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Group Re-Enrollment
HomeLife Academy is thrilled to serve groups inside & outside the US who have a desire to homeschool a group of children.
Setting up a group with HLA allows you to connect your students and families within your group and to allow a Group
Administrator to oversee the group and help with communication, record-keeping and other needs your group might have.
HomeLife Academy is a USA-based private school that provides homeschooling assistance and academic support to
families throughout the world.
HomeLife Academy provides services including record keeping, official school documents and academic counseling. HLA
allows parents/groups to choose the curriculum that works best to meet the educational needs of the student. HomeLife
Academy does not require annual testing. HLA Global staff will remain in contact with the Group Administrator throughout
the school year to ensure that all families meet HLA’s requirements.
Since 2003, HLA has worked to build a reputation to place students in universities throughout the world. HomeLife
Academy’s program is geared toward student success and we have developed processes to ensure academic placement
within these post-secondary institutions. HLA reserves the right to require a specific academic curricula if the student is not
scheduled to graduate on time or if there are disciplinary, academic, or legal issues with the students.
GROUP ADMINISTRATORS: Group Administrators are responsible for annual group registration and communication from
HLA to the families, to make sure that requirements are being met. All Group Administrators are required to communicate as
much as possible in English. If the Group Administrator is not capable of communicating to HLA Global staff in English, there
must be someone within the group’s organization who can communicate with HLA Global staff.
Group Administrators must agree to the following terms:
• HomeLife Academy provides record-keeping, counseling services, issuance of transcripts and diplomas upon credit
completion according to HLA’s graduation guidelines, as well as completion of any other documentation needed to verify
these documents such as legalization, apostilles or otherwise.
• Group Administrators are responsible for checking with the local and/or national government(s) as to whether they will
accept any or all of the documents provided by HomeLife Academy as completion of education for purposes of furthering
education or graduation from the high school level. HomeLife Academy will not be held liable nor at fault for any laws or
other issues resulting from information not provided by the Group Administrator to HLA or obtained by the Group
Administrator for their understanding.
• Being enrolled with HomeLife Academy does not exempt your Group from local and/or national laws that may prevent you
from homeschooling. HLA is not responsible to cover you legally nor is HLA liable if you choose to homeschool where
homeschooling is considered illegal.
• Groups will assume the responsibility of paying additional costs, including, but not limited to: shipping outside of the USA,
procurement of documents for legalization purposes, and any other forms that may be needed. Failure of payment may
result in delays for the request.
• Group Administrators must keep ALL information (both the Group information and the family information) in the account(s)
up to date (especially the email address) and read all emails from HLA in order to keep current with important information.
• Group Administrators understand that grades & attendance (if applicable) are due to HLA two times a year, and must be
submitted by January 15th & June 15th, depending on the Group’s academic calendar. Group Administrators are responsible
for either (a) entering all the grades & attendance for the families, or (b) ensuring that all families in the Group have entered
all the grades & attendance for their family.
• Group Administrators understand and agree to the fee structure as outlined in the Groups page on our website and
understand that these fees are subject to change as posted on that page.
• No representative of the Group will misrepresent any aspect of HomeLife Academy, including but not limited to areas
regarding HomeLife Academy fees, policies and procedures, or impersonating a HomeLife Academy staff member. Any
misrepresentation of HLA will result in immediate termination and dissolution of your group and could prevent future
COMMUNICATION: HomeLife Academy offices are located in the state of Tennessee, in the United States. Our offices are
open Monday - Friday from 9:00am - 4:00pm CST unless there is a holiday in the USA. We do our best to respond to emails,
calls, and WhatsApp messages within 24-48 business hours after receipt. Please allow for extra time for HLA Global & 

Groups staff to respond during our peak enrollment times (July/August and January/February),Welcome as we are doing ourAcademy.
to HomeLife best toIf you need
serve all the HLA families needing our attention. help, simply reply to this message. We are
online and ready to help.
ENROLLMENT: HomeLife Academy has open enrollment throughout the school year. DuringHLA
initial group enrollment,
you will only need to provide the following on the application: just now

• Father’s Full Name 1

• Mother’s Full Name Away 1/5
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• Family address, phone number, and email address

