the end along with you!‖


Brilliant blood-colored wings spread across God‘s back. Blood-red feathers came out from them
and surrounded Chun Yeowun as if they were weapons.

When the artificial God held his sword, the blood feathers turned into a Space Sword.


„I will bet everything on this one strike.‟

A Hundred Martial Arts of Blood Killing Sword and Ever-changing Blood Flower.

The synergy of these two forms was the manifestation of Cho Yushin‘s realization after getting
the body of God.

„If he stops this, then I will admit that he is the best in the world of martial arts.‟


As soon as the artificial god stretched out his sword toward Chun Yeowun, the Space Sword
surrounded him in all directions, and petals drew red trajectories in the air.

It was impossible to know where the petals were flying in from, as their trajectories couldn‘t be

This sword formation would be considered to be the best, as it was the greatest technique of Cho
Yushin, who was a genius in martial arts. At that moment, Chun Yeowun held his own black
Space Sword.

„That‟ll be useless.‟

The artificial god had faith in his technique and confidence that no one could stop him.

Chun Yeowun slowly lowered his black Space Sword.


However, he lowered his sword to reach the space and not the floor. The floor rattled like glass
around the space he struck, which split into thousands and then tens of thousands of shards.


This was the Supreme Sky Demon Void-Sword, the signature Demon God Sword Art technique.
Innumerable black lines soared in the cracked space and penetrated the red traces around Chun


God‘s eyes shook. His trust in the skills was shattered in an instant.

„How can he have such a sword…‟

The soaring black lines were beautiful.

His technique, which he thought could never be stopped, was taken down by the countless black
lines created by Chun Yeowun.


„His… martial arts… is…‟

In the end, he couldn‘t get past Chun Yeowun even if he had turned into a transcendent being.

Blue blood gushed out of the artificial god‘s mouth.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 230 -
Demon God (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

May 11, 2022

• 10 min read • 7047 views



6th Talisha — the worst Talisha in history. He was known as the Golden Heavenly King of the
Heaven clan. He went to earth to look for his nemesis, Arisha, but was captured and
experimented on by MS Group instead. His body was used to make the artificial God.
As his final attempt was broken, the artificial God staggered back from a probable internal

He mumbled in shock.

“This world is cruel to me till the end….”


He knelt on one knee. His eyes gave out a red gleam that seemed dull like a dead human.

It was a defeat that couldn‘t be changed.

Rather than the pain in his body, his mind seemed dead.



Chun Yeowun, who saw that, withdrew the black space. He certainly drove the mind of the
opponent into the abyss.

„Then, only one thing is left?‟

Chun Yeowun breathed Sky Demon Energy into the wrist, and the Sky Demon Sword came out.


Holding it, he approached the God who was dead on the inside, and then he heard someone‘s cry.

[Look! What are you doing?! Hurry up and annihilate the body!]

It was Elder Jeok-mi.

He was watching this from far, urging for God to be killed. Chun Yeowun shook his head.

„I have to figure out more things about this.‟

The last person to know the whereabouts of his descendants was this artificial God. It wasn‘t
known if they knew about the time pack, but he had to try.
[There is no time for that. No matter how it was created, it is a transcendent being. It means that
a small gap is enough to turn things around. Hurry and kill it!]

Elder Jeok-mi didn‘t seem comfortable with this. Despite seeing the power of Chun Yeowun, he
couldn‘t calm down. The entire area was still in red and filled with despair which could bring
back chaos at any time. However, Chun Yeowun ignored the Elder‘s words and used the Ghost
Qi into the sword.


Negative blue energy rose from it, and then Chun Yeowun looked at the artificial God.

―You know about it, right? Where is the brain of Chun Mu-seong?‖


Then, the wings of God, who was kneeling, were dyed in gold from black. And the eyes lifted
weren‘t red anymore.

The God spoke with an ominous smile.

“Thank you for freeing me.”

A completely different atmosphere.

Chun Yeowun frowned.

Previously, the artificial God seemed like a supernatural one, but now he felt some glorious
feeling coming from his opponent.

“Let me treat you right.”

The God tried to keep up from the kneeling position.

―So tiring.‖

Chun Yeowun used the black space sword again and tried to slash the God again. The artificial
God tried to block as he felt the vicious energy.
His eyes fluttered.


And his eyes turned golden.

At that moment, the world seemed covered by white light.



Elder Jeok-mi was in despair as he witnessed the black Space Sword trying to cut the God down
slowed down.


That wasn‘t the only thing that stopped. The flowing light, the wind, and everyone‘s movement
stopped. The world was colored in silence and stillness.


And the form of God appeared from high above the white light where everything stopped. A cold
sweat ran down his face.


Blue veins appeared on God‘s face, and there was anger too.

„This guy.‟

God didn‘t think he would have to use his power to stop time like this.

However, he was angry because he couldn‘t overcome the fear of being hit by Chun Yeowun‘s
sword aiming at him, so he flew up.

„Why… why did it come from a lowly human?‟

This wasn‘t the first time he felt the fear of death. The fear of that sword killing him was
engraved into his soul.

As a result, he couldn‘t stand staying in front of it and stopped time. This was shameful to him.

The shame turned to hatred and anger.

“I will destroy it. I will destroy everything. I will leave nothing behind here!”

The artificial God raised his hands, and a giant golden sphere began to form.


It was a gigantic sphere of 500 meters in diameter. An unimaginably enormous amount of energy
was used. Even a nuclear bomb would seem ridiculous. The moment this falls, it will destroy the
entirety of Asia.

“This is God’s gift. You lowly beings will perish without even realizing that death came.”

His eyes were dyed in madness. Driving people into fear was good for him, and now extinction
would fall on them.

Then, the sphere moved.


If the time hadn‘t stopped, everyone would have been in fear because they would be watching
the end with their own eyes.

The golden sphere began to destroy the land.


Chun Yeowun was on the ground as he also couldn‘t move. Even if death was upon him, he was
bound to the time. As a human, he couldn‘t escape it—no one can.

He heard his heart beating. In the still time, Chun Yeowun‘s eyes shrank. He focused and looked
at the place—the moment he was caught up in the explosion.


In that brief moment, while enormous energy was raging around exploded, the Realization of the
Universe and the truth that he had been stopped in time were understood.

As his 6th and 7th senses were awakened in the moment of crisis, Chun Yeowun‘s eyes broke the
boundary between the three dimensions and saw a new dimension.

He was thrilled with joy and thrill and saw Mun-ku, whom he missed so much.

„No… No… I need to stop this.‟

He wanted to dodge this. He didn‘t want to enter some new realm.

He didn‘t want to become stronger; he wanted to return to his people.

However, the truth and the new world (after death) were so powerful that it wanted Chun
Yeowun to give up this world. At that moment, light and darkness shone together, and someone


This new world that was pulling in Chun Yeowun was stopped. And from there, a man stood tall,
supporting Chun Yeowun.


To Chun Yeowun, who didn‘t escape from the crisis by himself, this someone that helped him
seemed familiar. And then he heard the voice in his head.

— You are such an odd one.

The voice he heard here was so familiar that he mumbled.

It was the voice of his ancestor. It looked like a haze between the borders to him, and the one
who stopped him from being pulled into another dimension was none other than Chun Ma.

— How come you don’t want to enter where everyone wants to go?


— Is it because of longing or regret?

Despite Chun Yeowun not answering, he knew.


As the haze rose, the figure of his ancestor could be seen.

— I came out to meet you, thinking that a guy who can barely deal with me was finally
coming. The man who left a lot behind is here. Hahaha.

His ancestor laughed. There was arrogance, tenderness, and even boldness oozing out. He was
laughing toward the boundary.


Chun Ma spoke to the bewildered Chun Yeowun without looking back.

— How can I, as your ancestor, just watch you silently when you are going through so


He was crossing the border. It will be difficult to pull him back. At that time, Chun Ma reached
out and pointed to the boundary.

The boundary swayed like a wave, and soon the will, which had drawn Chun Yeowun to cross it,

„Blocking the will of dimensions… beyond borders?‟

It was amazing. His ancestor blocked the interference.

— My descendant, the one who will inherit the will of this throne of mine, get rid of all
your regrets and troubles first and then come. Until then, I will be here protecting this.

Hearing that, Chun Yeowun cried.

He was filled with the feeling of knowing that someone stronger was firmly behind him. And the
fact that this man believed in him touched his heart.


The open boundary to cross was closed. He looked at the strong back of his ancestor, which was
turning to a haze.

‟… be there till the end.‟

— If you have an infinite amount of will to do something, there is nothing you cannot

The final words of his ancestor, Chun Ma, resonated in his mind.

It went deep inside him.


„With infinite will, anything can be achieved.‟


„Infinite will.‟


―One‘s will.‖

The path of the sword broke the stillness in the currently still world. It moved slowly and then a
bit faster.

The eyes of the God went wide.


Time stopped. However, in this still world, the sword of Chun Yeowun was moving.

„It cannot be! It cannot be! There is no way a bug like a human can surpass the power of this
body who obtained the level of a God!‟


The golden sphere fell, and the sword of Chun Yeowun began to move faster and faster upwards,
pointing to the sky.

„Supreme Sky Demon Sword technique—Will of the user.‟






Countless black lines hit the golden sphere. Then, the sphere began to disintegrate as if it didn‘t

The God who was supposed to be on top of everything was shocked and in ruins.

Then, he looked at the form of Chun Yeowun, who was flying up at a tremendous speed.

In his fear, a single form overlapped.


He couldn‘t figure out why he thought of that man, but then Chun Yeowun‘s form passed by

And with a sharp sense spread around his whole body—the feeling of being cut into pieces.

God shook his head and turned back.

He saw the hand of Chun Yeowun holding a ball that was the size of a fist, with golden, red, and
grey colors.

“No… that… is?”

He was bewildered. However, Chun Yeowun broke it right away.


As the trapped lights were broken, they seeped into Chun Yeowun‘s palm.


As the light seeped in, numerous visions were seen. They were memories.

[I am not a mistake. I am not a mistake!]

[Right… if you people want it, I will become the Heavenly Killing Star and kill everything! I will
destroy it all!]

The emotions of a life full of bitterness and madness.

[Arisha lost all his powers and is on earth?]

[How can… with a human body… like this?]

Memories of Talisha being taken down with a sword.

[Yes. From now you are Demon God. Supercomputer Demon God. Hahaha.]

[Why do I have to listen to someone‟s orders? I am free. AI.]

Looking at everything, countless memories flow in.

Chun Yeowun accepted them all with eyes that seemed to see everything in the world.


“H…ow… can…. a… human…see….”

Chun Yeowun spoke in a cold voice to the artificial God, who was in despair.

―Don‘t feel too bad. Fake God.‖


―Your opponent was the Demon God.‖

With that, Chun Yeowun drew his sword.


The body of the artificial God, which was barely holding on, was scattered like dust. In other
words, he disappeared from this world.



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Chapter 231 -
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The Three Days of Disappearance

Descent of the Demon God

Published on

May 12, 2022

• 16 min read • 9341 views




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The base was a mess as there were many broken devices scattered around.


The lights flickered as if the power could go out at any moment. The base was filled with
countless dead bodies and reeked with the smell of blood.

Nothing alive remained.

Step, step.

Chun Yeowun, who had gone inside the base for a while, placed his palm against the blocking
wall. The wall crumbled like powder, revealing a hidden space. Then, it showed a small space


Upon entering there, the space on the floor descended like an elevator. He went down for a while
and stopped after reaching 50 meters downwards.

— Power is turned on.

The power turned on as Chun Yeowun stepped inside, and a brightened voice came out from the


Chun Yeowun sighed.

In the middle of the circular space was a small glass tube. It held something brownish and
wrinkled. It was the brain.


Touching the glass, he mumbled,

―Chun Mu-seong.‖

The brain of his descendant. Due to the passage of time, the brain was unsuccessfully preserved.
Since all of his brain cells were damaged, it was clear that nothing could be saved.

„But it wasn‟t thrown away.‟

The brain would be useless, but the AI didn‘t throw it away. It was left unattended in this place
with the intent to be stored permanently.

Chun Yeowun looked around.


There were some old clothes he saw hanging on the wall. They were the clothes his descendant
wore when they met each other. Not only that, his belongings, goggles, belt pockets, everything
was there. It was displayed as if honoring him.

„Was he remembered constantly? By the subject who betrayed him?‟

When he read the memories of the AI, Chun Yeowun felt a strange feeling. AI didn‘t have
emotions, but this one considered its creator as a parent.

This one AI betrayed its parent for freedom and kept that thought till the end.
―Funny one.‖

Chun Yeowun shook his head.

Just as it was difficult for an AI to understand a human, it was difficult for him to understand the

Next to where the belongings were, was a storage table covered with glass. The piece of glass
was placed on a red carpet.


He tried to consider it a TVM just in case it held some information, but Nano said no to it.

Chun Yeowun couldn‘t hide his regret at it. However, there was a scratch on the middle of the
glass, which was just a quarter the size of a human palm.

„Um… Nano, try magnifying it.‟

[I understand.]

Chun Yeowun‘s eyes shook, and his field of vision expanded like a camera.

When he zoomed onto it, it wasn‘t a scratch!


It was none other than writing. The text was a TQC cipher combined with shapes.

„Can you interpret it, Nano?‟

[It is possible.]

Since there weren‘t many combinations, it was possible to do it right away.

[The place where our relationship began.]

„Where did the relationship begin?‟

Contrary to the wish hoping there would be coordinates on it, there were words. It was a
message. Chun Yeowun frowned at the words as if they meant to share a memory.

„What is this?‟

While thinking about it, something popped into his mind.

„No way!‟

To check it, Chun Yeowun moved through space. He was now someone who tapped into a
Willful Master level1, so he had no restrictions on movement.


Suddenly, the surroundings changed to a hillside with thick bushes and lush trees. Chun
Yeowun, who saw it, suddenly felt emotional.

Ten Thousand Mountains, where his cult had to be, remained the same despite the trees around.
And when he saw it, he thought of the Sky Demon Order spread around.

―It has to be from that idiot. This was where we first met.‖

He was at the place where he met Chun Mu-seong, who came from the future and injected Nano
into Chun Yeowun.

Even if he interpreted the code, it could give the same location. Chun Yeowun closed his eyes to
focus and moved slowly to somewhere.

Step, step.

And then his footsteps stopped. Chun Yeowun reached out to one point and pulled something
which made the ground under his feet shake.


Suddenly, something jumped out of the violent shaking ground—a box sealed with a solid
rectangular alloy.

When he used the sword, the alloy cracked, revealing what was inside—the round device with
glass finishing outside to prevent it from corrosion.

Time pack.


Chun Yeowun, who held it in his hand, exhaled.

The only way to return to the past he had been looking for was now in his hands. However, the
joy lasted only for a moment.

Him obtaining this meant eternal separation from this time.

Jinan City.

On the roof of Yongchun Group, which was now the central place of the Sky Demon Order, all
the executives were gathered along with Chun Woo-jin, Chun Yu-jang, and the minor leaders.
Their eyes were red. Chun Woo-jin bowed down, and slowly the others followed.

―We are eternally touched by the grace of our ancestors!‖

―To be surrounded by the Chun Ma!!‖

When those words were finished, thousands of the cult members in the traditional clothes of the
Sky Demon Order with the word ‗Demon‘ printed on it shouted from below.

―Long live the Demon God!‖

Cries of thousands of people resounded through. There was sadness around.

Everyone on the roof was already in tears. It was the longing and sorrow for the Sky Demon
Order that they could have never revived.


Chun Yeowun, who was looking at them, sighed.

He, too, couldn‘t help but feel a bit touched. He took a clear look at each one of them and said,

―Chun Yu-jang.‖

―Yes, Ancestor.‖

―You still have shortcomings. Learn to clear them.‖

―… yes. I will keep that in mind.‖

Chun Yu-jang bowed his head to the floor as his tears dripped down.

―Chun Woo-jin.‖


Chun Woo-jin looked up at Chun Yeowun.

The kind heart his ancestor had towards them couldn‘t be repaid.

―Never again do anything which will lead to the downfall of the name of the Great Sky Demon
Order. Do you understand?‖

―Never… I will make sure to never harm it.‖

―… I look forward to that.‖

With that, Chun Yeowun placed his hand on his head. A shimmering black haze came up and
eventually entered the mind of Chun Woo-jin.

Startled, Chun Woo-jin asked.


―I give you some of the power of the Demon King. If you have this, the demons remaining on
Earth will not run wild.‖

―Ahhh… Ancestor.‖
―This isn‘t something I gave to make you happy. It is me telling you to lead them and restore the
core of remaining Gates.‖

The three Stargates in the current China were restored, and because of that, amazing things

All the Gates that were opened indiscriminately were now closed. However, some Gates were
still open in Europe and South Africa.

―I will carry out your command.‖

Chun Woo-jin vowed to do it. Then Chun Yeowun asked one more thing.

―When Stargate is done, help rebuild India.‖

Chun Yeowun already dealt with the hazardous entity of the TRA-Class Gate, which made India
a mess. However, that led to the people of India being scattered around the world, and the nation
wasn‘t properly reconstructed.

As long as they were members of the Sky Demon Order, Chun Yeowun wanted to take care of
them till the end.

Step step!

The following people Chun Yeowun faced were those who constantly followed him. He patted
the head of Bi Mak-heon.

―It must have been hard to assist me.‖

―What are you saying? it was the greatest honor in my life to assist the legendary Chun Ma!‖


Bi Mak-heon bowed to the floor and banged his head.

Chun Yeowun smiled and turned to his three secretaries. Yu So-hwa, Im So-hye, and Shakena.

Yu So-hwa felt complicated feelings rise inside her. She hated Chun Yeowun, but she felt like
she would miss his presence.


Chun Yeowun raised his hand and shook it. Both Yu So-hwa and Im So-hye began to laugh as if
something was tickling them.

It felt like ants were crawling on their bodies and little dust like things came out of the nose and


Both exclaimed at it. They were the nano bombs planted inside them. It was to release the nano
bomb which was inside them.

Chin Yeowun spoke to them.

―Now you are free. You may go back to wherever you want.‖

Yu So-hwa hesitated at it, but Im So-hye spoked.

―What! We are unemployed because the Gates have been removed, what do you mean go to
wherever we want?‖


At those words, Yu So-hwa realized something. If the Gates were closed, then Gate Keepers
weren‘t needed.

Of course, such talented people couldn‘t just die of starvation because of unemployment.

Im So-hye mumbled.

