A - Bryan Delas Alas - UNIT 05 - TOPIC TASKS

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Direction: Write an essay on activities that you think will help the technology that are enabling and not inhibiting. Type
your answers below.

New communication technologies have changed the way people connect with others. I think you all agree, especially now,
during this pandemic. The way we communicate with people has changed dramatically, not even face-to-face. The
emergence or arrival of ICT is a very beneficial  but we are taking gradual steps along the way. However, thanks to ICT
technology, we have survived this period of the pandemic, so it is not over yet, but thanks to ICT.   Technology has the
ability to enable labor productivity. Labor productivity is emphasized here because without labor productivity there is no
learning, or very little learning, but with this technology that we are using today, we are achieving high productivity in
terms of learning. 


Direction: Watch the video “Digital Society Explained” on this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UZC-9QZ9jo.
Take down important notes from the video and explain what you’ve learned from the video. Type your answers below.

The concept of digital society reflects modern society's achievements in the introduction and integration of information
and communication technologies in the home, workplace, education and leisure.

Digital innovation is transforming society, the economy, and industry at an unprecedented scale and speed. Mobile and
cloud technologies, big data, and the Internet of Things are envisioned to drive growth, improve the lives of citizens, and
increase efficiency in many sectors, including healthcare services, transportation, energy, agriculture, manufacturing,
retail, and government. It offers an unparalleled opportunity. It can also improve governance processes by allowing
policymakers to make better decisions and involve citizens. The Internet has great potential to promote democracy,
cultural diversity, and human rights such as freedom of expression and information. However, we need to understand how
the scale and speed of these changes are affecting consumers, users, citizens and workers. This includes all of this
combined into his one "digital person". We also need to understand how they affect our social and personal lives, our
education. , science, government, democracy, economy.  


Direction: Analyze the picture below and answer the following questions.

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Material taken from DepEd Module (New Normal)
Source: Technology by Sephko is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

1. What is the picture all about?

This image is about how the advent of technology has moved people away.

2. In your own opinion, what is the relevance of this picture above to facilitate social relationships and political

This image is about how the advent of technology has moved people away. The pictures show how the technology
represented by the plug is on a revolutionary triumphal march. This reflects the fact that technological advances over
the past few decades have deteriorated the basic social relationships that humans were previously able to maintain. The
aggravated and violent gestures of the technological element show how the rise and impact of technology has greatly
impacted our daily lives, and the results are revolutionary. The image can therefore be seen as a perfect representation
of how the technological revolution has led to a decline in the basic human capacity to maintain social relationships in
the real world. 

DO NOT REPRODUCE without the consent of your subject teacher.

Material taken from DepEd Module (New Normal)

Direction: Create a slogan on occupy movements and intervention. Write your slogan inside the box and your
explanation below.

"You can't hide the truth, let's cast and listen" 


The sun goes down, but we all know it will come back up in the morning. The moon rises when the sun goes
down and sets when it rises again. In other words, something that exists can be hidden for a short time, but it
will always reappear, and the truth remains unchanged. You can manipulate, distort, and conceal the truth,
but it will eventually be revealed.

DO NOT REPRODUCE without the consent of your subject teacher.

Material taken from DepEd Module (New Normal)
You can submit the tasks to my google account: lusteriokristhinejoy@mseuf.edu.ph using the following format





DO NOT REPRODUCE without the consent of your subject teacher.

Material taken from DepEd Module (New Normal)

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