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Management Role Logistics House Sick in Management House Powerful Pain

_ Competitive and Ideal

Lecturer : Dr. Wise Rachman , drg ., SH., MH., MM., MTr ., Hanla ., Sp. Pros., CIQnR ., CIQaR

Compiled By:

dr. Yeri Estu Risunang

NIM : 71221053

Grade : 8 E





Management Role Logistics House Sick in Management House Powerful Pain
_ Competitive and Ideal

Yeri estu Magister Management, ARS University, Bandung, Indonesia e-mail:


House Sick is the organization within bring function social , however together with
rapid development , home _ Sick No Again carry function social just but Already penetrate
the full business world competition and full certain strategies _ For still endure in gift
service health to society ( Aditama , 2004). because _ That needed management service
service good health _ from House sick for service service given health _ can satisfying
need user service service health .
In give service service good health _ so needed Work same good _ from power
work at home _ _ sick , role assigned _ in accordance with profession owned by the
workers medical or non- medical . one _ important role _ in effort enhancement service
health at home Sick is the role of the non- medical logistics unit .
Non- medical logistics at home Sick usually is goods small and called with goods
necessity House ladder from House sick ( Sabarguna , 2005). Although consists from
goods small , often cheap the price , however non- medical logistics can lift Name Good
House sick , like a toilet at home Sick when No There is resolution hence the toilet will
become bad smell _ direct nor No direct bother comfort Work house officer _ Sick That
Alone nor user service health at home _ _ Sick the . Although consists from a small item ,
however when summed up will worth big rupiah especially in period long time . _ Interest
the usually new feels when happen case as above , and later will There is each other blame
among those involved . For avoid matter this , there good arranged simple management _
but right , no become complicated and bureaucratic , easy For followed , precise and
guaranteed happening efficiency .
House XR pain is one _ House pain that is within the XR Foundation. House pain
that has motto “ Sincere For Healed With Spirit This Love _ in his journey For become A
House big pain _ specifically in the Sleman Regency area north , require business Work

hard from every individual to be part from House Sick that so you can give the best for
House ill that XR Alone nor user service service existing health . _
With function and source the power you have , head part manager logistics non-
medical goods House ill XR as one _ part from House pain XR expected capable support
service health has to offer in a manner general To use fulfil request public will quality and
facilities good service _ as well as anticipation to disaster Mount Merapi. With exists
service good non - medical logistics that , then user service service health will feel satisfied
with service service given health . _ But If service non - medical logistics provided not
enough good and low so No close possibility House Sick will abandoned user service
service health , so no excessive If said that service logistics non- medical goods can
determine Good bad service House sick . because _ That officer executor non- medical
logistics House ill XR have to behave friendly , conscientious , full calculating , orderly
and full of responsibility answer in carry out task management non- medical logistics to
form something system management logistics good non - medical stuff for service House
Sick nor user service service health .
Non- medical logistics in a manner more detail need made clear _ what to _
controlled , so request and gift non- medical logistics or procedure become more clear ,
next need in a manner clear How recording usage non- medical logistics and of course the
core is How possible management _ established ( Sabarguna , 2005).


Study This is study descriptive , research This not intended _ For test hypothesis
certain but For find description implementation system logistics management of non-
medical goods at home XR Hospital , Sleman Regency . Study This use approach
qualitative approach _ This attach importance decomposition observed phenomena and
context _ encompassing meaning _ something reality . Approach qualitative going on in
background naturally , researcher is instrument main , the data collected in the form of
descriptive data .
Approach qualitative obtained with interviews with parties who do not related with
management logistics non- medical items at home XR pain . Subjects on research This is
fist Sub section Administration , chief part House Ladder and Head the non- medical
logistics section of the XR Hospital.

Variable in Study This is system management logistics non- medical goods which
include procurement , record keeping , procedures request and gift as well as control
logistics non- medical goods .
System management logistics non- medical goods at the XR Hospital include :
procurement , record keeping , procedures service and control . For know system control
logistics non- medical goods can done with do analysis on the input, process and output in
the Management Section Logistics Non- medical goods at XR Hospital. As for the stages
analysis performed _ in management logistics non- medical goods is as following :
a. Input as management logistics non- medical goods

Input as input from activities in the Management Section logistics non- medical items at
home Sick Nugroho's home includes :

1) Source Power Human (HR)

With work , talent , creativity possessed , Head of Non - Medical Logistics Section
capable manage element other like existing materials , capital, machinery and
technology For become output form goods or service in business service health at
home XR pain . Information the based on interview as following :

“.... Chief part Logistics is very disciplined , friendly , thorough and firm natural operate
his duties …” ( Informant A).