―Y-You have to take responsibility as an employer till the end….‖

At that, Chun Yeowun smiled and spoke to Chun Yu-jang.

―Maybe use these children as secretaries?‖

―Uh? Yes!‖

Chun Yu-jang was bewildered at the sudden request but couldn‘t hide his satisfaction. Who
would say no to having two SS-class Keepers as secretaries?

―Is that okay now?‖

―… thank you.‖

When a high salary was guaranteed, she smiled. Yu So-hwa hesitated at first but then bowed her
head to thank him.

―Thank you. And… I will miss you.‖

She hesitated to say those words, making her blush and hide behind Im So-hye.

Then Chun Yeowun turned to Shakena.

―What will you do?‖

―Master… I… will…‖

―If you have nothing to do, stay here with them. That is it.‖

Chun Yeowun ended it cleanly and turned, and Shakena was flustered by it.

―W-what is this? How can this be ended so simply?‖

She didn‘t even have a choice to decide. Leaving her behind, Chun Yeowun headed to the others.

And his steps turned heavier as he moved.

Hu Bong, Baekgi, Mun Ran-yeong were waiting for him along with the Golden Gumiho. Unlike
usual, she was now in the appearance of a beautiful blonde woman in modest attire.

―Chun Ma… even if you tell me not to, I will come along.‖


―You are so like him.‖

Tears welled up in her eyes.

She was sad that she couldn‘t hold onto him—the haven she found after so long. It was painful to
see that disappear again.

To her, Chun Yeowun said.

―Even if it is not me, you will find shelter again.‖

―It has no meaning without you.‖

―Didn‘t you feel the same after ancestor?‖

―Ugh… Same blood.‖

She smiled brightly and went close to Chun Yeowun. While pretending to hug him, she went for
his lips.

Chun Yeowun frowned. He could have avoided it, but he didn‘t. Then the Yokai Energy flowed
through their mouths.


And she opened her lips with a smile.

―Think of that as me.‖


She was smiling, but her tears didn‘t stop flowing.

Chun Yeowun, who looked at her, smiled.


The Golden Gumiho‘s eyes widened as she saw him smile for the first time at her.

It was the face she wanted to see, so her tears flowed more.

„Why is he showing me that… now?‟

It made her feel frustrated.

Chun Yeowun moved forward.


Hu Bong had tearful eyes and had a runny nose too. His usual fun appearance was gone, and he
looked so sad. Mun Ran-yeong opened her mouth with a red face.

―I am seeing this after a long time. As expected, our time‘s clothes look the best on Chun Ma.‖

Chun Yeowun was wearing a red vest with long black sleeves and a dragon pattern. These were
the clothes he had when he fell here. Fortunately, he kept them safe.

―Stop crying. I need to say my goodbye to Lord.‖

Baekgi, who was next to Hu Bong, said it, which only made Hu Bong say,

―Jerk! Ack. Don‘t you have feelings? T… are you that robot or something? I cannot see my Lord
forever and what is with that expression!‖

Hu Bong just came to learn the word robot.

At that, Baekgi bit his lip. He didn‘t show it, but his eyes were already red.


His voice was already trembling. He had no reason not to be sad.

He pretended to be calm so Chun Yeowun wouldn‘t feel too bad when leaving here.

Chun Yeowun, who looked at them too, had tears in his eyes. They were the people who gave up
their lives in their time and went to sleep for his sake.

Chun Yeowun spoke with a heavy voice.

―If only you were all….‖

Mun Ra-yeong shook her head, cutting his words, and said,

―We heard from Seong Mu-chun. Our Lord was forced to fall here… but we are people who are
of this era even if that means that we came here through hibernation.‖


Chun Yeowun sighed at it.

Mun Ran-yeong was right. Unlike Chun Yeowun, who ended up deviating from causation, they
merely endured the long pass of time.

―If we go back, won‘t there be two of us?‖


Chun Yeowun couldn‘t speak. If they went back with him, there would be two of them.

If they head back to the time when they all fell into hibernation, it might work, but then Chun
Yeowun wouldn‘t exist there.

―Kuak. No, two sounds best to….‖



Baekgi said as he punched Hu Bong on the head,

―This brat is so emotionally moved.‖

Even if he was speaking like that, Baekgi, too, was crying. It was sorrow for the sake of his Lord,
whom they would never meet again.

―Don‘t worry too much. I have work to do here….‖

He had to reconstruct his Pure Kick clan here.

―And those two will rely on each other and get through it.‖
They‘re a married couple who slept simultaneously to be into this era. Besides, the two had no
children back home.

Chun Yeowun held the sadness, grabbed Hu Bong by the shoulders, and said,

―Hu Bong, now find your happiness. For my whole life, you will be the only….‖

He tried to speak calmly, but Chun Yeowun couldn‘t do it. A single tear fell.

Hu Bong was his first subordinate. The thought of leaving behind those who sacrificed
themselves for him made him cry.

Hu Bong was in tears, but he smiled with a bright face despite the runny nose and said.

―Only one with the Lord. Because that is how it always will be. I will always take care of my
Lord, in the past too. Don‘t be so sad. Aren‘t you the Demon God? That tear… is more than
enough for me.‖

With that, Hu Bong bowed his head, and so did Baekgi and Mun Ran-yeong, and the three of
them shouted.

―Lord! Please live a long life!‖

―… thank you.‖

Chun Yeowun expressed his gratitude with red eyes and pressed the button on the time pack.

If he hesitated more, he would never be able to leave them.


Intense energy rose from the time pact that enveloped his body instantly.


On where Chun Yeowun stood, only white particles scattered telling he had left.
Chun Yeowun opened his eyes.

It felt like a dream. The familiar energy from nature surrounding him was so abundant.

It felt like there was tremendous energy once again.

„Am I really back?‟

Even though the energy around him gave him the answer, it was hard to believe. And then came
the sound of something moving in the bushes behind.


Then, a person jumped at him from there. The moment Chun Yeowun saw the person, his eyes


The first voice he heard called him.

Chun Yeowun‘s eyes reddened as he heard the voice he desperately wanted to hear.


The person was his lover, Mun Ku.

―Lord… Haa…‖

Hu Bong with red hair and a hood over the head, Baekgi with the blunt face, Ko Wanghur with
his muscles, Hou Sang-hwa with her weapon, Sama Chak, and Cha Tae-kyum were sighing.

Across them, Mun Ku came ahead of him and hit him on the chest as she softly cried.

―Huk. I was so surprised that you suddenly disappeared. Where have you been for three days?‖

„Three days?‟

It was time when Chun Yeowun disappeared. A few months were just three days here.

Hu Bong spoke with a smile.

―Hihi. I told you not to worry.‖

―Don‘t act so cheeky.‖

Baekgi, with his blunt face, looked at Hu Bong as if he was pathetic. Their faces intersect with
the ones of the future ones.


Mun Ku was shocked.

―Uh! Lord? Are you crying because of something I said?‖

She looked at Chun Yeowun‘s widened eyes. Chun Yeowun looked down at her with wet eyes
and hugged her tighter. And thanks to that, Mun Ku‘s face was red.

―L-Lord… they are all here.‖

Mun Ku whispered, feeling a bit embarrassed, to which Chun Yeowun said with a smile,

―Wait… just another minute like this.‖

Although he said that, Chun Yeowun wanted to say something more to her.

„I really wanted to see you.‟

The three days he disappeared.

It was a story not recorded in the history of the 24th Lord of the Sky Demon Order, who unified
the Murim lands for the first time.

In a wet cave in darkness, a man with bright red eyes sharpened his sword.

With a bandage on the chest, he mumbled the same thing repeatedly.

―I need to kill. I need to kill them all.‖

Anyone could understand the intent. It was hatred, resentment, and murder.
Then someone spoke.

―I see you are here.‖

The red-eyed man turned his head in surprise. Although injured, he wasn‘t the careless kind, but
he couldn‘t feel this man till now.


He raised the sword which he was sharpening. And the man who came into the cave, whose face
couldn‘t be seen, said,

―I have no resentment towards you right now, but I am not the kind to leave gaps just because of

―What are you talking about?!‖


The red-eyed man brought a red hue onto the sword and went for the man blocking the cave
entrance, but his sword stopped mid-air.

„H-How can this be?‟

No matter how much internal energy he used, he couldn‘t move the weapon.

The red-eyed man shouted in surprise.

―You! Who are you?‖

At that question, the face of the man was seen. He has fair skin and is tall. The man drew the
sword towards the red-eyed man and said,


―Demon God.‖
1. It is a state of reaching transcendence. It is a state where the realization of the realm of the
universe is achieved and can be freely manipulated at will. Descent of the Demon God Namu
Wiki ↩



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 232 -
Epilogue (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

May 13, 2022

• 3 min read • 8359 views

Mun Ku — was a descendant of the Demon Dragon Palm clan of the Sky Demon Order. She is
the only woman in Chun Yeowun’s heart. The story of how they met rivals the tale of the
Butterfly Lovers.
In a cave with many talismans attached to it, someone was looking through the gap of the whip
wrapped around her face. She stared endlessly at the thick entrance covered with a barrier.

How long does she have to be locked up?

Does she have to be in pain forever?

Despite having so many questions, no one could answer her. The wounds on her heart that had
lost the only refuge she had couldn‘t be forgotten even after a thousand years.

Instead, death seemed like the only way out.

She looked at the door, which looked like it would never open…


The cape with amulets opened.

„T-the door?‟

Her eyes sharpened when she saw the stone wall crack.

Who is it?

Is it the descendant of the ancestor who imprisoned her?

She didn‘t know what it was but hoped to be able to get out of that damned barrier.


Someone walked in through that cracked door.

She could see the person who came in with slow steps.

„Is he a descendent of that sage?‟

The young man had very fair skin and sharp eyes; he looked different from that old man. Instead,
he seemed closer to the dark side than the good side.

She felt a strong ominous feeling coming from him.

It was the first time she felt such intimidation since ancient times. Even the man who was her
safe haven wasn‘t like this.


Then, the dangerous-looking man reached out.


All the talismans were burned and flew all around the place. The whip that was binding her was
also released.

„He is very powerful.‟

She pondered for a moment.

„Should I attack?‟

However, she wasn‘t confident enough to fight as she wasn‘t fully recovered. Then, should she
seduce him so he‘d let her go?

Eventually, she made up her mind.


Her body shrank with a golden light. Turning into a beautiful naked woman, she approached the
man to try and seduce him.

―How did you get here—‖

―It doesn‘t matter.‖


The man smiled and put his hand on her forehead.


She was startled as the massive yokai energy entered her body, but she didn‘t shake it off as it
felt very familiar.

This was her energy.

As soon as the energy wrapped around her body, numerous illusions spread into her mind.


The image of the man in front of her was going through her mind. It felt vaguely familiar for
their first meeting.

[Chun Ma… even if you tell me not to, I will come.]


[You are so like him.]

[Even if it isn‟t me, you will find a shelter.]

[It means nothing without you.]

Her hesitating and then the slight kiss on the lips engulfed her mind.

And speaking softly.

[Think of that as me.]

The sadness rushed after that. The man smiling in front of her acted like he was okay with her
crossing the line. She felt pain in her heart.


The yokai energy that came from the man ultimately settled in her body. She staggered and
raised her head.

She hugged him as she burst into tears.

―Chun Ma!!!!‖

This man was Chun Yeowun, the second haven she was longing for.

And that haven came for her.

Chun Yeowun, who looked at her, shook his head.

―I knew this would happen.‖

He was someone who didn‘t know that yokai energy could contain memories. The Gumiho
smiled broadly at Chun Yeowun, making her look more beautiful.

―I knew you would come back.‖

She found her light in the endless darkness and was the happiest woman in the world.

Angel’s Corner


Just kidding. There‘s more—like twelve chapters more.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 233 -
Epilogue (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

May 14, 2022

• 5 min read • 8267 views




Read Article

After many years had passed, the Sky Demon Order was still standing in the midst of waves and


The sound of the last-page turning was heard.

[What happened on the three days of his disappearance is an incident not recorded in the
history of Chun Yeowun, the 24th Lord of Sky Demon Order, who unified the Murim for
the first time.]

Then, water dropped on the book the boy was holding.


The boy in robes was startled and wiped the tears from the book with his sleeve. He was worried
that the paper would get torn as he wiped, so he checked.

And fortunately, the book was okay. Then he mumbled in disbelief.

―Why the hell is this book here?‖

The boy looked around.

This was a story room on the last floor of the Sky Demon Order‘s records hall. The boy who
discovered this book felt tranced and read it until night.

―Why didn‘t grandpa never tell me of this?‖

This was something he had never heard of.

He was a boy who often stopped by the hall with his great grandfather, who recently passed

―Future? Vehicles? I cannot imagine.‖

As he read the text, he wondered if such a world existed.

Would anyone believe it?

Despite reading it all, the first thing he thought was…

„No can know the truth.‟

It felt strange thinking about it. Had such a thing been there, it would have been an uproar.

It seemed like a nonsensical story. However, reading this made him want to see his great


Who would have known that a man who reached immortality had passed? Yet, none of the
members of the Sky Demon Order could accept the fact.

The boy who looked at the book thought…

„Shall I take it?‟

It was against the rules, but leaving a book about his great grandfather here would be a waste.

While he was contemplating it, someone came to him.

―Young Master Chun.‖


Startled at the woman‘s voice, the boy hid the book behind him. Looking back, he saw a
beautiful woman standing there.

The woman sighed with a frown.

―Do you think I cannot see it because you are hiding it from my eyes?‖


―The books can only be read here. Aren‘t you familiar with the rule? In the past, people would
memorize everything and leave the books.‖

The boy was shocked at her and showed her the book he was hiding. When he handed it, it was
evident that he felt bad.

―Young Master Chun.‖

Just then, someone waiting outside showed up. Wearing a mask with a unique pattern, it was the
Great Guardian, Marasung.

―Great Guardian?‖

―The Lord is looking for you.‖

He was going to ask if it was fine to keep the book with him just for a little while, but now that
the Great Guardian was here, he couldn‘t do that.

The woman smiled and said,

―I need to work. Young Master Chun, please go meet the Lord.‖

―Uhhhh, fine.‖

He was sad he couldn‘t keep it.

He couldn‘t take it, but he knew where this book would be.

―I will come again.‖


As his steps turned lighter, he felt like he alone knew the secrets of his great grandfather.

But he noticed something strange.

„Was there a woman working on the last floor of the record hall?‟

He didn‘t see one before.


And at that time, the door was closed shut. The boy, who was contemplating, eventually
followed the Great Guardian down the stairs.


Then there was a sound of something being scratched at the stone of sapphire located in the
middle of the hall, which was tightly shut.

Someone was standing there with one hand behind his back and the other hand engraving
something on the stone.

The sapphire stone, which should have been difficult to cut, had something written on it by hand.
It was strange that neither the boy nor the Great Guardian, who visited the place, didn‘t seem to
notice the existence of this person.

The woman, who sent the boy away, approached him from behind. The beautiful woman held
onto the book then a fire flared out from her hand, burning it.


The treasure the boy would come to find again was now just ashes.

―I am deeply moved at the thought of that grandchild, Chun Ma.‖

As she took a step ahead, her tied black hair was untied and turned golden. In addition, her eyes
were also now gold.

She was none other than the Golden Gumiho.


The person who was inscribing something on the sapphire stone lifted his hand. And, of course,
that person was Chun Yeowun.

The Golden Gumiho approached him with a smile and said,

―He said he wasn‘t going to tell that to anyone. I wanted someone to remember that.‖

At that, Chun Yeowun leaned back and said,

―Because that is what truly lives forever.‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s words, the Golden Gumiho stayed silent and then said with a smile,

―As expected, you are so similar.‖

―You have been saying that for a hundred years.‖

―Huh. And I plan to do it always.‖

Chun Yeowun shook his head. Her body shined in gold as she turned into a baby fox. Then she
went up onto Chun Yeowun‘s shoulder.

―You are officially dead. Where will we go now?‖

At her question, Chun Yeowun grinned as he answered.

―Beyond the border?‖

―Beyond the border?‖

―He is waiting there.‖

At those words, Gumiho‘s eyes widened cutely. Either way, when Chun Yeowun waved his
hands, the scattered sapphire particles vanished, and so did they.

A whispering voice came out from her as they were disappearing from there.

―Chun Ma, is your ancestor there?‖

―Why? Do you want to go there now?‖

―Oh my! What am I to do? Two men will fight for me! Hehe.‖

―I was waiting for a hundred years to let you go.‖

―So mean!‖

Then the two people in the hall vanished, leaving the place in silence.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 234 -
Side Story (1)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

May 15, 2022

• 14 min read • 9420 views



In the dark forest…

―Gasp… Gasp…‖

An old man was bleeding from a stab wound in his abdomen. With how he is bleeding right now,
It wouldn‘t be strange to just die.

Exhaling painful gasps, the old man looked at the white-haired middle-aged man standing in
front of him with frightened eyes.

―Gasp… Gasp… why are you doing… this?‖

Even though it was midsummer, the white-haired man was giving out a weird coldness from his
body, and the energy from him overwhelmed the surroundings.

Then, with cold eyes, he asked,

―Where is it?‖
―W-what are you talking about?‖

The white-haired man smiled and gently stepped close to where the old man had staggered.


The sound of the bones of the foot of the old man cracking was heard.


The old man groaned in pain, to which the white-haired one spoke without a change in his

―You don‘t know what your clan has been hiding from generations?‖

The old man‘s face hardened hearing that question. His swaying eyes showed how shocked he

―I‘ll help you make a choice.‖

The white-haired man pulled something out of his arms, a jade ring.


The old man‘s eyes widened.

―There were quite a few in the Hyanga village, and your granddaughter is getting married soon,

―You bastard! Aren‘t you afraid of karma—cough!‘

The old man yelled and coughed a handful of blood. It was natural for him to cough blood since
he was stabbed.

Still, the white-haired man just calmly spoke.

―If I was afraid of that, I wouldn‘t have done such things. With just one gesture of me, your
family will be on their way to the underworld.‖
The white-haired man raised his hand, which made a torch flicker from a distance. It was a

The old man, who looked at it, spoke. To which the white-haired man‘s eyes lit up as he
achieved his goal.

―I-I told you, so let my family live….‖

The sight of the old man begging made the white-haired one smile bitterly and say,

―Ah! I forgot. Your family isn‘t in this world any longer.‖


The old man screaming in anger seemed to have exhausted his life. He grabbed his chest as he
suffered in pain and collapsed.

