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A. Research Design

The design of this research was an experimental research. In this case,

this research would give a treatment. It was supported by Gay (2000:367)

stated that the experimental research is a type of research that can test

hypotheses to establish cause and effects relationship. Arikunto (2007: 207)

defined that the experimental research try to prove there is or there is not

cause and effect relationship between experimental class (treatment) and

control class (no treatment).

Gay (2000: 368) stated that, an experimental research typically involves

a comparison of two classes, which are experimental class and control class.

The experimental class typically receives a treatment; a treatment under

investigation, while the control class usually receives a different treatment or

is treated as usual. Experimental group is a group that receives the new

treatment, while control group is a group that receives a different treatment.

Here, there was one class as an experimental group that would be taught by

using Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM) strategy and one class as control

group that would be taught by without PWIM strategy

This research was experimental research which is conducted by posttest

only control design. For the posttest, both of group (experiment and control

group) will get the same test.


There were two classes involved in this research. The first is classified

as the experimental class (E) and the other one is the control class (C). The

experimental class was received a treatment by using Picture Word Inductive

Model (PWIM) strategy, while the control class treated without PWIM


After deciding which class experimental and control, this research was

continued with the treatment process for experimental class by using PWIM

Strategy and treatment process for the control class without PWIM strategy.

Both of classes were treated as many as six meetings.

Then, both of classes gave the same topic and the same length of time.

Both experiment class and control class were taught by the researcher. After

that, the researcher gave post- test. There was one test in this research that is

post-test only. Post-test that occurred after the treatment of the PWIM strategy

for the experimental class and without PWIM strategy for the control class.

At the end of the research, the researcher was taken the result of post-

test of both classes. Written test was given to the students. All of students

made a simple descriptive text with their words and observed the component

of writing. And then, to determine whether Picture Word Inductive Model

(PWIM) Strategy gives significant effect toward students’ writing ability or

not, the result of students writing in post test was described and analyzed.

The research design can be seen on the table below:

Table 3:

Research Design

Group Independent Variable Dependent Variable

E X 0

C - 0


E : Experimental Group

C : Control group

0 : Post test (Writing Test)

X : Treatment (teaching through PWIM strategy)

B. Population and Sample

1. Population

Gay et al (1987:102) state that population is the group of interest

to the researcher which she or he would like the results of the study to be

generalizable. The population of this research was all of the second year

students at Junior High School 2 Gunuang Omeh in the academic year of

2016/2017. There were four classes and the totals of students class VII

were 84 students. As shown in the table bellows:


Table 4
Total of Students Class VII of Junior High School 2 Gunuang Omeh
Academic Year 2016/2017

No Class Total of students

1 VII1 20
2 VII2 22
3 VII3 20
4 VII4 22
Total 84

2. Sample

As Gay (1987: 101) asserts that sampling is the process of selecting

a number of individuals for a study in such a way that they represent the

larger group from which they were selected. The sample of this research

were taken by cluster random sampling.

Gay (2000:121) content that sampling is the process of selecting a

number of individuals for a study in such a way that they represent the

larger group from which they were selected. In order to get sample, the

researcher used cluster random sampling. It selects groups and has similar

characteristics. By taking two of five lots randomly, the samples that were

chosen become class experiment and class control. To get representative

sample for this research, the researcher did these steps:

a. Collecting the Midterm test scores the entire students grade VII from

the teacher.

b. Test of normality, test of normality has an objective to know the

population normal or not. For this research, the normality test analyzed

by using SPSS (statistical product and service solution) and was used

Kolmogrov Smirnov and Shapiro Wilk. Based on that test the data

stated normal if every classes has significance or probability score

bigger than 0.05. It can be seen on the table below:

Table 5: Test of Normality

Tests of Normality

Kelas Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.
VII.1 .150 20 .200* .939 20 .231
VII.2 .135 22 .200* .941 22 .204
VII.3 .165 20 .161 .907 20 .056
VII.4 .168 22 .108 .925 22 .095

Based on the table of analysis of Normality Test above, it can

be seen that the significance of all the classes bigger than 0.05 in both

Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk.

