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Republic of the Philippines

Camp Major Bado Dangwa, La Trinidad Benguet


FOR : Regional Director

(Attn: OIC, RID)

FROM : Provincial Director

SUBJECT : Special Report re Buy-bust of Mr. Romeo Rosel Mocay Jr, High
Value Individual (HVI)

DATE : March 9, 2023

1. References:
a. Spot report from BPDEU with blotter entry number 2022-02198 page
310 dated February 28, 2023;
b. IR with control number BPPO-PIU-02-28-2023-110;
c. LOI Sangbanat; and
d. Inherent PIU/PDEU Function.

2. Background:

PDEU, PIU, and DEU LTMPS operatives received information from a

confidential informant that a certain Mr. Romeo Rosel Mocay Jr was monitored to
deliver shabu somewhere in Buyagan, Poblacion, La Trinidad, Benguet on February
28, 2023.

Casing and surveillance were conducted by joint operatives of the above

mentioned units for a possible buy-bust operation within Buyagan, Poblacion, La
Trinidad, Benguet. Prior to the said drug operation, a test buy was conducted on
February 27, 2023 wherein the informant was able to buy a sachet of shabu from
Mr. Romeo Rosel Mocay Jr.

3. Details:

At around 2:30PM on February 27, 2023, PIDEU/PIU/MPEU LTMPS joint

operatives immediately informed PCPT LYSTER W ABAG, C, PDEU for immediate
action. As part of the initial preparation, operatives authenticated the buy-bust money
at the office of the Benguet Provincial Prosecutor’s Office and secured a copy of
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protect the information from unauthorized access, use or disclosure and must restrict access to recipient personnel on a “nee d
to know” basis only or cleared persons whose official duties require knowledge or possession thereof.”

“PNP Transformation: “Our shared commitment to deliver effective and efficient police services.”

“Life is Beautiful…Kaligtasan Nyo Sagot Ko. Tulong- tulong Tayo!”


authentication by the prosecutor as well as secured a copy of the order from the
office of the Executive Judge to use an ALTERNATIVE RECORDING DEVICE
(ARD) for the conduct of a buy-bust operation.

At around 4:30PM of the same date, a team was formed and pre-
operational briefing was conducted wherein the tasking of all team members was

On February 28, 2023 at around 8:00 AM, final briefing was conducted.
The position of every team member was thoroughly discussed. After which, the
perimeter security team members together with IOC were dispatched ahead at the
place of the transaction located in Buyagan, Poblacion, La Trinidad, Benguet.
Likewise, coordination was made with PDEA-CAR.

On February 28, 2023 at about 11:10 AM, joint operatives of PDEU/PIU–

Benguet and DEU-LTMPS with the presence of the following witnesses: Hon. Delfin
Atinyao, Barangay Kagawad of Poblacion, La Trinidad, Benguet and Prosecutor
Joylyn Calde, DOJ representative, conducted a buy-bust operation in Buyagan,
Poblacion, La Trinidad, Benguet. The poseur buyer was able to buy one (1) heat-
sealed transparent plastic sachets containing suspected methamphetamine
hydrochloride or locally known as “shabu” from the suspect using one (1) piece
genuine One-Thousand-peso bill (PHP 1,000.00) with serial no. PH244646 and one
(1) piece of fake Boodle money with same serial number RD510857 with an
estimated total weight of .20grams having a Standard Drug Price (SDP) amounting
to PHP 1,360.00 (BUYBUST).
The arrested suspect identified himself as Mr. Romeo Rosel Mocay Jr.,
35 years old, driver, married, resident of Puguis, La Trinidad, Benguet, native of Loo,
Buguias, Benguet and listed as HVI. Confiscated items from the possession of the
arrested suspect were one (1) Blue Samsung touchscreen cellular phone and the
above-mentioned buy-bust money.
Onsite markings and inventory was subsequently conducted on the
above-mentioned place of transaction in the presence of the suspect and the above
stated witnesses. The inventory ended at around 11:50 AM of February 28, 2023.
Said arrested suspect together with the confiscated pieces of evidence was brought
to La Trinidad Municipal Police Station for documentation and proper disposition of
the case.

