Industry Report On Kiam Matel

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Held in 16th February 2023


Visited industry:
Kiam Metal industry limited, Kushtia

Kiam Metal Industries Ltd. (a sister concern of BRB group) is a private limited company was formed and
incorporated in 1990 and situated at BSCIC Industrial Estate, Kushtia, 5 km. from Kushtia town.


DR. Omar Farque





Md. Abdullah Al Ashik




SESSION: 2017-2018



DATE OF SUBMISSION: 22/ 03/ 2023


Dated: 22/03/2023

Dr. Omar Faroque

Associate Professor
Department of Management Studies.

Subject: Submission of report on industrial tour in, Kiam metal industries limited.

Dear Sir,

I am very glad to submit an Industrial Tour Report on “KIAM METAL INDUSTRIES

LIMITED” which is organized as a precondition for the 4th year B.B.A. curriculum.

I have tried my best to gain practical experience and also tried to reflect the same in
report with my limited scope and knowledge. I have gathered about realistic awareness
throughout this Industrial Tour. I hope that I have been able to fulfill our academic

I wish your hearty consideration, if there is any deviation in my report and also thank
you for your friendly cooperation.

Yours truly,

Md. Abdullah Al Ashik

BBA 4th year

Student Id: 17 MGT 030

Session: 2017-2018

Department of Management Studies


After completing the requisite courses and a comprehensive examination, the students
of B. B. A. (4th year) of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science and Technology
University are required to undertake a fieldwork program. In order to implement this
program, every student must be involved with an organization. According to the
instruction of selected teacher, the students have to complete an industries tour and
require preparing a report on a selected topic on the organization where he/she has been
involved/ attached. The main purpose of this attachment is to expose the student to the
real business world and acquaint him/her with the current business practices in the
modern business. This type of exposure is very much helpful to find out the gap between
theory and practices knowledge.

This report also develops from the same perception about the practical situation as a
fresh student. The industrial tour report is prepared on “Kiam metal industries
limited. The comments and suggestions for future development of the report or any
concept must be appreciated.
First of all I want to thank the immeasurable grace and profound kindness of Almighty
God, the supreme authority of the universe who bestowed me the capability of
successful completion of my assignment paper. Industrial Tour really an interesting
course by which I can learn about managerial activities. This type of course will help
me in my future job. I am thankful to my supervisor Dr. Omor Faroque our Academic
faculty from Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science & Technology University.
He advises us this interesting course so easily, that we can understand properly. It is an
important course for Business students. At last I would like to thank our classmates &
family members for their nice cooperation in preparing this paper. Many of my friends
and also many well-wishers contributed ideas and made suggestions that greatly
enhanced this paper. I would like to thank them all.


This study is an attempt to make a critical evaluation of the Human Resource

Management in Kiam Metal Industries Limited, pinpointing the major flaws in the vital
area of management.

More precisely the followings are the specific objectives of the study: -

 To know the characteristics of Human Resource Management practices Kiam Metal

Industries Limited
 To identify major internal and external factors leading to managerial inefficiency if
 To find out the effectiveness of Human Resource Management, the limiting factors
and their impact on managerial performance of the Kiam Metal Industries Limited.
 To provide suggestions for development of Human Resource Management models
in view of the business environment.


 The main constraint of the study is insufficient information as the employees were

and were hesitant to provide information.

 Time shortage is a big constrains because it is very difficult to prepare report and

concentrate on official work.

 Lack of proper experience.

 This information is confidential so associated authority did not wish to disclose
some of the data. In spite of the limitation I had tried with all of my efforts to know
and find out the response pattern of the subjects and consultation of relevant record
and document. Data have reached a fairly acceptable degree of accuracy.

Company Overview and the Methodology

Definition of Methodology

In its most common sense, methodology is the study of research methods. However,
the term can also refer to the methods themselves or to the philosophical discussion of
associated background assumptions. A method is a structured procedure for bringing
about a certain goal.

Methodology of the Study

The Kiam Metal Limited Industries has been selected for an in depth study of the
analysis and interpretation of the financial statements of the company. The study covers
a five years 2000-2005. The study is based on secondary data contained in the annual
reports and annual accounts of the company during the period under the study. The data
have been collected from the company by visiting personally. Different ratio are used
to analyze and interpretation of collected data

Qualitative and quantitative methods

This data is qualitative form of data because it is survey based and questionnaire data
collecting from newspapers, reports, books, journals and websites.
This report is formed into qualitative data which is measurement by qualitative form
and the data type is the informative and affirmative to analyze the report.

Methods of data collection

Major part of data was collected through the primary and secondary sources. It was not
easy to collect primary data because the company personnel were very busy.
The primary and secondary sources were The primary sources of data and
 Observation.
 Human Resource Management policy of Kiam Metal Industries Limited.
 Operational process.
 Discussion with officials of Kiam Metal Industries Limited.


This study will relate to the HRM department of Kiam Metal Industries Limited where
Human Resource Management is a very important area to work on with. The study will
be conducted based on “Kiam Metal Industries Limited” in evaluating different aspects
and criteria’s related with companies’ Human Resource process. This report will give
a detailed idea of how I have developed Human Resource process.