To see whether the sample normal or not in distribution,

researcher also use normal graphic of Q-Q plot, the data was normal if

the distribution of data plot be in the surrounding of aslant and athwart

line. From the normality test, researcher got the output as below:

Chart 1: the normality of class VII

Chart 1: the normality of class VII2


Chart 1: the normality of class VII3

Chart 1: the normality of class VII4


From the charts of normal Q-Q Plot above can be seen that the

drops spread around the line. So, it can be concluded that the

distribution of all the population were normal.

c. After doing the normality test, researcher analyzed the homogeneous

variation test to know whether the sample homogeny or not. It had

been conducted by using SPSS with livened test. If the data are

significant or more than 0, 05, it means that the data is homogeneous.

Table 6: Test of Homogeneity of Variance

Levene df1 df2 Sig.

Based on Mean .411 3 80 .746
Based on Median .404 3 80 .750
Based on Median and
Nilai .404 3 74.139 .750
with adjusted df
Based on trimmed
.416 3 80 .742

Based on the table above, The test of homogeneity of variance

had shown that value bigger than 0.05, so it can be concluded that all

the class are homogeny.

d. After analyzing the homogeneity test, researcher decided to choose two

classes as the sample of the research as randomly. Because all the class

is normal in distribution and also homogeny, so researcher find VII3 as

experiment class of this research that consists of 20 students, and class

VII4 as control class that consists of 22 students.


C. Place and Time of the Research

This research was done in Junior High School 2 Gunuang Omeh of

grade VII. This school was chosen because the researcher had ever done

observation there. The time allocation of English subject is twice a week for

each class or 2 (2x 40) minutes and each meeting spend 80 minutes or 2 x 40

minutes. In this research, the researcher just takes once meeting in a week for

each class, because it is the rule from the school and the suitable time with


This research was done on eight meetings in six weeks. At the first

until five meeting, the researcher gave the students treatment. After giving

treatment for six meetings in classroom activities, the researcher gave post test

for both classes in seventh meeting and eight meeting for the students was

absent in previous meeting or in post test. And to see whether Picture Word

Inductive Model Strategy is effective to improve students’ writing skill, the

researcher were compared the result of class experiment with using Picture

Word Inductive Model Strategy and the result of class control without using

PWIM Strategy.

D. Instruments of the Research

The instrument that used in this research was writing test only. The

researcher makes the test and gave the test for the last meeting after applying

PWIM strategy in the process of teaching. Test was used to collect the data

about the students’ improvement of writing ability in terms of content,

organization, language use, vocabulary and mechanics.


There was post-test only. The post-test given to the students was aimed

to see whether the two classes had significant difference scores. This is also to

see whether the treatment was useful or not. In post-test, the students assigned

to create a descriptive text based on the pictures given. Then, the researcher

was evaluated students’ achievement on writing in terms of content,

organization, language use, vocabulary and mechanics.

To determining the students’ writing component score in post test,

researcher used the ESL composition profile by (Jacob 1981:92).

Table 7: Sample of Instrument in Giving Writing Scores for

Experimental Class

Lg. Total
No of Content Organization Vocabulary Mec.
use scores
students (30) (20) (20) (5)




Table 8: Sample of Instrument in Giving Writing Scores for Control Class

Name of Lg. Total
No Content Organization Vocabulary Mec.
students use scores
(30) (20) (20) (5)



E. Procedure of the Research

The procedure of this research was conducted in two classes. They

were experimental class and control class. Both of classes were treated for six

meetings. As mention before the experimental class was treated by using

PWIM Strategy while control class was treated without PWIM Strategy in the

last meeting, the researcher gave a test to see the students’ development which

involves five components. This research was done in several steps as follows:

1. Preparation

a. Determining the research place and time

b. Determining the population and sample of research.

c. Preparing the pictures used in teaching writing

d. Preparing the lesson plan arranged by curriculum

e. Explaining to the students about the planning in learning process.

f. Preparing the post test


2. Application

The application in the process of teaching had been used Picture

Word Inductive Model (PWIM) Strategy. It was conducted in three main

point teaching activities in the classroom. The first activity was pre

activity that includes apperception and motivation. The second activity

was main activity include exploration, elaboration and confirmation. The

last activity was concluded the materials and closes the class.

Table 9: Learning Process

The Procedures of Teaching Writing in the Experimental Class

No Learning Ti Teacher’s Activities Students’

Activities me Activities

1 Pre-Activity 15 Morning my dear Morning Mr,

Aperception mi students…! How are
 Greeting nut you this morning? Fine, thank you,
es and you?
I’m fine too, thank you Nobody’s absent
 Checking Who is absent today? today Mr
students Ok. good!
To start our material Praying
 Praying today, let’s say
basmalah. Hopefully
our learning process
running well). Invitation text
Well, before we miss
 Asking students continue the lesson
about the last today, did you still
material remember about the To invite someone
last topic that you Mr.
Motivation What the purpose of
 Encouraging invitation text my dear? SBY Mr
students to Ok good.
speak English
Because he is
by asking

questions Ok, my dear students handsome Mr.

