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Section 1. The Association shall be called the POLICE OFFICERS THRU ROSE FROM THE

Section 2. The principal office of the Association shall be preferably located inside Camp
Crame, Quezon City.


Section 1. The logo shall consist of an

_______________________________________ and a concentric circle with the
words “Police Officers thru Rose from the Rank Association, Inc.” are written.

Section 2. Vision: With the aid of Almighty, the Police Commissioned Officers who were in
the Philippine National Police thru years of police service, envision to integrate their
well refined shills thru years of experience rendering their oath of duty with service,
honor and justice.

Section 3. Mission: The Association will safeguard the morale and welfare of its members to
further enhance their long develop skills by improving the total persona to accomplished their
duties and responsibilities in the Association and PNP by way of unity and camaraderie.


Section 1. The Association was initially established sometime in 2022. It was registered with the
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on ____________, 2023 by the founding
chairman, then, ______________________________________ of ___________ Police
District, and his Founding Incorporation who where: ___________________________,
of the ________________ Service; then ____________________________________ of
the ___________________________ Group; then
________________________________ of _______________ Police District; then
________________________________ of _____________________ Police District;
with the founding members then ____________________________________________
of National Capital Region __________________; then
____________________________ of the ________________ Service; then
______________________ of ______________________ Police District; then

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___________________________ of Directorate for Personnel Records Management;
then ______________________________ of ____________________ Group; then
________________________________ of _______________________ Group; then
_______________________________ of ____________________________; then
____________________________ of Special Action Group; and then
____________________________ of the _________________ Service.

Section 2. Purpose: The purpose and goal is to develop and enhance the total skill of every
member and further develop the fellowship among members thereby accomplishing their
duties and responsibilities to God, country and people in support of the vision and
mission of the Association and the Philippine National Police.


Section 1. Definition of Terms:


in the Philippine National Police thru years of service, attained/become Commissions
Officer and have applied and satisfied the requirements for membership set forth by
the Association including paying his or her monthly contribution regularly with initial
rank of Police Lieutenant and higher.

b. SPECIAL MEMBER – Regular members who have retired or resigned from the
Philippine National Police service and further signified their intention to continue
their membership in the Association by complying with necessary membership
requirements set forth by the Association.

c. HONORARY MEMBER – Honorary member who are civilian from private or

government sector, and Commissioned Officer from other Uniformed Services,
willing and able to promote and support PORRA Inc. provision and purpose. His/her
acceptance shall be complying with necessary membership requirements set forth by
the Association

Section 2. Termination of membership – A member could be determined by a two- third (2/3)

votes of the Board of Directors in a regular or special meeting called for the purpose
with dispatch on the following grounds;

a.) Culpable violation of the Constitution and By-laws of the Association;

b.) Disloyalty to the Association;

c.) Using the name of the Association for their own personal interest, solicitation of
sponsorship and pledges without the consent of the board;

d.) Dishonorable discharge from the service with finality or with cause;

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e.) Convicted for committing a crime described and penalized under the Revised
Penal Code and/or other special laws;

f.) Unjustifiable reason for non-payment of his or her monthly membership due and

g.) Voluntary withdrawal of membership.


Section 1. Regular members of the Association shall have the following rights and privileges:

a.) To participate in the general deliberations during national convention, general

assembly and national election and to exercise his right to vote and to be voted upon;

b.) To participate in the regular and special meetings of the board with no voting rights.

c.) To submit to the General Assembly suggestions, comment or any contribution

beneficial to the Association and its members;

d.) To have access to records of the Association during reasonable time/office hours with
the approval of the President of PORRA Inc or his/her authorized representatives;

e.) To be entitled in some rights and privileges granted by the by-laws and such other
rights and privileges not provided herein which may be granted upon determination
by the Board of Directors.

Section 2. Special member shall have the following rights and privileges:

a.) To be appointed as members of AD HOC Committees or Special Bodies and may

vote in the Election of the members of the Board of Directors;
b.) To offer suggestions, comments and contribution to the Board and participate in the
activities of the Association.

