Học từ vựng

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Họ c từ vự ng (dùng đượ c ngay)

A. Local specialty: đặc sản địa phương

1. What is the local specialty in your hometown?

2. I like trying local specialties when traveling

3. My mother enjoys Italian local specialties a lot

4. Salmon is our best local specialty in the winter

5. Is this local specialty famous/ popular?

6. Do you want to try this local specialty?

7. This local specialty is very famous/ popular in my hometown

B: Popular: phổ biến/ nổi tiếng

8. Pho is very popular in Viet Nam

9. What is the most popular dish in your country?

10. Why is it so popular here?

11. This is a very popular dish in the north

12. Is KFC (chicken) popular in Viet Nam?

13. Banh Mi is (getting) more and more popular all over the


C: Taste: hương vị, khẩu vị, vị giác

14. I don’t like this taste

15. This taste is out of this world

16. This soup doesn’t have a lot of taste

17. The sweet taste of this cake is too much

18. Do you (still) remember this taste?

19. I like the taste of Hue sweet soup

20. The/ this taste is fresh and not too sweet

Họ c từ vự ng (dùng đượ c ngay 2)

A: Date (someone) : hẹn hò
21. They have been dating for a long time.

22. Are you really dating him?

23. How long have you two been dating?

24. I never thought that you would date her

25. I’m dating him.

26. He DOESn’t want to date UGLY girls

27. Who are you dating?

28. You shouldn’t date married women

B: Sidechick : ngườ i thứ 3

29. She is the sidechick
30. How do you know that she is your husband’s sidechick?
31. It’s not very nice to become a sidechick
32. I’m talking to your little sweet sidechick
33. Are you my husband’s sidechick?
34. I never want to be a sidechick
35. Yesterday, I saw your husband and his sidechick in
A supermarket.
36. Who is your sidechick?

Họ c từ vự ng (dùng đượ c ngay 3)

A: Sugar Daddy: bố đườ ng.
37. The man over there is my sugar daddy.

38. My sugar daddy is very sweet and nice.

39. Is your sugar daddy rich?

40. How old is your sugar daddy?

41. What is your sugar daddy’s job?

42. My sugar daddy is a little bit old. He is 69 years old

43. My SGDD buys me everything

My SGDD buys everything for me

B: Gold digger: kẻ đào mỏ

44. She is the best gold digger.

45. Do you know you are dating a gold digger?

46. What makes you think she is a gold digger?

47. Most gold diggers are very smart

48. I don’t think she is a gold digger

49. A gold digger only loves your money

Họ c từ vự ng (dùng đượ c ngay 4)

A: Gather: tập trung lại

50. We always gather here every week

51. I want you to gather all of your books

52. Why are you gathering here?

53. They never gather before 5

54. Please gather here. I have something to say

55. We gather at 10 AM every day

56. Please don’t gather here

57. Where will we gather?

Where do we gather?

B: Go boozing: đi nhậu

58. I don’t like going boozing.

59. She never GOES boozing with us

60. My husband is always going boozing

61. It’s ok to go boozing on holidayS

62. Do you like going boozing?

Do you like TO go boozing?

63. My husband is always going boozing every day

My husband goes boozing every day

64. Do you like to go boozing with us?

Would you like to go boozing with us?

Họ c từ vự ng (dùng đượ c ngay 5)

A: Flirt with: thả thính – tán tỉnh ai đó.

65. Are you flirting with me?

66. He flirts with his students

67. Don’t go out with him. He is trying to flirt with you

68. No flirting in the office, please.

69. I want to flirt with him

70. You can’t flirt with her

71. If he flirts with me, what will/ shall I do?

B: Fall for someone: đổ gục trước ai đó.

72. I never fall for my customers

73. She is falling for you.

74. It’s not okay to fall for a married man

75. Did you fall for her?

76. I don’t fall for her

77. We always fall for handsome men

78. Handsome men don’t fall for us.

C: Mesmerise/ Mesmerize: mê hoặc

79. This city is sure to mesmerise you.

80. Don’t mesmerize him. He is married

81. The garden mesmerizes us with beautiful flowers

82. He mesmerized me on the first day we met

83. Her smile mesmerized me

84. I never want to mesmerize married men

85. Do you think you can mesmerize me?

D: Mesmerizing: có sức hút, đầy mê hoặc,

làm say đắm lòng người

86. You are mesmerizing

87. There are mesmerizing views in this city

88. I can’t forget this mesmerizing moment.

89. She is mesmerizing, as always.

90. He is really mesmerizing

91. She isn’t mesmerizing.

92. This song is mesmerizing

93. This is a mesmerizing song

Họ c từ vự ng (dùng đượ c ngay 6)
A: Mooncake: bánh trung thu
94. Mooncakes are so beautiful and yummy.

