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Livestream luyện nghe (2)

A: Ladies and gentlemen. Please welcome one of our favorite

Joe Dawson. Welcome to the show, Joe.

B: Thanks very much. It’s great to be back in Hollywood

A: Right. You don’t live here now, do you?

B: That’s right. I’m from Hollywood but I don’t live here now

A: Where do you live?

B: I live in Miami

A: You work in Hollywood and you live in Miami? Come on

B: Well, actually, My wife is from Miami. Her mom and dad live

A: Is that right?
B: Yes.
Livestream luyện nghe (3)
Application: đơn xin việc
Canada: nước Ca na đa
Toronto: thành phố Toronto
Vancouver: thành phố Vancouver

A: OK. Here’s my application

B: Thank you
A: So Your name is Alice? And You’re from Canada?
B: That’s right.
A: Where do you live in Canada?
B: Well, I’m from Toronto but I live in Vancouver
A: And what do you do?
B: I’m a student

1. Đơn xin việc củ a bạ n đâu?

Where is your application?
2. Tôi rấ t ấ n tượ ng vớ i đơn xin việc củ a bạ n
I’m impressed by/ with your application
3. Nướ c Canada rấ t là đẹp vào mùa thu
Canada is beautiful/ gorgeous in the autumn/ fall

4. Toronto nằ m ở miền nam củ a Ontario

Toronto is located in the south of Ontario

5. Vancouver là 1 thành phố rấ t lãng mạ n

Vancouver is a romantic city.

Livestream luyện nghe (4)

New Asia Restaurant (N) : nhà hàng New Asia
Menu (N) : Thự c đơn
Foods (N) : các món ăn
Favorite (N) : món ăn yêu thích
Noodles (N) : các món bún mì phở
Beef (N) : Thịt bò
Rice (N) : gạ o – cơm
Order (N) : 1 phầ n/ đơn (món ăn cụ thể)
Coming right up: có liền.

A: Hi, welcome to New Asia restaurant.

How are you tonight?

B: Good thanks. Can I see a menu please?

A: Sure. Here you are!

B: Wow. You have so many foods. What’s your favorite?

A: Well. The noodles are really good

But I like beef and rice.

B: Okay, I’ll have beef and rice

A: One order of beef and rice. Coming right up

1. Bạn nghĩ sao về nhà hàng New Asia?

What do you think about New Asia restaurant?
2. Các món ăn ở nhà hàng New Asia có đắt không?
Are the foods in New Asia restaurant

3. Cái menu bự quá vậy

What a big menu

4. Có cái menu nào ở đây không?
Is there any menu here?

5. Xin lỗi, Phần chị gọi là gì ấy nhỉ?

Excuse me, What is your order?
6. Em xin phép xác nhận phần chị gọi nhé.
May I confirm your order?

7. Bạn muốn món bò của bạn như thế nào?

How do you want your beef?
8. Chín vừa nha anh.
Medium, please.

Livestream luyện nghe (4)

Café Roma: quán cà phê Roma
Pretty good: khá tốt
Here it is: của bạn đây
Lasagna: món ăn của Ý.
Pizza: bánh Piza
Pasta: Nui các loại
Spaghetti: Mì Ý
Choice: sự lựa chọn

A: Welcome to Café Roma. How are you?

B: I’m pretty good. Thanks. Do you have a

A: Yes, we do. Here it is.

B: Hey, what a big menu!
Lasagna, Pizza, you have everything
A: We sure do. Anything Italian, anyway.
B: Well, I like pasta. Hmmmm, Spaghetti
I’ll have that.
A: One spaghetti. Good choice sir.
Livestream luyện nghe (5)
Beef and rice: cơm bò
Actually: thậ t ra là.
Salty: mặ n
Water: nướ c
Great: tuyệt vờ i.

A: Do you like your beef and rice?

B: Actually, no. It’s very salty
A: Oh no. I’m sorry. Do you want some water?
B: Oh please. That would be great.

