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Praktikum Bahan
Perkerasan Jalan

Heriansyah Putra
Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan

Pertemuan 1
Standard Terminology Relating to Materials for Roads and
Pavements (ASTM D 8 – 02)

Aggregate - a granular material of mineral composition such as sand,

gravel, shell, slag, or crushed stone, used with a cementing medium
to form mortars or concrete, or alone as in base courses, railroad
ballasts, etc.

Coarse Aggregate - aggregate predominantly retained on the 4.75-

mm (No. 4) sieve: or (2) that portion of an aggregate retained on the
4.75-mm (No. 4) sieve.

Fine Aggregate - aggregate passing the 3⁄8-in. (9.5-mm) sieve and

almost entirely passing the 4.75-mm (No. 4) sieve and predominantly
retained on the 75-μm (No. 200) sieve: or (2) that portion of an
aggregate passing the 4.75-mm (No. 4) sieve and retained on the 75-
μm (No. 200) sieve.

Inspiring Innovation with Integrity

Principle of Aggregate Testing
Specific gravity
Soil Grainsize Soil Classification
Atterberg limits

Inspiring Innovation with Integrity

Principle of Aggregate Testing

Sludge content
Organic content
Fineness modulus
Specific gravity
Grainsize Mix Design
Water content Calculation
and absorption

Unit weight Application

Inspiring Innovation with Integrity

Principle of Aggregate Testing

Acuan: SII 0052-80

Acuan: SNI 03 – 2834 - 2000

Inspiring Innovation with Integrity
Principle of Aggregate Testing
Road and Pavement
Coarse Aggregate

Inspiring Innovation with Integrity

Principle of Aggregate Testing
Road and Pavement
Coarse Aggregate
1. Fraksi agregat kasar untuk keperluan pengujian harus terdiri
atas batu pecah dan harus disediakan dalam ukuran-ukuran
nominal tunggal;
2. Fraksi agregat kasar dalam petunjuk ini adalah agregat yang
tertahan diatas saringan No. 4 (4.75 mm);
3. Agregat kasar yang digunakan, dalam hal apapun tidak boleh
menggunakan agregat kasar kotor dan berdebu serta jumlah
bahan lolos ukuran 0,075 mm tidak boleh lebih besar dari 1%;
4. Agregat kasar harus bersih, keras, awet, bebas dari lempung
atau bahan-bahan lain yang tidak dikehendaki dan harus
memenuhi persyaratan yang diberikan pada Tabel

Inspiring Innovation with Integrity

Principle of Aggregate Testing
Road and Pavement
Fine Aggregate

Inspiring Innovation with Integrity

Principle of Aggregate Testing
Road and Pavement
Fine Aggregate
1. Agregat halus terdiri atas agregat hasil pemecah batu (abu
batu) atau pasir alam dengan ukuran lolos saringan No. 4 (4.75
2. Agregat halus harus terdiri atas partikel-partikel yang bersih,
keras, tidak mengandung lempung atau bahan lain yang tidak
dikehendaki. Abu batu harus dihasilkan dari batu yang
memenuhi persyaratan dalam Tabel 2. Pasir alam dan abu
batu tidak boleh mengandung bahan yang lolos saringan 0,075
mm (SNI 03-4142-1996) lebih dari 8% dan diuji dengan Setara
Pasir (SNI 03-4428-1997) tidak kurang dari 50%.

Inspiring Innovation with Integrity

Principle of Aggregate Testing
Road and Pavement

Inspiring Innovation with Integrity

Aggregate Testing for Road and Pavement
D 75 – 03 : Standard Practice for Sampling Aggregates
This practice covers sampling of coarse and fine aggregates for the following
• Preliminary investigation of the potential source of supply,
• Control of the product at the source of supply,
• Control of the operations at the site of use, and
• Acceptance or rejection of the materials.

Significance and Use

• Sampling is equally as important as the testing, and the sampler shall use every
precaution to obtain samples that will show the nature and condition of the
materials which they represent.
• Samples for preliminary investigation tests are obtained by the party responsible
for development of the potential source (Note 2). Samples of materials for control
of the production at the source or control of the work at the site of use are obtained
by the manufacturer, contractor, or other parties responsible for accomplishing the
work. Samples for tests to be used in acceptance or rejection decisions by the
purchaser are obtained by the purchaser or his authorized representative.
Inspiring Innovation with Integrity
Aggregate Testing for Road and Pavement

D 448 – 03a : Standard Classification for

Sizes of Aggregate for Road and Bridge Construction

• This classification defines aggregate size designations and ranges in
mechanical analyses for standard sizes of coarse aggregate and screenings
for use in the construction and maintenance of various types of highways and
• With regard to sieve sizes and the size of aggregate as determined by the
use of testing sieves, the values in inch pound units are shown for the
convenience of the user; however, the standard sieve designation shown in
parentheses is the standard value as stated in Specification E 11.

Significance and Use

Some contract documents specify certain aggregate sizes for specific uses or may
suggest one or more of these sizes as appropriate for the preparation of various end-
product mixtures. In some cases, closer limits on variability of the aggregate grading
are required.
Inspiring Innovation with Integrity
Aggregate Testing for Road and Pavement

D 3398 – 00 : Standard Test Method for

Index of Aggregate Particle Shape and Texture

• This test method covers the determination of the particle index of aggregate
as an overall measure of particle shape and texture characteristics.
• The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as the standard. The
SI units given in parentheses may be approximate, except with regard to
sieve size and size of aggregate, the standard SI designations shown in
parentheses are the standard as stated in Specification E 11.

Significance and Use

This test method provides an index value to the relative particle shape and texture
characteristics of aggregates. This value is a quantitative measure of the aggregate
shape and texture characteristics that may affect the performance of road and paving
mixtures. This test method has been successfully used to indicate the effects of these
characteristics on the compaction and strength characteristics of soil-aggregate and
asphalt concrete mixtures

Inspiring Innovation with Integrity

Aggregate Testing for Road and Pavement

D 3744 – 03 : Standard Test Method for Aggregate

Durability Index

• This test method covers the determination of a durability index of an aggregate. The
calculated durability index is a value indicating the relative resistance of an aggregate to
production of detrimental clay-like fines when subjected to the prescribed mechanical
methods of degradation.
• The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard. The values given in
parentheses are for information only.

Significance and Use

• This test method assigns an empirical value to the relative amount, fineness, and character of clay-
like material that may be generated in an aggregate when subjected to mechanical degradation.
• A minimum durability index is permitted to be specified to prohibit the use of an aggregate in
various construction applications that is prone to degradation, resulting in generation of clay-like
• This test method provides a rapid test for evaluation of the quality of a new aggregate source.
Research has indicated it may also be suitable for use instead of the sodium sulfate soundness test
for evaluating the durability characteristics of fine aggregate for use in portland-cement concrete,
thereby reducing the need for time-consuming and expensive soundness tests.
Inspiring Innovation with Integrity
Thank you for your kind
attention, and see you in the
next lesson

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