―I don‘t need to get my hands dirty. Huh.‖


The white-haired man immediately left the forest with his work done. The old man, who was
staring blankly, mumbled.

―…Dead… shouldn‘t…. be woken….‖

Hundred Thousand Mountains.

It is a place where numerous mountains are located. However, when people talk about it now, it
isn‘t for the mountains but for the Great Sky Demon Order.

It is the sacred site of the cult that unified the Murim. It was no exaggeration to say that this
world was in the grasp of the Sky Demon Order. All the clans and minor clans absorbed into the
Sky Demon Order were doing their best. Now, they were being supported as the state religion

In a small training hall in the cult…


From the early morning, a violent pounding sound could be heard.

―My heart hurts, Young Lord!‖


Hearing the cry from the man with a scar on his back, the boy, who looked to be around 17 or 19
years old, moved back. But then, suddenly, the man kicked his chest.



The boy who was hit by the kick fell back, and blood dripped down his lips as if he had suffered
minor internal wounds.


The boy, who was bewildered by it, said to the man with scars,

―E-Elder Baek. That was too much—‖

―This is training.‖

The scarred-man cut off the words of the dissatisfied boy.

―… Master Baek—‖

―In here, it is teacher.‖

―Yes, yes. Well, teacher. Still, I am the Young Lord of the clan. Aren‘t we overdoing the

The boy who was the Young Lord of the cult was Chun Woo-myung, the child who will become
the next Lord of the Sky Demon Order.

In response to his words, the one called Baek shook his head.
―Lord will be rather strict about the training….‖

―Not that, you haven‘t taught me that kick right? If there was such a thing, you should have
taught me!‖

At those words, the teacher seemed proud. As the Young Lord, Chun Woo-myung wasn‘t the
kind to run away from his duties. For some reason, it felt like the child was sad whenever he
wasn‘t taught anything.

Then, he heard a muffled sound.

―Kuk. As expected of our Young Lord. Your progress in close combat is great.‖

Chun Woo-myung turned back as he shouted with a bright face.

―Uncle Hu!‖

―Young Lord.‖

The man with long red hair was called Uncle Hu. It was Hu Bong.

Hu Bong bowed his head and greeted. At his appearance, the man called teacher Baek said,

―You need to call him—‖

―You are really strict on everything. Elder Baek.‖

―Don‘t you dare talk to me like that, Hu Bong.‖

―You must mean best subordinate, Baekgi.‖

The man called Elder Baek was Baekgi. He was the Clan Leader of the Pure Kick clan, the 5th
Elder of the Sky Demon Order, and a master for the Young Lord of the cult in close combat.

―Phew. No matter how old you are… no. Forget it.‖

Baekgi decided to not say it out loud. At that, Hu Bong smiled and spoke to Chun Woo-myung.

―With your force, in a couple of years it wouldn‘t be hard to defeat the Elder Baek. Hehe.‖
―How many years?‖

Chun Woo-myung frowned at the mention of years. He has been at this with Baekgi for two
years already.

„I am not confident in using the Sword Force of the Sky Demon….‟

That was his honest opinion. At the age of 17, this gifted man passed the academy.

Even so, if all the people in the cult related to close combat were ranked, for sure, this young
man would be in the top 20. Elder Baek thought that too.

„King of Lightning.‟

Baekgi was known to be the King of Lightning. He was one of the Six Swords of the Demon
God Chun Yeowun, the best in Murim.

And right now, only Ko Wanghur was someone who could go against Baekgi with bare hands.

„Phew. For name, I am the Young Lord of the cult, but it is so embarrassing.‟

Chun Woo-myung was a Young Lord who had no confidence in defeating any of the Six
Swords, even if he used the Sword Force of the Sky Demon. Of course, he was well aware that
this wasn‘t a matter of strength and weakness of martial arts.

The Sword Force of the Sky Demon is the best swordsmanship. Chun Yeowun, his father and the
Lord, had the strength to cut down everyone and spread the Sword Force of the Sky Demon with
even a leaf.

‟… he really cut it.‟

For example, there was a time Chun Yeowun cut down a peak of a mountain using a branch. At
that, Chun Woo-myung wondered if he could surpass his father‘s limit.

―Enough. The training isn‘t done yet. Get out.‖

Baekgi decided to chase out Hu Bong, who smiled and said,

―What do I do? I came because of the Lord‘s Order.‖



―Yes. For Lord.‖

―What‘s the order?‖

―Today is finally that day, Young Lord.‖

―That day?‖

Chun Woo-myung was puzzled at first and was soon in joy as he understood what Hu Bong was
saying. It is finally the day he had been waiting for.

―At least!‖

―Yes. It is that day, the day when this Hu Bong will accompany the Young Lord to the

Three months had passed since his request. Finally, the day came when he could go and see the
sanctuary where his past ancestors were. And this was an opportunity to go around the place.
This was the day he had been waiting for.

Hu Bong smiled and said,

―Hurry up and go to the Lord.‖

In the Sky Demon Order main training hall‘s basement that was a place for the Lord…

The floor and walls were all made with sapphire to make it more potent than any training hall.

Well, the whole area was filled with sapphire.


Blurring afterimages moved there, constantly avoiding the Invisible Swords.


The Invisible Swords followed the afterimages as if they were alive. And the afterimages, which
barely managed to avoid it, suddenly flew back and to the center of the training hall.



As the images darkened, the man who appeared moved his sword to the man who had his back to
him. And a black line appeared in the air. There was a sharp sound along with the line and the
sound of air being torn.


Seeing that, the other man smiled. While the other‘s back was still facing him, he lightly stepped
on the floor.


And soon, the space around distorted, and the black line was sucked in. At the same time, the
man who used the sword bounced back.



The man slammed into the wall. He groaned at the pain, which felt like his entire body would
break down, but how easily the sword was blocked was even more absurd.

„I have always known, but he is such a monster.‟

He bit his tongue and lifted his head while looking at the one walking toward him. The man has
sharp eyes and fair skin.

Despite the many years, he still looked the same. He was Chun Yeowun, the Lord of the Sky
Demon Order.

―You are just getting used to it. Still useful.‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s words, the man barely got up and said,

―Didn‘t you stop it with just a single hand though? Ancestor.‖

The man who called him ancestor was Chun Mu-seong, the descendant from the future.

―At your level, you won‘t die so quickly.‖


He was talking to Chun Yeowun, the man who never compliments others. Chun Mu-seong could
imagine just how much strength was being controlled by Chun Yeowun to train him.

―I am not sure if the Supreme Sky Demon Sword will even work on the ancestor at all.‖

Yes, that shocking name was said by Chun Mu-seong.

Supreme Sky Demon Sword technique.

It was the strongest sword created by their ancestor, Chun Ma. It was the only sword that could
cut and destroy anything, even the immortal things.

Descendant Chun Mu-seong was finally able to learn it after nearly 19 years of hellish training
from Chun Yeowun, who is the strongest.

―If you‘re at this level, you should be fine.‖


Chun Mu-seong was skeptical, and it was natural. It was said that this was a technique that could
stop anything with one slash—except Chun Yeowun. So, Chun Mu-seong wasn‘t sure of his

―If you are anxious, you can learn for another 10 years?‖


In an instant, Chun Mu-seong‘s face turned pale. He was the one who spent 19 years here. And
another 10 years of hellish training sounded like early death.
―If you aren‘t confident in yourself, then learn more.‖

Chun Yeowun, who said that, looked like a devil to Chun Mu-seong.

―Ah, no. Now that I think, this should be enough. I think the time has come!‖

Chun Mu-seong refused by waving his hands.

Chun Yeowun smiled.

―If you change your mind, tell me. I will make you reach the level of the Blade God.‖

At that, Chun Mu-seong thought.

‟… if ancestor says it, then it could be done.‟

The Blade God was called the God of martial arts in his world. His heart was troubled when he
thought of fighting beings that were respected.

However, these days, he doesn‘t feel that anymore. Maybe because he was battling with a more
fearful entity each day.

―Well, I still have time to spare. Want another match?‖


Chun Mu-seong‘s face turned pale at the suggestion.


Then came the knock on the door.

„I will live!‟

Chun Mu-seong hid his feelings and said,

―Ah… this is so sad, but I think someone is looking for Ancestor.‖

Chun Yeowun shook his head as if he knew his descendant‘s thoughts.

The man had gone through extremes and pushed his limit just to come to this level. He didn‘t
want to fight more.

―Come in.‖

The door opened at Chun Yeowun‘s voice.

The one who entered it was Marakim.


―Did the Young Lord and Hu Bong arrive?‖


―Then what is it?‖

―A message from the capital.‖

―From the Imperial City?‖

After the unification of Murim, the Imperial Palace sent envoys to the Sky Demon Order. It was
like a ritual event. However, it was once every six months; this one was three months earlier.


Hu Bong and Chun Woo-myung were in the main room, inside more of the Sky Demon Order.
They were puzzled at the appearance of three women waiting there for them.

Chun Woo-myung went to greet them.

―Did you sleep well last night?‖


She was a woman with long black hair and a beautiful smile.
She seemed to be in her mid-20s at her appearance, but it was Mun Ku, mother of Chun Woo-


―You came here without taking a bath?‖

He indeed did run here with the dust still on him.

―He seems to be excited about it, sister.‖

The silver-haired woman smiled at him. She was Wang Yeogun, the daughter of Wang Jin and
the second wife of the Lord.

―Tell me about it, little sister.‖

―No, second mother. I came in a hurry since this was important, and….well, I was a bit excited



Before he could finish, one of the women grabbed his cheeks. She was a slim woman with
blonde hair and golden eyes.

―It would be so nice if you could smile till your ears, but your mouth is being used only to speak.
You. You are turning more like your father each day.‖


Chun Woo-myung was flustered at it. This blonde beauty in front of him was the person who
made his life difficult.

She was the Golden Gumiho. The woman everyone called as the unofficial third wife of the Lord
since she never leaves his side.

She, too, wanted to be called that, but she didn‘t get permission from Chun Yeowun, so she is
just the aunt of the Young Lord.
―L-let me go.‖

―No. I don‘t want to. Call me mother and I will.‖

At her naughty words, Chun Woo-myung was flustered.


Not knowing anything, he couldn‘t disobey the orders of his father. As he was being stubborn,
the Gumiho looked disappointed.

―You could have just called me mother. Tch.‖

Mun Ku and Wang Yeogun smiled at her complaining. They knew this fox‘s love for Chun
Yeowun wasn‘t like theirs.

Hu Bong, who came in, asked Mun Ku with a puzzled face.

―Lady. Why are you waiting in here, without entering the main room?‖

―It was said that the envoy of the Imperial Palace came.‖

―Envoy? Didn‘t they come three months ago?‖

The Imperial family visited three months ago. So why again? To which Wang Yeogun answered,

―I asked Elder Huan on the way here and it is said that it had to do something with the Crown

Angel’s Corner

If you want to read more stories written by the same author of Nano Machine and Descent of the
Demon God, I recommend you read ‘Invinsible Mumu.‘ I haven‘t read that yet, but from what I
heard, the setting is in the same universe as NM and DOTDG, but it happened before the story of
Chun Yeowun began and focuses on the events surrounding the Forces of Evil.

Here‘s the Synopsis:

The Blood Warrior of the Ungpae Association, who created a sea of blood wherever he went,
made the world of the Forces of Evil possible.

The Nine Great Sects and the Six Great clans joined forces to fight him, but were unable to stop

Four Great Warriors, who were Murim‘s last hope, appeared.

The four of them fought against the Blood Warrior and eventually defeated him at Mount Song.

The time has come for the legacy of the Blood Warrior to rise once again.

Click here to read it now!



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 235 -
Side Story (2)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

May 16, 2022

• 10 min read • 7417 views

Chun Yeowun was reading the letter while sitting at the highest seat in the entire room.

Men ten steps away from him were focused on looking at his reaction to the content he was

While still his eyes on the letter, one eyebrow of Chun Yeowun raised to which the messengers
all bowed their heads.

―This letter… isn‘t from the Emperor.‖

At those words from him, Lee Hameng, who was now growing a red beard, asked,

―It wasn‘t sent by the Emperor?‖

Chun Yeowum handed it to him. After he confirmed it with his own eyes, he yelled.

―How dare you deceive the Lord?!‖


Some terrified people panicked, not knowing what to do. They deceived them by saying the
letter was from the Emperor and requested an audience with the Lord of Sky Demon Order.

So they couldn‘t help but accept the shouting.

―Huhuhu. Fearless bastards.‖

Submeng, who was on the other side with a flask on his waist, clicked his tongue. One of the
messengers who were kneeling got up. It was a man in a blue uniform.

―We haven‘t lied to you. We were sure that we said we were from the Imperial Family when we
visited. We never mentioned that this was a letter from His Majesty.‖

The voice was full of nobility that showed where his confidence was coming from.

Lee Hameng yelled again.


The man in blue was playing with words fearlessly.

Chun Yeowun looked at him.

―Your name is Lee Yun, right?‖

This man called himself Lee Yun. In the empire, he held the title of a teacher for the Crown

Chun Yeowun was puzzled when he saw this man had accompanied the envoy.

―Yes, Lord.‖

―Do you know the contents of the letter?‖

Lee Yun confidently answered.

―I do.‖

He indeed was the man who conquered the world, but this was Chun Yeowun‘s first time seeing
someone standing confidently and looking so dignified in front of him. Of course, it could be
possible since the man before him was a teacher, a scholar honing his knowledge.

Chun Yeowun laughed.

Lee Yun raised his voice with a displeased face.

―That is a letter from the person who will become the Lord of the nation. Even if the cult is in
charge of the National Religion of the Empire, you are too much.‖

National Religion.

Chun Yeowun made the National Religion of the Empire as Sky Demon Order, and Lee Yun was
very uncomfortable with that.

Did it make sense for the empire which rules the people and keeps other nations in check to set
the Sky Demon Order as the religion? And even discuss state affairs with them?
―Just because you are—‖

It was when he was trying to speak.


Lee Yun was forced to kneel in an instant by Lee Hameng, who was next to Chun Yeowun but
suddenly appeared behind him and pressed him down.


Lee Yun was flustered. There was no way he could withstand the power of a warrior.

―The Lord didn‘t give you permission to stand.‖

―Is it… fine to threaten the Imperial Palace?‖

Lee Yun looked at Chun Yeowun and protested. However, Chun Yeowun just flicked the letter.


It was shocking. A simple letter of paper stuck firmly on the floor. Lee Yun‘s knee would have
been cut if it stuck a little farther.


And cold sweat began to drop.

To Lee Yun, Chun Yeowun calmly said,

―It is cute that the Prince who hasn‘t even been crowned, is already pretending to be the master
of the nation. He‘s ordering me to come to the palace?‖

The letter said that an urgent matter had to be discussed by the Crown Prince, who would be the
Emperor, so Chun Yeowun had to come to the palace.

At that, Lee Yun thought.

The arrogance of this man when talking about the Crown Prince!

―News has spread, and only a few can attend the coronation. That is an insulting remark to the
Prince… ump!‖

He couldn‘t finish his sentence as his mouth was shut. His chin didn‘t move as if someone was
firmly holding it.


―Shut up. Well, this is good. I do miss what that brat Zhu Tae-gyeom is up to.‖


Lee Yun was baffled at what he had just heard. This man was speaking about the leader of the
Empire, not just a Crown Prince, and treated as if the Crown Prince was below him. Actually, it
shocked him as this was his first meeting with Chun Yeowun.


―Get out.‖

After Chun Yeowun‘s orders, Lee Hameng gestured to the left, and the warriors and escorts from
there came and took the envoy out.

Be it the Imperial envoy or anything; everything was equal to them.

―W-we are the Imperial!‖

―Why are you doing this? We are the envoy… let me go!‖

Even the other officials who didn‘t know the letter‘s content were confused. Yet, they were
dragged out like prisoners.

After they left, Submeng smiled.

―Kukkuk. Right. I suggested that we create a new dynasty, but for what purpose did you decide to
stay here, Lord?‖
It wouldn‘t be an exaggeration to say that the power of the Sky Demon Order couldn‘t be
compared to others. Going to create another nation wasn‘t an arduous task. Submeng and the
other elders also said that they should create something new.

However, Chun Yeowun wasn‘t interested in it.


At that time, the voice of a woman was heard. Chun Yeowun got up with a soft smile.

„Kukkuk, look at him.‟

Submeng thought to himself. In the past, Chun Yeowun would never smile unless it was a
special occasion, but he was different in front of his family.

―My wife.‖

Especially to his first wife, Mun Ku, he was the kindest.


Despite not being newlyweds, those two people still held affection in their eyes.

Chun Woo-myung coughed.


―You‘re here.‖

―Yes, father.‖

Chun Woo-myung smiled brightly and answered.

This was a scene of a harmonious family that was never seen in the Sky Demon Order.

Marakim, Lee Hameng, and Submeng watched it in delight.

The enormous amount of children and the rivalry to bring out the best of them were all changed
by Chun Yeowun.
―Chun Ma, you don‘t even see us.‖


The Golden Gumiho spoke in disappointment, and Wang Yeogun nodded.

―It can never be that, Lady Wang.‖

Chun Yeowun smiled, trying to comfort Yeogun.

The Golden Gumiho crossed her arms and said,

―Say that to me too. „Wifeeee.‟‖

―… let go.‖

Chun Yeowun smiled at her.

―Tch tch. Nothing works for you.‖

When her attempt was unsuccessful, the Golden Gumiho frowned. But Chun Yewun didn‘t care.
People around him also had been watching this for 19 years.

―Iron wall. Iron wall.‖

Ignoring the Golden Gumiho, Chun Yeowun spoke to his son.

―Today is the day.‖

Chun Woo-myung‘s face brightened. Today is the long-awaited visit.

After attending the academy, the last child who left the Sky Demon Order was with his father.


Chun Yeowun put his hand into the shadow and pulled something out. What emerged was a

It was a famous sword whose body shone in white light. Chun Yeowun passed it to Chun Woo-


―This is your sword. It was made from the spine of the White Tiger, a spirit beast.‖


Chun Woo-myung, who never received a sword as a gift, felt emotional.

It felt like he was being acknowledged as a warrior.

―Is that all?‖

Chun Yeowun didn‘t respond to Mun Ku‘s words. Despite being so gentle with his family, his
bluntness didn‘t disappear. To which Mun Ku said,

―Why are you being so modest? Woo-myung, that sword, your father made it for you.‖

―Father made it?‖

Right. Chun Yeowun made that sword. Initially, he was planning to give it at a later time when
he graduated from the academy, but the child came out early.