In spite of my best effort, I am sure of some deficient existing in this report. These are
caused by some limitations that are enumerated below.

 Most of the information is provided orally

 Industrial tour period was only for single day that is why findings and facts
provided here are on the basis of single day’s observation.

 Some data could not be supplied for their confidentiality and official secrecy,
 Rapid changes in the competitive market in terms of demand and competition
may cause the lack of worthiness in creating actual time utility of this report.


Profile of the industry
Organization structure of Kiam Metal Industries
History of Kiam Metal lndustries Limited

Production department

Department of HRM

Labor management

Department of Accounting

Department of Finance

Department of Marketing & Sales

Department of Quality control

SWOT Analysis

Safety & security measures

Social responsibility



Kiam Metal Industries Limited

1. Address BSCIC industrial state Kushtia -7002

2. Establishment Date 1990

2. Nature of production Manufacturing & marketing.

3. Main Products Pressure Cookers, Hari, Kari Gas Stove

4. Main Raw materials. Aluminium

5. Total Man power 3300+

6. Utility Consumption Aluminium, Electricity, Water.

7. Production Capacity 30000 cookers (Per day)

8. Type Private

9. Website

10. Email


Kiam Metal Bangladesh:

Kiam Metal has been awarded The Industry Business Award-2004 as The Best Household
Product Manufacturer in Bangladesh for its outstanding contribution in the field of import-
substitute product manufacturing.

Arrival of Kiam Metal:

Kiam Metal Industries Limited is the largest kitchenware manufacturing industry in

Bangladesh and producing all types of cooking utensils which are used as household items. It
was set up for manufacturing of Aluminum Utensils and Enamelware for domestic
consumption, particularly for common people. Kiam Metal Industries Ltd. is a private limited
company was formed and incorporated in 1990 and situated at BSCIC Industrial Estate,
Kushtia, 5 km. from Kushtia town. Kiam Metal Industries Limited is the largest kitchenware
manufacturing industry in Bangladesh and producing all types of cooking utensils which are
used as household items. It was set up for manufacturing of Aluminum Utensils and
Enamelware for domestic consumption, particularly for common people. Considering the
demand of the day, it has diversified its production line and producing all types of kitchenware
like Non-stick utensils, Aluminum utensils and Pressure Cookers, which are import substitute.
Kiam Metal has been awarded The Industry Business Award-2004 as the best Household
Product Manufacturer in Bangladesh for its outstanding contribution in the field of import-
substitute product manufacturing. As the leading cookeries manufacturers in Bangladesh Kiam
Metal Industries Ltd. has reputation in the fast world for its best quality products, unrivalled
experience and vast product range developed through leading edge of modern technology.
Satisfying the growing demand of energy, in today’s world, is one of the main prerequisites for
industrial growth and thus rise in living standards. Due to this rapid industrial and economic
growth it has become necessary to transmit bulk power to a sustain growth. For bulk power
transmission, Kiam Metal manufactures high energy cables up to 500 cookeries and supply
cookeries accessories by which it has become solution providers of high level product and extra
high level transmission cookeries. Kiam Metal Cable creates value in the energy transmission
area and contributes to satisfaction of the demand. It is also committed to being the pioneering
company of the world in its sector. Continuing its operations in this direction, Kiam Metal puts
human and environment to the first place along with customer satisfaction and carries out its
research and development activities in order to manufacture energy cables providing more
efficient, more reliable and cleaner energy transmission

Policies are the distillation of everything above them in the hierarchy -- mission, values, and
strategic objectives, along with the law. Policies articulate goals that are narrower than strategic
objectives and identify limits, or boundaries, for behavior and actions that are necessary to
complete those goals.

An Insurance Policy:

is a legal contract between the insurance company (the insurer) and the person(s), business,
or entity being insured (the insured)? Reading your policy helps you verify that the policy
meets your needs and that you understand you’re and the insurance company's
responsibilities if a loss occurs.

Manufacturing Policy:

Kiam metal industries all moment concerns about their manufacturing policy. And also they
are maintaining Their activists in policy ways. The National Manufacturing Policy aims to
increase the share of the manufacturing sector to GDP from 16% to 25% by 2022. This is a
holistic policy for the promotion of the manufacturing sector in the country.

Research & Development Policy:

Always reflect customer opinion and drive evolution in the highest standard technological
expertise. Kiam is constantly seeking to drive technological innovation by liaising closely with
sales bases and collecting the opinions of customers and also by anticipating future needs that
have not yet been voiced. We continue to promote creativity and ingenuity even in times of
turbulent change. Our aim is to enhance customer satisfaction through the development of
sophisticated, high-performance products and by optimizing quality, delivery and price.

Production Policy:

Pursuing quality that personifies the "Made in Bangladesh " expression and ability to respond
flexibly in accord with customers. Kiam exclusively produces a diverse array of over 6 to 8
different products.

