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Nikolle Ayala

Professor Sgobba

ECE 251

May 7th, 2022 Lesson Plan or Pre-K

Ages 3-5

Theme: Animals

Accommodations: David needs a number line. Sarah needs to have a white board. Andrew

needs a token board (IEP for social/emotional behavior).

Differination: Isaiah will need the teacher to give him prompting and reminders during the

whole lesson. Andrew’s goal’s to participate with the class and work productively with his team


Standards: 1.PK.3a Recognize and read numerals 0-5.

1.PK.3b Estimate the number of objects in a set of 5 and verify by counting

Objectives: Students will be able to identify the next number in a series of numbers up to 5.

Students will be able to count familiar objects or manipulatives in the classroom.

Materials: * Animal figures

* Animal Books

* Colored Pencils

* Paper cut outs

* Construction paper

Background Knowledge: Class we have been learning about animals. Do we know what sound

a dog makes? Do we know where a whale lives? What does a cricket sound like? What about a

frog? What lives in the sea?

Direct Instruction: I will show my animal figures to the class, count out loud for them to hear

and see, then explain step by step how to count to 5 and tell them the numbers in order. I will

show both the animal figures and the numbers on a sheet of paper. I would explain to them that 1

comes first, 2 comes next, 3 comes before 4 and 5 comes after 4 and so on. We will then count

together as a class a couple of themes before letting them practice with their partner.

Teacher- “Hello class today we are going to learn how to count to 5 with the help of some special


Students- *Start to giggle, scream of excitement* Who? Who is it?

Teacher-“But first we will review what we have been learning about animals by reading this

animal book and try to guess how many animals there are in each page. Can we do that?”

Students- “YES”


Teacher- “Alright friends I want all eyes on me right now no talking please we are going to go

over our activity today for this lesson.”

Students- “Okay Ms. Ayala”


Teacher- “Do you guys see our little helping buddies on my desk? These are our special guests

who are going to help us learn today.”

Students- “YES! WEEEEE!”

Teacher- “Ms. Ayala is going to be passing out 5 figures to you on your desk in a few minutes

after this. I will be using my butterfly, my panda, my elephant, and my dog figures. Now I will

take my sheet of paper and write down my numbers like we practiced tracing in the beginning of

the school year. Once I have that done I will then point to my first figure and start counting. 1, 2,

3, 4, 5.”

Students- *gasp and get excited*

Teacher- “Now I am going to point to the first number I traced on my sheet of paper and count.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5! Do you guys see what I did there? I am looking at both my numbers on my paper to

help me count my figures. You will be doing the same.”

Students- “YAY!”

Student Practice: Students will discuss in their groups what animal figures they have and trace

their numbers on a sheet of paper to help them count. They will count their figures and then

practice memorizing the order the numbers are by looking at the sheet and repeating 1, 2, 3 4, 5

while pointing at the figures. While tracing, counting, and having both a visual and hands on

concept in this lesson they are not just using math skills, but they are also gaining

communication skills.

Ex: Joshua- “I have a penguin, a giraffe, a dolphin, a caterpillar, and a squirrel. Melanie what

did you get?”

Melanie- “I have a fish, a cat, a hamster, a rhino, and a polar bear.”


Joshua- “I am done tracing so I am going to try to count now. 1,2, 3……um what comes next? I

forgot what these two numbers are. “ *he points to numbers traced*

Melanie- “Thats 3 and 4 you silly goose. I can remember the numbers without even looking at

the ones I traced!”

Joshua- “Hmm….Showoff.”

Closure: Okay students what did we learn about today? What did we do ? What did we talk

about? What new vocabulary did we hear today? Did you guys like this lesson? How you you

feel after this ?

Demonstration of Learning (Quick Assessment):

Have students pull out a sticky note out of a hat. Tell students to open up their sticky notes and

see what number they got. Have them pick one animal. They will be told to draw the figure they

chose based on the number they pulled out. After the students draw that animal on a sheet of

construction paper so they can cut it out. So overall they will be creating their own animal

counters and then they will be asked to discuss with their teammates what figure they made,

what number they got on their sticky note, and how many of their animal cutouts they have. I

will be coming along to each table then to see if they all grasp the concept and have an

understanding of this lesson.

Always tell students what they will learn tomorrow or next week and don't forget to

include a concept of Bloom's Taxonomy:


Teacher- “Alright friends today we identified numbers and created animal cutouts to understand

counting 1-5. Tomorrow we will try to remember and apply these skills we used today so that

this time we can count to 10 with different objects.”

So the next day we will do the same concept of counting but it won't be 1-5 this time it will be

1-10. It would have to be with a different item such as counting bears, cubes, blocks, or different

types of animal figures.They will be applying the strategies they used with this activity to their

other future activities they will continue to have through the school year. While I would be

evaluating the students progress and how they all do when they are either working

independently, working with a partner, or in groups.

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