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“Asset Integrity Management Asia 2012”

26-27 September 2012

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Kuwait Oil Company Integrity Management


Jawad Akbar
1. Introduction to KOC Operations
2. Causes of Equipment Breakdown
3. Stimulus
4. Integrity Management Development
5. IM KPI Basket & Implementation Plan
6. Summary
KOC Crude, Gas and Condensate Network
Arabian Gulf (MOE-E&W, North Kuwait )


Township New AGRP KNG
RICH GAS GCs 27 & 28 Kuwait
Treatment Plant LPG Natural
C +
East Station to RICH GAS GC-16 Plant 5

Odorize Gas

C3 , C4
RICH GAS North : BS 131
North : GCs 15, 23 & 25 ( & EPF) RICH GAS, BSs-131, 140 & 150
East : Injection
West : GCs West : East :
GCs 1, 2, 9, HP/LP BS 170 BS 140 GAS
17, 27 10, 11, FLARED ETHANE
16, 28 19, 20 RICH GAS LEAN FUEL GAS C2
South : GCs 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 & 21 & 22 Spillover C1
KGOC-Onshore South : BS 150 Manifold X
GCs 15, FUEL GAS BS-131
Effluent WATER
23 & 25 LEAN FUEL GAS,
Treatment Plant/s
LEAN FUEL GAS BSs-140, 150 & 170
South, East & West Kuwait GCs
North Kuwait Crude Supply to Doha Power Station

Kuwait Export North Pier 20 21 MOE-E&W

Crude (KEC) -Al-Zour,
Aquifer Water
36” Ratawi Burgan Line
from Wafra / GC 27 North API > 30.5
Wt. % S < 2.6
Calm Buoys -Doha East,
for KHC -Doha West,
NTF Tank Farm via Gravity Single Point Mooring (SPM) -Shuaiba,
Sub-surface F/M
24 Tanks, 7.8 MMSTB Lines

CRUDE, New Oil Pier KEC Supply to MOE-E&W


GAS & Central

Oily Water
Heavy Fuel Oil
WATER Mixing Manifold SYSTEM Gas Oil


Header South KEC
Crude Oil
F/M Tank Farm via Gravity
Rich Gas Lines
Condensate 20” Eocene Line from Wafra
for Heavy Oil
32 Tanks, 6.7 MMSTB
Seawater Oily Water
KNPC Refineries LOCAL
Lean Gas
Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) Ratawi Burgan / Eocene Crude Supply to Bitumen Plant
-Mina Al-Ahmadi (MAA),
-Mina Al-Abdullah (MAB), -Shuaiba.
Ethane Gas
Kuwait Natural Gas (KNG) EXPORT
Refined Petroleum Products Ratawi Burgan / Eocene Crude Export (Maximum 60 MBOPD)
SAT Export Terminal (SPM) Mina Al-Zour
Causes of Equipment Breakdown
Distribution of the Causes of Downtime of
a Gathering Center (Typical)
Root Cause Analysis of Incidents
Comprehensive List of Causes Parts


