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Ghapter 1: Whols Numbers

ffi1 Multi-Digit

At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:

or wiih- regrouping ltvl+NS-lc-43.7); and
. solve word problems involving multi-digit multiplication'

The Circle of Mathematicians of 123 Elementary School solicits notebooks

to be
collected a total
donated to the schools in the far-flung area of a certain municipality. They
of 232packs of notebooks. lf each pack contains 12 notebooks, how rnany notebooks
the organization collect?

tetb Foeus
each' But
. To visualize the problem, we can draw 232.packs with 12 notebooks
drawing these willtake us time. lnstead, we represent them like below'

packs with 12
Based on our illustration, we Can now visualize that there are 232
232 x 12 = N'
notebooks each. Thus, we can simply put this into multiplication sentence as

Chopler 1: WHOIE NUMBERS lesson 1: Multi-Dlgit Multlplicolion

We can write the factors vertically perform the operation as shown below.
But, how does this worR?

Let us first recallthe terms involved in multiplication. Factors are the numbers
which we multiply. Product is the answer which we get in multiplication.

N ---+ product

ln multiplying a three-digit by a two-digit number, we follow these steps

Step 1: Multiply the ones place of Step 5: Multiply the tens place of
the multiplicand by the ones place of the the multiplicand by the tens place of the
multiplier. multiplier.

232 232
x72 x12
4 464
Step 2: Multiply the tens place of
the multiplicand by the ones place of the Step 6: Multiply the hundreds place
multiplier. of the multiplicand by the tens place of the

232 multiplier.
x12 232
64 x12
Step 3: Multiply the hundreds place
of the multiplicand by the ones place of
the multiplie
Step 7: Add the partial products.
x12 232
464 .
Step 4: Multiply the ones place of + 232
the multiplicand by the tens place of the 2784

Therefore, the Circle of
Mathematicians donate d 2 7 8;4 notebooks.

Teoching Molhemolics in lhe lnlermediole Grodes

Another way to multiply multi-digit numbers is through the use of Lattice
There are three steps to follow in multiplying numbers using Lattice Method'

Step 2: MultiPlY. Step 3: Add.

Step 1: PrePare.

2 3 2 3 2 3 2

2 2
%10 1 %lo 'o I
2 Y*1Yd% 2
2 Y^1Y61% 2

Using the Lattice Method, we still got2784 aq the answer'

is by abplying
Another method which we can use in multiplying pulti-digit numbers
(DPMA) which you have learned
the Distributive Property of Multiplication over Addition
when you were in the Primary grades.

Our number sentence is232 x 12 = N'

12 can be renamed as 10 + 2.
So, our new equationis232 x (10 + 2) = N'

Working the equation, we get the results as follows'

(232x 10)+ (232x2)

t-# '','
2t2O + 464


numbers, Be sure
Group by 3s. use the three methods in multiplying multi-step
your answers'
that each member works on a different method. Compare


Chopter l: WHOIE NUMBERS lesson l: Multi'Digit Mutllpllcolion

@ There are many methods in multiplying multi-step numbers. Some of them
are the long method, the lattice method and the distributive property of
multiplication over addition.

A. Multiply using the distributive property of multiplication over addition.
1. 113x24=
2. 245x36=
3. 561 x 42=
4. 896x57=
5. 1 342x78=

B. Use the lattice method in multiplying the pair of numbers.

1. 104x21=_
3. 474x67=
4. 598x58=
5. 1426x79=

C. Write the factors in column. Use long method in multiplying them.

1. 132x 13 =
3. 689x67=
4. 1405x93=
5. 3482x420=

D. Answer the problem. Show your compldte solution.

1. There are 24 bottles in one case of bottled water. How many bottles are there
in 104 cases?

2. A bag contains 500 beads. Mother bought one dozen bags of beads. How
many beads did mother buy in all?

3. Mang Dimok harvested 257 kilos of tomatoes today. One kilo has an average
of 25 pieces of tomatoes. He sold all, except 7 kilos which he kept for his
family's consumption. How many tomatoes did Mang Dimok sell this day?

