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Engineering Geology 80 (2005) 302 – 315

Slope stability evaluation using Back Propagation Neural Networks

H.B. Wang a,b,*, W.Y. Xu a, R.C. Xu c
Geotechnical Institute, Hohai University, Nanjing, 210098, PR China
Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, Gokasho, Uji, Kyoto 611-0011, Japan
Survey Institute of Three Gorges, the Yangtze Water Conservancy Committee, Yichang, 443003, PR China
Received 26 August 2004; received in revised form 1 June 2005; accepted 16 June 2005
Available online 25 July 2005


The Yudonghe landslide, located in western Hubei Province of China, consists of eastern and western subunits as well as a
main landslide mass with upper and lower slip surfaces. As an important landslide close to Shuibuya Dam on the Qing River, its
stability is crucial, as the slide might reactivate because of a change in ground-water level caused by filling of the Shuibuya
Reservoir. Existing weakness zones, growth of ruptures, the downslope attitude of geologic strata, and water infiltration, which
reduced the strength of rocks and soils, have been found to be the most important factors contributing to the Yudonghe
landslide. With regard to the landslide processes, it can be noted that the original large-scale slide activity was due to erosion by
the Qing River, the second sliding resulted from the fall of blocks from the head scarp, and the final activity was the growth of
the eastern and western secondary slides. A base failure was the main type of slope movement, however, it was obvious that
more than one sliding event occurred, as inferred from striations and fractures detected by microstructure analysis of soils along
the failure surfaces. Slope instability was evaluated by the method of Back Propagation Neural Networks (BPNN), in which a
four-layer BPNN model with five input nodes, two hidden layers, and two output nodes was constructed using a training data
set of landslide samples throughout the Qing River area. The predicted results of this analysis showed that the factor of safety
was 1.10, which indicates that the Yudonghe landslide is currently in a marginally stable condition.
D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Yudonghe landslide; Deformation mechanism; Back Propagation Neural Networks; Slope stability

1. Introduction

Slope failures are complex natural phenomena that

constitute a serious natural hazard in many countries.
They are responsible for hundreds of millions of
* Corresponding author. Disaster Prevention Research Institute, dollars of damage to public and private property
Kyoto University, Gokasho, Uji, Kyoto 611-0011, Japan. Tel.: +81
774 38 4107; fax: +81 774 38 4300.
every year. To prevent or mitigate the landslide dam-
E-mail address: age, slope-stability analyses and stabilization require
(H.B. Wang). an understanding and evaluation of the processes that
0013-7952/$ - see front matter D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
H.B. Wang et al. / Engineering Geology 80 (2005) 302–315 303

