Tugas B Ingg Kep Meisya Wandira F (224201516107)

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Bahasa Inggris Keperawatan

Nama : Meisya Wandira Fairuriza

NPM : 224201516107
Kelas : A2
Hari/Tanggal : Senin, 27 Maret 2023
Dosen Pengampu : Ns. Diah Argarini., M.Kep.

1. Vocabulary: Medical Profession, Departments and Wards in Hospital.

• Vocabulary is a collection of several words that are combined, so that they have
1) Medical Profession:
1. Nurse : Perawat
2. Doctor : Dokter
3. Patient : Pasien
4. Pediatrician : Dokter Anak
5. Pharmacist : Apoteker
2) Sentences
1. “Today, I have made an appointment with an Pediatrician”.
2. “A patient with symptoms of fever is being examined by a nurse”.
3. “A pharmacist is dispensing medicine according to doctor’s
4. “Today, a doctor is examining a patient with shortness of breath”.
5. “The nurse in the Diponegoro room is giving medicine to the patient
according to the doctor’s instructions”.

3) Departments and Wards in Hospital:

1. General Ward : Ruang Perawatan Umum
2. Emergency Room : Unit Gawat Darurat
3. Intensive Care Unit : Ruang Perawatan Intensif
4. Operating Theatre : Ruang Operasi
5. Laboratory : Laboratorium
4) Sentences
1. “At 2 o’clock, the nurse will take me to the Operating Room”.
2. “A patient with fever symptoms comes to the Emergency Room”.
3. “This morning, a nurse was bringing patient Rama’s blood sample to the
Laboratory Room”.
4. “A patient who is critical due to an accident is taken to the Intensive Care
Unit (ICU)’.
5. “A patient goes into the General Ward to be studied further about his

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