Ieoching Moihemqiics in the lnlermediole Grodes

4. An auditorium has 110 rows with 36 chairs in each row. During the concert-
for-a-cause, all chairs are occupied, except the last row which has only 15
occupants. How manypeople are there in the auditorium?

The price of one calculator is ?113 if you buy more than 30.pieces. Mrs.
Dominguez bought 36 pieces. How much did she pay?

f:( letb fteffect
After learning this lesson, refl'ect on how it can be learned by your future pupils in
a more effective, creative, and meaningfulway. Discuss your:
1. Motivational Activity. I will use

2. Teaching Strategy. I viill employ

.3. Mode of Assessment. lwilladminister

Multiply 423 by 56, Use other methods in multiplicdtion other than what you have
learned in this lesson. You can search for other methods in the net. Share to the class your
new discovery.

https :// ble-digit-multi plication-practice/

https ://www. ication/
nttps ://www. ltiplication2. htmi
' lvw
https ://
https :l/www.youtu be. com/watch ?v= FJ 5q LWP3 Fqo
https :// bpM HA

Chopter l: WHOTE NUMBEnS [esson l: Muhl-DlgltMullipllcollon

Ghapter 1l
Whole l{umbers Division of 3- to

ffi2 4-Digit Numbers

by 1- to 2-Digit
At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
. divide 3- to 4-digit numbers by l-to 2-digit numbers without and with
remainder 1U+t tS-tf-S4.3); and
. solve word problems involving division of 3{o 4-digit numbbrs by 1- to
2-digit numbers.

A youth organization in Brgy. Zone t have raised 1 704 cans. of sardines to be

distributed among the typhoon victims. lf they will put 24 cans of sardines per box for
transport, how many boxes will they need?

lett Focus
To better understand the problem, we can illustrate this as follows,



1 704
With the aid of the illustration, the division sentence which we can form is


Teochlng Mothemolics ln the lnlehediob Grodes

1 704 is lhe dividend or thd number to be divided by another number while 24
is the dlvrsor which divides another number. N represents the quotient or the answer in
To divide large numbers, we can use the Family Method mnemonics: Dad,'
Mom, Sister, Brother, Rover. The initial letters stand for the steps in dividing large
numbers as Divide, Multiply, Subtract, Bring Down and Repeat or Remainder.

Step 1: Divide Repeat the process.

Step 1: Divide
24 ww 71
Step 2: Multiply 24 Ftu
- 168
Step 2: Multiply
Step 3: Subtract 71

24 11704
24r1:c/ - 168
- 168 24

Step 3: Subtract
Step 4: Bring Down

- 168
- 168
24 24

Since we do not have any more digit to bring down, we stop here.

Therefore, the youth organization needs 71 boxes to transport the cans of


How can we be sure that our answer is correct?

check, Quotient x Divisor = Dividend


Chopter l: WHOIE NUMBERS lesson 2: Dlvlslon of 3- to 4-Dlglt Numbers by l- to 2-Dlglt Numbers

Tl"o*"--Find a Oartnel. Let's play The Remainder Game!


The Remainder Game

Materials Needed:
. worksheet
. die
. paper clip
1. Spin the paper clip. The number where the
paper clip tends on is the dividend.
2. Roll the die. The number which appears on the top of the die will be the divisor.
3. Divide the numbers to find the quotient. lndicate the remainder, if there is any. An
example on how to do this is shown below.

Dit, lnat Di\, sor Jmber Sentence Remainder
4 ltll4.+ri=1:{4. 0

4. Take turns for ten rounds.

5. After ten rounds, add all the remainders. The player who gets the highest sum of the
remainders wins!

rver 1 r er 2
Dividend UIVISOT Number Remainder utvroeno Divlsor Number Remainder
Sentence Scntannc

Sum of the Remainders Sum of the Remainders

. To divide farge numbers we follow these steps: Divide, Multiply, Subtract,
Bring Dorain, and Repeat or Remainder.

