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Exercise 1: Underline the linking verb in each sentence.

1. At the hospital, the sick woman's face turned blue.

2. These potatoes tasted awful.
3. The boy was injured during the soccer match.
4. My parents sounded unhappy after the news.
5. At the park, I feel happy.
6. Beth’s clothes are muddy.
7. The dogs at the farm were friendly
8. The five fish were happy and healthy.
9. Billy’s old green jacket is too small.
10. The old house was creepy.
11. We were the spelling bee champions last year.
12. Apple pies are delicious.
13. I will be an elf in the school party.
14. Melina is the fastest runner on our team.
Exercise 2: Choose the suitable word to complete each sentence.
1. He is shouting at his friend. He seems very angry/angrily.
2. A: Why do you smell the milk?
B: Because it smells terrible/terribly. You should throw it away.
3. This plan grows quickly/quick if it absorbs enough water.
4. He kept talking and his friends seemed annoyedly/annoyed.
5. The doctor checked my legs carefully/careful to see if there were any injuries.
Exercise 3: Complete the sentences using the given words.
become appears sounds grow
felt seemed looks getting
1. She ______ ______ so beautiful in that white dress.
2. A: What about going to the Italian restaurant?
B: That ___________ great!
3. She wants to _______ a fashion designer like Victoria Beckham in the future.
4. I ______________ painful in my stomach after eating that cake.
5. It ____ _____ interesting that he didn't like anything except that bowl
6. Teenagers like to make their own choice when they _____________ older.
7. Turn on the fan. It is ________ hotter and hotter.
8. That Super Junior ___________ suddenly at the end of concert makes its fans
Exercise 4: Complete each sentence with an appropriate linking verb
1. The woods _______________ calm and quiet.
2. The pizza _______________ very chessy.
3. Kevin _______________ upset about something.
4. Writing a full essay _______________ difficult for Gerald.
5. Sally _______________ happier gradually.
6. The leaves _______________ yellow in fall.
7. The rancher _______________ an expert in raising livestock.
8. The gingerbread cookies _______________ delicious.
Exercise 5: Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences
1. Tom sounded __________ when I spoke to him on the phone
A. angry
B. angrily
C. to be angry
D. to be angrily
2. The garden looks __________ since you tidied it up.
A. better
B. well
C. more good
D. more well
3. Your English is improving. It is getting ___________.
A. well
B. good
C. much well
D. clearly
4. The chef tasted the meat ___________ before presenting it to the President.
A. cautious
B. more cautious
C. cautiously
D. much cautiously
5. Although the dish melt ____________, he refused to eat saying that he was not
A. bad
B. good
C. well
D. worse
6. The fish tastes __________. I won’t eat it.
A. awful
B. awfully
C. more awfully
D. as awful
Exercise 1: Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi

1.Susan will visit my grandparents next week.

➔ _________________________________. (will be)

2. My sister bought this white house from Salim.

➔ _________________________________. (was)

3. His girlfriend made some cookies for his birthday’s party.

➔ _________________________________. (was)

4. Jack had been teaching at the university for more than 2 years.

➔ _________________________________. (had been)

5. His sister hates people keeping me waiting.

➔ _________________________________. (is)

3. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. We've practiced ___________ (handle) animals.

2. I was thinking about ____ (do) another course as we would be off in some weeks.

3. She went on _____________ (talk) even though the film had started.

4. If students enjoy ____ (be) in class, they are more likely to learn.

5. ____________ (understand) how customers make decision has been a neglected area of
research so far.

6. Organizations invest huge amount of money in _________ (develop) packaging that they
believe is effective.

7. __________ (get) customers to change brands is a challenge for manufacturers.

8. Jim ended up _______________ (buy) a new TV after his old one broke.

9. Bill avoided _______ (do) his math assignment because the World Series was on.

10. It might be worth _________ (phone) the station to check the time of the train.

Give the correct form of the words in brackets.

1. Do you belong to any professional or trade _______________? (associate)

2. The country is now enjoying a period of relative ______________ and prosperity. (stable)

3. She won a ____________________ to study at Stanford. (scholar)

4. They resent foreign ________ _____ in the internal affairs of their country. (interfere)

5. A two-thirds majority is needed to amend the club's ______________ (constitute)

6. Demonstrations were held as a gesture of _____________ with the hunger strikers. (solid)

7. His book describes the ___________ of nationalism in Germany before the Second World
War. (grow)

8. An ________________ was finally reached between management and employees. (agree)

9. That country is now a net __________ ____ of fuel (= it exports more than it imports). (export)

10. It is said that the cottage is tiny, but it's very __________________ (charm)


No Perfect Relationships, but Perfect Situations

No one can be considered in a perfect relationship, how ____ (7) the couple is, as happiness in a
relationship is just the happiness of the situations created by the partners. No relationship, as a
whole, is

destined to be jovial and ____ (8). There can be moments of happiness and moments of

The couple who learns the secrets of ____ (9) both happiness and struggles wins the life and
enjoys the

best possible relationship and life. When in tension or issues, many people may think that they
are fated to ____

(10) into wrong relationship, and at the same time ignore the possible chances of making each
moment in life

happy by understanding the partner a bit more and adjusting a bit more.

1. A. was followed B. follows C. are followed D. following

2. A. subjective B. subject C. object D. objectives

3. A. marriage B. marry C. married D. marries

4. A. vomit B. commit C. omit D. submit

5. A. almost B. more C. utmost D. many

6. A. comfort B. conceal C. confirm D. confront

7. A. happiness B. happily C. happiest D. happy

8. A. satisfying B. satisfy C. satisfies D. satisfyingly

9. A. balanced B. balances C. balancing D. balance

10. A. survive B. fall C. lean D. distinct

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