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Church Praise & Worship Team Leader

Job Description :
Skills :
Worship leaders may need good public speaking skills, the ability to lead small groups and
the musical talent to select songs and perform them during sermons.
A praise and worship leader builds the body of Christ and draws people into worshiping God
through carefully chosen music and lyrics.
The praise and worship leader shoulders responsibility for the flow of the service and the
mood and readiness of the congregation to hear God's word as spoken through the Pastor.
1. Lead with Life Example
The roles of a praise and worship leader don't start in front of the congregation on Sunday
mornings. Those roles start with a life dedicated to serving Jesus Christ. This involves
studying the Bible to learn how to lead with the love, sensitivity, authority and humility
modeled by Jesus. A praise and worship leader's life, as viewed by the congregation on a
daily basis, has as much or more effect on the worship attitude of the congregation as a well-
planned flow of music and singing from the worship team.
2. Lead in Excellence
One role of a praise and worship leader is to take responsibility to lead with excellence. What
he does, he does to the best of his abilities. A praise and worship leader doesn't wait until
Saturday night to choose music for Sunday morning. A praise and worship leader takes the
role of worship leader seriously, not only as a position granted by the church but one
provided by God as well. A praise and worship leader works with the pastor, planning music
around the theme of the sermon. The praise and worship leader spends the week choosing the
songs, working with the worship team and planning when and how music will flow to take
the congregation from praise to an attitude of worship, waiting and ready to hear from God.
3. Lead in Reverence
One of a praise and worship leader's roles is to lead the worship team in showing an attitude
of respect and reverence for what they do, the congregation and a deep desire to draw others
to know the Lord. The worship team reflects the attitudes of the leader. His role is to model
an attitude of reverence, not a gloomy sadness, but a deep joy and gratitude for being able to
lead the congregation into worship. His role as praise and worship leader is to make sure he
and the members of the worship team recognize that worship isn't about themselves or
showing off their talents, but about helping the congregation worship and honor God.
4. Lead Congregation into Worship
Because a praise and worship leader lead the team and congregation into worship, he needs to
learn about using music to lift up, challenge and comfort. A praise and worship leader plans
the service so others who are part of the service understand how everything works together.
This requires the leader to communicate and work with pastors and other leaders on an
ongoing basis. He puts together a service schedule for the secretary or whoever prints the
weekly bulletins and does so in a timely fashion when it works best for the secretary. The
leader is sensitive to the style of music that best fits the needs of that particular congregation.

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