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Opinion + Reason

1. How does our relationship with ourselves affect our relationships with others?
In my view, our relationship with ourselves affects the kind of people see us, therefore, in our
relationship with other people, for example, if one person hates himself, it can provoke
aggressive behaviors, then, people will have a perspective about him, acting according to it.
Or maybe, being angry with oneself, can cause sadness and loneliness, making that one
doesn't speak o interact with other people, being kind of weirdo for some people.

2. If we constantly put ourselves down and doubt our abilities, how can we ever achieve
our full potential and reach our goals?
From my perspective, we can achieve our potential by reflecting on ourselves, it is difficult, I
know, but nothing is impossible, you should find a way or a goal to follow and hold on to it,
but, before is important considerate your abilities and develop them, take your time.

3. What would happen if we stopped seeking validation and acceptance from others and
instead focused on accepting and loving ourselves?
I believe that if people put aside the approval of others and have more self-esteem, they
could develop in a better way and see things in a more positive way, they would stop
depending on other people and could live their lives freely, with confidence and security.

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