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• Cellular RFFE market

o PA/ LNA/ filter/ switch are the key products

o Filter > IDM model
o PA > fabless model
o Companies
▪ Apple Samsung OVX are the core clients
▪ China is ~11% of the market
▪ QCOM low band 5G has strong position given their modular design
▪ QCOM packaged in house PA on their flagship products but its interchangeable
at the low end SoC
▪ Murata PA has been falling behind since 4G but very strong position in filter
o Chinese PA companies
▪ Vanchip > all tier 1 clients except Apple & Samsung
▪ Lansus > low end product leveraging on localised fab and compete on price
o Chinese SAW filter
▪ Shoulder SAM IDM 200K/ month
▪ Deqing Huayin IDM 150KK/ month
▪ Maxscend 20KK/ month
o Chinese BAW filter
▪ HunterSun
▪ BAW filters are used in more high end models
o Chinese LNA/ switch/ Tuner
▪ Maxscend 50% of the Chinese market
▪ Will Semi
▪ Foreign players are losing shares
• Design difference between 4G/ 5G
o 4G
▪ P2 + discrete filter 2/3 of all design
▪ P6 PAMiD 1/3 of all design
o 5G
▪ P5N + discrete filter 50% of share
▪ P7 LPAMiD 50% of share

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