95. Asian people always eat mooncakes on Mid-

autumn festival.

96. Mooncakes are made from flour, sugar,

eggs and so on.

97. It’s the best to eat mooncakes with a cup of


98. Do you like mooncakes?

99. I just/ only like (eating/ to eat) baked


100. Snow skin mooncakes are so sweet

B: Lion dance: múa lân
101. What a beautiful lion dance.

102. Do you enjoy watching lion dance?

103. You can only watch lion dance during mid-autumn


104. Kids are really into lion dance.

105. Do you want to watch lion dance with me?

106. Where shall we watch lion dance?

C: Reunite: đoàn tụ, sum họp

107. This is a great time to reunite with your family

108. Finally, we could reunite once again.

109. I don’t know if I could reunite with him

110. They don’t really want to reunite with me

111. We will reunite tomorrow.

112. Do you really want to reunite with your family?

Họ c từ vự ng (dùng đượ c ngay 7)
A: Mock: cà khịa, chế giễu ai đó
113. I like to mock people

114. Don’t mock me, it’s not nice.

115. Don’t you see? He’s mocking us.

116. Stop! It is not nice to mock her like that.

117. I never mock people.

118. People always mock me

119. Don’t mock me. I don’t like it.

B: Fox: làm khó dễ ai đấy

120. He is just foxing me

121. This question foxes me much

122. You did it to fox me, right?

123. I don’t mean to fox anyone

124. I’m here not to fox you.

I’m not here to fox you

125. Nothing can fox her

126. Don’t fox him. It’s just his responsibility

Họ c từ vự ng (dùng đượ c ngay 8)

A: Backstab: đ*m sau lưng.
127. I will never backstab you

128. She backstabbED you once, remember?

129. Don’t trust them. They may backstab you.

130. I’m not into backstabbing my friends.

131. Không giống như bạn, tôi không đâm sau lưng ai cả.

Unlike you, I don’t backstab anyone

132. Đừng để cô ta đâm sau lưng mày

Don’t let her backstab you.

B: Rely (on): dựa dẫm vào, phụ thuộc vào

133. Children rely on their parents

134. I can’t rely on you for good.

135. How do you know you can rely on her?

136. Rely on me, I will never leave you behind

137. Tôi có thể dựa dẫm vào bạn không?

Can I rely on you?

138. Cô ấy không thích dựa dẫm vào ai hết

She doesn’t like to rely on anyone

Họ c từ vự ng (dùng đượ c ngay 9)

A: Paranoid: hoang tưởng (tiêu cực)
139. She is usually paranoid.

140. Don’t stay too close. They are paranoid.

141. Are you paranoid? Why would I do that?

142. When you are paranoid, everything is so dangerous.

143. Bạn có nghĩ rằng mình bị hoang tưởng không?

Do you think I am paranoid?

You are
144. Tại sao lúc nào mày cũng hoang tưởng hết vậy?

Why are you always paranoid?

145. Tôi đang hẹn hò (với) 1 cô gái bị hoang tưởng

I’m dating a paranoid girl.

B: Cocky: ATSM, tự tin thái quá

146. She is the most cocky in this office.

147. I never think that you are cocky

148. Don’t be cocky. It’s not over yet

149. “Cocky” and “overconfident” are pretty the same

150. Anh ấy có ATSM không?

Is he cocky?

151. Bọn họ đâu có ATSM đâu.

They aren’t cocky.

Họ c từ vự ng (dùng đượ c ngay 10)

A: Crooked: lươn lẹo
152. They are terribly crooked.

153. Don’t believe her. She is crooked

154. He has been crooked about his age.

155. I swear I’m not crooked.

156. Đừng có lươn lẹo. Tao đâu có ngu.

Don’t be crooked. I’m not stupid.

157. Cô ấy là bạn của tôi và cô ấy không hề lươn lẹo đâu.

She is my friend and she isn’t crooked.

