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Marketing Implementation

Louis Vuitton uses value based pricing in its marketing mix for its products. Since customers
perceive the company's products as high value products, the customers are willing to pay the amount.
Louis Vuitton pays special attention to the quality of the material, the designs and make of the
products.A good marketing implementation strategy also allows you to prioritize your projects and make
sure that crucial tasks aren't delayed. In short, your marketing implementation strategy will help you
outline the actions of your team in fixed timeframes and help bring your marketing plan to life in the
most efficient way.

a) Target Market

LV uses value-based positioning strategies to attract the potential customers in the market.

Using exceptional designer techniques to bring in elegance & distinctiveness to people through different

LV to satisfy the changing needs of the customers. It has always positioned its products as a
symbol of superiority and had built reputation over a period of time. LV uses value-based positioning
strategies to attract the potential customers in the market.

b) Product

Louis Vuitton has consciously chosen to only make handmade products and not make machine
made. The company hires finest craftsmen and ensures that the product is completely unique. The
company registers all its designs and product to avoid imitation.

c) Promotion

 Louis Vuitton advertisements mainly consist of celebrities. This is done in order to target the
affective component of consumers' attitudes by allowing them to feel a certain emotional connection. It
gives consumers a social reference group that they are part of a group of celebrities.

d) Pricing

The price charges are largely dependent on several factors ranging from costs of production,
expenses incurred, and profit and among other factors. Additionally, a country factors such as tax
among other things will come into play when determining the price charges for Louis Vuitton products.
Nonetheless, it is essential understanding that Louis Vuitton unique brand, originality and identity play a
major role in the price charges. This is what makes Louis Vuitton brands a bit expensive as compared to
other brands available in the market.

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