govern the behavior of the slopes. The factor of safety Black-box models, based on the Artificial Neural
(FS) based on an appropriate geotechnical model as an Networks (ANNs), currently attract many researchers
index of stability, is required in order to evaluate slope studying slope instability, owing to their successful
stability. Many variables are involved in slope stabil- performance in modeling non-linear multivariate pro-
ity evaluation and the calculation of the FS requires blems (Ni et al., 1995; Neaupane and Achet, 2004;
geometrical data, physical data on the geologic mate- Ermini et al., in press). The main characteristics of
rials and their shear-strength parameters (cohesion and ANNs in dealing with quantitative and qualitative
angle of internal friction), information on pore-water indexes include large-scale parallel-distributed proces-
pressures, etc. Traditionally, the methods available to sing, continuously nonlinear dynamics, collective
solve the FS of a given slope are classified into the computation, high fault tolerance, self organization,
following categories (Nash, 1987; Duncan, 1996): self learning, and real-time treatment (Rumelhart and
McClelland, 1986). It is important to point out that a
! Limit-equilibrium methods neural network system is a processing device, imple-
! Circular failure surface methods and non-circular mented as an algorithm or in hardware, which has
failure surface methods been motivated by the design and the function of
! Energy methods mammalian brains. ANNs react to training-data
! Finite-element or finite-difference methods (based input in such a way as to alter their initial state,
on stress–strain history of the slope) something no conventional algorithm does, i.e.,
they can learn (Lees, 1996). In this paper, a widely
It is recognized that landslides, often follow a used artificial neural network method, Back Propa-
power-law frequency–magnitude relation, and this gation Neural Networks (BPNN), is employed to
scale-invariance thus can be associated with self-or- assess slope instability based on analysis of its
ganized criticality (Pelletier et al., 1997; Turcotte, mechanisms and processes of slope failure.
1999; Stark and Hovius, 2001; Guzzetti et al., 2002;
Turcotte and Malamud, 2004). By definition, self-
organized criticality characterizes those systems that 2. Geologic setting
maintain themselves by rearranging their configura-
tion through internal feedback to a state in which a The Shuibuya Hydropower Project, including the
system parameter fluctuates with power-law-distribut- world’s largest rockfill dam, is the largest one of
ed adjustments around a marginally stable (metasta- three projects in the Qing River. To investigate
ble) critical value (Turcotte et al., 1999). Power-law engineering geological conditions at the dam site,
scaling for landslide magnitude–frequency has impli- a geological survey and field reconnaissance were
cations and useful applications in hazard assessment conducted prior to dam construction. It was found
(Hungr et al., 1999; Guzzetti et al., 2002). This be- that geoenvironmental conditions near and around
havior has been observed despite large differences in the planned dam site were very complicated; 18
landslide types, sizes, distributions, patterns, and trig- landslides and other slopes have the potential to
gering mechanisms. Therefore, it is natural to associ- reactivate or fail. The Yudonghe landslide is one
ate the sandpile model with naturally occurring of the largest of these prehistoric landslides, with a
landslides, which can be explained that if you drop volume of about 0.0235 km3. Possible damage
grains of sand on a pile, you get small landslides once from the Yudonghe landslide, mainly due to its po-
in a while, larger landslides less often, even larger tential reactivation to destroy roads and other facil-
ones even less often, etc. Since this model has large ities during dam construction, will be taken into
numbers of degrees of freedom and its behavior is account during the construction process. As one of
sensitive to its initial conditions, these conditions are the most important landslides, located only 2.3 km
termed bcomplex.Q To evaluate slope instability, the from the dam (Fig. 1), the analysis of its potential
complexity of the slope system requires employment failure mechanism and stability evaluation are cru-
of new methods that are efficient in predicting this cial in assessing the geological conditions of dam
non-linear characteristic of natural landslides. construction.
304 H.B. Wang et al. / Engineering Geology 80 (2005) 302–315

Fig. 1. Location of Yudonghe landslide.

Rocks belonging to the Silurian Shaomao forma- areas are covered by slope and alluvial deposits, and
tion outcrop in steep cliffs near the bank of the Qing the study area is structurally affected by a major set of
River; these rocks consist of sandy shale and sand- faults and folds that trends NS and a lesser set that
stone with small cracks in the pattern of nets. Large trends NNE (Fig. 2). The north–south folded struc-

Fig. 2. Geological sketch map showing landslides in the vicinity of Shuibuya Dam (after the Qingjiang Geological Survey, 1997).
H.B. Wang et al. / Engineering Geology 80 (2005) 302–315 305