Section 3. Honorary members of the Association shall have the following rights:

a.) Can participate in the deliberation during General Assembly and participate in regular
meeting with no voting rights.
b.) To submit on General Assembly suggestions, COMMENTS, or any contribution
beneficial to the association and its members.
c.) To be entitled in some rights and privileges granted by the by-laws and such other
rights and privileges not provided herein which may be granted upon determination by
the Board of Directors.
Section 4. Every member shall have the following Duties and Responsibilities:

a.) To defend and obey the mandate of these By-laws as well as the rules, regulations and
decisions of the Association which maybe promulgated from time to time;

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b.) To pay, satisfy his/her financial obligation particularly the payment of the required
fees, dues and other financial obligations that may be prescribed for the benefit of the
c.) To participate and support all projects, programs and undertakings of the Association;
d.) To act, in a manner befitting a responsible, becoming and dignified member of the
e.) To perform, to the best of his/her ability, all endeavors that would promote the
prestige of the Association;
f.) To extend assistance to his co-members particularly in their own field of expertise in
a legal and dignified way without any consideration;
g.) To cultivate respect, friendship and camaraderie among one another;


Section 1. ANNUAL MEETING- The annual meeting of the Officers and Members shall be
held in Camp Crame Quezon City where the principal office of the Association is located
or at any regional chapter designated by a majority vote of the Board or majority of its
members, within the fourth quarter of each year on the date designated by the majority
vote of its members. The President shall render his/her annual report to the members
regarding the activities of the Association.

Section 2. REGULAR MEETING- of the Board of Directors will be held monthly on a date,
time and place as determined by the Board.

Section3. SPECIAL MEETING- Special meeting of the Officers and members shall be called
as the need thereof arises, by the Board of Directors, or the President or upon petition of
one third (1/3) of the General Membership.

Section4. NOTICES - The time, date and place of annual and special meeting of the members
shall be given either personally, radio message, by newspaper or text messages, any
messaging platform duly recognized by the association, at least two (2) weeks before the
scheduled date for such meeting. The notice of every special meeting shall state briefly
the purpose or purposes of the meeting.

Section5. QUORUM- A quorum for any meeting of the members consist of a majority of the
members and a majority of such quorum may decide any issues presented and or arising
from the meeting question during the meeting, except those matters where the
Corporation require the affirmative vote of a greater proportion.

Section6. ORDER OF BUSINESS – the order of business at the annual meeting of the members
Shall be as follow:

a.) Proof of service of the required notice of the meeting;

b.) Proof of the presence of a quorum;
c.) Reading and approval of the minutes of the previous annual meeting;
d.) Unfinished business or matters arising from the previous meeting;
e.) Report of the president;
f.) Election of the Board of Directors, if applicable;

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g.) Other matters.
Section7. A Director who, during his/her term, failed to attend six (6) meetings, regular or
special of the Board of Directors may be removed from office by the majority votes of
the Board Directors, unless he/she submits a written justification with three (3) days from
the date of the last meeting and the Board finds the same to be meritorious.


Section1. The affairs, business and management of the Association shall be conducted under the
Direction, supervision and control of the Board of Directors composed of fifteen (15)
members which shall be presided by the president. Directors shall be elected at large and
the official candidates garnering the first fifteen (15) highest number of votes shall form
the Board of Directors.

Section2. Out of the fifteen (15) board members, five (5) shall be from the pool of retired PNP
members of good standing of the association who have garnered the highest number of
votes among them to complete the five (5) seats intended for them: Provided however,
that if there are no sufficient number of retired PNP candidates for the five (5) seats, the
remaining seats shall be opened for the active PNP candidates who have garnered the 11 th
highest votes or so on, to fill the vacant seat/s.

Section3. All officers mentioned in Article XI shall be elected from among the Board of directors
by themselves. They shall hold office for a fixed term of two (2) years, unless earlier
terminated or extended for cause.

