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With this training programme you will have the possibility

to target the muscles of your body that protect your lower
back: abdominals and lumbars. Having those muscles
sufficiently strong and flexible, you will be able to prevent
injuries and pain in your lower back.
Everyday’s activities execution.
The skeletal system.
Postural muscles.

01 02 03
WORKOUT Recline 10 min. Stretching 2 min. Dumbbells 3 min.
Warm Up Quadriceps Obliques

08 07 06 05 04
Stretching 2 min. Stretching 2 min. Dumbbells 3 min. Stretching 2 min. Lat Machine 3 min.
Hamstring Standing Hip Flexors (iliopsoas) Crunch Lower Back (erector spinae) Pull Down

It’s possible to change the equipment suggested in the training programme if not available. Select an exercise or equipment that simulates the same movement.
Select an intensity and resistance level which allows you to complete the recommended time, sets and repetitions without reaching a high effort level.
For more information ask your trainer or visit

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