• Document the type / severity of event • Gather relevant evidence • Organize all evidence
• Cover the who / what / when / where / • Implementation phase = direct evidence (scene and witnesses) • Map evidence Positions Procedures
how as known at the time • Research phase = indirect evidence (written sources) • Identify critical factors
• Consider People / Parts / Position / Paper • Use CLC to identify all immediate and root causes
Not following Std Not using right Poor job planning /
Operating tools & scheduling critical
Procedure equipment POSSIBLE IMMEDIATE CAUSES jobs
1. Following Procedures 2. Use of Tools or Equipment 3. Use of Protective Methods 4. Inattention / Lack of Awareness 5. Protective Systems 6. Tools, Equipment & Vehicles 7. Work Exposures to 8. Work Place Environment / Layout
1-1 Violation by individual 2-1 Improper use of equipment 3-1 Lack of knowledge of hazards present 4-1 Improper decision making or lack of judgment 5-1 Inadequate guards or protective devices 6-1 Defective equipment 7-1 Fire or explosion 8-1 Congestion or restricted motion
1-2 Violation by group 2-2 Improper use of tools 3-2 Personal protective equipment not used 4-2 Distracted by other concerns 5-2 Defective guards or protective devices 6-2 Inadequate equipment 7-2 Noise 8-2 Inadequate or excessive illumination
1-3 Violation by supervisor 2-3 Use of defective equipment (aware) 3-3 Improper use of proper personal protective 4-3 Inattention to footing and surroundings 5-3 Inadequate personal protective equipment 6-3 Improperly prepared equipment 7-3 Energized electrical systems 8-3 Inadequate ventilation
1-4 Operation of equipment without authority 2-4 Use of defective tools (aware) equipment 4-4 Horseplay 5-4 Defective personal protective equipment 6-4 Defective tools 7-4 Energized systems, other than electrical 8-4 Unprotected height
1-5 Improper position or posture for the task 2-5 Improper placement of tools, equipment or 3-4 Servicing of energized equipment 4-5 Acts of violence 5-5 Inadequate warning systems 6-5 Inadequate tools 7-5 Radiation 8-5 Inadequate work place layout
1-6 Overexertion of physical capability materials 3-5 Equipment or materials not secured 4-6 Failure to warn 5-6 Defective warning systems 6-6 Improperly prepared tools 7-6 Temperature extremes • controls less than adequate
1-7 Work or motion at improper speed 2-6 Operation of equipment at improper speed 3-6 Disabled guards, warning systems or safety 4-7 Use of drugs or alcohol 5-7 Inadequate isolation of process or equipment 6-7 Defective vehicle 7-7 Hazardous chemicals • displays less than adequate
1-8 Improper lifting 2-7 Servicing of equipment in operation devices 4-8 Routine activity without thought 5-8 Inadequate safety devices 6-8 Inadequate vehicle for the purpose 7-8 Mechanical hazards • labels less than adequate
1-9 Improper loading 2-8 Other 3-7 Removal of guards, warning systems or safety 4-9 Overconfidence 5-9 Defective safety devices 6-9 Improperly prepared vehicle 7-9 Clutter or debris • locations out of reach or sight
Overstay of employees
devices Inadequate
Personal protective equipment not available
4-10 Other 5-10 Other 6-10 Other 7-10
Storms or acts of nature
Slippery floors or walkways 8-6 Other
• conflicting information is presented

