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Name of the reviewer <<Mention the Name & Registration numbers of all students part of the team - Max

numbers of all students part of the team - Max 4>>

Date of Review 8/17/2021

Mind Map Topic Mind Map Subtopic Requirement Clarification

Requirement Functional Requirement What are the items I can use to build the product? Any restrictions?
Requirement Requirement
Non-Functional What will be the maximum temperature of the project? Any Limitations?
Requirement Requirement Did it pass
What thematerials
are the crash test?
can I used to build the project?Is there any
Requirement Functional Requirements restrictions
Requirement Power Indicator Is there any sensor indicator required for building this project?
Requirement Physical Requirement
Environmental What will be the colour of the project?
Requirement Requirement
Environmental If the project should be Environmental friendly?
Requirement Requirement Is the project can be placed in indoor or Outdoor
Requirement Power Requirement
Indicator Required ( On/ What is the power source for this project?
Requirement Off) When does this work?
f all students part of the team - Max 4>>

Date Raised Open/Closed Answer (Clarification received)

20-Feb Open

16 Aug Close upto 50 ° C

16 Aug Close Yes
16 Aug Close No Restrictions
16 Aug Close Yes
16 Aug Close Any Attractive colour
16 Aug Close Yes
16 Aug Close Indoor
16 Aug Close Battery Operated
16 Aug Close When temperature increases fan turns on if temperature decreases it will turn off
Sl.No. Requirements

1 Should Detect the temperature of the room

2 sensor has to work depending on rise and fall of temperature

3 Should be Eco-Friendly

4 Economy must be less than 2000 Rupees

5 Can be used in all rooms

sensor has to work depending on rise and fall of
Sl.No. Requirements Should Detect the temperature of the room
Should be Eco-Friendly

1 Should Detect the temperature of the room 1 1 1

sensor has to work depending on rise and fall of
2 temperature 1 1 1

3 Should be Eco-Friendly 1 1 1

4 Can be used in all rooms 1 1 1

5 Economy must be less than 2000 Rupees 1 1 1

#REF! Can be used in all rooms Display the wastes in the dustbin using LCD 16× 2
Display Economy must be less than 2000 Rupees
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
0 1 1 1
0 1 4 1
1 1 1 1
Arudino UNO 6
IR Sensor 5
Breadboard 2
16*2 Alphanumeric LCD 1
Card board 0
12C module for 16*2 Alphanumeric LCD 1
Connecting wires 0
(From Pairwaise Comparison
Requirement Description Chart in Descending Order)
Should Detect the temperature of the room
sensor has to work depending on rise and fall of temperature

Should be Eco-Friendly
Can be used in all rooms
Economy must be less than 2000 Rupees

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