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I. Answer these questions according to the reading. (5 pts.

1. What is the main damage from the use of cell phones in humans according to
most scientists?

The most surprising fact discovered by investigators is that people exposed to the radiation of
a cellular phone for 45 minutes went to the bathroom twice as many times as people who did
not use cell phones. This proves that radiation has a biological effect on humans

2. How this ageing affects skin?

If you keep on using a mobile phone, it will probably cause premature ageing, which might be
rather difficult to get over. At least this is what most scientists say. Low-level radiation from
the phone may heat up body cells, damaging skin and making it look slightly lined and tired.
Scientists say that if you expose cells to the radiation from a cellular phone, the natural
process that repairs your skin will probably be affected.

3. What other effects radiation can produce?

Furthermore, radiation produces mutations in the cells and these mutations could be related
to other health problems.

4. What other symptoms are caused by radiation emissions?

Cell phone users have also found out that if they use their phone for a long time they feel
other symptoms such as fatigue and memory loss. The fatigue may be caused because,
when using phones, people suffer an involuntary speeding up of their heart beat. Apart from
that, nearly two in three people asked complain of regular headaches from using their
phones, although this may be due to bad posture rather than radiation emissions.

5. Explain the findings on the biological effect on humans.

In this reading about Cell Phones, mencioned that the damage of the radiation is a reality in
our life.

The cientifics appoint that the bad effect of longer use of the cell phones in our life. The abuse
of this element that are converted indispensable for the job, investigations, fun and other tells
us that all in control is better, and also tell us that the risk to our health of the abuse of the cell
II. Answer T for True and F for False. (5 pts.)

1. ___T__ The continuing use of cell phones can cause premature ageing.

2. __F___ The effects of cell phones are simple so much so to come to a point of a rapid
overcoming of effects.

3. __T___ Cell phones radiation can damage skin making it look slightly lined and

4. __F___ The mutations produced by cell phones help prevent from other health

5. __T___ Some symptoms associated with cell phone are the ones felt by their users
such as fatigue, memory loss, and headaches.

III. Write a short paragraph (5 lines) and give your point of view about this topic. (5 pts.)

In this reading about Cell Phones it is mentioned that radiation damage is a reality in our lives.
Scientists point out that the negative effect is higth for prolonged use of cell phones, because
cause Skin damage, headtache, fatige, and mutations in our cells.
The abuse of this element that becomes essential for work, research, fun also tells us that the
risk to our health from the abuse of cell phones can be hight, if dont be controled,

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