beyond duty break 3-9

competency Other
for training on 7-12 Other


new rigs HSEMS
1. Physical Capability 2. Physical 3. Mental State 4. Mental Stress 5. Behavior 6. Skill Level 7. Training / Knowledge 8. Management / 9. Contractor 11. Work Planning 12. Purchasing, Material 13. Tools & Equipment 14.
Work Rules / Policies / 15. Communication
Transfer Selection & 10. Engineering /
1-1 Vision deficiency Condition 3-1 Poor judgment 4-1 Preoccupation with 5-1 Improper performance 6-1 Inadequate Supervision / Employee 11-1 Inadequate work
Design Handling & Material 13-1 Inadequate Standards / Procedures (PSP) 15-1 Inadequate horizontal
1-2 Hearing deficiency 2-1 Previous injury or 3-2 Memory failure problems is rewarded assessment of Leadership Oversight planning Control assessment of needs 14-1
Lack of PSP for the task communication
7-1Inadequate knowledge 9-1 Lack of contractor 10-1 Inadequate technical
1-3 Other sensory illness 3-3 Poor coordination 4-2 Frustration • saves time or effort required skills 8-1 Conflicting roles / 11-2 Inadequate preventive
design 12-1 Incorrect item and risks •lack of defined responsibility between peers
deficiency 2-2 Fatigue or reaction time 4-3 Confusing • avoids discomfort 6-2 Inadequate transfer responsibilities pre-qualifications maintenance received 13-2 Inadequate human for PSP 15-2 Inadequate vertical
• inability to 9-2 Inadequate •design input
1-4 Reduced respiratory •due to 3-4 Emotional directions / • gains attention practice of skill •unclear reporting • assessment of
obsolete •inadequate factors / ergonomics•lack of job safety analysis communication
capacity workload disturbance demands 5-2 Improper supervisory 6-3 Infrequent comprehend relationships contractor pre- needs specifications to considerations •inadequate job safety between supervisor
• inadequate qualifications •design input not
1-5 Other permanent •due to lack of 3-5 Fears or phobias 4-4 Conflicting example performance of •conflicting reporting • lubrication /
correct vendor analysis and person
physical disabilities rest 3-6 Low mechanical directions / 5-3 Inadequate skill instructor relationship 9-3 Inadequate servicing •inadequate
13-2a Corrosion of Pipes 14-2 Inadequate development of 15-3 Inadequate
qualifications contractor selection •design input not
1-6 Temporary •due to aptitude demands identification of critical 6-4 Lack of coaching •unclear assignment of • adjustment /
available specifications on
13-3 Inadequate standards PSP communication
disabilities sensory 3-7 Low learning 4-5 Meaningless or safe behaviors on skill • inadequate training responsibility 9-4 Use of non-approved assembly requisition or specifications •inadequate coordination with between different
equipment contractor •design output
1-7 Inability to sustain overload aptitude degrading activities 5-4 Inadequate 6-5 Insufficient review •conflicting assignment • cleaning /
inadequate •inadequate control
13-4 Inadequate availability process / equipment design organizations
body positions 2-3 Diminished 3-8 Influenced by 4-6 Emotional reinforcement of of instruction to • misunderstood 9-5
of responsibility Lack of job oversight resurfacing on changes to
13-5 Inadequate •inadequate employee 15-4 Inadequate
instructions 9-6 Inadequate oversight •design input
1-8 Restricted range of performance medication overload critical safe behaviors establish skill •improper or 11-3 Inadequate repair
infeasible orders adjustment / repair / involvement in the communication
body movement •due to 4-7 Extreme judgment • proper 7-2Inadequate recall of insufficient delegation
9-7 Other • communication of •unauthorized maintenance development between work groups
3-9 Other 6-6 Other training material •design output
1-9 Substance temperature / decision performance is of authority needed repair
unclear substitution
13-6 Inadequate salvage •inadequate definition of 15-5 Inadequate
 Not Applicable  Not Applicable • training not  Not Applicable
sensitivities or extremes demands criticized 8-2 Inadequate leadership • scheduling of work
•design output not •inadequate product
and reclamation corrective actions communication
allergies •due to oxygen 4-8 Extreme • inappropriate peer reinforced on the job •standards of • examination of acceptance
13-7 Inadequate removal / •inadequate format for easy between shifts
• inadequate correct
1-10 Inadequate size or deficiency concentration / pressure performance missing parts
•design output requirements replacement of use 15-6 Inadequate
strength •due to perception • inadequate refresher training or not enforced • parts substitution •no acceptance unsuitable items 14-3 Inadequate implementation of communication
frequency inconsistent
1-11 Diminished capacity atmospheric demands performance •inadequate 11-4 Excessive wear and
•no independent verification
13-8 No equipment record PSP, due to deficiencies methods
due to medication pressure 4-9 Extreme boredom feedback 7-3 Inadequate training accountability tear performed history •contradictory requirements 15-7 No communication
effort design review
1-12 Other variation 4-10 Other • inadequate •inadequate or 10-2 • inadequate
Inadequate 12-2 Inadequate research
13-9 Inadequate equipment •confusing format method available
2-4 Blood sugar disciplinary process • inadequate training incorrect performance planning for use on materials / record history •more than one action per 15-8 Incorrect instructions
 Not Applicable  Not Applicable program design standards,
insufficiency 5-5 Inappropriate feedback • extension of service
specifications, and / equipment step 15-9 Inadequate
2-5 Impairment due aggression • inadequate training •inadequate work site life 12-3 Inadequate mode or •no check-off spaces provided communication due to
goals / objectives or design criteria 13-10 Other
to drug or alcohol 5-6 Improper use of walk-through 10-3 • improper loading
Inadequate route of shipment •inaccurate sequence of steps job turnover
use production incentives • inadequate new •inadequate safety • use by untrained 12-4 Improper handling of •confusing instructions 15-10 Inadequate
employee assessment of  Not Applicable
2-6 Other 5-7 Supervisor implied promotion people
potential failure materials •technical error / missing communication of
haste orientation 8-3 Inadequate correction of • use for wrong 12-5 Improper storage of steps safety and health
 Not Applicable • inadequate initial 10-4 Inadequate
5-8 Employee perceived prior hazard / incident purpose
ergonomic design materials or spare •excessive references data, regulations or
haste training 8-4 Inadequate identification 11-5 Inadequate reference parts •potential situations not guidelines
• inadequate means 10-5 Inadequate
5-9 Other of worksite / job hazards materials or
monitoring of 12-6 Inadequate material covered 15-11 Standard terminology
to determine if 8-5 Inadequate management publications packaging 14-4 Inadequate enforcement of not used
 Not Applicable qualified for job construction
of change system 10-6 11-6 Inadequate audit /
Inadequate 12-7 Material shelf life PSP 15-12 Verification /
7-4 No training provided 8-6 Inadequate incident inspection / monitoring exceeded •inadequate monitoring of repeat back
• need for training not assessment of
reporting / investigation • no documentation
operational 12-8 Improper identification work techniques not used
identified system • no correction of hazardous •inadequate supervisory 15-13 Messages too long
• training records readiness
8-7 Inadequate or lack of 10-7 responsibility
Inadequate materials knowledge 15-14 Speech interference
incorrect or out of safety meetings assigned 12-9 Improper salvage •inadequate reinforcement
date monitoring of initial 15-15 Other
8-8 Inadequate performance • no accountability for
operation and / or waste •non-compliance not
• new work methods measurement & corrective action disposal corrected  Not Applicable
For each identified critical factor, consider if any of the listed root introduced without 10-8 Inadequate
assessment 11-7 Inadequate job
evaluation and / or 12-10 Inadequate use of 14-5 Inadequate communication of
cause categories apply. If 'yes,' circle the specific root cause. training placement safety and health data PSP
If none of the root causes in the category apply, then check the • decision made not 8-9 Other documentation of
• appropriate
change 12-11 Other •incomplete distribution to
'not applicable' box at the bottom of the column. to train  Not Applicable personnel not work groups
7-5 Other 10-9 Other identified  Not Applicable •inadequate translation to
 Not Applicable • appropriate appropriate languages
 Not Applicable
personnel not •incomplete integration with
available training
• appropriate •outTITLE: Comprehensive
of date revisions still in List of Causes
Safety Team, HSE Group
• Align with KOC HSE Management system elements provided 14-6 Other
11-8 Other Kuwait oil Company K.S.C
Training, competency Operations and Contractors commitment and  and Not Applicable
Leadership, Commitment Risk Assessment , Management Facilities Design and Crisis preparedness Incidents Analysis and
 Interaction with Employees,
Not Applicable Auditing, Assurance, Measurement
Management of Change
and Accountability and Behaviours Construction Prevention Stakeholders Regulators & involvement Documentation and Improvement
and Compliance community
Look at Breakdown of Causes of Incidents !

