Disciplinary Committee Report

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Disciplinary Committee / Guidance Department

Chair person : Atty. Cristobal R. Fernandez IV

Members : Ma. Wilma V. Ubaldo, Registrar

All academic department heads

Janice C. Fernandez

Functions : Receive and act/make recommendations on reports of violations of school rules and policies
as prescribed in the school student and faculty / staff handbook involving stucents, faculty members and
staff of FCAT
April 29, 2023


Fernandez College of Arts and Technology
Baliuag City, Bulacan


May I request from your good office that this proposal regarding the “Rules of
Procedure in Handling of Disciplinary Cases” be subjected to your evaluation and possible approval to
be implemented for the current School Year 2022-20223 and in the succeeding School Years


Introduction : The Disciplinary Committee, herein led by undersigned chairman, is the authorized body
at FCAT to handle cases of violation of school rules and regulations by students, employees, faculty
members herein. As part of this authority, it hereby proposes the following Rules of Procedure for
adoption in handling of cases within its jurisdiction.

Rule 1 Complaint Initiation

Sec. 1 Complaints can be inititated / forwarded to the D.C. through the Department Head/s.

Sec. 2 The complaint shall be endorsed by the concerned department head or office with a
certification / attestation that efforts have been exerted to settle the case at the department level but
have failed to resolve it.

Sec. 3 Complaint must be in writing and shall state the following matters :
a. Name of Complainant
b. Name of Respondent
c. Details of the incident (what, when, where, how)

Sec. 4 Complaint should be signed and attested to by the Complainant and shall include
supporting documents / evidences to prove their claim/s or allegations.

Sec. 5 A copy of the Complaint shall be forwarded to the Registrar’s Office, Human Resources
Department, and President’s Office.

Sec. 6 Anonymous complaints may be allowed as long as complainant presents competent proof
or evidence against respondent subject to evaluation by the D.C.

Rule 2 Reception of Complaint

Sec. 1 Upon receipt of the Complaint by the D.C., it shall be evaluated within 3 days and if there
is probable cause, a summons / subpoena shall be sent to the Respondent, containing a copy of the
complaint and its supporting documents / evidence. Otherwise, the D.C. shall recommend it dismissal.

Sec. 2 Within 3 days from receipt of the summons / subpoena, Respondent may submit to the
D.C. a REPLY / ANSWER to the Complaint in the same manner and format as the Complaint, giving a copy
to Complainant.

Sec. 3 Upon receipt of the Reply/ Answer from Respondent, D.C. shall set the case for a fact-
finding hearing within 5 days at the D.C. conference of guidance room. The parties to the case shall be
required to appear before the D.C.
Rule 3 Fact-finding hearing

Sec. 1 Parties shall be allowed in person to present their respective claims/ allegations and
defense/s before the D.C.

Sec. 2 Parties may present the testimony/ies of their respective witnesses during said hearing.

Sec. 3 All transactions during the fact-finding hearing shall be recorded.

Sec. 4 Parties may also have the opportunity to compromise their case subject to approval by
the D.C.

Sec. 5 After presentation of the parties’ respective evidences, the case shall be sumitted for

Rule 4 Resolution / Recommendation of the D.C.

Sec. 1 Within 5 days from the termination of the hearing, the D.C. shall evaluate the case based
on the evidence/s and tesitmonies presented by both parties.

Sec. 2 Any recommendation / resolution shall state out the facts and reasons upon which it is
based. Any penalty or sanction/s meted on any party shall be based on the Student Manual Handbook
and Faculty / Staff Manual Handbook of FCAT.

Sec. 3 The Resolution / Recommendation shall be forwarded to the Office of the President for
approval or veto (disapproval). The President’s decision on the matter shall be final and executory.

Sec. 4 Parties shall be immediately notified of the decision of the President.

Rule 5 Confidentiality of proceedings / records

Sec. 1 All the matters covered by the proceedings shall be under strict confidentiality by all
parties involved including members of the D.C. Parties shall not divulge or make statements regarding
the case while it is pending.

Sec. 2 Sanctions shall be imposed on parties are proven to have violated Sec. 1 of Rule 5 based
on the Student Manual Handbook or Staff and Faculty Manual Handbook.

Rule 6 Amendment of Rules of Procedure by D.C.

Sec.1 Proposal for changes

Any amendment or changes to these Rules can be made by any member of the D.C. and
shall be coursed through the evaluation of the D.C. with the concurrence of the President.

Sec. 2 Effectivity of amendments

Changes in the Rules of Procedure shall take effect upon actual notice of all the
members of the D.C.

Disciplinary Committee

Atty. Cristobal R. Fernandez IV


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