As for the task head part non- medical logistics in management logistic non- medical items
at home XR pain , namely :

a) Be responsible answer on all logistics non- medical goods in XR Hospital

b) Create request orders procurement logistics necessary non - medical items

home units Sick

c) Receive and check the goods that come from supplier according to the order request


d) noted all incoming and outgoing goods _ from warehouse storage logic

non- medical goods

e) Emit goods in accordance demand for home units Sick

f) Prepare bath package

Based on results interview and checklist with Head of Home Section Stairs at home ill XR
say that :

“...That became person responsible manager non- medical logistics at home pain XR is
Head of Non- Medical Logistics …” ( Informant B).

“... Officer logistics non- medical items at home XR hospital is very friendly , thorough ,
disciplined , and precise time in carry out their duties ....” ( Informant A).

2) Facilities Facilities
management logistics non- medical goods in the XR Hospital

Moment This Already Enough adequate , only size warehouse unfinished storage _ in
accordance standard ( narrow ). this _ based on results interview with head part non-
medical logistics as following :

“... For warehouse storage Still Not yet in accordance standard ( narrow ).” ( Informant C).

With exists adequate facilities _ head part non- medical logistics can operate his job
optimally in the management process which includes : procurement , recording , control
and service logistics non- medical items at home XR pain .

Based on results interview and checklist with _ The Head of the Non- Medical Logistics
Section of RS XR said that :

“... Yes , facilities like computers , printers, telephones and so on

support smoothness task ..” ( Informant C).

b. Procurement Process Non- Medical Logistics

Procurement Non- medical logistics plays an important role important in fulfil need will
service health , in particular for service administration at home XR pain . For keep service
_ the No hampered Because shortage / out of stock, as well guard accuracy and time in
give service health , then need procurement process is carried out .
Based on results interview and checklist with head part non- medical logistics at home ill
XR say that :

“.... Chief non- medical logistics make letter request purchase Then signed by the head part
House stairs , then checked by the section accounting / budget that is known by the Head of
Case administration and approved by the director to place a purchase order procurement
goods …” ( Informant C ).

In carry out the procurement process , officers non- medical logistics at home ill XR do
activities / stages among others:
1) Planning Procurement Non- Medical Logistics

Before do booking non- medical logistics , officers logistics make planning procurement
and determination need non- medical logistics , planning This meant For determine type
non- medical logistics needed and will be ordered , how much amount order , where will
ordered , prices and discounts given price . _ In matter This expertise and thoroughness is
required For prevent happening error in planning Good related with type , quantity and
price .
For plan and determine need non- medical logistics can seen from level the needs of each
part are determined with many visit user service home service _ sick . The more big
amount user service service health so the more big need necessary non - medical logistics .
Beside That in determine planning and level need non- medical logistics , officers logistics
also see final stock amount of each type non- medical logistics in the warehouse . If non-
medical logistics stock Already reach minimum limit , then officer Already start plan For
do procurement with number of orders for each type non- medical logistics that have set
before . Determination planning procurement and orders are intended so that stock is also
not available too Lots so that can increase efficiency .
In make planning procurement , officers record What is the name existing non - medical
logistics reach minimum limit required by each unit of sheet application procurement
goods non- medical logistics in accordance amount limit orders that have been set , then
filed to director through part House stairs . After Approved then made an SOP ( Purchase
Order Letter ) for do purchase non- medical logistics .
2. Budgeting inner needs
do management non- medical logistics naturally need
budgeting cost . For budgeting non- medical logistics at home Sick Nugroho Panti
Yogyakarta, budgeting provided by section finance to housing units/ sections stairs
and known by the director For done purchase .
3. How to Procure
Procurement non- medical logistics at home Sick XRYogyakarta
done with order / purchase in a manner direct. Order / purchase done every moment
in accordance with need non- medical logistics . After make planning non - medical
logistics needed , then officer logistics do booking non- medical logistics with use
PP form ( Request Purchase ) through part House ladder , section finance , cashier
administration and director For purchase order is made necessary non - medical
logistics .

Based on results interview and checklist with _ head part non- medical logistics at
home ill XR say that :

“...2 weeks very For logistics non- medical items that are routinely used and for
those that are not held regularly _ a year once …” ( Informant C ).

c. Recording

Based on results interview and checklist with _ head part non- medical logistics at home
XR said that :

“.... To goods go out to units in the house Sick recorded on stock cards and disbursement
stock books goods . For goods enter from supplier noted on the form proof reception goods
and books reception goods form stock cards and cards control goods . For Goods stored are
recorded on books and warehouse stock cards _ spending goods ...” ( Informant C ).