This is made possible thanks to a dedicated group of experts that enable swift response through
low-volume, high-mix manufacturing based on cell production. We are also committed to
meeting the confidence customers have placed in us through finely tuned quality inspection. In
addition, we have introduced the latest component mounting equipment. We remain proud of
our advanced production capabilities enabling us to accommodate not only our own products
but also manufacturing on consignment.

Service & Support Policy:

After-sales service earns plaudits in the industry: Support capabilities on call 24 hours a day,
365 days a year for a customer in broadcasting, medical, surveillance and other markets are
round-the-clock businesses that never rest. The support that provides goes far beyond ongoing
post-delivery maintenance by enabling inquiries 24 hours a day for quick response to needed
repairs.The all moments have been concern about the policy for the company also employees.
By the policy the company would be able to gets expected feedback and result from the
Organization. Because of company policy Play vital role for the company success.



Now that you know what a policy is, it helps to know the purpose of a policy. Rather than
thinking of policies as a set of rules to follow, think of policies more in terms of their purpose
and benefits for both the employees and the organization.

Set Clear Expectations:

While policies offer a variety of benefits, the primary goal they accomplish is to put in writing
what the company expects from employees in terms of the behavior, actions, and processes
they take in specific scenarios. This clarity allows employees to know and understand how
they should respond according to the mission, vision, values the company establishes. In a
nutshell, policies take the guesswork out of what employees should do. When they are written
in clear, easy-to-understand language, policies explicitly outline the company’s expectations
of employees at every level. Different rules do not exist for different levels of employees.
Instead, every employee must follow these guiding principles in the day-to-day routines of their
jobs, which is the overarching purpose of HR policies.

Create Consistency Throughout the Organization:

Clarity in the company’s guidelines leads to everyone operating according to the same
principles and guidelines. In turn, this creates consistent experiences and processes, both
internally among employees and externally regarding interactions with customers, vendors, and
the general public. This is especially true for new employees as clear policies help them learn
quickly the expectations. The same is true for company procedures. While policies set
boundaries for decision-making, they do provide a bit of flexibility. On the other hand,
procedures provide step-by-step instructions, checklists, or processes for specific, routine tasks.
Both policies and procedures help new employees quickly acclimate to the company’s values
and mission as well as for specific ways they should do specific tasks.

Reduce Risk:

Establishing the expectations and consistency outlined above allows leadership to ensure the
company communicates all laws and regulations to employees. Plus, it ensures employees both
understand the policies and know how these policies apply to their day-to-day jobs. The result?

When an organization clearly establishes expectations in writing and incorporates them into
the fabric of the corporate culture, this reduces the number of fines and other legal risks for the
company. Building this culture of organizational accountability requires a concerted effort on
the part of leadership, but it mitigates risk and drives compliance, which is every employee’s

Improves Employee Performance:

Clear policies allow leadership to institute and solidify best practices throughout the
organization. This can be accomplished through both big-picture efforts – such as mission
statements, which should be included in the policy manual – as well as through more detailed
and specific policies and procedures. Beyond mere documents, policies set forth the company’s
mission, vision, values, and culture, codified into a written format for employees at every level
to access and follow. As living documents that change to reflect current needs and risks,
policies are truly the heartbeat of an organization.

Set High Employees Performance:

Another purpose of HR policies? It sets the bar high for the standards the company expects
employees to live up to. For example, a solid foundation of company policies should address
areas such as code of conduct and ethics, anti-harassment, and diversity. It’s one thing to talk
about the organization’s stance on these issues, but it’s another to codify these standards and
expectations in writing for all employees. Such policies should clearly delineate the
consequences and actions the company will take if an employee violates these rules and


For every organisation and company policy cycle is very crucial for maintain the Organization
activities. Like our Kiam metal industries limited maintain the policy for Their company. The
policy cycle is an idealised process that explains how policy should be drafted, implemented
and assessed. It serves more as an instructive guide for those new to policy than as a practical
strictly-defined process, but many organizations aim to complete policies using the policy cycle
as an optimal model.

The policy process is normally conceptualized as sequential parts or stages. These are

 problem emergence,
 agenda setting,
 consideration of policy options,
 decision-making,
 implementation, and
 evaluation



Production is the process of combining various inputs, both material (such as metal, wood,
glass, or plastics) and immaterial (such as plans, or knowledge) in order to create output

The principal raw materials used for manufacturing of Kiam Metal industries are Aluminum,
iron etc. All the raw-materials are required to be imported. which is the base materials for
manufacturing of Kiam that are imported from India and china. Below is a standard usage ratio
of raw-materials determined by the enterprise used in production.

Aluminium : Depend on production

Iron : Depend on production

Electricity : Depend on Capacity


The term manufacturing refers to the processing of raw materials or parts into finished goods
through the use of tools, human labor, machinery, and chemical processing. Manufacturing
allows businesses to sell finished products at a higher j than the value of the raw materials used.
Large-scale manufacturing allows for goods to be mass-produced using assembly line
processes and advanced technologies as core assets. Efficient manufacturing techniques enable
manufacturers to take advantage of economies of scale, producing more units at a lower cost.

4 Types of Manufacturing Process.

 Casting and molding.

