Infographic Reflection

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Infographic Reflection

The intent of this infographic is to educate and create awareness of the coding program Kodable.
The school board has now included coding as part of the STEM or math curriculum in schools
now and as an educator I wanted to provide information on this amazing coding
website/program. My target audience was mainly other educators, especially ones struggling to
find the resources and lessons to teach coding. For a lot of educators, they have never
experienced something like this. I am also providing information for parents about Kodable and
how it can be incorporated into allotted iPad time at home. The message that I want to send to
the audience is that firstly, even though it seems overwhelming to begin teaching this whole new
aspect of curriculum, there are loads of amazing resources and lessons to help on Kodable. As
well, I wanted to show the positive impact and development that can be had for students
integrating technology into the classroom and how coding is integrative learning. Kodable uses
games and activities to get kids interested and excited about computer science. As well, when
starting at kindergarten, students also work their way through lessons about patterns, routines
and cyber safety. Technologies increase in use throughout students lives means that they need to
be educated about privacy and cyber safety. Some difficulties I found when trying to make this
infographic was the lack of information outside of the website. I chose Kodable because I only
recently learned about it last year when I had to teach coding for the first time. My attempt was
to make it more known for more teachers, however coding as a curriculum concept is so new that
a lot of information is not being distributed. I was able to make the infographic because the
website had such detailed lessons, information and even teacher use stories, but I was not able to
find much else outside of the website. I sourced outside of the site to find more information of
integrative learning because that theory was very evident in how coding is important to the
curriculum from a young age, but I mostly found that the best thing for my infographic was to
create an informative and convincing infograph about why to use it and its benefits.

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