Do you have a favorite Hi is tall Mr.
Why do you like him? Appearance Mr
 Teacher Can you describe him? How does She
introduces look like Mr
learning Based on your
objective to 60 statement, guess what Describing people
students. mi we are going to talk Mr
nut today?
es Good.
 Teacher writes a Exactly, we are going Students see the
topic of the to talk about descriptive topic in the
lesson on the
text (describing people) whiteboard“
descriptive text
- What do you thing people)
about descriptive
text my dear?

- What else? Give their opinion

about descriptive
- How about you
A. Whilst-Activity text.
Exploration Descriptive text is
 The teacher asks a text which
the students describes a
Ok my dear, descriptive
about people Mr.
text is not only describe
descriptive text? Yes miss,
about peoples, but also
descriptive text is
animals and thing. But
a kind of text
now we will discuss
which tell about
about describing
someone Mr
The students
listen the teacher

 Students listen
to the teacher’s
about See the picture
Look at this picture!
descriptive text.
Who is he?
His name is

Can you tell me what Jokowi Mr, he is

 The teacher does he look like? a president
selects the What else? Indonesian
picture and Is he tall or not? republic
shows it to the How about their hair? He is handsome
student. How about his skin? mr
 Teacher asks Brown Skin

the students to Describe the

identify what picture.
they see in the
The students
picture while
he/she identify the
distribute the picture
vocabulary eyes
that relevant
with the
Ok my dear, if there is I do not know
 Teacher draws someone asked you, miss.
a line from the “who is he? Or how Yes, mr
identified does he look like? How
object or area, to answer? Follow the
while say the We have to use simple techer!
word and write present tense (is, has,
He is handsome
the word). stay, etc)
Do you understand?
Jokowi mr
 The teacher
Follow me oke! An Indonesian
introduces the
language He is handsome presiden mr.
feature of h-a-n-d-s-o-m-e
ok my students, what The students
the good title of this make sentences.
picture? I am mr.
Ok..good my dear. Jokowi has a
 The teacher short hair.
Asks the
students to Now, Who can make a
read the words sentences base on the
(say the word, picture was identified? Identification is
and pronounce Please rise you hand! general

it) What else? information of the

 Teacher asks Good my dear. paragraph miss.
the students
about to good
title of the They are two generic Students see the
pictur structure of descriptive blackboard.
text that is
 The teacher identification and
asks the
description. Nothing miss.
students to
make the Do you know what is it?
sentences base Ok. Good.
on the picture Identification is ….
was identified. Description is …..
Look at this example! Students sit the
This part is pair.
 Teacher identification.
explains the After that, description.
structures and Any question?
the language
features of the The students see
Ok, students I’m going the picture and
to divide you into pair. listen the
Please find your friend teachers’
after I call your name! instruction.
 Teacher shows
the students the Ok my students, look at
example of this picture!
paragraph The students
descriptive make their own
about Jokowi. perception

Please describe with

Elaboration your own perception! Student change
their draft and
 The teacher And make the correct their
divides the descriptive paragraph friend paper.
students into
Minimal 5 sentences.
And please you look
the vocabulary, generic
structure and the
 The teacher
example on the white
asks each the
students to board to help you to

make organize the sentences. The students re

descriptive I will give you five write the good
paragraph minute to describe it descriptive
based on the paragraph.
pictures was Teacher checks the
selected. groups writing text
when the group
discussing their text
Ok, time is up!
Please change your
drafting with your
 The teacher friend! and correct it
around the
When you correct it,
class to see
student you have pay attention
activity. several thing such as:
Vocabulary (
 After finished, correct/no) Students collect
teacher asks the Language feature ( their paper.
students to present tense)
change their Generic structure of the
paper with their text, there is or no
friend in the (identification, Students share
pair and revise description) their written text
its. Then, mechanic. Using on class
( comma, dot, etc)
Listen, my students!
 Then the After you revise your
teacher asks friend draft, change
them to re write again, and make the
the descriptive
text clearly!
text clearly.
If you finish please
 After the
students finish, collect your paper.
asks them to
collect their
paper. Who want to share their
written in front of class,
I will give plus for the
 Then choose five member first.
several students
to share their
descriptive text
to their friend

