Tle Css10 Week8

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Name of Learner: ___________________________ Date: ________________

Grade/Section: ___________________________ Teacher: ________________

Subject: ___________________________ Activity No. ________________

Learning Area Computer Systems Servicing Grade Level 10
W8 Quarter Third Date May 17 - 21, 2021o

I. LESSON TITLE Hardware Maintenance and Protection


III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENT The learners demonstrate an understanding of concepts and principles in installing configuring computer systems.

IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities

A. Introduction 30 minutes LEARNING TASK 1. Arrange the following jumbled letters to form the correct words.
1. ERTURPOMC USIRV _________________

2. SMROW _________________

3. AREWYPS _________________

4. YKSERPASK _________________

5. NOTRON _________________

6. ORCAM ESSRUVI _________________

7. BEW TELAPP SESRUVI _________________

8. TIB DEFENDER _________________

9. TORAJN _________________

10. ARVIA _________________

LEARNING TASK 2: Choose the letter of the best answer.

1. A type of malware designed to provide unauthorized, remote access to a user’s computer.

a. Trojan
b. File infector
c. Worm
d. Web applet virus
2. It is a method of trying to gather personal information using deceptive emails and websites.
a. rootkit

b. web applet virus

c. Phishing
d. Anti-virus

3. It is a type of utility used for scanning and removing viruses from your computer.

a. drivers
b. anti-virus

c. social media
d. operating system

4. Are techniques for ensuring that data stored in a computer cannot be read or compromised by any stranger without the owner’s authorization.
a. Permit

b. Protecting Hardware
c. Protecting computer from security
d. Computer Security

5. Which of the following ways to avoid computer heat buildup?

a. Avoid aerosol spray, solvent and commercial cleaners.

b. Make sure air flows freely around the computer.

c. Use soft cloth or lint-free swab to clean between the keys of the keyboard
d. None of the above.
B. Development 1.5 hours


Preventive Maintenance and Procedures

Computer problems can cause unnecessary headaches and downtime for the user . Maintaining the computer properly is the simplest way to increase its

lifespan and decrease downtime hassles. To maintain a computer, students can do the following:

1. Clean the outer surface with a simple cloth and water solution. A damp cloth is the best cleaning tool for computer hardware. A small,

handy paint brush can be used to remove dust inside the system unit.

2. Apply an anti-static spray or solution to prevent a build-up of static charges on computer economical and effective anti-static so-

lution can be created by combining 10 parts of water 1 part of fabric conditioner.

3. Observe the correct handling procedures for printed circuit boards and cables to prevent oxidation build ups or corrosion on electrical

connectors, which can reduce the flow of electricity.

4. Rub off the oxidation build ups using an emery board, a common pencil eraser, a special solvent white or an electrical contact cleaner


5. Use a lint-free foam swab and isopropyl alcohol or methanol for cleaning other internal components such as a disk drive head.

Protecting Computers from Infections

A computer virus is an executable program that can copy or replicate without the owner knowing it. Depending on the type of virus, it can damage the

hardest or barricade normal operation of the computer, corrupt or change data and degrade the performance of the system by utilizing the resources such

as memory or disk space. Viruses increase their chances of spreading to other computers by infecting files on a network file system that is accessed by

another computer.

Types of Viruses
A computer virus that displays more than one characteristic of a regular computer virus is known as multi-part computer virus. A computer virus may

be categorized with one or more of the following designations.

1. A file infector works by running together with the executable file that is attached with. It reproduce as its own code by attaching itself on

to an executable program such as .COM and .EXE files. On the other hand, a boot sector virus infects the computer when it reads an infected drive or
floppy disk.

2. Macro virus is one of the most widespread types of viruses. Macro virus is written in a macro language and associated with documents,

word processing and spreadsheet. Itu ses an email attachment to spread and can infect the computer when a user opens an email attachment with a macro

3. A worm replicates itself even without human intervention. It uses a computer network to spread itself. Worms can also be used to gain
access to a computer remotely.

4. Web applet virus is a newer type of virus that can exist using the three most popular web scripting languages - ActiveX, JavaScript and
Java. The virus infects the computer when a user installs an infected file.

5. Spyware is technically not a virus since it cannot replicate itself, but it can spy a user when he serves or does business on the internet. If

there is a pop up add on the computer or in the browser, there is a possibility that the spyware might be installed on the computer.

Signs of computer infection

Below is a list of possible signs to look for when the user suspects that his computer is infected with a virus.
1. The computer is starting to run slower than usual. If the computer seems slower than, then virus might be lurking in the system.
However, it does not necessarily mean that all slow computers have a virus.

