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PNG: It needs Industrialization.


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thesis statement


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Pn is an agrarian society.

Papau new guinea is an agrrian society basically means that papua new guinea society still perctice
feudal mthods like farming,self subsistence and other prinmitive activities as a mean of sustainance.

PNG is largely agrarian because of factors like:

 Land based culture

 Subsistence farming

 Poverty

Land based culture

PNG ahs a cultutre that is mostly based ariund land. May it be farming or sett5elment


Farming is mayor part of png land culture.

Farming is seen in PNG as the core component when it comes to land allocation traditionally.

More that 70% of land used in Papua new Guinea is used primarily for farming.

The way farming is carried out utilizing the alng varies from tribe to tribe in Papua new guines.

Given the lack of agriculture technology, utiling of land primarily for the sack of crop rotation is common

Settlement of people on is also a amyor part of PNG land culture

A lot of tribes in papua new guinea are not nomadic in nature hence they require land to settle and buid

Alnd is divided absed own tribres in pappua new guindeans.

Due to tribal dispute there is lack migration among causing people to build strong connection to the land
their tribe owns.

Most Papua new Guinean tribes consider living space or land as very important

Sadly these promote a negative incentive of frequent ttribal conflicts.

Subsistence farming

Subsistence farimng ios the main food supply structure of the population in papua new gunieans

Subsistanc e farming in papuanew guinea is utilizing the land and tropical climate for agriculcutraul
means in order fro Papuan new guneans to susutain themselves.

More that 90% of pappua new guineans perform partial or complete subsistence farming.

Most of the land that are supposed to be uised fro other pupoes are used fto subsistence farming.

Ecess harvest from subbsitance framing make therir way to the market but given there are excess,they
don promote a fixed market supply.

Introduction of cash crops have only shifted intio subsitabnce farming causing low quantity supplied
when it comes to collective farming.


Poverty interms of wealtgh and knowledge may be the direct reason why png is agrarian.

Why png is sstill agrarrian

Papua new guinea is a poor country hense it resorts to agreriean.

By world bank statistice ,PNG ranks as 149 poorest country in the world

40% of people live below the poverty line.

Papua new guinea has less infrastructure.

The overall contry has a low GDP per capita and income compared to other countries in the region of
southeast asia and oceania

Given the situations PNG makes an economic desosion.

All this circumstances forces papua new guneans to depnd on subsistence farming and other agrarian
activities as a means to survive.

Current industry level in papua new guinea

the current industrry level in papua new guinea is very basic and less compared too its capacity when
looking at the reaource in papua new guinea

Present industry in png by catergory are:


When try to dteetrmine the level of industry .eraseachers obsereve the statistics of a countrty and
compare that with the exxisting industry factors present within the country.

The table bellow shows the factors of industrialization and how its appliaction is on png

Factor of industrialization Application on papuab new guinea

Natural reasoursce


Labor market




Dissa avantages faced by PNg as a result of lack of industrialization.


A first disadvantage thatpapua new guinea has due to lack of industry is that it is plagued by widespread

One factor that defines developing countries is that they are unable to provide a high standard of living
for the majority of their population due to their incapability to industrialize and raep its benefits.

Extensive poverty is perhaps the biggest disadvantage pqapau new guinea ahs . People living in poverty
are unable to fulfil their potential. They are also prone to worse health outcomes and often lack
education. People living in poverty struggle to access basic services and are at risk of exploitation and

The widespread poverty across the developing world is definitely one of the major problems developing
countries face as result of lack of industry.
Low employment rate/high unemplyment

Png s lack of industrys has is responsbile fro the low rate rate of emplyment in the contry.

Industry creates jobs .the more the industrializtion.the more the need fro labour

Howevr the given pngs low employmet rate a lot of peopele have difficulties finding job in png.

Bare in mind this is low emplyment rate .not unmeplymet rate.png has a low employment ratec
because png lacks the infastructure (industrys) to take in the full labour market in the contry.

Taken form the ……………Png new guinea statistics about the employemnt raet is ………..Png by data has
has low emplyment rate in the world

Png is ranked,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, by employment rate in the worls as a result

Alck of employment in v he country also means a alck of income eswell.

Been one n of the poorest third world contries in the world pngs also posses low emplyment rate for its
labour sector.

This llow rate has casied a lot of people to struggle or left been out in terms of seekihng employment.

The level of industry preseny in the coountry cannot lack the capacity to employ the amount of the
labour amrket going unemployed introduced evry year.

Yourthws are the common victimn of unemployement in the country as they graduate out of colleges to

All in all the rate of emplyment in the countryu is low because of the alck of industry opertaing in the

Vunerable to economic crisis

A final disadvantage that developing countries have it their limited resilience when hit by crises.

Economic crises are common around the word. However, papua new giunea is less able to withstand
these crises. Its economic and political institutions are weaker as a result of poor indyrustry and so can
succumb more easily to economic shocks.

