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Puppet Show Assessment Rubric

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CONTENT The script or storyline does The script or storyline The script or storyline conveys The script or storyline strongly con-
not convey ideas relevant to conveys a surface-level idea ideas relevant to topics explored in veys ideas relevant to topics explored
topics explored in class. relevant to topics explored in class. in class, and integrates outside
class. knowledge.
PERFORMANCE The show does not reflect effort The show reflects some The show reflects tangible effort The show reflects effort, attention
or care in presentation. effort and care in and care in presentation. to detail and care in presentation.
CREATIVITY No evidence of original, creative Some evidence of original, cre- Clear evidence of original, creative The work includes an array of orig-
ideas. ative ideas. ideas throughout the work and in inal, creative ideas, combining top-
the presentation. ics explored in class with new ideas
in novel ways. It is presented with
the audience clearly in mind.
CONNECTION TO The work does not connect to The work includes a The work clearly incorporates The work reflects a deep
THE CENTRAL the central text or its themes in superficial reference to the the central text and its themes. understanding of the central text and
TEXT any way. central text or its themes. its themes.

DEMONSTRATION Student shows emerging under- Student is progressing Student meets the expectations in Student exceeds the expectations
OF ANTI-BIAS standing of the expectations in toward the expectations in anti-bias standard in anti-bias standard .
COMPETENCY anti-bias standard anti-bias standard . .
COLLABORATION Students worked individually. Students worked together but Students worked well together and Students worked very well
/ COOPERATION contributions were unbalanced. contributions were balanced. together; they compromised and
(OPTIONAL) built off one another’s ideas.

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