 Machining.
 Joining.
 Sharing and forming

The factory follows the standard production system. There are three machines continuously
complete the production. Two machines are from Germany and last one from Belgium. There
are three shifts available in the factory for smooth operation. The production capacity of each
machine is 6700 laces square feet.


Now we compare actual production with production from last three years. Making it depend
on yearly income.


2022-2023 1800000 COOKERS

2020-2021 1540000 COOKERS

2018 – 2019 1200000 COOKERS.

Here, we see that the production level of the Kiam industry increased day by day. And by the
energetic activists the Organization being prolonged. So the actual and target production Being
increased by the outstanding performance.


Production cost includes cost of raw materials, interest depreciation, overhead, stores and
spares, salary and wages, gas and power and so on. When the company face problem due to
shortage of material, the GM of operation manage it shortly in order to continue the production.
To keep the productions continue they follow two alternatives:

 They buy raw material from the international market

 They borrow some raw material from other company whether public or private. At
that time, cost may be somewhat high.

Now, we can show last year production cost of glass sheet through table and pie-chart.

Raw materials 31%

Interest 3%
Depreciation 13%
Overhead 10%
Stores and spares 4%
Salary and wages 16%
Gas and power 23%

production cost


raw material
31% interest
4% depreciation
stores and spares
salary and wages



The term “human resource management” (HRM) has been commonly used for about the last
ten to fifteen years. Prior to that, the field was generally known as “personnel administration”.
HRM has changed in name various times throughout history. The name change was mainly
due to the change in social and economic activities throughout history. Industrial welfare was
the first form of HRM. Personnel administration, which emerged as a clearly defined field by
the 1920s, was largely concerned the technical aspects of hiring, evaluating, training, and
compensating employees and was very much of “staff” function in most organizations. The
field did not normally focus on the relationship of disparate employment practices on overall
organizational performance or on the systematic relationships among such practices. The field
also lacked a unifying paradigm. HRM developed in response to the substantial increase in
competitive pressures in business organizations began experiencing by the late 1970s as a result
of such factors as globalization, deregulation, and rapid technological change. These pressures
gave rise to an enhanced concern on the part of firms to engage in strategic planning - a process
of anticipating future changes in the environment conditions (the nature as well as level of the
market) and aligning the various components of the organization in such a way as to promote
organizational effectiveness.

History of HRM

HRM has changed in name various times throughout history. The name change was mainly
due to the change in social and economic activities throughout the history. Industrial welfare:
Industrial welfare was the first form of HRM. In 1833, the Factories Act stated that there should
be male factory inspectors. In 1878, legislation was passed to regulate the hours of work for
children and women by having a 60-hour week. During this time, trade unions started to be
formed. In 1868, the 1st Trade Union Conference was held. This was the start of collective
bargaining. In 1913, the number of industrial welfare workers had grown so a conference
organized by See ohm Rowntree was held. The Welfare Workers Association was formed later
changed to Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. By the mid-1980s, the term
“human resource management” arrived from the USA. The term “human resources (HR)” is a
fascinating one: it seemed to suggest that employees were an asset or resource-like machines,
but at the same time, HR also appeared to emphasize employee commitment and motivation.

Practices of Human resource management

Several attempts have been made from time to time by different researchers to identify the type
of HRM practices in different sectors. Initially Pfeiffer (1994) identified 16 practices which
denote best practice. This was later refined to the following seven practices: 1. Employment
security 2. Selective hiring 3. Self-managed teams 4. High compensation contingent on
organizational performance 5. Extensive training 6. Reduction in status difference 7. Sharing
information, the relationship between HRM practices and other important organizational
variables is then presented including the HR best practices of Indian companies. The
researchers have also developed a conceptual framework on the basis of review of the present
studies and implications have been suggested for HR departments. At the end of the paper a
synthesis of the review of literature has been given. In one another study, Redman and
Matthews (1998) identify an ‘HRM bundle’ of key practices which support service
organizations quality strategies, these being: 1. Careful recruitment and selection, for example,
‘total quality recruitment’, ‘zero defects recruitment’, ‘right first time recruitment’. 2.
Extensive remuneration systems, for example, bonuses available for staff willing to be multi-
skilled. 3. Team working and flexible job design, for example, encouraging a sense of
cohesiveness and designing empowered jobs. 4. Training and learning, for example, front line
staff having enhanced interpersonal and social skills. 5. Employee involvement, for example,
keeping employees informed of key changes in the organization. 6. Performance appraisals
with links to contingent reward systems, for example, gathering customer feedback to
recognize the work by employees over and above their expected duties, which in turn is likely
to lead to a bonus for staff. Recently, Saxon and Tiwari (2009) examined the HRM Practices
implemented by leading IT Companies such as TATA, Infosys and Wipro in India. They
developed the 3cTER Framework of HRM practices and identified Training and Development,
Employer Employee Relations, Recognition through Rewards, Culture building, Career
Development, Compensation and Benefits as important HRM Practices.

