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!!Please study the preview tasks carefully!

Even if you do not agree with some marks (you may

always send us feedback for such cases) the comments will give you a lot of important insight.!!

The task is to mark how the Sports Answer is related to the given query.
 The term ‘query’ refers to the keyword(s) that an imaginary internet user (from now on ‘user’) has
used to search for something on the internet.
 The term ‘Sports Answer’ refers to the sports card on the right side of the hitapp interface.

What you are expected to do is:

 Try to understand what the user has searched for. Browse the Bing (or any other search engine)
results for the given query if needed. (The given query, by default, will show Bing results when
 Study the Sports Answer card and determine whether it is related to the user query.
 Select the appropriate label that shows how the Sports Answer is related to the query:
- Sports Query, Sports Answer Related
- Sports Query, Sports Answer Not Related
- Not Sports Query, Sports Answer Shown
- Other

Sports Query, Sports Answer Related: Choose this label if the query is a sports query (i.e. the user
intends to find something related to sports) and the Sports Answer is related to the query and answers
the user request.

Sports Query, Sports Answer Not Related: Choose this label if the query is a sports query (i.e. the user
intends to find something related to sports) but the Sports Answer is not related to the query, therefore
does not answer the user request.

Not Sports Query, Sports Answer Shown: Choose this label if the query is not a sports query (i.e. the
user intends to find something related to sports), yet a Sports Answer is shown.

Other: Choose this label if

- the query is in a language other than English (Be careful! Special names like football clubs, cities,
sportspeople etc. that are spelt the same way in English are not to be considered non-English.);
- the query suggests adult content;
- the query is meaningless, too hard to understand what it is about.
“EPL Schedule”
The query is about the English Premier
League Schedule and as we can see the
Sports Answer shows the related
information, so the correct mark is “
Sports Query, Sports Answer Related”.

“isaha roby”

The query contains a typo and should be
taken as "isaiah roby". The Sports Answer
shows the content related to the query,
so the correct mark should be “ Sports
Query, Sports Answer Related”.

Sports Query, Sports Answer Related
Sports Query, Sports Answer NOT Related

“miami heat transfer”
We can see that this is a sports query, but
the Sports Answer shows no information
about transfers or transfer news about
Miami Heat, so the correct mark should
be “ Sports Query, Sports Answer NOT

“dallas mavericks scores”

We can see that this is a sports query, but
the Sports Answer shows no information
about Dallas Mavericks, so the correct
mark should be “ Sports Query, Sports
Answer NOT Related”.
Not Sports Query, Sports Answer Shown

“old dominion nashville”
We can see that this is not a sports query,
but a Sports Answer is shown, so the
correct mark should be “ Not Sports Query,
Sports Answer Shown”.

“angels mobie”

We can see that the query is very
probably "angels movie" with a typo, so
this is not a sports query, but a Sports
Answer is shown, so the correct mark
should be “ Not Sports Query, Sports
Answer Shown”.

“английская премьер лига”

We can see that the query is non-English,
so the correct label should be “Other”.


The query does not make any sense, so
the correct mark should be “Other”.

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