Ritesh Jha 21btrcs058

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Name: -Ritesh Jha

USN: - 21BTRCS058


CIA 1: - Elaborate on your experience when you interacted with a group of people who
are less fortunate than you
Dealing with those less fortunate than yourself can be a humbling and stimulating experience. I recently had the
opportunity to volunteer at a local organization that provides food and basic necessities to the homeless in my t
own. This experience left a lasting impression on me and reminded me of the authority I have in my life.
When I came to the charity organization, a group of volunteers were preparing food and packing hygiene items
such as hygiene products, blankets and clothes. I was ordered to distribute food to those in need and to cross the
When I went out with a group of volunteers, I was both nervous and excited. It was my first time dealing with a
homeless person and I wasn't sure what to expect. Walking down the street I
see a small difference between city life and the people we work with. Many were sitting or lying on the paveme
nt, wrapped in blankets or coats for warmth. As we got closer, some of them looked up and I saw gratitude in th
eir eyes.Others are reluctant to approach us, perhaps wary of our intentions. This is a sobering reminder of the tr
uth that many of us face every day.

While distributing food and basic necessities, I realized that I was impressed by the many stories they told us. T
hey talked about the problems they faced in finding shelter, work and basic necessities such as food and clothin
g. They talked about the discrimination they face by people and the difficulty of being seen by someone when th
ey are constantly judged by their appearance and status.
But what impressed me the most was the strength and power of these men. Despite their difficulties, many still
have hope and hope for the future. They talk about their dreams and hopes of finding security and making a bett
er life for themselves and their families.
I am so grateful for the privileges I have in life when I walk away from this experience. I have a family to go to,
access to education and work, and the support of friends and family.
I realized that many of these people did not have the same qualities and that their struggles were deeper than I c
ould have imagined.
This experience also taught me the importance of understanding and understanding. It can be easy to judge and i
gnore those less fortunate than us, but it's important to remember that we all have our own stories and struggles.
By taking the time to listen and understand the experiences of others, we can develop greater understanding an
d compassion.

In general, dealing with people less fortunate than you is a big change.It reminds us of the rights we have in our
lives and the importance of compassion and understanding for those who face challenges we may not fully unde
rstand. I hope to volunteer with organizations that help people in need because it has been a humbling and rewar
ding experience that reminds me of the power of human relationships, kindness and compassion.

CIA 2:- Write Five points that made an Impact on you from the film “The Pursuit of

"The Pursuit of Happiness" is a film that portrays the inspiring true story of Chris Gardner, a struggling
salesman who becomes homeless while raising his young son. Here are five points that had an impact on me
from the film:

1. Resilience in the face of adversity: The film shows Chris Gardner's struggles with many issues including ho
melessness, financial poverty and single parenthood. He is constantly in search of a better life for himself, and h
is son is an important reminder of the power of the human spirit.
2.Sacrifice for Family: Throughout the film, Chris Gardner talks about the sacrifices he is willing to make for t
he health of his son, Christopher. No matter how difficult it was, she always put Christopher's needs first, showi
ng her love and devotion as a parent.

3. Follow Your Dreams: The Way to Be Happy shows the importance of chasing your dreams despite obstacles
. Chris Gardner wanted to be a successful businessman and continued to pursue his goals despite his lack of edu
cation and setbacks.
This video is a reminder that with hard work, dedication, and faith in yourself, dreams can come true.

4. Overcoming self-doubt: - Chris Gardner struggles with self-doubt throughout the film, often questioning his
own abilities and worth. But he learned to overcome these doubts and began to believe in his own abilities. This
demonstrates the importance of self-belief in personal and professional success.

5. Inspirational role: "In Pursuit of Happiness" showcases Chris Gardner as an inspiring example of the power
of perseverance, determination and goodwill. Her story inspires those who have faced challenges, reminding the
m of their ability to overcome challenges and build a better future.

Overall, The Best Way to Become contains important life lessons about perseverance, sacrifice, chasing your dr
eams, overcoming self-doubt, and the surprise of a good model.

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