Common function of HRM

HRM is all about balancing the organization’s people and processes to best achieve the goals
and the strategies of the organization, as well as the goals and the needs of workforces. The
leading role an HR manager has to fulfil is to integrate business operations and strategies across
a wide array of culture, products, and ideas, while effectively delegating work among HR
specialists and line management. Apart from being concerned with local issues of employees,
HRM must deliberate below functions and effects of workforce diversity, legal restriction,
performance management, training and professional development of the organization.

 Learning and Development

L&D strategy is an organizational strategy that articulates the workforce capabilities, skills, or
competencies required to ensure a sustainable, successful organization and that sets out the
means of developing these capabilities to underpin organizational effectiveness (CIPD, 2014).
Organizational L&D is of crucial and strategic importance. This is a matter not just of extensive
training in task skills, but of completely new ways of thinking about work and of working and
relating with one another. Individuals at all levels need to be able to think and work “outside
the box”. They need to be able to do so without prior experience, clear guidelines, or close
supervision. Overall, this amounts to the need for using high levels of cognitive skills, including
learning how to learn. It also amounts to the need for managers to train and develop their
existing workforce, facilitate their learning within a learning culture, and with appropriate
resources, and train and develop new employees. And beyond the organization, it amounts to
the need to develop a learning society.

 Training and development

The HRM department is responsible for providing on-the-job as well as refresher training for
all employees who were newly hired and for the existing. This one of the most important
function and lack of training opportunities only increases frustration levels among employees.
Thus, training systems must be streamlined across all locations in order to make
communication and sharing of resources a convenient task. Measurement and monitoring is
another vital aspect of training in order to foster adoption of employees’ new skills.
 Recruitment and Selection

Recruitment is the process of having the right person, in the right place, at the right time. It is
crucial to organizational performance. Recruitment is a critical activity, not just for the HR
team but also for line managers who are increasingly involved in the selection process. All
those involved in recruitment activities should be equipped with the appropriate knowledge
and skills.

 Professional Development

Operational HR departments allow and encourage the workforces with opportunities for
growth, leadership training and education, which in turn contribute to the success of the
company. Sponsoring for career advancement seminars, training, corporate social
responsibilities and trade shows will make employees feel important and cared for by the team
and business.

 Performance Appraisal

Performance appraisal (or performance review) is a process for individual employees and those
concerned with their performance, typically line managers, to engage in a dialogue about their
performance and development and the support they need in their role. It is used to both assess
recent performance and focus on future objectives, opportunities, and resources needed.


Definition of Leadership:

The action of leading a group of people or an organization. That’s how the Oxford Dictionary
defines leadership. In simple words, leadership is about taking risks and challenging the
status quo. Leaders motivate others to achieve something new and better. Interestingly,
leaders do what they do to pursue innovation, not as an obligation. They measure success by
looking at the team’s achievements and learning.


 Leadership is setting and achieving goals, tackling the competition, and solving problems
decisively and quickly.
 Leadership also refers to the tone a company's management sets in terms of the corporate
 Some people with strong leadership skills in the business world rise to become the CEO,
COO, CFO, president, or chair of their companies.

Understanding Leadership

Provides direction for a company and its workers. Employees need to know the direction in
which the company is headed and who to follow to reach the destination. Leadership
involves showing workers how to effectively perform their responsibilities and regularly
supervising the completion of their tasks.

Leadership is also about setting a positive example for staff to follow, by being excited
about the work, being motivated to learn new things, and helping out as needed in both
individual and team activities.

Different Types of Leadership

All leaders have a unique style that sets them apart from others. Hence, these different types
of leadership styles will help you decide which type of leader you want to be. Accordingly,
you would be able to hone your skills with the best leadership training programmer.

There is various type of leadership, but now we describe mainly four type of leadership.
These type of leadership discuses given in bellow…

 Autocratic leadership

A leader who has complete control over his team is called an autocratic leader. They never
bend their beliefs and rules for anyone. Additionally, their team has no say in the business
decisions. Moreover, the team is expected to follow the path directed by the leader.

 Democratic leadership

In this type of leadership, team members and leaders equally contribute to actualizing
business goals. Furthermore, they work together and motivate each other to achieve their
personal goals too. This type of leadership leads to a positive working environment.

 Bureaucratic leadership

In this type of leadership, leaders strictly adhere to organizational rules and policies. They
make sure that their team members do the same. Bureaucratic leaders are often organized and
self-motivated. There is no right or wrong leadership style. Therefore, it is up to you to
decide the kind of leader you wish to become.

 Laissez-Faire leadership

In this type of leadership, team members have the freedom to perform their job according to
their will. They are given the freedom to bring in their perspective and intelligence in
performing business functions.

The Qualities of a Good Leader

1. Honesty and Integrity: Leaders value virtuousness and honesty. They have people who
believe in them and their vision.
2. Inspiration: Leaders are self-motivating, and this makes them great influencers. They are
a good inspiration to their followers. They help others to understand their roles in a bigger

3. Communication skills: Leaders possess great communication skills. They are transparent
with their team and share failures and successes with them.