There are several stage in recording non- medical logistics at home Sick The intended
Nugroho Panti For control each type non- medical logistics so no happen error Good
amount , type non- medical logistics moment enter nor go out from warehouse namely :

1. 1) Books and Forms of Proof of Registration Reception Goods

Represents books and forms used _ For record no logistics

incoming medical _ with see invoice sale of each change with record date
transaction , no registration , no invoice , name goods , and the nominal amount of
non- medical logistics .

2. 2) Books and Cards

Stock Goods Constituting Books and cards used _ For record amount logistics

incoming and outgoing _ as well as the final stock of each logistics used _ as
guidelines For do planning need non- medical logistics . Recorded on books and
stock cards Name the part /unit requesting , date out date entry and amount .

3. Form Request Goods

Represents the form used every home work unit _ _ it hurts XR for do booking
request need non- medical logistics to officer non- medical logistics signed by the
head and recipient of units / sections required non- medical logistics as well as
officer non- medical logistics Alone For done provision / distribution non - medical
logistics needed .
4. Form Request Purchase
is sheet used by the officer logistics For submit

planning procurement logistics to director through part House stairs .

5. 5) Purchase Order / Order Letter Goods

Is letter used _ For do booking purchase non- medical logistics to company supplier
. All recording non- medical logistics including quantities , prices , discounts and
expenses entered / recorded to in computer used _ as material report to director and
section finance as material accountability .

d. Nonmedical Logistics Service Procedures

Procedure is very important for service non- medical logistics at home ill XR, because give
direction and sequence / stages from every activity Good request nor gift goods mandatory
non - medical logistics done / go through officer logistics or units/ sections in activity
management request and gift non- medical logistics .

Based on results interview and checklist with head part non- medical logistics at home ill
XR say that :

“.... Yes , there is procedure still in service request non- medical logistics by home units
sick . The requesting / requiring unit service non- medical logistics give form proof signed
request _ head of the unit concerned For given to head part logistics to get service logistics
necessary non - medical items after signed by the head part non- medical logistics .....”
( Informant C).

Procedure request and gift non- medical logistics at home XR pain can depicted as
following :

Room , agency , or hospital department in need goods must in accordance with actual
situation . _

Request written on the form requests that have been signed by K. Room / Ka. Required
installation . _

Officer administration logistics must notice amount and type given item _ is Already in
accordance with request .

When There is prepared , if No There is promised .

Giving done after amount and type in accordance need as well as has get sign hand from
officer logistics .

Recorded on books and card stock expenditure goods .

e. Control Non- medical logistics

Controls carried out officer manager non- medical logistics at home ill XR b aim give
control to all activity service logistics to get prevented mistakes in procurement processes ,

records and procedures service non- medical logistics At home seriously ill _ direct nor No
direct influence productivity the resulting service to user service service health .

Based on results interview and checklist with _ head part non- medical logistics at home ill
XR say that :

“... Control to procedures and warehouse stock control ...” ( Informant C ).

Controls carried out officer non- medical logistics House XR pain include :

1. 1) Control Procedure Procedure

required _ every goods requested order _ parts /units

at home sick , provided by the officer non- medical logistics and taken itself by the
requesting part with use form request logistics signed by the head the section
concerned as well as has get sign hand from officer non- medical logistics For can
accept request non- medical logistics the .

2. 2) Warehouse Stock
Control With good record keeping and analysis tendency in the card stock

warehouse can known and prepared optimal stock so as not to happen

disadvantages and advantages in gift service non- medical logistics At home XR
pain .

f. Types Non- medical logistics

Based on results interview and checklist with _ head part non- medical logistics at home ill
XR say that :

“.. There are 15 warehouses logistics non- medical goods with amount as well as type
different non - medical logistics in give service to units in need service non- medical
logistics at home magic this ..” ( Informant C )


1. Source Power Human (HR)

Research results showing that implementation service logistics non- medical items at home
Sick Nugroho Panti with Good because it is supported by the source Power man manager
logistics disciplined , skilled , thorough non - medical goods in carry out his job as well as
Work in accordance with Philosophy , Vision , Mission , Values, Motto and Goals House
XR pain . Man is source most important power in business organization reach success .
Source Power man support organization with work , creativity and encouragement .

However perfect aspect technology and economics , without aspect man difficult
presumably objective organization can reached . Source Power Man is one _ element
shared input _ with element other like materials , capital, machinery and technology
changed through the management process become output ( ouput ) in the form of goods or
service in reach objective organization ( Sincere , 1996).

