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Scarborough' shoals Argumentative Speech

The Philippines and China have a long, good relationship. Throughout the history the
China is part of our long journey towards independence. In terms of trade, diplomacy, geography,
and culture. Since the pre-colonial period in the 10th to 16th century our ancestors and the Chinese
are actively emerged in trade and diplomatic relationship. They traded sea slugs, beeswax, and
deer horn for porcelain, silk, and trepang (a type of beetle). The start of the Philippine culture's
significant influence and contribution came via trading with China. The Chinese have a
significant cultural impact on culinary arts, for example. Sauteed foods, rice cakes, and noodle
meals like Pancit. These are a few culinary skills that the Filipinos were taught. The traditional
Filipino family structure was also greatly affected by the family structure of the Chinese. For
these factors we can say that our culture is heavily influence by China. This concludes a good
relationship between these two countries in these past few years. In top of that China is the
biggest trade partner of the Philippines. Last year, the Philippines sent $10.97 billion worth of
goods to China and bought $28.2 billion worth of goods from China, according to the local
statistics office. In addition to the $13.7 billion investment in energy, Chinese investors have also
promised to put $1.7 billion into agribusiness and $7.3 billion into strategic monitoring for
electric cars and mineral processing, according to a government announcement on January 5.
This concludes the good relationship between the two countries because of these investments,
additionally China also provided aid and investment particularly in infrastructure development.
The Philippines and China have maintained diplomatic and economic ties over the years,
although their relationship has been strained due to territorial disputes in South China Sea
( Scarborough Shoal). It started in the year 2012, in the month of April. Both China and the
Philippines sent ships to the area during the stalemate, as both nations asserted their claim to
sovereignty over Scarborough Shoal. When China started to impose travel restrictions, barring
Filipino fishermen from fishing in the waters near the shoal, the situation became more tense.
After diplomatic efforts to settle the conflict failed, the Philippines ultimately took the matter to
an international arbitration tribunal in 2013. In 2016, the tribunal decided in favor of the
Philippines, rejecting China's "nine-dash line" assertion and upholding the country's ownership
of the oceans and resources that are a part of its exclusive economic zone. For today the tension
between the two countries have persisted and the situation in the disputed territory remains

Scarborough shoals have a truly amazing territory that consist of group of uninhabitable
islands, reefs and rocks located in the South China Sea or West Philippine Sea. It is located
around 120 nautical miles west of the Philippine Island of Luzon and approximately 650 nautical
miles southeast of the Chinese mainland. It is also located within the Philippine’s 200 – nautical
mile exclusive economic zone (EEZ) and continental shelf. In some research it believes that
there are many resources that can be valuable in terms of industrialization and resources of the
country. In both aquatic and oil resources in some sources and research that conducted in the
west Philippine Sea. According to International Maritime Organization Scarborough shoal
covers an area approximately 150 square kilometers and is surrounded by a large, shallow coral
reef, including a large circular lagoon, several rocks and islets, and a central rocky outcrop. It is
also an important trade route to many countries. That can be used as a strategical position in the
Pacific. For these reasons, Scarborough shoal is the subject of a territorial dispute for many
countries in the Southeast Asia and China.

China is one of the biggest economies in a whole world. We are like a small fish facing a
giant whale. If we compare both countries, we can easily determine the huge difference in terms
of population, economy , military strength, and natural resources. Today China’s population is
approximately 1.4 billion people and Philippines 113.9 million people. In terms of economy also
have big disparity between these two countries. The Philippines economic freedom score is 59.3,
making its economy the 89th freest in the 2023 Index in terms of GDP. On the other hand, China
is the second largest economy making its economy 154th freest in the 2023 index. Most important
part is their military strength. China's military is substantially bigger and more potent than the
Philippines'. With an anticipated 2 million active military personnel and a defense expenditure of
over $200 billion in 2021, China has one of the largest armed forces in the world. Additionally, it
is armed with cutting-edge fighter jets, navy boats, ballistic missiles, nuclear weapons, and other
military technologies. The Philippines, in contrast, has a far smaller military force, with an
estimated 125,000 active military troops and a projected $4 billion defense expenditure in 2021.
To better protect its territorial integrity, the nation has recently sought to modernize and enhance
its armed forces. The nation depends on its partnership with the United States for military
support. If we compare these two countries it is like a David and Goliath scenario. In conclusion
we cannot oversee this scenario that would cause if this war broke out.

( Evidence paanu nanalo ang pilipinas sa agreement.)

For the facts that I presented is it worth the risk of our mother land. The safety of our
families and welfare of our country man. Is it worth the risk to risk our peace for such territories.
In this matter we should take priority what is for the best of the many. We should be more careful
in handling international and territorial disputes. Because in the end it's people who will be
suffering the consequences. In this manner I clearly disagree in disputing the Scarborough shoal.
It is clearly that we have less capability and enough connection to solve this problem. Even
though the Philippines have Mutual Defense treaty between the United State of America and
Philippines. Philippines cannot only depend in defense cooperation strengthen agreement
including Japan, Australia, and its allies.

War is not an option for our country. Truly no one will truly win in terms of war.
Everything will be lost and sacrificed will be in vain. In war, whichever side may call itself
victor, there are no winners, but all are losers. (Neville Chamberlain).
Despite of all the odds that we have in the disputed territorial disputes. We are hoping to for the
sake of our country to resolve this issue through peaceful diplomacy and understanding in both
countries. Marcos Sr said we can be friends with everyone but not slave with anybody. In
addition of this Marcos Jr. declared that the country will be pursuing an “independent foreign
policy” and stated further that, “… the Philippines shall continue to be a friend to all and an
enemy to none” and that “we will be a good neighbor — always looking for ways to collaborate
and cooperate with the end goal of mutually beneficial outcomes.” The Philippines should
always choose war for the sake of the people. We should

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