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12 Dec. 1953–Marcsouze Innovation Inc: After arriving back here in Wales, we

immediately travelled to Newtown and went to our partner-company for this project – the

Marcsouze Innovation Inc. The initial phase of the construction process began as they

commenced in assembling the inner base of the machine. Good Lord, my dream has finally

come true!

What prompted me to innovate, you ask? Well, back when I was 10, I have

discovered that my family is that of a synthetic cord. Of course, I was hurt not being told for

a decade. Since then, it has always been my mission to find who my real parents are. Also, I

want to know the answers to my queries.

Inspired by the idea of chronoportation, I just do not want to help my personal

curiosity and longing but also the world’s desire to pull back the ticks of the clocks. I know

that through this invention, I can cure the scars of the past.

Well, that’s enough of that. I am talking too much.



What is that noise? Is there something wrong?

As I crept slowly towards the working area, I saw one mysterious person in a trench

coat trying to find something. SOMETHING! What could it be?

I draw closer to him with my arms extending towards the fibrous cloth of his coat. As

my hands went nearer, his foot stepped farther and farther. He hurriedly sprinted into the

broken glass window like that of a bullet pointed at the bull’s eye.
Who could he be? What prompted him to be here?

Well, I couldn’t answer these questions yet. Perhaps, I should do some investigation!

Oh, never mind. I still have so much things to do.

“Hey Louis, there’s a great news! The company estimated four months for the initial

construction to be completed. That means, the duration period for the full construction is

reduced. I suggest contacting our supplier to order more materials for the next phase,

immediately!” Dr. Malheureux said.

“That is good to know Doctor. I will surely contact it as soon as possible for the


14 Dec. 1953: I have already talked with the distributor for the materials and

thankfully, it will be delivered in a few weeks. I am absolutely overjoyed for the development

of my innovation. Seeing my sketched invention be constructed brings that beam of light

inside my head.

I often ask myself, “How could this young, ambitious man be granted such a huge

wish?” The answer does not always guarantee a consistent one. Well, it depends to

circumstances. If the odds are in favour of my plans in this project, I’d say ‘wish granted’.

However, misfortunes and imperfections equate to ‘wrath of destiny’.

However, one thing is certain: whatever may happen to this huge mission, I shall

commit to its realization.

25 Dec. 1953: Christmas day but it seems like it is Halloween. Well, ever since, I do

not really engage to joyous and loud celebrations. It feels like a pain in the stomach. I might

seem like a religious and superstitious person, yet I am quite the opposite. I enjoy sadistic

atmosphere greatly. GREATLY!

Nonetheless, there is a slight change of the wiring in my neurons. Why do I not take

pleasure in the sorrowful ambience anymore? Well, may it be because the materials were not

delivered yet? Do I finally feel the loneliness of an ‘autophile’?

While deeply rethinking my actions, I can feel a slight compression in my shoulder. It

was like being pierced by a large needle. As I slowly turned my head, I saw a familiar eye

being masked by a masquerade.

“I think I saw him before!” I exclaimed.

He then removed the opaque object blocking the moon-like figure of his face. We

looked so much alike!

“Who are ---”

My vision faded into darkness and could hear the silence of the clock.

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Ding!



I sluggishly opened my eyes and saw a blinding halo of light. It seemed like I was

lying on an operating bed. However, as my vision became clearer, I saw the man whom I

encountered earlier.
“Hmm, you are awake now. Well, you might recognize me as we both have the same

facial features. I tell you, it is not what you think it is. I am the man your hesitations spoke,”

the man said.

“Then, who are you?” I replied as I rose and sat down.

“Let me take you from where you have started.”

He brought me towards a mysterious object covered with a black satin cloth. He

grasped the fabric and gradually pulled it. Little by little, a wonderful revelation was

uncovered. It was the same as the machine on my sketch!

“Louis, this might be familiar to you. Am I right?” he asked.

My jaw dropped the moment its gear started to function. What the heck is happening

right now?

“This is what chronoportation machine would look like ten years from now,” he


“Wait, are you from the future?” I confusingly asked.

“The answer to your question lies from the back of your mind,” he replied.

He smirked and touched the back of my arms to pull me towards it.

“Sit and enjoy to a trip down memory lane! We are going back to 1932 in


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