Ieoching Molhemolics ln the lnlermedlote Grqdes

A. Divide. lndicate the remainder if there is any.

1. 156-0- 6. 11 lSsad-
2. l6-M- 7. 28tr4ff
3.2 lrgm- 8. 4e I 346s

12555 e. 73 lmoo-
9.3 12 6-oa 10. e8 [eJe3

B. Divide mentally
1. 136+2= 6.450 + 5 =
2. 204+6= 7. 336..+ 7 =
3: 546+3= .8.768+8=
4.702+9= 9.1944+6=
5. 1260+4= 10.2907+3=

C. Answer this. Then, find a rule in dividing multiples of 10.

1.100+10= 6.200 +20 =
2.1000+10= -
7.4 000 + 40 =
3. 10 000 + 100 = 8. 70 000 + 700 =
4. 100 000 + 100 = 9. 500 000 + 500 =
5.1000000+1000= 10. 9 000 000 + 3 000 =

D. Answer the problem

1, Gemma made 6 000 pieces of coconut balls. She placed 50 pieces in a
pack. How many packs of coconut baits haO she?
2. A katsa purse costs F13.00. lf $ngelica gave the cashier ?2 000.00 and
received a change of P19.00, how many pieces of purse did she buy?
3. Seven hundred fifty-six chairs were affanged in the school gym for i
program. lf 22chairs were put jn,a rorrv, how many more chairs are needed
to complete the last row?
4. Kathleen and Ryn had an equal number of polvoron After Kathleen gave
away 24 polvoron, Ryn had three tlmes as rnany polvoron as Kathleen.
How many polvoron did Ryn have?
5. On Monday, Nhic collected three times as many eggs as Kent. On Tuesday,
Nhic sold 100 eggs. Kent then had twice as many eggs as Nhic. How many
eggs did Kent have?

Chopter I: WHOTE NUMBERS lesson 2: Dlvlslon ol 3. to 4-Dlg[ Numbers by t - lo 2.Dlgll Numbers

Di( Aet's Re#ect
After learning this lesson, reflect on how it can be learned by your fOture
pupils in a more effective, creative, and meaningfulway.. Discuss your:

1. Motivational Aptivity. I will use

2. Teaching Strategy. lwill employ

3. tfllode of Assessment. I will administer

Create a word problem involvind division using the information below.
o Linda has 145 candies.
. Each friend received 4 candies each.

https ://www.ashleig nit-ready/

https ://www. homeschoolmath. neUworksheets/long-d ir)ision. php
https ://www. mathsisfu ivision. php
https ://www. ivision/larged ivset. html
https :// ng-d ivision-games-activitiesi

https ://www.youtu be. com/watch?v= Hd U-r7eMT!

Ieoching Mqlhemollcs in lhe lnlermedlote Grqdes

Ghapter 1: Whole Numbers

Order of

16l lesen Ouaeemes

At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
. simplify a series of operations on whole numbers involving more
than two operations using the PEMDAS or GEMDAS rule (MSNS-
ld-62.2); and
. solve word problems involving order of operations.

A pen costs F7.00 while a notebook ,costs thrice as the cost of the pen. Noel
bought 5 notebooks and 2 pens. He gave the cashier a F200-bill. How much change
did he get?

ts- fueus
Let's illustrate the problem in the Lesson Opener using models.

total cost of the
notebook items that Noel
notebook bougtit

notebook :

1 unit = P7.00
17 units = P7.00 x 17 = F 119 -+ total cost of the items that Noel bought
F2OO -F119 = F81 + change of Noel

Chopter l: WHOIE NUMBERS lesson 3: Order ol Operollons

Representing the problem using models helps us visualize easily. But doing
tfris may take a lot of oui time sometimes. Another way to soJve the problem is by
translating the word problem into an equation or number sentence.
Since the cost of a .notebook is thrice as that of the pen, we know that a
notebook costs U1. That is by multiplying P7 by 3. Putting it into a nurhber sentence,
vv.e can come up with this: 200 - [(5 x 21) + (2 x 7)] = 1y.

Looking at the number sentence can be confusing but remembering the rule on
how to work on this will help us arrive at the correct answer. Remember the mnemonics
GEMDAS. This is the manner on how to solve the equation from left to right:
Grouping symbols
Multiplication or Division
Addition or Subtraction

Let's go back to our number sentence, 2OO - I(5 , 21) + (2 x 111= 1t1.

parentheses, then brackets.