Direct Cause % Indicators

Aging, corrosion, wear 9
Abnormal process 5 1 Serious/disabling
Fault 10
10 Minor injury
Improper design 6.8
Improper material 5.8 Damage only
Other abnormality 8.3
Improper inspection 10.8 Near miss
Improper repair 5
Other human error 15.8
Unknown !!! 10
Insurance Risk Rating
Risk Rating

Plant & Inherent Fire
Location Systems
Buildings Process Risk Protection
& Procedures

Failure Mode distribution for Crude Oil

Internal corrosion
Earthquake External corrosion
11% Damage by Others
7% 25%
Natural Hazards 4%
Construction Damage
Weld Failure
5% Earth movement
3rd Party Risks 3%
15% Overpressure
Pipe Failure
16% Valve/fitting
Investigation Findings
The immediate reason for the initial leak
 Inability of a section of 40+ years old pipe-work, weakened by
external corrosion, to contain higher than normal operating
Root Causes

Production vs. Safety

• …. a consistent strong drive to maximum production from North
Kuwait, throughout the KOC organisation

Technical Integrity of Existing Plants & Modifications

• The responsibility for technical integrity… is not clearly defined
• KOC organisation has a high tolerance for leaks and poor
Key Finding

• GC15 lost its technical integrity because of a failure in the

management of integrity, affecting all of its operational
facilities and that KOC should …..

