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Name: Poblet Arteaga Molina Lind Grade: 4to C

I. Indicate whether the following statements are true or false. Provide a justification for your answer
in one to two sentences.
1. Esperanza's family owns the house on Mango Street . (False)(True)

“The house on Mango Street is ours”

2. Esperanza’s family moved house because they couldn’t pay any more rent. (False)(True)
“We had to leave the flat on Loomis quick. The water pipes broke and the landlord woudn´t fix them
because the house was too old

3. The house on Mango Street is big and comfortable. (False)(True)

“It´s small and red with tight steps in front and window”

4. Esperanza knows they are going to live in the house on Mango street for a very long time.


For the time being. Mama says. Temporary, says Papa. But I know how those things go.

ead the
following questions and choose the best answer based on the information provided in the text. “Boys
and Girls”
1. How does Esperanza feel about her new home on Answer the question: “My name”
Mango Street?
How does Esperanza feel about her name and why?
a) She is excited and happy to be there. 3. Why does the narrator feel the need for a best
b) She is disappointed and unhappy with it. c) She
a) She is afraid of being alone.
is indifferent and doesn't really care. d) She is
b) She wants someone to do things for her. c)
scared and worried about living there.
She wants to be popular and well-liked.

d) She wants someone to share her thoughts and

2.What does the narrator hope to find in a best friend?
experiences with.
a) Someone who will do her homework for her b)
Someone who will always agree with her
4. How does the narrator's use of imagery contribute
c) Someone she can share her secrets and sense of to the meaning of the passage?
humor with a) It emphasizes the narrator's loneliness and isolation.
d) Someone who will protect her from bullies b) It shows the narrator's desire to escape from her
current situation.

c) It highlights the narrator's sense of humor and

d) It suggests that the narrator is immature and

How does Esperanza feel about her name and why?

Provide a detailed explanation with at least two supporting examples from the text.
Esperanza feels she does not feel satisfied with her name and would like to change it, this can be seen in the
following sentence "I would like to be baptized with a new name", this is related to the fact that she does not feel
identified with her name, as it really is "a name more similar to my true self, one that no one sees.

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