4. Vision: Leaders are visionaries. They have a clear idea of what they want and how to
achieve it. Being good communicators, leaders can share their vision with the team

5. Never give-up spirit: Leaders challenge the status quo. Hence, they never give up easily.
They also have unique ways to solve a problem.


Recruitment is the process of having the right person, in the right place, at the right time. It is
crucial to organizational performance. Recruitment is a critical activity, not just for the HR
team but also for line managers who are increasingly involved in the selection process. All
those involved in recruitment activities should be equipped with the appropriate knowledge
and skills.

 Needs of employee for present and future

 Opportunities of collection and selection
 Economic conditions
 Goals
 Organizational style
 Nature of the task


Recruitment is a process to find out quality people for the organization. It is directly related to
a number of personnel or human resource activities are as follows: Employment planning»
Recruiting» Providing» Job application» Selection

The various types of recruitment process are as follows:

 Internal source
 Advertisements
 Employee referrals
 Private employment

Kiam metal industries limited – Follows all the policies for the recruitment. They believe
that day by day Their organisation is being standards in country also the international market.
So here recruitment Policy playing vital role for the Organization. Through the perfect and

energetic technique. The organisation would be able to get energetic and dynamic employees.
Collection of application form and preparing short list:








After recruitment, the company maintains selection procedure. KIAM METAL INDUSTRIES
LIMITED. maintains the following selection criteria for the staff and officers post and also for
fresh recruitment and selection. Generally, recruitment ordered and conducted by their specific
Organizational recruitment rules. Following are the various types of selection test for employee
selection. These are:

 Written (subjective type) test

 Written (objective type) test
 Oral test
 Medical test
 Others


Kiam Metal Industries Limited has a definite salary structure which is govt. provided
national pay salary that is followed. So in that organ salary vary employee to employee.

Basically in Kiam metal industries Limited the main/major basis for setting basic pay on the
base of seniority and position.

However, in addition to basic pay, some extra allowances the Kiam metal industries limited
provides to employees these are following-

1. Medical Allowance.
2. House Rent.,
3. DA/TA Bill etc.
The Kiam metal industries Limited also give bonus to its employees on a year 2 bonus on
occasional festival basis say EID-UL-FITER and EID-UL-AZHA for Muslim a for Hindu-
Durga puza. So the Usmania Glass Sheet Factory Limited provides financial as well as no
financial benefits to employees. The major financial benefits are:

1. Salary.
2. Bonus.
3. Different allowances along with basic salary.
4. Incentives
5. Insurance facilities
6. Provident fund
7. Gratuity etc.
Other major non-financial facilities and benefits are:

1. Communication/Free transportation.
2. Free medical facilities.
3. Death insurance.
The Usmania Glass Sheet Limited also gives profit sharing ratio at 5% fixed by the government
to the employees.

Honest efforts are being made to keep the surrounding environment pollution free and
accordingly factory premises are always kept clean and hygienic. Disposal of waste are
supervised carefully and plantation of trees are carried out in and around the factory promises

In case of promotion Kiam metal industries Limited follow the policy to promote employee
basically based on

1. The length of service or tenure

2. A.C.R. (Annual Confidential Report).
3. Educational qualification.
4. Written test and VIVA voce sometimes used.
However, some other basis is the following
1. Seniority
2. Performance and
3. Skill

THE PROMOTION SYSTEM OF Kiam metal industries limited:

For officers of white color people promotion is given generally at least/minimum 5 years’
service tenure interval wise. For worker staffs at least 3 years’ service tenure interval wise.
Generally, the organization does not any provision of demotion system and lay off system.
Since Usmania Glass Sheet Limited is a semi govt. or state owned enterprise and under the
guidance of BCIC it also follows transfer system, because it is necessary for the better interest
of the corporation.

Generally, the transferable employees are of the “officers of central cadre”. The organization
follows and types of transfer considered are

1. Based on performance.
2. Based on educational qualification.

Performance, academic qualification, skill. The rate of turnover in the organization is 1% to 5%.
The causes of turnover are:

a) Getting higher salary

b) Getting more and higher job status and job security
c) Getting more non-financial benefits
d) Lack of proper and suitable management co-operation.
In Kiam metal industries Limited also has a provision of discharge system, as per
Administration of Kiam metal industries Limited division, they assert that, if anybody
physically disable of unfit to continue his service than he is discharged after his required

There is also provision and determination the cost of employee termination, there are

1. Notice Pay
2. Provident fund
3. Gratuity
4. Other benefits it due
Promotion depends on the basis of

1. Good Performance
2. Availability of Vacancy position against organ gram of the factory.

Labor management:

