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Date: March 21st, 2023

To: Professor Pierre LeCompte Zambrana

From: Shown Muniz Rodríguez
Subject: Report on the Tinkercad workshop

Location and Overview

On January 31st, 2023 I attended a workshop in room MTC-3, of the Ruth Fortuño academic
building at the University of Puerto Rico in Ponce. The workshop had as its purpose to educate
others about a program for 3D designing and coding called Tinkercad as well as demonstrate and
teach how this program is used. Tinkercad is an online webpage that is commonly used for 3D
designs and coding. The workshop lasted approximately one hour.

Resources and Dynamic

The workshop was directed and presented by Linda W. Correa, Kiara Tort Casiano and Deniaris
Colón León, students of the University of Puerto Rico at Ponce belonging to the ET2 project. The
workshop was attended by students from different areas of study as swell as professors belonging
to different departments such as English, Engineering and Humanities. The presenters gave a
quick explanation of what is 3D designing and what it entails, the different formats of 3D designs
such as “.OBJ”, “.STL” and “GLTF (.glb)”which are the ones used for 3D printing. and consisted
of a brief oral presentation as well as a mini-course in which we were instructed on what to do
and were able to follow the resource in 3D designing miniature ships. This day I learned to
develop a skill which was to create 3D designs in the program called “Tinkercad” that can later
on be printed.

Profession relation
This information could be useful in a professional scenario since some professions such as
engineering need to be able to 3D design either for visualizing the end product or to produce
small pieces used in their plans. To my knowledge none of what I learned at the workshop will
be useful for my future profession since I wish to pursue a profession related to science.
However, it was very useful to know how 3D designing works since it’s a new skill that may
become useful in the future and since the science world is expanding constantly proven by the
fact that there have been effective organs created via 3D printing using animal tissue. I would not
use this information as a base for doing any type of work but will have it available in case I find
myself in a situation in which having knowledge about 3D designing is relevant or important.

I consider I learned valuable information the day of the workshop and wish to be presented in the
future, with situations in which I will consider what I learned that day to be useful.

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