Section4. The retired PNP members elected in the board of directors shall be only eligible for
chairmanship only in any of the committee in the association. Active members elected to
the Board shall be eligible for the position of Executive Officers.


Section1. The Executive Officers (PRINCIPAL OR EXECUTIVE) of the Association shall be

the President as Chairman of the Board; Vice- President for Administration, Vice
President for Operations, Treasurer, Secretary, Auditor, and Public Relations Officer.


Section1. Is hereby created consisting the five (5) founders and incorporators of PORRA as
automatic members/advisers. Succeeding members of the council preferably comes
from the past president, BOD or honorary members who will be recommended by the
council to the BOD for approval.

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Section2. Council of advisers shall choose their head/chairman preferably from the founders of
PORRA who will represent them during the meeting with PORRA BOD with a
combined weight of equal to two (2) votes in any issues in the BOD.
Section3. Council of advisers, may also recommend and proposed projects and programs for the
best interest of the association.

Section4. Council of Adviser shall oversee and ensure the continuation of the vision and mission
of the PORRA in the event of inaction of the BOD.


Section 1. The Board of Directors shall have the following powers and functions:

a) To promulgate, issue or adopt rules and regulations necessary for the operation
of the Association.
b) To map out, formulate and lay down the guidelines for the Association’s
program of activities concerning mutual aid or assistance to its members.
c) To set up target goals and projections as well as to make assessment and
estimates of logistical requirements concerning the projects and programs of the
d) To enter into transactions or negotiations for loans or financial accommodation
with private or government lending institutions.
e) To acquire, buy hold, lease, mortgage, sell, alienate, or otherwise encumber or
dispose of such property as may reasonable and necessary for the
accomplishment of the objectives of the Association.
f) To confirm, reject or validate the hiring of the technical personnel, consultants,
experts, employees, or laborers made by the President.
g) To adopt, as it sees fit the recommendation of the founders or any standing,
regular or standing committee.
h) To take appropriate action on applications for membership, withdrawal or
termination thereof, appointment of chairmen and members of working
committees and to impose disciplinary action against its officers and members
for violation of the By-laws, rules and regulations.
i) To act with dispatch any violation of the provisions of Section 6 or 7 of Article
VI this By-laws.
j) To perform such other functions as may be necessary for the attainment of the
ultimate goal of the Association.


Section 1. PRESIDENT –the Chief Executive Officer of the Association. It is his/her duty to
carry Out and implement the resolutions, decisions and directives of the Board of Directors
and the General Assembly. He or she shall have powers and authority as are necessary for the
discharge of his/her duties, including but not limited to the appointment, termination of services
as well as the fixing of the compensation of such employees, consultants, experts or
technicians as may be necessary for the efficient operation and management of the
Association. Such power shall however, be subject to the concurrence and approval by the
Board of Directors. In addition, the President shall appoint the Head Secretariat and its

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members, the Chairperson and the Members of Regular Committees, Special Bodies, Service
Support Unit, Regional Head Coordinator, the Chairman and Members of the Committee on
Elections (COMELEC) and such other positions that may be established by the Board of
Directors necessary for the operation of the Association.

Section 2. VICE-PRESIDENT FOR ADMINISTRATION–shall handle the internal affairs of

the Association and shall perform the duties, powers and function of the President in
the latter’s absence, inability or removal, until the disability is removed or a new
President shall have been elected.

Section 3. VICE – PRESIDENT FOR OPERATION– shall handle the external affairs of the
Association. He/She shall be responsible in directing and disseminating the program
and action of the Association to the regional head coordinators and act as President
in the absence of the latter and the Vice-President for Administration in the latter’s

Section 4. SECRETARY– shall keep and preserve records of all minutes of the meeting of the
Board of Directors and all Committees. He or she shall see to it that the Minutes are
certified by him/her and attested to by the Presiding Officer. He/She shall be the
custodian of the Seal of the Association. The President may entrust to the Secretary
the performance of additional duties to meet certain exigencies. The Secretary shall
be the head of the Secretariat, which shall be staffed by personnel duly appointed by
the President subject to the concurrence and approval by the Board of Directors.