2. Facilities

By and large facility management logistics non- medical items at home pain XR has been
in accordance with the standards set by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia
in 2006. This can be seen from facility existing facilities _ like computers , printers,
telephones , desks and others as support internal HR work increase performance as well as
productivity work at home sick . Only just wide warehouse storage goods Still Not yet
adequate ( narrow ). Information the based on interview and check lish with head part non
medical logistics that say that wide warehouse Still Not yet fulfil existing standards . _
Facility management logistics non- medical goods like warehouse For storage and room to
match as determined by the department health in 2006, then House Sick must own unified
warehouse _ with system service House sick . Fulfillment enough space _ For maintenance
service non- medical logistics separated between facility management , service as well as
handling waste . Besides That requirements that must be met is condition room about
temperature , lighting , humidity , pressure and safety . Inside _ warehouse too _ available
room For office , room production , storage , distribution , information items and archives
as well as document . If inside warehouse not completed _ with room the so warehouse
management goods non- medical logistics at home Sick the Not yet in accordance
standard .

3. Procurement Logistics Non- medical goods

Based on results study showing that procurement non- medical logistics plays a very
important role important in fulfil need will service health , in particular for service
administration at home XR pain . Without exists funding non- medical logistics so service
Good medical or not at home Sick will disturbed or hampered . For keep service _ the No
hampered Because shortage / out of stock, as well guard accuracy and time in give service
health , then need done procurement logistics non- medical goods .

Procurement is all activity and business For add and complete need goods and services
based on applicable regulations _ with create something that was Not yet There is become
there . Activity This including in business For still maintain something that has There is in
boundaries efficiency . ( Subagya : 1994).
Procurement logistics goods non- medical logistics at home XR pain was done based on
existing needs _ with do activities / stages as following :

1. Planning Procurement Non- Medical Logistics

Before do booking non- medical logistics , officers logistics make planning

procurement and determination need non- medical logistics , planning This meant
For determine type non- medical logistics needed and will be ordered , how much
amount order , where will ordered , prices and discounts given price . _ In matter
This expertise and thoroughness is required For prevent happening error in
planning Good related with type , quantity and price .
For plan and determine need non- medical logistics can seen from level the needs of
each part are determined with many visit user service home service _ sick . The
more big amount user service service health so the more big need necessary non -
medical logistics .
Beside That in determine planning and level need non- medical logistics , officers
logistics also see final stock amount of each type non- medical logistics in the
warehouse . If non- medical logistics stock Already reach minimum limit , then
officer Already start plan For do procurement with number of orders for each type
non- medical logistics that have set before . Determination planning procurement
and orders are intended so that stock is also not available too Lots so that can
increase efficiency .
In make planning procurement , officers record What is the name existing non -
medical logistics reach minimum limit required by each unit of sheet application
procurement goods non- medical logistics in accordance amount limit orders that
have been set , then filed to director through part House stairs . After Approved
then made an SOP ( Purchase Order Letter ) for do purchase non- medical
logistics .
2. Budgeting inner needs
do management non- medical logistics naturally need

budgeting cost . For budgeting non- medical logistics at home Yogyakarta XR
hospital , budgeting provided by section finance to housing units/ sections stairs
and known by the director For done purchase .

3. How to Procure
Procurement non- medical logistics at home Sick Yogyakarta Nugroho Panti was
carried out with order / purchase in a manner direct . Orders / purchases done every
moment in accordance with need non- medical logistics . After make planning non -
medical logistics needed , then officer logistics do booking non- medical logistics
with use PP form ( Request Purchase ) through part House ladder , section finance ,
cashier administration and director For purchase order is made necessary non -
medical logistics .

4. Record keeping Logistics Non- medical goods

based on results study showing that recording non- medical logistics at home Sick The
intended Nugroho Panti For control each type non- medical logistics so no happen error
Good amount , type non- medical logistics moment enter nor go out from warehouse :
Recording or inventory is activity For get top data whole logistics owned / controlled /
managed by the organization , whether obtained _ from business making own , purchase ,
exchange , or gift , fine related with type specification , quantity source , time
procurement , price , place and conditions as well as change changes that occur To use
support the process of control and supervision logistics as well as support effectiveness and
efficiency in effort achievement objective organization (Antara and Sumarto , 2004).
Recording this is very much needed For responsible for the part finance on What only have
_ expected in do expenditure budget costs and income budget cost .
Recording logistics important to guarantee thing below _ this :
1. Clarity condition warehouse (stock)
2. Clarity When goods given
3. To Who goods given
4. How many much needed _
Customized logging _ includes :
1. Warehouse stock book

