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9.2 An electrical firm manufactures light bulbs that have a length of

life that is approximately normally distributed with a standard
deviation of 40 hours. If a sample of 30 bulbs has an average life of
780 hours, find a 96% confidence interval for the population mean of
all bulbs produced by this firm.
9.11 A machine produces metal pieces that are cylindrical in shape. A
sample of pieces is taken, and the diameters are found to be 1.01,
0.97, 1.03, 1.04, 0.99, 0.98, 0.99, 1.01, and 1.03 centimeters. Find a
99% confidence interval for the mean diameter of pieces from this
machine, assuming an approximately normal distribution.
9.35 A random sample of size n1 = 25, taken from a normal
population with a standard deviation σ1 = 5, has a mean ¯x1 = 80. A
second random sample of size n2 = 36, taken from a different normal
population with a standard deviation σ2 = 3, has a mean ¯x2 = 75.
Find a 94% confidence interval for µ1 − µ2.
9.40 In a study conducted at Virginia Tech on the development of
ectomycorrhizal, a symbiotic relationship between the roots of trees
and a fungus, in which minerals are transferred from the fungus to
the trees and sugars from the trees to the fungus, 20 northern red
oak seedlings exposed to the fungus Pisolithus tinctorus were grown
in a greenhouse. All seedlings were planted in the same type of soil
and received the same amount of sunshine and water. Half received
no nitrogen at planting time, to serve as a control, and the other half
received 368 ppm of nitrogen in the form NaNO3. The stem weights,
in grams, at the end of 140 days were recorded as follows:
No Nitrogen Nitrogen
0.32 0.26 Construct a 95% confidence interval
0.53 0.43 for the difference in the mean stem
0.28 0.47 weight between seedlings that
0.37 0.49 receive no nitrogen and those that
0.47 0.52 receive 368 ppm of nitrogen. Assume
0.43 0.75 the populations to be normally
0.36 0.79 distributed with equal variances
0.42 0.86
0.38 0.62
0.43 0.46
9.44 Referring to Exercise 9.43, find a 99% confidence interval for µ1 −
µ2 if tires of the two brands are assigned at random to the left and
right rear wheels of 8 taxis and the following distances, in kilometers,
are recorded:
Taxi Brand A Brand B
1 34,400 36,700
2 45,500 46,800
3 36,700 37,700
4 32,000 31,100
5 48,400 47,800
6 32,800 36,400
7 38,100 38,900
8 30,100 31,500
Assume that the differences
of the distances are approximately normally distributed.
9.46 The following data represent the running times of films
produced by two motion-picture companies.

Compan Time (minutes)

I 103 94 110 87 98
II 97 82 123 92 175 88 118
Compute a 90%
confidence interval for the difference between the average running
times of films produced by the two companies. Assume that the
running-time differences are approximately normally distributed
with unequal variances.
9.71 A manufacturer of car batteries claims that the batteries will
last, on average, 3 years with a variance of 1 year. If 5 of these
batteries have lifetimes of 1.9, 2.4, 3.0, 3.5, and 4.2 years, construct a
95% confidence interval for σ2 and decide if the manufacturer’s
claim that σ2 = 1 is valid. Assume the population of battery lives to
be approximately normally distributed.
9.79 Construct a 90% confidence interval for σ2 1/σ2 2 in Exercise
9.46 on page 295. Should we have assumed σ2 1 = σ2 2 in
constructing our confidence interval for µI − µII ?

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