2. The computer takes longer than the usual to start up. If the user did not install anything new on the computer but it takes a long time

to start up, it is a symptom that something is wrong. A virus might also be initializing, so make it a habit to scan the computer regularly.

3. The web browser keeps crashing or there is a new homepage. If the browser is crashing constantly and the home page is being modi-
fied, then there is a possibility that the browser has been hijacked.

4. When the preferences in the folder options are set to Read-Only. The folder option gives the user a lot of control on how the files in
the computer will function. One of them is to show or hide the accepted file extension on the computer. if the user changes the setting of the file and it

reverts or returns to the previous setting right away, then there is a possibility that the virus was able to infiltrate the computer.

5. When the user cannot access the windows registry editor. Windows registry editor is where most of the operating system and applica-
tion process are stored. Viruses that penetrate the registry usually disables it so that the system administrators cannot change the setting manually.

Anti-Virus Software
Computers have become an integral parts of people’s life and it is important to protect computers from threat of viruses. Viruses come in many forms

and sometimes, it is difficult to detect them. Here is a list of different anti-virus software that are available in the market.

 Bit Defender Anti-virus Plus- uses a secure browser that the user can use if he wants to do online banking or shopping.

● F-Secure Anti-virus - offers excellent protection against viruses, spyware worms and trojans. It can also eliminate and locate rootkits. It also prov

protection against infected e-mail attachments.

● G-Data Anti-virus - It is an anti-virus that offers strong web protection and is easy to use. G Data also protects
from phishing, scams, adware and more. G Data AV 2012 is considered on of the best antivirus PC solutions in the market.

● Norton Anti-virus not only protects the computer against spyware and viruses but also scans instant messages
check if there are infected attachments, links or viruses. It was manufactured by Symantec Corporation.

● Kaspersky Anti-virus - It is an antivirus that is easy to use and customize. It has a browser plug-in that can be integrated to Internet Explorer and

Firefox which will not allow the users to access infected websites.

Anti-Virus Installation
There is a lot software available in the market nowadays. Avira Antivirus is just one of software that is commonly used. The instructions given below

are the steps on how to install the Avira Antivirus software.

1. Open the folder where the installer is saved then double-click the icon and click Accept and Install button to proceed.
2. When the User Account Control dialog appears, click the YES button to continue.

3. Avira will prepare the installation.

4. The next screen shows the progress of the installation. The install button is just a promotion of Avira. Do not click the Install button, un-

less interested in the product. The blue progress bar above indicates that the Avira is installing.

5. Then wait until the installation is done and click Start Avira. If the program did not run, click the Avira icon in the taskbar.

6. The Avira Antivirus automatically scans the computer for a minute or two.

7. After scanning, the control panel of Avira appears. This indicates that the program is ready use.

PC Securities
Computer Security are techniques for ensuring that the data stored in a computer cannot be read or compromised by any stranger without the owner’s

authorization. It is protecting computer systems and information from harm, theft, and unauthorized use. Most computer security measures involve data
encryption and password. Data encryption is the translation of data into a form that is meaningless without a deciphering mechanism.
1. Data encryption is the translation of data into a form that is unintelligible without a deciphering mechanism.
2. A password is a secret word or phrase that gives the user access to a particular program or system.
3. A firewall blocks unauthorized access to a system, while permitting authorized communications. There are two typical actions on data.
o Permit allows traffic that matches the rules to pass and implicitly denies everything else.
o Deny explicitly blocks traffic that matches the rule.

A hardware firewall typically performs better than a software firewall. However, a software firewall is more configurable than a hardware firewall. It is

essential for mobile computers. There are several software firewalls available in the market today such as:

o Windows Firewall (Free)

o Zone Alarm Free (free)
o Norton 360
o McAfee I.S.

Windows has a default firewall installed in a computer. To enable the Windows Firewall, do the following:

1. Open the Control Panel and select System and Security.

2. Choose Windows Firewall

3. On the left side of the window, click Turn Windows Firewall on or off.

4. Click the radio button to Turn on Windows Firewall, then select OK.
Protecting Hardware
The problem that a computer may encounter depend on its environment and the manner it is used. Below are some examples.
1. Avoid heat buildup.
Excessive heat can cause premature aging and failure of the electronic components of the computer. Make sure that the area is uncluttered so air flows
freely around the computer. Check also if the power supply’s fan is working and operational.