158. Mày có chắc là cô ấy không lươn lẹo không?

Are you sure (that) she isn’t crooked?

B: Straightforward: thẳng tính, thẳng thắn

159. She is very nice and straightforward

160. I will be straightforward with you this time.

161. You can’t work here if you’re straightforward.

162. Do you really think she is straightforward?

163. Tôi rất là thẳng tính.

I’m very straightforward.

164. Bởi vì tôi thẳng tính, nhiều người không thích tôi.
Many people don’t like me because I’m straightforward

165. Mẹ của bạn có thẳng tính không?

Is your mother straightforward?

Họ c từ vự ng (dùng đượ c ngay 11)

A: Manipulate: thao túng tâm trí, tâm lý
166. She manipulates everyone easily.
167. How are you going to manipulate them?
168. You can’t manipulate him. He is so smart.
169. I’m not good at manipulating people.
170. Bạn có thể thao túng cô ấy không?
Can you manipulate her?
171. Không ai có thể thao túng được tao.
No one can manipulate me.
172. Đừng nghe cô ấy.
Cô ấy đang cố gắng thao túng bạn thôi.
Don’t listen to her.
She is just trying to manipulate you.

B: Naive: ngây thơ, trong sáng, thánh thiện.

173. She is not naïve at all.
174. I don’t like naïve girls
175. How naïve you are!
176. Don’t be so naïve. It’s not true.
177. Anh ấy thật là ngây thơ.
He is so naïve.
178. Anh ấy còn ngây thơ hơn cả tôi.

He is more naïve than me.

179. Đừng hỏi tôi mấy câu hỏi ngây thơ như vậy
Don’t ask me such naïve questions.

Họ c từ vự ng (dùng đượ c ngay 12)

A: Stormy: liên quan đến bão, có bão.
180. This will be a stormy night.
181. What’s the weather? It’s stormy here.
182. Don’t go out tomorrow. It will be stormy.
183. What do you often do when it’s stormy?
184. Hôm nay trời bão à?
Is it stormy today?

185. Tôi ngủ sấp mặt vào những ngày giông bão.
I sleep a lot on stormy days.
186. Bạn có muốn đi ra ngoài vào những ngày trời
bão không?
Do you want to go out on stormy days?
B: Struggle: vật lộn, đấu tranh…..
187. They struggle to live in big cities.
188. What exactly are you struggling for?
189. People in Da Nang are struggling with storm Noru.
190. We struggle a lot to pay our bills.
191. Tôi vật lộn với công việc của mình mỗi ngày.
I struggle with my work every day.
192. Bạn có ĐANG vật lộn với công việc của mình không? Are
you struggling with your work?
193. Tôi không bao giờ vật lộn với bài tập về nhà
của mình cả.
I never struggle with my homework.

Họ c từ vự ng (dùng đượ c ngay 12)

A: Play dumb: giả ngốc.
194. She is playing dumb.
195. They are playing dumb to fool you.
196. I don’t think he is playing dumb.
197. We can’t tell whether he is playing dumb.
198. Cô ấy hay giả ngu lắm.
She usually plays dumb.
199. Ngưng giả ngu. Nói cho tao biết sự thật đi.
Stop playing dumb. Tell me the truth.
200. Anh ấy đâu có giả ngu đâu. Ảnh ngu thiệt á.
He doesn’t play dumb. He is really dumb.

A: True color: bản chất, bộ mặt thật.

201. Show me your true color.
202. Do you really know her true color?
203. Are you sure you really want to see his true color?
204.It’s not easy to see a person’s true color.
205.Bản chất thật của mày là gì?
What is your true color?
206.Bản chất thật của anh ấy không xấu.
His true color isn’t bad.
207.Làm sao bạn biết được bộ mặt thật của cô ấy?
How do you know her true color?

Họ c từ vự ng (dùng đượ c ngay 13)

A: Criticize: chỉ trích, phê phán, chê bai
208.You have no right to criticize him.
209.She is always criticizing people.
210.The teacher is criticizing her in front of everyone.
211.No one wants to be criticized.
212.Bố mẹ tôi cứ phê bình tôi hoài.
My parents always criticize me.
213.Đừng phê phán họ.
Don’t criticize them.
214.Họ không bao giờ chịu hiểu tôi.
Họ cứ chỉ trích tôi thôi.
They never understand me. They only criticize me.