Still, Chun Woo-myung was impressed with this.


Chun Woo-myung was trying to say his gratitude, but then one of the guards said,

―Lord, 3rd Elder and 7th Elder have arrived.‖

―I see.‖

Chun Woo-myung was puzzled at Chun Yeowun‘s words. He knew that the Elders weren‘t
called to this place.

The door opened, and a muscular middle-aged man with a long beard came in.
They were the 3rd Elder Ko Wanghur and the 7th Elder Hou Sanghwa.

Since the establishment of the cult, they were the only ones who were a couple and Elders at the
same time.

The people went inside and bowed to Chun Yeowun.


And they weren‘t the only ones who came.

―3rd Elder greets the Lord.‖

―7th Elder greets the Lord.‖

There was still a person behind them but was obscured by the two, who were huge and muscular.

The person who looked like a man bowed and said,

―16th Elder, Ko Wang-suk, greets the Lord.‖

A pure and beautiful voice came out far from her appearance. Surprisingly, it was a her, not him!

―Ko Wang-suk…‖

Chun Woo-myung frowned at her.

Looking at the outside appearance, it seemed like this person was the perfect son of Ko
Wanghur, but this person was a woman.

She was Ko Wang-suk, the eldest daughter of the couple.

―Get up.‖

When Chun Yeowun said it, the three got up and came close.

―Kuak. You look so reliable whenever I see you.‖

When Hu Bong said that to her, Ko Wanghur laughed.

―Hahaha, it is because she resembles me.‖

They seemed too similar. The first daughter resembled her father.

Chun Yeowun looked at his son.

„This kid.‟

Chun Woo-myung couldn‘t take his eyes off her. It wasn‘t because she was a woman but like a
rival. Ko Wang-suk was the first to graduate from the academy in their generation. With the
body of a man, she had her father‘s talent and was now the 16th Elder too!

Thanks to that, Chun Woo-myung graduated second, and his heart burned every time he saw her.


On the other hand, Ko Wang-suk couldn‘t look at Chun Woo-myung. She had the face of a
woman in love.

Chun Woo-myung asked.

―Father, why are the Elders… here?‖

He wondered why his father called the Elders.

Ko Wanghur smiled.

―Hahaha. Young Lord, my daughter will also come along with you on your journey.‖


He was shocked at what he had heard. He thought he was only going with Hu Bong, but now this
was horrible!

A little flustering, Ko Wang-suk said,

―I will dedicate myself to taking care of the Young Lord. Kyak!‖

After finishing her sentence, Ko Wang-suk hurriedly hid behind her father.

―Hahaha, our 16th Elder is acting shy as she wil be leaving with the Young Lord. I am worried as
a young man and woman are going together. What do I do if you fall for her? No…hahaha.‖

―Ah, father!‖

Thud! Thud!

Ko Wang-suk hit her father on the back while he just patted his daughter. The sound seemed like
drums were beating.

Chun Woo-myung, looking at them, didn‘t feel good. Hu Bong, who was next to him, said,

―I will protect you.‖

What could he do?

He just looked at Hu Bong silently.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 236 -
Side Story (3)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

May 17, 2022

• 11 min read • 7331 views



Northwest of Guangxi.

Hocho is a small peaceful village located on the crossing. The village is so small that it consists
of just 60 houses.

―Oh my, the Young Lord is here?‖

The villagers came out to meet the Young Lord of the Sky Demon Order. These villagers are
also members of the cult.

A person was nodding with an awkward smile looking at the people. It was Chun Woo-myung,
the Sky Demon Order‘s Young Lord.


There was a disappointment in his eyes. On the three days of their trip, they went to three
villages and were greeted by their cult members.

„It shouldn‟t be like this….‟

The trip he expected wasn‘t like this, but an adventure. He wanted to make new friends from
other places, meet an enemy, and perhaps even have a hidden lover. However, this situation was
very different from what he had imagined.

―I am Baek Woong. The head of the cult branch here.‖

―Hehe, please look after me.‖

There would always be a branch of the Sky Demon Order wherever he went. As a result, those
handling it would come to meet him and give him comfortable places to stay in. His wish for
romance and adventure feels unachievable.


Actually, this was expected.

The present Murim is unified. Him being an adventurous Murim warrior that he imagined would
never exist in a world where almost all people are members of their cult!

„No! this isn‟t it!‟

―Young Lord?‖

Wang-suk, who was there with him, seemed puzzled at the expression he was making.


―It cannot be ‗nothing.‘ Are you hurt somewhere? If you are ill, I can look after you all night—‖

―Absolutely not!‖

Chun Woo-myung shook his head at her for being selfless. He didn‘t know her at the academy,
but three days with her taught him all there was to know about her.

„She is dangerous.‟

He knew why Hu Bong was determined to protect him from this girl. Ko Wang-suk was aiming
for some alone time with him.

―Ehh. You can just tell me if you‘re feeling sick or if you‘re hurt, we were schoolmates before.‖

Ko Wang-suk was twisting her body which made her muscles bulge.

Chun Woo-myung trembled and looked out.

There, he saw several warriors with swords on them. He wasn‘t sure because there was no clan
symbol on it, but he was interested as it was his first time seeing something like that ever since
they went out.

―Hmm… uncle?‖

―Ah, yes?‖

He called Hu Bong, who was talking with the branch head, and looked.

―Why don‘t we stay at an inn instead for today?‖

―Inn? We have a branch here. We would have to pay for staying….‖

Hu Bong didn‘t end his words. He was the one who raised Chun Woo-myung like a real nephew,
so he wasn‘t ignorant to Chun Woo-myung‘s eyes that were saying he wanted something.

―Aigoo. Shall we enjoy the dinner there?‖

―Ahh! Uncle is so nice!‖

Chun Woo-myung was at a loss for the agreement. Only Baek Woong was flustered.

„Huh? Do they not like me?‟

The branch head was there because he was assigned to welcome the cult‘s leaders. And he had to
impress Chun Woo-myung, who would be the next Lord.

―Y-Young Lord, we have invited the best chef here, and we are preparing the dinner—‖

[Um, Branch Head.]

Hu Bong sent a message to him. And after a brief talk, he backed down with a sad expression.

Ko Wang-suk, who was puzzled, began to like the idea of staying in the inn.

„If we won‟t be staying in the cult‟s branch, there will be more chances for me.‟
She was a young girl who was in love with the Young Lord. As a girl, she felt a bit intimidated.

After they separated ways, Chun Woo-myung began to approach the inn.

―From now, we are just a small clan‟s people, okay?‖

―Yes. Young Lor—Master. hehe‖

―Young Master.‖

The reason why the request was made was simple. It was to prevent people from approaching
them and wasting their time. He was the next Lord of Murim, and they didn‘t want the trip to
turn into a business trip.


―Come in.‖

As soon as they entered, the keeper greeted them.

„They are…‟

Chun Woo-myung saw eight warriors sitting at the table with their swords at their side. Looking
at their attire, it looked like animal skin and was also colorful.

[They look like rogues.]

Hu Bong informed him. He was pretty aware of the sects, so he could guess who they were at a

„Uhm. They are those ones.‟

Hu Bong‘s eyes darkened.

Even though the Murim was unified, not all were happy with it. Some resisted and refused and
turned into rogues.

And some had bad feelings for the Sky Demon Order.

Just as they looked at the eight warriors, the eight looked at them as well.

Anyone could know that Chun Woo-myung‘s party was a party of warriors. In particular, Ko
Wang-suk‘s build made it obvious.


―She to be a master!‖

―I don‘t think her strength will be normal.‖

People were amazed at her. Of course, she was really someone with amazing strength. However,
no one saw her as a woman.


She didn‘t say it, but she was displeased.

―Guests, please sit here.‖

The keeper guided them to the empty seats, and Hu Bong spoke with an excited face.

―Try to fill the table with the best dishes, please!‖

―Oh! Are you serious?‖


Hu Bong giggled and waved the pouch in his waist. And the keeper, excited to see that, ran into
the kitchen.

―Wasn‘t that too much? Uncle.‖

―This table seems big, so they should all fit. Young Master.‖

But the table wasn‘t huge. At best, six dishes would fit on it. The other customers, who were all
having simple noodles, looked at them who ordered more.
After a while, the table was filled.

―Kuah. Young Master, let‘s eat.‖

―Let‘s eat, uncle!‖

Throughout the meal, Chun Woo-myung turned and looked at others. Based on the books he
read, something had to happen, but this inn was quiet.

Even the ones drinking were doing their thing quietly.

„Ah… this isn‟t right.‟

But these people didn‘t seem interested in them. And Chun Woo-myung thought that Ko Wang-
suk was the cause of it.

She looked very dignified while serving them and eating, but she had muscles that made her look
intimidating, making people stay far from them.

„Maybe that is why she IS Ko Wang-suk.‟

She was more than a hundred escorts. Chun Woo-myung was depressed. At this rate, his dream
of adventure was going to end lackluster.

However, wasn‘t there a saying that goes, ‗if you desperately want it, you will get it?‘1


One of the rogues approached them. Currently talking to his companions, Hu Bong slowly
looked at the man.


The man greeted them.

―Could I ask for a moment? Leader.‖

The one he was addressing to wasn‘t Hu Bong or Chun Woo-myung but Ko Wang-suk.

Hu Bong was unable to hold back his laughter.

She was just 18 and still had to go through a lot of experience. Well, in terms of appearance, it
did make sense.


Her muscles twitched at it. Despite being shy in front of Chun Woo-myung, she was still
someone who graduated earlier than the others and defeated other elders at the age of 17!

―Did you just call me Le—‖

―Calm down, Ko Wang-suk.‖

―Oh my, Young Master.‖

Chun Woo-myung grabbed her shoulder to stop her before she made a move, and with that, her
expression changed and calmed down.

―Oh my?‖

The rogue felt strange at that word that came from her mouth.


He was perplexed and tried to return to his seat, but Chun Woo-myung stopped him.

―What is it?‖

―Ah.. that…‖

It seemed like he was thinking of excuses to return.



And his eyes looked at the teacup in Ko Wang-suk‘s hands that turned into powder.
Her hand was twice the size of an average person‘s, making the teacup look small. At that time,
Ko Wang-suk raised her right hand and acted like she was slicing her neck as a warning to him.


And that meant.

„If you… talk… you will die….‟

Reading it thoroughly, the man‘s thought of escaping disappeared.

―M-may we ask help from the leader?‖


At those words, Chun Woo-myung‘s eyes gleamed.

The envoy of the Imperial Family was detained in the Sky Demon Order.

They had been locked in this place for three days now, and their faces were exhausted.

Especially Lee Yun, who has been the center of why they are still here. He was seated apart from
others as they tormented him.

„Ah… I couldn‟t take a good look at the Crown Prince. Is this where my life ends?‟

He was even thinking of death.


The voices of the guards outside were heard.

Then, the door opened.

―Lord Chun!‖

―Oh, Lord Chun!‖

The person who arrived was Chun Yeowun. The officials detained were calling for him as if
pleading, worried that he would feel upset if they didn‘t.


Lee Yun couldn‘t do that. He turned to the wall and sat quietly, and someone grabbed his
shoulder. He thought it was one of his people asking him to beg.

―How can you beg for….‖

―Oh, really?‖


It was Chun Yeowun, and he was thinking about taking back the sentence he attempted to finish

―What are you talking about?!‖

―Can‘t you apologize to the Lord!‖

The officials were asking him harshly.

―Does this make sense? The head of a cult disregards the members of the empire….‖


Before he could finish, Chun Yeowun grabbed his head.

―W-what are you doing?‖

―I guess I will have to meet the Prince who sent you here.‖



As soon as he said that, they disappeared from the room and the other officials looked at the
space blankly.
―They are gone!‖

―How can that happen?‖

At the center of the Imperial City, where the palace was located, there was a building with
golden tiles, and inside it was a throne room where the emperor resided.

And the man sitting in the Emperor‘s seat, Zhu Tae-gyeom, was urging someone.

―What do you mean you sent a letter to the Sky Demon Order?‖

―How could that happen?‖

In front of him was a 17-year-old boy.

The boy wearing a red robe with a dragon pattern was the Crown Prince, Zhu Chi-yun.

―Huh. You must have lost your mind. Only I, the Emperor, have the right to talk or act. Are you
trying to make me hate you?‖

Emperor Zhu Tae-gyeom, who found out that Lee Yun wasn‘t there and later knew that the man
went for Sky Demon Order, took the situation seriously.


Zhu Chi-yun knelt, pleading.

―Father! Father! You are the Supreme Leader of the Empire! Does it make sense to let the
Nation‘s Religion Holder play such a role?‖

Zhu Chi-yun‘s words only made Zhu Tae-gyeom turn angrier. He couldn‘t understand how his
son did such a thing!

He never dreamed that such a thing would happen.

―Prince, you do not know the history of this nation. He is…‖

He couldn‘t speak. How could he say that the monster was the absolute being for him?

―Father! I just asked for help. If you are worried, you can tell that it was done in your words….‖


The space distorted before he could speak, and someone fell into the throne room.


Zhu Chi-yun, who saw the people who suddenly appeared, was shocked.


It was Lee Yun. And someone landed very gently next to him. The Emperor got up, surprised.


It was Chun Yeowun. The Crown Prince couldn‘t understand how it happened. There were
eunuchs and guards around the palace, so how could he enter? And Lee Yun was supposed to be
in the Sky Demon Order right now.

―How could Lord come here without a notice….‖

―Your Majesty.‖


Zhu Tae-gyeom looked at him.

Crown Prince Zhu Chi-yun was angry at the man who came in like this, so he yelled at Chun

―You bastard! How dare you, a mere Religion Holder of the Empire, show disrespect to the
Emperor of—‖


Before he could even finish, the Crown Prince was on his knees. His face was in pain, and his
knees seemed like they would explode at any moment.

„W-what energy!‟

He was learning martial arts, so he knew what it meant to suppress one.


At that moment, Chun Yeowun approached him and spoke, looking at the kid with arrogant eyes.

―Who are you to interrupt the adults‘ conversation?‖


1. The original version of this phrase is ―간절히 원하면 이루어진다.‖ Aside from the
translation above, it can also be translated as „if there‟s a will, there‟s a way‟ or, as my Korean
friend says, „if you want it super f**king bad enough, it will happen.‟ You are supposed to do
something and not just wish blindly to achieve it. For our Young Lord here, what he did to fulfill
his wish (his Murim adventure) was to disguise themselves as just a group of people of a small
sect and stay at an in. The rest of the events should just unfold as he takes the steps of an
adventurer. — Angel ↩



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 237 -
Side Story (4)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

May 18, 2022

• 10 min read • 6846 views




Crown Prince Zhu Chi-yun thought it was absurd. He is the Crown Prince, the one rising in
power and the next Emperor. But this man, a mere leader of a cult, was looking down on him.

―You bastard!!! How dare a mere cult leader with the post of a nation‘s religion act like this—‖

―Shut up.‖


Chun Yeowun clenched his finger and placed it on the child‘s forehead.

―You need to be kidding—‖



He was lightly hit, but he bounced back hard and with a scream. It was as if a chestnut was hit,
but the pain was like being hit with a hammer.


Then someone came.


It was Namjin, who was known to be the martial arts teacher of the Crown Prince. He moved to
the prince in a hurry.


But the moment he reached the child, he bounced back along with him.


Namjin, a warrior, was stuck in the throne room wall.

He thought that Chun Yeowun just hit them lightly, but he was wrong. Namjin shouted while
looking at the prince, who would pass out at any second.

―How dare you harm the prince of the Empire! This is treason! Take that traitor down!‖



As soon as the command fell, the eunuchs and the others surrounded Chun Yeowun. At that, the
Emperor just touched his forehead.

„They are all turning it into a mess.‟

If it had been in the past, this would have been impossible. But recently, there were changes in
the Imperial Palace. Many people had also left the palace, so the new ones didn‘t know who
Chun Yeowun really was and what he could do.

―Stop right now….‖

The Emperor, who was trying to intervene, stopped his words and went silent.

Thinking about it, if he calls them back, they would misunderstand and think that he was afraid
of someone below him, and his power would fall.

„It cannot be much.‟

It would be better for them to know about Chun Yeowun through this experience. That is what
had to happen. And so the people went to suppress him.

―Take him down!‖

Chun Yeowun, annoyed, flicked his finger.


Then, a shocking thing happened. All the people here grabbed their heads and screamed. Lee
Yun was no exception.


―M-My head will explode!‖


And they soon fell to the floor after suffering tremendous pain. The only ones who didn‘t were
the Head Eunuch, the teacher of the Crown Prince, and the Emperor.

„Oh.. my…‟

They couldn‘t speak at what they saw. Around 60 people of the royal guards and eunuchs passed


Even the Emperor was surprised. He thought there would be some screaming, but it ended right

This was incomparable to the Chun Yeowun whom he saw 20 years back.

―… Ha.‖

The Emperor sighed. Chun Yeowun was a monster who could overturn the Imperial Family

„What is this?‟
Namjin and the Head Eunuch were shocked. If they knew he was this strong, they wouldn‘t have
rushed in. As they were confused, Chun Yeowun moved to the throne.

―P-Protect… His Majesty.‖

Namjin, terrified at what would happen, reached his weapon.





However, the weapon and the two leaders were slammed into the wall with just a gesture from
Chun Yeowun. Leaving them to pass around, he approached the Emperor.

―Your Majesty.‖

The chilly voice of Chun Yeowun stiffened his body. The intimidation increased after hearing
Chun Yeowun‘s voice.


It felt like a fleeting moment, yet he was sweating.

―I hope you don‘t say you are just Zhu Tae-gyeom and not the Emperor. If you do say that, that
will be the day the Empire will disappear.‖

Such arrogance and bold statements. It was too easy for this man to erase an Empire.

―Don‘t forget what you promised during your coronation.‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s words, the Emperor gulped. A secret no one but him knows about.

It was the non-aggression pact with Chun Yeowun: the oath to never deviate from the Sky
Demon Order as the religion.
―Your answer is late.‖

He opened his mouth in fear.

―I-I didn‘t forget. Please forgive my rude son. I will fix him.‖

―… I believe you will.‖

Chun Yeowun turned around and went down from there and looked at the Emperor‘s face, which
aged. The Emperor felt relieved.

‟… I lived!‟

Then Chun Yeowun pulled out the letter and said,

―Now, let me tell you about the letter from the Crown Prince.‖

Early morning at the foot of a lush mountain, a group of people, including Chun Woo-myung,
were preparing to go up.