tures are dominant; they include both the Sanyouping slide is fan-shaped with a volume of 0.0127 km3,
syncline and the Yudonghe anticline. Major faults, 54% of the total volume of the landslide. It can be
such as the Yancihe fault, the Longwangchong fault shown that the dip angles of bedrock in the lower
and the Yangliuci fault, also trend N–S in this region. slide is almost horizontal and the slope angle varies
Historical and seismological records note that 55 from 48 to 458 with the upper slope being steep and
earthquake events with magnitude greater than Ms the lower slopes gentle. It was found that three
4.75 have occurred in this region. The epicenters of different weak layers crop out in the lower slide at
these earthquakes have been located along NW, elevations of 219.7–226.2 m, 253.1–254.8 m and
NNW, and NE–NNE trending faults at a range of 286.0–289.6 m above sea level. Within three weak
about 100 km from the proposed dam. Only smaller layers, fractions of iron-rich sandstone in Xiejingsi
earthquakes were recorded closer to the dam. formation can be found in the highest layer. The
lower slide is mainly composed of poorly cemented
limestone masses and crushed rocks. The loose lime-
3. Yudonghe landslide stone masses with dimensions ranging from 1–1.5 m
were derived from limestone of the Permian Qixia
3.1. Description of the landslide formation.
The lower slide includes eastern and western sec-
The Yudonghe landslide, with an area of about ondary subunits. The eastern slide is shaped like fan
0.67 km2, is 2.3 km from the Shuibuya dam site. with a volume of up to 0.004 km3 and the western
This landslide consists of a main landslide mass and subunit has a volume of 0.0017 km3. The eastern slide
subsidiary smaller masses, namely eastern and west- developed a base failure shear zone that was exposed
ern subunits (Fig. 3). The toe of the landslide is in vertical shaft SJ1 and drilling pole ZK8. The shear
located at an elevation of 195 to 210 m above sea zone was mainly composed of clays and a few small
level. The toe of the eastern subunit is higher than that crushed stones, which were circular with diameters of
of the western subunit. Deep-cut gullies have devel- 2–5 cm. The vertical shaft SJ1 showed that the eastern
oped that bound the western landslide subunit, the slide stopped its movement on a terrace consisting of
deepest of which reaches a depth of 20 m. The main sandstone and limestone. This movement resulted in a
scarps are covered by dense forest, and the displaced discontinuity between undistorted sandy conglomer-
mass has been utilized for irrigation and an orange ate and bedrock.
orchard, as well as for residences.
The main landslide mass is composed of upper 3.2. Factors contributing to landsliding
and lower slides (Fig. 4). In the area of the upper
slide, the bedrock in this area dips downslope at an As previously described, various zones of weak-
angle of as much as 88, which is less than the slope ness are distributed throughout the geologic materials
gradient of 128–178. Bedrock includes zone of weak- that comprise the Yudonghe landslide area. At the
ness consisting of shale of the Xiejingsi formation. base of the slopes, soft bedrock with lower shear
The upper slide consists of limestone blocks and soil strength effectively provides naturally sliding sur-
with a few sandstone blocks dispersed along its faces, which contributed to the occurrence of the
edges. The sliding surface of the upper slide dips Yudonghe landslide. Moreover, fissured limestone of
toward the Qing River at an angle of 158. Based on the Qixia formation crops out on the steep slopes,
geophysical reconnaissance, the average thickness of whereas poorly cemented rock masses and low-shear
the upper slide is 20–35 m, with a maximum thick- strength strata of the Ma’an and Xiejingshi formations
ness of up to 50 m. cover the gentle slopes. The limestone mass on the
The lower slide, on the other hand, moved twice, steep slopes, especially above the crest of the land-
forming two sliding surfaces. The materials of the slide, included joints and tension cracks. In case of
lower slide were displaced along a curved surface, saturation during heavy rainfall, these cracks could
forming based siding. One explanation for this slump result in toppling, thus imposing a surcharge onto the
is river erosion at the base of the slope. The lower upper slope, causing landsliding.
306 H.B. Wang et al. / Engineering Geology 80 (2005) 302–315

Fig. 3. Engineering-geologic map of the Yudonghe landslide (after the Qingjiang Geological Survey, 1997).

Growth of ruptures without lateral displacement of tension fractures have developed in bedrock NE
and the downslope attitude of rock strata also of the Yudonghe landslide. With the increase of
played a role in the slope failure. Large numbers natural loads due to rock toppling, sets of disconti-
H.B. Wang et al. / Engineering Geology 80 (2005) 302–315 307

Fig. 4. Geological cross section through the Yudonghe landslide (after the Qingjiang Geological Survey, 1997).

