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How might we grow El Semillero?

El Semillero is embarking on its second year of existence.

During its first year, this community was able to get together and confirm that it is possible to
create an alternative learning experience for the children. To some of the members it helped
to understand the joy behind being involved in the education process.

A new “school” year is about to begin and although there is much ground to be covered, I
suggest to direct the energy towards getting the year started with a combined approach
between planning and deepening the understanding of the learning community. I propose to
do this through a series of practical workshops:

Workshop 1: Lightning
+ Lightning Decision Jam to measure El Semillero’s success, determine goals and turn
ideas into actionables.
+ This methodology will help the community to transform problems into opportunities
within El Semillero, as well as to come quickly to create a list of priorities, ways in
which to start working on them, and delegating the load.
+ Creation of guidelines and directions to build upon last year’s successes, including a
brainstorm to come up with an overarching theme of the new school year in order to
establish continuity.

Workshop 2: Sprint
+ A sprint to deepen the comprehension of strategies that can help the community of El
Semillero to follow these guidelines.
+ A deep look into Homelife Academy.

Workshop 3: Teach
+ A practical review of best practices to facilitate learning.

Workshop 4: Plan
+ A planning sprint to look at the year at glance.
+ Creation of a broad plan for the school year.

Each workshop will last around 4 hours depending on the needs and possibilities of the
team. Workshops' contents are subject to change based on the outcomes of the first

Location: Mata Oscura container house.

Schedule: Feb 20th, 27th, March 6th, and 7th, from 9am to 1pm.

Each of these workshops currently has a total value of 150 Usd (for a group of 5-10
participants), however I would like to offer them on a donation basis for El Semillero in order
to ensure their completion. The suggested donation is 25 Usd per family per workshop. Each
family of El Semillero may donate whatever amount within their possibilities.

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