Section 5. TREASURER - shall have custody of all the funds, Securities, Book of Accounts
and all other assets of the Association and shall be accountable therefore. He or she
submit financial statements or reports as may be required by the Board of Directors
or the President. Within fifteen (15) days after the end of the calendar year, he/she
shall submit for consideration of the Board of Directors and General Assembly, the
annual Balance Sheet and Statement of Income and expenses of the Association
together with the Budget Estimates and proposal for the succeeding year.

Section 6. AUDITOR – shall audit the Book of Account and all transactions of the
Association. He or she may conduct surprise audit, special inventory and other
modes of audit, checks, verification or inspection whenever possible. He or she
shall perform a minimum mandatory audit twice a year. He or she shall be chosen
on the basis of his/her background and working knowledge in accounting and

Section 7. PUBLIC RELATION OFFICER – shall be responsible in disseminating

information concerning significant development affecting the Association and its
constituency including the mounting of a sustained campaign for Membership and
giving the widest possible publicity of policies, rules and regulation.


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Section 1. The election of the Board of Directors shall be held every two (2) years on such date,
time and place or on-line which shall be determined by the Board, provided that it
shall be conducted during the incumbency of the outgoing Board.

Section 2. Proxy voting of the Board of Directors may be allowed provided that the member
shall authorize his or her representative in writing duly notarized.

Section 3. Every candidate shall be present during the said election, unless his/ her absence is
justified such justification should be in writing to be presented by his/her authorized
representative for consideration and approval of the COMELEC.

Section 4. Only regular members with at least two (2) years’ experience as members of the
Association shall be allowed to file certificate of candidacy for the position of the
Board of Directors.

Section 5. Candidates shall file their certificates of candidacy with the Secretary at least two
(2) weeks before the scheduled election.

Section 6. Candidates should preferably come from the different classes for fair and equal
representation. Candidates shall be limited to at least two (2) candidates for every
class, unless there are no other qualified candidates from other classes. The
COMELEC shall adopt rules for this purpose.

Section 7. Any vacancy or vacancies that may take place in the Board of Directors after the
Regular election shall be filled up by appointment to be exercised by the remaining
member of the Board of Directors constituting quorum. The Director to be
appointed shall hold office for the remaining term only.

Section 8. The Committee on Election shall count the votes and proclaim the winners.

Section 9. After the regular election of member of the Board of Directors, the latter shall
meet within three (3) days to elect from among themselves the Officers of the

Section 10. Term limit of PORRA Board members. Unless there is sufficient number of
qualified candidates to fill the seats in the board open for election, no board of
directors shall be allowed to run for more than two (2) consecutive terms. In case of
ambiguity in the application of election rules, first time candidates shall always be
given preference.


Section 1. Every Police Regional Officer (PRO) and Police Provincial Officers (PPO’s) may
have one (1) Head Coordinator who shall be appointed by the President with the
concurrence of the Board of Directors or assume office by election as may be
determined by the latter.

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Section 2. All Head Coordinators shall be responsible in disseminating the necessary information
regarding the programs, projects and activities of the Association. They may schedule
and conduct other programs and activities in furtherance of the goal of the Association
subject, however to the approval of the Board of Directors. They shall have further
powers, functions and privileges as may be determined by the Board of Directors
depending upon the necessities of the Association in the given region or province.


Section 1. The monthly dues shall be determined by the Association’s Board of Directors, taking
into consideration the administrative and operational expenses of the Association and
other benefits that may be extended to members, by in no case shall be less than two
hundred Pesos (P200.00).

Section 2. Other funds of the Association shall be derived from admission fees as may be
determined by the Board, special assessment of members, gifts or donation. Likewise,
Interest and dividends from PORRA Savings and Credit Cooperative.