in front of the
2 Confirmation
 Teacher gives Ok give plus to your Students listen
feedback/comm friend! their teacher
ent or reward I thing that good, but
on students there some mistake in
presentation your language such
Please improve your
writing in the next
meeting oke!
 Teacher and Let’s describe together Student gives
students my dear! their perception
describe to make the true
together the
descriptive text.
picture was
described by What are the difficulties
student. as long as you write!.
The students tell
 Teacher asks about the
the students’ difficulties in
difficulties in writing
3 Post-Activity 15 So, descriptive text is a Students conclude
 Teacher and mi kind of text about……. the material
students nut
Review and es So, how do you feel Happy Mr
conclude the after learning this Enjoy Mr
lesson material?
Do you enjoy with our Yes Mr.
 Give reflection lesson?
The next meeting we
will discuss about say hamdallah
describing animal, waalaikumsalam
please understand it. wr.wb
 The teacher I thing enough, thank see you too
tells about the for your attention, let’s
next material
say hamdalah and I
close with
 Close the class
See you next week

3. Last section

After doing the learning process about six meetings, the next step

was the final test. The test was given to classes as a sample. The test was a

written test. The students were given explanation about the components of

writing that is measured. Such as, content, organization, language use, and


In finishing:

a. Giving the test to experimental class and control class in the last


b. Processing data towards experimental class and control class

c. Taking conclusion from technique of data collection

F. Technique of Data Collection

The data of this research were collected by using writing test. The data

of this research were the student’s score in post-test. It applies in last meeting

to see the students’ writing skill in terms of content, organization, language

use and mechanic after applying PWIM in teaching process.

The test was given to the experiment and control group as a sample on

the seventh meeting. The students who were in experiment group and control

group got the same test. They asked to write the simple descriptive text based

on the pictures given. After finishing the test, the students asked to collect

their writing to the researcher. Finally the writing texts described and


G. Technique of Data Analysis

Technique of data analysis in this research was statistical procedure

and supported by SPSS program. It gave a way to analyze the differences

between the groups. To analyze the students’ score in post-test, the researcher

used T-test formula taken from Sudjana (2005: 239) In this case, T-test means

a statistical procedure used to determine whether there is any significant

difference of the mean score between the two sets of tests. The purpose is to

see difference of students’ writing ability between experimental class and

control class.

In analyzing students’ test score, some steps were done before

analyzed the different mean by using t-test formula as follows Sudjana (2005:

67, 95,239).

T-test formulas develop which is presented as follow:

1. This formula was used to decide mean of students’ test score in

experiment and control group: (Sudjana 2005:67 and Subana, 2000:65)

𝐹1 𝑋1
𝑋1 = (Experiment group)

𝐹2 𝑋2
𝑋2 = (Control group)

2. This formula was used to decide standard deviation of experiment group

(Sudjana, 2005: 95)

𝑛1 𝐹1 𝑋12 ( 𝐹1 𝑋1 )2
𝑆12 =
𝑛1 (𝑛1 − 1)

3. This formula was used to decide standard deviation of control group

𝑛2 𝐹2 𝑋22 ( 𝐹2 𝑋2 )2
𝑆22 =
𝑛2 (𝑛2 − 1)

The formula of T-test was followed by Sudjana, (1996: 239)

𝑥1 − 𝑥2
1 1
𝑆 𝑛 +𝑛
1 2

𝑛 1 +1 𝑆12 + 𝑛 2 +1 𝑆22
With 𝑆 2 = 𝑛 1 +𝑛 2 −2


t = the value of t calculated

X1 = mean score of experiment class

X2 = mean score of control class

n1 = the number of subject of experiment class

n2 = the number of subject of control class

S12 = standard deviation of experiment group

S22 = standard deviation of control group

The T-table used to see whether there is any significant difference

between the mean score of post-test experiment class and control class. The

value of T-calculated was consulted with the value of T-table. The data was

analyzed by using simple regression for hypothesis with 5 % (=0, 05) of

significance level and the value of T-table of the degree of freedom (N1-1). If

the value of T-calculated was bigger than the value of T-table, the hypothesis was

accepted. On the contrary, if the value of the T- calculated was smaller than the

value T-table, the hypothesis is not accepted

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