2. Use proper cleaning materials.

Avoid using aerosol spray, solvent and commercial cleaners because these can damage the screen and system unit. Use a simple cleaning solution

instead then dry it with a soft cloth. Ensure that the monitor’s power cord is disconnected from the power source before cleaning.

3. Protect input devices.

Dust and clean the input devices occasionally. Use a soft cloth or lint-free swab to clean between the keys of the keyboard.

Troubleshooting Methodology
A good computer technicians will follow some sort of formalized troubleshooting methodology. Below are the basic troubleshooting practices one must

know before performing an actual PC troubleshooting.

1. Information gathering
a. Identify what the user wants to accomplish - Maintenance, upgrade, Repair.
b. For repair, identify any symptoms, determine if anything has changed and establish probable cause.
2. Create an action plan
For maintenance and upgrades: tool gathering, backup, parts identification and action.

For repairs, there is a step at the beginning – try a quick fix.

3. Implement and test the solution
Again, if performing a repair, try a quick fix and then try the most likely solution first.
4. Identify the results and effects of the solution
Did the upgrade work? Did the maintenance work as expected? Did the repair fix the problem.
5. Document the solution and process

C. Engagement 30 minutes LEARNING TASK 3: Arrange the following to install Anti-Virus.

Pakikipagpalihan A-Step 1

E-Step 2

____1. When the User Account Control dialog appears, click the YES button to continue.

____2. The next screen shows the progress of the installation. The install button is just a promotion of Avira.

____3. Open the folder where the installer is saved then double-click the icon and click Accept and Install button to proceed.

____4. Then wait until the installation is done and click Start Avira.

____5. Avira will prepare the installation.

D. Assimilation 30 mins. LEARNING TASK 4: Choose the best answer.

___1. Which of the following can use for preventive maintenance of the computer?

a. Anti-static spray

b. Lint-free foam swab and isopropyl alcohol

c. Simple cloth and water solution

d. Dishwashing liquid and Lint-free cloth

___2. Rona wants an anti-virus in her computer that can protect her from infected websites. Which of the following computer anti-virus Rona needs?

a. Kaspersky Anti-Virus

b. Norton Anti-Virus

c. G-Data Anti-Virus

d. F-Secure Anti-Virus

___3. Which of the following is NOT a type of Virus?

a. Worm

b. file infector

c. Hanta Virus

d. Macro Virus

___4. Jessie wants to clean her keyboard. Which of the following is proper material to use?

a. Aerosol spray

b. Soft cloth

c. Solvent

d. Clean water

___5. Jonas is a technician, and her customers wants to upgrade his computer for gaming. Which of the is the first step he must do?

a. Document the solution and process

b. Identify the result and effects of the solution

c. Create an Action plan

d. Information gathering

___6. Which of the following is NOT the reason of heat buildup of the computer?

a. Air flows freely around the computer

b. Dust and lint build up over the fan

c. Power supply fan is not working properly

d. Computer vents are block.

___7. Angelo repairs his own computer, in what part of troubleshooting methodology his doing?

a. Information gathering

b. Create an action plan

c. Implement and test the solution

d. Identify the results and effects of the solution.

___8. It a secret word or phrase that gives the user access to a particular program or system.

a. Data encryption

b. password

c. firewall

d. hardware firewall

___9. It is used to protect your Windows system from network-based threats.

a. Network and Internet

b. Security and Maintenance

c. Firewall

d. Data encryption

___10. Which of the following is NOT a sign of computer infection?

a. The web browser keeps crashing or there is a new homepage.

b. When the user can easily access the windows registry editor.

c. The computer is starting to run slower than usual.

d. The computer takes longer than the usual to start up

V. ASSESSMENT LEARNING TASK 5: Identify the following sentences.

(Learning Activity Sheets for Enrichment, Remediation or Assessment to
be given on Weeks 3 and 6)
_____1. A powerful program that manages computer hardware resources and other software on a computer.

______2. An open-source operating system designed specifically for business.

_____3. It is an electronic set of instruction that a computer uses to test the hardware to complete the system startup.

_______________________4. Refers to the act of dividing a hard disk drive into multiple logical storage units.

______________________ 5. It is used to install new improvement settings on the computer id there is available

VI. REFLECTION The learner, in their notebook, will write their personal insights about the lesson using the prompts below.

I understand that ___________________.

I realize that ________________________.
I need to learn more about __________.

Prepared by: Arlene T. Villanueva Checked by: Melinda S. Abraham

Mercy Ann Giere

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