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Caburnay, Irene T.





Saving electricity and water can reduce the cost of the hotel. It conserves the earth and consuming less
will lessen the need for the production of energy. By doing this, it would be helpful to create a cleaner
and healthier air.

 By using minimum lighting when making up and cleaning rooms. Turn off corridor light, storage
room and maiden room when not in use.
 Create management plan to optimize the water and electricity consumption by establishing
metering process. It will identify savings, and measure performance. Encourage the staff to use
the energy and water if needed and maintain the practice.
 Start using the energy and water if needed, avoid wasting and save. After 1 year, the air is
cleaner and it lessen the cost.

Using Eco-Friendly Products

By using eco-friendly product, it can reduce some toxic waste and not harmful to human. It is also good
for the environment to lessen the strains.

 Avoid using products with harmful contents and chemicals. Using paper instead of plastic.
 Purchasing some products for the use in the hotel that contains product that is not harmful to
the environment. Letting the guest to use an amenities that is eco-friendly. Encouraging the staff
to avoid using product with a harmful chemicals.
 Start using and purchasing product that will benefit the guest and the environment. After some
year, using the eco-friendly product will save the earth, avoid some harmful waste and the
product is much safer.

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