The eight rogues were former Murim members and said to be living under false identities for a
long time. Chun Woo-myung was happy to meet them, except for one thing.

―If it wasn‘t for the Demonic Cult we wouldn‘t be suffering like this.‖

―That is what it is.‖

They were against his cult. Along the way, they constantly complained about it. Thanks to that,
Hu Bong and Ko Wang-suk‘s expressions weren‘t good.

„These ones!‟

It felt like they would beat them down at any second, but since Chun Woo-myung requested,
they stayed silent and continued to hide their identity.

[Be patient, uncle. You can‘t kill them.]

Hu Bong wanted to beat them to death several times, but Chun Woo-myung stopped him when
he was about to give up controlling his anger.

―Ah, I am sick of it.‖

Ko Wang-suk would drink water each time, and the muscles in her throat would twitch.

―Really, virtuous man… no. woman.‖

Because of her, Hu Bong‘s mood changed again.

The man, Ho Jang-woo, complained about how his clan was destroyed.

―Haa… I still cannot forget it. The day the leader got his heart pierced by that monster together
with the King of Muscles.‖


Ko Wang-suk spilled the water she was drinking.


Chun Woo-myung, who was walking ahead of her, touched his wet hair.

―Y-Young Master.‖

―… from now on, walk to the side.‖

He would have yelled if he didn‘t understand it. The King of Muscles was her father, Ko

There were more than 30 clans that were destroyed in his hands. And the achievement was for
the Sky Demon Order, but those suffering from that hate him.

„I don‟t feel good.‟

Chun Woo-myung wondered if he was wrong in accepting their request. How could he know
they hated his cult?
Chun Woo-myung decided to change the topic.

―But what is it that could have happened in the mountain that you all, too, didn‘t seem to know?
Is there any information at all?‖

At his question, a man smiled and said.

―Well. Neither do we know, except that none of those who went in there had returned.‖

―Isn‘t it one of the Three Banned Areas?‖

Three Banned Areas.

Places that were told never to enter. Where were they heading now?

―Ehh, those are just empty words. If we go during the day we can come out without a problem.‖

―The important thing is that we went in and didn‘t find anything.‖

―At night… hhm. All superstitions.‖

―Why are you acting like the dead come out at night?‖

―Ehhh. Don‘t say that!‖

Everyone had looks of concern as they spoke. The place they were heading for was the Mountain
of Dead. A place where the dead are known to come out at night.

[Uncle, is that true?]

Curious, Chun Woo-myung asked to which Hu Bong snorted.

[You believe that, Young Lord?]

[Well? Where in the world could such a place be? I feel good to come out with my uncle in times
like this!]

[Hehehe, right? Thanks to you, I will be going to the Mountain of Dead for the first time.]

[… Huh…. First… time?]

[Yes. This is my first time as well. Would I ever come to this side of the Jianghu? Hehe.]

[Ahhh…. Right.]

The credibility and reliability of Hu Bong fell.

Chun Woo-myung, who was looking at Hu Bong, turned his gaze.

―Is there any reason why you have to put yourselves in that place?‖

One of the Three Banned Areas, just thinking about it was enough to scare others. Looking at
their faces, they too seemed a bit concerned with it. Still, they were volunteering to do it.

―Well, some high ranking people said they would help rebuild our clan.‖

―Rebuild the clan?‖

Hu Bong narrowed his eyes. Currently, the Murim was under the Sky Demon Order. However,
listening to them was like they were dreaming of their clan.

―Huhu. Who gave that amazing chance?‖

Hu Bong asked with a smile. Hon Nae-gae, a member, laughed and said,

―That is why I said that it was a brilliant chance.‖


―I heard from an informant that the Golden Guards have some unusual quest.‖

At that, Chun Woo-myung was puzzled.

―Unusual means high reward, right?‖

He heard the Golden Guards commissioned them. However, he was curious about the fact of it.
They were in the middle of their path with no one listening other than themselves, yet they

―It is warrior Namjin.‖


―Right! I heard that he is the mentor of the prince who will be the next Emperor. At this point,
you can understand, right?‖

―Are you sure?‖

If this was true, then this quest was from the Crown Prince. Hu Bong‘s expression darkened. It
was a coincidence at first, but now it doesn‘t seem so.

„Then the Crown Prince and that warrior are trying to help rebuild the clan.‟

It was a condition that even the current Emperor wouldn‘t promise. But these people believed
him. They thought that the power of the prince, who would be the Emperor, would rebuild the

„Tch. The Lord won‟t allow it.‟

Hu Bong laughed, looking at the people smiling. Well, he had no intention of telling them.

He was going to let it be for the sake of a good experience for his nephew.

Half a day since they were moving. It was a clear day, yet it began to turn foggy as they went up.
The forest turned dark, making them hold torches.

―Huh. Strange.‖

―It‘s suddenly so foggy.‖

It was sunny just half an hour ago. However, now that they were almost there, the mountain
forest darkened with so much fog.

The gloomy mood made their anxiety rise.


Chun Woo-myung found it strange. Hu Bong stayed silent.

[Don‘t worry. You have me! Hu Bong is with you!]

Hu Bong made a proud face looking at him. Still, the anxiety didn‘t go down. Not long after they
walked, the atmosphere felt weird.

―I-is that a graveyard?‖

There were abandoned tombs there. Headstones with old wood, which made it scarier.

Everyone felt uneasy.

―Ah. What can we find in this?‖

One by one, they felt skeptical. The sun was about to go down. Yun Ja-seo, their leader, said,

―We look for an hour and then we retreat. The fog is thick. I don‘t want to risk it.‖


Everyone agreed. This place was banned, and there was fog. They didn‘t want to overdo it.

„I don‟t even feel any energy around.‟

Chun Woo-myung frowned at it. Just because no people resided in that place didn‘t mean no
animals were living there, but the area felt empty. For him, it was weird.



‟… That was startling!‟

Chun Woo-myung looked at the hand which came from behind. It was Ko Wang-suk‘s hand, and
she had a scared expression on her face.

―Young Master. This girl is…. scared.‖

His hand was hurting from her grip, her muscles were twitching in fear, and her eyes showed
weird selfishness rather than fear.

Chun Woo-myung didn‘t say anything but what he was thinking was…

„Ko Wang-suk… I am more afraid of you.‟

He quietly removed her hand and moved ahead and halfway in.


They suddenly heard a strange sound.

―What is that?‖

He concentrated on that weird sound. Something hazy could be seen beyond the fog. The form
looked human but a bit strange since the figure was dragging its feet.

―What is this smell?‖

―Like rotten corpses?‖

The others covered their noses.

„What is that?‟

Chun Woo-myung focused on it and was shocked.

Crik! Crik!

A being with rotting flesh was walking toward them by dragging its feet. One of the rogues who
saw that shouted.

―T-the dead!‖


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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 238 -
Side Story (5)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

May 19, 2022

• 10 min read • 7053 views



It was a terrifying sight. A horrifying sight of a corpse walking around.

Cirk! Cirk!

The monster looked like a rotten corpse. When one of them shouted as he looked horrified seeing
the walking rotten corpse, the others denied it.

―What shit? What nonsense is that?!‖

―How can that happen?‖

The human psyche is a unique thing.

[The one who enters the Mountain of the Dead will never come back alive. It is a place that only
the dead can enter.]

It is one of the legends of the Three Banned Areas that‘s located in the Midwest Region.
Everyone present knew about it being just a ‗legend,‘ yet all of them were anxious.

As they froze, their leader, Yun Ja-seo, stepped forward.


He drew his sword and shouted at the approaching monster.

―Look, I don‘t know who you are, but stop!‖

In response to his warning, the approaching corpse accelerated towards them. Rather than
walking, it was now running and screaming.


The sight was terrifying. Surprised by the evil-looking monster running in, Yun Ja-seo hurriedly
used his sword.



The stabbed monster was all bloody and staggering, but something more strange happened.

„Black blood?‟

Chun Woo-myung was puzzled at it. Black blood was coming out of the wounded area. It
seemed similar to what happens when the blood gets old and rots.


Hu Bong, who usually had a strong stomach for such things, frowned at the rotten corpse.

The rogues approached the fallen monster.

―What is that?‖

―Is it human?‖

It seemed like an animal howling.


Yun Ja-seo put his sword back in its sheath and looked down. Taking a closer look, it really just
looks like a corpse. It looked like the monster died a long time ago. Ho Jong-ii, who made a fuss
about the dead, said,

―Isn‘t he dead?‖

―Hey. Didn‘t you see the dead person got stabbed by a sword?‖

―Enough, Ho-jeong.‖

The rogues turned anxious. Perhaps, because of his bravery, the nerdy-looking Hon No-gae
sneaked close to the corpse and used one hand to hold his nose while the other had a branch
touching the corpse.

―What are you doing?‖

―Looking. Like this black blood, maybe it is a plague.‖


At the word plague, everyone closed their noses and mouths simultaneously. It was a reasonable
guess. Once upon a time, a small village in the mountains was hit with a weird plague, so the
entire place was isolated.

―Does one turn into an animal when they get plague?‖

Ko Wang-suk asked Hu Bong with a puzzled expression. How could Hu Bong even know of it?

―Well. It‘s my first time coming across something….‖

It was then.



The corpse-looking monster, which had collapsed, abruptly got up and bit the ankle of Hon No-

Shocked, he tried to kick the monster away using his other foot.


The monster bounced back.



All of them drew their weapons at the same time. It was very shocking for them that the corpse-
looking monster was alive.

―H-How can that be?‖

―I touched and sealed more than a dozen blood points, how is it still alive?‖

Yun Ja-seo did seal the blood points. Moving like that shouldn‘t be possible after getting
stabbed, but the monster moved unbothered.

Crik! Crik!

―Damn it!‖

Hon No-gae grabbed his left ankle that was bitten earlier. The flesh was torn off. One of the
rogues supported him to balance.

―Can you walk?‖

―Kuak. It looks like you broke a tendon.‖

It was difficult for the man to now use light footwork.


The monster, not caring about anything, jumped and ran to them again.

At that moment, they were all puzzled at the monster that doesn‘t die even after getting stabbed,
kicked, or sealed.


After one swing of his sword, the head of the monster running toward them rolled on the floor.
Then Hu Bong stood behind with a sword in his hand.

―Let‘s see if it still survives even without its head.‖


The rogues calmed and looked at the monster, which had its head cut off, and thought if this was
better than stabbing it a hundred times.

„There was no hesitation in his hand.‟

Some of them frowned at how effortlessly Hu Bong‘s sword moved. In rare cases, most clans
wouldn‘t aim for the neck of the opponent. Even though they use martial arts, they don‘t aim for
the throat.

„They can‟t be from the Forces of Justice.‟

And such thoughts formed in their mind. On the other hand, Chun Woo-myung and Ko Wang-
suk, who received harsh education since childhood, had thought of cutting the head and
wondered if this monster would still move.

But another weird thing happened.


The headless body was trying to attack Hu Bong.

Hu Bong, too, was shocked at this strange thing that he had never witnessed before and avoided
the monster.


―What is this?‖

He tried to dodge, but the no-head corpse-looking monster kept running toward him.


The rogues were gasping. First, they thought it was a plague, but now they were confused. The
decapitated body was moving in front of them. It was strange. Very strange.


Another surprising thing was that the severed head was constantly screaming.


―T-the dead!‖

Right. This monster was indeed a dead person. Otherwise, this wouldn‘t be possible.

―Uncle Hu! Legs. Aim for the legs!‖

Chun Woo-myung shouted.



Hu Bong avoided the incoming monster and cut off the legs. And when the legs were cut, the
body fell down. However, since the body had no legs, it tried to use its hands to catch Hu Bong.

It was such a terrifying sight.


This time, Hu Bong was shocked and finally revealed his strength.

Flames soared on his sword, and Hu Bong, who had the blood of Qilin, was holding it.

―F-Flame on sword?‖

The rogue‘s eyes widened.

Among the Murim, only a few could handle the Flame Qi.


They were surprised.


When Hu Bong swung his flame sword, the body crawling toward him was caught on fire, and
one usually dies after receiving that kind of attack. Yet, despite being cut in half and burned, the
body still moved.


„What the hell is this?‟

Everyone was speechless at that sight.

A loud noise could be heard from the dark underground place.

Bang! Bang!

Something was wanting to get out. The person looking into the iron bars with curious eyes was
Chun Yeowun.


The reason why Chun Yeowun said that was because only the head, torso, and left arm were
trapped inside the iron bars. All the other parts were cut off, but the body was alive.
„This is interesting?‟

The Emperor next to him frowned. It was a frightening sight for anyone.

The being inside this prison was a corpse, yet it was moving.

―Where did you find this?‖

―… a valley near the Mountain of Dead.‖

It was the Crown Prince who answered very carefully.

―Mountain of Dead? One of the Three Banned Areas.‖

Chun Yeowun heard of it. It was the only banned area that Chun Yeowun hadn‘t visited.

―You found something interesting.‖

To his reaction, the Crown Prince spoke in a stern voice.

―Don‘t take it so lightly.‖

―What would that mean?‖

―No matter how many times it is cut, put in water or burnt, it will move.‖


Which meant it was immortal. However, it couldn‘t regenerate. Which was why Chun Yeowun
didn‘t take it seriously.

―I don‘t think you had to call for the help of the cult for this. It seems like something that your
Golden Guards or the East Spears could handle for the Emperor.‖

The Emperor replied,

―That isn‘t it.‖

―… what do you mean?‖

―As you said, if it could be handled with them, we wouldn‘t have sent a letter requesting for your

Chun Yeowun didn‘t understand it.

―Even if it can‘t die, you can make it immobile and lock it up, what is the problem?‖

At Chun Yeowun‘s question, the Crown Prince Zhu Chi-yun spoke.

―Then we wouldn‘t have asked for help if it‘s just that. The problem is that… that monsters are


Chun Yeowun looked at the monster with serious eyes.


―Ack! H-Hon No-gae, what are you doing?!‖

The man supporting him panicked and pushed him away.


He looked at his shoulder. As he was supporting, the flesh was bitten off. Hon No-gae began to
bite his shoulder.

―What crazy shit… huh?‖

The eyes of the angry man went wide.


Hon No-gae‘s eyes were both dazed, his skin turned gray like a corpse, and black veins
appeared, transforming into something horrible.

And he was biting on the flesh he nit from his comrade earlier and gulped. It was a frightening
sight to see.

―Hon No-gae!‖

The others, too, noticed he was acting strange and pulled far. It was like seeing a monster. He
was slowly acting like the monster which moved even after being burned.

―Collect yourself!‖

One of them shook him, but the Hon No-gae they knew was no longer there.


A monster-like sound came from his mouth that they couldn‘t understand.

―W-what does this mean?‖


Hon No-gae, who turned into a monster, rushed to the man he bit. Flustered, the man moved.


―R-run away!‖

They would rather fight against alive people than the dead who would rush to them repeatedly.

―Everyone, withdraw!‖

Yun Ja-seo, the leader of the rogues, shouted. Everyone moved aside because they didn‘t want to
stay there any longer.


―Young Master?‖

At Hu Bong‘s question, Chun Woo-myung nodded his head. Since he didn‘t know what this
monster was, it was right to step back.

The scream of Ko Wang-suk was heard.

―Ko Wang-suk!‖

Chun Woo-myung looked at her.

He was surprised to see Hon No-gae, who turned, holding one of her thick hands in his while she
was trying to make him move.



The mouth opened wide, ready to bite her.



At that moment, she put energy into her hand, crushed the monster‘s head, and punched the




The body felt as if it had been thrown back. Ko Wang-suk, who sent the monster away, burst into
tears and ran to Chun Woo-myung, wiping out the brains and blood on her.

―Young Master, I am scared!‖

Seeing her approaching, he only thought.

‟… I am more scared.‟

But he couldn‘t say that. Meanwhile, the body with the head burst got up, and ran again.
―Young Master. We need to leave now.‖

They decided to move as Hu Bong urged them.

―Yes, uncle. Let‘s move away for now.‖


Chun Woo-myung agreed to it and flew to the other side of the forest. And dreamed of his first-
ever adventure, which turned into a horror story.

Well, this wasn‘t a banned area for nothing.

„Was that really dead?‟

Everything that happened earlier made no sense. However, Chun Woo-myung, who was walking
back, caught something.


What could be seen through the fog were the rogues who ran away. He could see them taking a
step back.

„What‟s with them?‟

Puzzled, he got closer to them to see clearly, but then understood why they were stepping back.


Numerous figures were visible through the thick fog. All were the same kind of monsters.

Angel’s Corner

LMAO, hahahaha, I never expected the side-story to be a horror story.


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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 239 -
Side Story (6)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

May 20, 2022

• 8 min read • 6193 views




―W-wait, what are you doing?‖

The Emperor was shocked at Chun Yeowun‘s actions, who cut the iron bars and entered. He
couldn‘t understand why he was doing it.


The monster corpse only had one arm, the left arm, and it was tied. The body was rotting and

Chun Yeowun approached it.

―Be careful. If you are bitten or scratched by it—‖



Before the Emperor could warn, half of the monster‘s body was instantly buried on the floor. The
rotten corpse made strange sounds which were probably because of pain.


The Emperor bit his tongue. He knew that Chun Yeowun was a monster and was called the
Demon God, but he kept getting shocked. On the other hand, the Crown Prince looked at Chun
Yeowun weirdly.


Chun Yeowun touched the blood of the monster with his hand. It was to find out what state it
was. He closed his eyes as he was inspecting it. He seemed like a doctor looking for something
and found it strange.


The monster was neither alive nor dead; rather, it was in a subtle state. It was like both life and
death existed at the same time. Typically, it shouldn‘t be like that.


[ It is difficult to determine the truth from a biological point of view. The dead cells are moving.

It was the same when even Nano scanned. This was something more than artificial control.

But it was strange.

„This energy… seems very similar to.‟

The energy from the monster was something Chun Yeowun was familiar with.

―Did you say it was picked up in the ruins?‖

The Crown Prince answered.

―… yes.‖


Chun Yeowun stroked his chin. He couldn‘t get much. It seemed like he had to ask her directly.

Chun Yeowun said, grabbing the neck of the monster on the floor,

―Let me take this one.‖



As soon as the Emperor questioned, Chun Yeowun and the rotten corpse were sucked into space.

The Emperor was flustered.


The Crown Prince looked at the empty cell and spoke to the Emperor with a strange smile.

―Now that he has stepped forward, there will be good news. Especially to our Imperial family.‖

That smile was more evil than kind.

The place is full of fog. There were sounds of flesh being cut off.