• Student’s Full Name, gender, birthdate, current grade level, any learning difficulties
• DOMESTIC GROUPS ONLY - Previous school information, knowledge of student’s academic & disciplinary standing (if
applicable), and county of residence
• General Education Plan*
The registration fees for groups are as follows:
ADDING STUDENTS/FAMILIES: Groups are welcome to add families and additional students throughout the school year. If
adding a new family, HLA Global staff will instruct the Group Administrators on the process, and the fee will be $175 per
family. There is an additional $50 fee to add a new student to an existing family.
SCHOOL YEARS: Countries throughout the world use different school calendars, meaning the months in their country when
public schools are in session. HomeLife Academy distinguishes between 3 different school calendars.
Before your group is set up, we will ask you to let us know which of these your group will follow. If you have a special
circumstance or questions about your specific country, our staff will consult with you to find the best solution for your group.
CODE OF ETHICS: While HomeLife Academy is unapologetically a Christian organization, we do not have our families sign a
statement of faith; we do ask that the Group Administrator ensures that each family agrees to HLA’s Code of Ethics. All
students and parent-teachers of HomeLife Academy are required to uphold our Code of Ethics. HomeLife Academy’s
foundation is built on trust and relationship with our families. Our staff is here to support you on your homeschooling journey.
This requires honesty, commitment, and communication.
• HomeLife Academy reserves the right to dismiss a family for personal and/or academic misconduct that takes place either
inside or outside of the teaching home at our discretion. Fees will not be refunded.
• If HLA is given reason to suspect educational neglect or that a student’s grades or records have been falsified, HLA
reserves the right to evaluate the situation and/or require students to complete end-of-course exams or other testing to
validate grades and/or credits earned. HLA’s NEST Program may be required to continue enrollment with HLA.
• Any activity which compromises the academic integrity of HomeLife Academy and undermines the educational process will
not be tolerated and will be grounds for dismissal. This sort of academic misconduct includes, but is not limited to, cheating,
fabrication, plagiarism, unauthorized use of resources, violation of published academic regulations, and facilitating academic
dishonesty. Educational neglect or falsifying a student’s grades or records will be grounds for dismissal.
• Physical or verbal threats, abuse, and/or bullying of HLA Staff will be grounds for dismissal. This includes hateful speech,
cursing, yelling, accusations and/or being generally uncooperative or argumentative. HLA Staff are here to serve our families
and as such should be treated with respect.
• Conviction for violating Tennessee, Florida, Alabama, or Colorado criminal codes or those of your residential jurisdiction will
be grounds for dismissal.
DISCIPLINARY/ACADEMIC ISSUES WITH STUDENTS: HLA Global & Groups staff will require at least one conference call
before your Group officially is set up with our school. During this time, we will ask if the students are on target to graduate on
time, and also if there are any disciplinary or academic issues with any students. All HLA students must be in good academic
standing with no disciplinary or legal issues in order for approval into our school. HLA reserves the right to require a specific
academic curricula if the student is not scheduled to graduate on time or if there are disciplinary, academic, or legal issues
with the students.
FAMILY AGREEMENT TO TERMS AND CONDITIONS: HLA firmly believes in parents having the responsibility of their
student’s education. Group Administrators will need to make sure that all families within the Group read over and agree to
the following Terms and Conditions.
• HLA bylaws and policy, as prescribed by our Board of Directors, restricts the enrollment of students where the following
applies: truancy, suspension, expulsion, and misdemeanors. HLA reserves the right to deny enrollment or may place your
student in our Archway Program with conditional enrollment and requirements if any of these apply.
• HLA will review the student’s records once they have been received from their previous school and/or parent. Students
whose records show any of the following may be placed in our Archway Program or withdrawn if it is determined that HLA is
not the best fit for the student: (1) failing grades in core courses (ex. English, math, science, social studies), (2) GPA below
2.0, (3) disciplinary issues, or (4) the student is not on target for graduation. If any of these apply to your student, we
recommend calling our office for approval before submitting your application. 

• HLA has the right to determine which credits will count toward HLA’s graduation requirements whentotransferring
Welcome from If you need
HomeLife Academy.
another school. help, simply reply to this message. We are
• Parents understand that re-enrollment must happen each year by January 15, May 15, or August online 15
and(depending on the
ready to help.
school calendar of your group), and parents must notify the Group Administrator if they do not plan to re-enroll with the
group for the new school year. HLA Support just now

• HLA does not require annual standardized achievement testing and therefore does not offer annual standardized
achievement testing. 1