nuities, including tension fractures and bedding (1) sliding activity at large scale due to the erosion of
surfaces, penetrated the bedrock; these rupture sur- the Qing River, (2) sliding activity resulting from fall
faces contributed to the initiation of the Yudonghe of head-scarp blocks, and (3) the final growth of the
landslide. eastern and western secondary subunits.
In addition, a significant contribution to the land- Gentle slopes were composed mainly of rocks with
slide occurrence resulted from infiltration of ground- low-shear strengths from the Permian Ma’an forma-
water and surface water thus reducing the strength of tion, Carboniferous units and the Devonian Xiejingshi
rocks and soils in the landslide-affected area. It has formation. With increasing accumulation of poorly
been noted that groundwater has drained through cemented limestone masses of the Qixia formation
several springs in the study area. This groundwater, toppling from the head scarp, some rock masses
which exited the slope through springs, resulted in were deposited at a lower elevation. Springs in the
increased erosion at the sliding surface and reduced landslide area softened the soils along the sliding
shear strength of dilatant soils. Undoubtedly, heavy surfaces, which also contributed to gradual failure of
rain during the May–June rainy season is one of the the slope.
main triggering factors for slope failures in western After this preliminary motion, a steep slope was
Hubei Province. Abundance of underground water formed at the base of the previous head scarp. Be-
and surface water accelerates the tendency of the cause there were rocks that were fragile and prone to
bedrock terraces to become weaker, which probably failure by extension, fracture systems developed in the
induced landsliding. To summarise, the Yudonghe steep slope. Rock masses from the head scarp fell to
landslide was caused by existing zones of weakness, accumulate on the gentler downslope, which was
growth of ruptures, downslope-dipping bedrock, and composed of marl, shale, and iron ore. Increasing
infiltration that resulted in decrease of rock and soil accumulation resulted in sliding along the bottom of
strengths. weak zones in the iron ore interlayer. Slope deposits
were carried to an elevation of 320 m, and then the
3.3. Landslide processes sliding stopped due to obstacles from existing down-
slope blocks.
To understand the development of the Yudonghe It should be noted here that the Yudonghe landslide
landslide and to analyze its mechanisms, the landslide failed 555.0 F 59.5 thousand years ago, based on
process was discussed in detail by Wang and Xu dating soil samples from the sliding surface by
(2002). Generally, the sequences of movement of means of the Electron Spin Resonance method
this landslide can be divided into three different states: (Wang and Xu, 2002).
308 H.B. Wang et al. / Engineering Geology 80 (2005) 302–315

Plate 1. Micro fractures of soils along the sliding surface of the Plate 3. Linear striations of soils along the sliding surface in the
Yudonghe landslide. Yudonghe landslide.

3.4. Microstructural analysis of soils along the sliding in the upper slip zones; the microstructures of these
surface soils along the sliding surface were analyzed by SEM.
The collected samples were kept in their original state
The Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) has and sealed in dry conditions to enable analysis of
been frequently employed to analyze the microstruc- microorganisms and soil-surface structures. This anal-
ture of soils in an attempt to assess their environmen- ysis was helpful in deciding what type of movement
tal and mechanical behavior (Mitchell, 1993). As an occurred in the main sliding event. After the samples
effective method to analyze landslide mechanisms, were prepared, soil microstructures were observed
especially to know the movement of sliding soils at under SEM. In the sliding zones of the Yudonghe
microscale, SEM has been used to obtain insight into landslide, linear striations and fractures of the soils
how often sliding has occurred and how the sliding were clearly developed (Plates 1–3), clay minerals
surface evolved from observation of soil samples from were oriented in the same direction (Plates 4 and 5),
the sliding surface (Yan, 2000). This insight can pro- microorganism growths were present (Plate 6), and
vide evidence of aid in assessing slope stability. To many minerals were subject to erosion (Plates 7 and
understand the main activity of the Yudonghe land- 8). Based on the distribution of striations and frac-
slide at microscale, field samples were collected with- tures, it can be inferred that more than one sliding

Plate 2. Micro slickensides in the sliding surface of the Yudonghe Plate 4. Directional array of clay minerals in soils along the sliding
landslide. surface of the Yudonghe landslide.
H.B. Wang et al. / Engineering Geology 80 (2005) 302–315 309

Plate 5. Directional array of clay minerals in soils along the sliding Plate 7. Erosion structure of feldspar in soils along the sliding
surface of the Yudonghe landslide. surface of the Yudonghe landslide.