Livestream luyện nghe (6)

Spaghetti: mì Ý
Anything else: còn gì nữa không?
Really: thật sự….
Hungry: đói bụng
Cheese sandwich: bánh mì kẹp phô mai
Bring: mang đến
A: How is everything?
B: It’s very good. Thank you.
A: Do you like your spaghetti?
B: Yes. It’s great.
A: Can I get you anything else?
B: Hmmm. Yes, actually. I’m really hungry
today. I’ll have a cheese sandwich
A: Okay, I’ll bring a cheese sandwich.

How many servings of cheese sandwich does he


Livestream luyện nghe (7)

: đi ăn hàng / đi ăn ngoài
Seoul: Thành phố Xê Un
San Francisco: tiểu bang của Mỹ
Kimchi: Món Kimchi của Hàn
Korea: Hàn Quốc
Best-known: Nổi tiếng nhất
Made from: được làm từ……
Cabbage: bắp cải
Chilli pepper: ớt (cay)

Serve: phục vụ (món ăn)

Meal: bữa ăn

Describe: miêu tả

Different types: Nhiều loại khác nhau

Eating out in Seoul and San Francisco

Kimchi is Korea’s best-known food.
It’s made from cabbage, chilli peppers and vegetables
Korean restaurants serve IT at almost every meal
It’s difficult to describe
There are so many different types

Livestream luyện nghe (8)

Offer: cung cấp/ phục vụ
World cuisine: món ăn đặc sản trên thế giới
Including: bao gồm
Fascinating: thú vị
Mixtures of styles: sự hòa trộn văn hóa ẩm thực
So on: vân vân
Brunch: kết hợp giữa ăn sáng và ăn trưa
The biggest meal: bữa ăn thịnh soạn nhất
Long table: cái bàn dài.
Full of: nhiều, đầy đủ (cái gì đấy)
Eggs: trứng
Pancakes: bánh crep
Home fries: khoai tây chiên nhà làm
Fried potato: khoai tây chiên
Breakfast: bữa ăn sáng
Lunch: ăn trưa
Called: được gọi là
Percent: phần trăm
Doggy bags: túi, hộp đựng thức ăn thừa
Take out container: túi đựng thức ăn thừa
Finish: ăn hết (dùng trong ăn uống)

San Francisco offers the best of world cuisine

including some fascinating mixtures of styles.

Japanese-Italian, Korean-American and so on..

But what do San Francisco people like best?

Sunday brunch. The best and often the biggest

meal of the week is brunch.

At many restaurants,

there is a long table full of wonderful food.

Eggs, pancakes, sandwiches, salmon and home fries,

Fried potato you eat with breakfast.

You can have breakfast food for lunch or lunch food for

That’s why it’s called brunch.

Breakfast plus lunch.

Did you know 95 percent of San Francisco’s restaurants

have doggy bags,
take out containers for the food you don’t finish. Because,

today’s brunch is tomorrow’s lunch.

Livestream luyện nghe (9)

Hungry: đói bụng
Starving: đói rã ruột
Pizza: bánh Piza
Really: thật sự
Chinese food: đồ ăn Trung Hoa
Dumplings: bánh bao

Idea: ý kiến/ ý tưởng

Are you hungry?

Hungry? I’m starving
Do you like pizza?
No, not really. Do you like Chinese food?
Yes, I do. I love it.
Let’s have dumplings
Great idea.
Ok, let’s go.

Livestream luyện nghe (10)

Greg: Tên riêng

Ask: hỏi

Go swimming: đi bơi.

Beach: bãi biển

Summer: Mùa hè

Winter: mùa đông

No way: không đời nào.

Cold: lạnh.
Keep fit: giữ dáng

Walk: đi bộ
Go jogging: chạy bộ

A: Greg, can I ask you another question?

B: Sure
A: You go swimming at the beach every morning, right?
B: Right
A: In the summer and the winter?
B: No way, not in the winter
A: I never go swimming at the beach in the winter
It’s too cold.
B: So, what do you do to keep fit in the winter?
A: Well, I walk a lot and I sometimes go jogging
B: How often?
A:hmm, maybe three times a week

Livestream luyện nghe (11)

Alice: tên riêng

Go ahead: tiếp tục.

Go to the gym: đi tập gym.

Never: không bao giờ.

Crowded: đông đúc

A: Hello again, Alice.

B: Yes?

A: Can I ask you another question?

B: Sure! Go ahead.