The Buy Bust Operation was conducted using an Alternative Recording

Device (ARD) as approved by the Executive Judge of the RTC, First Judicial Region
because at present there is no issued Body-Worn Camera (BWC) to this unit IOC –
PMSg Keat, CS with CP number 09484379058.

The operation resulted to the successful buy-bust and arrests of

Mr. Romeo Rosel Mocay Jr (HVI) contributes to the PNP and this unit’s mission in
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information may only be used for official internal purposes of the recipient and must not be disclosed to another agency or third
party without the prior written consent of the PNP. The recipient must ensure that appropriate security measures are in place to
protect the information from unauthorized access, use or disclosure and must restrict access to recipient personnel on a “nee d
to know” basis only or cleared persons whose official duties require knowledge or possession thereof.”

“PNP Transformation: “Our shared commitment to deliver effective and efficient police services.”

“Life is Beautiful…Kaligtasan Nyo Sagot Ko. Tulong- tulong Tayo!”


maintaining the peace and order and providing a safer place to live, work and do
business for the community.

4. Analysis

Rampant activities on illegal drugs peddling indicate vigorous operation of

the drug market in the province especially in the municipalities of La Trinidad,
Buguias, Mankayan and Tuba. The low quantity of confiscated drug paraphernalia
(shabu) could only mean more repacked shabu into smaller quantities are ready to
be distributed in the whole province, nearby city of Baguio and adjacent areas.
Small-time drug peddling has a higher tendency of not alarming law enforcement.
Hence, this office continuously strengthens its validation and monitoring of not only
HVIs but also SLIs who possibly will enter the province with deceitful tactics to cover
the real intention of drug peddling. Likewise, wider and larger operation of the drug
market in the province may have an impact with the neighbouring areas.

5. Recommendation

Subject to continuously undergo Custodial Debriefing Report for more

revelations towards the identification and filing of charges against other drug
personalities. Likewise, establish the link of illegal drugs transaction which may
reveal the bigger source of the contraband in the locality through intensified and
active intelligence gathering on the projected plans, movements and activities illegal
drug peddlers.


Police Colonel

Copy Furnished:



A. Picture of Mr. Romeo Rosel Mocay Jr

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information may only be used for official internal purposes of the recipient and must not be disclosed to another agency or third
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protect the information from unauthorized access, use or disclosure and must restrict access to recipient personnel on a “nee d
to know” basis only or cleared persons whose official duties require knowledge or possession thereof.”

“PNP Transformation: “Our shared commitment to deliver effective and efficient police services.”

“Life is Beautiful…Kaligtasan Nyo Sagot Ko. Tulong- tulong Tayo!”


ANNEX A: Mr. Romeo Rosel Mocay Jr (HVI)

SECURITY ADVICE: “This document contains classified information and is subject to secrecy and proper handling. This
information may only be used for official internal purposes of the recipient and must not be disclosed to another agency or third
party without the prior written consent of the PNP. The recipient must ensure that appropriate security measures are in place to
protect the information from unauthorized access, use or disclosure and must restrict access to recipient personnel on a “nee d
to know” basis only or cleared persons whose official duties require knowledge or possession thereof.”

“PNP Transformation: “Our shared commitment to deliver effective and efficient police services.”

“Life is Beautiful…Kaligtasan Nyo Sagot Ko. Tulong- tulong Tayo!”


SECURITY ADVICE: “This document contains classified information and is subject to secrecy and proper handling. This
information may only be used for official internal purposes of the recipient and must not be disclosed to another agency or third
party without the prior written consent of the PNP. The recipient must ensure that appropriate security measures are in place to
protect the information from unauthorized access, use or disclosure and must restrict access to recipient personnel on a “nee d
to know” basis only or cleared persons whose official duties require knowledge or possession thereof.”

“PNP Transformation: “Our shared commitment to deliver effective and efficient police services.”

“Life is Beautiful…Kaligtasan Nyo Sagot Ko. Tulong- tulong Tayo!”


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