Kiam metal industries Limited follow the Worker participation fund Act- 1968.Labor
management relation is good. If there are any disputes, then through negotiation it can be
settled. In the Kiam metal industries limited, there is an organized trade union, which is
registered under the law. This organization works on behalf of the workers. This committee
sits on with management body if there is any conflict in the factory. HR manager gives an
example various unknown germs pollute how they settled industrial disputes such as once
drinking water and when worker drinks it they become ill one by one. As a result, there is a
crisis among the workers. Quickly management closes the factory and diagnoses the causes of
pollution and takes remedial measure to solve the problem. Thus, disputes have been dismissed.
Earlier they also mention that for Usmania Glass Sheet Factory Limited labor also recruited
through advertisement in the daily newspaper and they are selected through selection test and
they are also trained basically on the Job training. (As per administration of Usmania Glass
Sheet Factory Limited, it there is available training then we considered which is elated with
productivity, management, and Financial.) In Usmania Glass Sheet Factory Limited there is
provision or social security scheme for avoiding accident. Medical facilities, provident fund,
gratuity, group term insurance and accident compensation etc are being provided to the
employees of the factory as per “standing labor act” for social security scheme for avoiding

There is no organization in the world without conflict and disputes. So Usmania Glass Sheet
Factory Limited is not also different from them. But there is constraint or limitation of extent.
Employee of white color mentioned that they always try to retain excellent relation between
management and labor. The administration also mentions that the main cause generally rising
of conflict between labor and management when or if CBA place contradictory demands to the
management which is beyond the normal demands of the CBA. The administration mention
that, if there is any conflict or dispute occur then personal contact or negotiation is necessary
to conciliate or solve the disputes. They also mention that they always try to maintaining
harmonious relation with CBA (labor) in all respect for the better interest of the organization.
Two CBA exist and also has trade union. At present there is two trade union exist, out of which
one trade union is working another is formed but the old one impose case on the last or new

Since in Kiam metal industries Limited there is CBA and a trade (worker) trade union so the
workers deal with management regarding their own interest through CBA and also trade union.
But there is a conditioned that the demand of their need to be genuine.

The management of Kiam metal industries Limited also likes to mention that they have no
provision to interference in decision making. (A worker /some workers also could deal with
management regarding their own interests as media of president/secretary.

In Kiam metal industries Limited there is provision for disappoint employees if founded, and
then the following steps are generally taken by the admin/authority in the organization to
reduce their level of dissatisfaction.

1. Motivation is necessary to rectify them.

2. If he /they are not rectified, disciplinary action must be taken against him as per rule.
The last one is applicable only when the employee demonstrate unnecessary dissatisfied
exaggeration mode.

In the factory there is safety measure for the employees is maintained, basically the nature of
safety measure in financial point of view that is

1. Life Insurance
2. Provident fund

Department of accounting:

The company has adopted the International Accounting Standard as are adopted in Bangladesh
and has maintained its accounts ongoing concern basis under the generally accepted accounting
principles of historical cost convention method Subject to the revaluation of fixed assets at 30
June 1987 effective from 1st July 1987.
Accounting period of the company starts from 1st July and ends June 30 in a year. The accounts
under audit have been prepared on yearly basis from 1st July 2005 to 30 June 2006.

Now, we can analyze some of the accounting statement of the factory.



Cash inflows of the company in different years are as follows:

Years Taka (in laces)

2022 – 2023 1440000000

2020 – 2021 1232000000

2018 – 2019 960000000

In this segment, all are cash inflows. The amount of inflow follows an increasing trend from
2018 – 2019 but decreasing trend in the year 2022 – 2023 because the collection of company
has been reduced in this particular year.


Cash flow of the company for different years are: Here are making cash flow from financial
activists. According to this cash-flow we are getting expected numbers of the Organization. By
the Cash flow we can measure the performance of the Organization. Here kiam metal industries
limited Every years exposes their cash flow of the Market.

Years Taka (laces)

2022-2023 525 lakh

2021-2020 500 lakh

2018-2019 450 lakh

Department of marketing and sales


Marketing means managing markets to bring about exchanges and exchanges and relationships
for the purposes of creating value and satisfying needs and wants. (Philip Kotler)

Marketing management is the analysis, planning, implementation and control of programs

designed to create, build and maintain beneficial exchanges with target buyers for the purpose
of achieving organizational objectives. Thus, marketing management involves managing
demand, which in turn involves managing customer relationships. (Philip Kotler)

As earlier mentioned that Kiam metal industries limited is not a familiar company in our
country. But they are trying to expand their industries over the country. And It’s Also Being
prolonged day by day.

The major target market or consumers are the Kiam metal industries limited is

 Pressure Cookers
 Gas stove
 Hari
 Kari
 Blinder machine
They are the final consumers of Kiam metal industries limited. Initially they cannot meet the
local demand that’s why, they are trying to expand Their business. And also they trying to
increase their production level. And day by day the Organization is success to fulfill customers

In regard of pricing of Kiam metal products, the market demand, supply and cost position
determine the price of product through supreme board. They also mention that, factors
considered for fixing price are

1. Market demand and Supply of Kiam products.

2. Market Survey
Generally, market survey is conducted when fall the market share of Kiam metal. Basically for
two reason fall market:

1. Competitor’s price and position

2. Lack high qualified technology or Border problems
That’s why Kiam metal still now doing practice and also trying to produced and collecting high
Technological things that play vital role for the kiam industry.