• HLA does not provide curriculum or assignments. Parents and/or Group Administrators are responsible Awayfor locating and 2/5
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ordering textbooks. (Global Academic Counselors are available to assist with choosing curriculum).
• Parents and/or Group Administrators are responsible for posting grades and attendance (if applicable) two times per year
— January 15 and June 15.
• Parents and/or Group Administrators are responsible for ensuring that the student is on track for graduation. A counselor
will complete an annual high school transcript review to assist. It is the parent’s and/or Group Administrator’s responsibility
to check the review for accuracy and that all necessary changes and corrections are made to the student’s plan.
• Parents of high school students should read the high school information on our website and complete the High School
Planning Sheet. (Global Academic Counselors are available to review planning sheets upon request).
• Students must complete the minimum graduation requirements in order to be awarded an HLA diploma.
• HLA is for families who intend to home-educate through graduation. If your child chooses to transfer to a public or private
school, that school may require placement tests to determine the student’s grade placement and may or may not accept all
credits completed while homeschooling.
• Parents are responsible for the child’s education but may hire tutors or participate in coops, tutorials, etc as needed.
• Parents and/or Group Administrators must keep ALL information in their account up to date (especially email address) and
read all emails from us in order to keep current with important information.
• Parents and/or Group Administrators should request all documents by using Request Manager located in their personal
HLA account. Click on myHLA at the top right of our homepage to access your account.
• Parents and/or Group Administrators understand and agree to the group fee structure and understand that these fees are
subject to change as posted on the main HLA website.
DOCUMENTS: HLA provides a number of documents, including but not limited to:
• Proof of Enrollment
• End of Year Certificates* - $10 each
• US High School Diplomas
• Good Student Certificates
• Student/Teacher IDs* - $5 each
• Official Transcripts
• Recommendation Letters
While most of our documents are offered free of charge, there are some that have a small fee* to produce. These costs
reflect HLA’s cost of materials and shipping within the continental USA. All of these documents may be requested through
the Group Administrator’s account in the Request Manager. Please allow approximately 2 weeks for processing these
requests. If requests are urgent, you may pay a $15 RUSH fee to expedite the request within 3 business days.
APOSTILLE PROCESS: Some countries will require a higher level of certification for documents. The USA is a member of
the Hague Apostille Convention, and as such, we are able to provide this service for our families. If any documents are in
need of an apostille, please indicate this in the request. An invoice for the fees (see chart below) will be sent and the fees
must be paid in full before we can begin the process. Please allow approximately 3-4 weeks for any documents needing an
SHIPPING FEES: As noted in the chart below, shipping fees vary and a quote on the available carriers will be sent to the
Group Administrator and/or parent. Shipping fees must be paid in full before shipment can be made. HomeLife Academy is
not responsible for documents that are delayed, damaged or lost in transit. In the event that documents are lost or damaged,
the Group Administrator and/or parent must request the documents again and repay all appropriate fees. HLA Global staff
will make recommendations for shipping companies, such as DHL, FedEx and UPS, as these companies offer shipment
tracking numbers.
CURRICULA, GRADES & RECORDS: Understanding the needs of the families in your country is very important to us. We
acknowledge the need for curricula written in your native language, and we allow for families and schools to use whatever
curricula best fits the needs of the student’s academic success. While HLA does not have a list of required courses per year,
we do ask that all students take an English and math course each year. For graduation, students are required to fulfill 22
credits. Our Credit Requirements are:
*For Global students, HLA will accept ESL (English as a second language) courses to fulfill requirements. We also allow for
the history of your country to fulfill one of the Social Studies credits. For more information, please visit: 

Applecore is HomeLife Academy’s online grade reporting platform. All Group Administrators will have access
Welcome to Applecore
to HomeLife Academy. If you need
and all of the student records within their group. HLA staff is available for help with navigatinghelp,
simplythe system.
reply to this message. We are
online and ready to help.
HomeLife Academy’s program is geared toward student success and we have developed processes to ensure academic
placement within post-secondary institutions throughout the world. Among those processesHLA areSupport
the yearly Transcript just now

Reviews assessed by our Global Academic Counselors. Transcript Reviews are a communication tool to help ensure students
are on target for graduation and are completed each year of high school. In order for HLA Global counselors to complete a 1

