Análisis Recorrido Galerazamba

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Caribbean Autonomous University



Work Name:


Barranquilla, Atlántico

1.GLOSARY / ARCHITECTURAL VOCABULARY...................................3

2. WEBGRAPHY.......................................................................................5

1. Space: (Espacio) Space is a fundamental element in the creation of

architecture and refers to the physical dimension in which it develops,
which includes both the interior and exterior of a building, and must
be carefully designed to achieve the desired functionality and
2. User: (Usuario) The user is a fundamental part of the creation of
architecture, and their satisfaction and comfort are key to the success
of any project. The architect must carefully consider the needs and
requirements of the users when designing the architectural space.
3. Program: (Programa) The program is a fundamental tool for the
architect, since it allows establishing the guidelines for the design of
the architectural space and defining the objectives and criteria that
will guide the design process.
4. Context: (Contexto) Context refers to the physical, social, cultural,
and economic environment in which an architectural project is
5. Sustainable: (Sostenible) Sustainability implies creating an
architectural space that is respectful of the environment, socially just
and economically viable.
6. Typology: (Tipología) typology refers to the classification of buildings
according to their form, use and function.
7. Hierarchy: (Jerarquía) Hierarchy refers to the organization and
distribution of architectural elements in a space according to their
importance or function.
8. Dimension: (Dimensión) Dimension refers to the physical
measurements of an object or space. Dimension is expressed by the
three axes X, Y, and Z, and is used to define the size, shape, and
scale of architectural objects and spaces.
9. Flow: (Flujo) flow refers to the way people move and circulate
through a space.
10. Paralelepiped: (Paralelepípedo) A parallelepiped is a three-
dimensional geometric object that is characterized by having six
rectangular faces and is used in architecture as a basic constructive
element in the creation of buildings and other structures.
11. Parameter: (Parámetro) A parameter is a variable or element used to
define and control aspects of the design of an architectural project.
12. Infrastructure: (Infraestructura) Infrastructure is the set of basic
systems, facilities, and services necessary for the operation of a city
or region.
13. Cartesian: (Cartesiano) The term "Cartesian" refers to a design
approach that relies on geometry and mathematical precision, using
straight lines, right angles, and orthogonal planes to create ordered,
structured buildings.
14. Horizontality: (Horizontalidad) Horizontality is an architectural design
technique that focuses on creating prominent horizontal lines in the
building structure.
15. Verticality: (Verticalidad) Verticality is an architectural design
technique that focuses on creating prominent vertical lines in the
building structure.
16. Settings: (Configuración) Configuration is the arrangement and
organization of elements in an architectural space, and is a
fundamental part of the architectural design process that determines
the functionality, flow, and aesthetics of a space.
17. Diagram: (Diagrama) A diagram in architecture is a visual
representation of a concept or process, used to communicate and
visualize the organization and structure of the elements of an
architectural project.
18. Medium: (Soporte) A medium in architecture is a structural element
used to support or support other architectural elements, and it can be
of different types and materials.
19. Enclosure: (Recinto) An enclosure in architecture refers to an
enclosed space defined by walls, ceilings, and floors, designed for a
specific purpose, and can vary in shape, size, material, and users.
20. Pending: (Pendiente) A slope in architecture refers to an incline or
decline in the ground surface or in building elements, such as roofs
and stairs.

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