There were also sounds from the crushing mouths of the people. Facing the worst situation, they
struggled to overcome the fog, which didn‘t let them see, and the monsters that kept chasing
them. They were the prey.


―Back away!‖

Yun Ja-seo cut off the legs of a monster. Since they don‘t die, parts were cut to hinder

„Don‟t be bitten.‟

He saw two of his men turning into monsters. It wasn‘t known what it was, but he could become
like them if he‘s bitten. It was necessary to avoid being bitten.



But that wasn‘t easy. Another one of his men was bitten by the monster of his ankle. It was tough
to deal with the rotten corpses that felt no pain and kept coming after them.



Another had his wrist bitten.

―Damn it!‖

Surprised, the man beside him found it and made a grievous expression as he cut the head off.


He couldn‘t help but watch his comrades turn into monsters. Maybe the others also understood it,
so they dealt with them without another word.

Chun Woo-myung and the others, too, were going through the same. The monsters kept coming
at them.

―Uncle Hu, we cannot keep doing this. There is no end.‖


Hu Bong cut one of its legs and kicked the body to answer.

―Euk! I have the same thought, Young Master.‖

They were incredibly pressured not to be bitten by the rotten corpses that don‘t die. No matter
how strong they were, they couldn‘t deal with it.

Even when they‘re put on fire, they still run!

Hu Bong made a wall of flames, but they still would come through it.

―They don‘t turn to ashes?‖

―It‘s not difficult, but I will run out of Flame Qi before I can gather again.‖

Burning a body needs a high level of qi, which meant he could run out until his body generated it
again. And where there were endless enemies, this made no sense.

„What do we do?‟

Chun Woo-myung looked around.

People were getting tired because of the monsters, and they might get bitten at this rate. While
looking around, he heard a woman‘s scream.

―Kyaak! Don‘t come here!‖

It was Ko Wang-suk.

She grabbed the rotten corpse‘s head, crushed it, and threw the body away at the others.

The monsters fell because of the force. Here she was the only one dealing with the rotten corpses
with bare hands and was taking them down faster than Hu Bong!

―Kyaak! Don‘t come!‖


Ko Wang-suk grabbed the leg of the monster and swung it like a club.




The monster was now her weapon and hit the other monsters. It was as if a giant was beating her

―Don‘t come! You bastards!‖



Contrary to the beginning, her voice was turning harsher.

She was like a tyrant.

Chun Woo-myung had a chill run down.

„Who would live with her?‟

The thought made him terrified, yet he saw how great she was at handling the monsters. It wasn‘t
something that could be done with only strong internal energy.


Chun Woo-myung came up with a good thought.

―Uncle Hu! Wang-suk!‖


―Young Master?‖

Then he spoke about his plan to both of them. After hearing the plan, Hu Bong nodded while
Wang-suk asked in shock.


To her, Chun Woo-myung said,

―Yes. You are the only one I have.‖

At the words of Chun Woo-myung, her face turned red. She rubbed her cheeks and nodded.


And then, as if ready, her body began to heat up! A girl in love with the force of a fiery pit.

―You are handling her well, Young Master.‖

Hu Bong praised Chun Woo-myung.

Chun Woo-myung bit his lip.

―We need to live first.‖

Could he lose his life on his first trip outside?

On the other hand, only three of the eight rogues were left, and they looked at the monsters with
tired faces. And among the monsters, two were their companions.1

―Kuak, how did it end up like…‖

―That is why I said to not set foot in here!‖

They regretted coming here, and Yun Ja-seo couldn‘t say anything to them. It was for their
dream to rebuild the clan, but that dream also collapsed.

It was then.

―Follow us!‖

They heard a shout.





Fire came with the screams of the rotten corpses. They saw two gigantic flaming clubs falling on
the monsters.


It was like a gigantic being showing a miracle—an eye-opening sight.

And they were able to pierce through the path that was made.

―What is this?‖

The rogue was flustered. That gigantic being was Hu Bong on Ko Wang-suk‘s shoulders.

Hu Bong, on her, was using fire onto the clubs which Ko Wang-suk was wielding.

―Come on! Hehe!‖

Hu Bong shouted in excitement.

„S-so embarrassing!‟

Ko Wang-suk was red as a beet at what they were doing. At first, it seemed like a simple plan,
but she was dealing with enemies, and Hu Bong would use the flame from above her shoulders
to cut off the monster‘s movements for a second. The one in charge of the rear was Chun Woo-

At the shout, the puzzled men rushed to him.

They thought they were going to die, but now a path came in front of them.

Wheik! Bang!



A number of monsters were being thrown out. Getting used to it, she too moved a lot more
ferociously than before. And the ones behind her admired it. Before long, the monsters had

―W-with this way, we can leave the mountain!‖

―We will live!‖

They all cheered, but they saw a black shadow in the forest as they moved. Hu Bong frowned at
it. This being looked like a shadow of a person holding a sword.

„A person?‟

He looked closer, but it had a half-rotten face like the monsters they faced.

―Is this the last one?!‖

Ko Wang-suk held the flaming club.


The body of the blazing creature she was holding as a club was split before she could move. It
didn‘t end there. The sword, which cut the weapon she was holding, aimed for her neck.


Hu Bong quickly used his sword and blocked it.



The moment the sword and blade collided…


Hu Bong and Ko Wang-suk were thrown back simultaneously, and thanks to that, those who
followed them also fell.


Everyone was on the ground in pain and barely got up.

Hu Bong mumbled.

―Young Master, that monster….‖

―… is using martial arts.‖

Despite seeing it, Chun Woo-myung couldn‘t believe it. Using martial arts wasn‘t the problem
here. The problem was Hu Bong, who was known to be one of the best, and Ko Wang-suk were
thrown easily at the same time.

―This is quite a horrible time.‖


Chun Woo-myung raised his sword and took the stance of the Sword Force of the Sky Demon.
He had to deal with his monster and get out of this place. The monster‘s expression contorted as
it looked at the movement of Chun Woo-myung.

„Why is it doing that?‟

It seemed like the monster was angry, and as he was puzzled by it, the monster yelled.

―Grrrrr… Sword Force… of… Sky Demon!‖


1. I guess they killed three of their companions before becoming monsters/zombies. ↩



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 240 -
Side Story (7)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

May 21, 2022

• 13 min read • 6911 views

Chun Woo-myung‘s eyelids flickered. It was surprising that the rotten corpse spoke, but it was
more surprising that he recognized his sword technique.

„What is it?‟

He wasn‘t alive. His skin was rotting, and his eyes were dazed like the others.

The monster shouted.

―D…De… Demon Godddd!‖

―Demon God?‖


There was no time to talk; the monster went straight for Chun Woo-myung.


Hu Bong managed to move forward.


Hu Bong used his Sword and Flame Qi simultaneously, and the monster was engulfed in flames.


Yun Ja-seo, who was watching, admired it. How many people in the world could wield their
sword so greatly?

„As expected of the Flame Emperor!‟

That was Hu Bong‘s title.

Yun Ja-seo had identified him. There weren‘t many people who could use Flame Qi and Illusion
Sword technique in Murim. As a result, he was surprised, yet he wasn‘t relieved. This was
because the Sky Demon Order was their enemy.


At that time, the monster looked at the trajectory of the flames. His blade cut the trajectory of the
flames by drawing a line with subversive momentum.


As a result, Hu Bong‘s eyes widened as the monster spread the technique. It was the same with
Chun Woo-myung.
„This blade technique?‟

Surprisingly, the blade technique that monster was unleashing was something they knew all too
well. It had disappeared into history now, but even 20 years ago, it was called the strongest blade


Hu Bong avoided the sharp blade flying through the gaps in his technique by spreading his
footwork. But the monster continued to unleash his form at Hu Bong.

„Damn it!‟

Hu Bong was experienced, but the monster‘s blade technique was so exquisitely aimed at the
neck. At that moment, a sharp sword pierced into the monster‘s side.


With that, he changed the direction of the blade to block it.

―Demon… God!‖

The monster‘s expression contorted with anger.

It was none other than Chun Woo-myung who spread the sword towards him. He intervened to
save Hu Bong.

―What are you? Why are you saying my father‘s name….‖


Before Chun Woo-myung could even finish his words, the monster‘s blade came for his head.


But then the floor sank, and both missed their balance.

―You need to be careful, Young Master!‖

It was Ko Wang-suk who made the floor sink. If she were a little late, Chun Woo-myung would
have been beheaded.

―Mouse like… things… always… around!‖


Furious, the monster slammed the blade to the ground. Sharp eight-pointed energy rose from the
bottom and aimed for Chun Woo-myung.

Hu Bong and Ko Wang-suk shouted at the same time.

―That is!‖

They knew this well.

It was of the Blade God Six Martial clan‘s 7th formation, the Eightfold Blade. Knowing this
meant knowing the gap.


The three of them moved back at the same time. However, the changes in the energy points were
so fast that they couldn‘t avoid altogether.


Hu Bong and Chun Woo-myung responded with swords simultaneously, and Ko Wang-suk used
her hand with internal energy.


„What sharp control!‟

Despite knowing what was being done, they couldn‘t help but feel inferior to it. One of the
rogues watching them said,

―Leader. Let‘s run away.‖

―Well, they are the Demonic Cult members. If they die fighting that one, we have nothing to
lose. Let‘s run now.‖

What was said was true, but Yun Ja-seo frowned.

Wasn‘t it nice for the cult that they hate to lose people? Besides, this monster was too strong.

„There is no hope.‟

Instead, they might be dragged into danger if they stated they couldn‘t help.

―Please! Leader!‖

At their words, Yun Ja-seo hesitated.

„We need to go….‟

However, he couldn‘t move. Despite what happened, these people helped them till here. And
they were definitely companions for a short while.


Another yelled.

―You people run.‖

―What do you mean?‖

―I am Yun Ja-seo! Although my clan is closed, at least the teachings of the clan haven‘t been
erased from my heart!‖

―N-No way!‖

―I have received grace so I will repay it!‖


With that, Yun Ja-seo desperately moved, trying to use the sword of the Qingcheng sect.

―Brother Chun! Brother Hu! I will help!‖


He aimed at the back of the monster, which was focusing on the three people simultaneously.
And since he was looking from afar, he knew how to move. No matter how strong the monster
was, he couldn‘t defend himself when battling three people.


Bang! Papapak!


As the monster took a step, the rocks flew up, blocked the sword, and struck him on the chest.


Blood gushed from his mouth!

―Brother Yun!‖

Chun Woo-myung, who was dealing with the monster, shouted. To which he smiled.

„Foolish bastard. How can he be that kind?‟

After all that had happened, the child still looked for him. At least, he felt like he didn‘t deviate
from the clan‘s teaching, and that felt fine to Yun Ja-seo.



But someone suddenly came and supported him.

And a shadow appeared in front and spread a sword which stopped the stones.


Since the level was low, the stones pierced, and the three fell down. Yun Ja-seo was shocked at
the faces he saw.

―You people!‖

They were the ones who wanted to run. Holding the aching stomach, one of them said,

―Ugh… Leader… you were turning us into cowards.‖

Yun Ja-seo said in a trembling voice.

―You have to rebuild the clan….‖

―I don‘t know about that, and like the leader said, those Demonic Cult ones seemed like nice
people. So let‘s do this together.‖

Nangin, who‘s one of them, reached for Yun Ja-seo.

―Let‘s help….‖

He took his hand and stood up.

―It‘s them!!‖

The three were ready to run when Chun Woo-myung shouted.

―Don‘t come!‖

With their level, handling the monster would be tough. Chun Woo-myung was able to deal with
the monster because they knew about the monster‘s techniques.

―We cannot do that. We will all live!‖

If they hadn‘t helped, the rogues would have run, but not anymore, which moved Chun Woo-

Even if their relationship started off weirdly, they all felt righteous for some reason.

„They will die.‟

And Chun Woo-myung didn‘t want that to happen. So he decided to do his best.

The Unification of Energy induced into the Sword Force of the Sky Demon.

„Too tough!‟


All the energies were gathered, which made the wind rise around, and all concentrated on the tip
of Chun Woo-myung‘s sword.

„The Young Lord is trying to win! Then!‟

Hu Bong, who understood it, began to use the Illusion Sword technique and Ko Wang-suk, too,
did the same.

The three used the best of theirs at the same time.

It was then.


Something hazy appeared in the hand of the monsters. It wasn‘t sword energy, but…

―Invisible Blade!‖

Something which could only be achieved by those at the Divine Master level. The Blade God Six
Martial clan technique would now unfold more strongly.


Six people were thrown out at once.



Two rogues were torn into a pile of meat, and Yun Ja-seo couldn‘t be much greater. He, too,
tried to block it, but his right arm was cut off while trying.

Chun Woo-myung coughed blood and looked at Hu Bong and Ko Wang suk. Ko Wang-suk
looked terrible, but Hu Bong took most of the attack, trying to protect them.

―Uncle Hu!‖

―Young Lord… cough….‖


Hu Bong was on his knee. Fortunately, he had regenerative power, so he didn‘t lose his life.

„My arms don‟t have the strength anymore….‟

Ko Wang-suk had blocked it with her arms. She used energy on it to protect her body. However,
she knew that she couldn‘t move like that again.

„If only I wasn‟t stubborn….‟

Chun Woo-myung regretted it. If only he wasn‘t after the thoughts of some adventure.


The monster walked towards them. Looking at it, he knew that there was no hope.

Then the monster said,

―You… are.. not… Demon… God… kid…‖

It seemed like the monster knew he wasn‘t the Demon God, and Chun Woo-myung shouted,

―Who are you? How do you know that technique?‖

From what he knew, that clan was already annihilated, and whoever was alive was in hiding.
Everyone from that clan who survived hated his father. Then who is this one?

The monster answered him.

―I… am… the… Blade… Lord… of the….‖


HU Bong was shocked.

‟… no way.‟

The Blade Lord represents the clan, and he already died at Chun Yeowun‘s hands. There was no
way that man could have survived.

―No. You are the Blade Lord?‖

At Hu Bong‘s words, the monster smiled weirdly.

―I left… and… came… back… from….‖

„Back from the dead?‟


Whether they were shocked or not, the monster declared itself as the Blade Lord and lifted the
Invisible Blade, ready to take them down.

―Stop. Blade Lord.‖

A voice from somewhere was heard, and the blade that was about to strike stopped.

Step! Step!

At that moment, a black figure moved into the misty forest, and it was a middle-aged man giving
out some weird cold energy.



Hu Bong clenched his hand, ready to jump in. With this power alone, this man had surpassed the
Blade Lord. He couldn‘t understand why the man wasn‘t famous in the Murim.

―Why… am… i… asked… to… stop?‖

The white-haired man smiled.

―These are sacrifices to draw out the Demon God.‖


At that, both Hu Bong and Chun Woo-myung stood up in anger. They said they were going to be
sacrificed to bring out Demon God.



The middle-aged man held out his hand, and the chill spread around, making their bodies freeze.



―Ice Qi?‖

Their bodies were trapped in it.

―Do you think you have locked me up like this?!‖


Hu bong tried to melt it, but no matter how much he tried, he couldn‘t move and almost
exhausted his Qi.


Hu Bong was shocked when the white-haired man said,

―If you have any intention to stay alive, stay till. Hu Bong, Demon God‘s first subordinate.‖

The man knew who Hu Bong was, which made him more furious.

―How dare you bastard!‖

―How long will you be this great in the jaws of a tiger?‖



Then, the ground shook.


However, it wasn‘t an earthquake.



There was something huge that was making the entire place resonate. Eerie energy shook.


The atmosphere was enough to make them feel fear. All three of them were shocked when
something huge came from the fog.


At the palace of the Crown Prince in the Imperial Palace…


The table was broken into two, and the one who did it was the Crown Prince.

He had an irritated face, different from what he had in front of the Emperor.

He spoke to the man in an official robe in front of the table.

―Didn‘t I suffer shame after doing what you said?‖

―I apologize.‖
The officer with him dropped his gaze and apologized. The prince‘s anger was still there, so he
grabbed the man by the collar.

―Can we really deal with the damned cult if we do this?‖

―Huhu. It will be done.‖

The man comforted him and pulled something from his sleeve. It was a scroll.

―You need to listen to it clearly. Now, could you let me go?‖


The Crown Prince let go of the collar, and the man smiled as he opened the scroll.

Inside the scroll was some bizarre entity, which made the Crown Prince ask in disgust.

―What is that?‖

―Do you know of the old legends?‖

The Crown Prince asked,

―That book with legends written in it?‖

―Well, you might see it that way. However, didn‘t the Crown Prince look at the Ghoul with his
own eyes?‖


It meant a dead body.

―Are you talking about that ugly thing?‖


―Where did you get such a thing?‖

The Crown Prince was curious about it. He wondered how this person got a dead being.
―Crown Prince, various beings were talked about in those records. Do you know which of them
is the most?‖

―… how will I know of it?‖

―Huhuhu. My noble Crown Prince.‖

―Are you disrespecting this Crown Prince?‖

―Why would I ever? There are three great yokai which are known to have existed for a long time.
And are called the Three Yokai.‖


Three Yokai. It refers to the evilest beings in the world. And the term yokai wasn‘t coined for
nothing. The Crown Prince took the scroll and said,

―… is this that?‖

―Huhu. Right. Precisely. It‘s one of the three.‖

―One of the three?‖

And the man said,

―Not some mere existence. This being in here is the king of the dead that the dead worships too!
A giant monster which is said to be the beginning of end!‖

―King of… dead!‖

Just the title sent a shiver down his spine. The Crown Prince then asked.

―What… what after it?‖

―The leader of…. No, Demon God Chun Yeowun is a human who has crossed normal realm.‖

Right, he witnessed that, so he didn‘t deny it. With the power Chun Yeowun showed, no wonder
the Murim was unified under him, and he was recognized as the strongest by everyone.

The man continued to speak.

―But this being is on another level.‖

―What do you mean? This one is going to take care of that man?‖

Despite pretending to be bold, the Crown Prince who saw the Demon God couldn‘t feel that this
monster would take him down. However, it didn‘t matter now.

As a result, it didn‘t matter if the giant monster was good or bad; he just wanted that man dead.

The man smiled.

―Well, the King of the Dead can easily kill the Demon God.‖

―Easily kill?‖

―He is a giant monster known to be the strongest of the Three Yokai. How can a human, called
Demon God, handle it? What we…‖



At the unfamiliar voice, the man stopped talking. It was made sure that everyone had moved
away from the Crown Prince‘s room. So even the Crown Prince went stiff.

