Bahas Inggris

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At that time I was still sitting in class V SD Negeri 1 Cindogo.

This elementary school is

located on Jl. Situbondo about 15 km from Bondowoso to the east towards Situbondo.

As an elementary school kid who likes to play, I like to take part in Scout camp activities.
Why? Because I can play in the wild with friends.

The campground starts on Thursday. At 10 o'clock in the morning, we took a team to the
campsite which turned out to be a field in Tapen.

We set up a tent assisted by the teacher at that time. But, I forget the teacher's name.

After setting up the tent we rested for lunch. Actually I was time to learn independently.
Learning to cook by our self. We did not do that. We ate by buying at food vendors
around the campsite.

Afternoon at 3 o'clock in the afternoon the roll call is held. This afternoon roll call took the
form of marching in the field. Then get direction from the Scoutmaster's brothers.

After the afternoon roll call we returned to our tents. We do Asar prayer and bathing.
After that we waited for the evening for the next event.

At 7 pm we were collected again. There was an evening roll call where we again
received coaching and a small game.

By midnight the event was over. We also returned to the tent to sleep.

© Cerita Pengalaman Kemah Pramuka Menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya |

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Saat itu saya masih duduk di kelas V SD Negeri 1 Cindogo. SD ini terletak di Jl.
Situbondo sekitar 15 km ke arah timur Bondowoso menuju kota Situbondo.

Sebagai anak SD yang suka bermain, saya senang mengikuti kegiatan perkemahan
Pramuka. Mengapa? Karena saya bisa bermain di alam bebas bersama teman-teman.

Perkemahan di mulai hari Kamis. Jam 10 pagi kami satu regu sudah diantar menuju
bumi perkemahan yang ternyata sebuah lapangan di kecamatan Tapen.

Kami mendirikan tenda dibantu Pak Guru waktu itu. Lupa nama gurunya.

Setelah mendirikan tenda kami beristirahat makan siang. Seharusnya belajar mandiri.
Belajar masak sendiri. Itu tidak kami lakukan. Kami makan dengan membeli di tempat
penjual makanan yang ada di sekitar perkemahan.

Sore jam 3 apel sore dilaksanakan. Apel sore ini berupa kegiatan berbaris di lapangan.
Kemudian mendapat pengarahan dari kakak-kakak pembina Pramuka.
Setelah apel sore kami kembali ke tenda masing-masing. Solat ashar dan mandi.
Menunggu malam hari untuk acara selanjutnya.

Tepat jam 7 malam kami dikumpulkan lagi. Ada apel malam dimana kami kembali
mendapat pembinaan dan permainan kecil.

Menjelang tengah malam acara selesai. Kamipun kembali ke tenda untuk tidur.

© Cerita Pengalaman Kemah Pramuka Menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya |

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