Papu new guinea is more likely to be faced with natural disasters. It may often lack the financial and
material resources needed to fully prepare for these disasters, and to help the communities affected to

The majority of conflicts in the world are fought in developing countries which can succumb more easily
to armed violence. They are also more likely to face foreign interference that can enlarge conflicts.

Across economic and political crises, natural disasters and conflicts, pqapau nrew guiinea has less
resilience and is less able to recover. Papua new guinea may rely on international assistance in order to
help people in need. This lack of resilience and capacity to whether crises is a major disadvantage for
developing countries with less industrialization.
Can png be industrialised on a large scale

Yes it can be industrialised on a largv scale.

Tahek other first world countries like brittain,china or japan for example:they acrreid out socila
l,economical nand poitiacl reforms that ledn to theroe industrial revolution.

Raesechers have studied those first world countries and ahev seen similarities and a aptten in reforms
that eventually alead to those countries succes.

Those countries did attemp most of the patterns but slightly different based individullt by country

If png inrtends to can follow these pattern as follows:

Pattern (steps) maening Png context (how it can apply it)

maintain political stability at all Peace and order should be Png govonment can adress nthe
costs prevailent in the society law and order issue and restore
and enforce peace throughout
the country

focus on the grassroots, bottom- Work with local afrmes and Govornment can eanct reforms
up reforms e stajkholders from a targeted that work inline with local and
grassroot level befroe addresing work up like SME.
issues on national scale.
Also suport local trade overseas

promote rural industries despite Support ideas and inovations Local technologies invented can
their primitive technologies; from thte grassroot level. be promoted and encourahe by
the provincila govornments

Promoote downstream Encourage economy to Png govonment should promote

processing manufacture goods. investement in the country.

provide enormous government Govonment building All levl of govronmentcs can

support for infrastructure infustructutre to support prioritise raising infustructure in
industrialization. their respective provnce and
didtrict to help industry.

Support mass labour Promote mass production for If this will reduec the hig
the mass market; unemployment rate in PNG

Avoid absolute privatization Govonment should at lease State owned interprase must
participate in the mixed also participarte in our economy.

Introduec wellfare This incentivse society to be Palce paeopl on free forthnights

positive toward industrialization
Benefits that can come from industrialization

increase economy activity

Industrialization is the true main factor behind increase economy activity.

Increase economy basically means, there is more buying and selling taking palce in a mico economy or a
macroeconomy level.

Or in other words there is more interaction and weight along the circular flow of income.

There will alson be increase trade with foreighn contries will balanced or less trade deficit

Gdp growth rate will be increased

The economy will improve significfantly as a result of Increase economic activity
leads to economic growth.

availability of range of goods produced locally

There will be range of goods and service avaialbel due to manufacturing

Large amonut of Goods and servivices will b e produced locally.

There will be improvements and sharing of technology in the local industry to make avail variety of

Their will be a drop in importatation of foregn goods.

Currently most goods are unavailable to PNG market as PNG is incapable to produce them

By recent data Papua new guinea still continues to import large amount of goods and service from
outside the country to make up for their absence in local market

Most technological goods are imoported into PNG as PMG is in no position to produce them.

The range of goods produced locally will be broadend if th ellocal market indsutrialise to meert the
demand fr the goods that are importted.

goods and services are affordable loccaly

The price of good and service wilol drop as a result of industrializatiom

Given that there will be a range goods available t o the local market (check …..) . the price of those
goods too will drop significantly.

When a supplier sell a product to a consumer in a local market.these cost are exempted

 Transsport cost

 Shipping cost
 Tariff cost

 Import taxes

These cost aer associated with importing goods and service from another country as a result of lack of
industry are some prime nfactors responsible for high prices.

The presense of locally produced goods and service will promote competition among local
market.causing price to drop.

This will help papua new guinea afford the goods and service they demand at a cheap price comapared
to the importqation of the good nfrom foreighn industrai l countrys.

increase income

Industrialization will increase income of the labour market in png economy.

Given that Income by economy definition is……………

.pmg high unmeployment due to lack of industry is casing poor inome in the c ountry frm a general level

Current income level in PNG is……………

Given when PNG industrialise iots economy.

The income level rise signjificantly.

more jobs

increase living standard

other areas that improve are:

 Varried Wholesale trade

 Technological Level of agriculture


PNG lack industry because…………


………….land reform


………..lack investment

On that note

PNG can become industrial if…………


…… reform

………cultural change

……...more investment

………….more entrepreneur

……….economy growth

………..Other third world countries industrializing are

PNG future can be…………..

………..increase economy

………availability of goods

……..afordability of goods


………..more jobs

………..increase living standard

……..Present Industry in PNG are

………othere areas that improve are:



Health acre

Wholesale trade

Level of agriculture


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