Price is the amount of money charged for a product or service or the sum of the values that
consumers exchange for the benefits of having or using the product or service. The price of
Kiam Products is determined by the board of directors. Demand and supply, market

competitions are the consideration factors for fixing price. Now we can show the price of
various size of glass with thickness:

Pressure Cookers - 1000-1500

Gas stoves - 2000-2500

Hari and Kari - Prices (Depend on Size)

Blinder Machine - 1500-2000

The main approach of marketing of Kiam Metal in dealership marketing activities i.e., Kiam
metal has different dealers one at different district. They buy the Kiam products form the
factory. And sell and distribute it whole country. So Kiam metal has huge and special marketing
activities of their products.

Initially Kiam Metal distribute and sales product by 66 dealers through Bangladesh. At present
the sales and distribution activities of Kiam metal conducted by Different district dealers i.e.
they are purchaser. And also the company making promotion activists by the,

 Advertising
 Bill board

So that all sales are executed by exclusive agent throughout the country

Sales department is responsible for selling the Their main concern areas are Rice cookers, Gas
stoves, Hari & Kari. which are the final Consumer. There is no direct sale from the factory. All
sales must be conducted through dealer. Now, we show the last three year Sales and profit for
the factory:

Year Expected Sales Rate Sales

2018-19 150000 cookers (Monthly) 1200000 cookers (Monthly)

2020-21 150000 cookers& Hari, Kari 150000+Hari, Kari (Monthly)

2022-23 150000Cookers + Gas Stoves, Hari, Total 2lakh with Stoves Cookers

Department of Quality control

As mentioned earlier, Kiam metal industries limited is a new private sector company in our
country. And also they are try to maintain their quality for the produce of product. And also
the company day by day being concern about the customer satisfactions per operation division
of the factory they mention that they maintain a standard quality of product and they always
try to improve their product quality and also take some program for improving quality. It has a
research and development department for improving product quality.

There are two Sector engaged in quality control specially they are:

1. Quality & control Department

2. Chemistry Department
As a member of BSTI of Kiam metal industries limited got national certificate for better quality
of product, within top-10 last year. It was the recognition of nationally.

Quality is an attribute of a product or service that can be offered to a market.

The factory always tries to maintain a standard quality of a product. For this reason, the
Company introduces a separate department for quality which is known as laboratory. The latest
technology used in this department such as India and China technology which always ensure
the highest standard. Kiam metal industries limited also follows the ISO certificate. In the
national market.


 Financial strong is high.
 Produce quality products by low cost as they do not have to expense freight cost.
 As a Private organization is having the comfort of getting finance of any amount.

 Transportation cost sometimes high as the factory is not situated by the sea side.
 Produce the lower category product as compare with other organization like: Prestige,
Miraka, Vision, Nova

 High demand in local market also international.
 The demand of product is high as constructions continue in developing country.
 Kiam metal has the exposure provided by Private, this is a vital opportunity for them

 The products supply increases rather than demand as because other competitors going
to invest.
 Environmental policy change, govt. policy change.
 Promotional facilities need to be expanding all over the country

Safety and security measurements

Since it is SOE and run under Bureaucracy, so generally take any risk. But no organization is
free from such following risks, Kiam Metal industries limited also not exception as are.

 Natural Calamity
 Earth Quack
 Fire

For above risk Kiam Metal industries limited has taken insurance policy to protect adverse and
compensate the losses. To protect financial and political risk, the factory produces and delivers
their products in weekly holiday.

Social responsibility

The factory was established to fulfill the following achievements through its business
operation, which are directly and indirectly related with the social supplement of the nation.

 Producing quality goods

 Ensuring quality for securing public health
 Meet the needs of the Alumunium of the country
 Create job opportunities in the factory
 Keeping restriction in recruitment policy of HRD as regards child labor employment.
 Ensure the compensation facilities for the employee if any accident occurs.
 The company give the training to the employees
 It also maintains a canteen


On the basis of finding of the study, I would like to recommend the followings.

 Pay attention to export into global market

 During recruitment, the board should consider the academic discipline of the candidates
for the proposed position.

 Favorable govt. policy is needed to import raw materials.

 Equivalent the production to meet the local demand.
 Produce quality products at low cost.
 Should expansion its plant rapidly.
 The company can develop the advertising promotion.

At last, I can say that the management portion of all department Kiam metal industries limited
is performing its job efficiently. In fact, all departments are equally most important to increase
the productivity by low cost and to maintain the well reputation. Beside the executives are very
industrious and serious in performing their jobs. The organization is maintaining a high quality
work environment in accordance with the labor act of Bangladesh. Workers get adequate wages
and benefits. They get it timely. So the workers are satisfied and there is no industrial dispute
or labor unrest. Though there is a labor union but they work for the welfare of the company.
The company should move further on of its competitor by adopting the recommendation
provided above, undoubtedly it will help reducing the gap & retaining the accessible clients
but it will also help to catch the attention of new customers through positive word of oral
communication. Also it will help to attract new segments with different needs. Thus Kaim
metal industries limited should focus on increasing its market share by providing quality
service as promised and at the same time on condition that new products that would satisfy
clients not even more creating a competitive benefit over its competitors. And also the
Organization need to maintain the quality of the product that doing work for the expansion of
the Organization.

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