transcript review, the student’s education plan must be entered into Applecore either by the parent orAway the Group 3/5
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Administrator. Failure to stay current with high school reporting can result in delays with transcripts, graduation or diplomas.
Here are some examples of a general education plan:
• {For Groups where the parents enter all the reporting} - All parents will enter the individual education plan for their
• {For micro schools or where the Group Administrator will enter all the reporting} - Our Group uses Abeka as our main
resource for all students. Our K-6 grade students study English, Math, Art and History. Our 7-12 grade students study the
same subjects, but also include Science, Physical Education, and a Foreign Language.
For our Global Groups, HomeLife Academy requires previous school records for students in grades 10-12. Once a Group has
been established and is approved, our staff will contact the Group Administrator directly with a list of the students in the
group and a blank form that may be given to the parent to obtain the records (if needed). HLA staff will enter the previous
courses & grades into Applecore to assess what credits the student still needs to meet HLA’s graduation requirements. A
Credit Review fee may apply to records coming from a public or private school. Homeschool/parent generated records may
require a GAP Year fee. Please refer to the above Miscellaneous Group Fee chart above for these fees.
For our US Domestic Groups, previous records are needed for all K-12 students. In the application, you will be asked to
provide the former school information for all students. In the states of TN, AL, CO, FL, and SC HomeLife Academy is required
by state laws to have either an immunization record or an exemption letter on file for each student. If the records or letter are
not included in the previous school records, we will contact the Group Administrator to contact the parent and have them
sent in to our offices.
HIGH SCHOOL TRANSCRIPT REVIEWS: Transcript Reviews are a communication tool to help ensure students are on target
for graduation. Please use this annual transcript review when planning for the next school year. The review will be based on
the most current data in Applecore as of the date of the review. For Domestic Groups, all students in grades 11 & 12 will
receive an annual Transcript Review. For Global Groups, all students in grades 10, 11 & 12 will receive an annual Transcript
Review. An additional Transcript Review can be requested at any time for an additional fee.
WITHDRAWALS: As with any school, HLA understands that a family’s circumstances may change and a family will need to
withdraw from the Group & HLA. If this happens, the Group Administrator will put in a withdrawal request in the Request
Manager in the Group Administrator’s account. Families that withdraw within 30 days of enrollment are eligible for a refund.
No refunds for registration fees will be issued after the 30 day period.
GRADE REPORTING: As previously mentioned, grades are due twice a year - January & June 15. Group Administrators are
responsible for either making the parent aware of these deadlines or reporting the grades for the Group into Applecore.
While there is no penalty for not meeting this deadline, please communicate with HLA Global Staff if there is an issue with
meeting these deadlines or if you are having problems with our online system. Attendance is only required for our Domestic
RECORDS ON HOLD: HLA Global staff will work throughout the year to make sure that high school students are on target to
graduate. If, during the process of evaluating the student’s transcript, we see that the transcript is missing courses or
grades, we will put the student’s records on hold. It is important to ensure that the student records are current and accurate,
as the records on hold can cause delays in the issuance of transcripts and/or diplomas and the completion of other official
PAYMENTS & SCHOLARSHIPS: HLA registration fees are due at the time of registration. For Groups, we require payment
for the registration fees to be paid directly by the Group Administrator and not from the individual families.
Under certain circumstances, HLA understands the need for Groups to make payments on the fees. If a payment plan is
approved, Group Administrators must acknowledge that all fees are due in full, regardless of whether or not the school year
is finished or the group withdraws.
• Payment plans are calculated by determining the total registration fees and dividing the amount equally between 4
• The set up fee of the payment plan will be 1% of the total registration fees due and will be invoiced immediately.
• Invoices will be sent out every month, with a running total of the amount still due listed on the invoice.
• Payment will be due FIVE (5) days after the invoice has been sent. Failure to pay the invoice by the due date may result in

loss of good standing within HLA and may result in delay of services and/or dismissal of the group.Welcome to HomeLife Academy. If you need
• Any families added to the group after initial registration must be paid in full at the time of registration.
help, simply Payment plans
reply to this will We are
not be adjusted to add new families. online and ready to help.
• Partial refunds and/or adjustments to the payment plan for families who withdraw after enrollment will only be granted if
the family withdraws from the group or HLA within 30 days of enrollment. HLA Support just now

• If the entire group decides to withdraw from HLA before the end of the payment plan cycle, the balance of fees owed will
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be due immediately.
• Re-enrollment of the group will not be granted until the previous payment plan has been paid in full.
At HomeLife Academy, we do what we can to help those in crisis. Economic hardships occur and we have the ability to give
aid when necessary. Groups who have families in countries where there is major economic instability may apply for the
Economic Crisis Scholarship. This scholarship is valid for one school year and is subject to HLA’s knowledge of the country’s
current economic situation. The Group Administrator must fill out a separate form for each country where the scholarship is
needed, and may apply each school year that the country is in economic crisis. The scholarship is not guaranteed every year.
If granted, the group will pay $85 per eligible family* for the annual registration fees.
*Does not include the fees for the following: Requests for documents, apostilles, shipping fees, GAP year fees, Credit Review fees, or Senior Fees.

Welcome to HomeLife Academy. If you need

help, simply reply to this message. We are
online and ready to help.

HLA Support just now

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