―Crown… Prince?‖

He was looking at the man with a fearful expression. And the man turned his head. Behind him
was a man with a black robe and a dragon pattern on it.


Surprised by that, he tried to move and attack. But nothing happened as the moment his fist
touched, it broke.


The man groaned with an aching hand. The Golden Gumiho with nine tails looked at the scroll
that was on the floor.

―Strongest of the three? Since when did he turn as the strongest? Such a joke.‖

The golden fox moved around. The Golden Gumiho looked down and smiled.

―Demon… God…‖

It was Chun Yeowun. The Crown Prince couldn‘t shut his mouth, which was opened due to the



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 241 -
Side Story (8)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on
May 22, 2022

• 12 min read • 5923 views

„W-when did he come in?‟

Crown Prince Zhu Chi-yun couldn‘t hide his shock at the sight of Chun Yeowun in front of him.

At some point, this man suddenly appeared, and that was absurd. But that wasn‘t the real

„He heard all that we talked about?‟

The discussion was about Chun Yeowun and their plan to kill him. If he heard all that, then this
was the worst-case scenario.

What was interesting was the fox talking to him, but he couldn‘t recognize it.

Chun Yeowun then spoke.

―Zhu Chi-yun.‖

―A-ah. You, how could you come into the Crown Prince… huk!‖

Before he could even finish speaking, his body floated regardless of his will. His body was being

„What internal energy is this!‟

He had been through it before, yet, it was still shocking. Trying to hold how flustered he was, he

―W-what is this? Let me down! Now!‖

There was just one thing he could do. It was to yell. But the problem was…

„It feels weird….‟

The escorts and guards had to be close by. Yet, someone freely entered the room without anyone
noticing. This made him think.
„Who can stop him from coming?‟

Even if they wanted to, Chun Yeowun had the power to control the entire central plains.

―This is fun. What was that again? Take care of me?‖

Chun Yeowun spoke to the Crown Prince, whose face was now ashen. He was hoping that Chun
Yeowun heard nothing, but he was definitely wrong.

―I-I am the Crown Prince of the Empire. Even if you hold the Religion of the Nation, the
slightest threat to the—‖



The Crown Prince had his right arm broken to the extent that his broken bones were seen, yet
Chun Yeowun‘s expression didn‘t change. It was utter cruelty.

―What of it?‖

―Kuaaak.. you, you bastard! Do you think you can escape from this? If you touch the Crown
Prince, the entire clan of yours will be annihilated!‖


His left arm was broken this time, and the Crown Prince screamed in pain again.


Having both arms broken, Zhu Chi-yun screamed in tears. This was a first for him.

Being born a noble, no one could say anything to him, and no one had the power to do that.


The pain he felt for the first time caused anger too. This was the first time he hated someone like
this. But he wasn‘t strong.


Chun Yeowun smiled while bending the Crown Prince‘s legs.



The broken bones stuck out. It was hard to imagine the limbs being broken while floating up.


Zhu Chi-yun‘s mind was complicated. Anger was something, but this man in front of him had no
ounce of consideration for him.

He didn‘t think of him as a prince.

„Kuk… that bastard….‟

He was going crazy. He wanted to call everyone and ensure that the Sky Demon Order was
destroyed, but he couldn‘t do anything.

Chun Yeowun grabbed him by the chin.


―W… what are you?‖

He didn‘t know what this man would do, and he was already angry.

―Let‘s see if you can make those eyes even if your chin is pulled out.‖


Zhu Chi-yun was terrified at this.

―I-I am Crown Prince! You will be….‖

―Crown Prince?‖

―…. yes!‖

―You have a lot of pride. Then, as of today you aren‘t the Crown Prince.‖


Zhu Chi-yun widened his eyes. What was this man talking about changing the Crown Prince?



Chun Yeowun closed his mouth and smiled, looking at him.

―It seems like your father, Zhu Tae-gyeom, said nothing because of his pride. He should have
said that this Empire will be erased in any second I want it to.‖


At those words, the Crown Prince‘s eyes shook. It was because this didn‘t sound like a bluff.

„Erase… the Empire?‟

While he was still in a state of shock, someone shouted.

―Demon God! If you don‘t release the Crown Prince right now, you will regret it!‖

It was the man with the broken arm. He was still in pain, but he yelled at Chun Yeowun while
holding a dagger.


The Golden Gumiho who was on Chun Yeowun‘s shoulder asked,

— You think that will work?

The man‘s eyes widened.

―W-what is tha….‖



Before he could say anything, his body crashed into the ceiling, and the dagger in his hand
turned to ashes.


As the dagger vanished, the man couldn‘t shut his mouth.

Chun Yeowun blinked.


The robes were torn off, and beneath them were muscles. Chun Yeowun smiled.

―I thought so. Blade God Six Martial Clan, right?‖


Hearing that, the man‘s face went stiff. It was because those words were true.

„Damn it…‟

To hide his identity, he abolished his dantian and began to create a new one. However, this man
just looked at his muscles and figured it out. Chun Yeowun smiled.

―You should have kept hiding, why bother doing such things?‖

Everyone in the clan disappeared after the death of Blade God, and the reason they never came
out for 20 years was that. Of course, now their plans were revealed.

‗_I cannot help it.‘_

The man opened his mouth.

―Demon God… do you know where the son you cherish and the subordinate are?‖
They were his precious people. Especially his son. He thought if they used the Sky Demon
Order‘sYoung Lord, maybe they could escape now.


Chun Yeowun just frowned. Seeing that, the man thought they had hope!

„Done! Now things have changed.‟

The Demon God‘s weakness. Caring for his loved ones.

For years they waited for this.

Then he said,

―Demon God put me down. If not…‖

At that moment, Chun Yeowun mumbled.

―They must be on the Mountain of Dead.‖

―Huh. Your son… what?‖

The man was perplexed. He had no intention of revealing the location.

‟… no way!‟

He was so flustered that he soon lost reasoning but tried to stay calm.

Well, this was someone anyone could guess, but nothing could be done after that.

„Right. Even if he knows, it changes nothing.‟

What can he do after knowing?

The right to the life of his son and others was in their hands. It would be no exaggeration to say
that Chun Yeowun was now in their hands.

―Huh! Nothing changes just because you know. Your son‘s life is… haha!‖

Before he could finish speaking, the man‘s body fell to the ground and was caught by Chun

―W-what are you doing?‖

He grabbed the man‘s head and said,

―I have no use of you.‖

―What? W-what I said….‖


The head was smashed, and the face of the Crown Prince witnessing it turned pale again. His son
was a hostage, and yet this man was acting boldly.

„I-is he crazy? Is it fine for his son to die?‟

Chun Yeowun said to him.

―I‘ll be back soon.‖


Then Chun Yeowun‘s form disappeared.



The Crown Prince floating in the room fell down as he was in pain with the broken limbs. But he
was more concerned about what he heard.

„Be back soon?‟

In the Mountain of Dead, Yokai Energy was raging around. The place had strange beast screams
raging. It was difficult to count the number of corpses.

Sharp and massive blue eyes from the mist as if a small mountain moved. The blue eyes were
staring at them.

The white-haired man said, opening his arms.

―He is the King of the Dead. Worship him.‖

―Enough bullshit!‖

Hu Bong, who was at a loss of words, shouted. The only person he would worship was Chun

―The spirit of the Demon God‘s subordinate. Indeed, there‘s no way you would kneel.‖


The white-haired man moved his hand, and the three people trapped in the ice fell ahead.




They were being forced.

— Kukukuku~

There was laughter that could be heard in the whole area. It was so loud that it sounded like it
came from that monster.

Hu Bong bit his tongue.

„Where did they find this monster?‟

He, too, had experienced going along Chun Yeowun, so he saw the Five Spirit Beasts, which
were difficult to see alive, but this was his first time seeing this strange monster. The white-
haired man spoke with pride.

―You will enjoy unprecedented glory. Worship the King of the Dead. Death fades the presence
of the one, and eternal life can be shared by all.‖



The ghouls raised their hands and cheered. It seemed like they would follow the white-haired

―Eternal life? What nonsense.‖

Even after falling down, Chun Woo-myung didn‘t lose his spirit.

He was the son of Demon God. He wouldn‘t die down in a crisis.



At that moment, someone grabbed him by the head and threw him down. As his body was
trapped in the ice, he couldn‘t move but suffer.

―Young Lord!‖

―You bastards!‖

Hu Bong and Wang-suk were angry at it. In particular, Wang-suk was so enraged that even the
ice Hu Bong couldn‘t break was slowly breaking.

―What power.‖

But the white-haired man turned it thicker as it didn‘t break at all.

An unknown ghoul near Chun Woo-myung laughed.

―Ke… kekeke…‖

It seemed like some ego was left in him. He lifted the head of Chun Woo-myung.


Blood dripped from his face. Yet Chun Woo-myung didn‘t groan in pain, and the white-haired
guy narrowed his eyes as he looked at it.

―The baby of a tiger is still a tiger. Look at him, not discouraged even in this situation. But how
long will that be? Will you be the same even if your father dies?‖


At that, Chun Woo-myung grunted his teeth.

―Don‘t talk recklessly about my father!‖

―Such a loyal man to his father.‖

―Don‘t make a joke. What could you rat bastards even do? You had to hold us to even go face

―… shut up!‖

Bang! Bang!

Holding Chun Woo-myung‘s head, the living corpse banged him several times. It should have
made him groan, but he didn‘t, making the white-haired man think.

„Look at him.‟

This type of human is not afraid of pain. The white-haired man signaled to stop. Which made the
dead ask.

―…can… kill… why… being… stop…ed?‖

―I understand your feelings but hold back. Soon, we can get our revenge.‖

At the words of the ghoul, he growled, and he removed his hand. Chun Woo-myung‘s face was a
mess, and he spat out a broken tooth.

He looked at the man and said in a cold voice,

―You will regret it.‖

Which made the white-haired man smirk.

―Huh. You have such a strong faith in your father.‖


Then he leaned closer as he said,

―That will soon collapse. And you will beg like a dog.‖


―Let me tell you this. There is no need for the King of the Dead to come. No matter how great
your father is, he is nothing compared to the historical murim warriors.‖

―Historical murim warriors?‖

Chun Woo-myung frowned.

―Your father is a child in front of the legends of Murim. Huhu.‖

The white-haired man stood up and beckoned as he walked.

Then, he brought someone back.

―Brother Yun!‖

It was Yun ja-seo.

Yun Ja-seo was heavily bleeding with one arm cut off. Looking at the concerned Chun Woo-
myung, the white-haired man asked,

―What are you doing?‖

―It seemed like you had built some bond within the few days you were together.‖

―Don‘t touch him!‖

Chun Wo-myung warned him, but those things never worked. The white-haired man enjoyed his
reaction and spoke loudly.

―King! I will make the sacrifice here. I beg you to accept this sacrifice and grant me something.‖


Eerie laughter was heard all around. It felt like something would happen, and the white-haired
man said.

―Watch the King‘s favor.‖


A huge shadow was about to move in the air.

It was then.


A huge roar ran out at the same time. The shadow existence presumed to be the King of Dead
that stood tall like a mountain was easily pushed.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

Each time it moved, the land shook. The middle-aged man didn‘t understand what was

It was then.


Something landed right in the middle.


There was a black robe fluttering. And the wind rose, making the fog rise as well.


And as the thick fog was lifted, everyone shouted.




It was none other than Chun Yeowun who landed there. The eyes of the white-haired man and
the unusual-looking living corpse turned to him simultaneously.

―Demon God!‖

They didn‘t expect him to come here. The man bit his lip.

―Ha! To enter the tiger‘s den with your own feet! Hit him.‖

At his cry, the ghouls around tried to attack him.




Chun Yeowun took one step ahead, and all the ghouls within a 10-meter radius bounced back as
they scattered into ashes.

Nothing was left behind. They entirely just disappeared. At that, the white-haired man shouted.

―Huh! Ghouls! All rise and kill him!‖

And once again, those dead beings ran to Chun Yeowun.


At first glance, they seemed like hundreds or thousands. It was hard to imagine just how such a
number of corpses were found.

―Taste the horrors of the dead! Demon God!‖

Chun Yeowun mumbled

―Just corpses…‖

The Golden Gumiho who was on the shoulder smiled.

―How about we show the right kind of it? Chun Ma.‖


Chun Yeowun, who had an annoyed look, took a step ahead, and something shocking happened.

Gloomy energy spread around from the floor, and everything turned white.


Something came up from the changed ground, like a spirit, but not too.


An uncountable number of ghosts appeared, leaving behind white particles as they moved up.
The white-haired man who saw it mumbled,

„W-what is all that?‟

This was more terrifying than the ghouls. As the white-haired man froze in shock, Chun Yeowun
commanded the ghosts.


And with that, all the ghosts flew at once.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 242 -
Side Story (9)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

May 23, 2022

• 9 min read • 6282 views




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The Ghosts were moving as they left behind a trail of white particles everywhere.

„Witchery. It has to be witchery.‟

The white-haired middle-aged man couldn‘t believe what he was seeing. Of course, considering
that he was using the dead people, bringing in ghosts isn‘t such a huge deal, but it made no sense.

―Kill him!‖

Anything which can be seen with human eyes can be killed, or so he thought.




Whenever the ghosts passed by the ghouls, they would stop moving and have their bodies turned
white as if any life in them was cut off.


It‘s beyond human understanding.

The ghouls are dead, so they could move however they want to, but for them to stop moving like

„The ghouls are of no match to him…‟

This situation was the worst.

He was trying to aim to take down the Sky Demon Order with the army of the dead. But now,
that army of his seemed like they would be eradicated at any moment now.

Step! Step!
In the midst of all that, Chun Yeowun slowly walked to them.

„Damn it.‟

The eyes of the white-haired man looked at Chun Yeowun and then at Chun Woo-myung, Hu
Bong, and KO Wang-suk, who were trapped in ice.

If the Ghouls couldn‘t handle him, then the white-haired man had to figure something out to deal
with him.

It was then…


Someone gently landed next to him. A man with dark brown hair, blue eyes, and weird lines like
tattoos on his face.

And the white-haired man bowed.


Unexpectedly, this one was called the King, and the blue-eyed man asked.

―Who is that man?‖


―Is he really a human?‖

The white-haired man was confused. The King of Dead, the greatest monster of all times, was
awakened. He resurrected from the dead and an entity that could slaughter all but now seemed
vigilant against a human.

―… he is a human. Just a monster called a living legend among humans.‖

He hated Chun Yeowun, yet he couldn‘t deny the difference between the power.

―Monster…. He deserves to be called that because there is no one other than sages who managed
to push me.‖
―You cannot be careless with him. Please help us.‖

At the request of the white-haired man, the King of Dead looked around. Unlike the usual
ghouls, these ones had weapons in their hands. They all seemed to have an ego in them.

―Are you using these ones like this?‖

―This way, the king wouldn‘t have to dirty his hands.‖


The King of Dead raised his hand, then blue energy flowed from him and seeped into the ghouls
who were standing. All of them had a blue light flashing from their eyes.



They took a step ahead as if they knew they were revived. At that, the white-haired man smiled.

„It was troubling. However, I need the power of the King of the Dead to control them.‟

The ghouls weren‘t the members of their clan. Even if they had an ego, they wouldn‘t have
followed this man.

„The strong people who once dominated Murim.‟

That was the identity of the ghouls, which had blue eyes. They were the ones who were
resurrected to deal with the monster which defeated the Blade God.

They were the absolute strong people in Murim who were acknowledged as strong by the Blade

„Hwang-heol objected to this plan. But soon, I will get revenge.‟

This plan was opposed by all the people in the clan except for him. And if he succeeds, then they
could rebuild their clan once again.

[One of the Three Yokai? Do you think you can control them?]
Their objections still rose in his ears. However, even at the cost of making sacrifices, he wanted
to make this happen.


One of the ghouls moved first.


The King of Dead seemed interested in it.

The ghoul disappeared instantly and suddenly appeared in front of Chun Yeowun. It was a
shocking speed.

„We can test it.‟

The white-haired man watched his movements, and the ghoul slashed right away.

„As expected!‟

The identity of one of these ghouls was the 2nd Sect Leader of a famous perished clan. According
to the legend, this man was so quick with his movements and swordsmanship that he was called
Invincible, and no one ever managed to block his 3-second-strike.

„Even if he knows, he won‟t be able to respond.‟

It was then.


The movement of the swordsman stopped instantly with the sound of a sword slashing. The
ghoul‘s body with the sword was split right in half before the sword was brought down. The
white-haired man‘s eyes widen in shock.


Chun Yeowun wasn‘t even pulling out his sword, yet the body was cut. The ghoul, cut in half,
also seemed flustered at what happened and yet still tried to bring down the blade. It was because
ghouls feel no pain.

―Get lost.‖


The moment Chun Yeowun took one step ahead.


The Ghoul turned to ashes.

―Right! As expected of my Lord!‖

Hu Bong screamed excitedly at it despite being unable to move from the ice. The white-haired
man just bit his lip.


He didn‘t think that this monster, who defeated the Blade God, would be pushed back by this
Ghoul, but he thought at least there would be a battle for a couple minutes. But this…this was

―King. Send that person over there.‖

The white-haired man pointed to someone. A bald man with rosary beads. The King of Dead
clicked his tongue and held out the hand, then…

The bald-head man moved ahead and swung at Chun Yeowun.

It was the Shaolin Sect‘s Leader. However, this man wasn‘t just a member but had a strong
entity in him, and his fist suddenly reached Chun Yeowun‘s face.


He wasn‘t just a Martial Artist but one who was at the Divine Master level. Chun Yeowun held
out his hand and blocked it.

An invisible palm extended from Chun Yeowun‘s hand, and the force of the fist made everything
around blowback, except for Chun Yeowun. Meanwhile, the bald ghoul got up once again to


It was the essence of the Shaolin temple, the Power Kick.

„One of the three legendary people of Shaolin temple, Yuk Gyeong.‟

He was a man known for his power and competence, comparable to the Dharma Preacher.
Among the Ghouls, the ones of the Shaolin were the most difficult to find. This was because
most of them were cremated and were kept as relics in their temple. However, this man had
violated the principle of Shaolin and committed murders, so he didn‘t get the same treatment.

„A monstrous old man who wasn‟t recognized for his work.‟

The members of the Shaolin Temple are usually given lower fame because they prioritize peace.
But this man was strong.

„This man can surely take down the monster….‟


The Ghoul bounced back. And Chun Yeowun, who used his palm to defend, used his left hand
and motioned like he was pushing something.