• “Conduct an integrity management review, develop in-house

capability & accountability for the management of integrity.”

• How…
– Use the right PEOPLE
– doing the right things (PROCESSES)
– in the right way (BEHAVIOURS)
– Operate within the technical limits (pressure and
temperature) of the capability of the HARDWARE
Manpower Hazard
Leadership Evaluation In-plant
Accountability facilities
Awareness Management
& Authority of Change Pipelines &
Compliance associated
Skills & Emergency
Abilities works
People Behaviours Processes Hardware
Issues….. Issues…. Facilities integrity
Wells and
Organisation & protective
Ethics Flow lines
Direct hire Motivation
PC’s & Assurance Plant
Contractors Tolerance monitoring
& other
Trust Investigation
What Challenges Do we Face?

 What Standard of Integrity do we want to achieve ?

? What’s the right organization to deliver IM in


? Develop a process that people understand & a

language to describe & discuss Integrity issues.

? What Key Result Areas and measures (KPIs) should we

use to assess performance

? What’s the right pace to implement Integrity Management?

? How much are you willing to spend to

achieve the standard? i.e. define ALARP
Key Question

“What’s the chance of a major accident

in my plant / asset?”

 Know what threatens delivery of

your performance contract
 Understand the possible
consequences of an accident
 Assess the likelihood of an accident

 Decide how much you are willing to spend to

prevent it.
Integrity Management Standard
• Sits under HSE Policy
HSE Policy
• Comprises 11 Elements
Training, Competency
& 3rd Party Con. IM
Crisis Preparedness
Safety Rules
HSE Incident Analysis & Prev Environmental
Policy Expectations
IM Operation and
Standard Maintenance

Facilities Design
And Construction
Asset Integrity Protective Systems
Management Strategy
Risk Assessment
and Management
Business Processes Information and

Auditing, Assurance,
Measurements & CI
Procedures, Standards,& Practices
KOC Integrity Management
People Process
Data Management
Ownership and & Documentation
Hazards & Risk
Competency Effective Integrity
Assurance Management of
Management Change
(11 Elements) Emergency

Plant Incident
Facility Design and Construction
Assessment &
Operations and Maintenance Continuous
Protective Systems Improvements
How Does Risk Management Work?

“What’s the chance of a major accident in my asset ?”

“Show me the evidence for your assertion”

Operations Manager “What have you done to reduce the risk?”

Loss of Gas Loss of Oil Radient Heat High

Last year’s Risk Register

Containment Containment Temperature
Wellheads &
Inlet Headers


Updated Risk Register

Export System Loss of Gas Loss of Oil Radient Heat High
Containment Containment Temperature
Condensate Wellheads &
Systems Flowlines
Inlet Headers Area Area Area Area Area
Glycol & A B C D E

KPI Scorecard
Dehyradtion Separators PS/IM ELEMENT
Electrical Sub- Stations Export System 1. Hazard Evaluation
a. Number of outstanding HAZID / HAZOPs from schedule
Chemical Storage Condensate b. Percent assets/sites with hazard register in place
Systems c. Percent operating envelopes defined and used
Buildings Desalters 3. Mechanical Integrity
Water Handling
Glycol &

Proposed Workplan
a. Percent cathodic protection in compliance
Dehyradtion b. Leaks and spills per month
General Site c. Overdue Integrity Management related repairs
Electrical Sub- Stations
d. Percent corrosion inhibitor pumped versus plan
e. Number of inspection saved failures
Chemical Storage 4. Protective Systems
Buildings a. Overdue SCE inspections
b. Overrides, inhibits and interlocks
Water Handling c. Percent relief valves with overdue certification
Systems d. No. of SCE temporary equip. exceeding approved time limit
General Site 5. Competent People
a. Percent training completed versus plan
b. CMAS implementation
c%. ISSOW training completed
6. Incident Investigation
a. HIPO investigations completed & communicated in 24 hrs
7. Emergency Response
a. Spill drills completed versus planned
b. Contingency plans reviewed versus required
8. Performance Management & Assu rance
a. Number of Integrity Management audits completed
b. Number of OVP assessments completed
c. Number of excursions outside operating envelope
d. Number of routine maintenance issues outstanding
Improvement and Sustainability