B: Insult: chửi, làm nhục, lăng mạ

215.You can’t insult your friends like that.
216.How dare you insult her?
217.Did you ever insult someone and regret later?
218.Insulting people is not my thing.
219.Anh ấy thường xuyên sỉ nhục em.
He usually insults me.
220.Tôi không thích sỉ nhục bất kì ai.
I don’t like to insult anyone
221.Bạn đừng có mà xúc phạm danh dự và
nhân phẩm của tôi.
Don’t insult me.
Học từ vựng (dùng được ngay 14)
A: Bankrupt: phá sản, vỡ nợ.
222.That bank is not going to be bankrupt
223.It’s difficult for a bank to go bankrupt in Viet Nam
224.I can’t be bankrupt right now.
225.When you are bankrupt, what would you do?
226.Tôi phá sản rồi.
I am bankrupt.
227.Anh ấy không thể phá sản được đâu.
He can’t go/ be bankrupt.
228.Tại sao bọn họ lại phá sản?
Why did they go bankrupt?
Why were/ are they bankrupt?

B: Withdraw: rút tiền (thường là từ ngân hàng)

229.I can’t withdraw money from this ATM.

230.Many people are trying to withdraw their money.
231.Why did you withdraw too much cash yesterday?
232.You don’t need to withdraw all of that.
233.Tôi cần rút 3 nghìn đô.
I need to withdraw 3000 dollars/ 3k
234.Bạn muốn rút bao nhiêu?
How much do you want to withdraw?
235.Thật xin lỗi, bạn không thể rút tiền vào lúc này.
We are so sorry. You can’t withdraw money
right now.

Học từ vựng (dùng được ngay 15)

A: Treat: đối xử (với ai đấy)
236. They treat me badly.
237. I don’t like the way you treat her.
238. I promise I will treat you better.
239. Do you want me to treat her this way?
240. It is hard to treat a patient with cancer.
241. Bọn họ đối xử với tôi rất tốt.
They treat me WELL.
242. Anh ấy đối xử với mọi người bằng cả tấm
lòng mình.
He treats everyone with all his heart.
243. Tại sao bạn lại đối xử với tôi như vậy?
Why do you treat me like that?

B: Fair: Công bằng.

244. This is perfectly fair.
245. It’s not fair to her
246. Is it fair to me to do everything?
247. The way you treat her is not fair.
248. Đây là một cuộc thi công bằng.
This is a fair competition.
249. Cuộc sống vốn dĩ không công bằng.
Life is not fair.
250. Sếp của bạn có công bằng không?
Is your boss fair?

Học từ vựng (dùng được ngay 16)

A: Sibling: anh chị em ruột.
251. He is my sibling.
252. How many siblings do you have?
253. Is that girl your youngest sibling?
254. I don’t really get along with my siblings.
255. Diệu Nhi là em gái ruột của chị.
Dieu Nhi is my sibling.
256. Bạn có ở chung phòng với anh chị em của
bạn không?
Do you share a room with your siblings?
257. Anh chị em của bạn có gia đình chưa?
Are your siblings married?

B: Reasonable: hợp lý, biết điều.

258. She is not a reasonable person.
259. I don’t think your roommate is reasonable.
260. I really like reasonable people.
261. Why are you always reasonable with her?
262. Bạn có biết điều không?
Are you reasonable?
263. Bọn họ không hề biết điều.
They are not reasonable (at all)
264. Tôi thích làm việc với những người biết điều.
I like working with reasonable people.

Học từ vựng (dùng được ngay 17)

A: Greedy: tham lam.
265. They are greedy men.
266. He looked at the diamond with greedy eyes.
267. I will never marry that greedy woman.
268. A greedy man has no good ending.
269. Cô ấy tham lam lắm.
She is very greedy.
270. Tôi rất là tham lam trong tình yêu.
I’m very greedy in love.
271. Ai cũng tham lam cả mà.
Everyone is greedy.

B: Repay: trả ơn, trả đũa.

272. I will repay you one day.

273. You don’t really need to repay her.
274. Don’t you think you should repay them for
275. They promised to repay me last year.
276. Làm sao tôi có thể đền đáp bạn đây?
How can I repay you?
277.Bố mẹ bạn có bao giờ cần bạn báo đáp họ đâu.
Your parents never need you to repay them.
278. Bạn sẽ đền đáp anh ấy chứ?
Will you repay him?

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