Then, if we have worked on the operations inside the grouping symbols, let us
qheck if there are eiponents involved in the sentence. ln our equation, there is none, so
we proceed solving.


Therefore, Noel received ?81.00 as change.


Find a pair. Work on this

maze by solving the firct item. 50+36+9x2

fihO tne correct answer out of

the given choices. lt will lead you
tq the nekt problem to solve. 50+(12-8-4) 7+(5x4,)+16

g- {18-6).2

Teoching illolhemolics ln lhe lnlermedlole Grodes

o To solve an equation involving order of operations, rememberthe mnemonics
GEMDAS (Grouping symbols, Exponents, Multiplication or Division and
Addition or Subtraction)

A. Solve the following using the order of operations.
1. 17+3-42= 6.102x48+4+300=
2. lx$+-lz= 7.(14+73)+7 x7 -
3. 4x7!9+3= 8.142-(7r2+11)=
4. 120-33+7= 9. 6 x (36 * 4) - (56 + 24)+ 5 =
5. 20+4 x 3-5 +28= 10..(4 + 8)z- 162 + ) + (5 x 6) = _
B. Put +, -, x, or + on the blank to make the equation correct. Use the symbols
only once.
1. 3_3_3_3=1 6. 5_5_5_5=6
2.3_3_3_3=2 7. 5_5_5_5=10
3. 3 '3 3-3=4 B. 5-5-5-5=25
4. 3_3_3_3=6 9. 5_5_5_5=30
5. 3 3 3 3=10 10.5 5 5 5=45
C. Answer the problem.

1. Nanay Lydia bought 5 dozens of atis for ?10.00 each. She sold all, except
5 pieces ior?12.00 each. How much profit did Nanay.Lydia make?

2. Adrian had some marbles. He gaye 37 to each of his 5 friends and still had
74 marbles left. How many marbles did Adrian have at first?

3. Angelie bought a pad paper and five identical pens for ?56.00. Dave
bought the same pad paper and three similar pens. Dave paid P14.00 less
than Angelie..What was the cost of the pad paper?

4. Philame had P4 200.00. After spending P880.00, she stiH lud hrvbe as
much money as Frenche. Find the total amount of money thry had al ftrst

5. Five hundred adults and children went to the show on Monday. The
admission ticket for each adult raras P20.00 while that for a child was
F15.OO. lf there were 325 ehildren who went to the show, fu the btd
amount collected by the show that day.

Chopter l: WHOTE NUI BERS lesson 3: Order ol Operolions

Di('s Reffect
After leaming this lesson, reflect on how it can be learned by your future pupils
in a more effective, creative, and meaningful way. Discuss your:

1. Motivational Activity. I will use

2. Teaching Strategy. I will employ

3. Mode of Assessment. I will administer

This is one of the famous mathematics equations which is being circulated

dnline in various social media sites. According to the survey, 73o/o of the people failed to
answer this. Try to crack the answer to this if you are a Mathaholic!

4x4+4x.4+4-4x4=? 1 4. pdf
or dero/o2Oofo/o20operations/Com mon % 20Coreo/o2ASheets. pdf
https ://www. rder-of-Operations/
https:i/ html
https ://www.youtu K528RA
https ://www. youtu be. com/watch?v=dXwGcgTldY
http ://www cu ppacocoa. com/math-g a me-target-n u mbe r-2l

Teochlng Molhemolics ln lhe lnlermedlote Grodes

Ghapter ft Whole Numbers

rE=*E* 4 !m:llentiar
[essa* Outeemes
At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
o describe the exponent and the base in a number expressed in
exponential notation (M6NS-llf-146);
. give the value of numbers expressed in exponential notation
. perform two or more different operations on whole numbers with or
without exponents and grouping symbols (MONS-llf-149); and
. solve word problems involving exponential notations.