Technical Integrity

Fix-the-kit Total

Assess………………Fix………………. Sustain
Interrelationship between the Entities that influence the Asset
Five Year Rolling Plan Rev. 0

2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11

Q-1 Q-2 Q-3 Q-4 Q-1 Q-2 Q-3 Q-4 Q-1 Q-2 Q-3 Q-4 Q-1 Q-2 Q-3 Q-4 Q-1 Q-2 Q-3 Q-4
Ownership & Accountability
1. Designate Single Point Accountability, Engineering Authorities and
Technical Authorities for each asset

Data Management & Documentation

2. Develop Central database which is readily accessible, accurate,
periodically reviewed and managed

Hazards & Risk Management

Relevant Risk Assessments are carried out, maintain Hazard & Risk
Register, SCE Register, periodic re-assessment ensuring risks are
managed ALARP

Protective Systems
All Protective Systems are identifed and in place as per risk
assessments, fit-for-purpose, maintain over-ride/by-pass register and
SILA carried out as necessary

Facilities Design & Construction

Incorporate priciples of inherent safety, best available technology,
capture lessons learnt and ensure IM process to all stages from
design to construction to commissioning/ decommissioning

Operations & Maintenance

All operating, maintenance and inspection programs including asset
integrity program in place to sustain safety and security of the
Company's operations

Competency Assurance
7. Adequate, qualified and competent workforce with appropriate
training programs alongwith assessment / evaluation system

Management of Change
MOC is applied to all temporary and permanent changes, ensure
revision of all procedures / programs to reflect the changes and
confirm with pre-start up and post-implementation IM reviews

Emergency Management
All EM plans in place to address the full range of identified hazards
and risks, adequate guidance and resources for mobilization with a
feed-back mechanism to ensure the plans are understood by all
Incident Investigation & Prevention
All Major and high potential incidents investigated, root causes
10. identified and published, all minor incidents investigated to capture
lessons learnt, all outcomes communicated to all and critical
equipments certified fit-for-purpose after any incident
Assessments & Continuous Improvements
KPI set to evaluate compliance and performance, audits and self-
11. assessments in place to confirm effectiveness and progress,
periodic IM reviews to absorb lessons learnt and to achieve a robust
integrity management
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
IM Standard
Introduction Implementation KOC’s Directorates
to IM in Assets Reorganization
Asset IM KPI
2004 2006 2008 2010 2020

2005 2007 2009

KOC’s 5 Yr IM Rollout Plan


Chemical injection system

• Zero clamping policy - Sustainable Prodn
• ESD Testing & PSV Inspection Assets+ Flowlines+Pipelines capacity: Oil& Gas
• Safety Critical Equipment
• Fire & Gas Detection system
- Fit For Purpose”
• New KPIs to be agreed: Flow lines / Facilities
Pipelines - Compliance with
IM Requirements: KPIs for Gas Wells+Drill Rigs+EPF+CN 2020 Strategy

- Gas Development Group (FD, drilling, workover) - Compliance with

- Gas Management Group (Consumer Network)
- Fire & security Group KPC/EPA
Capital Projects+Proj Mng Cycle+ - Competent
IM Requirements: KPIs for
New Crude Export+New Facilities Proj Organisation

- Industrial Services group

- Major Projects Groups I&II - Sustainable O & M
- Engineering Group
Rehabilitation Philosophy
- Commercial Affairs Group Drilling & Explo Opts+ Well - Achieving EOR &
Surveillance+ New Tech Heavy Oil targets
IM Requirements: KPI for

Application - Regional Leader

- Drilling Operations & Exploration Group
- Prod Dev Support Group
- R&T and IT Groups
Initial IM KPIs

