How To Setup Server and Client

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Configure Server/windows

Set Off Firewall (Server/Windows)

Click Start – Control Panel – System And Security – Windows Firewall – Turn Windows Firewall
On/Off – Turn Off Windows Firewall – OK.

Setting Up IP Address (Server/Windows)

Click Start - Control Panel – Network and Internet – View Network Statur and Task – Change
Adapter Settings – Right Click Ethernet – Properties – Click Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) –
Properties – Check Use the Following IP Address

IP Address:

Subnet Mask:

Default Gateway:

Setting of Workgroup

Click Start – Control Panel – View Category – Large Icon – System – Change Setting - Change –
Type Computer Name – Click and Type Workgroup – OK – Close – Restart Now.

Installing Domain Controller with DNS Server Role

1. Press Windows Button + R or Click Start then choose Run

2. Type dcpromo and press Enter Key
3. Click Next Button
4. Click Next Button
5. Choose Create a new domain in a new forest then click Next Button
6. Type of name of FQDN on the rest root domain (Ex. then Click Next Button
7. Select Windows Server 2008 R2 in the Forest Function level then click Next button
8. Check or make sure DNS Server was checked then click Next Button
9. Click Yess
10. Click Next Button.
11. Type the Restore Mode Administrator Password then clisk Next button ( Ex. CSS67890)
12. In the Summary page click Next Button
13. Active Directory will install, check reboot on completion
14. Server will Automatically Restart.

Adding DHCP Server Role (Server)

1. Click Start Button
2. Click to Administrative Tools
3. Click Server Manager
4. Locate Roles Summary then Click Add Roles
5. Click Next Button
6. Check DHCP Server in the List of Roles
7. Click Next Button
8. Click Next Button
9. Make sure the IP Address of Server ( has a check then click next button
10. Type in the Preferred DNS Server IPv4 address text box.
11. Click the Validate Button ( it should be VALID after Clicking Button)
12. Click Next Button
13. Click Next Button
14. Click Add Button on the right side to add scope
15. Type the scope name (Ex. Css_scope)
16. Type the Starting IP address: (Ex. 1923.168.1.5)
17. Type the Ending IP address: (Ex.
18. Make sure Activate this scope has a check then click OK
19. The name of the scope and IP address range will appear then click Next Button
20. Click Next button
21. Click Disable DHCPv6 stateless mode for the server
22. Click Next Button
23. Click Next Button
24. Click Install
25. Click Close then Restart your Server computer
26. In Windows Click Work Network
27. Click Close

Stopping Servicess of File Server

Note: Stop this service only if you can’t add the File Server Role

1. Click Start Button

2. Go to Administrative Tools
3. Click Server Manager

Adding File Role ( Server)

A. Setting-up File Server Role (Server)

1. Click Start button
2. Go to Administrative Tools
3. Click Server Manager
4. Locate Roles Summary then click Add Roles
5. Click Next Button
6. Check File Services in the list of Roles then click Next button
7. Click Next Button
8. Click Next Button
9. Check File Server
10. Check File Server Resource Manager
11. Clisk Next Button
12. Check Local Disk C: and Local Disk D: then clisk Next button
13. Clisk button
14. Click Install
15. Click Close button

Sharing Folder

1. Click Start then choose Computer

2. Double click Drive D: to open
3. Inside Drive D: Right click then choose New then click Folder (New Folder)
4. Rename the Folder as Redirection(Folder)
5. Right click the redirection (Folder) then Choose Properties
6. Click Security Tab
7. Click Edit
8. Click Add
9. Type Everyone then click Names Button
10. Click OK Button
11. Select Everyone in the group then Check Full Control
12. Click Apply and OK
13. Click OK Button
14. Right-Click redirection(Folder) then Choose Properties
15. Click Sharing Tab
16. Click Advance Sharing
17. Check Share this Folder
18. Click Permissions
19. Check Full Control and Change
20. Click Apply
21. Click Close Button
Create Organization Unit with Adding Client-User

1. Click Start
2. Click Administrative Tools choose Active Directory User and Computer
3. In the Left Side, Right click your domain controller (Ex.
4. Click New then choose Organizational Unit
5. Type the Name of your Organization Unit (Ex. Redirection)
6. Click OK
7. Right-click redirection (Organizational Unit)
8. Click New then choose User
9. Fill-up the First name same with User logon name
10. Click Next button
11. Type the Password and Confirm Password (Ex. Css54321) Warning: Do not forget the
client/userpassword, write it in a sheet of paper.
12. Uncheck User must change password at next logon
13. Check User cannot change password
14. Check password Never Expires
15. Click Next button
16. Click Finish button

Configure Group Policy Management for Folder Redirection (Server)

1. Click Start
2. Click Administrative Tools choose Group Policy Management
3. In the left side, click the expaned button(+) of the domain
4. Locate and select redirection(Organizational Unit)
5. Right click redirection (Organizational Unit)
6. Choose Crate a GPO in this domain, and Link it here..
7. Type the name of the GPO (Ex. Redirection)
8. Click OK button
9. Right Click Redirection (GPO)
10. Choose Edit
11. In the left side, select User Configuration
12. Click the expand button (+) of the Policies
13. Click the expand button (+) of the Windows Settings
14. Locate and select Folder Redirection
15. On the right side, Right click Desktop then choose Properties
16. In the Setting menu, choose Basic – Redirection everyone folder for the some location
17. In the Root Path, type the path of the Shared folder with Format \\servername\folder
name (ex. \\server\redirection)
18. Click Apply then choose Yes
19. Click OK Button
20. Repeat Step 15-19 with the other Folder ( Document, Pictures, Music, Videos etc.)
21. Double click redirection (GPO)
22. Click OK button
23. In the Security Filtering section click Add Button
24. Type Everyone
25. Click Check name domain
26. Click OK button
27. Click Close button

Updating Group Policy

1. Press Windows button + R or Click Start then choose Run

2. Type gpupdate/force (Command to update Group Policy)

Loggon in Windows

1. Click Start
2. Click Control panel
3. Click System
4. Click Change Settings
5. Click Change
6. Click Domain
7. Type (this is type in Server Domain)
8. Click OK button
9. Type Administrator type Password Click OK Button
10. Computer restart
11. Click Switch User

Instruction if the Folder Created in Windows did not access in Server

1. Right-click the Folder you create

2. Click Properties
3. Click Security
4. Click Edit
5. Click Add then Type Everyone
6. Click OK
7. Click Apply
In Server

1. Right Click the Folder ( Document, Video , Music etc.)

2. Click properties
3. Click Security
4. Click Continue
5. Click Other Users
6. Type everyone
7. Click Check Name
8. Click OK button
9. Click Apply
10. Click OK
11. Click OK

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