The neurons are arranged in layers and are combined

event occurred, and that a base failure represented the
through excess connectivity. The predictive ability of
main type of slope failure.
the trained neural networks can be tested by adding
observations not included previously (Fig. 5).
There are many kinds of ANN models, among
4. Methods of study using Back Propagation
which the BPNN model is the most widely used
Neural Networks
(Rumelhart et al., 1986; Xia et al., 1997). The
most common configuration of BPNN is composed
ANNs are a powerful tool for prediction of non-
of three layers. In a feed-forward network, the layers
linearities. They can learn some target values (desired
are completely connected to one another; the config-
output) from a set of chosen input data that has been
uration is shown in Fig. 6. The model adjusts con-
introduced by means of input nodes, called b neu-
nection weights between nodes by learning to
ronsQ, into a computing network system under both
memorise every network learning and training pat-
supervised and self-adjusted or unsupervised learning
tern, each of which is composed of one input and
algorithms (Wasserman, 1989). Each processing unit
output pair.
adds weighted inputs and then applies a linear or
In the BPNN model, highly nonlinear correspon-
nonlinear function to the sum to determine the output.
dent relations of input and output can be generated by

Plate 6. Silky microorganisms distributed in soils along the sliding Plate 8. Different minerals overlapped in soils along the sliding
surface of the Yudonghe landslide. surface of the Yudonghe landslide.
310 H.B. Wang et al. / Engineering Geology 80 (2005) 302–315

Origina l data Desired output Changing

ANNs parameters

ANNs Not valid

Data processing
ANNs output
Other controlled
correlated with
training parameters
original data

New input data Trained ANNs


ANNs predicted

Fig. 5. Flow-chart methodology for Artificial Neural Networks.

self-adaptive learning of a large number of training Y = ( y 1, y 2, . . . , y p ). Wij is the connection weight from
patterns (Chen and Zhou, 2000). The procedure the node i of the input layer to node j of the mid-layer;
begins with attributing weights to connections in a W jk is the connection weight from node j of the
casual manner and of choosing input parameters. A hidden layer (also called the mid-layer) to node k of
calculated output is compared to what is expected and the output layer; h j is the bias of node j of the mid-
an error is determined. The procedure progresses in an layer; and h k is the bias of node k of the output layer.
iterative manner until it reaches convergence of the The steps in the BPNN algorithm can be briefly
calculated and expected output. This is a learning described as follows:
phase, in which a function of a neural network is
created. Fig. 7 presents a three-layer model to intro- (1) Initialize the network state. Initialize the net-
duce the learning algorithm; this method can be ex- work weights {Wij } and {W jk } and the biases
tended to multi-layer models. {h j }and {h k } with small random values.
The numbers of input nodes, mid-layer nodes and (2) Input the first learning pattern. Every learning
output nodes are m, l, and p , respectively. The input pattern is composed of {X} and { Y}.
at the input layer is X = (x 1, x 2, . . . , x m ); the mid-layer (3) Regard the {X} values of the learning pattern as
output is A = (a 1, a 2, a 3 . . . a l). The output layer output the output of input nodes {x i }, and compute S j
is ŷ = (ŷ 1, ŷ 2, . . . , ŷ p ); the prospective output target is and the related output a j of the hidden node (a j

Fig. 6. Structure of Back Propagation Neural Networks.

H.B. Wang et al. / Engineering Geology 80 (2005) 302–315 311

(6) Adjust weight W jk and bias h k of output node k

with error d k , related output a j , as well as the
weights Wij , the bias h j , and the input x i ,
according to the error-transmitted model.
(7) Input the next learning set of data, and repeat
the learning process with any new patterns from
step (3). If the error value E (E = A(ŷ k  Y k )2 / 2)
still exceeds a given small constant e, return to
step (2) to do the next learning cycle until the
expected minimum error is achieved.