A: You walk to keep fit, right?

B: Yes

A: Do you go to the gym at all?

B: No, never.

A: Never?

B: Right.

A: Why not?

B: I don’t like the gym because it’s always crowded

And really, I don’t have time.

A: Thank you

Livestream luyện nghe (12)

NBA: National Basketball Association (giải bóng rổ lớn ở Mỹ)

Read on: Tiếp tục đọc.

Sport: môn thể thao.

Young: trẻ trung.

Players: cầu thủ (trong trường hợp nói về bóng rổ)

Dream of: mơ về cái gì đấy.

Professional: chuyên nghiệp

League: mùa giải.

Top level: đỉnh cao

Hard: chăm chỉ. Cứng, khó (trong bài nó sẽ có nghĩa là “khó”)

Tall: cao

Fast: nhanh

Energy: năng lượng.

Fit: cân đối.

Train: đào tạo, rèn luyện, luyện tập

Running track: đường chạy điền kinh

Court: sân bóng (sân bóng rổ)

Season: mùa (thời tiết), muầ giải

Serious: nghiêm trọng, nghiêm túc

You want to play in the NBA?

Read on

Basketball is a very popular sport all over the world.

Young players from all countries dream of becoming

professional players.

And they want to play in the best league in the world

The NBA, National Basketball Association.

What’s it like playing at the top level of this amazing sport?

Professional basketball is a hard, non-stop sport.

And the players are very tall and fast.

They need a lot of energy and they need to be very fit

They never stop training in the gym, on the running track

and on the court.

When the season starts in October, training gets really


Livestream luyện nghe (13)

Superstar: ngôi sao
Hour: giờ (1 tiếng đồng hồ)
Alone: một mình

Yao Ming: tên 1 siêu sao bóng rổ

Teammate: đồng đội

Warm up: khởi động (cơ thể)

Shoot: bắn, ném bóng vào rổ (bóng rổ)

Basket: cái rổ, rá (rổ trong môn bóng rổ)

At least: ít nhất

Practice: luyện tập.

Chinese superstar Yao Ming trains 7 days a week during

the season.

And he often trains alone.

In the morning, he usually spends an hour in the gym

before he meets his teammates.

He warms up and shoots baskets.

He always shoots at least 200 baskets.

and he sometimes shoots more than a thousand.

He never stops practicing.

Do you want to be a professional basketball player?

Do you want to train like an NBA superstar?

Livestream luyện nghe (14)

Joe: tên riêng.
Diane: tên riêng
Look: nhìn
Last: cuối cùng, vừa rồi.
Math exercise: bài tập toán.
Computer: máy tính để bàn
Football game: trận đá banh
Both: cả 2
Turn off: tắt (TV, điều hòa, v.v)

A: Hello?

B: Hi Joe. This is Diane.

A: Oh Hi. How’re things?

B: Good. Joe, I’m looking at your last math exercise

on the computer.

A: Uh huh.

B: It’s not bad. But…Joe, what are you doing?

A: I’m watching TV

B: I see. What are you watching?

A: A football game.

B: What about your math homework?

A: I’m doing that, too.

B: You’re doing your math homework and you’re

watching a football game on TV?

A: Yes.

B: Joe, You can’t do both. Turn off the TV and do

your homework.
Livestream luyện nghe (15)
Tutor: gia sư
Good at: giỏi 1 lĩnh vực nào đấy, 1 việc nào đấy.
Hard: chăm chỉ.
Page: trang sách/ vở

Hold on: chờ một chút.

Second: giây

A: Joe, please stop watching TV and do some work.

B: Diane, it’s a really good game.

A: Joe, your mother pays me to be your math tutor.

Turn off the TV.

B: Okay, okay.

A: Are you turning it off?

B: Yes, I am.
A: Good.

A: Do you have your math book there?

B: Yes, I do.

A: Okay, please open it.

B: Okay.

A: Is your book open?

B: Yes.

A: Joe, listen to me. This is important. You’re good at math

But you don’t work hard.

B: I know, I know. The book is open. I’m looking at it now.

A: What page are you looking at?

B: huh?

A: Which page are you looking at?

B: Page eighteen

A: Okay. Tell me the first exercise.