2. Book gift goods ( output goods )
There are several stage in recording non- medical logistics at home Sick House
Nugroho meant For control each type non- medical logistics so no happen error Good
amount , type non- medical logistics moment enter nor go out from warehouse namely :
1. Books and Forms of Proof of Registration Reception Goods
Is books and forms used _ For record incoming non - medical logistics with see
invoice sale of each change with record date transaction , no registration , number
invoice , name goods , and the nominal amount of non- medical logistics .
2. Goods
Stock Books and Cards are Books and cards used _ For record amount logistics
incoming and outgoing _ as well as the final stock of each logistics used _ as
guidelines For do planning need non- medical logistics . Recorded on books and
stock cards Name the part /unit requesting , date out date entry and amount .
3. Form Request Goods
Represents the form used every home work unit _ _ Sick
Nugroho Orphanage for do booking request need non- medical logistics to officer
non- medical logistics signed by the head and recipient of units / sections required
non- medical logistics as well as officer non- medical logistics Alone For done
provision / distribution non - medical logistics needed .
4. Form Request Purchase
is sheet used by the officer logistics For submit
planning procurement logistics to director through part House stairs .
5. Purchase Order / Order Letter Goods
Is letter used _ For do booking purchase non- medical logistics to company supplier
. All recording non- medical logistics including quantities , prices , discounts and
expenses entered / recorded to in computer used _ as material report to director and
section finance as material accountability .
5. Procedure Service Logistics Non- medical goods
House Nugroho's home has procedure still in give service non- medical logistics to loyal
unit at home the . Procedure service is very important for service non- medical logistics at
home Sick Nugroho Panti , because give direction and sequence / stages from every
activity Good request nor gift goods mandatory non - medical logistics done / go through
officer logistics or units/ sections in activity management request and gift non- medical

logistics . Every work or activity have order step For finish work concerned since start until
finished ( Amsyah , 1996), called with procedure .
In matter procedure logistics non- medical items at home Sick covers procedure request
and gift goods ( Sabarguna , 2005).
Procedure service request logistics goods medical at home Sick Nugroho orphanage ,
namely :
1. Room , agency , or hospital department in need goods must in accordance with
actual situation . _
2. Request written on the form requests that have been signed by K. Room / Ka.
Required installation . _
3. Officer administration logistics must notice amount and type given item _ is
Already in accordance with request .
4. When There is prepared , if No There is promised
5. Giving done after amount and type in accordance need as well as has
get sign hand from officer logistics .
6. Recorded on books and card stock expenditure goods .
6. Control Logistics Non- medical goods
Based on results study show that control management Non- medical logistics at home Sick
Nugroho's home is very important important For give balance and reduce error in the
procurement process , recording or procedures , so the service process non- medical
logistics can walk should . Controls carried out officer manager non- medical logistics at
home Sick Nugroho's home aims give control to all activity service logistics to get
prevented mistakes in procurement processes , records and procedures service non-
medical logistics At home seriously ill _ direct nor No direct influence productivity the
resulting service to user service service health . Control is system supervision from results
reports , assessments , monitoring and inspection to steps _ _ management moderate
logistics _ or has going on . Form activity control among others:
order implementation control can walk with Good needed means _ _ control as following :
1. Formulate governance in manuals , standards , criteria , norms , instructions and
other procedures
2. Carry out observation (Monitoring), evaluation and report , use get description and
information about deviations and paths implementation from plan

3. Do visit staff To use identify ways implementation in framework achievement
4. Do supervision

4. Education and training

5. Sufficient budget _ sufficient

Controls carried out officer non- medical logistics House Sick House Nugraho among
1. Control Procedure Procedure
required _ every goods requested order _ parts /units
at home sick , provided by the officer non- medical logistics and taken itself by the
requesting part with use form request logistics signed by the head the section
concerned as well as has get sign hand from officer non- medical logistics For can
accept request non- medical logistics the .
2. Warehouse Stock
Control With good record keeping and analysis tendency in the card stock
warehouse can known and prepared optimal stock so as not to happen
disadvantages and advantages in gift service non- medical logistics At home Sick
Nugroho Home .

7. Kind Logistics Non- medical goods

Based on results study showing that non - medical logistics at home _ XR pain , namely :
1. stationery _ office
2. cleaning tools ;
Meanwhile the others like material kitchen usually managed by section nutrition
and materials weaving by the laundry ( Laundry ).


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The Role of Hospital Logistics Management in Hospital Management That Is
Competitive and Ideal

Yeri estu Magister Management, ARS University, Bandung, Indonesia e-mail:


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