The BPNN is trained by repeatedly presenting a

Fig. 7. Configuration of the three-layer BPNN. series of input/output pattern sets to networks. The
networks gradually learn the input/output relation-
is the same as the values of the mid-layer in a ship of interest by adjusting weights to minimise
three-layer network) with the weights {Wij }, the error between the actual and predicted output
biases {h j }, and inputs {x i }: patterns of the training sets. After the learning pro-
cess is completed, network weight coefficients can-
not be changed. In this model, use of networks with
Sj ¼ Wij xi  hj ð1Þ
only forward calculation is needed in pattern recog-
nition and prediction, and the calculation can be
  executed very quickly.
aj ¼ f Sj ð2Þ

where f is the Sigmoid function, generally f(x) =

a / (1 + exp( bx)). Here, f(x) = 1 / (1 + exp( x)). 5. Results
(4) Compute input U j and the related output Y k of
the output node k with mid-layer outputs {a j }, 5.1. Data preprocess
connection weights {W jk }, and bias h k of output
node k: Input variables in a BPNN model are the factors
influencing an evaluation target. Therefore, the issue
of preparing training samples arises. First, the prob-
Uk ¼ Wjk aj  hk ð3Þ
lem in determining influencing factors is that differ-
ent factors are influenced by different types of
Y k ¼ f ðUk Þ ð4Þ evaluation targets. The factors that influence slope
stability may be divided into internal and external
(5) Compute the error signal d k of the output node k causes. The internal causes are mainly the geomor-
from the expected outputs (target outputs) ŷ k of phic characteristics and properties of geologic mate-
the learning pattern and the actual output of the rials, such as friction, cohesion, density, and loading
network, according to the following equation: conditions. The external causes (triggers) are earth-
quakes, rainfall and groundwater, human activities,
d k ¼ ðŷy k  Yk Þŷy k ðŷy k  1Þ ð5Þ and erosion. The most relevant factors for rainfall-
Similarly, the error signal d j of the mid-layer induced landslides are rainfall intensity and long-
node j with d k , weights {W jk }, and a can be term volume of rain as the external causes, and
expressed as follows: friction and cohesion of soils as internal causes in
soil slides.
l In BPNN modeling, all of the training landslides
d j ¼ aj 1  aj Wjk dk ð6Þ and slopes that have the potential to fail were caused
j¼1 by the same environmental factors, and were then
312 H.B. Wang et al. / Engineering Geology 80 (2005) 302–315

described with qualitative and quantitative indices 5.2. Output of BPNN model
within these factors. The FS values of the training
samples have been computed employing limit-equi- In the BPNN model of this study, slope height and
librium analysis and other geotechnical evaluation angle, bulk density, cohesion and angle of internal
methods. As for the qualitative indices, it is better friction are input variables chosen as the main factors
to describe the state of a slope by means of values of that influence slope stability. These factors are based
1 and 0, which express stable and unstable condi- on exploration of typical, large-scale slopes that have
tions, respectively. The quantitative indices can be the potential to fail and on statistical analyses through-
processed by means of different normalization meth- out the Qing River basin (Table 1). In this study, all of
ods. For example, a treatment can be accomplished these data had to be processed using standard adjust-
for every index item, x i , of the samples, which are ment as input variables in the BPNN model. In terms
divided by the maximum item of x i , i.e., x i / (x i )max of the FS and slope stability, two methods, limit-
or (x i  (x i )min) / ((x i )max  (x i )min). The latter normal- equilibrium analysis and engineering geology evalua-
ization method is selected to preprocess input indices tion were employed to evaluate the stability of
in estimating training samples of the slope-stability training samples. After determination of the fac-
analysis. tors affecting slope stability, a four-layer BPNN

