2 类比和对比

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说明文写作——类比和对比 高中英语写作教学设计

Task 1 Read the following paragraphs and find out the objects and the aspects of
comparison or contrast, the patterns and the ways used.
Paragraph 1
The same qualities that make people good house guests make them good hospital
patients. Good house guests can expect a reasonable amount of service and effort on
their behalf, and hospital patients can also. Guests have to adjust to what is for them a
charge, and certainly hospital patients must do the same. No one appreciates
complaining, unpleasant, unappreciative house guests. And the hospital staff is no
exception. House guests who expect vast changes to be made for their benefit are not
popular for long. Certainly nurses and other personnel with their routines feel the
same way about patients in their care. Just as house guests must make adjustments to
enjoy their visits, patients must make adjustments to make their stays reasonably
pleasant and satisfying under the circumstances.

Paragraph 2
There is an essential difference between a news story, as understood by a
newspaperman or a wire-service writer, and the news magazine story. The chief
purpose of the conventional news story is to tell what happened. It starts with the most
important information and continues into increasingly inconsequential details, not
only because the reader may not read beyond the first paragraph but because an editor
working on galley proofs (小样)a few minutes before press time likes to be able to
cut freely from the end of the story. A news magazine is very different. It is written to
be read consecutively from beginning to end, and each of its stories is designed,
following the critical theories of Edgar Allen Poe, to create one emotional effect. The
news, what happened that week, may be told in the beginning, the middle, or the end,
for the purpose is not to throw information at the reader but to seduce him into
reading the whole story, and into accepting the dramatic (and often political) point
being made.

Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2





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说明文写作——类比和对比 高中英语写作教学设计

Task 2 Fill in the blanks to complete the passage with appropriate conjunctions.

Even though Arizona and Rhode Island are both states of the U.S., they are
different in many ways. For example, the physical size of each state is different.
Arizona is large, having an area of 114,000 square miles, (1) ________ Rhode Island
is only about a tenth the size, having an area of only 1,214 square miles. (2) ______
another difference is in the size of the population of each state. Arizona has about four
million people living in it, (3) ________ Rhode Island has less than one million. The
two states (4) ______ differ in the kinds of natural environments that each has. For
example, Arizona is a very dry state, consisting of large desert areas that do not
receive much rainfall every year. (5) ________, Rhode Island is located in a temperate
zone and receives an average of 44 inches of rain per year. In all, Arizona and Rhode
contrast each other in many aspects and they are distinct from each other.

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说明文写作——类比和对比 高中英语写作教学设计

Task 3 Write a paragraph to compare or contrast “Eating” and “Reading”.

1. Discuss and complete the following table from some aspects you may compare and

Eating Reading
Meet the primary need of
Contrast body

Get basic nutrition

Enjoy the colour, smell

and taste

Avoid eating too much
without digesting

Leave out the rotten part

2. Write at least two aspects of comparing or contrasting “Reading” and “Eating”.


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