There are 28 cartons of milk in a grocery store. How many cartons of milk are

I.eth Fae*s

28 is an example of a number written in

exponential is read as "2 to the eighth o Base - the number
powe/', "two to the eighth" or "2 raised to 8". multiplied by itself
2 is the base. lt is a number that gets multiplied
repeatedly a certain number of times. lt is written in Exponent - the number
o:f times the base is
regular size.
used as a factor.
8 i5 the exponent. The exponent tells the Lrri
number of times the base is to be multiplied by itself. lt
is written.smaller in the upper right of the Fase.
When written in expanded form, 28 is equal to 2 x 2 x2'x2x.2x2x2x,2.T.he
standard forrn of 28 is 256.
Therefore, there are 256 cartons of milk in a grocery store.

The most common exponents which we always encounter are 2 and 3. They are
read as "squared" and "cubed" respectively. Examples are,the following.

Chopter 1: WHOTE NUi,IBERS lesson 4: Exponenliol Nololion

Exponential Expanded Standard
Read As Form
Form Form
52 five squared 5x5 25
122 twelve squared 12x12 144
43 four cubed 4x4x4 64
103 ten cubed 10x10x10 1000

52 tells us to multiply 5 by itself twice and 122tells us to multiply 12 by itself

. 4s means that we multiply 4 by itself three times and 103 means that we
multiply 10 by itself thrice

I |&ten*lsfl}#
,/ ruler'
Measure one of the sides of the square. The.1, r' diffprent sized cubes
find its area. Note that area of the square is obtained ,/ different sized squares I
by squaring its side. We express the area in terms of r' worksheet I
square units. Lrr -rrrJ
Measure a side of a cube. Then, find its volume. Remember that volume of a cube
is computed by cubing its side (multiplying length of side 3 times). We express the volume
in terms of cubic units.

Do this together with your partner.

Area of a Square
Length of Side Exponential Form Area
in Finding the Area

Exponential Form
in Finding the Volume

. Exponential notation is the shortest way of writing repeated multiplication.
. The base is the number that is being multiplied repeatedly.
. Exponent tells us to multiply the number by itself certain number of times.

Teoching Molhemolics in the lhlermediole Grodes

A. Write in expanded form.
1. 26
3. 38
4. 75
5. 47

B. Complete the tdble by filling in the correct value.

Expanded Form ExponentialForm Standard Form
1 6x6xG
2 8x8
3 5x5x5x5
4 2x2x2x2x2x2x2
5 10x10x10x10x10

c. Find the value of x. D.' Perform the indicated operation.

1. xi = 100 1. 72+32=
2. x2=49 2. 103-03=
3. x3 = 125 3. 30 x22=
4. 2x2=32 4. 86+46=
5. x4+4=1300 5. 991 + 1ee =

the answer.
'1. 25 + 11- 62 ='
2. 7x33-92=
3. (4*5)'=3x5=
4. 18-4+)2 x ll=

1. Mr. Rudy owned a square piece of land with side 27 meters. What is its arga? '
2. A certain strain of bacteria doubles its number every minute. How many bacteria
will there be after 10 minutes if therb are 2 bacteria at the start?
3. Leonel charges P2OO.OO per square foot to lay a carpet, and an installation fee of
F1 OOO.O0. lfthe square room,has a slde'which m@sures 1?leet, how much will
it cost to carpet it?
4. Find the volume of the Rubik's cube at the right :

5. Agardener charges fl70.00 per squaie foot to lay sod. \ 2cm

lf Sol has a square garden which measures 6 feet on
each side, how much will he pay the gardener?

Chopter I;I{HOIE NUMBERS tesson 4: Exponenllol Nolollon 17

G. Can you think of a shorter way to solve these?
1. What is the ones digit of 1110?
2. What isthe lastdigitinthe productof 36 x 36 x 36 x 36 x 36 x 36 x 36 x 36 x
3. lf the base is 3 and the exponent is 100, what is the ones digit of the number
when written in standard form?
4. Find the units di$it of 987 654 x 98 764 x 9 874 x 984 x 94 x 4.
5. With what digit will the answer of 22020 end when written in standard form?

