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BP Energol CS TM

General purpose lubricant


BP Energol CS grades are a range of high quality additive free oils possessing inherently
good resistance to oxidation and good demulsification properties.

Energol CS lubricating oils are suitable for a variety of applications such as the lubrication of
bearings, spindles and, using the heavier viscosity grades, moderately loaded gearboxes.
They may also be used in vacuum pumps and hydraulic systems where an ‘ISO HH’ fluid type
is required.

The Energol CS range is fully compatible with nitrile, silicone and fluropolymer seal materials.
Energol CS is classified as follows:
ISO 6743/4 - Type HH

• Highly refined mineral oil makes the product suitable for applications
where non additivated oils can be used.

• Good quality mineral oil enables long service life


Typical Characteristics
Test Method Units 10 32 68 100 150 220 320 460
Density @ ISO 12185 / g/ml 0.87 0.87 0.88 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89
K.V. @ ISO 3104 / mm2/s 10 32 68 100 150 220 320 460
40°C ASTM D445
K.V. @ ISO 3104 / mm2/s 2.55 5.3 8.6 11.1 14.5 18.7 24.0 30.5
100°C ASTM D445
Viscosity ISO 2909 / - - 102 102 97 97 97 96 96
Index ASTM 2270
Pour Point ISO 3016 / °C -24 -12 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -3
Flash ISO 2719 / °C 150 210 220 240 255 264 270 270
point, PMC ASTM D93
Additional Information


All packages should be stored under cover. Where outside storage is unavoidable
drums should be laid horizontally to avoid the possible ingress of water and the
obliteration of drum markings. Products should not be stored above 60°C, exposed to
hot sun or freezing conditions.


Health & Safety Recommendations

Health, safety and environmental information is provided for this product in the Materials
Safety Data Sheet. This gives details of potential hazards, precautions and First Aid
measures, together with environmental effects and disposal of used products.
BP International will not accept liability if the product is used other than in the
manner or with the precautions or for the purpose/s specified. Before the product is
used other than as directed, advice should be obtained from the local BP office.

The above figures are typical of those obtained with normal production tolerance and do not
constitute a specification.
This Data Sheet and information it contains is considered The Seller shall not be responsible for any loss or
to be accurate at the date of printing. No warranty or damage resulting from any hazards or risks identified in
representation, expressed or implied, is made as to the the data sheet and which are associated with petroleum
accuracy or completeness of the data and information products concerned (provided that this disclaimer shall
contained in this publication. not affect any statutory rights of the Buyer of the
petroleum products concerned).
It is the User's obligation to evaluate and use products
safely and within the scope advised in the data sheet and
to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. No
statement made in this publication shall be construed as
a permission, recommendation or authorisation given or
implied to practice any patented invention without a valid

BP Energol CS is the trademark of bp plc

Date Created: 03/02/2006 14:54:33 Last Modified:03/02/2006 14:56:12

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