 Safety overrides & inhibits

 Defective F & G detectors
 Chemical Dosing
 PSV Inspection Over due
 ESD testing
 Clamps
Status of IM ImplementationStatus of IM in WK
Q4: 2008-09
Sl. Target for
KPI Item IM Implementation-S&EK
the year Target Actual YTD Remarks
for Q4 Q4

Safety Overrides and Inhibits

1 (Percentage of existing % <7 <7 7 7 (As on Q2=7)
Overrides/Inhibits in place)
Lower actual
progress due to
Process Safety Valves
deferment of BS-
( Percentage of total number
2 % <1 <1 15% 15% 170 Tr. B & C to
of Process Safety Valves due
April 09 from Q2
for inspection / calibration)
due to clubbing
with flare project.
F&G Detection System (%
3 % >95 > 95 100 100

Emergency Shutdown Total 8 for 2008-

4 No. 5 1 4 8
Systems Tests 09

Chemical Injection system (%

5 of days within recommended % 80% 80% 80% 80%
Clamps installed in the facility
Needs major
6 (Number of existing No. 0 0 8 8
2 temporary clamps in place)
1. Ownership & Accountability
1.1 Establish Directorate IM Committee as given below and develop an IM rolling plan:
• SPA (DMD of the directorate)
• EA (Engineering Authority of the Directorate - Manager Level) - 1 no.
• TA (Technical Authorities of the directorate - Team Leader Level) - 2 no.
• IM Team (represented by Members from all the teams involved in the
IM of the directorate)

1.2 No. of review meetings held by the established IM Committee to discuss the IM
implementation issues and progress of action items
2. Assessments & Continuous Improvements
2.1 Number of IM related audits/self-assessments conducted per annum with follow-ups
to confirm the effectiveness and progress of the integrity management standard

2.2 Percentage of Contractor Organizations covered by audits

3. Data Management & Documentation

3.1 Percentage (%) Sites with up-to-date P&IDs, reviewed to ensure validity and
accuracy, including updated for changes/modifications
3.2 Percentage (%) Sites with up-to-date Operating and Maintenance Procedures.

3.3 Review of all projects for compliance with all the stipulated codes, standards and
procedures. (TS directorate)
4. Hazards & Risk Management
4.1 Percentage of facilities covered under full Process Hazard Analysis (PHA), that is,
PHA carried out for the entire facility, including pipelines and ensuring defined safe
design envelope
4.2 Percentage of AIR/QRA amalgamated action plan recommendations closed

4.3 Percentage (%) of projects reviewed in the concept and FEED stage to ensure
incorporating Inherent Safe design. (TS directorate)

5. Protective Systems
5.1 Percentage of facilities with Register of Safety Critical Equipment (SCE) identified as
per KOC IM Guidelines (one per facility)
5.2 Percentage (%) of facilities where SIL assessment (safety integrity level) of the SCE
equipment are conducted to identify / verify the protective system requirements.

5.3 Percentage (%) of Overdue Safety Critical Work Orders (E&PD Directorate)

6. Facilities Design & Construction

6.1 Percentage of Projects with timley completion of PHSER for all the respective stages
as per Procedure (One PHSER per phase per project)
6.2 Implement an effective tracking system for closure of recommendations and action
items from risk studies and PHSERs, including the Pre-start up Reviews.
7. Operations & Maintenance
7.1 Percentage of facilities that have implemented the RBI (risk based inspection)

7.2 Percentage (%) of overdue inspection/repair/maintenance tasks

8. Management of Change
8.1 Percentage (%) of all changes that are carried out in compliance with KOC MOC
9. Incident Investigation & Prevention
9.1 No. of lessons learnt/root causes related to IM issues from incident investigations
elsewhere absorbed and self-assessed for own operations to prevent occurrence of
similar incidents.
10. Emergency Management
10.1 Site specific emergency response procedure/plan (ERP) established to address the
full range of identified hazards and risks including the major accident risks.
10.2 Percentage (%) of recommendations from the mock ER drills implemented (some
drills need coordination with mutual aid)
10.3 Percentage(%) of emergency response equipments tested fit for purpose.
10.4 System in place to evaluate the head count at any given time at all facilities and
11. Competency Assurance

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