B: Hmmm, hold on a second.

A: Joe, Are you watching TV again?

Livestream luyện nghe (16)

Sir: ngài (gọi 1 người đàn ông)
Ticket: vé
Late: trễ
Traffic: giao thông.

Terrible: kinh khủng.

Plane: máy bay

Leave: rời đi.

Oh boy: ôi trời ơi.

Pocket: túi (áo, quần)

Suitcase: cặp xách

Bag: cái balo, cái túi

A: Good afternoon, sir. Ticket, please.

B: I’m sorry I’m late. The traffic was terrible.

A: Yes, I know. Now, may I see your ticket?

B: And my plane leaves in 5 minutes.

A: It’s alright, sir. Just give me your ticket.

B: No problem. It’s here……I think. I’ve got it somewhere.

Oh boy… It was in my pocket this morning.

A: Is it in your pocket now?

B: It isn’t.

A: How about your suitcase?

B: Oh, my suitcase. No, it isn’t.

A: How about your bag?

B: My bag. No, it isn’t.

Livestream luyện nghe (17)
Passport: hộ chiếu.
Calm down: bình tĩnh.

Hotel: khách sạn

Excelsior: tên riêng

In a hurry: đang vội

Floor: tầng nhà/ sàn nhà

A: This is crazy. My ticket isn’t in my pocket and

it isn’t in my bag and.. Oh no, where is my passport?

I don’t have my passport.

B: It’s okay, sir. Calm down.

A: Calm down!? My ticket and my passport were in my

pocket this morning. I’m sure they were.

B: Okay, sir. So…where were you this morning?

Were you at home?

A: At home? No, I wasn’t at home. I was in a hotel

B: Which hotel?

A: What?

B: Which hotel were you in?

A: The Excelsior…and my ticket…Oh No!

B: What is it?

A: My ticket and passport were on the table in my room.

B: Oh..Okay.

A: I was late, you see. I was in a hurry.

B: Yes, sir. Don’t worry. Oh..What’s that?

A: What?
B: On the floor. I think it’s your ticket and your passport.

A: Ohhhhhhhhh. Thank you. You’re a star.

Livestream luyện nghe (18)

Cellphone: điện thoại di động.
Manner: cách ứng xử.
Wonderful: tuyệt vời.
Contact: liên lạc
Careful: cẩn thận
Cause problems: gây chuyện, gây rắc rối.
Suggestion: gợi ý, đề nghị.
Ringtone: nhạc chuông.
Low level: âm lượng thấp.
Switch to vibrate: chuyển sang chế độ rung (điện thoại)
Text message: tin nhắn (văn bản)
Polite: lịch sự.

Cellphones are wonderful.

You can talk to your friends while you’re watching
Or when you’re sitting in a coffee shop.
People can contact you with important news all the time.
But be careful, sometimes cellphones cause problems for the
people around you.

Here are 8 suggestions to help you have good cellphone

1. Always speak quietly on the phone. Other people are
not interested in your conversations.

2. Always set your ringtone at a low level.

3. Always move away from other people when you make a
call in public.

4. Always turn off your phone at the movies, in a theater

or in class. If you can’t turn it off, switch to vibrate.

5. Never send a text message in class.

6. Never talk on the phone when you are buying something

in the store or checking in at an airport. It isn’t polite.

7. Never use your phone on a plane or in a hospital. It

can cause problems with their technology,

8. Never choose a really bad pop song as your ringtone.

Livestream luyện nghe (19)

Jeans: quần jean.
Designer jeans: quần Jean thiết kế.
Regular jeans: quần Jean thông thường.
Cent: xu (tiền)
Cool: ngầu
Take: lấy, mang đi, mua (trong mua sắm)
A: Hi, can I help you?
B: Yeah, I’m looking for some jeans.
A: Great, we have a lot of jeans.
How about these designer jeans?
B: I don’t know. Aren’t designer jeans expensive?
A: Well. These are 160 dollars. Is that expensive?
B: Yeah, it is. Do you have anything else?
A: Oh, these regular jeans are 49 dollars 99 cents.
But the designer jeans are cooler.
B: Yeah. But the regular jeans aren’t as expensive.
I’ll take the regular jeans.

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