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Also I’ll be splitting this up into sections in case you want to skim and don’t care about XYZ.
Also also, if you think this is inspired by XYZ, it probably is. I have like 7 things I’m drawing from lmao

Country History Overview

~200 years ago, two warring nations fought for control of the trade route in the strait between them.
The Therian Empire to the east, and Kesbian Empire to the west.

This war was creating difficulties in trade, which angered the merchant guilds on both sides of the
conflict. After over a decade, when fighting reached a peak, merchant guilds on both sides of the war
conspired to close all major ports, quickly and effectively bringing both nations to their knees.

The merchant guilds and people of both countries then worked to establish a new government, named
Uinthe after the old word for “Union” (Pronounced yune-thay). This is the nation that still presides over
both pieces of land to this day as a representative democracy.

To this day, eastern and western Uinthians

share a deep comradery and respect for
each other. This being said, there are
cultural differences that still exist between
the two. The east is generally considered to
be more “city” like (refined craftsmanship,
mining, etc.) while the west is considered
more “farm-y” (farming, practical skills,
naturalism, etc.)

Due to its origin, the government is still

largely composed of scholars, merchants,
and tradespeople. Because of this, a lot of energy is put into the acquisition of knowledge and the
perfecting of skills. This desire for research is the main reason they chose the capital Deor as the new
capital, instead of the old capital Haol.

Deor (capital) overview

Deor is full of scholars and trade, primarily because it is built near a geological formation called the
Abyss. As it is the capital city and a large inland trade city, it has a lot going on. Many merchant
factions, etc. In particular, Deor is known for metalworking and the beginnings of a small industrial
revolution (think steampunk-fantasy, if that makes sense). Clockwork, fine metal lattices, and a gothic
style of architecture make it a very distinct place.

The residents of Deor are known as “Brinksmen”, due to their proximity to the Abyss.

The Abyss
The Abyss is difficult to describe. The land “falls away” into a pit several miles in diameter. It would be
like if the Grand Canyon was centralized instead of a lot of turns and bends, if that makes sense. The
western half of the Abyss borders the capital of Deor, and several elevators have been made to help
traverse its geography.

The Abyss is a huge focus of research in Deor due to both its seemingly impossible geography (how
the hell was it created), and the strange effects it has on those who enter it. While most of the
information on the Abyss is kept in libraries where only permitted individuals may access it, there is a
decent amount of common knowledge on the Abyss known by those who simply live near it for long

1. Climbing down is fine, but climbing back up will make you dizzy and feel sick.
2. As you go further downwards, the likelihood of a message reaching someone up top gets
3. There are animals in the abyss that are not found elsewhere
4. There are plants in the abyss that are not found elsewhere, and which won’t grow elsewhere
a. There’s a whole trade for this shit, especially since some of the plants are really good
5. There are some good metals to be mined in it, but the work is hard and relatively dangerous.
6. Settlements go decently far down into the Abyss, because the land value is lower. Those areas
are considered the slums because of the adverse effects of climbing back up (dizziness &
a. A lot of miners live in the slums, since they don’t have to climb back up as far to get
home (and it’s way cheaper).
7. Every tourist’s main question is “what’s at the bottom?”. The people of Deor have been there
long enough that they either
a. don’t care that they don’t know,
b. have made peace with the fact that they don’t know, or
c. have spent a lot of time and energy trying to figure it out.

Character creation shit

We’re going to start in Deor. Whether you're a visitor or a resident is up to you!
Uinthe is a fairly diverse country, but the more ‘exotic’ races are likely here on trade business. If you
wanna play an exotic boi, lemme know and we can try and make it work :)

Fun facts!
● Beone and Biana are named similarly because they are sister cities. They’ve been sister cities
for as long as anyone can remember, even before Theria and Kesbia were at war.
● The east looks richer on the surface, but in reality the west has around the same amount of
money, they just don’t spend it on overly engineering bullshit.
● You don’t actually have to remember any of this! I’ll be beyond happy if you even read this far

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