Section 1. Unless otherwise provided in this By-Laws or in subsequent amendatory measures,

the Association shall have the following permanent committees:

a) WELFARE COMMITTEE – shall evolve plans chart, program and set up

priority project relative to mutual aids or assistance to member, fringe benefits and
privileges, hospitalization, retirement and such other viable and beneficial
undertakings of common interest to all its members. It shall submit its written
reports to the Board of Directors at least ten (10) days before regular meetings
called for the purpose.

b) GRIEVANCE AND COMPLAINT COMMITTEE – shall formulate policies

and implementing internal rules, regulation and procedures governing submission
of grievances and complaints, reception, discussions and disposition thereof
provided that it shall not contravene to existing laws. The committee shall have
power to conduct inquiries, confrontation and of fact-finding investigations and for
such purpose, it may issue notices or invitations requesting the presence of any
member or any party who can shed light on the case before it. Actions and
recommendations of the committee shall be promptly elevated to the Board of
Director for appropriate action.

c) LEGAL AFFAIRS COMMITTEE – shall be responsible for the research on

legal issues or controversies pertaining to police matter and shall render legal
service, consultation, advise, representation or other such forms of assistance to
the members of the Association. It shall maintain an up-to-date compilation of

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laws, rules, regulation and ordinances and pending legislative measures as well as
rulings, opinions and court decisions affecting the police service. Such
compilation shall be made available to all members at the headquarters of the
Association. The chairman and members of committee shall be chosen on the basis
of their working knowledge of law.

d) SOCIAL AFFAIRS COMMITTEE – responsible in the arrangement of the

social affairs of the association which includes convention, anniversary and other
gathering in which the Association will be involved.

e) PROGRAM COMMITTEE - responsible in the formulation and mapping out of

the guidelines for programs of activities of the Association to be submitted to the
President for approval and implementation.

f) FINANCE COMMITTEE – shall be in charge with the budgeting and financing

of the Association, to update the Board of Directors regarding the expenses of the
Association and distribution of funds.

g) MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE – shall be in charge with the acceptance of new

members of the Association and responsible for the dissemination of information
pertaining to the by-laws and policies which includes mission and vision of the
Association to the new members.

h) COMMITTEE ON ELECTIONS - shall be an independent Committee on

Elections (COMELEC) composed of the Chairman and four (4) members to be
appointed by the President who shall hold office for two (2) years, unless earlier
terminated or extended for cause. The Chairman and Members may be removed
from office for cause by resolutions of the General Assembly or the Board of
Directors. The COMELEC shall have absolute and exclusive duties and functions
of the enforcement and administration of all resolutions, rules and regulation
relative to the conduct of election. It shall have the power to decide all
administrative questions affecting said election including the final proclamation of
winning candidates therein.


The Board of Directors by two-third (2/3) votes, or the General Assembly, by majority
vote of all members, may alter, modify or amend this Constitution and By-Laws in any regular or
special meeting called for the purpose.


This Constitution and By-Laws shall take effect immediately upon approval by all the
member of the Board.

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Adopted this _______ day of _____________ 20______ at Camp ___________, _____
City by the affirmative votes of all the members of the Boars of Association in General
Assembly called for the purpose.


___________________________ ________________________
Vice President for Administration Vice President for Operations

___________________________ ________________________
Public Relation Officer Secretary

___________________________ ________________________
Treasurer Auditor

___________________________ ___________________________
Chair, Social Affairs Committee Chair, Legal Affairs Committee

___________________________ ___________________________
Chair, Membership Committee Chair, Program Committee

___________________________ ___________________________
Chair, Welfare Committee Chair, Finance Committee

___________________________ ___________________________
Chair, COMELEC Chair, Grievance/ Complaint Committee

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this _____day of ______20____, at

Quezon City, Philippines.

Doc. No.________;
Page No.________;

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Book No.________;
Series 2023

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