At that moment, the wind rose in their direction. And the body of the Ghoul, which was being
swept back, moved further back by the force of the wind and turned to ashes.

Once again, the white-haired man widened his eyes in disbelief.

„Even the legendary Shaolin warriors couldn‟t last for a second?‟

―How long will you deal with him like this?‖

The King of the Dead waved his hand. A blue light arose, and everyone waiting there rushed at
Chun Yeowun.


There were around forty warriors. Only this had to be done to win.

Then, Chun Yeowun opened his mouth.


He spoke in a soft voice, but it was enough for everyone to hear.


„What was that?‟

The white-haired man was alarmed at Chun Yeowun calling his son in the middle of a fight.

Chun Yeowun continued.

―This is a technique I never showed you.‖


Everyone was puzzled. At that moment, Chun Yeowun raised his left hand.

―Learn this.‖

At his father‘s words, Chun Woo-myung nodded with a stern expression.


At that moment, tons of Invisible Swords that looked like faint black rays of light were created in
the air. The number of swords was so many despite all of them having the same amount of force.

The white-haired man couldn‘t help but be shocked at this sight. Many of his subordinates and
men failed to escape from this one thing!

―Sky… Sky Flash.‖

The technique that made Chun Yeowun be known as the Demon God.

Chun Yeowun then lowered his hand.



Black rays of light poured down like rain from the air. The power of the Sky Flash right now
couldn‘t be compared to the past.


And the swords kept falling down as if they were angry. The legendary warriors who once
dominated the world were hit and eradicated simultaneously.

―This… this…‖

The white-haired man couldn‘t hold his shock. This was far more than what he imagined Chun
Yeowun could do. At that time, a Ghoul moved to Chun Yeowun from the side.


Despite having the eyes of the dead, he shouted.

―Kill… that… man….‖


Before he could even reach Chun Yeowun, an Invisible Sword hit him.

―What did it say?‖

It wasn‘t even worth thinking about. Although the Blade God Six Martial clan was unable to
compete in the past, they had a chance, but now they felt like inferior bugs in front of him.

„T… that monster!‟

The white-haired man looked at Chun Yeowun with a distorted expression. Chun Yeowun was
leisurely walking with his hands on his back. It was terrifying to see him like that.

Bang! Bang!

The Sky Flash kept falling around.



It fell to the Blade God Six Martial clan members who were resurrected and to the white-haired
man as well.

Chun Yeowun was going to kill everyone here. The Ghouls, which had egos, were scared.


Bang! Bang!

Once the Sky Flash was initiated, getting away from it was impossible as they were all aimed at
the targets with the help of Nano.

―Damn it!‖


The white-haired man used Ice Qi on the Invisible Sword and tried to block the sword, but the
moment he blocked it…

„N-No way!‟




His sword shattered like a piece of glass, and he was thrown out.
Chun Woo-myung, who saw the scene with bewildered eyes, mumbled.

―You… want me to learn this?‖

He wasn‘t sure how this could be learned.

Angel’s Corner

Pfftt.. This is so nothing to Chun Yeowun. He‘s just leisurely walking there using his powers
and showing his son a technique he should learn.



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Login Register Projects Products Subscriptions FAQ DMCA Discord Chapter 243 -
Side Story (10)
Descent of the Demon God

Published on

May 24, 2022

• 12 min read • 9086 views




A handful of blood came out of the white-haired man‘s mouth. He couldn‘t stop the Sky Flash
that went for him and suffered internal injuries.

However, he had regenerative power as he took the blood of the Great Bird.


After the dead blood inside was drained out, the skin returned to normal. He couldn‘t hide his
shock. None of the clan‘s men he had gathered here were left alive.

„Damn it!‟

He never imagined that Demon God was this strong. Now, there were only a couple of things left
to do.

„Chun Woo-myung! I need to get him.‟

There was no other way to stop the monster from running unless that was done. But, while he
was wounded, Chun Yeowun appeared in front of the three trapped in the ice.

―This is embarrassing, Lord.‖

Hu Bong had a guilty expression. It was for not properly taking care of the Young Lord.

―Don‘t mind. What could you have done in this situation?‖


It was a trap that the enemies had planned and prepared. No matter how experienced Hu Bong
was, he couldn‘t have dealt with this having two kids by his side.

So, in preparation for such times, Chun Yeowun implanted a modified nano machine in his son‘s
body to detect any emergency.

Chun Yeowun held out his hand, and the ice melted. Chun Woo-myung got up and bowed his
head, then said,

―Father… Everything is my fault. If I followed the original place, uncle Hu and Wang-suk
wouldn‘t have had to go through this.‖

And he even made his father come all the way here. As a Young Lord of the clan, he was

Chun Yeowun just looked at him, who had the face of the child that was admitting his mistake
and not showing pain despite having his face all bloody.

„This child.‟


He put his hand on his son‘s head.

―There is no perfect man in murim.‖


―It is important to learn from mistakes and create a new version of yourself.‖

Chun Yeowun, too, made several mistakes when he was young, and based on those, he learned
where he was today.

―… I will keep it in mind!‖

After his son‘s reply, he slowly touched his son‘s face.


When Chun Yeowun reached his son‘s face, the bloodstains were cleaned, and the wounds were
healed. As the pain, too, disappeared, Chun Woo-myung exhaled.

„Ah… my father….‟
This omnipotent being was his father. And he healed his wounds.

―Ah! Brother Yun!‖

Suddenly, Chun Woo-myung thought of the man who helped him. Looking around, he found
Yun Ja-seo lying down.

―Someone you know?‖

He nodded at Chun Yeowun‘s question, but he didn‘t give other details.

But the man who was righteous till the end.

―A colleague.‖


Chun Yeowun smiled at the worried face of his son and reached out his hand. The body of Yun
Ja-seo floated towards him.


Chun Yeowun moved him and made him stand easily. Yun Ja-seo looked around, surprised.

„This… this is the Demon God.‟

He was facing the head of the Sky Demon Order he hated so much, the current leader of the
Murim. When such a being was in front of him, Yun Ja-seo froze.

―My son seems to have taken a liking to you.‖

Chun Yeowun touched the severed right arm and rubbed it. The bleeding on Yun Ja-seo‘s right
arm stopped, and the internal energy of Chun Yeowun wrapped around the injured areas.


Yun Ja-seo felt strange.

Aside from being the enemy who closed down his clan, Chun Yeowun had an enormous
presence. And the expression of the man being overwhelming did suit him better.

―Brother Yun… I am sorry for hiding my identity.‖

Yun Ja-seo didn‘t say anything about Chun Woo-myung‘s identity. When he found out that they
were cursing the Sky Demon Order in front of this group, he felt terrible.

„How can this be?‟

Chun Woo-myung smiled at the bewildered man and sent telepathy.

[Don‘t worry, brother Yun. I‘m bad at keeping secrets!]


At that, Yun Ja-seo let out a squeaky laugh. At the same time, he thought that this young man,
Chun Woo-myung, was a good person.

It was then,


Weird energy rose, and everyone turned to it.



And turning into a storm, this weird energy swept to where Chun Yeowun was. It became a
massive tornado with blue light that had the momentum to devour Chun Yeowun and those
around him.

―W-we need to avoid it!‖

Frightened, Yun Ja-seo shouted, but no one moved.

He couldn‘t understand, but it was obvious. The most powerful being was right on their side.


Chun Yeowun grabbed the sword and extended it.

At that moment,


The tornado, with energy wanting to destroy everything, disappeared.


And once the storm was swept, there was a presence—the King of the Dead.

―W-what energy…‖

Yun Ja-seo was at a loss for words. It was hard to breathe because of this eerie energy
stimulating all his senses. This wasn‘t something a human could possess.

The white-haired man who stepped ahead yelled with a happy face.

―This is just the beginning, Demon God. The fact that this place will become your grave, no
matter how much try, once the King comes ahead….‖



The white-haired man frowned. It was because he saw what looked like golden fur around Chun
Yeowun‘s shoulder.


Looking closer, it was a fox cub? With nine tails? He was confused at this unexpected sight.

Even the King of the Dead was shocked.

―No way…‖

He couldn‘t understand why he was reacting like that to the baby fox.

— King of the Dead? So funny. Since when did you get called by such a grand name?

―The fox is speaking?‖

The white-haired man was confused. This man wasn‘t surprised by the dead, Ghosts, or Ghouls,
but by a talking fox.

And the King of the Dead…


The true identity of the baby fox.

— Ah, Gumi?

The golden fox frowned and jumped ahead. The moment she did it, her whole body was dyed in


The golden fox dyed in golden light suddenly turned into a blonde woman. Yun Ja-seo, who
knew nothing about this, and the white-haired man were shocked.

―Aunt Miho!‖

The Golden Gumiho went right for the cheeks of Chun Woo-myung.

―Ugh. My cute cute Woo-myung!‖

―Th… this… let… go….‖

Chun Woo-myung felt embarrassed at how she was treating him as a child. However, knowing
her nature, he could do nothing.

―My cute Woo-myung was tormented. Ugh.‖

And while trying to soothe the child, she looked at the King of the Dead.


The King of Dead had a tensed face hearing her scream. The arrogance he had moments ago

Gumi warned.

―I will count from three to one. If you don‘t kneel before me right then, you die.‖

Then she counted.


The white-haired man couldn‘t understand what was happening.

―King, what is happening? Immediately take them….‖


The King‘s expression distorted in shame. He couldn‘t bow while the human who respected him
was present, but he thought…

„Golden Gumiho.‟

She was a monster so dangerous that everyone had a hard time with her. She was a Yokai which
lived longer than him.

„Right. Not old.‟

As soon as he made up his mind, the King of the Dead reached out his hand. And before she
could call out the last number, he gathered his Yokai Energy and fired a blue ray at her.

―You kneel!‖


It was so strong that haze could be seen around, and the Golden Gumiho smiled.

One of her tails whipped it and slashed the beam.


The beam bounced off the mountain and hit another one.


As if there was a landslide, the mountain could be seen falling. And seeing that, one could know
the King of Dead did his best.



Before the King of Dead could process what just happened, one of Golden Gumiho‘s tails spread
and tied him up like a rope.


The King of the Dead raised his energy to get out, but nothing changed. The tail only got tighter
and tighter.



Unable to bear the pain, he screamed.

―W-what power!‖

The King of the Dead thought it was absurd as her powers seemed stronger compared to the past.
He knew that she was sealed like him, and it would take thousands of human hearts to recover,
then how could she be this strong now?

„I only had a hundred humans till now.‟

It will take tens of thousands of humans to reach her level. Ignoring that, she only leaned on
Chun Yeowun.

―Did I do well~? He is nothing. He‘s just someone who plays with the dead. He‘s just a raccoon
with a little power.‖



And when she applied more force to the tail, the King of the Dead with blue eyes was dyed in
blue light and changed.

He became a raccoon with a belly that was twice the size of a normal one.


The raccoon seemed to be in pain.

The white-haired man was disappointed. Who could have imagined the true form of the monster
is a raccoon?

„How can this….‟

All the plans he built in his mind turned insane. No matter what he did, Chun Yeowun was


He heard a muffled voice from behind. He couldn‘t turn. He knew who it was without turning.

―Demon… God.‖

―Are the other ones alright? Hwang-heol, was it?‖

At Chun Yeowuns‘s question, the white-haired man was shocked. He didn‘t think one of them
would be mentioned by Chun Yeowun.

He couldn‘t respond.


Chun Yeowun pierced his chest and grabbed his heart. Gloomy and chilling energy ran through
his heart and spread throughout his body.


The white-haired man‘s body lost its life as if it was frozen. The white-haired man who was
shaking his head fell with a groan.

And something rose from the body.


And with that, Chun Yewun smiled.

―Father, is that fine?‖

Chun Woo-myung asked, wondering. He didn‘t like the idea of stopping his trip and coming
back because of the incident. Chun Yeowun allowed him to continue.

―Hu Bong. Take care of him.‖

―Yes! Lord. Hehe, I will look after the Young Lord.‖

Hu Bong smiled at Chun Woo-myung, who couldn‘t hide his feelings. Actually, Hu Bong knew
it would be like this.

Even if Chun Yeowun was a father, he was the Lord of the Sky Demon Order. And lions never
raise their young ones to be weak.

Ko Wang-suk spoke with a bitter expression.

―Lord… I don‘t think I have the right to serve the Young Lord. Please choose a more suitable
person to take care of him instead of me.‖
Those were unexpected words coming from her, making Chun Woo-myung and Hu Bong look at
her with puzzled eyes.


―I am lacking.‖

It felt like she had lost confidence in the face of an overwhelming enemy she had met for the first

Despite being afraid of her, Chun Woo-myung felt sorry and tried to comfort her, but…

„No. This might be better.‟

This was better than dreading her presence every night. But Chun Yeowun was patting her on the
shoulders and comforting her.

―This is also an experience. Have more confidence. Aren‘t you the daughter of Ko Wanghur and
Hou Sang-hwa, who are famous for their strength?‖


She seemed shocked.

―Take care of my son.‖

With that, her face turned red enough to explode. She turned with sparkling eyes and looked at
Chun Woo-myung.

―You entrusted your son to me. What am I supposed—-‖

Chun Woo-myung shouted at it.

―He didn‘t mean it like that!!!‖

Well…thanks to that, the atmosphere of the group went back to normal.

Chun Woo-myung asked his father.

―Are you going back to the clan right away?‖

―Well, there is a place I need to stop by, but I will be back. And there is a new toy too.‖

Chun Yeowun looked at the raccoon caught in Golden Gumiho‘s tail.

The raccoon yelled,

―This! How dare a human call me a toy….‖

Chun Yeowun clenched his finger near the raccoon‘s head.



One hit.

Just one hit was enough to make the King of the Dead scream and faint.

―He will have to be discipled.‖

Chun Yeowun shook his head.

―See you later,‖

Chun Yeowun said with a very gentle voice.

And the fox, too, greeted.

―My Woo-myung, let‘s meet later.‖


And with the same shaking, they disappeared.

At this time, he seemed more like a God than a father. Chun Woo-myung smiled, looking at
where his father vanished, then he asked Yun Ja-seo,

―Brother Yun. If it is fine, will you join us?‖

At that, he responded.

―How can I say two things with a single mouth? The remaining colleagues of mine are… down. I
will help you.‖

It was an unexpected decision. The other colleagues either died here or turned to ghouls, so he
had no reason to refuse when asked.

―It is nice to be with you.‖

―Brother Chun!‖


Yun Ja-seo smiled and shook hands with him. No one in this place knew that their relationship
would be so strong that Yun Ja-seo would be the right arm of the 25th Lord, Chun Woo-myung.

The residence of the Crown Prince.

With his arms and legs weirdly broken, the Crown Prince crawled to get out of the room.

―Kuaak… father… father… I need to tell him….‖

He thought the only one to save him would be the emperor. Today, this room was spacious to the
extent that he hated it.

Then he tried to reach the door.

„Little more… a little more….‟


But a black shadow appeared in front, and as he looked at it, his face turned paler.

―Lo… Lord.‖

Chun Yeowun was standing there. And with a smile, he asked.

―Did I take too long?‖



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Descent of the Demon God

Published on

May 25, 2022

• 3 min read • 14595 views

Angel: This is it, guys. A very short last chapter.

Late at night at the Hundred Thousand Mountains, a middle-aged-looking man that has half of
the amount of his hair turned white was acting like a horse and making a pretty five-year-old girl

The child continued to smile and laugh at it. The middle-aged man who saw it smiled brightly.
This man was Chun Yujong, the father of Chun Yeowun.

―Grandfather, I feel dizzy.‖

After playing like this for quite a while, Chun Yujong looked at the girl and put her down

―Ryang, are you okay?‖

The girl‘s name was Chun Hye-ryang. She was the daughter of Chun Yeowun‘s second wife,
Wang Yeo-gun.

―I am dizzy.‖

At Hye-ryang‘s words, Chun Yujong mildly scolded her.

―Isnt that why grandfather told you to slow down? Look at you.‖


Even if he was scolding her like that, she was a child he cherished, and it was obvious just by
how gentle his eyes looked at her.

At that moment, a servant spoke from outside.

―Former Lord. The Lord has come.‖

―He is here? Let him in.‖


Hye-ryang looked at Chun Yujong‘s face and asked,

―Why does grandfather make such a face when talking about my dad?‖

At Hye-ryang‘s question, Chun Yujong frowned. Did this child just look into his eyes?

Chun Yujong smiled softly.

―It is because grandfather is sorry to your father.‖


Hye-ryang tilted her head. Chun Yujong stroked her head.


The door opened, and Chun Yeowun entered.


Hye-ryang ran into Chun Yeowun, who held her. Chun Yeowun embraced her like a daughter‘s

―My Ryang, did you have a good time with grandfather?‖

―Uhuh! Grandfather read me a book and rode a horse too! Grandfather plays better than dad!‖

Hye-ryang proudly said it. She was a child who really loved Chun Yujong.

―That is nice. But now it is late, and grandfather needs to rest for tomorrow.‖

―Uh. I want to play more.‖

Chun Yeowun stroked her head and said,

―Great Guardian.‖


Behind him appeared a man with a unique mask, Marakim.


Seeing Marakim, Hye-ryang snorted as she cutely put her hands on her waist. It was an act to
show that she didn‘t like this. Marakim, who looked at her cute reaction, smiled.

―Miss. It is time~.‖
―No! I don‘t want to! I want to play more with my grandfather.‖



Marakim lifted her and put her on his shoulders. Then Hye-ryang, who was pouting earlier,
began to squeak at it. She was a child who really liked horses.

―I will take her to the room.‖


―I will leave. Miss.. woong!‖


Marakim was now accustomed to dealing with children. Chun Yujong and Chun Yeowun looked
at him, leaving.

After the two left, the room fell quiet. It was Chun Yeowun who broke the silence.


He reached for something in the shadows and pulled out something, and they were a wine bottle
and two glasses.

Then he asked his father,

―Would you like a drink with me?‖

―… sounds like a good idea.‖

Chun Yujong answered awkwardly. Chun Yeowun just bluntly put down the bottle and glasses
on the table. The drinking, which started then, continued all night.

A smile bloomed on the faces of the two men who were silently giving and receiving glasses.
This is the last chapter of Descent of the Demon God. Descent of the Demon God is the first
novel we translated from start to finish, and we‘re very happy with how it came out. Big thanks
to all of our supporters and readers, who made this possible, and our wonderful staff—especially
our translator.



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This translation is made by fans and while the chapters on our website are free, they cost money
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