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5121/2 Schl Number Le Serene RELIGIOUS STUDIES PAPER 2 - CHRISTIAN PERSPECTIVES ON PERSONAL, SOCIALAND WORLD ISSUES $121/2 tuesday 7 JUNE 2022 s:00Pm-33 L Ministry or Epucation NaTIONAL EXAMINATIONS [BAHAMAS GENERAL CERTIFICATE OF SECONDARY EDUCATION INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Do not open this booklet until you are tld to do so. Write your school number, candidate number, surname and initials inthe spaces provided on this booklet, ‘SECTION I — Answer both questions | and 2 SECTION I~ Answer TWO of questions 3 t 6. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES: ‘The number of marks available is shown in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part — FOR EXAMINER'S USE ONLY Question I You are advised to spend forty-five minutes) | Question? (45 minutes) completing Section I and one hour and fifteen Section I. minutes (I hr. 15 mins.) completing | Question 3 Question 4 Question § Question 6 Total Marks SECTIONI Answer BOTH questions 1 and 2 ‘Answer All the parts of BOTH questions. ih Read the following passage and answer ALL parts (a) to (¢) ‘Nadia and Sharon have been friends since pre-school, yet they are complete opposites. While ‘Sharon has strong Christian values, Nadia describes herself as being spiritual and studies the stars and teachings of several diferent religions. The two girls decided to take a girls trip to Las Vegas where they could have the time of thelr lives. Once they had checked into the hotel they decided to secure their valuables in the safe. Sharon found thatthe safe still had valuables in it including jewellery and $5000.00. At frst she felt that it was immoral to take the money, but she allowed Nadia to convince her that it was a gift from God as the Bible did say money answers all ‘things. Initially Sharon agreed but her conscience began to bother her Should she convince Nadia {o1turn inthe valuables? Philippa Cooper December 2020 (®) Define the following terms: = Conscience, = Immoral 4 (©) How should a Christian respond inthis situation? 8) (©) List TWO ways we form our sense of right and wrong. 1 @ © 3 Give TWO reasons why it might be difficult to always make the right decision. ene ‘Christians should not keep company with non-Christians." Do you agree or disagree? Discuss your view fully and give an opposing view to show that you have thought about different points of view. ee eee eee _— eee eee eee eee ee eee eee eee SS —— ee i eae Se he s Read the following passage and answer ALL parts (a) to) 1 seems tha just about everywhere you look ~ insiagram, Tktok, Twitter and streaming Platforms ~ you see images of girls wearing revealing clothes. Some fiends have access to on ling ‘shopping where they can purchase skimpy/revealing clothing. Carla's friend has a credit cd an ‘has offered to purchase askinpy outfit fr her to wear fo Junkanoo. Carla’ mother has ust spoken ‘to her about the dangers of young girls wearing revealing clothing, especially at Junkamoo, Whet should Carta do? Claudette Reckley December 2020 (@) What would be the right thing for Carla todo inthis situation? eee ———— ee eerie eee (©) Define the term ‘free will and discuss how ‘five will” would help you w decide what to 4d in this situation. eee © Junkanoo isa Bahamian tadition/custom. Define the term “radtion’ and give TWO examples of Bahamian traditions other than Jankanoo. @ © Give TWO biblical principles that will help Carla make the right decision, 8 = . SECTION I Answer any TWO of questions 3 to 6. Answer All the parts of your chosen questions. 3. @_—@_—_Explain why itis important to have rules and laws. —— |) [Name and describe the TWO types of laws. Name: —____ Deseribe: ic ©) @___ Explain any THREE ofthe Ten Commandments. 1 © ae Gi) Define the term “Utilitarianism” and give the advice a utilitarian might give to those not wanting to obey the law. : Usltarian: ee ee ee ey “Obey Gods Laws and forget all others." Do you agree or disagree? Discuss your view fully and give an opposing view to show that you have thought about different points of view. ee ane eee o «a te Describe THREE legal requirements for marrage. 1 6 Other than exchange of vows, siate FOUR things that take place during a Christian marriage ceremony. 1 a List and explain any TWO vowsipromises made during Christian marriage ceremony. Zz lain: z © a2 @ ‘teachings on mariage = ——— | “Marriage is no longer sacred/holy!” Do you agree or disagree? Discuss your view fully and give an opposing view to show that you have thought about Aifferent points of view: You must refer to Christianity in your answer. a3 @ o 0 «i 0 ae List THREE things God create other than man, and state the day on which they ‘were created. (6) ee Define the term ‘dominion’ and lst TWO things God gave man dominion over according to Genesis 1 Dominion: ee 4) Se Explain the difference between ‘sanctity of life’ and ‘quality of life © oie Gi) ‘God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and created female he them.” Discuss your understanding of this passage of scripture (O] “Human beings are God's most valuable creation." Do you agree or disagree? Discuss your view fully and give an opposing view to show that you have thought about different points of view. @ wo 0 @ 0 -1- a Explain what Paul meant when Re said ‘Do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good.” 4 © ae (3) Explain how an egoist might respond to Paul's words ‘Do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good.” ep “As long as we have free will there will no be peace. ‘Do you agree or disagree? Discuss your view filly and give an opposing view to show that you have thought about different points of view. You must refer to Christianity in your answer iS

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