Task #2

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NAME: Bryan Jhames M.

Delas Alas

Draw (can be digital) one mythical or underworld creature from the Philippines and compare it to a
prominent person (example: politicians, celebrity, artist, performer, etc.) in our society and explain it
base on the following contexts: (personality, deeds, attitude)


As we all know a Fairies/Diwata known for her kindness and beautiful and lovable attitude. I can
personally say that I can compare fairies to our mother especially their kindness and lovable
attitude too. Our mother is our hero. My hero is the person who means the world to me, and
that is my mother. My mother is my heroine, my idol, my model character, my everything. I call
my mother a heroine because she gave me direction and maternal love and she was always
there for me. She also supported me in every possible way. My mother is the person in my life
who gives me a reason to never give up. First of all, my mother is my hero because she gave me
guidance and advice when I needed it most. When she has to make a difficult decision. My
mom has been with me since day one and that was when I got pregnant. She has dealt with all
my disasters and watched me grow through making mistakes. Despite this, she managed to find
herself, loved me and was always by my side. My mother rarely gets the chance to show me her
love. For example, she messed with me and pretended to be someone my age. She laughs so
much that she can't help but cry. My mom always has moments when she tries to do things
that make me smile. She sometimes acts like a worried mother. I remember when I got very
sick, I couldn't eat anything for two days because I didn't want to throw up. Couldn't even hear
people talking about food. I was very hungry that day, but the worst part was not being able to
eat. My mom was so scared and worried that she went into full protective mama bear mode.
She never left my side until I was better so I never forgot that day She locked me in her room
and watched movies with me until I was tired and fell asleep. When I woke up, she made me
soup so I could at least have something to eat. My mother is my real and my beautiful Diwata.
“it has been said that the real test of human spirit takes place in the darkest corner of the
consciousness—there lies the test of strength and capacity to resurface back to light. The
experience and the story of fear and wonder reiterate moral and spiritual convictions that embody
the collective consciousness of the society.”

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