Table 1
Training samples for the BPNN model
Slope no. Slope Slope average u (8) c (KN/m3) c (KPa) Stabilitya Safety
elevation (m) angle (8) factor
01 400 18 15 22 29 0 1.04
02 380 23 19.8 23 24 0 1.15
03 196 30 30 22 40 1 1.11
04 210 24 20 22.54 29.4 1 1.06
05 257 30 23 22 21 0 1.1
06 190 26 27 23.5 10 0 1.02
07 290 20 20 22.5 18 1 1.05
08 220 25 16 22.5 20 1 1.36
09 8.23 35 15 18.68 26.34 0 1.11
10 3.66 30 0 16.05 11.49 0 1.00
11 30.50 20 25 18.84 14.36 1 1.875
12 100 35 35 28.44 29.42 1 1.78
13 100 35 38 28.44 39.23 1 1.99
14 40 30 26.5 20.60 16.28 0 1.25
15 50 20 17 14.80 0 0 1.13
16 88 30 26 14 11.97 0 1.02
17 120 53 45 25 12 1 1.30
18 200 50 45 26 15 1 1.20
19 115 40 20 16 7 0 1.11
20 10.67 22 13 20.41 24.9 1 1.4
21 12.19 22 20 19.63 11.98 0 1.35
22 12.80 28 32 21.83 8.62 0 1.03
23 45.72 16 11 20.41 33.52 0 1.28
24 10.67 25 30 18.84 15.32 1 1.63
25 7.62 20 20 18.84 0 0 1.05
26 61.00 20 20 21.43 0 0 1.03
27b 565 21 24 21 20 To be To be
predicted predicted
u represents angle of internal friction; c represents density; c represents cohesion.
0 represents unstable and 1 stable.
Sample no. 27 represents theYudonghe landslide; to be predicted.
H.B. Wang et al. / Engineering Geology 80 (2005) 302–315 313

Fig. 8. A practical four-layer BPNN model.

with five input nodes and two output nodes was potential for application in engineering geology. In
constructed (Fig. 8). terms of stability evaluation employing the BPNN, all
Hidden nodes and the number of hidden layers indices must be chosen based on mechanisms and
have been decided by reasonable errors from repeat- processes of the landslide or slope failure.
ed trainings. Consequently, two hidden layers were This paper attempts to evaluate slope instability
chosen and four and twelve hidden nodes were using the BPNN model combined with a detailed
placed in the hidden layers. With the learning algo- field survey and microstructure observation of soils
rithm presented above, repeated trainings were fin- along the sliding surface by means of SEM, although
ished and convergence was obtained until e was the FS calculation can be determined by limit equi-
expected to be a reasonable error. In the training librium, finite element, and many models that are
model, the learning ratio was 0.9, the learning step traditionally used.
was 0.7, the individual error was 0.01, and a col- As a useful tool, which deals with a nonlinear
lective error was 0.0001. Learning results correlated system and is capable of response to inputs and
with the expected after 12,589 iterations and a adaptation to the environment, the most widely used
trained BPNN model was generated. Using this BPNN are capable of evaluating landslide hazard at
training model, new data as original inputs were both regional and site-specific scales (Lee et al., 2003;
processed with standard changes. Slope stability Neaupane and Achet, 2004). The BPNN application
and the FS of the Yudonghe landslide were variables can be applied better over a wide area using non-
to be predicted as outputs. Predicted results showed parametric variables with large extension. It should
that the Yudonghe landslide is marginally stable with be noted, however, that the application of BPNN to
a FS of 1.10, smaller than the calculated value of slope-stability analysis is based on the assumption
1.26, which was obtained by employing limit-equi- that the training data sets have the similar mechan-
librium method (Xu, 1998). isms and are based on similar geological conditions.
The small landslide areas near Shuibuya Dam to
some extent limit practical applications of the
6. Discussion and concluding remarks BPNN; therefore, the results should be compared
with FS calculations using different methods based
Although a variety of methods are used in slope- on deterministic analysis, in order to assess the
instability assessment, it is worth recognising that the landslide hazard with reliability and accuracy.
BPNN, as an effective approach of evaluation meth- Based on the method of slices, numerous traditional
ods for slope stability, represents a method with huge simplified deterministic methods for FS calculation
314 H.B. Wang et al. / Engineering Geology 80 (2005) 302–315

suffer from limitations, such as the inability to Duncan, J.M., 1996. State of the art: limit equilibrium and finite-
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