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2/16/23, 8:37 PM English Quiz ( So...that, Such...

that) For XII MIPA

NAMA  : 
English Quiz ( So...that, Such...that) For XII KELAS  : 
30 Pertanyaan TANGGAL : 

1. He is..... mother like it.

so...that such...that

2. Ms.Irma has...... a new phone number..... everyone want to save it

so... that such...that

3. cat has..... sharp teeth.... it can eat the prey easily

so...that such...that

4. shark has.... a strong jaww.... it can crunch and rip its prey easily.

such...that so...that

5. Justin beiber is.... professional....he is able to entertain many people.

so...that such...that

6. She is.... a big girl .... she has to buy customized dress

such... that so... that

7. reading is.... interesting.... I can not pass the day without reading

such...that so...that

8. Ruben Onsu is..... popular.... he appears almost every day on TV

so... that such... that

9. Raditya Dika is...... talented writer.... I have never missed one of his books.

so... that such... that

10. The latest collection is.... amazing.... all of them are sold out before the show

so...that such...that 1/4
2/16/23, 8:37 PM English Quiz ( So...that, Such...that) For XII MIPA

11. My baby was crying...............loudly.......... grandmother stared at her.

so....that such....that

12. Ferdy is......... helpful........ the teachers love him.

so.....that such...that

13. There was.......... a lot of accidents.............the police were called

so....that such..... that

14. I've never seen..............many babies in the house........ I'm very surprised

such....that so.....that

15. This shoes is....... cheap....... my brother can buy it.

so....that such....that

16. Siska has...... many hobbies....everyone like to do activities with her.

so..that such..that

17. Herman is...... a lazy boy....many teachers angry with him

so... that such...that

18. There is....... a lot of argument..... makes us very confused

such... that so...that

19. Magen can make...... healthy food...... she can sell them.

such...that so...that

20. My little sister give me............ an insect...... make me happy to save it..

such...that so...that

21. There were....... many people came to my party..... I'm very happy

such...that so...that

22. Lamborghini is...... fast..... I want to buy it.

such....that. so...that 2/4
2/16/23, 8:37 PM English Quiz ( So...that, Such...that) For XII MIPA

23. It was....... a windy day yesterday....... I can't go outside.

so....that such...that

24. My sister give me....... a beautiful doll..... I am very happy

so..that such...that

25. They had....a bad night.....they couldn't sleep

so...that such...that

26. Most TV program are.... boring .....nobody watches them.

such... that so... that

27. This test was.... easy....I didn't need to check my answers.

so..that such...that

28. He is..... a good boy.... we always miss him.

such...that so...that

29. It was.... windy.....we couldn't go sailing.

so...that such..that

30. It was...... a hot day.....we decided to stay indoors.

such....that so...that 3/4
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