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SEADS 2023 was a really insightful and full of featured ideas that made me keep
listening to their discussion. One session that really captured my interest was on the
topic on how the cloud helps with business, where they discuss how cloud has pretty
much been integrated to the systems of companies and how they use them efficiently to
manage, analyze, and control their systems. There were some mentioned challenges in
using the cloud like how to protect data, delayed innovations with cloud, and even rising
costs. One of the featured company was Greenko, a wind turbine based company that
distributes electricity in some of the areas of India. They have a goal of producing
electricity in the most environmental friendly way as possible. They shown how cloud is
being utilized as a tool to quickly see the situations of the turbines and make decisions.
Instead of them having to ride miles just to check the area, it is condensed into their
fingertips using the cloud to access it. Other benefits to the company is that their
licensing costs were reduced, reduction in storage. commercial grade performance with
low costs. But not everything is good as there are some drawbacks, like the data
centers being built for these cloud services. They produce a lot of heat that contributes
to the heat in the atmosphere. They discussed how these data centers are wasted
energy as we can use the heat on other things, and the panel suggests that we should
put it near landfills as the heat energy would be recycled. They further discussed how
water cooling can be managed by putting them near water dams, or finding renewable
energy source for these data centers, basically a transition of decarbonization. Overall, I
learned a lot in the discussion, the benefits the cloud produces outweighs the cons. We
just have to find a way to utilize the wasted energy and we have a cycle of renewable

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