Di( let-s Re$eet
After learning this lesson, reflect on how it can be learned by your future pupils in
a more effective, creative, and meaningfulway. Discuss your:
1. Motivational Activity. I will use

2. Teaching Strategy. I will employ

3. Mode of Assessment. I will administer

' What is the ones digit of 12+ 22 + 32 + 42 + ... + 20192 + 2A202? Explain how did
you get your answer.'l-
https ://www. hel
https://wiuw. homeschool math. neVworksheets/exponents. ph p,ber-
mathgoodies. com/lessons/vol7/operations-exponents
hft ps ://rivww.
https ://
https :// mvpkhvW8

Ieoching Molhemolics in lhe lnlemedlole Grodes

Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. I bought 2 books and 5 pens. lf a book costs twice the cost of pen and a book
costs P228, how much wi[ I fay in all?
A. F513 B. F1 026 e.,Fl 539 D.?2052
2. I have some beads. When I grouped them into 17 groups; each group has 328
beads. lf I grouped them into 34 groups, how many beads will there be in each
A. 5 576 B: 656 C.164 D. 82

3. When I divided a number by 23,1 got 126 as quotient and a remainder of 12. lf I

divideid the same number by 25, what remainder will I get?

A,0 B. 10 c.20 D.30

4. Aizel has twice as much savings as Maribeth. Arphym has half as much savings
as Maribeth. lf the total savings of the three girls amounted to F9 982, how much
savings has Maribeth?
A. ?713 B.?1 426 c.?2852 D.?5704

5. Anthony has five times as many cards as Juan.AfterAnthony lost 29 cards to

Juan in a game and gave away 58 cards to other friends, they have the same
number cards left. How many cards'does Anthony have originally?
A. 29 8.87 c. 116 D.145

6. The book that I am reading has 426 pages. For the first two days, I read 31 and
35 pages respectively. lf lwant to finish reading the book in 2 weeks with the
same number of pages per day, how many pages do I need to read per day in
the remaining days?
A. 30 B. 31 C.32 D. 33

7. Shelley works 5 times a week eaming P975 per day. Out of her weekly salary
she gives three-fifths to her mother. How much money will be left with Shelley at
the end of the week?
A. F3 900 8.?2925 c. P1 950 D. F975
8. Joan bought 60 doughnuts for P9.00 each. She placed them in boxes containing
half a dozen doughnuts per box. If she sells each box of doughnuts for P80.00,
how much does she earn?
A. P160 B. P260 c. F360 D. F460

9. Janire is thinking of a number. She added 4 to the number. Then, she multiplied
the sum by 8. The product is subtracted by 9. Finally, she divided the difference
by 5. She ended up with 43. What number is Janire thinking of?
A. 24 8.26 c.28 D.30

10. Find the value of 14 - 2 x d + lQ + !,.

A. 1',| 8.17 C. 53 D.72

11. Compute: 14+gx52+15 -(24+4)

A. 3 8.7 C.12 D. 15

Chopler I Check: WHOIE NUI BEIS

12. By how much greater is the product of 37 and 13 than the quotient of 1 944 and
A. 57 8.157 c.257 D.357

13. Stall A had twice as many avocados as Stall B. After Stall B displayed another
261 avocados, Stall B had 5 times as many syocados as StallA. How many
avocados did Stall A have at first?
A. 29 B.58 c.87 D. 116

14. 123 boys and 277 girls went to watch a puppet show. Each ticket costs P25. How
much money was collected in all?
A. F100 B. F1 000 c. P10 000 D. F100 000

15. There are 25 boys and 52 girls who joined in a Mathematics competition. How
many children joined in the competition?
A. 50 8.57 c.64 D.89

16. What is the ones digit of the standard form of 315?

A.0 B. 1 c.7 D.9

17. What is the value of 1000?

A. 1 000 B. 10 c. 1 D.0

18. Miss Cruz bought a square lot measuring 12 meters on a side. lf each square
meter costs P2 000, how much did Miss Cruz pay for the lot?
A. P288 000 B. F280 000 c. P188 000 D. F180 000

19. Nita had 2 4OO mangoes. She threw 15 rotten mangoes and packed the remain-
der equally into 15 boxes. How many mangoes were there in each box?
A. 179 B. 169 c. 159 D. 149

20. Myla bought a table and 4 chairs for P3 170. The tables costs P775 more than a
chair. How much did Myla pay for the 4 chairs?
A. ?479 B. F958 c.?1254 D. F1 916

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